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Stockholms universitet Besksadress: Postadress

Isafjordsgatan 39 Forum100
164 40 KISTA Telefon: 08-16 20 00

Som student vid Stockholms universitet och Institutionen fr data- och systemvetenskap ansvarar du fr
din egen utbildning. Som en del i ditt ansvar ingr att knna till och att flja de regler som finns fr
studier, examination och fr att vistas i lokaler och utnyttja resurser.
Enligt de regler som gller fr hgskolan fr disciplinra tgrder bland annat vidtas mot student som:
Med otilltna hjlpmedel eller p annat stt frsker vilseleda vid prov eller nr en
studieprestation annars ska bedmas.
Str eller hindrar undervisning, prov eller annan verksamhet inom ramen fr utbildningen.
Str eller hindrar aktiviteter i universitetsbiblioteket eller annan specialsal p universitetet.

Information om Stockholms universitets regler fr tentamen och disciplinrenden finns p:

Disciplinrenden behandlas av Stockholms universitets disciplinnmnd. Pfljden kan bli varning eller
avstngning fr en tid av 1-6 mnader.

Enligt de regler som gller fr institutionens lokaler gller fljande:
Passerkortet r en vrdehandling och skall drfr frvaras p ett skert stlle.
Frvara inte din personliga kod tillsammans med passerkortet.
Du fr inte lta ngon annan person anvnda ditt passerkort
Du skall alltid bra ditt passerkort vl synligt vid vistelse i institutionens lokaler.
Anvnd alltid nyckelknappen (en stor vit knapp med nyckelsymbol) fr att ppna en lst drr
nr du skall passera den. OBS! Om du anvnder drrvredet, s gr larmet.
Nr du har passerat en lst drr, se alltid till att den gr i ls efter dig.
Det r frbjudet att slppa in oknda personer och personer utan passerkort i lokalerna.
Efter avslutade studier skall passkortet terlmnas till institutionen.

Brott mot passerkortsreglerna behandlas av studierektor vid Institutionen fr data- och
systemvetenskap. Pfljden kan bli varning eller indraget passerkort.
J ag har tagit del av ovanstende och jag bekrftar genom att skriva under denna ansvarsfrskran att jag
knner till och kommer att flja de regler som gller vid DSV och Stockholms universitet.
___________________________ ___________________________
Ort och datum Personnummer
___________________________ ___________________________
Namn Utbildning

StockholmUniversity Visiting address: Postal address: Phone: +46-8-16 20 00
Isafjordsgatan 39 Forum100 Telefax: +46-8-703 90 25
SE-16440 KISTA, Sweden

As a student of Stockholm University and the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), you
have full responsibility for your own studies. One of your responsibilities is to acquaint yourself with as
well as to follow rules and regulations that concern studies, examination and stay in the departments
premises as well as the use of University facilities.

With respect to discipline, rules and regulations of Swedish Higher Education state that disciplinary
measures may be taken against students who:
use forbidden means of assistance or in any other way try to deceive in exams or when any other
student work is to be evaluated.
disturb or prevent instruction, exams or other activities within the framework of education at the
disturb or prevent activities in the university library or any other special premises at the university

Information on Stockholm Universitys and DSVs rules and regulations for examinations and disciplinary
matters can be found at the following Web sites:

Disciplinary matters are handled by the Disciplinary Council of Stockholm University. Possible
consequences include warning and suspension for a time interval between 1 and 6 months.

With respect to the department regulations, you must follow the following rules when entering the
departments premises:
Your access-card is a valuable document and must therefore be kept in a secure place.
Do not keep your personal code together with your access-card.
Do not let anyone else use your access-card.
You always carry your access-card visible to others during stays at the Departments premises.
Always uses the access-switch (a big white knob with a key-symbol) to unlock the door when you
have to pass the door. NOTICE! If you use the door handle marked as emergency exit cap the
alarm will go off.
When you have passed a locked door always check that it locks behind you.
You are not allowed to let unknown people or people without an access-card enter our premises.
After completion of your studies, your access-card shall be returned to the Department.

Violation against the access-card rules are handled by the Director of studies of the Department of
Computer and Systems Sciences. Possible consequences are a warning or that your access-card is

I hereby declare that I have read and understood the text above. By my signature, I declare that I have
knowledge of and that I will comply with the rules and regulations of Stockholm University as well as the
rules of the Department of Computer and systems Sciences.

___________________________ ___________________________
City and Date Swedish Civic Registration number

___________________________ ___________________________
Name Study Programme


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