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Algebra 2 MaLrlces name ___________

!"#$%&" ()*+ ,-./ 0123 4#%5&+#%673 ,*2)3& 8 0#9& :

MaLrlces 1. 8eadlng LnLrles, Addlng, SubLracLlng and MulLlplylng MaLrlces by a scalar.
Soclology: SoclologlsLs sLudy human behavlor. 1hey may use maLrlces ln Lhelr analysls of soclal relaLlons.
1. Suppose a soclologlsL ls sLudylng frlendshlp and LrusL among 3 classmaLes aL a hlgh school. 1he classmaLes are asked Lo lndlcaLe
wlLh whom Lhey would llke Lo go Lo a movle and Lo whom Lhey would Lo loan $10. 1helr responses are summarlzed ln Lhe
followlng Lwo maLrlces. Lach maLrlx ls read from row Lo column. 1" means yes" and 0" means no". lor example, Lhe 1" ln
Lhe flrsL row and Lhe fourLh column of Lhe movle maLrlx means LhaL sLudenL A would llke Lo go Lo a movle wlLh sLudenL u.
Movle MaLrlx: Loan MaLrlx:
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! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! !

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! ! ! ! !

a. Would sLudenL A llke Lo go Lo Lhe movles wlLh sLudenL 8? Would sLudenL 8 llke Lo go Lo a movle wlLh
sLudenL A?

b. WlLh whom would sLudenL u llke Lo go Lo a movle? 1o whom would sLudenL A loan $10?

c. WhaL does Lhe 0" ln Lhe fourLh row, Lhlrd column ln Lhe loan maLrlx mean?

d. A !"#$%& ($)%*+ has Lhe same number of rows and columns. 1he ($*, -*$./,$0 of a square maLrlx ls Lhe
dlagonal llne of enLrles runnlng from Lhe Lop-lefL corner LoL e boLLom-rlghL corner. Why do you Lhlnk
Lhere are zeroes for each enLry ln Lhe maln dlagonal of Lhe movle maLrlx and Lhe loan maLrlx?

e. Pow many sLudenLs does sLudenL C conslder as frlends? Pow many sLudenLs conslder sLudenL C as a

f. Who seems Lo be Lhe mosL popular? MosL LrusLworLhy?

2. Comblne Lhe maLrlces Lo creaLe one maLrlx LhaL shows LrusLworLhy frlends. Label Lhe columns and rows.
a. uescrlbe whaL you dld Lo creaLe Lhe slngle maLrlx and whaL Lhe dlfferenL values ln Lhe enLrles represenL.

b. Who seems Lo be consldered Lhe mosL LrusLworLhy frlend? Lxplaln.
1he Lwo maLrlces below show Lhe producLlon of passenger vehlcles (v), llghL commerclal vehlcles (LCv), and heavy Lrucks (P1) ln
Lhree reglons for Lhe years 2004 and 2003. 12& ,#(3&%! !2/4, $%& *, )2/#!$,-!5
2004 vehlcle roducLlon 2003 vehlcle roducLlon
!" !"# !"
!"#$! !"#$%&'
!"#$! !"#$%&'
!"#$%&'( !"#$"
!!!"# !!!"# !"#
!!!!" !"# !""
!"!!!" !!!"# !""
!!!"# !!!!" !!"

!" !"# !"
!"#$! !"#$%&'
!"#$! !"#$%&'
!"#$%&'( !"#$"
!!!!" !!!"# !"#
!!!"# !"" !"#
!"!!"# !!!"# !!"
!!!"# !!!"# !"#

Algebra 2 MaLrlces name ___________
!"#$%&" ()*+ ,-./ 0123 4#%5&+#%673 ,*2)3& 8 0#9& 8

3. Analyze Lhe maLrlces above by answerlng Lhe followlng quesLlons:
a. Pow many vehlcles are represenLed by Lhe enLry ln Lhe flrsL row and flrsL column of Lhe maLrlx for 2004?

b. Accordlng Lo Lhese, daLa, how many heavy Lrucks were produced ln SouLh Amerlca ln 2003?

c. Lxplaln Lhe meanlng of Lhe enLry ln Lhe Lhlrd row and second column of Lhe 2004 maLrlx.

4. AddlLlonal lnformaLlon can be dellvered b comblnlng Lhe Lwo maLrlces.
a. Accordlng Lo Lhese daLa, by how much dld Lhe passenger vehlcle producLlon lncrease ln SouLh Amerlca from 2004 Lo 2003?

b. ConsLrucL a new maLrlx wlLh Lhe same row and column labels LhaL shows how much vehlcle producLlon changed from 2004 Lo
2003 for each reglon and each Lype of vehlcle. Pow dld you obLaln enLrles ln Lhe new maLrlx from Lhe Lwo glven maLrlces?

3. Pow would you consLrucL a new maLrlx wlLh Lhe same row and column labels as Lhe glven maLrlces LhaL shows )2& )/)$0 number
of moLor vehlcles produced over Lhe Lwo-year perlod 2004-2003. LxLAln, uCn'1 uC l1!

6. Suppose Lhe auLo lndusLry pro[ecLed a 10 lncrease ln vehlcle producLlon from 2003 Lo 2006 over all reglons and Lypes of
vehlcles. ConsLrucL a maLrlc LhaL shows Lhe pro[ecLed 2006 producLlon flgures for each reglon and each Lype of vehlcle. Pow dld
you obLaln Lhe new maLrlx?

a. lf ! !
! !
! !"
and ! !
! !!
!! !
, CompuLe A + 8 and A - 8.
b. WhaL musL be Lrue ln order Lo be able Lo compuLe A + 8 for any maLrlces A and 8?
c. lf ! !
! !
! !"
how would you compuLe 3A?
d. uescrlbe ln general how you mulLlply a maLrlx M by a consLanL scalar k.

e. WhaL ls Lhe slze of Lhe maLrlx kM ln comparlson Lo Lhe slze of maLrlx M?

Algebra 2 MaLrlces name ___________
!"#$%&" ()*+ ,-./ 0123 4#%5&+#%673 ,*2)3& 8 0#9& ;

8elow are Lwo maLrlces showlng Lhe 2004 and 2003 regular season passlng sLaLlsLlc for Lhree Lop nlL quarLerbacks. ALL" ls an
abbrevlaLlon for passes aLLempLed. CM" refers Lo passes compleLed. 1u" refers Lo passes Lhrown for a Louchdown. lnL" refers Lo
passes LhaL are lnLercepLed.
!""# !"" !"# !" !"#
!"# !!" !" !"
!"# !"# !" !!
!"! !"# !! !"

!""# !"" !"# !" !"#
!"# !"# !" !"
!"# !"# !" !
!!" !"# !" !

8. LeL A represenL Lhe 2003 maLrlx and 8 represenL Lhe 2004 maLrlx.
a. CompuLe A + 8. WhaL does Lhls maLrlx Lell you abouL Lhe passlng performance of Lhe Lhree players?

b. CompuLe A - 8. WhaL does Lhls maLrlx Lell you abouL Lhe passlng performance of Lhe Lhree players? WhaL does a
negaLlve number Lell you ln Lhe A - 8 maLrlx?

c. CompuLe 8 - A.

d. Pow do Lhe numbers ln 8 - A dlffer from Lhe numbers ln A - 8? WhaL does a negaLlve number Lell you ln Lhe 8 - A

e. CompuLe x( A + 8) . WhaL could x(A + 8) mean ln Lhls slLuaLlon?

f. CompuLe Lhe lndlcaLed operaLlons:
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Algebra 2 MaLrlces name ___________
!"#$%&" ()*+ ,-./ 0123 4#%5&+#%673 ,*2)3& 8 0#9& <

MaLrlces 2: MulLlplylng MaLrlces
ManufacLurers and blg shoe sLores carry ouL markeL research Lo gaLher lnformaLlon abouL brand swlLchlng. Suppose LhaL Lhe resulLs
of Lhe markeL research aL one large shoe sLore are shown ln Lhe followlng maLrlx. ?ou can use Lhls maLrlx Lo esLlmaLe how many
cusLomers wlll buy each shoe brand ln Lhe fuLure.

!"#$! !"#$%!!"# !"#$%&
!"#$ !"#$%
!"#$ !"# !"#"$%& !"#$%&'
!"##$%& !"#$%
!"# !"#"$%&
!"# !"# !"#
!"# !"# !"#
!"# !"# !"#

1. Lach enLry ln Lhe brand swlLchlng maLrlx ls Lhe percenLage of cusLomers who wlll buy a cerLaln brand of shoe, glven Lhe
brand Lhey currenLly own. We can use Lhls lnformaLlon Lo make esLlmaLes abouL fuLure purchases. lor example, Lhe enLry
ln Lhe second row Lhlrd column means LhaL 30 of Lhe people who now own new 8alance wlll swlLch Lo Saucony for Lhelr
nexL palr of shoes.
a. WhaL percenLage of people who now own nlke wlll buy Saucony nexL?
b. WhaL brand has Lhe mosL loyal cusLomers?
2. Assume LhaL buyers purchase a new palr of shoes every year. Suppose LhaL Lhls year 700 people boughL nlke, 300 boughL
new 8alance and 400 boughL Saucony.
a. Cf Lhose who boughL each of Lhe Lhree brands Lhls year, how many people !" $%$&' wlll by nlke nexL year? Show
your work: 700 (___) + 300 (___) + 400 (___) = ____
b. Cf Lhose who boughL each of Lhe Lhree brands Lhls year, how many people !" $%$&' wlll by new 8alance nexL year?
c. Cf Lhose who boughL each of Lhe Lhree brands Lhls year, how many people !" $%$&' wlll by Saucony nexL year?
3. ?ou have [usL performed a new maLrlx operaLlon. 1hls meLhod of comlnlng Lhe rows of one maLrlx wlLh Lhe columns of
anLoher maLrlx ls called maLrlx mulLlpllcaLlon. When each enLry ln Lhe 8CWs of Lhe flrsL maLrlx ls mulLlplled ln palrs wlLh
each enLry ln Lhe CCLuMns of Lhe second maLrlx, Lhe sum of Lhese producLs ls Lhe correspondlng enLry of Lhe producL
maLrlx. llll ln your answers from 2 ln Lhe producL maLrlx below:
! !" !
!"" !"" !"" !
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! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! !
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!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!

4. 1ry mulLlplylng Lhe Lwo maLrlx palrs below. SPCW ?Cu8 8CuuC1S 8LlC8L AuulnC!
! ! !
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3. lor each of Lhe producL maLrlces you have found, whaL are Lhe dlmenslons of Lhe lndlvldual maLrlces? WhaL are Lhe
dlmenslons of Lhe producL maLrlces?
6. WrlLe a general rule (ln words) for when you can mulLlply Lo maLrlces.
7. WrlLe Lwo maLrlces LhaL you CAnnC1 mulLlply LogeLher.
8. PW ln LexLbook p942 #2, 4, 6, 10.

Algebra 2 MaLrlces name ___________
!"#$%&" ()*+ ,-./ 0123 4#%5&+#%673 ,*2)3& 8 0#9& =

MaLrlces 3: MulLlplylng blgger maLrlces.
SporLs unlforms: Suppose LhaL Lhree LlLLle League baseball Leams (8lue LlghLenlng, llre 8lrds, and Zebra SLrlpes) are conslderlng Lwo
suppllers for Lhelr Leam unlforms (unlforms lus and SporLlng Supplles). Slnce Lhey conslder Lhe quallLy and dellvery of each suppller
Lo be equlvalenL, Lhey are only looklng aL who ls more cosL effecLlve Lo purchase from. 1he suppllers charge dlfferenL prlces for
small, medlum and large slzed unlforms. Lach Leam musL selecL whlch suppller Lo order Lhelr unlforms from. 1he maLrlx below
shows Lhe cosL for each suppller by slze.
!"#$ !"# !"#$%&'
! ! !
!"#$%&'( !"#$
!"#$%&'( !"##$%&'
!"# !"# !"#
!"# !"# !"#

1he llLLle league Leams need Lhe followlng quanLlLles of slzes for Lhelr unlforms:
8lue LlghLenlng: 6 small, 11 medlum, 3 large, llre 8lrds: 6 small, 4 medlum, 10 large, Zebra SLrlpes: 9 small, 6 medlum, 3 large
1. CreaLe a quanLlLy maLrlx Lo organlze Lhe unlform lnformaLlon. lace Lhe slzes across Lhe rows and Lhe Leams down Lhe
columns. Label!

2. 8ecall how you mulLlplled when Lhe flrsL maLrlx only conLalned one row. 1he process for many rows ls Lhe same. 1he
producL maLrlx conLalns a new row for each row of Lhe flrsL maLrlx. Slmllarly, Lhe producL maLrlx conLalns a column for each
column of Lhe second maLrlx. WrlLe Lhe maLrlx equaLlon ouL: cosL maLrlx x quanLlLy maLrlx = a new 2 x 3 maLrlx. Leave 6
blank spaces for Lhe new maLrlx. 1he row labels come from Lhe cosL maLrlx, Lhe column labels come from Lhe quanLlLy
maLrlx. Label Lhe rows and columns of Lhe producL maLrlx.

3. MulLlply Lhe unlform lus row Lo flnd Lhe cosL Lo each Leam from LhaL suppller. lace Lhese values ln Lhe 1
row. 8epeaL
wlLh Lhe prlces for SporLlng Supplles wlLh each Leam. Show Lhe work for each cell ln Lhe new maLrlx

4. now use your maLrlx Lo declde whlch suppller each Leam should use.

3. MulLlply Lhe maLrlces by hand. SeL up Lhe empLy producL maLrlx before you sLarL mulLlplylng. Show your work.

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Algebra 2 MaLrlces name ___________
!"#$%&" ()*+ ,-./ 0123 4#%5&+#%673 ,*2)3& 8 0#9& >

6. ?our calculaLor can qulckly flnd Lhese producL maLrlces. l expecL you Lo be able Lo mulLlply maLrlces by hand and you're
your calculaLor!
LnLer Lhe unlform maLrlces lnLo your calculaLor:

1hen leL your calculaLor check your mulLlpllcaLlon. 8eLurn Lo Lhe home screen: and Lell lL Lo mulLlply [A]*[8]

7. uld you geL Lhe same answer as Lhe calculaLor? lf noL, flgure ouL who ls wrong and correcL Lhe error.

8. Could you have mulLlplled quanLlLy x cosL? 1ry lL on your calculaLor. Lxplaln why Lhls does noL work.

9. use your calculaLor Lo check your answer Lo Lhe maLrlces you mulLlplled ln #3. CorrecL any dlfferences.

8ooflng crews. A rooflng conLracLor has Lhree crews: , C, and 8. 1he crews are worklng on a large houslng developmenL.
1he conLracLor wanLs Lo know Lhe LoLal labor cosL for Lhe Lhree crews. Pe'd llke Lo use maLrlces Lo flnd Lhls and some oLher
values. Pe organlzed hls lnformaLlon lnLo Lhe Lhree maLrlces below. n = number of houses roofed by each crew ln Lhe
second and Lhlrd quarLers, 1 = 1lme requlred per house for rooflng and clean up (ln days), L = Labor cosL per day. ! !

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!"#$ ! !"#$
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!""# !"#$%
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a. use maLrlx mulLlpllcaLlon Lo flnd Lhe LoLal Llme (# days) worked by all of Lhe crews on 8ooflng and Clean up for
each quarLer. SLarL by seLLlng up a maLrlx of Lhe proper slze and labellng Lhe producL maLrlx. 1hen mulLlply by
b. now use maLrlx mulLlpllcaLlon Lo flnd Lhe LoLal cosL ($) for each. SLarL by seLLlng up a maLrlx of Lhe proper slze and
labellng Lhe producL maLrlx. 1hen mulLlply by hand.
c. Check your answers on your calculaLor. WhaL ls Lhe grand LoLal of Lhe labor cosL for boLh quarLers?
Algebra 2 MaLrlces name ___________
!"#$%&" ()*+ ,-./ 0123 4#%5&+#%673 ,*2)3& 8 0#9& ?

MaLrlces 4: roperLles of MaLrlces
1. under whaL condlLlons can maLrlces be added?
2. When addlng Lwo numbers, does Lhe order ln whlch you do Lhe addlLlon maLLer? 1haL ls, ls lL Lrue for all real numbers x and
y LhaL x + y = y + x? Clve an example of Lhls !"##$%&%'() +,"+),%- ". &//'%'"0.

3. Suppose ! !
! ! !
! ! !
!"# ! !
! ! !
! ! !
. ls lL Lrue LhaL A + 8 = 8+ A? uo you Lhlnk A + 8 = 8 + A for &11 maLrlces LhaL
4. 1he number 0 has a unlque properLy wlLh respecL Lo addlLlon: addlng 0 Lo any real number leaves Lhe number unchanged.
1haL ls, x + 0 = x for all real numbers. ls Lhere a maLrlx LhaL wlll leave anoLher maLrlx unchanged lf Lhe Lwo are added?
Suppose ! !
! !
!! !
! !
. llnd maLrlx C so LhaL C + u = u.

MaLrlx C ls an example of a 2)," #&%,'3.

AnoLher lmporLanL maLrlx operaLlon ls maLrlx mulLlpllcaLlon.
3. As a group, consLrucL Lwo maLrlces L and l (uslng any numbers you llke) as follows: L has 3 rows and 2 columns and l has 4
rows and 3 columns. Can you mulLlply L * l? Can you mulLlply l * L? lf you can mulLlply, do so. lf noL, explaln why noL.

6. 8efer back Lo maLrlx A, 8 and u ln numbers 3 and 4. Can you mulLlply A * u? Can you mulLlply u * A? use your calculaLor Lo
qulckly flnd Lhese producLs.
7. ls lL Lrue LhaL Lhe order of mulLlpllcaLlon of real numbers does noL maLLer? 1haL ls, ls lL Lrue LhaL x*y = y*x for all real
numbers x and y? Clve an example of Lhls !"##$%&%'() +,"+),%- ". #$1%'+1'!&%'"0.
8. use your answers Lo #3 and #6 Lo declde (and explaln) lf Lhe !"##$%&%'() +,"+),%- ". #$1%'+1'!&%'"0 ls Lrue for maLrlces.

8ecall LhaL a maLrlx wlLh Lhe same number of rows and columns ls called a 45$&,) #&%,'3. Square maLrlces have several
lmporLanL properLles wlLh respecL Lo maLrlx mulLlpllcaLlon.

Algebra 2 MaLrlces name ___________
!"#$%&" ()*+ ,-./ 0123 4#%5&+#%673 ,*2)3& 8 0#9& @

9. 1he number 1 has Lhe unlque properLy LhaL mulLlplylng any real number by 1 does noL change Lhe value of Lhe number.
1haL ls a * 1 = 1 * a = a for all real numbers. A square maLrlx LhaL acLs llke Lhe number 1 ln Lhls regard ls called Lhe '/)0%'%-
#&%,'3. ldenLlLy maLrlces are always square.
a. llnd Lhe ldenLlLy maLrlx for 2x2 maLrlces by fllllng ln Lhe blanks below:
! !
! !

!! !!
!! !!
! !
! !

Check you work on your calculaLor.
b. MulLlply
! !
! !
on Lhe lefL by Lhe ldenLlLy maLrlx. uld you geL
! !
! !
as Lhe answer?

c. Suppose maLrlx A has 3 rows and 3 columns. llnd Lhe ldenLlLy maLrlx l such LhaL A * l = A.

d. WrlLe down a descrlpLlon of an ldenLlLy maLrlx.
10. Lvery non zero number has a mulLlpllcaLlve lnverse. 1he producL of a number and lL's mulLlpllcaLlve lnverse ls 1.
a. WhaL ls Lhe mulLlpllcaLlve lnverse of 3? Cf 1/2? Cf 3/3?
b.lf ! !
! !
! !
Lhen Lhe '0(),4) #&%,'3 for u, wrlLLen as u
ls Lhe maLrlx LhaL makes

!! !!
!! !!

! !
! !
! !
! !

Make and LesL some con[ecLures for u

1hen use your calculaLor Lo flnd u
c. use your calculaLor Lo flnd A
where ! !
!! !!"
! !

Check (by hand) LhaL A
*A glves Lhe ldenLlLy maLrlx.

11. ln general, Lhe lnverse maLrlx for a 2x2 maLrlx
! !
! !

!!! !!!
!!! !!!

12. Lvery real number excepL 0 has a mulLlpllcaLlve lnverse. Check Lo see lf square maLrlces have Lhls same properLy. 1ry Lo flnd
one LhaL does noL have an lnverse!
13. MulLlply by hand:
! !
! !
14. llnd Lhe lnverse of
! !
! !
by hand.

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