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Eggplant Parmesan pizza

1 small eggplant, (about 12 ounces)
2 Yellow cornmeal , for dusting 1 pound
3 Easy Whole-Wheat Pia !ough, or other prepared dough "#$ cup
4 prepared marinara sauce 2 tablespoons
5 chopped fresh basil1
6 medium clo%e garlic, minced medium clo%e garlic, minced"#$ cup
7 thinly sha%ed Parmigiano-&eggiano cheese, (see 'ip)
8 Easy Whole-Wheat Pizza Dough
"#$ cup plus 2 tablespoons lu(ewarm water, (1)*-11* degrees +)
1 pac(age acti%e dry yeast, (2-1#$ teaspoons)
1 teaspoon sugar
1#2 teaspoon ,alt
1 cup whole-wheat flour
1 cup bread flour, or all-purpose flour, plus additional for dusting2 tablespoons yellow cornmeal
Preheat grill to medium-high- (+or charcoal grilling or an o%en %ariation, see below-)
.ut eggplant into 1#2-inch thic( rounds- /rill, turning once, until mar(ed and softened, $ to 0 minutes- 1et
cool slightly, then thinly slice into strips- &educe heat to low-
,prin(le cornmeal onto a pia peel or large ba(ing sheet- &oll out the dough (see 'ip) and transfer it to
the prepared peel or ba(ing sheet, ma(ing sure the underside of the dough is completely coated with
,lide the crust onto the grill rac(2 close the lid- .oo( until lightly browned, " to $ minutes-
3sing a large spatula, flip the crust- ,pread marinara sauce on the crust, lea%ing a 1-inch border- 4uic(ly
top with the eggplant, basil and garlic- 1ay the Parmigiano-&eggiano sha%ings on top-
.lose the lid again and grill until the cheese has melted and the bottom of the crust has browned, about 5
minutes- 6ariations7 Pia on a charcoal grill7 1ight 0 8uarts (about 1 large chimney starter full) of charcoal
and burn until the coals are mostly white, about 2) minutes- ,pread the coals in an e%en layer- Place a
grate o%er the coals- 1et the coals burn until they are about medium-low- (/rill any toppings for the pia
while the coals are burning down-) 'o test the heat, hold your palm about * inches abo%e the grill rac(2 if
you can hold it there for about 5 seconds before you need to mo%e it away, the fire is medium-low-
'ransfer the crust to the grill rac(, co%er the grill and coo( the crust,chec(ing once or twice, until lightly
browned, " to $ minutes- +lip the crust, 8uic(ly add the toppings, co%er the grill and coo( until the
toppings are hot and the bottom of the crust has browned, * to 5 minutes- 9f your crust browns faster than
your toppings are coo(ing, slide a ba(ing sheet under the pia to (eep the crust from burning while the
toppings finish- Pia in the o%en7 Place a pia stone on the lowest rac(2 preheat o%en to $*) degrees +
for at least 2) minutes- &oll out the dough and place on a cornmeal-dusted pia peel or in%erted ba(ing
sheet, using enough cornmeal so that the dough slides easily- ,lide the dough onto the preheated stone
and coo( until the bottom begins to crisp, about " minutes- &emo%e the crust from the o%en using a large
spatula and place it uncoo(ed-side down on the peel or ba(ing sheet, ma(ing sure the underside of the
crust is completely coated with cornmeal- 4uic(ly add the toppings and slide the pia bac( onto the
stone- .ontinue ba(ing until the toppings are hot and the bottom of the crust has browned, 12 to 1*
minutes- 9ndi%idual %ariation7 'he dough can be turned into $ or 0 personal-sie pias- :fter (neading,
di%ide the dough into $ or 0 e8ual balls- ;rush with oil and place " inches apart on a ba(ing sheet- .o%er
and set aside until doubled in sie, about 1 hour- &oll each portion into a 0-to-5-inch circle-
'ips7 3se a %egetable peeler to sha%e curls off a bloc( of hard cheeses, li(e Parmigiano-&eggiano or
Pecorino &omano cheese-
'o roll out pia dough7 When you<re ready to get your pias on the grill, turn the dough out onto a lightly
floured surface- !ust the top with flour2 dimple with your fingertips to shape into a thic(, flattened circle-
don<t worry if it<s not perfectly symmetrical- 'hen use a rolling pin to roll into a circle about 1$ inches in
Easy Whole-Wheat Pia !ough
,tir water, yeast, sugar and salt in a large bowl2 let stand until the yeast has dissol%ed, about * minutes-
,tir in whole-wheat flour, bread flour (or all-purpose flour) and cornmeal until the dough begins to come
'urn the dough out onto a lightly floured wor( surface- =nead until smooth and elastic, about 1) minutes-
(:lternati%ely, mi> the dough in a food processor- Process until it forms a ball, then process for 1 minute to
Place the dough in an oiled bowl and turn to coat- ('o ma(e indi%idual pias, see 6ariation-) .o%er with a
clean (itchen towel and set aside in a warm, draft-free place until doubled in sie, about 1 hour-9ndi%idual
%ariation7 'he dough can be turned into $ or 0 personal-sie pias- :fter (neading, di%ide the dough into
$ or 0 e8ual balls- ;rush with oil and place " inches apart on a ba(ing sheet- .o%er and set aside until
doubled in sie, about 1 hour- &oll each portion into a 0-to-5-inch circle-
nutrition information
Per ,er%ing7 cal- ((cal) "*?, +at, total (g) @, chol- (mg) 12, sat- fat (g) ", carb- (g) *?, Aonosaturated fat (g) 1, fiber (g) ?, pro-
(g) 10, sodium (mg) @1", Potassium (mg) $10, calcium (mg) 2)1-?$, iron (mg) "-0, 6egetables () 1, ,tarch () ", Bigh-+at
Aeat () )-*, +at () 1, Percent !aily 6alues are based on a 2,))) calorie diet

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