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19th Article of the series

O those who had attained Eeman (who believe) you must stand up right for
justice, (be) witnesses for Allah (SWT) even though be it be against yourself or
(your)parents or (your)kindred , whether a rich or a poor –
(4 Surah An-nisa Ayat 135)
Dawat e Fikr April, 2008

Israel ----- V --- Palestine

Day of Gaza unrest leaves 22 dead
Extracted From :
Published: 2008/04/16 23:41:26 GMT
At least 22 people, including 5 Palestinian children, have died in Gaza's worst day of fighting
since Israeli incursions in early March 2008.

Israel's highest daily loss

in the area for 3 years
A Hamas ambush in northern Gaza killed three Israeli troops. That sparked
Israeli air strikes near Bureij refugee camp, which Israel said targeted gunmen, but which left five children
among 11 people killed. A cameraman also died when his car was apparently fired on by an Israeli tank. UN
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he was gravely concerned by the escalation of fighting and urged both
sides to show restraint. (What a mockery of justice!!, Comments by Major ® Minhas)
Thin hopes
At least 100 people were killed during operations launched by Israel in early
March after Palestinian rocket attacks on its territory.


Children among 11 killed by Israeli air strike near Bureij Three Israeli
soldiers killed near Nahal Oz Four Hamas militants killed by Israeli troops east of Gaza City Reuters
cameraman (above) and two others killed in apparent tank-strike One man killed on air strike on car near Beit
Lahyia Since then, casualty figures had dwindled in Gaza with Egypt attempting to broker some sort of
ceasefire, the BBC's Tim Franks reports. Now the chances of that appear slimmer than ever, our Middle East
correspondent says. Wednesday's highest death-toll came when Israel launched air-strikes near the Bureij camp.
According to Hamas, Israeli helicopters launched four missiles. Earlier, three Israeli soldiers were killed and
three wounded when Hamas gunmen approached the security fence near the Nahal Oz crossing, Israel's army
said. The deaths were Israel's highest daily toll in the area since 2006. Pursuing two Hamas fighters who had
planted a bomb, the soldiers were ambushed by a second Hamas group lying in wait, Israel's military said.
Hamas said it had mounted a "sophisticated ambush".
Continued on Next Page
Islam under siege, 19 Article, Day of Blood Shed in Ghaza ,by BBC’s Tim Franks.Dawat-e-Fikr April 2008
2 (57)
In other violence throughout the day, a Reuters cameraman was among three
killed when his car exploded, apparently after being hit by an Israeli tank shell. Fadel Shana, 23, was
killed along with two bystanders after he got out of a car marked "TV" and "Press" in central Gaza,
the agency reports, photographers and other uninvolved individuals in areas of warfare is extremely
dangerous and poses a threat to their lives," he told Reuters. Film recovered from his camera shows an
Israeli tank opening fire several hundred metres away, Reuters adds. It goes blank about two seconds
after the shell is fired - apparently at the moment it hit the car. An Israeli military official later
expressed regret at the cameraman's death.

"The presence of Lengthy campaign?

In other fighting on Wednesday, four Hamas militants were killed by Israeli
troops east of Gaza City. An air strike on a car also killed one Palestinian near Beit Lahyia, in the
north of the strip. It is hard to say whether the recent spike in Israeli military casualties is down to
more effective tactics by Hamas or simply the result of increased Israeli activity in Gaza and therefore
increased exposure, says BBC defence and security correspondent Rob Watson. A recent Israeli study
by a research group with close ties to Israel's defence establishment said Hamas was currently
engaged in the broadest and most significant military build-up in its history. Some generals argue a
major Israeli incursion will eventually be needed to prevent Hamas growing even stronger militarily.
But they also fear the possible consequences of a lengthy campaign in the crowded cities and refugee
camps of Gaza, our correspondent says. (What a mockery of regret !!, Comments by Major ®


Extracted From :
Published: 2008/04/16 13:43:01 GMT
The Iraqi government has replaced the commanders of the army and
police forces in the southern city of Basra. The move comes weeks after an assault that aimed to
disarm Shia militias in the city. The operation was criticised by US commanders as poorly planned
and failed to achieve its stated aims. (It, being based on purchasing of loyalties, had to fail!!,
Comments by Major ® Minhas)
It ended when Iranian officials brokered a deal that took the militias off the
streets but allowed them to keep hold of their weapons. The Iraqi government says that the police
chief and the army commander in Basra are not being fired, but they are being moved back to
Baghdad. Both Maj-Gen Abduljalil Khalaf and Gen Mohan Furaiji have been in the city for six
months. Both men have been praised by the British and American military and both have survived
assassination attempts.
The BBC's Baghdad correspondent Crispin Thorold says the men are leaving
Basra at a time when the security forces there are being criticised. Army chief Gen Mohan was the architect of
the recent operations in Basra. He recommended the plan to Prime Minister Nouri Maliki. That operation
ground to a halt when the army faced considerable resistance from the militias, including the Mehdi army loyal
to Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr . The fighting spread to various parts of Iraq, hundreds of people were killed and
thousands of civilians were trapped in their homes for days on end.

Since the operation, about 1,600 Basra police officers have either been
discharged, detained or are wanted for court martial for dereliction of duty. Iraqi officials
told the BBC that the policemen were being investigated for failure to open fire at outlaws, joining them or
giving them weapons. Many soldiers also deserted. The new army and police commanders are both from outside
Basra, large parts of which are still controlled by different militias.

Islam under siege, 19th Article, Day of Blood Shed in Ghaza ,by BBC’s Tim Franks.Dawat-e-Fikr April 2008
Murder of Benazir Bhutto on 27th December 2007
Was planned and executed under direct supervision of American
President Bush (II), Condoleezza Rice and their Junta
1. America has an undisputed history of looking after its national interest through
pitching its allies against each other. America has been supporting Q Muslim League (General
Musharraf) and MQM with its leader stationed at London, Chaudhry Brothers (Ch. Shujjat Hussain and
Ch. Pervaiz Elahi) and PPP.
2. MQM’s main adversary has been PPP. There has been no time when each of
them did not claim to be the sole representative of people of Sindh. The basis of MQM was the bulk
immigration from India at the time of independence of Pakistan. Once established at the capital MQM
proceeded to secure the hold of, initially Hyderabad and then the entire Sindh. Larkana was the centre of
activity of Shahnawaz Bhutto, father of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Shaheed. It was Larkana (Garhi Khuda
Baksh) which became the hub of political activity and the burial place of Bhutto dynasty.
President Bush (II) and its Junta has all along been operating on both
levels of diplomacy i.e. open as well as behind the scene
1. In open diplomacy each one of the three referred political forces was
advised to assist and cooperate with each other on the basis of common objective of the so called demo-
cracy where as in behind the scene diplomacy each one of the three referred political parties advised how
to ensure that their own interest was not jeopardized in the so called cooperation in the common political
objective. The overriding factor was always the national interest of America and its allies.
2. The main worry of Israel, America, Britain, German and G8 countries
was to contain and destroy Iran. Benazir, on her return after eight years of self exile as per open
diplomacy was given an historic reception at Karachi on 18th October 2007.
The entire world was watching the waves after waves
of dancing supporters.
That was the moment when behind the scene diplomacy passed the feeler,
“that only she could save the world by joining Israel and Iraq’s attack on Iran. She proved her
greatness by declining the suggestion on basis of her religion. Entire world knew that though she
was a non-practicing Shia yet she could not stoop so low. This led President Bush (II) and its
Junta to give green signal to various individuals who were entrusted to switch off the electricity
at the point of scene, presentation of a plastic child wrapped in PPP’s flag and the linked actions.
Benazir Shaheed had mentioned these points in her speeches and writings.
Major ® Minhas alone
Could claim to be the only factual ancestor of
Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
Had Allah not enabled Major ® Minhas to lead bloodless coup in GHQ hall
on the day of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s return from United Nations and foil General Hameed, the then
Commander in Chief’s plan to arrest Bhutto. Without this Mr. Bhutto could not have become President of
Pakistan laying the foundations stone of Bhutto’s dynasty.
The above claim is fully supported by Hamood-ur-Rahman commission’s
award which Major® Minhas has been publishing in Monthly Dawat-e-Fikr, various national and
international Dailies with copies to all national leaders including Shaheed Benazir.
Murder of Benazir Bhutto on 27th Dec 2007 was planned & executed by President Bush II & Junta .Dawat-e-Fikr April 2008
E mail address:
Mr. Ulf Johansson,
Editor in Chief
Nerikes Allehanda Sweden
1. Joining you, and, all others upholding the freedom of press and publication of Art
Cartoons, I had the honour of sending you the following Cartoon for publication on
your front page at the earliest.

2. Payment of charges will be made, in advance, through Bank Fax remittance in your
desired currency and bank. You are requested to Email your bank account details
along with advertisement charges.
3. We certainly do not want to hurt any one
4. We are positive that Lars Vilks who’s Cartoon you have published Showing
Muhammad (SAW) head on the dog’s body will appreciate the above Cartoon.
5. We, as Muslims, hold in utmost respect for all prophets including Jesus and Moses
and thus have to keep the prophets out of Art cartoons.
6. You all love dog as a pet. There cannot be a single man / women without using dog
as a best companion in your society. Our responding cartoon will thus give you a
national pride too.
Yours truly,
Major ® Minhas
Tehreek e Fahmul Quraan
E mail to Mr. Ulf Johansson, Editor in Chief Nerikes Allehanda Sweden, Dawat-e-Fikr August 2007
Continued on Next Page
Western world’s shameless failure to accept Cartoon in reply of Cartoon, Dawat-e-Fikr April 2008

20th Century’s worst incident of blasphemy,

What is the underlying cause? Why was the “Christian club” formed?
Have you ever analysed how cat relishes her victory over dieing mouse?
Crusade Wars started, after 9/11/2001 by the unfortunate Bush, continues even today
i.e. 2008, seven years after the incident which according to some was planned and executed by Israeli
agents who saved Israelis working in Twin Towers and en-cashed the disappearance of those who
could not either get out in time or could not be informed.
Crusade Wars are being lead by
1-America 2-America’s previous colonist and present stanch ally Britain
3- European Union i.e. Greatest Colonists of Human History, France, Germany,
Britain etc which constitute “Christian club”
whose armies and cooperators are responsible for killing hundreds of thousands Muslims in
Africa in the name of “democracy” who is the greatest hurdle in the way of Turkey becoming member
of EU. It is the same dual policy under which hundreds of thousands of African were chained and
taken to America, the then colony of the then Great Britain
Hunger, intense violence & cruelty
The dead were thrown into the sea serving as a feed to fish
Britain even today is not prepared to utter a single word of apology,
All the colonists put together can not produce a single example of barbarity reaching some
where near this inhuman conduct.
Opposed to the above “The holocaust” the mass killing of
Jews, the authenticity of which is challenged by its opponents & termed
concoction, yet various countries of “Christian club” are enacting laws
So that any one challenging authenticity of holocaust could be arrested and put behind bars
without giving any chance to prove his/her innocence. Three Big initiators of Crusade wars have neither
taken any notice of Israel’s ever increasing Atomic capability nor will they in future. Each of the three big
initiators of Crusade wars along with
India, installed Governments of Iraq and Afghanistan
Has all along insisted that “Pakistan should do more to crush the terrorists” (freedom fighters in
their own land) and also that “Pakistan is a first-line ally of America” This is America’s centuries old tried
technique of punishing her first line allies to destroy their countries and “them” too when they are no more
needed. th
20 century’s worst incident of blasphemy
through “Cartoons” classifying these to be “right of freedom of Press” Chronological
record of the same can be traced back to :-
30th September 2005- Denmark
20th October …2005 Muslim Ambassadors complained to the Prime Minister
10th January….2006 Norway newspaper published the “Cartoon” for the 2nd time
30th January …2006 Saudi Ambassador was recalled
31st January …2006 Denmark’s newspaper rendered apology
1st February ....2006 France’s Newspaper Francisco Suragh, German’s Die Vilet,
………………………Italy’s LaStampa and Spain’s Elpreco published the same again
Each & every Muslim head of state including Afghanistan’s installed
President Hamid Karzai, Iraq’s installed President Jalal Talabani has condemned the
worst humiliating instigation while remaining the stanch supporter of America and Christian Club
countries. India and Israel have been exemplary partners from 14th August 1947, the day Pakistan
became independent, till today (2008) on one point agenda of making Pakistan a subordinate state to India
Clash of civilisations turned into crusade wars started celebrating victory
on 30th September 2005 by publishing instigating cartoons, which continue till today (2008).
Muslim Ummah of today had no choice other than publishing cartoon of a dog with their head of state
exactly in the same way as they have done in case of Prophet Muhammad SAW or to accept a
shameless defeat by practically adopting their civilisation of wine, women and (illegal) wealth and
continue cheating itself by “meaningless protests” or fight a losing battle which Prophet Muhammad
SAW and companions had never fought.
Western world’s…. shameless failure…. to accept Cartoon in reply of Cartoon… Dawat-e-Fikr April 2008
7 faces of Pope- Church in
April 2008
Extracted From :
Published: 2008/04/02 21:19:18 GMT

The Church in Wales' governing body has narrowly rejected proposals to

allow women priests to become bishops. The controversial bill was defeated by three votes at the 140-
member body meeting in Lampeter, despite being backed by the Archbishop of Wales. (May God
take the unfortunate Archbishop of Wales out of the filth, he has landed himself in,
Comments by Major ® Minhas)
Ahead of the vote, Dr Barry Morgan had urged backing for the bill saying
he could not see how women could logically be excluded from becoming bishops. Afterwards the
church leader spoke of his "great disappointment". "I feel we won the argument, but we narrowly lost
the vote, (True All great lovers of democracy suffer in the same way, Comments by
Major ® Minhas)" he said. "I think it is three years before this can be brought forward again and the
issue will certainly not be going away."

It is essential that the church makes best use of everybody's talents so

this outcome was very upsetting Gill Todd,
Gill Todd member of the church's governing body. More than 100 clergy
warned in December last year they would not accept the ministry of women
bishops. The bill, proposed by six diocesan bishops, needed a two-thirds majority in each section of
the governing body to take effect. Voting was split into three separate sections, the House of Laity,
the House of Clerics and the House of Bishops. The House of Clerics voted 27 to 18 in favour but,
with abstentions, missed the required two-thirds majority. The other houses attained the required
The defeat bill leaves Wales and England as the only UK regions in the
Anglican Church that do not allow women bishops. Where as Anglican Church in Scotland,
Ireland, New Zealand, Canada and the United States already allows women to be ordained as bishops.
Women have been ordained as priests within the Church in Wales since January 1997. There are now
160 women in that role out of a total of 696 clerics in the church. An amendment for the bill to
provide a male bishop for those opposed to the ordination of women bishops was also voted down. Dr
Morgan said he was pleased the amendment was also defeated as he said it would have changed the
constitutional nature of the church by requiring bishops to appoint an assistant bishop. In a statement,
he said: "It is likely the bill would have sailed through if the amendment had been passed but that
would have meant us, as supporters, compromising our principles, which we were not prepared to do.
"Like this bill, the bill to ordain women to the priesthood was initially defeated, but it came back to
the governing body and was passed 11 years ago. "This is not the end for this bill either - it will not go
away and it will not be ignored, (A praise worthy determination. Comments by Major ®

It is something the Church in Wales will have to

grapple with. "But it saddens me that we
*** 7 different faces of Pope- Church 1st Article of the Series, Dawat -e-Fikr April 2008 ***
will have to go through the whole process and all the work involved once again." One
of those opposed to the bill, Reverend Jeremy Winston, vicar of St Mary's Priory Church,
Abergavenny, said he expected the issue to return. He said the bill might have gone through if the
proposed amendment had been passed for more "traditionalist" members of the church. He said: "It
[the amendment] was very much a way in that those who are very devout and committed members of
the Church in Wales but are not in agreement on this issue [women bishops], could continue to play a
full active and devout, prayerful, part in the life of the Church in Wales, which we want to do."


Extracted From :

Published: 2008/04/15 20:13:47 GMT

Pope Benedict XVI has said he is "deeply ashamed" of sexual abuse by

clergy in the US Catholic Church. The Pope vowed to work to prevent paedophiles from
becoming priests as he flew to Washington at the beginning of his first visit to the US as
pontiff. In recent years, the US Catholic Church has paid $2bn (£1bn) to settle clergy
sexual abuse cases. US President George W Bush made the unusual gesture of greeting the Pope on
his arrival at Andrews Air Force Base. During his trip, the Pope will address the UN, celebrate two
masses, pray at Ground Zero and visit a synagogue. The Pope told reporters on board the flight to
Washington: "We will absolutely exclude paedophiles from the sacred ministry."


The sexual abuse by clergy had been a great suffering for the US Catholic
Church and for him personally, said Benedict XVI, who became pontiff almost three years ago. "I am
deeply ashamed and will do whatever is possible so that this does not happen in the future," he said.
"It is more important to have good priests than many priests. We will do everything possible to heal
this wound." The Pope has been asked to meet some victims of clerical abuse and their families
during his visit but has so far declined to do so, (Pope must decline to meet some referred
victims of abuse by priests, Comments by Major ® Minhas)"
the BBC's Rome correspondent David Willey says.

Warm reception
About a quarter of Americans are Catholics, and the Church has been
changing with the arrival of millions of new Latino immigrants. The BBC's Jonathan Beale in
Washington says the theologically conservative Pope may get a warmer reception for his views in the
US than in Europe. Mr. Bush is close to the pontiff in opposing abortion, gay marriage
and stem cell research. But the two differ on issues including the war in Iraq and
capital punishment, both of which the Vatican has opposed. The Pope will celebrate his
birthday during the trip, turning 81 on Wednesday.


By Jonathan Beale BBC News, Washington
Extracted From :
Published: 2008/04/15 10:39:53 GMT

*** 7 different faces of Pope- Church 1st Article of the Series, Dawat -e-Fikr April 2008 ***
President Bush is not a Catholic. And unlike his good friend
Tony Blair, he probably never will be.
Yet the very Protestant Mr. Bush is clearly an admirer of Pope
Benedict XVI and is pulling out all the stops for his first visit to the United States as pontiff. For a
start, the president and his wife Laura are making the rare gesture of going to
meet Pope Benedict at Andrew's Air Force Base when he lands on Tuesday evening.
Normally world leaders and heads of state have to make the journey to the White House to see Mr
Bush. Not that they see eye-to-eye on every issue. This Pope has criticised the war in Iraq -
highlighting the suffering of Iraq's Christians. But on issues like the sanctity of life, human rights and
the freedom to worship, the president and the Pope share a common agenda. In fact some have even
described President Bush as a "closet Catholic". The former Republican Senator, Rick Santorum, calls
him "the first Catholic president... much more Catholic than Kennedy", who found his faith in the
1960s as much a burden as a blessing. (Who would not enjoy the mockery of both, i.e. Bush
& tony Blair!!, Comments by Major ® Minhas)"

This visit, though, is about much more than seeing the president. In fact,
Pope Benedict will not even turn up to the White House dinner being held in his
honour and marking his 81st birthday. (An expected rebuff or expected hiding one’s
face,!!, Comments by Major ® Minhas)" Instead, he will be meeting Catholic bishops for prayer.
On his six-day tour Pope Benedict will also hold a Mass for the faithful at baseball stadiums in
Washington DC and New York. Some 46,000 American Catholics are expected to attend the service
at the new Nationals Park stadium in DC, while 50,000 are due at the Yankee Stadium in New York.
It is a reminder that although the United States is not a Catholic nation, America does have the world's
third largest number of Catholics - after Brazil and Mexico. There are 70 million Catholics in the
United States - a quarter of the country's adult population. While in New York, Pope Benedict
will also be addressing a global audience when he speaks at the headquarters of the United
Nations. So this is an important visit for a Pope who is still to make his mark in the same way as his
predecessor - the much-loved and more charismatic John Paul II.

Rift with liberals

One of the biggest tests for Pope Benedict is how he heals the wounds of the sex
abuse scandal that rocked the American Catholic Church in 2002. Hundreds of priests
have since been removed, and the Church has spent $2bn (£1bn) in payouts following legal
claims from an estimated 5,000 victims. The Pope is expected to address the matter, but at the time
of writing there were no plans for him to meet any of the victims - as some have urged. It is clearly
not an issue on which the Catholic Church wants to dwell. This Pope may also be at odds with liberal
Catholics in America. Not all, liberal Catholics, subscribe to his orthodox position on
contraception, abortion or same-sex relationships. Some 62% of Catholics in America say the
Pope is out of touch with their views. Yet at the same time there is a growing Latino population who look
to the Pope as the true leader of their faith. An even greater number of evangelical Christians in America share
the Pope's concerns about rapid changes in society and proclaim a similar gospel. In fact, overall, Pope Benedict
may find that more Americans are in tune with his thinking than in more liberal Europe, where the band of
believers is dwindling. In America, 40% of Catholics still go to Mass, compared with around 10% in Europe.


Extracted From :
Published: 2008/04/10 09:40:39 GMT

*** 7 different faces of Pope- Church 1st Article of the Series, Dawat -e-Fikr April 2008 ***
the leader of a group representing homosexual Anglicans in England. Dr Rowan
Williams said threats against Rev Colin Coward, director of Changing Attitude, marked the "latest round
of unchristian bullying". He was also criticising assaults on gay Anglicans in Nigeria. His comments
follow a global dispute over homosexuality in the worldwide Anglican Church in recent years. The
divisions in the church over homosexuality began with the ordination of a gay bishop by the liberal
American branch of Anglicanism, the Episcopal Church, in 2003. On one side are the conservative
Anglicans who are adamant that ordaining gay clergy or blessing same-sex relationships in church is a sin,
and on the other a coalition which insists on tolerance and inclusion of homosexual people. Rev Coward
said comments made by conservative Anglican church leaders had unintentionally encouraged death
threats against him. (What a cowardice!!, Devotee of any religion should be proud of such
death, Comments by Major ® Minhas)"

They have described active homosexuality as sinful and a satanic attack
against the church. Meanwhile, 12 Church of England bishops have signed a letter addressed to
traditionalist leaders asking them to moderate their language, although acknowledging that they had
not intended to foment violence. In Nigeria, where gay Anglicans were attacked, homosexual
sex is illegal. Like many African countries, it is a conservative society where homosexuality is
considered a taboo. The Nigerian Anglican Church is Africa's largest Anglican church, with an estimated
17.5 million members. (Why, out of estimated 17.5 million members one member, cannot
be found who should condemn the cowardice of Rev Coward, Comments by Major ®

Pope Benedict may find that more Americans are in tune

with his thinking than in more liberal Europe,
where the band of believers is dwindling. In America, 40% of
Catholics still go to Mass, compared with around 10% in Europe. (and yet….!!, Comments by
Major ® Minhas)"


Extracted From :
Published: 2008/04/17 01:03:40 GMT

Pope Benedict XVI has criticised US bishops for their handling of child sex
scandals, saying their response to the crisis had sometimes been very poor.
` He laid part of the blame for the crisis, of which he feels "deeply
ashamed", on a breakdown in US values. On his first official US visit, the Pope said he hoped the
"time of trial" would help start a Church purification. Later, the German Pontiff is due to celebrate
Mass for 45,000 people at a new baseball stadium in the US capital. On Wednesday morning,
thousands of guests welcomed the Pope, who was 81 on Wednesday, to his first White
House meeting with President George W Bush.

*** 7 different faces of Pope- Church 1st Article of the Series, Dawat -e-Fikr April 2008 ***

Pope Benedict's remarks on the sex abuse scandal came at a prayer service
with hundreds of US bishops. Responding to this situation has not been easy and… it was
sometimes very badly handled Pope Benedict XVI During his flight to the US on Tuesday

The Pope spoke of his own deep shame about the crisis, which has
cost the US Church $2bn (£1bn) in compensation settlements. He
vowed to work against a recurrence, saying "we will absolutely exclude
paedophiles from the sacred ministry".
Speaking to the US bishops at a national shrine in Washington on Wednesday
evening, Pope Benedict asked: "What does it mean to speak of child protection when
pornography and violence can be viewed in so many homes through media widely available today?"
"Responding to this situation has not been easy and, as the president of your episcopal conference has
indicated, it was sometimes very badly handled," he said. He was referring to earlier words by the
president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Cardinal Francis George of Chicago. Cardinal
George said the consequences of the scandal and its poor handling by the clerical hierarchy
One key issue the Pope said he would raise was immigration, as he feared the danger of family break-
ups caused by mass migration of mainly Catholic people from Latin America.

15 Apr: Arrives at Andrews Air Force Base
16 Apr: White House luncheon; talks with Mr Bush. Meeting with US bishops and prayer service in
Washington (evening) "makes both the personal faith of some Catholics and the public life of the
church herself more problematic".

Huge cheers
During the first Papal visit to the White House for almost 30 years, the
German Pope urged Americans to use their faith to inspire "reasoned, responsible and respectful
dialogue". There were huge cheers as Benedict XVI and Mr Bush took the podium for the national
anthems of the Holy See and the US, and a spontaneous version of Happy Birthday. BBC Rome
correspondent David Willey, who is travelling with the pontiff, said
Pope Benedict studiously avoided any direct reference to the war in Iraq
or to the current campaign to elect a successor to President Bush.
He did however, make an oblique reference to the tragic sacrifice of human
lives caused by past conflicts and by implication, as a result of the current war in Iraq, our
correspondent says. The topic was discussed in the private talks, the White House said, with the
leaders expressing concern about the plight of Iraq's Christian minority. A joint statement said they
both hoped for a "prompt and comprehensive solution to the crises" inflicting the Middle East.
Ground Zero prayers 17 Apr: Washington Mass; addresses Catholic University; interfaith meeting
18 Apr: Addresses UN
19 Apr: New York Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral
20 Apr: Ground Zero visit; Yankee Stadium Mass

*** 7 different faces of Pope- Church 1st Article of the Series, Dawat -e-Fikr April 2008 ***
The statement said the leaders considered "the need for a coordinated
policy regarding immigration, especially their humane treatment and the wellbeing of their
families". The pontiff then left the White House for a short parade in his Popemobile. The White
House will hold a gala birthday dinner on Wednesday evening but the Pope will not be there - he will
attend a prayer service in Washington instead. In New York, the Pope is due to celebrate a Mass at the
Yankee Stadium and address the UN General Assembly. On Sunday he will visit Ground Zero, the
site of two of the 11 September 2001 attacks.


Extracted From :
Published: 2008/04/20 01:22:22 GMT

Pope Benedict XVI has spoken out for the first time about
growing up under the "monster" of Nazism.
Speaking at a youth rally in New York, he said his teenage years had been "marred
by a sinister regime". The Pope was a Hitler Youth member as a teen, usual for young
Germans at the time, and was conscripted by the German army near the end of World War
II. Earlier, during a Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan he again condemned paedophile Catholic
priests. Pope Benedict's tour of the US is his first visit to the country since being elected head of the Catholic
Church - it was the third anniversary of his elevation to the papacy on Saturday and the event was formally
commemorated with the Mass at St Patrick's.

Later in the day Pope addressed a cheering crowd of 30,000 young people
on the field of St Joseph's Seminary, in the New York suburb of Yonkers.
Let us thank God that so many people of your generation are able to enjoy the liberties which
have arisen from the extension of democracy and respect for human rights Pope Benedict XVI
As a teenager, the pope was forced to join the Hitler Youth and he was
conscripted into the German army towards the end of World War II, serving
briefly in an anti-aircraft corps. He deserted the German army towards the end
of the war and was briefly held as a prisoner of war by the Allies in 1945. After
his release he studied theology and became a priest.

The Pope told the crowd his own years as a teenager had been "marred by a
sinister regime that thought it had all the answers". "Its influence grew, infiltrating schools and
civic bodies, as well as politics and even religion, before it was fully recognised for the monster it was," he
said. "It banished God and thus became impervious to anything true and good. "Let us thank God that so
many people of your generation are able to enjoy the liberties which have arisen from the extension of
democracy and respect for human rights."
The earlier Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan marked the third
anniversary of his election as leader of the Roman Catholic church. Pope Benedict was
greeted by the Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, and the cathedral was filled with
priests, deacons and members of religious orders. A choir sang as the Pope walked down
the large cathedral's central aisle.

*** 7 different faces of Pope- Church 1st Article of the Series, Dawat -e-Fikr April 2008 ***
The congregation rose and applauded and some people leaned over to touch his robe
or kiss his Fisherman's Ring. "I join you in praying that this will be a time of purification for each and
every particular Church and religious community, a time for healing," the Pope said in his sermon, referring to
the scandal of sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy. "I also encourage you to co-operate with your
bishops who continue to work to effectively resolve this issue."

More than 4,000 US Catholic clergy have been accused of sexually abusing minors
since 1950. The Church has paid out more than $2bn (£1bn) in compensation and legal
fees, most of it since the scandal erupted in 2002. Speaking out on the issue again during the Mass
at St Patrick's,

The Pope said the scandal had not only caused much damage to
the victims of paedophile abuse, but had diminished the
reputation of the church in US society.
"A society which seems to have forgotten God and to resent even the most
elementary demands of Christian morality," he said . The Vatican official in charge of reviewing
sexual abuse claims against clergy worldwide said on Friday that the Church was considering changes to canon
law governing the handling of such cases. The official, Cardinal William Levada, did not specify the changes
but said they would make it easier to remove clergy who had sexually abused children. The sexual abuse scandal
has been a recurring theme in the Pope's visit. Addressing 40,000 people at a Washington stadium earlier in the
week, he spoke of the issue before talking privately to a group of people who had been abused by priests. On
Sunday, he will lead prayers at the scene of the 9/11 attacks in New York and then celebrate Mass at Yankee
Stadium before returning to Rome later on Sunday.


Extracted From :
Published: 2008/04/20 22:27:15 GMT

Pope Benedict XVI has visited Ground Zero in New York, the scene of the 11
September 2001 attacks on Twin Towers, at the end of a six-day tour of the US.
He greeted survivors, fire and police workers, and relatives of some of the
2,749 people who died there. The Pope prayed for the rescuers and victims, as well as "those
whose hearts and minds are consumed with hatred". He later celebrated Mass at New York's Yankee
stadium, concluding what analysts describe as a successful trip. His visit has dominated the American
media, and demand for the 55,000 tickets for Sunday's Mass far outstripped supply, reported the
BBC's David Willey in New York. (as no Muslim has died, Comments by Major ® Minhas)"

There was a party atmosphere among the tens of thousands gathered at
the Yankee Stadium, with clergy and lay members of the Church alike taking part
in the Mexican waves which rippled through the crowd ahead of the pontiff's
arrival. Congregants stood and clapped as the song Lean on Me was performed by guitarist Jose
Feliciano on the white, purple and yellow platform in the middle of the baseball pitch. As the Pope
arrived the crowds cheered and waved yellow and white handkerchiefs, the official papal colours.

*** 7 different faces of Pope- Church 1st Article of the Series, Dawat -e-Fikr April 2008 ***
George Steinbrenner, the owner of the Yankees baseball team, said in a
statement. Earlier, after arriving in the popemobile at Ground Zero, (”HIS HOLINESS”,
having served as a conscript of Hitler and thus growing up under the Monster of
Nazism, What a U turn !!, Comments by Major ® Minhas)"
Pope Benedict knelt in silent prayer, and rose to light a memorial candle, and
blessed with holy water what he called "the scene of incredible violence and pain".
He requested "eternal light and peace" for those who died, not only in New
York but at the Pentagon in Washington DC and in a Pennsylvania field on 11 September


The Pope then met 24 people with ties to the tragedy, exchanging a few
words with each. In a personal address on Saturday, Benedict told youths at a New York
rally about growing up under the "monster" of Nazism. With a candour that correspondents say has
been a hallmark of this visit,
Pope spoke publicly for the first time about being forced to join the Hitler
Youth and being conscripted into the Nazi army.
The Pope has also repeatedly condemned paedophile Catholic priests. More than
4,000 US Catholic clergy have been accused of sexually abusing minors since 1950. The
Church has paid out more than $2bn (£1bn) in compensation and legal fees, most of it since the scandal
erupted in 2002
(Pope-pedophile priests-Bush II-Blair-Brown-Each one of the flag bearers of
democracy- Government of the people-By the people-For the people and all that in the
name of God !!, Can there be a greater abuse and that too to God? Obvious reply is No
Never, Comments by Major ® Minhas)" The Solution is :-


(Save your self, Save your kith and kin, Save your Country, Save the World by
separating yourself from
The Catholic Church which says this sort of portrayal of Jesus is disrespectful to believers and that it is
wrong to use him for advertising.---'Number one dad'The advertisement is being aired on country's main
TV channel to promote youth channel Plug TV. The worst Secularists not sparing even Jesus

* 7 different faces of Pope- Church 1st Article of the Series, Dawat -e-Fikr April 2008 *
What had been published in Dawat e Fikr monthly so far
(From March 2007 to January 2008)
with specific reference & undeniable facts
Part I (From Feb 2005 to Feb 2007) can be read in DF Dec 2007
Part II (From March 2007 to Feb 2008) can be read in DF Feb 2008
PartIII(From March 2008 to March 2008)can be read in DF March 2008
PartIV(From April 2008 to April 2008)can be read in DF April 2008
Dawat e Fikr April, 2008
An article by BBC’s Mr. Tim Frank has been reproduced in Islam
under Siege(Page 1to 2 of this very issue of Dawat e Fikr under the
caption of
“Day of Bloodshed in Gaza”
is a real eye opener to any soul searching supporter of
so called “war against terror”
2 pages article covered the subjects of Israel’s highest daily loss in the area
for 3 years, Hamas ambush in Northern Gaza killed 3 Israeli troops. That
sparked the Israeli airstrike near Bureij refugee Camp leaving 5 children among
11 people killed. A cameraman’s car was targeted by Israeli Tank. At least 100
people were killed during operation launched by Israel in early March.

In the referred dangerous warfare included a Reuters cameraman among 3

killed by Israeli troops east of Gaza City. An air strike on a car also killed one Palestinian near
Beit Lahyia in the north of strip. It is hard to say whether the recent spike in Israeli Military, near
Beit Lahyia Since then, casualty figures had dwindled in Gaza with Egypt attempting to broker some
sort of ceasefire, the BBC's Tim Franks reports. Now the chances of that appear slimmer than ever,
our Middle East correspondent says. Wednesday's highest death-toll came when Israel launched air-
strikes near the Bureij camp. According to Hamas, Israeli helicopters launched four missiles. Earlier,
three Israeli soldiers were killed and three wounded when Hamas gunmen approached the security
fence near the Nahal Oz crossing, Israel's army said. The deaths were Israel's highest daily toll in the
area since 2006. Pursuing two Hamas fighters who had planted a bomb, the soldiers were ambushed
by a second Hamas group lying in wait, Israel's military said. Hamas said it had mounted a
"sophisticated ambush".
'Dangerous warfare'
In other violence throughout the day, a Reuters cameraman was among three
killed when his car exploded, apparently after being hit by an Israeli tank shell. Fadel Shana, 23, was
killed along with two bystanders after he got out of a car marked "TV" and "Press" in central Gaza,
the agency reports. media, photographers and other uninvolved individuals in areas of warfare is
extremely dangerous and poses a threat to their lives," he told Reuters. Film recovered from his
camera shows an Israeli tank opening fire several hundred metres away, Reuters adds. It goes blank
about two seconds after the shell is fired - apparently at the moment it hit the car. An Israeli military
official later expressed regret at the cameraman's death.

The presence of Lengthy campaign?

In other fighting on Wednesday, four Hamas militants were killed by Israeli
troops east of Gaza City. An air strike on a car also killed one Palestinian near Beit Lahyia, in the
Continued on next page  
Gist of historic events of clash of civilisations from April 2008 to April 2008- Dawat-e-Fikr April 2008
north of the strip. It is hard to say whether the recent spike in Israeli military casualties is down to more
effective tactics by Hamas or simply the result of increased Israeli activity in Gaza and therefore
increased exposure, says BBC defence and security correspondent Rob Watson. A recent Israeli study by
a research group with close ties to Israel's defence establishment said Hamas was currently engaged in
the broadest and most significant military build-up in its history. Some generals argue a major Israeli
incursion will eventually be needed to prevent Hamas growing even stronger militarily. But they also fear
the possible consequences of a lengthy campaign in the crowded cities and refugee camps of Gaza, our
correspondent says. (What a mockery of regret !!, Comments by Major ® Minhas)


Extracted From :
Published: 2008/04/16 13:43:01 GMT
The Iraqi government has replaced the commanders of the army and
police forces in the southern city of Basra. The move comes weeks after an assault that aimed to disarm
Shia militias in the city. The operation was criticised by US commanders as poorly planned and failed to
achieve its stated aims. (It, being based on purchasing of loyalties, had to fail!!, Comments by
Major ® Minhas)
It ended when Iranian officials brokered a deal that took the militias off the
streets but allowed them to keep hold of their weapons. The Iraqi government says that the police chief
and the army commander in Basra are not being fired, but they are being moved back to Baghdad. Both
Maj-Gen Abduljalil Khalaf and Gen Mohan Furaiji have been in the city for six months. Both men have
been praised by the British and American military and both have survived assassination attempts.
The BBC's Baghdad correspondent Crispin Thorold says the men are leaving
Basra at a time when the security forces there are being criticised. Army chief Gen Mohan was the
architect of the recent operations in Basra. He recommended the plan to Prime Minister Nouri Maliki.
That operation ground to a halt when the army faced considerable resistance from the
militias, including the Mehdi army loyal to Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr .

The fighting spread to various parts of Iraq, hundreds of people were killed
and thousands of civilians were trapped in their homes for days on end.
Since the operation, about 1,600 Basra police officers have either been discharged,
detained or are wanted for court martial for dereliction of duty. Iraqi officials told the BBC that the
policemen were being investigated for failure to open fire at outlaws, joining them or giving them
weapons. Many soldiers also deserted. The new army and police commanders are both from outside
Basra, large parts of which are still controlled by different militias. (It, being based on purchasing
loyalties, had to fail and did fail in Iraq Even though the Nobel Prize winner for peace
President Obama keeps on insisting that it had succeeded and hopes that it will succeed in
Afghanistan too!!, Comments by Major ® Minhas) Major ® Minhas suggests:-


(Save your self, Save your kith and kin, Save your Country, Save the World by
separating yourself from The Catholic Church says this sort of portrayal of Jesus is disrespectful to believers
and thus is wrong to use him for advertising.'Number one dad' The advertisement is being aired on country's main
TV channel to promote youth channel Plug TV. The worst Secularists not spairing even Jesus

Gist of historic events of clash of civilisations from April 2008 to April 2008.. Dawat-e-Fikr April 2008

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