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Heart Attack Global Clinical Trials Review H2 2014

Heart Attack Global Clinical Trials Review, H2, 2014" provides data on the
Heart Attack clinical trial scenario. This report provides eleental
in!oration and data relatin" to the clinical trials on Heart Attack. #t
incl$des an overview o! the trial n$bers and their recr$itent stat$s as
per the site o! trial cond$ction across the "lobe. The databook o!!ers a
preliinar% covera"e o! disease clinical trials b% their phase, trial stat$s,
proinence o! the sponsors and also provides brie!in" pertainin" to the
n$ber o! trials !or the ke% dr$"s !or treatin" Heart Attack. This report is
b$ilt $sin" data and in!oration so$rced !ro proprietar% databases,
priar% and secondar% research and in&ho$se anal%sis b% Global'ata(s tea
o! ind$str% e)perts.
To Read Coplete Report with Toc*
/ote* Certain sections in the report a% be reoved or altered based on the
availabilit% and relevance o! data !or the indicated disease.
& 'ata on the n$ber o! clinical trials cond$cted in /orth Aerica, 0o$th
and Central Aerica, 1$rope, 2iddle&1ast and A!rica and Asia&paci!ic and
top !ive national contrib$tions in each, alon" with the clinical trial scenario
in 3R#C nations
& Clinical trial 4coplete and in pro"ress5 data b% phase, trial stat$s,
s$b6ects recr$ited and sponsor t%pe
& 7istin"s o! discontin$ed trials 4s$spended, withdrawn and terinated5
Reasons to b$%
& 8nderstand the d%naics o! a partic$lar indication in a condensed anner
& Abrid"ed view o! the per!orance o! the trials in ters o! their stat$s,
recr$itent, location, sponsor t%pe and an% ore
& 9btain discontin$ed trial listin" !or trials across the "lobe
& 1sp% the coercial landscape o! the a6or 8niversities + #nstit$tes +
Hospitals or Copanies
3rowse :$ll Report ;ith Toc* http*,+anal%sis&
Table o! Contents
7ist o! Tables 4
7ist o! :i"$res .
#ntrod$ction <
Heart Attack <
Report G$idance <
Clinical Trials b% Re"ion =
Clinical Trials and Avera"e 1nrollent b% Co$ntr% >
Top :ive Co$ntries Contrib$tin" to Clinical Trials in Asia&?aci!ic 10
Top :ive Co$ntries Contrib$tin" to Clinical Trials in 1$rope 11
Top Co$ntries Contrib$tin" to Clinical Trials in /orth Aerica 12
Top Co$ntries Contrib$tin" to Clinical Trials in 2iddle 1ast and A!rica 1-
Top :ive Co$ntries Contrib$tin" to Clinical Trials in Central and 0o$th
Aerica 14
Clinical Trials b% G= Co$ntries* ?roportion o! Heart Attack to Cardiovasc$lar
Clinical Trials 1.
Clinical Trials b% ?hase in G= Co$ntries 1<
Clinical Trials in G= Co$ntries b% Trial 0tat$s 1=
Clinical Trials b% 1= Co$ntries* ?roportion o! Heart Attack to Cardiovasc$lar
Clinical Trials 1>
Clinical Trials b% ?hase in 1= Co$ntries 1@
Clinical Trials in 1= Co$ntries b% Trial 0tat$s 20
Clinical Trials b% ?hase 21
Click Here To 'ownload 'etail Report*
#n ?ro"ress Trials b% ?hase 22
Clinical Trials b% Trial 0tat$s 2-
Clinical Trials b% 1nd ?oint 0tat$s 24
8naccoplished Trials o! Heart Attack 2.
0$b6ects Recr$ited 9ver a ?eriod o! Tie 2<
Clinical Trials b% 0ponsor T%pe 2=
?roinent 0ponsors 2>
Top Copanies ?articipatin" in Heart Attack Therape$tics Clinical Trials 2@
?roinent 'r$"s -1
Clinical Trial ?ro!iles -2
Clinical Trial 9verview o! Top Copanies -2
Takeda ?harace$tical Copan% 7iited -2
Clinical Trial 9verview o! Takeda ?harace$tical Copan% 7iited -2
0ociedade Tecnico&2edicinal, 0.A. --
Clinical Trial 9verview o! 0ociedade Tecnico&2edicinal, 0.A. --
Gla)o0ithAline plc -4
Clinical Trial 9verview o! Gla)o0ithAline plc -4
Aowa Aerican Corporation -.
Clinical Trial 9verview o! Aowa Aerican Corporation -.
#?CA 7aboratories 7iited -<
Clinical Trial 9verview o! #?CA 7aboratories 7iited -<
3a%er AG -=
Clinical Trial 9verview o! 3a%er AG -=
AstraBeneca ?7C ->
Clinical Trial 9verview o! AstraBeneca ?7C ->
A"en #nc. -@
Clinical Trial 9verview o! A"en #nc. -@
Clinical Trial 9verview o! Top #nstit$tes + Governent 40
8niversit% Colle"e Cork 40
Clinical Trial 9verview o! 8niversit% Colle"e Cork 40
3ri"ha and ;oen(s Hospital 41
Clinical Trial 9verview o! 3ri"ha and ;oen(s Hospital 41
0he!!ield Teachin" Hospitals /H0 :o$ndation Tr$st 42
Clinical Trial 9verview o! 0he!!ield Teachin" Hospitals /H0 :o$ndation
Tr$st 42
Cale 8niversit% 4-
Clinical Trial 9verview o! Cale 8niversit% 4-
;illia 3ea$ont Hospitals 44
Clinical Trial 9verview o! ;illia 3ea$ont Hospitals 44
8niversit% o! 0o$thern 'enark 4.
Clinical Trial 9verview o! 8niversit% o! 0o$thern 'enark 4.
8niversit% o! 1dinb$r"h 4<
Clinical Trial 9verview o! 8niversit% o! 1dinb$r"h 4<
8niversit% o! 9ttawa Heart #nstit$te 4=
Clinical Trial 9verview o! 8niversit% o! 9ttawa Heart #nstit$te 4=
8niversit% o! #llinois 4>
Clinical Trial 9verview o! 8niversit% o! #llinois 4>
8niversit% o! A$ckland 4@
Clinical Trial 9verview o! 8niversit% o! A$ckland 4@
:ive Ae% Clinical ?ro!iles .0
Appendi) =<
Abbreviations =<
'e!initions =<
Research 2ethodolo"% ==
0econdar% Research ==
Abo$t Global'ata =>
Contact 8s =>
'isclaier =>
0o$rce =>
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