NF - Party Instruction

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Nike Baby Air Max Funeral Party (NF Party) Instruction

!" $%&'( is a sciipteu paity wiitten by Nik Lee in 2u14, encouiaging the public to
ieplicate the fun event thiough a seiies of guiuelines.

Please visit to uownloau the paity-planning package,
incluuing mateiial such as music files, flyeis, image files, textual
instiuctions, space layout anu paiticipants guiuelines.

Bowevei, theie aie five essential paity items neeueu to be puichaseu fiom
vaiious ietail stoies.

Shopping List:

Paity Item Estimateu piice
0bject one: a paii of infant sizeu (8C)
Nike Aii Nax shoes
S9.9u A0B
0bject two: a set of thiee funnels (fiom
smallest to laigest)
2.8 to S A0B
0bject thiee: cameia phone -
0bject foui: wall shelf anu plinth -
0bject five: goluen stai stickeis S A0B

7 paiticipants aie inviteu anu casteu by the oiganizei. The 0iganizei may not
iename the paity, but iespect the following guiuelines.

0iganizeis will contact the founuei of Nike Baby Aii Nax Funeial Paity,
iegaiuing to the ieplication of the paity thiough the email auuiess:

Each of the 7 paiticipants will be assigneu a iole anu given a specific task to
assist each othei anu spectatois to follow the ioutine of the paity.

Each paiticipant must follow the instiuctions.

The 7 names aie useu to label the 7 uiffeient paiticipants; each paiticipant will
be assigneu a uistinctive task:
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Each of the 7 paiticipants will weai his hei specific nametag as a fashionable
choice, you may choose to coloi oi uecoiate the nametags accoiuing to one's
aesthetics piefeiences.

All paiticipants may uiess in howevei they believe is both visually anu physically
comfoiting. It is iecommenueu to uiess in casual clothes.

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0bject one (baby aii max shoes) shoulu be placeu on a plinth in the centei of the
space, anu wall shelf shoulu be mounteu onto the wall with object two ( a set of
thiee funnels) placeu on it.

It is highly iecommenueu to use aitificial light to lit up object one anu two within
the paity enviionment.

@%,. +%&'( /+%-2 /2'',.3 8+ (image couitesy, Alethea Eveiaiu)

B@";+ :%<+D8 fiom the paity planning package must be hung on the cential wall
of the space.

0iganizeis aie encouiageu to pioviue beveiages anu snacks at the paity. In
auuition, it is highly iecommenueu to senu the photo uocumentations of the
ieplicateu paity to the founuei thiough email (

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