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Marie Battiste, University of Saskatchewan, SK, Professor, Educational

Dr. Nick Carleton, University of Regina, Department of Psychology
Dr. Norm Denzin, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois [by video], Research
Professor of Communications, College of Communications Scholar, Professor
of Sociology, Professor of Cinema Studies, Professor in the Unit for Criticism
and Interpretive Theory
Dr. Michelle Fine, City University of New York (CUNY), Distinguished
Professor, Graduate Center
Dr. Chad Gafeld, University of Ottawa, Professor Dept. of History, former
President of SSHRC
Dr. Rosalind Gill, City University, London, Professor of Cultural and Social
Analysis, Senior Tutor for Research
Dr. Budd Hall, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Co-Chair, UNESCO
Chair in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher
Education, Professor of Community Development, School of Public
Dr. Yvonna Lincoln, Texas A & M, Texas College, TX , Distinguished
Professor, Educational Administration and Human Resource Development
Dr. Marcia McKenzie, University of Saskatchewan, SK, Associate Professor,
Educational Foundations, Director, Sustainability Education Research
Institute, Project Director, Sustainability and Education Policy Network
Dr. Peter McLaren, Chapman University, California, Distinguished Professor
in Critical Studies, Co-Director, The Paulo Freire Democratic Project, College
of Educational Studies
Dr. Christopher Meyers, California State University, Bakersfeld, Professor
of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Dr. Leigh Patel, Boston College, MA, Associate Professor, Teacher Education,
Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction Department
Dr. Andrea Smith, UC- Riverside, CA, Associate Professor , Media and
Cultural Studies,
Dr. Linda Tuhiwai Smith, The University of Waikato, Pro Vice Chancellor
Mori, Dean of Te Pua Wnanga ki te Ao, The School of Mori and Pacifc
Qwul'sih'yah'maht, Dr. Robina Thomas, University of Victoria, Lyackson
of the Coast Salish Nation, Associate Professor, School of Social Work,
Dr. Eve Tuck, State University of New York at New Paltz, NY, Associate
Professor of Educational Foundations and Coordinator of Native American
Dr. Joel Westheimer, University of Ottawa, University Research Chair,
Democracy and Education, CBC Radios Education Columnist, Ottawa Morning
Show and Co-founder and Executive Director of Democratic Dialogue
Public Engagement and the Politics of Evidence in an Age of Neoliberalism and Audit Culture"
July 23-25, 2015
Faculty of Education, University of Regina

This symposium will examine accelerating trends in higher education: neoliberalism, the politics of evidence, and the audit culture.
In an age in which value is often equated with accountancy, we will examine the place in the academy for public intellectualism,
community-engagement, Indigenous epistemologies, and how the impact of our scholarship is, and ought to be, justly assessed.
Invited presenters will provoke lively discussion, but going beyond discussion, and blurring the lines between presenter and audience
member, participants will be invited to engage actively with other presenter/participants in attendance for the purpose of efecting
changes at their home institutions. Opportunities will be available for reconsidering and strategizing academic issues such as
faculty criteria documents, measurement rankings, traditional impact factors, and other academic matters afected by the politics
of austerity, neoliberalism, and new management technologies. Action will also be encouraged through submissions to a special
issue of in education (the University of Regina Faculty of Educations journal), potentially collaborating on an edited book, TED-style
dissemination videos, producing a list of recommendations, developing examples of inclusive faculty criteria documents, possibly
developing a community impact factor as an alternative to journal impact factor metrics, and further actions as collectively discussed
at the symposium.
Questions to be explored include:
What counts as scholarship and why?
How do we achieve accountability in an age of accountancy?
How do we measure research impact, (i.e., journal impact factor vs community and policy impact)?
Impact for whom?
Who and how do we determine whose evidence and what research is legitimate?
What can be done? How do we efect change to university practices?

Confrmed Speakers Include:
Research Symposium
For more information please contact:
Marc Spooner, Ph.D., Associate Professor, RM 377, Faculty of Education, University of Regina, 3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, SK, S4S 0A2
TEL: (306) 585-4538, FAX: (306) 585-4880. EMAIL:
Website: (active in October)

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