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Burn, R. S. Architecture and Building ; a series of Working Dra-wings and Designs,
with Essays by eminent Architects. 55 p'ates, folio. Edinburgh, 1863-65.
Campbel], C. Vitnivius Britannicus. 5 vols., the two last being a Continuation by
Woolfe and Gandon. Folio.
Cape, G. A. Baths and Washhouses. 4to. 1854.
Chamliers, Sir W. Plans, Elevations, Sections, &c., of the Gardens and Buildings at
Kew. Folio.
Clarke, J. Schools and Schoolhouses. 27 plates, folio. 1852.
Clayton, J. Parochial Churches of Sir C. Wren. 60 plates, folio. 1849-52. [1870.
Cubitt, J. Church Design for Congregations; its Developments and Possibilities. 8vo.
C, and Cowper, C. The whole Construction of the Building for the Great Ex-
hibition of 1851. 4to. 1852. [8vo. 1850.
Dwellings of the Labouring Classes
their arrangement and construction
by the Society.
Eastlake, C. L. Hints on Household Taste in Furniture, &c. 8vo. 1872.
Fletcher, B. Model Houses for the Industrial Classes. 2nd edition, 8vo. 1877
Foulston, J. Public Buildings erected in the West of England. 4to. 1838.
Fox, W. Baths and Washhouses. Folio. Liverpool. 1849.
Fullarton, A. Grammar of House Planning. 4to. Edinburgh, 1864.
Gibbs, J. Book of Architecture, containing St. Martin's Church, &c. Folio. 1728.
Designs for the Eadclyffe Library at Oxford. Folio. 1747.
Goldicutt, J. Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh, the Design of Inigo Jones. Folio. 1828.
Hakewill, A. W. Thorpe Hall. 12 plates, folio. 1852.
Hennicke. Bericht iiber Schlachthauser und Viehmarkte. (Germany, England, and
France.) Folio. Berlin, 1866.
Hole, J. Homes of the Working Classes. 20 plates of the Model Villages of Akroydou,
Copley, West Hill Park, Halifax, &c. 8vo. 1866.
House Planning, Grammar of ; Hints on arranging and modifying Plans, &c. 12mo. 1864.
Jebb, E. Eeporton the Construction and Ventilation of Pentonville Prison. 8vo. 1844.
Jessop. Baths and Washhouses, 8vo. 1853.
Jones, Tnigo. Designs for Public and Private Buildings, by Kent. Folio. 1770.
Kerr, E. An English Gentleman's House; being Practical Hints for its Plan and
Arrangementcontaining descriptions of Houses adapted to various ranks and fortunes,
from the Villa to the Palace, &c. 3rd edition, revised, 8vo. 1871.
Laing, D. Plans of Buildings executed in various parts of England, including the
Custom-House. Folio. 1818.
Lassaulx, V. de, and Elliott, J. Street Architecture
a series of Shop Fronts. 1855.
Leeds, W. H. The Travellers' Club-House, by C. Barry ; with Essay on Italian Archi-
tecture. Folio. 1839.
Lewis, J. Original Designs in Architecture, consisting of Plans, &e., of Public and Private
Buildings in England and Ireland. 2 vols, folio, 61 plates. 1780-97.
Libraries. Reports on Public Libraries. Folio. 1844. [8vo. 1878.
Marshall, J. On a Circular System of Hospital Wards
with Remarks by P. G. Smith.
J. T. Modern Parish Churches ; their Plan, Design, and Furniture.
8vo. 1874.
Mitchell, R. Descriptions of Buildings erected in England and Scotland. Folio. 1801.
Morris, F. 0. The Country Seats, &c., of Great Britain and Ireland. 5 vols. 4to.
Mouat, F. J., and Snell, H. S. Hospital Construction and Management. 2 parts, 4to.
Neale, J. P. Views of the Seats of England. &c. Two series. 11 vols. 4to. 1818-29.
Paine, .1. Plans, Elevations, &c., of Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Houses in various
Counties. Folio, 175 plates. 1783.
Papworth, J. W. and W. Museums, Libraries, and Picture Galleries ; to which is ap-
pended the Public Libraries Act, 1850, &c. 8vo. 1853. [1886.
Potter, T. The Construction of Silos, and Compression of Green Crops for Silage. 8vo.
Prisons. Report on Construction, &c., of Convict Prisons. 8vo. 1851.
Pullan, R. P. The Architectural Designs of W. Burges. Folio. 1883 and 1887. The
House of W. Burges. Folio. 1886.
Pyne, W. H. Royal Residences of Windsor Castle, St. James's Palace, Carlton House,
Kensington Palace, Hampton Court, Buckingham Palace, and Frogmore, 3 vols. 4to.
100 coloured plates. 1819.
Radclyffe, C. W. Blenheim Palace. Folio. 1842.
Richardson, G. New Vitruvius Britannicus. 2 vols, folio. 1802
Roberts, H. Dwellings for the Labouring Classes. 3rd edition, 8vo. 1850.
Description of H.R.H. Prince Albert's Model Houses for Families. 8vo. 1851.
Robins, E. C. Technical School and College Building. 65 plates, 4to. 1887.
Rubinson, J. B. Shop Fronts of a plain and elaborate character. 4to. Derby, 1870.

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