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Al Capone, the rescuer ninja

It was spring. The trees lent their blossoms to the wind, in a whirl of
petals, while lambs took to the rich green plains, frolicking to their hearts
content and causing their bells to jingle with glee. I was flying the other day,
not far from the ground, for I could still admire the breath-taking scenery,
started the beetle. When all of a sudden, I picked up on a distress call MAY
DAY! MAY DAY! In all the languages know to man and insect, this means
HELP. Without a moments hesitation I got hold of my kin but also Cioric the
crow, the bucks apprentice. The pitch black bird and the beetles came
flying, shortly followed by a dray of squirrels that had made their way on
foot. But it was prior to their arrival, that I managed to locate the source of
the signal; the S.O.S call had been launched from the hollow of a weeping
willow taking up residence on the bank of the river. We all rushed in that
direction, by way of air and land, to the best of our abilities.
From inside the weeping willows hollow, I could hear small voices
-No! Please, martens, please sirs, dont eat us, we are but helpless
younglings; so weak and scrawny that we wont serve to satisfy your appetite!
-Shut up! Threatened one of the martens. Helpless as you claim to be,
you found a way to call for help. Thats why you deserve to be eaten! What?!
Did you think the squirrels or beetles would scare us away?
-If youre not afraid, why dont you come on down then? asked the
ginger squirrel, hitting his tail against the ground in fury and anticipation.
- Alright, you asked for it, be prepared to be taught a lesson on
manners! I challenge you to a life or death battle.
-Yes, you make an interesting point, you thieving beast, but three
against one, is not a fair game, growled someone from the shadows.
-Who do you think you are? Show yourself, lets see who dares to
address us on that tone of voice.
-Here I am, you miserable scoundrels! I am here to teach you a lesson! I
can fight ten like you! I am Al Capone, also known as The Ashen Lightning.
-Ha! Ha! Ha! Take a good look everyone, nothing but a house cat... Go
home, kitten, before you start coughing up furballs!
Al Capones eyes lit up like hot coals.
-This is the last day of your lives, he added before making a giant leap
and grabbing onto the sturdy martens back, as the latter was preparing to
The cats fangs tore open the martens neck. In a matter of seconds, the
scoundrel lay dead. The remaining two martens, tacitly agreed to attack
The Ashen Lightning at the same time, starting from opposite directions.
Just as the martens were drawing in, Al Capone sprang onto the branch of a
nearby tree pretending to breath heavily with exhaustion. The martens bit
the bait and quickly followed, but the cat dug his claws into the back of the
marten closest to him, with incredible agility, pulling the latter to the
ground. Crushed under the weight of The Ashen Lightning, head cracked
open by a thick root met in the fall and skin shredded by the cats
unmerciful claws, the second marten finally met his end. The last of the
three martens tried to scheme his way to victory but failed. Feigning that he
had given up the fight, he tried to approach Al Capone under the false
pretence of truce, but had his eye poked out by the tomcat who quickly saw
through his evil plan. Blinded by the blood that flooded his eyes, the last
marten was finished off by the squirrels.
When mother squirrel wanted to thank Al Capone, for risking his life to
save her children, the tomcat disappeared, unseen and unheard-of, as was
the way of a true rescuer ninja.

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