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Journal of International Academic Research (2010) Vol.10, No.3.

31 Decemer 2010
Comparative Study of Analytical and synthetic methods of
Teaching Mathematics
Muhammad Asif, !"#$A%$ Institute of Information %echnolo&' Aottaad,
Dr. Muhammad Mushtaq Khan, !"#$A%$ Institute of Information %echnolo&'
Aottaad, (a)istan
Khalid Zaman, !"#$A%$ Institute of Information %echnolo&' Aottaad, (a)istan
%he *ur*ose of this *a*er is to anal'se the achie+ements of the students at secondar' le+el
,hen tau&ht ' anal'tical and s'nthetic methods of teachin& mathematics. A sam*le of
hundred students ,as ta)en from fi+e &o+ernment secondar' schools and di+ided them into
t,o &rou*s- e.*erimental and control &rou*. %he *re/test scores of the students sho, that
there is no si&nificant difference et,een the *erformances of t,o &rou*s. 0nder a control
en+ironment, the students of e.*erimental &rou* ,ere tau&ht ' s'nthetic method and
students of control &rou* ' anal'tical method. After e.*eriment, a researcher made *ost/test
,as conducted. %he *ost/test result sho,s that there is a si&nificant difference et,een the
*erformances of students of t,o &rou*s. %he students of e.*erimental &rou* *erformed
etter than the control &rou*.
Key !ords
Anal'tical #ethod, $'nthetic #ethod, %eachin& of #athematics
". #ntroduction
A teacher of mathematics has a +ariet' of methods and techni1ues ,hich he mi&ht use in his
e+er'da' classroom teachin&. %he main o2ecti+e of theses methods is to ma)e teachin&
learnin& *rocess more interacti+e and effecti+e. In &eneral, there is an interaction et,een
the teacher and learner. %o enhance or im*ro+e this interaction, a teacher uses ne,
instructional material, ne, techni1ues and methods of teachin& to ma)e learnin& rele+ant and
useful. %here are +arious )inds of teachin& methods and techni1ues ' ,hich a teacher can
select the most rele+ant one )ee*in& in +ie, the needs of the learner and its rele+ance to the
contents. $ome of the commonl' used methods are, *ro2ect method, heuristic method,
inducti+e 3 deducti+e methods and anal'tical 3 s'nthetic method.
%o &ras* on the su2ect matter of mathematics it is necessar' to use multi*le methods in the
teachin& learnin& *rocess at secondar' le+el. It is &enerall' oser+ed that the students sol+ed
a 1uestion or set of 1uestions 1uic)l' ' usin& a techni1ue or formula alread' learnt in the
class ut the' ha+e no understandin& aout the hidden lo&ic that ho, it done. (rior is the
deducti+e or s'nthetic a**roach to find a solution for a 1uestion ut later is the inducti+e
reasonin& of anal'tic a**roach.
!om*arati+e $tud' of Anal'tical and s'nthetic methods of %eachin& #athematics 1
Journal of International Academic Research (2010) Vol.10, No.3. 31 Decemer 2010
".". Analytic Approach
4irst ,e understand the meanin&s of 5Anal'sis6 and then &o throu&h the 5Anal'tic A**roach6.
Accordin& to the 7ester !om*rehensi+e Dictionar' (1892), the 5Anal'sis6 means, the
resolution of a ,hole unit into its *arts or elements or the *rocess of resol+in& a *rolem into
its first element (inducti+e reasonin&). Accordin& to %ro,rid&e (189:), Anal'sis is the ailit'
to rea) do,n material to its fundamental elements for etter understandin& of the
or&ani;ation. Anal'sis ma' include identif'in& *arts, clarif'in& relationshi*s amon& *arts and
reco∋in& or&ani;ational *rinci*les of scientific s'stem.
%he anal'tical method *roceeds from un)no,n to )no,n facts. In this method the *rolem is
anal'sed to find out the relations. A statement is anal'sed into sim*ler statements and then
truth is disco+ered. It is ased on inducti+e reasonin& and critical thin)in&. All the related facts
are anal'sed to see) hel* in *roceedin& to the )no,n conclusion. It is a lo&ical method ,hich
lea+es no dout in the minds of students in understandin& the core conce*t and discoura&es
crammin& and rote memor' of the learner. It facilitates the understandin& of the students and
moti+ates them to disco+er facts ' him (Rehman, 2000). It is a *s'cholo&ical method ased
on the *rinci*le of interest, ,hich inculcates the s*irit of in1uir' and in+esti&ation in the
students (<ato;ai, 2002). %here are some demerits of the a**roach as ,ell, stated '
Rehman (2000) and <ato;ai (2002), that it=s a time ta)in& a**roach ecause the teachin&
learnin& *rocess throu&h anal'sis ta)e more time to im*art )no,led&e from teacher to
students. In sol+in& a *rolem if )no,n facts are not *ro*er se1uence or in a lo&ical order,
the students feel it orin& and laorious.
If a>?c>d, *ro+e that (ac/2
>? (c
%he un)no,n *art is (ac/2
)>? (c
/2d)>d is true,
if a c d @ 2
d ? c
@ 2
d is true,
if a c d ? c
is true,
if a d ? c is true
that is, if a> ? c>d is true,
,hich is )no,n.
".&. Synthetic Approach
Accordin& to the 7ester !om*rehensi+e Dictionar', the 5$'nthesis6 means the assemlin&
of se*arate or suordinate *arts into a ne, form. It is a *rocess of reasonin& from ,hole to a
*art and from &eneral to the *articular (deducti+e reasonin&). Accordin& to %ro,rid&e (189:),
the s'nthesis re1uires the formulation of ne, understandin& of scientific s'stems. If anal'sis
stresses the *arts, s'nthesis stresses the ,hole com*onents of scientific s'stems ma' e
reco&ni;ed into ne, *atterns. 0nli)e anal'sis, s'nthesis as)s 'our students to *ut *arts
to&ether, to ma)e *atterns that one, ne, to them.
$'nthetic a**roach is 2ust a**osite to the anal'tical method. In this method ,e *roceed from
)no,n to un)no,n as s'nthesis means comin& to&ether +arious *arts. In mathematics
+arious facts are collected and comined to find out the result ,hich is un)no,n (Rehman,
2000). Accordin& to <ato;ai (2002), it is the *rocess of *uttin& to&ether )no,n its of
information to reach the *oint ,here un)no,n formation ecause o+ious and true.
Accordin& to Rehman (2000) and <ato;ai (2002) there are certain merits and demerits of the
s'nthetic method. It is a short method and sa+e time in teachin& learnin& *rocess. It is
suitale oth for intelli&ent and ,ea) students. Aut at the other hand, it encoura&es the
!om*arati+e $tud' of Anal'tical and s'nthetic methods of %eachin& #athematics 2
Journal of International Academic Research (2010) Vol.10, No.3. 31 Decemer 2010
memor' ,or) and does not de+elo* an' reasonin& *o,er and students are unale to
disco+er ne, idea.
%he )no,n *art is a>?c>d
$utract 2>c on oth sides (Aut ,h' and ho, the child should rememer to sutract 2>c
and not an' other 1uantit')
a> @ 2>c ? c>d @ 2>c
or, (ac @ 2
)> c ? (c
/2 d ) > c d
or, (ac @ 2
)> ? (c
/2 d ) > d
,hich is un)no,n.
%hus, ,e conclude that oth the methods &o to&ether. Anal'sis hel* in understandin& and
s'nthetic hel*s in retainin& )no,led&e. %he teacher should realise that he ma' offer hel* for
the anal'tic form of the solution and that the s'nthetic ,or) should e left to the *u*ils
(#ar,aha, 2008).
%he o2ecti+e of this is to anal'se the com*arati+e effecti+eness of the anal'tical and
s'nthetic methods of teachin& mathematics at secondar' le+el. After introduction, the rest of
the article is or&ani;ed as follo,s. $ection II descries the literature re+ie, and $ection III
includes methodolo&'. $imilarl', $ection IV discusses the em*irical results and finall' the
$ection V concludes the *a*er.
&. 'iterature (evie!
#an' scholars ha+e defined Bducation in their o,n ,a's (<halid, 18CD). Accordin& to
$ocrates, 5Bducation is the mean that hel*s in searchin& the truth6. Accordin& to Aristotle,
5Bducation is a *rocess necessar' for the creation of sound mind in the sound od'6.
Accordin& to the Imam Eha;ali, 5Bducation is a *rocess ,hich enales an indi+idual to
distin&uish et,een the true and the false, the &ood and ad and the ri&ht conduct and the
e+il doin&6. %hese definitions *ro+ide the asic conce*t of Bducation. In the ne, conce*t of
education, the child is the centre of interest. $o the curriculum is desi&ned accordin& to the
needs and demands of the child. %o de+elo* the intellectual and anal'tical ailit' of the child it
is necessar' to desi&n the su2ect matter more interacti+e and deli+er the contents to the
child ,ith more a**ro*riate ,a'.
#athematics is the one of the *rime su2ect of the an' curriculum at *rimar' and secondar'
le+el. $o, a mathematics teacher uses +arious techni1ues and methods for effecti+e learnin&.
%he method under consideration is anal'tic and s'nthetic a**roach of teachin& mathematics.
Anal'sis and s'nthesis, as scientific methods, al,a's &o hand in handF the' com*lement one
another. B+er' s'nthesis is uilt u*on the results of a *recedin& anal'sis, and e+er' anal'sis
re1uires a suse1uent s'nthesis in order to +erif' and correct its results. In this conte.t, to
re&ard one method as ein& inherentl' etter than the other, is meanin&less. %here are,
ho,e+er, im*ortant situations in ,hich one method can e re&arded as more suitale than
the other. %his concerns the 1uestion of ,hich method is most a**ro*riate as the *rimar'
method or chief *oint of de*arture for the stud' of a &i+en s'stem or o2ect of scientific in1uir'
(Ritche', 188:).
Accordin& to Ruio (200G), the em*irical research sho,s that the use of the anal'sis
(5numerical anal'sis6) of the anal'tical method of numerical e.*loration fosters the
de+elo*ment of the student=s ailit' to estalish and *roduce meanin&s for- a) the numerical
relationshi*s et,een the un)no,nsF ) the relationshi*s et,een them and the dataF andF c)
!om*arati+e $tud' of Anal'tical and s'nthetic methods of %eachin& #athematics 3
Journal of International Academic Research (2010) Vol.10, No.3. 31 Decemer 2010
the com*arison et,een t,o 1uantities ,hich re*resent the same in the *rolem, that is, that
the' are e1ui+alent re&ardin& their meanin&.
In the *re+ious ,or)s (4illo', Ruio, 1883 and Ruio, 2002), it has een *ro+en that the use
of a didactical model ased in the anal'tical method of numerical e.*loration ma)es *ossile
the unleash of anal'tical *rocesses that allo, the student to s'molise arithmetic/al&eraic
,ord *rolems ,ith one e1uation, ,here the numerical a**roach *la's a mediatin& role
et,een the arithmetic and al&eraic methods.
). Methodology
%o anal'se the com*arati+e effecti+eness of oth the anal'tical and s'nthetic methods, an
e.*eriment ,as conducted in the 8
class. %he selected *o*ulation for this ,as all the
&o+ernment o's= secondar' schools of the district Hari*ur (Ha;ara). 4rom these *o*ulation
100 students ,as selected from fi+e different schools. 4rom each school t,ent' students
,ere selected on the asis of their *ast *erformance. %he students ,ere di+ided into t,o
&rou*s (control &rou* and e.*erimental &rou*) ' e+en and odd numerin& to a+oid the
A researcher made *re test ,as distriuted amon& the students to anal'se the *erformance
of students efore the e.*eriment. %he results of the *re test sho,ed that there is no
si&nificant difference of the *erformance of t,o &rou*s. After *re test, a sam*le of t,o
cha*ters ,as selected from the te.t oo) of #athematics tau&ht at 8
class. %he control
&rou* ,as tau&ht ' anal'tical method ,hile e.*erimental &rou* ,as tau&ht ' s'nthetic
method and oth the &rou*s ,ere )e*t a,a' from each other so, that one could not influence
the *erformance of other. %he duration of the classroom teachin& ,as fort' minutes and one
,ee) for ,hole e.*eriment.
Althou&h the teachers ,ere alread' trained, ho,e+er the' ,ere &uided aout the anal'tical
and s'nthetic methods once a&ain to enhance their efficienc'. %he teachers had same
academic and *rofessional 1ualification and e.*erience. %he course contents for oth the
&rou*s ,ere same ut the onl' difference et,een the t,o &rou*s ,as the method of
teachin&. After conductin& the e.*eriment, a researcher made *ost test ,as distriuted
amon& the students of t,o &rou*s. %here ,ere ten 1uestions (Amme. A) in the *ost test
ha+in& one mar) for each 1uestion. %he data ,as anal'sed throu&h ;/test statistics-
1 2
2 2
1 2
1 2
x x
s s
n n

x ? #eans of the control &rou*
x ? #eans of the e.*erimental &rou*
s ? Variation of the control &rou*
s ? Variation of the e.*erimental &rou*
n ? Numer of students of control &rou*
n ? Numer of students of e.*erimental &rou*
!om*arati+e $tud' of Anal'tical and s'nthetic methods of %eachin& #athematics G
Journal of International Academic Research (2010) Vol.10, No.3. 31 Decemer 2010
*. Data Analysis
%he data ,ere anal'sed throu&h I/test statistic at the si&nificance le+el of 0.0D and taulated
;/+alue is 1.8:. In tale.1, the com*utation of ;/test for mean *re test scores for e.*erimental
and control &rou* ,ere *resented. %he results sho,ed that the means and +ariance of
e.*erimental and control &rou*s ,ere 2.2G 3 2.2G and 1.C9 3 1.G2 res*ecti+el'. %he
calculated ;/+alue is less than the taulated ;/+alue, ,hich sho,ed that the t,o inde*endent
&rou*s ,ere e1ui+alent in *erformance efore e.*eriment.
Tale "%
Computation of Z+value for the mean pre test scores for e,perimental and control
Variales No. of $tudents #ean Difference of #ean Variance I/Value
B.*. Erou* D0 2.2G 0 1.C9 0
!ont. Erou* D0 2.2G 1.G2
In tale 2, the com*utation of ;/test for mean *ost test scores for e.*erimental and control
&rou* ,ere *resented. %he results sho,ed that the means and +ariance of e.*erimental and
control &rou*s ,ere C.DG 3 :.:: and 1.:G 3 2.1G res*ecti+el'. %he calculated ;/+alue is &rater
than the taulated ;/+alue, ,hich sho,ed that the t,o inde*endent &rou*s ,ere not
e1ui+alent in *erformance after e.*eriment.
Tale &%
Computation of Z+value for the mean post test scores for e,perimental and control
Variales No. of $tudents #ean Difference of #ean Variance I/Value
B.*. Erou* D0 C.DG 0.99 1.:G 3.2:
!ont. Erou* D0 :.:: 2.1G
%he com*utation of ;/+alue for the mean *ost test score of oth the &rou*s for 1uestions 1 to
10 ,ere *resented in anne.ure A. %he *ositi+e difference of for oth the &rou*s sho,ed that
the students tau&ht ' s'nthetic method *erform etter than the students tau&ht ' anal'tical
method and ne&ati+e difference of mean sho,ed that students tau&ht ' anal'tical method
*erformed etter than the other. In all 1uestions control &rou* *erform etter e.ce*t
1uestions 3 and :. %he ;/+alue in all 1uestions is not si&nificant ,hich sho,s that there is no
si&nificant difference of the achie+ements of the students ,hen tau&ht ' anal'tical method or
s'nthetic method at secondar' le+el.
-. Conclusion and (ecommendation
%he o2ecti+e of this stud' ,as to *resent a com*arati+e anal'sis of anal'tical and s'nthetic
method of teachin& mathematics at secondar' le+el. 4or this *ur*ose hundred students ,ere
selected from fi+e different secondar' schools of district Hari*ur from 8th class onl'. $tudents
,ere di+ided into t,o &rou*s (control and e.*erimental &rou*s). A *re/test ,as conducted
efore the e.*eriment. %he results of *re/test sho,ed that there ,as no si&nificant difference
in the achie+ements of the t,o &rou*s. Aoth the &rou*s ,ere tau&ht ' anal'tical and
s'nthetic methods res*ecti+el'. After the end of treatment *eriod, a researcher made *ost test
,as administered amon& the students and scored. %he data ,ere anal';ed throu&h ;/test
statistics. %he results of the *ost test sho,ed that there is a si&nificant difference et,een the
!om*arati+e $tud' of Anal'tical and s'nthetic methods of %eachin& #athematics D
Journal of International Academic Research (2010) Vol.10, No.3. 31 Decemer 2010
achie+ements of the students tau&ht ' anal'tical and s'nthetic methods. %he mean *ost test
scores of the e.*erimental &rou*s ,ere hi&her than the control &rou*, ,hich indicated that
the s'nthetic method of teachin& mathematics ha+e a *ositi+e and si&nificant effect on the
academic achie+ements of the students of 8th class. %he difference of mean of oth &rou*s,
in res*onse to each 1uestion in *ost test did not sho, a si&nificant difference, ,hich indicated
that student also ta)e interest in the anal'tical a**roach (Anne.. A). Althou&h the students
tau&ht ' the s'nthetic method scored hi&h *erformance ut not a *redicted le+el thus, ased
on the results it is recommended to use a comination of anal'tical and s'nthetic method at
secondar' le+el.
.. (eferences
4illo', B. and Ruio, E. (1883). 5Didactic #odels, !o&nition and !om*etence in the $olutions
of Arithmetic 3 Al&era 7ord (rolems in Hiraa'ashi6, In. et al. (eds). Proceedings of the
17th International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol.I, **. 1DG/
1:1. 0ni+ersit' of %su)ua, Ja*an
<ato;ai, #.A. (2002). Senior English Teacher: A Book for Prearation for PCS. 0ni+ersit'
(ulishers=. (esha,ar.
<halid, %.#. (18C:). Education: An Introduction to Educational Psychology and !istory, Anmol
(ulishers. <arachi.
#ar,aha, (. (2008). %he %eachin& of #athematics, Accessed on 20
of #a', 2010.
Rehman, #. (2000). %eachin& of $cience and #athematics, 0ni+ersit' of (esha,ar.
Ritche', %. (1881). Re+ised Version (188:). Anal'sis and $'nthesis on $cientific #ethod/
Aased on a stud' ' Aernhard Riemann, System "esearch, Vol. 9 No. G. **/21/2G.
Ruio, E. (2002). $olution of 7ord (rolems %hrou&h a Numerical A**roach. B+idences on
the detachment of the arithmetical use of the un)no,n and the construction of its al&eraic
sense ' *re/uni+ersit' students in !oc)urn, A. and B.Nardi (eds), Proceedings of the #$th
Conference for the PME. Vol G, ** 1GD/1D2. Nor,ich, 0<.
Ruio, E. and Valle, R.D. (200G). %he !om*etent use of the Anal'tic #ethod in the $olution
of Al&eraic 7ord (rolems. A didactical model ased on a numerical a**roach ,ith 2unior
hi&h students=, Proceedings of the #%th Conference of the International &rou for the
Psychology of Mathematics Education. Vol. G.** 128/13:. 0ni+ersidad Nacional AutKnoma
de #L.ico. !!H $ur.
%he 7ester !om*rehensi+e Dictionar'. (1892). Bnc'clo*edic ed. Vol. I 3 II. 4er&uson
(ulishin& !om*an'. !hica&o.
%ro,rid&e. (189:). Becoming a Secondary School Science Teacher, G
ed. #errill
(ulishin& !om*an'. !olumus.
Anne,ure A
!om*arati+e $tud' of Anal'tical and s'nthetic methods of %eachin& #athematics :
Journal of International Academic Research (2010) Vol.10, No.3. 31 Decemer 2010
Tale " /0uestion "1
!om*utation of I/+alue for the mean *ost test scores for e.*erimental and control &rou*s
Variales No. of $tudents #ean Difference of #ean Variance I/Value
B.*. Erou* D0 0.89 0.09 9.:G 0.1G
!ont. Erou* D0 0.8 C.3C
Tale &/0uestion &1
!om*utation of I/+alue for the mean *ost test scores for e.*erimental and control &rou*s
Variales No. of $tudents #ean Difference of #ean Variance I/Value
B.*. Erou* D0 0.C9 0.22 D.D3 0.D3
!ont. Erou* D0 0.D: 2.9G
Tale )/0uestion )1
!om*utation of I/+alue for the mean *ost test scores for e.*erimental and control &rou*s
Variales No. of $tudents #ean Difference of #ean Variance I/Value
B.*. Erou* D0 0.D9 /0.1 3.09 0.0D
!ont. Erou* D0 0.:9 G.28
Tale */0uestion *1
!om*utation of I/+alue for the mean *ost test scores for e.*erimental and control &rou*s
Variales No. of $tudents #ean Difference of #ean Variance I/Value
B.*. Erou* D0 0.9 0.2 D.82 0.G:
!ont. Erou* D0 0.: 3.G0
Tale -/0uestion -1
!om*utation of I/+alue for the mean *ost test scores for e.*erimental and control &rou*s
Variales No. of $tudents #ean Difference of #ean Variance I/Value
B.*. Erou* D0 0.CG 0.19 D.0C 0.G:
!ont. Erou* D0 0.D: 2.82
Tale ./0uestion .1
!om*utation of I/+alue for the mean *ost test scores for e.*erimental and control &rou*s
Variales No. of $tudents #ean Difference of #ean Variance I/Value
B.*. Erou* D0 0.9G /0.0: :.GD /0.11
!ont. Erou* D0 0.8 C.:G
Tale 2/0uestion 21
!om*utation of I/+alue for the mean *ost test scores for e.*erimental and control &rou*s
!om*arati+e $tud' of Anal'tical and s'nthetic methods of %eachin& #athematics C
Journal of International Academic Research (2010) Vol.10, No.3. 31 Decemer 2010
Variales No. of $tudents #ean Difference of #ean Variance I/Value
B.*. Erou* D0 0.C 0.0: G.:1 1.D
!ont. Erou* D0 0.:G 3.C1
Tale 3/0uestion 31
!om*utation of I/+alue for the mean *ost test scores for e.*erimental and control &rou*s
Variales No. of $tudents #ean Difference of #ean Variance I/Value
B.*. Erou* D0 0.DG 0.02 3.C8 0.0D
!ont. Erou* D0 0.:2 3.D8
Tale 4/0uestion 41
!om*utation of I/+alue for the mean *ost test scores for e.*erimental and control &rou*s
Variales No. of $tudents #ean Difference of #ean Variance I/Value
B.*. Erou* D0 0.9 0.19 :.2G 0.G
!ont. Erou* D0 0.:2 3.:C
Tale "5/0uestion "51
!om*utation of I/+alue for the mean *ost test scores for e.*erimental and control &rou*s
Variales No. of $tudents #ean Difference of #ean Variance I/Value
B.*. Erou* D0 0.:9 0.1 G.39 0.::
!ont. Erou* D0 0.D9 3.32
!om*arati+e $tud' of Anal'tical and s'nthetic methods of %eachin& #athematics 9
Journal of International Academic Research (2010) Vol.10, No.3. 31 Decemer 2010
Post Test
Name: ---------------------------- Marks Obtained: ------------
Fill in the blanks with right answer.
1. The solution set of
8 15 x x + = is ----------------.
2. The solution set of
!" 1# $" 1# x x = + is ----------------.
!. The solution set of
ax bx c + + = is -------------------.
%. The solution set of
! 1 2 x x + = is ------------------.
5. The solution set of
! 12 2%
x x
= is -------------------.
&. '( eliminating )*+ from 5 % %! a x = and% ! 22 a x + = , we ha-e -----------------.
.. '( eliminating )*+ from 1/ 2 x x t + = and 1/ 2 x x t = + , we ha-e ---------------.
8. '( eliminating )*+ from
! !
1/ x x p + = and
! !
1/ x x q = , we ha-e -----------------.
$. '( eliminating )*+ from
2 . 25 x y + =
. 2 2 x y + =
, we ha-e -----------------.
1. '( eliminating )t+ from
x at = and
y bt = , we ha-e ---------------------.
!om*arati+e $tud' of Anal'tical and s'nthetic methods of %eachin& #athematics 8

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