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Family and Friends,

Blessed...the one word I have used to describe my 6 weeks in the States.
After leaving from such devastation in Honduras, I really needed a time
of encouragement. The Lord knew it and He really gave it to me. As I
met with people, as people prayed for me, as I talked at churches, the
Lord was blessing me abundantly. He was giving me the strength to
come back and serve in Honduras.
Thank you to all who met with me, fed me, housed me and welcomed
me with open arms. Thank you to all of you who have become
ministry partners with me here in Honduras. I am so excited to have
you on my team. Thank you for wanting to participate in what the Lord
is doing on the Northern Coast of Honduras.
As I met with a friend at the beginning of my trip to ask for prayer, she
said, Do you think 6 weeks is enough time to raise all the
support you need? I said That is all I have and I am trusting that the
Lord can provide what I need in that amount of time. I had been praying
and preparing for over a month and was convinced that the Lord
would provide for all of my needs.
I took a very nice trip up the East Coast visiting many friends
along the way. I had stops in Chattanooga, TN, Wilmore, KY
(my sending agency), Washington, DC, Richmond, VA, Southern
Pines, NC, Columbia, SC and Augusta, GA. I enjoyed seeing
friends I hadn't seen in years and meeting some of their kids I had
never met. I loved reconnecting. The Lord really used this time to
bless me as I spent time with people and by myself in the car.
The pictures are from my trip. Sadly, I didn't get pictures of some
friends. I also made trips up to North Georgia to see friends and
supporters and to Florida to visit a supporting church.
(continued, p 2)
September 2014
CornerStone International
PO Box 192, Wilmore, KY 40390
with Sydney Ward in Orlando
with Joelle and Samuel Jensen, Josiah and Elliot in Richmond, VA
with Karen Ramos and Thomas in Chattanooga, TN
As I reached the 3 week mark, I had only 20% of
my support and my home church was going
through a difficult time. I was getting really
discouraged. I remember praying to the Lord,
thanking Him for the support that I did have and
praying that He would really show Himself in this.
I trusted Him to provide for my needs knowing
that He is in control of all the money in the world.
The small amount (a huge amount to me) that I
needed was nothing in comparison to His riches.
The Lord is so good and so faithful! I know my
character was tested as I learned to depend on Him.
So after 45 days of
support-raising, I
am overjoyed to
share the excellen-
cies of our Lord. I
met and surpassed
my goal in my last
week. The Lord
exceeded what I
thought I needed
and I am thankful. I
am thankful for His
generosity through
others. The Lord
has given me renewed
vision and strength for
being here.
Matt 6:20-21 "But layupfor yourselvestreasuresin
heaven, whereneither mothnor rust destroys, and
wherethievesdonot break inor steal; for where
your treasureis, therewill your heart bealso."
Pray . . .
...for my transition back to
...for funds to purchase two
new lab machines
...for a vehicle for me
Contact: Email me! Check out my blog!
Praise . . .
for a blessed time in the
...for encouragement from
you and the Lord
...for great people working
in the lab
...for your hospitality,
friendship and support
...for reaching and surpass-
ing my support raising goal!
...for renewed vision and
Needs . . .
An arterial blood gas
A machine for thyroid
A car
Support . . .
Send checks to
CornerStone International, PO Box 192, Wilmore, KY 40390
Donate online at
Please note Infectious Mission (my support fund),
or IM-Lab (for lab machines) or IM-Car on your donation.
Thank you!!
with Chris and Ashley Cunningham, Jackson and Maddie in Washington, DC
with Christine Warner, Ian and Zoey in Southern Pines, NC
with Jenn Greene in Columbia, SC
with April Rathel in Newnan, GA
(kayak ride on Chattahoochee)

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