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Morning Consult

National Tracking Poll #140903:

September 2014
Health care:
Crosstabulation Results
This poll was conducted from September 12-13, 2014, among a national sample of 2188 registered voters.
The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of
registered voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, region, annual house-
hold income, home ownership status and marital status. Results from the full survey have a margin of
error of plus or minus 2.1 percentage points.
1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and other
political oces?
certain to
Very likely About
Not too
Not likely
at all
Registered Voters 66 21 9 3 1 2188
Male 69 19 7 3 1 1020
Female 63 23 11 2 1 1168
Age: 18-29 54 27 12 4 3 362
Age: 30-44 58 26 12 3 0 533
Age: 45-64 65 21 10 3 1 826
Age: 65+ 84 11 4 1 0 467
Ethnicity - White 66 21 9 3 1 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 61 29 10 0 0 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 67 21 10 2 0 281
Ethnicity - Other 46 25 14 7 9 83
Democrats (no lean) 68 21 9 1 1 871
Independents (no lean) 57 23 13 5 2 637
Republicans (no lean) 70 20 6 3 1 680
Liberal (1-3) 67 20 9 3 1 616
Moderate (4) 60 24 14 2 1 644
Conservative (5-7) 73 20 5 2 0 825
Northeast 61 23 12 3 1 399
Midwest 62 22 11 4 1 516
South 66 22 10 2 1 813
West 73 18 5 2 2 459
New England 74 15 9 0 2 114
Mid-Atlantic 56 26 13 4 0 285
East North Central 61 23 13 1 2 353
West North Central 63 19 8 10 0 163
South Atlantic 69 18 11 2 1 437
East South Central 62 25 10 3 0 141
West South Central 63 27 9 1 1 235
Mountain 71 18 4 1 6 148
Pacic 74 17 5 3 0 312
Protestant 69 24 5 2 0 603
Roman Catholic 66 24 7 2 1 551
Ath./Agn./None 63 15 14 5 2 521
Something Else 63 21 13 2 1 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 70 24 5 1 1 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 63 20 12 3 1 1386
1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and other
political oces?
certain to
Very likely About
Not too
Not likely
at all
Registered Voters 66 21 9 3 1 2188
Income: Under 50k 64 20 12 2 2 949
Income: 50k-100k 66 22 8 3 1 719
Income: 100k+ 67 23 7 2 0 520
Educ: < College 62 22 12 3 1 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 69 24 6 2 0 486
Educ: Post-grad 81 13 5 1 1 264
Military HH 76 17 6 1 0 388
Not Military HH 63 22 10 3 1 1800
Urban 67 19 10 3 0 551
Suburban 64 22 10 2 1 1098
Rural 67 22 7 3 1 539
Tea Party - Supporter 72 20 6 1 0 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 63 22 11 3 1 1566
U.S. Right Direction 65 21 10 3 0 782
U.S. Wrong Track 66 21 9 2 1 1406
Obama: Approve 66 22 9 3 0 928
Obama: Disapprove 67 21 9 2 1 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 64 24 10 2 0 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 60 24 12 3 0 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 68 17 10 4 0 262
#1 Issue - Health care 61 26 11 1 0 290
#1 Issue - FP 67 26 5 1 1 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 82 13 3 1 0 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 67 17 10 1 4 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 64 22 11 3 0 1053
2: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty
seriously gotten o on the wrong track?
Right Direction Wrong Track N
Registered Voters 36 64 2188
Male 37 63 1020
Female 35 65 1168
Age: 18-29 40 60 362
Age: 30-44 44 56 533
Age: 45-64 32 68 826
Age: 65+ 30 70 467
Ethnicity - White 30 70 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 47 53 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 66 34 281
Ethnicity - Other 45 55 83
Democrats (no lean) 63 37 871
Independents (no lean) 24 76 637
Republicans (no lean) 12 88 680
Liberal (1-3) 60 40 616
Moderate (4) 39 61 644
Conservative (5-7) 17 83 825
Northeast 37 63 399
Midwest 35 65 516
South 35 65 813
West 37 63 459
New England 32 68 114
Mid-Atlantic 39 61 285
East North Central 32 68 353
West North Central 42 58 163
South Atlantic 38 62 437
East South Central 24 76 141
West South Central 35 65 235
Mountain 36 64 148
Pacic 37 63 312
Protestant 31 69 603
Roman Catholic 36 64 551
Ath./Agn./None 35 65 521
Something Else 42 58 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 35 65 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 36 64 1386
2: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty
seriously gotten o on the wrong track?
Right Direction Wrong Track N
Registered Voters 36 64 2188
Income: Under 50k 37 63 949
Income: 50k-100k 37 63 719
Income: 100k+ 32 68 520
Educ: < College 34 66 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 36 64 486
Educ: Post-grad 45 55 264
Military HH 29 71 388
Not Military HH 37 63 1800
Urban 54 46 551
Suburban 30 70 1098
Rural 29 71 539
Tea Party - Supporter 27 73 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 39 61 1566
U.S. Right Direction 100 0 782
U.S. Wrong Track 0 100 1406
Obama: Approve 75 25 928
Obama: Disapprove 5 95 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 37 63 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 45 55 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 21 79 262
#1 Issue - Health care 31 69 290
#1 Issue - FP 28 72 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 19 81 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 44 56 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 35 65 1053
3: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Know /
Registered Voters 14 28 19 36 3 2188
Male 13 29 17 39 2 1020
Female 15 28 21 33 3 1168
Age: 18-29 14 36 28 19 4 362
Age: 30-44 14 37 18 29 3 533
Age: 45-64 15 23 19 41 3 826
Age: 65+ 13 23 15 48 1 467
Ethnicity - White 10 26 20 42 2 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 17 45 24 11 3 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 38 41 12 5 4 281
Ethnicity - Other 19 29 35 15 2 83
Democrats (no lean) 27 48 16 7 3 871
Independents (no lean) 7 23 29 37 4 637
Republicans (no lean) 4 9 15 71 1 680
Liberal (1-3) 27 46 17 9 1 616
Moderate (4) 11 34 29 22 4 644
Conservative (5-7) 8 11 14 67 1 825
Northeast 10 35 19 32 4 399
Midwest 10 31 25 31 3 516
South 18 24 16 40 2 813
West 15 27 18 38 2 459
New England 7 33 20 33 7 114
Mid-Atlantic 11 36 19 31 3 285
East North Central 12 25 28 33 3 353
West North Central 6 44 20 28 3 163
South Atlantic 22 27 18 32 2 437
East South Central 10 17 15 58 0 141
West South Central 16 24 15 43 2 235
Mountain 11 24 23 39 3 148
Pacic 18 28 16 37 2 312
Protestant 9 26 13 51 2 603
Roman Catholic 13 30 19 37 2 551
Ath./Agn./None 17 28 26 25 4 521
Something Else 20 30 19 28 2 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 13 26 17 41 2 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 15 29 21 33 3 1386
3: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Know /
Registered Voters 14 28 19 36 3 2188
Income: Under 50k 18 28 18 32 3 949
Income: 50k-100k 13 29 16 39 3 719
Income: 100k+ 9 28 25 37 0 520
Educ: < College 14 27 20 35 3 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 13 27 21 38 2 486
Educ: Post-grad 16 37 14 33 0 264
Military HH 16 21 16 46 1 388
Not Military HH 14 30 20 33 3 1800
Urban 23 39 13 21 4 551
Suburban 11 25 22 39 2 1098
Rural 11 24 19 44 2 539
Tea Party - Supporter 12 20 12 55 1 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 15 32 22 28 3 1566
U.S. Right Direction 34 55 6 2 3 782
U.S. Wrong Track 3 13 27 54 2 1406
Obama: Approve 33 67 0 0 0 928
Obama: Disapprove 0 0 35 65 0 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 11 32 18 36 3 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 22 30 17 27 4 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 9 13 25 54 0 262
#1 Issue - Health care 12 31 20 35 2 290
#1 Issue - FP 12 26 19 42 1 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 6 13 17 62 2 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 21 28 22 27 2 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 13 27 19 38 3 1053
4: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Approve Disapprove Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 42 55 3 2188
Male 42 56 2 1020
Female 43 54 3 1168
Age: 18-29 49 47 4 362
Age: 30-44 51 47 3 533
Age: 45-64 38 59 3 826
Age: 65+ 36 63 1 467
Ethnicity - White 36 62 2 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 62 35 3 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 79 18 4 281
Ethnicity - Other 48 50 2 83
Democrats (no lean) 74 23 3 871
Independents (no lean) 30 66 4 637
Republicans (no lean) 13 86 1 680
Liberal (1-3) 73 26 1 616
Moderate (4) 45 51 4 644
Conservative (5-7) 19 80 1 825
Northeast 45 51 4 399
Midwest 41 56 3 516
South 42 56 2 813
West 42 55 2 459
New England 39 54 7 114
Mid-Atlantic 47 50 3 285
East North Central 36 61 3 353
West North Central 50 47 3 163
South Atlantic 49 49 2 437
East South Central 27 73 0 141
West South Central 40 58 2 235
Mountain 35 62 3 148
Pacic 46 52 2 312
Protestant 34 64 2 603
Roman Catholic 42 56 2 551
Ath./Agn./None 45 51 4 521
Something Else 50 48 2 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 40 58 2 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 44 53 3 1386
4: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Approve Disapprove Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 42 55 3 2188
Income: Under 50k 46 51 3 949
Income: 50k-100k 42 55 3 719
Income: 100k+ 37 63 0 520
Educ: < College 41 55 3 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 40 59 2 486
Educ: Post-grad 53 47 0 264
Military HH 37 62 1 388
Not Military HH 44 53 3 1800
Urban 62 35 4 551
Suburban 36 61 2 1098
Rural 35 63 2 539
Tea Party - Supporter 31 68 1 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 47 50 3 1566
U.S. Right Direction 89 8 3 782
U.S. Wrong Track 17 81 2 1406
Obama: Approve 100 0 0 928
Obama: Disapprove 0 100 0 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 43 54 3 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 52 44 4 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 21 79 0 262
#1 Issue - Health care 43 55 2 290
#1 Issue - FP 38 61 1 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 20 78 2 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 50 48 2 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 40 57 3 1053
5: Now, thinking about your vote in 2014 for federal oces such as U.S. Senate or Congress, what would you say is the top
issue that is motivating your vote?
Other N
Registered Voters 23 13 12 13 7 7 10 1 4 6 3 2188
Male 23 13 15 10 9 8 8 1 3 6 4 1020
Female 24 13 9 16 6 6 11 1 6 5 3 1168
Age: 18-29 21 14 9 17 4 9 4 2 8 10 2 362
Age: 30-44 31 14 6 14 8 6 5 2 5 8 2 533
Age: 45-64 23 13 14 15 8 6 10 1 3 3 4 826
Age: 65+ 16 10 19 7 7 10 19 1 4 4 5 467
Ethnicity - White 25 11 13 13 8 7 9 1 3 6 4 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 24 15 6 13 4 9 17 2 3 6 1 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 16 22 8 17 4 8 11 0 9 4 1 281
Ethnicity - Other 18 12 7 10 8 8 19 0 6 9 2 83
Democrats (no lean) 26 15 6 13 5 5 13 2 6 6 2 871
Independents (no lean) 21 11 15 13 8 8 7 0 5 7 7 637
Republicans (no lean) 22 11 18 14 9 10 7 1 2 3 3 680
Liberal (1-3) 22 12 7 12 9 3 12 3 6 12 2 616
Moderate (4) 25 16 10 13 6 9 11 0 4 2 4 644
Conservative (5-7) 24 11 17 14 8 10 8 1 2 4 3 825
Northeast 25 14 8 12 9 6 8 1 3 8 6 399
Midwest 26 11 12 10 7 7 11 1 6 8 3 516
South 23 14 11 18 7 6 10 1 4 4 3 813
West 21 12 17 10 6 10 10 2 4 5 3 459
New England 19 7 9 12 8 14 9 1 2 6 14 114
Mid-Atlantic 27 17 8 12 9 3 8 1 4 8 3 285
East North Central 28 13 9 10 7 8 11 1 7 5 3 353
West North Central 21 8 19 9 7 4 11 0 4 15 2 163
South Atlantic 22 17 10 18 5 5 10 1 6 4 2 437
East South Central 25 12 8 21 11 7 12 0 1 1 2 141
West South Central 24 8 15 17 7 8 8 1 4 5 4 235
Mountain 21 14 17 11 6 13 12 2 3 2 1 148
Pacic 21 11 18 9 7 9 9 3 4 6 4 312
Protestant 24 9 16 15 8 9 9 0 4 4 3 603
Roman Catholic 25 14 10 13 6 7 10 2 5 4 4 551
Ath./Agn./None 21 13 11 12 7 9 8 1 5 9 5 521
Something Else 23 15 10 13 7 5 13 1 4 6 2 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 22 12 11 14 8 7 11 2 4 5 3 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 24 13 13 13 6 7 9 1 4 6 4 1386
5: Now, thinking about your vote in 2014 for federal oces such as U.S. Senate or Congress, what would you say is the top
issue that is motivating your vote?
Other N
Registered Voters 23 13 12 13 7 7 10 1 4 6 3 2188
Income: Under 50k 21 15 11 14 7 6 13 1 5 4 3 949
Income: 50k-100k 27 10 12 12 6 8 8 1 5 6 4 719
Income: 100k+ 22 13 13 14 8 8 6 2 2 9 3 520
Educ: < College 22 14 12 14 6 7 12 1 4 5 3 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 29 12 13 12 9 6 5 1 4 6 3 486
Educ: Post-grad 23 9 11 11 9 11 5 2 6 9 5 264
Military HH 20 10 17 9 10 11 11 1 2 5 5 388
Not Military HH 24 13 11 14 7 6 10 1 5 6 3 1800
Urban 24 16 4 14 6 6 12 2 6 8 2 551
Suburban 24 10 14 14 7 7 9 1 4 5 5 1098
Rural 23 15 15 11 8 9 9 0 3 5 3 539
Tea Party - Supporter 26 12 15 14 8 8 6 2 4 3 2 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 23 13 11 13 7 7 11 1 5 6 4 1566
U.S. Right Direction 24 16 7 12 6 4 12 2 7 9 1 782
U.S. Wrong Track 23 11 15 14 8 9 9 1 3 4 5 1406
Obama: Approve 24 16 6 13 6 3 12 2 7 8 2 928
Obama: Disapprove 23 10 17 13 8 10 9 0 2 4 4 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 262
#1 Issue - Health care 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 290
#1 Issue - FP 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 49 26 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1053
6: How concerned are you about security breaches on the national health insurance website or your states
health insurance website?
Not too
Not at all
Know /
Registered Voters 21 33 26 13 7 2188
Male 21 35 26 14 4 1020
Female 21 32 26 12 9 1168
Age: 18-29 25 34 25 7 9 362
Age: 30-44 19 31 23 17 9 533
Age: 45-64 20 32 30 14 5 826
Age: 65+ 21 39 24 10 7 467
Ethnicity - White 20 35 25 13 7 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 24 35 19 10 12 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 22 24 33 12 8 281
Ethnicity - Other 15 39 23 11 11 83
Democrats (no lean) 20 35 26 13 7 871
Independents (no lean) 16 33 29 13 9 637
Republicans (no lean) 27 32 25 11 5 680
Liberal (1-3) 14 30 32 16 7 616
Moderate (4) 21 31 25 12 10 644
Conservative (5-7) 25 38 23 11 3 825
Northeast 20 38 25 10 8 399
Midwest 17 33 27 14 10 516
South 23 32 26 14 5 813
West 22 32 28 12 6 459
New England 20 38 23 5 13 114
Mid-Atlantic 20 37 26 11 5 285
East North Central 14 34 26 14 12 353
West North Central 22 30 29 14 5 163
South Atlantic 25 34 23 14 4 437
East South Central 22 46 20 8 4 141
West South Central 20 21 34 16 8 235
Mountain 19 31 28 13 8 148
Pacic 24 33 27 11 5 312
Protestant 24 33 26 14 4 603
Roman Catholic 22 40 21 10 7 551
Ath./Agn./None 12 29 33 17 9 521
Something Else 25 30 26 10 9 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 25 35 23 10 7 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 18 32 28 14 7 1386
6: How concerned are you about security breaches on the national health insurance website or your states
health insurance website?
Not too
Not at all
Know /
Registered Voters 21 33 26 13 7 2188
Income: Under 50k 21 33 24 15 7 949
Income: 50k-100k 23 35 25 10 7 719
Income: 100k+ 17 32 32 12 6 520
Educ: < College 21 34 25 12 8 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 23 33 28 13 3 486
Educ: Post-grad 17 31 32 14 6 264
Military HH 21 39 25 12 4 388
Not Military HH 21 32 27 13 8 1800
Urban 24 33 28 11 4 551
Suburban 19 33 24 14 9 1098
Rural 21 34 28 12 6 539
Tea Party - Supporter 35 33 20 8 3 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 15 34 29 14 8 1566
U.S. Right Direction 18 32 29 15 6 782
U.S. Wrong Track 22 34 24 11 8 1406
Obama: Approve 19 33 27 15 6 928
Obama: Disapprove 22 34 25 11 7 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 21 33 24 16 6 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 16 33 31 11 8 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 20 33 29 15 4 262
#1 Issue - Health care 32 34 18 8 7 290
#1 Issue - FP 12 34 34 16 4 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 21 37 32 4 7 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 25 35 17 11 11 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 19 33 27 14 6 1053
7: How concerned are you about security breaches on the national health insurance website or your states
health insurance website?
Not too
at all concerned
Dont Know/No
Registered Voters 54 39 7 2188
Male 56 40 4 1020
Female 53 38 9 1168
Age: 18-29 58 32 9 362
Age: 30-44 50 40 9 533
Age: 45-64 52 44 5 826
Age: 65+ 60 33 7 467
Ethnicity - White 55 38 7 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 59 29 12 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 47 45 8 281
Ethnicity - Other 55 35 11 83
Democrats (no lean) 54 39 7 871
Independents (no lean) 49 42 9 637
Republicans (no lean) 59 36 5 680
Liberal (1-3) 45 48 7 616
Moderate (4) 53 37 10 644
Conservative (5-7) 63 34 3 825
Northeast 57 35 8 399
Midwest 50 40 10 516
South 55 39 5 813
West 54 40 6 459
New England 58 29 13 114
Mid-Atlantic 57 37 5 285
East North Central 48 39 12 353
West North Central 52 42 5 163
South Atlantic 59 37 4 437
East South Central 68 28 4 141
West South Central 41 51 8 235
Mountain 50 41 8 148
Pacic 57 39 5 312
Protestant 57 40 4 603
Roman Catholic 63 31 7 551
Ath./Agn./None 41 49 9 521
Something Else 55 36 9 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 60 32 7 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 51 43 7 1386
7: How concerned are you about security breaches on the national health insurance website or your states
health insurance website?
Not too
at all concerned
Dont Know/No
Registered Voters 54 39 7 2188
Income: Under 50k 54 39 7 949
Income: 50k-100k 57 35 7 719
Income: 100k+ 49 44 6 520
Educ: < College 55 37 8 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 56 41 3 486
Educ: Post-grad 48 46 6 264
Military HH 60 37 4 388
Not Military HH 53 39 8 1800
Urban 57 39 4 551
Suburban 53 38 9 1098
Rural 54 40 6 539
Tea Party - Supporter 68 29 3 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 49 43 8 1566
U.S. Right Direction 50 45 6 782
U.S. Wrong Track 57 36 8 1406
Obama: Approve 52 42 6 928
Obama: Disapprove 57 36 7 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 55 40 6 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 49 43 8 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 53 43 4 262
#1 Issue - Health care 67 26 7 290
#1 Issue - FP 46 50 4 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 58 35 7 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 60 28 11 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 53 41 6 1053
8: How secure do you think individual information is on the federal and state health insurance exchange websites?
Not too
Not secure
at all
Know /
Registered Voters 10 42 23 13 12 2188
Male 11 43 25 14 8 1020
Female 9 41 23 12 15 1168
Age: 18-29 14 51 19 8 9 362
Age: 30-44 16 39 20 13 12 533
Age: 45-64 7 40 26 15 11 826
Age: 65+ 5 41 27 13 14 467
Ethnicity - White 8 41 25 14 12 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 21 36 17 10 16 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 21 47 13 6 13 281
Ethnicity - Other 12 41 29 5 13 83
Democrats (no lean) 15 51 16 6 12 871
Independents (no lean) 6 39 28 13 15 637
Republicans (no lean) 7 34 29 21 9 680
Liberal (1-3) 15 52 16 5 12 616
Moderate (4) 9 41 25 11 14 644
Conservative (5-7) 7 35 29 21 8 825
Northeast 7 45 26 9 12 399
Midwest 7 40 24 11 18 516
South 13 42 22 14 10 813
West 12 42 23 16 7 459
New England 4 44 27 6 19 114
Mid-Atlantic 8 46 26 11 9 285
East North Central 6 37 25 12 19 353
West North Central 9 45 22 8 16 163
South Atlantic 13 43 21 12 11 437
East South Central 11 44 24 17 4 141
West South Central 12 38 22 15 12 235
Mountain 7 33 33 19 9 148
Pacic 14 46 19 15 6 312
Protestant 7 41 26 16 10 603
Roman Catholic 7 43 25 12 13 551
Ath./Agn./None 9 43 22 13 13 521
Something Else 17 41 21 10 12 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 40 22 12 12 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 8 43 24 13 12 1386
8: How secure do you think individual information is on the federal and state health insurance exchange websites?
Not too
Not secure
at all
Know /
Registered Voters 10 42 23 13 12 2188
Income: Under 50k 12 41 24 9 14 949
Income: 50k-100k 9 44 25 12 11 719
Income: 100k+ 8 41 21 21 9 520
Educ: < College 10 42 23 12 13 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 11 41 26 14 8 486
Educ: Post-grad 10 44 23 14 9 264
Military HH 9 43 27 14 7 388
Not Military HH 10 42 23 13 13 1800
Urban 15 48 18 8 10 551
Suburban 9 39 25 13 14 1098
Rural 7 41 26 17 9 539
Tea Party - Supporter 14 36 24 20 7 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 9 44 23 10 13 1566
U.S. Right Direction 19 57 12 3 9 782
U.S. Wrong Track 5 33 30 18 13 1406
Obama: Approve 18 56 14 4 9 928
Obama: Disapprove 4 32 31 20 12 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 11 37 25 15 11 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 11 46 24 9 10 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 4 39 24 19 15 262
#1 Issue - Health care 7 42 25 16 10 290
#1 Issue - FP 8 53 19 11 9 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 5 33 30 20 12 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 17 40 23 6 14 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 9 40 25 14 12 1053
9: How secure do you think individual information is on the federal and state health insurance exchange websites?
Not too
secure at all
Dont Know/No
Registered Voters 52 36 12 2188
Male 53 39 8 1020
Female 51 34 15 1168
Age: 18-29 65 26 9 362
Age: 30-44 55 33 12 533
Age: 45-64 48 41 11 826
Age: 65+ 46 39 14 467
Ethnicity - White 49 39 12 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 57 27 16 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 68 19 13 281
Ethnicity - Other 53 34 13 83
Democrats (no lean) 66 23 12 871
Independents (no lean) 45 41 15 637
Republicans (no lean) 41 50 9 680
Liberal (1-3) 67 21 12 616
Moderate (4) 50 36 14 644
Conservative (5-7) 42 50 8 825
Northeast 52 36 12 399
Midwest 47 35 18 516
South 54 36 10 813
West 54 39 7 459
New England 48 33 19 114
Mid-Atlantic 54 37 9 285
East North Central 43 37 19 353
West North Central 54 30 16 163
South Atlantic 56 33 11 437
East South Central 55 41 4 141
West South Central 50 38 12 235
Mountain 40 51 9 148
Pacic 60 34 6 312
Protestant 48 42 10 603
Roman Catholic 51 37 13 551
Ath./Agn./None 52 35 13 521
Something Else 58 30 12 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 54 34 12 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 51 38 12 1386
9: How secure do you think individual information is on the federal and state health insurance exchange websites?
Not too
secure at all
Dont Know/No
Registered Voters 52 36 12 2188
Income: Under 50k 53 33 14 949
Income: 50k-100k 52 37 11 719
Income: 100k+ 49 42 9 520
Educ: < College 51 35 13 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 53 39 8 486
Educ: Post-grad 54 37 9 264
Military HH 52 41 7 388
Not Military HH 52 35 13 1800
Urban 63 27 10 551
Suburban 48 38 14 1098
Rural 48 43 9 539
Tea Party - Supporter 50 43 7 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 53 34 13 1566
U.S. Right Direction 76 15 9 782
U.S. Wrong Track 39 48 13 1406
Obama: Approve 73 18 9 928
Obama: Disapprove 37 51 12 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 48 40 11 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 57 33 10 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 43 43 15 262
#1 Issue - Health care 50 40 10 290
#1 Issue - FP 61 30 9 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 38 50 12 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 57 29 14 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 49 39 12 1053
10: If you had the choice, would you choose to sign up for health insurance online, on the telephone or using a paper
Online Paper Telephone Dont Know
/ No
Registered Voters 42 30 14 13 2188
Male 45 30 13 12 1020
Female 39 31 15 14 1168
Age: 18-29 55 24 11 10 362
Age: 30-44 51 23 13 13 533
Age: 45-64 39 29 19 13 826
Age: 65+ 27 46 11 16 467
Ethnicity - White 41 32 14 13 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 48 22 11 18 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 45 23 17 15 281
Ethnicity - Other 46 25 15 13 83
Democrats (no lean) 46 28 15 11 871
Independents (no lean) 41 28 15 16 637
Republicans (no lean) 37 36 14 14 680
Liberal (1-3) 56 20 15 10 616
Moderate (4) 38 34 15 13 644
Conservative (5-7) 36 37 14 13 825
Northeast 40 29 17 15 399
Midwest 41 32 13 14 516
South 40 31 16 13 813
West 47 29 12 12 459
New England 38 27 16 19 114
Mid-Atlantic 40 29 18 13 285
East North Central 40 29 15 17 353
West North Central 44 39 7 10 163
South Atlantic 43 28 14 14 437
East South Central 32 39 18 10 141
West South Central 40 33 17 11 235
Mountain 32 33 16 18 148
Pacic 55 27 9 9 312
Protestant 34 41 14 12 603
Roman Catholic 43 29 15 13 551
Ath./Agn./None 52 22 12 13 521
Something Else 40 28 17 15 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 40 32 13 15 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 43 30 15 12 1386
10: If you had the choice, would you choose to sign up for health insurance online, on the telephone or using a paper
Online Paper Telephone Dont Know
/ No
Registered Voters 42 30 14 13 2188
Income: Under 50k 37 37 15 11 949
Income: 50k-100k 43 29 14 14 719
Income: 100k+ 50 21 13 15 520
Educ: < College 36 34 16 14 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 55 22 12 11 486
Educ: Post-grad 49 26 10 15 264
Military HH 36 33 16 15 388
Not Military HH 43 30 14 13 1800
Urban 50 29 11 9 551
Suburban 42 26 16 17 1098
Rural 34 41 15 10 539
Tea Party - Supporter 41 35 11 13 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 42 29 16 13 1566
U.S. Right Direction 53 25 13 9 782
U.S. Wrong Track 36 34 15 16 1406
Obama: Approve 52 25 14 10 928
Obama: Disapprove 35 35 15 15 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 40 31 17 12 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 50 23 13 14 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 35 34 19 12 262
#1 Issue - Health care 37 37 13 13 290
#1 Issue - FP 43 31 15 11 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 39 35 9 17 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 34 33 19 14 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 41 30 16 13 1053
11: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Registered Voters 17 24 38 21 2188
Male 15 27 36 22 1020
Female 18 22 39 21 1168
Age: 18-29 100 0 0 0 362
Age: 30-44 0 100 0 0 533
Age: 45-64 0 0 100 0 826
Age: 65+ 0 0 0 100 467
Ethnicity - White 13 24 39 25 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 37 37 15 11 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 30 24 40 7 281
Ethnicity - Other 37 28 27 8 83
Democrats (no lean) 18 28 35 18 871
Independents (no lean) 17 23 40 20 637
Republicans (no lean) 14 20 39 27 680
Liberal (1-3) 21 28 34 17 616
Moderate (4) 19 27 36 18 644
Conservative (5-7) 10 20 43 28 825
Northeast 15 25 40 20 399
Midwest 16 29 33 23 516
South 17 24 41 18 813
West 19 19 36 26 459
New England 8 20 49 23 114
Mid-Atlantic 17 26 37 19 285
East North Central 19 30 30 21 353
West North Central 9 26 38 26 163
South Atlantic 18 20 41 21 437
East South Central 13 28 49 10 141
West South Central 16 29 36 19 235
Mountain 13 20 31 36 148
Pacic 22 19 38 22 312
Protestant 11 20 40 29 603
Roman Catholic 12 21 41 26 551
Ath./Agn./None 24 30 32 13 521
Something Else 19 27 38 15 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 18 25 33 24 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 16 24 41 20 1386
11: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Registered Voters 17 24 38 21 2188
Income: Under 50k 21 20 36 24 949
Income: 50k-100k 13 29 36 22 719
Income: 100k+ 14 27 43 17 520
Educ: < College 19 22 38 21 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 15 32 33 19 486
Educ: Post-grad 8 25 42 26 264
Military HH 7 17 37 39 388
Not Military HH 19 26 38 17 1800
Urban 21 32 29 18 551
Suburban 13 22 43 22 1098
Rural 18 21 36 24 539
Tea Party - Supporter 22 29 33 16 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 14 23 40 23 1566
U.S. Right Direction 19 30 33 18 782
U.S. Wrong Track 15 21 40 23 1406
Obama: Approve 19 29 34 18 928
Obama: Disapprove 14 21 41 24 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 15 33 38 15 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 18 26 39 17 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 12 12 43 33 262
#1 Issue - Health care 21 26 42 11 290
#1 Issue - FP 10 28 41 21 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 20 18 33 28 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 7 12 39 42 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 15 26 39 20 1053
12: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Registered Voters 47 53 2188
Male 100 0 1020
Female 0 100 1168
Age: 18-29 42 58 362
Age: 30-44 52 48 533
Age: 45-64 45 55 826
Age: 65+ 47 53 467
Ethnicity - White 48 52 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 49 51 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 31 69 281
Ethnicity - Other 52 48 83
Democrats (no lean) 41 59 871
Independents (no lean) 51 49 637
Republicans (no lean) 50 50 680
Liberal (1-3) 47 53 616
Moderate (4) 44 56 644
Conservative (5-7) 50 50 825
Northeast 50 50 399
Midwest 40 60 516
South 46 54 813
West 52 48 459
New England 59 41 114
Mid-Atlantic 46 54 285
East North Central 35 65 353
West North Central 50 50 163
South Atlantic 44 56 437
East South Central 43 57 141
West South Central 51 49 235
Mountain 47 53 148
Pacic 55 45 312
Protestant 48 52 603
Roman Catholic 48 52 551
Ath./Agn./None 53 47 521
Something Else 38 62 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 42 58 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 49 51 1386
12: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Registered Voters 47 53 2188
Income: Under 50k 43 57 949
Income: 50k-100k 47 53 719
Income: 100k+ 53 47 520
Educ: < College 42 58 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 54 46 486
Educ: Post-grad 61 39 264
Military HH 53 47 388
Not Military HH 45 55 1800
Urban 49 51 551
Suburban 47 53 1098
Rural 44 56 539
Tea Party - Supporter 56 44 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 43 57 1566
U.S. Right Direction 48 52 782
U.S. Wrong Track 46 54 1406
Obama: Approve 46 54 928
Obama: Disapprove 48 52 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 46 54 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 47 53 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 58 42 262
#1 Issue - Health care 35 65 290
#1 Issue - FP 59 41 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 54 46 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 40 60 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 49 51 1053
13: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Registered Voters 0 7 27 4 18 10 22 3 9 2188
Male 0 7 22 4 18 8 26 4 12 1020
Female 0 7 32 4 17 11 19 2 7 1168
Age: 18-29 0 12 29 2 24 8 20 2 3 362
Age: 30-44 0 8 23 3 14 12 29 2 10 533
Age: 45-64 1 7 28 5 16 10 20 3 10 826
Age: 65+ 0 1 30 5 21 9 20 4 11 467
Ethnicity - White 0 5 27 4 18 11 23 3 9 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 0 8 38 0 14 9 21 3 6 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 15 34 4 19 7 14 2 6 281
Ethnicity - Other 0 11 12 0 14 9 31 2 20 83
Democrats (no lean) 0 9 26 4 19 8 19 2 11 871
Independents (no lean) 0 7 31 4 15 11 21 3 8 637
Republicans (no lean) 1 4 25 3 18 11 27 3 8 680
Liberal (1-3) 0 11 19 3 18 9 24 3 13 616
Moderate (4) 0 8 32 5 16 10 18 3 8 644
Conservative (5-7) 1 4 26 3 19 10 26 3 8 825
Northeast 0 4 27 2 15 10 25 3 13 399
Midwest 0 6 32 6 17 12 19 2 7 516
South 0 11 29 4 17 9 21 2 7 813
West 1 4 18 3 23 9 25 5 13 459
New England 0 4 26 3 15 12 22 4 13 114
Mid-Atlantic 0 4 28 2 15 9 27 3 14 285
East North Central 0 4 33 5 19 11 20 1 7 353
West North Central 0 10 29 8 12 13 17 4 7 163
South Atlantic 0 11 26 4 16 9 23 2 8 437
East South Central 0 10 40 6 18 14 9 0 3 141
West South Central 0 11 30 3 17 6 25 2 7 235
Mountain 0 8 20 6 25 9 24 3 6 148
Pacic 1 2 17 2 22 9 26 5 16 312
Protestant 0 6 21 5 18 11 25 4 11 603
Roman Catholic 1 4 25 4 18 9 28 3 8 551
Ath./Agn./None 0 14 33 3 15 7 18 1 9 521
Something Else 0 4 31 4 20 12 17 2 9 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 0 1 25 4 18 11 26 3 11 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 10 28 4 17 9 20 3 8 1386
13: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Registered Voters 0 7 27 4 18 10 22 3 9 2188
Income: Under 50k 0 11 38 4 19 10 12 1 3 949
Income: 50k-100k 0 5 19 4 19 10 29 3 9 719
Income: 100k+ 0 1 18 3 12 9 31 5 21 520
Educ: < College 0 11 41 6 27 15 0 0 0 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 486
Educ: Post-grad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 77 264
Military HH 0 0 27 5 20 12 21 5 10 388
Not Military HH 0 8 27 4 17 9 22 2 9 1800
Urban 1 10 22 3 19 10 21 2 11 551
Suburban 0 5 25 4 17 9 27 3 10 1098
Rural 0 7 37 5 18 12 14 2 5 539
Tea Party - Supporter 0 5 27 4 20 9 27 2 6 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 0 8 28 4 17 10 20 3 11 1566
U.S. Right Direction 0 10 22 4 18 9 22 3 12 782
U.S. Wrong Track 0 5 30 4 18 10 22 2 8 1406
Obama: Approve 0 9 24 4 18 9 21 3 12 928
Obama: Disapprove 0 5 29 4 17 10 24 3 8 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 0 8 22 4 18 9 28 3 8 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 0 7 28 5 19 11 21 2 6 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 0 4 32 3 18 8 25 3 8 262
#1 Issue - Health care 0 18 27 4 13 8 20 2 7 290
#1 Issue - FP 0 0 23 6 16 11 28 1 14 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 0 0 30 4 19 9 20 3 16 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 2 3 46 4 17 10 11 3 4 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 0 7 26 4 18 9 25 3 8 1053
14: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Registered Voters 31 40 26 3 2188
Male 33 35 29 2 1020
Female 29 44 23 4 1168
Age: 18-29 26 44 25 5 362
Age: 30-44 25 47 25 3 533
Age: 45-64 33 37 27 4 826
Age: 65+ 39 34 25 2 467
Ethnicity - White 35 34 27 3 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 28 50 20 2 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 3 75 18 4 281
Ethnicity - Other 30 33 33 4 83
Democrats (no lean) 0 100 0 0 871
Independents (no lean) 0 0 89 11 637
Republicans (no lean) 100 0 0 0 680
Liberal (1-3) 9 69 19 2 616
Moderate (4) 17 43 37 3 644
Conservative (5-7) 61 17 19 2 825
Northeast 26 41 29 5 399
Midwest 28 42 28 2 516
South 34 40 23 4 813
West 35 37 26 3 459
New England 14 25 58 4 114
Mid-Atlantic 31 47 17 5 285
East North Central 31 44 22 3 353
West North Central 21 38 40 1 163
South Atlantic 29 45 24 3 437
East South Central 43 31 20 6 141
West South Central 37 36 24 3 235
Mountain 29 27 42 2 148
Pacic 38 41 18 3 312
Protestant 45 31 22 2 603
Roman Catholic 38 37 23 2 551
Ath./Agn./None 16 44 34 6 521
Something Else 22 49 25 4 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 43 33 22 2 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 24 44 28 4 1386
14: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Registered Voters 31 40 26 3 2188
Income: Under 50k 24 46 26 4 949
Income: 50k-100k 35 37 25 3 719
Income: 100k+ 39 33 27 2 520
Educ: < College 29 41 26 4 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 38 34 25 3 486
Educ: Post-grad 27 45 25 2 264
Military HH 40 31 27 1 388
Not Military HH 29 42 26 4 1800
Urban 18 58 20 4 551
Suburban 34 33 30 3 1098
Rural 38 36 22 4 539
Tea Party - Supporter 54 26 17 3 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 22 45 29 3 1566
U.S. Right Direction 10 71 17 2 782
U.S. Wrong Track 43 23 31 4 1406
Obama: Approve 9 70 18 2 928
Obama: Disapprove 49 16 31 4 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 30 45 22 3 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 28 48 22 2 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 46 18 32 3 262
#1 Issue - Health care 33 40 24 4 290
#1 Issue - FP 38 30 27 5 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 43 25 30 3 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 24 54 21 1 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 33 39 25 3 1053
15: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Registered Voters 28 72 2179
Male 34 66 1019
Female 23 77 1160
Age: 18-29 38 62 362
Age: 30-44 33 67 532
Age: 45-64 24 76 822
Age: 65+ 22 78 463
Ethnicity - White 29 71 1773
Ethnicity - Hispanic 40 60 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 22 78 281
Ethnicity - Other 17 83 83
Democrats (no lean) 18 82 868
Independents (no lean) 20 80 635
Republicans (no lean) 49 51 676
Liberal (1-3) 17 83 615
Moderate (4) 21 79 640
Conservative (5-7) 45 55 821
Northeast 24 76 399
Midwest 24 76 515
South 32 68 810
West 29 71 455
New England 14 86 114
Mid-Atlantic 27 73 285
East North Central 22 78 352
West North Central 28 72 162
South Atlantic 32 68 435
East South Central 33 67 140
West South Central 34 66 235
Mountain 19 81 147
Pacic 34 66 308
Protestant 34 66 601
Roman Catholic 32 68 547
Ath./Agn./None 16 84 520
Something Else 29 71 509
Religiosity: Monthly+ 39 61 797
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 78 1382
15: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Registered Voters 28 72 2179
Income: Under 50k 28 72 946
Income: 50k-100k 31 69 718
Income: 100k+ 25 75 515
Educ: < College 28 72 1429
Educ: Bachelors degree 35 65 486
Educ: Post-grad 19 81 264
Military HH 30 70 385
Not Military HH 28 72 1794
Urban 32 68 550
Suburban 27 73 1093
Rural 27 73 536
Tea Party - Supporter 100 0 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 0 100 1566
U.S. Right Direction 21 79 780
U.S. Wrong Track 32 68 1399
Obama: Approve 21 79 926
Obama: Disapprove 35 65 1197
#1 Issue - Economy 31 69 511
#1 Issue - Jobs 26 74 276
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 35 65 260
#1 Issue - Health care 30 70 289
#1 Issue - FP 32 68 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 29 71 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 18 82 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 31 69 1047
16: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Registered Voters 7 12 9 29 10 15 12 5 2188
Male 5 15 9 28 10 19 12 3 1020
Female 9 10 9 31 10 12 13 6 1168
Age: 18-29 8 14 13 34 9 7 7 8 362
Age: 30-44 9 16 8 33 8 13 10 4 533
Age: 45-64 7 11 8 28 11 18 14 4 826
Age: 65+ 5 10 8 25 11 20 18 4 467
Ethnicity - White 6 13 9 27 11 16 14 4 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 9 10 11 42 6 4 8 10 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 11 9 6 43 5 9 6 10 281
Ethnicity - Other 3 14 23 29 17 9 5 0 83
Democrats (no lean) 13 23 13 32 6 7 3 3 871
Independents (no lean) 2 8 11 40 11 11 6 11 637
Republicans (no lean) 3 3 2 16 14 30 31 1 680
Liberal (1-3) 25 44 31 0 0 0 0 0 616
Moderate (4) 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 644
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 0 0 27 40 33 0 825
Northeast 4 13 10 31 11 16 9 6 399
Midwest 7 15 6 37 7 13 12 4 516
South 7 9 9 29 12 15 13 5 813
West 10 14 11 20 11 17 14 3 459
New England 4 11 11 43 11 12 6 3 114
Mid-Atlantic 4 14 10 26 10 18 11 7 285
East North Central 8 14 6 37 6 13 12 4 353
West North Central 4 17 5 36 9 12 12 5 163
South Atlantic 11 11 6 29 12 16 9 6 437
East South Central 3 6 9 28 16 11 22 5 141
West South Central 3 9 14 30 10 15 15 4 235
Mountain 7 16 12 24 13 11 13 4 148
Pacic 11 14 10 18 10 20 15 3 312
Protestant 3 8 5 26 13 19 22 3 603
Roman Catholic 5 10 8 32 12 16 14 3 551
Ath./Agn./None 14 19 14 32 6 7 3 5 521
Something Else 7 13 9 27 8 18 9 8 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 9 6 25 10 19 20 5 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 8 14 10 32 10 13 8 4 1386
16: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Registered Voters 7 12 9 29 10 15 12 5 2188
Income: Under 50k 9 11 11 31 10 10 11 6 949
Income: 50k-100k 6 16 6 26 10 18 14 3 719
Income: 100k+ 5 10 8 31 10 20 12 4 520
Educ: < College 7 11 8 32 9 15 12 6 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 14 10 23 14 17 15 1 486
Educ: Post-grad 7 18 12 26 8 16 10 3 264
Military HH 6 10 5 27 15 19 15 2 388
Not Military HH 7 13 10 30 9 14 12 5 1800
Urban 10 17 10 28 7 13 9 6 551
Suburban 7 12 9 29 12 15 13 4 1098
Rural 5 9 8 31 9 19 15 4 539
Tea Party - Supporter 5 7 5 22 8 23 29 2 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 8 15 10 32 11 12 6 6 1566
U.S. Right Direction 12 23 12 32 6 8 4 3 782
U.S. Wrong Track 4 6 7 28 12 19 17 6 1406
Obama: Approve 13 24 11 31 6 7 3 4 928
Obama: Disapprove 3 4 7 27 13 22 19 5 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 8 10 9 32 7 16 15 3 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 10 9 8 36 9 16 7 6 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 2 6 8 24 12 23 19 5 262
#1 Issue - Health care 5 12 8 29 12 12 15 8 290
#1 Issue - FP 7 15 13 24 13 13 15 2 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 3 5 2 36 12 24 15 3 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 4 16 15 32 12 11 6 4 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 7 9 8 31 9 18 14 4 1053
17: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Registered Voters 30 31 40 2086
Male 29 29 42 992
Female 30 33 37 1094
Age: 18-29 38 37 25 332
Age: 30-44 34 34 32 513
Age: 45-64 27 29 44 793
Age: 65+ 24 26 51 448
Ethnicity - White 29 29 43 1711
Ethnicity - Hispanic 33 47 20 176
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 30 48 22 253
Ethnicity - Other 40 29 31 83
Democrats (no lean) 50 33 17 847
Independents (no lean) 24 45 31 569
Republicans (no lean) 8 16 76 670
Liberal (1-3) 100 0 0 616
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 644
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 100 825
Northeast 29 33 38 376
Midwest 29 39 33 493
South 27 31 42 773
West 36 21 43 443
New England 27 44 30 111
Mid-Atlantic 30 28 42 265
East North Central 29 39 32 337
West North Central 27 38 35 156
South Atlantic 30 31 39 413
East South Central 19 30 52 134
West South Central 27 31 42 226
Mountain 37 25 38 142
Pacic 35 19 46 302
Protestant 17 27 56 585
Roman Catholic 24 33 43 535
Ath./Agn./None 49 34 17 496
Something Else 31 30 39 468
Religiosity: Monthly+ 22 26 52 760
Religiosity: LT Monthly 34 33 32 1326
17: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Registered Voters 30 31 40 2086
Income: Under 50k 33 33 34 890
Income: 50k-100k 29 26 44 699
Income: 100k+ 23 33 44 497
Educ: < College 27 34 38 1350
Educ: Bachelors degree 31 24 45 480
Educ: Post-grad 39 26 35 256
Military HH 21 28 51 379
Not Military HH 31 32 37 1706
Urban 39 30 31 520
Suburban 28 31 41 1050
Rural 23 32 45 515
Tea Party - Supporter 17 22 61 604
Tea Party - Not Supporter 35 34 31 1473
U.S. Right Direction 48 33 19 758
U.S. Wrong Track 19 30 51 1327
Obama: Approve 50 32 17 892
Obama: Disapprove 14 29 58 1150
#1 Issue - Economy 27 33 40 498
#1 Issue - Jobs 28 38 33 260
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 17 26 57 248
#1 Issue - Health care 27 31 42 268
#1 Issue - FP 35 24 41 152
#1 Issue - Immigration 11 37 52 155
#1 Issue - Med/SS 37 33 30 207
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 25 33 42 1006
18: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Registered Voters 20 51 29 2086
Male 20 48 32 992
Female 20 53 26 1094
Age: 18-29 24 61 15 332
Age: 30-44 25 51 23 513
Age: 45-64 18 49 33 793
Age: 65+ 15 46 39 448
Ethnicity - White 20 49 32 1711
Ethnicity - Hispanic 22 65 13 176
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 23 60 17 253
Ethnicity - Other 17 70 14 83
Democrats (no lean) 37 52 10 847
Independents (no lean) 12 70 19 569
Republicans (no lean) 6 33 61 670
Liberal (1-3) 69 31 0 616
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 644
Conservative (5-7) 0 27 73 825
Northeast 18 55 27 376
Midwest 23 52 26 493
South 17 53 30 773
West 25 43 32 443
New England 16 66 18 111
Mid-Atlantic 19 50 31 265
East North Central 23 51 26 337
West North Central 22 53 25 156
South Atlantic 23 50 27 413
East South Central 9 57 34 134
West South Central 12 56 32 226
Mountain 24 51 25 142
Pacic 25 39 36 302
Protestant 11 46 43 585
Roman Catholic 15 54 30 535
Ath./Agn./None 35 55 11 496
Something Else 22 48 30 468
Religiosity: Monthly+ 15 44 41 760
Religiosity: LT Monthly 23 55 22 1326
18: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Registered Voters 20 51 29 2086
Income: Under 50k 21 56 23 890
Income: 50k-100k 23 43 34 699
Income: 100k+ 15 52 33 497
Educ: < College 19 53 28 1350
Educ: Bachelors degree 21 47 31 480
Educ: Post-grad 26 47 27 256
Military HH 16 48 35 379
Not Military HH 21 51 27 1706
Urban 29 48 23 520
Suburban 19 52 29 1050
Rural 15 50 35 515
Tea Party - Supporter 12 36 52 604
Tea Party - Not Supporter 24 57 19 1473
U.S. Right Direction 36 52 12 758
U.S. Wrong Track 11 50 38 1327
Obama: Approve 39 51 11 892
Obama: Disapprove 6 50 44 1150
#1 Issue - Economy 19 50 32 498
#1 Issue - Jobs 20 56 24 260
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 8 47 44 248
#1 Issue - Health care 18 53 30 268
#1 Issue - FP 22 50 28 152
#1 Issue - Immigration 9 51 41 155
#1 Issue - Med/SS 21 61 18 207
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 16 51 33 1006
19: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-
Yes No N
Registered Voters 9 91 2188
Male 9 91 1020
Female 9 91 1168
Age: 18-29 20 80 362
Age: 30-44 14 86 533
Age: 45-64 3 97 826
Age: 65+ 5 95 467
Ethnicity - White 7 93 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 100 0 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 13 87 281
Ethnicity - Other 0 100 83
Democrats (no lean) 11 89 871
Independents (no lean) 7 93 637
Republicans (no lean) 8 92 680
Liberal (1-3) 10 90 616
Moderate (4) 13 87 644
Conservative (5-7) 4 96 825
Northeast 6 94 399
Midwest 5 95 516
South 11 89 813
West 11 89 459
New England 5 95 114
Mid-Atlantic 6 94 285
East North Central 6 94 353
West North Central 4 96 163
South Atlantic 8 92 437
East South Central 10 90 141
West South Central 18 82 235
Mountain 6 94 148
Pacic 14 86 312
Protestant 5 95 603
Roman Catholic 16 84 551
Ath./Agn./None 7 93 521
Something Else 8 92 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 13 87 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 7 93 1386
19: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-
Yes No N
Registered Voters 9 91 2188
Income: Under 50k 9 91 949
Income: 50k-100k 6 94 719
Income: 100k+ 12 88 520
Educ: < College 9 91 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 9 91 486
Educ: Post-grad 7 93 264
Military HH 4 96 388
Not Military HH 10 90 1800
Urban 13 87 551
Suburban 8 92 1098
Rural 6 94 539
Tea Party - Supporter 13 87 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 8 92 1566
U.S. Right Direction 12 88 782
U.S. Wrong Track 7 93 1406
Obama: Approve 13 87 928
Obama: Disapprove 6 94 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 9 91 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 10 90 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 5 95 262
#1 Issue - Health care 9 91 290
#1 Issue - FP 5 95 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 12 88 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 16 84 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 8 92 1053
20: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Registered Voters 1 3 13 81 2 2188
Male 1 4 9 85 2 1020
Female 1 3 17 79 1 1168
Age: 18-29 3 7 23 62 5 362
Age: 30-44 1 5 13 80 1 533
Age: 45-64 0 2 14 83 1 826
Age: 65+ 0 1 4 95 0 467
Ethnicity - White 0 0 0 100 0 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 2 5 19 60 14 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 0 100 0 0 281
Ethnicity - Other 17 74 0 0 9 83
Democrats (no lean) 0 3 24 70 2 871
Independents (no lean) 2 3 10 84 2 637
Republicans (no lean) 1 4 1 93 1 680
Liberal (1-3) 2 4 12 79 2 616
Moderate (4) 1 4 19 76 1 644
Conservative (5-7) 0 3 7 89 1 825
Northeast 0 3 11 85 1 399
Midwest 1 2 10 87 1 516
South 1 2 20 76 1 813
West 2 7 5 82 3 459
New England 0 0 5 94 0 114
Mid-Atlantic 0 4 13 81 2 285
East North Central 0 3 12 83 1 353
West North Central 1 0 3 95 0 163
South Atlantic 0 2 26 71 1 437
East South Central 0 1 11 86 1 141
West South Central 2 4 15 77 3 235
Mountain 5 1 7 85 1 148
Pacic 1 10 4 81 4 312
Protestant 0 2 12 85 1 603
Roman Catholic 0 4 3 91 2 551
Ath./Agn./None 2 4 12 79 3 521
Something Else 1 4 25 69 1 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 1 4 13 80 2 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 3 13 82 2 1386
20: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Registered Voters 1 3 13 81 2 2188
Income: Under 50k 2 2 18 76 2 949
Income: 50k-100k 0 3 7 88 1 719
Income: 100k+ 0 5 12 82 1 520
Educ: < College 1 2 15 80 1 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 0 6 8 84 2 486
Educ: Post-grad 1 6 9 83 2 264
Military HH 1 1 8 88 2 388
Not Military HH 1 4 14 80 2 1800
Urban 1 5 22 70 2 551
Suburban 1 3 11 84 1 1098
Rural 1 1 8 88 2 539
Tea Party - Supporter 1 3 10 84 2 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 1 3 14 81 1 1566
U.S. Right Direction 1 5 24 68 2 782
U.S. Wrong Track 1 2 7 89 1 1406
Obama: Approve 1 4 24 69 2 928
Obama: Disapprove 1 2 4 91 1 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 0 3 9 86 2 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 0 3 23 71 3 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 0 2 9 86 3 262
#1 Issue - Health care 1 3 16 79 1 290
#1 Issue - FP 0 4 7 89 0 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 0 5 14 79 1 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 3 4 15 77 0 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 0 3 13 82 2 1053
21: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Registered Voters 5 3 92 2185
Male 5 4 91 1018
Female 5 2 93 1167
Age: 18-29 4 4 92 361
Age: 30-44 5 4 91 533
Age: 45-64 5 2 93 826
Age: 65+ 5 3 92 466
Ethnicity - White 5 3 92 1779
Ethnicity - Hispanic 6 5 89 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 4 2 94 281
Ethnicity - Other 3 1 96 83
Democrats (no lean) 5 3 92 869
Independents (no lean) 5 4 91 637
Republicans (no lean) 5 3 92 680
Liberal (1-3) 6 4 90 615
Moderate (4) 4 2 94 644
Conservative (5-7) 4 4 92 823
Northeast 8 4 88 396
Midwest 2 2 96 516
South 3 3 94 813
West 9 3 88 459
New England 9 3 88 113
Mid-Atlantic 8 5 88 283
East North Central 2 1 97 353
West North Central 2 5 93 163
South Atlantic 3 3 94 437
East South Central 3 3 94 141
West South Central 3 4 94 235
Mountain 5 1 94 148
Pacic 11 5 85 312
Protestant 4 1 94 602
Roman Catholic 6 5 89 551
Ath./Agn./None 3 2 95 521
Something Else 6 3 90 511
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 4 91 801
Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 2 93 1384
21: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Registered Voters 5 3 92 2185
Income: Under 50k 3 3 94 949
Income: 50k-100k 8 2 90 717
Income: 100k+ 5 4 92 519
Educ: < College 4 3 93 1437
Educ: Bachelors degree 5 4 91 484
Educ: Post-grad 9 1 90 264
Military HH 6 4 90 387
Not Military HH 5 3 92 1798
Urban 7 4 89 550
Suburban 4 3 93 1098
Rural 4 2 94 538
Tea Party - Supporter 4 5 91 612
Tea Party - Not Supporter 5 2 93 1564
U.S. Right Direction 5 5 90 780
U.S. Wrong Track 5 2 93 1405
Obama: Approve 6 4 90 926
Obama: Disapprove 4 2 93 1203
#1 Issue - Economy 4 4 92 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 5 2 93 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 4 4 92 262
#1 Issue - Health care 5 2 93 290
#1 Issue - FP 3 4 94 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 5 2 92 159
#1 Issue - Med/SS 7 3 89 214
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 4 4 92 1053
22: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Registered Voters 19 58 2 11 7 4 2188
Male 24 58 1 9 4 4 1020
Female 14 58 2 12 9 4 1168
Age: 18-29 54 35 0 3 0 6 362
Age: 30-44 21 65 1 7 1 6 533
Age: 45-64 11 60 4 17 5 4 826
Age: 65+ 5 62 1 10 21 1 467
Ethnicity - White 15 61 2 11 7 4 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 33 49 2 7 2 7 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 35 38 5 9 7 6 281
Ethnicity - Other 34 49 0 7 1 9 83
Democrats (no lean) 23 53 3 9 7 6 871
Independents (no lean) 21 54 2 12 7 4 637
Republicans (no lean) 12 68 1 12 6 3 680
Liberal (1-3) 27 48 4 11 5 5 616
Moderate (4) 17 59 2 10 6 5 644
Conservative (5-7) 13 66 1 11 8 2 825
Northeast 18 59 2 10 8 4 399
Midwest 17 58 1 11 8 6 516
South 20 56 3 10 6 4 813
West 20 59 1 12 6 3 459
New England 11 67 1 7 11 3 114
Mid-Atlantic 21 55 2 11 7 4 285
East North Central 15 58 0 11 8 8 353
West North Central 19 58 3 12 6 2 163
South Atlantic 22 56 3 10 5 4 437
East South Central 14 54 7 14 4 7 141
West South Central 20 58 1 8 10 3 235
Mountain 19 67 0 8 5 1 148
Pacic 21 56 1 14 6 3 312
Protestant 16 57 1 13 11 3 603
Roman Catholic 15 65 1 10 5 3 551
Ath./Agn./None 26 51 4 11 3 7 521
Something Else 20 58 2 9 7 4 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 15 63 2 9 8 3 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 21 55 2 11 5 5 1386
22: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Registered Voters 19 58 2 11 7 4 2188
Income: Under 50k 26 40 4 14 10 5 949
Income: 50k-100k 15 65 1 11 5 4 719
Income: 100k+ 11 80 0 4 3 3 520
Educ: < College 22 53 2 11 8 4 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 13 66 1 11 4 4 486
Educ: Post-grad 14 67 1 10 5 2 264
Military HH 7 76 1 7 7 2 388
Not Military HH 21 54 2 11 6 5 1800
Urban 28 45 3 10 8 6 551
Suburban 16 62 1 12 6 3 1098
Rural 15 62 3 9 7 4 539
Tea Party - Supporter 20 63 2 9 3 3 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 19 56 2 11 8 5 1566
U.S. Right Direction 25 53 2 9 6 5 782
U.S. Wrong Track 16 60 2 12 7 4 1406
Obama: Approve 26 51 2 9 6 5 928
Obama: Disapprove 13 63 2 12 7 3 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 16 62 1 13 4 4 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 25 51 5 9 5 6 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 10 69 2 10 9 2 262
#1 Issue - Health care 21 60 1 10 5 4 290
#1 Issue - FP 18 59 3 12 5 2 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 15 65 1 9 7 3 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 15 49 3 13 12 8 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 17 61 2 11 5 4 1053
23: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Registered Voters 28 25 24 23 2187
Male 28 26 27 19 1020
Female 27 25 21 27 1167
Age: 18-29 19 18 35 27 362
Age: 30-44 22 22 30 26 532
Age: 45-64 29 27 20 23 825
Age: 65+ 38 31 15 17 467
Ethnicity - White 29 28 23 20 1781
Ethnicity - Hispanic 15 44 20 21 194
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 25 6 23 45 281
Ethnicity - Other 17 24 36 23 83
Democrats (no lean) 22 23 26 29 870
Independents (no lean) 22 21 33 24 637
Republicans (no lean) 40 31 12 16 680
Liberal (1-3) 16 21 40 24 616
Moderate (4) 25 27 26 22 644
Conservative (5-7) 40 28 10 22 825
Northeast 15 41 22 22 399
Midwest 26 26 28 20 516
South 33 19 20 27 813
West 30 21 28 22 459
New England 17 43 24 16 114
Mid-Atlantic 15 40 20 24 285
East North Central 24 31 26 19 353
West North Central 32 17 30 21 163
South Atlantic 32 18 18 31 437
East South Central 38 10 28 24 141
West South Central 32 26 20 22 235
Mountain 37 19 22 22 147
Pacic 26 22 30 22 311
Protestant 100 0 0 0 603
Roman Catholic 0 100 0 0 551
Ath./Agn./None 0 0 100 0 521
Something Else 0 0 0 100 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 41 30 3 26 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 20 22 36 22 1385
23: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Registered Voters 28 25 24 23 2187
Income: Under 50k 26 19 27 27 948
Income: 50k-100k 33 27 21 20 719
Income: 100k+ 23 34 22 21 520
Educ: < College 25 23 26 26 1437
Educ: Bachelors degree 31 31 19 18 486
Educ: Post-grad 34 24 20 21 264
Military HH 42 21 17 20 388
Not Military HH 24 26 25 24 1799
Urban 24 25 26 26 550
Suburban 25 28 24 24 1098
Rural 36 21 22 20 539
Tea Party - Supporter 34 28 14 24 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 25 24 28 23 1565
U.S. Right Direction 24 25 23 28 781
U.S. Wrong Track 30 25 24 21 1406
Obama: Approve 22 25 25 28 927
Obama: Disapprove 32 25 22 20 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 28 27 22 23 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 20 28 24 28 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 37 22 22 20 262
#1 Issue - Health care 30 24 21 24 289
#1 Issue - FP 30 20 25 25 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 33 23 28 16 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 25 26 19 30 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 28 26 22 24 1053
24: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Registered Voters 41 59 1447
Male 35 65 624
Female 45 55 823
Age: 18-29 41 59 198
Age: 30-44 46 54 322
Age: 45-64 41 59 589
Age: 65+ 35 65 337
Ethnicity - White 38 62 1199
Ethnicity - Hispanic 44 56 134
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 61 39 193
Democrats (no lean) 37 63 529
Independents (no lean) 38 62 375
Republicans (no lean) 46 54 543
Liberal (1-3) 33 67 291
Moderate (4) 37 63 419
Conservative (5-7) 47 53 661
Northeast 22 78 251
Midwest 41 59 337
South 49 51 588
West 39 61 270
Mid-Atlantic 26 74 185
East North Central 40 60 241
West North Central 46 54 96
South Atlantic 47 53 315
East South Central 58 42 100
West South Central 49 51 172
Mountain 53 47 97
Pacic 31 69 173
Protestant 55 45 597
Roman Catholic 17 83 532
Something Else 55 45 318
Religiosity: Monthly+ 57 43 695
Religiosity: LT Monthly 26 74 752
24: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Registered Voters 41 59 1447
Income: Under 50k 49 51 607
Income: 50k-100k 37 63 491
Income: 100k+ 32 68 348
Educ: < College 45 55 944
Educ: Bachelors degree 36 64 333
Educ: Post-grad 29 71 170
Military HH 36 64 289
Not Military HH 42 58 1158
Urban 43 57 338
Suburban 36 64 720
Rural 48 52 389
Tea Party - Supporter 49 51 460
Tea Party - Not Supporter 37 63 979
U.S. Right Direction 36 64 493
U.S. Wrong Track 43 57 954
Obama: Approve 37 63 574
Obama: Disapprove 43 57 841
#1 Issue - Economy 44 56 346
#1 Issue - Jobs 42 58 187
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 34 66 187
#1 Issue - Health care 40 60 209
#1 Issue - FP 42 58 91
#1 Issue - Immigration 48 52 96
#1 Issue - Med/SS 46 54 144
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 41 59 720
25: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once
or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Registered Voters 8 20 9 17 25 21 2188
Male 6 20 7 20 25 22 1020
Female 10 21 10 14 26 20 1168
Age: 18-29 9 19 12 17 20 24 362
Age: 30-44 8 20 9 16 22 25 533
Age: 45-64 7 17 8 17 30 21 826
Age: 65+ 9 27 6 17 26 15 467
Ethnicity - White 8 20 8 17 24 23 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 13 23 16 18 16 14 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 8 21 10 14 37 11 281
Ethnicity - Other 4 28 7 8 31 22 83
Democrats (no lean) 5 18 8 17 29 23 871
Independents (no lean) 7 14 9 17 25 28 637
Republicans (no lean) 13 28 10 17 21 12 680
Liberal (1-3) 6 14 7 15 27 32 616
Moderate (4) 4 17 10 20 27 22 644
Conservative (5-7) 12 27 9 17 23 12 825
Northeast 4 21 8 21 25 22 399
Midwest 7 22 8 14 26 22 516
South 11 19 10 17 26 17 813
West 7 19 7 15 25 26 459
New England 3 19 11 22 26 20 114
Mid-Atlantic 4 22 7 21 24 22 285
East North Central 6 23 9 14 28 21 353
West North Central 8 21 8 15 23 26 163
South Atlantic 7 17 10 21 29 15 437
East South Central 17 14 11 13 28 18 141
West South Central 14 26 8 12 19 21 235
Mountain 4 16 10 19 21 30 148
Pacic 9 21 5 13 27 25 312
Protestant 15 27 12 17 20 8 603
Roman Catholic 4 31 9 23 22 10 551
Ath./Agn./None 1 3 1 6 33 57 521
Something Else 10 19 12 21 28 11 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 22 55 23 0 0 0 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 0 0 26 40 33 1386
25: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once
or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Registered Voters 8 20 9 17 25 21 2188
Income: Under 50k 9 19 7 15 25 25 949
Income: 50k-100k 9 22 9 16 25 18 719
Income: 100k+ 4 20 11 20 27 18 520
Educ: < College 8 18 7 16 27 24 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 7 24 12 19 24 13 486
Educ: Post-grad 8 23 12 18 21 18 264
Military HH 8 23 7 13 32 17 388
Not Military HH 8 20 9 18 24 22 1800
Urban 7 27 8 18 22 18 551
Suburban 7 19 9 18 26 21 1098
Rural 12 17 7 14 27 24 539
Tea Party - Supporter 14 27 10 20 21 8 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 6 17 8 15 27 26 1566
U.S. Right Direction 6 22 9 16 27 21 782
U.S. Wrong Track 9 19 8 17 25 21 1406
Obama: Approve 7 19 9 17 28 21 928
Obama: Disapprove 9 21 8 17 24 20 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 7 19 9 19 24 23 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 6 22 7 19 29 17 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 8 17 8 18 29 20 262
#1 Issue - Health care 11 16 12 21 22 18 290
#1 Issue - FP 13 20 10 18 20 20 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 7 19 11 13 30 20 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 7 29 4 12 27 20 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 7 19 8 19 27 21 1053
26: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 31 69 2188
Male 28 72 1020
Female 33 67 1168
Age: 18-29 35 65 362
Age: 30-44 67 33 533
Age: 45-64 22 78 826
Age: 65+ 1 99 467
Ethnicity - White 29 71 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 42 58 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 39 61 281
Ethnicity - Other 30 70 83
Democrats (no lean) 36 64 871
Independents (no lean) 25 75 637
Republicans (no lean) 30 70 680
Liberal (1-3) 28 72 616
Moderate (4) 38 62 644
Conservative (5-7) 27 73 825
Northeast 32 68 399
Midwest 34 66 516
South 31 69 813
West 26 74 459
New England 30 70 114
Mid-Atlantic 32 68 285
East North Central 39 61 353
West North Central 22 78 163
South Atlantic 27 73 437
East South Central 36 64 141
West South Central 36 64 235
Mountain 21 79 148
Pacic 28 72 312
Protestant 27 73 603
Roman Catholic 30 70 551
Ath./Agn./None 30 70 521
Something Else 37 63 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 38 62 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 26 74 1386
26: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 31 69 2188
Income: Under 50k 26 74 949
Income: 50k-100k 34 66 719
Income: 100k+ 36 64 520
Educ: < College 29 71 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 39 61 486
Educ: Post-grad 28 72 264
Military HH 26 74 388
Not Military HH 32 68 1800
Urban 34 66 551
Suburban 30 70 1098
Rural 29 71 539
Tea Party - Supporter 41 59 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 27 73 1566
U.S. Right Direction 34 66 782
U.S. Wrong Track 29 71 1406
Obama: Approve 33 67 928
Obama: Disapprove 29 71 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 40 60 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 32 68 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 24 76 262
#1 Issue - Health care 30 70 290
#1 Issue - FP 30 70 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 36 64 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 19 81 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 34 66 1053
27: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Registered Voters 25 50 25 2188
Male 27 50 23 1020
Female 24 50 26 1168
Age: 18-29 33 40 27 362
Age: 30-44 33 46 22 533
Age: 45-64 20 57 24 826
Age: 65+ 21 52 28 467
Ethnicity - White 22 52 26 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 37 45 18 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 43 41 16 281
Ethnicity - Other 31 57 12 83
Democrats (no lean) 36 41 22 871
Independents (no lean) 21 57 22 637
Republicans (no lean) 15 55 30 680
Liberal (1-3) 33 48 19 616
Moderate (4) 24 50 26 644
Conservative (5-7) 20 52 28 825
Northeast 29 51 20 399
Midwest 20 48 32 516
South 24 48 28 813
West 30 55 15 459
New England 13 61 26 114
Mid-Atlantic 36 47 18 285
East North Central 18 52 30 353
West North Central 23 41 36 163
South Atlantic 21 58 21 437
East South Central 21 29 50 141
West South Central 30 42 28 235
Mountain 25 52 22 148
Pacic 32 57 11 312
Protestant 22 45 33 603
Roman Catholic 25 55 20 551
Ath./Agn./None 27 50 23 521
Something Else 27 51 22 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 29 47 24 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 23 52 25 1386
27: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Registered Voters 25 50 25 2188
Income: Under 50k 30 38 32 949
Income: 50k-100k 21 58 21 719
Income: 100k+ 22 61 16 520
Educ: < College 25 45 30 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 24 60 15 486
Educ: Post-grad 28 58 14 264
Military HH 18 53 29 388
Not Military HH 27 50 24 1800
Urban 100 0 0 551
Suburban 0 100 0 1098
Rural 0 0 100 539
Tea Party - Supporter 28 48 24 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 24 51 25 1566
U.S. Right Direction 38 42 20 782
U.S. Wrong Track 18 55 27 1406
Obama: Approve 37 43 20 928
Obama: Disapprove 16 56 28 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 26 50 24 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 33 38 29 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 9 60 31 262
#1 Issue - Health care 27 54 20 290
#1 Issue - FP 22 49 29 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 20 50 29 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 30 48 22 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 23 50 27 1053
28: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Student Retired Un -
Other N
Registered Voters 32 6 8 11 4 27 8 5 2188
Male 36 6 10 2 3 28 10 5 1020
Female 28 6 6 19 5 25 7 5 1168
Age: 18-29 27 7 11 11 23 0 13 8 362
Age: 30-44 50 6 8 17 1 1 10 6 533
Age: 45-64 36 8 7 12 1 22 8 6 826
Age: 65+ 7 1 5 1 0 85 1 0 467
Ethnicity - White 32 5 7 11 3 29 7 5 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 38 6 5 6 13 13 17 2 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 23 10 10 11 8 19 13 5 281
Ethnicity - Other 40 6 7 4 13 16 2 13 83
Democrats (no lean) 30 7 9 12 5 23 9 6 871
Independents (no lean) 30 6 5 10 7 26 9 6 637
Republicans (no lean) 35 5 8 10 2 32 6 3 680
Liberal (1-3) 30 5 9 12 7 23 10 5 616
Moderate (4) 34 5 9 11 3 22 11 5 644
Conservative (5-7) 33 7 6 9 2 34 4 5 825
Northeast 41 5 5 7 3 24 7 7 399
Midwest 30 4 9 12 3 27 11 4 516
South 30 6 8 13 4 25 8 5 813
West 28 8 8 9 7 31 5 5 459
New England 44 4 7 3 1 28 8 4 114
Mid-Atlantic 40 5 5 9 4 22 6 8 285
East North Central 29 5 9 13 3 25 12 4 353
West North Central 30 4 9 11 3 31 10 3 163
South Atlantic 26 8 11 10 7 27 7 5 437
East South Central 38 3 4 23 1 17 11 4 141
West South Central 33 6 6 11 2 26 9 6 235
Mountain 24 6 6 12 2 38 5 7 148
Pacic 30 8 8 7 9 28 5 5 312
Protestant 31 7 10 9 2 34 5 4 603
Roman Catholic 36 5 8 8 2 31 7 4 551
Ath./Agn./None 31 4 7 12 7 18 14 7 521
Something Else 29 8 6 14 7 22 7 7 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 32 6 9 10 5 27 5 6 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 31 6 7 11 4 26 10 5 1386
28: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Student Retired Un -
Other N
Registered Voters 32 6 8 11 4 27 8 5 2188
Income: Under 50k 22 4 7 12 4 31 13 7 949
Income: 50k-100k 38 5 8 13 4 25 4 4 719
Income: 100k+ 41 10 9 5 5 22 4 4 520
Educ: < College 24 5 7 14 6 27 10 6 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 51 6 8 6 1 23 4 2 486
Educ: Post-grad 36 12 11 3 1 30 3 4 264
Military HH 24 8 7 10 1 44 5 2 388
Not Military HH 33 6 8 11 5 23 9 6 1800
Urban 31 7 12 8 6 23 9 5 551
Suburban 37 5 6 11 5 27 4 5 1098
Rural 22 6 7 13 2 30 15 6 539
Tea Party - Supporter 36 4 10 8 4 22 8 7 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 30 6 7 12 5 28 8 4 1566
U.S. Right Direction 33 6 10 8 4 22 10 6 782
U.S. Wrong Track 31 6 6 12 5 29 7 5 1406
Obama: Approve 31 7 11 8 6 23 9 5 928
Obama: Disapprove 32 5 6 12 3 30 7 5 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 39 5 7 15 3 19 7 5 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 26 7 8 7 5 21 16 11 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 30 9 4 9 1 40 3 3 262
#1 Issue - Health care 33 5 13 16 8 18 3 4 290
#1 Issue - FP 38 5 11 7 1 24 13 1 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 33 6 3 10 0 32 13 3 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 21 2 7 6 1 52 3 9 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 33 6 6 11 3 25 9 6 1053
29: Many people werent able to vote in the election for President and other oces in 2012. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 90 10 2188
Male 93 7 1020
Female 88 12 1168
Age: 18-29 75 25 362
Age: 30-44 93 7 533
Age: 45-64 92 8 826
Age: 65+ 97 3 467
Ethnicity - White 90 10 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 82 18 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 92 8 281
Ethnicity - Other 89 11 83
Democrats (no lean) 92 8 871
Independents (no lean) 86 14 637
Republicans (no lean) 92 8 680
Liberal (1-3) 91 9 616
Moderate (4) 90 10 644
Conservative (5-7) 93 7 825
Northeast 92 8 399
Midwest 88 12 516
South 89 11 813
West 94 6 459
New England 95 5 114
Mid-Atlantic 91 9 285
East North Central 86 14 353
West North Central 92 8 163
South Atlantic 90 10 437
East South Central 83 17 141
West South Central 90 10 235
Mountain 94 6 148
Pacic 93 7 312
Protestant 94 6 603
Roman Catholic 95 5 551
Ath./Agn./None 86 14 521
Something Else 85 15 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 92 8 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 89 11 1386
29: Many people werent able to vote in the election for President and other oces in 2012. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 90 10 2188
Income: Under 50k 87 13 949
Income: 50k-100k 92 8 719
Income: 100k+ 93 7 520
Educ: < College 87 13 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 96 4 486
Educ: Post-grad 98 2 264
Military HH 96 4 388
Not Military HH 89 11 1800
Urban 91 9 551
Suburban 91 9 1098
Rural 88 12 539
Tea Party - Supporter 93 7 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 89 11 1566
U.S. Right Direction 93 7 782
U.S. Wrong Track 89 11 1406
Obama: Approve 92 8 928
Obama: Disapprove 89 11 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 91 9 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 90 10 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 88 12 262
#1 Issue - Health care 86 14 290
#1 Issue - FP 96 4 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 93 7 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 91 9 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 90 10 1053
30: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Registered Voters 54 41 5 1970
Male 51 44 5 942
Female 57 39 5 1027
Age: 18-29 64 33 3 268
Age: 30-44 64 32 3 491
Age: 45-64 51 43 6 759
Age: 65+ 42 53 6 451
Ethnicity - White 46 48 5 1604
Ethnicity - Hispanic 66 30 3 159
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 94 4 2 259
Democrats (no lean) 94 4 2 804
Independents (no lean) 47 39 14 546
Republicans (no lean) 7 92 1 620
Liberal (1-3) 86 11 3 558
Moderate (4) 66 29 6 578
Conservative (5-7) 21 74 5 768
Northeast 56 38 6 365
Midwest 61 35 4 453
South 51 45 4 722
West 49 45 6 429
New England 53 37 10 108
Mid-Atlantic 58 38 4 258
East North Central 60 38 2 304
West North Central 63 29 8 150
South Atlantic 58 39 3 393
East South Central 32 60 8 117
West South Central 47 48 5 212
Mountain 48 43 9 139
Pacic 50 45 5 290
Protestant 40 56 4 565
Roman Catholic 49 48 3 524
Ath./Agn./None 67 23 10 446
Something Else 64 33 3 434
Religiosity: Monthly+ 43 54 3 737
Religiosity: LT Monthly 60 34 6 1233
30: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Registered Voters 54 41 5 1970
Income: Under 50k 59 34 6 822
Income: 50k-100k 50 46 4 663
Income: 100k+ 50 47 4 485
Educ: < College 55 40 5 1247
Educ: Bachelors degree 48 48 4 465
Educ: Post-grad 59 36 5 257
Military HH 44 51 5 371
Not Military HH 56 39 5 1598
Urban 70 26 5 501
Suburban 49 46 5 995
Rural 48 48 5 474
Tea Party - Supporter 29 66 4 566
Tea Party - Not Supporter 64 31 5 1394
U.S. Right Direction 90 9 1 726
U.S. Wrong Track 33 60 7 1243
Obama: Approve 93 6 1 851
Obama: Disapprove 22 70 8 1074
#1 Issue - Economy 56 40 4 466
#1 Issue - Jobs 65 32 3 249
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 30 64 6 231
#1 Issue - Health care 55 40 5 249
#1 Issue - FP 44 53 3 149
#1 Issue - Immigration 33 61 6 148
#1 Issue - Med/SS 66 30 3 194
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 52 44 4 946
31: Many people werent able to vote in the election for Congress and other oces in 2010. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 79 21 2188
Male 82 18 1020
Female 76 24 1168
Age: 18-29 48 52 362
Age: 30-44 78 22 533
Age: 45-64 83 17 826
Age: 65+ 95 5 467
Ethnicity - White 81 19 1782
Ethnicity - Hispanic 75 25 195
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 68 32 281
Ethnicity - Other 64 36 83
Democrats (no lean) 79 21 871
Independents (no lean) 72 28 637
Republicans (no lean) 84 16 680
Liberal (1-3) 80 20 616
Moderate (4) 73 27 644
Conservative (5-7) 85 15 825
Northeast 79 21 399
Midwest 80 20 516
South 76 24 813
West 81 19 459
New England 87 13 114
Mid-Atlantic 76 24 285
East North Central 78 22 353
West North Central 83 17 163
South Atlantic 74 26 437
East South Central 76 24 141
West South Central 80 20 235
Mountain 84 16 148
Pacic 80 20 312
Protestant 82 18 603
Roman Catholic 84 16 551
Ath./Agn./None 73 27 521
Something Else 74 26 512
Religiosity: Monthly+ 83 17 802
Religiosity: LT Monthly 76 24 1386
31: Many people werent able to vote in the election for Congress and other oces in 2010. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 79 21 2188
Income: Under 50k 73 27 949
Income: 50k-100k 82 18 719
Income: 100k+ 84 16 520
Educ: < College 74 26 1438
Educ: Bachelors degree 87 13 486
Educ: Post-grad 90 10 264
Military HH 86 14 388
Not Military HH 77 23 1800
Urban 76 24 551
Suburban 80 20 1098
Rural 78 22 539
Tea Party - Supporter 79 21 613
Tea Party - Not Supporter 78 22 1566
U.S. Right Direction 78 22 782
U.S. Wrong Track 79 21 1406
Obama: Approve 78 22 928
Obama: Disapprove 80 20 1204
#1 Issue - Economy 79 21 512
#1 Issue - Jobs 77 23 278
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 77 23 262
#1 Issue - Health care 70 30 290
#1 Issue - FP 83 17 155
#1 Issue - Immigration 89 11 160
#1 Issue - Med/SS 86 14 215
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 78 22 1053
32: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. House
candidate or someone else?
Democratic U.S.
House candidate
Republican U.S.
House candidate
Someone else N
Registered Voters 53 42 6 1707
Male 49 46 6 828
Female 56 38 5 880
Age: 18-29 63 35 2 172
Age: 30-44 62 33 5 415
Age: 45-64 49 44 7 682
Age: 65+ 45 50 5 438
Ethnicity - White 47 47 6 1439
Ethnicity - Hispanic 65 29 6 144
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 93 2 5 192
Democrats (no lean) 97 2 1 684
Independents (no lean) 45 37 18 453
Republicans (no lean) 5 94 1 570
Liberal (1-3) 87 10 3 490
Moderate (4) 64 29 7 468
Conservative (5-7) 21 74 5 698
Northeast 57 36 8 312
Midwest 58 38 5 408
South 49 46 6 618
West 50 45 5 370
New England 57 31 11 97
Mid-Atlantic 56 38 6 215
East North Central 56 41 3 272
West North Central 62 30 9 136
South Atlantic 55 41 4 322
East South Central 37 58 5 108
West South Central 45 47 8 188
Mountain 49 48 3 123
Pacic 51 44 6 246
Protestant 36 59 5 493
Roman Catholic 50 48 3 458
Ath./Agn./None 66 24 10 382
Something Else 63 31 6 374
Religiosity: Monthly+ 44 50 5 658
Religiosity: LT Monthly 58 36 6 1049
32: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. House
candidate or someone else?
Democratic U.S.
House candidate
Republican U.S.
House candidate
Someone else N
Registered Voters 53 42 6 1707
Income: Under 50k 60 33 7 689
Income: 50k-100k 49 45 6 584
Income: 100k+ 46 51 3 434
Educ: < College 54 39 6 1054
Educ: Bachelors degree 46 48 5 418
Educ: Post-grad 56 41 3 235
Military HH 42 54 4 333
Not Military HH 55 39 6 1375
Urban 69 25 6 416
Suburban 46 48 6 872
Rural 49 46 5 419
Tea Party - Supporter 28 67 5 479
Tea Party - Not Supporter 62 32 6 1220
U.S. Right Direction 88 10 3 606
U.S. Wrong Track 33 59 7 1102
Obama: Approve 89 9 2 717
Obama: Disapprove 26 67 7 963
#1 Issue - Economy 56 42 2 403
#1 Issue - Jobs 63 33 4 213
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 27 63 10 201
#1 Issue - Health care 44 48 8 203
#1 Issue - FP 48 51 0 127
#1 Issue - Immigration 32 57 11 142
#1 Issue - Med/SS 70 23 7 182
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 51 45 5 817

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