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For any Englishman, ther can never be any discussion as to who is the worlds greatest
poet and greatest dramatist. Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him; that of
William Shaespeare. Every Englishman has some nowledge, however slight, of the
wor of our greatest writer. !ll of us use words, phrases and "uotations from
Shaespeares writings that have become part of the common property of the English#
speaing people. $ost of the time we are probably unaware of the source of the words
we use, rather lie the old lady who was taen to see a performance of %amlet and
complained that &it was full of well#nown proverbs and "uotations'(
)ho *g+,i !nh n-o, bao gi, c/ th0 1+2c th3o lu4n n-o hi ai l- nh- th5 v6 17i c8a
th9 gi:i v- nh- so7n ;ch v6 17i. )h< c/ m=t c>i t?n m:i c/ th0 c/ th0 1@ ngh; chAnh cho
anh By ; c8a William Shaespeare. CDng *g+,i !nh c/ v-i i9n thEc, tuy nhi?n m3nh
h3nh, c8a t>c phFm c8a ng+,i vi9t v6 17i c8a chGng t.i. CBt c3 chGng ta sH dIng tD, cIm
tD v- trAch dJn tD t>c phFm c8a Shaespeare c/ 1K trL th-nh m=t phMn c8a chung c8a mNi
ng+,i n/i ti9ng !nh. %Mu mNi lGc chGng t.i c/ lO bi9t nguPn tD chGng ta sH dIng,
tQa nh+ b- cI ng+,i 1K 1+2c lBy 10 Rem viSc thQc hiSn c8a Ch.n R/m v- than phi@nT n/
1My c>c cUu tIc ngV v- trAch dJn nWi ti9ng'T
Shaespeare, perhaps more than any other writer, made full use of the great sources of the
English language. $ost of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment
of English; Shaespeare in his wors used about twenty#five thousand' Chere is probably
no better way for a foreigner Xor an Englishman'Y to appreciate the richness and variety of
the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shaespeare used it.
Such a study is well worth the effort Xit is not, of course, recommended to beginnersY,
even though some aspects of English usage, and the meaning of many words, have
changed since Shaespeares day.
Shaespeare, c/ lO h5n bBt cE m=t ng+,i vi9t n-o h>c, t4n dIng l:n nguPn ti9ng !nh.
%Mu h9t mNi ng+,i sH dIng ho3ng nZm # ng-n tD trong viSc l-m b[nh th+,ng c8a chGng
t.i c8a Ci9ng !nh ; Shaespeare trong viSc c8a anh By sH dIng ho3ng hai m+5i
lZm ng-n' %\n l- c/ c>ch t]t h5n cho ng+,i n+:c ngo-i X ho^c *g+,i !nh ' Y 10
hi0u r_ gi> tr; phong phG v- 1a d7ng c8a ti9ng !nh h5n b`ng c>ch nghi?n cEu c>ch h>c
nhau trong 1/ Shaespeare sH dIng n/. *ghi?n cEu nhVng 1>ng h/ nhNc X n/ l-, d6 nhi?n, 1+2c 1@ ngh; 19n ng+,i m:i hNc Y, cho da m=t s] hAa c7nh sH dIng
!nh, v- b ngh6a c8a nhi@u tD, 1K thay 1Wi 0 tD ng-y c8a Shaespeare.
ct is paradoRical that we should now comparatively little about the life of the greatest
English author. We now that Shaespeare was born in defg in Stratford#on#!von, and
that he died there in dfdf. %e almost certainly attended the hrammar School in the town,
but of this we connot be he had three children, a boy and two girls. We now that he
spent much of his life in iondon writing his masterpieces. jut this is almost all that we
do now.
Ch4t ng+2c 1,i l- chGng ta bi9t t+5ng 1]i nhk v@ 1,i s]ng t>c gi3 !nh v6 17i. )hGng t.i
bi9t l- Shaespeare ra 1,i nZm defg trong Stratford # on # !von, v- anh By ch9t L 1/ v-o
nZm dfdf. !nh By hMu nh+ chlc chln tham dQ $- *gV ph>p trong th-nh ph], nh+ng n-y
chGng t.i connot 1+2c anh By c/ ba trm em, c4u bn v- hai c. g>i. )hGng t.i bi9t l- anh By
sH dIng phMn l:n cu=c s]ng c8a anh By L iuUn o.n vi9t iSt t>c. *h+ng n-y hMu h9t 1@u
l- chGng t.i bi9t r_.
%owever, what is important about Shaespeares life is not its incidental details but its
products, the plays and the poems. For many years scholars have been trying to add a few
facts about Shaespeares life to the small number we already possess and for an e"ually
long time critics have been theoriping about the plays. Sometimes, indeed, it seems that
the poetry of Shaespeare will disappear beneath the great mass of comment that has
been written upon it.
Cuy nhi?n, nhVng g[ l- "uan trNng v@ cu=c 1,i c8a Shaespeare c>c chi ti9t phI
nh+ng c>c s3n phFm, vL diqn v- b-i th5. Crong nhi@u nZm hNc gi3 1ang c] glng 10 th?m
m=t v-i sQ iSn v@ cu=c 1,i c8a Shaespeare 19n s] nhk m- chGng t.i 1K sL hVu v- cho
nh- ph? b[nh th,i gian d-i chia 1@u 1K v- 1ang 1+a ra gi3 thuy9t v@ vL diqn. o.i hi, "u3
thQc, d+,ng nh+ th5 c8a Shaespeare sO bi9n mBt d+:i l:n h]i b[nh lu4n 1K 1+2c vi9t
Fortunately this is not liely to happen. Shaespeares poetry and Shaespeares people
X$acbeth, Othello, %amlet, Falstaff and all the othersY have long delighted not rust the
English but lovers of literature everywhere, and will continue to do so after the scholars
and commentators and all their wors have been forgotten.
$ay mln l- n-y h/ c/ th0 R3y ra. Ch5 c8a Shaespeare v- mNi ng+,i c8a Shaespeare
X $acbeth, Othello, Ch.n R/m, Falstaff v- tBt c3 ng+,i h>c Y c/ d-i vui ph3i
Ci9ng !nh ch< m- l- ng+,i y?u c8a vZn hNc hlp n5i, v- sO ti9p tIc l-m nh+ v4y sau hi
hNc gi3 v- nh- b[nh lu4n v- tBt c3 viSc c8a hN 1K b; "u?n lKng
The Welfare State
Every jritish citipen who is employed Xor self#employedY is obliged to pay a weely
contribution to the national insurance and health schemes. !n employer also maes a
contribution for each of his employees, and the hovernment too pays a certain amount.
Chos plan was brought into being in dsgt. cts aim is to prevent anyone from gong
without medical services, if he needs them, however poor he may be; to ensure that a
person who is out of wor shall receive a weely sum of money to subsist on; and to
provide a small pension for those who have reached the age of retirement.
$Ni dUn !nh ng+,i 1+2c thu? X ho^c l-m ri?ng Y ph3i tr3 1/ng g/p h-ng tuMn 10 b3o
hi0m "u]c gia v- ch+5ng tr[nh y t9. ung ch8 cvng 1/ng g/p 1]i v:i mwi c8a nhUn vi?n
c8a anh By, v- )hAnh ph8 cvng 1/ng g/p m=t s] l+2ng. x9 ho7ch Chos ra 1,i v-o nZm
dsgt. $Ic ti?u c8a n/ l- ngZn c3n bBt y ai huy ch+5ng c/ d;ch vI y t9, n9u anh
By cMn chGng, tuy nhi?n nghzo anh By c/ th0 l- ; 10 13m b3o r`ng ng+,i b; mBt viSc sO
nh4n s] ti@n h-ng tuMn 10 tPn t7i nh, v-o ; v- 10 cung cBp ti@n tr2 cBp nhk cho nhVng
ng+,i 1K 17t 19n tuWi ngh< h+u.
Everyone can register with a doctor of his chice and if he is ill he can consult the doctor
without having to pay for the doctors service, although he has to pay a small charge for
medicines. Che doctor may, if necessary, send a patient to a specialist, or to hospital; in
both cases treatment will be given whithout any fees being payable. Chose who wish may
become private patients, paying for their treatment, but they must still pay their
contributions to the national insurance and health schemes.
$Ni ng+,i c/ th0 1Zng b L chw b>c s6 chice c8a anh By v- n9u anh By b; bSnh anh By c/
th0 hki b i9n c8a b>c s6 cMn ph3i tr3 ti@n d;ch vI c8a b>c s6, m^c da anh By ph3i
tr3 chi phA nhk cho thu]c. j>c s6 c/ th0, n9u cMn, gLi bSnh nhUn 19n chuy?n vi?n, ho^c
19n bSnh viSn ; trong c3 hai tr+,ng h2p chVa tr; sO 1+2c cho whithout phA n-o 1+2c tr3.
*hVng ng+,i mu]n c/ th0 trL th-nh bSnh nhUn t+ nhUn, tr3 ti@n 1i@u tr; c8a hN, nh+ng hN
vJn ph3i tr3 1/ng g/p c8a hN 10 b3o hi0m "u]c gia v- ch+5ng tr[nh y t9.
{uring illness the patient can draw a small amount every wee, to mae up for his wages.
Everyone who needs to have his eyes seen to may go to a state#registered oculist and if
his sight is wea he can get spectacles from and optician at a much reduced price. For a
small payment he may go to dentist; if he needs false teeth, he can obtain dentures for
less than they would cost from a private dentist.
Crong cZn bSnh bSnh nhUn c/ th0 vO s] l+2ng nhk mwi tuMn, 10 ba 1lp l7i cho ti@n
c8a anh By. CBt c3 nhVng ai cMn 1em mlt anh By 1i chVa c/ th0 1i 19n nh- n+:c # 1Zng b
b>c s6 nhKn hoa v- n9u thBy c8a anh By l- y9u anh By c/ th0 mua Anh tD v- optician t7i
nhi@u gi3m gi>. )ho thanh to>n nhk anh By c/ th0 1i 19n nha s6 ; n9u anh By cMn rZng gi3,
anh By c/ th0 17t 1+2c h-m rZng gi3 cho At h5n hN sO chi phA tD nha s6 t+ nhUn
When a man is out of wor, he may draw unemployment benefit until he finds wor
again; this he will probably do by going to a |ob )entre Xan office run by the State to help
people find robsY. cf he is married, the allow ance he receives will be larger. Obviously
the amount paid is comparatively small, for the State does not want people to stop
woring in order to draw a handsome sum of money for doing nothing'.
xhi ng+,i b; mBt viSc, anh By c/ th0 lKnh tr2 cBp thBt nghiSp cho 19n hi anh By t[m viSc
l-m nVa ; n-y c/ lO anh By sO l-m b`ng c>ch sO 19n Crung tUm o>ng 0 X vZn ph}ng ch7y
b`ng *h- n+:c 10 giGp mNi ng+,i t[m viSc Y. *9u anh By 9t h.n, ance cho phnp
anh By nh4n sO l:n h5n. ~_ r-ng l+2ng tr3 l- t+5ng 1]i nhk, cho *h- n+:c mu]n
mNi ng+,i ngDng l-m viSc 10 vO s] ti@n 1>ng 0 cho ch\ng l-m c>i g[ '.
When a man reaches the age of siRty#five, he may retire from wor and then he has the
right to draw a State pension. For woment, the age fo retirement is siRty.
xhi ng+,i 19n nZm s>u m+5i lZm tuWi, anh By c/ th0 v@ h+u rPi anh By c/ "uy@n vO ti@n
tr2 cBp c8a nh- n+:c. o]i v:i woment, v@ h+u fo tuWi l- s>u m+5i.
$other#to#be and chidren receive special benefits such as free mil or certain foodstuffs
for which only a minimum charge is made. Che State pays to the mother a small weely
sum for each chid in a family. Chere is also an allowance for funeral, for the State boasts
that it loos after people &from cradle to grave(' Chere are special benefits for certain
people, such as the blind and the handicapped.
*g+,i m t+5ng lai v- chidren nh4n l2i Ach 1^c biSt nh+ l- sVa miqn phA ho^c m=t s]
thQc phFm d-nh ri?ng cho m- chi phA t]i thi0u 1+2c l-m. *h- n+:c tr3 cho m s] ti@n
h-ng tuMn nhk 1]i v:i mwi la rMy trong gia 1[nh. )vng c/ dQ ph}ng cho tang lq, cho *h-
n+:c i?u hKnh l- n/ coi mNi ng+,iT tD n.i 19n m=T' )/ l2i Ach 1^c biSt chAnh R>c
mNi ng+,i, nh+ l- ma v- ng+,i t-n t4t.
Che amount of money needed to operate these schemes is enormous and a large part of
the money comes not from the contributions but from taRation.
S] ti@n cMn ho7t 1=ng nhVng, nhVng 9 ho7ch n-y l- hWng lP v- l:n phMn ti@n 19n
tD c>c ho3n 1/ng g/p nh+ng tD thu9 ho>
ct is this social insurance scheme, together with the hovernments determination to see
that there is full employment Xor as near as can beY, that constitutes what we can call the
&Welfare State(
*/ l- 9 ho7ch b3o hi0m RK h=i n-y, cang v:i "uy9t tUm c8a )hAnh ph8 10 Rem c/ t[nh
tr7ng 18 viSc l-m trong c3 n+:c X ho^c gMn nh+ c/ th0 Y, l- nhVng g[ chGng ta c/ th0 gNiT
nh- n+:c phGc l2iT
The Stock Exchange
While there are literally thousands of stocs, the ones bought and sold most actively are
usually listed on the *ew or Stoc ERchange X*SEY. Chis eRchange dates bac to
ds when a group of stocholders gathered under a cottonwood tree on Wall Sreet in
*ew our )ity to ma some rules about how buying and selling was to be done. Che
*SE has become the worlds largest financial maret and the leading eRchange in the
nited States. ct is the place where !merica invests its money.
Crong hi theo ngh6a 1en c/ h-ng ng-n cW phi9u, nhVng mua v- b>n ch8 1=ng nhBt
th+,ng ni?m y9t tr?n Ch; tr+,ng )hEng ho>n *ew or X Ch; tr+,ng )hEng ho>n *ew
or Y. Crao 1Wi n-y 1K c/ tD nZm ds hi m=t nh/m cW t4p h2p d+:i cUy
cottonwood tr?n Wall Sreet trong *ew our )ity 10 ma m=t s] lu4t v@ c>ch thEc mua
b>n sO l- l-m. *SE Xth; tr+,ng chEng ho>n *ew orY 1K trL th-nh th; tr+,ng t-i
chAnh l:n nhBt c8a th9 gi:i v- trao 1Wi lKnh 17o L %oa xy. */ l- n5i )hUu $ 1Mu t+ ti@n
c8a n/.
Che *SE housed in a large building on Wall Street, does the bul of trading in listed
securities. On the trading floor more than . common and preferred stocs are traded.
Che *SE has d.ef members, most of whom represent broerage houses involved in
muying and selling for the public. Chese broers are paid commissions by the buyers and
the sellers for eRecuting the orders. !lmost half a million ilometes of telephone and
telegraph wire lin the *SE with broerage offices around the nation.
*SE Xth; tr+,ng chEng ho>n *ew orY s]ng trong to- nh- l:n tr?n h] Wall, c/ phMn
l:n inh doanh liSt ? chEng ho>n. Cr?n s-n giao d;ch h5n . cW phi9u +u 1Ki v- cW
phi9u th+,ng 1+2c bu.n b>n. *SE Xth; tr+,ng chEng ho>n *ew orY c/ th-nh vi?n
thE d.ef, phMn l:n m- 17i diSn cho ty m.i gi:i li?n "uan 19n muying v- b>n cho chGng. *hVng ng+,i m.i gi:i n-y 1+2c thanh to>n 8y ban b`ng ng+,i mua v-
ng+,i b>n cho thi h-nh ra lSnh. hMn nHa triSu ilometes c8a 1iSn tho7i v- 1+,ng dUy 1iSn
tho7i li?n 9t *SE Xth; tr+,ng chEng ho>n *ew orY v:i vZn ph}ng m.i gi:i tr?n
hlp c3 n+:c.
cn addition to the *SE there are eight other eRchanges aroud the country. Che second
largest is the !merican Stoc ERchange, which also has head"uarter offices in *ew or
)ity. Other eRchanges of note include the $idwest Stoc ERchange in )hicago, and the
acific ERchange in San Francisco and ios !ngeles.
*go-i *SE Xth; tr+,ng chEng ho>n *ew orY c/ t>m trao 1Wi h>c aroud "u]c gia.
i:n thE hai l- SL giao d;ch )hEng ho>n $, cvng c/ vZn ph}ng head"uarter L th-nh
ph] *ew or. xh>c trao 1Wi "ua l7i l+u b bao gPm th; tr+,ng chEng ho>n $i@n Crung
tUy L )hicago, v- acific ERchange L San Francisco v- ios !ngeles
%ow are stocs bought and sold Suppose a widow in )alifornia wants to go on and
ocean cruise. Co finance the trip she decides to sell d shares of her heneral $otors
stoc. Che widow calls her stocbroer and directs him to sell at once at the best price he
can get. Che same day an engineer in Florida decides to use the savings he has
accumulated to buy d shares of heneral $otors stoc. Che engineer calls his broer
and ass him to buy the stoc at the current price.
Ch9 n-o cW phi9u mua v- b>n hi3 dI nh+ "u3 phI trong )alifornia mu]n ti9p tIc v- 17i
d+5ng h-nh tr[nh. o0 t-i tr2 chuy9n 1i c. By "uy9t 1;nh b>n d chia sm cW phi9u heneral
$otors c8a c. By. u3 phI gNi nh- m.i gi:i chEng ho>n c. By v- chuy0n anh By 19n
b>n ngay l4p tEc v:i gi> t]t nhBt anh By c/ th0 nh4n 1+2c. )ang ng-y s+ L Florida
"uy9t 1;nh sH dIng ho3n ti9t iSm anh By 1K tAch lu 10 mua d chia sm cW phi9u
heneral $otors. x s+ gNi ng+,i m.i gi:i c8a anh By v- y?u cMu anh By mua cW phi9u
theo gi> hiSn h-nh.
joth broers wire their orders to the floor of the *ew or Stoc ERchange. Che two
broers, one representing the widow and the other the engineer, negotiate the transaction.
One ass, &%ow much do c have to pay for a hundred shares of heneral $otors( Che
highest bid is fe.e. joth want to get the best price, so they compromise and agree on a
buysell at fe.e.
)3 hai ng+,i m.i gi:i dUy 15n 1^t h-ng c8a hN 19n s-n nh- c8a th; tr+,ng chEng ho>n
*ew or. %ai ng+,i m.i gi:i, m=t 17i diSn cho "u3 phI v- h>c s+, th+5ng l+2ng
giao d;ch. $=t hki,T c/ bao nhi?u t.i ph3i tr3 ti@n m=t trZm chia sm heneral $otors T hi>
tr3 cao nhBt l- fe.e. )3 hai mu]n 1+2c gi> t]t nhBt, v[ th9 hN tho3 hiSp v- 1Png b v@
viSc mua b>n t7i fe.e.
Che *ew or Stoc ERchange itself neither buys nor sells stocs; it simply serves as a
place where broers buy and sell for their clients. Each transaction is carried out in public
and the information is sent electronically to every broerage office of the nation.
Ch; tr+,ng chEng ho>n *ew or b3n thUn mua cvng b>n cW phi9u ; n/ ch< cMn
c/ t>c dIng nh+ n5i ng+,i m.i gi:i mua v- b>n cho h>ch h-ng c8a hN. $wi giao d;ch
1+2c thQc hiSn n5i c=ng v- tin 1+2c gLi 1i b`ng 1iSn tH 19n mNi vZn ph}ng
m.i gi:i c8a "u]c gia.
The American attitude Toward Manual Labor
$any of the people who settled in the nited States were poor. Che country the came to
was a wilderness. iand had to be cleared of trees in order to mae farms; mines had to be
developed; houses, shops, and public buildings had to be built. Everyone had to help
build them. $anual labor was highly valued. iater it was the man who wored with his
head to achieve success in business and industry who was looed up to. *ow ther is in
!merica a curious combination of pride in having risen to a position where it is no longer
necessary to depend on manual labor for a living and genuine delight in what one is able
to accomplish with one;s own hands .
hMn nhi@u trong s] nhVng ng+,i 1;nh c+ L %oa xy 1K nghzo. u]c gia 19n 10 l- m=t
n5i hoang vu. oBt ph3i r_ r-ng cUy 10 l-m tr7i ; mk ph3i 1+2c ph>t tri0n ; nh-, cHa
h-ng, v- to- nh- c=ng ph3i 1+2c RUy dQng. $Ni ng+,i ph3i giGp RUy dQng chGng.
iao 1=ng chUn tay rBt 1K 1+2c "ub gi>. Sau n-y chAnh ng+,i l-m viSc v:i 1Mu c8a anh By
10 g^t h>i th-nh trong inh doanh v- nghiSp ng+,i 1K 1+2c nh[n l?n 10. jUy
gi, L )hUu $ t} m} 9t h2p c8a tQ h-o v@ c/ l?n 19n v; trA n5i n/ c}n cMn thi9t
10 tay v-o lao 1=ng chUn tay 10 i9m s]ng v- thQc sQ thAch thG v@ nhVng g[ m=t c/ th0
ho-n th-nh v:i tay c8a chAnh m[nh.
Che attitude toward manual labor is seen is many aspects of !merican life. One is invited
to dinner at the home of a middle#aged couple. ct is not only comfortable but even
luRuriously furnished, and there is very evidence of the fact that the family has been able
to afford foreign travel, eRpensive hobbies, and college education for the children; yet the
hostess probably will coo and serve the dinner. cn addition, she does much of the
household wor, and even though the husband may be a professional man, he tals about
washing the car, gigging in the flower beds, or painting the house. %is wige may even
help him with these things, rust as he often helps her with the dishwashing and other
household chores. Che son or daughter who is away at college may get a summer rob
entailing manual labor to carn neRt years school eRpense.
Ch>i 1= 1]i v:i lao 1=ng chUn tay 1+2c thBy l- nhi@u hAa c7nh c8a cu=c s]ng $. $=t
1+2c m,i 10 t]i t7i nh- c8a c^p v2 chPng tuWi trung ni?n. */ ch< tho3i m>i nh+ng
ngay c3 1+2c trang b;, v- rBt c/ b`ng chEng v@ viSc gia 1[nh 1K c/ th0 c/ du l;ch n+:c
ngo-i, sL thAch mlc ti@n, v- gi>o dIc tr+,ng cao 1\ng cho trm em ; ch+a nV ch8 nhUn c/ lO
sO nBu v- phIc vI bVa t]i. *go-i ra, c. By c/ phMn l:n viSc h= gia 1[nh, v- cho da
chPng c/ th0 l- ng+,i chuy?n nghiSp, anh By n/i v@ rHa Re, 1Um b`ng Ri?n trong lu]ng
hoa, ho^c s5n nh-. Wige c8a anh By th4m chA c/ th0 giGp anh By mBy thE n-y, cvng nh+
anh By th+,ng giGp c8a c. By dishwashing v- c>c viSc nh-. )on trai hay con g>i l- ai 1i
t7i tr+,ng cao 1\ng c/ th0 nh4n 1+2c viSc l-m th?m v-o maa hz 1}i hki lao 1=ng chUn
tay 10 carn chi phA tr+,ng c8a nZm t:i.
ct has been an !merican ideal to rise from a humble beginning to a better position.
Cherfore the &servant class( has not remained a fiRed group. cn fact, it has almost ceased
to eRist because people who, in earlier days might have been servants, now ghet higher
wages woring in factories. Che marority of families cannot afford to pay what people
who do housewor or gardening charge for their services. Women who do housewor by
the hour may mae nearly as much as stenographers or even public school teachers, if
they wor the same number of hours.
*/ 1K l- m=t lb t+Lng $ 10 dUng l?n tD sQ hLi 1Mu hi?m nh+,ng 19n v; trA t]t h5n.
{o 1/T l:p ng+,i hMuT 1K vJn l- nh/m c] 1;nh. ChQc ra, n/ hMu nh+ c}n
tPn t7i nVa v[ nhVng ng+,i, v-o mBy ng-y tr+:c c/ lO 1ang ng+,i hMu, bUy gi, ghet l+5ng
cao h5n l-m viSc trong nh- m>y. hMn l:n gia 1[nh th0 tr3 nhVng g[ nhVng ng+,i
l-m viSc nh- ho^c l-m v+,n chi phA cho d;ch vI c8a hN. hI nV l-m viSc viSc
nh- theo gi, c/ th0 l-m gMn nhi@u nh+ ng+,i vi9t t]c b ho^c th4m chA gi>o vi?n tr+,ng, n9u hN l-m viSc s] gi, gi]ng.
Che eRpense of household service and of silled labor, such as painting and carpentry,
and the tradition of woring with ones hands have contributed to eeping alive the spirit
of &do#it#yourself(. $any articles in popular magapines are devoted to instruction in
gardening, carpentry, upholstering, and interior decorating. *ight school courses at the
local high school teach adults how to sew their own clothes or how to grease their own
cars. Che average !merican gets a good deal of pleasure out of telling others about his or
her prorects, eRhibiting them for their neighbors, or taing them to the county fair, where
they will surely win a pripe.
)hi phA d;ch vI h= gia 1[nh v- lao 1=ng l-nh ngh@, nh+ l- bEc ho7 v- m=c, v- truy@n
th]ng l-m viSc v:i tay m=t 1K g/p phMn t7o n?n l-m s]ng l7i tinh thMn c8aT tQ l-m lByT.
*hi@u m^t h-ng trong t7p chA phW bi9n t4p trung to-n lQc cho h+:ng dJn trong l-m v+,n,
m=c, bNc, v- trang trA n=i thBt. xho> hNc tr+,ng d7y ban 1?m L d7y ng+,i l:n tr+,ng
trung hNc L 1;a ph+5ng l-m sao 10 may v> "uMn >o ri?ng c8a hN hay c>ch 10 b.i tr5n Re
h5i ri?ng c8a hN. *g+,i $ th+,ng lBy h> nhi@u ni@m vui ra hki n/i cho ng+,i
h>c bi9t v@ c8a anh By hay c8a c. By dQ >n, 1+a chGng cho h-ng R/m c8a hN, ho^c 1+a
hN v-o phi?n ch2 s3n L 1;a ph+5ng, n5i hN chlc chln sO 1o7t gi3i.
Foreigners sometimes draw the conclusion that !mericans are wealthier than they are
because they have such things as vacation houses or beautifully landscaped gardens. es
they do not always realipe that the !mericans have these things only because they have
made them themselves.
o.i hi ng+,i n+:c ngo-i 9t lu4n r`ng *g+,i $ 1ang gi-u c/ h5n hN l- v[ hN c/ nhVng
thE nh+ nh- ngh< ho^c rBt tuySt v+,n c3nh. Ung hN 1Uu ph3i lGc n-o cvng nh4n ra r`ng
*g+,i $ c/ mBy thE n-y ch< v[ hN 1K tQ l-m chGng.

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