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Davies, R., Dean, D., & Ball, N. (2013).

Flipping the classroom and instructional technology

integration in a college-level information systems spreadsheet course. Educational
Technology Research and Development. (2013, June 11). Retrieved September 10, 2014.

Forsey, M., Low, M.,& Glance, D. (2013). Flipping the sociology classroom: Towards a practice
of online pedagogy. Journal of Sociology, volume 49, p.471-585

Herreid, C., & Schiller, N. (2013). Case Studies and Flipped Classroom. Journal of College
Science of Teaching, 42(5).

Park, Y., & Bonk, C. (2007). Synchronous Learning Experiences: Distance and Residential
Learners Perspectives in a Blended Graduate Course. Journal of Interactive Online
Learning, 6(3).

Strayer, J. (2012). How learning in an introverted classroom influences cooperation, innovation
and task orient ion. Learning Environmental Resources. DOI-10.1007/s10984-012-9108-

Hoey, R., McCracken, F., Gehrett, M., & Snoeyink, R. (2014). Evaluating the Impact of the
Administrator and Administrative Structure of Online Programs at Nonprofit Private
Colleges. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 17(3).

This article discusses how online tutorials for informative literacy are on an all time high. There
is a reason it is on an all time high and that is because of a shortage in staff or they are user-

Keil, S., & Brown, A. (2014). Distance Education Policy Standards: A Review of Current
Regional and National Accrediting Organizations in the United States. Online Journal of
Distance Learning Administration, 17(3).

This article discusses the accreditation policies and how they are regulated. This article also
mentions the history of online learning and eight accrediting commissions are. There are many
ideas on how to review these commissions.

Slebodnik, M., & Fraser Riehle,, C. (n.d.). Creating Online Tutorials at Y our Libraries.
Management, 49(1).

This article discusses how administrative structure does not have a way to evaluate them selves
to see how they are doing as an online non-profit site. The journal goes into a deeper
understanding of how there in an increasing number of online colleges and high schools and that
the administrative system could lack.

The overall value of being information literate is the ability to use technology in a way
that is affective and that can allow a person to evaluate and apply information to further their
own study. Now with the Internet it is easy to find journals and articles but sometimes they are
not well written or can be trusted. Today in the 21
century employers are trying to find people
who better their company and can use technology is a positive way. Another value of being
information literate is that of questioning process and wondering why things are the way they
are. As students and teachers we are all always learning but we learn from questioning and
evaluating processes. This allows people to have a certain skill set that informs others. There is
also an idea of active citizenship that proceeds to better those who are information literate.
As a teacher I need to be able to access material quickly. I also need to be capable of
turning on and off over-heads, projectors, and any other technology equipment that teachers use
throughout the day. Being able to access material quickly makes it easy for the students to follow
so they do not have to wait around for me trying to turn it on. The Internet is a wonderful tool
that students will need to learn how to access and use it to their advantage. Students can then use
stimulations and work on their on 21
century skills that they will need to have in order to be
successful and confident in the working world.
Information literacy connects to all of the five ITSE standards. The first one is to
facilitate and inspire students learning and creativity and with the Internet and the use of
informative literacy students will learn and be creative. The second standard is the key standard
to technology, to design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments. With
technology teachers will teach the students how to assess and experience technology within their
learning. The third one is model digital-age work and learning. This connects to informative
learning by using technology as ways to enhance a lesson by a video or stimulation. The fourth
one is to promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility. With this, students and
teachers both must create a community through the Internet as in communication. The last one is
to engage in professional growth and leadership. Using online material students and teachers can
become better people when they learn off the Internet how to be professional. The whole concept
of having ISTE standards is for working with the Internet and showing teachers how to work and
learn in the digitally world.
Information literacy allows people to think outside the box and create their own ideas and
concepts. The idea of plagiarism is close with information literacy because the words found on
the Internet within a journal or article is one persons thoughts and ideas. Those thoughts and
ideas are their own and using their words is okay to create another idea but using the exact words
to make a point is called plagiarism. Plagiarism is a scary thought to all students and even more
for teachers. Being a teacher we want to show students that they can establish a great idea on
their own rather than using someone elses words. If they do use their words the students need to
be able to cite it correctly and give the original author create for their contribution to your work.
The same idea applies to copyright because ideas come from an individual person and need to be
credited to that person. Information literacy prepares students to not have to plagiarize or
copyright because they will be citing the information properly.
Technology has impacted the need for informal literacy because it opens the world of the
Internet and other skills. Technology is a positive tool for information literacy and has impacted
it because now students have more access to journals and other educational features that come
with the Internet. It also allows the students to do more research on their own to develop their
own ideas and arguments. Technology proceeds to advance therefore making a broader spectrum
for ideas and concepts. Being apart of the 21
century there are numerous skills that are
connected to technology and that is needed to be successful in this century.

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