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SIT TESOL Certificate Course

Practice Teaching Observation Sheet

Name: Sonia Date: Tuesday September 9, 2014
# of students: 3 Level: Beginner
Lesson Type: PDP Trainer: Amanda
Hellen, Maureen, Pedro
Lesson Plan Included: was submitted on time and was level appropriate and
effectively scaffolded.
In general: Sonia, congrats on your first PDP class. You picked a level
appropriate topic and created well designed poster that saved you time and
energy during your class. You did a through job teaching the vocabulary in your
pre, which is essential for setting the students up for success in the during
activity. You gave simple instructions and CCQed them which helped in
creating smooth transitions into the activities.

A puzzle I have is with the set up of the tasks. In the first and second tasks, the
activity was not well defined until after they listened. This can be frustrating for
the students because they might not be sure what they are listening for.

In terms of PDP, you had a well scaffolded PDP lesson, however, the during two
tasks were not clear for the students before they listened. Please give the
students the tasks and the options they need in order to be successful.

In regards to your action plans:
I will try out activities before the lesson in order to have more successful student-
centered activities.
Id love to hear about which activity you tried out and how it worked for you.

Actions plans for next class:
1. I will work on practicing the order of the activities.
2. I will talk less during the vocabulary stage.n

Time: I notice
(Description of students
and teacher actions or

I am wondering
and/or thinking.
Interpretation: what
student learning and
Themes and inside or
outside theory that
connects to and/or
explain what might
have helped and/or
I am suggesting..
(specific and
measurable possible

hindered student

6.52 T introduces herself and
models an introduction with
Thanks for the greeting
because it build rapport.

The modeling helps
them to understand
what to do without any
extra language.

6.53 Ss practice together. They
switch partners a few
Its important to create
multiple opportunities for
the students to practice
because this increase
their fluency and
Continue creating
multiple opportunities for
6.55 T posts words on the
Vacation: I am NOT on
vacation. I am studying.

Spicy food: Example and

Check=know X- dont know.
I love the examples you
give the students,
especially since they are
personal about you or
your colleagues.

One thing I am thinking
about is if the students
knew these words. How
can you find out?

I would normally put this
before the definitions,
but this also helps you
to find out how they feel
with the information you
just gave them.
Keep using personal

You might want to give
them the opportunity to
define the vocabulary in
their own words if they

7.01 T has pictures. T models

T practices pronunciation.
Drilling and drawing the
dots over the stressed
This activity is very
students centered. The
students are able to
interact with the target

I love your dots for the
stress. Its a great way
to clarify what the
students hear.

Continue using the dots!
7.05 T puts up a poster a fill in
the blank activity.
CCQ instructions.
Im looking at the board
and thinking about how
busy it is. How can you
organize it so that it
You might want to plan
out your board in your
lesson plan or use both
supports visual
7.09 When the students are
finished with the fill in the
blank, you ask them to read
the sentence.
This is good for
reinforcing the ideas.

7.11 T writes first task question
on the board:
What is the conversation

T puts up options orally.

SS listen


T posts the three options.
Its great to see that you
set the task before the
text, but you only give
the students the options
orally which can be
overwhelming as a

I wonder how this
affected their learning?
Could they have
answered without
having the options?
What does having the
answers do for
I would strongly suggest
to give them the written
options due to their level
and capacity to hold that
much information in their
brains and read.
7.17 Listen for the questions.

T has question in hand
while students listen.
This is a vague task.
Im not sure that the
students can distinguish
these question from the
I highly suggest that the
students see the task
before listening in order
to keep them focused on
what they need to listen
7.19 T gives the students faces
to hold up.

T writes visual support for
the task.

T puts up the question:
The woman likes football.
The people are bad.
The woman is on vacation.
The woman likes spicy
I love the tactile element
with the sticks.

Im noticing that they
didnt have a chance for

These specific questions
need to be reviewed
before the listening so
that the students know
what to listen for.

In order to develop
listening skills, the
students need to have
concrete reason why to
listen. Please expose
the students to these
statements before they

7.22 T plays text again. As T
hears the statement, she
holds the stick with the
appropriate. The students
look at the teacher for the
Im wondering if the
students knew the
answers on their own?

7.24 T has another poster and
puts it up on the board.


Thanks for the visual and
the options to the task.

Pedro circles answer.
T: do you agree?

Your materials are well
prepared and the
posters save time.

Great CCQs they keep
the students on track
with activities.

These options are
appropriate for this level.
They support learning
and keep the students


T gives studetns time to
talk about the listening.
What does the woman like?

Speak about what you like
in your town.

T gives an example.

Pedro speaks the most.

T is off the side listening.
Thank you for giving
them some time to work
on their own and talk to
their peers. Its
important for them to
peer check their ideas.

The example helps to

Im wondering how to
balance the output of
the students?
Continue creating space
for them to speak in
controlled activities in
order to get them ready
for freer ones.

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