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i HS
Court Palace; the colonnades and other portions of Greenwich Hospital ; lihrarv of
rinity College, Cambridge ; the Monument of London
repairs at Wes.minslei
; and many other buildings.
230. Robert Hooke of England. Old Bethleliem Hospital in Moortields
Aske's Alms-
houses at Hoxton
Duke of Montague's house in Bloomsbury, but being burnt
was rebuilt by P. Puget. He gave a plan for rebuilding the City of London afier
ihe Fire of 1666, and was appointed one of the surveyors for laying out the land.
'iSl. Henry Aldricu of Westminster, in England.Tliree sides of the quadrangle of
Clirist's Church, called Peckwater-sqiiare
; chapel of Triiiity College ; and Cliurcli
of All Saints, all at Oxford. Published Elementa Architectura Civilis.
j:V2. Jules Hardouin Mansart of Marly, in France.

Dome of the Hotel des Invalides

Gcilerie du Palais Royal; the Place Louis le Grand, and tiiat dcs Victoires;
Royal Cliateau de Clagny; additions to the Royal Chateau at Versailles; chateau
de Marly; staircase and other works at S. Cloud; Maison Royale de S. Cyr
new chateau at Meudon
decoration of the choir of Notre Daine at Paris; altera-
tions at Chambord
and many other works.
2.32a. Carlo Fontana of Bruciato, near Como.Completed with Bernini the churchei
built by C. Rainaldi in the Piazza del Popolo at Rome; several cha|)els
duct and sup))ly of water to the Vatican, &c., with some of the fountains; Palazai
Grimani and Bigazzini, now Torlonia; all at Rome. Completion of the caihedr;d
at Bergamo
designs for college and church of the Jesuits near Azpeitia in Spain.
Baptistry chapel at S. Peter's at Rome
entrance, campanile, and cortile to the
])alazzo della Camera Apostolica; and many other works, in which he was assisted
by his son, two nephews, and several pupils. He published several works.
2:>;{. Juan Bautista Monegko of Spain. Archiepiscopal palace at Alcala finished by J.
Gomez de Mora.
234. Clement Metezau of Dreux, in France.Made dcs"gns for tiie Luximliouig
commenced the church of the Peres de I'Oratoire; hotel de Chevreuse; the famous
dyke at La Rochelle; Chattau Neuf at S. Germain en Laye, and some otheis.
South transept of church at Dreux.
235. John Abel of England.Market houses of Brecon, Hereford, Weobhy with its
schoolhouse, Kington, and Leominster; the timber work of the church at Abbey-
dore, Herefordshire; appointed "carpenter" to King Charles L
"206. N'lcoDEMus Valentinson Tessin of Stralsuiid. Croun architect of Sweden. Palace
at Drottningsholm, completed by his son
the Royal villa of Stromsholni
the mausoleum of Charles Gustavus.
IStli. Century.
2:)7. NicoPEMUS Tessin (Count) of Nykoping.Royal palace at Stockholm after the fire
of 1697; laid out the grounds at Diottningsholm and at Ulriksdal ; cathedral at
Calmar; design for rebuilding jialace at Copenhagen, curtailed after his death,
2;j,'>. JoHANN Bernhard FiscHEBSof Prague, called von ERtACH, and his son Joseph
Emanuel Fischers, barou von Erlach. Designed the hunting-seat at Schtjii-
bi uiin, and additions at the palace
winter palace now the mint ; and palace in the
S. Ulrich ^'orstadt, at Vienna. The palace in the old town at Prague: church of
the Virgin at Salzburg; church of S. Carolus Borromoeus at Vienna; and many
other l)uildings. His son assisted him in most of them, besides the Hof Bihliothck
at Vienna
the Reichs Kanzlei in the Burg jilatz
the Reit Schule ; and the front
of the stables for 400 horses.
2:^9. FiLiPPO IvARA, or JuvAKA, of Messina.Royal palace in the environs of Messina;
church of the Carmelites in the Piazza di San Carlo
church of the Virgin on
the Monte di Superga
church of the Virgine del Carmine
and an interior stair-
case at the palace
all at Turin. Design for the monastery and palace at Mafra in
Portugal; finished cupola of Sant' Andrea at Mantua; palazzo Birago di Borghe
at Turin, and a number of other works.
240. Sir John Vanbrugh of England. Blenheim in Oxfordshire; Castle Howard, Vork-
.Easthury, Dorset; King's Weston, tiear Bristol
Clarendon Printing
Office at Oxford; the Opera House of the time
jiart of Greenwich Hospital, and
a few other buildings.
S^l. Colin Campbell of Scotland. The front great gate and street wall of Bmlington
House. Piccadilly; Rolls House, Chancery lane, London; Houghton Hall, Nor-
folk, finished by T. Ri|)ley
Goodwood, near Ciiicluster; and piirt of (Jreinwich
Hospital; Wanstead llouse, Essex
Mereworth Castle, near ^laid.itoni'. Com-
piler of the Vitruvius Britannicus, 3 vols.

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