Thomas G Labrecque

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Thomas G.

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Thomas G. Labrecque
September 17, 1938
Long Branch, Ne !er"ey
#ctober 1$, %&&&
Ne 'ork (ity, Ne 'ork
Alma mater
)illano*a +ni*er"ity ,BB-., -merican
+ni*er"ity ,/B-., Ne 'ork
+ni*er"ity Stern School of B0"ine""
Former 1re"ident and (## ,19814
199&., former (hairman and (5#
,199&4199$., former 1re"ident and (##
,199$41999. (ha"e /anhattan Bank
Thomas G. Labrecque "er*ed a" a former 1re"ident, (5#, and (## of (ha"e /anhattan Bank2
1 Life
% (areer
3 #ther ork"
6 7eference"
Labrec80e, the third child of eight, a" born to 9heodore !2 Labrec80e, a Ne !er"ey S0perior (o0rt !0dge of
French (anadian de"cent and /ar:orie Labrec80e2
=e attended )illano*a +ni*er"ity and grad0ated in 19$&
and later ent to the p0r"0e hi" grad0ate "t0die" at the >ogod School of B0"ine"" of -merican +ni*er"ity and
the Ne 'ork +ni*er"ity Stern School of B0"ine""2 Before beginning hi" banking career he decided to go :oin
9he +nited State" Na*y and "er*e fo0r year", ri"ing to the rank of lie0tenant2 30ring hi" "er*ice, Labrec80e
"pent time "er*ing on a de"troyer at ?0antanamo Bay in 19$&, in the /editerranean and Baltic Sea d0ring the
b0ilding of the Berlin Wall, and al"o d0ring the (0ban /i""ile (ri"i" here he headed a "ection of the #ffice of
Na*al @ntelligence, mar"haling "hip" in the blockade off (0ba2
@n 19$6, Labrec80e entered the management training program at (ha"e /anhattan Bank and 80ickly made hi"
ay 0p2 By 197$ he a" appointed to (ha"eA" management committee hen he a" only 38, making him ten
year" yo0nger than any other member2 30ring thi" "tage point in the committee at the re80e"t of 3a*id
7ockefeller ,the (hief 5Bec0ti*e d0ring thi" period. Labrec80e "er*ed to re"ol*e the financial cri"i" at the time2
@n 1981, Labrec80e finally made it to 1re"ident and (## of (ha"e /anhattan Bank2
When 199& came, (ha"e bank a" "0ffering from defa0lt" on loan" gi*en to real e"tate de*eloper" and le""4
de*eloped co0ntrie"2 9o "ettle the problem, the companyA" board looked 0pon Labrec80e to "ol*e the i""0e and
named him (5# and (hairman of the firm2 @n t0rning aro0nd the bank he di*e"ted the companyA"
0nderperforming b0"ine""e" and boo"ted profit" in core di*i"ion" "0ch a" credit card", tr0"t and c0"tody, and
mortgage banking2 -nd in 199$ he orche"trated (ha"e /anhattan BankA" C11 billion merger deal ith (hemical
Bank2 -" part of the merger agreement, Labec80e agreed to relin80i"h hi" po"ition to (hemicalA" (hairman and
(5#, Walter )2 Shipley and ret0rn to 1re"ident and (## of the company2
30ring the re"t of Labrec80eA" time, he a" the key per"on from the bank ho coped ith 70""iaA" loan defa0lt
and he a" al"o pi*otal in negotiation" to re"tr0ct0re the hedge f0nd, Long49erm (apital /anagement2 @n !0ne
1999 he had "tepped don to retirement2 -fterard", he "er*ed a" the (hairman of (ha"eA" @nternational
-d*i"ory (o0ncil, a 3irector of 1fiDer and 3elphi -0tomoti*e Sy"tem", and on the Board of 9r0"tee" of the
+ni*er"ity of Notre 3ame2
@n September %&&&, Labrec80e a" diagno"ed ith l0ng cancer, tho0gh he did not "moke and a" in good
health prior2 #nly a month later in #ctober he died at /emorial Sloan >ettering (ancer (enter2 =e a"
"0r*i*ed by hi" ife, SheilaE fo0r children, 9homa" !r2, 3o0gla", >aren Shea and Barbara (orbinE fi*e
grandchildrenE three brother"E and fo0r "i"ter"2
Other works
9he !212/organ 9homa" ?2 Labrec80e Smart Start 1rogram, hich ann0ally offer" 1& Ne 'ork (ity "t0dent" a
f0ll4t0ition "cholar"hip, fo0r year" of rotational intern"hip", a mentoring netork and profe""ional at any of 11
N'( 0ni*er"itie", a" originally created by Labrec80e in 199%2;1< 9he 9homa" ?2 Labrec80e Fo0ndation a"
fo0nded by the Labrec80e family in %&&3 in memory of their lo"t belo*ed2 -" part of the fo0ndation, the
9homa" ?2 Labrec80e (la""ic F70n a" #neF e*ent a" la0nched by family member" and friend" to rai"e
aarene"" and donation" to f0nd re"earch for finding a c0re for l0ng cancer, rai"ing 0p to C32G million to date2

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