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Justifcation E-Mail: Attending Oracle OpenWorld (tailor to ft your situation)

To: <Insert Manager or Supervisor Name>

Subject: <Attending Oracle OpenWorld 2!">
Wit# t#e deadline $or saving %& coming up 'uic(l)* I+d li(e to get )our approval to attend Oracle
OpenWorld t#is September 2, to October 2 in San -rancisco. T#ere+s no ot#er con$erence /#ere I+ll
#ave t#e opportunit) to learn t#e (e) in$ormation I need to get t#e most out o$ our current 0and $uture1
Oracle products and tec#nologies. I+ll #ave access to e2perts $rom around t#e /orld3customers*
partners* and Oracle3so I can gro/ m) s(ills and increase our productivit).
I+ll be able to c#oose $rom more t#an !*4 sessions* tailoring m) sc#edule to get e2actl) t#e
in$ormation I need. -or e2ample* I plan to $ocus on:
< 5roduct or tec#nolog) supporting 0name t#e project1 >
< 5roduct or tec#nolog) supporting 0name t#e project1 >
< 5roduct or tec#nolog) supporting 0name t#e project1 >
In addition to sessions* I+ll be able to c#ec( out #undreds o$ Oracle partners* Oracle tec#nolog) demos
run b) t#e e2perts /#o #elped build t#e products* and get #ands6on in labs /#ere /e can dig into t#e
7ere+s /#at a $e/ o$ last )ear+s attendees said about t#eir e2perience:
87aving all t#e top Oracle tec#nolog) e2perts toget#er in one place gives an unparalleled
opportunit) to connect* discuss* c#allenge* and learn.9
8No/#ere is it possible to communicate and collaborate so intensivel) /it# users and developers
as at Oracle OpenWorld.9
8Oracle OpenWorld provides an unparalleled opportunit) to net/or( /it# peers* get close to
product development teams* and gain valuable insig#t into t#e $uture direction o$ Oracle
tec#nologies. All /#ile #aving a great time in a great cit).9
8Wo/: T#e best parts /ere coming across e26colleagues* bumping into someone I #ad not seen $or
man) )ears* interacting /it# industr) leaders bot# on6 and o;6#ours3I /as literall) ma(ing
connections all along.9
8<ver)t#ing Oracle concentrated in one place. It gives me t#e opportunit) to investigate t#e /ide
variet) o$ Oracle products /e #ave implemented.9
87ands6on labs and spea(ing directl) /it# product managers /as ver) use$ul.9
8It+s a p#enomenal con$erence and its si=e provides variet) and c#oice. T#ere are e2perts to meet
ever)/#ere )ou turn.9
8It provided $ace6to6$ace contact /it# peer pro$essionals using similar tec#nologies. <2actl) /#at
our compan) needed.9
T#is is t#e appro2imate cost o$ m) attending Oracle OpenWorld:
Air$are: %
7otel: %
Meals: %
?egistration : % 0%2*"@ i$ registered b) September 2A* a savings o$ %21
Ot#er e2penses: %
Total cost: %
Attending Oracle OpenWorld /ill #ave #uge value $or me and <compan)* department* or organi=ation
name>. 5lease let me (no/ i$ )ou #ave an) 'uestions* and t#an(s in advance $or )our support.

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