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CALTS- mAta: Unicode Based Indian Language Keyboard for Android Device

G. Uma Maheshwar Rao

, Hari Santosh
, Christopher Mala
Parameshwari K.
, Nagara! "
Center for Applied Linguistic and Translation Studies
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad

Texting (SMS) is te essence of !obile co!!unication and connectivity, as evidenced by today"s
teenagers, to!orro#"s #or$force% SMS is ugely popular in &ndia, #ere youngsters often excange
lots of text !essages, and co!panies provide alerts, infotain!ent, ne#s, cric$et scores updates,
rail#ay'airline boo$ing, !obile billing, and ban$ing services on SMS% Arguably, today"s
tecnologies support !obile text input poorly, pri!arily due to te si(e constraints of !obile
devices% According to )**+ &ndia Hu!an ,evelop!ent Survey, only - percent are fluent in .nglis%
Te rest /01 can co!!unicate in one of te )- !a2or native languages of &ndia% &n order to
connect tese /01 of users to te global !obile co!!unity, #e need to design effective and
efficient locali(ed $eyboard for text input on !obile devices% CALTS !Ata is te $eyboard for
Android devices #ic can bridge to fill te gap% CALTS, UoHyd as developed a $eyboard #ic
can support all te / scripts and )3 language of &ndia, since te $eyboard is developed using te
U4&C5,. values text can be directly uploaded to any !ailing or !essage service #ic can be
vie#ed any#ere in te #orld, irrespective of te availability of fonts of tat language% &t allo#s
one to type in ones language on te android pone or any android device #ere in letters are
reali(ed by single $ey6stro$es (instead of !ultitaps) very fast and very conveniently% All caracters
are acco!!odated in t#o layers unli$e oter apps% 7urter!ore, everyone #ould benefit fro! te
effective !obile texting for safety and speed%
Reference :
Lee, S%, Hong, S% H%, 8eon, 8% 9%, Coi, H% :%, and Coi, H%, ,esign of Cording :loves as a Text
&nput ,evice, in Co!puter Hu!an &nteraction ; Lecture 4otes in Co!puter Science, 3<*<')**-
()**-), )*<6 )<*%
Mac=en(ie, &% S% and Sou$oreff, >% 9%, ?rase Sets for .valuating Text .ntry Tecni@ues, in CH&
A*3 .xtended Abstracts on Hu!an 7actors in Co!puting Syste!s, ACMB 7t% Lauderdale, 7L,
()**3), C+-6C++%
S!it, A%, A!ericans and Text Messaging, in ?e# &nternet D A!erican Life ?ro2ect, ?e# >esearc
CenterB 9asington, ,%C%, ()*<<)%
Castellucci, S%8%, Mac=en(ie, &%S% &nB ?roceedings of te t#enty6sixt annual ACM S&:CH&
conference on Hu!an factors in co!puting syste!s, pp 3*+E3*F ()**F)%
Gor$ University, Mac=en(ie, &%, HA 4ote on Calculating Text .ntry SpeedI

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