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Bamba, Phamella F.


A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science and Health 3
I. Objectives:
A. Identify the different desirable health habits.

II. Subject Matter:
Desirable Health Habits
Reference: Growing with Science and Health TX. pp. 70-74
Materials: pictures
Unit I: People
Vocabulary: good health habits
Science Concept: The good health habits are taking a bath every day, washing our hands,
brushing our teeth, trimming our nails and taking care of our eyes.
Science Processes: Describing
Values: Practicing health habits

III. Procedure:
Teachers Activity

A. Pre-activity
1. Review
What was our lesson yesterday?
The family is considered big when it
consists of the father, mother, and more
than 2 children.
What is the advantage of a small
family over a big family?

2. Motivation
Before we go to our new lesson I have
here a song. It is entitled This is the
Way. I will sing the song first then after
that we will sing it together.

Pupils Activity

Our lesson was about the family.

It will be easier for the parents to provide
food, clothing, shelter and good education.

This is the Way

This is the way we wash our face,
Wash our face, wash our face.
This is the way we wash our face,
So early in the morning.

This is the way we comb our hair,
Comb our hair, comb our hair.
This is the way we comb our hair
So early in the morning.

This is the way we brush our teeth,
Brush our teeth, brush our teeth.
This is the way we brush our teeth
So early in the morning.

This is the way we put on our clothes,
Put on our clothes, put on our clothes.
This is the way we put on our clothes
So early in the morning.

B. Activity Proper
Today, we are going to study the
different good health habits.
Aside from eating the right food,
having enough rest and exercise, and
paying regular visits to your doctor and
dentist, you should also know how to
keep your body clean. Here are other
good health habits or ways to stay

Look at the first picture.

What is the boy doing?
Do you take a bath every day?
How do you feel after taking a bath?
Bathing with a mild soap washes
away the dirt and germs that grow and
live on our skin.
A clean skin does not easily get
infected with germs.

What is the first way to stay healthy?

I have another picture.

What is the girl doing?
When do we need to wash our hands?

Our hands can easily get dirty. We
use them to touch anything. We must
wash our hands after using the toilet,
after handling things and before we eat.

What is the second way to stay healthy?

The boy is taking a bath.
Yes, maam.
I feel clean and fresh.

The first way to stay healthy is taking a
bath every day.

The girl is washing her hands.
We need to wash our hands before and
after we eat.

The second way to stay healthy is to
wash our hands.

Look at the third picture.

What is the boy doing?
Do you brush your teeth?
How many of you have had a toothache?
Is it a good or a bad feeling?
Toothache can be avoided by
brushing our teeth. Do not eat too much
sweet food. Eat fruits which are rich in
calcium and vitamins.

What is the third way to stay healthy?

Here is another picture.

What is the girl doing?
Do you trim your nails?
Trim your nails regularly. Long nails
can be the hiding place of germs. They
live in the dirt under the nails.
Trim your fingernails and toenails
regularly. Young children should keep
them short.
What is the third way to stay healthy?

The next picture is about a girl who is
consulting a doctor about her eyes.

The boy is brushing his teeth.
Yes, maam.

It is a bad feeling.

The third way to stay healthy is to brush our

The girl is trimming her nails.
Yes, maam.

Trim our nails regularly.

Our eyes are one of our most valuable
sense organs.
How do we take care of them?
Do you read in the dark places?
Do you stare at the sun?

We need to take care of our eyes. Do not
expose your eyes to bright light. Have
enough light when reading or writing. Do
not rub your eyes with dirty hands or towel.

What is the fifth way to stay healthy?

C. Generalization
What are the different ways to stay

D. Application
Encircle the good health habits.

E. Infusion of Values
How do we practice good health

Sometimes maam.

We must take care of our eyes.

The different ways to stay healthy are:
taking bath every day, washing our hands,
brushing our teeth, trimming our nails and
taking care of our eyes.

We must maintain cleanliness in ourselves
every day.

IV. Evaluation:
Put a check ( ) if the statement is correct and a cross ( ) if it is wrong.
_________1. Taking a bath once a week.
_________2. Keeping our fingernails and toenails free of dirt.
_________3. Brushing our teeth atleast three times a day.
_________4. Eating without washing your hands.
_________5. Rubbing our eyes with dirty hands or towel.

V. Assignment:
List down 5 good health habits on your notebook.

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