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Signal words in the Present Simple for intermediate level

Betty is a waitress. She is only thirty-four.

From Monday to Friday she serves drinks, but on
weekends she doesnt like working. She has to
work a lot, but it is important for her to have
enough free time to relax.
She has quite tiring weekdays. She has breakfast
at half past every day.
She works from !am to "pm. #fter work she
prepares the dinner for her family. $hey have
dinner at % o&lo&k.
'n&e a month she goes to the
hairdressers, and has her hair &ut.
She has to travel by train in
some &ases, on&e or twi&e a
year when she visits her aunt
in the &apital.
Travis is a writer. (e is fifty-five. (is daily
routine depends on the inspiration. )ut it is a
routine that he &leans his teeth every morning. (e
starts writing when he has a good idea. *t
frequently &omes up he &ant go out be&ause he
has to work, so he stays at home.
(is friends understand this be&ause $ravis is a
friendly man indeed.
(e is a su&&essful writer. (e has lots of
bestsellers. (e writes a book every year.
*ts a pity, he got divor&ed. (e has two daughters
who are married and live near $raviss house.
$ravis &an meet them and their
family when he wants be&ause
their relationship is good.
(e has already two grandsons,
+im and ,atri&k. (e is very proud
of them.
Harry is a tea&her. (e is
also thirty-four. (is life is
full of work as well.
(e always goes to work by
bus. (e almost never
misses the bus.
(is evening program is &orre&ting the students
tests. *ts not a really interesting a&tivity.
(e mainly drinks mineral water. (e thinks its
important to drink at least - litres a day.
(arry has got a &ar in his garage. )ut the petrol is
so expensive that he only uses it when it is really
ne&essary. So every Sunday he washes his &ar
be&ause in the afternoon he meets his girlfriend,
Mina. $hey usually meet four times a week unless
they have too mu&h work.
(e has one great hobby. (e likes going to the
theatre with Mina. )ut he has only little time and
money to see a play. (e &an afford this luxury only
about " times a year.
Kate is twenty-eight. She works as a s&ientist.
She generally gets up at quarter to be&ause she
starts work at half past %. (er workpla&e is
rather far from her home. $hats why she &an
sometimes wat&h late night films. She has little
free time. .hen she has enough time she plays
the guitar. )ut unfortunately it rarely happens.
She is a health minded woman. She eats an apple a
day be&ause she thinks an apple a day keeps the
do&tor away.
She doesnt have a family. She lives alone. She
wants to have a kitten in &ase she &an
more often stay at home. (er
dream is to have a big family
in ten years. )ut now she has
not got a boyfriend.
/ead the following texts about )etty, 0ate, (arry and $ravis. #fter
reading fill in the table on the se&ond page and answer the questions.
Task 1 - Fill in the chart according to the four tets!
Frequen&y 3ame #&tivity
hardly ever
in the afternoons
in the evenings
in the mornings
on&e in a while
Task " # $ccording to the four tets answer the
following %uestions in maimum of five words!
45 .ho is a grandpa6
-5 .hose relative live in the &apital6
85 .ho has got a kitten6
95 .hy doesnt (arry often use the &ar6
"5 (ow often does (arry usually meet Mina6
5 .ho has dinner at seven6
%5 .ho lives alone6
!5 .ho hasnt got a fixed daily s&hedule6
Task & - 'n the (asis of the four tets who
can you write the following pieces of information
45 S2he needs a &omputer to his2her work.
-5 S2he will soon marry.
85 S2he has got a son.
95 S2he will &hange his2her :ob.
"5 S2he used to have musi& lessons as a &hild.
5 S2he wont retire be&ause his2her work is
his2her life.
%5 S2he works in a ⁡.
!5 S2he does resear&h on ba&teria.
<reated by Susan = $oth
Task 1
Frequen&y 3ame #&tivity
always )etty has breakfast at half past
daily 0ate eats an apple
hardly ever (arry misses the bus
in the afternoons )etty prepares the dinner
in the evenings (arry &orre&ts the students tests
in the mornings $ravis &leans his teeth
monthly )etty has her hair &ut
never $ravis hurts his friends
normally 0ate gets up at quarter to
o&&asionally (arry goes to the theatre >with Mina5
often $ravis stays at home and works
on&e in a while )etty travels by train 2 visits her aunt in the &apital
regularly )etty serves drinks
seldom 0ate plays the guitar
sometimes 0ate wat&hes late night films
usually (arry drinks mineral water
weekly (arry washes his &ar 2 meets his girlfriend, Mina
yearly $ravis writes a book
Task " # $ccording to the four tets answer the following %uestions in maimum of five
45 .ho is a grandpa6 $ravis
-5 .hose relative live in the &apital6 )ettys
85 .ho has got a kitten6 3obody yet.
95 .hy doesnt (arry often use the &ar6 )e&ause the petrol is expensive.
"5 (ow often does (arry usually meet Mina6 Four times a week.
5 .ho has dinner at seven6 )ettys family.
%5 .ho lives alone6 0ate, (arry and $ravis.
!5 .ho hasnt got a fixed daily s&hedule6 $ravis.
Task & # 'n the (asis of the four tets who can you write the following pieces of
information to)
45 S2he needs a &omputer to his2her work. $ravis
-5 S2he will soon marry. (arry
85 S2he has got a son. )etty.
95 S2he will &hange his2her :ob. (arry or maybe )etty
"5 S2he used to have musi& lessons as a &hild. 0ate
5 S2he wont retire be&ause his2her work is his2her life. $ravis.
?5 S2he works in a &af;. )etty
4@5 S2he does resear&h on ba&teria. 0ate

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