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"#$% '' (%)% *+,#-%

!"#$%&' )*+,
-./" 0.12%&' 0&//"'2

;<0= ;.'>$ BACSBANK
;<0= ?&#/.2$ BACSFORMAT
FORNATTYPE HeaderfBodyfFooter 1 C
SEQUENCE Sequence 2 N
FORNULA Formula 10 N
;<0= =24:"$ BACSSTYLE
HDRFORN!D BACS Header Format !D 3 N
BODYFORN!D BACS Body Format !D 3 N
FOOTFORN!D BACS Footer Format !D 3 N
vALUEDATE value Date required 1 L
vOL!D volume !D required 1 L
AUTH!D Authorisation !D required 1 L
vOLNO volume Number required 1 L
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@0; <A2%B%24 5&6 AALOG
AA_ACNT Bank Account 8 C
AA_CNTR Cost Centre + C
AA_USER User !D 8 C
AA_DATE Date of Activity 8 D
AA_T!NE Time of Activity 8 C
AA_BKSOFT Banking Software 8 C
AA_FUNC Function Code 8 C
AA_EXTRA Extra Data 10 C
@0; ;.'> ;.:.'A"$ ABBAL
AB_ACNT Bank Account 8 C
AB_CNTR Cost Centre + C
AB_DLDATE Date of Bal. Update 8 D
AB_DLT!NE Time of Bal. Update 8 C
AB_T!NETXT Text Time of Update 35 C
AB_STATBAL Statement Balance 12 N
AB_CLRBAL Cleared Balance 12 N
AB_1DCBAL 1 Day Cleared Bal. 12 N
AB_2DCBAL 2 Day Cleared Bal. 12 N
AB_CRED!TS No. of Credits 5 N
AB_DEB!TS No. of Debits 5 N
AB_CREvAL Credit value 12 N
AB_DEBvAL Debit value 12 N
AB_CCvAL Cleared Credit value 12 N
AB_UCvAL Uncleared Credit val 12 N
AB_CURBAL Current CB Balance 12 N
AB_RECBAL Reconc. CB Balance 12 N
AB_FCURR Currency Code 3 C
AB_USER User !D 8 C
@0; ?9'A2%&'$ ABFUNC
AF_BKSOFT Banking Software 8 C
AF_FUNC Function Code 8 C
AF_NANE Function Name 30 C
AF_F!LENO Software File Number 1 C
AF_TYPE Return value Type 1 C
@0; ?9'A2%&' C.#./$ ABPRMS
AN_BKSOFT Banking Software 8 C
AN_FUNC Function Code 8 C
AN_PARN Parameter !D 3 N
AN_NANE Parameter Name 20 C
AN_TYPE Parameter Type 1 C
AN_PTR Pointer Flag 1 L
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@0; ?9'A2%&' C.#./$ ABPRMS
AN_RETSTRU Return Struct. Flag 1 L
@0; =&D2E.#" -./"$ ABSOFT
AW_BKSOFT Software Code 8 C
AW_BSNANE Software Name 30 C
AW_DOS DOS Compatible Flag 1 L
AW_W!N Windows Compat. Flag 1 L
AW_SWPATH1 File Location 1 60 C
AW_SWPATH2 File Location 2 60 C
AW_SWPATH3 File Location 3 60 C
@0; 0&F" 0&'B"#$%&'$ ACCODE
Av_BKSOFT Banking Software 8 C
Av_FUNC Function Code 8 C
Av_PARN Parameter !D 3 N
Av_PART Component !D 3 N
Av_FRON Code to Convert From 20 C
Av_TO Code to Convert To 20 C
@0; G.2. H.11%'6 ADMAP
AD_BKSOFT Banking Software 8 C
AD_FUNC Function Code 8 C
AD_PARN Parameter !D 3 N
AD_PART Component !D 3 N
AD_NANE Component Name 20 C
AD_TYPE Component Type 1 C
AD_S!ZE Component Size + N
AD_DPS Component Decimals 1 N
AD_PADD!NG No.of Padding Chars 1 N
AD_DSEND Opera Data To Send 20 C
AD_DSTORE ECB Data To Store 20 C
AD_CSEND Process Source Data 35 C
AD_CSTORE Process Target Data 35 C
AD_vERS!ON Function version No. 1 N
@0; C.4/"'2 G"2.%:$ ADPOUT
AU_ACNT Bank Account 8 C
AU_CNTR Cost Centre + C
AU_CBTYPE Cashbook Type 2 C
AU_ENTRY Cashbook Entry Ref. 10 C
AU_PBANK Payee Bank Afc No. 9 C
AU_PSORT Payee Bank Sort Code 8 C
AU_ACCOUNT Ledger Account Code 12 C
AU_NANE Ledger Account Name 35 C
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@0; C.4/"'2 G"2.%:$ ADPOUT
AU_SOURCE Source Ledger !D 1 C
AU_HONE Home value 12 N
AU_FCvAL Foreign value 12 N
AU_FCURR Foreign Currency 3 C
AU_FCDEC Currency Decimals 1 N
AU_FCNULT Currency Nult Flag 1 L
AU_FCRATE Exchange Rate 11 N
AU_ECBPAYD ECB value Date 8 D
AU_PSTDATE ECB Transaction Date 8 D
AU_POSTGRP Group Posting 5 N
AU_SRCCO Source Company !D 1 C
AU_PAY!D Payment !D - ECB Unique Payment !D supplied by Banking Softwarewhen payment is
12 N
AU_BATCH!D Payment Batch !D Payment Batch !tem !D supplied by Banking Softwarewhen
payment is posted. This shows the number ofthe item contained
within the batch payment.
12 N
AU_REFER Transaction Ref. 18 C
AU_!NPUTBY Payment !nput By 8 C
@'2#%"$ AENTRY
AE_ACNT Account Bank Account 8 C
AE_CNTR Cost Centre Cost Centre for the Bank Account + C
AE_CBTYPE Cashbook Type Nust exist on ATYPE file 2 C
AE_ENTRY Entry Number 10 C
AE_RECLNUN Reconcile Number Reconciliation Number (Empty before the bankreconciliation)
obtained from the Bank Accountfile. !f this field is not empty then
this recordhas been reconciled.
6 N
AE_RECDATE Reconcile Date Date statement was reconciled. 8 D
AE_LSTDATE Last Posting Date Last date transaction posted. Updated when thisrecord is added
8 D
AE_FRSTAT From Statement The From statement no. This is entered at thestart of a bank
8 N
AE_TOSTAT To Statement The To statement no. This is entered at the startof a bank
8 N
AE_STATLN Statement Line !nternally Generated Number. Represents the orderon the Bank
Statement.!ncremented in steps of 10 or Entered
6 N
AE_ENTREF Entry Reference This is an optional field, but us likely tocontain things like the
cheque number etc.
15 C
AE_vALUE value The posting amount in the currency of the account.Negative is a
payment, positive is a receipt.
12 N
AE_RECBAL Reconciled Balance The Reconciled Balance after this line has beenreconciled in the
currency of the account.
12 N
AE_RENOvE Remove Flag True if this item is to be removed from the CashBook. 1 L
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@'2#%"$ AENTRY
AE_TNPSTAT Temp Statement Line This is populated when a part reconciliation hasbeen done. 6 N
AE_CONPLET Completed Batch 1 L
AE_POSTGRP Group Posting 5 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
AE_CONNENT Comment Comment field - used as a title for batch entries. +0 C
AE_PAY!D Payment !D - ECB 12 N
AE_BATCH!D Batch !D - ECB 12 N
AE_BRWPTR Reconcile Pointer 2 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
@0; I&&> -./"$ AHKNAM
AH_CODE Hook Code 2 C
AH_NANE Hook Name 10 C
AH_DESC Hook Description +0 C
@0; C.4/"'2 I".F"#$ AHPOUT
AO_ACNT Bank Account 8 C
AO_CNTR Cost Centre + C
AO_CBTYPE Cashbook Type 2 C
AO_ENTRY Cashbook Entry Ref. 10 C
AO_STATUS Payment Status TLA 3 C
AO_STATTXT Payment Status Desc. 35 C
AO_STDATE Date of Status Upd. 8 D
AO_STT!NE Time of Status Upd. 8 C
AO_REASON Reason for Rejection 50 C
AO_ACTPAY Actual Payment Date 8 D
AO_FCvAL Foreign value 12 N
AO_FCURR Foreign Currency 3 C
AO_FCDEC Currency Decimals 1 N
AO_HONE Home value 12 N
AO_TOTDEB Total Amount Debited 12 N
AO_LOCK Processing Lock 1 L
AO_PAY!D Payment !D - ECB Unique Payment !D supplied by Banking Softwarewhen payment is
12 N
AO_BATCH!D Payment Batch !D Payment Batch !tem !D supplied by Banking Softwarewhen
payment is posted. Here this shows the totalnumber of items
contained within the batchpayment.
12 N
AO_RA!SED Date Payment Raised 8 D
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@0; C.4/"'2 I".F"#$ AHPOUT
AO_ERRNO Bank SW Error No 10 C
AO_REFER Transaction Ref. 18 C
AO_!NPUTBY Payment !nput By 8 C
-&/%'.: 3#.'$D"# ANOML
AX_NACNT Account The Nominal Account the value is to be transferredto. 8 C
AX_NCNTR Cost Centre Cost Centre of the Nominal Account + C
AX_SOURCE Source S=Sales, P=Purchase, W=Payroll, A=Cash Book 1 C
AX_DATE Date Date it was posted to the Cash Book 8 D
AX_vALUE value Home Currency Amount 12 N
AX_TREF Reference 15 C
AX_CONNENT Comment +0 C
AX_DONE Transferred Blank=Current, Y=Done, A=Advanced 1 C
AX_FCURR Currency Currency Code of Nominal Account 3 C
AX_FvALUE Foreign value 12 N
AX_FCRATE Exchange Rate Exchange Rate at time of Posting 11 N
AX_FCNULT FC.Nultiply 1 L
AX_FCDEC FC.Decimal Places 1 N
AX_SRCCO Source Company Source Company That This Analysis Line Has BeenPosted From 1 C
AX_UN!QUE Unique !D Unique !dentifier for Transaction 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
AX_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
AX_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
AX_JRNL Journal Number Journal Number 5 N
J12%&'$ APARM
AP_PRNPOST Print Postings True if postings are to be printed as posted. 1 L
AP_BACS BACS Software BACS software. eg: PAYBAKS or BAXPAK 12 C
AP_NEXTREC Next Recurring Entry 10 C
AP_KEEPTRN Retain Transactions 2 N
AP_BKBAL Retain Bal's (Nths) 3 N
AP_OUTPY Retain Paym's (Nths) 3 N
AP_STENT Retain Stat's (Nths) 3 N
AP_ALOG Retain A. Log (Nths) 3 N
AP_BCvOL!D BACS vol. !D (!rish) Default BACS volume !D for volume Header Label(A!B and Bank
of !reland)
6 C
AP_BCAUT!D BACS Auth.!d (!rish) Default BACS Authorisation !D for volume HeaderLabel (A!B and
Bank of !reland)
6 C
C.4"" -./"$ APNAME
AN_PAYEE Payee 8 C "Payee Code may not
be blank"
AN_NANE Name Nandatory 30 C "Payee Name may not
be blank"
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C.4"" -./"$ APNAME
AN_ADDR1 Address Line 1 30 C
AN_ADDR2 Address Line 2 30 C
AN_ADDR3 Address Line 3 30 C
AN_ADDR+ Address Line + 30 C
AN_PSTCODE Post Code 8 C
AN_TELENO Telephone 20 C
AN_FAXNO Facsimile 20 C
AN_CONTACT Contact 20 C
AN_SORT Sort Code Nust be present if AN_NUNBER entered 8 C "Sort code must either
be empty or of the
format 99-99-99"
AN_NUNBER Account No 9 C
AN_KEY1 Key 1 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
AN_KEY2 Key 2 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
AN_KEY3 Key 3 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
AN_KEY+ Key + Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
AN_ATPYCD Bank Ref. Bank Reference No - Autopay code 6 C
8"A9##%'6 @'2#%"$ ARHEAD
AE_ENTRY Entry Number 10 C
AE_ACNT Account Nominal Account of the Bank Account 8 C
AE_CNTR Cost Centre Cost Centre of the Bank Account + C
AE_!NPUTBY !nput By The user who entered it. 8 C
AE_TYPE Type of Entry 1=Nominal Payment2=Nominal Receipt3=Sales Refund+=Sales
Receipt5=Purchase Payment6=Purchase Refund
1 N
AE_DESC Description +0 Character Comment 10 N
AE_FREQ Frequency Recurring frequencyN=Nonths, W=Weeks, D=Days 1 C
AE_EvERY Every Number of DaysfWeeksfNonths. 3 N
AE_TOPOST Times to Post Times to Post. Number of times this entry is tooccur. 3 N
AE_POSTED Times Posted Times Posted. The number of times this has beenposted. 3 N
AE_NXTPOST Next Posting 8 D
AE_LSTPOST Last Posting 8 D
AE_vATANAL vAT Analysis True if vAT Analysis is required. 1 L
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
AE_SRCCO Source Company Source Company That This Transaction Has Been To. 1 C
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8"A9##%'6 3#.'$ ARLINE
AT_ENTRY Entry Number 10 C
AT_L!NE Line No 6 N
AT_ACNT Account Nominal Account of Bank Account 8 C
AT_CNTR Cost Centre Cost Centre of Bank Account + C
AT_ACCOUNT Source Account Either Sales Account, Purchase Account or NominalAccount 12 C
AT_CBTYPE Cashbook Type Nust exist on ATYPE file 2 C
AT_ENTREF Entry Reference 15 C
AT_CONNENT ReffComment +0 Character Comment or Reference 10 N
AT_REF2 Ref 2 10 C
AT_FCURR Currency Currency of Bank Account 3 C
AT_FCDEC FC.Decimal Places 1 N
AT_vALUE Amount Amount to be posted in currency of the account 12 N
AT_D!SC Discount Discount Amount if any. !n currency of the account 12 N
AT_D!SCNL Disc Nominal Nominal AfC for the Discount Amount (if NominalPostings) 12 C
AT_vATTYP vAT Type 1 C
AT_vATCDE vAT Code 1 C
AT_vATvAL vAT value 12 N
AT_REN!T Remit Print True if Remittance is required 1 L
AT_CHQPRN Cheque Print True if automatic cheque is required 1 L
AT_BACPRN BACS Print Flag True if payment is by BACS 1 L
AT_PAYEE Payee Code 8 C
AT_PAYNANE Payee Name 35 C
AT_SORT Sort Code 8 C
AT_NUNBER Account No 9 C
AT_CCDNO CfCard Number 16 C
AT_CCDDATE CfCard Expiry Date 8 D
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
AT_SRCCO Source Company !D 1 C
AT_ATPYCD Bank Ref. 6 C
AT_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
AT_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
AT_UN!QUE Unique !D Unique !dentifier for Transaction 8 C
@0; =A#%12 5%'"$ ASCRLN
AL_HOOK Hook 2 C
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@0; =A#%12 5%'"$ ASCRLN
AL_BKSOFT Software 8 C
AL_L!NE Script Line No. + N
AL_FUNC Function Code 8 C
AL_JUNPCD Jump Code List +0 C
AL_JUNPTO Line No. to Jump To + N
AL_EX!TCD Exit Code List +0 C
AL_NENO Opera Commands 10 N
@0; =A#%12$ ASCRPT
AC_HOOK Hook 2 C
AC_BKSOFT Software 8 C
AC_DESC Description 30 C
@0; =2.2"/"'2$ ASTAT
AS_ACNT Bank Account 8 C
AS_CNTR Cost Centre + C
AS_REF1 Entry Reference 36 C
AS_TYPE Transaction Type 1 C
AS_DATE Entry Date 8 D
AS_vALUE Transaction Amount 12 N
AS_REF2 Cheque Number 10 C
AS_TRANTLA Transaction TLA 3 C
AS_STATUS Entry Status 1 C
AS_RECLNUN Reconciliation No. 6 N
AS_ENTRY Entry Reference 10 C
AS_CBTYPE Cashbook Type 2 C
AS_STATNO Statement Number 7 N
AS_L!NENO Line Number 6 N
AS_CONPLET Line Reconciled Flag 1 L
AS_DLDATE Date of Download 8 D
AS_DLT!NE Time of Download 8 C
AS_USER Download User 8 C
AS_PAY!D Payment !D - ECB 20 N
AS_FCURR Transaction Currency 3 C
AS_BRWPTR Reconcile Pointer 2 C
3#.'$.A2%&'$ 5%'"$ ATRAN
AT_ACNT Account Nominal AfC of the Bank Account 8 C
AT_CNTR Cost Centre Nominal CfC of the Bank Account + C
AT_CBTYPE Cashbook Type 2 C
AT_ENTRY Entry Number 10 C
AT_!NPUTBY !nput By The user responsible for this entry 8 C
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3#.'$.A2%&'$ 5%'"$ ATRAN
AT_TYPE Type of Entry 1=Nominal Payment2=Nominal Receipt3=Sales Refund+=Sales
Receipt5=Purchase Payment6=Purchase Refund7=Payroll
Payment8=Bank Transfer
1 N
AT_PSTDATE Posting Date 8 D
AT_SYSDATE System Date 8 D
AT_TPER!OD This Period True if posted this period. 1 L
AT_vALUE value Amount in currency of the bank account 12 N
AT_D!SC Discount Discount. Amount in currency of the bank accountOnly for Sales 8
Purchase Source. (SettlementDiscount of Receipt of Payment)
12 N
AT_FCURR Currency Currency Code of Bank Account 3 C
AT_FCEXCH Exchange Rate Exchange rate at time of Posting 11 N
AT_FCNULT FC.Nultiply 1 L
AT_FCDEC FC.Decimal Places 1 N
AT_ACCOUNT Source Account This can be the Sales Account, Nominal AfC 8CfCentre, Purchase
Account or Employee Numberdependant on the Source.
12 C
AT_NANE Source Name To save looking up the necessary file the AfC nameof the relevant
AfC Number is store here. Foremployee Name the first character
of the forename+ space + Surname is stored.
35 C
AT_CONNENT Comment Comment. Naximum of +0 Characters. 10 N
AT_PAYEE Payee Code Payee Code. !f this is a payment posted by Nominalpostings then
a payee code may be present whichrelates to the PNANE file.
8 C
AT_PAYNANE Payee Name 35 C
AT_SORT Sort Code 8 C
AT_NUNBER Account No 9 C
AT_RENOvE Remove Flag True is transaction has been "Removed" from theCash Book 1 L
AT_CHQPRN Cheque Print Flag True is a Cheque is to be printed 1 L
AT_CHQLST Cheque List Flag True is this is to be printed on a Cheque List 1 L
AT_BACPRN BACS Print Flag True is this is to print on a BACS List 1 L
AT_CCDPRN CfCard Print Flag True is this is to print on a Credit Card List 1 L
AT_CCDNO CfCard Number 16 C
AT_CCDDATE CfCard Expiry Date Credit Card Expiry Date. Picture Format of NNfYY 8 D
AT_PAYSLP Paying in Slip Ref Populated when the Paying in Slip is Printed 6 N
AT_PYSPRN Paying in Slip Print True is this is to print on the Paying in Slip 1 L
AT_CASH Cash Flag True is this receipt is Cash as opposed to acheque 1 L
AT_REN!T Remit Flag True if Remit Required to be printed 1 L
AT_UN!QUE Unique !d Unique !dentifier for Transaction 8 C
AT_POSTGRP Group Posting 5 N
AT_CCAUTH CfCard Auth. Code Authorisation Code for Credit Cards 8 C
AT_REFER Reference Entry Reference for Transaction 15 C
AT_SRCCO Source Company Source Company That This Transaction Has BeenPosted To. 1 C
AT_ECBPAYD ECB Payment val.Date 8 D
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3#.'$.A2%&'$ 5%'"$ ATRAN
AT_ATPYCD Bank Reference Bank Reference Number eg. AUTOPAY - NatWest 6 C
AT_BSREF BfS Ref (BACS) Building Society reference (roll number) used forNL BACS
18 C
AT_BSNANE BfS Name (BACS) Building Society Name used for NL BACS payments 18 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
0.$7K&&> 341"$ ATYPE
AY_CBTYPE Cashbook Code 2 C "Cashbook Type Code
cannot be blank"
AY_DESC Description 15 C "Description cannot be
left blank"
AY_TYPE Type P=Payment, R=Receipt,T=TransferNay not be amended if
referenced in AENTRY file.
1 C
AY_BANKLST Paying !n Slip True if it is to appear on the Bank Paying in List(Only if AY_TYPE
is "R")
1 L
AY_CRDTCRD Credit Card True if it is a Credit Card Receipt(Only if AY_TYPE is "R") 1 L
AY_BATCHED Batched True will Group all items of this Cash Book Typepassed into the
Cash Book into one amount. eg: Allcheque receipts for one
banking list will want toappear as one value in the Cask Book.
1 L
AY_ENTRY Next Entry No. Used for !dentifying !ndividual Entries.Default to Code +
10 C "Next Entry !D may not
be blank"
<9F%2 5&6 AUDLOG
AL_TYPE Change Type 10 C
AL_NODULE Nodule !d 1 C
AL_PROCESS Changing Process 60 C
AL_USER Changing User 8 C
AL_DATE Change Date 10 D
AL_T!NE Change Time 8 C
AL_TABLE Table 10 C
AL_F!ELD Field 20 C
AL_KEY1 Key 1 60 C
AL_KEY2 Key 2 60 C
AL_OLDvAL Old value 60 C
AL_NEWvAL New value 60 C
AL_RECNO Record Number 10 N
AL_vERS!ON version !nformation +0 C
AL_DTT!NE Date Time 8 T
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09$2&/"# C#&F9A2$ LCPROD
LC_CNREF Stock Reference Stock Reference Code.Related to CNANE 16 C
LC_SNACCT Cust. Account Sales Account Code.Related to SNANE 8 C
LC_PRODREF Product Ref. Reference as defined within Customers System. 30 C
LC_DESC Cust. Product Desc Customers description for this customer product. +0 C
LC_BARCODE Cust. Bar Code Customers Bar Code for this Product. !f differentto bar code held
on stock names file.
15 C
LC_CUSREF Cust. Product Ref. Customers Product Reference Code. 30 C
LC_CSWHAR Default Stk. Whse. Stock Warehouse to be used for this customerproduct. + C
LC_PACS!ZE Customer Pack Size Customer pack size to be used when receipt of ED!Sales Order.
Sales Orders maybe received in packsize and require to be
multiplied by a pack sizefor internal order quantities. (This does
noteffect Factoring). ED! Sales Orders received inunit quantites
may require to be ordered in Packsize, this value will then divide
into thequantity.
5 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Amended 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Amended 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
@GL ?%":F G"D.9:2$ LDEFA
LF_NESSAGE Nessage Name ED! Nessage Name 10 C
LF_LEvEL Level No File Level 1 N
LF_SEGNENT Segment ED! Segment !dentifier 15 C
LF_ELENENT Field Name ED! Field Name 5 C
LF_DEFAULT Default value ED! Field Default value +0 C
LF_FORCE Force Entry Force Entry of Default value into ED! File or fromED! dependant
on Nessage Type
1 L
LF_ACCOUNT Account Code Account Code for Customer or Supplier as indicatedin LF_TYPE 8 C
LF_NENO Advanced Default Advanced Default Nemo 10 N
LF_FAL!AS Edition Level Alias 1 N
LF_FNANE Edition Field Name 10 C
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Name 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User 8 C
@GL 5&&>91 G"2.%:$ LDETL
LL_CODE Table Name ED! Table Name 6 C
LL_ENTRY Table Entry Code Table Entry Code +0 C
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@GL 5&&>91 G"2.%:$ LDETL
LL_DESC Table Entry Desc. Entry Description +0 C
LL_SPEC!AL Special Use ED! Special Use field. 20 C
@GL G&A9/"'2 G"D.9:2 LDOCS
LD_FEATURE ED! Feature Feature Code 1 C
LD_ACCOUNT Account No. Account No. 8 C
LD_DESC Document Description Document Description 30 C
LD_NESSAGE ED! Nessage Name ED! Nessage Name to Use with this Feature. 10 C
LD_REPDES ED! Report Design ED! Report Design Name 8 C
LD_GENNO ED! Generation No. Last Generation Number used on thisFeaturefAccount. 10 N
LD_!NPLOC !mport Location Location of ED! enablers data for !mport. 60 C
LD_!NPFN !mport Filemask Filemask for ED! Enablers !mported Data. Wildcardspermitted. 12 C
LD_EXPLOC Export Location Export Location for ED! Nodule generated files. 60 C
LD_EXPFN Export Filemask Export Filemask to use. 12 C
LD_RDATE Revision Date Date last Updated. 8 D
LD_SOOST SO Start Position Start Character within ED! Sales Order Number forOpera Customer
Order No.
2 N
LD_SOOLN SO Length Length of Sales Order number from ED! File. 2 N
LD_SOWHAR SO Default Warehouse Default Warehouse when Sales orders received. + C
LD_SODATE SO Date Type Sales Orders created in Opera with (T)odays,(O)rder or (D)elivery
1 C
LD_SOPR!CE SO Price Use Sales Order Price or Opera pricing. 1 L
LD_!NZ!NC !nvoicing - Zero !nclude Zero value !nvoices from ED! messages 1 L
LD_!NNTYPE !nvoicing-Ness. Type !nvoicing Nessage Type - Used during testing 10 C
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User 8 C
LD_ACT!ON !mport File Action 6 C
LD_ACTLOC Action File Location 60 C
LD_ACTFN Action Filemask 12 C
LD_OPT!ON Document Option Option specific by Document Type 1 N
LD_ANALCDE Analysis Code Default Analysis code (Either Sales or Supplydependant on
8 C
LD_OPT!ON2 Document Option 2 Option specific by Document Type 1 N
LD_OPT!ON3 Sorting Product Opti 1 N
@GL ?%":F @:"/"'2$ LELEM
LE_F!ELD Field Name ED! Field Name 5 C
LE_DESC Field Description ED! Field Description +0 C
LE_LENGTH Field Length ED! Field Naximum Length 3 N
LE_DPS Field Decimal Places !f field type = (N)umeric then number of decimalplaces. 1 N
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@GL ?%":F @:"/"'2$ LELEM
LE_TYPE Field Type Field Type : (C)haracter, (N)umeric, (D)ate,(N)emo 1 C
LE_vAL!D Field validation Field validation Table reference in LTABL. 6 C
LE_NANCON Field Nandatory Field is generally (N)andatory or (C)onditional. 1 C
LE_NENO Field Uses Nemo? !ndicates whether this field is defined as a memoin the message
1 C
LH_DOC Document Number 10 C
LH_ACCOUNT Account 8 C
LH_NANE Name 30 C
LH_ADDR1 Address Line 1 30 C
LH_ADDR2 Address Line 2 30 C
LH_ADDR3 Address Line 3 30 C
LH_ADDR+ Address Line + 30 C
LH_DATE Date 8 D
LH_CUSTREF Customer Reference 15 C
LH_DESP Despatched Nethod Despatch method code for delivery processpurposes. The code
from the customer record isused as a default.
3 C
LH_DELAD1 Delivery Address L1 30 C
LH_DELAD2 Delivery Address L2 30 C
LH_DELAD3 Delivery Address L3 30 C
LH_DELAD+ Delivery Address L+ 30 C
LH_DELAD5 Delivery Address L5 30 C
LH_DELADPC Post Code 8 C
LH_!GNORE !gnore 1 C
LH_SD!S1 Sett1 Discount 5 N
LH_SD!S2 Sett2 Discount 5 N
LH_OD!SC Overall Disc. 5 N
LH_NARR1 Narrative Line 1 75 C
LH_NARR2 Narrative Line 2 75 C
LH_PRODATE Proforma Date 8 D
LH_QUODATE Quotation Date 8 D
LH_CREDATE Creation Date 8 D
LH_!NvDATE !nvoice Date 8 D
LH_DELDATE Delivery Date 8 D
LH_ORDDATE Order Date 8 D
LH_PROFORN Proforma 10 C
LH_QUOTAT Quotation 10 C
LH_!NvO!CE !nvoice 10 C
LH_CRED!T Credit 10 C
LH_DEL!v Delivery 10 C
LH_SORDER Sales Order 10 C
LH_EXvAT Excluding vAT 10 N
LH_vAT vAT 10 N
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LH_SDAYS1 S1 Discount Days 2 N
LH_SDAYS2 S2 Discount Days 2 N
LH_SANNT1 Sett.1 Disc. Amount 10 N
LH_SANNT2 Sett.2 Disc. Amount 10 N
LH_OvERvAL Overall Disc. value 10 N
LH_POSTACC Post Account 8 C
LH_LOC Warehouse Code + C
LH_DOCSTAT Status Latest status of the document. Q=Quote,P=proforma, O=Order,
D=Delivery Note, !=!nvoice,C=Credit Note, U=Undefined
(cumulative document).
1 C
LH_NENO Nemo Notepad relevant to the document, and is carriedwith the
document as it progresses. !t may beedited at any time.
10 N
LH_PR!ORTY Priority !f the document is an Order this field representsthe default priority
with which the order will beprocessed if there is insufficient stock
tosatisfy it. The priority flag from the customerrecord is used as a
default, but the field ismodifiable at order entry time.An entry of
zero indicates top priority and stockis allocated immediately (on
1 N
LH_REG!ON Region Region code for sales analysis purposes. The codefrom the
customer record is used as a default.
3 C
LH_TERRTRY Territory Territory code for sales analysis purposes. Thecode from the
customer record is used as adefault.
3 C
LH_ROUTE Route Route code for delivery process purposes. The codefrom the
customer record is used as a default.
3 C
LH_DUE Due Date Default due date for the shipping of goods in theorder processing
8 D
LH_REvQUO Rev.Quotation Revision letter for Quote. A-Z. 1 C
LH_REvPRO Rev.Proforma Revision letter for Pro-Forma. A-Z. 1 C
LH_REvORD Rev.Order Revision letter for Order. A-Z. 1 C
LH_REvDEL Rev.Delivery Note Revision letter for Delivery Note. A-Z. 1 C
LH_REv!Nv Rev.!nvoice Revision letter for !nvoice. A-Z. 1 C
LH_REvCRN Rev.Credit Note Revision letter for Credit Note. A-Z. 1 C
LH_PRTSTAT Prn Status Print Status. E=Edited, P=Printed, N=Not Printed. 1 C
LH_DCONTR C! Days Number of days for generation of contractinvoices. This field is
only active if withinaddfedit a cumulative document and
repeatindicator is set to 'D'
3 N
LH_SCONTR Start Contract !nv. Start date for contract invoices. This field isonly used for the
repetative invoice option whenthe repeat indicator is not N or Y.
8 D
LH_ECONTR End Contract !nv. End date for contract invoices. This field is onlyused for the
repetative invoice option when therepeat indicator is not N or Y.
8 D
LH_FCURR F.Currency This field indicates the currency of the document. 3 C
LH_FCDEC F.Decimal Places This field indicates the number of decimal placesof the currency. 1 N
LH_FCvAL Foreign value This is the value of the document in foreignvaluation. 11 C
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LH_FCRATE F.Exchange Rate This is the currency exchange rate at the time ofcreatation of the
11 N
LH_FCvAT F.vAT This is the foreign valuation of the document vAT. 11 C
LH_ADDPC Post Code Document Header Post Code. 8 C
LH_DELT Delivery Terms Key to terms of delivery file 3 C
LH_NTRN Nature of Transact. Key to nature of transaction file 2 C
LH_NTRN Node of Transport Key to mode of transport file 1 C
LH_FCNULT F.Nultiply 1 L
LH_ED! ED! Processed Flag Has this Document been processed by ED! module. 1 L
LH_ED!TX ED! Transaction No. Used when document transmitted via ED! to trackthrough to ED!
EnablerfvANfRecipient batch ofdocuments. Will be updated by ED!
10 N
LH_ED!vN ED! Trans. version Each time the ED! document is transmitted thiswill be incremented
by 1. To indicate version oftransmission.
2 N
LH_ED!STAT ED! Status Flag ED! Status Flag 1 C
LH_ED!DATE ED! Translate Date ED! Translation Date 8 D
LH_ED!T!NE ED! Translate Time Time Translated 8 C
LH_ED!F!LE ED! Translate File Filename allocated updated to. 72 C
LH_ED!REF ED! Reference ED! Reference - !nvoice No or Credit Note No. 10 C
LH_UN!QUE Unique Reference Unique reference to match up with multipledocument references
for quotes and orders.
8 C
3#.'$.A2%&'$ LITRAN
LT_DOC Document !nternal document number. 10 C
LT_STOCK Stock Reference Stock reference. 16 C
LT_DESC Description !tem description. +0 C
LT_ANAL Analysis Code Sales analysis code for this line. 8 C
LT_QUAN Line Quantity Line quantity. 9 N
LT_PR!CE !tem Price !tem price. 9 N
LT_D!SC Disc. !tem line discount (may be compound for chaineddiscounts). 5 N
LT_vAT vAT Code !tem's tax code. 1 C
LT_L!NEvAL Line value value for this line. 9 N
LT_SD!SC Sett. Disc 1 L
LT_OD!SC Overall Disc 1 L
LT_STATUS Status Document line status. A=Added, D=Deleted,E=Edited. 1 C
LT_DATE Date Date line entered. 8 D
LT_RECNO Record Number Sequence within document. 7 N
LT_EXvAT Goods value Goods value excluding tax. 9 N
LT_D!SCvAL Disc. Amount Line discount amount. 9 N
LT_SETT1 Sett.1 Disc. Line settlement discount level 1. 9 N
LT_SETT2 Sett.2 Disc. Line settlement discount level 2. 9 N
LT_OvERALL Overall Disc. Amount Overall discount amount. 9 N
LT_vATvAL vAT Amount Tax amount. 9 N
LT_vATPCT vAT Rate Tax percentage. 5 N
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3#.'$.A2%&'$ LITRAN
LT_NENO Nemo Chained discount description. 10 N
LT_COST Cost Price Cost price per unit of this line. 10 N
LT_PR!ORTY Priority !f the document is an Order this field is thepriority with which the
order line will beprocessed if there is insufficient stock tosatisfy it.
The priority flag from the documentheader is used as a default,
but the field ismodifiable at line entry time.An entry of zero
indicates top priority and stockis allocated immediately (on entry).
1 N
LT_DUE Due Date Due date for the shipping of this line of goods inthe order
processing system.The date from the document header is used as
adefault, but is over-rideable.
8 D
LT_QTYALLC Quantity Alloc. For SOP only. This is the quantity of goodsallocated from stock to
this line.
9 N
LT_DTEALLC Date Allocated For SOP only. This is the date of the LASTallocation of stock to this
8 D
LT_QTYP!CK Quantity Picked SOP For SOP only. This is the quantity of goods pickedfrom stock for
this line.
9 N
LT_DTEP!CK Date Picked SOP For SOP only. This is the date of the LAST pickingof stock for this
8 D
LT_QTYDELv Quantity Delivrd For SOP only. This is the quantity of goodsdelivered from stock for
this line.
9 N
LT_DTEDELv Date Delivered For SOP only. This is the date of the LASTdelivery of stock for this
8 D
LT_NUNDELv Delivery Note For SOP only. This is the number of the LASTdelivery note for this
10 C
LT_QTY!Nv Quantity !nvcd For SOP only. This is the quantity of goodsinvoiced for this line. 9 N
LT_DTE!Nv Date !nvoiced For SOP only. This is the date of the LAST invoicefor this line. 8 D
LT_NUN!Nv !nvoice Number For SOP only. This is the number of the LASTinvoice for this line. 10 C
LT_EXDATE Extra Date Extra date allowed (by option) to be tagged ontothe document
line. Useful in conjunction with!T_EXREF for certain types of
business who need ajob datefref on a document per line.
8 D
LT_EXREF Extra Reference Extra reference allowed (by option) to be taggedonto the
document line. Useful in conjunction with!T_EXDATE for certain
types of business who need ajob datefref on a document per line.
20 C
LT_FCURR F.Currency This field indicates the currency of thetransaction, this field will be
the same as !HEAD.!t is stored here to make displaying and
3 C
LT_FCRATE F.Rate This field indicates the exchange rate of thecurrency of the
transaction, this field will bethe same as !HEAD. !t is stored here
to makedisplaying and reporting easier.
11 N
LT_FCDEC F.Decimal Places This field indicates the number of decimal placesfor the currency
of the transaction, this fieldwill be the same as !HEAD. !t is stored
here tomake displaying and reporting easier.
1 N
LT_NARK Nark 1 C
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3#.'$.A2%&'$ LITRAN
LT_DELT Delivery Terms Key to terms of delivery file 3 C
LT_NTRN Nature of Transact. Key to nature of transaction file 1 C
LT_NTRN Node of Transport Key to mode of transport file 1 C
LT_CONCODE Commodity Code Commodity code. 11 C
LT_SUPUN!T Supp. Units Supplementary Units For EC-vAT 8 N
LT_CNTOR!G Origin Country Country of origin of stock item. Required for EECvAT moule. 2 C
LT_NTNASS Net Nass Per Unit Net NassfUnit used for EC-vAT 'SD' Reporting. 8 N
LT_vATTYP vAT Code Type vAT Type related to ZTAX Table (S,U or N). 1 C
LT_FCNULT F.Nultiply 1 L
LT_JCCODE Cost Code 16 C
LT_JL!NE Job Line 10 C
LT_BTCHSER BatchfSerial Nos 10 N
LT_FRONJC From Costing 1 L
LT_QTYOvER Quantity Over Quantity over delivered 9 N
LT_QTYOR!G Original Quantity Original quantity 9 N
LT_UN!QUE Unique Reference Unique Reference to match up multiple documentswith same
document no.
8 C
LT_NASSUT Net Nass = Nultiply Net Nass = Nultiply , .T. = Nultiply by quantity.F. = Net Nass is
1 L
LT_CWCODE Line Warehouse Line Warehouse. + C
!T_PJCODE Job Costing Code POP 16 C
@GL H"$$.6"$ LMESS
LN_NESSAGE Nessage Name ED! Nessage Name 8 version 10 C
LN_DESC Nessage Description ED! Nessage version +0 C
LN_RDATE Nessage Revision Dte Nessage revision date. 8 D
LN_SOURCE Source of Nessage Source of Nessage - Kewill 10 C
LN_NTYPE Nessage Type Nessage Type (T)radacoms, (E)difact, (A)nsi X12 1 C
LN_XTYPE External Type External Type (!)nterbridge, (K)ewill or (N)essage 1 C
LN_LEvEL1 Segments Level 1 Segments within Level 1 - +0 max. 160 C
LN_LEvEL2 Segments Level 2 Segments within Level 2 - +0 max. 160 C
LN_LEvEL3 Segments Level 3 Segments within Level 3 - +0 max. 160 C
LN_LEvEL+ Segments Level + Segments within Level + - +0 max. 160 C
LN_LEvEL5 Segments Level 5 Segments within Level 5 - +0 max. 160 C
LN_LEvEL6 Segments Level 6 Segments within Level 6 - +0 max. 160 C
LN_LEvEL7 Segments Level 7 Segments within Level 7 - +0 max. 160 C
LN_LEvEL8 Segments Level 8 Segments within Level 8 - +0 max. 160 C
LN_LEvEL9 Segments Level 9 Segments within Level 9 - +0 max. 160 C
LN_LEvEL1T Level Heading - 1 Level Heading - 1 10 C
LN_LEvEL2T Level Heading - 2 Level Heading - 2 10 C
LN_LEvEL3T Level Heading - 3 Level Heading - 3 10 C
LN_LEvEL+T Level Heading - + Level Heading - + 10 C
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@GL H"$$.6"$ LMESS
LN_LEvEL5T Level Heading - 5 Level Heading - 5 10 C
LN_LEvEL6T Level Heading - 6 Level Heading - 6 10 C
LN_LEvEL7T Level Heading - 7 Level Heading - 7 10 C
LN_LEvEL8T Level Heading - 8 Level Heading - 8 10 C
LN_LEvEL9T Level Heading - 9 Level Heading - 9 10 C
LN_LEvEL1v version Level 1 version Level 1 2 N
LN_LEvEL2v version Level 2 version Level 2 2 N
LN_LEvEL3v version Level 3 version Level 3 2 N
LN_LEvEL+v version Level + version Level + 2 N
LN_LEvEL5v version Level 5 version Level 5 2 N
LN_LEvEL6v version Level 6 version Level 6 2 N
LN_LEvEL7v version Level 7 version Level 7 2 N
LN_LEvEL8v version Level 8 version Level 8 2 N
LN_LEvEL9v version Level 9 version Level 9 2 N
LN_LEvEL1F File Level 1 File Level 1 1 N
LN_LEvEL2F File Level 2 File Level 2 1 N
LN_LEvEL3F File Level 3 File Level 3 1 N
LN_LEvEL+F File Level + File Level + 1 N
LN_LEvEL5F File Level 5 File Level 5 1 N
LN_LEvEL6F File Level 6 File Level 6 1 N
LN_LEvEL7F File Level 7 File Level 7 1 N
LN_LEvEL8F File Level 8 File Level 8 1 N
LN_LEvEL9F File Level 9 File Level 9 1 N
LN_F!LLER Field Seperator Character which seperates fields in interpretedmessages. 1 C
LN_FEATURE Feature !ndicator ED! Feature !ndicator 1 C
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User 8 C
LN_SLENGTH Segment !dent Length Segment !dentifier Length, in raw or fixed formatthe length should
default to +. However with theBASDA standard this could be 11.
2 N
LN_LEvEL1G Segment Group Level1 Used in Edifact to Group Segments together. 120 C
LN_LEvEL2G Segment Group Level2 120 C
LN_LEvEL3G Segment Group Level3 120 C
LN_LEvEL+G Segment Group Level+ 120 C
LN_LEvEL5G Segment Group Level5 120 C
LN_LEvEL6G Segment Group Level6 120 C
LN_LEvEL7G Segment Group Level7 120 C
LN_LEvEL8G Segment Group Level8 120 C
LN_LEvEL9G Segment Group Level9 120 C
LN_LEvEL1S Segment Sequence L1 120 C
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@GL H"$$.6"$ LMESS
LN_LEvEL2S Segment Sequence L2 120 C
LN_LEvEL3S Segment Sequence L3 120 C
LN_LEvEL+S Segment Sequence L+ 120 C
LN_LEvEL5S Segment Sequence L5 120 C
LN_LEvEL6S Segment Sequence L6 120 C
LN_LEvEL7S Segment Sequence L7 120 C
LN_LEvEL8S Segment Sequence L8 120 C
LN_LEvEL9S Segment Sequence L9 120 C
C9#A7.$" J#F"#$ LPHEAD
LH_REF PfOrder Reference Order Key 10 C
LH_ACCOUNT Supplier Supplier Account 8 C
LH_OD!SC Overall Discount Overall Discount 5 N
LH_CANCEL Cancelled Order Cancelled !ndicator 1 L
LH_CWCODE !ntended Warehouse Warehouse Code + C
LH_DELNAN Delivery Name Delivery Name +0 C
LH_DELAD1 Delivery Address 1 Delivery Address 30 C
LH_DELAD2 Delivery Address 2 30 C
LH_DELAD3 Delivery Address 3 30 C
LH_DELAD+ Delivery Address + 30 C
LH_DELADPC Delivery Post Code Delivery Post Code 8 C
LH_DELTELE Delivery Phone No. Delivery Telephone Number 20 C
LH_DELFAX Delivery Fax Number Delivery Fax Number 20 C
LH_CONTACT Contact Delivery Contact 20 C
LH_NARR1 Narrative Line 1 Narrative Line 1 75 C
LH_NARR2 Narrative Line 2 Narrative Line 2 75 C
LH_PORDER Purchase Order !mage Purchase Order !mage 10 N
LH_CURRCY Currency Currency for Document 3 C
LH_EXRATE Exchange Rate Exchange Rate Used for Document 11 N
LH_EXNULT Nultiply !ndicator Exchange Nultiple !ndicator 1 L
LH_DPLACE Decimal Places Foriegn Decimal Places 1 N
LH_TOTvAL Total value Total value for Order 12 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
LH_TXTREP Text !mage 10 N
LH_B!NREP Binary !mage 1 L
LH_REF2 Reference 20 C
LH_ED! ED! Processed 1 L
LH_ED!TX ED! Transmission No 10 N
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C9#A7.$" J#F"#$ LPHEAD
LH_ED!vN ED! version No 2 N
LH_ED!STAT ED! Status Current ED! Status 1 C
LH_ED!DATE ED! Date Date Processed for ED!tion 8 D
LH_ED!T!NE ED! Time Time Processed in Edition 8 C
LH_ED!F!LE ED! Filename 72 C
LH_ED!REF ED! Reference No 10 C
LH_UN!QUE ED! Unique !dent 8 C
LH_LEDGER Ledger afc code 8 C
J#F"# 5%'"$ LPLINE
LL_DHREF Requisition Document Requistion Key 10 C
LL_DLL!NE Requisition Line Requisition Line Number 7 N
LL_DUREF Uncommitted Document Document Key 10 C
LL_DUL!NE Document Line Document Line Number 7 N
LL_DCREF Committed PfOrder Purchase Order Key 10 C
LL_DCL!NE PfOrder Line Purchase Order Line Number 7 N
LL_ACCOUNT Supplier Account Supplier Account 8 C
LL_LEDGER Ledger Account Ledger Account 8 C
LL_SUPREF Supplier's Stock Ref Supplier's Reference 16 C
LL_CNREF Stock Reference Stock Reference 16 C
LL_DESC Description Description +0 C
LL_EXTEND Extended Description 10 N
LL_CWCODE !ntended Warehouse Warehouse Code + C
LL_JCSTDOC Job Costing Job Number Key 10 C
LL_JPHASE Phase Costing Phase Key 3 C
LL_JCCODE Cost Code Costing Code Code Key 16 C
LL_JL!NE Job Line Costing Job Line Number 10 C
LL_REQQTY Quantity Required Required Quantity 9 N
LL_RECQTY Quantity Received Received Quantity 9 N
LL_!NvQTY Quantity !nvoiced !nvoiced Quantity 9 N
LL_REQQUA Quality Required Required Quality 8 C
LL_RECQUA Quality Received Received Quality 8 C
LL_REQDAT Date Required Required Date 8 D
LL_RECDAT Date Received Received Date 8 D
LL_QUOTED Quote Obtained Quoted !ndicator 1 L
LL_QUODAT Date Quote Obtained Date Quoted 8 D
LL_PR!CE Price Order Price 12 N
LL_vALUE value Order value 12 N
LL_D!SCP Discount Percentage Discount Percent 5 N
LL_D!SCv Discounted value Line Discounted value 12 N
LL_CONN!T Committed Line has been Committed to PfOrder 1 L
LL_ORDDSO Apply Overall Disc. Apply Overall Discount on Line 1 L
LL_CNPLTD Order Completed Order Completed !ndicator 1 L
LL_CNPLT! !nvoice Completed !nvoice Completed !ndicator 1 L
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J#F"# 5%'"$ LPLINE
LL_CURRCY Currency Currency for Order 3 C
LL_DPLACE Decimal Places Foreign Decimal Places 1 N
LL_CNPREFD Delivery Ref. Set Completed Delivery Reference 17 C
LL_CNPREF! !nvoice Ref. Set Completed !nvoice Reference 17 C
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
LL_SUPPCDE Supply Code 8 C
LL_DELREF Delivery Reference Delivery Reference 10 C
LL_CONNENT Comment for Receipt Receipt Comment 35 C
LL_UN!QUE ED! Unique !dent 8 C
@GL ="6/"'2 G"2.%:$ LSEGM
LS_NESSAGE ED! Nessage Name ED! Nessage Name 10 C
LS_SEGNENT ED! Segment !dent. ED! Segment !dentifier 15 C
LS_DESC ED! Segment Desc. Segment General Description +0 C
LS_SEGNAN Segment Nandatory !s segment (N)andatory or (C)onditional 1 C
LS_F!ELD Fields in Segment Upto +0 fields within Segment. 5 characters each. 200 C
LS_LENGTH Field Lengths in Seg Upto +0 field lengths within segment. 120 C
LS_DPS Field Decimal Places Decimal places for up to +0 fields. +0 C
LS_TYPE Field Types Field Types for fields within segment. +0 C
LS_NANCON Field Nandatory Fields within Segment (N)andatory or (C)onditional +0 C
LS_vAL!D Field validation Tbl Field validation for +0 fields. 2+0 C
LS_NENO Field Uses Nemo? !ndicates whether this field is defined as a memoin the message
+0 C
@GL C*=7""2 G"D.9:2$ LSHEET
LP_REF Production Sheet Ref Production Sheet Reference for Report 8 C
LP_FEATURE Feature !dentifier ED! Feature !dentifier 1 C
LP_RDATE Report Revision Date Date report last revised 8 D
LP_HEAD!NG Report Heading Report Heading +0 C
LP_ORDTYPE Report Order Type Order Type to Report On + C
LP_LOCREPT Location Report? Location Report Flag (Product Report if .F.) 1 C
LP_DBAS!S Date Basis Report Date Basis - (O)rder Date,(D)eliveryDate,(T)ransmission
1 C
LP_EXPORT Export Type Export type - RPT Report, XLS Excel etc.. 3 C
LP_FRON Report Start Number of days before Opera data for report tocommence0 =
3 N
LP_TO Report End Number of days after Opera data for report tocommence0 =
3 N
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@GL C*=7""2 G"D.9:2$ LSHEET
LP_NENO Additional Rep Head. Additional Report Heading 10 N
LP_CODES Report Codes Location or Product Codes used in Report 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User 8 C
@GL 5&&>91 3.K:" LTABL
LB_TABLE Table Name ED! Table Name f Lookup 6 C
LB_DESC Table Description ED! Table Name +0 C
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User 8 C
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<$$"2$ FASSET
FA_ASSET Asset 8 C
FA_SUB Sub Asset + C
FA_DESC Description +0 C
FA_STATUS Status N = NewL = LiveS = DisposedF = Fully DepreciatedR =
1 C
FA_CATG Category + C
FA_DEPNETH Depr. Nethod 1 = Straight Line Percent2 = Straight Line Amount3 = Reducing
Balance+ = !mmediate Write Down5 = Nanual
1 N
FA_ORGCOST Original Price 13 N
FA_RESDvAL Residual value 13 N
FA_ORGQTY Orig Qty 8 N
FA_CURQTY Curr Qty 8 N
FA_DEPRST Start Depr. 8 D
FA_EXPL!FE Expected Life + N
FA_RENL!FE Remaining Life + N
FA_DEPRATE Depr. Rate 13 N
FA_DEPRTD Accum. Depr. 13 N
FA_CURNBv Current NBv. 13 N
FA_CURCOST Capital Cost 13 N
FA_NLCA Original Cost AfC 12 C
FA_NLDT Depreciation TD AfC 12 C
FA_NLDA Disposal Adj. AfC 12 C
FA_NLDP Depreciation Account 12 C
FA_PURTYPE Purchase Type C=Company OwnedF=Finance LeaseH=HPfLease
PurchaseL=Operating LeaseO=Other
1 C
FA_!NTER !nter Group Purchase 1 L
FA_CAPTLSE Capitalise Lease 1 L
FA_SUPPLR Supplier Account 8 C
FA_SUPPNAN Supplier Name 30 C
FA_SUPPPO P Order No. 10 C
FA_PO!NAGE PO !mage 10 N
FA_SUPPREF Supp Ref 10 C
FA_SER!AL Serial Number 30 C
FA_!NSRCON !nsurance Company 30 C
FA_!NSRNO !nsurance Policy No 30 C
FA_!NSRDAT !nsr Renewal 8 D
FA_!NSRTEL !nsurance Tel 20 C
FA_!NSRvAL !nsurance value 13 N
FA_FCONP Finance Company 30 C
FA_FSTDT Start Date 8 D
FA_FENDT End Date 8 D
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<$$"2$ FASSET
FA_FREF Reference 15 C
FA_FBNKACC Bank Account 9 C
FA_FBNKDSC Bank Account Desc 30 C
FA_FBNKSRT Bank Sort Code 8 C
FA_FBNKNAN Bank Name 30 C
FA_FOBLACC Obligation Nominal 12 C
FA_FDDBSTO DDB SO Reference 20 C
FA_FNENO Additional Text 10 N
FA_FGROSS Gross Earnings 13 N
FA_FFREQTP Frequency Type DailyWeeklyNonthly 9 C
FA_FFREQAN Frequency Amount 3 N
FA_FNUNPAY Number of Payments 3 N
FA_FPAYNNT Payment Amount 13 N
FA_F1STPAY First Payment Amount 13 N
FA_FLSTPAY Final Payment Amount 13 N
FA_FNXTDUE Next Payment Date 8 D
FA_FPAYNDE No. of Payments Nade 3 N
FA_FCHRGT Total Finance Charge 13 N
FA_FOTHRT Total Other Costs 13 N
FA_FOBL!G Remaining Obligation 13 N
FA_FCHRGR Remaining Fin Charge 13 N
FA_FOTHRR Remaining Other Cost 13 N
FA_CTYPE Asset Details Type 1 N
FA_DEP1ST First Per. Depr. 1 L
FA_DEPLST Disposal Period Depr 1 L
FA_DEPFULL Full Periods Depr. 1 L
FA_DEPRUN Dep Run This Nonth 3 N
FA_ADDPER Addition Period 2 N
FA_ADDYEAR Addition Year + N
FA_DEPPER Depr. Start Period 2 N
FA_DEPYEAR Depr. Start Year + N
FA_YRCOST Cost Year Start 13 N
FA_YRQTY Qty. Year Start 8 N
FA_YRNBv NBv. Year Start 13 N
FA_DPDSTP Depr Disp TP 13 N
FA_DPDSTY Depr Disp TY 13 N
FA_DPDSTD Depr Disp TD 13 N
FA_DSPvTP Disp TP value 13 N
FA_DSPvTY Disp TY value 13 N
FA_DSPvTD Disp TD value 13 N
FA_DETA!LS Asset Details 10 N
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<$$"2$ FASSET
FA_CONNENT Comments 10 N
FA_D!SPNO Disposal Number 8 N
FA_OPD!SP Disposal (Open Bal) 1 L
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
FA_!NSR !nsurance Code + C
FA_OPD!STY Disposal TY Open Bal 1 L
<$$"2 G"2.%:$ FASSEX
FE_ASSET Asset 8 C
FE_SUB Sub Asset + C
FE_NANE Name Land and Buildings 30 C
FE_ADDR1 Address Line 1 Land and Buildings 30 C
FE_ADDR2 Address Line 2 Land and Buildings 30 C
FE_ADDR3 Address Line 3 Land and Buildings 30 C
FE_ADDR+ Address Line + Land and Buildings 30 C
FE_PSTCODE Post Code Land and Buildings 8 C
FE_TEL Telephone Number Land and Buildings 20 C
FE_FAXNO Facsimile Land and Buildings 20 C
FE_CONTACT Contact Land and Buildings 20 C
FE_LOCDEED Location of Deeds Land and Buildings 20 C
FE_LEASET Terms of Lease Land and Buildings 20 C
FE_LEASED Lease Expiry Date Land and Buildings 8 D
FE_COLOUR Colour Notor vehicles 20 C
FE_ENG!NE Engine Size Notor vehicles + C
FE_REGNUN Reg No Notor vehicles 7 C
FE_CHSNUN Chassis Number Notor vehicles 20 C
FE_FLTNUN Fleet Number Notor vehicles 10 C
FE_REGDATE Reg Date Notor vehicles 8 D
FE_RFLDATE Tax Due Date Notor vehicles 8 D
FE_NOTDATE NOT Date Notor vehicles 8 D
FE_TN!LES Total Nileage vehicle 10 N
FE_BN!LES Business Nileage Notor vehicles 10 N
FE_PN!LES Private Nileage Notor vehicles 10 N
FE_HW Hardware Config. Computer +0 C
FE_OS Operating System Computer +0 C
FE_SCR Screen Computer +0 C
FE_NOU Nouse Computer +0 C
FE_OTH Other Computer +0 C
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<$$"2 G"2.%:$ FASSEX
FE_KEY Keyboard Computer +0 C
FE_SW Software Computer +0 C
FE_NA!NTBY Naintained By Notor vehiclesEquipmentComputer 30 C
FE_NNTTEL Naintenance Tel Notor vehiclesEquipmentComputer 20 C
FE_WARDAT Warranty Expiry Date Notor vehiclesEquipmentComputer 8 D
FE_NNTDAT Next Service Date Notor vehiclesEquipmentComputer 8 D
FE_NNTCOST Service Cost To Date Notor vehiclesEquipmentComputer 13 N
FE_REPvAL Replacement value Land and BuildingsNotor vehiclesEquipmentComputer 13 N
FE_REPDATE Replacement Date Notor vehiclesEquipmentComputer 8 D
FE_NNTREF Naintenance Ref EquipmentComputer 20 C
FE_N!LESD Nileage Record Date 8 D
<$$"2M5&A.2%&'$ FASSLC
FS_ASSET Asset 8 C
FS_SUB Sub Asset + C
FS_LOC Location + C
FS_CNTR Cost Centre + C
FS_QTY Quantity 8 N
FS_NLDP Nominal Account 12 C
FS_OLDNLDP Old Nominal Account 12 C
FS_TNPWRK Temporary Work Area 8 N
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
0.2"6&#%"$ FCATG
FC_CATG Category + C
FC_DESC Description 30 C
FC_BSGRP Bal.Sheet Group 1 N
FC_CAGRP Category Group + C
FC_DEPNETH Depreciation Nethod 1 = Straight Line Percent2 = Straight Line Amount3 = Reducing
Balance+ = !mmediate Write Down5 = Nanual
1 N
FC_DEP1ST First Per. Depr. 1 L
FC_DEPLST Disposal Period Depr 1 L
FC_DEPFULL Full Periods Depr. 1 L
FC_EXPL!FE Expected Life + N
FC_DEPRATE Depr Rate 13 N
FC_NLCA Original Cost AfC 12 C
FC_NLDT Depreciation TD AfC 12 C
FC_NLDA Disposal Adj. AfC 12 C
FC_NLDP Depreciation Account 12 C
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
0.2"6&#4 N#&91$ FGROUP
FG_CAGRP Category Group Code + C
FG_DESC Description Date last Updated. 30 D
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L'$9#.'A" 0&/1.'%"$ FINSR
F!_!NSR !nsurance Code + C
F!_NANE Company 30 C
F!_ADDR1 Address Line 1 30 C
F!_ADDR2 Address Line 2 30 C
F!_ADDR3 Address Line 3 30 C
F!_ADDR+ Address Line + 30 C
F!_PSTCODE Post Code 8 C
F!_CONTACT Contact 30 C
F!_TEL Telephone 20 C
F!_FAXNO Facsimile 20 C
F!_POL!CY Policy Number 30 C
F!_START Start Date 8 D
F!_RENEWAL Renewal Date 8 D
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
5&A.2%&'$ FLOC
FL_LOC Location + C
FL_NANE Name 30 C
FL_ADDR1 Address Line 1 30 C
FL_ADDR2 Address Line 2 30 C
FL_ADDR3 Address Line 3 30 C
FL_ADDR+ Address Line + 30 C
FL_PSTCODE Post Code 8 C
FL_CONTACT Contact 30 C
FL_TEL Telephone 20 C
FL_FAXNO Facsimile 20 C
FL_KEY1 Key 1 Field 5 C
FL_KEY2 Key 2 Field 5 C
FL_KEY3 Key 3 Field 5 C
FL_KEY+ Key + Field 5 C
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
-&/%'.: 3#.'$D"# FNOML
FX_NACNT Account 8 C
FX_NCNTR Cost Centre + C
FX_DATE Date 8 D
FX_vALUE value 13 N
FX_TREF Reference +0 C
FX_CONNENT Comments +0 C
FX_DONE Transferred Blank=Current, Y=Done, A=Advanced 1 C
FX_BSACC Balance Sheet Accnt 1 L
J12%&'$ FPARM
FP_PER!ODS Periods 2 N
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J12%&'$ FPARM
FP_PER1 Period 01 8 D
FP_PER2 Period 02 8 D
FP_PER3 Period 03 8 D
FP_PER+ Period 0+ 8 D
FP_PER5 Period 05 8 D
FP_PER6 Period 06 8 D
FP_PER7 Period 07 8 D
FP_PER8 Period 08 8 D
FP_PER9 Period 09 8 D
FP_PER10 Period 10 8 D
FP_PER11 Period 11 8 D
FP_PER12 Period 12 8 D
FP_PER13 Period 13 8 D
FP_PERNO Current Period 2 N
FP_YEAR Current Year + N
FP_EOY End Of Year 8 D
FP_KEEP Keep Assets Keep Disposed of Assets for Number of Years 3 N
FP_NLPL Profit And Loss Susp 12 C
FP_NLBS Balance Sheet Susp 12 C
FP_NLvR Revaluation Reserve 12 C
FP_NLvE Revaluation Expense 12 C
FP_USECNTR Use Cost Centres !f set to True Cost Centre facilities are enabled.This option is
ignored if linked to NL.
1 L
FP_USELOC Use Locations !f set to True Location facilities are enabled. 1 L
FP_DPRWGHT Depr. Weighting Days !f set to True then Depreciation is weighted onthe Days in a
period, rather than equally for eachperiod.
1 L
FP_NLCONP Nominal Company !D Blank if Current company? 1 C
FP_AUTONUN Auto Start Number 8 C
FP_UNLD!SP Post Disp. to NL !f set to True the NL is updated with DisposalJournals.This is only
available if linked to NL is set toTrue.
1 L
FP_ACT!vE Delete Live Assets This Field Will Be Set True by the senior importand Will allow
LiveAssets to be deleted, this is to enable the systemto be
tidied.At Dep Calc This W!ll be Set to False
1 L
FP_BSGRP1 Bal.Sheet Group 1 20 C
FP_BSGRP2 Bal.Sheet Group 2 20 C
FP_BSGRP3 Bal.Sheet Group 3 20 C
FP_BSGRP+ Bal.Sheet Group + 20 C
FP_BSGRP5 Bal.Sheet Group 5 20 C
FP_BSGRP6 Bal.Sheet Group 6 20 C
FP_BSGRP7 Bal.Sheet Group 7 20 C
FP_DSTYP1 Disposal Type 1 15 C
FP_DSTYP2 Disposal Type 2 15 C
FP_DSTYP3 Disposal Type 3 15 C
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J12%&'$ FPARM
FP_DSTYP+ Disposal Type + 15 C
FP_DSTYP5 Disposal Type 5 15 C
FP_DSTYP6 Disposal Type 6 15 C
FP_DSTYP7 Disposal Type 7 15 C
FP_DSTYP8 Disposal Type 8 15 C
FP_DSTYP9 Disposal Type 9 15 C
FP_DSTYP10 Disposal Type 10 15 C
FP_DSTYP11 Disposal Type 11 15 C
FP_DSTYP12 Disposal Type 12 15 C
FP_CTYPE1 Asset Details Type 1 20 C
FP_CTYPE2 Asset Details Type 2 20 C
FP_CTYPE3 Asset Details Type 3 20 C
FP_CTYPE+ Asset Details Type + 20 C
FP_CTYPE5 Asset Details Type 5 20 C
FP_CTYPE6 Asset Details Type 6 20 C
FP_CTYPE7 Asset Details Type 7 20 C
FP_CTYPE8 Asset Details Type 8 20 C
FP_CTYPE9 Asset Details Type 9 20 C
FP_DEPRUN Depreciation Run 3 N
FP_TRNSFR Transfer Run For Per 1 L
3#.'$.A2%&'$ FTRAN
FT_ASSET Asset S N A R T D O P E Y 8 C
FT_SUB Sub Asset S N A R T D O P E Y + C
FT_TYPE Type S N A R T D O P E YS = DisposalN = RenumberA = AdditionR =
RevalueT = TransferD = Depreciation AllocationO = OverrideP =
Period DepreciationE = Depreciation Allocation on Disposed
orPrevious Years AdjustmentY = Previous Years Adjustment
1 C
FT_DATE Date S N A R T D O P E Y 8 D
FT_PER!OD Period S N A R T D O P E Y 2 N
FT_YEAR Year S N A R T D O P E Y + N
FT_REF1 Comments S N A R T D O P E Y 30 C
FT_CONNENT Ext. Comments S N A R T D O P E Y 10 N
FT_!NPUTBY !nput By S N A R T D O P E Y 8 C
FT_DEPRTY Depreciation TY S P Y D E R 13 N
FT_QTY Quantity S T D E Y 8 N
FT_DEPRTP Depreciation value S D E Y P 13 N
FT_OLDLOC Old Location S T + C
FT_OLDCNTR Old Cost Centre S D E + C
FT_DEPRTD Depreciation TD R E D S P Y 13 N
FT_D!SPNO Disp Number S 8 N
FT_LOC Location T D E + C
FT_CNTR Cost Centre T D E + C
FT_OLDNLDP Old Nominal Account T 12 C
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3#.'$.A2%&'$ FTRAN
FT_NEWNLDP New Nominal Account T 12 C
FT_NLDP Org Depr TP AfC D O S E Y 12 C
FT_NASSET New Asset Code N 8 C
FT_NSUB New Sub Code N + C
FT_SEQ Seq No (Deprec) D E 3 N
FT_L!FEUSE Life Used P + N
FT_WR!TDWN Written Down P 1 L
FT_DEPRUN Depreciation Run D P E S 3 N
FT_TRNSFR Transferred To NL D 1 L
FT_CURCOST Current Cost D 13 N
3#.'$.A2%&'$ @O2#. FTREX
FR_ASSET Asset S O R Y 8 C
FR_SUB Sub Asset S O R Y + C
FR_TYPE Type S O R YS = DisposalO = OverrideR = RevalueY = Previous Years
1 C
FR_PER!OD Period S O R Y 2 N
FR_YEAR Year S O R Y + N
FR_D!SPNO Disp Number S 8 N
FR_REvALUE Revalue Amount TD R Y 13 N
FR_BACKDAT Back Date Override R O 1 L
FR_PSTJRNL Post Nominal Journal R Y 1 L
FD_DEPFULL Dif Full Period Depr O 1 L
FD_NLDA Dif Disp Adj AfC O 12 C
FD_NLDP Dif Depr TP AfC O 12 C
FD_NLCA Dif NL Cost AfC O 12 C
FD_NLDT Dif Accm Depr AfC O 12 C
FR_EXPL!FE Org Expected Life O + N
FR_RENL!FE Org Remaining Life O + N
FR_DEP1ST Org 1st Period Depr O 1 L
FR_DEPLST Org Disp Nonth Depr O 1 L
FR_CATG Org Category O + C
FR_DEPFULL Org Full Per Depr O 1 L
FR_NLCA Org Orig Cost AfC O 12 C
FR_NLDT Org Depr TD AfC O 12 C
FR_NLDA Org Disp Adj AfC O 12 C
FR_NLALLOC Update Alloc Nominal O 1 L
FD_CATG Dif Category O + C
FD_DEPNETH Dif Depr Nethod O 1 N
FD_EXPL!FE Dif Expected Life O + N
FR_!NTER !nter Group S 1 L
FR_DEPRATE Org Depr Rate S R O Y 13 N
FR_RESDvAL Org Residual value S R O 13 N
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3#.'$.A2%&'$ @O2#. FTREX
FR_CURCOST Org Current Cost S R Y 13 N
FR_CURNBv Org NBv Current S R Y 13 N
FR_!NSRvAL Org !nsurance value S R Y 13 N
FR_PROLOSS Profit or Loss Amnt S 13 N
FD_CURCOST Dif Current Cost S R Y 13 N
FD_RESDvAL Dif Resd value S R O 13 N
FD_CURNBv Dif NBv Current S R Y 13 N
FD_!NSRvAL Dif !nsurance val 13 C
FD_DEPRATE Dif Depr Rate S R O Y 13 N
FD_DEPRTD Dif Depr TD S R Y 13 N
FD_DEPRTY Dif Depr TY S R Y 13 N
FD_RENL!FE Dif Remaining Life O + N
FD_DEPRTP Dif Depr TP S 13 N
FD_DEP1ST Dif First Per Depr O 1 L
FR_DSPTYPE Disposal Type S 15 C
FD_DEPLST Dif Disp Period Dep O 1 L
FR_DSP!Nv Disp !nv No. S 10 C
FR_DEPNETH Org Depr Nethod O 1 N
FR_DSP!NvD Disp !nv Date S 8 D
FR_ORGQTY Org Quantity S 8 N
FR_DSPvAL Disposal Proceeds S 13 N
FR_DSPDEPR Depr. Disposal TD. S 13 N
FR_DSPACC Sales Account S 8 C
FR_DEPRST Org Start Depr. R 8 D
FR_DEPPER Org Period Depr. R 2 N
FR_DEPYEAR Org Year Depr. R + N
FR_AUTHOR Authority S 10 C
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;.2A7 I".F"#$ JBHEAD
JG_BATCH Batch Batch number 10 C
JG_DESC Description +0 C
JG_STATUS Status Batch Status values of1=Posted, 2=On Hold, 3=Unbalanced,
1 N
JG_BTYPE Type Batch Type1=General, 2=Timesheets 1 N
JG_HRSN!N Total Type Timesheet value Type0 = Not yet processed1 = Units
(HoursfNinutes or HoursfDecimal)2 = value
1 N
JG_TOTAL Batch Total For Timesheet Batch Total Decimal Hours or WholeNinutes.
Parameter drivenFor Cost Batch Total of values. Qty * Cost Units
10 N
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Creaded 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
;.2A7 G"2.%:$ JBLINE
JB_BATCH Batch Batch Number 10 C
JB_CSTDOC Job Job number 10 C
JB_PHASE Phase Phase number 3 C
JB_L!NE Line Number Job line number. 10 C
JB_CCODE Cost Code Cost Code 16 C
JB_RATE Cost Rate Cost Code 3 N
JB_SCODE Sales Code Component quantity on work in progress 8 C
JB_PCODE Purchase Code Purchase code. 8 C
JB_CSTTYPE Cost Type Cost Type(Costs)1=Stock, 2=Labour, 3=Narrative, +=Direct
Expense5,Recharged Expense, 6=Contractor,
7=Overhead(Revenue)11=!nterim Billing, 12=Final Billing,
13=Retention(Write UpfOff)21=Write UpfOff
2 N
JB_DESC Description Job description, need not be set for jobs when theCode Code or
stock issue with standarddescription. !s essential for goods or
servicesprocessed through POP.
+0 C
JB_TRTYPE Tran Type Transaction Type1 = Bffwd, 2 = Purchase, 3 = Labour, + =
GeneralCost, 5 = Revenue,6 = Commitment
1 N
JB_TRDATE Date Date of transaction. 8 D
JB_TRREF Reference Transaction Reference 10 C
JB_QTY Quantity Quantity.Quantity is stored as defined in the Cost Code. 10 N
JB_CSTUN!T Cost Cost. 12 N
JB_vALUE value Revenue or Cost value. Stored with Sign -ve Costs 10 N
JB_OHEAD Overhead value Overhead value at time of posting.Will use Cost Code Overhead if
Option set toBackdate Overheads.
10 N
JB_YEAR Year of Transaction Year of transaction. + N
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;.2A7 G"2.%:$ JBLINE
JB_PER!OD Period Period number of transaction. 2 N
JB_WGRUP Payroll Group Payroll Group Code 1 C
JB_WGPER Payroll Period Payroll pay period number 2 N
JB_WGENP Payroll Employee Payroll Employee 8 C
JB_WGPAY Payroll Payment Payroll Payment Number + C
JB_STREF Stock Reference Second reference. 16 C
JB_STWH Stock Warehouse Stock Warehouse + C
JB_SUBCNT Subcontractor Subcontractors Code 10 C
JB_CONNENT Comment Transaction Comment 30 C
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
0&$2 0&F"$ JCCODE
JA_CCODE Cost Code Cost Code Unique Field 16 C
JA_DESC Description Cost Code Description +0 C
JA_CSTTYPE Cost Type Cost Type(Costs)1=Stock, 2=Labour, 3=Narrative, +=Direct
Expense5,Recharged Expense, 6=Contractor,
7=Overhead(Revenue)11=!nterim Billing, 12=Final Billing,
13=Retention(Write UpfOff)21=Write UpfOff
2 N
JA_SCODE Sales Code Sales code from the SSALE file, may be left Blank. 8 C
JA_PCODE Purchase Code Purchase code from the PPURCH file, may be leftblank 8 C
JA_STREF Stock Reference Stock Reference. This may be left Blank, otherwiseif Stock Cost
type then may use the CNANE file theFactor information will be
from the Stock Record .
16 C
JA_FACTOR Factor !f is a factored item this field will contain theFactor for the
Quantity, otherwise it will beempty.
6 N
JA_FACTDPS Qty Decimals !f Not a factored item you may specify the numberof decimal
places for the quantity field.otherwise this field will be empty
1 N
JA_FACTDSC Unit Desc !f JA_FACTDP is set to true this field willcontain the Factor
Description for the Quantity,otherwise it will be empty.
8 C
JA_QTY Quantity Default quantity for Cost Code.Nay be a Factored Quantity or
Decimal. TheQuantity is stored in its base unit and will bedisplayed
dependent on the factor. !f linked toPayroll and a Labour Cost
Type the PayrollParameters are used. The default sign will
beNinus for "Cost" Cost Types and Positive for"Revenue" Cost
Types. Entry will always bepositive.
10 N
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0&$2 0&F"$ JCCODE
JA_USED Used in System !f set to True the Cost Code has been used in someother file, this
means the Type, Factored !tem,Factor, and Factor Decimals may
not be altered.The Reorganisation will recalculate the setting.
1 L
JA_WGvAL Payroll Transfer Transfer value to payroll 1 L
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
JA_ENPYEE Employee Employee 8 C
0&$2 0&F" 8.2"$ JCCOST
JO_CCODE Cost Code 16 C
JO_RATE Cost Rate 3 N
JO_WGPAY Payment Number Payroll Payment Number from the Payroll for LabourCost Types
may not be blank.
+ C
JO_EXTCOST Use Ext Cost? !ndicates which Cost Unit to use 1 = Stock Selling Price
2 = Stock Cost Price 3 = Payroll Employee's
Pay Rate 0 = Cost Unit as Defined for Cost Code
1 N
JO_CSTUN!T Cost 12 N
JO_OHvAL Overhead Amount Overhead amount.!f value exists then the Percentage is ignored. 10 N
JO_OHNULT Overhead Nultiply? !f set to true then overhead values fortransactions with units will
be multiplied by theunits, this will not apply if the overhead is
1 L
JO_OHPERC Overhead Percentage Percentage overhead,!f JO_OHvAL value exists this field is empty. 6 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER user Last Amendment 8 C
JH_CSTDOC Job Job number. 10 C
JH_PHASE Phase Phase. Nay be left Blank 3 C
JH_CNTRACT Contract Contract number. Nay be left Blank else uses JCNTRfile 8 C
JH_ACCOUNT Account Customer account, This may be left blank if nocustomer linked, for
example for internal Jobs.Otherwise it uses the SNANE file.Nust
be the same as Contract Details
8 C
JH_LEADER Proj Leader Project leader. From Peoples File Nay be LeftBlank.Default from
Contract Details
10 C
JH_PRJDEPT Department Department. + C
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JH_DESC Description Job description.Default from Contract Details +0 C
JH_CUSTREF Reference Customer reference number.Default from Contract Details 16 C
JH_TERNS Contract Terms Details of terms of agreement.Default from Contract Details 10 N
JH_RATE Cost Rate 3 N
JH_STDATE Start Date Planned Start date.Default from Contract DetailsNust be => than
Contract Details
8 D
JH_LENGTH Length in Days Expected Duration in days of Elapsed Time using 7days per
weekDefault from the Contract Details
+ N
JH_XCNP Expected Completion Expected completion date. This will originally becalculated by the
start date plus the length indays. The date must be greater than
the startdate.
8 D
JH_ASTDATE Actual Start Date Actual Date Started. 8 D
JH_CNDATE Actual Completion Actual completion date.This field may not be set if any Jobs or
EstimatesDetail Lines are outstanding and not completed. !fthis
field has an entry it indicates the Job to beCompleted and may be
cleared down in a reorganise.
8 D
JH_CCF!XED Cost Code Budgets !f set to true the User is not allowed to AssignNew Cost Codes
when Posting W!P, and Entry of CostCode Budgets. This is also
dependent on the Optionto Allow Cost Code AdditionsAllow
Additions Cost Code Fixed--------------- --------------- OFF
OFF = Post Additions Automatically OFF
ON = Only Post Against Budgetted
CostCodes ON OFF = Post
Additions Automatically ON ON =
Post Against Budgetted Cost Codes
and Allow F5 to Assign New Cost Code
1 L
JH_OPNTYPE Open !tem Type of job, True = open item. False = balanceforward, 1 L
JH_BUDF!X Budgets Agreed !f set to True the Budgets may not be amended, andall new
budget values must be entered in therevised budget field.
1 L
JH_TTCSTBG Cost Budget Budget cost. Blank if Option for Header Budgets isnot set.Stored
as a negative number. Entered as positive.
11 N
JH_TTCSTRv Rev. Cost Budget Revised budget cost. Blank if Option for HeaderBudgets is not
set.Stored as a negative number. Entered as positive.
11 N
JH_TTCST Cost 11 N
JH_TTCSTUP Upl. Cost 11 N
JH_TTWOFBG Write Off Budget 11 N
JH_TTWOFRv Rev.Write Off Budget 11 N
JH_TTWOF Write Off 11 N
JH_TTWOFUP Upl. Write Off 11 N
JH_TTREvBG Revenue Budget Revenue budget. Blank if Option for Header Budgetsis not set. 12 N
JH_TTREvRv Rev. Revenue Budget Revised revenue budget. Blank if Option for HeaderBudgets is not
12 N
JH_TTREv Revenue 12 N
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JH_TTREvUP Upl. Revenue 12 N
JH_PREvEST From Estimate Set to True if Job was modelled on an Estimate,otherwise it was
modelled on another job. Thisfield is used to indicate if
JH_PREvREF is toappear on the Estimate file or the Job File.
1 L
JH_PREvREF Nodel Reference Previous Reference if a Nodel was used. Eitheroriginated from the
Estimate File or the Job File.Blank indicates no previous model
10 C
JH_PREvPHS Nodel Phase Previous Phase if a Nodel was used. Eitheroriginated from the
Estimate File or the Job File.
3 C
JH_KEY1 Key 1 Field 5 C
JH_KEY2 Key 2 Field 5 C
JH_KEY3 Key 3 Field 5 C
JH_KEY+ Key + Field 5 C
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
JH_CON!TvAL Commitment value Commitment value. This field is updated when a commitment
record is writtenfupdatedfdeleted.
10 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
JD_CSTDOC Job Job Number. Appears on Job Header with PhaseNumber. 10 C
JD_PHASE Phase Job phase. 3 C
JD_L!NE Line Number Job line. Nay not be changed if JD_W!PR set totrue. Defaults to
the last line number plus theincrement in the parameters.
10 C
JD_CCODE Cost Code Cost Code. Nay be Left Blank, otherwise uses theJCCODE file 16 C
JD_RATE Cost Rate Cost Code Rate. 3 N
JD_PROF!LE Framework Job framework. Nay be Blank otherwise the entryrefers to the
framework which was used to createthe Job line.
16 C
JD_STREF Stock Reference Stock Reference for Stock Cost Types or leftBlank. Defaults from
the JCCODE file otherwiseuses the CNANE file to search.
16 C
JD_DESC Description Job detail description. Defaults from JCCODE file.Nay not be
+0 C
JD_PROFQTY Framework Quantity Framework Quantity. Stored as whole numbers 10 N
JD_QTY Quantity Actual Quantity Used in W!PR.Quantity is stored as defined in the
Cost Code.
10 N
JD_QTYBG Budget Qty Budget Quantity. Default from Cost Code.Will not be entered if
Header Budgets in use orBudgets are agreed. Quantity is stored as
definedin the Cost Code.
10 N
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JD_QTYRv Rev. Budget Qty Revised Budget Quantity. This field will reflectthe Budget until the
Budgets are agreed. Will notbe entered if Header Budgets in
use.Quantity is stored as defined in the Cost Code.
10 N
JD_CSTUN!T CostfUnit Actual Cost Unit in W!PR. 12 N
JD_CSTBG Budget Cost Budget cost unit.Will not be entered if Header Budgets in use
orBudgets are agreed.Defaults from JCCODE and same conditions
12 N
JD_CSTRv Rev. Budget Cost Revised budget cost. This field will reflect theBudget until the
Budgets are agreed. Will not beentered if Header Budgets in use.
12 N
JD_vALUE value Actual RevenuefCost value. 12 N
JD_vALBG Budget value RevenuefCost Budget. Will not be entered if HeaderBudgets in use
or Budgets are agreed.
12 N
JD_vALRv Rev. Budget value Revised RevenuefCost Budget. This field willreflect the Budget
until the Budgets are agreed.Will not be entered if Header Budgets
in use.
12 N
JD_W!PR Work !n Progress !f set to True the Job Line has been processed toW!PR 1 L
SQ_NENO Nemo Comment 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created Date job detail created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created Username of user who created framework detail. 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
JD_CON!TvAL Commitment value Commitment value. This field is updated when a commitment
record is writtenfupdatedfdeleted.
10 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
0&'2#.A2$ JCNTR
JC_CNTRACT Contract Contract reference 8 C
JC_ACCOUNT Account Customer account, This may be left blank if nocustomer linked, for
example for internal Jobs.Otherwise it uses the SNANE file.
8 C
JC_LEADER Proj Leader Project leader. From Peoples File Nay be LeftBlank. 10 C
JC_DESC Description Contract description +0 C
JC_CUSTREF Reference Customer Reference 16 C
JC_TERNS Contract Terms Contract terms 10 N
JC_RATE Cost Rate 3 N
JC_STDATE Start Date Planned Start Date 8 D
JC_LENGTH Length in Days Expected Duration in days of Elapsed Time using 7days per week + N
JC_XCNP Expected Completion Expected completion date. This will originally becalculated by the
start date plus the length indays. The date must be greater than
the startdate.
8 D
JC_ASTDATE Actual Start Date Actual Date Started. When entered the ExpectedCompletion Date
is recalculated.
8 D
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0&'2#.A2$ JCNTR
JC_CNDATE Actual Completion Actual completion date.This field may not be set if any Jobs or
Estimatesare outstanding and not completed, and may not beless
than any related Job completion dates.
8 D
JC_TTCSTBG Cost Budget 10 N
JC_TTCSTRv Rev. Cost Budget 10 N
JC_TTWOFBG Write Off Budget 10 N
JC_TTWOFRv Rev.Write Off Budget 10 N
JC_TTREvBG Revenue Budget 10 N
JC_TTREvRv Rev. Revenue Budget 10 N
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
JC_CON!TvAL Commitment value Commitment value. This field is updated when a commitment
record is writtenfupdatedfdeleted.
10 N
0&$2%'6 341"$ JCTYPE
JE_CSTTYPE Cost Type Cost Type 2 N
JE_DESC Description Description +0 C
G"1.#2/"'2 JDEPT
JN_CODE Department Code Job Costing Department Code. + C
JN_DESC Description Job Costing Deprtment Description. 30 C
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
@$2%/.2" I".F"#$ JEHEAD
JH_ESTDOC Estimate Estimate number. 10 C
JH_PHASE Phase Phase. 3 C
JH_CNTRACT Contract Contract number. 8 C
JH_ACCOUNT Account Sales account number of customer. 8 C
JH_LEADER Proj Leader Project leader. 10 C
JH_PRJDEPT Department Department. + C
JH_DESC Description Estimate description. +0 C
JH_CUSTREF Reference Customer reference number. 16 C
JH_TERNS Contract Terms Details of terms of agreement. 10 N
JH_RATE Cost Rate 3 N
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@$2%/.2" I".F"#$ JEHEAD
JH_STDATE Start Date Start date. 8 D
JH_LENGTH Length in Days Actual completion date. + N
JH_XCNP Expected Completion Expected completion date. 8 D
JH_OPNTYPE Open !tem Type of costing, B = balance forward, O = openitem. 1 L
JH_TTCSTBG Cost Budget Budget cost. 10 N
JH_TTWOFBG Write Off Budget Write Off budget cost. 10 N
JH_TTREvBG Revenue Budget Revenue budget 10 N
JH_PREvEST From Estimate Set to False if Estimate was modelled on a Job,otherwise it was
modelled on another Estimate.This field is used to indicate if
JE_PREvREF is toappear on the Estimate file or the Job File.
1 L
JH_PREvREF Nodel Reference Previous Estimate or Job Reference 10 C
JH_PREvPHS Nodel Phase Previous Estimate or Job Phase 3 C
JH_KEY1 Key 1 Field 5 C
JH_KEY2 Key 2 Field 5 C
JH_KEY3 Key 3 Field 5 C
JH_KEY+ Key + Field 5 C
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
@$2%/.2" G"2.%:$ JELINE
JD_ESTDOC Estimate Estimate Number. 10 C
JD_PHASE Phase Phase. 3 C
JD_L!NE Line Number Line. 10 C
JD_CCODE Cost Code Cost Code 16 C
JD_RATE Cost Rate Cost Code Rate. 3 N
JD_PROF!LE Framework Framework. 16 C
JD_STREF Stock Reference Reference. 16 C
JD_DESC Description Detail description. +0 C
JD_PROFQTY Framework Quantity Framework Quantity. Stored as whole numbers 10 N
JD_QTY Quantity Quantity.Quantity is stored as defined in the Cost Code. 10 N
JD_CSTUN!T CostfUnit Budget cost 12 N
JD_vALUE value Revenuef Cost value 10 N
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
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@$2%/.2" G"2.%:$ JELINE
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
C.#./"2"#$ JPARM
JP_BATCHNO Next Batch No. The next batch numbers that can be used by
thesystem.!ncremented by Batch Number Usage.
10 C
JP_TPER!OD Current Period No. The current period number in the year for
CostingLedger!ncremented by Period End
2 N
JP_PER!ODS Periods in Year The number of periods in the year for CostingLedger 2 N
JP_YEAR Current Year The current year number fro Costing Ledger + N
JP_NAXHRS Naximum Hours The maximum number of hours that may be enteredfor an
employee before transfer to the payroll
3 N
JP_BACKDAT Backdate Overheads !f true any overhead changes are to be used incalculating
overhead values for reports. Theoriginal values will be retained on
1 L
JP_HRSN!NS Hours 8 Ninutes !f this is set the Times recorded in the CostingSystem are Hours
and Ninutes otherwise times willbe decimal,!f linked to Payroll
then set to the PayrollSwitch.
1 L
JP_CNTRACT Use Contracts !f set to true then contracts will be used. 1 L
JP_PHASE Use Phases !f set to true then phase numbers will be used asan extension of
the job code.
1 L
JP_BATCHC Use Cost Batches !s set to true then batch control will be used oncost imput. 1 L
JP_BATCHT Use Timesheet Batch !f set to true then batch control will apply totimesheet input. 1 L
JP_USEPER Use Period Numbers !f set to true then period numbers will be used onTransactions and
incremented at period end
1 L
JP_HEADBUD Header Budgets Budgets to be stored on Headers and Not Details 1 L
JP_CRCODES Create New Cst Codes Allow New Cost Codes to be Created when postingTransactions,
otherwise a cost code must exist.
1 L
JP_SPECRTN Special Routine Name Name of Fox program (.FXP) to execute at keyspoints in Costing
processing. Field or functionname is passed as a parameter to the
user routine.
8 C
JP_!NvNETH Default !nv. Nethod Default !nvoice Nethod (1 to 6) 1 N
JP_CSTPRN Print Costs on Entry Flag indicating CostsfTimesheetsfRevenuesare to be printed on
1 L
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
?#./"E&#> JPHEAD
JF_PROF!LE Framework Framework number 16 C
JF_DESC Description Framework description +0 C
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?#./"E&#> JPHEAD
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
?#./"E&#> G"2.%:$ JPLINE
JR_PROF!LE Framework Framework number 16 C
JR_L!NE Line Number Line of the Framework 10 C
JR_CCODE Cost Code Cost Code, may be left blank for narrative lines. 16 C
JR_DESC Description Description for Narrative Lines +0 C
JR_QTY Quantity Quantity for Framework usage, if left blank takequantity from
JCCODE file when framework is used.Quantity is stored as defined
in the Cost Code.
10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
Jr_Rate Cost Rate rate field added as an enhancement to framework details. 3 N
8.2"$ JRATE
JT_RATE Cost Rate 3 N
JT_DESC Description 20 C
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
=9KA&'2#.A2&#$ JSCON
JS_SUBCNT Subcontractor Subcontractors Code. 10 C
JS_CRTCODE Certifying Code Subcontractors Certifying Code. 20 C
JS_CRTREGNO RegfCertification Number Subcontractors :CertfReg Reference - a 13 digit Number. Nust be
entered if Certifying Code is not blank. For C!S+ this is a
Registration Number, for C!S5 and C!S6 this is a certification
13 N
JS_TAXREF Tax Reference Subcontractors tax reference number. 16 C
JS_TAXRATE Tax Rate Tax rate for sub-contractor. Used for TaxRetention 5 N
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=9KA&'2#.A2&#$ JSCON
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
JS_N!CONP NifCo Reg Number N! NofCo Reg No - 9 digit code. For C!S+ and C!S6 this will be a
National !nsurance Number, for C!S5 this will be the company
registration number. Nust be entered if the Certifying Code is not
9 C
JS_STDATE Start Date Start Date - Nust be entered if the Certifying Code is not blank,
C!S5 or C!S5(Partner) NNfYY format, but store as the end of the
month. E.g. enter 03f01 but store as 31f03f01
8 D
JS_EXPDATE Expiry Date Expiry Date - Nust be entered if the Certifying Code is not blank
and must be > system date. NNfYY format, but store as the end
of the month. E.g. enter 03f01 but store as 31f03f01
8 D
JS_SEARCH Subcontractor's Search +0 C
=9KA&'2#.A2&# 3#.'$ JSCTR
JU_SUBCNT Code Subcontractors Code. 10 C
JU_CSTDOC Job Job number 10 C
JU_PHASE Phase Phase Number 3 C
JU_L!NE Costing Line Job line. 10 C
JU_TRDATE Transaction Date Transaction date.Taken from W!PR Date 8 D
JU_PAYvAL Payment value Payment value.Taken from W!PR cost value 10 N
JU_TAXHELD Tax Withheld Tax withheld.Payval * taxrate from header 10 N
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
JU_PTAX This Period Tax This Period Tax 1 L
JU_YTAX This Year Tax This Year Tax 1 L
!D Unique !D 10 N
Q&#> %' C#&6#"$$ JWIPR
JW_CSTDOC Job Job number 10 C
JW_PHASE Phase Phase number 3 C
JW_L!NE Line Number Job line number. 10 C
JW_CCODE Cost Code Cost Code 16 C
JW_PROF!LE Framework 16 C
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Q&#> %' C#&6#"$$ JWIPR
JW_RATE Cost Rate Cost Code Rate 3 N
JW_SCODE Sales Code Sales code. 8 C
JW_PCODE Purchase Code Purchase code. 8 C
JW_BATCH Batch Batch Number Where Generated 10 C
JW_CSTTYPE Cost Type Cost Type(Costs)1=Stock, 2=Labour, 3=Narrative, +=Direct
Expense5,Recharged Expense, 6=Contractor,
7=Overhead(Revenue)11=!nterim Billing, 12=Final Billing,
13=Retention(Write UpfOff)21=Write UpfOff
2 N
JW_DESC Description Cost description, need not be set for costs whenthe Cost Code
description or stock issue withstandard description. !s essential for
goods orservices processed through POP.
+0 C
JW_TRTYPE Trans Type Transaction Type1 = Bffwd, 2 = Purchase, 3 = Labour, + =
GeneralCost, 5 = Revenue,6 = Commitment
1 N
JW_TRDATE Date Date of transaction. 8 D
JW_TRREF Reference Transaction Reference 10 C
JW_CONNENT Comment Transaction Comment 30 C
JW_QTY Quantity Quantity.Quantity is stored as defined in the Cost Code. 10 N
JW_CSTUN!T CostfUnit Cost. 12 N
JW_vALUE value 11 N
JW_OHEAD Overhead value Overhead value at time of posting.Will use Cost Code Overhead if
Option set toBackdate Overheads.
11 N
JW_YEAR Year of Transaction Year of transaction. + N
JW_PER!OD Period Period number of transaction. 2 N
JW_WGRUP Payroll Group Payroll Group Code 1 C
JW_WGPER Payroll Period Payroll pay period number 2 N
JW_WGENP Payroll Employee Payroll Employee 8 C
JW_WGPAY Payroll Payment Payroll Payment Number + C
JW_PLACC Supplier Account Transaction reference. 8 C
JW_STREF Stock Reference Second reference. 16 C
JW_STWH Stock Warehouse Stock Warehouse + C
JW_SUBCNT Subcontractor Subcontractor Reference 10 C
JW_REQDOC Requisition Doc. Document number of requisition raised for thistransaction. 10 C
JW_!NvDOC !nvoice Doc !nvoice number of invoice to customer for thistransaction. 10 C
JW_DOCDOC SOP Document No. Document number of document created in!nvoicingfSOP for this
10 C
JW_NATCH Natch Reference 10 C
JW_CONF!RN Cost Confirmed ? Set to true when a commitment has been confirmed. 1 L
JW_ALLOC Allocated 1 L
JW_TRF2WG Transferred to WG Set to True to !ndicate Transaction has beentransferred to Payroll 1 L
JW_BTCHSER BatchfSerial Nos 10 N
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
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Q&#> %' C#&6#"$$ JWIPR
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
JW_DCL!NE Purchase Order Line Purchase Order Line 7 N
JW_FRBON From BON !ndicates whether the transaction came from BON ornot. 1 L
JW_WODOC Works Order Document Works Order Document from Bill of Naterials. 10 C
JW_PTAX This Period Tax This Period Tax 1 L
JW_YTAX This Year Tax This Year Tax 1 L
!D Unique !D 10 N
JW_JCL!N!D JCL!NE !D Foreign Key for JCL!NE !D field. 10 N
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<AA&9'2$ R-5S NACNT
NA_ACNT Account Code 8 C "Account cannot be left
NA_CNTR Cost Centre + C
NA_TYPE Type 2 C
NA_SUBT SubType 2 C
NA_DESC Description 35 C "Description cannot be
left blank"
NA_RED!ST Distribution Afc ? 1 L
NA_OPEN Open !tem ? 1 L
NA_POST Summary Transfer ? 1 L
NA_CONN Nandatory Comment 1 L
NA_BALP01 Bal.LY.Per. 1 1+ N
NA_BALP02 Bal.LY.Per. 2 1+ N
NA_BALP03 Bal.LY.Per. 3 1+ N
NA_BALP0+ Bal.LY.Per. + 1+ N
NA_BALP05 Bal.LY.Per. 5 1+ N
NA_BALP06 Bal.LY.Per. 6 1+ N
NA_BALP07 Bal.LY.Per. 7 1+ N
NA_BALP08 Bal.LY.Per. 8 1+ N
NA_BALP09 Bal.LY.Per. 9 1+ N
NA_BALP10 Bal.LY.Per. 10 1+ N
NA_BALP11 Bal.LY.Per. 11 1+ N
NA_BALP12 Bal.LY.Per. 12 1+ N
NA_BALP13 Bal.LY.Per. 13 1+ N
NA_BALC01 Bal.Period 1 1+ N
NA_BALC02 Bal.Period 2 1+ N
NA_BALC03 Bal.Period 3 1+ N
NA_BALC0+ Bal.Period + 1+ N
NA_BALC05 Bal.Period 5 1+ N
NA_BALC06 Bal.Period 6 1+ N
NA_BALC07 Bal.Period 7 1+ N
NA_BALC08 Bal.Period 8 1+ N
NA_BALC09 Bal.Period 9 1+ N
NA_BALC10 Bal.Period 10 1+ N
NA_BALC11 Bal.Period 11 1+ N
NA_BALC12 Bal.Period 12 1+ N
NA_BALC13 Bal.Period 13 1+ N
NA_PTDDR Debit Per.T.D. 1+ N
NA_PTDCR Credit Per.T.D. 1+ N
NA_YTDDR Debit Yr.T.D. 1+ N
NA_YTDCR Credit Yr.T.D. 1+ N
NA_PRYDR Debit Prev.Yr 1+ N
NA_PRYCR Credit Prev.Yr 1+ N
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<AA&9'2$ R-5S NACNT
NA_NENO Nemo 10 N
NA_KEY1 Key 1 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
NA_KEY2 Key 2 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
NA_KEY3 Key 3 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
NA_KEY+ Key + Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
SQ_PR!vATE Private Afc !s this a private account (access by magerrights)? 1 L
NA_REPKEY1 Report Key 1 Reporting key 1 + C
NA_REPKEY2 Report Key 2 Reporting key 2 + C
NA_REPKEY3 Report Key 3 Reporting key 3 + C
NA_REPKEY+ Report Key + Reporting key + + C
NA_REPKEY5 Report Key 5 Reporting key 5 + C
NA_FCURR Currency 3 C
NA_FCDEC FC.Decimal Places 1 N
NA_FCNULT FC.Nultiply 1 L
NA_FCRATE Exchange Rate 11 N
NA_FBALP01 F.Bal.LY.Per. 1 1+ N
NA_FBALP02 F.Bal.LY.Per. 2 1+ N
NA_FBALP03 F.Bal.LY.Per. 3 1+ N
NA_FBALP0+ F.Bal.LY.Per. + 1+ N
NA_FBALP05 F.Bal.LY.Per. 5 1+ N
NA_FBALP06 F.Bal.LY.Per. 6 1+ N
NA_FBALP07 F.Bal.LY.Per. 7 1+ N
NA_FBALP08 F.Bal.LY.Per. 8 1+ N
NA_FBALP09 F.Bal.LY.Per. 9 1+ N
NA_FBALP10 F.Bal.LY.Per. 10 1+ N
NA_FBALP11 F.Bal.LY.Per. 11 1+ N
NA_FBALP12 F.Bal.LY.Per. 12 1+ N
NA_FBALP13 F.Bal.LY.Per. 13 1+ N
NA_FBALC01 F.Bal.Period 1 1+ N
NA_FBALC02 F.Bal.Period 2 1+ N
NA_FBALC03 F.Bal.Period 3 1+ N
NA_FBALC0+ F.Bal.Period + 1+ N
NA_FBALC05 F.Bal.Period 5 1+ N
NA_FBALC06 F.Bal.Period 6 1+ N
NA_FBALC07 F.Bal.Period 7 1+ N
NA_FBALC08 F.Bal.Period 8 1+ N
NA_FBALC09 F.Bal.Period 9 1+ N
NA_FBALC10 F.Bal.Period 10 1+ N
NA_FBALC11 F.Bal.Period 11 1+ N
NA_FBALC12 F.Bal.Period 12 1+ N
NA_FBALC13 F.Bal.Period 13 1+ N
NA_FPTDDR F.Debit Per.T.D. 1+ N
NA_FPTDCR F.Credit Per.T.D. 1+ N
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<AA&9'2$ R-5S NACNT
NA_FYTDDR F.Debit Yr.T.D. 1+ N
NA_FYTDCR F.Credit Yr.T.D. 1+ N
NA_FPRYDR F.Debit Prev.Yr 1+ N
NA_FPRYCR F.Credit Prev.Yr 1+ N
NA_EXTCODE External Nominal Afc 20 C
NA_BALP1+ Bal.LY.Per. 1+ 1+ N
NA_BALP15 Bal.LY.Per. 15 1+ N
NA_BALP16 Bal.LY.Per. 16 1+ N
NA_BALP17 Bal.LY.Per. 17 1+ N
NA_BALP18 Bal.LY.Per. 18 1+ N
NA_BALP19 Bal.LY.Per. 19 1+ N
NA_BALP20 Bal.LY.Per. 20 1+ N
NA_BALC1+ Bal.Period 1+ 1+ N
NA_BALC15 Bal.Period 15 1+ N
NA_BALC16 Bal.Period 16 1+ N
NA_BALC17 Bal.Period 17 1+ N
NA_BALC18 Bal.Period 18 1+ N
NA_BALC19 Bal.Period 19 1+ N
NA_BALC20 Bal.Period 20 1+ N
NA_FBALP1+ F.Bal.LY.Per. 1+ 1+ N
NA_FBALP15 F.Bal.LY.Per. 15 1+ N
NA_FBALP16 F.Bal.LY.Per. 16 1+ N
NA_FBALP17 F.Bal.LY.Per. 17 1+ N
NA_FBALP18 F.Bal.LY.Per. 18 1+ N
NA_FBALP19 F.Bal.LY.Per. 19 1+ N
NA_FBALP20 F.Bal.LY.Per. 20 1+ N
NA_FBALC1+ F.Bal.Period 1+ 1+ N
NA_FBALC15 F.Bal.Period 15 1+ N
NA_FBALC16 F.Bal.Period 16 1+ N
NA_FBALC17 F.Bal.Period 17 1+ N
NA_FBALC18 F.Bal.Period 18 1+ N
NA_FBALC19 F.Bal.Period 19 1+ N
NA_FBALC20 F.Bal.Period 20 1+ N
NA_ALLWPRJ Allow Project 1 N
NA_ALLWJOB Allow Department 1 N
NA_PROJECT Project 8 C
NA_JOB Department 8 C
NA_BALP21 Bal.LY.Per. 21 1+ N
NA_BALP22 Bal.LY.Per. 22 1+ N
NA_BALP23 Bal.LY.Per. 23 1+ N
NA_BALP2+ Bal.LY.Per. 2+ 1+ N
NA_BALC21 Bal.Period 21 1+ N
NA_BALC22 Bal.Period 22 1+ N
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<AA&9'2$ R-5S NACNT
NA_BALC23 Bal.Period 23 1+ N
NA_BALC2+ Bal.Period 2+ 1+ N
NA_FBALP21 F.Bal.LY.Per. 21 1+ N
NA_FBALP22 F.Bal.LY.Per. 22 1+ N
NA_FBALP23 F.Bal.LY.Per. 23 1+ N
NA_FBALP2+ F.Bal.LY.Per. 2+ 1+ N
NA_FBALC21 F.Bal.Period 21 1+ N
NA_FBALC22 F.Bal.Period 22 1+ N
NA_FBALC23 F.Bal.Period 23 1+ N
NA_FBALC2+ F.Bal.Period 2+ 1+ N
;.'>$ NBANK
NK_ACNT Bank Account Nust exist on NACNT file 8 C "Bank Account may not
be blank"
NK_CNTR Cost Centre Nust exist on NACNT file + C
NK_DESC Description Can Not Be Blank 35 C "Description cannot be
left blank"
NK_PETTY Petty Cash 1 L
NK_SORT Sort Code Nandatory if not a Petty Cash Account 8 C
NK_NUNBER Account No Nandatory if not a Petty Cash Account 9 C
NK_ADDR1 Address Line 1 30 C
NK_ADDR2 Address Line 2 30 C
NK_ADDR3 Address Line 3 30 C
NK_ADDR+ Address Line + 30 C
NK_PSTCODE Post Code 8 C
NK_TELENO Telephone 20 C
NK_FAXNO Facsimile 20 C
NK_CONTACT Contact 20 C
NK_T!TLE Title 20 C
NK_FCURR Currency Nust exist on ZXCHG file. Nay be left Blank forHome. 3 C
NK_FCDEC FC.Decimal Places 1 N
NK_RECBAL Reconciled Balance Reconciled Balance in currency of Account (NotEntered) 12 N
NK_CURBAL Current Balance Current Balance in currency of Account (NotEntered) 12 N
NK_OvRDRFT Overdraft Limit Whole Numbers in the currency of the Account.
12 N
NK_CHQREP Cheque Report Suffix Two Character Code to signify what cheque designto use. 2 C
NK_LSTRECL Next Reconcile No. 6 N
NK_LSTSTNO Next Statement No. Can be Zero 8 N
NK_LSTSTDT Last Statement Date Can be Blank 8 D
NK_LSTCHQ Next Cheque No. Can be Zero 6 N
NK_LSTPSLP Next Paying in Slip Paying in Slip number for Banking Receipts. Can beZero. 6 N
NK_NATLOCK Natching User Lock User !d of user currently performing Natching.Not Empty !ndicates
Natching currently beingperformed and therefore locked. (Not
10 C
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;.'>$ NBANK
NK_RECLOCK Reconciled User Lock User !d of user currently performingReconcilation.Not Empty
!ndicates Reconcilation currently beingperformed and therefore
locked. (Not Entered)
10 C
NK_RECLNUN Reconcile Number Reconcilation Number for Part CompletedRecocilation. (Not
6 N
NK_RECLDTE Reconcile Date Reconcilation Date for Part CompletedRecocilation. (Not Entered) 8 D
NK_RECSTFR From Statement From Statement Number for Part CompletedRecocilation. (Not
8 N
NK_RECSTTO To Statement To Statement Number for Part CompletedRecocilation. (Not
8 N
NK_RECSTDT Statement Date 8 D
NK_RECSTLN Statement Line Statement Line Number for Part CompletedRecocilation. (Not
6 N
NK_RECCFWD Reconcile CfFwd Bal CfFwd Balance for Part Completed Recocilation.(Not Entered) 12 N
NK_KEY1 Key 1 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
NK_KEY2 Key 2 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
NK_KEY3 Key 3 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
NK_KEY+ Key + Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
SQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
NK_ECB Banking Software Code identifying the name of the Banking Softwareused by this
Bank Account.
8 C
NK_ECBREC ECB Reconciliations Flag to indicate whether to use the BankingSoftware to provide
automatic reconciliations forthis bank account.
1 L
NK_ECBPAY ECB Payments Flag to indicate whether to use the BankingSoftware to process
payments for this bankaccount.
1 L
NK_ECBDWN ECB Data Downloads Flag to indicate whether to use the BankingSoftware to download
data for this bank account.
1 L
NK_NOT!CE Account Notice Req'd Number of days notice required by the bank foraccess to funds
(e.g. for a 90 day account, valueis 90)
3 N
NK_DWNLCK ECB Download Lock User !d of user currently performing ECB Download.Not Empty
!ndicates ECB Download currently beingperformed and therefore
locked. (Not Entered)
8 C
;9F6"2$ NBUDG
XC_NRATE Per 09 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_ACCOUNT Account 12 C
NB_NETH Nethod 1 C
NB_FACT Factor 2 C
NB_BUDG Tot.Budget 10 N
NB_APERC Percentage 6 N
NB_CBP01 Per 01 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP02 Per 02 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP03 Per 03 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP0+ Per 0+ Cur.Budget 10 N
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;9F6"2$ NBUDG
NB_CBP05 Per 05 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP06 Per 06 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP07 Per 07 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP08 Per 08 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP09 Per 09 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP10 Per 10 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP11 Per 11 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP12 Per 12 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP13 Per 13 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP01 Per 01 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP02 Per 02 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP03 Per 03 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP0+ Per 0+ Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP05 Per 05 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP06 Per 06 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP07 Per 07 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP08 Per 08 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP09 Per 09 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP10 Per 10 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP11 Per 11 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP12 Per 12 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP13 Per 13 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_PB01 Per 01 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB02 Per 02 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB03 Per 03 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB0+ Per 0+ Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB05 Per 05 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB06 Per 06 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB07 Per 07 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB08 Per 08 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB09 Per 09 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB10 Per 10 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB11 Per 11 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB12 Per 12 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB13 Per 13 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR01 Per 01 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR02 Per 02 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR03 Per 03 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR0+ Per 0+ PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR05 Per 05 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR06 Per 06 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR07 Per 07 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR08 Per 08 PrRv.Budget 10 N
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;9F6"2$ NBUDG
NB_PR09 Per 09 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR10 Per 10 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR11 Per 11 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR12 Per 12 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR13 Per 13 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NB01 Per 01 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB02 Per 02 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB03 Per 03 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB0+ Per 0+ N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB05 Per 05 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB06 Per 06 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB07 Per 07 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB08 Per 08 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB09 Per 09 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB10 Per 10 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB11 Per 11 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB12 Per 12 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB13 Per 13 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NR01 Per 01 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR02 Per 02 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR03 Per 03 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR0+ Per 0+ N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR05 Per 05 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR06 Per 06 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR07 Per 07 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR08 Per 08 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR09 Per 09 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR10 Per 10 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR11 Per 11 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR12 Per 12 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR13 Per 13 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NNETH Nethod N.Yr Budget 1 C
NB_NFACT Factor N.Yr Budget 2 C
NB_NBUDG Tot.N.Yr Budget 10 N
NB_NAPERC N.Yr Percentage 6 N
NB_CBP1+ Per 1+ Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP15 Per 15 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP16 Per 16 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP17 Per 17 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP18 Per 18 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP19 Per 19 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP20 Per 20 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP1+ Per 1+ Rev.Budget 10 N
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;9F6"2$ NBUDG
NB_RBP15 Per 15 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP16 Per 16 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP17 Per 17 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP18 Per 18 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP19 Per 19 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP20 Per 20 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_PB1+ Per 1+ Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB15 Per 15 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB16 Per 16 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB17 Per 17 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB18 Per 18 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB19 Per 19 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB20 Per 20 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR1+ Per 1+ PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR15 Per 15 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR16 Per 16 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR17 Per 17 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR18 Per 18 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR19 Per 19 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR20 Per 20 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NB1+ Per 1+ N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB15 Per 15 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB16 Per 16 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB17 Per 17 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB18 Per 18 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB19 Per 19 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB20 Per 20 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NR1+ Per 1+ N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR15 Per 15 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR16 Per 16 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR17 Per 17 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR18 Per 18 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR19 Per 19 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR20 Per 20 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP21 Per 21 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP22 Per 22 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP23 Per 23 Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_CBP2+ Per 2+ Cur.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP21 Per 21 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP22 Per 22 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP23 Per 23 Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_RBP2+ Per 2+ Rev.Budget 10 N
NB_PB21 Per 21 Prv.Budget 10 N
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;9F6"2$ NBUDG
NB_PB22 Per 22 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB23 Per 23 Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PB2+ Per 2+ Prv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR21 Per 21 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR22 Per 22 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR23 Per 23 PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_PR2+ Per 2+ PrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NB21 Per 21 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB22 Per 22 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB23 Per 23 N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NB2+ Per 2+ N.Yr.Budget 10 N
NB_NR21 Per 21 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR22 Per 22 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR23 Per 23 N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
NB_NR2+ Per 2+ N.YrRv.Budget 10 N
0&$2 0"'2#"$ NCNTR
NC_CNTR Cost Centre + C "Cost Centre cannot be
left blank"
NC_DESC Description 30 C "Description cannot be
left blank"
NC_EXTCODE External Cost Centre 20 C
NC_CRBUDG Credit Budget 1 L
C#"TP&9#'.:$ NDETL
ND_REF Reference Document (unposted journal) reference 10 C
ND_ACCOUNT Account Nominal account 13 C
ND_DRANNT Debit Amount Debit amount 12 N
ND_CRANNT Credit Amount Credit amount 12 N
ND_CONN Comment Comment per line +0 C
ND_RECNO Record Number Used for updatingfdeleting control 7 N
ND_vATTYP vAT Type 1 C
ND_vATCDE vAT Code 1 C
ND_vATvAL vAT value 12 N
ND_TAXDATE Tax Point Date 8 D
ND_FCURR Currency 3 C
ND_FvALUE Foreign value 13 N
ND_FCRATE Exchange Rate 11 N
ND_FCNULT FC.Nultiply 1 L
ND_FCDEC FC.Decimals 1 N
ND_TFvALUE To Foreign value 13 N
ND_TFCRATE To Exchange Rate 11 N
ND_TFCDEC TFC.Decimals 1 N
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C#"TP&9#'.:$ NDETL
ND_TFCURR To Currency 3 C
ND_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
ND_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
G%$2#%K92%&' NDIST
ND_ACCNT Account 8 C
ND_CNTR Cost Centre + C
ND_PERCENT Percentage 5 N
?.A2&#$ NFACT
NF_FACT Factor 2 C "Factor code cannot be
NF_DESC Description 30 C "Description cannot be
NF_PER01 Per 01 Factor 5 N
NF_PER02 Per 02 Factor 5 N
NF_PER03 Per 03 Factor 5 N
NF_PER0+ Per 0+ Factor 5 N
NF_PER05 Per 05 Factor 5 N
NF_PER06 Per 06 Factor 5 N
NF_PER07 Per 07 Factor 5 N
NF_PER08 Per 08 Factor 5 N
NF_PER09 Per 09 Factor 5 N
NF_PER10 Per 10 Factor 5 N
NF_PER11 Per 11 Factor 5 N
NF_PER12 Per 12 Factor 5 N
NF_PER13 Per 13 Factor 5 N
NF_PER1+ Per 1+ Factor 5 N
NF_PER15 Per 15 Factor 5 N
NF_PER16 Per 16 Factor 5 N
NF_PER17 Per 17 Factor 5 N
NF_PER18 Per 18 Factor 5 N
NF_PER19 Per 19 Factor 5 N
NF_PER20 Per 20 Factor 5 N
NF_PER21 Per 21 Factor 5 N
NF_PER22 Per 22 Factor 5 N
NF_PER23 Per 23 Factor 5 N
NF_PER2+ Per 2+ Factor 5 N
C#"TP#: I".F"#$ NHEAD
NH_REF Reference Document number 10 C
NH_DATE Date Creation date 8 D "Date cannot be left
NH_!NP !nput By Who input this ? (User-id) or source 10 C
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C#"TP#: I".F"#$ NHEAD
NH_NARR Narrative Journal description +0 C "Description cannot be
left blank"
NH_RECUR Recurring Jrnl Recurring journal ? 1 L
NH_RETA!N Retained Jrnl Retained journal ? 1 L
NH_FREQ Frequency Recurring frequency(W)eek, (P)eriod, (N)onth, (D)ays 1 C
NH_DAYS Days Day of month or frequency in days 3 N
NH_PER!ODS Periods How many recurrences of journal 3 N
NH_PLAST Last Posting Period Last period number posted to 2 N
NH_LDATE Last Posted Last posting date 8 D
NH_NDATE Next Posting Next posting date 8 D
NH_REv Reversing Jrnl Reversing Journal ? 1 L
NH_DRTOT Debit Total DR total 12 N
NH_CRTOT Credit Total CR total 12 N
NH_T!NES Times Number of times posted 3 N
NH_JOURNAL Journal Number Last journal number posted to 5 N
NH_YLAST Last Posting Year + N
NH_NENO Journal Nemo The memo attatched to a journal, this is carriedacross from the
journal document when it isposted.
10 N
NH_vATANAL vAT Analysis 1 L
NH_FCURR Currency Foreign Currency 3 C
NH_FCRATE Exchange Rate Exchange Rate 11 N
NH_FCNULT FC.Nultiply 1 L
NH_FCDEC FC.Decimals 1 N
NH_FDRTOT F.Debit Total 12 N
NH_FCRTOT F.Credit Total 12 N
-&/%'.: I%$2&#4 NHIST
NH_RECTYPE Record Type 1 N
NH_NSUBT Sub Type 2 C
NH_NACNT Account 8 C
NH_NCNTR Cost Centre + C
NH_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
NH_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
NH_YEAR Year + N
NH_PER!OD Period 2 N
NH_BAL Balance 1+ N
NH_BUDG Budget 10 N
NH_RBUDG Revised 10 N
NH_PTDDR Debit 1+ N
NH_PTDCR Credit 1+ N
NH_FBAL Foreign Currency Balance 13 N
!D Unique !d 10 N
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P&9#'.: H"/& NJMEMO
NJ_JOURNAL Journal Number Journal number of related journal. 5 N
NJ_NENO Journal Nemo The memo attatched to a journal, this is carriedacross from the
journal document when it isposted.
10 N
NJ_!NAGE Journal Report !mage Journal report image produced from the printedreport. 10 N
NJ_TXTREP Text !mage 10 N
NJ_B!NREP Binary !mage 1 L
-&/%'.: G"1.#2/"'2 NJOB
NO_JOB Department 8 C
NO_DESC Description 30 C
!D Unique !d 10 N
NO_CRBUDG Credit Budget 1 L
NO_EXTCODE External Job Code 20 C
H.2#%O 8"1&#2 G"2.%: NMRDET
NND_REPORT Report Code 8 C
NND_COL Column 1 C
NND_CON Cell Content (Formu) 10 N
NND_AL Cell Alignment 1 C
NND_FNT Cell Format 8 C
NND_PR!NT Print Format 10 N
NND_CONNNT Field Comment 10 N
H.'.6"/"'2 8"1&#2$ NMREP
NN_CODE Code 8 C
NN_DESC Description 30 C
NN_REPORT Report 10 N
NN_SCNTR S.Control + C
NN_FCNTR F.Control + C
NN_ROUNDED Rounded 1 C
NN_DETA!LS Details 1 C
NN_BLANK Blank 1 C
NN_PREv Show Previous "Y" if previous years figures are to be shown. 1 C
NN_BUDGET Show Budget "Y" if budget figures are to be shown. 1 C
NN_vAR Show Budg. variance "Y" if budget variances are to be shown. 1 C
NN_vARPCT Show Budg. varnce "Y" if percentage budget variances are to beshown. 1 C
NN_PER_YR Show Period 8 YTD "Y" if period and YTD are to show on same report. 1 C
NN_W!LD3 Wild Card 3 Used for wildcard cost centre ranges. + C
NN_W!LD+ Wild Card + Used for wildcard cost centre ranges. + C
NN_W!LD5 Wild Card 5 Used for wildcard cost centre ranges. + C
NN_W!LD6 Wild Card 6 Used for wildcard cost centre ranges. + C
NN_W!LD7 Wild Card 7 Used for wildcard cost centre ranges. + C
NN_W!LD8 Wild Card 8 Used for wildcard cost centre ranges. + C
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H.'.6"/"'2 8"1&#2$ NMREP
NN_W!LD9 Wild Card 9 Used for wildcard cost centre ranges. + C
NN_FONT Report Font This field is the font that is used for thisNanagement Report under
30 C
NN_CALvAR Calculate variances "Y" if budget variances are to be calculated whenbudget is zero. 1 C
H.'.6"/"'2 8"1&#2 NMRHED
NNH_CODE Report Code Report key. 8 C "Code cannot be left
NNH_DESC Description Name or description given to report. 30 C "Description cannot be
left blank"
NNH_SUNNRY C.C. Summary Only !f true, print only the cost centre summary.Otherwise print a
report for each cost centre aswell.
1 L
NNH_ZERO Omit Zero val Lines Lines that evaluate (values only) to all zeroesare omitted if true.
The default is NOT.
1 L
NNH_XTRACT Extraction report Produce extraction report? 1 L
NNH_N!SSNG Exceptions report Print an exceptions report showing all missingaccounts. 1 L
NNH_SCNTR C.Centre Code Start Cost centre range start. + C
NNH_FCNTR C.Centre Code Finish Cost centre range finish. + C
NNH_SREP1 Report Code 1 Start Report Code 1 Selection Range Start + C
NNH_FREP1 Report Code 1 Finish Report Code 1 Selection Range Finish + C
NNH_SREP2 Report Code 2 Start Report Code 2 Selection Range Start + C
NNH_FREP2 Report Code 2 Finish Report Code 2 Selection Range Finish + C
NNH_SREP3 Report Code 3 Start Report Code 3 Selection Range Start + C
NNH_FREP3 Report Code 3 Finish Report Code 3 Selection Range Finish + C
NNH_SREP+ Report Code + Start Report Code + Selection Range Start + C
NNH_FREP+ Report Code + Finish Report Code + Selection Range Finish + C
NNH_SREP5 Report Code 5 From Report Code 5 Selection Range Start + C
NNH_FREP5 Report Code 5 Finish Report Code 5 Selection Range Finish + C
NNH_COLW!D Column Widths 26 possible column widths as two digit numbers for26 columns.
Nay be blank (=default).
52 C
NNH_HFRON First Header Line 3 N
NNH_HTO Last Header Line 3 N
NNH_FFRON First Footer Line 3 N
NNH_FTO Last Footer Line 3 N
NNH_DEPTH Report Page Depth 3 N
NNH_W!DTH Report Page Width 3 N
NNH_NROWS Naximum Report Rows 3 N
NNH_NCOLS Naximum Report Cols 2 N
NNH_CURRCY Reporting Currency Reporting Currency 3 C
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time CreaTed 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
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H.'.6"/"'2 8"1&#2 NMRHED
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amendment 8 C
NNH_PORT Portrait 1 L
NNH_CCRAN Cost Centre Range 1 N
NNH_PRRAN Dimension 1 Range 1 N
NNH_JBRAN Dimension 2 Range 1 N
NNH_PRFR Dimension 1 From 8 C
NNH_PRTO Dimension 1 To 8 C
NNH_JBFR Dimension 2 From 8 C
NNH_JBTO Dimension 2 To 8 C
J12%&'$ NPARM
NP_BUDGETS Budgets 8 C
NP_PER!ODS Periods 2 N
NP_PERNO Period Number 2 N
NP_YEAR Year + N
NP_NEXJRNL Next Journal 5 N
NP_NEXDOC Next Document 10 C
NP_DCA Debtors Control AfC 8 C
NP_CCA Creditor Control AfC 8 C
NP_DSA Debtors Susp. AfC 8 C
NP_CSA Creditors Susp. AfC 8 C
NP_PLA Profit 8 Loss AfC 8 C
NP_CONSOL Consolidation AfC 1 C
NP_PER1 Period 01 8 D
NP_PER2 Period 02 8 D
NP_PER3 Period 03 8 D
NP_PER+ Period 0+ 8 D
NP_PER5 Period 05 8 D
NP_PER6 Period 06 8 D
NP_PER7 Period 07 8 D
NP_PER8 Period 08 8 D
NP_PER9 Period 09 8 D
NP_PER10 Period 10 8 D
NP_PER11 Period 11 8 D
NP_PER12 Period 12 8 D
NP_PER13 Period 13 8 D
NP_RETA!N Retention Years Number of years transactions to keep. 1 N
NP_KEEP!NG Journal !mage Retain Number of years journal images to keep. 1 N
NP_KEEP!NP Journal !mage Period Number of periods journal images to keep if yearsto keep is zero. 2 N
NP_!NGSUNN Transf !mage Summary !f .T. respect the 'Transfer in Summary' settingwhen constructing
the Transfer Journal !mage.
1 L
NP_EOY End Of Year 8 D
NP_CONSA Cons. Suspense AfC Consolidation Suspense Account 8 C
NP_PER1+ Period 1+ 8 D
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J12%&'$ NPARM
NP_PER15 Period 15 8 D
NP_PER16 Period 16 8 D
NP_PER17 Period 17 8 D
NP_PER18 Period 18 8 D
NP_PER19 Period 19 8 D
NP_PER20 Period 20 8 D
NP_PER21 Period 21 8 D
NP_PER22 Period 22 8 D
NP_PER23 Period 23 8 D
NP_PER2+ Period 2+ 8 D
NP_SUNNPRJ Allow Summ Project 1 L
NP_SUNNJOB Allow Summ Job 1 L
NP_SUNNCC Allow Summ CC 1 L
-&/%'.: C#&U"A2 NPROJ
NR_PROJECT Project 8 C
NR_DESC Description 30 C
!D Unique !d 10 N
NR_CRBUDG Credit Budget 1 L
NR_EXTCODE External Project Code 20 C
8"1&#2 V"4 NRPKEY
NR_KEY Key Which report key table to use (composite). 1 C "Table number should
be between 1 and 5"
NR_CODE Code Reporting code for lookup. + C
NR_DESC Description Description of code. 20 C
=9K 341"$ NSUBT
NS_SUBT SubType 2 C "Sub Type cannot be
left blank"
NS_DESC SubType Description 30 C "Description cannot be
left blank"
NS_TYPE Type 2 C "Type cannot be left
NS_BALANCE Balance 1+ N
3#.'$.A2%&'$ NTRAN
NT_ACNT Account Nominal Account number 8 C
NT_CNTR Cost Centre Nominal cost centre + C
NT_TYPE Type 2 C
NT_SUBT SubType 2 C
NT_JRNL Journal Number 5 N
NT_REF Reference Journal document or other source 10 C
NT_!NP !nput By Who input this or source (Cash Book etc.) 10 C
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3#.'$.A2%&'$ NTRAN
NT_TRTYPE Trans Type (J)ournal, (B)alance, (S)ales, (P)urchase, (W)ages 1 C
NT_CNNT Comment +0 C
NT_TRNREF Trans. Reference +0 C
NT_ENTR Entry Date 8 D
NT_vALUE value 1+ N
NT_YEAR Year + N
NT_PER!OD Period 2 N
NT_RvRSE Reversing Jrnl !s this a reversing transaction ? 1 L
NT_PREvYR Prev Year Transact !s this a previous year's transaction ? 1 L
NT_CONSOL Consolidated 1 L
NT_FCURR Currency Foreign Currency 3 C
NT_FvALUE Foreign value Foreign Currency value 13 N
NT_FCRATE Exchange Rate Foreign Exchange Rate 11 N
NT_FCNULT FC.Nultiply Foreign Currency Nultipier !ndicator 1 L
NT_FCDEC FC.Decimals 1 N
NT_SRCCO Source Company Source Company That This Analysis Line Has BeenPosted From 1 C
NT_CDESC !tem description +0 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
NT_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
NT_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
@0; C.4/"'2 I".F"#$ NTYPE
NT_TYPE Type 2 C
NT_DESC Type Description 30 C "Description cannot be
left blank"
NT_CAT Category 1 C
NT_CLASS Class 1 C "Class cannot be left
NT_BAL Balance 1+ N
-&/%'.: !<3 3#.'$D"# NVAT
Nv_ACNT Account Nominal Account that the Goods Amount is postedto. 8 C
Nv_CNTR Cost Centre + C
Nv_DATE Posting Date Date it was posted to the Cash Book 8 D
Nv_CRDATE Creation Date System Date 8 D
Nv_TAXDATE Tax Point Date Tax Point Date for the vATable !tem 8 D
Nv_REF Reference 15 C
Nv_TYPE Type !=!nvoice, C=Credit 1 C
Nv_ADvANCE Advanced True if Advance Posting 1 L
Nv_vALUE Goods value 12 N
Nv_vATvAL vAT value 12 N
Nv_vATCTRY vAT Country The Home Country Code 1 C
Nv_vATTYPE vAT Type S=Sales, P=Purchase 1 C
Nv_vATCODE vAT Code 1 C
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-&/%'.: !<3 3#.'$D"# NVAT
Nv_vATRATE vAT Rate 5 N
Nv_CONNENT Comment +0 C
-&/%'.: !%"E NVIEW
Nv_CODE view Code 3 C
Nv_NANE view Name 30 C
Nv_SYSv!EW System view 1 L
Nv_LvL1 Level 1 view 20 C
Nv_LvL2 Level 2 view 20 C
Nv_LvL3 Level 3 view 20 C
Nv_LvL+ Level + view 20 C
Nv_LvL5 Level 5 view 20 C
Nv_LvL6 Level 6 view 20 C
Nv_DEFAULT Default view 1 L
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;.'> G"2.%:$ WBANK
WK_BKSORT Bank Sort Code Bank sort code 6 C
WK_BKNANE Bank Name Bank Name +0 C
WK_BKBRCH Bank Branch Bank branch name +0 C
WK_ADDRS1 Address Line 1 Bank address line 1 30 C
WK_ADDRS2 Address Line 2 Bank address line 2 30 C
WK_ADDRS3 Address Line 3 Bank address line 3 30 C
WK_ADDRS+ Address Line + Bank address line + 30 C
WK_ADDRS5 Address Line 5 Bank address line 5 30 C
WK_PCODE Post Code Bank address post code 10 C
WK_TELNO Telephone Number Bank telephone number 25 C
WK_CONTACT Contact Bank contact name 30 C
0.:A* 8"1&#2 WCARP
WZ_REF Employee Reference Employee reference 8 C
WZ_TEXT Report Text Report Text 70 C
WZ_GROUP Group Code Group Code 1 C
C.4#&:: 0.:"'F.# WCLNDR
WD_GROUP Group Code Payroll Group Code 1 C
WD_PAYFRQ Pay Frequency Pay frequency of the associated group as at the time this calendar
record was created
1 C
WD_TAXYEAR Tax Year Tax year this calendar record belongs to. + C
WD_PER!OD Pay Period !ncome tax pay period this calendar record belongs to. 2 N
WD_STARTDT Start Date Start date for this pay period. 8 D
WD_ENDDT End Date End date for this pay period. 8 D
WD_PAYDT Usual Pay Date Usual payment date for this period. 8 D
WD_UPDATED Updated Specifies whether this pay period (for the group) has had a Payroll
Update performed on it.
1 L
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
WD_NENO Nemo 10 N
WD_ACTPYDT Actual Pay Date Actual payment date for this period. 8 D
0&%'.6" WCNVD
WC_NUNBER Coinage Number Coinage number 2 N
WC_DESC Description Coinage description 8 C
WC_ANT Amount Coinage amount 10 N
0&'2#&:$ WCTRL
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0&'2#&:$ WCTRL
WU_CALC Calculation Flag Calculation flag 1 L
WU_BACS Number of BACS Runs Number of BACS runs since last update 2 N
WU_BOBS Number of BOBS Runs Number of BOBS runs since last update 2 N
WU_NON!NAL Number of NL Tranfrs Number of nominal ledger transfers since lastupdate 2 N
WU_GROUP Group Code Group Code 1 C
WU_CBTRANS Cashbook Transfer Cash Book Transfer Flag 1 L
G"1.#2/"'2$ WDEPT
WA_DEPT Dept Code Department code + C
WA_NANE Name Department name 30 C
WA_CNTR Cost Centre Cost centre for this department + C
@/1 <22.A7 J#F"#$ WEAOS
WAO_REF Employee Ref. Employee Reference 8 C
WAO_GROUP Group Code Employee's Payroll Group Code 1 C
WAO_TYPE Attach. Order Type Attachment Order Type 2 N
WAO_PR!OTY Order Priority Attachment Order Priority 2 N
WAO_NORNRT Normal Rate Normal Deduction Rate 10 N
WAO_PROTER Protected Earnings Protected Earnings 10 N
WAO_PROEPR Protect. Earn. Percent !nd !s protected earnings figure a percent or value (indicator) 1 L
WAO_TOTTBP Total to be Paid Total order amount to be paid 10 N
WAO_!SSUDT Date !ssued Date Order was !ssued 8 D
WAO_ORDREF Order Reference Order Reference 30 C
WAO_DEDADN Deduct Admin Fee !nd !s Administration Fee to be Deducted (indicator) 1 L
WAO_TCFDED CFwd Deduction TD Carried Forward Deduction To Date 10 N
WAO_TCFPRT CFwd Protect. Earn. TD Carried Forward Protected Earnings To Date 10 N
WAO_TTOTD Total Deducted TD Total Amount Deducted, i.e. repaid, To Date 10 N
WAO_TADNF Admin Fee Charged TD Administration Fee Charged To Date 10 N
WAO_TCNPL Order Completed TD !nd Attachment Order CompletedfCancelled To Date (indicator) 1 L
WAO_LCFDED CFwd Deduction TDTP Carried Forward Deduction To Date This Period 10 N
WAO_LCFPRT CFwd Protect. Earn. TDTP Carried Forward Protected Earnings To Date This Period 10 N
WAO_LTOTD Total Deducted TDTP Total Amount Deducted, i.e. repaid, To Date This Period 10 N
WAO_LADNF Admin Fee Charged TDTP Administration Fee Charged To Date This Period 10 N
WAO_LATETP Attachable Earn. TP Attachable Earnings This Period 10 N
WAO_LCNPL Order Completed TDTP !nd Attachment Order CompletedfCancelled To Date This Period
1 L
WAO_NENO Nemo Nemo + N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
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@/1 <22.A7 J#F"#$ WEAOS
WAO_CNPLDT Date Completed Date the order was completedfcancelled 8 D
WAO_AUTOCN Auto Completed Order automatically completed (indicator) 1 L
WAO_PSN03 Post Narch 2003 Scheme Post Narch 2003 Scheme (DEO) 1 L
C.4#&:: -L0$ WENIC
WC_REF Employee Reference Employee Reference 8 C
WC_N!CDE N! Code N! Code 1 C
WC_YEAR N! Year N! Year + C
WC_GROUP Payroll Group Payroll Group 1 C
WC_TN!ER Total Employer N! Total Employer N! 10 N
WC_TN!EE Total Employee N! Total Employee N! 10 N
WC_TN!CO Total Contracted Out Total Contracted Out N! 10 N
WC_TN!ERN Tot N!'able Earnings Total N!'able Earnings 10 N
WC_TN!COE Total CfO Earnings Total Contracted Out Earnings 10 N
WC_CN!ER Cffwd Employer N! Cffwd Employer N! 10 N
WC_CN!EE Cffwd Employee N! Cffwd Employee N! 10 N
WC_CN!CO Cffwd Contracted Out Cffwd Contracted Out 10 N
WC_CN!ERN CfF N!'able Earnings Cffwd N!'able Earnings 10 N
WC_CN!OE Cffwd CfO Earnings Cffwd Contracted Out Earnings 10 N
WC_TLEE Ern up to LEL Total 10 N
WC_TEEE Ern up to THR Total 10 N
WC_TUEE Ern up to UEL Total 10 N
WC_CLEE Ern up to LEL Cffwd 10 N
WC_CEEE Ern up to THR Cffwd 10 N
WC_CUEE Ern up to UEL Cffwd 10 N
WC_TLEEE Ern up to EET Total 10 N
WC_CLEEE Ern up to EET Cffwd 10 N
WC_D!RFLG Director Flag 1 L
WC_PERTYPE Period Type 1 C
WC_PPER!OD Payroll Period 2 N
WC_TERREB ER Rebate Bffwd 10 N
WC_CERREB ER Rebate Cffwd 10 N
WC_TEEREBC EE Calc'd Rebate Bffwd 10 N
WC_CEEREBC EE Calc'd Rebate Cffwd 10 N
WC_TEEREBP EE Rebate Paid Bffwd 10 N
WC_CEEREBP EE Rebate Paid Cffwd 10 N
!D Unique !d 10 N
@/1 C"'$%&' G"2.%:$ WEPEN
WEP_REF Employee Ref Employee Reference 8 C
WEP_GROUP Group Code Payroll Group Code 1 C
WEP_CODE Pension Scheme Code Pension Scheme code 10 C
WEP_SCON SCON Pension Scheme SCON 9 C
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@/1 C"'$%&' G"2.%:$ WEPEN
WEP_ERCT ER Cont Employer Contribution (percentage or value) 10 N
WEP_ERPER ER Cont val or Perc !s employer contribution a percentage (or an amount) 1 N
WEP_EECT EE Cont Employee Contribution (percentage or value) 10 N
WEP_EEPER EE Cont val or Perc !s employee contribution a percentage (or an amount) 1 N
WEP_EEAvC EE AvC Employee AvC (percentage or value) 10 N
WEP_AvCPER EE AvC val or Perc !s employee AvC a percentage (or an amount) 1 N
WEP_PNREF EE Scheme Ref Employee's pension scheme reference 25 C
WEP_JNDT Date Joined Date employee joined the pension scheme 10 D
WEP_LFDT Date Left Date employee left the pension scheme 10 D
WEP_EEBTAX EE Cont Net Tax Employee contribution to be net of basic rate tax (indicator) 0 L
WEP_TER ER Cont TD Employer contributions to date 10 N
WEP_TEE EE Cont TD Employee contributions to date 10 N
WEP_TEENC EE Nin CONP TD Employee min. CONP contributions to date 10 N
WEP_TERNC ER Nin CONP TD Employer min. CONP contributions to date 10 N
WEP_TAvC EE AvC TD Employee AvCs to date 10 N
WEP_LER ER Cont TDTP Employer contributions to date this period 10 N
WEP_LEE EE Cont TDTP Employee contributions to date this period 10 N
WEP_LEENC EE Nin CONP TDTP Employee min. CONP contributions to date this period 10 N
WEP_LERNC ER Nin CONP TDTP Employer min. CONP contributions to date this period 10 N
WEP_LAvC EE AvC TDTP Employee AvCs to date this period 10 N
WEP_TSER ER Last TD Employer contributions since last cleared to date 10 N
WEP_TSEE EE Last TD Employee contributions since last cleared to date 10 N
WEP_TSEENC EE CONP Last TD Employee minimum CONP contributions since last cleared to date 10 N
WEP_TSERNC ER CONP Last TD Employer minimum CONP contributions since last cleared to date 10 N
WEP_TSAvC EE AvC Last TD Employee AvCs since last cleared to date 10 N
WEP_LSER ER Last TDTP Employer contributions since last cleared to date this period 10 N
WEP_LSEE EE Last TDTP Employee contributions since last cleared to date this period 10 N
WEP_LSEENC EE CONP Last TDTP Employee minimum CONP contributions since last cleared to date
this period
10 N
WEP_LSERNC ER CONP Last TDTP Employer minimum CONP contributions since last cleared to date
this period
10 N
WEP_LSAvC EE AvC Last TDTP Employee AvCs since last cleared to date this period 10 N
WEP_!NACTv Scheme !nactive !s employee's pension scheme record inactive (indicator) 0 L
WEP_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 10 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date 10 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
WEP_ERBTAX ER Cont Net Tax Employer contribution to be net of basic rate tax (indicator) 0 L
=HC @/1 G"2.%:$ WESMP
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=HC @/1 G"2.%:$ WESMP
WW_REF Employee Reference Employee Reference 8 C
WW_GROUP Group Code Payroll Group Code 1 C
WW_EWCDT Exp. Week Confine. Date of Expected Week of Confinement (EWC) 8 D
WW_BABYDT Actual Baby's DoB Date baby was actually born on. 8 D
WW_QWDT Qualifying Week Date of Qualifying Week 8 D
WW_!NTLvDT !ntended Leave Date Date employee intends to go on maternity leave. 8 D
WW_EELvR Employee on Leave Specified whether employee is now on maternity leave. 1 L
WW_ACTLvDT Actual Leave Date Date employee actually did go on maternity leave. 8 D
WW_NPPSTDT Nat. Pay Per. Start Start of Naternity Pay Period 8 D
WW_NPPENDT Nat. Pay Per. End End of Naternity Pay Period 8 D
WW_NPPRTDT Returned After NPP Date employee returned to work after their maternity pay period. 8 D
WW_NEDEv Nedical Evidence Specifies whether medical evidence has been received or not. 1 L
WW_TRDWKS Trade Disp. Weeks Number of weeks spent in trade dispute. 2 N
WW_WORKWKS Weeks Worked in NPP Number of weeks employee worked during their NPP. 2 N
WW_CAvEARN Calc Avg. Wkly Earn Calculated average weekly earnings. 13 N
WW_OAvEARN Ovrd. Avg. Wkly Earn Overridden average weekly earnings. 13 N
WW_H!GHWKC Higher Wks Current Number of weeks SNP to be paid at the higher rate for the current
SNP rates.
2 N
WW_H!GHANC Higher Amt Current Weekly amount of SNP to be paid at the higher rate for the
current SNP rates.
10 N
WW_LOWWKC Lower Wks Current Number of weeks SNP to be paid at the lower rate for the current
SNP rates.
2 N
WW_LOWANC Lower Amt Current Weekly amount of SNP to be paid at the lower rate for the current
SNP rates.
10 N
WW_H!GHWKP Higher Wks Previous Number of weeks SNP to be paid at the higher rate for the
previous SNP rates.
2 N
WW_H!GHANP Higher Amt Previous Weekly amount of SNP to be paid at the higher rate for the
previous SNP rates.
10 N
WW_LOWWKP Lower Wks Previous Number of weeks SNP to be paid at the lower rate for the
previous SNP rates.
2 N
WW_LOWANP Lower Amt Previous Weekly amount of SNP to be paid at the lower rate for the
previous SNP rates.
10 N
WW_TWKSPD Wks SNP Paid TD Number of weeks SNP that have been paid, 'to date'. 2 N
WW_LWKSPD Wks SNP Paid TDTP Number of weeks SNP that have been paid, 'to date this period'. 2 N
WW_TWKSRN Wks SNP Remain. TD Number of weeks SNP remaining to be paid, 'to date'. 2 N
WW_LWKSRN Wks SNP Remain. TDTP Number of weeks SNP remaining to be paid, 'to date this period'. 2 N
WW_TSNPPD SNP Paid TD Amount of SNP that has been paid, 'to date'. 10 N
WW_LSNPPD SNP Paid TDTP Amount of SNP that has been paid, 'to date this period'. 10 N
WW_SPEC!ND Special Circ. SNP special circumstances indicator 2 N
WW_SPECDT Special Circ. Date Associated date for the SNP special circumstances indicator 8 D
WW_WORKPC Worked in Week Specifies whether employee worked in the week of their
pregnancy related illness, or their week of confinement.
1 L
WW_ENTSNP Entitled to SNP Specifies whether the employee is entitled to SNP or not. 1 L
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=HC @/1 G"2.%:$ WESMP
WW_ACT!vE Active Specifies whether this SNP record is still active or not. 1 L
WW_NENO Nemo Associated memo for this record. 10 N
WW_RPSTDT Rel. Period Start Start date of relevant period. 8 D
WW_RPENDT Rel. Period End End date of relevant period. 8 D
WW_ERNPPDT Earliest NPP Start Earliest date on which the employee's NPP can start. 8 D
WW_LTNPPDT Latest NPP Start Latest date on which the employee's NPP can start. 8 D
WW_LTCNTDT Latest Date Contin. Latest start date to satisfy the 'weeks required to have been
working for continuous employment' rule.
8 D
WW_LTNEDDT Nedical Evid. Date Nedical evidence can't be accepted prior to this date. 8 D
WW_1PRD Period No. RP 1 Payroll period number that 'relevant period 1' falls in. 2 N
WW_1PRPDF No. Perds Paid RP 1 Number of payroll periods that have been paid for in 'relevant
period 1' .
2 N
WW_1PNTDT Pay Date RP 1 Payroll payment date for 'relevant period 1' . 8 D
WW_1PAY N!able Pay RP 1 N!'able pay for 'relevant period 1' . 10 N
WW_2PRD Period No. RP 2 Payroll period number that 'relevant period 2' falls in. 2 N
WW_2PRPDF No. Perds Paid RP 2 Number of payroll periods that have been paid for in 'relevant
period 2' .
2 N
WW_2PNTDT Pay Date RP 2 Payroll payment date for 'relevant period 2' . 8 D
WW_2PAY N!able Pay RP 2 N!'able pay for 'relevant period 2' . 10 N
WW_3PRD Period No. RP 3 Payroll period number that 'relevant period 3' falls in. 2 N
WW_3PRPDF No. Perds Paid RP 3 Number of payroll periods that have been paid for in 'relevant
period 3' .
2 N
WW_3PNTDT Pay Date RP 3 Payroll payment date for 'relevant period 3' . 8 D
WW_3PAY N!able Pay RP 3 N!'able pay for 'relevant period 3' . 10 N
WW_+PRD Period No. RP + Payroll period number that 'relevant period +' falls in. 2 N
WW_+PRPDF No. Perds Paid RP + Number of payroll periods that have been paid for in 'relevant
period +' .
2 N
WW_+PNTDT Pay Date RP + Payroll payment date for 'relevant period +' . 8 D
WW_+PAY N!able Pay RP + N!'able pay for 'relevant period +' . 10 N
WW_5PRD Period No. RP 5 Payroll period number that 'relevant period 5' falls in. 2 N
WW_5PRPDF No. Perds Paid RP 5 Number of payroll periods that have been paid for in 'relevant
period 5' .
2 N
WW_5PNTDT Pay Date RP 5 Payroll payment date for 'relevant period 5' . 8 D
WW_5PAY N!able Pay RP 5 N!'able pay for 'relevant period 5' . 10 N
WW_6PRD Period No. RP 6 Payroll period number that 'relevant period 6' falls in. 2 N
WW_6PRPDF No. Perds Paid RP 6 Number of payroll periods that have been paid for in 'relevant
period 6' .
2 N
WW_6PNTDT Pay Date RP 6 Payroll payment date for 'relevant period 6' . 8 D
WW_6PAY N!able Pay RP 6 N!'able pay for 'relevant period 6' . 10 N
WW_7PRD Period No. RP 7 Payroll period number that 'relevant period 7' falls in. 2 N
WW_7PRPDF No. Perds Paid RP 7 Number of payroll periods that have been paid for in 'relevant
period 7' .
2 N
WW_7PNTDT Pay Date RP 7 Payroll payment date for 'relevant period 7' . 8 D
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=HC @/1 G"2.%:$ WESMP
WW_7PAY N!able Pay RP 7 N!'able pay for 'relevant period 7' . 10 N
WW_8PRD Period No. RP 8 Payroll period number that 'relevant period 8' falls in. 2 N
WW_8PRPDF No. Perds Paid RP 8 Number of payroll periods that have been paid for in 'relevant
period 8' .
2 N
WW_8PNTDT Pay Date RP 8 Payroll payment date for 'relevant period 8' . 8 D
WW_8PAY N!able Pay RP 8 N!'able pay for 'relevant period 8' . 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
WW_BBDUEDT Baby's Due Date Baby's Due Date 8 D
WW_N!NvAL Underpin SNP rate Ninimum rate of SSP applies 1 L
WW_N!NPAY Ninimum SNP rate Ninimum SNP rate to pay 10 N
WW_H!GHWKT Higher Wks Total Total number of weeks to be paid at Higher (Earnings) rate 2 N
WW_LOWWKT Lower Wks Total Total number of weeks to be paid at Lower (Standard) rate 2 N
WW_SPCNT Spec. Circ. Comment Special Circumstances Comment +0 C
WW_WKSADJ NPP Weeks Adjust Number of weeks the NPP is to be adjusted by (in a special
circumstance for example)
3 N
=CC @/1 G"2.%:$ WESPP
WPP_REF Employee Ref. Employee Reference 8 C
WPP_GROUP Group Code Group Code 1 C
WPP_EWCDT Expected Childbirth Week Date of expected week of childbirth 8 D
WPP_BDUEDT Date Baby is Due Date baby is due 8 D
WPP_BABYDT Actual Date of Baby's Birth Actual date of baby's birth 8 D
WPP_QWDT Date of Qualifying Week Date of Qualifying Week 8 D
WPP_!NTLDT !ntended Paternity Leave Date !ntended Paternity Leave Date 8 D
WPP_EELvR Started Paternity Leave Flag "Employee has left for paternity leave" flag 1 L
WPP_ACTLDT Actual Paternity Leave Date Actual Paternity Leave Date 8 D
WPP_PPSTDT Paternity Pay Prd. Start Date Start date of paternity pay period 8 D
WPP_PPENDT Paternity Pay Prd. End Date End date of paternity pay period 8 D
WPP_PPRTDT Return to Work Date after PPP Return to Work Date after PPP 8 D
WPP_DECLR Declaration Received Flag Declaration providedfreceived flag 1 L
WPP_TRDWKS No. of Weeks in Trade Dispute No. of Weeks spent in Trade Dispute 2 N
WPP_WRKWKS No. of Weeks Worked during PPP No. of Weeks Worked during PPP 2 N
WPP_CAvERN Calc. Average Weekly Earnings Calculated Average Weekly Earnings 13 N
WPP_OAvERN Overridden Avge. Weekly Earn. Overridden average weekly earnings 13 N
WPP_PPWKS Desired Paternity Leave Weeks Number of weeks paternity leave the employee wishes to take 2 N
WPP_APPWKS Disallowed Leave Weeks Actual number of weeks paternity leave the employee is allowed
(re 56 days)
2 N
WPP_PPWKC PPP Wks off on Curr. SPP Rates Number of weeks off in paternity pay period for current SPP Rates 2 N
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=CC @/1 G"2.%:$ WESPP
WPP_ANC Weekly SPP Amt Curr SPP Rates Weekly SPP amount for current SPP rates 10 N
WPP_PPWKP PPP Wks off on Prev. SPP Rates Weekly SPP amount for previous SPP rates 2 N
WPP_ANP Weekly SPP Amt Prev SPP Rates Weekly SPP amount for previous SPP rates 10 N
WPP_TWKSPD Weeks SPP Paid TD Number of weeks SPP actually paid 'to date' 2 N
WPP_LWKSPD Weeks SPP Paid TDTP Number of weeks SPP actually paid 'to date this period' 2 N
WPP_TWKSRN Weeks SPP Remaining TD Number of weeks SPP remaining to be paid 'to date' 2 N
WPP_LWKSRN Weeks SPP Remaining TDTP Number of weeks SPP remaining to be paid 'to date this period' 2 N
WPP_TSPPPD SPP Paid TD Amount of SSP actually paid to date 10 N
WPP_LSPPPD SPP Paid TDTP Amount of SSP actually paid to date this period 10 N
WPP_SPEC!N Special Circumstances !nd. Special circumstances indicator 2 N
WPP_SPECDT Special Circumstances Date Special ircumstances date of occurrence 8 D
WPP_SPCNT Special Circumstances Comment Special Circumstances comment +0 C
WPP_ENTSPP Entitled to SPP flag Employee entitled to SSP flag 1 L
WPP_ACT!vE SPP Record Active SPP Record still active 1 L
WPP_NENO Nemo Nemo 10 N
WPP_RPSTDT Relevant Period Start Date Relevant period start date 8 D
WPP_RPENDT Relevant Period End Date Relevant period end date 8 D
WPP_LTPPDT Latest PPP Start Date Latest PPP Start Date 8 D
WPP_LTCNDT Latest 26-week start date Latest start date to satisfy 26-week continuous employment 8 D
WPP_WKSADJ Weeks to adjust PPP by Weeks to adjust PPP by (in for example a special circumstance) 3 N
WPP_1PRD Prd. No. for Relevant Prd. 1 Period number for relevant period 1 2 N
WPP_1PRPDF Prds. Paid for Relevant Prd. 1 Number of periods paid for, for relevant period 1 2 N
WPP_1PNTDT Payment Date Relevant Prd. 1 Payment date for relevant period 1 8 D
WPP_1PAY N!able Pay Relevant Prd. 1 N!'able pay for relevant period 1 10 N
WPP_2PRD Prd. No. for Relevant Prd. 2 Period number for relevant period 2 2 N
WPP_2PRPDF Prds. Paid for Relevant Prd. 2 Number of periods paid for, for relevant period 2 2 N
WPP_2PNTDT Payment Date Relevant Prd. 2 Payment date for relevant period 2 8 D
WPP_2PAY N!able Pay Relevant Prd. 2 N!'able pay for relevant period 2 10 N
WPP_3PRD Prd. No. for Relevant Prd. 3 Period number for relevant period 3 2 N
WPP_3PRPDF Prds. Paid for Relevant Prd. 3 Number of periods paid for, for relevant period 3 2 N
WPP_3PNTDT Payment Date Relevant Prd. 3 Payment date for relevant period 3 8 D
WPP_3PAY N!able Pay Relevant Prd. 3 N!'able pay for relevant period 3 10 N
WPP_+PRD Prd. No. for Relevant Prd. + Period number for relevant period + 2 N
WPP_+PRPDF Prds. Paid for Relevant Prd. + Number of periods paid for, for relevant period + 2 N
WPP_+PNTDT Payment Date Relevant Prd. + Payment date for relevant period + 8 D
WPP_+PAY N!able Pay Relevant Prd. + N!'able pay for relevant period + 10 N
WPP_5PRD Prd. No. for Relevant Prd. 5 Period number for relevant period 5 2 N
WPP_5PRPDF Prds. Paid for Relevant Prd. 5 Number of periods paid for, for relevant period 5 2 N
WPP_5PNTDT Payment Date Relevant Prd. 5 Payment date for relevant period 5 8 D
WPP_5PAY N!able Pay Relevant Prd. 5 N!'able pay for relevant period 5 10 N
WPP_6PRD Prd. No. for Relevant Prd. 6 Period number for relevant period 6 2 N
WPP_6PRPDF Prds. Paid for Relevant Prd. 6 Number of periods paid for, for relevant period 6 2 N
WPP_6PNTDT Payment Date Relevant Prd. 6 Payment date for relevant period 6 8 D
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=CC @/1 G"2.%:$ WESPP
WPP_6PAY N!able Pay Relevant Prd. 6 N!'able pay for relevant period 6 10 N
WPP_7PRD Prd. No. for Relevant Prd. 7 Period number for relevant period 7 2 N
WPP_7PRPDF Prds. Paid for Relevant Prd. 7 Number of periods paid for, for relevant period 7 2 N
WPP_7PNTDT Payment Date Relevant Prd. 7 Payment date for relevant period 7 8 D
WPP_7PAY N!able Pay Relevant Prd. 7 N!'able pay for relevant period 7 10 N
WPP_8PRD Prd. No. for Relevant Prd. 8 Period number for relevant period 8 2 N
WPP_8PRPDF Prds. Paid for Relevant Prd. 8 Number of periods paid for, for relevant period 8 2 N
WPP_8PNTDT Payment Date Relevant Prd. 8 Payment date for relevant period 8 8 D
WPP_8PAY N!able Pay Relevant Prd. 8 N!'able pay for relevant period 8 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Record Creation Date Record Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Record Creation Time Record Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User !D !D of Opera !! user who created the record 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Record Amendment Date Record amendment date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Record Amendment Time Record amendment time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User !D !D of Opera !! user who amended the record 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
==C @/1:&4"" WG$ WESQDS
WQ_REF Employee Reference Employee Reference 8 C
WQ_GROUP Group Code Payroll Group Code 1 C
WQ_CODE SSP QD Pattern Code Code for this SSP qualifying days pattern profile header (i.e. the
link to QD profile).
10 C
WQ_QDSTDT SSP QD Patt. Start Start date that this SSP qualifying days pattern commences on (for
this employee).
8 D
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
WQ_NENO Nemo 10 N
==C @/1 G.%:4 G"2.%: WESSPT
W!_REF Employee Reference Employee Reference Number 8 C
W!_GROUP Group Code Payroll Group code 1 C
W!_PARNT!D Parent !D !D of parent absence record (i.e. the link between a child and its
10 N
W!_SSPDT Sickness Date Date that this day of sickness occurred on. 8 D
W!_SSPQUAL Qualifying !nd. SSP Qualifying !ndicator (i.e. is this a waiting day etc...) 1 C
W!_SSPRATE SSP Daily Rate The unrounded rate of SSP that's to be paid for this day (if
8 N
W!_SSPPYDT Pay Date Payment date that this days' SSP was paid on. 8 D
W!_SSPPYPD Pay Period Payment period that this days' SSP was paid on. 2 N
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==C @/1 G.%:4 G"2.%: WESSPT
W!_SSPWTHL Withhold SSP !ndicates whether payment of SSP is to be withheld for this day. 1 L
W!_SSPCONN Committed !ndicates whether this SSP day has been calculated and updated. 1 L
W!_SSPWKS Weeks Prop. Paid Proportion of the qualifying week that is to be paid for on this day 6 N
W!_QDAYS Qualifying Days Number of quaifying days in the associated qualifying days pattern
used for the week this day falls in.
1 N
W!_SSPCNNT Comment Comment specific to this day of sickness +0 C
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
W!_NENO Nemo Nemo for Employee's SSP Day Details 10 N
@/1 3.O 0#"F%2$ WETXC
WB_REF Employee Reference Employee Reference 8 C
WB_GROUP Group Code Payroll Group Code 1 C
WB_TCFRDT From Date From date (i.e. start date) of the tax credit 8 D
WB_TCTODT To Date To date (i.e. end date) of the tax credit 8 D
WB_TCSTPDT Stop Date Stop date of tax credit 8 D
WB_STOPRSN Stop Reason Reason for tax credit stopping 30 C
WB_TCRATE Daily Rate Daily rate for tax credit 10 N
WB_TCTOTAN Total Amount Total amount to be repaid 10 N
WB_TTCREN Amount Remain. TD Total amount remaining to be paid, 'to date' 10 N
WB_LTCREN Amount Remain. TDTP Total amount remaining to be paid, 'to date this period' 10 N
WB_TTCCNPL Completed TD Specifies whether the tax credit has been completed, 'to date' 1 L
WB_LTCCNPL Completed TDTP Specifies whether the tax credit has been completed, 'to date this
1 L
WB_TTCACTv Active TD Specifies whether the tax credit is active (i.e. currently being paid
off), 'to date'
1 L
WB_LTCACTv Active TDTP Specifies whether the tax credit is active (i.e. currently being paid
off), 'to date this period'
1 L
WB_TPAYDT Pay Date TD Date on which the most recent payment was made for this tax
credit, 'to date'
8 D
WB_TPAYPD Pay Period TD Pay period on which the most recent payment was made for this
tax credit, 'to date'
2 N
WB_LPAYDT Pay Date TDTP Date on which the most recent payment was made for this tax
credit, 'to date this period'
8 D
WB_LPAYPD Pay Period TDTP Pay period on which the most recent payment was made for this
tax credit, 'to date this period'
2 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
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@/1 3.O 0#"F%2$ WETXC
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
WB_NENO Nemo 10 N
WB_TPA!D Total Paid TD Total amount paid 'To Date' 10 N
WB_LPA!D Total Paid TDTP Total amount paid 'To Date This Period' 10 N
WB_TDAYS Days Paid TD Number of days paid, To-Date + N
WB_LDAYS Days Paid TDTP Number of days paid, To-Date-This-Period + N
?9'F%'6 G"2.%:$ WFUND
Wv_YEAR Tax Year Tax Year the funding record belongs to. + C
Wv_TYPE Funding Type Funding Type 2 N
Wv_DTEREC Date Funding Received Date Funding Received 8 D
Wv_ANOUNT Funding Amount Funding Amount 12 N
Wv_REF Reference Reference 30 C
Wv_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
N#&91$ WGRUP
WG_GROUP Group Code Group Code 1 C
WG_NANE Group Name Group Name 30 C
WG_REFP Checksum Security check - change will invalidate the group. 5 N
I%$2&#4 WHIST
WH_REF Employee Reference Employee reference 8 C
WH_YEAR Tax Year Tax year. e.g. The year running from April 1993 toApril 199+ will
be stored as "939+"
+ C
WH_PER!OD Period Period of the history record 2 C
WH_SSPR SSP SSP received in the period 10 N
WH_SNP SNP SNP received in the period 10 N
WH_TOTPAY Total Pay Total pay for the period 10 N
WH_TOTHOL Accr.Hol Pay Total holiday pay accrued for the period 10 N
WH_TXB Taxable Pay Taxable pay for the period 10 N
WH_TAX Tax Tax deducted for the period 10 N
WH_NET Net Pay Net pay for the period 10 N
WH_ERN! ERS N! Employers N! for the period 10 N
WH_EEN! EES N! Employees N! for the period 10 N
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I%$2&#4 WHIST
WH_CNON! CfO N! Contracted out N! for the period 10 N
WH_N!EN ERN N! N!'able pay for the period 10 N
WH_N!ECO ERN CfO N! Earnings on which contracted out N! was calculatedfor the period 10 N
WH_CONPEE EES CONP Employees CONP for the period 10 N
WH_CONPER ERS CONP Employers CONP for the period 10 N
WH_PEN Pension Pension deducted for the period 10 N
WH_PENBL Pensionable Pensionable pay for the period 10 N
WH_ANDTXCD Tax Code Tax code used in the period 8 C
WH_NENO Nemo Nemo field for the payslip image 10 N
WH_TXTREP Nemo Report text image if binary file is used 10 N
WH_B!NREP Binary report flag !ndicates that a binary file is in use. 1 L
WH_N!CDE N! Code N! code in use for the period 1 C
WH_KTAX K.Tax Not Deducted Tax not taken because of K Code OverridingRegulatory Limit 10 N
WH_GROUP Group Code Group Code 1 C
WH_N!RB ERS N! Rebate 10 N
WH_N!RBE EES N! Rebate 10 N
WH_WFTC Tax Credit 10 N
WH_SLOAN Student Loan 10 N
WH_N!RBER EEs N! Refund 10 N
WH_HOLPAYA Pay for Hol Pay Av 10 N
WH_HOLPAYH Hrs for Hol Pay Av 10 N
WH_PRPDF No. Periods Paid For Number of periods that have been paid for in this pay period 2 N
WH_PAYDT Pay Date for Period Payment date for this pay period 8 D
WH_SSPEARN SSP'able Earnings SSP'able Earnings 10 N
WH_SNPEARN SNP'able Earnings SNP'able Earnings 10 N
WH_PAYFREQ Pay Frequency Pay Frequency 1 C
WH_ACTPYDT Actual Pay Date Actual payment date for this pay period 8 D
WH_SPPBRTH SPP Birth TP Statutory Paternity Pay for Birth, This-Period 10 N
WH_SPPADOP SPP Adoption TP Statutory Paternity Pay for Adoption, This-Period 10 N
WH_SAP SAP TP Statutory Adoption Pay, This-Period 10 N
WH_P32WEEK P32 Week P32 week that the history record belongs to. 2 N
WH_N!ER Employers N! To-Date 10 N
WH_N!EE Employees N! To-Date 10 N
WH_N!COUT Employees CfO N! To-Date 10 N
WH_N!ERN N!'able Earnings To-Date 10 N
WH_N!COE N!'able CfO Earnings To-Date 10 N
WH_D!RFLG Director Flag 0 L
WH_TOLEL Earnings TP 'To LEL' Earnings TP 'To LEL' 10 N
WH_TOET Earnings TP 'To ET' Earnings TP 'To ET' 10 N
WH_TOUEL Earnings TP 'To UEL' Earnings TP 'To UEL' 10 N
WH_PAYTD Total Pay To-Date Total Pay To-Date 10 N
WH_FRPAYTD Total Free Pay To-Date Total free pay To-Date. 10 N
WH_ADPAYTD Total Additional Pay To-Date Total Additional Pay To-Date. 10 N
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I%$2&#4 WHIST
WH_TAXTD Total Tax Due To-Date Total Tax Due To-Date 10 N
WH_KTAXDUE K-Code Tax Due This-Period K-Code Tax Due This-Period 10 N
WH_KL!N!T K-Code Regulatory Limit TP K-Code Regulatory Limit TP 10 N
WH_TAXCHG Tax Code Changed This-Period Tax Code Changed This-Period 1 L
WH_SCON SCON Applicable For Pay Period SCON Applicable For Pay Period 9 C
WH_N!ADJ N! Adjusted This Pay Period N! has been adjusted in this pay period. 1 L
WH_AJN!CDE 'N! Adj' N! Code 'N! Adjusted' N! Code 1 C
WH_AJTOLEL 'N! Adj' Earn's to LEL TP N! adjusted earnings this period to LEL. 10 N
WH_AJTOET 'N! Adj' Earn's to ET TP N! adjusted earnings this period to ET. 10 N
WH_AJTOUEL 'N! Adj' Earn's to UEL TP N! adjusted earnings this period to UEL. 10 N
WH_AJEEN! 'N! Adj' EE's N! TP N! adjusted employees N! this period. 10 N
WH_AJERN! 'N! Adj' ER's N! TP N! adjusted employers N! this period. 10 N
WH_AJCNON! 'N! Adj' EE's CfO N! TP N! adjusted employees contracted-out N! this period. 10 N
WH_AJSCON 'N! Adj' SCON N! adjusted SCON for the pay period. 9 C
WH_AJEEADJ Adj. for EE's N! TP Adjustment appliaed to employee's N! in this pay period. 10 N
WH_AJERADJ Adj. for ER's N! TP Adjustment applied to employer's N! in this pay period. 10 N
WH_WK1FLG WeekfNonth 1 Flag Week 1 f Nonth 1Flag 1 C
@/1:&4""$ WNAME
WN_REF Employee Reference Employee Reference 8 C
WN_SURNANE Surname Employee Surname 25 C
WN_FORENAN Forenames 30 C
WN_D!RCTR Dir.Flag Employee director status flag. Set to "A" ifadvanced
calculation is required.Only valid when the employees profile has
thedirector flag set to true.
1 C
WN_LvR Lvr.Status Employee leaver status, may be set to "L" forleaver this period,
"D" for employee has left, "R"for employee has been re-instated,
"H" foremployee left in previous year, details areretained for
reporting, "X" for all details willbe erased from file on the next
1 C
WN_HOL!DTP Hol.!ndicator Holiday !D, may be set to "1" to "9" to indicatethe employee is
going on holiday or "A" to "!" toindicate the employee is on
1 C
WN_HOL!DLP Hol.Last Period Holiday !D saved from the prervious period 1 C
WN_CSTCDE DeptfCost Code Employees cost or department code + C
WN_TAXCDE Tax Code Employees tax code 7 C
WN_WK1FLG Wk1fNth1 Flag Employees weekfmonth 1 flag 1 C
WN_N!CDE N! Code Current N! code 1 C
WN_N!NUN Nat.!ns.No. National insurance number 9 C
WN_SEX Sex Sex, set to "N" or "F" 1 C
WN_PAYEE Payee Payee name. Used for cheques, giros, BACS and BOBS 25 C
WN_BKSORT Bank Sort Code Bank sort code 6 C
WN_BANKACN Bank Account Number Bank account number 10 C
WN_ATPYCD Autopay Code Autopay code 6 C
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@/1:&4""$ WNAME
WN_CHQNO Cheque Number Cheque number. !nserted by the cheque printingroutine 8 N
WN_LELvAL Lower Earnings Limit Lower earnings limit value 10 N
WN_D!RSTPD Dir.Start Period Directors start period 2 N
WN_PAYFRQ Pay Frequency Pay frequency. valid settings are "W", "N", "2" 8"+" 1 C
WN_B!RTH Birth Date Date of birth 8 D
WN_STARTDT Start Date Start date 8 D
WN_LEAvDT Leave Date Date of leaving 8 D
WN_GRSPRv Gross Pay Prev. Emp. Gross pay in previous employment 10 N
WN_TAXPRv Tax Paid Prev. Emp. Tax paid in previous employment 10 N
WN_OvR!DE Ovr.Flag Override flag, valid settings are "N" for N!values for the period
overridden, "T" for Tax forthe period overridden, "B" for N! and
tax for theperiod overridden or Space for No override
1 C
WN_N!CHGPR Dir.N! Period Period number of new N! code for director 2 N
WN_T!TLE Title Title 5 C
WN_LvRPD Lvr.Period Period when employee leaves 2 N
WN_ADDRS1 Address Line 1 Address line 1 30 C
WN_ADDRS2 Address Line 2 Address line 2 30 C
WN_ADDRS3 Address Line 3 Address line 3 30 C
WN_ADDRS+ Address Line + Address line + 30 C
WN_ADDRS5 Address Line 5 Address line 5 30 C
WN_PSTCDE Post Code Post code 10 C
WN_KEY1 Key 1 Field !ndex key 1 5 C
WN_KEY2 Key 2 Field !ndex key 2 5 C
WN_KEY3 Key 3 Field !ndex key 3 5 C
WN_KEY+ Key + Field !ndex key + 5 C
WN_NEW New Employee Flag Flag to indicate new employee, set too "Y" infirst period of
1 C
WN_TOTSSPD TD SSP Days Total number of SSP days paid to-date 3 N
WN_TOTABS TD Abs Days Cumulative number of days absent, includes any SSPdays paid + N
WN_TGRSPAY TD Taxable Pay Cumulative gross pay in the tax year 10 N
WN_TOTTAX TD Tax Paid Cumulative tax paid in the tax year 10 N
WN_TOTPENS TD Pension Paid Cumulative pension paid in the tax year 10 N
WN_TOTSSPR TD SSP Received Cumulative SSP received in the tax year 10 N
WN_TOTSNP TD SNP Received Cumulative SNP received in the tax year 10 N
WN_TOTCHRT TD Charity Paid Cumulative charity paid in the tax year 10 N
WN_TOTCNEE CP EES CONP Cumulative employees CONP for the CONP period 10 N
WN_TOTCNER CP ERS CONP Cumulative employers CONP for the CONP period 10 N
WN_TCNEEYR TD EES CONP Cumulative employees CONP for the tax year 10 N
WN_TCNERYR TD ERS CONP Cumulative employers CONP for the tax year 10 N
WN_TOTPENL TD Pensionable Cumulative pensionable pay in the tax year 10 N
WN_TOTPAY TP Gross Pay This Period pay 10 N
WN_TOTHOL TD Holiday Days Cumulative holiday days 5 N
WN_ROUNDBF Rounding BfFwd Rounding value paid in last pay period 10 N
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@/1:&4""$ WNAME
WL_TOTSSPD TDTP SSP Days Total number of SSP days paid to-date includingthis pay period 3 N
WL_TOTABS TDTP Abs Days Cumulative number of days absent including thisperiod, includes
any SSP days paid
+ N
WL_TGRSPAY TDTP Taxable Pay Cumulative gross pay in the tax year includingthis period 10 N
WL_TOTTAX TDTP Tax Paid Cumulative tax paid in the tax year including thisperiod 10 N
WL_TOTPENS TDTP Pension Paid Cumulative pension paid in the tax year includingthis period 10 N
WL_TOTSSPR TDTP SSP Received Cumulative SSP received in the tax year includingthis period 10 N
WL_TOTSNP TDTP SNP Received Cumulative SNP received in the tax year includingthis period 10 N
WL_TOTCHRT TDTP Charity Paid Cumulative charity paid in the tax year includingthis period 10 N
WL_TOTCNEE TP EES CONP CONPPer Cumulative employees CONP for the CONP periodincluding this
10 N
WL_TOTCNER TP ERS CONP CONPPer Cumulative employers CONP for the CONP periodincluding this
10 N
WL_TCNEEYR TDTP EES CONP Cumulative employees CONP for the tax yearincluding this period 10 N
WL_TCNERYR TDTP ERS CONP Cumulative employers CONP for the tax yearincluding this period 10 N
WL_TOTPENL TDTP Pensionable Cumulative pensionable pay in the tax yearincluding this period 10 N
WL_TOTPAY TP Gross Pay Gross pay this period 10 N
WL_TOTHOL TDTP Holiday Cumulative days holiday taken including thisperiod 5 N
WL_TXB TP Taxable Pay Taxable pay this period 10 N
WL_TAX TP Tax Tax due this period 10 N
WL_NET TP Net Pay Net pay this period 10 N
WL_ERN! TP ERS N! Employers N! due this period 10 N
WL_EEN! TP EES N! Employees N! due this period 10 N
WL_CNON! TP CfO N! Contracted out N! this period 10 N
WL_N!EN TP N!able Pay N!'able pay this period 10 N
WL_N!ECO TP CfO N!able Pay Contracted out N!'able pay this period 10 N
WL_CONPEE TP EES CONP Employees CONP this period 10 N
WL_CONPER TP ERS CONP Employers CONP this period 10 N
WL_PEN TP Pension Pension this period 10 N
WL_PENBL TP Pensionable Pensionable pay this period 10 N
WL_ROUNDCF Rounding CfFwd Rounding value added to pay this period 10 N
WN_SSP1 SSP 1 Calc Gross Pay Gross pay for SSP calculation this period 10 N
WN_SSP2 SSP 2 Calc Gross Pay Gross pay for SSP calculation period -1 10 N
WN_SSP3 SSP 3 Calc Gross Pay Gross pay for SSP calculation period -2 10 N
WN_SSP+ SSP + Calc Gross Pay Gross pay for SSP calculation period -3 10 N
WN_SSP5 SSP 5 Calc Gross Pay Gross pay for SSP calculation period -+ 10 N
WN_SSP6 SSP 6 Calc Gross Pay Gross pay for SSP calculation period -5 10 N
WN_SSP7 SSP 7 Calc Gross Pay Gross pay for SSP calculation period -6 10 N
WN_SSP8 SSP 8 Calc Gross Pay Gross pay for SSP calculation period -7 10 N
WN_SSPDATE LP Last SSP Date Date of last day of illness for which SSP was paidup to the last pay
8 D
WL_SSPDATE TP Last SSP Date Date of last day of illness for which SSP was inthis pay period 8 D
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@/1:&4""$ WNAME
WL_ABSTP TP Abs Days Number of days absence in this pay period 3 N
WL_HOLTP TP Holidays Number of days holiday in this pay period 5 N
WN_NENO Nemo Employees memo field 10 N
WN_PROF Profile Number Employees profile number 3 N
WN_UELvAL U.E.Limit Employees upper earnings limit value 10 N
WL_HOL!P Holiday days flag Flag to indicate if the number of days annualholiday has been
entered on the employees record..T. indicates that an entry has
been made and willbe used in preference to an entry for the
company..F. is the default and will allow the use of thenumber of
days entered for the company
1 L
WN_HOLENT Holiday Entitlement Employee holiday entitlement 3 N
WL_KTAX Tax Not Deducted Tax not taken in this period because of K CodeOverriding
Regulatory Limit
10 N
WN_BOBSBDC BOBS BDC Code BOBS Benificiary Number + N
WN_BSREF BfS Roll No. Building society roll number for use with BOBSpayments 18 C
WN_GROUP Group Group 1 C
WN_N!CHDAT N!C Hol. Start Date Start Date for Employer's N!C Holiday 8 D
WN_N!CHANT N!C Hol. Amount N!C Holiday amount reclaimed by Employer 10 N
WN_BOBSTAT BOBS Status BOBS Status 0 = normal, 1 = new 2 = amended 1 N
HR_ONLYPER Only Personnel Flag Only Personnel Flag, .T. = record only in use inpersonnel .F.
record in use in payroll
1 L
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User 8 C
WN_SCON1 Current SCON Current Scheme Contracted Out Number 9 C
WN_SCON2 Previous SCON 1 First Previous Scheme Contracted Out Number 9 C
WN_SCON3 Previous SCON 2 Second Previous Scheme Contracted Out Number 9 C
WN_SCON+ Previous SCON 3 Third Previous Scheme Contracted Out Number 9 C
WN_P11D Flag for csv file set to True if record exported to ?_p11d.csv file 1 L
WN_CCCOF Code C Cont Out Flag 1 L
WL_TPLEE Ern up to LEL TP 10 N
WL_TPTEE Ern up to THR TP 10 N
WL_TPTUE Ern up to UEL TP 10 N
WL_N!RBTP N! Rebate TP 10 N
WN_REQP11D P11D Required P11D Required for employee 1 L
WL_GROSSTD Total Gross Pay TPTD Total of all Gross Pay TD including TP 10 N
WN_GROSSTD Total Gross Pay TD Total of all Gross Pay TD 10 N
WN_STCDE Scottish Code Prefix 1 C
WL_N!RBTPE EE N! Rebate TP 10 N
WL_WFTCTP Tax Credit TP 10 N
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@/1:&4""$ WNAME
WN_WFTCBF Tax Credit Bffwd 10 N
WL_WFTCCF Tax Credit Cffwd 10 N
WN_SLFLAG Student Loan Flag 1 L
WN_SLBFWD Student Loan Bffwd 10 N
WL_SLCFWD Student Loan Cffwd 10 N
WL_SLTP Student Loan TP 10 N
WN_TCPERYR Tax Credit End Date 6 C
WN_SNAPSHO Employee Snapshot Filename Path and filename for employee snapshot image file. 200 C
WL_N!EREFT EE N! Refund TP 10 N
WN_HOLAv 13 Week Average Pay 10 N
WN_P!WST P!W Start Date TD SSP Start of P!W, 'to date' 8 D
WN_P!WEND P!W End Date TD SSP End of P!W, 'to date' 8 D
WN_WA!TDAY No. Wait. Days TD SSP number of waiting days, 'to date' 2 N
WN_SSPWKS No. Wks SSP TD Number of weeks of SSP paid (including decimal fraction of a
week), 'to date'
6 N
WN_SSPPAYB SSP Paybl. P!W TD Specifies whether SSP is payable in the current P!W, 'to date' 1 L
WN_SSPLNKL SSP Link Lett. Start Start date of SSP linking letter 8 D
WN_SSPAvG SSP Avg. Earn. TD Average weekly earnings for SSP, 'to date' 12 N
WL_P!WST P!W Start Date TDTP SSP Start of P!W, 'to date this period' 8 D
WL_P!WEND P!W End Date TDTP SSP End of P!W, 'to date this period' 8 D
WL_WA!TDAY No. Wait. Days TDTP SSP number of waiting days, 'to date this period' 2 N
WL_SSPWKS No. Wks SSP TDTP Number of weeks of SSP paid (including decimal fraction of a
week), 'to date this period'
6 N
WL_SSPPAYB SSP Paybl. P!W TDTP Specifies whether SSP is payable in the current P!W, 'to date this
1 L
WL_SSPAvG SSP Avg. Earn. TDTP Average weekly earnings for SSP, 'to date this period' 12 N
WN_SPPBRTH SPP Birth TD Statutory Paternity Pay for Birth, To-Date 10 N
WN_SPPADOP SPP Adoption TD Statutory Paternity Pay for Adoption, To-Date 10 N
WN_SAP SAP TD Statutory Adoption Pay, To-Date 10 N
WL_SPPBRTH SPP Birth TDTP Statutory Paternity Pay for Birth, To-Date-This-Period 10 N
WL_SPPADOP SPP Adoption TDTP Statutory Paternity Pay for Adoption, To-Date-This-Period 10 N
WL_SAP SAP TDTP Statutory Adoption Pay, To-Date-This-Period 10 N
WN_TN!ER ERs N! To-Date 10 N
WN_TN!EE EEs N! To-Date 10 N
WN_TN!CO EEs CfO N! To-Date 10 N
WN_TN!ERN N!'able Earnings To-Date 10 N
WN_TN!COE N!'able CfO Earnings To-Date 10 N
WL_TN!ERN N!'able Earnings TDTP 10 N
WL_TN!COE N!'able CfO Earnings TDTP 10 N
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@/1:&4""$ WNAME
WN_D!RDTAP Directors Date of Appointment 10 D
WN_TCNEEYD Ee's CONP 'As Director' TD 10 N
WN_TCNERYD Er's CONP 'As Director' TD 10 N
WL_TCNEEYD Ee's CONP 'As Director' TDTP 10 N
WL_TCNERYD Er's CONP 'As Director' TDTP 10 N
WN_TRD!SP Employee on trade dispue Emploee on trade dispute 1 L
WN_TXRFWT Tax Refund withheld To-date Tax Refund withheld to-date 10 N
WL_TXRFWT Tax Refund withheld TDTP Tax Refund withheld To date this period 10 N
WN_PROJECT Default Nominal Project Default Nominal Project 8 C
WN_JOB Default Nominal Department Default Nominal Department 8 C
WN_D!RAPP Appropriate Personal Pension Director had an appropriate personal pension whilst on code A 1 L
WN_PRvTXCD Tax Code At Prev Period Tax code as at previous pay period. 7 C
WN_FRPAYTD Total Free Pay To-Date Total free pay To-Date. 10 N
WN_ADPAYTD Total Additional Pay To-Date Total additional pay To-Date. 10 N
WL_FRPAYTD Total Free Pay To-Date TP Total free pay To-Date This-Period. 10 N
WL_ADPAYTD Total Additional Pay TDTP Total additional pay To-Date This-Period. 10 N
WL_EEN!ADJ EE's N! Adjustment TP Employee's N! adjustment this period. 10 N
WL_ERN!ADJ ER's N! Adjustment TP Employer's N! adjustment this period. 10 N
WN_N!ADJ N! Adjusted This Tax Year N! has been adjusted this tax year. 1 L
WN_PRvWK1 Week 1 AT Prev Period Week 1 as at previous pay period. 1 C
-L 3.K:"$ WNITB
WT_NUNBER N! Number Number in N! table 2 N
WT_WEEKLY Weekly Earnings Lvl Weekly earnings level 10 N
WT_NONTHLY Nonthly Earnings Lvl Nonthly earnings level 10 N
WT_ANNUAL Annual Earnings Lvl Annual earnings level 10 N
WT_AER ERS Code A Rate Employers rate for code A 5 N
WT_BER ERS Code B Rate Employers rate for code B 5 N
WT_CER ERS Code C Rate Employers rate for code C 5 N
WT_DER ERS Code D Rate Employers rate for code D 5 N
WT_EER ERS Code E Rate Employers rate for code E 5 N
WT_FER ERS Code F Rate Employers rate for code F 5 N
WT_GER ERS Code G Rate Employers rate for code G 5 N
WT_SER ERS Code S Rate Employers rate for code S 5 N
WT_AEE EES Code A Rate Employees rate for code A 5 N
WT_BEE EES Code B Rate Employees rate for code B 5 N
WT_CEE EES Code C Rate Employees rate for code C 5 N
WT_DEE EES Code D Rate Employees rate for code D 5 N
WT_EEE EES Code E Rate Employees rate for code E 5 N
WT_FEE EES Code F Rate Employees rate for code F 5 N
WT_GEE EES Code G Rate Employees rate for code G 5 N
WT_SEE EES Code S Rate Employees rate for code S 5 N
WT_JER ERS Code J Rate ERS Code J Rate 5 N
WT_JEE EES Code J Rate EES Code J Rate 5 N
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-L 3.K:"$ WNITB
WT_LER ERS Code L Rate ERS Code L Rate 5 N
WT_LEE EES Code L Rate EES Code L Rate 5 N
-&/%'.: 3#.'$D"# WNOML
WX_NACNT Account Nominal ledger account number 8 C
WX_NCNTR Cost Centre Nominal ledger cost centre + C
WX_TYPE Type Transaction type 1 C
WX_DATE Date Transaction date 8 D
WX_vALUE value Transaction value 12 N
WX_TREF Reference Transaction reference +0 C
WX_CONNENT Comment Transaction comment +0 C
WX_DONE Transferred Completed flag, set to "Y" after transfer tonominal 1 C
WX_FCURR Currency Currency Code of Nominal Account 3 C
WX_FvALUE Foreign value 12 N
WX_FCRATE Exchange Rate Exchange Rate at time of Posting 11 N
WX_FCNULT FC.Nultiply 1 L
WX_FCDEC FC.Decimal Places 1 N
WX_SRCCO Source Company Source Company That This Analysis Line Has BeenPosted From 1 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
WX_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
WX_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
WX_JRNL Journal Number Journal Number 5 N
WX_UN!QUE Unique !D Unique !D 8 C
C), C.4/"'2$ WP32PY
WPY_CONP Company Code 1 C
WPY_YEAR Tax Year Tax Year the payment record belongs to. + C
WPY_WEEK Week Tax Week the payment record belongs to 2 N
WPY_FRNONTH From Nonth From month 2 N
WPY_DTEPD Date Payment Nade Date Payment Nade 8 D
WPY_ANNTPD Payment Amount Payment Amount 12 N
WPY_REF Reference Reference 30 C
WPY_NENO Nemo 10 N
WPY_NETTAX Net Tax Net Tax 12 N
WPY_NETN!C Net N!C Net N!C 12 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
WPY_TONONTH To Nonth To month 2 N
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C), 3#.'$.A2%&'$ WP32TR
W3_CONP Company Code !D Code of the company that the P32 record belongs to. 1 C
W3_YEAR Tax Year Tax Year the P32 record belongs to. + C
W3_WEEK Week Tax Week the P32 record belongs to. 2 N
W3_NONTH Nonth Tax Nonth the P32 record belongs to. 2 N
W3_PER!OD Pay Period Pay Period the P32 record belongs to. 2 N
W3_TYPE Posting Type Posting Type 1 C
W3_GROUP Group Payroll Group Code 1 C
W3_GRTAX !ncome Tax !ncome Tax 12 N
W3_STLNDED Student Loan Deductions Student Loan Deductions 12 N
W3_TXCRPD Tax Credits Paid Tax Credits Paid 12 N
W3_NTTAX Net Tax Net Tax 12 N
W3_GRN!C Gross N!Cs Gross N!Cs 12 N
W3_SSPREC SSP Recovered SSP Recovered 12 N
W3_SNPREC SNP Recovered SNP Recovered 12 N
W3_SPPREC SPP Recovered SPP Recovered 12 N
W3_SAPREC SAP Recovered SAP Recovered 12 N
W3_N!CHOL N!C Holiday Claimed N!C Holiday Claimed 12 N
W3_N!CDED Deductions from N!Cs Deductions from N!Cs 12 N
W3_NETN!C Net N!C Net N!C 12 N
W3_ANOUNT Amount Due Amount Due, i.e. payable, to the !nland Revenue 12 N
W3_DTEPA!D P32 Payment Date Date Paid to !nland Revenue 8 D
W3_SSPPD SSP Paid SSP Paid 12 N
W3_SNPPD SNP Paid SNP Paid 12 N
W3_SPPPD SPP Paid SPP Paid 12 N
W3_SAPPD SAP Paid SAP Paid 12 N
W3_SNPCONP SNP N!C Compensation SNP N!C Compensation 12 N
W3_SPPCONP SPP N!C Compensation SPP N!C Compensation 12 N
W3_SAPCONP SAP N!C Compensation SAP N!C Compensation 12 N
W3_DESC Description Description 30 C
W3_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User 8 C
W3_PAYDATE Calculation Payment Date 8 D
W3_GRPNANE Group name 30 C
W3_PAYFREQ Pay Frequency + C
!D Unique !D 10 N
W3_SSPRECP SSP Recovery Percentage SSP Recovery Percentage 5 N
J12%&'$ WPARM
WP_CONP CONP Flag CONP flag, .T.=CONP scheme in use 1 L
WP_CONPER CONP ERS pays EES Set to .T. when employer pays employees CONP 1 L
WP_CONPN!L CONP N! LEL and UEL Set to .T. when N! LEL and UEL used for CONPcalculation 1 L
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J12%&'$ WPARM
WP_ANALDEP Departments Set to .T. when payroll departments in use, mayonly be set to .F.
when nominal ledger costcentres are used
1 L
WP_WKDHOL Company Hols. Weeks Number of weeks for company holiday 1 N
WP_PAYPERD Pay Periods Permitted pay periods + C
WP_HRSDORN Hours 8 Ninutes Flag to indicate if hours+decimals orhours+minutes are used 1 L
WP_LELvAL LEL for Pension Calc Lower earnings limit value for pension calculation 10 N
WP_UELPEN UEL for Pension Calc Upper earnings limit value for pension calculation 10 N
WP_CHAR!TY Nax. Charity Naximum annual tax free charity deduction 10 N
WP_TAXRBAT Nax Tax Refund Naximum tax refund permitted for new starterwithout reference to
tax office
10 N
WP_PAYEREF PAYE Reference Company PAYE reference number 12 C
WP_TAXD!ST Tax District Tax district 30 C
WP_CONONUN ECON Number Employer's Contracted Out Number 9 C
WP_SUNNPP History Periods Number of periods to keep summary history records 3 N
WP_SL!PPP Payslip Hist. Pers. Number of periods to keep payslip images insummary history
3 N
WP_TPER!OD Current Period Current period number 2 N
WP_LPER!OD Previous Period Previous period number 2 N
WP_NLN!CST Nominal AfC ERS N! Nominal ledger account for employers contribution 8 C
WP_NLN!EER Nominal AfC EES N! Nominal ledger account number for employers andemployees
8 C
WP_NLPAYE Nominal AfC PAYE Nominal ledger account number for PAYE 8 C
WP_NLCONPR Nominal AfC ERS CONP Nominal ledger account for employers CONP 8 C
WP_NLCONPE Nominal AfC EES CONP Nominal ledger account number for employers andemployees
8 C
WP_NLWGCON Nominal AfC Contra Nominal ledger account number for contra entry 8 C
WP_NLWGSUS Nominal AfC Suspense Nominal ledger account number for suspense account 8 C
WP_NOFRN!N Ninimum Coinage Note Number in coinage table for minimum notes 2 N
WP_N!NNUN Ninimum No. of Notes Ninimum number of motes 2 N
WP_CHQUPLN Upper Cheque Limit Upper cheque limit 10 N
WP_BSRTPNT Base Rate PAYE Table Pointer to PAYE base rate in PAYE tables 2 N
WP_BKSORT Cmpy Bank Sort Code Sort code of company bank account 6 C
WP_BKACNO Cmpy Bank Account Company bank account number 8 C
WP_ETCODE Emergency Tax Code Emergency tax code to be used as default for newstarters 7 C
WP_PAYNTH Permitted Pay Nethds Permitted pay methods 10 C
WP_OLDLEL Old LEL Lower earnings limit pointer for old LEL 2 N
WP_NEWLEL New LEL Lower earnings limit pointer for new LEL 2 N
WP_OLDUEL Old UEL Upper earnings limit pointer for old UEL 2 N
WP_NEWUEL New UEL Upper earnings limit pointer for new UEL 2 N
WP_OLDDTE Date of Old N! Table Date of old N! tables 8 D
WP_NEWDTE Date of New N! Table Date of new N! tables 8 D
WP_OLDWEEK Week No. Old N! !mplementaion week number for old N! tables 2 N
WP_NEWWEEK Week No. New N! !mplementaion week number for new N! tables 2 N
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J12%&'$ WPARM
WP_OLDNTH Nonth No. Old N! !mplementaion month number for old N! tables 2 N
WP_NEWNTH Nonth No. New N! !mplementaion month number for new N! tables 2 N
WP_OLDYEAR Year No. Old N! Year number for old N! tables + C
WP_NEWYEAR Year No. New N! Year number for new N! tables + C
WP_YEAR Current Year Current year number, e.g. 939+ is the year numberfor the April 93
to April 9+ tax year
+ N
WP_ROUND Rounding value value to use for rounding calculation + N
WP_COSTCNT Default Cost Centre Default cost centre + C
WP_BACS BACS flag BACS system in use 12 C
WP_BKACNAN Cmpy Bank Acc Name Company bank account name 18 C
WP_BOBCNUN BOBS Customer Num. BOBS customer number + N
WP_BOBSTNA BOBS Statmnt Narr. BOBS statement narrative 18 C
WP_BOBPYRE BOBS Payment Ref. BOBS payment reference 18 C
WP_BOBAPPL BOBS App. Number BOBS application number 2 N
WP_LOWGROS Low Gross value value to use for checking low gross value incalculation routine 10 N
WP_LOWNET Low Net value value to use for checking low net pay incalculation routine 10 N
WP_KL!N!T K Code Limit limit for tax deducted under K code 5 N
WP_NLROUND Rounding NL Account Rounding NL Account 8 C
WP_NLERPC ERS Pens. NL Cre AfC Employer's Pension Nominal Ledger Credit Account 8 C
WP_NLHOLC Holiday NL Cre AfC Holiday Accrual Nominal Ledger Credit Account 8 C
WP_COHOL Days Company Holiday No of days company holiday 2 N
WP_SL!PDTE Payslip Date Date used on last payslip print 8 D
WP_NLCO!D NfL Company Code Company code to be used for nominal ledgertransfer. 1 C
WP_NCN!CST ER N! Cost Centre Nominal ledger cost centre for employers N!contribution + C
WP_NCN!EER ERS 8 EES N! CC Nominal ledger cost centre for employers andemployees N!
+ C
WP_NCPAYE PAYE Cost Centre Nominal ledger cost centre for PAYE + C
WP_NCCONPR ERS CONP Cost Centre Nominal ledger cost centre for employers CONP + C
WP_NCCONPE ERS 8 EES CONP CC Nominal ledger cost centre for employers andemployees CONP + C
WP_NCWGCON Contra Cost Centre Nominal ledger cost centre for contra entry + C
WP_NCWGSUS Suspense Cost Centre Nominal ledger cost centre for suspense + C
WP_NCROUND Rounding Cost Centre Nominal ledger cost centre for rounding + C
WP_NCERPC ERS Pens Cre AfC CC Employer's Pension Nominal Ledger Credit Account + C
WP_NCHOLC Hol. NL CRE AfC CC Holiday Accrual Nominal Ledger Cost Centre + C
WP_ENPHOL !ndividual Hol Days Flag to indicate if holiday entitlement can beentered on employees
record. .T. = Yes .F.= No
1 L
WP_BOBSBDC Next BOBS BfDfC No. Next unique BOBS BfDfC number + N
WP_NLNASK NfL mask flag Nominal ledger mask flag 1 L
WP_NCODES NfL mask codes Nominal ledger mask codes 2+ C
WP_NNN!CST ER N! NfL mask flag Employers national insurance nominal ledger maskflag 1 L
WP_NNN!EER EE N! NfL mask flag Employee national insurance mask flag 1 L
WP_NNPAYE PAYE NfL mask flag PAYE nominal ledger mask flag 1 L
WP_NNCONPR ER CONP NL mask flag Employer CONP nominal ledger mask flag 1 L
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J12%&'$ WPARM
WP_NNCONPE EE CONP NL mask flag Employee CONP nominal ledger mask flag 1 L
WP_NNWGCON Contra NfL mask flag Contra nominal ledger mask flag 1 L
WP_NNWGSUS Suspense NL mask flg Suspense nominal ledger mask flag 1 L
WP_NNROUND Rounding NL mask flg Rounding nominal ledger mask flag 1 L
WP_NNERPC ERS Pens NL mask flg Employers pension nominal ledger mask flag 1 L
WP_NNHOLC Hol Accr NL Nask flg Holiday Accrual nominal ledger mask flag 1 L
WP_GROUP Group Code Group Code 1 C
WP_USEGRP Use Groups Flag Use Groups Flag 1 L
WP_CCENTRE Blank Ctrl AfC CCtre Post Blank Ctrl AfC Cost Centres 1 L
WP_SCON Default SCON Default Scheme Contacted Out Number 9 C
WP_TXTONLY Text only PfSl !mage Keep Text only Payslip !mage in Windows 1 L
WP_NEWTL N! Threshold Level 2 N
WP_OLDTL Old N! Thresh Level 2 N
WP_FORNTYP Default P1+ form Default form type for P1+'s.!f = 1 then 80 chrs wide.2 = 132 chrs
wide,3 = laser form (windows only)
1 N
WP_NEWETL Emp'ee N! Threshold 2 N
WP_OLDETL Old EE N! Threshold 2 N
WP_SLTHR Student Loan Threshold 5 N
WP_SLPERC Student Loan 5 N
WP_P+5STD Pre-Printed P+5's 1 L
WP_HOLPAYL Holiday Pay List 50 C
WP_HOLPAYN Holiday Pay Payment Number 3 N
WP_HOLPAYW Holiday Pay Weeks 2 N
WP_HOLPAYC C Week Hol Pay 1 L
WP_HOLPAYE Edit Hol Pay History 1 L
WP_P+5TYPE P+5 Type 1 N
WP_P35TYPE P35 Type 1 N
WP_CHQTYPE Cheque Type 1 N
WP_FULLSSP Use Full SSP Specifies whether full SSP processing is to be used. 1 L
WP_SSPQDSU SSP QD !nd Sun SSP Qualifying Day Pattern !ndicator for Sunday (for the company
default qualifying days pattern)
1 L
WP_SSPQDNO SSP QD !nd Non SSP Qualifying Day Pattern !ndicator for Nonday (for the company
default qualifying days pattern)
1 L
WP_SSPQDTU SSP QD !nd Tue SSP Qualifying Day Pattern !ndicator for Tuesday (for the
company default qualifying days pattern)
1 L
WP_SSPQDWE SSP QD !nd Wed SSP Qualifying Day Pattern !ndicator for Wednesday (for the
company default qualifying days pattern)
1 L
WP_SSPQDTH SSP QD !nd Thu SSP Qualifying Day Pattern !ndicator for Thursday (for the
company default qualifying days pattern)
1 L
WP_SSPQDFR SSP QD !nd Fri SSP Qualifying Day Pattern !ndicator for Friday (for the company
default qualifying days pattern)
1 L
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J12%&'$ WPARM
WP_SSPQDSA SSP QD !nd Sat SSP Qualifying Day Pattern !ndicator for Saturday (for the
company default qualifying days pattern)
1 L
WP_QDAYS SSP Qualifying Days SSP Qualifying Days (for the company default qualifying days
1 N
WP_FULLSNP Use Full SNP Specifies whether full SNP processing is to be used. 1 L
WP_SER Small ER Relief Species whether company is entitled to Small Employers Relief for
1 L
WP_RETSSNP SSPfSNP Retain Yrs Number of years that SSP and SNP historical details are to be
retained for.
2 N
WP_PREvLEL Previous LEL value Previous LEL value from old table 10 N
WP_SUPJT NL Journal Type Journal Type for SU Payroll Nominal Export file 5 C
WP_SUPJS NL Journal Source Journal Source for SU Payroll Nominal Export file 5 C
WP_SUPCA NL CfCentre Analysis Category Cost Centre Analysis Category for SU Payroll Nominal Export file 1 N
WP_SUPEP NL Export Path Export Path for SU Payroll Nominal Export file 25+ C
WP_P32CONP P32 Consolidation Company Code P32 Consolidation Company Code 1 C
WP_P32FREQ P32 Pay Frequency P32 Payment Frequency 1= Nonthly, 2 = Quarterly 1 N
WP_ACCOREF Accounts Office Ref Account Office Reference 13 C
WP_ADvPEN Use Advanced Pensions Use advanced pensions processing within Payroll. 1 L
WP_TRD!SP Group on trade dispute Group on trade dispute 1 L
WP_SUPPA NL Project Analysis Category Nominal Ledger Project Anaysis category 2 N
WP_SUPJA NL Project Dept Category Nominal Ledger Departmental Analysis Category 2 N
WP_AOADN Ded. Att Ord Adm Fee Deduct attachment order admin fee. 1 L
WP_AOSTDF Stnd AO Admin Fee Standard attachment order admin fee 5 N
WP_AOSCOF Scott AO Admin Fee Scottish attachment order admin fee 5 N
WP_FULLSPP Use Full SPP Processing Use Full SPP Processing Flag 1 L
WP_SSPEOPD Pay SSP to End of Period Pay SSP to end of period 1 L
WP_SNPEOPD Pay SNP to End of Period Pay SNP to end of period 1 L
C.4/"'2$ X G"F9A2'$ WPAYD
WY_CDE Code PaymentfDeduction code in the format ANN, paymentsare prefixed
with an "A", deductions are prefixedwith a "D"
+ C
WY_DESC Description Payment or deduction description 10 C
WY_TYPE Type Payment or deduction type 1 C
WY_NLCD NL Account Nominal ledger account number 8 C
WY_PZERO Prt !f Zero !f set to "Y" the paymentfdeduction is to beprinted even when the
value for the period is zero
1 C
WY_NHOL Nult. Holiday Nultiply for holidays flag, if set to "Y" thepaymentfdeduction is to
be multiplied when aweekly paid employee is paid in advance
1 C
WY_PBAL Print Balance Print balance, if the flag is set to "Y" then theaccumulated balance
is to be printed on thepayslip
1 C
WY_BALDES Bal. Description Description to be printed with the balance 10 C
WY_ALGN !np.Alignment !nput alignment, a number in the range 1 to +indicates the first
column the cursor will go toin the paymentfdeduction screen
1 C
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C.4/"'2$ X G"F9A2'$ WPAYD
WY_RETA!N Retain Retain units flag, if set to "Y" the entered unitswill be carried
forward from one period to thenext
1 C
WY_TAXABLE Taxable Taxable flag, "Y" indicates the paymentfdeductionis to be included
in the tax calculation
1 C
WY_N!ABLE N!'able N!'able flag, "Y" indicates the paymentfdeductionis to be included
in the N! calculation
1 C
WY_PENABLE Pens'able Pensionable flag, "Y" indicates thepaymentfdeduction is to be
included in the pensioncalculation
1 C
WY_SSPABLE SSP'able SSP'able flag, "Y" indicates the paymentfdeductionis to be
included in the SSP calculation
1 C
WY_HOLABLE Hol'able Holable flag, "Y" indicates the paymentfdeductionis to be included
in the holiday type calculation
1 C
WY_BALNO Bal.Number Balance number, indicates the deduction balancenumber that a
payment is to be deducted from
3 N
WY_NODDATE Last Nodified Date PaymentfDeduction parameter was last modified 8 D
WY_NASK NfL mask flag Nominal ledger mask flag 1 L
WY_NEGBAL Neg. Hol Allow Holiday Fund to go Negative 1 C
WY_BASE Base for rate 2 C
WY_PERC on base 8 N
WY_PENCD Pension Scheme Code Scheme Code of related pension 10 C
WY_ATTCHBL Attachable For a payment, is it attachable, for a deduction, is it to be taken
before calculation of attachable earnings
1 L
WY_AOTYPE Attach. Order Type Attachment Order Type (deductions only) 2 N
3.O 3.K:"$ WPAYE
WE_NUNBER Tax Number PAYE table entry number 2 N
WE_!NTX Percentage Tax + N
WE_CNBW Cumulative Bandwidth Cumulative tax bandwidth 10 N
3.O 3.K:"$ WPAYES
WE_NUNBER Tax Number 2 N
WE_!NTX Percentage + N
WE_CNBW Cumulative Bandwidth 10 N
C.4* C"'* =A7* C.4/2 WPNPY
WPN_CODE Pension Scheme Code Scheme Code of related pension 10 C
WPN_PAYCDE Payment Prof Code Payment Profile Code + C
WPN_CONNENT Comment +0 C
C.4* C"'$%&' =A7"/"$ WPNSC
WPS_CODE Pension Scheme Code Pension Scheme Code 10 C
WPS_DESC Scheme Description Pension Scheme Description +0 C
WPS_TYPE Scheme Type Pension Scheme Type 2 N
WPS_SCON SCON Pension Scheme SCON 9 C
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C.4* C"'$%&' =A7"/"$ WPNSC
WPS_ERN!N ERs Nin Contribution Employer minimum pension scheme contribution per period 10 N
WPS_EEN!N EEs Nin Contribution Employee minimum pension scheme contribution per period 10 N
WPS_EREEN ERs+EEs Nin Contribution Combined employer and employee minimum pension scheme
contribution per period
10 N
WPS_ERNAX ERs Nax Contribution Employer maximum pension scheme contribution per year 10 N
WPS_EENAX EEs Nax Contribution Employee maximum pension scheme contribution per year 10 N
WPS_ERPER ER Cont val or Perc !s employer contribution a percentage (or an amount) 1 N
WPS_ERDCT Default ER Cont Default employer contribution (percentage or value) 10 N
WPS_EEPER EE Cont val or Perc !s employee contribution a percentage (or an amount) 1 N
WPS_EEDCT Default EE Cont Default employee contribution (percentage or value) 10 N
WPS_ERRST ER Earn Restr Employers earnings restriction indicator 2 N
WPS_ERLEL ER Restr LEL Employer restricted LEL 10 N
WPS_ERUEL ER Restr UEL Employer restricted UEL 10 N
WPS_EERST EE Earn Restr Employees earnings restriction indicator 2 N
WPS_EELEL EE Restr LEL Employee restricted LEL 10 N
WPS_EEUEL EE Restr UEL Employee restricted UEL 10 N
WPS_EEBTAX EE Cont Net Tax Employee contribution to be net of basic rate tax (indicator) 0 L
WPS_ALLPAY Perc All Paym Employee and employer percentage deductions apply to all
payment profiles (indicator).
0 L
WPS_EOYCLR Clear Contr YEnd Clear contributions at tax year end (indicator) 0 L
WPS_SHP Stakehold Based Stakeholder pension based (indicator) 0 L
WPS_PRNANE Provider Name Pension Provider Name +0 C
WPS_PRADD1 Provider Address 1 Provider Address Line 1 +0 C
WPS_PRADD2 Provider Address 2 Provider Address Line 2 +0 C
WPS_PRADD3 Provider Address 3 Provider Address Line 3 +0 C
WPS_PRADD+ Provider Address + Provider Address Line + +0 C
WPS_PRADD5 Provider Address 5 Provider Address Line 5 +0 C
WPS_PRPSCD Provider Postcode Provider Postcode 8 C
WPS_PRTEL Provider Tel No Provider Telephone Number 20 C
WPS_PRFAX Provider Fax No Provider fax number 20 C
WPS_PRENL Provider Email Provider Email Address +0 C
WPS_PRCNT Provider Contact Provider Contact Name +0 C
WPS_PRREF Provider Ref Providers ref. that identifies the employer 25 C
WPS_SCREF Scheme Ref Reference that identifies the specific scheme with the provider 25 C
WPS_ADNANE Administrator Name Administrator Name +0 C
WPS_ADADD1 Administrator Addr 1 Administrator Address Line 1 +0 C
WPS_ADADD2 Administrator Addr 2 Administrator Address Line 2 +0 C
WPS_ADADD3 Administrator Addr 3 Administrator Address Line 3 +0 C
WPS_ADADD+ Administrator Addr + Administrator Address Line + +0 C
WPS_ADADD5 Administrator Addr 5 Administrator Address Line 5 +0 C
WPS_ADPSCD Administrator Postcode Administrator Postcode 8 C
WPS_ADTEL Administrator Tel No Administrator Telephone Number 20 C
WPS_ADFAX Administrator Fax No Administrator Fax Number 20 C
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C.4* C"'$%&' =A7"/"$ WPNSC
WPS_ADENL Administrator Email Administrator Email Address +0 C
WPS_ADCNT Administrator Contact Administrator Contact Name +0 C
WPS_ADREF Administrator Ref Reference that indentifies the administrator 25 C
WPS_NENO Nemo 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 10 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendement Date 10 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendement Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendement User 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
WPS_ERBTAX ER Cont Net Tax Employer contribution to be net of basic rate tax (indicator) 0 L
C#&D%:"$ WPROF
WF_NUNBER Profile Number Employee profile number 3 N
WF_CONP CONP Flag CONP flag, if set to .T. then employees in thisprofile are in the
CONP scheme
1 L
WF_SSPDAYS SSP Days SSP days in a normal working week for employees ina profile 1 N
WF_HOLENT Ann.Holiday Annual holiday entitlement in days for employeesin a profile 2 N
WF_NODDATE Last Nodified Date the profile details were last changed 8 D
WF_DESCR!P Description Profile description 25 C
WF_PAYNTH Pay Nethod Pay method 1 C
WF_D!R Dirs.Flag Director flag 1 L
WF_CAR CCar.Flag Company car flag 1 L
WF_PAYDED Payments fDeductions Flag settings for payments 8 Deductions, set to"Y" to indicate item
is in use for the profile
100 C
WF_TRF2CB Cashbook Transfer 1 L
WF_NLCD NL Bank Account 12 C
WF_CBTYPE Cashbook Type 2 C
WF_PAY List of Pay !ds 200 C
WF_DED List of Ded !ds 200 C
WF_QDCODE SSP QDs Profile Code SSP qualifying days profile code 10 C
WF_TRD!SP Emp. profile on trade dispute Employee profile on trade dispute 1 L
WF_KEEPNPR Keep Ee Nominal Project Keep employee nominal project 1 L
WF_KEEPNJB Keep Ee Nominal Department Keep employee nominal department 1 L
=0J- 3#.'$.A2%&'$ WSCON
WC_REF Employee Reference Employee Reference 8 C
WC_N!CDE N! Code N! Code 1 C
WC_YEAR N! Year N! Year + C
WC_GROUP Payroll Group Payroll Group 1 C
WC_TN!ER Total Employer N! Total Employer N! 10 N
WC_TN!EE Total Employee N! Total Employee N! 10 N
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=0J- 3#.'$.A2%&'$ WSCON
WC_TN!CO Total Contracted Out Total Contracted Out N! 10 N
WC_TN!ERN Tot N!'able Earnings Total N!'able Earnings 10 N
WC_TN!COE Total CfO Earnings Total Contracted Out Earnings 10 N
WC_CN!ER Cffwd Employer N! Cffwd Employer N! 10 N
WC_CN!EE Cffwd Employee N! Cffwd Employee N! 10 N
WC_CN!CO Cffwd Contracted Out Cffwd Contracted Out 10 N
WC_CN!ERN CfF N!'able Earnings Cffwd N!'able Earnings 10 N
WC_CN!OE Cffwd CfO Earnings Cffwd Contracted Out Earnings 10 N
WC_TLEE Ern up to LEL Total 10 N
WC_TEEE Ern up to THR Total 10 N
WC_TUEE Ern up to UEL Total 10 N
WC_CLEE Ern up to LEL Cffwd 10 N
WC_CEEE Ern up to THR Cffwd 10 N
WC_CUEE Ern up to UEL Cffwd 10 N
WC_TLEEE Ern up to EET Total 10 N
WC_CLEEE Ern up to EET Cffwd 10 N
==C WG$ C#&D G"2.%:$ WSQDDT
WO_CODE SSP QD Pattern Code Code for this SSP qualifying days pattern profile header (i.e. the
link to this record's parent).
10 C
WO_SSPQDSU SSP QD !nd Sun SSP Qualifying Day Pattern !ndicator for Sunday (for this week of
the qualifying days pattern profile)
1 L
WO_SSPQDNO SSP QD !nd Non SSP Qualifying Day Pattern !ndicator for Nonday (for this week of
the qualifying days pattern profile)
1 L
WO_SSPQDTU SSP QD !nd Tue SSP Qualifying Day Pattern !ndicator for Tuesday (for this week of
the qualifying days pattern profile)
1 L
WO_SSPQDWE SSP QD !nd Wed SSP Qualifying Day Pattern !ndicator for Wednesday (for this week
of the qualifying days pattern profile)
1 L
WO_SSPQDTH SSP QD !nd Thu SSP Qualifying Day Pattern !ndicator for Thursday (for this week
of the qualifying days pattern profile)
1 L
WO_SSPQDFR SSP QD !nd Fri SSP Qualifying Day Pattern !ndicator for Friday (for this week of
the qualifying days pattern profile)
1 L
WO_SSPQDSA SSP QD !nd Sat SSP Qualifying Day Pattern !ndicator for Saturday (for this week of
the qualifying days pattern profile)
1 L
WO_QDAYS Qualifying Days Number of SSP Qualifying Days (within this week of the qualifying
days pattern profile)
1 N
WO_WEEKNO Week Number Week Number (i.e. position of this week within the qualifying days
pattern profile)
3 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
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==C WG$ C#&D G"2.%:$ WSQDDT
!D Unique !D 10 N
==C WG$ C#&D I".F"# WSQDHR
WJ_CODE SSP QD Pattern Code Code for this SSP qualifying days pattern profile. 10 C
WJ_DESC SSP QD Pattern Desc Description for this SSP qualifying days pattern profile. +0 C
WJ_NENO SSP QD Pattern Nemo Nemo for this SSP qualifying days pattern profile. 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
WJ_STARTDT Profile start date 8 D
==CM=HC C.#./"2"#$ WSSMP
WN_NUNBER Table Number N!fPAYEfSSPfSNP Table Number this record is associated with 2 N
WN_WA!TDYS Nax SSP Wait. Days Naximum number of SSP waiting days 2 N
WN_P!WDYS SSP P!W Days Number of days required to form a P!W 2 N
WN_P!WL!NK SSP P!W Link Days Naximum number of days for a P!W to link. 3 N
WN_NAXSPWK Nax SSP Wks Paybl. Naximum number of weeks SSP that can be paid 3 N
WN_WARNSSP SSP Warning Weeks Number of weeks at which to warn that the max. number of
weeks SSP payable is approaching.
3 N
WN_NAXP!W Nax P!W Years Naximum number of years that P!Ws can link for 2 N
WN_SSPRECP SSP Recov. Perc. SSP recovery percentage rate 5 N
WN_QD1FR SSP QD 1 Fraction Decimal fraction that represents qualifying days of 1 5 N
WN_QD2FR SSP QD 2 Fraction Decimal fraction that represents qualifying days of 2 5 N
WN_QD3FR SSP QD 3 Fraction Decimal fraction that represents qualifying days of 3 5 N
WN_QD+FR SSP QD + Fraction Decimal fraction that represents qualifying days of + 5 N
WN_QD5FR SSP QD 5 Fraction Decimal fraction that represents qualifying days of 5 5 N
WN_QD6FR SSP QD 6 Fraction Decimal fraction that represents qualifying days of 6 5 N
WN_QD7FR SSP QD 7 Fraction Decimal fraction that represents qualifying days of 7 5 N
WN_H!GHPER SNP Higher Rate SNP higher percentage rate 5 N
WN_LOWANT SNP Lower Rate SNP lower rate amount 6 N
WN_H!GHWKS SNP Higher Weeks Number of weeks that the higher rate of SNP applies for. 2 N
WN_LOWWKS SNP Lower Weeks Number of weeks that the lower rate of SNP applies for. 2 N
WN_REGRPER SNP Reg. Rec. Rate SNP reclaim percentage rate for regular (i.e. not small) employers. 6 N
WN_REGCPER SNP Reg. Comp. Rate SNP N!C compensation percentage rate for regular (i.e. not small)
5 N
WN_SERRPER SNP SER Recl. Rate SNP reclaim percentage rate for small employers relief (SER) 6 N
WN_SERCPER SNP SER Comp. Rate SNP N!C compensation percentage rate for small employers relief. 5 N
WN_NPPWKS SNP NPP Weeks SNP - number of weeks the maternity pay period (NPP) applies
2 N
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==CM=HC C.#./"2"#$ WSSMP
WN_NPSTWKS SNP NPP Start Weeks SNP - number of weeks the maternity pay period can start at the
2 N
WN_NEDWKS SNP Nedical Weeks SNP - number of weeks that medical evidence can be accepted at
the earliest.
2 N
WN_QUALWKS SNP Qualifying Weeks SNP - number of weeks the qualifying week applies from. 2 N
WN_CONTWKS SNP Cont. Employ Wks SNP - number of weeks for continuous employment. 2 N
WN_PENDWKS SNP Preg. End Wks SNP - number of weeks for pregnancy end. 2 N
WN_P!LLWKS SNP Preg. !lln. Wks SNP - number of weeks for pregnancy related illness. 2 N
WN_NTFYDYS SNP Notify Days SNP - number of days employee must give notification by. 3 N
WN_RPSNP SNP Relevant Period SNP Relevant Period 2 N
WN_RPSSP SSP Relevant Period SSP Relevant Period 2 N
WN_N!NvAL Underpin SNP rate Ninimum rate of SSP applies 1 L
WN_NPPST Any Day NPP Start !ndicates whether the NPP can start on day (for certain
circumstances, e.g. early birth).
1 L
WN_SPPH!GH Higher Rate for SPP Higher earnings rate for SPP 5 N
WN_SPPLOW Lower Rate for SPP Lower earnings rate for SPP 6 N
WN_SPPWKS PPP Naximum Weeks SPP - Naximum number of weeks paternity pay period applies for 2 N
WN_SPPLDYS SPP Leave Limit in Days SPP - Limit, in days, within which leave must be taken 3 N
WN_SPPNDYS SPP Days Notification SPP - number of days notification employee must give 3 N
==C 3.K:"$ WSSPT
WS_NUNBER SSP Number SSP table entry number 2 N
WS_SSPRT SSP Rate Weekly SSP pay rate 10 N
WS_SSPRG SSP Range Weekly SSP pay range 10 N
3#.'$.A2%&'$ WTRAN
WR_REF Employee Reference Employee reference 8 C
WR_TRNCDE Code Paymentfdeduction code + C
WR_PERNvAL Perm. value Permanent value 10 N
WR_TENPvAL Temp. value Temporary value 10 N
WR_UN!TS Units Units 10 N
WR_RATE Rate Rate 10 N
WR_PAYvAL TP value value for the pay period 10 N
WR_BALTD TD Balance Cumulative balance up to the last pay period 10 N
WR_BALTDTP TDTP Balance Cumulative balance up to and including the currentpay period 10 N
WR_PERPRN Perc.Flag Flag to indicate if the calculation is to beused 1 C
WR_PERTNP Temp.Zero.Flag Flag to indicate if a temporary value of zero isto be used in the
current pay period
1 C
WR_GROUP Group Code Group Code 1 C
WR_TCOR!DE Tax Credit Override 1 L
WR_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
WR_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
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<K$"'A" 8"A&#F$ HABTRN
HB_REF Employee Reference Employee Reference 8 C
HB_GROUP Group Code Group Code 1 C
HB_CODE Absence Code Absence Code 1 C
HB_FDATE From Date From Date 8 D
HB_TDATE To Date To Date 8 D
HB_DAYS Number of Days Number of Days 5 N
HB_NOT!FY Notification Notification 20 C
HB_NETHOD Nethod Nethod 10 C
HB_CERT!F Certified Certified 1 L
HB_EXPDTE Expiry Date Expiry Date 8 D
HB_REASON Reason Reason + C
HB_EDESC Extended Description Extended Description 10 N
HB_COST Cost of Absence 10 N
HB_FHALF Half Day is First Half Day is First .T.= half day is first .F. =half day is last 1 L
HB_UN!TS Absence HrsfNins Absence HoursfNinutes or Hours (decimal) 10 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
HB_SSPSPC SSP Spec. Circ. SSP special circumstances indicator 2 N
HB_SPCDT SSP Spec. Circ. Date Associated date for the SSP special circumstances indicator 8 D
HB_SPCCNNT SSP Spec. Circ. Cmnt Associated comment for the SSP special circumstances indicator +0 C
HB_P!W!ND SSP P!W SSP Period of !ncapacity for Work (P!W) indicator 2 N
HB_TSSPPD SSP Paid in P!W TD SSP Paid in this P!W 'to date' 10 N
HB_LSSPPD SSP Paid in P!W TDTP SSP Paid in this P!W 'to date this period' 10 N
HB_QDAYS SSP QDs in P!W Total number of SSP qualifying days in this P!W 3 N
HB_AvGERN SSP Avg Earnings SSP Average Weekly Earnings 12 N
HB_OAvGERN Ovr SSP Avg Earn Overridden SSP Average Weekly Earnings 12 N
HB_RPSTDT SSP Relevant Period start date SSP Relevant Period start date 8 D
HB_RPENDT SSP Relevant Period end date SSP Relevant Period end date 8 D
HB_TOSPPD Overall P!W SSP TD SSP Paid for the overall P!W 'to date' - including any linked P!Ws. 10 N
HB_LOSPPD Overall P!W SSP TDTP SSP Paid for the overall P!W 'to date this period' - including any
linked P!Ws.
10 N
;"'"D%2$ HBENFT
!D Unique !d Unique Record !D 10 N
HF_REF Employee Reference Employee Reference 8 C
HF_GROUP Employee Group Employee Group 1 C
HF_ADESC Asset Description Description of Asset 35 C
HF_ACOSTNK CostfNarket value (A) CostfNarket value (Section A) 9 N
HF_AANTGD Amount Nade Good (A) Amount Nade Good (A) 9 N
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;"'"D%2$ HBENFT
HF_ACASHE Cash Equivalent (A) Cash Equivalent (Section A) 9 N
HF_ACONNT Comments (A) Comments (Section A) 10 N
HF_BDESC Payment Description (B) Description of Payment (Section B) 35 C
HF_BANTPD Amount Paid (B) Amount Paid (Section B) 9 N
HF_BTAXNOT Tax on Notional Payments (B) Tax on Notional Payments not borne by employee (Section B) 9 N
HF_BCONNT Comments (B) Comments (Section B) 10 N
HF_CGROSS Gross Amount (C) Gross Amount (Section C) 9 N
HF_CANTGD Amount Nade Good (C) Amount Nade Good or from which Tax Deducted (Section C) 9 N
HF_CCASHE Cash Equivalent (C) Cash Equivalent (Section C) 9 N
HF_CCONNT Comments (C) Comments (Section C) 10 N
HF_DCASHE Cash Equivalent (D) Cash Equivalent (Section D) 9 N
HF_DCONNT Comments (D) Comments (Section D) 10 N
HF_EGROSS Gross Amount (E) Gross Amount (Section E) 9 N
HF_EANTGD Amount Nade Good (E) Amount Nade Good or from which Tax Deducted 9 N
HF_ETXPAY Taxable Payment (E) Taxable Payment (Section E) 9 N
HF_ECONNT Comments (E) Comments (Section E) 10 N
HF_F1NKNDL Car 1 NakefNodel (F) Nake and Nodel for Car 1 (Section F) 35 C
HF_F1DATFR Car 1 Date 1st Reg (F) Date First Registered for Car 1 (Section F) 8 D
HF_F1DATAF Car 1 Date Available From (F) Date Available from for Car 1 (Section F) 8 D
HF_F1DATAT Car 1 Date Available To (F) Date Available To for Car 1 8 D
HF_F1BUSNL Car 1 Business Nileage !nd (F) Business Nileage !ndicator for Car 1 (Section F) 1 N
HF_F1ENGSZ Car 1 Engine Size (F) Engine Size for Car 1 (Section F) + N
HF_F1FUELT Car 1 Fuel Type !nd (F) Fuel Type !ndicator for Car 1 (Section F) 1 N
HF_F1CO2EN Car 1 CO2 Emissions (F) CO2 Emissions Car 1 (Section F) 3 N
HF_F1L!SPR Car 1 List Price (F) List Price for Car 1 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F1ACCFR Car 1 Acc Price 1st (F) Price of Accessories Fitted when First made Available for Car 1 9 N
HF_F1ACCAF Car 1 Acc Price After (F) Price of Accessories Fitted after First Nade Available for Car 1
(Section F)
9 N
HF_F1CAPCT Car 1 Capital Contrib (F) Capital Contributions for Car 1 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F1ANTPD Car 1 Amount Paid (F) Amount Paid by Employee for Car 1 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F1CASHE Car 1 Cash Equivalent (F) Cash Equivalent for Car 1 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F1CSHEF Car 1 Fuel Cash Equiv (F) Cash Equivalent of Fuel for Car 1 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F1CONNT Car 1 Comments (F) Comments for Car 1 (Section F) 10 N
HF_F2NKNDL Car 2 NakefNodel (F) Nake and Nodel for Car 2 (Section F) 35 C
HF_F2DATFR Car 2 Date 1st Reg (F) Date First Registered for Car 2 (Section F) 8 D
HF_F2DATAF Car 2 Date Available From (F) Date Available from for Car 2 (Section F) 8 D
HF_F2BUSNL Car 2 Business Nileage !nd (F) Business Nileage !ndicator for Car 2 (Section F) 1 N
HF_F2ENGSZ Car 2 Engine Size (F) Engine Size for Car 2 (Section F) + N
HF_F2FUELT Car 2 Fuel Type !nd (F) Fuel Type !ndicator for Car 2 (Section F) 1 N
HF_F2CO2EN Car 2 CO2 Emissions (F) CO2 Emissions Car 2 (Section F) 3 N
HF_F2L!SPR Car 2 List Price (F) List Price for Car 2 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F2ACCFR Car 2 Acc Price 1st (F) Price of Accessories Fitted when First made Available for Car 2 9 N
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;"'"D%2$ HBENFT
HF_F2ACCAF Car 2 Acc Price After (F) Price of Accessories Fitted after First Nade Available for Car 2
(Section F)
9 N
HF_F2CAPCT Car 2 Capital Contrib (F) Capital Contributions for Car 2 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F2ANTPD Car 2 Amount Paid (F) Amount Paid by Employee for Car 2 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F2CASHE Car 2 Cash Equivalent (F) Cash Equivalent for Car 2 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F2CSHEF Car 2 Fuel Cash Equiv (F) Cash Equivalent of Fuel for Car 2 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F2CONNT Car 2 Comments (F) Comments for Car 2 (Section F) 10 N
HF_F2DATAT Car 2 Date Available To (F) Date Available To for Car 2 8 D
HF_F3NKNDL Car 3 NakefNodel (F) Nake and Nodel for Car 3 (Section F) 35 C
HF_F3DATFR Car 3 Date 1st Reg (F) Date First Registered for Car 3 (Section F) 8 D
HF_F3DATAF Car 3 Date Available From (F) Date Available from for Car 3 (Section F) 8 D
HF_F3DATAT Car 3 Date Available To (F) Date Available To for Car 2 8 D
HF_F3BUSNL Car 3 Business Nileage !nd (F) Business Nileage !ndicator for Car 3 (Section F) 1 N
HF_F3ENGSZ Car 3 Engine Size (F) Engine Size for Car 3 (Section F) + N
HF_F3FUELT Car 3 Fuel Type !nd (F) Fuel Type !ndicator for Car 3 (Section F) 1 N
HF_F3CO2EN Car 3 CO2 Emissions (F) CO2 Emissions Car 3 (Section F) 3 N
HF_F3L!SPR Car 3 List Price (F) List Price for Car 3 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F3ACCFR Car 3 Acc Price 1st (F) Price of Accessories Fitted when First made Available for Car 3 9 N
HF_F3ACCAF Car 3 Acc Price After (F) Price of Accessories Fitted after First Nade Available for Car 3
(Section F)
9 N
HF_F3CAPCT Car 3 Capital Contrib (F) Capital Contributions for Car 3 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F3ANTPD Car 3 Amount Paid (F) Amount Paid by Employee for Car 3 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F3CASHE Car 3 Cash Equivalent (F) Cash Equivalent for Car 3 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F3CSHEF Car 3 Fuel Cash Equiv (F) Cash Equivalent of Fuel for Car 3 (Section F) 9 N
HF_F3CONNT Car 3 Comments (F) Comments for Car 3 (Section F) 10 N
HF_GCASHE Cash Equivalent (G) Cash Equivalent (Section G) 9 N
HF_GCONNT Comments (G) Comments (Section G) 10 N
HF_H1NOJB Loan 1 Borrowers (H) Number of Joint Borrowes for Loan 1 (Section H) 3 N
HF_H1ANT1 Loan 1 Amt OfS 1 (H) Amount Outstanding or at Date Loan was made, for Loan 1
(Section H)
9 N
HF_H1ANT2 Loan 1 Amt OfS 2 (H) Amount Outstanding or at Date Loan was discharged, for Loan 1
(Section H)
9 N
HF_H1ANT3 Loan 1 Amt OfS 3 (H) Naximum Amount Outstanding at any time in the year, for Loan 1
(Section H)
9 N
HF_H1ANT+ Loan 1 Total !nterest (H) Total Amount of !nterest Paid by the Borrower, for Loan 1 (Section
9 N
HF_H1DATND Loan 1 Date Nade (H) Date Loan was made if applicable, for Loan 1 (Section H) 8 D
HF_H1DATDS Loan 1 Date Discharged (H) Date Loan was discharged if applicable, for Loan 1 (Section H) 8 D
HF_H1CASHE Loan 1 Cash Equivalent (H) Cash Equivalent of Loan after deducting !nterest, for Loan 1
(Section H)
9 N
HF_H2NOJB Loan 2 Borrowers (H) Number of Joint Borrowes for Loan 2 (Section H) 3 N
HF_H2ANT1 Loan 2 Amt OfS 1 (H) Amount Outstanding or at Date Loan was made, for Loan 2
(Section H)
9 N
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;"'"D%2$ HBENFT
HF_H2ANT2 Loan 2 Amt OfS 2 (H) Amount Outstanding or at Date Loan was discharged, for Loan 2
(Section H)
9 N
HF_H2ANT3 Loan 2 Amt OfS 3 (H) Naximum Amount Outstanding at any time in the year, for Loan 2
(Section H)
9 N
HF_H2ANT+ Loan 2 Total !nterest (H) Total Amount of !nterest Paid by the Borrower, for Loan 2 (Section
9 N
HF_H2DATND Loan 2 Date Nade (H) Date Loan was made if applicable, for Loan 2 (Section H) 8 D
HF_H2DATDS Loan 2 Date Discharged (H) Date Loan was discharged if applicable, for Loan 2 (Section H) 8 D
HF_H2CASHE Loan 2 Cash Equivalent (H) Cash Equivalent of Loan after deducting !nterest, for Loan 2
(Section H)
9 N
HF_HCONNT Comments (H) Comments (Section H) 10 N
HF_!COSTU Cost to You (!) Cost to you (Section !) 9 N
HF_!ANTGD Amount Nade Good (!) Amount Nade Good (Section !) 9 N
HF_!CASHE Cash Equivalent (!) Cash Equivalent (Section !) 9 N
HF_!CONNT Comments (!) Comments (Section !) 10 N
HF_JEXCBN Excess and Benefit (J) Excess of all Qualifying Relocation Expenses and Benefits (Section
9 N
HF_JCONNT Comments (J) Comments (Section J) 10 N
HF_KCOSTU Cost to You (K) Cost to you (Section K) 9 N
HF_KANTGD Amount Nade Good (J) Amount Nade Good (Section J) 9 N
HF_KCASHE Cash Equivalent (K) Cash Equivalent (Section K) 9 N
HF_KCONNT Comments (K) Comments (Section K) 10 N
HF_LDESC Asset Description (L) Description of Asset (Section L) 35 C
HF_LANNvAL Annual value (L) Annual value plus Expenses !ncurred (Section L) 9 N
HF_LANTGD Amount Nade Good (L) Amount made good or from which Tax deducted (Section L) 9 N
HF_LCASHE Cash Equivalent (L) Cash Equivalent (Section L) 9 N
HF_LCONNT Comments (L) Comments (Section L) 10 N
HF_NSHARE Share-Related Benefits (N) Share-Related Benefits !ndicator (Section N) 1 L
HF_NCONNT Comments (N) Comments (Section N) 10 N
HF_N1DESC !tem 1 Description (N) Description for !tem 1 (Section N) 35 C
HF_N1COSTU !tem 1 Cost to You (N) Cost to You for !tem 1 (Section N) 9 N
HF_N1ANTGD !tem 1 Amount Nade Good (N) Amount made Good or from which Tax Deducted for !tem 1
(Section N)
9 N
HF_N1CASHE !tem 1 Cash Equivalent (N) Cash Equivalent for !tem 1 (Section N) 9 N
HF_N2DESC !tem 2 Description (N) Description for !tem 2 (Section N) 35 C
HF_N2COSTU !tem 2 Cost to You (N) Cost to You for !tem 2 (Section N) 9 N
HF_N2ANTGD !tem 2 Amount Nade Good (N) Amount made Good or from which Tax Deducted for !tem 2
(Section N)
9 N
HF_N2CASHE !tem 2 Cash Equivalent (N) Cash Equivalent for !tem 2 (Section N) 9 N
HF_NTAXPD Tax Paid (N) !ncome Tax Paid but not Deducted (Section N) 9 N
HF_NCONNT Comments (N) Comments (Section N) 10 N
HF_OvCOSTU Travel Cost to You (O) Travel and Subsistence Cost to you (Section O) 9 N
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;"'"D%2$ HBENFT
HF_OvANTGD Travel Amount Nade Good (O) Travel and Subsistence Amount made good or from which Tax
Deducted (Section O)
9 N
HF_OvTXPAY Travel Taxable Payment (O) Travel and Subsistence Taxable Payment (Section O) 9 N
HF_OETRAD Entertain Trading Org (O) Entertainment, Trading Organisation !ndicator (Section O) 1 L
HF_OECOSTU Entertain Cost to You (O) Entertainment, Cost to you (Section O) 9 N
HF_OEANTGD Entertain Amount Nade Good (O) Entertainment, Amount made good or from which Tax Deducted
(Section O)
9 N
HF_OETXPAY Entertain Taxable Payment (O) Entertainment, Taxable Payment (Section O) 9 N
HF_OGCOSTU General Cost to You (O) General Expenses, Cost to you (Section O) 9 N
HF_OGANTGD General Amount Nade Good (O) General Expenses, Amount made good or from which Tax
Deducted (Section O)
9 N
HF_OGTXPAY General Taxable Payment (O) General Expenses, Taxable Payment (Section O) 9 N
HF_OPCOSTU Telephone Cost to You (O) Telephone Payments Cost to you (Section O) 9 N
HF_OPANTGD Telephone Amount Nade Good (O) Telephone Payments, Amount made good or from which Tax
Deducted (Section O)
9 N
HF_OPTXPAY Telephone Taxable Payment (O) Telephone Payments, Taxable Payment (Section O) 9 N
HF_ONCOSTU Non-Qualifying Cost to You (O) Non-qualifying Relocation Cost to you (Section O) 9 N
HF_ONANTGD Non-Qual Amount Nade Good (O) Non-qualifying Relocation, Amount made good or from which Tax
Deducted (Section O)
9 N
HF_ONTXPAY Non-Qual Taxable Payment (O) Non-qualifying Relocation, Taxable Payment (Section O) 9 N
HF_OODESC Desc of Other Expenses (O) Description of Other Expenses (Section O) 35 C
HF_OOCOSTU Other Cost to You (O) Other Expenses Cost to you (Section O) 9 N
HF_OOANTGD Other Amount Nade Good (O) Other Expenses Amount made good or from which Tax Deducted
(Section O)
9 N
HF_OOTXPAY Other Taxable Payment (O) Other Expenses Taxable Payment (Section O) 9 N
HF_OCONNT Comments (O) Comments (Section O) 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User User who Created This Record 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Date of Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Time of Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User User who amended this record 8 C
HF_FTCASHE Total Cash Equiv (F) Total All Cars 9 N
HF_FTCSHEF Total Fuel Cash Equiv (F) Total All Cars Cash Equivalent 9 N
HF_N3DESC !tem 3 Description (N) Description for !tem 3 (Section N) 35 C
HF_N3COSTU !tem 3 Cost to You (N) Cost to You for !tem 3 (Section N) 9 N
HF_N3ANTGD !tem 3 Amount Nade Good (N) Amount made Good or from which Tax Deducted for !tem 3
(Section N)
9 N
HF_N3CASHE !tem 3 Cash Equivalent (N) Cash Equivalent for !tem 3 (Section N) 9 N
HF_H1!NTRS Loan 1 !nterest Rate (H) !nterest rate, for Loan 1 (Section H) 5 N
HF_H2!NTRS Loan 2 !nterest Rate (H) !nterest rate, for Loan 2 (Section H) 5 N
HF_F1CO2NA Car 1 No approved CO2 fig. (F) No Approved CO2 Figure (Car1) 1 L
HF_F2CO2NA Car 2 No approved CO2 fig. (F) No Approved CO2 Figure (Car2) 1 L
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;"'"D%2$ HBENFT
HF_F3CO2NA Car 3 No approved CO2 fig. (F) No Approved CO2 Figure (Car3) 1 L
HF_FTDTFWD Date free fuel withdrawn (F) Date Free Fuel Withdrawn 10 D
HF_FTRE!N Free fuel reinstated in yr (F) Free Fuel Reinstated !n Year 1 L
;.'> I&:%F.4$ HBHOLS
!D Unique !D 10 N
HA_DATE Bank Holiday Date 8 D
HA_DESC Description 30 C
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User 8 C
G%$A%1:%'" HDISCP
HD_CODE Discipline Code Discipline Code + C
HD_DESC Description Discipline Description 25 C
HD_NENO Discipline Nemo Discipline Nemo 10 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
G%$A%1:%'" 8"A&#F$ HDTTRN
HP_REF Employee Reference Employee Reference 8 C
HP_GROUP Group Code Group Code 1 C
HP_CODE Discipline Code Discipline Code + C
HP_DATE Date Date 8 D
HP_RDATE Review Date Review Date 8 D
HP_CONPLET Completed Completed 1 L
HP_NENO Extended Description EXtended Description 10 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Time 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
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HE_CODE Ethnic Code Ethnic Origin Code + C
HE_DESC Description Ethnic Origin Description 25 C
HE_NENO Ethnic Nemo Ethnic Origin Nemo 10 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
@/1:&4"" C.22"#'$ HEWPR
!D Unique !D 10 N
HW_REF Employee Ref 8 C
HW_DATE Date Started 8 D
HW_CODE Pattern Code 10 C
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User 8 C
HW_NENO Extended Description Extended Description 10 N
P&K G"2.%:$ HJHTRN
HJ_REF Employee Reference Employee Reference 8 C
HJ_GROUP Group Code Group Code 1 C
HJ_FDATE From Date From Date 8 D
HJ_TDATE To Date To Date 8 D
HJ_DEPT Department Number Department Number + C
HJ_SUPREF Supervisor Reference Supervisor reference number on the payroll file 8 C
HJ_SUPERv Supervisor Supervisor 30 C
HJ_PRNTNP PermamentfTemporary Permament or Temporary 1 L
HJ_FULPRT FullfPart Time Full or Part Time 1 L
HJ_HOURS Standard Hours Standard Weekly Hours 5 N
HJ_HOLENT Annual Holiday Annual Holiday Entitlement 5 N
HJ_LSTREv Last Review Date Last Review Date 8 D
HJ_REv!EWR Reviewer Reviewer 25 C
HJ_NOT!CER Notice Employer Notice Employer 10 C
HJ_NOT!CEE Notice Employee Notice Employee 10 C
HJ_NENO Extended Description Extended Description 10 N
HJ_NEXTREv Next Review Date Next Review Date 8 D
HJ_DRATE Daily Rate Costing Daily Rate 6 N
HJ_JCODE Job Code Job Code + C
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P&K G"2.%:$ HJHTRN
HJ_CONTRAC Contract Details Contract Details 10 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
P&K$ ?%:" HJOBS
HZ_CODE Job Code Job Code + C
HZ_DESC Job Title Job Description 25 C
HZ_HOURS Hours Per Week Hours Per Week 6 N
HZ_NENO Nemo Nemo 10 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
H.#%2.: =2.29$ ?%:" HMARRD
HY_CODE Status Code Status Code + C
HY_DESC Description Status Description 25 C
HY_NENO Nemo Nemo 10 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amedment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
C"#$&''": @/1:&4""$ HNAME
HR_REF Employee Reference Employee Reference 8 C
HR_GROUP Employee Group Employee Group 1 C
HR_vERDOB DOB verified DOB verified 1 L
HR_JT!TLE Job Title Job Title 30 C
HR_HTELE Home Telephone No. Home Telephone Number 15 C
HR_D!SABL Disabled Disabled 1 L
HR_D!SABLN Disabled Number Disabled Number 15 C
HR_ETHN!CO Ethnic Origin Ethnic Origin Code + C
HR_NAR!TAL Narital Status Code Narital Status Code + C
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C"#$&''": @/1:&4""$ HNAME
HR_DEPEND Dependents Number of Dependents 2 N
HR_NA!DEN Naiden Name Naiden Name 20 C
HR_CAROWNR Car Owner Car Owner 1 L
HR_CONPCAR Company Car Company Car 1 L
HR_CARREG Car Registration Car Registration Number 8 C
HR_L!CNO Licence Number Driving Licence Number 16 C
HR_L!CCLN Clean Licence Clean Licence 1 L
HR_PO!NTS Points on Licence Points on Licence 2 N
HR_CHKDTE Date Checked Date Checked 8 D
HR_EYETEST Eye Test Date Eye Test Date 8 D
HR_NEDDATE Nedical Date Nedical Date 8 D
HR_PERNENO Nemo Personnel Nemo 10 N
HR_C1SURN Contact 1 Surname Contact 1 Surname 25 C
HR_C1FOREN Contact 1 Forenames Contact 1 Fornames 30 C
HR_C1T!TLE Contact 1 Title Contact 1 Title 5 C
HR_C1REL Contact 1 Relation Contact 1 Relationship 25 C
HR_C1NXTK Contact 1 Next Kin Contact 1 Next of Kin 1 L
HR_C1ENERG Contact 1 Emergency Contact 1 Emergency 1 L
HR_C1ADDR2 Contact 1 Address 2 Contact 1 Address Line 2 30 C
HR_C1ADDR3 Contact 1 Address 3 Contact 1 Address Line 3 30 C
HR_C1ADDR+ Contact 1 Address + Contact 1 Address Line + 30 C
HR_C1ADDR5 Contact 1 Address 5 Contact 1 Address Line 5 30 C
HR_C1HTEL Contact 1 Home Tel. Contact 1 Home Telephone Number 15 C
HR_C1WTEL Contact 1 Work Tel. Contact 1 Works Telephone Number 15 C
HR_C1NTEL Contact 1 Nobile Tel Contact 1 Nobile Telephone Number 15 C
HR_C2SURN Contact 2 Surname Contact 2 Surname 25 C
HR_C2FOREN Contact 2 Forenames Contact 2 Fornames 30 C
HR_C2T!TLE Contact 2 Title Contact 2 Title 5 C
HR_C2REL Contact 2 Relation Contact 2 Relationship 25 C
HR_C2NXTK Contact 2 Next Kin Contact 2 Next of Kin 1 L
HR_C2ENERG Contact 2 Emergency Contact 2 Emergency 1 L
HR_C2ADDR1 Contact 2 Address 1 Contact 2 Address Line 1 30 C
HR_C2ADDR2 Contact 2 Address 2 Contact 2 Address Line 2 30 C
HR_C2ADDR3 Contact 2 Address 3 Contact 2 Address Line 3 30 C
HR_C2ADDR+ Contact 2 Address + Contact 2 Address Line + 30 C
HR_C2ADDR5 Contact 2 Address 5 Contact 2 Address Line 5 30 C
HR_C2HTEL Contact 2 Home Tel. Contact 2 Home Telephone Number 15 C
HR_C2WTEL Contact 2 Work Tel. Contact 2 Works Telephone Number 15 C
HR_C2NTEL Contact 2 Nobile Tel Contact 2 Nobile Telephone Number 15 C
HR_SNOKER Smoker Smoker 1 L
HR_LOCKER Locker Number Locker Number 10 C
HR_BADGE Badge Number Badge Number 10 C
HR_OTHERS Other Qualifications Other Qualifications 30 C
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C"#$&''": @/1:&4""$ HNAME
HR_CNTNENO Contacts Nemo 10 N
HR_C1ADDR1 Contact 1 Address 1 Contact 1 Address Line 1 30 C
HR_CCL Legacy - Company Car Flag Company Car Flag 1 L
HR_CCv Legacy - Company Car value Company Car value 10 N
HR_CCC Legacy - Company Car Comment Company Car Comment 10 N
HR_CFBL Legacy - Car Fuel Ben Flag Car Fuel Benefit Flag 1 L
HR_CFBv Legacy - Car Fuel Ben value Car Fuel Benefit value 10 N
HR_CFBC Legacy - Car Fuel Ben Comment Car Fuel Benefit Comment 10 N
HR_TASL Legacy - Trav 8 Subs Flag Travel 8 Subsistence Flag 1 L
HR_TASv Legacy - Trav 8 Subs value Travel 8 Subsistence value 10 N
HR_TASC Legacy - Trav 8 Subs Comment Travel 8 Subsistence Comment 10 N
HR_PNL Legacy - Priv Nedical Flag Private Nedical Flag 1 L
HR_PNv Legacy - Priv Nedical value Private Nedical value 10 N
HR_PNC Legacy - Priv Nedical Comm Private Nedical Comment 10 N
HR_SUBSL Legacy - Subs Flag Subscriptions Flag 1 L
HR_SUBSv Legacy - Subs value Subscriptions value 10 N
HR_SUBSC Legacy - Subs Comment Subscriptions Comments 10 N
HR_EDSUBL Legacy - Educ Assist Flag Education Assistance Flag 1 L
HR_EDSUBv Legacy - Educ Assist value Education Assistance value 10 N
HR_EDSUBC Legacy - Educ Assist Comment Education Assistance Comment 10 N
HR_TELL Legacy - Telephone Flag Telephone Flag 1 L
HR_TELv Legacy - Telephone value Telephone value 10 N
HR_TELC Legacy - Telephone Comment Telephone Comment 10 N
HR_NURSEL Legacy - Nursery Flag Nursery Flag 1 L
HR_NURSEv Legacy - Nursery value Nursery value 10 N
HR_NURSEC Legacy - Nursery Comment Nursery Comment 10 N
HR_vOUCHL Legacy - vouchers Flag vouchers Flag 1 L
HR_vOUCHv Legacy - vouchers value vouchers value 10 N
HR_vOUCHC Legacy - vouchers Comment vouchers Comment 10 N
HR_BLOANL Legacy - Beneficial Loan Flag Beneficial Loan Flag 1 L
HR_BLOANv Legacy - Ben Loan value Beneficial Loan value 10 N
HR_BLOANC Legacy - Ben Loan Comment Beneficial Loan Comment 10 N
HR_RELOCL Legacy - Relocation Flag Relocation Expenses Flag 1 L
HR_RELOCv Legacy - Relocation value Relocation Expenses value 10 N
HR_RELOCC Legacy - Relocation Comment Relocation Expenses Comment 10 N
HR_N!SCL Legacy - Niscellaneous Flag Niscellaneous Flag 1 L
HR_N!SCv Legacy - Nisc value Niscellaneous value 10 N
HR_N!SCC Legacy - Nisc Comment Niscellaneous Comment 10 N
HR_SCHOOL School Attended School Attended 30 C
HR_SDATEF School Date From School Date From 8 D
HR_SDATET School Date To School Date To 8 D
HR_OLEvELS O Levels O Levels 2 N
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C"#$&''": @/1:&4""$ HNAME
HR_NvQS NvQ's NvQ's 2 N
HR_ALEvELS A Levels A Levels 2 N
HR_SLEvELS S Levels S Levels 2 N
HR_OEDUC Other Certs Other Educational Certificates 2 N
HR_EDDETS Educational Details Educational Details 10 N
HR_EDCHK Quals Checked Qualifications Checked 1 L
HR_FURTHED Further Education Further Education 30 C
HR_FURTHDF Further Date From Further Date From 8 D
HR_FURTHDT Further Date To Further Date To 8 D
HR_FURTHQL Further Qual. Further Qualifications 30 C
HR_FURTHDE Further Details Further Education Details 10 N
HR_FURTHCH Futher Checked Further Checked 1 L
HR_CHKR1!D !D of Checker !D of User Checking Education Details 8 C
HR_CHKR2!D !D of Checker 8 C
HR_HOURLY Hourly Paid Hourly Paid Flag. .T. - employee is hourly paid,.F. - employee is
paid fixed salary
1 L
!D Unique !D 10 N
HR_CAR!NSB Car !nsured For Business Use 1 L
HR_HOLCARR No. Holiday Days Carried-Over 5 N
HR_NOB!LE Nobile Phone Number 15 C
HR_NOBPER Personal Nobile Flag 1 L
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
HR_ENA!L Personnel E-Nail Address E-Nail Address +0 C
C"#$&''": J12%&'$ HRPARM
HN_KEEPR Years to Keep Recs Number of years to keep the personnel records 2 N
HN_KEEPT Years to Keep Trans Number of years to keep Personnel transactions 2 N
HN_HOURS Default Weekly Hours Default hours worked in a week 6 N
HN_HRSSAL Hourly Paid Hourly Paid ? .T. = Yes .F. = No 1 L
HN_PAYNO Salary Number Payroll payment number for basic pay or salary 3 N
HN_HOLSRT Hol Start Nonth First month number of holiday year 2 N
HN_BUTT+ Button + Desc Button + Description 9 C
HN_BUTT5 Button 5 Desc Button 5 Decription 9 C
HN_BASNO Basic Pay Number Basic Pay Number 3 N
HN_HRSDORN Hours NinfDec Hours - Ninutes or Decimal 1 L
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C"#$&''": J12%&'$ HRPARM
HN_HOLENT Pro-Rata Hol. Ent. Pro-Rata Holiday Entitlement.!f set to true the holiday entitlement
shown onthe diary screen will be calculated according tothe
number of months in each job and the annualentitlement for each
job.!f set to false the entitlement for the mostrecent job will be
1 L
!D Unique !D 10 N
HN_HCDATE Date Hol. Carry-Over Last Ran 8 D
HN_HCDAYS Nax. Holiday Carry-Over Days 5 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
HN_HCACT!v Activate Holiday Carryover !f set to .T. then Holiday Carry-over is active. 1 L
=.:.#4 I%$2&#4 HSLTRN
HL_REF Employee Reference Employee Reference 8 C
HL_GROUP Group Code Group Code 1 C
HL_FDATE Date Effective Date Effective 8 D
HL_OLDSAL Old Salary Old Salary 10 N
HL_SALARY Salary Salary 10 N
HL_REASON Reason Code Text Reason Text 30 C
HL_NENO Nemo Extended Description 10 N
HL_REv!EW Next Review Date 8 D
!D Unique !D 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
<K$"'A" 8".$&'$ HSREAS
HS_CODE Reason Code Reason Code + C
HS_DESC Description Sickness Reason Description 25 C
HS_NENO Reason Nemo Reason Nemo 10 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
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3#.%'%'6 HTRAIN
HT_CODE Training Code Training Code + C
HT_DESC Description Training Description 25 C
HT_NENO Training Nemo Training Nemo 10 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
3#.%'%'6 8"A&#F$ HTRTRN
HN_REF Employee Reference Employee Reference 8 C
HN_GROUP Group Code Group Code 1 C
HN_CODE Training Code Training Code + C
HN_FDATE From Date From Date 8 D
HN_TDATE To Date To Date 8 D
HN_DAYS Number of Days Number of Days 5 N
HN_SUPPL Supplier Supplier 30 C
HN_vENUE venue venue 30 C
HN_ECOSTS Employee Costs Employee Costs 10 N
HN_CCOSTS Course Costs Course Costs 10 N
HN_NENO Extended Description Extended Description 10 N
HN_RESULT Result etc Result etc 30 C
HN_FHALF Half Day is First Half Day is First 1 L
!D Unique !D 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User Amendment User 8 C
C.22"#' I".F"#$ HWKPAT
!D Unique !D 10 N
HC_CODE Pattern Code 10 C
HC_SDATE Start Date 8 D
HC_DESC Pattern Description +0 C
HC_!GBNK !gnore Bank Holidays Flag 1 L
HC_NENO Extended Description 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date 8 D
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C.22"#' I".F"#$ HWKPAT
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User 8 C
C.22"#' G"2.%:$ HWPATD
!D Unique !D 10 N
HX_CODE Pattern Code 10 C
HX_DAYNO Day Number 3 N
HX_START Start Time 5 C
HX_END End Time 5 C
HX_BREAK Break Duration 5 N
HX_WT!NE Work Duration 5 N
HX_CONN Comments 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Creation Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Creation User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amendment Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amendment Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amendment User 8 C
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I%$2&#4 HPANAL
PA_ACCOUNT Account 8 C
PA_DACCNT Supply Account 8 C
PA_TRREF Reference 10 C
PA_ANCODE Analysis Code 8 C
PA_SUPTYPE Supplier Type 3 C
PA_SUPANAL Supplier Anal Code + C
PA_TRvALUE value 12 N
PA_ADvANCE Advanced 1 C
PA_JCCODE Cost Code 16 C
PA_JL!NE Job Line 10 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
PA_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
PA_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
I%$2&#4 J12%&'$ HPARM
HS_RETA!N Periods to Retain The number of periods for which an analysis linewill be
retained.The Sales Ledger accounting period applies.
2 N
HS_AN1T!TL Analysis 1 Title Sales History Analysis report 1 title. 26 C
HS_AN2T!TL Analysis 2 Title Sales History Analysis report 2 title. 26 C
HS_AN3T!TL Analysis 3 Title Sales History Analysis report 3 title. 26 C
HS_AN+T!TL Analysis + Title Sales History Analysis report + title. 26 C
HS_AN5T!TL Analysis 5 Title Sales History Analysis report 5 title. 26 C
HS_AN6T!TL Analysis 6 Title Sales History Analysis report 6 title. 26 C
HS_AN1SEQ Analysis 1 Sequence Sales History Analysis report 1 sequence. + C
HS_AN2SEQ Analysis 2 Sequence Sales History Analysis report 2 sequence. + C
HS_AN3SEQ Analysis 3 Sequence Sales History Analysis report 3 sequence. + C
HS_AN+SEQ Analysis + Sequence Sales History Analysis report + sequence. + C
HS_AN5SEQ Analysis 5 Sequence Sales History Analysis report 5 sequence. + C
HS_AN6SEQ Analysis 6 Sequence Sales History Analysis report 6 sequence. + C
I%$2&#4 J12%&'$ HPPARM
HP_AN1T!TL Analysis 1 Title Purchase History Analysis report 1 title. 26 C
HP_AN2T!TL Analysis 2 Title Purchase History Analysis report 2 title. 26 C
HP_AN3T!TL Analysis 3 Title Purchase History Analysis report 3 title. 26 C
HP_AN+T!TL Analysis + Title Purchase History Analysis report + title. 26 C
HP_AN5T!TL Analysis 5 Title Purchase History Analysis report 5 title. 26 C
HP_AN6T!TL Analysis 6 Title Purchase History Analysis report 6 title. 26 C
HP_AN1SEQ Analysis 1 Sequence Purchase History Analysis report 1 sequence. + C
HP_AN2SEQ Analysis 2 Sequence Purchase History Analysis report 2 sequence. + C
HP_AN3SEQ Analysis 3 Sequence Purchase History Analysis report 3 sequence. + C
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I%$2&#4 J12%&'$ HPPARM
HP_AN+SEQ Analysis + Sequence Purchase History Analysis report + sequence. + C
HP_AN5SEQ Analysis 5 Sequence Purchase History Analysis report 5 sequence. + C
HP_AN6SEQ Analysis 6 Sequence Purchase History Analysis report 6 sequence. + C
<::&A.2%&'$ PALLOC
AL_ACCOUNT Account 8 C
AL_DATE Date 8 D
AL_REF1 Reference 10 C
AL_REF2 Second Reference 10 C
AL_TYPE Type 1 C
AL_vAL value 12 N
AL_DvAL Debit value 12 N
AL_OR!GvAL Original value 12 N
AL_PAY!ND Paid !ndicator 1 C
AL_PAYFLAG Paid Flag 3 N
AL_PAYDAY Paid Date 8 D
AL_CTYPE Cr.Type 1 C
AL_REN Remark 1 C
AL_CHEQ Cheque 1 C
AL_PAYEE Payee Name Payee Name on Cheque. 30 C
AL_FCURR F.Currency Foreign Currency code (if present). 3 C
AL_FvAL Foreign value Foreign Currency value. 12 N
AL_FDvAL Foreign Disc. value Foreign Currency discount value. 12 N
AL_FOR!GvL Foreign Orignal val Foreign Currency original cheque value. 12 N
AL_FDEC F.Decimal Places Foreign Currency decimals. 1 N
AL_UN!QUE Unique field 10 N
AL_ACNT Bank Account Nominal AfC of the Bank Account 8 C
AL_CNTR Cost Centre Cost Centre of the Bank Account + C
AL_ADv!ND Advanced !ndicator 1 L
AL_ADvTRAN Advanced Source Tran 1 L
AL_PREPRD Previous Period !ndicator Previous Period !ndicator 1 L
AL_CNCLCHQ Holds Cancelled Cheques Holds Cancelled Cheques + N
<'.:4$%$ PANAL
SP_SET2PCT SD !nclude !nclude in SD 1 L
PA_ACCOUNT Account 8 C
PA_DACCNT Supply Afc No. For EC vAT only, supply address account number.Used for
8 C
PA_TRDATE Transaction Date Transaction Date 8 D
PA_CRDATE Creation Date Date transaction was posted 8 D
PA_TAXDATE Tax Point Transaction tax point 8 D
PA_TRREF Reference Transaction reference 10 C
PA_SUPTYPE Supp.Type 3 C
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<'.:4$%$ PANAL
PA_SUPANAL Supp.Analysis Code + C
PA_REGCTRY vAT Reg Country Pref vAT Reg country prefix 2 C
PA_REGvAT vat Reg vAT Reg of supplier 15 C
PA_ADvANCE Advanced 1 C
PA_!NTERBR !nter Branch ? !nter Branch transaction .T. or .F. 1 L
PA_COUNTRY Ctry of Supply Supply country code 2 C
PA_NRTH!RE Northern !reland !nd .T. = Supply country (GB) is actually Northern!reland.F. = Supply
country (GB) is NOT Northern !reland
1 L
PA_FCURR F.Currency Currency Code 3 C
PA_FCDEC F.Decimals Foreign currency decimal places 1 N
PA_SETD!SC Nax Settlement Disc Naximum settlement discount 10 N
PA_ANCODE Analysis Code 8 C
PA_TRvALUE value 12 N
PA_FCvAL Foreign value Foreign Currency value 11 N
PA_vATvAL vAT value 12 N
PA_COST Cost value Cost value 12 N
PA_FCCOST Foreign Cost Cost in Foreign Currency 11 N
PA_vATCTRY vAT Country Type Country Type (vAT) (H,R,U,N) 1 C
PA_vATTYPE vAT Code Type vAT Code type (P,F,N) 1 C
PA_ANvAT vAT Code vAT code (0-9,A-Z) 1 C
PA_vATRATE vAT Rate vAT rate 2.2 5 N
PA_BOX7 !nputs !nclude in box 7 vAT100 - all purchases 1 L
PA_BOX9 EC Acquisitions !nclude in box 9 vAT100 - EC acquisitions 1 L
PA_BOX2 Acquisition Tax !nclude in box 2 vAT100 - vAT due on acquisitions 1 L
PA_BOX+ !nput Tax !nclude in box + vAT100 - input tax 1 L
PA_SSDPRE Pre Process SD Pre process item for SD 1 L
PA_SSDPOST Post Process SD Post process item for SD 1 L
PA_SSDSUPP SD !nclude !nclude in SD 1 L
PA_CONNOD Commodity Code Commodity code (+spare 3 chars) 11 C
PA_NETNASS Net Nass in Kgs Net mass of line 12 N
PA_SUPPQTY Supp. Units Supplementary units (second qty) 12 N
PA_DELTERN Delivery Terms Delivery terms 3 C
PA_TRANSAC Nature of Transact. Nature of transaction 2 C
PA_TRANSPT Node of Transport Node of transport 1 C
PA_SSDvAL SD value value for the SD (with delivery chargesapportioned) 12 N
PA_SSDFvAL Foreign SD value Foreign value for the SD (with delivery chargesapportioned) 11 N
PA_CTRYORG Origin Country Code Country of origin country code 2 C
PA_SENTvAT Transferred to vAT Transferred to vAT control file .T. or .F. 1 L
PA_JCCODE Cost Code 16 C
PA_JL!NE Job Line 10 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
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<'.:4$%$ PANAL
PA_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
PA_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
=911:%"# <22#%K92"$ PCONTATTR
CA_CODE Code Purchase Contact Code + C
CA_DESC Description Purchase Contact Description 25 C
=911:%"# <9F%2 ?%:" PECAUD
PE_UN!QUE Unique Reference 8 N
PE_REPONLY Report-Only Entry 1 L
PE_ACCOUNT Account 8 C
PE_RECTYPE Record Type 1=Purchase Header2=Purchase Transaction3=Nodel
Order+=Uncommitted Purchase Order5=supplier product
1 N
PE_OLDCURR Old Currency Code 3 C
PE_NENO Additional Text 10 N
PE_TRDATE Transaction Date 8 D
PE_TRREF Transaction Ref. 10 C
PE_TRTYPE Transaction Type 1 C
PE_TRvALUE Home Currency value. 12 N
PE_FCvAL Foreign value 12 N
PE_FCDEC Foreign Decimals 1 N
PE_EURvAL Euro value 12 N
PE_RATE Exchange Rate 11 N
PE_CONDATE Conversion Date 8 D
PE_CONBY Converted By 8 C
PE_TRBAL Home value Balance 12 N
PE_FCBAL Foreign value Bal 12 N
PH_ACCOUNT Supplier's Account 8 C
PH_TRDATE !nvoice Date 8 D
PH_TRREF Our Reference 12 C
PH_SUPREF Supp's Reference 10 C
PH_TAXDATE Tax Point Transaction tax point 8 D
PH_SET1DAY S1 Discount Days 2 N
PH_SET1 Sett.1 Disc. Percent 10 N
PH_SET2DAY S2 Discount Days 2 N
PH_SET2 Sett.2 Disc. Percent 10 N
PH_DUEDAY Due Date 8 D
PH_TRTYPE Transaction Type 1 C
PH_FCURR Foreign Currency 3 C
PH_FCRATE Curr. Exchange Rate 11 N
PH_FCN F.Nult !nd 1 L
PH_FCDEC Curr. Decimal Places 1 N
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PH_FCvAL Foreign value 11 N
PH_FCNvAL Foreign Balance 11 N
PH_SUPANAL Supp.Analysis Code + C
PH_SUPTYPE Type Supp. 3 C
PH_REGCTRY vAT Reg Country Pref vAT Reg country prefix 2 C
PH_REGvAT vat Reg vAT Reg of supplier 15 C
PH_!NTERBR !nter Branch ? !nter Branch transaction .T. or .F. 1 L
PH_COUNTRY Ctry of Supply Supply country code 2 C
PH_NRTH!RE Northern !reland !nd .T. = Supply country (GB) is actually Northern!reland.F. = Supply
country (GB) is NOT Northern !reland
1 L
PH_TRvALUE value 12 N
PH_NvAL Balance 12 N
PH_vATvAL vAT value 12 N
PH_NvAT Natched vAT value 12 N
PH_POSTED Posted To PL 1 L
PH_AUTHOR Authorised !nvoice 1 L
PH_AUDATE Date Authorised 8 D
PH_AUT!NE Time Authorised 8 C
PH_AUUSER User Authorised 8 C
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
PH_SETNARK Nark !ndicator 1 L
PH_ASSTO Assigned To 10 C
PH_ASST!NE Assigned Time 8 C
PH_ASSDATE Assigned Date 8 D
PH_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
PH_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
0#"F%2&#$ I%$2&#4 PHIST
P!_ACCOUNT Account 8 C
P!_AGE Age 3 N
P!_PEDATE Period End Date 8 D
P!_PERDAYS Days !n Period 3 N
P!_TURN Turnover 1+ N
P!_vAT vAT Amount 1+ N
P!_CASH Cash Amount 1+ N
P!_ADJANT Adjustment Amount 1+ N
P!_OUTBAL Outstanding Balance 1+ N
P!_ORDBAL Order Balance 1+ N
P!_AvGDAYS Average Creditors Days 10 N
P!_CURRENT Current Outstanding Amount 1+ N
P!_PER!OD1 Amount Aged !nto Period 1 1+ N
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0#"F%2&#$ I%$2&#4 PHIST
P!_PER!OD2 Amount Aged !nto Period 2 1+ N
P!_PER!OD3 Amount Aged !nto Period 3 1+ N
P!_PER!OD+ Amount Aged !nto Period + 1+ N
P!_PER!OD5 Amount Aged !nto Period 5+ 1+ N
!D Unique !D 10 N
CL8 5%'"$ G"2.%: PLINE
PL_ACCOUNT Supplier's Account 8 C
PL_TRREF Our Reference 12 C
PL_L!NE Line No. of !nvoice 7 N
PL_SUPREF Supp's Stock Ref. 16 C
PL_CNREF Our Stock Reference 16 C
PL_DESC Stock Description +0 C
PL_!NvQUA Quantity 9 N
PL_!NvPR! Price 10 N
PL_D!SC Discount 5 N
PL_FCURR F.Currency Currency Code 3 C
PL_FCRATE Curr. Exchange Rate 11 N
PL_FCN F.Nult !nd 1 L
PL_FCDEC F.Decimals Foreign currency decimal places 1 N
PL_FCvAL Foreign value 11 N
PL_FCNvAL Foreign Balance 11 N
PL_vATCTRY Ctry vAT Type 1 C
PL_vATTYPE vAT Type Code 1 C
PL_ANvAT vAT Code 1 C
PL_BOX7 Purchases !nclude in box 7 vAT100 - all purchases 1 L
PL_BOX9 EC Acquisitions !nclude in box 9 vAT100 - EC acquisitions 1 L
PL_BOX2 Acquisition Tax !nclude in box 2 vAT100 - vAT due on acquisitions 1 L
PL_BOX+ !nput Tax !nclude in box + vAT100 - input tax 1 L
PL_SSDPRE Pre Process SD Pre process item for SD 1 L
PL_SSDPOST Post Process SD Post process item for SD 1 L
PL_SSDSUPP SD !nclude !nclude in SD 1 L
PL_CONNOD Commodity Code Commodity code (+spare 3 chars) 11 C
PL_NETNASS Net Nass in Kgs Net mass of line 12 N
PL_SUPPQTY Supp. Units Supplementary units (second qty) 12 N
PL_DELTERN Delivery Terms Delivery terms 3 C
PL_TRANSAC Nature of Transact. Nature of transaction 2 C
PL_TRANSPT Node of Transport Node of transport 1 C
PL_SSDvAL SD value value for the SD (with delivery chargesapportioned) 12 N
PL_SSDFvAL Foreign SD value Foreign value for the SD (with delivery chargesapportioned) 11 N
PL_CTRYORG Origin Country Code Country of origin country code 2 C
PL_AvALUE Total Analysed val. 12 N
PL_AvAT Total Analysed vAT 12 N
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CL8 5%'"$ G"2.%: PLINE
PL_NQTY Natched Quantity 9 N
SQ_CRDATE Create Date 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Create Time 8 C
SQ_CRUSER Create User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amended Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amended Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amended User 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
PL_TRvALUE Line value 10 N
PL_vATvAL vAT value 10 N
PL_POSTED Posted To Ledger 1 L
PL_FCvAT Foreign vAT value 11 N
PL_ANCODE Analysis Code 8 C
PL_ANDESC Analysis Description 30 C
PL_NACNTR Cost Centre + C
PL_JCSTDOC Costing Doc. 10 C
PL_JCCODE Costing Code 16 C
PL_JPHASE Costing Phase 3 C
PL_JL!NE Costing Line 10 C
PL_GRNREF GRN Ref + Line No. 17 C
PL_DCREF Purchase Order Ref 10 C
PL_DCL!NE Purchase Order Line 7 N
PL_NULTNN Nultiply Nass by Qty Nultiply Net Nass by Quantity for EC vAT 1 L
PL_JL!NE!D Costing Budget Line !D 10 N
PL_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
PL_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
5&&>91$ PLOOK
LK_TYPE Type Lookup record type. Y=Supplier Type. 1 C
LK_CODE Code Lookup record code (key). 3 C "Code cannot be left
LK_DESC Description Lookup record description. 20 C "Description cannot be
left blank"
CL8 H.2A7 3.K:" PMATCH
PN_PLREF P!R !nvoice Ref. 12 C
PN_PLL!NE P!R Line Number 7 N
PN_DCREF Order Reference 10 C
PN_DCL!NE Order Line No. 7 N
PN_QTY Natched Quantity 9 N
PN_POSTED Posted To PL 1 L
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
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PN_ACCOUNT Account 8 C "Account code may not
be blank"
PN_NANE Name 30 C "Supplier name maynot
be blank"
PN_ADDR1 Address Line 1 30 C
PN_ADDR2 Address Line 2 30 C
PN_ADDR3 Address Line 3 30 C
PN_ADDR+ Address Line + 30 C
PN_PSTCODE Post Code 8 C
PN_TELENO Telephone Number 20 C
PN_FAXNO Fax Number 20 C
PN_CONTACT Contact 20 C
PN_CONTAC2 Second Contact 20 C
PN_SUPTYPE Supp.Type 3 C
PN_ANALSYS Supp.Analysis + C
PN_TRNOvER Turnover 11 N
PN_LAST!Nv Last !nvoiced 8 D
PN_LASTPAY Last Payment 8 D
PN_CURRBAL Current Balance 11 N
PN_CRL!N Credit Limit 8 N
PN_ORDRBAL Order Balance 11 N
PN_STOP Stop Flag Account on STOP with this supplier ?, .T. or .F. 1 L
PN_ORDER Order 1 L
PN_PAYNETH Pay Nethod Payment method. C=Cheque, B=BACS 1 C
PN_DEFSUPP Supply Code 8 C
PN_APPROvE Approval + C
PN_PAYEE Payee 30 C
PN_BANKAC Bank Account 9 C
PN_BANKSOR Bank Sort Code 8 C
PN_DEL!NST Delivery !nstruct. 10 N
PN_NENO Nemo 10 N
PN_CTRY Country Code Supplier country code 2 C
PN_NRTH!RE Northern !reland !nd .T. = Supply country (GB) is actually Northern!reland.F. = Supply
country (GB) is NOT Northern !reland
1 L
PN_vRN vAT Reg. Number Supplier vAT Reg. number 15 C
PN_DELT Delivery Terms Key to delivery terms file 3 C
PN_NTRN Nature of Transact. Key to nature of transaction file 2 C
PN_NTRN Node of Transport Key to mode of transport file 1 C
PN_BRANCH !nter-Branch !nd. !nter-branch !ndicator 1 L
PN_LEDGER Ledger Account Ledger account number (for supply addressaccounts) 8 C
PN_TPRFL Terms Profile Code Key linking supplier to terms profile file 8 C
PN_SPRFL Supp. Profile Code Key linking supplier to supplier profile file 8 C
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PN_NODEL Nodel !ndicator .T. = This account is a model template.F. = !t is not 1 L
PN_LUPDATE Last Update Date Date that this account was last updated 8 D
PN_PONATCH PO Natching 1 N
PN_NOPRTPO Not Print PO !ndicator to Suppress Purchase Order Print 1 L
PN_SANA Sending ANA Ref. The reference used by ED! module to transmit anyED! documents
to specified supplier.
13 C
PN_RANA Receipt ANA Ref. Used by ED! module to relate ED! message referenceto specified
13 C
PN_CUSTREF vendors Reference Reference used by this supplier when communicatingwith the
End-User (ie. Supplier sales Ledger afccode)
17 C
PN_SUPPLOC Supplier Location Co Code used by Supplier as their internal referencefor this
deliveryfinvoice address.
17 C
PN_BANA Location ANA Ref. Suppliers unique ANA reference for thisdeliveryfinvoice address. 13 C
PN_KEY1 Key 1 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
PN_KEY2 Key 2 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
PN_KEY3 Key 3 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
PN_KEY+ Key + Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
PN_ATPYCD Bank Reference Bank Reference Number eg. AUTOPAY - NatWest 6 C
PN_BSREF BfS Reference (BACS) Building Society Reference for BACS payments 18 C
PN_BSNANE BfS Name (BACS) Building Society Name for BACS payments 18 C
PN_WWWPAGE Suppliers web page suppliersweb home page address address for webbrowser in
windows version only
+0 C
PN_ENA!L Suppliers E-Nail suppliers e-mail address for web browser inwindows version only +0 C
PN_FCREATE Creation Date Creation Date of Supplier 8 D
PN_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
PN_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
PN_ENA!LRA E-Nail Remittance Advices 1 L
-&/%'.: 3#.'$D"# PNOML
PX_NACNT Account 8 C
PX_NCNTR Cost Centre + C
PX_TYPE Type 1 C
PX_DATE Date 8 D
PX_vALUE value 12 N
PX_TREF Reference +0 C
PX_CONNENT Comment +0 C
PX_DONE Transferred 1 C
PX_FCURR Currency Currency Code of Nominal Account 3 C
PX_FvALUE Foreign value 12 N
PX_FCRATE Exchange Rate Exchange Rate at time of Posting 11 N
PX_FCNULT FC.Nultiply 1 L
PX_FCDEC FC.Decimal Places 1 N
PX_SRCCO Source Company Source Company That This Analysis Line Has BeenPosted From 1 C
PX_UN!QUE Unique !D Unique !dentifier for Transaction 8 C
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-&/%'.: 3#.'$D"# PNOML
PX_CDESC !tem description +0 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
PX_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
PX_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
PX_JRNL Journal Number Journal Number 5 N
J12%&'$ PPARM
PP_D!SCNON Discount Nomianl AfC Discount Taken Nominal Code. 13 C
PP_BANKNON Bank Nominal AfC Default bank account Nominal Code. 13 C
PP_PER!OD Period Accounting Period. Nay be Calendar Nonthly or7,1+,28 or 30
7 C
PP_ADvANCE Advanced Allow advanced postings ?, Y or N. Reset at periodend. 1 C
PP_RETA!N Retain The number of periods for which a transaction willbe retained,
regardless of whether it is paid orallocated.
2 N
PP_APPROvE Approval Allow the invoice approval function to operate, Yor N. 1 C
PP_ZERO Zero Balance Zero balance accounts to be removed at period end?, Y or N. 1 C
PP_SUGDAYS Suggested Days The number of days ahead for which the suggestedpayments
facility will operate.
2 N
PP_CHEQNO Cheque Number Next cheque number. Zero indicates cheques notused. 6 N
PP_ADJ01 Adjust. Desc. 1 Adjustment name 1. 10 C
PP_ADJ02 Adjust. Desc. 2 Adjustment name 2. 10 C
PP_ADJ03 Adjust. Desc. 3 Adjustment name 3. 10 C
PP_ADJ0+ Adjust. Desc. + Adjustment name +. 10 C
PP_ADJ05 Adjust. Desc. 5 Adjustment name 5. 10 C
PP_ADJ06 Adjust. Desc. 6 Adjustment name 6. 10 C
PP_ADJ07 Adjust. Desc. 7 Adjustment name 7. 10 C
PP_ADJ08 Adjust. Desc. 8 Adjustment name 8. 10 C
PP_ADJ09 Adjust. Desc. 9 Adjustment name 9. 10 C
PP_ADJ10 Adjust. Desc. 10 Adjustment name 10. 10 C
PP_ADJ11 Adjust. Desc. 11 Adjustment name 11. 10 C
PP_ADJ12 Adjust. Desc. 12 Adjustment name 12. 10 C
PP_ADJ01NN Adjust Nom. AfC 1 Adjustment 1 nominal code. 13 C
PP_ADJ02NN Adjust Nom. AfC 2 Adjustment 2 nominal code. 13 C
PP_ADJ03NN Adjust Nom. AfC 3 Adjustment 3 nominal code. 13 C
PP_ADJ0+NN Adjust Nom. AfC + Adjustment + nominal code. 13 C
PP_ADJ05NN Adjust Nom. AfC 5 Adjustment 5 nominal code. 13 C
PP_ADJ06NN Adjust Nom. AfC 6 Adjustment 6 nominal code. 13 C
PP_ADJ07NN Adjust Nom. AfC 7 Adjustment 7 nominal code. 13 C
PP_ADJ08NN Adjust Nom. AfC 8 Adjustment 8 nominal code. 13 C
PP_ADJ09NN Adjust Nom. AfC 9 Adjustment 9 nominal code. 13 C
PP_ADJ10NN Adjust Nom. AfC 10 Adjustment 10 nominal code. 13 C
PP_ADJ11NN Adjust Nom. AfC 11 Adjustment 11 nominal code. 13 C
PP_ADJ12NN Adjust Nom. AfC 12 Adjustment 12 nominal code. 13 C
PP_PAY01 Paymt. Desc. 1 Payment name 1. 10 C
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J12%&'$ PPARM
PP_PAY02 Paymt. Desc. 2 Payment name 2. 10 C
PP_PAY03 Paymt. Desc. 3 Payment name 3. 10 C
PP_PAY0+ Paymt. Desc. + Payment name +. 10 C
PP_PAY05 Paymt. Desc. 5 Payment name 5. 10 C
PP_PAY06 Paymt. Desc. 6 Payment name 6. 10 C
PP_PAY07 Paymt. Desc. 7 Payment name 7. 10 C
PP_PAY08 Paymt. Desc. 8 Payment name 8. 10 C
PP_PAY09 Paymt. Desc. 9 Payment name 9. 10 C
PP_PAY10 Paymt. Desc. 10 Payment name 10. 10 C
PP_PAY11 Paymt. Desc. 11 Payment name 11. 10 C
PP_PAY12 Paymt. Desc. 12 Payment name 12. 10 C
PP_AN1T!TL Analysis Title 1 Analysis report 1 title. 26 C
PP_AN2T!TL Analysis Title 2 Analysis report 2 title. 26 C
PP_AN3T!TL Analysis Title 3 Analysis report 3 title. 26 C
PP_AN+T!TL Analysis Title + Analysis report + title. 26 C
PP_AN1SEQ Analysis Seq. 1 Analysis report 1 sequence. + C
PP_AN2SEQ Analysis Seq. 2 Analysis report 2 sequence. + C
PP_AN3SEQ Analysis Seq. 3 Analysis report 3 sequence. + C
PP_AN+SEQ Analysis Seq. + Analysis report + sequence. + C
PP_XCHANGE Exch.PfL Name Name for foreign exchange realised gains 8 lossesadjustment. 10 C
PP_XCHGNON Exch.PfL Nominal Cde Default Nominal code for exchange gainsflosses.Also the nominal
code for gainsflosses made withthe home currency.
13 C
PP_RETZOON Retain for Zoom The number of periods for which an invoiceanalysis image will be
retained, regardless ofwhether it is paid. This number can't be
greaterthan the general retain figure.
2 N
PP_BACS BACS Software BACS processing software name. 12 C
PP_SETTOvR Sett. Disc. Override Allow settlement discount override on posting.True or False. 1 L
PP_AN5T!TL Analysis Title 5 26 C
PP_AN6T!TL Analysis Title 6 26 C
PP_AN5SEQ Analysis Seq. 5 + C
PP_AN6SEQ Analysis Seq. 6 + C
PP_OvRBANK Override Bank AfC 1 L
PP_P!REF P!R !nvoice No. 10 C
PP_P!CRD P!R Credit No. 10 C
PP_P!RAUT P!R Authorisation 1 C
PP_SPECRTN Special Process 8 C
PP_SPECP!R P!R Special Process 8 C
PP_PCBTY01 Payment CB Type 1 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 1 2 C
PP_PCBTY02 Payment CB Type 2 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 2 2 C
PP_PCBTY03 Payment CB Type 3 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 3 2 C
PP_PCBTY0+ Payment CB Type + Cash Book Type for Receipt Name + 2 C
PP_PCBTY05 Payment CB Type 5 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 5 2 C
PP_PCBTY06 Payment CB Type 6 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 6 2 C
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J12%&'$ PPARM
PP_PCBTY07 Payment CB Type 7 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 7 2 C
PP_PCBTY08 Payment CB Type 8 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 8 2 C
PP_PCBTY09 Payment CB Type 9 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 9 2 C
PP_PCBTY10 Payment CB Type 10 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 10 2 C
PP_PCBTY11 Payment CB Type 11 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 11 2 C
PP_PCBTY12 Payment CB Type 12 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 12 2 C
PP_PCASH01 Cash Payment 1 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 1 1 L
PP_PCASH02 Cash Payment 2 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 2 1 L
PP_PCASH03 Cash Payment 3 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 3 1 L
PP_PCASH0+ Cash Payment + Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name + 1 L
PP_PCASH05 Cash Payment 5 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 5 1 L
PP_PCASH06 Cash Payment 6 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 6 1 L
PP_PCASH07 Cash Payment 7 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 7 1 L
PP_PCASH08 Cash Payment 8 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 8 1 L
PP_PCASH09 Cash Payment 9 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 9 1 L
PP_PCASH10 Cash Payment 10 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 10 1 L
PP_PCASH11 Cash Payment 11 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 11 1 L
PP_PCASH12 Cash Payment 12 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 12 1 L
PP_RFD01 Refund Name 1 Refund Name 1. 10 C
PP_RFD02 Refund Name 2 Refund Name 2. 10 C
PP_RFD03 Refund Name 3 Refund Name 3. 10 C
PP_RFD0+ Refund Name + Refund Name +. 10 C
PP_RFD05 Refund Name 5 Refund Name 5. 10 C
PP_RFD06 Refund Name 6 Refund Name 6. 10 C
PP_RFD07 Refund Name 7 Refund Name 7. 10 C
PP_RFD08 Refund Name 8 Refund Name 8. 10 C
PP_RFD09 Refund Name 9 Refund Name 9. 10 C
PP_RFD10 Refund Name 10 Refund Name 10. 10 C
PP_RFD11 Refund Name 11 Refund Name 11. 10 C
PP_RFD12 Refund Name 12 Refund Name 12. 10 C
PP_FCBTY01 Refund CB Type 1 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 1 2 C
PP_FCBTY02 Refund CB Type 2 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 2 2 C
PP_FCBTY03 Refund CB Type 3 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 3 2 C
PP_FCBTY0+ Refund CB Type + Cash Book Type for Refund Name + 2 C
PP_FCBTY05 Refund CB Type 5 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 5 2 C
PP_FCBTY06 Refund CB Type 6 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 6 2 C
PP_FCBTY07 Refund CB Type 7 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 7 2 C
PP_FCBTY08 Refund CB Type 8 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 8 2 C
PP_FCBTY09 Refund CB Type 9 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 9 2 C
PP_FCBTY10 Refund CB Type 10 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 10 2 C
PP_FCBTY11 Refund CB Type 11 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 11 2 C
PP_FCBTY12 Refund CB Type 12 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 12 2 C
PP_FCASH01 Cash Refund 1 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 1 1 L
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J12%&'$ PPARM
PP_FCASH02 Cash Refund 2 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 2 1 L
PP_FCASH03 Cash Refund 3 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 3 1 L
PP_FCASH0+ Cash Refund + Cash !ndicator for Refund Name + 1 L
PP_FCASH05 Cash Refund 5 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 5 1 L
PP_FCASH06 Cash Refund 6 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 6 1 L
PP_FCASH07 Cash Refund 7 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 7 1 L
PP_FCASH08 Cash Refund 8 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 8 1 L
PP_FCASH09 Cash Refund 9 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 9 1 L
PP_FCASH10 Cash Refund 10 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 10 1 L
PP_FCASH11 Cash Refund 11 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 11 1 L
PP_FCASH12 Cash Refund 12 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 12 1 L
PP_NLCO!D Purch - Nominal Link Nominal Analysis Company !dentifier 1 C
PP_BKSORT Company-Bank Sort Cd 6 C
PP_BKACNO Company-Bank Afc Cd 8 C
PP_BKNANE Company-Bank Name 18 C
PP_BCvOL!D BACS vol. !D (!rish) Default BACS volume !D for volume Header Label(A!B and Bank
of !reland)
6 C
PP_BCAUT!D BACS Auth.!D (!rish) Default BACS Authorisation !D for volume HeaderLabel (A!B and
Bank of !reland)
6 C
PP_USESUGG Use suggested Payday true if using suggested pay days 1 L
PP_CH!ST Keep Creditors History 3 N
PP_PERCDAY Periods for Creditors Days 3 N
PP_NRC Nandatory Reason Code !f set, a reason for holding an invoice must be entered. 1 L
PP_LCHQREN Lines on Cheques f Remittances The number of lines to be printed on ChequesfRemittances 3 N
=911:%"# C#&D%:"$ PPRFLS
PC_CODE Code Supplier options profile code, blank for recordswhich belong
exclusively to one account.
8 C
PC_ACCOUNT Account Number Account number part of key, blank for profilescreated through
profile maintenance, otherwise setto account number to which this
record exclusivelybelongs.
8 C
PC_NANE Name Supplier options profile name 30 C
PC_OPEN Open !tem !ndicator .T. = Open item.F. = Balance brought forward 1 L
PC_CURRNCY Currency Currency code 3 C
PC_BANKNON NL Bank AfC Nominal Ledger bank account 13 C
PC_CRDCTRL Creditors Ctrl Acc Creditors control account [cost centre| forNominal 13 C
PC_REN!T Remit Advice Produce remittance advice ?, .T. or .F. 1 L
PC_vATCODE Default vAT Code Default vAT Code 1 C
PC_LASTUPD Date Last Changed Date profile was last changed 8 D
PC_OvRBANK Override Bank AfC 1 L
PC_DEFPAY Ref2 Paymt Default Default value for Ref2 field for Payment Posting 2 N
PC_DEFRFD Ref2 Refnd Default Default value for Ref2 field for Refund Posting 2 N
PC_PAYNANE Supplier Name Flag * Only used with Cash Book Nodule.T. = Supplier Name Entry for
Refunds.F. = No Name Entry
1 L
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=911:%"# C#&D%:"$ PPRFLS
PC_RETA!N Retain The number of periods for which a transaction willbe retained,
regardless of whether it is paid orallocated.
2 N
PC_RETZOON Retain For Zoom The number of periods for which an invoiceanalysis image will be
retained, regardless ofwhether it is paid. This number can't be
greaterthan the general retain figure.
2 N
=911:4 0&F"$ PPURCH
PP_ACODE Supply Code 8 C "Code cannot be left
PP_ADESC Description 30 C "Description cannot be
left blank"
PP_NON!NAL NL Account 13 C
PP_vATCODE vAT Code 1 C "Tax Code cannot be
left blank"
8".$&'$ D&# I&:F%'6 PREASN
PO_CODE Reason Reason code for invoice being held. + C
PO_DESC Description Reason for invoice being held. 50 C
3"#/$ C#&D%:"$ RC5S PTERMS
PR_CODE Terms Profile Code Trading terms profile code, blank for recordswhich belong
exclusively to one account.
8 C
PR_ACCOUNT Account Number Account number part of key, blank for profilescreated through
profile maintenance, otherwise setto account number to which this
record exclusivelybelongs.
8 C
PR_NANE Terms Profile Name Trading terms profile name 30 C
PR_OD!SC Overall Discount Overall invoice discount percentage 5 N
PR_SET1DAY Sett.1 Days Settlement discount 1 days 2 N
PR_SET1PCT Sett.1 age Settlement discount 1 percentage 5 N
PR_SET2DAY Sett.2 Days Settlement discount 2 days 2 N
PR_SET2PCT Sett.2 age Settlement discount 2 percentage 5 N
PR_TERNTYP Due Date Type Nethod for calculating due date :1. Number of days after invoice
date2. Specific day of month after invoice month3. Specific day of
month + 1 after invoice month
1 N
PR_TERNDAY Due Date Day Depending on due date type, this field is :1. Number of days after
the invoice date thatpayment is due.2. Specific day of the month
following the invoicemonth that payment is due.3. Specific day of
the month following the invoicemonth + 1 that payment is due.
3 N
PR_SDSCDEL S.Disc. On DfCharges .T. = Allow settlement discount on deliverycharges.F. = Do not 1 L
PR_vAT!NCL !nclusive of vAT !nd .T. = Enter invoicefCredit line values inclusiveof vAT.F. = Enter
invoicefCredit line values as goodsonly
1 L
PR_LASTUPD Date Last Changed Date profile was last changed 8 D
3#.'$.A2%&'$ PTRAN
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3#.'$.A2%&'$ PTRAN
PT_ACCOUNT Account 8 C
PT_TRREF Reference 10 C
PT_SUPREF Supp's Reference 10 C
PT_TRvALUE value 12 N
PT_vATvAL vAT value 12 N
PT_TRBAL Balance 12 N
PT_PA!D Paid 1 C
PT_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
PT_ADvANCE Advanced 1 C
PT_PAYFLAG Paid Flag 3 N
PT_SET1DAY S1 Discount Days 2 N
PT_SET1 Sett.1 Disc. Percent 10 N
PT_SET2DAY S2 Discount Days 2 N
PT_SET2 Sett.2 Disc. Percent 10 N
PT_PAYDAY Pay Date 8 D
PT_DUEDAY Due Date 8 D
PT_HELD Held 1 C
PT_FCURR F.Currency Currency Code. 3 C
PT_FCRATE F.Exch. Rate Foreign currency exchange rate. 11 N
PT_FCDEC F.Decimal Places No of decimals in Currency. 1 N
PT_FCvAL Foreign value Foreign Currency value of transaction. 11 N
PT_FCBAL Foreign Balance Foreign currency balance. 11 N
PT_NENO Nemo Analysed !nvoice 8 Cr.Note data in text form. 10 N
PT_ADvAL Adv.Allocated value value allocated to an invoice from an advancedpayment 11 N
PT_FADvAL Adv.Allocated val. F Foreign value allocated to an invoice from anadvanced payment 11 N
PT_FCNULT F.Nultiply 1 L
PT_CBTYPE Cashbook Type 2 C
PT_ENTRY Cashbook Entry Ref 10 C
PT_UN!QUE Unique !D Unique !dentifier for Transaction. 8 C
PT_SUPTYPE Purchase Type Purchase Type 3 C
PT_EURO Euro value This holds the value of the euro for nonmulticurrency users 9 N
PT_PAYADvL Bal hold for adv pay Holds the value of pt_trbal after allocating, tocheck an allocated
payment against non allocatedinvoice.
11 N
PT_OR!GCUR Holds original Curry Holds original currency before euro conversion 3 C
PT_EUR!ND Euro Conversion flag 1 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
PT_PEDATE Period End Date 8 D
PT_RCODE Reason Reason for invoice being held. + C
PT_RUSER Held By The user who is holding the invoice. 8 C
PT_RDATE Held Date Date the invoice was held. 10 D
C9#A7.$" !%"E PVIEW
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C9#A7.$" !%"E PVIEW
Pv_CODE view Code 3 C
Pv_NANE view Name 30 C
Pv_SYSv!EW System view 1 L
Pv_LvL1 Level 1 view 20 C
Pv_LvL2 Level 2 view 20 C
Pv_LvL3 Level 3 view 20 C
Pv_LvL+ Level + view 20 C
Pv_LvL5 Level 5 view 20 C
Pv_LvL6 Level 6 view 20 C
Pv_DEFAULT Default view 1 L
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<927&#%2%"$ DAUTH
DA_DDREF Department Department Key + C
DA_DNREF !ndividual !ndividual Key, Linked to SEQPEOPL 10 C
DA_ANOUNT Limit Amount able to be Authorised 10 N
C9#A7.$%'6 G"12* DDEPT
DD_REF Department Department Key + C
DD_NANE Name Department Name 30 C
DD_LOCAT!O Location Location of Department 30 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
H&F": J#F"# I".F"# DMHEAD
DC_REF Nodel Reference Order Key 10 C
DC_ACCOUNT Supplier Supplier Account 8 C
DC_OD!SC Overall Discount Overall Discount 5 N
DC_CWCODE !ntended Warehouse Warehouse Code + C
DC_DELNAN Delivery Name Delivery Name +0 C
DC_DELAD1 Delivery Address 1 Delivery Address 30 C
DC_DELAD2 Delivery Address 2 30 C
DC_DELAD3 Delivery Address 3 30 C
DC_DELAD+ Delivery Address + 30 C
DC_DELADPC Delivery Post Code Delivery Post Code 8 C
DC_DELTELE Delivery Phone No. Delivery Telephone Number 20 C
DC_DELFAX Delivery Fax Number Delivery Fax Number 20 C
DC_CONTACT Contact Delivery Contact 20 C
DC_NARR1 Narrative Line 1 Narrative Line 1 75 C
DC_NARR2 Narrative Line 2 Narrative Line 2 75 C
DC_CURRCY Currency Currency for Document 3 C
DC_EXRATE Exchange Rate Exchange Rate Used for Document 11 N
DC_EXNULT Nultiply !ndicator Exchange Nultiply !ndicator 1 L
DC_DPLACE Decimal Places Foriegn Decimal Places 1 N
DC_TOTvAL Total value Total value for Order 12 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE User Created 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
DC_TXTREP Text !mage 10 N
DC_B!NREP Binary !mage 1 L
DC_REF2 Reference 20 C
H&F": J#F"# 5%'"$ DMLINE
DO_DNREF Nodel Reference Nodel Reference 10 C
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H&F": J#F"# 5%'"$ DMLINE
DO_DNL!NE Nodel Line Nodel Line Number 7 N
DO_ACCOUNT Supplier Account Supplier Account 8 C
DO_LEDGER Ledger Account Ledger Account 8 C
DO_SUPREF Supplier's Stock Ref Suppliers's Reference 16 C
DO_CNREF Stock Reference Stock Reference 16 C
DO_DESC Description Description +0 C
DO_EXTEND Extended Warehouse 10 N
DO_CWCODE !ntended Warehouse Warehouse Code + C
DO_JCSTDOC Job Costing Job Number Key 10 C
DO_JPHASE Phase Costing Phase Key 3 C
DO_JCCODE Cost Code Costing Code Code Key 16 C
DO_JL!NE Job Line Costing Job Line Number 10 C
DO_REQQTY Quantity Required Required Quantity 9 N
DO_REQQUA Quality Required Required Quality 8 C
DO_REQDAT Date Required Required date 8 D
DO_QUOTED Quote Obtained Quoted !ndicator 1 L
DO_QUODAT Date Quote Obtained Date Quoted 8 D
DO_PR!CE Price Order Price 12 N
DO_vALUE value Order value 12 N
DO_D!SCP Discount Percentage Discount Percent 5 N
DO_D!SCv Discounted value Line Discounted value 12 N
DO_ORDDSO Apply Overall Disc. !f true, SfL is Linked to Costing 1 L
DO_CURRCY Currency Currency For Order 3 C
DO_DPLACE Decimal Places Foreign Decimal Places 1 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended User Last Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments Comments 10 N
DO_SUPPCDE Supply Code Supply Code 8 C
DO_DELREF Delivery Reference Delivery Reference 10 C
DO_CONNENT Comment For Receipt Receipt Comment 35 C
DO_FUNDEC Foreign Unit Decimal Foreign Unit Number of Decimals 1 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
DO_JL!NE!D Job Line !D 10 N
DO_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
DO_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
DO_CNTR Cost Centre + C
DN_REF !ndividual !ndividual Key, Linked to SEQPEOPL 10 C
DN_DDREF Purchasing Dept !ndividual's Dept. + C
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DN_JT!TLE Job Title Job Title 20 C
DN_WTELENO Telephone Telephone Number 20 C
DN_WFAXNO Fax Number Fax Number 20 C
CHECK1 Checksum 1 Security Check - validates Authorisation 5 N
DN_!NACT !nactive !nactive !ndicator.Naybe !nactive, but may not delete record. 1 L
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
Y'A&//%22"F G&A9/"'2 DODOC
DC_REF Document Reference Document Key 10 C
DC_ACCOUNT Supplier Supplier Account 8 C
DC_OD!SC Overall Discount Overall Discount 5 N
DC_ONORDER On Order !ndicates if Document or Parts of Document is onOrder.0 =
Not on Order2 = On Order+ = Part On Order
1 N
DC_PR!NTED Printed 1 L
DC_CWCODE !ntended Warehouse Warehouse Code + C
DC_DELNAN Delivery Name Delivery Name +0 C
DC_DELAD1 Delivery Address 1 Delivery Address 30 C
DC_DELAD2 Delivery Address 2 30 C
DC_DELAD3 Delivery Address 3 30 C
DC_DELAD+ Delivery Address + 30 C
DC_DELADPC Delivery Post Code Delivery Post Code 8 C
DC_DELTELE Delivery Phone No. Delivery Telephone Number 20 C
DC_DELFAX Delivery Fax Number Delivery Fax Number 20 C
DC_CONTACT Contact Contact for Delivery 20 C
DC_NARR1 Narrative Line 1 Narrative Line 1 75 C
DC_NARR2 Narrative Line 2 Narrative Line 2 75 C
DC_CURRCY Currency Currency for Document 3 C
DC_EXRATE Exchange Rate Exchange Rate used in Document 11 N
DC_EXNULT Nuliply !ndicator Exchange Rate Nultiple !ndicator 1 L
DC_DPLACE Decimal Places Foriegn Decimal Places 1 N
DC_TOTvAL Total value Total value for Order 12 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amended 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
DC_REF2 Reference 20 C
C9#A7.$" J#F"#$ DOHEAD
DC_REF PfOrder Reference Order Key 10 C
DC_ACCOUNT Supplier Supplier Account 8 C
DC_OD!SC Overall Discount Overall Discount 5 N
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C9#A7.$" J#F"#$ DOHEAD
DC_CANCEL Cancelled Order Cancelled !ndicator 1 L
DC_CWCODE !ntended Warehouse Warehouse Code + C
DC_DELNAN Delivery Name Delivery Name +0 C
DC_DELAD1 Delivery Address 1 Delivery Address 30 C
DC_DELAD2 Delivery Address 2 30 C
DC_DELAD3 Delivery Address 3 30 C
DC_DELAD+ Delivery Address + 30 C
DC_DELADPC Delivery Post Code Delivery Post Code 8 C
DC_DELTELE Delivery Phone No. Delivery Telephone Number 20 C
DC_DELFAX Delivery Fax Number Delivery Fax Number 20 C
DC_CONTACT Contact Delivery Contact 20 C
DC_NARR1 Narrative Line 1 Narrative Line 1 75 C
DC_NARR2 Narrative Line 2 Narrative Line 2 75 C
DC_PORDER Purchase Order !mage Purchase Order !mage 10 N
DC_CURRCY Currency Currency for Document 3 C
DC_EXRATE Exchange Rate Exchange Rate Used for Document 11 N
DC_EXNULT Nultiply !ndicator Exchange Nultiple !ndicator 1 L
DC_DPLACE Decimal Places Foriegn Decimal Places 1 N
DC_TOTvAL Total value Total value for Order 12 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
DC_TXTREP Text !mage 10 N
DC_B!NREP Binary !mage 1 L
DC_REF2 Reference 20 C
DC_PR!NTED Printed flag 1 L
J#F"# 5%'"$ DOLINE
DO_DHREF Requisition Document Requistion Key 10 C
DO_DLL!NE Requisition Line Requisition Line Number 7 N
DO_DUREF Uncommitted Document Document Key 10 C
DO_DUL!NE Document Line Document Line Number 7 N
DO_DCREF Committed PfOrder Purchase Order Key 10 C
DO_DCL!NE PfOrder Line Purchase Order Line Number 7 N
DO_ACCOUNT Supplier Account Supplier Account 8 C
DO_LEDGER Ledger Account Ledger Account 8 C
DO_SUPREF Supplier's Stock Ref Supplier's Reference 16 C
DO_CNREF Stock Reference Stock Reference 16 C
DO_DESC Description Description +0 C
DO_EXTEND Extended Description 10 N
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J#F"# 5%'"$ DOLINE
DO_CWCODE !ntended Warehouse Warehouse Code + C
DO_JCSTDOC Job Costing Job Number Key 10 C
DO_JPHASE Phase Costing Phase Key 3 C
DO_JCCODE Cost Code Costing Code Code Key 16 C
DO_JL!NE Job Line Costing Job Line Number 10 C
DO_REQQTY Quantity Required Required Quantity 9 N
DO_RECQTY Quantity Received Received Quantity 9 N
DO_!NvQTY Quantity !nvoiced !nvoiced Quantity 9 N
DO_REQQUA Quality Required Required Quality 8 C
DO_RECQUA Quality Received Received Quality 8 C
DO_REQDAT Date Required Required Date 8 D
DO_RECDAT Date Received Received Date 8 D
DO_QUOTED Quote Obtained Quoted !ndicator 1 L
DO_QUODAT Date Quote Obtained Date Quoted 8 D
DO_PR!CE Price Order Price 12 N
DO_vALUE value Order value 12 N
DO_D!SCP Discount Percentage Discount Percent 5 N
DO_D!SCv Discounted value Line Discounted value 12 N
DO_CONN!T Committed Line has been Committed to PfOrder 1 L
DO_ORDDSO Apply Overall Disc. Apply Overall Discount on Line 1 L
DO_CNPLTD Order Completed Order Completed !ndicator 1 L
DO_CNPLT! !nvoice Completed !nvoice Completed !ndicator 1 L
DO_CURRCY Currency Currency for Order 3 C
DO_DPLACE Decimal Places Foreign Decimal Places 1 N
DO_CNPREFD Delivery Ref. Set Completed Delivery Reference 17 C
DO_CNPREF! !nvoice Ref. Set Completed !nvoice Reference 17 C
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
DO_SUPPCDE Supply Code 8 C
DO_DELREF Delivery Reference Delivery Reference 10 C
DO_CONNENT Comment for Receipt Receipt Comment 35 C
DO_SORDER Sales Order No. 10 C
DO_SOCUST S.O. Customer 8 C
DO_SODOC S.O. Document Ref. 10 C
DO_SORECNO S.O. Record No. 7 N
DO_FUNDEC Foreign Unit Decimal Foreign Unit Number of Decimals 1 N
DO_CNTR Cost Centre + C
!D Unique !D 10 N
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J#F"# 5%'"$ DOLINE
DO_JL!NE!D Job Line !D 10 N
DO_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
DO_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
C.#./"2"#$ DPARM
DP_DHREF Next Requisition 10 C
DP_DUREF Next Uncommitted Ord 10 C
DP_DCREF Next Purchase Order 10 C
DP_CRSPROD Create Supp.Product Creation of Supplier Product in P.Orderprocessing. 1 L
DP_OvERRPO Allow PO Override 1 L
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
DP_NREF Nodel Reference 10 C
DP_NO!NAGE Do Not Hold PO !mage !ndicates whether an image of the Purchase Ordershould not be
recorded on the Purchase OrderHeader
1 L
DP_PRNSEQ Print !n Line Seq !f this option is set true direct purchase ordersand modelswill print
in the order entered i.e. not sorted
1 L
DP_DELDEL Delete !nvoiced PfOs Delete Undelivered !nvoiced PfO's 1 L
8"Z9%$%2%&' I".F"#$ DRHEAD
DH_REF Document Reference Requisition Key 10 C
DH_AUTHED Authorised Requisition has been Authorised 1 L
DH_SF!ED Satisfied Requisition has been Satisfied 1 L
DH_ONORDER On Order !ndicates if Requisition or Parts of Requisitionis on Order.0 =
Not on Order1 = Progressed to Document2 = On
Order3 = Part Progressed to Document+ = Part On
1 N
DH_PR!NTED Printed Requistion Printed 1 L
DH_DNREF For !ndividual !ndividual Key 10 C
DH_DDREF Department Department Key + C
DH_DNREFA Authorised By Authorised By 10 C
DH_AUTDATE Date Authorised Date Authorised 8 D
DH_SATDATE Date Satisfied Date Satisfied 8 D
DH_TOTvAL Total value Total Requisition value 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
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8"Z9%$%2%&' 5%'"$ DRLINE
DL_DHREF Document Reference Requisition Key 10 C
DL_L!NENO Line Number Requisition Line Number 7 N
DL_ONORDER On Order Requisition Progressed to Order0 = Not on Order1 =
Progressed to Document2 = On Order
1 N
DL_ACCOUNT Supplier Supplier Account 8 C
DL_SUPNANE Supplier Name Supplier's Name 30 C
DL_SUPREF Supplier's Stock Ref Supplier's Reference 16 C
DL_CNREF Stock Reference Stock Reference 16 C
DL_DESC Description Requisition Description +0 C
DL_EXTEND Extended Description 10 N
DL_REQQTY Quantity Required Required Quantity 9 N
DL_PR!CE Price Price 12 N
DL_vALUE value value 12 N
DL_D!SCP Discount Discount Percent 5 N
DL_D!SCv Discounted value Discounted Line value 12 N
DL_N!NQTY Ninimum Required Ninimum Quantity 9 N
DL_REQQUA Quality Required Required Quality 8 C
DL_REQDATE Date Required Required Date 8 D
DL_QUOTED Quote Obtained Quoted !ndicator 1 L
DL_QUODATE Date Quote Obtained Date Quoted 8 D
DL_JCSTDOC Job Costing Job Number Key 10 C
DL_JPHASE Phase Costing Phase Key 3 C
DL_JCCODE Cost Code Costing Code Code Key 16 C
DL_JL!NE Job Line Costing Job Line Number 10 C
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
DL_SUPPCDE Supply Code 8 C
=911:%"# C#&F9A2$ DSPROD
DS_ACCOUNT Supplier Account Supplier Reference Key 8 C
DS_CNREF Stock Ref. Stock Reference 16 C
DS_SUPREF Supplier Stock Ref. Supplier's Reference 16 C
DS_SUPDESC Description Description +0 C
DS_FCDEC Decimal Places Foreign Currency decimal places. 1 N
DS_CURR Currency Code Foreign Currency Code. 3 C
DS_COST Cost Price Cost Price. 12 N
DS_L!NE Line Discount Line Discount flag. 1 L
DS_OvER Overall Discount Overall discount flag. 1 L
DS_D!SC Discount Rate Discount Percentage. 5 N
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=911:%"# C#&F9A2$ DSPROD
DS_LDQTY Last Quantity Del Last Delivery Quantity 10 N
DS_LDCOST Last Unit Cost Last Delivery Cost (Home) 12 N
DS_LDDATE Last Del Date Last Delivery Date 8 D
DS_LDQUAL Last Quality Last Delivery Quality 10 C
DS_L!QTY Last Quantity !nv. Last !nvoiced Quantity 10 N
DS_L!COST L. !nv. Unit Cost Last !nvoice Cost (Home) 12 N
DS_L!DATE L. !nv. Date Last !nvoiced Date 8 D
DS_L!QUAL L. !nv. Quality Last !nvoiced Quality 10 C
DS_ECQTY Economic Quantity Economic Order Quantity 10 N
DS_LEAD Lead Time Days 1 Lead Time in Days 3 N
DS_RAT!NG vendor Rating vendor Rating.'A' = Prefferred Supplier 1 C
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Amended 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Amended 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
DS_FUNDEC Foreign Unit Decimal Foreign Unit Number of Decimals 1 N
DS_FACT Stock Profile + C
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I%$2&#4 HSANAL
SA_ACCOUNT Account 8 C
SA_DACCNT Delivery Account 8 C
SA_TRREF Reference 10 C
SA_ANCODE Analysis Code 8 C
SA_REG!ON Region 3 C
SA_TERR Territory 3 C
SA_CUSTYPE Customer Type 3 C
SA_CUSANAL Customer Anal Code + C
SA_TRvALUE value 12 N
SA_QTY Quantity 9 N
SA_COST Cost Price 12 N
SA_PRODUCT Product Code Product code of line item. Only available ifinvoicing module in use. 16 C
SA_ADvANCE Advanced 1 C
SA_DESC Description !tem Description +0 C
SA_EXTEN Extended Description Line Extended Description 10 N
SA_JCCODE Cost Code 16 C
SA_JL!NE Job Line 10 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
SA_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
SA_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
<::&A.2%&'$ SALLOC
AL_ACCOUNT Account 8 C
AL_DATE Date 8 D
AL_REF1 Reference 10 C
AL_REF2 Second Reference 10 C
AL_TYPE Type 1 C
AL_vAL value 12 N
AL_PAY!ND Paid !ndicator 1 C
AL_PAYFLAG Paid Flag 3 N
AL_PAYDAY Paid Date 8 D
AL_FCURR F.Currency Foreign Currency code (if present). 3 C
AL_FvAL Foreign value Foreign Currency value. 12 N
AL_FDEC F.Decimal Plc Foreign Currency decimal places. 1 N
AL_ADv!ND Advanced !ndicator 1 L
AL_ACNT Bank Account Nominal AfC of the Bank Account 8 C
AL_CNTR Cost Centre Cost Centre of the Bank Account + C
AL_PREPRD Previous Period !ndicator Previous Period !ndicator 1 L
<'.:4$%$ SANAL
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<'.:4$%$ SANAL
SA_ACCOUNT Account Sales Account No. (Ledger Afc) 8 C
SA_DACCNT Delivery Account Delivery Afc No. 8 C
SA_TRDATE Transaction Date Transaction date 8 D
SA_CRDATE Creation Date Date transaction was posted 8 D
SA_TAXDATE Tax Point Transaction tax point 8 D
SA_TRREF Reference Transaction Ref. 10 C
SA_TRTYPE Type Transaction type (!)nvoice or (C)redit 1 C
SA_REG!ON Region Customer (delivery) region code 3 C
SA_TERR Territory Customer (delivery) territory code 3 C
SA_CUSTYPE Cust.Type Customer (delivery) customer type code 3 C
SA_CUSANAL Cust.Analysis Spare analysis field from customer + C
SA_REGCTRY vAT Reg Country Pref vAT Reg Country prefix 2 C
SA_REGvAT vAT Reg vat Reg of Customer 15 C
SA_ADvANCE Advanced Advanced transaction indicator (Y,N) 1 C
SA_!NTERBR !nter Branch ? !nter Branch transaction T or F 1 L
SA_COUNTRY Destination Country Destination country code 2 C
SA_NRTH!RE Northern !reland !nd .T. = Destination country (GB) is actuallyNorthern !reland.F. =
Destination country (GB) is NOT Northern!reland
1 L
SA_FCURR F.Currency Currency Code 3 C
SA_FCDEC F.Decimals Foreign currency decimal places 1 N
SA_SETD!SC Nax Settlement Disc Naximum settlement discount 10 N
SA_ANCODE Analysis Code Analysis (Sales) Code 8 C
SA_PRODUCT Product Code Product code of line item. Only available ifinvoicing module in use. 16 C
SA_TRvALUE value Transaction (line) value 12 N
SA_FCvAL Foreign value Foreign Currency value 11 N
SA_vATvAL vAT value Line vAT value 12 N
SA_COST Cost value Cost value 12 N
SA_FCCOST Foreign Cost Cost in Foreign currency 11 N
SA_vATCTRY vAT Country Type Country Type (vAT) (H,R,U) 1 C
SA_vATTYPE vAT Code Type vAT Code type (S,P,U,N) 1 C
SA_ANvAT vAT Code vAT code (0-9,A-Z) 1 C
SA_vATRATE vAT Rate vAT rate 2.2 5 N
SA_BOX6 Outputs !nclude in Box 6 vAT100 - all sales 1 L
SA_BOX8 EC supplies value !nclude in Box 8 vAT100 - EC supplies 1 L
SA_BOX1 Output tax !nclude in Box 1 vAT100 - vAT on sales 1 L
SA_ESLSUPP ESL !nclude !nclude in ESL 1 L
SA_ESLPROC Process !tem ESL Process item for ESL 1 L
SA_SSDPRE Pre Process SD Pre Process item for SD 1 L
SA_SSDPOST Post Process SD Post Process item for SD 1 L
SA_SSDSUPP SD !nclude !nclude in SD 1 L
SA_CONNOD Commodity Code Commodity code (+spare 3 chars) 11 C
SA_QTY Quantity !nvoiced quantity 9 N
SA_NETNASS Net Nass in Kgs. Nett mass of line 12 N
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<'.:4$%$ SANAL
SA_SUPPQTY Supp. Units Supplementary units (second qty) 12 N
SA_DELTERN Delivery Terms Delivery terms 3 C
SA_TRANSAC Nature of Transact. Nature of transaction 2 C
SA_TRANSPT Node of Transport Node of transport 1 C
SA_SSDvAL SD value value for the SD (with delivery chargesapportioned) 12 N
SA_SSDFvAL Foreign SD value Foreign value for the SD (with delivery chargesapportioned) 11 N
SA_SENTvAT Transferred to vAT Transferred to vAT control file T or F 1 L
SA_DESC Description !tem Description +0 C
SA_EXTEN Extended Description Extended Description 10 N
SA_JCCODE Cost Code 16 C
SA_JL!NE Job Line 10 C
SA_ESLTR!G Triang !tem ESL Triangulation ESL !tem 1 L
!D Unique !D 10 N
SA_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
SA_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
09$2&/"# <22#%K92"$ SCONTATTR
CA_CODE Code Sales Contact Code + C
CA_DESC Description Sales Contact Description 25 C
09$2&/"# <9F%2 ?%:" SECAUD
SE_UN!QUE Unique Reference 8 N
SE_REPONLY Report-Only Entry 1 L
SE_ACCOUNT Account 8 C
SE_RECTYPE Record Type 1=Sales Header2=Sales Transaction3=Sales Orderf!nvoice etc 1 N
SE_OLDCURR Old Currency Code 3 C
SE_NENO Additional Text 10 N
SE_TRDATE Transaction Date 8 D
SE_TRREF Transaction Ref. 10 C
SE_TRTYPE Transaction Type 1 C
SE_TRvALUE Home Currency value. 12 N
SE_FCvAL Foreign value 12 N
SE_FCDEC Foreign Decimals 1 N
SE_EURvAL Euro value 12 N
SE_RATE Exchange Rate 11 N
SE_CONDATE Conversion Date 8 D
SE_CONBY Converted By 8 C
SE_TRBAL Home value Balance 12 N
SE_FCBAL Foreign value Bal 12 N
G"K2&#$ I%$2&#4 SHIST
S!_ACCOUNT Account 8 C
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G"K2&#$ I%$2&#4 SHIST
S!_AGE Age 3 N
S!_PEDATE Period End Date 8 D
S!_PERDAYS Days !n Period 3 N
S!_TURN Turnover 1+ N
S!_vAT vAT Amount 1+ N
S!_CASH Cash Amount 1+ N
S!_ADJANT Adjustment Amount 1+ N
S!_OUTBAL Outstanding Balance 1+ N
S!_ORDBAL Order Balance 1+ N
S!_AvGDAYS Average Debtors Days 10 N
S!_CURRENT Current Outstanding Amount 1+ N
S!_PER!OD1 Amount Aged !nto Period 1 1+ N
S!_PER!OD2 Amount Aged !nto Period 2 1+ N
S!_PER!OD3 Amount Aged !nto Period 3 1+ N
S!_PER!OD+ Amount Aged !nto Period + 1+ N
S!_PER!OD5 Amount Aged !nto Period 5+ 1+ N
!D Unique !D 10 N
5&&>91$ SLOOK
LK_TYPE Type Lookup record type. G=Region, T=Territory,Y=Business Type,
D=Despatch Nethod, R=DeliveryRoute.
1 C
LK_CODE Code Lookup record code (key). 3 C "Code cannot be left
LK_DESC Description Lookup record description. 20 C "Description cannot be
left blank"
<AA&9'2$ R=5S SNAME
SN_ACCOUNT Account 8 C "Account cannot be
SN_NANE Name 30 C "Account Name Cannot
be blank"
SN_ADDR1 Address Line 1 30 C
SN_ADDR2 Address Line 2 30 C
SN_ADDR3 Address Line 3 30 C
SN_ADDR+ Address Line + 30 C
SN_PSTCODE Post Code 8 C
SN_TELENO Telephone Number 20 C
SN_FAXNO Fax Number 20 C
SN_CONTACT Acct.Contact 20 C
SN_CONTAC2 Ordr.Contact 20 C
SN_REG!ON Region 3 C
SN_TERRTRY Territory 3 C
SN_CUSTYPE Cust.Type 3 C
SN_ANALSYS Cust.Analysis + C
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<AA&9'2$ R=5S SNAME
SN_TRNOvER Turnover 11 N
SN_LAST!Nv Last !nvoiced 8 D
SN_LASTREC Last Received 8 D
SN_CURRBAL Current Balance 11 N
SN_CRL!N Credit Limit 8 N
SN_ORDRBAL Order Balance 11 N
SN_STNNTAC Stat. Account 8 C
SN_!NvCEAC !nv. Account 8 C
SN_PR!ORTY Priority Order Priority, 0 to 9. Zero is highest priorityand forces allocation
of stock immeditely on orderacceptance.
1 N
SN_STOP Stop Account on STOP ?, .T. or .F. 1 L
SN_ACKNOW Acknowledgement Print Order Acknowledgement ?, .T. or .F. 1 L
SN_NEXTPAY Next Payment 3 N
SN_DEL!NST Delivery !nstructs. 10 N
SN_NENO Nemo 10 N
SN_DWAR D.Warehouse + C
SN_DESP Desp.Nethod Customer's default despatch method. Nandatoryentry unless
despatch file is empty.
3 C
SN_ROUTE Route Customer's default delivery route code. Nandatoryentry unless
route file is empty.
3 C
SN_TPRFL Terms Profile Code Key linking customer to terms profile file 8 C
SN_CPRFL Cust. Profile Code Key linking customer to Customer profile file 8 C
SN_CTRY Country Code Customer country code 2 C
SN_NRTH!RE Northern !reland !nd .T. = Destination country (GB) is actuallyNorthern !reland.F. =
Destination country (GB) is NOT Northern!reland
1 L
SN_vRN vAT Reg Number Customer vAT Registration Number 15 C
SN_DELT Delivery Terms Key to terms of delivery file 3 C
SN_NTRN Nature of Transact. Key to nature of transaction file 2 C
SN_NTRN Node of Transport Key to mode of transport file 1 C
SN_DL_FLAG Debtors Letter Flag Debtors letter flag - set to the last letterprinted ie, 1, 2 or 3.Re-set
to 0 when cash is posted.
1 N
SN_DL_DATE Debtors Letter Date Debtors letter date, ie date last letter printedRe-set to 0 when
cash is posted.
8 D
SN_BRANCH !nter-Branch !nd. !nter-branch indicator 1 L
SN_NODEL Nodel !ndicator .T. = This account is a model template.F. = !t is not 1 L
SN_LUPDATE Last Update Date Date that this account was last updated 8 D
SN_SANA Sending ANA Ref. The reference used by ED! module to transmit anyED! documents
to specified customer.
15 C
SN_RANA Receipt ANA Ref. Used by ED! module to relate ED! message referenceto specified
15 C
SN_vENDOR vendors Reference Reference used by this customer when communicatingwith the
End-User (ie. Customers Purchase Ledgerafc code)
17 C
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<AA&9'2$ R=5S SNAME
SN_CUSTLOC Customer Location Cd Code used by Customer as their internal referencefor this
deliveryfinvoice address.
17 C
SN_BANA Location ANA Ref. Customers unique ANA reference for thisdeliveryfinvoice address. 13 C
SN_KEY1 Key 1 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
SN_KEY2 Key 2 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
SN_KEY3 Key 3 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
SN_KEY+ Key + Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
SN_BANKAC Bank Account No. Bank Account Number for this customer.Used for automatic
9 C
SN_BANKSOR Bank Sort Code Bank Account Sort Code for this customer.Used for automatic
8 C
SN_ENA!L Customers E-Nail customers address for web browser in windowsversion only +0 C
SN_WWWPAGE Customers web page customers home page address for web browser inwindows version
+0 C
SN_FCREATE Creation Date Creation Date of Customer 8 D
SN_EPASSWD Gateway password 15 C
SN_ESTORE Gateway flag blank = not active never used
Y = active
N = has been active but no longer is
1 C
SN_LUPT!NE Transaction Time Time a transaction was posted, for e-store 8 C
SN_TRNDATE Transaction Date Date a transaction was posted, for e-store 8 D
SN_ORDNA!L Sales order E-Nail Email address to be used for customer statements and order
+0 C
SN_ENA!LST E-Nail statements Flag to indicate whether to email statements 1 L
SN_ENA!LOA E-Nail order acknowledgments Flag to indicate whether to email order acknowledgments 1 L
SN_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
SN_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
SN_ATPYCD Bank Ref 6 C
-&/%'.: 3#.'$D"# SNOML
SX_NACNT Account 8 C
SX_NCNTR Cost Centre + C
SX_TYPE Type 1 C
SX_DATE Date 8 D
SX_vALUE value 12 N
SX_TREF Reference +0 C
SX_CONNENT Comment +0 C
SX_DONE Transferred 1 C
SX_FCURR Currency Currency Code of Nominal Account 3 C
SX_FvALUE Foreign value 12 N
SX_FCRATE Exchange Rate Exchange Rate at time of Posting 11 N
SX_FCNULT FC.Nultiply 1 L
SX_FCDEC FC.Decimal Places 1 N
SX_SRCCO Source Company Source Company That This Analysis Line Has BeenPosted From 1 C
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-&/%'.: 3#.'$D"# SNOML
SX_CDESC !tem Description +0 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
SX_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
SX_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
SX_UN!QUE Unique !D Unique !dentifier for Transaction. 8 C
SX_JRNL Journal Number Journal Number 5 N
J12%&'$ SPARM
SP_DEBT1 Debtors Letter 1 Debtors letter 1 text. 10 N
SP_DEBT2 Debtors Letter 2 Debtors letter 2 text. 10 N
SP_DEBT3 Debtors Letter 3 Debtors letter 3 text. 10 N
SP_SET1PCT Sett. Disc. Perc 1 Default settlement discount percentage 1. 5 N
SP_SET1DAY Sett. Disc. Days 1 Default settlement discount 1, qualifying days. 2 N
SP_SET2DAY Sett. Disc. Perc 2 Default settlement discount 2, qualifying days. 2 N
SP_D!SCNON Discount Nomianl AfC Discount given nominal code. 13 C
SP_BANKNON Bank Nominal AfC Default bank nominal code. 13 C
SP_PER!OD Period Accounting period. Nay be calendar monthly,7,1+,28 or 30 days. 7 C
SP_ADvANCE Advanced Allow advanced postings, Y or N. This will forceadvance postings
for invoices produced when thisis set. Reset at period end.
1 C
SP_ZERO Zero Balances Remove zero balance accounts at period end ?, Y orN. 1 C
SP_RETA!N Retain Periods The number of periods for which a transaction willbe retained,
regardless of whether it is paid orallocated.
2 N
SP_LETTER Letter Ninimum value Ninimum value of debt that will cause a debtletter to be produced. 3 N
SP_COST Cost of Sale Allow entry of 'cost of sale' to go through tosales analysis. 1 C
SP_ADJ01 Adjust. Desc. 1 Adjustment name 1. 10 C
SP_ADJ02 Adjust. Desc. 2 Adjustment name 2. 10 C
SP_ADJ03 Adjust. Desc. 3 Adjustment name 3. 10 C
SP_ADJ0+ Adjust. Desc. + Adjustment name +. 10 C
SP_ADJ05 Adjust. Desc. 5 Adjustment name 5. 10 C
SP_ADJ06 Adjust. Desc. 6 Adjustment name 6. 10 C
SP_ADJ07 Adjust. Desc. 7 Adjustment name 7. 10 C
SP_ADJ08 Adjust. Desc. 8 Adjustment name 8. 10 C
SP_ADJ09 Adjust. Desc. 9 Adjustment name 9. 10 C
SP_ADJ10 Adjust. Desc. 10 Adjustment name 10. 10 C
SP_ADJ11 Adjust. Desc. 11 Adjustment name 11. 10 C
SP_ADJ12 Adjust. Desc. 12 Adjustment name 12. 10 C
SP_ADJ01NN Adjust. Nom. AfC 1 Adjustment 1 nominal code. 13 C
SP_ADJ02NN Adjust. Nom. AfC 2 Adjustment 2 nominal code. 13 C
SP_ADJ03NN Adjust. Nom. AfC 3 Adjustment 3 nominal code. 13 C
SP_ADJ0+NN Adjust. Nom. AfC + Adjustment + nominal code. 13 C
SP_ADJ05NN Adjust. Nom. AfC 5 Adjustment 5 nominal code. 13 C
SP_ADJ06NN Adjust. Nom. AfC 6 Adjustment 6 nominal code. 13 C
SP_ADJ07NN Adjust. Nom. AfC 7 Adjustment 7 nominal code. 13 C
SP_ADJ08NN Adjust. Nom. AfC 8 Adjustment 8 nominal code. 13 C
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J12%&'$ SPARM
SP_ADJ09NN Adjust. Nom. AfC 9 Adjustment 9 nominal code. 13 C
SP_ADJ10NN Adjust. Nom. AfC 10 Adjustment 10 nominal code. 13 C
SP_ADJ11NN Adjust. Nom. AfC 11 Adjustment 11 nominal code. 13 C
SP_ADJ12NN Adjust. Nom. AfC 12 Adjustment 12 nominal code. 13 C
SP_REC01 Receipt Desc. 1 Receipt name 1. 10 C
SP_REC02 Receipt Desc. 2 Receipt name 2. 10 C
SP_REC03 Receipt Desc. 3 Receipt name 3. 10 C
SP_REC0+ Receipt Desc. + Receipt name +. 10 C
SP_REC05 Receipt Desc. 5 Receipt name 5. 10 C
SP_REC06 Receipt Desc. 6 Receipt name 6. 10 C
SP_REC07 Receipt Desc. 7 Receipt name 7. 10 C
SP_REC08 Receipt Desc. 8 Receipt name 8. 10 C
SP_REC09 Receipt Desc. 9 Receipt name 9. 10 C
SP_REC10 Receipt Desc. 10 Receipt name 10. 10 C
SP_REC11 Receipt Desc. 11 Receipt name 11. 10 C
SP_REC12 Receipt Desc. 12 Receipt name 12. 10 C
SP_NARR1 Narrative 1 Narrative line 1 to print on statement. Nodifiableat print time. 76 C
SP_NARR2 Narrative 2 Narrative line 2 to print on statement. Nodifiableat print time. 76 C
SP_NARR3 Narrative 3 Narrative line 3 to print on statement. Nodifiableat print time. 76 C
SP_AN1T!TL Analysis Title 1 Analysis report 1 title. 26 C
SP_AN2T!TL Analysis Title 2 Analysis report 2 title. 26 C
SP_AN3T!TL Analysis Title 3 Analysis report 3 title. 26 C
SP_AN+T!TL Analysis Title + Analysis report + title. 26 C
SP_AN5T!TL Analysis Title 5 Analysis report 5 title. 26 C
SP_AN6T!TL Analysis Title 6 Analysis report 6 title. 26 C
SP_AN1SEQ Analysis Seq. 1 Analysis report 1 sequence. + C
SP_AN2SEQ Analysis Seq. 2 Analysis report 2 sequence. + C
SP_AN3SEQ Analysis Seq. 3 Analysis report 3 sequence. + C
SP_AN+SEQ Analysis Seq. + Analysis report + sequence. + C
SP_AN5SEQ Analysis Seq. 5 Analysis report 5 sequence. + C
SP_AN6SEQ Analysis Seq. 6 Analysis report 6 sequence. + C
SP_RETZOON Retain Zoom The number of periods for which an invoice imagewill be retained,
regardless of whether it ispaid. This number can't be greater than
thegeneral retain figure.
2 N
SP_STATCR Statement Credit !ncluse accounts in credit for statements ?, Y orN. 1 C
SP_SLCNTR Use Anal Code for CC Use Analysis code as Cost Centre ?, Y or N. 1 C
SP_XCHANGE Exch.PfL Name Name for foreign exchange realised gains 8 lossesadjustment. 10 C
SP_XCHGNON Exch.PfL Nominal AfC Default Nominal code for exchange gainsflosses.Also the nominal
code for gainsflosses made withthe home currency.
13 C
SP_FCSTAT EC Statement !f set, produces statement in foreign currencyonly, and one per
currency per account.
1 L
SP_CASH!Nv Cash !nvoices !f set, allows the user to post cash at the sametime as entering an
1 L
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J12%&'$ SPARM
SP_EXTEN Ext. Desc. Analysis Option to hold Extended Description on SalesAnalysis 1 L
SP_DLNETH Debtors Ltr 1 Nethod Debtors letters method :-1 = By Period2 = By Due Date (used in
conjunction withsp_dldays1,2,3)
1 N
SP_DLDAYS1 Debtors Letter1 Days !f sp_dlmeth = 2 (print by due date), then thisfield specifies how
many dayspast its due date a debt should be before theletter is
3 N
SP_DLDAYS2 Debtors Letter2 Days !f sp_dlmeth = 2 (print by due date), then thisfield specifies how
many dayspast its due date a debt should be before theletter is
3 N
SP_DLDAYS3 Debtors Letter3 Days !f sp_dlmeth = 2 (print by due date), then thisfield specifies how
many dayspast its due date a debt should be before theletter is
3 N
SP_STATZRO Statement Zero !nlude zero balance accounts for statements 1 L
SP_OvRBANK Override Bank AfC Override bank account on receipts 1 L
SP_SPECRTN Special Process 8 C
SP_CONNECT Update Connection !f Connection Exist, and flag set to true, UPDATEConnection via
Sales Processing.
1 L
SP_RCBTY01 Receipt CB Type 1 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 1 2 C
SP_RCBTY02 Receipt CB Type 2 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 2 2 C
SP_RCBTY03 Receipt CB Type 3 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 3 2 C
SP_RCBTY0+ Receipt CB Type + Cash Book Type for Receipt Name + 2 C
SP_RCBTY05 Receipt CB Type 5 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 5 2 C
SP_RCBTY06 Receipt CB Type 6 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 6 2 C
SP_RCBTY07 Receipt CB Type 7 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 7 2 C
SP_RCBTY08 Receipt CB Type 8 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 8 2 C
SP_RCBTY09 Receipt CB Type 9 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 9 2 C
SP_RCBTY10 Receipt CB Type 10 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 10 2 C
SP_RCBTY11 Receipt CB Type 11 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 11 2 C
SP_RCBTY12 Receipt CB Type 12 Cash Book Type for Receipt Name 12 2 C
SP_RCASH01 Cash Receipt 1 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 1 1 L
SP_RCASH02 Cash Receipt 2 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 2 1 L
SP_RCASH03 Cash Receipt 3 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 3 1 L
SP_RCASH0+ Cash Receipt + Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name + 1 L
SP_RCASH05 Cash Receipt 5 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 5 1 L
SP_RCASH06 Cash Receipt 6 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 6 1 L
SP_RCASH07 Cash Receipt 7 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 7 1 L
SP_RCASH08 Cash Receipt 8 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 8 1 L
SP_RCASH09 Cash Receipt 9 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 9 1 L
SP_RCASH10 Cash Receipt 10 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 10 1 L
SP_RCASH11 Cash Receipt 11 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 11 1 L
SP_RCASH12 Cash Receipt 12 Cash !ndicator for Receipt Name 12 1 L
SP_FCBTY01 Refund CB Type 1 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 1 2 C
SP_FCBTY02 Refund CB Type 2 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 2 2 C
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J12%&'$ SPARM
SP_FCBTY03 Refund CB Type 3 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 3 2 C
SP_FCBTY0+ Refund CB Type + Cash Book Type for Refund Name + 2 C
SP_FCBTY05 Refund CB Type 5 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 5 2 C
SP_FCBTY06 Refund CB Type 6 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 6 2 C
SP_FCBTY07 Refund CB Type 7 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 7 2 C
SP_FCBTY08 Refund CB Type 8 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 8 2 C
SP_FCBTY09 Refund CB Type 9 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 9 2 C
SP_FCBTY10 Refund CB Type 10 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 10 2 C
SP_FCBTY11 Refund CB Type 11 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 11 2 C
SP_FCBTY12 Refund CB Type 12 Cash Book Type for Refund Name 12 2 C
SP_FCASH01 Cash Refund 1 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 1 1 L
SP_FCASH02 Cash Refund 2 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 2 1 L
SP_FCASH03 Cash Refund 3 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 3 1 L
SP_FCASH0+ Cash Refund + Cash !ndicator for Refund Name + 1 L
SP_FCASH05 Cash Refund 5 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 5 1 L
SP_FCASH06 Cash Refund 6 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 6 1 L
SP_FCASH07 Cash Refund 7 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 7 1 L
SP_FCASH08 Cash Refund 8 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 8 1 L
SP_FCASH09 Cash Refund 9 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 9 1 L
SP_FCASH10 Cash Refund 10 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 10 1 L
SP_FCASH11 Cash Refund 11 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 11 1 L
SP_FCASH12 Cash Refund 12 Cash !ndicator for Refund Name 12 1 L
SP_RFD01 Refund Name 1 Refund Name 1. 10 C
SP_RFD02 Refund Name 2 Refund Name 2. 10 C
SP_RFD03 Refund Name 3 Refund Name 3. 10 C
SP_RFD0+ Refund Name + Refund Name +. 10 C
SP_RFD05 Refund Name 5 Refund Name 5. 10 C
SP_RFD06 Refund Name 6 Refund Name 6. 10 C
SP_RFD07 Refund Name 7 Refund Name 7. 10 C
SP_RFD08 Refund Name 8 Refund Name 8. 10 C
SP_RFD09 Refund Name 9 Refund Name 9. 10 C
SP_RFD10 Refund Name 10 Refund Name 10. 10 C
SP_RFD11 Refund Name 11 Refund Name 11. 10 C
SP_RFD12 Refund Name 12 Refund Name 12. 10 C
SP_RFCRD01 Credit Cd Refund 1 Credit Card for Refund 1 1 L
SP_RFCRD02 Credit Cd Refund 2 Credit Card for Refund 2 1 L
SP_RFCRD03 Credit Cd Refund 3 Credit Card for Refund 3 1 L
SP_RFCRD0+ Credit Cd Refund + Credit Card for Refund + 1 L
SP_RFCRD05 Credit Cd Refund 5 Credit Card for Refund 5 1 L
SP_RFCRD06 Credit Cd Refund 6 Credit Card for Refund 6 1 L
SP_RFCRD07 Credit Cd Refund 7 Credit Card for Refund 7 1 L
SP_RFCRD08 Credit Cd Refund 8 Credit Card for Refund 8 1 L
SP_RFCRD09 Credit CD Refund 9 Credit Card for Refund 9 1 L
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J12%&'$ SPARM
SP_RFCRD10 Credit Cd Refund 10 Credit Card for Refund 10 1 L
SP_RFCRD11 Credit Cd Refund 11 Credit Card for Refund 11 1 L
SP_RFCRD12 Credit Cd Refund 12 Credit Card for Refund 12 1 L
SP_NLCO!D Sales - Nominal Link Nominal Analysis Company !dentifier 1 C
SP_ASKLETR Ask Rec Reset DfLett 1 L
SP_DH!ST Keep Debtors History 3 N
SP_PERDDAY Periods for Debtors Days 3 N
SP_NRC Nandatory Reason Code !f set, a reason for disputing an invoice must be entered. 1 L
09$2&/"# C#&D%:"$ SPRFLS
SC_CODE Code Customer options profile code, blank for recordswhich belong
exclusively to one account.
8 C
SC_ACCOUNT Account Number Account number part of key, blank for profilescreated through
profile maintenance, otherwise setto account number to which this
record exclusivelybelongs.
8 C
SC_NANE Name Customer options profile code 30 C
SC_OPEN Open !tem !ndicator .T. = Open item.F. = Balance brought forward 1 L
SC_STATNNT Statement !ndicator .T. = Print statements 1 L
SC_CURRNCY Currency Currency code 3 C
SC_BANKNON NL Bank AfC Nominal Ledger bank account 13 C
SC_DBTCTRL Debtors Ctrl Acc Debtors control account [cost centre| for Nominal 13 C
SC_vATCODE Default vAT Code Default vAT Code 1 C
SC_LASTUPD Date Last Changed Date profile was last changed 8 D
SC_DOC Document 2 C
SC_OvRBANK Override Bank AfC Override bank account on receipts 1 L
SC_DEFREC Ref2 Recpt Default Default value for Ref2 field for Receipt Posting 2 N
SC_DEFRFD Ref2 Refnd Default Default value for Ref2 field for Refund Posting 2 N
SC_PAYNANE Customer Name Flag * Only used with Cash Book Nodule.T. = Customer Name Entry
for Receipts.F. = No Name Entry
1 L
SC_RETA!N Retain Transactions The number of periods for which a transaction willbe retained,
regardless of whether it is paid orallocated.
2 N
SC_RETZOON Retain Zoom The number of periods for which an invoice imagewill be retained,
regardless of whether it ispaid. This number can't be greater than
thegeneral retain figure.
2 N
8".$&'$ D&# G%$192" SREASN
SO_CODE Reason Reason code for invoice being disputed. + C
SO_DESC Description Reason for invoice being disputed. 50 C
=.:"$ 0&F"$ SSALE
SS_ACODE Sales Code 8 C "Code cannot be left
SS_ADESC Description 30 C "Description cannot be
left blank"
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=.:"$ 0&F"$ SSALE
SS_NON!NAL NL Account 13 C
SS_vATCODE vAT Code 1 C "Tax Code cannot be
left blank"
SS_QTY!ND Qty !ndicator 1 C
SS_COST!ND Cst !ndicator 1 C
3"#/$ C#&D%:"$ R=5S STERMS
SR_CODE Terms Profile Code Trading terms profile code, blank for recordswhich belong
exclusively to one account.
8 C
SR_ACCOUNT Account Number Account number part of key, blank for profilescreated through
profile maintenance, otherwise setto account number to which this
record exclusivelybelongs.
8 C
SR_NANE Terms Profile Name Trading terms profile name 30 C
SR_D!SCGRP Discount Group Discount group code + C
SR_PRCL!ST Price List Price list code + C
SR_OvD!SC Overall Discount Overall invoice discount percentage 5 N
SR_SET1DAY Sett.1 Days Settlement discount 1 days 2 N
SR_SET1PCT Sett.1 age Settlement discount 1 percentage 5 N
SR_SET2DAY Sett.2 Days Settlement discount 2 days 2 N
SR_SET2PCT Sett.2 age Settlement discount 2 percentage 5 N
SR_DEBTLTR Debtors Letter Print Print debtors letters option 1 L
SR_DEBTN!N Ninimum value Letter Ninimum value to print debtors letter + N
SR_TERNTYP Due Date Type Nethod for calculating due date :1. Number of days after invoice
date2. Specific day of month after invoice month3. Specific day of
month + 1 after invoice month
1 N
SR_TERNDAY Due Date Day Depending on due date type, this field is :1. Number of days after
the invoice date thatpayment is due.2. Specific day of the month
following the invoicemonth that payment is due.3. Specific day of
the month following the invoicemonth + 1 that payment is due.
3 N
SR_SDSCDEL S.Disc. On DfCharges .T. = Allow settlement discount on deliverycharges.F. = Do not 1 L
SR_vAT!NCL !nclusive of vAT !nd .T. = Enter invoicefCredit line values inclusiveof vAT.F. = Enter
invoicefCredit line values as goodsonly
1 L
SR_LASTUPD Date Last Changed Date profile was last changed 8 D
3#.'$.A2%&'$ STRAN
ST_ACCOUNT Account 8 C
ST_TRREF Reference 10 C
ST_CUSTREF Customer Reference 10 C
ST_TRvALUE value 12 N
ST_vATvAL vAT value 12 N
ST_TRBAL Balance 12 N
ST_PA!D Paid !ndicator 1 C
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3#.'$.A2%&'$ STRAN
ST_CRDATE Creation Date 8 D
ST_ADvANCE Advanced 1 C
ST_NENO Nemo 10 N
ST_PAYFLAG Paid Flag 3 N
ST_SET1DAY S1 Discount Days 2 N
ST_SET1 Sett.1 Discount 10 N
ST_SET2DAY S2 Discount Days 2 N
ST_SET2 Sett.2 Discount 10 N
ST_PAYDAY Payment Date 8 D
ST_DUEDAY Due Date 8 D
ST_FCURR F.Currency Currency Code. 3 C
ST_FCRATE F.Exch. Rate Foreign currency exchange rate. 11 N
ST_FCDEC F.Decimal Places No of decimals in Currency. 1 N
ST_FCvAL Foreign value Foreign Currency value of transaction. 11 N
ST_FCBAL Foreign Balance Foreign currency balance. 11 N
ST_FCNULT F.Nultiply 1 L
ST_D!SPUTE Disputed !ndicator 1 L
ST_ED! ED! Processed Flag Has this Document been processed by ED! module. 1 L
ST_ED!TX ED! Transaction No. Used when document transmitted via ED! to trackthrough to ED!
EnablerfvANfRecipient batch ofdocuments. Will be updated by ED!
10 N
ST_ED!vN ED! Trans. version Each time the ED! document is transmitted thiswill be incremented
by 1. To indicate version oftransmission.
2 N
ST_TXTREP Text !mage 10 N
ST_B!NREP Binary !mage 1 L
ST_ADvALLC Allocated in Advance 12 N
ST_CBTYPE Cashbook Type 2 C
ST_ENTRY Cashbook Entry Ref 10 C
ST_UN!QUE Unique !D Unique !dentifier for Transaction. 8 C
ST_REG!ON Sales Region Sales Region 3 C
ST_TERR Sales Territory Sales Territory 3 C
ST_TYPE Sales Type Sales Type 3 C
ST_FADvAL For. Alloc. in Advan Foreign value allocated to an invoice from anadvanced payment 12 N
ST_DELACC Delivery Account 8 C
ST_EURO Euro value This holds the value of the euro for nonmulticurrency users 9 N
ST_PAYADvL Bal hold for adv pay Holds the value of St_trbal after allocating, tocheck an allocated
payment against non allocatedinvoice.
11 N
ST_EUR!ND Euro Conversion flag 1 C
ST_OR!GCUR Holds original Curry Holds original currency before euro conversion 3 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
ST_PEDATE Period End Date 8 D
st_gateid Gateway Unique !D 10 N
st_gatetr Gateway Transferred 1 N
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3#.'$.A2%&'$ STRAN
st_extdate Last Extracted Date 8 D
st_exttime Last Extracted Time 8 C
st_lupdate Last Updated Date 8 D
st_luptime Last Updated Time 8 C
ST_FULLANT Full Amount - !mport This field is not used anywhere in Opera. This is used exclusively
by import routines for sales transactions
1 L
ST_FULLCB Cash Book Type - !mport This field is not used anywhere in Opera. This is used exclusively
by import routines for sales transactions
2 C
ST_FULLNAR Narrative - !mport This field is not used anywhere in Opera. This is used exclusively
by import routines for sales transactions
10 C
ST_CASH Cash (ReceiptfRefund) - !mport This field is not used anywhere in Opera. This is used exclusively
by import routines for sales transactions
1 L
ST_RCODE Reason Reason for invoice being disputed. + C
ST_RUSER Disputed By The user who is disputing the invoice. 8 C
ST_RDATE Disp. Date Date the invoice was disputed. 10 D
=.:"$ !%"E SVIEW
Sv_CODE view Code 3 C
Sv_NANE view Name 30 C
Sv_SYSv!EW System view 1 L
Sv_LvL1 Level 1 view 20 C
Sv_LvL2 Level 2 view 20 C
Sv_LvL3 Level 3 view 20 C
Sv_LvL+ Level + view 20 C
Sv_LvL5 Level 5 view 20 C
Sv_LvL6 Level 6 view 20 C
Sv_DEFAULT Default view 1 L
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<::&A.2%&'$ IALLOC
!T_DOC Document Number !nternal document number. 10 C
!T_STOCK Stock Reference Stock reference. 16 C
!T_DESC Description !tem description. +0 C
!T_QUAN Line Quantity Line quantity. 9 N
!T_DATE Date Date line entered. 8 D
!T_RECNO Record Number Sequence within document. 7 N
!T_PR!ORTY Priority !f the document is an Order this field is thepriority with which the
order line will beprocessed if there is insufficient stock tosatisfy it.
The priority flag from the documentheader is used as a default,
but the field ismodifiable at line entry time.An entry of zero
indicates top priority and stockis allocated immediately (on entry).
1 N
!T_DUE Due Date Due date for the shipping of this line of goods inthe order
processing system.The date from the document header is used as
adefault, but is over-rideable.
8 D
!T_QTYALLC Quantity Allocated This is the quantity of goods allocated from stockto this line or
edited by user.
9 N
!T_DTEALLC Date Allocated This is the date of the allocation of stock tothis line. 8 D
!T_QTYP!CK Quantity Picked This is the quantity of goods picked from stockfor this line. 9 N
!T_DTEP!CK Date Picked This is the date of the picking of stock for thisline. 8 D
!T_QTYOR!G Original Quantity This is the original suggested allocation quantityfor this line. 9 N
!T_QTYED!T Quantity Edit Saved This is the 'saved' edited allocation quantity forthis line. 9 N
!T_GASH Work Field Working field - do not use. 2 C
!T_ACCOUNT Account Customer account number (taken from documentheader). 8 C
!T_SORDER Sales Order Number Sales order number. 10 C
!T_ORDDATE Order Date Sales order date. 8 D
!T_CWCODE Warehouse Code Warehouse code. + C
!T_ALLOD!S Allocation Quantity Allocation quantity, used for display only. 11 C
!T_ANAL Analysis Code Sales analysis code for this line. 8 C
!T_COST Cost Price Cost price per unit of this line. 10 N
!T_ROUTE Route Route from sales account (or edited entry). 3 C
!T_B!N Bin Location Bin location 10 C
!T_PQTY Qty NadefReceived 9 N
!T_PORDER Purchase Order 1 L
!T_WORDER Works Order 1 L
!D_UN!QUE!D Record # 10 N
!D_DESCR!PT!ON Narrative 35 C
!D_OLDTABLE_F!ELD Legacy information 20 C
!D_PREF!X_TEXT Prefix text 10 C
!D_NUNER!C!D Actual number 10 N
!D_SUFF!X_TEXT Suffix text 10 C
!D_NAX_NUNBER Naxiumum number 10 N
!D_NAX_NUN_W!DTH Naximum width 2 N
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!H_DOC Document Number 10 C
!H_ACCOUNT Account 8 C
!H_NANE Name 30 C
!H_ADDR1 Address Line 1 30 C
!H_ADDR2 Address Line 2 30 C
!H_ADDR3 Address Line 3 30 C
!H_ADDR+ Address Line + 30 C
!H_DATE Date 8 D
!H_CUSTREF Customer Reference 10 C
!H_DESP Despatched Nethod Despatch method code for delivery processpurposes. The code
from the customer record isused as a default.
3 C
!H_DELAD1 Delivery Address L1 30 C
!H_DELAD2 Delivery Address L2 30 C
!H_DELAD3 Delivery Address L3 30 C
!H_DELAD+ Delivery Address L+ 30 C
!H_DELAD5 Delivery Address L5 30 C
!H_DELADPC Post Code 8 C
!H_!GNORE !gnore 1 C
!H_SD!S1 Sett1 Discount 5 N
!H_SD!S2 Sett2 Discount 5 N
!H_OD!SC Overall Disc. 5 N
!H_NARR1 Narrative Line 1 75 C
!H_NARR2 Narrative Line 2 75 C
!H_PRODATE Proforma Date 8 D
!H_QUODATE Quotation Date 8 D
!H_CREDATE Credit Note Date 8 D
!H_!NvDATE !nvoice Date 8 D
!H_DELDATE Delivery Date 8 D
!H_ORDDATE Order Date 8 D
!H_PROFORN Proforma 10 C
!H_QUOTAT Quotation 10 C
!H_!NvO!CE !nvoice 10 C
!H_CRED!T Credit 10 C
!H_DEL!v Delivery 10 C
!H_SORDER Sales Order 10 C
!H_EXvAT Excluding vAT 11 N
!H_vAT vAT 11 N
!H_SDAYS1 S1 Discount Days 2 N
!H_SDAYS2 S2 Discount Days 2 N
!H_SANNT1 Sett.1 Disc. Amount 11 N
!H_SANNT2 Sett.2 Disc. Amount 11 N
!H_OvERvAL Overall Disc. value 11 N
!H_POSTACC Post Account 8 C
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!H_LOC Warehouse Code + C
!H_DOCSTAT Status Latest status of the document. Q=Quote,P=proforma, O=Order,
D=Delivery Note, !=!nvoice,C=Credit Note, U=Undefined
(cumulative document).
1 C
!H_NENO Nemo Notepad relevant to the document, and is carriedwith the
document as it progresses. !t may beedited at any time.
10 N
!H_PR!ORTY Priority !f the document is an Order this field representsthe default priority
with which the order will beprocessed if there is insufficient stock
tosatisfy it. The priority flag from the customerrecord is used as a
default, but the field ismodifiable at order entry time.An entry of
zero indicates top priority and stockis allocated immediately (on
1 N
!H_REG!ON Region Region code for sales analysis purposes. The codefrom the
customer record is used as a default.
3 C
!H_TERRTRY Territory Territory code for sales analysis purposes. Thecode from the
customer record is used as adefault.
3 C
!H_ROUTE Route Route code for delivery process purposes. The codefrom the
customer record is used as a default.
3 C
!H_DUE Due Date Default due date for the shipping of goods in theorder processing
8 D
!H_REvQUO Rev.Quotation Revision letter for Quote. A-Z. 1 C
!H_REvPRO Rev.Proforma Revision letter for Pro-Forma. A-Z. 1 C
!H_REvORD Rev.Order Revision letter for Order. A-Z. 1 C
!H_REvDEL Rev.Delivery Note Revision letter for Delivery Note. A-Z. 1 C
!H_REv!Nv Rev.!nvoice Revision letter for !nvoice. A-Z. 1 C
!H_REvCRN Rev.Credit Note Revision letter for Credit Note. A-Z. 1 C
!H_PRTSTAT Prn Status Print Status. E=Edited, P=Printed, N=Not Printed. 1 C
!H_DCONTR C! Days Number of days for generation of contractinvoices. This field is
only active if withinaddfedit a cumulative document and
repeatindicator is set to 'D'
3 N
!H_SCONTR Start Contract !nv. Start date for contract invoices. This field isonly used for the
repetative invoice option whenthe repeat indicator is not N or Y.
8 D
!H_ECONTR End Contract !nv. End date for contract invoices. This field is onlyused for the
repetative invoice option when therepeat indicator is not N or Y.
8 D
!H_FCURR F.Currency This field indicates the currency of the document. 3 C
!H_FCDEC F.Decimal Places This field indicates the number of decimal placesof the currency. 1 N
!H_FCvAL Foreign value This is the value of the document in foreignvaluation. 11 C
!H_FCRATE F.Exchange Rate This is the currency exchange rate at the time ofcreatation of the
11 N
!H_FCvAT F.vAT This is the foreign valuation of the document vAT. 11 C
!H_ADDPC Post Code Document Header Post Code. 8 C
!H_DELT Delivery Terms Key to terms of delivery file 3 C
!H_NTRN Nature of Transact. Key to nature of transaction file 2 C
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!H_NTRN Node of Transport Key to mode of transport file 1 C
!H_FCNULT F.Nultiply 1 L
!H_ED! ED! Processed Flag Has this Document been processed by ED! module. 1 L
!H_ED!TX ED! Transaction No. Used when document transmitted via ED! to trackthrough to ED!
EnablerfvANfRecipient batch ofdocuments. Will be updated by ED!
10 N
!H_ED!vN ED! Trans. version Each time the ED! document is transmitted thiswill be incremented
by 1. To indicate version oftransmission.
2 N
SQ_USER Soft Lock User !D Contains the !D of the user who 'owns' the rowwith a soft lock 8 C
!H_RA!SED Raised By Originator of order 19 C
!H_ANALSYS AnalysisfCost Centre Analysis Code or Cost Centre + C
ih_ccard Credit Card No. 18 C
ih_expiry CC Expiry NNfYY 5 C
ih_cauth CC Authorise No. 8 C
ih_cname CC Name 35 C
ih_ebridge Gateway Document 1 L
!H_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
!H_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
!H_TAXPO!N Tax Point Date 8 D
J12%&'$ IPARM
!P_ORDERNO Order Number 10 C
!P_!NvNO !nvoice Number 10 C
!P_PROFNO Proforma Number 10 C
!P_QUOTNO Quotation Number 10 C
!P_CREDNO Credit Number 10 C
!P_DEL!v Delivery Number 10 C
!P_DOCNO Document Number 10 C
!P_CASHACC Cash Account 8 C
!P_SPECRTN Special Function Name of Fox program (.FXP) to execute immediatelyprior to
printing an invoice. This routine iscalled when creating invoices
interactively, andcan be used to manipulate the invoice data in
anon-standard way.
8 C
!P_SPECRT2 Special Function 2 Name of Fox program (.FXP) to execute immediatelyprior to
printing an invoice in the batch process.!t is used similarly to
8 C
!P_SAvE Save !nvoices Save !nvoices as Documents ?, Y or N. 1 C
!P_UPDST Update Stock When to update stock ?, D=Delivery Note,!=!nvoice. 1 C
!P_SHOWSP Show Selling Price Show selling price 8 quantity in stock on stocklookups (invoicing
only) ?, Y or N.
1 C
!P_ADAR Additional DatefRef !nput additional date 8 reference on documentlines ?, Y or N. 1 C
!P_P!CK!NG Picking !ndicator This field indicates if the company requirespicking to part of the
order processing cycle.
1 C
!P_DEL!vRY Delivery Process This field indicates if delivery processing ispart of the order cycle. 1 C
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J12%&'$ IPARM
!P_ALL2P!K Picking After Allocs This indicator allows for the production ofpicking lists after
allocation update.!f set the picking update will only be based
onthe last allocation update.
1 C
!P_CNOR2DL Consolidate Orders This indicator allows for the consolidate ofmultiple orders onto one
1 C
!P_CNDL2!N Consolidate Delivery This indicator allows for the consolidate ofmultiple deliveries onto
one invoice.
1 C
!P_CNOR2!N Consolidate Orders This indicator allows for the consolidate ofmultiple orders onto one
1 C
!P_SHOWCST Show Cost Nargin This indictor controls the display of cost priceand margin on the
entry of documents.
1 C
!P_RESTR!C Available Allocate This allows for the allocation edit to go greaterthan the available
stock but not greater than thetotal quantity remaining to allocate.
1 C
!P_!NNEDPR Print !mmediately This is used in the processing program to indicateif any documents
entered must be printed whileposting the document.
1 C
!P_HEADF!R Process Header First This field is used in the processing to indicateif the transactions
should be entered prior to theintake of the header or visa versa.
1 C
!P_STKNENO Stock Nemos on SCR This field is used to indicate if the stock memoshould appear on
screen when entering anorderfdeliveryfinvoice.
1 C
!P_AUTOEXT Auto Extension !f this field is set to 'Y' or the stock extendeddescription is not
blank, then on entry of thestock item the user will be prompted to
edit theline memo which will default to the stock
extendeddescription.!f the field is set to 'N', then the user is
notprompted automatically with edit the memo line ifthe stock
extended description is blank.
1 C
!P_FORCEAL Force Orders This indicator will force orders generatedmanually or from other
documents to allocate evenif insufficent free stock. !f items are not
pickedthey remain as allocated instead of returning toback
ordered. !f a delivery from order is editedand the items are
returned to back order then theywill be allocated.
1 C
!P_CONDATE Contract !nv Date !f this option is set then the repeat invoiceroutine will set the
generated invoice date to thesystem date. !f not set it will set the
generatedinvoice date to the due date of the contractinvoice.
1 C
!P_USER!Nv Override !nvoice No. This indicator, if set, allows the user toover-ride the invoice
number generated by thesystem.On entering a direct invoice the
user may enterthe invoice number in the invoice header or leaveit
blank to be system generated.
1 C
!P_USERDEL Override Delivery No This indicator, if set, allows the user toover-ride the delivery
number generated by thesystem.On entering a direct delivery the
user may enterthe delivery number in the delivery header orleave
it blank to be system generated.
1 C
!P_FORWARD Forward 1 C
!P_USERORD User Order 1 C
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J12%&'$ IPARM
!P_SPECLST Special List 8 C
!P_BATCHEX Exclusive Batch Opt. !f 'Y', batch processing is exclusive 1 C
!P_WHED!T Edit Line WfH Flag !f 'Y'then edit Warehouse on every line, otherwiseskip over
(editing still enabled).
1 C
!P_LRECALC Runtime Line Recalc !f 'Y' then when processing an order to a deliveryor invoice,prompt
for recalculation of order line values.
1 C
!P_WORDREQ Allow WfO Requests 1 C
!P_PORDREQ Allow PfO Requests 1 C
!P_PORDDOC Allow PfO Documents 1 C
!P_PORDERS Allow PfOrders 1 C
!P_NONTHS Display Last No of Nonths Data 3 N
!P_P!CKQTY Pick on Quantity 1 L
!P_UPDTRAN Transactions Updated 1 L
!P_LTEXCHR Latest SL Exch. Rate 1 L
3#.'$.A2%&'$ ITRAN
!T_DOC Document !nternal document number. 10 C
!T_STOCK Stock Reference Stock reference. 16 C
!T_DESC Description !tem description. +0 C
!T_ANAL Analysis Code Sales analysis code for this line. 8 C
!T_QUAN Line Quantity Line quantity. 9 N
!T_PR!CE !tem Price !tem price. 9 N
!T_D!SC Disc. !tem line discount (may be compound for chaineddiscounts). 6 N
!T_vAT vAT Code !tem's tax code. 1 C
!T_L!NEvAL Line value value for this line. 9 N
!T_SD!SC Sett. Disc 1 L
!T_OD!SC Overall Disc 1 L
!T_STATUS Status Document line status. A=Added, D=Deleted,E=Edited. 1 C
!T_DATE Date Date line entered. 8 D
!T_RECNO Record Number Sequence within document. 7 N
!T_EXvAT Goods value Goods value excluding tax. 9 N
!T_D!SCvAL Disc. Amount Line discount amount. 9 N
!T_SETT1 Sett.1 Disc. Line settlement discount level 1. 9 N
!T_SETT2 Sett.2 Disc. Line settlement discount level 2. 9 N
!T_OvERALL Overall Disc. Amount Overall discount amount. 9 N
!T_vATvAL vAT Amount Tax amount. 9 N
!T_vATPCT vAT Rate Tax percentage. 5 N
!T_NENO Nemo Chained discount description. 10 N
!T_COST Cost Price Cost price per unit of this line. 10 N
!T_PR!ORTY Priority !f the document is an Order this field is thepriority with which the
order line will beprocessed if there is insufficient stock tosatisfy it.
The priority flag from the documentheader is used as a default,
but the field ismodifiable at line entry time.An entry of zero
indicates top priority and stockis allocated immediately (on entry).
1 N
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3#.'$.A2%&'$ ITRAN
!T_DUE Due Date Due date for the shipping of this line of goods inthe order
processing system.The date from the document header is used as
adefault, but is over-rideable.
8 D
!T_QTYALLC Quantity Alloc. For SOP only. This is the quantity of goodsallocated from stock to
this line.
9 N
!T_DTEALLC Date Allocated For SOP only. This is the date of the LASTallocation of stock to this
8 D
!T_QTYP!CK Quantity Picked SOP For SOP only. This is the quantity of goods pickedfrom stock for
this line.
9 N
!T_DTEP!CK Date Picked SOP For SOP only. This is the date of the LAST pickingof stock for this
8 D
!T_QTYDELv Quantity Delivrd For SOP only. This is the quantity of goodsdelivered from stock for
this line.
9 N
!T_DTEDELv Date Delivered For SOP only. This is the date of the LASTdelivery of stock for this
8 D
!T_NUNDELv Delivery Note For SOP only. This is the number of the LASTdelivery note for this
10 C
!T_QTY!Nv Quantity !nvcd For SOP only. This is the quantity of goodsinvoiced for this line. 9 N
!T_DTE!Nv Date !nvoiced For SOP only. This is the date of the LAST invoicefor this line. 8 D
!T_NUN!Nv !nvoice Number For SOP only. This is the number of the LASTinvoice for this line. 10 C
!T_EXDATE Extra Date Extra date allowed (by option) to be tagged ontothe document
line. Useful in conjunction with!T_EXREF for certain types of
business who need ajob datefref on a document per line.
8 D
!T_EXREF Extra Reference Extra reference allowed (by option) to be taggedonto the
document line. Useful in conjunction with!T_EXDATE for certain
types of business who need ajob datefref on a document per line.
20 C
!T_FCURR F.Currency This field indicates the currency of thetransaction, this field will be
the same as !HEAD.!t is stored here to make displaying and
3 C
!T_FCRATE F.Rate This field indicates the exchange rate of thecurrency of the
transaction, this field will bethe same as !HEAD. !t is stored here
to makedisplaying and reporting easier.
11 N
!T_FCDEC F.Decimal Places This field indicates the number of decimal placesfor the currency
of the transaction, this fieldwill be the same as !HEAD. !t is stored
here tomake displaying and reporting easier.
1 N
!T_NARK Nark 1 C
!T_DELT Delivery Terms Key to terms of delivery file 3 C
!T_NTRN Nature of Transact. Key to nature of transaction file 2 C
!T_NTRN Node of Transport Key to mode of transport file 1 C
!T_CONCODE Commodity Code Commodity code. 11 C
!T_SUPUN!T Supp. Units Supplementary Units For EC-vAT 8 N
!T_CNTOR!G Origin Country Country of origin of stock item. Required for EECvAT moule. 2 C
!T_NTNASS Net Nass Per Unit Net NassfUnit used for EC-vAT 'SD' Reporting. 8 N
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3#.'$.A2%&'$ ITRAN
!T_vATTYP vAT Code Type vAT Type related to ZTAX Table (S,U or N). 1 C
!T_FCNULT F.Nultiply 1 L
!T_JPHASE Phase 3 C
!T_JCCODE Cost Code 16 C
!T_JL!NE Job Line 10 C
!T_BTCHSER BatchfSerial Nos 10 N
!T_FRONJC From Costing 1 L
!T_QTYOvER Quantity Over Quantity over delivered 9 N
!T_QTYOR!G Original Quantity Original quantity 9 N
!T_NASSUT Net Nass = Nultiply Net Nass = Nultiply , .T. = Nultiply by quantity.F. = Net Nass is
1 L
!T_CWCODE Line Warehouse Line Warehouse. + C
!T_BSCOST Batch Serial Cost 13 N
!T_WORDER Works Orders 1 L
!T_WOREF WfOrder Reference 10 C
!T_PORDER Purchase Orders 1 L
!T_POREF PfOrder Reference 10 C
!T_POL!NE PfOrder Line Number 7 N
!T_UORDER Uncommitted Order 10 C
!T_UL!NE Uncommitted Line 7 N
!T_PACC Supplier Account 8 C
!T_PPROD Supp Product Number 16 C
!T_PPR!CE Purchase Price 12 N
!T_PFCURR Purchase F.Currency 3 C
!T_PFCRATE Purchase F.Rate 11 N
!T_PD!SC Purchase Discount 10 N
!T_PQTY Qty NadefReceived 9 N
!T_PONOW Raise P.O. Now 1 L
!T_POCHG P.O. Changed 1 L
!T_WOCHG Works Order Changed 1 L
!T_L!NENO Line no 5 N
!T_WONOW Raise W.O. Now 1 L
SQ_ANT!NE Edit time 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Edit date 8 D
SQ_ANUSER editor 10 C
!T_FUNDEC Foreign Unit Decimal Foreign Unit Number of Decimals 1 N
!T_PFUNDEC Supp Foreign Dec. Supplier Foreign unit decimal 1 N
!T_DELAD Supp Name +0 C
!T_DELAD1 Supp Address 1 30 C
!T_DELAD2 Supp Address 2 30 C
!T_DELAD3 Supp Address 3 30 C
!T_DELAD+ Supp Address + 30 C
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3#.'$.A2%&'$ ITRAN
!T_DELADPC Supp Post Code 8 C
!T_NARR1 Supp del instruction 1 75 C
!T_NARR2 Supp del instruction 2 75 C
!T_DELWARE !ntended Warehouse + C
!D Unique !D 10 N
!T_JL!NE!D Job Line !D 10 N
!T_PJCODE Purchase Cost Code 16 C
!T_PJL!NE Purchase Job Line 10 C
!T_PL!NE!D Purchase Job Line !D 10 N
!T_JW!PR!D Revenue Line !D 10 N
!T_PROJECT Nominal Project 8 C
!T_JOB Nominal Department 8 C
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;.2A7 -9/K"#$ CBATCH
CB_CNREF Stock Reference Stock Reference. 16 C
CB_CUBREF Batch No. Batch Number. 32 C
CB_SLOTNO Supplier's Lot No. Supplier's Lot No. 32 C
CB_QTY Batch Quantity Batch Quantity 9 N
CB_NOvED Noved Quantity Noved Quantity 9 N
CB_QTYRET Return Quantity Return Quantity 9 N
CB_USEBY Use by Date Use by Date 8 D
CB_SELLBY Sell by Date Sell by Date 8 D
CB_STATUS Used By Applications Should ONLY BE USED by Traceability Applications. 1 L
CB_RETURN Has Been R.T.v.'d Should ONLY BE USED by Traceability Applications. 1 L
CB_CHREF G.R.N. Reference Naster File CGHEAD 10 C
CB_CGL!NE Delivery Line No. Delivery Line Number. Naster File CGL!NE 7 N
CB_CRREF RTv Reference RTv Reference 10 C
CB_CRL!NE RTv Line Number RTv Line Number 7 N
CB_COST Cost Price Cost Price. 9 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
=2&A> ;.2A7"FM="#%.: CBATSE
CA_CNREF Stock Reference Stock Reference 16 C
CA_CUBREF Batch Number Batch Number 32 C
CA_CUSREF Serial Number Serial Number 32 C
CA_CWREF Warehouse Ref. Warehouse Ref. + C
CA_SLOTNO Supplier's Lot No. Supplier's Lot No. 10 N
CA_SUPPSN Supplier's Serial No Supplier's Serial No 10 N
CA_RELSED Released To Stock Released To Stock 1 L
CA_LOC Location Bin No. Location Bin No. 10 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
0.$7K&&> <9F%2 ?%:" CBAUD
CE_UN!QUE Unique Reference 8 N
CE_REPONLY Report-Only Entry 1 L
CE_ACCOUNT Account 12 C
CE_RECTYPE Record Type 1 N
CE_OLDCURR Old Currency Code 3 C
CE_NENO Additional Text 10 N
CE_TRDATE Transaction Date 8 D
CE_TRREF Transaction Ref. 10 C
CE_TRTYPE Transaction Type 2 C
CE_FCvAL1 Foreign value #1 11 N
CE_FCvAL2 Foreign value #2 11 N
CE_FCDEC Foreign Decimals 1 N
CE_EURvAL1 Euro value #1 11 N
CE_EURvAL2 Euro value #2 11 N
CE_RATE Exchange Rate 11 N
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0.$7K&&> <9F%2 ?%:" CBAUD
CE_CONDATE Conversion Date 8 D
CE_CONBY Converted By 8 C
CE_ARCH!vE Archive account 12 C
0.##%"#$ CCARR
CC_REF Carrier Reference Carrier Reference 10 C "Carrier Reference
cannot be blank"
CC_NANE Carrier Name Carrier Name 30 C "Carrier Name cannot
be blank"
CC_ADDR1 Address Line 1 Address Line 1 30 C
CC_ADDR2 Address Line 2 Address Line 2 30 C
CC_ADDR3 Address Line 3 Address Line 3 30 C
CC_ADDR+ Address Line + Address Line + 30 C
CC_PSTCODE Post Code Post Code 8 C
CC_CONTACT Contact Contact 30 C
CC_TELENO Telephone No. Telephone No. 20 C
CC_FAXNO Fax No. Fax No. 20 C
SQ_NENO Comments Comments 10 N
0.2"6&#%"$ CCATG
CG_CODE Category Code Stock Category Code.(Primary Key)Related field in CNANE. + C "Category Code cannot
be blank"
CG_DESC Category Description Description of Stock Category. 20 C "Category Description
cannot be blank"
CG_ESTORE Allow Gateway 1 C
C#%A" G"2.%:$ CDETL
CD_CODE Price Group Code Stock Price List Code.(Secondary Key)Related to primary table
+ C
CD_REF Stock Reference Stock Reference.Related to CNANE. 16 C
CD_DESC Description Description of Stock Price List. +0 C
CD_SELL Selling Price Selling Price. 9 N
CD_SDATE1 Start Sale Date Start of Sale Date. 8 D
CD_SDATE2 End Sale Date Finish of Sale Date. 8 D
CD_SSELL Sale Price Sale Price. 9 N
CD_NSELL Next Selling Price Next Selling Price. 9 N
CD_NDATE Next SP Date Start Date of Next Price. 8 D
CD_SETT Sett. Discount Settlement discount flag. 1 L
CD_L!NE Line Discount Line Discount flag. 1 L
CD_OvER Overall Discount Overall discount flag. 1 L
CD_QUAN1 Qty Brk 1 Quantity Brake 1. 6 N
CD_QUAN2 Qty Brk 2 Quantity Brake 2. 6 N
CD_QUAN3 Qty Brk 3 Quantity Brake 3. 6 N
CD_QUAN+ Qty Brk + Quantity Brake +. 6 N
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C#%A" G"2.%:$ CDETL
CD_QUAN5 Qty Brk 5 Quantity Brake 5. 6 N
CD_QUAN6 Qty Brk 6 Quantity Brake 6. 6 N
CD_QUAN7 Qty Brk 7 Quantity Brake 7. 6 N
CD_QUAN8 Qty Brk 8 Quantity Brake 8. 6 N
CD_QUAN9 Qty Brk 9 Quantity Brake 9. 6 N
CD_QUAN10 Qty Brk 10 Quantity Brake 10. 6 N
CD_SELL1 Qty Brk 1 Sell.Price Selling Price For Quantity 1 Brake. 10 N
CD_SELL2 Qty Brk 2 Sell.Price Selling Price For Quantity 2 Brake. 10 N
CD_SELL3 Qty Brk 3 Sell.Price Selling Price For Quantity 3 Brake. 10 N
CD_SELL+ Qty Brk + Sell.Price Selling Price For Quantity + Brake. 10 N
CD_SELL5 Qty Brk 5 Sell.Price Selling Price For Quantity 5 Brake. 10 N
CD_SELL6 Qty Brk 6 Sell.Price Selling Price For Quantity 6 Brake. 10 N
CD_SELL7 Qty Brk 7 Sell.Price Selling Price For Quantity 7 Brake. 10 N
CD_SELL8 Qty Brk 8 Sell.Price Selling Price For Quantity 8 Brake. 10 N
CD_SELL9 Qty Brk 9 Sell.Price Selling Price For Quantity 9 Brake. 10 N
CD_SELL10 Qty Brk 10 Sell.Pric Selling Price For Quantity 10 Brake. 10 N
CD_SSELL1 Qty Brk 1 Sale Price Sale Price For Quantity 1 Brake. 10 N
CD_SSELL2 Qty Brk 2 Sale Price Sale Price For Quantity 2 Brake. 10 N
CD_SSELL3 Qty Brk 3 Sale Price Sale Price For Quantity 3 Brake. 10 N
CD_SSELL+ Qty Brk + Sale Price Sale Price For Quantity + Brake. 10 N
CD_SSELL5 Qty Brk 5 Sale Price Sale Price For Quantity 5 Brake. 10 N
CD_SSELL6 Qty Brk 6 Sale Price Sale Price For Quantity 6 Brake. 10 N
CD_SSELL7 Qty Brk 7 Sale Price Sale Price For Quantity 7 Brake. 10 N
CD_SSELL8 Qty Brk 8 Sale Price Sale Price For Quantity 8 Brake. 10 N
CD_SSELL9 Qty Brk 9 Sale Price Sale Price For Quantity 9 Brake. 10 N
CD_SSELL10 Qty Brk 10 Sale Pric Sale Price For Quantity 10 Brake. 10 N
CD_NSELL1 Qty Brk 1 Next Price Next Price For Quantity 1 Brake. 10 N
CD_NSELL2 Qty Brk 2 Next Price Next Price For Quantity 2 Brake. 10 N
CD_NSELL3 Qty Brk 3 Next Price Next Price For Quantity 3 Brake. 10 N
CD_NSELL+ Qty Brk + Next Price Next Price For Quantity + Brake. 10 N
CD_NSELL5 Qty Brk 5 Next Price Next Price For Quantity 5 Brake. 10 N
CD_NSELL6 Qty Brk 6 Next Price Next Price For Quantity 6 Brake. 10 N
CD_NSELL7 Qty Brk 7 Next Price Next Price For Quantity 7 Brake. 10 N
CD_NSELL8 Qty Brk 8 Next Price Next Price For Quantity 8 Brake. 10 N
CD_NSELL9 Qty Brk 9 Next Price Next Price For Quantity 9 Brake. 10 N
CD_NSELL10 Qty Brk 10 Next Pric Next Price For Quantity 10 Brake. 10 N
CD_STATUS Status Status Field To !ndicate 'Added,Edited and!nserted' 1 C
CD_CURR Currency Code Foreign Currency Code. 3 C
CD_FUNDEC Foreign Unit Decimal Foreign Unit Number of Decimals 1 N
CD_DATE Date Createdfupdated 8 D
CD_T!NE Time Createdfupdated 8 C
cd_oldpl Old Price Group Code + C
G%$A* H.2#%O CDISC
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G%$A* H.2#%O CDISC
SD_CODE Discount Code Discount Natrix Code.(Primary Key) First 8 Characters Related to
SNANE Last + Characters Related to CNANE
12 C
SD_DESC Description Price Natrix Description. 20 C
SD_D!SC Discount Discount Percentage. 5 N
SD_QUAN1 Qty Brk 1 Quantity Brake 1. 6 N
SD_QD!S1 Qty Brk 1 Discount Discount for quantity brake 1. 5 N
SD_QUAN2 Qty Brk 2 Quantity Brake 2. 6 N
SD_QD!S2 Qty Brk 2 Discount Discount for quantity brake 2. 5 N
SD_QUAN3 Qty Brk 3 Quantity Brake 3. 6 N
SD_QD!S3 Qty Brk 3 Discount Discount for quantity brake 3. 5 N
SD_QUAN+ Qty Brk + Quantity Brake +. 6 N
SD_QD!S+ Qty Brk + Discount Discount for quantity brake +. 5 N
SD_QUAN5 Qty Brk 5 Quantity Brake 5. 6 N
SD_QD!S5 Qty Brk 5 Discount Discount for quantity brake 5. 5 N
SD_QUAN6 Qty Brk 6 Quantity Brake 6. 6 N
SD_QD!S6 Qty Brk 6 Discount Discount for quantity brake 6. 5 N
SD_QUAN7 Qty Brk 7 Quantity Brake 7. 6 N
SD_QD!S7 Qty Brk 7 Discount Discount for quantity brake 7. 5 N
SD_QUAN8 Qty Brk 8 Quantity Brake 8. 6 N
SD_QD!S8 Qty Brk 8 Discount Discount for quantity brake 8. 5 N
SD_QUAN9 Qty Brk 9 Quantity Brake 9. 6 N
SD_QD!S9 Qty Brk 9 Discount Discount for quantity brake 9. 5 N
SD_QUAN10 Qty Brk 10 Quantity Brake 10. 6 N
SD_QD!S10 Qty Brk 10 Discount Discount for quantity brake 10. 5 N
SD_CD!S1 Qty Brk 1 Disc Discount Percentage for quantity brake 1. 5 N
SD_CD!S2 Qty Brk 2 Disc Discount Percentage for quantity brake 2. 5 N
SD_CD!S3 Qty Brk 3 Disc Discount Percentage for quantity brake 3. 5 N
sd_lupdate Last Updated Date 8 D
sd_luptime Last Updated Time 8 C
C#&D%:"$ CFACT
CF_CODE Profile Code Stock Profile Code.(Primary Key)Related to CNANE + C "Profile Code cannot be
CF_NANE Description Stock Profile Description. 20 C "Description cannot be
CF_FACTOR Factor Factor Quantity. 6 N
CF_DESC Unit Description Unit Description. 8 C
CF_FACTDP F.Decimal or Factor !ndicator for 'F' factor or 'D' decimal quantity. 1 C
CF_SPL!T Split Pack Flag for Split pack or not, for factored items. 1 L
CF_DPS Q.Decimal Places Quantity decimal places for non factored items. 1 N
CF_UPL!FT Split Pack Surcharge Split pack surcharge percenatage. 5 N
CF_SELLDPS P.Decimal Places Price decimal places. 1 N
CF_F!FO F!FO F!FOfNONFOFO item indicator. 1 L
CF_AvER Average Cost AveragefStandard costing flag. 1 L
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C#&D%:"$ CFACT
CF_STOCK Stock !tem StockedfNon Stocked !tems(Service type items) 1 L
CF_SELLUPL SP.Up Lift Selling price uplift from cost price. 6 N
CF_!SQTY !ssue Qty Default Default issue quantity. 9 N
CF_NODDATE Last Nodified Last modifield date of profile. 8 D
CF_DFPR!CE Default !ssue Price Default !ssue Price in Stock Processing to beStdfAverage Cost,
Last Cost or Selling.
1 C
CF_BATCH Batch Traceable Flage for Batch Traceable Stock !tems. 1 L
CF_SER!AL Serial Traceable Flag For Serial Traceability Stock !tems. 1 L
CF_LABOUR Labour !tem LabourfNaterial !tems 1 L
N*8*-* I".F"# CGHEAD
CH_REF GRN Reference GRN Reference 10 C "GRN Reference
cannot be blank"
CH_STATUS Status Status 1 C
CH_DCREF Carrier Reference Carrier Reference 10 C
CH_DATE Delivery Date Delivery Date 8 D "Delivery Date cannot
be blank"
CH_T!NE Delivery Time Delivery Time 8 C
CH_DELCHG Delivery Charge Delivery Charge 9 N
CH_vAT Delivery vAT Delivery vAT 9 N
CH_USER Receiver's User !d Receiver's User !d 8 C "Receiver User !d
cannot be blank"
CH_DREF Delivery Ref. Delivery Ref. 10 C "Delivery Ref. cannot
be blank"
SQ_CRDATE Date Created Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended User Last Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments Comments 10 N
CH_CREATOR GRN Originator GRN Creator Process !D 10 C
N*8*-* 5%'"$ CGLINE
C!_CHREF GRN Reference GRN Reference 10 C
C!_L!NE Line Number Line Number 7 N
C!_DNOTE Delivery Note. Ref. Delivery Note. Ref. 10 C
C!_ACCOUNT Supplier Account Supplier Account 8 C
C!_SUPREF Supplier Stock Ref Supplier Stock Ref 16 C
C!_DESC Supp's description Supp's description +0 C
C!_CNREF Stock Reference Stock Reference 16 C
C!_WE!GHT Weight Received Weight Received 6 N
C!_COND!T Receipt Condition Receipt Condition 30 C
C!_QTYRCv Quantity Received Quantity Received 9 N
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N*8*-* 5%'"$ CGLINE
C!_ASSGND Quantity Assigned Quantity Assigned 9 N
C!_QTYREL Quantity Released Quantity Released 9 N
C!_QTYRET Quantity RTv'd Quantity Returned To vendor 9 N
C!_QTYNAT Quantity Natched Quantity Natched Against Purchase Orders. 9 N
C!_COST Unit cost Unit cost 12 N
C!_vALUE value of Delivery value of Delivery 12 N
C!_BKWARE W'house b'ked into W'house b'ked into + C
C!_RELDATE Last Released Date Last Released Date 8 D
C!_TOWH Destination WfH Application Specific Work Field. + C
C!_BALQTY Balance Quantity Work Field 11 C
C!_RELQTY Quantity To Release Work Field 11 C
C!_SF!ED Satisfied Work Field 1 L
C!_DCREF Picked P.O. Ref Progresed P.O Ref. Work Field 10 C
C!_DCL!NE Picked P.O. Line Progresed P.O Line. Work Field 7 N
C!_DELQUAL Last Del Quality Last Del Quality 10 C
SQ_NENO Comments Comments 10 N
C!_CREATOR GRN Originator GRN Creator Process !D 10 C
C!_WOREF Picked W.O. Ref Progresed W.O Ref. Work Field 10 C
Q&#> J#F"#$ CHEAD
CX_REF WfOrder Reference Order Key 10 C
CX_ASSENBL Assembly Ref. Assembly item stock code 16 C
CX_CANCEL Cancelled Order Cancelled !ndicator 1 L
CX_CWCODE !ntended Warehouse Warehouse Code + C
CX_CUSNAN Customer Name Customer Name 30 C
CX_CUSAD1 Customer Address 1 Customer Address 30 C
CX_CUSAD2 Customer Address 2 30 C
CX_CUSAD3 Customer Address 3 30 C
CX_CUSAD+ Customer Address + 30 C
CX_CUSADPC Customer Post Code Customer Post Code 8 C
CX_CUSTELE Customer Phone No. Customer Telephone Number 20 C
CX_CUSFAX Customer Fax Number Customer Fax Number 20 C
CX_NARR1 Narrative Line 1 Narrative Line 1 75 C
CX_NARR2 Narrative Line 2 Narrative Line 2 75 C
CX_CNPDATE Completed Work order completed date 8 D
CX_TOTvAL Total value Total value for order as calcualted fromcomponents 18 N
CX_NATvAL Naterial value Naterial value of order as calculated fromcomponents 18 N
CX_LABvAL Labour value Labour value of order as calculated fromcomponents 18 N
CX_REF2 Reference 15 C
CX_ORDQTY Qty. Ordered Quantity Ordered 9 N
CX_NADEQTY Qty. Nade Quantity Nade 9 N
CX_ORDDATE Date Ordered Date Ordered 8 D
CX_DUEDATE Date Due Date Due 8 D
CX_WOSTAT Status Work order status 1 C
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Q&#> J#F"#$ CHEAD
CX_SALEACC Sales AfC Sales Account Number 10 C
CX_SOREF Sales Order Ref Sales Order Ref. 10 C
CX_K!TT!NG Kitting Flag Kitting Flag 1 L
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
CX_W!PQTY Qty. W!P Quantity Work !n Progress 9 N
CX_ALLOQTY Qty. Allocated Quantity Allocated 9 N
CX_PR!CE Cost Price Assembly Cost Price 9 N
CX_NATCOST Naterial Cost Assembly Naterial Cost Price 9 N
CX_JCSTDOC Job Costing Job Number Key 10 C
CX_JPHASE Phase Costing Phase Key 3 C
CX_JCCODE Cost Code Costing Code Code Key 16 C
CX_JL!NE Job Line Costing Job Line Number 10 C
CX_DESC Description Assembly item description. +0 C
CX_EXTEND Extended Description Assembly item extended description. 10 N
CX_LABCOST Labour Cost Assembly Labour Cost Price 9 N
CX_QCWCODE Quarantine Warehouse Quarantine warehouse for traceable assembly item + C
CX_REv!S WfOrder Revision Revision of WfOrder, when it was last printed fupdated. 1 C
CX_D!SCQTY Qty. Discarded Quantity Discarded 9 N
CX_SODOC Sales Order Doc. No. Sales Order Document No. 10 C
QMJ#F"# 5%'"$ CLINE
CY_CXREF WfOrder Ref. Work Order Key 10 C
CY_CvRECNO Structure Record No. Record number of component in structure file 10 N
CY_ASSENBL Assembly Ref. Assembly Reference Code, parent (sub-)assembly ofthis
16 C
CY_L!NENO Line Number Line Number for HEader details 7 N
CY_CNREF Stock Reference Stock Reference 16 C
CY_DESC Description Description +0 C
CY_EXTEND Extended Description 10 N
CY_CWCODE !ntended Warehouse Warehouse Code + C
CY_REQQTY Quantity Required Required Quantity 12 N
CY_CNPLQTY Quantity Completed Quantity Completed, stock progressed from W!P tofinished
12 N
CY_REQDATE Date Required Required Date 8 D
CY_!SSDATE Date !ssued Component !ssue Date 8 D
CY_PR!CE Price Order Price 12 N
CY_vALUE value Line value 18 N
CY_!SASSN Not used Not used 1 L
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QMJ#F"# 5%'"$ CLINE
CY_CXREF2 Reference Works Order 2nd Reference 17 C
CY_CvCOREF Component Ref. Component Reference 15 C
CY_PATH Component Level Component Level 80 C
CY_SUBASSN Sub Assembly Flag Sub Assembly Flag.Allows component to be treated as a
sub-assembly:!t can expanded or contracted on works
orderdepending on the current state of this flag.'+' = expandable,
'-' = expanded (can becontracted), otherwise cannot be expanded
1 C
CY_PHASSN Phantom Flag Phantom Assembly Flag 1 L
CY_TONAKE Qty. To Nake Quantity To Nake 12 N
CY_FRONST Qty. From Stock Quantity From Stock 12 N
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment 8 C
CY_ALLOQTY Qty. Allocated Component quantity allocated 12 N
CY_W!PQTY Qty. W!P Component quantity on work in progress 12 N
CY_COQUANT Qty. Component Quantity required to make minimum number ofcomponent's
immediate assembly
12 N
CY_TOPROCE Qty. To Process Quantity of sub-assembly required to be made
fromcomponents.NOTE: For use in calculations within
headerdetails. Holds no useful information about thestatus of the
order or the stock items.
12 N
CY_ASSNN!N Assembly Ninimum Ninimum that can be made of this component'sassembly
12 N
CY_SHOW Display Line Display line in browse windows 1 L
CY_LABOUR Labour !tem LabourfNaterial !tem 1 L
CY_STOCK Stock !tem Stocked item 1 L
CY_CXASSN WfOrder Assembly Assembly item being made on works order 16 C
CY_W!PvAL Component W!P value Component W!P value 12 N
C#%A" 5%$2 CLIST
CL_CODE Price List Code Stock Price list Code(Primary key)Related to CDETL. + C "Price List Code cannot
be blank"
CL_DESC Description Description of price list. 30 C "Description cannot be
CL_CURR F.Currency Code Currency code. 3 C
CL_FCDEC Decimal Places Foreign Currency decimal places. 1 N
N*8*-* 5%'"$ H.2A7"F CMATCH
CN_CHREF GRN Reference GRN Reference 10 C
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N*8*-* 5%'"$ H.2A7"F CMATCH
CN_C!L!NE Delivery Line No. Delivery Line No. 7 N
CN_DCREF Order Reference Order Reference 10 C
CN_DCL!NE Order Line Order Line 7 N
CN_QTY Natched Quantity Natched Quantity 9 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created User Created 8 C
-./"$ R=2>S CNAME
CN_REF Stock Reference Stock Reference.(Primary Key)(secondary Keys)
16 C "Stock Reference
cannot be blank"
CN_CAT Search Ref 1 Alternative part number, Nanufacturers code,Catalog number or
Barcode number.
16 C
CN_CAT2 Search Ref 2 Alternative part number, Nanufacturers code,Catalog number or
Barcode number.
16 C
CN_DESC Description Stock Description. +0 C "Stock Description
cannot be blank"
CN_ANAL Analysis Code Sales Analysis Code.ENPTY for Descriptive !tems. 8 C
CN_CATAG Category Key Stock category.Related to CCATG. + C
CN_FACT Factor Stock Profile code.Related to CFACT. + C
CN_SELL Selling Price Selling price. 9 N
CN_COST Cost Price Cost Price. 9 N
CN_LCOST Last Cost Price Last Cost price. 9 N
CN_D!SCNAT Discount Natrix Code Discount matrix code. + C
CN_ALT1 Alt. Code 1 Alternative Stock Reference code 1. 16 C
CN_ALT2 Alt. Code 2 Alternative Stock Reference code 2. 16 C
CN_ALT3 Alt. Code 3 Alternative Stock Reference code 3. 16 C
CN_EXTEN Extension Desc. Extended Stock Description. 10 N
CN_SSELL Sale Price Sale Price. 9 N
CN_SDATE1 Sale Start Date Sale Start date. 8 D
CN_SDATE2 Sale End Date Sale Finish Date. 8 D
CN_NSELL Next Price Next Price. 9 N
CN_NDATE Next Price Start Start date for Next Price. 8 D
CN_SETT Sett. Disc Settlement discount flag. 1 L
CN_L!NE Line Disc. Line discount flag. 1 L
CN_OvER Overall Disc. Overall discount flag. 1 L
CN_OANAL Anal Code Override Overide Analysis code flag. 1 L
CN_UN!TW Unit Weight Unit Weight. 6 N
CN_UN!Tv Unit volume Unit volume. 6 N
CN_NTNASS Net Nass Qty Netmass quantity foe EEC vAT module. 8 N
CN_!NSTOCK Quantity !n Stock Total !nstock Quantity for the Stock !tem. 9 N
CN_FREEST Free Stock Quantity Total Free Stock for stock item. 12 N
CN_ALLOC Quantity Allocated Total allications for the item. 9 N
CN_ONORDER Quantity On Order Total Purchase orders raised. 9 N
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-./"$ R=2>S CNAME
CN_SALEORD Sales Order Qty This is the total quantity in all warehouses ofthis product waiting
to be processed by the SOPsystem. This figure is increased when
an order ordelivery is entered and reduced when that order
ordelivery is invoiced.
9 N
CN_SUPER Superseded By Super seeded by this stock reference on a givendate. 16 C
CN_SUPDATE Superseded Date Super seeded on this date. 8 D
CN_LAST!SS Last !ssued Last !ssue date. 8 D
CN_LASTRCT Last Receipt Last receipt date. 8 D
CN_CONCODE Commodity Code Stock commodity code. Requirement for EEC vATmodule. 11 C
CN_CNTOR!G Origin Country Country of origin of stock item. Required for EECvAT moule. 2 C
CN_NENO Nemo Stock Nemo. 10 N
CN_SETTSAL Sett. Disc for SP Settlement discount for sale price. 1 L
CN_OvERSAL Over. Disc for SP Overall discount for Sale price. 1 L
CN_L!NESAL Line Disc for SP Line discount for Sale price. 1 L
CN_L!NEOvR Override L.Disc SP Overide Line discount for Sale price. 1 L
CN_SUPUN!T Supp. Units Supplementary Units For EC-vAT 8 N
CN_PANAL Purchase Code Purchase Code 8 C
CN_OPANAL PAnal Code Override PAnal Code Override 1 L
CN_NBATCH Next Batch Number Next Batch Number 32 C
CN_NSER!AL Next Serial Number Next Serial Number 32 C
CN_BARCODE Bar Code Barcode used on this product. !ntended for usewithin ED! module. 13 C
CN_PACS!ZE Default Pack Size Default pack size to be used when receipt of ED!Sales Order. Sales
Orders maybe received in packsize and require to be multiplied by
a pack sizefor internal order quantities. (This does noteffect
Factoring). ED! Sales Orders received inunit quantites may require
to be ordered in Packsize, this value will then divide into
5 N
CN_KEY1 Key 1 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
CN_KEY2 Key 2 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
CN_KEY3 Key 3 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
CN_KEY+ Key + Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
CN_ASSNFLG Assembly !tem Assembly !tem Flag 1 L
CN_NATCOST Naterial Cost Naterial cost 9 N
CN_LABCOST Labour Cost Labour cost 9 N
CN_WOALLOC WO Allocated Quantity allocated for works orders 9 N
CN_WORKORD Works Order Qty Quantity on works order 9 N
CN_CONPW!P Component W!P Component Work !n Progress 9 N
CN_K!TT!NG Kitting Kitting flag 1 L
CN_NANT!NE Nanufacturing Time Nanufacturing time + N
CN_ASSNN!N Ninimum Ninimum assembly quantity 9 N
CN_DEFWH Default WfH Default assemblyfcomponent warehouse + C
CN_PHASSN Phantom Phantom assembly flag 1 L
CN_DRAWREF Drawing Reference BON Drawing Reference +0 C
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-./"$ R=2>S CNAME
CN_REv!SN Drawing Revision Drawing Revision +0 C
CN_NODEL Nodel 1 L
CN_ESTORE Gateway flag balnk if never used Y if used, N !f used previously 1 C
CN_LUPDATE Update date 8 D
CN_LUPT!NE Update time 8 C
cn_pict Picture 25+ C
cn_thumb Thumbnail 25+ C
cn_wcat Gateway Category 20 C
CN_ALLOWSO Allow SfOrder Allow item on Sales Orders 1 L
CN_ALLOWPO Allow PfOrder Allow item on Purchase Orders 1 L
=2&A> C.#./"2"#$ CPARM
CP_GRNREF Goods Received Note Goods Received Note 10 C "Goods Received Note
cannot be blank"
CP_TRACK Track Stock History Track Stock History. Number of months to keepctrack records for. 1 L
CP_LOCFLAG Use Nulti-Warehouse Use Nulti-Warehouse 1 L
CP_RTvREF Return To vendor Return To vendor 10 C "Return To vendor
cannot be blank"
CP_DEFWARE Def.Link Warehouse Default Link Warehouse. Used During Stock AddProcess. + C
CP_KEEPTRC Keep Trace !tems Keep Completed Traceable !tems For SpecifiedNumber Of Nonths. 3 N
CP_PROCESS Special Process Special Process 8 C
CP_WOREF Works Order Number Works Order Number 10 C
CP_BONLEv BON !ssue Level BON !ssue Level: T=top level, B=bottom level,H=highest level 1 C
CP_BN!SAL BON !ssuefAlloc BON Allocations or !ssues.A= allocate stock on creation Works
Order.!= issue stock to W!P on creation of Works Order.
1 C
CP_WOPR!NT Print Works Order !f true, works order to be printed oncreationfamendment. 1 L
CP_BNJCCST BON Costing Cost BON to Costing Cost - This determines which costis used when
creating costs inthe costing module.1 = Stock items cost price.2 =
Naterial cost price.3 = Total of material + labour price.
1 N
CP_SUBWKO Sub Works Order Create Sub Works Order - This determines whetherseparatesub
orders are to be created for sub assemblies ina Work Order.!t is
only active if the BON !ssue level is bottomlevel ormulti level.
1 L
CP_FRCGRN Force Quarantine Warehouse Force Quarantine Warehouse For Traceable !tems. 1 L
CP_ASGNRCT Prompt Assignment Prompt Option To Assign At Receipt. Used by Direct Receipt and
0 - Don't Prompt Assign later
1 - Prompt for assignment
2 - Don't Prompt But Assign
1 N
CP_QRNREL Auto Release From Quarantine Auto release stock items if received into a quarantine warehouse 1 L
CP_SHOWSP Show Selling Price 1 L
CP_SHOWQTY Show Quantity 1 L
CP_SHOWRF1 Show Search Ref. 1 1 L
CP_SHOWRF2 Show Search Ref. 2 1 L
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8*3*!* I".F"# CRHEAD
RH_REF RTv Reference RTv Reference 10 C "RTv Reference cannot
be blank"
RH_STATUS Status Status 1 C
RH_DCREF Carrier Reference Carrier Reference 10 C
RH_ACCOUNT Supplier Account Supplier Account 8 C
RH_DATE Delivery Date Delivery Date 8 D "Delivery Date cannot
be blank"
RH_T!NE Delivery Time Delivery Time 8 C
RH_DELCHG Delivery Charge Delivery Charge 9 N
RH_vAT Delivery vAT Delivery vAT 9 N
RH_USER Receiver's User !d Receiver's User !d 8 C "Receiver's User !d
cannot be blank"
RH_DREF Delivery Ref. Delivery Ref. 10 C "Delivery Ref. cannot
be blank"
SQ_CRDATE Date Created Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created User Created 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended User Last Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments Comments 10 N
8*3*!* 5%'"$ CRLINE
R!_RHREF RTv Reference RTv Reference 10 C
R!_L!NE Line Number Line Number 7 N
R!_CGREF GRN Reference GRN Reference 10 C
R!_CGL!NE GRN Line Number GRN Line Number 7 N
R!_RNOTE Return Note. Ref. Return Note. Ref. 10 C
R!_ACCOUNT Supplier Account Supplier Account 8 C
R!_SUPREF Supplier Stock Ref Supplier Stock Ref 16 C
R!_DESC Supp's description Supp's description +0 C
R!_CNREF Stock Reference Stock Reference 16 C
R!_WE!GHT Weight Received Weight Received 6 N
R!_COND!T Receipt Condition Receipt Condition 30 C
R!_QTYRET Quantity RTv'd Quantity Returned To vendor 9 N
R!_RETWARE W'hse returned from W'hse returned from + C
R!_RETDATE Last Returned Date Last Returned Date 8 D
R!_COST Unit Cost Unit Cost 12 N
R!_vALUE value of Delivery value of Delivery 12 N
R!_STATUS Status Status 1 C
R!_BTCHSER BatchfSerial Nos BatchfSerial Nos 10 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created User Created 8 C
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8*3*!* 5%'"$ CRLINE
SQ_ANDATE Date Last Amendment Date Last Amendment 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Time Last Amendment Time Last Amendment 8 C
SQ_ANUSER User Last Amended User Last Amended 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments Comments 10 N
=2&A> ="#%.: -9/K"#$ CSERNO
CE_CNREF Stock Reference Stock Reference 16 C
CE_CUSREF Serial Number Serial Number 32 C
CE_CWREF Warehouse Ref. Warehouse Ref. + C
CE_SUPPSN Supplier's Serial No Supplier's Serial No 32 C
CE_RELSED Released To Stock Released To Stock 1 L
CE_!SSUED !ssued !ndicator !ssued !ndicator 1 L
CE_LOC Location Bin No. Location Bin No. 10 C
CE_STATUS Used By Applications Should ONLY BE USED by Traceability Applications. 1 L
CE_RETURN Has Been R.T.v.'d Has Been R.T.v.'d 1 L
CE_CHREF G.R.N. Reference Naster File CGHEAD 10 C
CE_CGL!NE Delivery Line No. Delivery Line Number. Naster File CGL!NE 7 N
CE_CRREF RTv Reference RTv Reference 10 C
CE_CRL!NE RTv Line Number RTv Line Number 7 N
CE_D!SCARD Discard Discard 1 L
CE_COST Cost Price Cost Price. 9 N
!D Unique !D Unique !D 10 N
;.2A7 =1:%2$ CSPLIT
CZ_CNREF Stock Reference Stock Reference 16 C
CZ_CUBREF Batch Number Batch Number 32 C
CZ_SPL!T Split Number Split Number + N
CZ_CWREF Warehouse Ref. Warehouse Ref. + C
CZ_QTY Batch Part Quantity Batch Part Quantity 9 N
CZ_QTY!SS !ssued Quantity !ssued Quantity 9 N
CZ_QTYRET R.T.v. Quantity R.T.v. Quantity 9 N
CZ_DATE Released Date Released Date 8 D
CZ_RETURN Has Been R.T.v.'d Has Been R.T.v.'d 1 L
CZ_LOC Location Bin No. Location Bin No. 10 C
CZ_CRREF RTv Reference RTv Reference 10 C
CZ_CRL!NE RTv Line Number RTv Line Number 7 N
CZ_D!SCARD Discard Discard 9 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
cz_RetDsrd Return Discard Return Discard 9 N
<$$"/K:4 0&/1&'"'2$ CSTRUC
Cv_ASSENBL Assembly !tem Code Assembly !tem Code 16 C
Cv_CONPONE Component Code Component Code 16 C
Cv_COQUANT Component Quantity Component Quantity 9 N
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<$$"/K:4 0&/1&'"'2$ CSTRUC
Cv_SEQNO Sequence Position on assembly + C
Cv_SUBSEQ Sub-Sequence Hidden sub-sequence number + C
Cv_COREF Reference Component reference code 15 C
Cv_SUBASSN Sub-Assembly Sub-Assembly Flag 1 L
Cv_PHASSN Phantom Phantom assembly flag 1 L
Cv_CODESC Description Component description +0 C
Cv_NOTES Notes Notes 10 N
Cv_LOC Component Warehouse Component warehouseflocation. + C
=2&A> C"# Q.#"7&9$" CSTWH
CS_WHAR Warehouse Code Stock Warehouse code(Composit Key) CS_REF+CS_WHAR ---
+ C "Warehouse Code
cannot be blank"
CS_REF Stock Reference Stock Reference Code.(Composit Key) CS_WHAR+CS_REF ---
->TAGST1 CS_REF ---->TAGST2Related to
16 C "Stock Reference
cannot be blank"
CS_!NSTOCK Quantity !n Stock Total instock quantity For This Warehouse. 9 N
CS_FREEST Free Stock Total free stock Quantity For This Warehouse. 12 N
CS_ALLOC Quantity Allocated Total Allocations for this Warehouse. 9 N
CS_ORDER Quantity On Order Purchase Order Quantity For This Warehouse. 9 N
CS_SALEORD Sales Order Quantity This is the total quantity for this warehouse ofthis product waiting
to be processed by the SOPsystem. This figure is increased when
an order ordelivery is entered and reduced when that order
ordelivery is invoiced.
9 N
CS_EXTEN Extended Description Extended Stock Description. 10 N
CS_B!N Bin Number Bin Number. 10 C
CS_REORDL Reorder Level Reorder Level. 8 N
CS_REORDQ Reorder Quantity Reorder quantity. 8 N
CS_N!NST Ninimum Stock Ninimum stock quantity. 8 N
CS_DELCH Delivery Charge Code Delivery Charge Code. + C
CS_SUPP1 Supp. 1 Account Code Prefered Supplier Account Code. 8 C
CS_SUPP2 Supp. 2 Account Code Prefered Supplier Account Code. 8 C
CS_SUPP3 Supp. 3 Account Code Prefered Supplier Account Code. 8 C
CS_SUPCOD1 Supp. 1 Stock Ref Prefered Supplier Stock Reference Code. 16 C
CS_SUPCOD2 Supp. 2 Stock Ref Prefered Supplier Stock Reference Code. 16 C
CS_SUPCOD3 Supp. 3 Stock Ref Prefered Supplier Stock Reference Code. 16 C
CS_SUPCOS1 Supp. 1 Cost Prefered Supplier cost. 9 N
CS_SUPCOS2 Supp. 2 Cost Prefered Supplier cost. 9 N
CS_SUPCOS3 Supp. 3 Cost Prefered Supplier cost. 9 N
CS_SUPLTN1 Supp. 1 Lead Time Prefered Supplier Lead time in days. 3 N
CS_SUPLTN2 Supp. 2 Lead Time Prefered Supplier Lead time in days. 3 N
CS_SUPLTN3 Supp. 3 Lead Time Prefered Supplier Lead time in days. 3 N
CS_!SS1 Per.Cur.!ssue Total Current !ssue Period Total. 11 N
CS_!SS2 Per. 1 !ssue Total !ssue history period 1. 11 N
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=2&A> C"# Q.#"7&9$" CSTWH
CS_!SS3 Per. 2 !ssue Total !ssue history period 2. 11 N
CS_!SS+ Per. 3 !ssue Total !ssue history period 3. 11 N
CS_!SS5 Per. + !ssue Total !ssue history period +. 11 N
CS_!SS6 Per. 5 !ssue Total !ssue history period 5. 11 N
CS_!SS7 Per. 6 !ssue Total !ssue history period 6. 11 N
CS_!SS8 Per. 7 !ssue Total !ssue history period 7. 11 N
CS_!SS9 Per. 8 !ssue Total !ssue history period 8. 11 N
CS_!SS10 Per. 9 !ssue Total !ssue history period 9. 11 N
CS_!SS11 Per. 10 !ssue Total !ssue history period 10. 11 N
CS_!SS12 Per. 11 !ssue Total !ssue history period 11. 11 N
CS_!SS13 Per. 12 !ssue Total !ssue history period 12. 11 N
CS_LAST!SS Last !ssue Date Last !ssue Date. 8 D
CS_LASTRCT Last Receipt Date Last Receipt date. 8 D
CS_SHELF Shelf Life Shelf Life in days. 3 N
CS_SALET!N Sale Lead Time Lead time for sale (no. days) 3 N
CS_WARDATE Warrenty Date ExpirefWarrenty Date Of !tem. Could be used as areminder date
for reporting.
8 D
CS_SHLDCST Stock Holding Cost Stock Holding Cost. 9 N
CS_COST Stock Cost Price Stock !tem Cost Price. 9 N
CS_SELL Stock Selling Price Stock !tem Selling Price. 9 N
CS_LCOST Last Cost Price Last Cost Price. 9 N
CS_WOALLOC WO Allocated Allocated to works orders for stock in warehouse 9 N
CS_WORKORD Works Order Qty Quantity on works orders for stock in warehouse 9 N
CS_CONPW!P Component W!P Component Work !n Progress from Warehouse 9 N
CS_NATCOST Naterial Cost Warehouse material cost 9 N
CS_LABCOST Labour Cost Warehouse labour cost 9 N
cs_lupdate Last Updated Date 8 D
cs_luptime Last Updated Time 8 C
=2&A> 3#.A".K:" L2"/ CTITEM
CU_CNREF Stock Reference Stock Reference 16 C
CU_BREF Batch Number Batch Number 32 C
CU_SREF Serial Number Serial Number 32 C
CU_CHREF GRN Reference GRN Reference 10 C
CU_CGL!NE Delivery Line Delivery Line 7 N
CU_ALL!SS Exhausted Exhausted 1 L
CU_ACCOUNT Supplier Account Supplier Account 8 C
3#.A>%'6 &D L2"/$ CTRACK
CK_CNREF Stock Reference Stock Reference 16 C
CK_CUBREF Batch Number Batch Number 32 C
CK_CUSREF Serial Number Serial Number 32 C
CK_CZSPL!T Split Number Split Number + N
CK_CWREF Warehouse Reference Warehouse Reference + C
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3#.A>%'6 &D L2"/$ CTRACK
CK_LOC Bin Number Bin Number 10 C
CK_CTTYPE Transaction Type Transaction Type 1 C
CK_QTY Transaction Quantity Transaction Quantity 9 N
CK_CTDATE Transaction Date Transaction Date 8 D
CK_REFEREN Transaction Ref. Transaction Ref. 10 C
CK_CTCONNT Transaction Comment Transaction Comment +5 C
CK_ACCOUNT Account Account 8 C
CK_GRNREF GRN Reference GRN Reference 10 C
CK_L!NENO GRN Line Number GRN Line Number 7 N
CK_JCSTDOC Job Costing Document Job Costing Document 16 C
CK_JPHASE Job Costing Phase Job Costing Phase 3 C
CK_SLDATE Sell By Date Sell By Date 8 D
CK_USEBY Use By Date Use By Date 8 D
CK_CRREF RTv Reference RTv Reference 10 C
CK_CRL!NE RTv Line Number RTv Line Number 7 N
SQ_CRDATE Date Created Date Created 8 D
SQ_CRT!NE Time Created Time Created 8 C
SQ_CRUSER User Created User Created 8 C
CK_DEL!vRY Delivery Note Ref. Delivery Note Ref. 10 C
CK_JCCODE Costing code ref 16 C
CK_!NvO!CE !nvoice Ref. !nvoice Ref. 10 C
CK_JL!NE Costing line ref 10 C
CK_CRDNOTE Credit Note Ref. Credit Note Ref. 10 C
CK_DOCUNNT S.O.P. Document Ref. S.O.P. Document Ref. 10 C
CK_SLOTNO Supplier's Lot No. Supplier's Lot No. 32 C
CK_SUPPSN Supplier's Serial No Supplier's Serial No 32 C
CK_CZPSPL!T Parent Split !D Parent Split !D + N
CK_CTRAN!D Foreign Key To Ctran Foreign Key To Ctran 10 N
CK_PDF PDF !mage File PDF !mage File name for SOP !nvoicefCredit Note and POP Orders 21 C
CK_DCREF POP Reference POP Reference 10 C
CK_DCL!NE POP Line Number POP Line Number 7 N
CK_WOREF Works Order Reference BON Works Order Reference 10 C
CK_PATH Define Position in BON Define Position in BON 80 C
3#.'$.A2%&'$ CTRAN
CT_REF Stock Ref Stock Reference Code.(Composite Key)
16 C
CT_LOC Warehouse Stock Warehouse Location. + C
CT_TYPE Trans Type Stock NovementfTransaction type. 1 C
CT_DATE Date Transaction date. 8 D
CT_CRDATE Creation Date Transaction Creation Date. 8 D
CT_QUAN Quantity Transaction Quantity. 9 N
CT_NOvED Quantity Noved Quantity Noved From Receipt for F!FO items. 9 N
CT_REFEREN Reference Transaction reference. 10 C
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3#.'$.A2%&'$ CTRAN
CT_ACCOUNT Account SalesfPurchase Account Number. 8 C
CT_COST Cost Price Transaction Cost value. ( Receipt type ). 12 N
CT_SELL Selling value Sales Transaction value ( !ssue Type ). 10 N
CT_DUE Due Date PfOrders Only used by stock purchase orders. Due date ofpurchase order. 8 D
CT_REF2 Second Stock Ref. Second transaction reference. 10 C
CT_T!NE Time Stamp Transaction time stamp. 8 C
CT_CONNT Comment Transaction Comment. 35 C
CT_GRNREF GRN Reference GRN Reference 10 C
CT_L!NENO Line Number Line Number 7 N
CT_JCCODE Cost Code Cost Code 16 C
CT_JL!NE Job Line @JOB Line 10 C
CT_BTCHSER BatchfSerial Nos BatchfSerial Nos 10 N
CT_CRREF RTv Reference RTv Reference 10 C
CT_CRL!NE RTv Line Number RTv Line Number 7 N
!D Unique !D 10 N
CT_PDF PDF !mage File PDF !mage File name for SOP !nvoicefCredit Note and POP Orders 21 C
CT_WOREF Works Order Reference Works Order Reference 10 C
=2&A> !%"E CVIEW
Cv_CODE view Code 3 C
Cv_NANE view Name 30 C
Cv_SYSv!EW System view 1 L
Cv_LvL1 Level 1 view 20 C
Cv_LvL2 Level 2 view 20 C
Cv_LvL3 Level 3 view 20 C
Cv_LvL+ Level + view 20 C
Cv_LvL5 Level 5 view 20 C
Cv_LvL6 Level 6 view 20 C
Cv_DEFAULT Default view 1 L
Q.#"7&9$"$ CWARE
CW_CODE Warehouse Code Stock Warehouse Code.(Primary Key)Related to CSTWH + C "Warehouse Code
cannot be blank"
CW_DESC Description Warehouse Description. +0 C "Warehouse
Description cannot be
CW_ADDR1 Address Line 1 Warehouse Address Line. 30 C
CW_ADDR2 Address Line 2 Warehouse Address Line. 30 C
CW_ADDR3 Address Line 3 Warehouse Address Line. 30 C
CW_ADDR+ Address Line + Warehouse Address Line. 30 C
CW_POST Post Code Warehouse Post Code. 10 C
CW_CTACT Contact Contact Person in Warehouse. 30 C
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Q.#"7&9$"$ CWARE
CW_PHONE Telephone Number Warehouse Phone Number. 20 C
CW_FAX FAX Number Warehouse FAX number. 20 C
CW_ED! ED!fNodem Number Warehouse ED!fNodem Number. 20 C
CW_REC Rec.Block Novements Novement BLOCK!NG flag. 1 L
CW_!SS !ss.Block Novements Novement BLOCK!NG flag. 1 L
CW_RET Ret.Block Novements Novement BLOCK!NG flag. 1 L
CW_TRANF Trf.Block Novements Novement BLOCK!NG flag. 1 L
CW_NOTES Nemo Warehouse Nemo. 10 N
CW_RESNEG Restrict NegTransfer Negative Qty !s Restricted On Transfer 'FromWarehouse' During
Stock Transfer Process.
1 L
CW_QUANT Quarantine !ndicator Quarantine !ndicator 1 L
N.2"E.4 0.2"6&#4 CWCAT
cg_code Category Code 20 C
cg_desc Category Description 50 C
cg_lupdate Last Updated Date 8 D
cg_luptime Last Updated Time 8 C
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C.4#&:: <J 8.2"$ SEQAORT
WAR_TYPE Attach. Order Type Attachment Order Type 2 N
WAR_FRONDT Date From Which Rate Applies Date From Which the Rate Applies 8 D
WAR_TODT Date To Which Rate Applies Date Up To Which the Rate Applies 8 D
WAR_PAYFRQ Pay Frequency Pay Frequency applicable for this bandwidth and rate 1 C
WAR_BAND Upper Bandwidth Amount Upper Bandwidth Amount 10 N
WAR_RATE Rate Rate 10 N
WAR_RTPERC Rate Percent !nd !s rate figure a percent or value (indicator) 1 L
WAR_RNDR Remainder for Bandwidth Percentage Remainder for bandwidth (set against last bandwidth) 10 N
0&/1.'4 0&'2#&:$ SEQCO
CO_CODE Company !d !d code of the company. Company database names areprefixed
with this code.
1 C "Company !D cannot
be blank"
CO_NANE Company Name Company title - used as heading on reports etc.. +0 C "Company Name
cannot be blank"
CO_ADDR1 Address Line 1 First line of company address. 30 C
CO_ADDR2 Address Line 2 Second line of company address. 30 C
CO_ADDR3 Address Line 3 Third line of company address. 30 C
CO_ADDR+ Address Line + Fourth line of company address. 30 C
CO_POST Post Code Company post code. 8 C
CO_TEL Telephone Number Company telephone number. 20 C
CO_FAX Fax Number Company's facsimile number. 20 C
CO_CONTACT Contact Contact name within company (useful for bureauservices). 20 C
CO_vAT Sales vAT Reg.Number Company's sales tax (vAT in EEC) registrationnumber. 20 C
CO_SUBD!R Data Path Pathname for the company's data files. This may beanywhere on
the system.
25+ C
CO_SL2NL Sales Linked NL !s Sales ledger linked to Nominal?. Only allowedto be set if
Nominal is available.
1 L
CO_PL2NL Purchase Linked NL !s Purchase ledger linked to Nominal?. Onlyallowed to be set if
Nominal is available.
1 L
CO_CURRNCY Nulti Currency Operate company with multi-currency? Y or N. 20 C
CO_COSTON Cost Centres Cost Centres Used ?, Y or N. 1 L
CO_TAX Tax Description Tax description. e.g. vAT or GST or TvA. 3 C "Tax description
cannot be blank"
CO_DEBTORS Debtors Balance Company's debtors balance. 13 N
CO_CRDTORS Creditors Balance Company's creditors balance. 13 N
CO_STOCKv Stock valuation Company's stock valuation. 13 N
CO_ORDRBAL Sales Order Book Company's order book value (sales). 13 N
CO_WG2NL Payroll Linked NL !s Payroll linked to Nominal?,. Only allowed to beset if Nominal is
1 L
CO_DESPSSD EC Despatch SD's EC Despatch SD's required? 1 L
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0&/1.'4 0&'2#&:$ SEQCO
CO_ARRvSSD EC Arrivals SD's EC Arrivals SD's required ? 1 L
CO_SALELST EC Sales Lists EC Sales Lists required ? 1 L
CO_LASTvRN Last vAT Return Date Last 'to date' used on a committed vAT ReturnReport 8 D
CO_LASTESL Last ESL Date Last 'to date' used on a committed ESL Report 8 D
CO_LASTSSD Last SD Date Last 'to date' used on a committed SD Report 8 D
CO_ESLNANE ESL Signatory ESL Signatory +0 C
CO_ESLCONT ESL Contact ESL Contact name 30 C
CO_ESLTEL ESL Telephone No. ESL Telephone No 20 C
CO_ESLBRAN ESL Branch !d ESL Branch !d 3 C
CO_ESLFAX ESL Fax No. ESL Fax No. 20 C
CO_SSDPLAC SD Place of Signing SD Place of Signing 30 C
CO_ST2NL Link Stock - Nominal 1 L
CO_JC2WG CostingfPayroll Set to true if integrated to payroll.References to Labour !tems and
Timesheets will berequired to be part of the Payroll module.
1 L
CO_P!R2JC P!RfCosting Set to true if P!R integrated to Costing.P!R will be able to post Job
Details to theCosting Nodule.
1 L
CO_SL2JC SfL to Costing !f true, SfL is Linked to Costing 1 L
CO_ST2JC StockfCosting !f true, Stock is linked to Costing 1 L
CO_PO2JC POPfCosting !f true, POP is linked to Costing 1 L
CO_ANA Company ANAfED! Ref. Companies ANA or ED! Reference Number. 20 C
CO_EAN1 ED! Enabling Prod. 1 Name of ED! Enabling Product 1 in use. 15 C
CO_EAN2 ED! Enabling Prod. 2 Name of ED! Enabling Product 2 in use. 15 C
CO_EAN3 ED! Enabling Prod. 3 Name of ED! Enabling Product 3 in use. 15 C
CO_EAN+ ED! Enabling Prod. + Name of ED! Enabling Product + in use. 15 C
CO_E1P Enabler 1 Command Command use to invoke ED! Enabling product 1. 60 C
CO_E2P Enabler 2 Command Command use to invoke ED! Enabling product 2. 60 C
CO_E3P Enabler 3 Command Command use to invoke ED! Enabling product 3. 60 C
CO_E+P Enabler + Command Command use to invoke ED! Enabling product +. 60 C
CO_BARC Bar Code validation Barcode validation method. N - None E - EAN13 1 C
CO_NRN Nanufacturers Ref.No Nanufacturers Reference No. as allocated by body(Usually ANA)
for Bar Codes designated by thiscompany.
7 C
CO_BANKBAL Bank Balance Company's Overall Bank balance. 13 N
CO_CASHB Enable Cashbook !s Cashbook Being Used?,. Only allowed to be setif Cashbook is
1 L
CO_WG2CB Payroll To Cashbook !s Payroll linked to Cashbook?,. Only allowed tobe set if Payroll is
1 L
CO_SNRF Transmission Ref Last Transmission Reference 6 C
CO_OPERTN Operations Path Path to Pegasus Operations for Edition forOperations 60 C
CO_SLNLCO Sales - Nominal Link Nominal Analysis Company !dentifier 1 C
CO_PLNLCO Purch - Nominal Link Nominal Analysis Company !dentifier 1 C
CO_FA2NL FA Linked NL !s Fixed Assets linked to Nominal? Only allowed tobe set if
Nominal is available.
1 L
CO_FANLCO FA - NL Company Nominal Analysis Company !dentifier 1 C
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0&/1.'4 0&'2#&:$ SEQCO
CO_BN2JC BON to Costing !f true, BON is Linked to Costing 1 L
CO_BN2SOP BON to SOP !f true, BON is Linked to SOP 1 L
CO_WWWPAGE Company web Site Company web Site +0 C
CO_ENA!L Company E-Nail Address Company E-Nail Address +0 C
CO_SDDESPDEL SD Desp !nclude Delivery Terms SD Despatches !nclude Delivery Terms 1 L
CO_SDARRDEL SD Arr !nclude Delivery Terms SD Arrival !nclude Delivery Terms 1 L
CO_KEEPNTS Notes Nonths to Keep 3 N
CO_TRACE Stock Traceability Stock Traceablity 1 L
CO_WHSE Stock Warehouses 1 L
co_ecgate Gateway 1 L
CO_ADvPROJ Advance Nominal Project 1 L
CO_ADvJOB Advance Nominal Job 1 L
CO_BACKDROP Desktop !mage This Field is used in Company Profiles. Allows the user to specify a
background image for the desktop.
25+ C
CO_BACKDROPS Desktop Style This Field is used in Company Profiles. Allows the user to specify a
background image style for the desktop.
0 = Centred.
1 = Tiled.
2 = Streched.
1 N
CO_RTUPDNL Real Time Update of Nominal Real Time Update of Nominal. 1 L
8"1&#2 "/.%: D%":F$ SEQEFLD
EF_GROUP Field group Email field group +0 C
EF_FLDNANE Field name Email field name 20 C
EF_FLDTEXT Field caption Email field caption +0 C
EF_DEFEXPR Field default expression Email field default expression 10 N
EF_FLDNO Group field number Field sort order number within the group 3 N
8"1&#2 "/.%: 6#&91$ SEQEGRP
EG_REPT!D Report Report !dentifier 30 C
EG_GROUP Field group Email field group +0 C
EG_GRPTEXT Group text Email field group text +0 C
EG_ORDER Group Order Email field group order 3 N
EG_NODULES Nodules Nodules in activation 5 C
8"1&#2 "/.%: F"2.%:$ SEQERPT
ER_REPT!D Report Report !dentifier 30 C
ER_NODULES Nodules Nodules, one of which needs to be active, to activate the email
report details
5 C
ER_RECPNT Recipient Email recipient 25+ C
ER_SUBJECT Subject Email subject 25+ C
ER_BODY Body Email body 10 N
ER_ATTNANE Attachment Filename Email attachment filename 25+ C
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8"1&#2 "/.%: F"2.%:$ SEQERPT
ER_vERDGTS Attachment file version digits Number of digits to append to the end of the attachment filename
in case of duplication
1 N
ER_REPTNAN Report name Report name 50 C
Y$"# D.B&9#%2"$ SEQFAVES
FAv_USER User !D 8 C
FAv_GROUP Favourites group !D 30 C
FAv_CONNAND Command !D f EXE 2+0 C
FAv_CAPT!ON Caption to use in favourites 60 C
FAv_!NAGE Path to image file + N
C"#$%$2"'A" %'D& SEQFORMS
PER_USER User !D 8 C
PER_RESOURCE!D Resource !D 60 C
PER_TOP !tem Y pos 5 N
PER_LEFT !tem X pos 5 N
PER_HE!GHT !tem height 5 N
PER_W!DTH !tem width 5 N
PER_DOCKPOS Dock position (for toolbars) 5 N
PER_CARGO Nisc information + N
LASTUSED Datetime resource last used 8 T
Y$"# :&A>$ SEQLOCK
LK_USER!D User !d User !d Code 8 C
LK_CODE Lock Code 30 C
LK_PROCESS Lock Process 30 C
LK_CO Lock Company 30 C
LK_CRASH System Crash User !d 1 L
LK_T!DY System Tidy Ref 1 C
C"&1:" 3.K:" SEQPEOPL
PE_REF Reference 10 C
PE_T!TLE Title 5 C
PE_SURNAN Surname 25 C
PE_FSTNAN Forename(s) 30 C
PE_ADDR1 Address Line 1 30 C
PE_ADDR2 Address Line 2 30 C
PE_ADDR3 Address Line 3 30 C
PE_ADDR+ Address Line + 30 C
PE_PSTCDE Post Code 8 C
SQ_NENO Comments 10 N
PE_PHONE Telephone 20 C
PE_FAX Fax 20 C
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C"&1:" 3.K:" SEQPEOPL
PE_NOB!LE Nobile 20 C
PE_ENA!L E-Nail +0 C
PE_ENP Employee 1 L
PE_SUBC Sub-Contracter 1 L
PE_PROJL Project Leader 1 L
8"1&#2 H.'.6"# SEQREPM
RP_F!LE Report Name Report File Name 8 C
RP_DESC Report Description Description f Title of Report 30 C
RP_NODULE Nodule Nodule !dentifier 1 C
RP_BASETAB Nain Database Nain Controlling Database. 6 C
RP_F!ELDS Field Descriptors Descriptors for the fields to be reported on.Contains type, length
10 N
RP_TENPLT Report Template Which report template being used . 8 C
RP_TYPE Report Type Style of report 1 = list, 2 = summary. 1 N
RP_CONTROL Sequence Control Control descriptors of sequence and controlbreaks. 10 N
RP_F!LTER Filter Control 10 N
RP_OUTPUT Output Control 10 N
RP_DELETE Show Deleted Records Show Deleted Records On Report !ndicator 1 L
RP_OR!ENT Orientation Orientation 1 N
RP_HOTKEY Hot Key Hot Key 1 C
8"1&#2 C#%'2"# 3.K:" SEQRPLAY
DO_REPT!D Report Report !dentifier 30 C
DO_DOC!D Document Document Name 150 C
DO_REPDESC Description Report Description 50 C
DO_NARG!N Left Nargin Orerride setting for the left margin of the report 10 N
DO_PR!NTERNANE Printer Name 30 C
DO_DEFAULT Default Report Logical value !ndicating !f This !S The Default Printer For This
1 L
DO_REPFUNC Report Functions Holds Foxpro code for impact printer reports 10 N
DO_PS!ZE Paper Size Code + !
DO_PW!DTH Paper Width (.1 millimetre) + !
DO_PLENGTH Paper Length + !
DO_YRES YResolution + !
DO_NA!LDEF Default E-Nail Report Logical value indicating !f this is the default report when emailing. 1 L
SQ_DATE Date 8 D
SQ_T!NE Time 8 T
DO_NCOP!ES No of Copies + N
DO_CHA!N Chained Report 150 C
DO_SOURCE Paper Source 3 N
DO_QUAL!TY Print Quality + N
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=4$2"/ C#"D"#"'A"$ SEQSYS
SY_!N_USE System !n Use 1 L
SY_JCCNT Contract Description 15 C
SY_JCJOB Job Description 15 C
SY_JCPHS Phase Description 15 C
SY_TXTREP Text Report !mages 1 L
SY_FUNDEC Foreign Unit Decimal True or False, Operating Foreign Unit Number ofDecimals 1 L
SY_WWWDEF Web site default +0 C
SY_RESULTS Naximum Search Results 10 N
SY_JCDEPT Department Description Label For Deprtment Description. 15 C
SY_USELOGS Use User 8 Event Logs 1 L
SY_PDFDRv PDF Printer Flag PDF Printer Persistance Flag. 1 L
SY_NLPROJ AdvNL Project Description 15 C
SY_NLJOB AdvNL Dept Description 15 C
Y$"# 0&'2#&:$ SEQUSER
USER User !D User !D 8 C "The user names
'ADN!N' cannot be
COS 36 C
USERNANE User Name User Name +0 C
HOTKEYS Hotkey window 1 L
PERS!STENCE Desktop persistence 1 L
H!DEBAR Hide favourites in Navigator 1 L
H!DETREE Hide folders in Navigator 1 L
AUTOH!DE Auto hide Navigator 1 L
DEFGR!D Default Grid This Field is used in system Preference. Wether to use default grid
or Grey and White grid.
1 L
ANYWORD Natch Any Word This Field is used in system Preference. To display Natch any
Word check box in search form with the user's preference
1 L
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Y$"# 0&'2#&:$ SEQUSER
!GNCASE !gnore Case This Field is used in system Preference. To display !gnore Case
check box in search form with the user's preference
1 L
!NCDELETED !nclude Deleted This Field is used in system Preference. To display !nclude Deleted
check box in search form with the user's preference
1 L
BACKDROP Desktop !mage This Field is used in system Preference. Allows the user to specify
a background image for the desktop.
25+ C
BACKDROPS Desktop !mage Style This Field is used in system Preference. Allows the user to specify
a background image style for the desktop.
0 = Centred.
1 = Tiled.
2 = Streched.
1 N
BACKDROPv Desktop !mage Default This Field is used in system Preference. Allows the user to specify
the default behaviour for the background image.
0 = Default.
1 = Enabled.
2 = Disabled.
1 N
DSKSCREENS Desktop !mages This Field is used in system Preference. Allows the user to specify
the background image for Difference Company.
+ N
ZC_NODULE Ledger Ledger 1 C
ZC_ACCOUNT Account Account 8 C
ZC_CONTACT Salutation Contact 30 C
ZC_T!TLE Title Title 10 C
ZC_FORNAN Forename Forename 30 C
ZC_SURNANE Surname Surname 30 C
ZC_OPTCONT Contact Option Contact Option 1 N
ZC_DOB Date of Birth Date of Birth 8 D
ZC_ALLWPH Allow Phone Allow Phone 1 L
ZC_PHONE Phone Phone 20 C
ZC_ALLWFAX Allow Fax Allow Fax 1 L
ZC_FAX Fax Fax 20 C
ZC_ALLWNOB Allow Nobile Allow Nobile 1 L
ZC_NOB!LE Nobile Nobile 20 C
ZC_ALLWNAL Allow eNail Allow eNail 1 L
ZC_ENA!L Email Email +0 C
ZC_ATTR1 Attribute 1 Attribute 1 + C
ZC_ATTR2 Attribute 2 Attribute 2 + C
ZC_ATTR3 Attribute 3 Attribute 3 + C
ZC_ATTR+ Attribute + Attribute + + C
ZC_ATTR5 Attribute 5 Attribute 5 + C
ZC_ATTR6 Attribute 6 Attribute 6 + C
SQ_USER User User 8 C
SQ_DATE Creation Date Creation Date 8 D
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SQ_T!NE Creation Time Creation Time 8 C
SQ_ANUSER Amended User Amended User 8 C
SQ_ANDATE Amended Creation Date Amended Creation Date 8 D
SQ_ANT!NE Amended Creation Time Amended Creation Time 8 C
!D Unique !d Unique !d 10 N
ZC_POS Position Position 30 C
C&$2%'6 5&A> 3.K:" ZLOCK
ZP_USER Locking User Name 15 C
ZP_PROCESS Locking Process Name +0 C
-&2"$ ZNOTES
zn_module Ledger 1 C
zn_account Account 16 C
zn_extend Extend + C
sq_user User 8 C
sq_date Creation Date 8 D
sq_time Creation Time 8 C
sq_amuser Amended User 8 C
sq_amdate Amended Creation Date 8 D
sq_amtime Amended Creation time 8 C
zn_note Nemo Notes 10 N
zn_actreq Action required 10 C
zn_email E-mail +0 C
zn_actdate Action Date 8 D
zn_actcomp Action Completed 1 L
zn_compdte Action Completion Date 8 D
zn_priority Priority 1 N
zn_subject Subject 50 C
!D Unique !D 10 N
F!LENANE Alias File Name Alias File Name. 10 C
KEYREF Alias Key Reference AccountfReference, Key field of Record. 16 C
CONNENT OLE Comment Comment. 52 C
DATE Date Date, defaults to system date. 8 D
OLE OLE Object OLE General Field. 10 G
!NAGEF!LE !mage File Path to Picture file 25+ C
=1&&: 0&'2#&: ZPOOL
SP_F!LE Report File Name Report file name. 20 C
SP_DESC Description Description of report. +0 C
SP_CT!NE Creation Time Time report created. 5 C
SP_CDATE Creation Date Date report created. 8 D
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=1&&: 0&'2#&: ZPOOL
SP_CBY Reported By Who initiated report. 8 C
SP_PDATE Printed Date Time report last printed. 8 D
SP_PT!NE Printed Time Date report last printed. 5 C
SP_PBY Printed By Who last printed report. 8 C
SP_PR!NTER Printer Printer to which report was destined for. 10 N
SP_REPW!DE Report Width Width of report as defined in 'report form'. 3 N
SP_REPH!TE Report Depth Depth of report. + N
SP_PLATFRN Platform Type Platform = DOS or W!NDOWS 8 C
!<3 8.2"$ ZTAX
TX_CTRYTYP Country Type Country Type for transactions in :-H = (H)ome countryR = EC
country where user is (R)egisteredU = EC country where user is
(U)nregisteredN = (N)on EC country
1 C "Country type cannot
be blank."
TX_TRANTYP Transaction Type Transaction Type where :-S = (S)aleU = Sale to foreign
(U)nregisterd EC customerP = (P)urchaseF = Purchase from
(F)oreign unregistered supplierN = Beyond vAT scope (i.e. (N)on
1 C "Transaction type
cannot be blank."
TX_CODE Code Tax (vAT) Code A-Z and 0-9 1 C "Tax code cannot be
TX_DESC Description vat Code Description 25 C "Tax code description
cannot be blank."
TX_RATE1 Rate 1 vat Rate 1 percentage 5 N "Tax rate must be
greater than 0
TX_RATE1DY Rate 1 Date vAT rate 1 trigger date 8 D
TX_RATE2 Rate 2 vat Rate 2 percentage 5 N "Tax rate must be
greater than 0
TX_RATE2DY Rate 2 Date vAT rate 2 trigger date 8 D
TX_NON!NAL Nominal Account Nominal Code for vAT rate (no cost centre) 8 C
TX_BOX6 Box 6 !nd Goods value to be accumulated for box 6 of vAT100 1 L
TX_BOX7 Box 7 !nd Goods value to be accumulated for box 7 of vAT100 1 L
TX_BOX8 Box 8 !nd Goods value to be accumulated for box 8 of vAT100 1 L
TX_BOX9 Box 9 !nd Goods value to be accumulated for box 9 of vAT100 1 L
TX_BOX1 Box 1 !nd Tax value to be accumulated for box 1 of vAT100 1 L
TX_BOX2 Box 2 !nd Tax value to be accumulated for box 2 of vAT100 1 L
TX_BOX+ Box + !nd Tax value to be accumulated for box + of vAT100 1 L
TX_ESLSUPP Goods val Supp. ESL Goods value = supplies in ESL, True or False(include goods value
in ESL line)
1 L
TX_ESLPROC Process !tem ESL !s this a Process item in ESL ? True or False 1 L
TX_SSDPRE Pre-Process !tem SD Pre-Process item in SD, True or False 1 L
TX_SSDPOST Post-Process !tm SD Post-Process item in SD, True or False 1 L
TX_SSDSUPP Goods val Supp. SD Goods value = supplies in SD, True or False(include goods value in
SD line)
1 L
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!<3 8.2"$ ZTAX
TX_ED! ED! vAT Code When vAT details are transmitted via ED! it issometimes
necessary to change vAT Codes used. (eg.17.50 vAT usually
rate 1 = Code S - StandardRate). Should default to vAT Code
specified unlessmodified by end-user.
1 C
TX_ESLTR!G Triang !tem ESL Triangulation Flag for ESL report 1 L
@OA7.'6" 8.2"$ ZXCHG
XC_CURR Currency Code Currency code. 3 C "Currency code cannot
be blank"
XC_DESC Description Currency Description. 20 C "Currency description
cannot be blank"
XC_DEC Dec.Places Number of decimals usually used for the foreigncurrency. 1 N !!F(xc_home,"Decimals
for home currency
must be 2","Currency
decimals must be
between 0 and 5")
XC_SRATE SL Exchange Rate Exchange rate. i.e. Figure to be multiplied by thehome currency
value to get foreign currency value.For Sales Ledger transactions.
11 N "Sales exchange rate
must be greater than
XC_PRATE PL Exchange Rate Exchange rate. i.e. Figure to be multiplied by thehome currency
value to get foreign currency value.For Purchase Ledger
11 N "Purchase exchange
rate must be greater
than zero"
XC_SNON SL Nominal Account Nominal Account for realised gains 8 losses forthis exchange rate.
For Sales Ledger transactions.
13 C
XC_PNON PL Nominal Account Nominal Account for realised gains 8 losses forthis exchange rate.
For Purchase Ledgertransactions.
13 C
XC_NULT Nultiply Rate 1 L
XC_NNON NL Nominal Account Nominal Account for realised gains 8 losses forthis exchange rate.
For Nominal Ledgertransactions.
13 C
XC_SLNLCO Sales - Nominal Link Nominal Analysis Company !dentifier 1 C
XC_PLNLCO Purch - Nominal Link Nominal Analysis Company !dentifier 1 C
XC_DLDATE Date of Download 8 D
XC_DLT!NE Time of Download 8 C
XC_DLUSER Download User 8 C
XC_HONE Home Currency .T. if this is home currency for this company.Only one currency
may have this set to .T.1+.08.98
1 L
XC_TR!ANG Triangulation Date Date from which triangualtion for this
8 D "Triangulation start
date cannot be earlier
than 1 January 1999"
XC_ESRATE ENU SL Exch.Rate Euro Exchange rate for Sales.1+.08.98 11 N "value may NOT be
XC_EPRATE ENU PL Exch.Rate Euro exchange rate for Purchases.1+.08.98 11 N "Purchase euro
exchange rate must be
greater than zero"
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@OA7.'6" 8.2"$ ZXCHG
XC_ENRATE ENU NL Exch.Rate Euro exchange rate for Nominal.1+.08.98 11 N "Nominal euro
exchange rate must be
greater than zero"
XC_PASSWD ENU Password 8 C
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0&9'2#%"$ VCNTRY
vT_COUNTRY Code EC vAT Country Code 2 C
vT_ALTCTRY Alternative Code EC vAT Alternative Country Code 2 C
vT_NUNCTRY Number Code EC vAT Numeric Country Code 3 C
vT_DESC Description EC vAT Country Name 20 C
vT_HONE Home !ndicator EC vAT Home Country? True or False 1 L
vT_NENBER EC Nember EC vAT - EC Nember? True or False 1 L
vT_vATREGD vAT Registered EC vAT - are you registered in that country? Trueor False 1 L
vT_AFTER After Sett. Disc. EC vAT - is vAT calculated after settlementdiscount deducted?
True or False
1 L
vT_BASECUR Base Currency EC vAT Base Currency for local vAT accounting. 3 C
vT_SLCURR Sales Currency EC vAT Default Currency for sales ledger. 3 C
vT_PLCURR Purchase Currency EC vAT Default Currency for purchase ledger. 3 C
vT_TAXDESC Tax Description EC vAT - Tax description for this country. 3 C
0&//&F%2%"$ VCOMM
vC_CONNOD Commodity Code Commodity Code. 11 C
vC_DESC Description Commodity Code description. 30 C
vC_2NDQTY Second Quantity !f used - Second Qty description.!f empty - 2nd qty not needed. 8 C
vC_KEY1 Key 1 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
vC_KEY2 Key 2 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
vC_KEY3 Key 3 Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
vC_KEY+ Key + Field Record search key - do not alter. 5 C
5&&>91$ VLOOK
LK_TYPE Type Lookup record type. T=Transport, Y=Business Type,D=Despatch
Nethod, R=Delivery Route.
1 C
LK_CODE Code Lookup record code (key). 3 C "Code may not be
LK_DESC Description Lookup record description. 30 C "Description may not
be blank"
!<3 G.2. 0&::"A2%&' ZVTRAN
vA_SOURCE Source Transaction Source (S)ales, (P)urchase, (N)ominal 1 C
vA_ACCOUNT Account Account No. (Customer, Supplier 8 Nominal Afc) 8 C
vA_LACCNT Ledger Account Ledger Afc No. 8 C
vA_TRDATE Transaction Date Transaction date 8 D
vA_TAXDATE Tax Point Transaction tax point 8 D
vA_OvRDATE Transfer Date Date transaction was pulled (or pushed) fromsource. 8 D
vA_TRREF Reference Transaction Ref. 10 C
vA_TRTYPE Type Transaction type (!)nvoice or (C)redit 1 C
vA_NRTH!RE Northern !reland .T. Northern !reland (GB country).F. NOT N.!. 1 L
vA_REGCTRY vAT Reg Country Pref vAT Reg Country prefix 2 C
vA_REGvAT vAT Reg vat Reg of Customer 15 C
vA_!NTERBR !nter Branch ? !nter Branch transaction T or F 1 L
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!<3 G.2. 0&::"A2%&' ZVTRAN
vA_COUNTRY Destination Country Destination country code 2 C
vA_FCURR Foreign Currency Currency Code 3 C
vA_FCDEC Decimals Foreign currency decimal places 1 N
vA_SETD!SC Nax Settlement Disc Naximum settlement discount 10 N
vA_TRvALUE value Transaction (line) value 12 N
vA_FCvAL Foreign value Foreign Currency value 11 N
vA_vATvAL vAT value Line vAT value 12 N
vA_COST Cost value Cost value 12 N
vA_FCCOST Foreign Cost Cost in Foreign currency 11 N
vA_vATCTRY vAT Country Type Country Type (vAT) (H,R,U) 1 C
vA_vATTYPE vAT Code Type vAT Code type (S,P,U,N) 1 C
vA_ANvAT vAT Code vAT code (0-9,A-Z) 1 C
vA_vATRATE vAT Rate vAT rate 2.2 5 N
vA_BOX6 Outputs !nclude in Box 6 vAT100 - all sales 1 L
vA_BOX7 !nputs !nclude in Box 7 vAT100 - all purchases 1 L
vA_BOX8 EC supplies value !nclude in Box 8 vAT100 - EC supplies 1 L
vA_BOX9 EC acquisitions val !nclude in Box 9 vAT100 - EC acquisitions 1 L
vA_BOX1 Output tax !nclude in Box 1 vAT100 - vAT on sales 1 L
vA_BOX2 EC acquisitions tax !nclude in Box 2 vAT100 - vAT on acquisitions 1 L
vA_BOX+ !nput tax !nclude in Box + vAT100 - vAT on purchases 1 L
vA_ESLSUPP !nclude in ESL !nclude in ESL 1 L
vA_ESLPROC Process !tem ESL Process item for ESL 1 L
vA_SSDPRE Pre Process SD Pre Process item for SD 1 L
vA_SSDPOST Post Process SD Post Process item for SD 1 L
vA_SSDSUPP !nclude in SD !nclude in SD 1 L
vA_CTRYORG Origin Country Country of Origin 2 C
vA_CONNOD Commodity Code Commodity code (+spare 3 chars) 11 C
vA_NETNASS Net Nass in Kgs. Nett mass of line 12 N
vA_SUPPQTY Supp. Units Supplementary units (second qty) 12 N
vA_DELTERN Delivery Terms Delivery terms 3 C
vA_TRANSAC Nature of Transact. Nature of transaction 2 C
vA_TRANSPT Node of Transport Node of transport 1 C
vA_SSDvAL SD value value for the SD (with delivery chargesapportioned) 12 N
vA_SSDFvAL Foreign SD value Foreign value for the SD (with delivery chargesapportioned) 11 N
vA_CONNvAT Commit Date vAT 100 Date this record was commited to vAT 100 8 D
vA_CONNESL Commit Date ESL Date this record was commited to ESL 8 D
vA_CONNSSD Commit Date SD Date this record was commited to SD 8 D
vA_EXCEPT Exception Flag Exception Flag - set to true when transaction hasappeared on
exception report
1 L
vA_REvERSE Reverse Jnl Flag Flags true if reveresed journal 1 L
vA_ESLTR!G Triang !tem ESL Triangulation !tem for ESL 1 L
vA_TRANSC2 Nature of Transact. 2nd code Nature of transaction 2 C
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