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All skirmish level army lists from the main rulebook, expansions and all ofcial materials from

By Fire
and Sword website are allowed on tournaments.
The players may change the make-up of their Skirmish Force during the tournament but they may not
change the faction. In such case the player should prepare and present, before the tournament, all the
versions of the Skirmish Force list he plans to use. It should be clearly marked which of those versions
is the basic one and will take part in the rst battle. Any changes in the make-up of the Skirmish Force
can be made before the drawing of the next round when notifying the referee about the result of the
previous battle inform him which variant of the 3 prepared will be used in the next round.
The player is obliged to have a legible list of every variant of the Skirmish Force he wants to deploy. The
list must include information about Force Strength Points, Reconnaissance Points and Force Value (in
case of the Force Value he must have the Force Value chart).
The players should also have any eld fortications that they may need for their Skirmish Force. If a
player does not have enough eld fortications he will not be able to deploy them.
Armies should be painted. The referee assesses if a given base is painted or not. In some cases he may
consider the gures as unpainted (e.g. if they are just splattered with paint or dipped in it).
Unpainted gures can be used to play if they are assembled, xed to the base and are at least underco-
ated. Figures with no undercoat and not assembled and glued cannot be used.
For every unpainted base the player receives 1 Small Penalty Point in the nal classication. For every
full 3 unpainted bases in addition 1 Large Penalty Point in the nal classication. Not more than 15%
of gures in the army can be unpainted.
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) is in force:
1. There is a complete prohibition of using proxies that is using gures as formations they do not
2. Only Wargamer gures can be used on tournaments. The reason was presented in a clear and ho-
nest way in the introduction to the rules. As a result we introduce a limit: 90% of the bases in the
army must have painted Wargamer gures on them. The other 10% may be completely from other
companies, unpainted, etc. By 10% we understand the number of bases where at least more than
half of the gures are not from Wargamer. This does not include terrain elements, obstacles and eld
By Fire and Sword Tournament Rules Skirmish Level.
Paragraphs in red are optional (organizers decision), others are obligatory.
This set of rules presents the rules for organization of ofcial By Fire and Sword tournaments
endorsed by Wargamer company. Our aim is not only to promote our rules but also our range of
gures through the tournaments. The case is clear use our gures and we will repay in prizes,
bonuses and most of all with huge efort put into the development of our game. For your loyalty
we will repay with all the possible support for initiatives connected with the development of the
game. We created By Fire and Sword for you and we want you to have as much fun as possible.
1. Army Composition
2. Miniatures in the Army
fortications these may come from diferent manufacturers. For every base exceeding the limit the
player will receive a penalty: -1 ducat from the prize and no bonus gures (if such are given on the
3. Shields and arquebuses (in case of cavalry) are excluded from WYSIWYG. This equipment is not
noticeable enough to cause confusion. If a player has full WYSIWYG (shields only modeled on elite
formations etc.) he is awarded with 1 additional Large Point in the nal classication.
4. Conversions are allowed. The referee must be notied about them and he will decide on allowing
them in the tournament.
Games are played at the Skirmish Level using the materials from By Fire and Sword rulebook.
The games are played using the limited ammunition rules (must be written down on Skirmish Force
sheet) and all optional rules (excluding: Average Rolls and Group Orders), unless both players do not
want to use a specic rule.
Errata and FAQ available at the forum and By Fire and Sword website are in force.
In the rst round the players shall be drawn so that two armies of the same nations do not play against
each other. In the following rounds the players play against opponents matched on the basis of points
scored. If possible still trying to avoid match-ups of armies from the same nation.
Challenges may be issued for the rst round, the referee needs to be notied about this in advance.
Challenges may be issued only against players that placed in the top three at the previous tournament
or are in the top ve of the League. Also such players may not issue challenges.
Scoring points for games is done according to normal rules for Skirmish Level (Small Points).
-13 and less historical defeat (0-6)
-12 to - 7 strategic defeat (1-5)
-6 to -2 tactical defeat (2-4)
-1 to +1 draw (3-3)
+2 to +6 tactical victory (4-2)
+7 to +12 strategic victory (5-1)
13+ and more historical victory (6-0)
The nal classication is calculated according to Large Points. If several players have the same amount
of Large Points the nal position is established according to Small Points.
3. Rules
4. Games and Points
Wargamer ducats are prizes at By Fire and Sword tournaments.
What are ducats it is a tournament currency of Wargamer. They come in two forms of metal coins and
virtual entries at the By Fire and Sword forum. You need to have an account at the game forum in order to
receive virtual ducats.
Ducats can be exchanged for special accessories for By Fire and Sword such as t-shirts, promo gures and
others. The catalogue with prizes available for ducats can be found at the By Fire and Sword website.
Prizes delivery shall be established each time with the tournament organizer.
The prize system:
The players are rewarded in the following way: the winner receives the amount of ducats equal to the amo-
unt of participating players; the second best half of the amount received by the winner (rounding down);
third best half of the amount received by second best (again rounding down), fourth best half of the
amount received by third best etc. See the chart below:
At Grand Tournaments we also additionally award won battles. Points for battles: every Tactical victory
grants 1 ducat for the player, Strategic 2, and Historical 4.
In addition at Grand Tournaments the last player receives 1 ducat so he can bury his soldiers
Example 1. Colonel Svensson wins a Grant Tournament with 14 participants. He won one tactical and two
strategic victories. He gets 14 ducats for winning the tournament + 5 ducats for victories a total of 19 ducats.
Colonel Kowalski placed fth at the same tournament (two tactical victories and one draw). Unfortunately not
enough to get on the podium but nevertheless he will not leave the tournament empty-handed two tactical
victories grant him 2 ducats.
Example 2. Colonel Svensson wins a local tournament with 10 participants. He gets 10 ducats for being rst.
Colonel Kowalski was fourth and as a result he receives 1 ducat.
At Grand Tournaments there might be additional prizes in the form of unique gures and accessories for
the game.
5. Prizes
Number of players
Place 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
I 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
II 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
III 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
IV - 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
V - - - - - 1 1 1 1
IV - - - - - - - - -
Grand Tournaments are organized and sponsored only by Wargamer.
By Fire and Sword tournaments with Wargamers endorsement can be organized by any player subject to
the following conditions:
he/she undertakes to conduct the tournament according to these rules;
informs Wargamer about the will to organize the tournament at: or by sending
a PM at the forum to Kadzik (By Fire and Sword forum member);
after Wargamers acceptance there should be a tournament thread made on the games forum conta-
ining information about the tournament at least 30 days before its date;
collects entries of participants at the tournament thread;
minimum number of participants is 6 (including the organizer if he also plays);
the organizer is obliged to prepare a reserve army. If there is an uneven number of players at the tour-
nament the organizer (or a person appointed by him) plays in the tournamen;
after the tournament the organizer should present an account of the tournament that includes: a list of
players with classication and points scored along with a group photo of the participants;
Wargamer will supply the following to the organizer:
ducats for prizes in the amount of number of enlisted participants x2. In case of tournaments organi-
zed outside of Poland virtual ducats will be granted after the tournament according to the account of
the tournament made by the organizer;
posters and catalogues as well as other promo materials available at the given moment;
award for the organizer in the amount of a ducat per participant excluding the organizer (optionally
these ducats will be added at the forum);
The materials will be sent to the organizer 7 days before the tournament in the amount according to the
number of entries. If a store selling By Fire and Sword wants to organize a tournament individual arrange-
ments shall be made.
6. How to Organize
a Tournament

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