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Poppy Justine Turner 2008 all rights reserved

Ages newborn, 3, 6, 12, 18 months, 2-4 yrs, 4-10+ yrs
Another original knitwear design by
Justine Turner
For more designs see
Poppy Justine Turner 2008 all rights reserved
beg - Beginning
cm - Centimetre
cast off (bind off)
cast off knitwise (purlwise) knit (purl) each st before
casting it off
inc/dec - increase / decrease
K - Knit
K2tog - Knit next two stitches together as one
P - Purl
rem - remaining
rep - repeat
(RS) - Right side (of work)
sl - slip the next st on the left hand needle to the right
hand needle without knitting
st - Stitch
stst - Stocking stitch
W&T - wrap and turn work as instructed to the stitch to
be wrapped bring yarn forward, slip the next St from the
L to R needle as if to knit, move the yarn to the back, slip
the wrapped stitch back onto the L hand needle. Turn
the work so that the wrong side is now facing you, and
continue to work as instructed.
Knit the wrap - when you reach the wrapped st, slip
the st to the R needle, lift the wrap and place it on the
R needle, slip both back to L needle and knit together
through the back loop.
(WS) - Wrong side
To convert cms to inches divide by 2.5
To convert grams to ounces multiply by 0.035
Ages 3, 6, 12, 18 months, 2-4 yrs, 4-10+ yrs
Head circumference 37.5 (40, 42.5, 46.25, 48.75, 50,
53.75) cm
15 (16, 17, 18.5, 19.5, 20, 21.5) in
Sport weight
125 m (137 yd) = 50g (1.76 oz)
25 (30, 35, 40, 40, 50, 50) g
DK weight
124 m (136 yd) = 50g (1.76 oz)
25 (35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70)g
Worsted weight
192 m (210 yd) = 100g (3.53 oz)
40 (45, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80) g
1 large decorative button or crochet fower.
Darning needle
Scrap yarn
Crochet hook, similar to larger needle size for provi-
sional cast on.
Sport : 1 pair 3.25 mm (US 3 UK 10)
1 x 3 mm (US 2 UK11) circular needle (length immaterial
as used straight)
DK: 1 pair 4 mm (US 6 UK 8)
1 x 3.5 mm (US 4 UK 10) circular needle (length imma-
terial as used straight)
Worsted: 1 pair 5.5 mm (US 9 UK5)
1 x 4.5 mm circular needle (length immaterial as used
(Or size needed to achieve gauge)
Sport: 24sts x 30 rows
DK: 22 sts x 26 rows
Worsted: 16 sts x 22 rows
= 10 cm (4 in) in stst using larger needles.
Designed by Justine Turner 2008
The written pattern, charts, and photographs contained herein are copyright and the express property of the author. Do not
sell, transmit, publish, or pass on this publication in printed or electronic form. You may use this pattern for limited commercial
purposes: where you have knitted the garments yourself (no contract knitters, outworkers, or mass manufacturing); and, where
you have credited me as the designer and linked to my website You may use this pattern to teach a class;
you may not charge for this pattern. Students are expected to purchase this pattern for themselves. You may use this pattern to
produce garments for charity, or to raise funds for charity.
Please request permission from the author to vary from this copyright.
Poppy Justine Turner 2008 all rights reserved
This pattern gives you instructions for making the Poppy
hat using any of 3 different yarn weights and 7 different
sizes from birth to small adult.
Each hat is made in the same way using straight nee-
dles and show row sections of knitting to form the shape.
At the beginning of the pattern I have given the instruc-
tions for the different sections - please refer to these
when working from your pattern.
The concern most knitters have are with the wrap and
turn instructions, I have given the most basic method
here, please refer to your favourite kitting book, Youtube
video or friend for more advanced methods, which can
create almost invisible wraps.
Some of the sizes do not seem to differ much in the
number of rows or stitches, this is because of the lateral
stretch which allows the hat to ft the next size up.
The hat can be worked on straight needles, however the
band must be knitted on a circular needle as straights do
not have enough give
Please, please, please use a yarn with elastic properties
(wool, wool blend or yarn with lycra) for best results.
If you run into problems please explore the Poppy or
Aviatrix threads in our online forum, the Just Jussi group
on there is a wealth of help there.
Happy knitting!
Please feel free to use an alternative short row tech-
nique, I have some short row video tutorials avail-
able through my website or just
google knitting short rows.
Please read the entire pattern prior to starting.
The frst number refers to the frst size, with subse-
quent sizes following in parentheses.
Sport weight
From front
With larger needles and scrap yarn cast on 45 (49, 51,
55, 59, 61, 65) sts using a provisional cast on.
Change to main yarn and knit one row.
Next row (ws): K 1 row with main yarn (this gives the
purl row at the front of the hat)
Start section knitting (page 4) as follows:
Work 6 (6, 6, 7, 7, 6, 6) of the 12 (12, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14)
row sections.
Ribbing band
change to smaller needles, knit 45 (49, 51, 55, 59, 61,
65) sts from the straight needle, then pick up and knit 6
sts, then knit the 45 (49, 51, 55, 59, 61, 65) sts from the
provisional cast on, then pick up and knit 6 sts, fnally
cast on 6 (8, 6, 8, 10, 10, 10) sts.
Next row: (k1, p1) to end.
Repeat previous row 8 (8, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12) times
Cast off loosely in rib.
Sew overlap down using a button, fower or bow to
Darn in loose ends.
DK weight
From front
With larger needles and scrap yarn cast on 41 (45, 47,
51, 53, 55, 59) sts using a provisional cast on.
Change to main yarn and knit one row.
Next row (ws): K 1 row with main yarn (this gives the
purl row at the front of the hat)
Start section knitting (page 4) as follows:.
Work 6 (6, 7, 7, 6, 6, 7) of the 12 (12, 12, 12, 14, 14, 14)
row sections.
Ribbing band
change to smaller needles, knit 41 (45, 47, 51, 53, 55,
59) sts from the straight needle, then pick up and knit 6
sts, then knit the 41 (45, 47, 51, 53, 55, 59) sts from the
provisional cast on, then pick up and knit 6 sts, fnally
cast on 6 (8, 6, 8, 10, 10, 10) sts.
Next row: (k1, p1) to end.
Repeat previous row 8 (10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12) times
Cast off loosely in rib.
Sew overlap down using a button, fower or bow to
accent. Darn in loose ends.
Poppy Justine Turner 2008 all rights reserved
Worsted weight
From front
With larger needles and scrap yarn cast on 31 (33, 35,
37, 39, 41, 43) sts using a provisional cast on.
Change to main yarn and knit one row.
Next row (ws): K 1 row with main yarn (this gives the
purl row at the front of the hat)
Start section knitting (page 4) as follows.
Work 6 (6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 5) of the 10 (10, 12, 12, 12, 12, 14)
row sections.
Ribbing band
change to smaller needles, knit 31 (33, 35, 37, 39, 41,
43) sts from the straight needle, then pick up and knit 6
sts, then knit the 31 (33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43) sts from the
provisional cast on, then pick up and knit 6 sts, fnally
cast on 6 (8, 6, 8, 10, 10, 10) sts.
Next row: (k1, p1) to end.
Repeat previous row 6 (8, 8, 10, 10, 12, 12) times more.
Cast off loosely in rib.
Sew overlap down using a button, fower or bow to
Darn in loose ends.
Band and button tab
If you do not like the button tab just pick up the ribbing
band sts, join in the round and work the band in the
There are thousands of photos of Poppy hats with fow-
ers on Ravelry. I do not have a crochet fower pattern
available. Please search on Ravelry, there are many
10 row section
Row 1 (RS): k to 5 sts from the end of the row, W&T.
Row 2 (WS): p to 5 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 3: k to 10 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 4: p to 10 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 5: k to 8 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 6: p to 8 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 7: k to 4 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 8: p to 4 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 9: k to end
Row 10: slip 1, k to end.
12 row section
Row 1 (RS): k to 5 sts from the end of the row, W&T.
Row 2 (WS): p to 5 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 3: k to 10 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 4: p to 10 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 5: k to 16 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 6: p to 16 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 7: k to 12 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 8: p to 12 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 9: k to 7 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 10: p to 7 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 11: k to end
Row 12: slip 1, k to end.
14 row section
Row 1 (RS): k to 6 sts from the end of the row, W&T.
Row 2 (WS): p to 6 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 3: k to 10 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 4: p to 10 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 5: k to 14 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 6: p to 14 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 7: k to 18 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 8: p to 18 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 9: k to 12 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 10: p to 12 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 11: k to 7 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 12: p to 7 sts from the end of the row W&T.
Row 13: k to end
Row 14: slip 1, k to end.

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