NF Participant Instructions

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Nike Baby Air Max Funeral Party (NF) Participant Guidelines

"#$%&'&(#)% *)+ , -./ 0#%%+$1

As the paity begins, !"# %&''()* will guaiu the S funnels to pievent any physical
contacts fiom the spectatois anu othei 6 paiticipants, especially +,)(-./ 0-1(*.

In auuion, !" # %&''()* shoulu intiouuce to spectatois each of the S funnels,
nameu: funnel a, funnel b, funnel c. !"# %&''()* will allow 2/'()/(' 3(456++7 8 to
touch all funnels.

Piop neeueu: none

"#$%&'&(#)% 234, 5456 "78

As spectatois join anu walk into the space, 0,09 :;< shoulu stanu at the entiant
placing goluen stai stickei on each spectatoi's foieheau.

It woulu be pleasant if 0,0& :;< coulu gieet each spectatoi with casual
conveisation such as ' Bow is the weathei, Bow aie you anu Bow was the tiaffic
getting heie"

Piop neeueu: uoluen stai stickeis

"#$%&'&(#)% 29$++, :4$+&;) 5&<+1

Now, +,)(-./ 0-1(* shoulu ignoie all six paiticipants especially =>)((
?,'-@-A&'-,/7 anu invite spectatois to touch the baby aii max shoes while peeling
off the goluen stickeis on the foieheau placeu by 0,09 :;<.

As +,)(-./ 0-1(* heais B-7& =>,CD7,/E7 music playing, +,)(-./ 0-1(* will not
uance. Beshe will take out hei cameia phone anu invite all spectatois anu
paiticipants to take a self-poitiait AKA selfie aujacent to the baby aii max shoes.

The piopoition of the face in the selfie shoulu be Su%, the othei Su% of the
photogiaph shoulu be contiibuteu to the Nike baby aii max.

+,)(-./ 0-1(* will immeuiately uploau them onto hishei peisonal Facebook ,
Tumbli, Instagiam oi Twittei account. Please use the hush tag: #NFpaity.
+,)(-./ 0-1(* will not invite =>)(( /,'-@-A&'-,/7 to take a selfie.

Bowevei, all the uploauing will neeu to be pauseu instantly when B-7&
=>,CD7,/'s music has finisheu playing. +,)(-./ 0-1(* will ietuin to hei pievious

Piop neeueu: peisonal iPhone

"#$%&'&(#)% :4=$ , >&?# 294@(?4)

B-7& =>,CD7,/ shoulu stanu in silent, counting to Suu seconus with fingeis,
pensively watching the motion of fingeis iising.

0nce when B-7& =>,CD7,/ has finisheu counting Suu seconus, she will play
!"#$% '$()*+ uownloaueu fiom the paity planning package anu invite spectatois
to uance.

Please pievent +,)(-./ 0-1(* fiom uancing, please ensuie +,)(-./ 0-1(* is not
affecteu by the music anu continue to complete his oi hei task. 0nce the music
has stoppeu, B-7& =>,CD7,/ will ietuin back to silent anu ie-counting to Suu
seconus anu iepeat the iuentical task.

Piop neeueu: NPS playei & !"#$% '$()*+

"#$%&'&(#)% :&A+, B5CD8-8EFG(+;

20FG<!<HIJD(. will call someone heshe uoes not know on hishei contact list
uuiing the paity.

20FG<!<HIJD(. will not be uistiacteu fiom any activities occuiiing in the paity,
incluuing B-7& =>,CD7,/Es music.

Piop neeueu: peisonal phone

"#$%&'&(#)% 7&H, B)%+$)+% I+H,J::? K

2/'()/(' 3(456++7 8 will stanu in fiont of the cential wall image, stationaiy,
attempting to pose the same facial expiession as the cential wall image without
any movement.

0nce B-7& =>,CD7,/'s music has stoppeu, 2/'()/(' 3(456++7 8 will move anu
uance seuuctively towaius funnel a, funnel b anu funnel C anu ieaiiange them
into the oiuei that he oi she uesiies.

2/'()/(' 3(456++78 will ignoie any eye contact with the baby aii max shoes while

Piop neeueu: none

"#$%&'&(#)% 7+A+), 29$++ L4%&M&'#%&4)

=>)(( ?,'-@-A&'-,/7 will change hishei Facebook piofile pictuie to ,!-.) '$() */
on a uomestic chaii uuiing the paity.

=>)(( ?,'-@-A&'-,/7 will not complement any spectatoi's selfies posteu by +,)(-./
0-1(*, but in fact acknowleuge anu comment on the Nike baby Aii Nax.

=>)(( ?,'-@-A&'-,/ ieseives the iights to teiminate the paity by announcing the
sentence 0 ,1! .2$3. 42!)5.

Piop Neeueu: Laptop

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