Design of Beams 1: Act BCX

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Design of Beams 1

Beams are subjected to moment and shear

We will study how to calculate the actual and allowable stresses:
1- Stress due to moment:
fact = ≤ Fbcx
Where: fact is the actual stresses due to actual moment affecting the beam. We
calculate "M" using load distribution due to either concrete slab or corrugated
Fbcx is: the allowable stress of bending in compression side due to
moment about x-x axis.
For rolled section: we can use "S" in cm3 from tables (in some tables it is called
"Z") instead of (I /Y)

How to calculate F bcx which is the allowable of moment?

In order to calculate the allowable of moment we have to check:
a-Compactness of the section: This is the ability of the section to perform local
buckling for either flange or web only.
We have 3 types of sections:
1- Compact sections:
Are those sections which can achieve the plastic
moment capacity without local buckling of any of its
compression elements.

2- Non-compact sections:
Are those sections which can achieve the yield moment
without local buckling of any of its compression elements.

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Design of Beams 1

3- Slender sections:
Are those sections, which undergo local buckling before
achieving the yield moment.

Sections are classified according to their width-thickness ratios. Each

section’s component (flanges and webs) is treated separately as follows:
Look ECP page 9, 10, 11, 12
Rolled I-section Rolled UPN welded I-section


Axis of bending h h h
dw dw dw
tw tw

b b

Rolled I-section Welded I-section

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Design of Beams 1

(b − t w − 2 r ) c = ( b − 2s − t w )
2 2
d w = h − 2(t f + r ) d w = h − 2( t f + s)
 16.9

 15.3 
Compact ≤ Compact 
 Fy   
  Fy
c  23   
≤ Non − compact  c  21 
tf  Fy   ≤ Non − compact 
tf Fy
   
 > 23 Slender   21 
 Fy  > Slender 
   
 Fy 

 127 
 127  ≤ 
≤  Compact

  Fy 

  
d w  190  d w  190 
≤ Non − compact  ≤ Non − compact 
tw  Fy  tw  Fy 
   190 
 > 190 

 > Slender 
 Fy   Fy 
 

From tables pages 9 to 12, we can see that we treat every portion of the
section as a separate part.
Note that in all tables we use the flat portions.

Important note: For rolled section and if "r" is not given, we can take "r" ≈ tf
1 1
So c = (b-tw-2r) = (b-tw-2tf)
2 2
And d w = h-2(tf + r) = h-2(tf + tf) = h-4tf

Important note: If for example, the flange is non-compact and the web is
compact, so we consider the whole section as non-compact (more safe).

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Design of Beams 1

Important note:
a) In ECP 9, Web is subjected to moment ( ) in case of beams, to
compression ( ) for columns and to bending and compression (
) in beam-columns.

b) In ECP 11, Flange is always subjected to moment ( ) in case

of beams, columns and beam-columns. If there is My, the flange is subjected to
bending and compression ( ).

b-Lateral torsional buckling:

We have to know if the section will suffer from lateral torsional buckling or not.
What is L.T.B.?
The COMPRESSION flange of the beam will buckle outside the plan due to
compression forces. At the same time the tension flange will not buckle. This
causes torsion to the section.
Plan of upper flange

Section at Section at
support mid section

How to check whether there is L.T.B. or not?

We have to calculate Lu max and Lu act

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Design of Beams 1

Lu max is the maximum unsupported length. This is the maximum length with no
lateral torsional buckling. Lu max calculated from 2 equations in the code.
Lu act is the actual unsupported length. Lu act calculated from the given structure.
To calculate Lu max : ECP page 16
We take the smaller of the following 2 values:
20b f
L u . max =
1380A f
L u . max = Cb
Fy d

Where: bf is the flange width (from tables), Af = bf x tf (from tables)

Fy = 2.4t/cm 2, d is the beam height= h (for IPE 300, d=30cm)
Lu = the actual unsupported length of the beam
Cb (For beams) = coefficient depending on the type of load and support as
shown in the following table. ECP page 20
Note that:
1- End restrains about Y-axis is always simple
2- If there are end moments, this means that this is an indication for continuous

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Design of Beams 1

For secondary beam:

Shape of moment of section "1" is not in code so we can take it either 1.13 or
1.30 (1.13 is preferable because it is critical)
Shape of moment of section "2" is given in code = 2.1
For main beam: Shape of moment is not in code but it is near to that of
distributed load with cb = 1.13

To calculate Lu act : This depends mainly on the given structure. We have to

study the COMPRESSION flange.

What restrains the compression flange:

1- The connection of beam with column.
2- The tension in flange (if part is compression and then changes to be
tension, Lu act will be from the support to the compression part only)
3- R.C. slabs and steel deck if the flange is completely restrained using shear
connector or the flange embedded in the concrete.

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Design of Beams 1
Closed ring
Hooked bar


n ect
le con
Friction only Compression flange Fle
embedded in conc

4- Beams perpendicular to the beam under study

But in all cases we have to study the compression flange

1-Floor beams (with concrete slab or steel deck): (Mezzanine floors, tanks)
a- For Simple floor beams:
The system is either main and secondary beams, or secondary, main beams and
main girders as shown in the following figures:
M.B. M.B.



Main girder

Main girder





Direction Direction
of load of load



M.B. M.B.

System consists of Main and secondary beams System consists of secondary and meain beams
together with main girder

1- If we are using steel decking:

For the shown system, there is a ONE WAY concrete slab regardless of the
dimensions of the slab because we use corrugated sheets in the direction of
secondary beams, which are spaced 1.75m to 2.25m. Since all the beams are
simply supported, therefore the compression flange is the upper flange.
We use shear connector to ensure that the concrete restrain the flange.

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Design of Beams 1

• If there is shear connector:

The concrete will be supported over the upper compression flange of both
secondary and main beams, So Lu act = zero.

• If there is NO shear connector:

The concrete will Not support the upper compression flange of both
secondary and main beams, So Lu act = length of beam.

If we are using wood shuttering: ( )

• If the flange is embedded:
The upper flange of both the secondary and the main is restraint laterally and if
they are both simple, Lu act for both will be equal to zero.
• If the flange is NOT embedded:
The concrete will Not support the upper compression flange of both
secondary and main beams, So Lu act = length of beam.

b- For Continuous secondary floor beams: (two panels or more):

Lu act = 0.2L for the section at the support (this is an approximate value).
For secondary beams, the upper flange is supported. However, near supports, the
compression flange is the lower flange, which is not supported.

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Design of Beams 1

We have to check 2 sections. One at sec1 sec2

mid span where Lu act = zero because
the compression flange is the upper
flange, while the other is near the support, where Lu act ≈ 0.2L and calculate the
allowable of moment for each section.

2- For simply supported beams with no slab or steel deck:

The beams carry concentrated loads resulted from machines or hanged
equipments and for beams carry grating or chequered pates
a- Simply supported beams:
The compression flange is the upper flange and not restrained. Lu act will be
equal to distance between secondary beams.
Note that: L.T.B. occurs outside plan, so the members perpendicular to the
member under study support L.T.B. For beams connected to columns, the
column is a support for L.T.B.
i.e. If we have a system of floor beams (main girder and secondary beams),
Always the main girder supports the secondary beams and vise versa.

b- For Continuous beams: (two panels or more):

sec1 sec2 sec3

0.8L 0.2L 0.6L

We have 3 sections.
Section 1, the positive section of the first panel, Lu act is 0.8L because the
compression flange is the upper flange. The upper flange is supported laterally
with the column and tension in the flange at distance 0.2L from support.

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Section 2, the negative section, Lu act is 0.2L because the compression

flange is the lower flange. The lower flange is supported laterally with the
column and tension in the lower flange at distance 0.2L from support.
Section 3, the positive section of the intermediate panel, Lu act is 0.6L
because the compression flange is the upper flange. The upper flange is
supported laterally with the tension in the upper flange at distance 0.2L from
supports from each side.

For Cantilever beams: Will be discussed later

Allowable bending stresses for moment about major axis x-x:

Allowable bending stresses for I-sections:
The shear center coincides on the C.G. of the section
The allowable bending stress depends on the section classification and the
presence of L.T.B.
1- If the section is compact and there is no L.T.B., so Fbc = 0.64Fy
2- If the section is non-compact and there is no L.T.B., so Fbc = 0.58Fy
3- If the section is compact or non-compact and there is L.T.B.
Therefore, F bc will be the smaller of F LTB or 0.58Fy.

Important Notes:
• We will know lateral, how to deal with the section if it is slender. So now,
all the sections will be either compact or non-compact.
• We must check compactness of the section to be sure that it is not slender,
this means we cannot begin with the check of L.T.B.

How to calculate F LTB?

Very important note: FLTB is calculated using system of equations, but if at any
step the value exceeds 0.58Fy, so we stop calculation and take Fbcx = 0.58Fy.

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Design of Beams 1

i.e. if FLTB 1 is bigger than 0.58Fy, so stop calculations and take Fbcx = 0.58Fy
For the following equations, see page 18 and 19 in the ECP

Fbc = (F 2
ltb1 + F 2 ltb 2 ) ≤ 0.58Fy
800A f C b
Where Fltb1 = ≤ 0.58F
Lu C
Fltb 2 = 0.58Fy for ≤ 84 b
rt Fy
( L u / rt ) 2 C L C
Fltb 2 = (0.64 − 5
Fy , for 84 b ≤ u ≤ 188 b
1.176 *10 * c b Fy rt Fy
12000 L C
Fltb 2 = 2
* c b , for u > 188 b
( L u / rt ) rt Fy

Where rt is the radius of gyration about Y-Y axis for the compression flange and
(1/6) of the web.
I y−y 1
rt = , where A = bf * tf + hw * tw
A 6
6 w
t f * b3f (1 / 6) h w * t 3w
Iy-y = + (the second term can be y
12 12
Very important note: Lu in the equations is Lu act NOT Lu max

Allowable bending stresses for Channel sections:

The shear center does not coincide on the C.G. of the section. Therefore, this
section cannot be compact. This section is either non-compact or slender. We
have to check this section by the limits of non-compact only.
When calculating FLTB: There is FLTB 1 only
800A f C b
Fltb1 = ≤ 0.58F

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Design of Beams 1
How to determine allowable compressive bending stress

If compact section, and LU C

≤ 84 b
1380A f  rT Fy
 F d Cc  Fltb2 = 0.58 Fy
 y 
Lu = the least of   ≥ Lu Yes The section is compact

 20 b f  Fbt = 0.64Fy
 Fy 
Fbc = 0.64Fy

No Cb LU C
84 ≤ ≤ 188 b
Fy rT Fy
The section is non-compact 2
 ( rT ) × FY

Fbt = 0.58Fy Calculate (Lu/rT) LU

Fbc = (F 2
ltb1 )
+ F 2 ltb2 ≤ 0.58Fy Fltb2 = 0.64 −
 1.176 ×105 Cb 
 × Fy ≤ 0.58 Fy
 

800 A f C b
Fltb1 = ≤ 0.58F y
LU d Lu C
≥ 188 b
rt Fy
12000C b
Fltb2 = 2
≤ 0.58F y
 Lu 
 r
 t 

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Allowable shear stress:

On the gross effective area-resisting shear, the actual shear stresses must not
exceed the following allowable value:
q all = 0.35Fy

How to calculate the actual stress:

q all = =
Area dt w

Allowable deflection of beams:

The calculated deflection due to live load only of any beam shall not be greater
than the values indicated on the table page 132 in the ECP:
• For simple or continuous beams with or without concrete slab
all =
• For cantilever beams: all =

How to calculate the actual deflection of beam?

5 wL4
• For simple beam with distributed load: act =
384 EI
• For continuous beam with distributed load: act = 0.8* act of simple beam.

• For simple beam with one concentrated load at mid span: act=

• For cantilever with distributed load: act =

• For cantilever with concentrated load at its end: act=

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• If we have 2 of the previous cases, we can make superposition. i.e.

calculate the effect of each load alone and add them together.
• If we do not have any of the previous studied cases, we have to use
conjugate beam or any other method to calculate deflection. In this
method , the elastic moments (the area of the actual bending moment
diagram) are calculated and the supports are changed as following:
Hinged or roller support remains as it is
Free end turns to be fixed, while the fixed end turns to be free

Some examples of how to use conjugate beam to calculate deflection:

1-Beam with 2 concentrated loads:
M = pa, R1 = Ma/2, R2 = 0.5a M
a a a
R = R1 +R2
M = R(a+a/2) – R2 (0.5a+a/3) – R1(a/4)
Mε in m3t (don't forget to R
act =
EI R1 R2

multiply * 106 to change to cm3t)

2-Beam with 3 concentrated loads

R1 = 0.5aM1, R2 = aM1 a a a a
R3 = 0.5a (M2 – M1)
R = R1 + R2 + R3
M = R*2a – R1 (a/3) – R2 (a/2)
R R1 R2
– R3 (a+a/3). R3

act = Mε in m3t

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Design of Beams 1

Estimation of Rolled sections:

In order to make the previous checks, we have to choose a section near to the
safe and economic section.
Nearly all the rolled sections in the tables are compact with respect to
dimensions. Therefore, Lu act and Lu max will be the guide. For this if
• Lu act < 3m , assume that Fbcx = 0.64Fy = 1.536 t/cm2 for steel 37
• Lu act < 6m , assume that Fbcx = 0.58Fy = 1.4 t/cm2 for steel 37
• Lu act > 6m , assume that Fbcx = 1.0 t/cm2 for steel 37
• Choose the section from the equation: Sx = and note that M is usually
calculated in mt so we must change it to be in cmt by multiplying it *100.
Choose the section from tables
• If there is Mx only so choose I.P.E. or S.I.B (I.P.E. is preferable)
• If there is Mx and My choose B.F.I.B.

Steps of beam design:

1- Calculate the actual loads acting on the system. Calculate each of
dead and live load separately.
2- Estimate a section by assuming that the section is compact and
L.T.B. is as mentioned before.
3- Calculate the allowable stress for moment Fbcx
4- Check the 3 checks.
• ≤ Fbcx
• ≤ 0.35Fy
A = dt w
• act = in case of beams or in case of cantilever.
300 180

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These shown beams are used to support a
13 t 13 t
machine (No R.C. slab)

For the given secondary I.P.E. 600, it is
required to: 13 t 13 t

1. Check the safety of the given beam

due to the applied shown loads 3*3=9m

2. If the beam is unsafe, suggest adding

members to make it safe (the members shouldn't carry any vertical loads)
3. Recheck the beam after adding the suggested members
4. Design the main beam
1. Check for secondary I.P.E. 600:
• Calculation of loads:
a – Dead load:
o.w. = 122 kg / m\ = 0.122 t / m\

WD = 0.122 * = 1.23 m t
QD = 0.122 * 9/2 = 0.55 t
b – Live load: 13 t 13 t
3m 3m 3m
M = 39 m t Q = 13 t
• To calculate Fbcx:
1 – Check compactness:
C = 0.5 (22 – 1.2 – 2 * 2.4) = 8 cm, d w = 60 – 2 * 1.9 – 2 * 2.4 = 51.4 cm
C 16.9 dw 127
= 8/1.9 = 4.21 < = 10.9 = 51.4/1.2 = 42.8 < = 82
tf 2.4 tw 2 .4
So the section is compact
2. Check lateral torsional buckling:

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20 * 22
Lu act = 900 cm Lu max = = 284 cm < 900
∴ No need to calculate the other equation L.T.B. will occur and we have to
calculate Fltb . (Cb for simple beam carrying concentrated load = 1.35)
800 * (22 *1.9)
Fltb1 = *1.35 = 0.836 t / cm2 < 1.4 t / cm2
900 * 60
Therefore, we have to calculate Fltb2

I 1.9 * 223 (60 / 6) *1.23

rt = Iy-y = + = 1686 + 1.44 = 1687cm 4
A 12 12
We can neglect the 2nd term
A = 1.9 * 22 + (60/6) * 1.2 = 53.8 cm2 rt = = 5.6 cm
L 900
∴ u = = 160.7
rt 5.6

Cb 1.35 Cb
84 = 84 = 63 188 = 141
Fy 2.4 Fy

∴ u f 188 b
rt Fy

Fltb2 = (12000/160.72) * 1.35 = 0.63 t / cm2 < 1.4 t / cm2

Fltb = 0.836 2 + 0.632 = 1.04 t / cm2 < 1.4 t/ cm2 ∴ Fbcx = 1.04 t / cm2
Check Stresses:
(39 + 1.23) * 100
1 – Moment : Fact = = 1.31t / cm 2 > 1.04t / cm 2
Unsafe (Don't complete checks)
In order to decrease Lu act, we may add

columns (especially under the loads), but he said

that the members should not carry vertical loads.
Therefore, we want to add members to prevent

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lateral movement & at the same time don't carry vertical loads. These members
are bracing as shown
Lu act = 9/3 = 3m
Lu max = 284 < 300 cm
800 * ( 22 *1.9)
∴ Fltb = *1.35 = 2.51t / cm 2 f 1.4t / m 2
1 300 * 60
So take Fbcx = 1.4 t / cm2
(39 + 1.23) *100
1. Moment : Fact = = 1.31t / cm 2 p 1.4t / cm 2 OK
(13 + 0.55)
2. Shear : qact = = 0.19t / cm2 p 0.84t / cm2
60 *1.2
3. Deflection : calculate elastic 13 13

reactions 3 3 3

ME = 117*4.5–58.5*(1.5/2)–
58.5*(1.5+1) = 336.4 m3t 39mt
336.4 *106 900 58.5 58.5
∴ δ act = = 1.74cm p
2100 * 92080 300
= 3cm

Design of main beam:

R = 13t, assume o.w. = 100 kg/m\ 13 13
2.33 2.33 2.33
Dead load:
MD = 0.1*(72/8) = 0.61 mt
QD = 0.1*(7/2) = 0.35 t 13

Live load:
ML = 13*2.33 = 30.3 mt
QL = 13 t

Total loads:

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MD+ ML = 30.3+0.61 = 30.91 mt

QD+ QL = 0.35+13 = 13.35 t
Estimation of section
Lu act = 2.33 < 3 m, therefore
Assume section is compact and Fbcx = 0.64 Fy = 1.536 t/cm2
Sx = = 2012cm3
Choose I.P.E. 550
Check compactness:
C = 0.5 (21 - 1.11 - 2 * 2.4) = 7.545 cm
dw = 55 – 2 * 1.72 – 2 * 2.4 = 46.76 cm
C 16.9
= 7.546/1.72 = 4.38 < = 10.9
tf 2.4
dw 127
= 46.76/1.11 = 42.13 < = 82
tw 2 .4
The section is compact
Check lateral torsional buckling:
Lu act = 7/3 = 2.33 m
1380 * ( 21*1.72) 
 *1.35 = 510cm
55 * 2.4 
L u max = the least of   > Lu
 21 * 20 
= 271cm
 2.4 

where cb = 1.35 (simple beam with concentrated loads)

Lu act < Lu max
So No lateral torsional buckling
The section is compact and no lateral torsional buckling
Fbcx = 1.536 t/cm2 (0.64 Fy)
1. Moment : Fact = = 1.27t / cm 2 < 1.536t / cm2

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2. Shear = 13.35 / (55 * 1.11) = 0.21 t/cm2 < 0.84 t/cm2

3. Deflection: Exactly as before in secondary beam but using the dimensions
of Main beam.

Applications of beams
1- Floor beams
The system consists of secondary and main beams
Calculation of loads for floor beams:
Rc slab 10 – 14 cm
F.C. 150 kg / m2
L.L. 300 kg / m2

1 – Design of secondary beam as simply supported on Main beam:

Always distribute loads as one-way slab because of the presence of corrugated
a – Dead load:
wd = ts c + F.C. = …….t / m 2 c = 2.5 t/m3
∴ WD = o.w. + (wd)a = …….t / m\ (assume o.w. of secondary beam = 50kg/m')
assume o.w. = 0.05 t / m \ = 50 kg / m\

MD = WD * ……..m t
Q D = WD * ……….t
Where S is the span of secondary beam
b – Live load:
WL = L.L. * a = ………t / m\
Assume L.L. 300 kg / m\

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Design of Beams 1

S2 S
ML = W L * ……..m t Q L = WL * ……….t
8 2
c – Total loads:
MTot = MD + ML Q Tot = QD + QL

Design of Main beam:

Concentrated loads = Reaction of secondary beams = WTot * S
Assume o.w. = 0.1 t / m\ = 100 kg / m\
Calculate Mx & Q x
Note that the deflection is calculated due to L.L. only, so we have to RE-
CALCULATE the values of the reaction from the secondary beams.

2 – Design of secondary beam as continuously supported on Main beam:

Calculate loads as before to get Msimple beam
The moment will be as follows:
0.75M 0.75M 0.75M 0.75M
sec1 sec2

0.9M 0.2L 0.8M 0.8M 0.8M

The moment at the end panel is the largest moment, so we estimate the section
from it. We have to design 2 sections. One at the mid of the first panel where
M=0.9Mo and Lu act = zero, while the second is of smaller moment, M=0.75Mo,
but its Lu act = 0.2S
For shear: Q max = 0.6wS as shown in the following figure:
0.4wS 0.5wS 0.5wS 0.5wS

0.6wS 0.5wS 0.5wS

R=0.4wS R=1.1wS R=wS R=wS

Design of Main beam when :

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Design of Beams 1

The second main beam is the most critical main beam as it is subjected to the
maximum reaction, which is 1.1wS as shown above.
Concentrated loads = Reaction of secondary beams = 1.1WTot * S
Assume o.w. = 0.1 t / m\ = 100 kg / m\
Calculate Mx & Q x
Note that the deflection is calculated due to L.L. only, so we have to RE-
CALCULATE the values of the reaction from the secondary beams.


Main beam

2.5*4m = 10m

For the shown mezzanine floor, it is required to design:

1) Secondary beams as simple beams
2) Secondary beams as continuous beams
3) Main beams in case of secondary beam simple
4) Main beams in case of secondary beam continuous
Given that: ts = 12 cm, F.C. = 175 kg/m2, L.L. = 400 kg/m2
Spacing between trusses is 6m. Assume using steel deck with shear
connector only for secondary beams.

1) Secondary beam simple:
a- Dead load:
wD = 0.12 * 2.5 + 0.175 = 0.475 t/m2

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Design of Beams 1

Assume o.w. = 50 kg/m2

WD = 0.475 * 2.5 + 0.05 = 1.24 t/m2
MD = 1.24 * 6 2 / 8 = 5.58 mt QD = 1.24 * (6/2) = 3.72 t
b- Live load:
WL = 0.4 * 2.5 = 1 t/m' ML = 1 * 62 / 8 = 4.5 mt
QL = 1 * (6/2) = 3 t
c- Total loads:
MT = 5.58 + 4.5 = 10.08 mt QT = 3.72 + 3 = 6.72 t
Estimation of section:
Simple beams à upper flange is compression.
Therefore Lu act = zero < 3m
Therefore assume Fbcx = 0.64 Fy = 1.536 t/cm2
10.08 *100
Sx = = 656.25 cm3
Choose Ip E 330
Note the difference between concrete and steel, the beam is of length 600 cm
and depth 33 cm
i.e. d = for secondary beams. (important)
- Without calculations of Lu max there is no L.T.B. because Luact = zero
C = 0.5 (16 – 0.75 – 2 * 1.8) = 5.825 c m
dw = 33 – 2*1.15 – 2*1.8 = 27.1 cm
C 5.825 dw 27.1
= = 5.06 < 10.9 = = 36.1 < 82
tf 1.15 tw 0.75
The section is compact and No L.T.B.
1- 10.08 *100
fact = = 1.41 t/cm2 < 1.536 t/cm2
qact = = 0.27 t/cm2 < 0.84 t/cm2
33 * 0.75
23/27 Beams
Design of Beams 1

act due to live load only

WL.L = 1 t/m/

5 1* 64 600
L.L = * * 10 6 = 0.68 < = 2 cm
384 2100 * 11770 300
DONOT forget to multiply *106 to change m4 to cm4 and t/m to t/cm
m4 * t/m' = m 3t = 106 cm3t

b- Design of main girder:

13.44 13.44 13.44
2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Rtotal = WD+L * S = (1.24 + 1) o.w.

* 6 = 13.44 t
RL = WL * S = 1 * 6 = 6 t M
Assume o.w. = 100 kg/m2
MT = 68.45 mt
QT = 20.66 t
There is haunch so Lu act = spacing between secondary beams.
Lu act = 2.5 m < 3 Assume Fbcx = 1.536 t/cm2
68.45 *100
Sx = = 4456 cm3 Max Sx in tables of IPE is 3070 cm3
So use board flange I-beam HEA
Choose HEA 600
1- Check compactness
C = 0.5 (30 – 1.3 – 2*2.7) = 11.65 cm
dw = 59 -2*2.5 – 2*2.7 = 48.6 cm
C 11.65
= = 4.66 < 10.8
tf 2.5
d w 48.6
= = 37.4 < 82
tw 1.3
Compact sections

24/27 Beams
Design of Beams 1

 20 * 30 
 2.4 = 387cm 
L u max = the least of  
1380 * (30 * 2.5) *1.35 = 986cm 
 59 * 2.4 

Where cb = 1.35, simple beam with concentrated loads (distributed

o.w. is not effective)
Lu act = 250 < 387 cm Therefore No L.T.B
Fbcx = 1.536 t/cm2
1- 68.45 *100
fact = = 1.43 t/cm2 < 1.536 t/cm2
2- q act = = 0.27 t/cm2 < 0.84 t/cm2
59 *1.3
3- the shown beam is loaded with live load only
R1 = 0.5 * 2.5 (30- 22.5) =
9.375 m2t 6 6 6
R2 = 2.5 * 22.5 = 56.25 m t 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

R3 = 0.5 * 2.5 * 22.5 = 28.1

m 2t 22.5
R = 9.375 + 56.25 + 28.1 = 28.1 25.25
93.75 m t 9.4
M = 93.75*5 – 9.375*2.5/3 –
56.25*2.5/2 – 28.1*(2.5+2.5/3)
= 297 m3t

297 *106 1000

act = = 1 cm < = 3.3 cm
2100 *141200 300

25/27 Beams
Design of Beams 1

3) Design of secondary beam as Continuous beam:

Same as before in calculating Mo = 10.08mt,
Moment in first panel = 0.9*10.08 = 9.07 mt
M-ve (near support)= 0.75*10.08 = 7.56 mt

sec1 sec2

9.07mt 0.2L 8.06

9.07 *100
Choice of section: S = = 590 cm3
Choose IPE 330 (same as in case of simple beam)

1- Moment:
For sec 1: same as before for compactness
Lu act = zero (compression flange is the upper flange contacted with R.C. slab
Therefore fact = 9.07*100/713 = 1.27 t/cm2 < 1.536 t/cm2
For sec 2: Lu act = 0.2*6 = 1.2 m
Therefore, we have to calculate Lu max
Cb = 1.3 (continuous beam with distributed load)
 20 *16 
 2.4 = 206cm 
Lu = the least of  
 1380 * (16 * 0. 75)
*1.3 = 272cm 
 33 * 2.4 

Therefore Lu act < Lu max , NO L.T.B.

7.56 *100
fact = = 1.06 t/cm2 < 1.536 t/cm2

26/27 Beams
Design of Beams 1

2- Shear:
6.72t 6.72t 6.72t

8.06t 6.72t 6.72t

Qmax = 0.6 W S = 0.6 * (1.24 + 1) * 6 = 8.06 t

Note that Qmax = 0.6 wS not 0.5 wS as in case of simple beam.
qact = 8.06 / (33*0.75) = 0.32 t/cm2 < 0.84 t/cm2
3- Deflection:
act of simple beam due to L.L = 0.68 cm (calculated before)
act of continuous beam = 0.8 act of simple beam
= 0.8*0.68 = 0.54 cm < 600/300 =2 cm

4) Design of Main beam (when the secondary is continuous beam)

Note that reaction is (1.1 w*S) not (w*S) as in case of simple beam
RT =1.1 WD+L S =1.1*2.24*6 =
14.78 14.78 14.78
14.78 t
2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
RL = 1.1 WL S = 1.1*1*6 = 6.6 t
Assume o.w. = 100 kg/m2
MT = 75.15 mt
QT = 22.67 t
Sx = 75.15*100 / 1.536 = 4892 cm3 6.6 6.6 6.6
2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Use BFIB 650
Exactly as before with the new values of
moment and shear and the new BFIB
(HEA) chosen
Note: use loads 6.6 t in check deflection

27/27 Beams

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