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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 Successful People Read The Post 4000 RIEL



Alice Cuddy and Sen David
EARLIER this month, a group of
homeless people were rounded up
from the streets of Phnom Penh and
taken to a detention centre they
said offered meager meals, uncom-
fortable conditions and no access
to a bathroom.
Those detained a group that
included children said they were
treated like criminals, though their
only crime was having nowhere to
call home.
While the incident spurred crit-
icism from NGOs and the United
Nations, it was only the latest in a
string of forced detentions at Por
Sen Chey district's Prey Speu
Social Affairs Centre, a place rife
with allegations spanning more
than a decade of abuse, rape and
even murder.
On the very walls of the centre,
messages of desperation speak of a
history of horrors.
Photographs, captured by local
rights group Licadho in 2008, show
messages of living in terror [and]
under oppression.
One detainee scratched the words
Hell Life onto the wall of a room
where the windows had been
nailed shut.
Following allegations of abuse,
Prey Speu officially shut down in
June 2012, but was reopened last
year, rebranded as the Por Sen Chey
Vocational Training Centre.
In reality, the changes seem to
have been only cosmetic.
Aside from this months round-
up, the centre, which is une-
quipped to offer any of the adver-
tised training, remains a regular
dumping ground for the capitals
undesirables as well as a de facto
asylum for people the state con-
siders mentally ill.
Earlier this month, Kim Vutha,
Hell Life:
Prey Speus
history of
Sean Teehan, Mom Kunthear
and Taing Vida
ETRES away from where
military authorities fatal-
ly fired automatic weap-
ons at demonstrators on
Veng Sreng Boulevard during a nation-
wide strike in January, some 500 gar-
ment workers gathered at Canadia
Industrial Park yesterday, calling out
the clothing brands that unions say
must ensure workers a living wage.
Zara starves Cambodian workers,
read one banner held by the group of
mostly young women in the one-hour
mini-march on industrial park
grounds. C&A starves Cambodian
workers, read another.
Most marching behind the banners
wore T-shirts or stickers reading THE
$177 below logos of brands including
H&M, Adidas and Gap.
In the aftermath of the Ministry of
Labours decision in December to raise
the minimum monthly wage to $100
$60 less than what unions wanted
workers railed against the government
and factories. But this time around, the
campaign has shifted to a decidedly
different target: the brands.
[International brands] cannot
keep saying they are not involved in
wage setting . . . they are the ones with
the profit, Kong Athit, vice president
of the Coalition of Cambodian
Apparel Workers Democratic Union
A brand new strategy
Unions upping pressure on buyers in $177 minimum wage push
Scotch distilleries jittery ahead of vote
Garment workers shout slogans during the
launch of a campaign at Veng Sreng Boule-
vard yesterday to demand higher minimum
wages in their industry. HONGMENEA
PAGE 12 IS threatens White House in new video
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Prey Speus
history of abuse
Continued from page 1
chief of the notorious Daun Penh
district security guards and the
man charged with the districts
street sweeps, told the Post that
in August alone, 100 people were
rounded up from the area.
Many were sent to Prey Speu.
Heang Kheng, a homeless
45-year-old sex worker, said she
was rounded up by the security
guards and taken to the centre.
The room in Prey Speu looks
like a prison. It is dirty and we
are given no freedom. They look
at us like criminals, she said.
While Kheng said she was
offered the opportunity to be
transferred into an NGOs care,
she opted to return to the streets
to look after her young children
and escaped from the centre by
climbing over its low external
wall, as dozens of others have
in the past.
Other detainees were offered
no such option by the centre,
which remains ineffective at
keeping them off of the streets
Lim Srey, 45, said she has been
sent to Prey Speu three times.
Srey said that in the most
recent roundup she and her
daughters, aged 3 and 1, were
locked in a room with little ven-
tilation and no bathroom along-
side dozens of other men and
women of varying age.
Srey has lived on the streets,
begging and collecting rubbish,
since her husband died 10
years ago.
I am poor, I dont have any
home to live in, she said, adding
that she would rather be on the
streets than back in Prey Speu.
Sixteen-year-old orphan Chan
Sophea, who was also among
those rounded up in efforts to
clean the streets for Pchum
Ben, said he could not under-
stand what he had done wrong.
I just begged for money at
the pagoda and they took me,
he said, explaining that, with no
parents to support him, begging
was the only way he knew to
keep himself alive.
It is so bad there; it isnt a
place anyone should stay. There
is a bad smell and they locked
us in one room.
Sophea has continued beg-
ging at the pagoda every day,
but, like others the Post spoke
to, he runs and hides when he
catches sight of the police.
While Srey and Sophea only
stayed at the centre for one night,
the UN Office of the High Com-
missioner for Human Rights
(OHCHR) said a few individuals
with psychosocial disabilities
were not allowed to leave.
They have joined a handful
of mentally ill and elderly peo-
ple officials, former detainees
and who staff at the centre say
are in permanent residence.
OHCHR says there is no sign
that they are being detained
under coercion.
But for mental health experts,
who point to the lack of formal
psychological care offered at the
centre, coercion or the lack
thereof is irrelevant.
If people who have mental
health problems and are put in
[a] confined place, it causes
many potential risks, Dr Chhim
Sotheara, executive director of
the Transcultural Psychosocial
Organisation (TPO), said by
email this week.
Among those risks, Sotheara
said, depressed people may
commit suicide, while psy-
chotic patients with paranoid
ideation may commit homicide
or may harm others or cause
property damage.
Sotheara added that the
stressful burden on the centres
small team of untrained staff
could lead to negative effects on
their own mental well-being.
This must be worse than the
mental health institution,
because there are treatment
facilities in the institutions,
while there is nothing at this
centre, he said.
Sotheara added that institu-
tionalised care was not the
answer and feared that the cen-
tre could become a people
warehouse, where those with
all manner of mental health
problems end up.
People first need to receive
psychiatric or psychological
treatment in order to stabilise
their problems. Once their
mental health status is stable,
they need to be [given] ongoing
treatment to maintain their
symptoms at [a] level that [is]
close to normal. Then they need
to be reintegrated into their
community, he said.
But Son Sophal, head of the
municipalitys Social Affairs
Department, said that was not
an option.
We keep only elderly and
mentally ill people, because
there is no centre in the city pro-
viding for them. They are people
who do not have families to take
care of them . . . and at this cen-
tre, we have staff to look after
them. They are also people with
no homes and this is the only
centre that gives them some-
where to stay, he said.
Sophal is adamant that there
is no mistreatment at the
centre but acknowledged that
with funds having dried up
since 2012, Prey Speu could
offer little help to the people
there beyond food and a roof
over their heads.
However, possibilities to pro-
vide greater care to those inside
remain unexplored.
Dr Chhit Sophal, director of
the Ministry of Healths newly
formed Department of Mental
Health and Substance Abuse
the first government depart-
ment focusing on mental health
in the Kingdoms history said
that the ministry had never
been asked to provide support
to the people at the centre but
would like to do so.
First, we need to go and visit
and assess the situation, and
after that we can help them by
referring them to a hospital or
providing care in the centre, he
said yesterday.
We dont need to go there
every day; we can have a mobile
team to support them.
But for homeless people
trapped in the centre, escape is
the only option.
A long-term member of staff
who asked to remain anony-
mous said he had personally
witnessed countless breakouts.
People never stay for a long
time. They just stay for a day or
two days; it takes time to escape
. . . I think they do it because
they do not have freedom here,
he said.
But despite years of reports of
abuse at the centre and acknowl-
edgements from officials that it
lacks the capacity to offer any
real help to the people sent
there as well as calls from the
UN last week to put an end to
sweeps and the use of Prey Speu
officials yesterday said the
roundups would continue.
The collection of street peo-
ple is still continuing and they
will be sent to NGOs or Prey
Speu, City Hall spokesman
Long Dimanche said.
Sophal of the Social Affairs
Department confirmed that
they would go ahead.
Phil Robertson, deputy direc-
tor of Human Rights Watchs Asia
division, which began research
on the centre five years ago, said
Prey Speu should be destroyed.
Until no one can actually be
sent there, the abuses at Prey
Speu are bound to continue.
Detained Borei Keila activists scale a wall to escape from the Prey Speu Social Affairs Centre in the capitals Por Sen Chey district in 2012. PHA LINA
A woman and her 1-year-old child sit in Phnom Penh last week after
they were allegedly taken to Prey Speu against their will. HENG CHIVOAN
Pech Sotheary

A 16-YEAR-OLD boy has
been arrested on suspicion
of raping a 3-year-old girl in
an abandoned house in his
home province of Kampong
Speu last year.
The boy, who cannot be
named, was apprehended
at about 9:30am in Phnom
Penh by a joint task force of
police from the Ministry of
Interior and the Child Pro-
tection Unit (CPU), working
in coordination with Kam-
pong Speu provincial police.
After allegedly raping the
girl on December 2, the boy
ed to Kampong Cham prov-
ince before moving to the
capital in January and taking
up a job with a rice distribu-
tor, according to police ofcer
Sy Phala.
The father of the victim
discovered he worked there
and informed the police, so
we went to arrest him there,
Phala said.
There is no place in soci-
ety for offenders that rape,
abuse or kill children, and
there is now a strong commit-
ment from the Cambodian
National Police to ensure that
persons who commit such of-
fenses will be bought to jus-
tice, regardless of the amount
of time that passes or if they
ee the jurisdiction, the CPU
said in a statement.
The suspect was transferred
to the custody of Kampong
Speu Provincial Court pend-
ing trial, Phala added.
Mam Fund
pledges cash
Between a stone
and a hard place
Chhay Channyda and Alice Cuddy
A NEW organisation has been
created under the name of dis-
graced sex-trafficking activist
Somaly Mam, which says it will
raise money for a local NGO
she founded that lost funding
in the wake of allegations that
key parts of her life story were
According to its website, The
New Somaly Mam Fund was
created by friends of Somaly
Mam who . . . believe in her
integrity and disbelieve the
attacks upon it.
In May, Mam resigned from
the Somaly Mam Foundation
(SMF) after Newsweek pub-
lished a damning indictment of
her lifes work. SMF subse-
quently terminated its funding
of Agir pour les Femmes en
Situation Precaire (AFESIP).
The Somaly Mam Fund says
it will raise donations to sus-
tain AFESIPs work.
Uong Chheng, AFESIP out-
reach program manager, said
he had not heard of the fund
and was unsure of Mams cur-
rent whereabouts.
We were told that more staff
will be cut . . . if there is still no
funding. We all are worried.
Phak Seangly
EARLY 200 families
in Preah Vihear
didnt realise that by
settling for a buyout
from an extractive industry
firm, they may have also dis-
carded their religious site.
The Rovieng district families,
many of whom are Kuoy indig-
enous minorities, are demand-
ing mining company TPB-TV
Development return the vil-
lages worshipping stone, a
giant boulder they call Nakta
Leurng (yellow statue) that dis-
appeared two weeks ago.
Since we were born, we saw
the statue there, and we always
worshipped and set up the rit-
ual ceremony there every year.
But the company stole it, said
Pen Sokngim, 55.
The metre-high sandstone
boulder contained in its centre
a carving of a mans head and
torso, community members
said. Local officials said they
were unable to date the sculp-
ture or verify its authenticity
without seeing the relic.
Over the past few years, the
villagers accepted compensa-
tion of between $1,500 and
$3,500 per hectare to relocate
from a 5,000-hectare spread
that included the worshipping
area, Sokngim said. TPB-TV
was granted a licence to drill for
marble last year.
The company cleared every-
thing, even our sacred place,
and they took the statue. Now
we have no place for setting up
our ceremony, said villager
Sreng Simthorn, 60.
The villagers said they hadnt
dared relocate the stone after
selling the land due to an inci-
dent 10 years ago when they
had tried to build a shelter for
it. According to village lore, the
stones spirit possessed the
builder and told him to aban-
don the project.
While land laws protect mon-
asteries and other Buddhist
sites, they are vaguer about
non-Buddhist religious areas.
But rights group Adhoc insisted
yesterday that the company
return the holy stone.
The company has only the
right to explore and mine, but
it has no right to remove a valu-
able thing like this, Adhoc
coordinator Lor Chann said.
Kim Sophin, director of TPB-
TV Development, denied the
statues existence and said there
was no temple in that area.
Teen accused of child rape
A 16-year-old boy sits handcuffed in a car after being apprehended by
authorities in Phnom Penh yesterday for alleged rape. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Continued from page 1
(C.CAWDU), said after the lunch-
time Canadia gathering. They
have to make sure there is some
money out of the profit to guar-
antee workers get at least $177;
the profit is out of their pocket,
[so] who is responsible?
Events organised by garment
unions at about 300 factories
yesterday kicked off an industry-
wide campaign for a minimum
monthly wage of $177 next year
though some union leaders
have said they would accept as
little as $150.
The $177 figure comes from a
Labour Ministry study that found
garment workers spend an aver-
age of $155 to $177.50 per month.
While unions and advocates say
this constitutes a living wage,
Ken Loo, secretary general of the
Garment Manufacturers Asso-
ciation in Cambodia (GMAC),
which represents factories, said
it only reflects how much work-
ers in the study sample earned.
The study shows the amount
spent on personal necessities to
be about $95, Loo said.
With the final decision by the
Labour Ministrys Labour Advi-
sory Committee (LAC) on 2015s
minimum wage in Cambodias
garment sector little more than
a month away, C.CAWDU presi-
dent Ath Thorn said that unions
will focus more on petitions and
calls for negotiation than public
We dont want to make trou-
ble, Thorn said in an interview
at Canadia yesterday.
We will send letters to all the
necessary embassies . . . and we
will also send [letters] to interna-
tional brands, he said.
If a wage decision amenable to
unions is not reached by October
12, unions will hold a mass gath-
ering at Phnom Penhs Freedom
Park, Thorn said. The LAC has
established that they will finalise
next years minimum wage by
Octobers end and implement it
at the beginning of January.
Ministry of Labour spokesman
Heng Sour could not be reached
for comment yesterday.
Pointing to international
brands as the ones best equipped
to solve years-long wage dis-
putes in Cambodias garment
industry marks a positive step for
unions, said Joel Preston, a con-
sultant with the Community
Legal Education Center.
Workers are becoming more
aware of the social responsibil-
ity the brands have, he said
yesterday. Theres no reason
why the brands cant increase
wages tomorrow.
Spokespeople contacted by
the Post from Gap Inc, H&M and
Adidas said by email that their
brands support a living wage for
workers at their supplier facto-
ries, and they have been in con-
tact with the government, local
NGOs and labour leaders. They
also said that setting a minimum
wage is a government decision
that is out of their hands.
At a conference at the Inter-
Continental hotel attended by
officials from the government,
GMAC and unions, Sandra
DAmico, vice president of the
Cambodian Federation of
Employers and Business Asso-
ciations, warned against alienat-
ing brands. Speaking at the
forum, DAmico said orders at
169 garment factories have
reduced by an average of 40 per
cent, though she did not specify
a time frame for the drop.
Workers total take-home
income has not left workers in
poverty . . . there is overtime,
there are incentives, DAmico
said. Today, we face an eco-
nomic situation of other coun-
tries becoming more attractive
than Cambodia.
But Cambodian workers
found global support yesterday,
with North American labour
union Workers United, SEIU
and global union IndustriALL
organising protests.
Speaking from the US, where
it was still early on Wednesday
morning, Jeff Hermanson of
SEIU said he expected protests
in front of stores in 30 cities
across the US and Canada. In an
email last night, IndustriALL
noted actions being taken in
front of stores in Korea, Australia,
Switzerland and Belgium.
The money is in the pocket of
the buyers, Loo of GMAC said.
If we were paid more, we would
pay more to the workers. ADDI-
CNRP backing
wage demand
Kevin Ponniah and Mom Kunthear

HE opposition Cam-
bodia National Rescue
Party has rmly backed
a union-led push for
a $177 minimum wage in the
Kingdoms garment sector.
However, party leaders have
suggested that they will not
encourage mass strikes and
protests this time around, in
contrast to December, when
workers demonstrating for a
doubling of their minimum
wage coalesced with an oppo-
sition-led campaign to unseat
Prime Minister Hun Sen.
During that politically tense
period, the party urged workers
to continue striking until their
demands were met.
Out [of] or in parliament the
CNRP continues to fully sup-
port the workers demand for a
decent minimum wage, party
leader Sam Rainsy told the Post
yesterday, adding that if rms
stopped paying bribes to gov-
ernment ofcials, they could
afford $177 without jeopardis-
ing their competitiveness.
There will be [a] mass strike
only at the last resort. We will
do our best to prevent vio-
lence, Rainsy went on to say.
The government blamed the
opposition for having incited
violent protests in January that
saw at least ve workers shot
dead by authorities and mil-
lions in factory losses.
CNRP public affairs head Mu
Sochua said the party was look-
ing for a win-win situation
for all stakeholders this time,
and would push for a free and
peaceful climate of dialogue.
We have to learn from the
past experience where lives of
workers were lost, military po-
lice forces [were] used, and no
independent investigation con-
ducted, she said.
But some unionists yesterday
remained wary of overt CNRP
involvement in their campaign.
He is a lawmaker, so he has
the right to join or walkout with
the unions and workers to de-
mand the minimum wage,
Collective Union of Movement
of Workers president Pav Sina
said of Rainsy. But for me I
think he should stay at the Na-
tional Assembly to demand the
wage for the workers in order to
avoid [allowing] the other party
to accuse us of being involved
with the opposition party.
wage push
Activists in Australia protest in front of a H&M clothing store yesterday
as part of an organised international event calling for the minimum
wage of Cambodian garment workers to be increased. SUPPLIED
Sen David

OME 34 workers pro-
tested yesterday in
Phnom Penhs Sen Sok
district in front of a work
agency they accuse of sending
them to Thailand with false job
promises despite having paid a
hefty $350 nders fee.
Mok Mi, police chief in Sen
Soks Kriang Thnong commune,
said the workers were prom-
ised jobs in a food-processing
plant in Thailand by the Supply
and Training Center, but found
none waiting and now demand
their payments back.
After the workers protested,
we researched the agency and
found it was operating illegally.
It was not on the list of compa-
nies allowed to send workers
to Thailand by the Ministry
of Labour; it only opened last
month, Mi said.
One protester, named Chan
Vuthea, 23, said the company
had cheated the workers.
According to Mi, police have
arrested the agencys owner, a
woman named Sek Chakrya,
28, and ordered her to pay back
all the workers, a demand she
promised to comply with.
Another jobs agency in the
capital, the Money Center in
Dangkor district, faced protests
yesterday from nine workers
who also claim to have been
tricked into paying for phony
jobs in Thailand.
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Authorities question two employees of an illegal training and recruitment centre at the companys ofce in
Phnom Penhs Sen Sok district yesterday. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Recruiter cheated us
Sokha, UK envoy sit down
NA quizzes education minister
Meas Sokchea and Kevin Ponniah
DEPUTY opposition leader and
parliamentary First Deputy
President Kem Sokha met yes-
terday with Tom Dodd, the UKs
top diplomat for ASEAN, dis-
cussing National Assembly
reforms and possible coopera-
tion between the two nations
Sokhas Cambodia National
Rescue Party, which he repre-
sented yesterday as party leader
Sam Rainsy is overseas, has said
in the past that it hoped to mim-
ic a British style of parliamen-
tary opposition in Cambodia,
including a shadow cabinet.
CNRP spokesman Yim
Sovann said yesterday that the
meeting saw the discussion of
the oppositions democratic
vision for Cambodia, political
and legal reforms, and the
CNRPs policies towards Viet-
namese immigrants.
Opposition leaders rhetoric
regarding ethnic Vietnamese has
long been a point of concern for
the international community.
The UK Embassy said yester-
day that Dodd had explained to
Sokha that the opposition here,
as in Britain, had an important
role to play in enabling democ-
racy and promoting accounta-
bility of the government.
As a result of commonalities,
given the two countries were
both constitutional monarchies,
Dodd suggested that the UK
could share some of our expe-
rience with Cambodian MPs,
deputy head of mission Michelle
Broadbent said in an email.
She added that this offer
would not be specific to the
CNRP but if taken forward
would be offered to Parliamen-
tarians from both parties in the
spirit of cooperation.
Dodd, who has also met with
Foreign Ministry officials, did
not directly ask about the
CNRPs policies towards the
Vietnamese, she said.
Chhay Channyda
THE national budget for the Ministry of Educa-
tion, Youth and Sport is slated to increase for
the second year in a row, officials said yesterday
at a meeting of parliaments newly formed Edu-
cation Commission.
Education Minister Hang Chuon Naron and
11 others from the ministry were the first to be
called in for questioning by one of the 10 new-
ly convened commissions. Chuon Naron said
he was quizzed on his reform platform, includ-
ing this years grade 12 national exam.
It is not difficult to answer, because it is my
daily work . . . It is normal for me. In the minis-
try, I also talk about these matters, he said.
After debating teachers wage increases,
teacher-student discipline and teachers bribe-
taking, the commission applauded the Educa-
tion Ministrys work with a funding raise.
Last year, the education budget totalled 16.3
per cent of the $3.4 billion national budget; next
year it will be allotted 17.3 per cent, Chuon
Naron said.
Yem Ponhearith, chairman of the education
commission, said he agreed with the ministers
reform agenda and had no problem with the
results of the questioning session, which will
be followed up after the school year starts
in October.
Individual Internatonal consultant and assistant consultant
The Natonal Accountng Council (NAC) has obtained the funds from the 1.
Ministry of Economy and Finance to implement the capacity building for a
number of selected local universites in internatonal Financial Reportng
Standards (IFRSs). The Program will support the implementaton of some of
the key policy recommendatons that are derived from the Financial Sector
Development Strategy 2011-2020.
The development objectve of the Program is to improve the quality and 2.
capacity relatng to IAS/IFRS for lecturers in universites in Cambodia to
implement the standardized IFRS curriculum in their respectve universites,
which is part of the implementaton of Financial Sector Development
Strategy 2011-2020 of the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Based on the ROSC report and the recent survey jointly conducted by the 3.
Natonal Accountng Council and the Kampuchea Insttute of Certed Public
Accountants and Auditors in 2013 found an urgent request for the training of
the full version of IFRS with emphasis on the latest updates of a number of
important standards is needed.
Therefore, The Natonal Accountng Council (NAC) of the Ministry of Economy 4.
and Finance (MEF) is looking for the following:
One (1) Internatonal consultant who should possess the following 1)
Must be at least a Master Degree in Accountng and/
or nance from recognized universites and/or Certed
Public Accountant from an internatonally recognized
accountng bodies;
Aminimumof sevenyears working experiences withIFRS/IAS;
A minimum of seven years internatonal experiences in
training and consultancy relatng to IFRS/IAS;
Excellent verbal and writen communicaton in English
used as the working language.
One (1) assistant consultants who should have the following 2)
Cambodian natonal
At least a Master Degree in Accountng, nance and/or
relevant eld from recognized universites.
Familiarity with IFRS/IAS
A minimum of 5 years of experiences in training and/or
teaching at University level
Understanding of accountng profession in Cambodia
Excellent verbal and writen communicaton in English and
Khmer used as the working language.
The services for both positons are expected to contnue through 5.
approximately feen (15) working days, startng from 11 December 2014
and ending by 31December 2014. The Internatonal consultant and Assistant
Consultants will be based at the NAC oce in Phnom Penh.
In submitng their expression of interest, the interested candidates are 6.
kindly requested to provide their technical and nancial proposal to
thebelow address.
Interested candidates may obtain copies of the detailed Term of Reference 7.
(in English) for the service from below address from Monday to Friday during
oce hour except public holidays.
Expression of interest must be submited to the below address by email no 8.
later than 03October 2014.
Natonal Accountng Council
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Address: Street 92, SangkatWat Phnom, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh,
Phone: 855-12 805 111/ 855-11691496
Purloined pagoda moto
leads cops right to thief
THATS got to be some bad
karma. An 18-year-old man
was arrested for allegedly
stealing a motorbike at a
pagoda in Mondulkiri on Tues-
day, escaping to a forest where
he removed the bikes number
plate at night in an attempt to
hide its dubious origins. But
thanks to the bikes owner
and perhaps a little divine jus-
tice police found the alleged
thief in Kratie the next day and
arrested him. The bike and its
owner were happily reunited.
Seven-on-one assault
leaves man in hospital
A 22-YEAR-OLD man walking
home alone from a nightclub
was robbed and beaten
unconscious by seven men in
Phnom Penhs Sen Sok district
on Tuesday. The group blocked
his way and brutally attacked
him with belts, stones and a
wooden stick, stealing his
phone and money and leaving
him lying on the ground as
they fled the scene. The man
was admitted to hospital and
police are searching for the
Thief thought theft was
childs play . . . nope
MARRYING a person half your
age might be controversial,
but robbing one thats
downright criminal. A
26-year-old man was arrest-
ed on Tuesday for allegedly
participating in the theft of a
13-year-old boys phone as he
walked in a park in Banteay
Meanchey province. But the
lad told his dad a clerk for
the provincial court, conven-
iently enough who quickly
informed police. The cops
arrested the suspect and are
on the lookout for an alleged
Broken mirror reflects
Battambang road rage
STICKS and stones may
break your bones, but they
can also wreck your ride.
Three men riding a motorcy-
cle in Battambang on Tues-
day got so peeved at a car for
bumping into their bike that
they chased it down and pelt-
ed it with wooden sticks and
rocks, breaking the mirror on
its door. But the driver, 25,
notified police, who arrested
the men that day. The ticked-
off trio, aged between 21 and
27, confessed but were unre-
pentant, saying the car hit
them and tried to escape.
Capital drug den raid
puts two behind bars
A MAN, 29, and a woman, 34,
were arrested on Tuesday
after cops were tipped off that
the pair were using a guest-
house in Phnom Penhs
Chamkarmon district as a
drug den to replenish their
stock of dodgy goods. The
cops raided the pairs room
and found them with eight
small packages of yama, ulti-
mately seizing drug para-
phernalia, a motorbike, two
mobile phones and some
money. The two were sent to
Translated by Phak Seangly
Health insurance
Plan to cover

HE National Social Security
Fund (NSSF) announced
yesterday the launch of a
new health insurance pilot pro-
gram for factory workers suffer-
ing from work-related illnesses.
NSSF director Ouk Sam Vichea
said yesterday that under the pro-
gram, employers will shoulder 60
per cent of costs, and workers 40
per cent. The pilot will include 11
volunteer factories and more than
8,100 workers and will rolled out
nationwide at the end of the year.
Inclusion in the program, he
added, would be voluntary for
factories, unlike the Kingdoms
mandatory workplace injury in-
surance, which covers more than
936,000 workers.
We do not have the right to
force factories to be on the list
for our new insurance, but they
have an obligation to do this for
the benet of their employees
health, he said.
However, Yang Sophorn,
president of the Cambodian
Alliance Trade Union, said that
employers should be bearing
the full cost of the program, and
that workers live with a risk of
health problems in factories, so
it is important for them to insure
their health. SEN DAVID
Ex-cop tried in 2nd fraud case
Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

UONG Veasna, a former
deputy chief of cabi-
net and police ofcer
with the rank of colo-
nel at the Ministry of Interior,
was tried yesterday at Phnom
Penh Municipal Court on alle-
gations he bilked $20,000 out
of two Chinese businessmen
in exchange for promising to
help them apply for Cambo-
dian citizenship in 2012.
Judge Chea Sok Heang said
Veasna, 54, was charged by the
court prosecutor with fraud
and was arrested by the Minis-
try of Interiors penal police on
December 24.
Major General In Bora, chief
of the Penal Police Department
at the Ministry of Interior, said
Veasna was arrested based on
complaints that the victims
led with the ministry.
He had promised to pre-
pare documents working
with other relevant Cambo-
dian competent authorities in
gaining Khmer citizenship for
two Chinese men in order for
them to live and work legally
in Cambodia, he said.
He took $10,000 from each
person for the work and prom-
ised that the work will be com-
pletely done in the period of
two weeks. But he failed to do
it, and did not return the mon-
ey to the victims.
During his hearing, Veasna
said he had made a mistake,
but that he only received
$17,000 from the two men.
He added that had he re-
turned $7,000 to them, and
only owes them $10,000.
I would like to ask the court
to drop charges against me
and release me, so that I will
able go out from prison in or-
der to nd money to return to
the victims.
Veasnas verdict is due to be
handed down on October 8.
If convicted, it would be the
second time for Veasna. On
July 1, he was convicted and
sentenced to a year in prison
and ordered to pay thousands
in nes and damages to an-
other Chinese businessman
whom he failed to help with
a citizenship application in
Suong Veasna (right), a former police colonel, walks through a car park at Phnom Penh Municipal Court
yesterday, where he was tried for fraud. VIREAK MAI
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Huawei to
build 4G
Eddie Morton
firm EMAXX yesterday signed
a deal with Chinese technology
giant Huawei to build a nation-
wide 4G LTE network.
Representatives from both
companies and the Ministry of
Posts and Telecommunications
(MPTC) gathered in Phnom
Penh yesterday to sign off on
the agreement.
The aim is to fulfil the
increasing demand for data
usage in the Kingdom. Both
EMAXX and Huawei will
progress to build the most reli-
able and stable 4G LTE network
here, EMAXX board of direc-
tors member Sean Ngu said.
According to a joint state-
ment issued by EMAXX and
Huawei, the companies hope
to install and launch 4G base
stations in eight cities, includ-
ing Phnom Penh, Siem Reap,
Sihanoukville and Battambang,
within the next two years.
Yesterdays announcement
came after EMAXX, which is 65
per cent owned by Chinese tel-
ecom firm Shenzhen Keybridge
Communications, announced
in April that it was scrapping
all retail operations and
endeavouring on a three-year,
$148 million telecom infra-
structure project.
Ken Channmeta, a secretary
of state at the MPTC, yesterday
welcomed the partnership and
called on EMAXX and Huawei
to support the governments
draft broadband policy, which
is currently being designed.
Meanwhile, Channmeta said
the ministry and the private sec-
tor were continuing talks over
the controversial telecom law.
We had discussions over the
private sectors comments on
the law yesterday [Tuesday], so
now we are still looking at
those. We have made the com-
mitment to the government
that we will finish this process
as soon as possible, he said.
We want to protect the
investors and we want to
encourage them to pay more
tax. That is the purpose of the
telecom draft law.
Processed red corn sits packed and ready for transport at a factory in Kandals Ang Snuol district on Tuesday. VIREAK MAI
New feed plant set for Pailin
Chan Muyhong
P CAMBODIA, a sub-
sidiary of Thai con-
glomerate, Charoen
Pokphand Company
Limited, is set to open its
second animal feed plant
next year, according to senior
company ofcials.
The $8 million facility in
Pailin province, which will
produce about 180,000 tonnes
of animal feed per year, is
slated to begin operations mid
2015, according to Uthai Tan-
tipimolphan, president of CP
The construction has al-
ready started. It will take
around eight months to n-
ish, Tantipimolphan said.
CP Cambodia already has
one animal feed-making fac-
tory in Kandal province. The
company is also the King-
doms largest exporter of live
swine, with exports totalling
25,000 heads during the rst
six months of the year, accord-
ing to data from the Ministry
of Commerce.
Chhil Chhen, deputy direc-
tor of Pailins provincial de-
partment of agriculture, said
he was not surprised that the
rm had chosen to expand
to the northwestern prov-
ince, and that CPs plans were
win-win for both farmers and
the company.
Pailin is one of the big cas-
sava and red corn producers
in Cambodia. CP Cambodia
saw the provinces potential to
produce cassava and red corn,
which is then used as raw
materials to produce animal
feed, Chhen said.
If Pailin cannot supply
enough raw materials to the
animal feed mill, CP Cambo-
dia can also buy cassava and
red corn from farmers in near-
by provinces such as Battam-
bang and Bantey Meanchey,
who are also big producers of
the crops."
Figures from Pailins ag-
riculture department show
there are close to 23,000 hect-
ares of cassava-growing land
and about 4,385 hectares of
red corn-growing land in the
province. Cassava production
in Pailin currently stands at
about 25 tonnes per hectare,
while red corn production is
at 3.5 tonnes per hectare.
Song Sarom, a red corn trad-
er in Pailin province and a sup-
plier to CP Cambodias Kandal
animal feed plant, praised the
arrival of a second facility in
his home province.
Sarom was condent that
the new facility would be able
to consume up to 30 per cent
of the provinces total output.
This is good news for both
farmers and traders. We will
have an additional market for
our products. I hope the com-
pany will offer market prices
for Pailin farmers and not
dump prices during the har-
vest period, he said.
The Ministry of Agricultures
2013 annual report stated that
there were seven animal feed
mills operating throughout
Cambodia, producing around
1 million tonnes of animal
feed per year.
However, despite the im-
pressive output, supply still
fails to meet the demand for
animal feed in the Kingdom,
the report said.
I hope the company will offer
market prices for Pailin
farmers and not dump prices
during the harvest period
Sony set to lose $2.4B
as mobile unit falters
SONY yesterday has said that
it would lose $2.14 billion this
fiscal year, more than four
times its earlier forecast as the
Japanese electronics giant
blamed a downturn in its
mobile phone business.
The company also said it
would cut the smartphone
units global staff by 15 per cent
about 1,000 jobs and not pay
dividends for the first time since
its shares started trading in
Tokyo in 1958.
The surprise announcement
that Sony was heading for 230
billion yen net loss in the fiscal
year to March 2015 comes only
months after it tipped a loss of
just 50 billion yen, citing a
turnaround in its hard-hit tel-
evision unit.
Sony has cut expectations
for sales in the money-losing
smartphone business, which
has been hit by weaker-than-
expected results in emerging
markets, as it faces off against
global rivals including Sam-
sung and Apple.
The US tech giant is releasing
its newest iPhone in Japan this
week, which was likely to boost
Apples soaring presence in the
Japanese market and heap
more pressure on sales of Sonys
rival Xperia offering.
Other firms are also offering
new products with innovative
technology this business
experiences dramatic changes
in products and services, Sony
chief Kazuo Hirai said.
Hirai who has been leading
a sweeping restructuring of
Sony said smartphone makers
in neighbouring China were
another threat forcing down
prices in the market.
The environment is chang-
ing and becoming more severe,
he said, adding that Chinese
smartphone makers are
advancing and they have
expanded outside China.
The ballooning loss forecast
which Sony blamed on taking
a charge to account for the
declining value of its mobile
unit was likely to resurrect
fears that the once world-lead-
ing electronics company has a
lot more work ahead to cast off
years of losses.
Hirai said Sony would shake
up its mobile unit to concen-
trate on top-end smartphones,
and slim down the number of
lower-end models.
We are shifting our strategy
from one aimed at expanding
market share and sales volume
to one that focuses on profita-
bility, he said. AFP
China injects $81B into banks
REPORTED $81 bil-
lion injection into
Chinas major banks
is probably the rst
of a series of fresh stimulus
measures by Beijing to bol-
ster its agging economy, the
worlds second largest, ana-
lysts said yesterday.
Online portal Sina late on
Tuesday quoted nancial
institutions as saying that
the Peoples Bank of China
(PBoC), the central bank,
would channel 500 billion
yuan ($81 billion) into the
countrys ve biggest banks,
all state-owned. The PBoC
has not conrmed the move.
We believe Beijing [is] to
introduce a slew of other eas-
ing and stimulus measures
in coming weeks to re-boost
condence and re-stabilise
growth, said Bank of America
Merrill Lynch China econo-
mist Lu Ting.
Expected measures include
targeted cuts in the amount
of funds banks must place in
reserve, speeding up develop-
ment projects and quicker s-
cal spending, he said.
The Industrial and Com-
mercial Bank of China, Bank
of China, China Construction
Bank, Agricultural Bank of
China and Bank of Communi-
cations will receive the funds
in equal amounts over three
months through the central
banks so-called Standing
Lending Facility, a tool it uses
to manage short-term liquid-
ity, Sina and analysts said.
The report follows a string
of weak data for August, in-
cluding a ve-year low for
industrial output growth and
a surprise drop in imports,
which have put in peril the
governments target of 7.5
per cent annual economic
expansion for this year.
Such a move highlights the
fact that Chinas policymakers
are sensitive to the signicant
weakening seen in the August
activity data and the move
would be in line with our call
that monetary policy will be
eased further to boost the
economy, Nomura said.
Chinas gross domestic prod-
uct grew 7.5 per cent year-on-
year in the second quarter this
year, improving from 7.4 per
cent in the rst quarter, which
was the worst since a similar
7.4 per cent result in July-Sep-
tember 2012.
But some analysts played
down the impact of the move.
The impact of such a move
on boosting corporate invest-
ment and supporting real
economic growth will be rel-
atively limited in our view, as
the property downturn con-
tinues to worsen, excess ca-
pacity accumulates and busi-
ness outlook remains weak,
said Wang Tao, head of China
economic research at invest-
ment bank UBS.
Analysts said the scale of
the injection was equivalent
to around a 0.50 per cent-
age point cut in the reserve
requirements for banks, the
amount of funds they are re-
quired to set aside.
We expect monetary con-
ditions to loosen modestly,
which will provide some
much-needed support for
demand growth, Goldman
Sachs said in a research note.
Although more measures
are anticipated, analysts said,
some rejected the possibil-
ity of China cutting reserve re-
quirements across the board or
slashing interest rates.
Chinas central bank set up
the Standing Lending Facility
in 2013 to meet liquidity de-
mands from banks, typically
from a one- to three-month pe-
riod, using it in both June and
September last year, as well as
in January. AFP
The Peoples Bank of China (pictured) has reportedly injected $81 billion
into Chinas ve biggest banks. BLOOMBERG
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Cambodia is currently working in
collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) and the Provincial De-
partments of Rural Development (PDRDs) throughout the country in supporting Water,
Sanitation and Hygiene Programmes.
UNICEF invites Contractors to bid for the Well Rehabilitation and Chlorination under
European Community Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) funding for the Water, Sanita-
tion and Hygiene sector of Cambodia as follows:
Item Description of Works SCHEDULED
A1 Package 1: Cleaning and disinfecting wells 160
in the community with village-level Afridev pump
A2 Package 1: Cleaning and disinfecting wells in the 40
community with Vn6 pumps
B Package 2: Upgrading platform (0.72m), cleaning 25
and disinfection of boreholes with village-level
(community) Afridev pump
C Package 3: Upgrading platform (H: 0.72m),
cleaning and disinfecting boreholes with VN6 community 25
D Package 4: Upgrading platform (H: 2m), cleaning 25
and disinfecting boreholes with Afridev pump school
E Spare parts for Afridev pumps 250
F Tool set for Afridev pumps 250
G Training on operation & maintenance 275
Bidding documents can be downloaded at no cost from the following website:
(Reference: LIBS-RBA-2014-9114108)
Tender documents can also be requested by e-mail to
Bids must be received at the address stated below by latest 10:00 AM on Monday 06
October 2014, and will be opened at 10.30 AM on the same day.
UNICEF Cambodia Country Office. Address: H#11, St#75, Sangkat Srachark, Phnom Penh.
Telephone: (855-23) 426 214/5 and 427 957/8. Facsimile: (855-23) 426 284.
Malaysia factories modern slavery
EARLY one-third of the
350,000 workers in Ma-
laysias electronics manu-
facturing sector a major
supplier for leading global brands
suffer labour conditions akin to
modern slavery, a report released
yesterday said.
The study by US-based fair-labour
organisation Verite said at least 28
per cent of workers toiling in Ma-
laysian electronics factories par-
ticularly foreign migrants from im-
poverished nearby countries were
stuck in a spiral of indentured ser-
vitude, unable to pay off excessive
recruitment fees.
Verite said the study was commis-
sioned by the US government, which
bans the import of goods made with
forced labour.
Forced labour was found in sig-
nicant numbers across all major
producing regions, electronics prod-
ucts, foreign worker nationalities,
and among both female and male
workers, said the report, based on
interviews with 501 electronics
workers across the country.
These results suggest that forced
labour is present in the Malaysian
electronics industry in more than
isolated incidents, and can indeed
be characterised as widespread.
Malaysias electronics manufac-
turing sector is a linchpin of the
economy, and a key global sup-
plier, producing semiconductors,
computer peripherals, consum-
er electronics, communications
equipment and a vast array of other
products and components.
It supplies major global brands
such as Apple, Samsung, Sony and a
host of others.
The report did not single out
any companies.
But the sectors success rests in
part on the backs of impoverished
and vulnerable foreign workers from
countries led by Indonesia, Nepal,
India, Vietnam, Bangladesh and
Myanmar, the Verite report said.
It said its assessment of the prob-
lem was likely conservative and
should be understood as a mini-
mum estimate.
Verite said a key factor in the ex-
ploitation was the prevalence of re-
cruitment fees paid by workers, who
typically go into debt to pay them.
The fees, charged both in workers
home countries and in Malaysia,
often exceeded legal and industry
standards equivalent to one months
wage, it said.
Recruits were often deceived
about working conditions, salary
levels and terms for opting out of
jobs. They often struggled to repay
debts and faced new charges for
leaving jobs early, the report added.
Many said they felt pressured
to work overtime, and 38 percent
of foreign workers reported being
forced to sleep in cramped rooms
with more than eight people, their
movements restricted.
Ninety-four per cent of foreign
workers said they had to surrender
their passports, and 71 per cent of
those said they found it impossible
to get them back.
Keeping our passports shows
nothing more or less than modern
slavery, the report quoted a male in-
terviewee from Myanmar as saying.
Ofcials with Malaysias govern-
ment and main manufacturers
association were not immediately
available for comment.
Malaysia is relatively prosperous
compared to its neighbours but is
often criticised by labour groups
for failing to adequately ensure the
welfare of its estimated two to four
million foreign workers. AFP
A production line in a factory in Pontian Besar, Malaysia. Nearly a third of the workers in Malaysias electronics manufacturing sec-
tor suffer labour conditions akin to modern slavery, a new report says. BLOOMBERG
Backing a winner?
Betfair pays
out Scot No
bets already
ETFAIR Group Plc is
already paying out bets
on Scotland rejecting
independence on Friday.
The London-based company
said its sportsbook unit would
pay out on no wagers made
before 11am on Tuesday.
As well as running a betting
exchange, which matches
gamblers, Betfair also offers
odds on sporting and political
events in the way more tradi-
tional bookmakers do.
Betfair had been offering
odds of 1/4 on a no vote,
meaning a 4 ($6.48) bet
returns 1 prot, compared
with odds of 11-4 for a yes
vote. Wagers on the Betfair
exchange suggest about an 80
per cent chance of a no vote.
Gambling companies routi-
nely pay out early on sporting
events when they regard the
result as a foregone conclu-
sion, in part because it draws
publicity and in part because
gamblers often recycle win-
nings into other wagers.
While opinion polls suggest
the result could go either way,
odds of 2/7 from bookmaker
Paddy Power also show a no
vote is still favourite. BLOOMBERG
MOVE by war-torn
South Sudan to turf
out foreign work-
ers has been met
with shock, consternation
and dire predictions that the
country is being led towards
total collapse.
On Tuesday the government
ordered all non-governmen-
tal organisations, private
companies, banks, insurance
companies, telecommunica-
tion companies, petroleum
companies, hotels and lodges
working in South Sudan . . . to
notify all aliens working with
them in all positions to cease
working within a month.
It said that the resulting va-
cancies, ranging from recep-
tionists to company directors,
should be lled by govern-
ment-vetted South Sudanese
Purportedly designed to
protect the rights and inter-
ests of the people of South
Sudan, the move comes nine
months into a brutal civil
war that aid agencies say has
pushed the worlds youngest
nation to the brink of a man-
made famine.
According to the United
Nations, 1.3 million people
have been displaced inter-
nally, and many of them are
dependent on free food, shel-
ter and health care delivered
by a network of international
aid groups.
Aid agency Oxfam, which
provides help ranging from
clean water to food for people
living in appalling condi-
tions, said the restrictions
could be devastating.
It would massively dis-
rupt aid programs across the
country which feed over one
million people, Oxfams Tariq
Riebl said. South Sudan is on
a knife edge and could eas-
ily tip into famine in 2015. We
need to be expanding aid pro-
grammes in South Sudan, not
restricting them.
The health care charity
Doctors Without Borders said
that it had for months been
trying to recruit South Suda-
nese midwives, but that it had
been unable to ll the chron-
ic vacancies.
The private sector also pre-
dicted disaster.
Tens of thousands of skilled
workers from regional neigh-
bours including Ethiopia,
Eritrea, Kenya, Sudan and
Uganda are in the country,
and together they run South
Sudans mobile telephone
network, banking sector, up-
stream oil activities, hotels
and other key infrastructure.
South Sudan itself suf-
fers from a major shortage
of skilled workers, with only
around a quarter of the popu-
lation able to read and write.
Mwangi Kimenyi, a senior
fellow and director of the Af-
rica Growth Initiative at the
Brookings Institution, said
South Sudan appeared to be
treading a path already taken
during one of the darkest pe-
riods in Africa the rule of
Ugandan dictator Idi Amin.
The decision by the govern-
ment is clearly a stupid one. It
lacks any sound basis, and it
runs counter to any informed
and developmental-minded
leadership, Kimenyi wrote,
saying he failed to compre-
hend how a struggling econ-
omy would take actions that
accelerate the downward spi-
ral of economic growth and
human development.
Such a move reminds us of
the action by Idi Amin, who,
early in his reign, expelled
foreigners and even seized
their investments. The con-
sequences of such actions
namely the collapse of the
Ugandan private sector, are
Jok Madut Jok, former se-
nior government ofcial and
academic, said the decree was
embarrassing. AFP
A girl awaits treatment at a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Juba.
South Sudan has moved to kick out foreign workers. AFP
S Sudan boots out foreigners
Court tosses out $368M
Apple patent verdict
A FEDERAL US appeals court
on Tuesday tossed out a $368
million verdict against Apple,
ruling that jurors were given
evidence that may have
skewed the sum. We vacate
the jurys damages award and
remand for further
proceedings consistent with
this opinion, judges in a US
appellate court said in a
detailed written ruling. Patent
licensing firm VirnetX and
Science Applications
International Corporation filed
suit four years ago in US
District Court in Texas,
accusing the iPhone, iPad,
iPod and Macintosh computer
maker of infringing on
patented technology in secure
video chat capabilities built
into a FaceTime feature. AFP
Russia, Zimbabwe seal
$3B platinum mine deal
RUSSIA and Zimbabwe signed
on Tuesday a $3 billion deal to
jointly mine platinum in the
southern African country, the
worlds third largest producer,
with Moscow providing the
investment funds. The project
will see production of nearly
600,000 ounces a year,
making it the largest platinum
mine in Zimbabwe. Veteran
President Robert Mugabe
said the deal, expected to
create 8,000 jobs, will see us
rise as a nation. AFP
International commodities
Thailand Vietnam
Singapore Malaysia
Hong Kong China
Japan Taiwan
Thai Set 50 Index, Sep 16
FTSE Straits Times Index, Sep 16 FTSEBursaMalaysiaKLCI, Sep 16
Hang Seng Index, Sep 16 CSI 300 Index, Sep 16
Nikkei 225, Sep 16 Taiwan Taiex Index, Sep 16
Ho Chi Minh Stock Index, Sep 16
2,401.33 24,376.41
1,843.78 3,297.68
625.66 1,048.86
South Korea Philippines
Laos Indonesia
India Pakistan
Australia New Zealand
KRX 100 Index, Sep 16 PSEI- Philippine Se Idx, Sep 16
Laos Composite Index, Sep 16 Jakarta Composite Index, Sep 16
BSE Sensex 30 Index, Sep 16 Karachi 100 Index, Sep 16
S&P/ASX 200 Index, Sep 16 NZX 50 Index, Sep 16
30,168.72 26,572.98
5,195.35 1,433.52
7,231.84 4,355.69
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Gasoline R 5250 5450 3.81 %
Diesel R 5100 5200 1.96 %
Petroleum R 5500 5500 0.00 %
Gas Chi 86000 76000 -11.63 %
Charcoal Baht 1200 1300 8.33 %
Construction equipment
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Rice 1 R/Kg 2800 2780 -0.71 %
Rice 2 R/Kg 2200 2280 3.64 %
Paddy R/Kg 1800 1840 2.22 %
Peanuts R/Kg 8000 8100 1.25 %
Maize 2 R/Kg 2000 2080 4.00 %
Cashew nut R/Kg 4000 4220 5.50 %
Pepper R/Kg 40000 24000 -40.00 %
Beef R/Kg 33000 33600 1.82 %
Pork R/Kg 17000 18200 7.06 %
Mud Fish R/Kg 12000 12400 3.33 %
Chicken R/Kg 18000 20800 15.56 %
Duck R/Kg 13000 13100 0.77 %
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Steel 12 R/Kg 3000 3100 3.33 %
Cement R/Sac 19000 19500 2.63 %
Food -Cereals -Vegetables - Fruits
Cambodian commodities
(Base rate taken on January 1, 2012)
Crude Oil (WTI) USD/bbl. 94.49 -0.39 -0.41% 4:40:36
Crude Oil (Brent) USD/bbl. 98.73 -0.32 -0.32% 4:40:46
NYMEX Natural Gas USD/MMBtu 3.98 -0.02 -0.43% 4:40:00
RBOBGasoline USd/gal. 255.62 -0.26 -0.10% 4:39:59
NYMEX Heating Oil USd/gal. 274.59 -1.04 -0.38% 4:40:36
ICEGasoil USD/MT 833.75 -1 -0.12% 4:41:11
CBOT Rough Rice USD/cwt 12.66 -0.06 -0.47% 4:28:30
CME Lumber USD/tbf 332.2 -3.8 -1.13% 21:47:33
Why Scotch distillers are jittery
IKE so many distilleries, the
Dewars facility here produc-
es dreams. Near the stills, an
exhibit hall showcases the
Scottish imagery and ads that have
been used to promote the Dewars
brand. In the 19th century, scotch
sold poorly in London compared
to gin. So Tommy Dewar, a show-
man and marketer who travelled the
world promoting the eponymous
brand, came up with all kinds of Scot-
tish imagery using the Highlander
the Scot soldier with tall black hat
and kilt as marketing tools. Its still
trademarked. You werent just buying
Scotch, you were buying Scotland.
Few products are more intimately
tied to a nations culture.
The liquor and its marketing have
resulted in a booming business. When
I toured more than a dozen Scotch
whisky facilities in June, they were
effervescent and condent. Scotch
sales have been soaring around the
world, almost doubling in the past
decade to $7 billion a huge sum for
a country of just 5.3 million people.
In fact, scotch is Scotlands second-
biggest export after oil.
Which explains why so many peo-
ple I spoke to didnt just think inde-
pendence, which Scotland will vote
on today, was risky; they thought,
in the words of one distiller as we
sipped his whisky drawn straight
from the barrel, that its baloney.
Everyone I chatted with had a so-
phisticated sense of currency issues
and trade policy, and most thought
it crazy to risk killing their prot ma-
chine. Rather than join the chaotic
eurozone, independence support-
ers, despite their break-from-Brit-
ain rhetoric, still want a currency
union with the mothership. But its
not at all clear that Scotland could
remain part of the pound sterling.
And then theres the problem
of exporting their scotch. A new
Scotland would probably have to
reapply to the European Union
to get coveted, duty-free mem-
bership access to 27 countries.
Scotch whiskys status under
British bilateral trade accords
would be uncertain at best. Plus,
whisky makers import barrels that
have been used by bourbon distill-
ers in the US and sherry producers
in Spain. Would they still get access
to those as easily? The cooperages
I visited are machine-assisted, but
they still forge barrels much as they
would have done 200 years ago. Like
automotive manufacturing, its a
delicate symphony of global sup-
pliers and markets.
Whats more, distilleries are part
of multinational enterprises that
crave a free ow of goods. Dew-
ars is part of Bacardi. Glenmo-
rangie is part of the Louis Vuit-
ton-Moet-Hennessy empire.
Johnny Walker is part of Diageo.
The large companies I dealt
with, as well as the industrys
trade group, the Scotch Whisky
Association and the Distilled
Spirits Council of the United
States, are neutral in this ght, which
makes sense. They may well have to
operate in an independent Scotland,
and some of their members favour
independence. But its telling that
the associations head, David Frost,
isnt a liquor veteran but a former
member of her majestys diplomatic
corps. After all, the trade group sees
scotch as a global business. Frost
noted that an independent Scotland
would have far fewer embassies,
70 to 90 to start, than Great Britain,
which punches above our weight
with more than 200.
Still, for all the rational head-over-
heart arguments for staying with
Britain, the independence forces are
surging. Scottish ethnic identity is
strong, which is what helped scotch
marketers over the years transform
a land once seen in the popular
imagination as the scary terrain of
Macbeth or the pastoral idyll of ro-
mantics Robert Burns into the place
we know for Braveheart and The
I saw that on the small isle of Islay,
home to eight distilleries (like Laga-
vulin and Laphroaig) and some of
Scotlands most impossibly beautiful
scenery. My hosts from Bruichlad-
dich, a delightful upstart owned by
Remy Cointreau, threw a party in
an old barn with tablecloths and
Christmas lights. Im for it, said
one barley farmer who also played
the pipes. Its just time. I kept ask-
ing why. Was he worried about all of
the trade and tax issues? Why risk
the prosperity? Was Britain oppres-
sive here, 550 miles from London?
No, he agreed. But it feels right.
Perhaps the ambiguity is on scotch
labels themselves. The Dewars label
the one with the highlander also
touts a coveted Royal Warrant seal,
meaning the company is a supplier
to Buckingham Palace, home to Eng-
Glenddich 50 Year Old Scotch whisky is poured at a tasting event at the Mandarin
Oriental Hotel in New York. GETTY IMAGES
rage makes
miss plane
FURY with a VIP culture that
routinely sees commercial
flights in Pakistan delayed to
accommodate the schedule of
politicians boiled over this
week when passengers angrily
prevented the countrys former
interior minister from board-
ing an aircraft.
Fuming travellers had been
waiting in their seats when
Rehman Malik, one of the
countrys most recognisable
politicians, sauntered down
the air bridge to the Pakistan
International Airlines jet more
than 90 minutes after its sched-
uled departure from Karachi to
Islamabad on Monday.
Malik promptly turned tail
when a furious group of travel-
lers waiting by the door to the
aircraft began heckling, with
some chasing him back to the
terminal building shouting and
calling him a stupid dog.
Rehman Malik sahib, 250
passengers had to suffer
because of you! one man
could be heard shouting. You
are not a minister any more,
and even if you were we dont
care, we dont care any more!
Video of the event captured
on passengers phones went
viral in a country where politi-
cians are widely regarded as
corrupt and deeply resented
for the disruptions to daily life
that they cause.
That includes traffic jams
created by the security convoys
of ministers and the habit of
turning up to political rallies
many hours after the crowds
who come to see them.
While the former minister
fled back to the airport, anoth-
er government party politician
called Ramesh Kumar Wak-
wani managed to board the
plane only to be vigorously
interrogated by suspicious
passengers who demanded to
know who he was.
Initially he described himself
merely as a doctor before
eventually admitting to being
an elected member of Paki-
stans national assembly.
That prompted jeers he was
behaving like a feudal lord and
demands for him to leave the
plane. Amid cries of shame he
eventually surrendered his
prized extra legroom seat in the
front row of the economy class
IS threatens to target US troops
and White House in new video
Race for votes on eve of Scots referendum
Matthew Weaver

SLAMIC State militants have
threatened to target the White
House and kill US troops in a
new slickly made video response
to Barack Obamas campaign to de-
grade and destroy the organisation.
The video, in the style of a block-
buster movie trailer for what is com-
ing soon, depicts a masked man
apparently about to shoot kneeling
prisoners in the head. Towards the
end of the clip there is shaky foot-
age of the White House lmed from a
moving vehicle, suggesting the build-
ing is being scoped out for attack.
It was released on Tuesday after US
defence chiefs suggested US troops
could join Iraqi forces ghting IS, de-
spite Obamas assurance that US sol-
diers would not be engaged in ght-
ing on the ground.
The only words on the 52-second
clip are those of Obama making that
pledge: American combat troops will
not be returning to ght in Iraq. This
comes directly after footage of US
troops being shot at, injured and taken
away in an armoured vehicle, threat-
ening what will happen if US troops
are redeployed to Iraq.
The video was released by the al-
Hayat Media Centre, ISs English-lan-
guage propaganda arm. It includes
the now familiar high-production
hallmarks of an ISIS video, including
super-slow motion footage of jihadis
in combat and CGI explosions.
It purports to be a trailer for a lm
titled Flames of War with the strapline
ghting has just begun.
It shows US tanks and positions be-
ing attacked by jihadis using shoulder-
launched missiles. It also includes an
image of the Mission Accomplished
banner that was part of the backdrop
to George Bushs infamous speech on
an aircraft carrier after the 2003 US-
led invasion of Iraq. There is also foot-
age of Bushs defence chief, Donald
Rumsfeld, on a tour of Iraq.
The video came as the Pentagon
released details of more air strikes
southwest of Baghdad and north-
west of Irbil on Monday and Tuesday.
Earlier General Martin Dempsey,
the chairman of the joint chiefs of
staff, told the Senate armed services
committee that he could see himself
recommending the use of some US
military forces now in Iraq to embed
within Iraqi and Kurdish units to take
territory away from ISIS.
If we reach the point where I believe
our advisers should accompany Iraqi
troops on attacks against specic [IS]
targets, I will recommend that to the
president, Dempsey said, preferring
the term close combat advising.
It was the most thorough public
acknowledgement yet from Penta-
gon leaders that the roughly 1,600
US troops Obama has deployed to
Iraq since June may in fact be used
in a ground combat role, something
Obama has directly ruled out.
Dempsey, who has for years warned
about the unintended consequences
of Americanising the Syrian civil war
that gave rise to IS, said he envisioned
close combat advising for operations
on the order of taking Mosul, Iraqs
second largest city, away from IS.
Obamas prohibition on ground
forces in a combat role was less iron-
clad than the president has publicly
stated, Dempsey suggested.
At this point, his stated policy is we
will not have US ground forces in direct
combat, Dempsey said, to include
spotting for US air strikes. But he has
told me as well to come back to him on
a case-by-case basis. THE GUARDIAN
against Scottish indepen-
dence scrambled to win over
voters yesterday on the nal
day of campaigning as fresh
opinion polls suggested a very
slight majority for the No.
Both camps were planning
rallies across Scotland on the
eve of the historic referen-
dum, with polls indicating
there is still a large section of
undecided voters who could
swing it either way.
In a letter to the people of
Scotland, pro-independence
First Minister Alex Salmond
urged the electorate to take its
historic chance to end the 307-
year-old union with England.
Wake up on Friday morn-
ing to the rst day of a better
country. Wake up knowing you
did this you made it happen,
Salmond wrote. Its about tak-
ing your countrys future into
your hands. Dont let this op-
portunity slip through our n-
gers. Dont let them tell us we
cant. Lets do this.
But Alistair Darling, a former
British nance minister who
heads up the No campaign,
said there would be faster,
better change for Scotland
within the United Kingdom.
We have all built the UK to-
gether and we have beneted
from that strength. I think it
would be a tragedy if that rela-
tionship were broken, he told
BBC radio.
All three polls published
in newspapers on Sunday
showed that support for inde-
pendence had increased, but
that when undecided voters
were excluded, independence
was set to be rejected by 52 per
cent to 48 per cent.
An average of polls taken in
the nal week before the vote
puts the race neck and neck,
with No on 51 per cent and
Yes on 49 per cent, according
to research institute ScotCen.
These polls like all the
recent polls show we are in
touching distance of success,
said pro-independence Yes
Scotland chief executive Blair
Jenkins. Jenkins said that it
would be a knife-edge vote.
Record numbers of voters
have registered for the referen-
dum and turnout is expected
to be very high.
I think all the predictions
would suggest a turnout in ex-
cess of 80 per cent, Mary Pit-
caithly, the chief counting of-
cer who will read out the result
on Friday, told BBC radio.
Polls open at 0600 GMT
(1pm Cambodian time) and
close at 2100 GMT. The result
is most likely to be between
05:30 GMT (12.30pm here)
and 06:30 GMT on Friday, ac-
cording to Elections Scotland.
Nearly 4.3 million people
have registered around 97
per cent of eligible voters and
the result is to be announced
in the early morning.
No supporters outside
Scotland declared yesterday a
Day of Unity, calling public
rallies in cities including Bel-
fast, London and Manchester
on the evening before voting
While we do not have a vote,
we have a voice. With this voice
we ask only one thing: choose
unity, the organisation wrote
in an open letter to the people
of Scotland.
Britains three main po-
litical parties have promised
greater powers for the Scot-
tish government in the event
of a No vote.
As the vote loomed, Prime
Minister David Cameron was
forced to defend his handling
of the campaign.
Newspapers reported there
was anger within his Conser-
vative Party at a decision to
promise new powers for the
Scottish parliament in a last-
minute bid to persuade voters
to stay in the union.
Several members of parlia-
ment told the Financial Times
that Cameron would have to
resign if Scotland voted for in-
I hope Scots vote to stay;
if it goes wrong, however, the
prime minister will have to de-
cide what the honourable thing
is to do, said Conservative MP
Andrew Rosindell. AFP
A new video from IS released on Tuesday suggests the White House is being scoped out
for attack; below, a still from the lm shows US forces taking a hit. AFP/PHOTO SUPPLIED
Holy smoke: Vatican car

seized with coke, ganja
THE Vatican was left red-faced
on Tuesday after it emerged that
a car bearing its diplomatic
plates had been stopped in
France with 4 kilograms of
cocaine on board. The car
which also contained 200 grams
(seven ounces) of cannabis
belonged to 91-year-old
Argentinian cardinal Jorge
Mejia, emeritus librarian at the
Holy See, who retired in 2003
and who is currently bedridden.
French radio reported that the
cardinals private secretary
entrusted the vehicle to two
Italian men to take it for its
annual checkup. The two men
promptly drove to Spain to buy
the drugs, thinking they would
be protected by the diplomatic
plates, according to RTL radio
a scenario not yet confirmed by
legal sources. AFP
French leader scrapes

through confidence vote
FRANCES crisis-hit
government on Tuesday
narrowly won a crunch
parliamentary vote of confidence
in its economic reform path, in a
rare respite for the deeply
unpopular President Francois
Hollande. French deputies voted
269 to 244 in favour of the
governments policies. However,
the vote was closer than a
similar exercise after he was
appointed in April, when the
government won 306 votes. AFP
Ebola a threat to global security
HE United Nations
Security Council is
poised to adopt a res-
olution today exhort-
ing countries to provide more
eld hospitals and urgent aid
to the crisis-stricken region.
This comes on the back of
President Barack Obama is-
suing a global call to action
to ght West Africas Ebola
epidemic late on Tuesday,
warning that the deadly out-
break was unprecedented
and spiraling out of con-
trol, threatening hundreds
of thousands of people.
Speaking as he unveiled
a major new US initiative
which will see 3,000 US mili-
tary personnel deployed to
West Africa to combat the
growing health crisis, Obama
said the outbreak was spread-
ing exponentially.
Heres the hard truth. In
West Africa, Ebola is now an
epidemic of the likes we have
not seen before, Obama said.
Its spiralling out of control.
It is getting worse. Its spread-
ing faster and exponentially.
Today, thousands of people in
West Africa are infected. That
number could rapidly grow to
tens of thousands.
And if the outbreak is not
stopped now, we could be
looking at hundreds of thou-
sands of people infected with
profound political and eco-
nomic and security implica-
tions for all of us.
As well as the military de-
ployment, the US will also set
up a command and control
centre in the capital of Liberia,
the hardest-hit country, build
new treatment centres and
train health workers.
Precise timing on deploy-
ment was still unclear.
No deployment in the
coming days. The troops have
to be properly trained and
equipped, a Pentagon ofcial
said privately. Among the US
soldiers sent to West Africa will
be doctors and also engineers
to set up the eld hospitals,
the ofcial said.
Meanwhile, the US moved
to fund these plans.
Specically, the Department
of Defense planned to ask yes-
terday to have reprogrammed
an additional $500 million in
Fiscal Year 2014 Overseas Con-
tingency Operations (OCO)
funds to provide urgent hu-
manitarian assistance to ght
Ebola, an administration of-
cial said.
This is separate from the
funds already put toward the
effort, including the $175 mil-
lion already dedicated, and the
$88 million requested through
a continuing resolution.
The Ebola epidemic has
killed more than 2,400 people
in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and
Sierra Leone this year.
No licensed vaccine or treat-
ment exists.
The United Nations Security
Council is poised to adopt a
resolution today exhorting
countries to provide more
eld hospitals and urgent aid
to the crisis-stricken region.
The likely passage of the
UN resolution marks only the
third time that the Security
Council will vote on a public
health crisis after resolutions
on AIDS in 2000 and 2011.
This has gone beyond
health issues, UN Secretary-
General Ban Ki-moon said.
It has gone to areas affect-
ing social and economic situ-
ations. It may even affect po-
litical stability if not properly
contained and treated.
The United Nations said
nearly $1 billion would be
needed to beat back the worst-
ever outbreak of the disease,
which is on track to infect
20,000 people by the end of
the year.
The world body has set a
goal of stopping the spread
of Ebola within six to nine
months but aid agencies are
complaining that help has
been too slow.
Ban is planning a high-
level event on the sidelines
of the UN General Assembly
next week to draw attention
to the crisis.
UN humanitarian chief Val-
erie Amos told reporters in
Geneva the Ebola crisis faced
a huge funding challenge.
The capacity of Guinea,
Sierra Leone and Liberia to
provide even the most basic
necessities is on the brink of
collapse, she warned.
The United Nations said the
response to the crisis would
require $987.8 million, with
about half needed for Liberia.
The World Bank, meanwhile,
approved a $105 million grant,
part of a $200 million pledge
made in early August aimed at
helping people cope with the
economic impact of the cri-
sis and strengthening public
health systems.
The UN said that if the in-
ternational community and
affected countries respond
swiftly and energetically,
transmission should begin
to slow by the end of the year
and halt by mid-2015. AFP
US President Obama meets with doctors and health care workers on a
visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday. AFP
The Ministry of Health the honor to
inform all domestic and foreign suppliers
that Ministry intends to supply local
Drug which are described in Technical
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Ministry of Health at the following
Procurement Unit Ministry of Health
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of Health, Procurement Unit at the
above address before 14h30 0ctock on
Bids will be opened at the same address
at 14h30 0ctock, on 21/10/2014 in the
present of the Bidders representatives
who wish to attend.
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Fiji returns to democracy
with a trouble-free vote
FIJIANS flocked to vote
yesterday in the nations first
election since a 2006 coup,
which for the first time
extended voting rights to Indian
Fijians, who make up 40 per
cent of the population. Officials
declared the poll trouble-free
and military strongman Voreqe
Bainimarama said he would
win. A festive atmosphere
prevailed and fears there would
be a repeat of the rioting that
erupted after a 2000 coup
proved unfounded, with both
races queuing side-by-side in
the capital. AFP
Jakarta ratifies ASEAN

agreement on haze
INDONESIAS parliament on
Tuesday voted to ratify a regional
agreement on cross-border
haze as fires ripped through
forests in the west of the
country, choking neighbouring
Singapore with hazardous
smog. Singapore and Malaysia
have responded furiously to
Indonesian forest fires, which
have intensified and become
more frequent in recent years.
Singapores air pollution rose to
unhealthy levels on Monday as
Indonesian authorities failed to
control fires in Sumatra
islands tropical forest. The
deal obliges Indonesia to
strengthen its policies on forest
fires and haze. AFP
Late night swim
American in
Kim Jong-un

meeting bid
OUTH Korean soldiers
detained a US citizen trying
to swim across the river
border into North Korea report-
edly to meet leader Kim Jong-un
the Souths Defence Ministry
said yesterday.
A male American citizen was
arrested last night while attempt-
ing to swim across the river to
North Korea, a ministry spokes-
man said, adding that he had
been handed over to the relevant
According to the Yonhap news
agency, the man believed to be
in his late 20s or early 30s told
investigators from the state
intelligence service that he had
wanted to meet North Korean
leader Kim Jong-un.
A government source said
that a border patrol had come
across the man shortly before
midnight as he lay exhausted
on the southern bank of the Han
River where it forms part of the
western section of the North-
South frontier.
In September 2013, a South
Korean man who tried to swim to
the North across the Imjin River
section of the border was shot
dead by South Korean troops
manning a nearby guard post. AFP
Thai PM asks: Are bikinis safe?
HAILANDS military
ruler yesterday ques-
tioned whether tour-
ists in bikinis are safe
in the kingdom, in comments
following the murder of two
Britons whose battered bodies
were found on a Thai island.
David Miller, 24, and Han-
nah Witheridge, 23, were
found dead on the southern
island of Koh Tao on Mon-
day, sparking a hunt for their
killers. Post-mortem exami-
nations were carried out yes-
terday after the bodies were
brought to Bangkok.
But authorities are yet to
make an arrest despite ques-
tioning several suspects in-
cluding two British men who
are believed to have travelled
with Miller and a number of
Myanmar migrant workers.
There are always problems
with tourist safety. They think
our country is beautiful and is
safe so they can do whatever
they want; they can wear bi-
kinis and walk everywhere,
Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-
ocha, also the army chief, told
government ofcials.
But can they be safe in bi-
kinis . . . unless they are not
beautiful? he said, address-
ing the issue of tourist safety
in a speech broadcast live on
Prayuth, who seized power
from elected government in a
May 22 coup, is well known for
making off-the-cuff remarks.
His statement appeared to
echo others made to reporters
on Tuesday in which he ques-
tioned the behaviour of the
murder victims as well as the
Thailand is desperate to
avoid further damage to the
nations lucrative tourism in-
dustry, which has been bat-
tered in recent months after
a prolonged political crisis
ended in a coup.
The army swiftly declared a
curfew and strict martial law
after coming to power in May,
frightening off some visitors.
Forensic investigators are
awaiting the results of DNA
tests on a blonde hair found
in the Witheridges hand and
traces of semen, according to
the ndings of a post-mor-
tem examination carried out
The results are expected
within 24 hours so everything
will become clear tomorrow
[today], forensic police chief
Pornchai Sutheerakhun, told
reporters after the autopsy.
The female victim suffered
cuts to her head . . . while the
male was beaten on the head
. . . but water found in his lungs
suggests he may have died
from drowning, he said, add-
ing that cuts on Millers hands
showed signs of a struggle.
The wounds were inicted
by a sharp, hard object . . .
and [they were] hit hard with
a rock, he added.
A bloodied garden hoe was
also found near the scene of
the crime.
Earlier yesterday a provin-
cial police commander said
an unidentied Asian man
captured by security cameras
on the night of killings was be-
ing treated as their prime sus-
pect. But he later toned down
his remarks.
Every [person] is still under
suspicion he said, includ-
ing two British travellers who
were stopped at the capitals
main airport late on Tuesday.
The two men in their twen-
ties have been asked to re-
main in Bangkok until the
case is resolved.
Thai police have pinned
hopes on DNA results yield-
ing a breakthrough in the
three-day investigation.
But conicting details over
the focus of the police inquiry,
released by different gures in
a force which rarely centralises
its information, have created a
confused picture. AFP
British students Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were found
murdered on Thailands Koh Tao on Monday. AFP
Richard IIIs brutal end pieced together
ING Richard III
likely perished at
the hands of assail-
ants who hacked
away pieces of his scalp and
rammed spikes or swords into
his brain as the helmetless
monarch knelt in the mud.
So suggests a report, pub-
lished yesterday, that in dry
forensic prose exposes the
horric demise of one of
English historys most con-
troversial monarchs. It backs
up anecdotal evidence, made
famous by Shakespeare, that
Richard was unhorsed before
he met his doom.
Bringing together 21st-
century science and sketchy
knowledge of 15th-century
history, the analysis provides
a chilling tableau of the bru-
tality of warfare in late medi-
eval England.
Richard was killed at the
Battle of Bosworth Field in
Leicestershire, central Eng-
land, on August 22, 1485.
The monarchs death was
the culmination of a three-
decade war for the throne,
bringing the curtain down on
the three-century dynasty of
his Plantagenet clan, and ush-
ering in the Tudors.
The most likely injuries to
have caused the kings death
are the two to the inferior as-
pect [lower part] of the skull
a large sharp-force trauma
possibly from a sword or staff
weapon, such as a halberd
or bill, and a penetrating in-
jury from the tip of an edged
weapon, said Guy Rutty, a
pathologist at the University
of Leicester.
A halberd was a medieval
battleaxe with spiked point,
and a bill was a hooked-tip
blade on the end of a pole.
Richards head injuries are
consistent with some near-
contemporary accounts of
the battle, which suggest that
Richard abandoned his horse
after it became stuck in a mire
and was killed while ghting
his enemies, Rutty said.
The study, published in the
Lancet medical journal, used
X-ray computed tomogra-
phy (CT) for a microscopic
analysis of a skeleton found
in 2012 under a carpark at a
former church.
After being lost for ve
centuries, researchers identi-
ed the remains as Richards,
backed by DNA analysis and
The new paper documents
nine injuries to the head at or
shortly before death, and two
to the torso that were likely
inicted post-mortem.
The two blows that proba-
bly killed the king likely came
from a sword or spike driven
into the brain at the base of
the skull.
They are consistent with
the victim having been in
a prone position or on its
knees with the head point-
ing downwards, the studys
authors wrote.
Non-fatal injuries included
three cuts to the top of
the skull that would have
sliced off much of the
scalp. A knife or dagger
was stuck right through
his face, from right cheek
to left.
Richards injuries repre-
sent a sustained attack or an
attack by several assailants,
said Sarah Hainsworth, a pro-
fessor of materials engineer-
ing at the university.
The wounds to the skull
indicate that he was not
wearing a helmet, and the
absence of defensive wounds
on his arms and hands indi-
cate that he was otherwise
still armoured at the time of
his death.
Assuming that he had been
wearing his royal armour, two
injuries to the trunk must
have been inicted after
Richards body was stripped,
the team said.
One was a blow to the right
tenth rib with what was prob-
ably a ne-edged dagger.
The other was a thrust,
probably by a sword driven
upwards through the right
buttock that would have pen-
etrated his bowels and other
soft pelvic organs a blow that
wo u l d
h a v e
caused fatal b l e e d i n g
had he been alive.
Without any soft tissue to
analyse, the scientists looked
at sometimes tiny marks left
on the bones cuts, abra-
sions, punctures and so on
and compared them with the
known impacts caused by the
weapons of the time.
The gory reconstruction
of his death is heavily de-
pendent on assumptions
about the wearing of armour
and the loss of helmet, but
chimes with several contem-
porary accounts.
One version of events
penned the year after Rich-
ards death, said his naked
body was slung over his horse
like a saddlebag and brought
to Leicester.
Insults were directed at the
corpse by the crowds which
could be when an onlooker
inicted the pelvic wound by
thrusting a blade through the
kings buttock, according to
the new investigation.
Further mutilation of his
corpse would have been
stopped to display his dead
body as a trophy, the defeated
king had to be recognisable.
Richard died aged 32 after
only two years on the throne.
Contemporary accounts de-
scribed him as generous and
a good monarch, but his rep-
utation was blackened by the
victorious Tudors.
In Shakespeares play Rich-
ard III, the kings spinal cur-
vature was transformed into a
hunchback, and his character
was murderous and hungry
for power. AFP
A 3D-printed reconstruction of the skeleton of King Richard III in the
new visitors centre in Leicester; right, Richards skull. AFP
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ELEBRATED South African
Paralympian Oscar Pistorius
has been convicted of culpa-
ble homicide. He was found
not guilty of premeditated murder on
Thursday but later found guilty of the
lesser charge for firing four shots into
a locked bathroom door, killing his
girlfriend, model Reeva Steenkamp,
last year on Valentines Day. Now Pis-
torius faces five to 15 years in prison.
Judge Thokozile Masipa will an-
nounce his sentence in October.
The Pistorius case, along with the
high-profile Ray Rice case dominat-
ing headlines this week, reminds us
that domestic violence in sports is not
In July, Wales rugby star Ian Gough
was found guilty of assaulting his ex-
girlfriend, former Miss Wales Sophia
Cahill. In 2013, baseball star Milton
Bradley was found guilty of spousal
battery and making threats against
his wife with a gun. Also in 2013, Liv-
erpool footballer Raheem Sterling
was arrested for allegedly attacking
his then-girlfriend, 19-year-old model
Shana Ann Rose Halliday, after an
argument over a text message. The
case against him eventually collapsed
because Halliday refused to testify.
Weve seen the uproar over the Rice
situation, with nearly everyone taking
sides either to condemn or to defend
Ray Rice and second-guess Janay Rice
and calls are getting louder by the
day for NFL commissioner Roger
Goodell to lose his job.
As the NFL and Baltimore Ravens
franchise play a high-profile game of
passing the buck over when they
actually received the infamous tape
that shows Ray Rice hitting his then-
fiancee, we saw similar reactions in
South Africa surrounding the Pisto-
rius case. Pistoriuss Twitter account
has been super active during the trial,
quoting biblical passages and offering
words of encouragement in support
of Pistorius in his time of legal jeop-
ardy. Whoever is posting even used a
quote by legendary tennis player and
humanitarian Arthur Ashe to remind
people to forgive leading me to ask,
how low down do you have to be to
use the words of a great man like Ashe
to support your attempt to portray
yourself as a victim when on trial for
killing your girlfriend?
A Support for Oscar website sur-
faced pretty quickly following his
arrest, with a description that reads,
Oscar Pistorius athlete, ambassa-
dor, inspiration innocent until prov-
en guilty, and yet leaves off killer as
a descriptor.
Therein lies the rub. People are so
obsessed with sports figures that any
actions that disrupt their perception
of athletes heroics are dismissed,
even by those who should under-
stand the most. Countless fans,
including women, wore Rice jerseys
at Thursday nights Ravens game
against the Pittsburgh Steelers. And
fans were cheering for Steelers quar-
terback Ben Roethlisberger, who
faced accusations of sexual assault
just a few years ago. As I watched the
game last night, I wondered, what is
wrong with this picture?
Rice and Pistorius have very differ-
ent lives but do have something in
common: They are celebrated ath-
letes involved in high-profile cases of
violence against women whom they
claim to love. While many fans and
players are railing against what Rice
and Pistorius have done, there are
many professing their unyielding
support for the two athletes. Why?
We dont value women in sports
culture, which is a microcosm of soci-
ety. The fact that we need Title IX (a
US law mandating equal treatment of
boys and girls in federally funded
education programs) in the first place
highlights this fact. The amount of
violence suffered by women at the
hands of men is an example. In terms
of domestic violence, one in three
women in the United States will
become a victim during her lifetime,
and overwhelmingly at the hands of a
man. In terms of race, black women
are being killed by intimate partners
at alarming rates, and overwhelming-
ly by gun violence.
The same is true in South Africa,
where a woman is killed in a domestic
violence incident every eight hours
and the rate of intimate-partner kill-
ings of women is five times higher
than the global average, according to
the International Business Times: To
put that figure into perspective, there
are more than seven times as many
murders in South Africa than there
are in the US, and the country has a
population of just 51 million com-
pared with 317 million in the States.
Statistically speaking, Steenkamp was
one of three women killed by an inti-
mate partner on Valentines Day in
the country.
Here and abroad, womens bodies
are devalued, which is one of the rea-
sons that violence against women is
so prevalent. As Ive said before,
whenever womens bodies intersect
with dominant-culture industries
plantations, entertainment, pro
sports, sex work it doesnt bode well
for women. All the more reason that
sports culture has to get a handle on
violence against women, especially
domestic violence.
The statistics with regard to vio-
lence against women in everyday
society are off the charts. And its not
just professional sports. On some
American college campuses, a third of
all reported rapes involve male ath-
letes, who represent less than a third
of all males on campus. Whats wrong
with this picture?
Although it looks like Pistorius, who
is still out on bail and has been since
the killing, could evade jail time (the
judge can sentence him to house
arrest or long-term parole), there is a
much bigger problem at hand.
Domestic violence is epidemic in our
society, and those we hold in the
highest esteem, like star athletes,
should not be let off the hook because
they excel in sports. And violence
against women should not be the sta-
tus quo in sports even if its a cele-
brated female athlete doing it.
Zero tolerance has to be it for vio-
lence against women in sports, espe-
cially when it involves intimate part-
nerships. The risk of injury or death is
too high for domestic partners, espe-
cially women of colour. Sports culture
has a domestic violence problem, and
we need to end it. Period. THE ROOT
Holding star athletes accountable
Oscar Pistorius (left) faces a 15-year sentence for shooting his girlfriend. Ray Rice has been indenitely suspended from the NFL for
punching his then-ancee and knocking her out. AFP
Nsenga K Burton
Nsenga K Burton is founder and editor-in-chief
of the award-winning news site the Burton Wire
and chair of the department of communication
and media studies at Goucher College.
YOUNG people are redefining kimono
fashion, mixing the traditional Japa-
nese clothing with Western accesso-
ries and clothes such as hats and
sneakers, something many would
have once considered shocking.
Shops where young people gather in
Tokyo, have picked up on the style, and
at least one well-known department
store has started proposing new ways
to wear kimonos.
Its fun to think about what I can
coordinate with kimono, said one of
two so-called kimono friends. I
bought the lace Im using instead of
obijime string for the obi sash at a 100
yen shop, said the other. The two
were Asahi Hasegawa, 20, and Kaho
Yamada, 19.
Hasegawas unique take on kimono
style involves wearing a parka under-
neath her kimono, a handmade Hol-
stein patterned obi sash and sneakers.
Whenever I see clothes that might suit
kimono, I feel compelled to buy them.
Its easy to make an obi from a cloth,
she said with a smile.
When Hasegawa was a child, she
looked forward to the New Year, when
she would go out wearing kimono with
her grandmother. But there were few-
er chances to wear kimono as she grew
older, leaving her feeling unsatisfied.
She came across a kimono circle that
was recruiting members on Facebook
and decided to join. The about 30 male
and female members of the circle hold
kimono-wearing classes and attend
fireworks events wearing kimono.
Wataru Kono, 25, a member of the
circle, always wears kimono when he
goes out. He often wears kimono and
geta clogs. I can keep my back straight
when I tighten my obi, he says.
One kimono shop in Harajuku han-
dles recycled and vintage kimono.
Yurika Nakajima, 21, a clerk in the
shop, wears a white blouse with roses
embroidered on its round collar under
a kimono. Its the same as wearing a
one-piece dress, she said.
Nakajima says one of the shops hot-
test products is a kimono debut set
priced at 10,000 ($93) , which includes
a kimono and obi. Many customers are
in their 20s, she said.
The hardest aspect of kimono is
learning how to put one on, but that
doesnt seem to bother young people.
Store manager Seri Hirama, 27, said,
I learned how to put on kimono from
a video.
In July, about 30 men and women
wearing kimono and yukata gathered
at a water-bus stand in Asakusa, Tokyo,
for Kimono Jack. The event started
by kimono lovers in Kyoto in 2010
invites people wearing kimono to
gather in tourist spots.
Hiroyuki Morikawa, 36, a represent-
ative of Tokyo Kimono Jack, which
organised the July event, said: We
hope people who see kimono groups
in town over the weekend will become
interested in kimono and will want to
wear kimono themselves.
The popular belief that kimono are
expensive is changing. In Mitsukoshi
department stores main store in
Nihonbashi, Tokyo, a kimono shop
named Hanamusubi was launched in
October and introduces new kimono
styles. Mitsukoshi is the nations most
established store in terms of the kimo-
no business its predecessor was
Echigoya, a kimono shop during the
Edo period (1603-1867). The depart-
ment store is known for selling kimono
made-to-order from one roll of cloth
at prices starting at 200,000. But now,
Hanamusubi offers ready-to-wear
kimono from 40,000 and up. The shop
also sells jewellery made of washi
paper, which shows its eclectic
approach to kimono. Accessories have
traditionally been considered taboo.
The shop is aiming to invite custom-
ers to the stagnant kimono market,
trying every possible means, including
reaching out to young designers.
Shinsaku Kakita, 27, who manages
Hanamusubi, explained: Wed like
to introduce a new kimono culture
while preserving the traditional
charms of kimono. We recommend
customers wear kimono and go out
without worrying about formalities.
WAVE of civil aware-
ness across Taiwan,
Hong Kong and
China is inspiring
more documentary makers to
unearth stories that otherwise
would not be told, according
to an award-winning Taiwan-
ese director.
In the past two years, there
has been this prevailing value,
Kevin Lee Hui-jen said. This
awareness reects citizens
mistrust in their leaders.
Lee said the trend is stron-
gest in Taiwan, where the
public is wary of warming ties
with China. Almost all social
movements in Taiwan [now]
have some documentary lm-
makers lming them, he said.
In one example earlier this
year, the Taipei Documen-
tary Filmmakers Union shot
The Day of Uprising as tens
of thousands of students of
the Sunower movement oc-
cupied Taiwans legislature in
protest to the trade agreement
with China.
Lee, 45, said Taiwans Sun-
ower and Hong Kongs Oc-
cupy Central civil movements
were examples of a public ac-
tively questioning its leaders.
In Hong Kong, public dis-
content has been growing over
rising inequality, increased
political interference and the
perceived cosy relationship
between the citys powerful
business elite and Beijing.
Hong Kongs Occupy Central
movement threatened civil
disobedience if China ruled
out open elections in the for-
mer British colony.
Activists had their hopes for
genuine democracy dashed
after China announced last
month that candidates for
the citys next leader in 2017
would be vetted by a pro-Bei-
jing committee and that only
two or three people would be
allowed to stand.
Democracy and freedom
are universal values, Lee said.
Amid the various forms of po-
litical and economic pressure,
can Taiwan and Hong Kong
safeguard their freedom? The
key lies in young people and
civil awareness.
Lee won the Grand Prize
and Best Documentary at this
years Taipei Film Festival for
Unveil the Truth II: State Ap-
paratus, his sequel to Unveil
the Truth: Government Virus
(2013), which seeks to uncover
alleged bureaucratic mishan-
dling of avian u breakouts on
the island. He is taking part in
Hong Kongs annual Chinese
Documentary Festival this
month showcasing 44 lms.
Among those from China
include a look at urban en-
croachment on traditional
farmlands and ways of life; a
reection on the bitter legacy
of conict on a small village in
Chinas Xinjiang province and
the impact of desertication in
Gansu province.
The irony is that stringent
censorship means mainland
Chinese audiences are rare-
ly given the opportunity to
watch such lms. The Chinese
government last month shut
down the Beijing Indepen-
dent Film Festival, which had
scheduled a number of docu-
mentaries, including Lees.
Chinas leaders under Presi-
dent Xi Jinping have taken aim
at civil society, imposing great-
er censorship in what analysts
call an effort to mufe dissent
that is proving effective.
Filmmakers are having a
lot of difculties there, said
Tammy Cheung, a Hong Kong-
based documentary lmmaker.
They might take their lms
to international festivals, but
they rarely get the chance to
show them to their own peo-
ple, said Cheung.
Hong Kong-based 32-year-
old Jo Cheng, whose mournful
Via Dolorosa is screening at the
festival, trained her cameras
on the plight of a Hong Kong
street sleeper in a city whose
gap between rich and poor is
among the worlds widest.
I didnt really think of an
audience when I started, she
explained. I was more con-
cerned with learning how to
tell a story. But documentaries
provide a platform for differ-
ence communities to ask ques-
tions and nd out answers.
Lee said cheaper digital
lming equipment had sig-
nicantly brought down the
threshold for making docu-
mentaries, meaning more
were now being made. Never-
theless director Cheng works
various jobs to fund her lms
and struggles to attract nan-
cial support due to limited
prospects in terms of box of-
ce returns and audience.
But documentaries and
social media are giving more
people a voice, and allowing
more topics to be discussed,
she said. I want to look at is-
sues that are covered up, and
too protected.
Lee added that when it came
to China, getting subjects to go
on record with an opinion was
difcult due to worries over
any potential consequences.
But they must never forget
one thing: over-tolerance will
become servility; unchecked
servility will make one forget
the importance of freedom,
Lee said.
Hong Kongs Chinese Docu-
mentary Festival runs until
October 4. AFP
Asahi Hasegawa, right, who wears a
kimono over a hoodie and with her hand-
made obi sash, walks on a street with
her kimono-clad friend Kaho Yamada in
Director Kevin Lee Hui-jen began making documentaries six years ago
to unearth stories he believed society was not being told. AFP
Asian documentary makers
ride wave of civil awareness
Young Japanese are reinventing the kimono
FRANCE considers its cuisine
exceptional and has fought for
centuries to preserve it from
foreign trends. But the struggle
has intensied in recent de-
cades with the globalisation of
fast-food chains. Consequent-
ly, in 2011, the French banned
ketchup from most meals
served in school cafeterias.
When American-style free
rells were recently introduced
by fast-food restaurants in
France, the backlash was swift.
Doctors feared
a rise in obe-
sity, while oth-
ers were con-
cerned about
the gastro-
nomic quality
being drowned
by soda.
The resis-
tance has simi-
larities with
the efforts of
then-New York
Mayor Michael
Bloomberg to prohibit the sale
of sodas larger than 16 ounces
(about half a litre) in 2012. A
year later, the state Supreme
Court ruled Bloombergs plans
unconstitutional. Frances out-
cry has been led by experts and
restaurant owners, not politi-
Serge Hercberg, who heads
a public nutrition and health
initiative in Paris, told a Brit-
ish newspaper that free rells
should be banned. It is in to-
tal contradiction with public
health recommendations. I
oppose all marketing practices
that encourage people to con-
sume excessive quantities of
unhealthy products, he said.
As the Telegraph reports,
the free-rells initiative has
fuelled a 10 per cent increase
in sodas consumption, de-
spite the fact the government
has been on the forefront of
programs trying to limit the
consumption of sugar. Vend-
ing machines were replaced
with water tanks in schools,
and companies were required
to warn consumers of health
hazards in ads. In 2010, a
study found obesity levels
had not increased since 1998
for children of
parents and
observed a
similar trend
among low-
e r - i n c o me
youths. Popu-
larity of fast
food, how-
ever, has ris-
en making
the French
the European
leaders in
burger consumption after the
When it comes to soft drinks,
the French have always been a
bit more cautious. Lets look at
the numbers: The map, based
on 2011 data from market re-
searcher Euromonitor, shows
that the French annually con-
sume fewer soft drinks per per-
son than their neighbours do.
The global comparison be-
comes particularly interest-
ing when we include the US,
which has the worlds largest
per capita consumption of soft
drinks. Americans purchase
four times as many soft drinks
on average than the French,
which amounts to 170 litres a
French war on
free soda refills
The Barbers Brunch
Barbers Brunch champagne cocktail
For the paprika tincture:
1 teaspoon Spanish smoked paprika
3/4 cup high-proof grain alcohol,
such as Everclear brand
For the Armagnac cordial:
Four Seville oranges (may substitute
two navel oranges, two lemons and
1/2 ruby red grapefruit)
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon citric acid
Pinch salt
One 375-milliliter bottle Armagnac
For the drink
1 ounce chilled Armagnac cordial
1 ounce fresh lemon juice, prefer-
ably chilled
3/4 ounce Royal Combier Grand
Liqueur (may substitute other orange
1/4 ounce gin
2 ounces chilled dry champagne
Spray of paprika tincture, for
Make ahead: The paprika tincture needs to infuse for
48 hours; it can be stored at room temperature for up
to several months. The muddled citrus peels need to
sit for two hours or up to overnight; the cordial mix-
ture needs to steep for two hours. It can be refriger-
ated in an airtight container for about a week.
Steps: For the paprika tincture: Put the paprika in a
clean glass jar or bottle; add the grain alcohol. Seal
and allow the spice to infuse the spirit for 48 hours,
shaking occasionally. Strain through a clean coffee
lter into the mister. Store at room temperature
until ready to use (up to several months).
For the Armagnac cordial: Peel the citrus, captur-
ing as little pith as possible, letting the peels fall into
a mixing bowl and reserving the fruit. Add the sugar
to the bowl; muddle vigorously to extract the peels
oils. Steep for at least two hours or up to overnight.
Squeeze the juice from the remaining fruit over
the muddled peels, being careful not to let any
seeds fall in. Stir until the sugar has dissolved,
then add the citric acid, salt and Armagnac, stir-
ring to combine. Let steep for two hours, then
strain into a clean jar or bottle. Seal and refriger-
ate until ready to use (up to one week). The yield is
about 3 1/2 cups.
For the drink: Combine the ounce of chilled
Armagnac cordial, the lemon juice, Royal Combier
and gin in a chilled champagne ute. Just before
serving, pour in the champagne, and spritz the
surface of the drink with the paprika tincture.
Nutrition per serving: 210 calories, 0g protein,
18g carbohydrates, 0g fat, 0g saturated fat, 0mg
cholesterol, 10mg sodium, 0g dietary ber and
9g sugar
This beautiful, complex variation on a mimosa uses
bubbles in the champagne to lift the scent
of oranges and spice to the nose before you taste
the drink. Named after the famous stylist of Seville,
the drink combines the citys famed oranges with its
Armagnac cordial. Seville oranges, if you can find
them, impart a bitter sourness.
Youll have paprika tincture and the cordial two
make-ahead components left over when youre
done. The latter can be served on its own or mixed
with dry white wine or champagne. Use your imagi-
nation for the tincture. Youll need a clean, olive-oil-
type mister for administering the tincture as
a garnish.
Citric acid is available at many grocery stores and
can be ordered from online stores.
Grand Marnier or Cointreau may be substituted for
the Royal Combier.
M Carrie Allan

HIS past spring, I made a reser-
vation at the Aviary, the Chicago
cocktail mecca co-owned by chef
Grant Achatz. I got there before
sunset, so the neighbourhood was suf-
fused with that late-afternoon light in
which everything train tracks, grafti,
dumpsters looks beautiful. Seated at my
table, with streams of that golden light
rolling through the windows, I watched
as the couple to my right received a cock-
tail in a teapot, leaking tendrils of dry-
ice smoke. The scene had that partly
delightful, partly absurd rabbit-up-the-
sleeve quality common to temples of
molecular gastronomy. I was as happy
as a pig in a trufe eld.
The rst drink I ordered, the Barbers
Brunch, was a concoction the menu had
described in that terse ingredient-listing
style I think of as modern menu-ese:
paprika, seville, royal combier. It was a
beauty its bottom layer pale gold and
bubbly, the top layer deep orange and
when I lifted it to my lips, my nose got the
rst of it: a rich waft of citrus and smoky
spice, like a re in a distant orange grove.
The drink was perfect, but it dropped
me into a dizzying shame spiral, taking
me back to my worst cocktail disaster.
When youve got the cocktail bug but
dont yet have the technical chops to back
up your ambitious experiments, sooner
or later you will make a bad drink. I dont
mean a meh drink. I mean a cocktail
with FAIL foam, a drink that should be
tossed down the drain only if you really,
really hate your drain.
Tasked with making cocktails for a New
Years Eve party, I planned to serve a riff
on a Kir Royale, replacing the traditional
cassis with the fruity syrup strained and
pressed from homemade cranberry
sauce. The resulting drink was a golden-
pink bubbler that smelled like Christmas.
But the night of the party, I used a cran-
berry sauce I hadnt tested before, one
made by these very friends. Id tasted it,
and it was chunky with citrus and had a
deep, peppery heat. It would be delicious!
Here is what I failed to realise: That pep-
pery heat had a source, and the source
was cayenne pepper. Safely ensconced in
the sauce, it was zesty and tongue-wak-
ing. But as I now understand, when mixed
with champagne the cayenne was agitat-
ed by the carbonation, lifted through the
drink and expelled into the air at the top
of the glass as tiny, aerosolised particles.
And as anyone whos ever ground dried
peppers knows, an aerosolised hot pep-
per is a weaponised hot pepper.
I handed the rst utes to two friends.
We raised our glasses. One of them sipped
and made what seemed like a strange face,
but turned away and tried to cover it. The
other raised it to her face, inhaled, and
immediately began choking violently.
It was not a great moment in mixology.
I still cringe thinking about it.
When I smelled and tasted the Bar-
bers Brunch, I realised that the Aviary
had used champagnes carbonation the
very quality that turned my cocktail into
a substance that could be used for crowd
control to elevate the drink beyond a
mere mimosa variation.)
The drink incorporates a homemade
orange Armagnac cordial, lemon juice,
a spiced orange liqueur, gin and cham-
pagne, but the nal touch that deep or-
ange layer on top is a tincture made of
smoked paprika and 190-proof Everclear.
Carbonation continues to bring aro-
ma to the surface in the drink, Aviarys
chef de cuisine Micah Melton explained,
so the tincture oating on top has the
drink always bubbling underneath it. So
its still shooting the aroma of the drink
up through the tincture and evaporating
some of that high-proof alcohol, so you
get that constant waft of paprika.
You can use sparkling wine to deliver
aroma in cocktails even without a oat of
something high-proof; youll get similar
delicious aromatics from a French 75. But
the cool factor of a richly hued, fragrant
high-proof oat over bubbles is a neat
trick. Just dont use bubbles to aerosolise
anything you wouldnt like to take a big
Variation on mimosa uses champagne bubbles to lift the scent
of oranges and spice to your nose before you taste the drink
Paprika tincture
High-proof grain alcohol
Lime juice
Orange liqueur
Armagnac cordial
The cocktail is named
in honour of Gioachino
Rossinis famous opera
The Barber of Seville. The
inspiration for this is the
Seville oranges used in it.
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 720 Daily 12:05 01:10 K6 721 Daily 02:25 03:30
PG 930 Daily 13:20 14:30 PG 939 Daily 11:20 12:30
PG 938 Daily 06:20 07:30 PG 931 Daily 08:10 09:25
PG 932 Daily 10:15 11:25 TG 580 Daily 07:55 09:05
TG 581 Daily 10:05 11:10 PG 933 Daily 13:20 14:30
PG 934 Daily 15:20 16:30 FD 606 Daily 15:00 16:20
FD 607 Daily 17:05 18:15 PG 935 Daily 17:10 18:20
PG 936 Daily 19:10 20:20 TG 584 Daily 18:25 19:40
TG 585 Daily 20:40 21:45 PG 937 Daily 21:20 22:30
CZ 324 Daily 08:00 16:05 CZ 323 Daily 14:30 20:50
QR 965 Daily 16:30 23:05 QR 964 Daily 01:00 15:05
CZ 324 Daily 08:00 11:40 CZ 6059 2.4.7 12:00 13:45
CZ 6060 2.4.7 14:45 18:10 CZ 323 Daily 19:05 20:50
VN 840 Daily 17:30 20:35 VN 841 Daily 09:40 13:00
QR 965 Daily 16:30 17:30 QR 964 Daily 14:05 15:05
VN 841 Daily 14:00 14:45 VN 920 Daily 15:50 16:30
VN 3856 Daily 19:20 20:05 VN 3857 Daily 18:00 18:45
KA 207 11:25 15:05 KA 208 08:50 10:25
KA 207 6 11:45 22:25 KA 206 3.5.7 14:30 16:05
KA 209 1 18:30 22:05 KA 206 1 15:25 17:00
KA 209 3.5.7 17:25 21:00 KA 206 2 15:50 17:25
KA 205 2 19:00 22:35 - - - -
KE 690 Daily 23:40 06:40 KE 689 Daily 18:30 22:20
OZ 740 Daily 23:50 06:50 OZ 739 Daily 19:10 22:50
AK 1473 Daily 08:35 11:20 AK 1474 Daily 15:15 16:00
MH 755 Daily 11:10 14:00 MH 754 Daily 09:30 10:20
MH 763 Daily 17:10 20:00 MH 762 Daily 3:20 4:10
AF 273 2 20:05 06:05 AF 273 2 20:05 06:05
FM 833 19:50 23:05 FM 833 19:30 22:40
MI 601 09:30 12:30 MI 602 07:40 08:40
MI 622 2.4 12:20 15:20 MI 622 2.4 08:40 11:25
3K 594 1234..7 15:25 18:20 3K 593 Daily 13:30 14:40
3K 594 ....56. 15:25 18:10 - - - -
MI 607 Daily 18:10 21:10 MI 608 Daily 16:20 17:15
2817 1.3 16:40 19:40 2816 1.3 15:00 15:50
2817 2.4.5 09:10 12:00 2816 2.4.5 07:20 08:10
2817 6 14:50 17:50 2816 6 13:00 14:00
2817 7 13:20 16:10 2816 7 11:30 12:30
CI 862 Daily 10:50 15:20 CI 861 Daily 07:30 09:50
BR 266 Daily 12:45 17:05 BR 265 Daily 09:10 11:35
VN 840 Daily 17:30 18:50 VN 841 Daily 11:30 13:00
QV 920 Daily 17:50 19:10 QV 921 Daily 11:45 13:15
8M 402 1.3.6 13:30 14:55 8M 401 1.3.6 08:20 10:45
8M 401 1.3.6 11:45 12:30
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 700 Daily 12:50 2:00 K6 701 Daily 02:55 04:05
PG 924 Daily 09:45 11:00 PG 903 Daily 08:00 09:10
PG 906 Daily 12:20 13:35 PG 905 Daily 10:35 11:45
PG 914 Daily 15:50 17:00 PG 913 Daily 14:05 15:15
PG 908 Daily 19:05 20:10 PG 907 Daily 17:20 18:15
PG 910 Daily 20:30 21:45 PG 909 Daily 18:45 19:55
CZ 3054 2.4.6 11:25 15:35 CZ 3053 2.4.6 08:45 10:30
CZ 3054 19:25 23:20 CZ 3053 16:35 18:30
K6 850 Daily 06:50 08:30 K6 851 Daily 19:30 21:15
VN 868 12:40 15:35 VN 843 Daily 15:25 17:10
VN 842 Daily 18:05 19:45 VN 845 Daily 17:05 18:50
VN 844 Daily 19:45 21:25 VN 845 Daily 17:45 19:30
VN 800 Daily 21:00 22:40 VN 801 Daily 18:20 20:00
VN 3818 Daily 11:10 12:30 VN 3809 Daily 09:15 10:35
VN 826 Daily 13:30 14:40 VN 827 Daily 11:35 12:35
VN 3820 Daily 17:45 18:45 VN 3821 Daily 15:55 16:55
VN 828 Daily 18:20 19:20 VN 829 Daily 16:20 17:40
VN 3822 Daily 21:35 22:35 VN 3823 Daily 19:45 20:45
KE 688 Daily 23:15 06:10 KE 687 Daily 18:30 22:15
OZ 738 Daily 23:40 07:10 OZ 737 Daily 19:20 22:40
AK 281 Daily 08:35 11:35 AK 280 Daily 06:50 07:50
MH 765 3.5.7 14:15 17:25 MH 764 3.5.7 12:10 13:15
#90+92+94Eo, St. 217, Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel 023 881 178 | Fax 023 886 677 |
1 Wed, 08:00 - Thu 16:00 1 Call/week SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN
2 Thu, 14:00 - Fri 22:00 1 Call/week
3 Fri, 20:00 - Sat 23:59 1 Call/week SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN
(4 calls/moth)
1 Th, 08:00 - 20:00 1 Call/week
2 Fri, 22:00- Sun 00:01 1 Call/week
(4 calls/onth)
Sun 09:00-23:00 1 Call/week
(4 calls/month)
Sat 06:00 - Sun 08:00 1 Call/week SGZ-SHV-SIN-SGZ
(4 calls/month)
Fri, 08:00 - Sun, 06:00 1 call/week SIN-SHV-SIN
(2 calls/month)
Irregula 2 calls/month BBK-SHV-BKK-(LZP)
34 call/month
BUS= Busan, Korea
HKG= HongKong
kao=Kaoshiung, Taiwan ROC
Kob= Kebe, Japan
KUN= Kuantan, Malaysia
LZP= Leam Chabang, Thailand
NBO= Ningbo, China
OSA= Osaka, Japan
SGN= Saigon, Vietnam
SGZ= Songkhla, Thailand
SHV= Sihanoukville Port Cambodia
SIN= Singapore
TPP= TanjungPelapas, Malaysia
TYO= Tokyo, Japan
TXG= Taichung, Taiwan
YAT= Yantian, China
YOK= Yokohama, Japan
Air Asia (AK)
Room T6, PP International
Airport. Tel: 023 6666 555
Fax: 023 890 071
Cambodia Angkor Air (K6)
PP Ofce, #206A, Preah
Norodom Blvd, Tonle Bassac
+855 23 6666 786, 788, 789,
+855 23 21 25 64
Fax:+855 23-22 41 64
Qatar Airways (Newaddress)
VattanacCapital Tower, Level7,
No.66, PreahMonivongBlvd,
Sangkat wat Phnom, KhanDaun
Penh. PP, P: (023) 963800.
#90+92+94Eo, St. 217,
Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
T:023 881 178 | F:023 886 677
Dragon Air (KA)
#168, Monireth, PP
Tel: 023 424 300
Fax: 023 424 304
Tiger airways
G. oor, Regency square,
Suare, Suite #68/79, St.205,
Sk Chamkarmorn, PP
Tel: (855) 95 969 888
(855) 23 5515 888/5525888

Koreanair (KE)
Room.F3-R03, Intelligent Ofce
Center, Monivong Blvd,PP
Tel: (855) 23 224 047-9
Cebu Pacic (5J)
Phnom Penh: No. 333B
Monivong Blvd. Tel: 023 219161
SiemReap: No. 50,Sivatha Blvd.
Tel: 063 965487
SilkAir (MI)
Regency C,Unit 2-4, Tumnorb
Teuk, Chamkarmorn
Phnom Penh
Tel:023 988 629
2817 - 16 Tigerairways KA - Dragon Air 1 Monday
5J - CEBU Airways. MH - Malaysia Airlines 2 Tuesday
AK - Air Asia MI - SilkAir 3 Wednesday
BR - EVA Airways OZ - Asiana Airlines 4 Thursday
CI - China Airlines PG - Bangkok Airways 5 Friday
CZ - China Southern QR - Qatar Airways 6 Saturday
FD - Thai Air Asia QV - Lao Airlines 7 Sunday
FM - Shanghai Air SQ - Singapore Airlines
K6- Cambodia Angkor Air TG - Thai Airways | VN - Vietnam Airlines
This ight schedule information is updated about once a month. Further information,
please contact direct to airline or a travel agent for ight schedule information.
5J 258 2.4.7 22:30 02:11 5J 257 2.4.7 19:45 21:30
MI 633 1, 6, 7 16:35 22:15 MI 633 1, 6, 7 14:35 15:45
MI 622 2.4 10:40 15:20 MI 622 2.4 08:40 09:50
MI 630 5 12:25 15:40 MI 616 7 10:40 11:50
MI 615 7 12:45 16:05 MI 636 3, 2 13:55 17:40
MI 636 3, 2 18:30 21:35 MI 630 5 07:55 11:35
MI 617 5 18:35 21:55 MI 618 5 16:35 17:45
3K 598 .2....7 15:35 18:40 3K 597 .2....7 13:45 14:50
3K 598 ...4... 15:35 18:30 3K 597 ...4... 13:45 14:50
QV 522 10:05 13:00 QV 512 06:30 09:25
8M 402 1. 5 20:15 21:25 8M 401 1. 5 17:05 19:15
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 130 1-3-5 12:55 13:55 K6 131 1-3-5 11:20 12:20
Leipzig boasts a thriving creative scene and green spaces. PIXABAY
Is Leipzig the
new Berlin?
No, its better
Philip Oltermann

three days before the
fall of the Berlin Wall,
East German television
screened a documentary
called Ist Leipzig noch zu retten
(Is There Hope for Leipzig?).
The revelations were explo-
sive: contrary to what the
GDR regime had been claim-
ing, the lm showed Saxonys
largest city crumbling to piec-
es. Saving it would require so
much time and money, some
of the architects interviewed
reckoned, that it would make
more sense to atten the his-
toric quarters altogether.
Twenty-ve years later, the
people of Leipzig have differ-
ent concerns. Gushing reports
of the citys thriving creative
scene, green spaces and qual-
ity of living have earned the
place the nickname Hypezig,
and some locals fear its repu-
tation as the better Berlin
may attract private investors,
and drive up property prices.
Plagwitz, the western dis-
trict, where housing stock was
so bad in 1989 that Leipzigs
chief architect said that it
would be irresponsible to
have people continue to live
here, illustrates the transfor-
mation of the city.
Once a soot-covered in-
dustrial suburb dotted with
the chimneys of metalwork
shops, it has cleaned up its act
but not lost its crooked charm.
Buildings along the main thor-
oughfare, Karl-Heine Strasse,
have almost all been reno-
vated, but without losing their
sense of history. Some of them
may now house galleries and
fancy ice cream parlours, but
also family businesses such
as Schicketanz butchers and
Seidels bakery will keep the
area grounded.
At Meins bar and cafe, a stu-
dent favourite, they cook old-
fashioned family recipes such
as eggs in mustard sauce, and
invite guests to request their
favourite granny food.
As part of a project started
in 2006, houses on the street
have been tted with neon
signs spelling out abstract
qualities associated with what
takes place inside comfort,
effort, lust, and so on.
To nd out more, try a three-
hour walking tour with Ina
Thyrolf of Eat The World (eat- that dives
deep into the areas cultural
and culinary secrets.
Leipzig, though smaller than
Berlin, feels busier: unlike the
capital, social life takes place
along its main arteries. Its art
scene, too, is more focused,
with an aesthetic social-
ist realism meets pop art
which feels like it could have
been produced in no other
place but here.
On Saturdays, you can take
a guided tour of the studios
(10/$13 per person; non-
German speakers should call
in advance;, and
even stay in some; at 65-85 a
night, theyre cheaper than ho-
tels in the area. THE GUARDIAN
Cyclists drive past blooming cherry trees in Leipzig, east Germany. AFP
Thinking caps
1 Moccasin sound
5 Toward the rudder
10 Unexciting
14 Access for a miner
15 Wilkes-___, Pa.
16 Cold coating
17 One who keeps giving you the
20 Bear thats not a bear
21 High-tech valley
22 Community gym site
25 After-bath powder
26 Danse step
29 Unlocked?
31 Candy company Russell ___
35 Cosell interviewee
36 Did a dishwashing chore
38 Old Italian currency
39 They dont require
psychiatric help
43 Take ___ Train (Duke Ellington
44 One-time pupa
45 Null tennis serve
46 Safe places
49 Letter opening?
50 Product placements, essentially
51 Like some souls or words
53 Cut, as coupons
55 Executor, sometimes
58 Low point
62 Its used every day in America
65 Vowel for Plato
66 Punch bowl accessory
67 It soars over shores
68 Release, as lava
69 Gamblers wager
70 Words before goal or course
1 Triangular instrument
2 I had no ___!
3 Stop, for one
4 Analyze
5 Legal-eagle org.
6 Place to get served
7 Missile trajectories
8 Still-life subject
9 Some modern cars
10 Vegetable with florets
11 Big-shot mobile
12 Preach on!
13 Word for a possessive woman?
18 Inverted V, on a frat sweater
19 Contest in Ivanhoe
23 Blue Suede Shoes singer
24 It eliminates a suspect
26 Husky breaths
27 Hello or goodbye, in a word
28 Tornado warning
30 Forms an opinion
32 String-quartet member
33 Got things wrong
34 Stops presenting evidence
37 Indian lentil dishes (Var.)
40 Double-breasted woolen coat
41 Opposin
42 Type of booth
47 Neck and neck
48 Historic records
52 Exterminate vermin?
54 Turns whitish
55 Resting on
56 Past the deadline
57 Old Norse poetry collection
59 Very urgent
60 Has no life
61 Mother of Poseidon
62 Girl of the house
63 Moose, in Europe
64 Birth name indicator
Wednesdays solution Wednesdays solution
A group of space criminals must work together to
stop a fanatic from destroying the galaxy.
Citymall: 4:50pm
Life changes in an instant for young Mia Hall after a
car accident puts her in a coma. During an out-of-
body experience, she must decide whether to wake
up and live a life far different than she had imagined.
Citymall: 5:40pm, 9:50pm
Tuol Kork: 12:05pm, 3:30pm
Storm trackers, thrill-seekers and everyday
townspeople document an unprecedented
onslaught of tornadoes touching down in the town
of Silverton.
Citymall: 11:45am
Tuol Kork: 5:55pm
A woman, accidentally caught in a dark deal, turns
the tables on her captors and transforms into a
merciless warrior evolved beyond human logic.
Citymall: 9:20am, 1:40pm, 5:50pm, 7:55pm
Tuol Kork: 9:35am, 11:20am, 1:35pm, 10:10pm
(See above.)
(See above.)
9:20am, 1:30pm, 5:05pm, 7:05pm, 20:40pm
In a peaceful forest, the remains of a picnic trigger
a ruthless war between rival ant colonies, obsessed
with gaining control of the same prize: a box of
sugar cubes! Amidst this struggle a young ladybug
befriends a black ant and helps him save his people
from the horrible red ants.
Swing @ Code Red
Locals, expats, visitors everyone is
welcome to swing out on the dance oor.
Learn the Charleston and the Lindy Hop.
Code Red, opposite NagaWorld.
Intermediate 6:30pm, beginner 7:40pm,
freestyle dance 8:30pm
Art @ Space Four Zero
A tribute to 1960s Indonesia all-girl rock
band Dara Puspita, with photographs and
exclusive prints. Cambodian Space
Projects Julien Poulson is co-producing.
With a surf-pop go-go sound heavily
inuenced by the likes of The Rolling
Stones and The Beatles, the band were
subject to harassment from the Sukarano
government amid a crackdown on
Western inuences
Space Four Zero, #40 Street 118. 6pm
Debate @ Meta House
The Ministry for Land Management,
Urban Planning and Construction is
researching the feasibility of a pedestrian
area in the city centre of Phnom Penh.
Debate open to experts, government and
Meta House, #37 Sothearos Boulevard.
12:50pm - KING KONG: In 1933 New York, an overly
ambitious movie producer coerces his cast and hired
ship crew to travel to mysterious Skull Island, where they
encounter Kong, a giant ape who is immediately smitten
with leading lady Ann Darrow. HBO
3:55pm - THE AVENGERS: Earths mightiest heroes must
come together and learn to fight as a team if they are
to stop the mischievous Loki and his alien army from
enslaving humanity. HBO
5:20pm - STEP UP REVOLUTION: Emily arrives in Miami
with aspirations to become a professional dancer. She
sparks with Sean, the leader of a dance crew whose
neighbourhood is threatened by Emilys fathers
development plans. HBO
7pm - COLLATERAL: A cab driver finds himself the
hostage of an engaging contract killer as he makes his
rounds from hit to hit during a night in LA. HBO
Members of the Cambodian Space Project with pictures of Dara Puspita. CHARLOTTE PERT
Naomi Watts on top of the Empire State Building in
King Kong, tonight on HBO. BLOOMBERG
Pasta @ The Willow
All-Italian pasta night with wine,
salads, desserts and pasta dishes all
for $3.50 each. The menu changes
each week with two pastas (one
vegetarian and one meat), a salad and
The Willow, #1 Street 21. 6pm

IOC to present Thai king
with award during visit
Committee president Thomas
Bach will visit Thailand in
November and present King
Bhumibol Adulyadej with the
IOC Award, Thai officials said on
Tuesday. General Yutthasak
Sasiprabha, president of the
National Olympic Committee of
Thailand, said Bach would take
part in the 65th executive
council meeting of the
Association of the National
Olympic Committees. It will be
Bachs first visit to Thailand after
he was elected IOC president to
succeed Jacques Rogges last
Benn puts right spin on
West Indies 500th test
SPINNER Sulieman Benn took
five wickets and Jerome Taylor
reached the milestone of 100
Test wickets as Bangladesh
crumbled to a 296-run defeat
late on the fourth day of the
second and final Test against
the West Indies at the
Beausejour Stadium on
Tuesday. Set an improbable
target of 489 after the home
side declared their second
innings at 269 for four, 45
minutes into the day, the
tourists crashed from 158 for
two to be dismissed for 192
just before a shower swept
across the ground. Opening
batsman Tamim Iqbal (64) and
Mominul Haque (56) held up
the West Indies for over three
hours with a second-wicket
partnership of 110, but when
Tamim skied an attempted
sweep off Benn to midwicket it
was the trigger for the collapse.
It was completed when Kemar
Roach breached the defence of
Shafiul Islam to set off the West
Indies victory celebrations in
their 500th Test and a 2-0
sweep of the series. AFP
Players Union appeal
Rice assault suspension
THE NFL Players Union on
Tuesday appealed the indefinite
suspension meted out to
Baltimore Ravens running back
Ray Rice after video showed
him punching his fiancee. The
players union said the action
is to protect the due process
rights of all NFL players. A
statement from the union said
the appeal is based on
supporting facts that reveal a
lack of a fair and impartial
process, including the role of
the office of the Commissioner
of the NFL. The NFLPA has
asked that a neutral and jointly-
selected arbitrator hear the
case as the Commissioner
and his staff will be essential
witnesses in the proceeding
and thus cannot serve as
impartial arbitrators. AFP
Hughes replaces injured
Clarke in Pakistan series
BATSMAN Phil Hughes will
replace injured captain
Michael Clarke in next months
one-day series against
Pakistan, Cricket Australia
said yesterday, giving him a
chance to state his case for a
Test recall. Clarke was ruled
out on Tuesday after scans
revealed the hamstring injury
that cut short his Zimbabwe
tour was worse than first
thought and included tendon
damage. Hughes, 25, will take
his place in the three-game
series in the United Arab
Emirates. AFP
ADAM Ashley-Cooper has re-
covered from injury and Will
Genia and Benn Robinson
were recalled yesterday to
the Wallabies squad for their
Rugby Championship tour of
South Africa and Argentina.
However, giant lock Will
Skelton was axed from the
28-man line-up, which will
play Tests against the Spring-
boks on September 27 in Cape
Town and the Pumas in Men-
doza on October 4.
Outside-back and vice-
captain Ashley-Cooper has
made sufcient progress from
a nerve compression injury
and returns for his 98th Test
after missing Australias 32-25
victory over Argentina on the
Gold Coast at the weekend.
Coach Ewen McKenzie, who
selected 16 forwards and 12
backs for the tour, also named
stalwart prop Robinson in his
top squad for the rst time
this season as well as experi-
enced scrum-half Genia.
But more than a dozen play-
ers were not considered due
to injury, including Stephen
Moore (knee), Tatafu Polo-
ta-Nau (ankle), Wycliff Palu
(head), and Quade Cooper
Its pleasing to be able to
bring in some experienced
guys for what will be an ex-
tremely challenging tour
of South Africa and Argen-
tina, he said.
We took a conservative ap-
proach with Adams injury in
our most recent Test against
Argentina, and were condent
the additional week off will
serve him well going into the
next stage of our campaign.
Collectively, we add al-
most 250 games of Test expe-
rience to our squad through
the inclusion of Adam, Will,
Benn and Saia [Faingaa], he
went on to say.
Skelton was overlooked
with former captain James
Horwill preferred instead
and McKenzie opting to take
a bare minimum of three sec-
ond-rowers, also including
starting pair Rob Simmons
and Sam Carter.
With hooker Polota-Nau
among the long list of in-
jured, Josh Mann-Rea will
be on the plane to compete
with Faingaa for a bench spot
behind rst-choice James
McKenzie said the squad
was looking forward to the
challenges ahead.
While pleased to have
nished ahead on the score-
board over the past two weeks,
we understand there is still a
lot of improvement left in this
group, he said.
Well be working hard to
ensure we see that over the
next fortnight.
The Springboks and Ar-
gentina always lift to another
level when they are playing at
home and so we are under no
illusions as to the challenges
which are ahead. AFP
Ashley-Cooper, Genia
return for the Wallabies
Orioles, Nats clinch titles
AFTER 17 years, the Baltimore
Orioles are back on top of
Major League Baseballs Amer-
ican League East division.
Steve Pearce and Jimmy
Paredes both homered to
help the Orioles beat the
Toronto Blue Jays 8-2 on
Tuesday and clinch the AL
East division crown for the
first time since 1997.
Baltimores Ubaldo Jimenez
overcame a shaky start and
pitched five innings, allowing
two runs on two hits with four
walks and six strikeouts.
Alejandro De Aza supplied a
clutch three-run triple that
broke the game open in the
seventh inning for the Orioles.
Its a great feeling, De
Aza said. I cant describe it
right now.
While the Orioles clinched
their division in front of
home fans at Camden Yards,
the Washington Nationals
secured the National League
East division title in hostile
territor y at defendi ng
champions Atlanta.
Ian Desmond hit a two-run
homer, Tanner Roark pitched
seven scoreless innings and
the Nationals beat the reeling
Braves 3-0 at Turner Field.
Roark was outstanding in
helping the Nats win their
second divison title in three
The second-year starter
gave up five hits all singles
without a wilk.
Weve got the pitching, the
depth, the bullpen to do what
we need to do, Nationals out-
fielder Bryce Harper said. We
need to keep it going . . .
through October.
The Orioles and the Nation-
als followed the Los Angeles
Angels of Anaheim into the
The Angels became the first
team to punch their post-
season ticket on Monday
night, but while their playoff
spot is secured they are still
chasing the American League
West division title. AFP
Alejandro De Aza (left), Adam Jones and Nick Markakis (right) of the Baltimore Orioles celebrate after
defeating the Toronto Blue Jays at Oriole Park at Camden Yards on Tuesday. AFP
Affordable ticketing for Rio
IO 2016 Games organisers
on Tuesday unveiled ticket
pricing aimed at making at-
tendance as affordable as
possible, with entry to the blue riband
100m nal costing just half of what it
did at London 2012.
Athletics fans wanting to see Usain
Bolt target a third straight 100 and
200m golden double will pay a maxi-
mum 12,000 reais (US$545) com-
pared to the $1,160 London best seats
In all, some 7.5 million tickets will go
on sale for the August 5-21 event and
organisers said sports fans can buy
roughly half 3.8 million for 70 Bra-
zilian reais ($30) or under across 717
events in 28 sports.
There will be a maximum ve price
categories: A for the most expensive
to E for the cheapest, including for the
opening ceremony at the Maracana,
where the best seats will fetch a cool
4,600 reais ($1,980) but the cheapest
only 200 reais ($80).
A top category opening ceremony
ticket cost 2012 (US$3,275) for the
2012 Games in London, though the
cheapest ones were ten times less.
Top category tickets for the football
nal in Rio will be 900 reais but fans
will only have to stump up 70 reais
for category A access to womens pre-
liminary games and 100 for the mens.
Some of those matches will be played
in other cities Belo Horizonte, Brasil-
ia, Salvador and Sao Paulo.
Watching the beach volleyball on
Rios iconic Copacabana Beach will
start at 100 reais, rising to 1,200 for
the nal while tickets to the mens and
womens tennis trophy matches will
fetch 700 reais.
A category entrance to the basket-
ball nal will cost 1,200 (350 in cat-
egory C).
For fans looking simply for a taste
of the atmosphere at the rst Games
ever to be held in South America there
are bargains to be had.
Deep pockets will not be required
for mountain biking, for example,
with entry costing just 40 reais.
Tickets to the eld hockey will cost
just 60 reais for preliminaries rising
to 160 for the nal. Weightlifting will
initially cost 60 reais, rising to 100 for
the nal while wrestling will start at
70 (2010 for the nals).
Another initial bargain is water
polo, with preliminary rounds access
50 reais, though the nal will set you
back 580 or 140 for a category C, the
lowest available for the discipline.
Organisers posted the full price rang-
es to their website (www.rio2016.
com) ahead of the unveiling of the full
Games program to be published in No-
vember along with ways for the public
to register and buy tickets.
They said fans could post details to
organisers on the events they most
want to watch and receive back per-
sonalised news and information on
sports and athletes they are interested
in following. AFP
A view of the Engenhao stadium during renovation works to be the Olympic stadium for the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. AFP
Dan Riley

onship will rock Kuala
Lumpurs Stadium Putra
once again with a block-
buster mixed martial arts event on
October 17 entitled ONE FC: Roar
of Tigers.
Four additional bouts have been
conrmed for the card that will be
headlined by a featherweight clash
between Ruthless Rob Lisita (14-6)
of Australia and undefeated Russian
Marat Gafurov (9-0).
Malaysian star Peter Davis returns
to the ONE FC cage to take on Fili-
pino lightweight Vaughn Donayre.
Following her victory over Ameri-
can-Filipina boxing world champion
Ana Julaton, Malaysias Ann Osman
makes a quick turnaround to face the
tough Aya Saeid Saber of Egypt.
Thailands Anatpong Bunrad and
Marc Marcellinus of Malaysia look
to wow the crowd in their bantam-
weight battle, while Pakistans Bashir
Ahmad also marks his return by lock-
ing horns with Thai featherweight ri-
val Tanaphong Khunhankaew.
Davis (8-3) is an exponent of Chi-
nese martial art Wujiquan and the
celebrity face of Malaysian MMA,
with a long list of modelling and
acting roles on his resume. The 33-
year-old consistently nishes his op-
ponents in impressive fashion and
will be looking to use his tall and
lanky frame accompanied by a sig-
nicant reach advantage to propel
him to victory against Donayre.
Cebu-native Donayre (7-2) quit
his mechanical engineering job to
become a ghter and is currently
based in Dubai. He has won seven
of his last nine bouts and is highly
regarded as an exciting mixed mar-
tial artist constantly in pursuit of
the nish.
Osman (1-1) impressed in her
conquest of Julaton in Dubai last
month, and is looking for a repeat
performance. The 28-year-old pos-
sesses wrestling skills and powerful
ground and pound, making her a
tough matchup for any opponent.
Saber (2-4) was defeated by Ju-
laton on her ONE FC debut in May
but surprised the crowd with her
grit and tenacity. She showcased
impressive standup and a robust
ground game, and will give Osman
all she can handle.
Anatpong (3-1) trains in Belgium
and has registered two TKO victories
and a win by submission in his rst
four professional bouts in Europe.
Marcellinus (0-1), a solid ghter
with good all-round skills, is back in
the ONE FC cage after a year hiatus.
Tanaphong (5-3) is full of potential
with a natural propensity to strike.
Ahmad (2-1), widely known as the
Father of Pakistani MMA, is ex-
tremely quick and relentless with his
striking, and will look to overwhelm
rivals from the opening bell.
Malaysias Peter Davis (above) grounds and pounds Waqar Umar of Pakistan during the second round of their lightweight bout at
ONE FC: War of Nations at the Stadium Putra in Kuala Lumpur on March 14. Davis won by submission (strikes). ONEFC.COM
Four matches
added to Roar
of Tigers card
The United Nations Ofce of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Cambodia would like to
invite all interested qualied, eligible applicants to apply for the vacancies below:
1. Associate Programme Ofcer
Organizational Unit: Prison Reform Support Programme
Contract Type and Level: Fixed Term Appointment, ICS-8 (NO-A)
Duty Station: Phnom Penh
Minimum Requirements: A completed, advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent)
in law, political and social sciences or related elds. Up to 2 years
of professional experience at the national or international level
working in the area of human rights. Prociency in oral and
written English and Khmer.
Summary of Key Functions:
Monitor and analyze legislations, policies and practices that impact on human rights in prison
Contribute to the strengthening of detention monitoring in Cambodia
Contribute to prison staff capacity-building and the programmes development work
2. Programme Assistant

Organizational Unit: Prison Reform Support Programme
Contract Type and Level: Fixed Term Appointment, ICS-5
Duty Station: Phnom Penh
Minimum Requirements: Completed secondary education. Bachelors or higher degree in law,
political and social sciences or related elds desirable. At least 5
relevant experience working in the area of human rights and/or
law, with experience working on criminal justice issues. Fluency in
English and Khmer for both oral and written.
Summary of Key Functions:
Provide support in the monitoring and analysis of legislations (including draft legislations), policies
and practices, that impact on human rights in prison
Participate in prison monitoring work
Support the prison programme capacity-building and development work
Please visit for detailed job descriptions of the
Applications from individuals must include (1) a cover letter in English with reference to the vacancy announcement
post title and (2) a detailed UN P-11 form in English (which can be downloaded from:
PagesFiles/VacancyIndex.htm ). All applicants can submit their applications by email to: jobcambodia@ohchr.
org stating clearly the post title of the job being applied for in the email subject box, or send to: Administration
Unit, OHCHR-Cambodia, # 10, Street 302, Beong Keng Kang I, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Please note that applications received incomplete or after the deadline will not be considered. Only short-listed
candidates will be contacted. OHCHR retains the rights to contact referees directly.
The United Nations shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity
and under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs (Charter of the United Nations - Chapter 3,
article 8). Qualied woman candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Deadline for Application: 28 September 2014

Thai club BEC Tero name
Grant as technical director
THAI Premier League side BEC Tero
Sasana has hired former Chelsea
manager Avram Grant as its technical
director. The 59-year-old Israeli, who
was unveiled by the Fire Dragons on
Tuesday, is the clubs second high-
profile official after former England
manager Sven-Goran Eriksson who
was appointed to the same position.
Grant, who guided Chelsea to the
2008 Champions League final, will
work closely with coach Jose Alves
and general manager Robert
North Korean women hit five
past Vietnam at Asian Games
MIDFIELDER Kim Yun-Mi scored twice
in the first 10 minutes on Tuesday as
North Koreas women footballers
thrashed Vietnam 5-0 to lay down an
early marker at the Asian Games. A
day after their mens team beat China
3-0, North Korea dominated their
opening group clash with 26 shots
against just three for Vietnam. Kim
scored in the fifth and 10th minute
before Kim Un-Ju and Ri Yeg-Yong
made it 4-0 at half-time. Jong Yu-Ri
got the fifth with six minutes to go. AFP
Hamburg appoint Zinnbauer
TROUBLED German Bundesliga club
Hamburg have named Josef Zinnbauer
as their new coach, a day after parting
company with Mirko Slomka.
Zinnbauer, 44, steps up from his role as
the coach of the clubs U23 side, who
have won all eight of their regional
league games to date this season. AFP
Gerrard rescues Liverpool
TEVEN Gerrard was Liver-
pools hero with a stoppage-
time penalty as the Reds
marked their return to the
Champions League with a narrow
victory on Tuesday, while Arsenal
endured a torrid evening against
Borussia Dortmund.
Gerrard struck from the spot
right at the death to hand Liverpool
a 2-1 win in their Group B opener
against an awkward Ludogorets
Razgrad at Aneld.
Meanwhile, goals just either side
of half-time by Ciro Immobile and
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang gave
2013 runners-up Dortmund a 2-0 win
against Arsenal in Germany in Group
D, and the hosts were unlucky not to
win by more.
The evenings big winners were the
reigning champions Real Madrid,
who crushed Swiss title-holders Ba-
sel 5-1 in Group B, while last seasons
beaten nalists Atletico Madrid suf-
fered a 3-2 defeat against Olympiakos
in Greece in Group A.
Liverpool were making their rst
appearance in the Champions League
since 2009 and were widely expected
to start with a victory against Bulgar-
ian debutants Ludogorets.
Brendan Rodgerss side laboured
for long spells but when Mario Ba-
lotelli put them in front in the 82nd
minute to open his Aneld account,
they appeared to have the job done.
Spanish substitute Dani Abalo
stunned the hosts when he equalised
in the rst minute of stoppage time,
but there was to be another twist as
Javi Manquillo was fouled inside the
box, allowing Gerrard, so often a scor-
er of crucial late goals in the past, to
convert a 93rd-minute spot-kick.
To get the result was excellent.
They showed great character to keep
going, said Rodgers.
Arsenal were torn apart by a typi-
cally high-octane Dortmund perfor-
mance at the Westfalenstadion. The
hosts had 15 attempts on goal in the
opening half but had to wait until the
45th minute to get the breakthrough
when Immobile ran 60 yards before
slotting past Wojciech Szczesny.
Aubameyang then exchanged
passes with Kevin Grosskreutz be-
fore rounding the goalkeeper and
making it 2-0 in the 48th minute,
and the Gabon striker hit the bar
soon after as Arsenal lost their open-
ing Champions League game for the
rst time in 11 years.
Arsenal will look to bounce back in
two weeks when they entertain Gal-
atasaray, who came from behind to
draw 1-1 at home to Anderlecht in Is-
tanbul, Burak Yilmazs stoppage-time
strike rescuing a point after Dennis
Praet put the away side ahead.
In Liverpools group, Real Madrid
bounced back from successive La
Liga defeats to outclass Basel in the
Spanish capital with Gareth Bale,
Cristiano Ronaldo, James Rodri-
guez and Karim Benzema all on tar-
get after Marek Suchy put through
his own net.
Derlis Gonzalez got a consolation
for the Swiss side, who host Liverpool
in a fortnight.
Elsewhere in Group A, Juventus
eased to a 2-0 victory over Malmo in
Turin thanks to a brace by Carlos Te-
vez, who ended a ve-year wait for a
Champions League goal.
In Group C, Benca were undone
by their old nemesis Andre Villas-
Boas, the former Porto coach taking
his Zenit St Petersburg side to Lisbon
and coming away with a 2-0 win.
Former Porto star Hulk and ex-
Benca midelder Axel Witsel got
their goals either side of a red card for
home goalkeeper Artur.
Monaco also started with a win,
Joao Moutinhos second-half strike
securing a 1-0 victory at home to
Bayer Leverkusen. AFP
Liverpools Steven Gerrard (right) scores the match-winning penalty in injury time
during their UEFA Champions League Group B match against Ludogorets Razgrad. AFP
Job Vacancy
Advocacy Manager 1.
Family Planning Quality Assurance Specialist 2.
Marie Stopes Internatonal (MSI) is a market-focused results oriented social business that
uses modern management and marketng techniques to provide quality family planning and
reproductve health services in over 40 countries world-wide. Marie Stopes Internatonal
Cambodia (MSIC) was established in 1998 and currently operates eight reproductve health
clinics and outreach services in 18 provinces natonwide and distributes three social marketng
products. MSIC is looking for an innovatve and forward thinking person to ll a number of key
positons within the MSIC team based at Head Oce Phnom Penh and willing travel to relevant
project sites as required.
Positon Advocacy Manager
Requirements University Degree in relevant eld, Medical background and at least three
years experience in project management in an advocacy role.
Deadline October 06th 2014
Positon FP Quality Assurance Specialist MSIC /URC Head Oce Phnom Penh
Requirements Medical Doctor with Minimum 4-5 years experience in sexual and
reproductve health service provision, training, and quality assurance and 3
years experience in management.
Deadline October 06th 2014
Please visit htp:// or contact our Administrator for
detail job descriptons. Interested and qualied candidates should send your applicaton
(CV and a cover leter), statng current and expected salary to Marie Stopes Head Oce,
Address: #12Eo, St. 41, (Village No.10), Sangkat Tonle Basac, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom
Penh, Email:, Tel: 023 994 082/083.
The previous applicaton will not be considered.
MSIC is an equal opportunity employer and women are strongly encouraged to apply.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Closing date for applicatons is 06
October, 2014.
A compettve salary scale will be oered to the successful candidate.
Nepalese cyclist Ajay Pandit Chhetri takes part in a training session in
Kathmandu last Sunday ahead of the 17th Asian Games in Incheon. AFP
Nepalese champ mounts unlikely challenge
A SHORT and skinny former
cycle mechanic from one of the
worlds poorest countries is
hoping to beat the odds and
surprise Asias best mountain
bikers at the Asian Games.
Nepals Ajay Pandit Chhetri,
who is 5ft 4in (1.62m) tall and
weighs just 48 kilograms, is a
shopkeepers son who won his
first race on a borrowed bike.
When he makes his Asian
Games debut in the cross-
country race on October 1, hell
be riding a bike that cost far less
than his competitors cutting-
edge machines.
But in his favour is a life
steeped in mountain biking
after spending years since
childhood riding Nepals
remote Himalayan trails.
And in Incheon, Chhetri
believes he can make an
impression by finishing in the
top five. Even now, those rac-
ing against me in South Korea
will have bikes costing double
of mine, Chhetri said. It is
like a fight between a khukri [a
traditional Nepalese knife]
and a gun.
Chhetri has been Nepals
national champion since 2009,
quite a feat considering he
couldnt afford his own moun-
tain bike when he won his first
race aged 15.
At the time, even a low-end
mountain bike costing about
20,000 rupees ($205) was out
of his reach, until well-wish-
ers pitched in to help him pay
for it.
It amuses me when people
get surprised by my achieve-
ments, he said. I may be thin
and short, but my hard work
and preparation has brought
me this far.
Chhetris love of mountain
biking comes from long
before he dreamt of winning
medals. As a young boy, he
spent his free time riding
around hills on the outskirts
of Kathmandu.
I was always good at sports,
but cycling appealed to me
because it is all about an indi-
viduals effort. It is about what
you can do, he said.
His evolution as a competi-
tive racer came almost by
chance. Tired of going to a
mechanic every time his bike
broke, he joined a workshop to
learn how to fix it himself.
Soon his expertise as a
mechanic brought him into
contact with mountain bikers
visiting Nepal, who opened
his eyes to the possibilities
and prompted him to enter
his first race.
When I was repairing . . .
those powerful cycles, I used
to dream about owning them.
Now I know that dreams can
come true, he said.
Chhetri, 26, has spent the
past four months training rig-
orously for the Asian Games,
but he has continued to taste
success along the way.
Last week he became the
first foreigner to win the 268
kilometre (167 miles) Tour of
the Dragon race in Bhutan,
smashing the course record by
more than 30 minutes.
Chhetris experience of
Himalayan terrain helped him
navigate the hilly course,
including four treacherous
mountain passes, three of
which were over 10,000 feet
(3,000 metres).
He is no stranger to compet-
ing at altitude, having won
Nepals annual 400 kilometre
Yak Attack, dubbed the worlds
highest mountain bike race,
four times.
The race kicks off in Kath-
mandu, traverses the Annapur-
na mountain circuit at more
than 17,500 feet and ends close
to the Chinese border.
Although Nepal is natu-
rally blessed with a terrain
perfect for mountain biking,
Chhetri said a lack of govern-
ment support and insurance
discourages riders from turn-
ing professional.
Often we dont take on
challenging routes even if we
want to because there is no
insurance to fall back on.
What will happen to me if I
break my bones?
Chhetri is travelling to
Incheon with 197 other ath-
letes who will represent Nepal
in 24 sports, including athlet-
ics, martial arts and wrestling.
Thousands flood into Incheon
HOUSANDS of athletes
and ofcials gathered in In-
cheon yesterday as the clock
ticked down to Asias big-
gest sports spectacular and organis-
ers fretted over low ticket sales.
Long queues formed at South Ko-
reas Incheon airport two days ahead
of the start of the Asian Games, an
Olympic-size event with 36 sports, 45
countries and about 10,000 athletes.
China, with roughly one-tenth of
the competitors, will dominate pro-
ceedings, four years after walking
off with a record 199 golds and 416
medals overall at Guangzhou 2010.
Chinas Olympic swim stars Sun
Yang, Ye Shiwen and badmintons
Lin Dan will hog the limelight along
with Japans emerging athletes and
South Korean home favourites.
Attention is also focusing on North
Koreas team as they make the rare
and politically sensitive trip south to
compete for their sports-loving su-
preme leader, Kim Jong-un.
But organisers are also braced for
swaths of empty seats with just 18
per cent of tickets sold across the
sprawling, 49-venue site as of early
this week.
The Games will be declared open
at a gala ceremony in Incheons
62,000-seat, purpose-built main
stadium tomorrow, headlined by
K-Pop stars and Gangnam Style
singer Psy.
Incheon organisers are calling it
a frugal Games which, at about
$2 billion, is costing a fraction of
Guangzhou 2010 and pales in com-
parison with the Beijing and Sochi
World and Olympic champions
dot the entry sheets, while many
teams are using Incheon as a chance
to blood young athletes ahead of the
2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
Chinas controversial Sun will be
the main attraction in the pool and
looks set to face South Koreas Park
Tae-hwan and Japans Kosuke Hagi-
no in the 200m and 400m freestyle.
The two-time Olympic champion
is back after a 7-month ban imposed
following his brief jail term last year
for driving a Porsche without a li-
cence and colliding with a bus.
In athletics, Chinas Zhang
Peimeng will attempt to become the
rst native Asian to run the 100m in
less than 10 seconds.
China will go for clean sweeps in
their specialist sports of diving, table
tennis and badminton, where the
highly decorated Lin Dan may meet
his Malaysian rival Lee Chong Wei.
Japan are trying to make it a mens
and womens football double in the
home of their arch foes South Korea,
a result which would sorely test the
patience of home fans.
And war-ravaged Afghanistan can
write another chapter in their crick-
eting fairy tale by winning their big-
gest title yet, four years after claim-
ing silver in Guangzhou.
Such tales of perseverance, espe-
cially from areas of severe poverty,
will provide a running theme, as
countries like Nepal and East Timor
take on wealthier neighbours.
And organisers are urging In-
cheons residents to come out and
support the full range of events
rather than just those in which
South Korea is strong.
On Monday, an organising com-
mittee ofcial said only ve per cent
of athletics tickets had been sold
and six percent for football.
We hope people can come out to
watch other nations, too, because
this is a festival for all Asians, the
ofcial said. That will really help us
stage a successful event.
Despite the slow sales, Incheon
ofcials say the long-term goal is to
position what is South Koreas third-
biggest city, just west of Seoul, as an
Asian nancial hub. AFP
Journalists take pictures alongside a statue of the ofcial mascots of the 17th Asian Games outside the main press centre in Incheon, South Korea, yesterday. AFP

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