Letter of Acceptance, Sample Form OF Contract Agreement

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(letterhead paper of the Employer)
Re: Letter of Acceptance of your Bid for Civil Wor! of "aca#e $% & A' (R(AC & )amal *ector)
under Road and Acce!! $mprovement Wor!+
,ear *ir'
Thi! i! to notify you that your -id dated for con!truction of Road and Acce!!
$mprovement Wor!' R(AC & )amal *ector ("aca#e $% & A) for the Contract "rice of (R!+
(.........) [amount in num-er! and /ord!] a!
corrected and modified in accordance /ith the $n!truction! to Bidder! i! here-y accepted -y our
0ou are here-y in!tructed to proceed /ith con!truction of the *aid Wor! in accordance /ith the
Contract document! a! li!ted in the Contract ,ata attached+
0our! faithfully'

"ro1ect ,irector
2unicipal $nfra!tructure $mprovement "ro1ect
3athmandu 2unicipality
Tahachal' 3athmandu+
T6$* A7REE2E(T' i! made on the day of 5884' -et/een
2unicipal $nfra!tructure $mprovement "ro1ect' 3athmandu 2etropolitan City of (epal' repre!ented -y
the "ro1ect Co&ordinator and hereinafter called 9The Employer9 of the one part and
............................... of hereinafter called 9the Contractor9 of the other part+
5+ W6EREA* the Employer i! de!irou! that Road and Acce!! $mprovement Wor!' R(AC &
)amal *ector ("aca#e $% & A) -e e:ecuted' vi;' Contract (o+ +++++++++++++++++ of the 2unicipal
$nfra!tructure $mprovement "ro1ect for /hich the Employer ha! o-tained a loan from the A!ian
,evelopment Ban+ The Employer ha! accepted a Tender -y the Contractor for the
con!truction and completion of !aid /or! and remedy of any defect! therein for the total of
(epale!e Rupee! (in /ord!) ................................. (in fi#ure! (r!+
The /hole /or! compri!ed in the Contract !hall -e completed /ithin &&&&&&calendar month!
from the ,ate of Commencement !tated in the Employer<! order to Commence the Wor! and
!hall -e maintained in #ood order for &&&&&&calendar month! from the ,ate of i!!ue of late!t
tain#&over certificate in conformity in all re!pect! /ith provi!ion! of the Contract+
5+ $n thi! A#reement /ord! and e:pre!!ion !hall have the !ame meanin#! a! are re!pectively
a!!i#ned to them in the Contract hereinafter referred to+
=+ The Contract !hall con!i!t of thi! >orm of A#reement' and the follo/in# document!' all of
/hich -y thi! reference are incorporated herein and made part hereof?
a) The Letter of Acceptance
-) The $n!truction to Bidder!
c) The Bid and Contract ,ata
d) The Condition of Contract
e) The *chedule! of *upplementary of $nformation
f) The Technical *pecification!
#) The "riced Bill of @uantitie!
h) The ,ra/in#!
A+ The afore!aid document! !hall -e taen a! complementary and mutually e:planatory of one
another' -ut in the ca!e of am-i#uitie! or di!crepancie! precedence !hall -e taen in the order
!et out a-ove+
B+ $n con!ideration of the payment! to -e made -y the Employer to the Contractor a! hereinafter
mentioned' the Contractor here-y covenant! /ith the Employer to e:ecute' complete and
maintain the /or! in conformity in all re!pect! /ith the provi!ion! of the Contract+
C+ The Employer here-y covenant! to pay the contractor in con!ideration of the e:ecution'
completion and maintenance of the /or! the contract price at the time and in the manner
pre!cri-ed -y the Contract+
$( W$T(E** /hereof the partie! hereto have cau!e! their re!pective !eal! to -e hereunto affi:ed (or
have hereunto !et their re!pective hand! and !eal!) the day year fir!t a-ove /ritten+
*$7(E,' *EALE, A(, ,EL$%ERE,
*i#ned -y: *i#ned -y the ................
................ ...............
................ ...............
(*i#nature) (*i#nature)
Dn -ehalf of the Contractor Dn -ehalf of the Employer
$n the pre!ence of: $n the pre!ence of:
.................. .................
(ame: ............ (ame: ............
Addre!!: .......... Addre!!: ..........

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