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Hot Flashes Global Clinical Trials Review H2 2014

Hot Flashes Global Clinical Trials Review, H2, 2014" provides data on the
Hot Flashes clinical trial scenario. This report provides elemental inormation
and data relatin! to the clinical trials on Hot Flashes. "t incl#des an
overview o the trial n#mbers and their recr#itment stat#s as per the site o
trial cond#ction across the !lobe.
To Read Complete Report with Toc$
The databoo& oers a preliminar( covera!e o disease clinical trials b( their
phase, trial stat#s, prominence o the sponsors and also provides briein!
pertainin! to the n#mber o trials or the &e( dr#!s or treatin! Hot Flashes.
This report is b#ilt #sin! data and inormation so#rced rom proprietar(
databases, primar( and secondar( research and in,ho#se anal(sis b(
Global-ata.s team o ind#str( e/perts.
0ote$ Certain sections in the report ma( be removed or altered based on the
availabilit( and relevance o data or the indicated disease.
, -ata on the n#mber o clinical trials cond#cted in 0orth 2merica, 1o#th
and Central 2merica, 3#rope, 4iddle,3ast and 2rica and 2sia,paciic and
top ive national contrib#tions in each, alon! with the clinical trial scenario
in 5R"C nations
, Clinical trial 6complete and in pro!ress7 data b( phase, trial stat#s,
s#b8ects recr#ited and sponsor t(pe
, 9istin!s o discontin#ed trials 6s#spended, withdrawn and terminated7
5rowse F#ll Report :ith Toc$ http$%%www.mar&'%anal(sis,
Reasons to b#(
, ;nderstand the d(namics o a partic#lar indication in a condensed manner
, 2brid!ed view o the perormance o the trials in terms o their stat#s,
recr#itment, location, sponsor t(pe and man( more
, <btain discontin#ed trial listin! or trials across the !lobe
, 3sp( the commercial landscape o the ma8or ;niversities % "nstit#tes %
Hospitals or Companies
Table o Contents
Table o Contents 2
9ist o Tables 4
9ist o Fi!#res *
"ntrod#ction +
Hot Flashes +
Report G#idance +
Clinical Trials b( Re!ion =
Clinical Trials and 2vera!e 3nrollment b( Co#ntr( >
Top Co#ntries Contrib#tin! to Clinical Trials in 2sia,?aciic 10
Top Five Co#ntries Contrib#tin! to Clinical Trials in 3#rope 11
Top Co#ntries Contrib#tin! to Clinical Trials in 0orth 2merica 12
Top Co#ntries Contrib#tin! to Clinical Trials in 4iddle 3ast and 2rica 1)
Top Co#ntries Contrib#tin! to Clinical Trials in Central and 1o#th 2merica
Clinical Trials b( G= Co#ntries$ ?roportion o Hot Flashes to Cardiovasc#lar
Clinical Trials 1*
Clinical Trials b( ?hase in G= Co#ntries 1+
Clinical Trials in G= Co#ntries b( Trial 1tat#s 1=
Clinical Trials b( 3= Co#ntries$ ?roportion o Hot Flashes to Cardiovasc#lar
Clinical Trials 1>
Clinical Trials b( ?hase in 3= Co#ntries 1@
Clinical Trials in 3= Co#ntries b( Trial 1tat#s 20
Clinical Trials b( ?hase 21
"n ?ro!ress Trials b( ?hase 22
Clinical Trials b( Trial 1tat#s 2)
Clinical Trials b( 3nd ?oint 1tat#s 24
;naccomplished Trials o Hot Flashes 2*
1#b8ects Recr#ited <ver a ?eriod o Time 2=
Clinical Trials b( 1ponsor T(pe 2>
?rominent 1ponsors 2@
Top Companies ?articipatin! in Hot Flashes Therape#tics Clinical Trials )0
?rominent -r#!s )1
Clinical Trial ?roiles )2
Clinical Trial <verview o Top Companies )2
?i'er "nc. )2
Clinical Trial <verview o ?i'er "nc. )2
-epomed, "nc. ))
Clinical Trial <verview o -epomed, "nc. ))
5ionovo, "nc. )4
Clinical Trial <verview o 5ionovo, "nc. )4
5a(er 2G )*
Clinical Trial <verview o 5a(er 2G )*
3n'on ?harmace#ticals, "nc. )+
Clinical Trial <verview o 3n'on ?harmace#ticals, "nc. )+
enAivatech, 99C )=
Clinical Trial <verview o enAivatech, 99C )=
-#ramed Research "nc. )>
Clinical Trial <verview o -#ramed Research "nc. )>
5io1ante ?harmace#ticals, "nc. )@
Clinical Trial <verview o 5io1ante ?harmace#ticals, "nc. )@
5arr ?harmace#ticals, "nc. 6"nactive7 40
Clinical Trial <verview o 5arr ?harmace#ticals, "nc. 6"nactive7 40
2ctavis plc 41
Clic& Here To -ownload -etail Report$
Clinical Trial <verview o 2ctavis plc 41
Clinical Trial <verview o Top "nstit#tes % Government 42
4a(o Clinic 42
Clinical Trial <verview o 4a(o Clinic 42
4assach#setts General Hospital 4)
Clinical Trial <verview o 4assach#setts General Hospital 4)
0orth Central Cancer Treatment Gro#p 44
Clinical Trial <verview o 0orth Central Cancer Treatment Gro#p 44
;niversit( o Rochester 4*
Clinical Trial <verview o ;niversit( o Rochester 4*
0ational Cancer "nstit#te 4+
Clinical Trial <verview o 0ational Cancer "nstit#te 4+
<H1; Bni!ht Cancer "nstit#te 4=
Clinical Trial <verview o <H1; Bni!ht Cancer "nstit#te 4=
The 2lliance or Clinical Trials in <ncolo!( 4>
Clinical Trial <verview o The 2lliance or Clinical Trials in <ncolo!( 4>
1idne( Bimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center 4@
Clinical Trial <verview o 1idne( Bimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center 4@
"ndiana ;niversit( 1chool o 4edicine *0
Clinical Trial <verview o "ndiana ;niversit( 1chool o 4edicine *0
;niversit( o Caliornia, 1an -ie!o *1
Clinical Trial <verview o ;niversit( o Caliornia, 1an -ie!o *1
Five Be( Clinical ?roiles *2
2ppendi/ 10=
2bbreviations 10=
-einitions 10=
Research 4ethodolo!( 10>
1econdar( Research 10>
2bo#t Global-ata 10@
Contact ;s 10@
-isclaimer 10@
1o#rce 10@
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