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n June 1657 Denmark decided to start a war against

Sweden. Faced with Danish intervention the Swe-
des chose to abandon majority of cities held in Po-
land and concentrate on defending their possessions
in Prussia. At the same time king Charles X Gustav
with bulk of the eld army (mainly cavalry) quickly
marched from Prussia, through Brandenburgs Pome-
rania, and in two weeks time arrived at Swedish Po-
merania. His quick arrival surprised the Danes, who
didnt expect to ght against the main Swedish for-
ces. Charles X Gustav brought many regiments with
him, although their strength was severely depleted
due to tough campaigns in Poland. Nevertheless, his
units were largely composed of veterans, quite eager
to ght against the Danes. The royal army forced the
Danish soldiers to lift the siege of Bremen and then
in early autumn proceed into Jutland. Supported by
infantry and artillery from Pomerania, the royal army
quite quickly broke Danish opposition and marched
in the direction of the Danish islands. Only one for-
tress Fredriksodde held against the Swedes for a
longer time, until it was captured in late October by
an assault of eldmarshal Wrangels troops. During
the winter of 1658 the king and his veterans were he-
roes of one of the most spectacular military opera-
tions of 17th century. Taking opportunity of frosts that
froze the Baltic Sea, the Swedish army led by the king
himself marched through Little and Great Belt, surpri-
sing Danes with such hazardous maneuver. Between
10000 and 12000 soldiers safely arrived on Zealand,
ghting of scarce Danish opposition. On the 15th of
February 1658 Swedish troops arrived at the outskirts
of Copenhagen. Facing thousands of Swedish vete-
rans, the Danes (who didnt expect enemy action du-
ring the winter) decided to negotiate with Charles X
Gustav. On the 26th of February the Treaty of Roskilde
was signed by Danish and Swedish envoys. War was
over, at least for a while
The Invincibles
Swedish veteran army in campaign against
Denmark 1657-1658
Micha Kadrinazi Paradowski, Daniel Staberg, Rafa Szwelicki
Miniatures painted by Corsarii
Special rules:
Bellum se ipsum alet
(against any army other than Danish)
(Rulebook, page 291)
Shock and Awe
(rule is used in place of Bellum se ipsum alet when ghting against the Danes)
Rapid Swedish advance into Danish territory caused diferent levels of resistance. Some areas were pacied
very quickly, while in others the Danes defended against Swedes for a longer time.
Before the battle Swedish commander rolls a D10 and checks the list below. He adds +1 to roll if he is the Stronger
player and +2 (cumulative with being Stronger) if he won the Reconnaissance. Modify the roll by -1 for each Snap-
phanar base elded by the Danish player.
3 and less - Every step will cost them blood treat the whole Swedish army as under Bellum se ipsum
alet rule
4-6 - Strike them from ambush but avoid pitched battle Bellum se ipsum alet rule is weakened, Swedish
player gains one point of losses for every 4 (instead of 3) bases that ed the eld.
7 and more - They strike fear into hearts of the enemy the whole Swedish army is unafected by Bellum
se ipsum alet rule
(Rulebook, page 291)
We've seen victories, we've seen defeats
Swedish reiters participated in many battles during the Polish campaigns, so it took a lot to break their morale.
During the Danish war they were the cutting edge of the Swedish army and showed great superiority over the
Each mounted Commander and reiter Unit (national and any veterans) have +1 Morale, each reiter regiment has
+1 to Motivation Level.
How to use
army lists in this pdf
We decided to split this army into two divisions. First the cavalry wing is the elite of army, mar-
ching fast and striking hard into Danish territory. The second the infantry wing is composed of
slow marching elements of the army, taking care of those defended castles that were left behind the
royal assault. You use normal regiments from main rulebook, with additional rules than can be nd
Small in numbers but were the chosen ones
The Swedish army marching against Denmark in 1657 was
included many regiments but their numbers were usually
very low. They consisted many veterans of the Polish war
though, so the king Karl X Gustav had with him the
elite of his army.
Regiments in this division can eld only mandatory
(black) bases for each company, cannot buy any ad-
ditional (grey) bases to strengthen the companies,
although they can still buy additional companies and
ofcers. To show high number of such small regiments tho-
ugh, each of three basic regimental slots can be used to buy 2
regiments (see the divisional list).
Battle weary
Swedish national infantry received reinforcements in Pommerania, composed of
companies left there as garrisons in 1655. Despite this fact the number of stragglers on
the way to Denmark as well as sending detachments ensured that the numbers remained fairly low.
National infantry regiments can eld only up to 5 companies (FSP:5)
Commanded musketeers
Royal cavalry was supported by companies of commanded musketeers, drawn from diferent units.
Mercenary regiment with this rule cost 1 FSP less but is elded without pikemen.
The Royal Division the cavalry wing
* You can eld major if You have
at least 2 guns
+1 FPS for each light cannons

* You can eld only 1 regiment of infantry. It use 'Commanded musketeers' and cannot be veterans.
* You can eld only 1 regiment of dragoons.
Bellum se ipsum alet/ Shock and Awe, Disciplined, Small in numbers but were chosen ones,
We've seen victories, we've seen defeats
Wrangels division infantry wing
* You can eld major if You have at
least 2 guns
+1 FPS for each light gun
+2 FPS for each medium gun
* You can eld only one 12-pdr gun
*Regiments of mercenary infantry cannot be elded as veterans.
Bellum se ipsum alet/ Shock and Awe, Disciplined, Small in numbers but were chosen ones,
We've seen victories, we've seen defeats, Battle weary
6 6
The Invincibles Skirmish
+1 FSP for Lieutenant-colonel #
+1 FSP for Major #
+1 FSP for taking national veteran reiters in the base of skirmish. +2 FPS for
taking them on any other level. Theyre elded as companies of 2-3 bases.

* You can eld max. half companies of reiters (but not national reiters) with
arquebuses. If You dont eld any companies with arquebuses, You can for
free upgrade one 2-bases strong company of reiters from base of skirmish
to 3-bases.
+1 FPS for 4 bases of reiters (but not national reiters) in armor (Armor: 6).
You can use that upgrade only once.

Bellum se ipsum alet/ Shock and Awe, Disciplined, We've seen victories, we've seen defeats, Military Drill,
Small Companies, Large Staf

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