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Information Science and Engineering Department

Group no: 10
Group name : THE KING MAKERS
Group members:
Chetan .S (1ms07is021)
Deepak.P.J (1ms07is0 )
Pavan.R (1ms07is062)
Phaneesh.L.N (1ms07is066)
Department of Information Science and Engineering
M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology
Bangalore – 54

This is to certify that the following students, who were
working under our guidance, have completed their work as
per our satisfaction with the topic TCP/IP. To the best of
our understanding the work to be submitted in this report
does not contain, any work which has been previously
carried out by others and submitted by the candidates for
themselves for the award of any degree anywhere.

Chetan S– 1MS07IS021 Deepak PJ – 1MS07IS022

Pavan R – 1MS07IS062 Phaneesh LN– 1MS07IS066

(Guide 1) (Guide 2) Head of the department

Ms.Mydhili Nair Mr.Siddesh Dr.Ashwatha Kumar


We would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude

towards all the people who have in various ways, helped in the
successful completion of my project.
We convey our gratitude to Mrs. Mydhili Nair for giving us the
constant source of inspiration and help us in preparing the
project, personally correcting our work and providing
encouragement throughout the project.
We also thank all the faculty members for steering us through
the tough as well as easy phases of the project in a result
oriented manner with concern attention and we thank all other
members who were directly or indirectly instrumental in
enabling us to stay committed for the project.


1. Introduction

2. Comparison of Tools

3. Steps to Configure and Result

4. Problems faced

5. Screen Shots of demo

6. Questions and Answers


The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the core

protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite. TCP is one of the two
original components of the suite (the other being Internet
Protocol, or IP), so the entire suite is commonly referred to
as TCP/IP.
Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the basic communication
language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used as a
communications protocol in a private network (either
an intranet or an extranet). When you are set up with direct
access to the Internet, your computer is provided with a copy of
the TCP/IP program just as every other computer that you may
send messages to or get information from also has a copy of
TCP/IP. TCP/IP is a two-layer program. The
higher layer, Transmission Control Protocol, manages the
assembling of a message or file into smaller packets that are
transmitted over the Internet and received by a TCP layer that
reassembles the packets into the original message. The lower
layer, Internet Protocol, handles the address part of each packet
so that it gets to the right destination. Each gateway computer on
the network checks this address to see where to forward the
message. Even though some packets from the same message are
routed differently than others, they'll be reassembled at the
TCP/IP uses the client/server model of communication in
which a computer user (a client) requests and is provided a
service (such as sending a Web page) by another computer (a
server) in the network. TCP/IP communication is primarily
point-to-point, meaning each communication is from one point
(or host computer) in the network to another point or host
computer. TCP/IP and the higher-level applications that use it
are collectively said to be "stateless" because each client request
is considered a new request unrelated to any previous one
(unlike ordinary phone conversations that require a dedicated
connection for the call duration). Being stateless frees network
paths so that everyone can use them continuously. (Note that the
TCP layer itself is not stateless as far as any one message is
concerned. Its connection remains in place until all packets in a
message have been received).

Even high layer application uses TCP/IP to access the internet

they include:
• World Wide Web's Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP),
• File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
• Telnet (Telnet)
• Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

The other protocols related to TCP/IP are:

User Datagram Protocol (UDP), which is used instead
of TCP for special purposes. Other protocols are used
by network host computers for
exchanging router information. These include the
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), the
Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP), the Exterior
Gateway Protocol (EGP), and the Border Gateway
Protocol (BGP).

Comparison of TCP/IP Tools

Steps to configure and result
TFTP [ Trivial file transfer protocol]
• Used to transfer small files from one system to another
especially from linux to windows.
• Inorder to establish this connection we need to follow these
1. In linux system execute this command

/etc/init.d/xinetd restart – tftp server is established.

2. Tftpboot – a folder in root directory
• Files to be transferred should be placed here.
1. Change permissions so that all can access
• $chmod -R 777 /tftpboot
• $chown -R nobody /tftpboot
1. $gedit /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
– Specifies all permissions , technical specifications ,
server , protocol .
– Save
1. Then in another system using windows open the
command prompt and execute the following command
Transfers files to and from a remote computer running the TFTP service.

TFTP [-i] host [GET | PUT] source [destination]

-I Specifies binary image transfer mode (also called
octet). In binary image mode the file is moved
literally, byte by byte. Use this mode when
transferring binary files.
Host Specifies the local or remote host.
GET Transfers the file destination on the remote host to
the file source on the local host.
PUT Transfers the file source on the local host to
the file destination on the remote host.
Source Specifies the file to transfer.
Destination Specifies where to transfer the file.
Using get command we can transfer files from linux to windows
and put command does the vice versa.

Steps to configure and use softperfect:

Getting started

This is the main window you see when you run the SoftPerfect
Network Scanner.

Under the menu there is a toolbar with buttons used to access the
main features.
The program controls are as follows:
Clear the display

Load the scan results from a XML file.

Save the scan results to a file.

Expand the results tree.

Collapse the results tree.

Search the results tree.

Apply the shares filter. Only computers with available shared

folders are shown.

Apply the ports filter. Only computers with an open TCP port
are shown.

Apply the host name filter. Only computers with a valid host
name are shown.

Apply the SNMP filter. Only computers with a running SNMP

service are shown.

Program options.

Automatically detect the network configuration.

Online Help (this web page).

Program options
Press Ctrl+O or the button to access the network scanner
On the General tab:
• Max. threads - the maximum number of scanning threads.

• Method - the ping method. Can be chosen from ICMP

(ping), ARP (arping), or both.
• Ping Timeout - the period to wait for a reply from the
remote computer.
• Retries - the maximum number of ping requests.

• Always analyse host - forces the scanner to analyse a non-

responding host.
• Ping broadcast addresses - when enabled the scanner tries
to ping IP addresses ending with .255.
• Explore shared folders in background - If this option is
set, whenever you choose to explore a folder the network
scanner launches a separate process of Windows Explorer
to avoid temporary unresponsiveness.
• Case insensitive sorting - ignores case type when results
are sorted.
• Display dead hosts - add non-responding hosts into the

On the Additional tab:

• Resolve Host Names - when enabled, the IP addresses are
converted to the host names.
• Resolve IPv6 addresses - enables the network scanner to
obtain the IPv6 address of a remote host. This feature
requires Windows Vista or above and discovers addresses
of hosts with a dual IPv4/IPv6 stack.
• Resolve MAC addresses - when enabled, you will see
hardware (MAC) addresses.
• Lookup NIC vendor - as per the IEEE standard, first three
octets of a MAC address represent the NIC's vendor. In
order to use this feature you will need to from the IEEE
and save it to the network scanner folder.
• Check for open ports - when enabled, the program will
attempt connection to the specified TCP port (you can
specify several ports separated by a comma or dash, e.g.
• Retrieve comments - displays a comment assigned to a
Windows workstation.
• Show scan time - shows the time when the host was last
On the Workstation tab:1
• Lookup LAN group - displays the workgroup/domain
name which a Windows workstation belongs to.
• Lookup logged-on users - displays a list of users currently
logged-on to a Windows workstation.
• Lookup Windows version - displays the Windows version
on a workstation.
• Lookup remote Time and Date - Retrieves and shows the
time of the day on a remote system.
• Retrieve list of disk drives - Lists all disk drives available
on a remote computer.
• Retrieve computer uptime - Shows how long a remote
computer was up and running.
• Enumerate user accounts - lists all user accounts
registered on a remote computer.
• Lookup server type/roles - displays all roles (e.g. PDC,
SQL server, Master Browser) assigned to a server.
• Scan for shared resources - enables scanning of shared
resources. Below are all the possible types of shared
• Check for write access - when enabled, the program
determines if the shared folder is writable or not (read
• Enable security & user permission scan - with this option
enabled, the network scanner will discover what reading
and writing privileges are assigned to shared folders. You
may have to be an administrator to retrieve this
• All - all resources.
• Folders - shared folders or drives.
• Printers - shared print devices.
• Comm. device - a communication device.
• Special - special share reserved for interprocess
communication (IPC$) or remote administration of the
server (ADMIN$). It can also be used for administrative
shares such as C$, D$, E$, etc.
• IPC - interprocess communication (IPC).

Use this tab to setup scanning for machines that have an SNMP
service running. You can specify a community (e.g. public or
private) and a MIB OID number. Multiple communities and/or
OIDs are to be comma separated. This data will be used for an
SNMP query. Set the Display answers option if you would like
to see replies from the SNMP enabled machines. The As HEX
sequence option prints an SNMP answer as a string of
hexadecimal numbers rather than a raw string output.
The applications tab extends support for third-party applications.
For example, if you use remote administration or specific
network client software, you can setup the network scanner to
connect to a remote host using the additional software directly
from the network scanner.
Should you require to pass extra arguments upon launching an
application, you can use user-prompted parameters specified in
braces. As an example, the following line lets you quickly
execute commands on the remote system with PsExec from
psexec.exe \\%0 -u {User name} -p {Password} {Command}
Launching this command will bring up a window where you will
specify arguments to pass to PsExec as shown below. Then the
network scanner will launch PsExec with your input.

Finally, the Browsing tab enables the network scanner to check

whether a host is still on-line when you attempt to explore its
folders, or establish a connection to that host. This greatly
speeds up some operations, as an attempt to connect an off-line
computer might temporarily hang the network scanner until the
connection fails You can enable one or more methods to check
the availability and set a timeout. Additionally you can choose a
live display mode, whether the network scanner must only find
previously undiscovered nodes in background, or it must keep
rescanning those already discovered, or it must do both.

Auto-detect the network configuration

The SoftPerfect Network Scanner is able to detect your IP range
automatically. Select the Options - IP Address - Detect Local
IP Range menu item. In the following dialog, select an interface
and the program will calculate the IP range of the network. If
you are connected to the Internet and are behind a router or
proxy server, use the Detect External IP Address command to
determine your external IP address (requires Internet
In this example SoftPerfect Network Scanner has determined the
range of IP addresses on the network

To begin scanning click the Start Scanning button

Scan results
When scanning has finished, you will be able to browse the
results, save to a file, map a network drive, explore a folder, etc.

Live display
If you enable the Live Display option (choose View - Live
Display from the main menu), the network scanner will
constantly update scan results to reveal the latest changes in the
network. If a new host joins or leaves the network, it will be
logged in the display window.
Screenshots of IP Utilities

Network protocol analyzer
The protocol analyzer we have used here is Soft perfect network
protocol analyzer.

Problems faced.
1.Establishing tftp server connection.
2.Making one system act as a server to other.

Questions and answers:

1.Is TFTP secured?

- NO
2.How is the segment numbered ?
-Segment number is same as the sequence number of the first
byte it carries.
3.Does communicating in tcp involves sending
acknowledgement at the same time?
-Yes tcp is a full duplex communication and data flow occurs in
both directions

4. More elaboration sought on segment number……

-The tcp after receiving bytes of data from a process numbers
them…. It starts with any random number say if the random
number is 10, then the numbering starts from 11, 12 and so on
now the number 11 which is the sequence number of the first
byte is the segment no.
5. How is acknowledgement done?
- Say if the the sequence number of the last byte received is 10,
then the acknowledgement number maintained by other party is
10+1 i.e. 11 which is the next byte that is to be received.

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