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TALIBAN PROPAGANDA WATCH (RC South) – 121245UTC Dec 09 ...


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NOTE: This material is from web pages and forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban, Taliban
spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or analysis thereof. Posting of this material neither confirms nor endorses
any of its content – it is shared for information only. When material translated into English is not available, Google
Translate is used to translate the original – this is only a machine translation, NOT an official one.

Missiles fired at the Canadian and British invading terrorists in Kandahar airport (Original in Arabic) – Google
English translation – Official English (7th headline)

Wednesday night 09-12-2009 at around 10 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan fired several missiles at the Kandahar airport where a larger number of Canadian and British
terrorists are stationed. Three missiles landed inside the airport, which resulted in heavy losses in the
ranks of the enemy. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

Kandahar explosions claimed the lives of eight policemen (Original in Arabic) – Google English translation

Continental / Yousuf Ahmadi

In the powerful explosions that occurred yesterday (2009-12-10) in the departments of Nis and the buttons
(Zhari) of Kandahar province, killing ( 8 ) of the police. In The News: The explosion yesterday afternoon at a
car near a police Ranger from the Department of Nis, which led to the destruction of the car, after at least (3)
two policemen were killed and (4) other serious surgeries. As a land mine exploded yesterday afternoon also
on foot patrol for enemy soldiers in the “neighbor Koussa” buttons Bbahmol Department, which was (4)
soldiers were killed including their leader. According to the report after the Mujahideen Alinajafar directly
open fire on enemy soldiers, which led to the occurrence of further losses in the ranks of the enemy.

Heavy casualties in the ranks of the common enemy in Helmand (Original in Arabic) – Google English translation

Continental / Yousuf Ahmadi

Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate reported from Helmand province, they Bkberp troops inflicted casualties on
the Israeli occupation forces and customers throughout the day today (2009-12-11) as a result of battles,
explosions in the departments of Musa Qala and Gereshk that mandate. According to reports the hyphen: The
hinder all day today three times clashes with British forces in the occupied region, “Shabana Rose,”
Department of Musa Qala. Least in these clashes (3) soldiers were killed and (4) other serious surgeries. The
enemy suffered such losses, while the enemy in the case of out of their base Exposure infantry soldiers to
attack militants and violent clashes took place between the parties. The source adds this afternoon against an
armored enemy by a bomb explosion, when she tried to enter the base, which led to the death and injury on
board. In the news of another independent: a vehicle of puppet army kind of hip at three o’clock in the
afternoon an explosive device in the market Directorate Gereshk mandate itself, which was (4) soldiers were
killed. In a related context, Mujahideen attacked last night on a security police station in the market
mentioned above, but there was no information about casualties, attached to the enemy so far. In a separate
report last: a vehicle of the type of Army Ranger for the client in the tenth time this morning hit a landmine in
the region Oopaschk when they were in a patrol mission in the region. Which led to the outright destruction,
and he died (4) military personnel, including their leader, were killed and (4) other soldiers were by severe.

6 Nato invaders tanks destroyed in Helmand (Official English) – Arabic version

1 of 3 12-12-2009 07:48
TALIBAN PROPAGANDA WATCH (RC South) – 121245UTC Dec 09 ...

Thursday afternoon 10-12-2009 at around 1 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
with IED’s destroyed six tanks of the Nato invaders and killed all those onboard in Nad Ali district of
Helmand province. Four tanks of the enemy were destroyed when they were searching houses in the village
and two tanks of the enemy were destroyed yesterday in the same village. In another operation a Mujahid
sniper took out an invader terrorist when he was standing on his post. Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

Mujahideen Kill Two Invading Soldiers in Gerishk (Official English) – Arabic version

Friday, 11 December 2009 16:22 Q.Y Ahmadi, Helmand

(11.12.2009) According to a report from Helmand province, Mujahideen killed two soldiers of the puppet
regime in Bari, near Gerishk district city as they were on their way to their outpost. After the ambush by
Mujahideen, fighting occurred between the Mujahideen and the hireling soldiers which resulted into the
killing of two soldiers on the spot. Two others were injured. The report further says, Mujahideen took
ammunitions and weapons of the soldiers gun downed by them.

6 American invading terrorists killed and tank blown up in Uruzgan (Official English) – Arabic version

Friday, 11 December 2009 15:22 Reported by Qari Muhammad Yousuf

Thursday afternoon 10-12-2009 at around 4:30 pm local time, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan with an IED blew up a patrolling tank of the American invaders in Tareen Kot city in Uruzgan
province, in the blast the tank was destroyed and six terrorists onboard were killed.

Death of a woman and wounding her son, a result of firing by the Americans (Original in Arabic) – Google English

Continental / Yousuf Ahmadi

Result of random shots by the soldiers of America yesterday (2009-12-11), cited a woman and wounded her
son, who did not exceed the age of ten surgeries in the very mandate of the Directorate of Shah Joy Zabul.
According to residents of the region: the enemy soldiers looking for local homes in the area Krtash, and
women and children from the fear of dogs, the enemy out of the house and enter another when targeted by
enemy invasion. It is said that in addition to killing enemy civilians, causing damage to them, and they
arrested some people and took them away after being beaten with themselves on their position.

Exposure points, security police station in Keshrod (Original in Arabic) – Google English translation

Continental / Yousuf Ahmadi

Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate attacked an armed attack on a security police in the area, “Chichaoua” State
Department Keshrod Nimroz. According to Linker News: During the attack, which occurred yesterday
afternoon (2009-12-10). Four mortar shells Hawan within the Center for the enemy, which led to the deaths
and destruction of the type of car Ranger of the enemy and inflicted significant point in the building of

PDF version of this page also available

at non-terrorist site here.

Written by milnewsca Edit

12 December 09 at 7:47

Posted in Afghanistan, Kandahar, Taliban propaganda

Tagged with Afghanistan, Bari, Gereshk, Helmand, Kandahar, Kandahar Air Field, Keshrod, Musa Qala, Nad Ali, Nimroz,
Panjwai, Shah Joy, Taliban propaganda, Tarin Kowt, Uruzgan, Voice of Jihad, Zabul, Zhari

« TALIBAN PROPAGANDA WATCH: Taliban Allege Ten Canadians Killed, Injured in Foot Patrol Blast

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