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Ronald Villanueva Hernandez
Current Trends in Information Technology
Master in Business Administration
Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas


The contemporary world is greatly characterized with the usage of highly developed
technology. Be it in business, education, travel, medical, practically everything and
anything, one uses technology to conduct daily living. These technologies underwent
several processes and upgrades to be what they are today. Nonetheless, each
technology still undergoes enhancements that would help individuals in going about their
daily lives. The initial process with which technology evolved into what it is today was first
conceptualized, then improved to what man utilizes today. It is, therefore, a usual
question whether the initial process was real considering that it was merely a concept, a
virtual reality.

Keywords: Virtual reality, Reality, Technology, Conceptualize


Today's technology has been conceptualized in the not so distant past and has been labelled as virtual reality. With
the objective to utilize realities and things in order to help man in his daily living, several researches conducted
studies and experimentations in order to produce materials that will be able to make life a lot easier to the end users
of the same.

If one has an intensive scrutiny of the experiences any person would have today, technology is always used and is in
great demand. Technology is used in business, in education, in medical, in warfare - practically in anything and
everything. These became realities as they were first conceptualized prior to the production of the gadgets and things
that man uses today. From conceptualization, experiments were conducted to ensure that these products would
eventually meet its purpose and would ultimately be of benefit to the users of the same. Safety and costs have been
one of the primordial considerations.

This raises the question that many would query. At the stage of conceptualization (virtual reality), would one
consider these concepts as real or not? It is the objective of this paper to focus on this.


At the end of this paper, the reader will be able to:
1) understand what virtual reality is;
2) see a short history of the development of virtual reality;
3) realize the usage and advantages of the end-products of virtual reality;
4) comprehend whether virtual reality is real or not.


A. The meanings of Virtual Reality and Reality

Many have always asked, "What is virtual reality? What is reality?". Oxford Dictionary (online publication, 2010)
defines virtual reality as "almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition". Late
Middle English defines it as "possessing certain virtues". The word virtual comes from the Latin word "virtue,
virtuosus". The etymology of the word reality comes from the Latin word "realis" which means "relating to things".
Oxford Dictionary defines it as " the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea
of them".

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia defines virtual reality as "computer-generated environment and within
which people can can immerse people in an environment that would normally be unavailable due to cost,
safety, or perception restrictions". D. Petechuk stated that virtual reality "combine state-of-the-art imaging with
computer technology to allow users to experience a three-dimensional simulated environment".

Ilkka Maunu Niiniluoto, in his article "Virtual worlds, fiction and reality" has referred to Michael Heim in giving
meaning to the word, virtual reality. "In his book Virtual realism (1998), Michael Heim states that virtual reality is a
'technology' or 'an emerged field of applied science'." John C. Briggs, on the other hand, in his article, "The Promise
of Virtual Reality", wrote, "Virtual reality can be defined as a three-dimensional, computer-generated simulation in
which one can navigate around, interact with, and be immersed in another environment...Virtual reality provides a
reality that mimics our everyday one'."

What would virtual reality mean to ordinary people? When one hears this word, people would usually associate it as
something that has to do with computers. While others would think that it is a dream world where anything and
everything is possible to happen, there are also others who would think that virtual reality is a conception concocted
not only by the mind but also by the very person who has thought of the concept concerned. There would also be a
group who would think that virtual reality is the stepping stone through which different gadgets currently used have
gone through: conceptualized, tested, revised and produced.

B. A Short History of the Evolution of Virtual Reality

This section will focus on the discourse of D. Petechuk entitled, "Virtual Reality".

Petechuk stated that the concept of virtual reality would date back to World War II. The pilots who were then
training for their combat missions needed training for the mission that they had. There was a need for flight
simulators; however, the technology then was not sufficient. The trainees had only basic simulation. Through the
years, technology advanced and so did virtual reality.

Ivan Sutherland, according to Petechuk, "conducted experiments with the first head-mounted three-dimensional
displays...the user was able to view a computer-generated three-dimensional cube floating in space and, by moving
his or her head, inspect various aspects of the cube and determine its dimensions". This was in 1966. By 1970,
"Sutherland built the first full functional head-mounted display unit".

There were other researchers who ventured in the same realm. One of them was Myron Krueger who used "artificial
realities", which used both computers and video systems. "Kreuger was able to create a virtual environment in
darkened rooms containing large video screens. People in the room could see their own computer-generated
silhouettes and follow their movements in the virtual world projected on the screen. In addition, people in two
different rooms could see each others' silhouettes and interact in the same virtual world".

There were many big industries who also ventured into the development of virtual reality. One of them was General
Electric Corporation that built one of the first computerized flight simulators in 1972. Likewise, McDonnell-
Douglas Corporation incorporated virtual technology into a head-mounted display.

In 1975, Thomas Furness III "developed the prototype Visually Couple Airborne Systems Simulator" whereby the
pilots had "an abstract view of flying conditions instead of a reality-based image...pilots became totally immersed in
the graphic representation". In the early 1970s, Frederick Brooks experimented with tactile feedback. "However, it
was not until 1986 that the computer industry developed the tools to simulated tactile experience. He was able to
develop "GROPE-III system, which used a specialized remote manipulator based on a device that mimicked arm
motions to handle radioactive substances".

Through the years after this, big investments were poured into the research as to how virtual reality could produce
things that would be used daily. As there are a lot of advantages and uses of the things produced through virtual
reality, focus and attention were given for the development of virtual reality to what it is today. Although much has
happened after World War II, continuous studies and experiments are being done to further enhance what virtual
reality is. This would be discussed in depth in the following section.

Mary Alice Ball, in her book review, "Virtual Worlds, Real Challenges: Papers from SRI's 1991 Conference on
Virtual Reality, wrote: "Virtual reality is still in its infancy, and researchers are intent on developing and refining
new and better tools." One must bear in mind that this was the state of affairs then which is far different to what it is
today, the twenty-first century.

Mary Ball further wrote that "virtual reality has the potential to take us beyond our physical limitations and guide us
to new insights...Virtual reality uses technology to create human-machine interfaces that permit control of multiple
peripheral devices with relative ease".

C. The Applications of Virtual Reality

As stated earlier, the contemporary world is characterized with a lot of technologies that have been developed
through the many years. When one looks around, it is very evident that varied products of virtual reality have been
created that ultimately helps any one in conducting his daily business in live. To some, these products have been
great helps in saving time in almost anything one does.

Many of these technologies have gone through the process of being conceptualized, tested, revised, and enhanced.
The many things man uses today went through a long process of evolution and are still undergoing improvements so
that the maximum usage of the same would be attained. These products did not just come out of thin air. The process
through which they have been developed has been long and tedious.

Beth Stackpole in her article, Virtual Reality Gets Real, stated that "the military's use of virtual reality touches
training, product development and command and control platforms". She further reiterates that "virtual reality
technology and simulators are actively used to train military personnel on how to pilot aircraft or handle weaponry".
If one would recall the history of virtual reality, it all started with the military looking for avenues in training the
personnel in conducting battles, thus attaining their purpose.

She further wrote that "moreover, by showcasing and testing conceptual designs in a virtual world, military
engineers and government contractors can explore their design challenges more fully, unencumbered by the cost and
time constraints of the traditional, more iterative process". She has also reported that virtual reality has grown. As
these have undergone a long process since they were conceptualized, the technology may be accessed as the price of
the same has been manageable.

She stated in the same article: "Less than a decade ago, virtual reality work had to be done in dedicated facilities
outfitted with high -priced supercomputers, wall-mounted display screen and sophisticated accessories, which means
it was relegated to research organizations, high-end military operations or corporations with big-ticket technology
budgets". However, as the long process of development occurred, virtual experience can now "be accomplished on a
desktop PC using head-mounted displays, 3-D glasses and other easy-to-come-by accessories for a reasonable
price...The cost of entry into virtual reality is much easier today - you don't have to spend a half-million dollars to
see if you get any benefit".

With the virtual reality experience, the soldiers are able to rehearse the missions they are given and their
commanders are able to see and evaluate how the soldiers perform with the new equipment. The soldiers undergo
the tests and they are able to know where they are and where their weaponries are pointed. "In military applications,
time is critical - the bad guys are shooting you up and you need to fix the problem now, not six months from now".

Patrick Mays in his article entitled, Making Virtual Reality Real", "Creating VR models takes no longer than any
other computer modeling: Most of the massing of a large project can be completed in only a few days".

John Briggs in his article entitled, "The Promise of Virtual Reality", discusses at length the varied applications of
virtual reality. It must be noted, however, that this article was written in 1996. He writes that "technology's present
state of advancement has been overstated. Coverage in numerous magazines and newspaper articles, on TV shows,
and even in TV ads suggests that virtual reality is now fully developed. Unfortunately, this is not true...Virtual
reality is with us now in a very early and rudimentary form".

One must remember that between 1996 and 2014, a total of eighteen years, a lot of progress has occurred both in
science and technology. Constant study and developments transpired in these eighteen years. A lot of the products
we are now using have been in the early stages of development then. They have now become realities and products
that man uses in his daily living. However, the contents of Briggs' article may have been seen as futuristic at the
time that he wrote it.

Hence, Briggs writes that "We are just beginning to see the potential of virtual reality. Faster computers, better
software, and new devices to inform our sense are expected to come rapidly onto the scene, improving virtual reality
and increasing its utility. Better content and new applications will rapidly emerge in the years ahead. Virtual reality
will come to us over the Internet, reducing the need for complicated and expensive stand-alone equipment...Virtual
reality is not fully here yet, but it will become increasingly important for individuals, companies, and our society as
a whole".

The truth of the matter is what he stated in 1996 is now a reality. His insights on the applications of virtual reality
are now currently used in the various fields of knowledge and endeavors. As would be discussed further, one will
decipher that virtual reality has come of age and is currently utilized by any one for that matter.

Briggs' seemingly prophetic views at that time are currently utilized in today's world. "A building can be created as a
navigable, interactive and immersive experience while still being designed. so that both architect and client can
experience the structure and make changes before the construction begins...Virtual reality would allow for an
electronic prototype to be created and modified, so that costly changes during or after construction are
avoided...clients will want to experience their house or building in virtual reality before final designs are completed
and construction begins".

He further writes that "At present, you can 'virtually' visit a number of actual art galleries and museums via the
Internet...Virtual reality will change our conception of what constitutes art...You will actually become part of the art
as you interact with it".

Virtual reality is greatly used in businesses today. Many companies are able to create visualizations of the stock
market. Currently, this is now being conducted in many companies, most specially the big ones. "A stock broker or
analyst can quickly see patterns for a market sector as a whole, as well as the activity of specific stocks...and can
bring in-depth information to the screen and give the broker an opportunity to rapidly buy or sell a stock".

Virtual reality has also played a great role in empowering people with disabilities. In his article, Briggs reported that
virtual reality is used to "confirm the accessibility of buildings for people with disabilities". It is also used in
teaching students how to use a wheelchair and training people who are intellectually compromised on how to get
from one point to another using different form of transportation.

In the same article, Briggs has touched on how virtual reality may be used in education and training whereby the
trainees walk through a virtual factory "and learn about health hazards - a more engaging experience than reading a
manual or attending a lecture". He also mentioned students learning any field of endeavor will be able to acquire the
knowledge needed by using virtual reality. He mentions that Chemistry students will be able to conduct risky
experiments and avoid the risks of accidental explosions in the laboratory.

Likewise, through virtual reality astronomy students will be able to explore galaxies and study their properties.
English students will be able to be on stage where Shakespearean plays are being presented. History students will be
able to go to different historical events and would have the possibility of participating in them.

These are examples of what Briggs thought on how virtual reality will affect and effect the seemingly uneventful
past life of man. Briggs is therefore simply reiterating the simple fact that virtual reality is the biggest factor that will
be utilized by any person as virtual reality will make things a lot easier for man to conduct his daily businesses. As
virtual reality is constantly evolving, it will spice up man's life, man's living and his mere existence.

As different facets of life will ultimately be immensely influenced by virtual reality, it goes without saying that
virtual reality will continue to develop and be made user friendly to its end users - man himself. The constant
enhancements will proceed so that virtual reality and the products it produces will be of much better utility for all to
avail of.


Based on the above discussion, one would clearly see that virtual reality has produced numerous technologies
currently used in daily living. These have given any one for that matter a choice to make life easier or not. However,
these things were not produced out of thin air, so to speak. There have been a lot of processes that were implemented
to have the technologies that we have today.

Based on what is existing, these technologies were conceptualized, altered, refined, improved, and enhanced. The
fact remains that they have all been based on existing realities. Concretely speaking, before man landed on the moon
in 1969, there were a lot of processes that occurred. The astronauts did not just land there per se.

There were a lot of trainings conducted and one of them was the effect of weightlessness for a long period of time.
Creating this atmosphere was first conceptualized and the atmosphere to produce the same scenario as it would
appear on the moon itself was created. The garment they wore, the numerous pieces of equipment they used were
first conceptualized, produced, tested, and refined to ensure the safety of the astronauts and to lessen the effects of
many factors. These all started with virtual reality.

Likewise, another example one may look at is the robots used in highly advanced countries where the robot
detonates or make safe explosives that may cause harm or danger. This was also conceptualized at the beginning,
produced, tested and refined to ensure its effectivity in pursuing the purpose for which it was built.

What is being simply emphasized is the fact that virtual reality is based on what exists and it is not a figment of
one's imagination. As such, it is real. The basis of virtual reality is reality itself. In Argumentative Logic, the
argumentation would be: Virtual Reality is based on reality. Reality is what exists; what is reality. Therefore, Virtual
Reality is reality; it is real.

Ball, M. A. (1993, June). Virtual Worlds, Real Challenges: Papers from SRI's 1991 Conference on Virtual Reality.
Information Technology and Libraries, 12(2), 291.
Briggs, J. C. (1996, September). The Promise of Virtual Reality. The Futurist, 30(5), 13.
Mays, P. (1998, October). Making virtual reality real. Architecture, 87(10), 162.
Niiniluoto, I. M. (2012). Virtual worlds, fiction, and reality/Mundos virtuales, ficcion y realidad. Discusiones
Filosoficas, 13(21), 13.
Petechuk, D. (2004). Virtual Reality. In K. L. Lerner & B. W. Lerner (Eds.), The Gale Encyclopedia of Science (3rd
ed., Vol. 6, pp. 4225-4229). Detroit: Gale.
Virtual Reality Gets Real. (2008, January 7). Design News, 63(1), 85.
Virtual Reality. (2013). In The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. New York: Columbia University Press.

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