Providing End-To-End Qos in 4G Networks

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Rui Prior
, Susana Sargento
, Janusz Gozdecki
, Rui Aguiar

LIACC, University of Porto, Portugal
Institute of Telecommunications, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Department of Telecommunications, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland,,,

This paper proposes an end-to-end QoS solution for 4G
IP-based networks, able to support all types of services,
from legacy to adaptive multimedia, and able to handle
user mobility, intra- and inter-domain, across different
access technologies. The issues of session signaling and
resource reservation for individual flows in the access,
resource management in the core, and QoS control across
domains are addressed in an integrated fashion. The
proposed solution is scalable, based on DiffServ with
layered resource control: resource management in the
core is performed on a per-aggregate basis, whereas in the
wireless link, where resources are scarce, per-flow QoS
control is used.

End-to-end QoS, 4G networks, heterogeneous, mobility,

1. Introduction
Next generation wireless communication systems, usually
referred to as 4G, will provide a wide range of services to
the users. These services, ranging from legacy
applications, such as data transfer, to voice and
multimedia calls and advanced value-added services,
must be supported across a great diversity of network
access technologies and by operators targeting very
different market segments. In order to satisfy user
requirements, proper end-to-end QoS must be provided to
the application flows. The requirements of seamless
mobility of users and scalability further complicate the
issue: the provision of seamless end-to-end QoS in such a
demanding and heterogeneous scenario is still a major
challenge in networks research.

In order to provide end-to-end QoS to the application
flows, enough resources must be available along the
entire flow path. In the most demanding scenario, where
the mobile terminals communicating are attached to
different access domains, this path comprises (1) the
access networks of both terminals, (2) the core network of
the access domains where the access networks belong,
and (3) the inter-domain path, consisting of all the transit
domains traversed by the flows. Several solutions for QoS
support in 4G IP based networks exist in the literature [1],
[2], [3]. These solutions assume that the core network is
overprovisioned, and therefore, only access QoS support
is required. Other approaches also take into account core
issues (e.g. [4]), but do not provide a fully integrated QoS
approach to IP-based communication for different types
of applications and protocols, usually disregard adaptive
applications, and do not take into account mobility issues.

In this paper we present an overall solution for end-to-end
QoS support in a 4G architecture, addressing the issues of
session signaling and resource reservation for individual
flows in the access, resource management in the core, and
QoS control across domains in an integrated fashion. A
uniform approach for all types of services is proposed,
and multiple QoS service models, according to the overall
network configuration (defined by operator policies) are
supported. This QoS approach is able to handle high user
mobility, both intra- and inter-technology, and both intra-
and inter-domain. Scalability is achieved through the use
of a DiffServ framework [5] with different levels of
resource control: resource management in the core is
performed in a per-aggregate basis, using information
provided by a monitoring platform, whereas in the
wireless link, where (radio) resources are very limited,
QoS control is performed per-flow.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains an
overview of the proposed 4G architecture. Section 3
discusses the session signaling and resource reservation
approach proposed for individual flows at the access
networks. Resource reservation and QoS control at the
core are discussed in section 4. Section 5 describes the
approach for inter-domain QoS control. Finally, the main
conclusions are presented in section 6.

2. Architecture Overview
The proposed architecture supports a wide range of
services with seamless mobility of users across very
heterogeneous networks. This heterogeneity stems not
only from the diversity of access technologies which must
be supported, but also from the need to be inclusive of
operators with quite different dimensions, characteristics
and business cases. The support of different access
technologies is required to allow the optimization of the
coverage/performance/cost factor under very different
utilization scenarios, which range from Local Area
Networks (LAN) to Broadcast Diffusion Networks (such
as WiFi, WiMax, UMTS and DVB).

The development and fast deployment of advanced
communication services in such a heterogeneous
environment requires the definition of a uniform
architecture, capable of hiding the inherent complexity
from those services. This uniformity is achieved by using
IPv6 as a convergence layer that hides the specificities of
the different access technologies from the applications
and services. The native support of mobility in IPv6 is
also of major importance in 4G communication systems.
In order to provide completely seamless mobility,
however, an extension based on the support for fast
handovers [5] is applied to IPv6. These issues and their
relation with QoS aspects have already been addressed in
the literature (e.g. [1]).

Figure 1 : Network architecture
Figure 1 shows the proposed architecture for the next
generation network. Each administrative domain (AD)
may contain several access networks (AN), each of them
capable of supporting different access technologies, and a
core subdomain providing interconnection between the
access networks, via subdomain routers (SR), and to other
administrative domains, via edge routers (ER). The
architecture contains QoS elements in the AN, denoted by
AN QoS Brokers, that control the admission of new flows
and the handovers, and manage network resources,
configuring the Access Routers (AR) accordingly, in a
PDP-PEP (Policy Decision/Enforcement Point)
relationship. An important feature of the AN QoS Brokers
is the ability to optimize the usage of operator resources
by load balancing users and sessions among the available
networks (possibly with different access technologies)
through the use of network-initiated handovers.

In order to provide QoS to all kinds of services, including
legacy IP applications, novel functionalities are added to
the ARs to mark and recognize individual flows, and to
translate other QoS reservation mechanisms, such as the
IntServ [7] Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) [8]
into DSCP markings and QoS Broker requests. The entity
performing these functions is termed ARM (Advanced
Router Mechanisms) [9]. A QoS client module in the
terminals, able to mark application packets for a QoS
service and to issue requests to the broker, may also
perform the resource requests, providing finer control
over QoS to the user or the applications.

In the core network (CN), there is a Service Provisioning
Platform (SPP) that provides the building blocks for
creating services and applications on top of this network.
The SPP contains a CN QoS Broker, responsible for
resource management in the core, dealing with aggregates
of flows traversing the core and inter-domain resources.
Policies for resource management are defined by the
PBNMS (Policy-Based Network Management System)
and sent to the CN QoS Broker, where they are cached in
a local repository for use. The Central Monitoring System
(CMS) collects statistics and other network usage data
from network monitoring entities, and configures these
entities to perform both passive and active probing. The
information collected and processed by the CMS is fed to
the PBNMS and the QoS Brokers, which use it for proper
network (re)configuration and resource management. A
Multimedia Service Platform (MMSP), consisting of a
broker and proxy servers, is responsible for the provision
and control of multimedia services. It is also capable of
mapping application level QoS configurations to network
resource requirements and of performing QoS requests for
the flows, as an alternative to the QoS client on the
terminal or the ARM. This architecture, thus, has a large
degree of flexibility in QoS signaling, enabling the use of
a diversity of QoS access signaling scenarios that fulfill
the needs of the different applications and business cases
of different operators. Unification of the scenarios is
achieved by the centralization of admission and handover
control at the AN QoS Brokers.

An A4C (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting,
Auditing and Charging) server is also present in each
domain. In order to improve the network efficiency and
scalability, AN QoS Brokers retrieve from the A4C a
subset of the user profile when a user registers in the
network. This subset, termed NVUP (Network View of
the User Profile), contains information on the set of
network level services (classes of service, bandwidth
parameters) that may be provided to the user, reflecting
the users contract with the operator. Similarly, a Service
View of the User Profile (SVUP), containing information
on the higher level services available to the user (e.g.,
voice calls, video telephony, and the respective codecs), is
retrieved by the MMSP to control multimedia services.

QoS support in the core is based on the DiffServ model,
for scalability; in the access, IntServ-like per-flow
reservations are used for better control. Though resource
management is performed on an aggregate basis in the
core and inter-domain segments of the path, information
on the aggregates is propagated to the AN QoS Brokers,
where it is used for admission control in order to achieve
end-to-end QoS. This combination of per-flow and per-
aggregate processing in a two-layer hierarchy allows our
architecture to provide fine-grained QoS control while
keeping the scalability properties of per-aggregate core
resource management, decoupled from per-session
signaling. The next sections will detail the different pieces
of the overall QoS approach and how they fit together.

3. Session Signaling
The ANQoSB is the central element that performs
admission control for new flows and controls the
handovers. For this purpose, the ANQoSB has detailed
knowledge on the topology and resource usage of the AN,
and is aided by metering information collected by the
CMS. Although core and inter-domain resources are
managed on an aggregate basis, communication between
CN and AN QoSBs provides the latter with the necessary
information to build maps containing the available
resources to the different access networks in the same
domain and to other administrative domains. Three tables
are maintained by the ANQoSBs: one with information on
resources of the AN, another with information on
resources of the paths between ANs and between the AN
and the edge routers, and a third one with alarm levels
corresponding to the availability of resources in the inter-
domain route, detailed in section 5. These tables, along
with information on the set of network QoS services
available to the user, contained in the NVUP, are used by
the ANQoSB for admission control.

Figure 2 : Admission control in the inter-domain call
In order to establish a reservation for a flow with fully
end-to-end QoS, requests must be performed to the
ANQoSBs of both endpoints of the flow. The admission
control process will be different according to the relative
location of the endpoints. When a mobile terminal, MT1,
initiates a session to another one, MT2, there are 3
possibilities for their relative location: (1) they are
connected to the same AN, (2) they are connected to
different ANs in the same domain, or (3) they are
connected to different administrative domains. In the first
case, a single ANQoSB is involved, and resource
checking is performed for the AN only, since
communication is local. In the second case, ANQoSB1
checks for resources in the first access network, AN1, and
the core, and ANQoSB2 checks for resources in AN2. In
the third case, each ANQoSB checks for resources in the
respective AN and in the core of the domain where they
belong, and for transmission resources in the inter-domain
path segment (see Figure 2), as will be detailed in section

3.1 Session Initiation
As was previously mentioned, in order to support all the
required applications and operator business cases, the
network architecture is very flexible regarding the
initiator of the QoS requests, which may be the MT, the
ARM, the MMSP, or even an application server. In order
to take advantage of this flexibility, different scenarios for
the integration of the application setup and negotiation
signalings and the network QoS signaling, necessary for
the establishment of sessions with end-to-end QoS, were
developed. A thorough description and analysis of all
signaling scenarios is presented in [10].

Figure 3 illustrates a simplified example of a multimedia
session initiation using SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
[11] in the scenario where terminals themselves issue QoS
requests, for the case where the terminals are connected to
different administrative domains. It is worth noting that,
although illustrated with SIP, the scenario also works with
different signaling protocols.

Figure 3 : Multimedia service setup with end-to-end QoS:
MT issuing QoS requests
The calling terminal (MT1) begins by mapping the
application requirements to network service and QoS
requirements. It then sends a request to its QoS broker,
ANQoSB1 (via a QoS attendant at the access router,
AR1), with information on the required network and QoS
parameters for the session. ANQoSB1 answers with
information on the services that may be used according to
the user profile and the current network status. This step
prevents the terminal from trying to initiate services that
cannot be supported by the access network or that the
terminal is not allowed to use, in face of the user
subscribed services. If allowed by ANQoSB1, MT1 sends
an INVITE to MT2. When receiving this INVITE
message with an initial offer of QoS configurations,
MMSP1 performs service authorization, filtering out
those not allowed by the SVUP, and forwards it to the
MMSP of the callee (if MT2 was roaming, the message
would go first to its home MMSP). If the service is
authorized, the INVITE is forwarded to the MT2. MT2
matches the QoS configurations in the INVITE to its own
set, requests resources to ANQoSB2 and, accordingly,
generates a counter-offer, included in the 200 OK. (The
180 Ringing message is omitted since it is not relevant in
terms of QoS information). The counter-offer in the 200
OK is subject to authorization and filtering by MMSP2.
Now that the location of MT2 is known, MT1 issues a
request to ANQoSB1, selects the final configuration
among those in the counter-offer, and sends an ACK
containing this final configuration. The ACK triggers a
QoS report to ANQoSB2, and accounting processes are
initiated in the A4C allowing for transport- or service-
based charging. Configuration of the access routers is
triggered by the QoS requests at both sides.

3.2 Mobility
Mobility plays a central role in 4G networks, and the
requirement for seamless handovers is probably the most
demanding one in terms of timing. In a heterogeneous
network, handovers may be performed across different
access technologies; therefore, in this architecture they are
performed at the access-agnostic layer 3. The handover
process in our architecture is extended from the fast
handover mechanism defined in [5], associated with the
Candidate Access Router Discovery (CARD) protocol
[12], used to propagate to the MT information on
prospective networks for handover. In order to fully
exploit the resources of each access technology, the
capability of session renegotiation is provided by
coordination of handover and application signaling.

Figure 4: Fast handover process
Figure 4 illustrates a basic intra-domain, inter-AN
handover process (procedures specific to inter-technology
handovers are presented later in this section). In the case
of a user-initiated handover, the terminal sends a Router
Solicitation for Proxy (RtSolPr) message with an
indication of the new network to perform handover,
selected based on information provided by CARD. The
old AR (oAR1) sends a handover request message to the
old QoS Broker (oQoSB1), which pushes the NVUP,
along with information on the set of active sessions, to the
QoS Broker of the prospective network (nQoSB1). If
nQoSB1 accepts the handover, the new AR is configured,
and the decision is communicated to the oQoSB1 and
then to the terminal by the Proxy Router Advertisement
(PrRtAdv) message. The terminal then sends a Fast
Binding Update (FBU) message confirming the handover.
The FBU indicates that the terminal will move and
triggers a bicasting process [5], where each packet sent to
MT1 via the old network is duplicated at oAR1 and also
sent via the new network. The Fast Neighbor
Advertisement (FNA) message, sent by the terminal upon
handover, tells the new AR1 that the handover is
completed. Both QoSBs are informed of the fact, and the
bicasting process stops, since the terminal may no longer
receive information via the old network. Furthermore,
oQoSB1 informs QoSB2 of MT1s new CoA, so that it
can update filter configurations at AR2.

Network-initiated handovers are equally possible,
providing a means to optimize operator resources. The
differences between terminal- and network-initiated
handovers are that in the latter the RtSolPr and HO Req
(box in Figure 4) are absent and the PrRtAdv message
contains an indication that the handover is mandatory.

The integration of handover and session renegotiation is
achieved by means of the PrRtAdv message, which, if
applicable, contains indication of the need to perform
service degrading or the possibility of service
improvement, used as a trigger for session renegotiation.

The most frequent handovers are intra-technology.
Usually, no renegotiation is performed in these
handovers, but in case of cell congestion some QoS
degradation (reduction of reserved resources) may be
required and, conversely, when leaving the congested cell,
QoS may be improved again. With SIP, renegotiation for
improvement is initiated by sending a re-INVITE together
with the FBU. The renegotiation process is performed in
parallel with the handover. Since the time to complete the
handover is usually much shorter (in the order of 50-100
msec) than the renegotiation process (eventually, up to 1-
2 sec), the handover completes and the activation of the
improved QoS is performed in the new network (if not,
the ACK that activates the changes is delayed until the
handover is complete). Renegotiation for degrading is
more demanding: if the handover is completed before
renegotiation, the new network might be flooded with
more traffic than it can handle, but the handover process
cannot wait for the renegotiation to complete, since it
needs to be fast due to the imminent loss of signal. This
issue is solved by providing the network with some
available bandwidth to cope with this traffic; also
intelligent resource management can be used, temporarily
supporting the overload for a short period if the user has
an important profile, while temporarily reducing the
available bandwidth of low priority users.

Although not as frequent, inter-technology handovers are
also supported and, indeed, this is one major advantage of
4G networks, allowing features such as the automatic
increase in the quality of a videoconference when arriving
at a 802.11 HotSpot, or the dropping of the video
component of a multimedia call without dropping the call
when leaving the HotSpot and keeping the call via a
GPRS connection. In this case, the differences in QoS
levels in the different networks are potentially very large.
Service improvement poses no problems, and works
similarly to the intra-technology case, but for service
degrading, large differences in QoS levels prevent the
new AN from temporarily supporting the overload. In this
case, the solution is to increase the handover time. This
approach is feasible in inter-technology handovers since
the cell overlapping area is usually much larger, requiring
only an adjustment of the signal strength thresholds that
trigger the handover in order to give more time for the

A handover to a different AN implies a change in the core
aggregate to the edge router (or to the AN of the
correspondent node in intra-domain calls). Therefore,
when receiving the message from oQoSB1 (Figure 4)
with information on the NVUP and active sessions of the
user, nQoSB1 needs to check for available resources in its
AN and in the intra- and inter-domain path segments,
ensuring that the new path has sufficient resources to
accommodate the flows with the required QoS.

Inter-domain handovers are usually more complex,
involving a new complete registration process and,
therefore, the disruption of the active sessions. In order to
avoid this, we resort to Context Transfer (CT) to install
security information in the new domain, including the
security associations, derived from those installed in the
previous domain. CT is performed through the CNQoSBs,
directly or via the A4Cs, depending on the existence of
federation between the domains. QoS admission control is
also required in the new domain. To decrease the
handover time, the CT and QoS admission control
processes are integrated. After this preparation phase, the
decision concerning the handover is sent to the mobile
terminal in the PrRtAdv message. The terminal activates
the handover by sending the FBU message. The inter-
domain handover process is, thus, similar to an intra-
domain one, mostly differing by the inexistence of
bicasting and by the use of CNQoSBs as proxies of the

4. Intra-Domain QoS Control
The intra-domain QoS control covers QoS resource
management for an administrative domain from the user
terminal to the edge router (ER). The main requirements
for the intra-domain QoS architecture are: 1) scalability of
the signalling within the administrative domain; 2)
flexibility (easy to manage); 3) efficiency in the usage of
network resources; 4) support for the mobility of users.
In this DiffServ environment, per-class aggregate
resources are dynamically allocated, by the CNQoSB,
based on actual network traffic, operator polices and other
conditions. The monitoring subsystem plays an important
role in this process, identifying aggregates to/from where
resources should be reassigned.

The core resource management is based on:

1 - Policies received from the PBNMS information
containing the description of the different transport
services and the network topology. The CNQoSB has a
bilateral interface with PBNMS: it requests for policies at
start-up time and receives unsolicited policy definition
when policies are changed in PBNMS. The CNQoSB
generates alarms to the PBNMS reporting, e.g.,
continuous resource over usage or ANQoSB fault.

2 - Measurements supplied by the CMS CNQoSB
detects if usage of a given link is above a certain
threshold and can reallocate resources from less used
links in order to increase the capacity of that link (first
part of Figure 5).

3 - Requests from the ANQoSB ANQoSB can directly
ask the CNQoSB to change the amount of resources of a
given link (second part of Figure 5).

Figure 5 depicts the resource management process in the
core. The CNQoSBs reconfigure the bandwidth reserved
for the aggregates on the basis of measurements and in
response to requests sent by ANQoSBs. The CMS
periodically sends the Measurement Data message with
the monitoring results (the bandwidth occupied per class,
the mean/maximum packet delay and loss in a class, etc).
With this information, the CNQoSB has information on
the congestion status of each class, and can reconfigure its
routers (bandwidth per class, queue length, etc.) if
required. In the case of core reconfiguration, the CNQoSB
sends an Agg Info message to the ANQoSBs of the access
networks affected by the reconfiguration to push an
aggregate map update. Measurement information is
usually used for long term reconfigurations, enforcing
domain policies. Note that the CNQoSB can be provided
with the measurement data on a periodic basis as well as
on the requests sent to the CMS.

Figure 5: Resource management in the core network
Core reconfigurations may also be requested by an
ANQoSB by sending an Inc Agg Res Req message to the
CNQoSB when more bandwidth is required in a core
aggregate to its access network. The CNQoSB answers
this request and, if possible, reconfigures the routers and
sends an Agg Info message to the ANQoSBs affected by
the reconfiguration to update their aggregate maps.
The joint usage of these two mechanisms assures network
flexibility while simultaneously minimizing the amount of
signalling information exchanged in the connections
between the CNQoSB and the CMS, and between the CN
and AN QoSBs.

Considering that the core network is usually not the
bottleneck in terms of bandwidth, core reconfigurations
should be infrequent, and so should measurement
information sent by the CMS. Note that, each core
reconfiguration may imply sending resource map updates
to all the ANQoSBs that have to refresh the information
related to this reconfiguration. Therefore, the use of
partial, on demand reconfigurations decreases the
signalling load and improves the network efficiency.

5. Inter-Domain QoS Control
Though much attention has been paid to intra-domain
QoS, much less has been done in the scope of inter-
domain QoS control. While the solutions of over-
provisioning or static DiffServ configurations are simple,
they cannot provide any guarantees regarding end-to-end
QoS. Additional mechanisms must, therefore, be used for
inter-domain resource management. Our approach is
based on inter-domain routing with QoS constraints. A
solution for inter-domain QoS should be scalable and
based on an evolution from the existing inter-domain
routing, which the dynamic nature of QoS information
should not compromise. Additionally, in order to gain
acceptance, it should be simple and impose minimum
requirements on intra-domain routing and QoS control.
Our approach to inter-domain QoS control is based on 3
main pieces: 1) a set of well-known traffic classes
globally supported by all operators, 2) service level
agreements (SLA) between adjacent domains, and 3) an
inter-domain routing protocol propagating QoS

Figure 6 : Virtual trunk type service level specifications
The well-known classes are a small set of traffic class
templates with particular characteristics that should be
globally supported by all network operators (e.g., a
conversational class for small-sized packets with very low
delay and jitter). These classes have well-defined per-
domain limits for the major QoS parameters (delay, jitter,
percent loss), and limits for the complete path may be
derived by combining the values of the traversed
domains. Since they are merely templates, operators have
to map the well-known classes into the specific classes
implemented in their own domains.

The SLAs must contain Service Level Specifications
(SLS) that specify a set of aggregates, each corresponding
to a particular (ingress point, egress point, service class)
triplet. These aggregates may be regarded as virtual
trunks connecting, for each traffic class, two different
domains across a third domain directly connected to both.
Figure 6 illustrates the concept: an SLS between domain 1
and domain 3 specifies that X traffic may flow between
domain 1 and domain 4 (continuous line) for a given
traffic class; an SLS between domain 2 and domain 3
specifies that Y traffic may flow between domain 2 and
domain 4 (dashed line) for the same traffic class.
Aggregates are managed internally within each (transit)
domain by the respective CNQoSB (ensuring that enough
resources are assigned): there are no requests from
CNQoSBs in different domains.

The inter-domain routing protocol needs to be capable of
conveying QoS information. Currently, BGP (Border
Gateway Protocol) [14] is the most common protocol for
inter-domain routing. In IPv6 internets, version 4 of BGP
with multiprotocol extensions, commonly referred to as
BGP4+ [15], is used. In addition to propagating
reachability information (routes) between peering
domains (eBGP - External BGP), BGP is also used to
share information on learned routes among the different
edge routers of a given domain (iBGP - Internal BGP).
The standard BGP protocol does not carry QoS
information: the usual metric for the path selection policy
is the number of traversed Autonomous Systems (AS).
This selection criterion may easily lead to the choice of
sub-optimal paths: shortest path may be the one with
lower bandwidth links or with more congestion. BGP,
however, can be extended to support QoS routing, and
proposals for doing so exist in the literature (e.g. [16]). In
our proposed extension to BGP, QoS information is
conveyed in the UPDATE messages by a newly defined
Path Attribute, QoS_INFO, which is optional and
transitive. This attribute contains the following

1. Allocated bandwidth for each of the well-known
service classes (minimum along the path).

2. Congestion alarm level for each class (maximum along
the path): 0no congestion; 1very light congestion; 2
medium congestion; 3serious congestion.

These values are updated by the BGP-speaking routers at
each transit domain, taking into account the virtual trunks
for all classes between the domain to which the route is
advertised and the next hop domain for the route.
Notice that these virtual trunks are shared among different
AD-to-AD aggregates: in Figure 6, for example, all traffic
transported from domain 1 to domain 4 via domain 3 and
belonging to the same service class shares the red virtual
trunk, independently of the origin and destination access

Figure 7 : Example of the propagation of QoS information
Figure 7 shows an example of the propagation of QoS
information with this BGP extension. The virtual trunks
are configured independently in the transit domains (TD).
When TD2 receives the UPDATE from AD2 and the
route is selected, it propagates the route to the upstream
domain, TD1, with information on the reserved
bandwidth for the virtual trunks for the different classes
from TD1 to AD2. On receiving this UPDATE, TD1
decides if this route should be used; if it is, the route is
propagated to AD1 combining the QoS information from
the received UPDATE with that of local virtual trunks
from AD1 to TD3. As can be seen, the path reserved
bandwidth announced to TD1 is the minimum along the
path, whereas the congestion alarm level is the maximum.

Multi-level congestion alarms reduce the fluctuations in
the usage of the aggregates: with multi-level alarms, when
level 1 (light congestion) is reached no domain should use
that route to replace a previously established one, but
domains that were already using the route should not
switch to a different one unless a higher congestion level
is reached, avoiding the synchronized route flapping
problem. The policy for assigning an alarm level to a
virtual trunk at a transit domain must be such that alarm
level updates are infrequent.

The information on the reserved bandwidth is used to
select the route with the larger amount of bottleneck
bandwidth, while the alarm levels are used to eliminate
congested routes from the set of possible choices. The
other relevant QoS parameters (delay, jitter, percent
losses) are not included, since they have per-domain
upper limits for each of the well-known classes (upper
limits for each route may be derived from the number of
traversed domains). It is worth noting that multi-level
alarms, when coupled with information on allocated
resources, provide coarse-grained information on resource
availability. Taking into account scalability reasons, we
consider inter-domain routes between two ADs to be the
same for all traffic classes. Each route then represents the
best tradeoff for all service classes to the destination

The information on inter-domain routes must be retrieved
by CNQoSB in order to manage core resources (Figure
8); this task is performed by a BGP module installed in
the CNQoSBs, which are, therefore, iBGP speakers.
Conversely, bandwidth and alarm information on the
aggregates between edge routers in the domain must be
propagated to other domains. This information, stored at
the BGP PIB (Policy Information Base) of the edge
routers for use by the respective Decision Processes (the
process which selects a given route to a destination AS
among all the available ones), is configured and updated
by the CNQoSB in a similar way to the other router
parameters. If the route is selected, the edge routers
propagate it to their peers in the upstream domain with the
updated QoS_INFO attribute. As was previously
mentioned, the CNQoSB propagates information on the
inter-domain routes to the ANQoSBs, where it is used for
admission control purposes.

Figure 8 : Inter-Domain Communications

6. Conclusions
This paper presented an end-to-end QoS solution for 4G
networks able to, in a scalable way, support differentiated
QoS for a large diversity of users and services, supporting
the large mobility of the users, both intra- and inter-
technology, and both intra- and inter-domain, and
assuring the QoS guarantees of legacy and demanding
multimedia services. The proposed solution achieves end-
to-end QoS by the close interaction between application
and network signaling (session setup and mobility with
QoS), and by the two layer approach to resource
reservation in the access and core networks. Based on the
characteristics of the solution, we conclude that it is able
to support end-to-end QoS with low signaling load
processing load in the resource management elements.
This QoS solution is being simulated and its performance
and scalability will be addressed in future work. A
prototype implementation is undergoing in the scope of
the Daidalos project, and will be used to prove the
concepts here presented.

7. Acknowledgement
This work is in part supported by the EU FP 6 for
Research and Development Daidalos (IST-2202-506997).

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