Relocating To The UK Information

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Relocating to the UK?

Salaries in the UK are given as a gross amount i.e. a taxable amount. In
the UK, everyone pays income tax plus National Insurance (NI).

Income Tax is wore! out as "ollows#
$ersonal allowance# %&,'((. i.e. the )rst %&,'(( you earn is not taxe! at
%(*%+,,,( is taxe! at the starting rate '(-
%(*%./,,(( is taxe! at the basic rate +(-
0nything over %./,,(( is taxe! at the higher rate ,(-.

0ny income over %./,,(( is taxe! at ,(- in the UK. I.e. i" your salary
was %,/, only the extra %1,2(( woul! be taxe! at ,(-.
3ere is a goo! website to see the brea!own an! )n! out how much you
woul! pay#
4or more in"ormation, see# the Inlan! 5evenue website "or all in"ormation
about tax *
To )n! in"ormation 7uicly, go to an! type in 8UK income
tax8 or 8council tax8 etc an! the Inlan! 5evenue sites will be )rst in the list
o" results.
National Insurance (NI
In the UK, people are re7uire! to pay National Insurance 9ontributions
each month, which is separate "rom Income Tax.
!hat is National Insurance?
National Insurance is basically a tax on employment but the "un!s are pai!
towar!s bene)ts. Some o" the bene)ts, "or example State $ension, are
only available i" the person has ma!e su:cient National Insurance
"ontri#utions. 4un!s "rom NI 9ontributions also help to pay "or the
National 3ealth Service an! other bene)ts such as ;aternity $ay, Sic $ay
National Insurance 9ontributions are calculate! as a percentage o" your
gross pay.
<ou can calculate the amount o" tax an! National Insurance that you will
pay on the Tax 9alculator#
=ust type in the salary amount, an! then clic the 89alculate8 button.
National Insurance "or people coming to the UK#*u.htm
4or more in"ormation on rates, see!entmin!s.com6national*
The National $ealth %ervice (N3S) is the publicly "un!e!
healthcare system o" >nglan!. It is the largest an! the ol!est single*
payer healthcare system in the worl!. It is able to "unction in the
way that it !oes because it is primarily "un!e! through the general
taxation system, in a similar "ashion to the "un!ing mo!el "or )re
!epartments, police !epartments, an! primary schools. The system
provi!es healthcare to anyone normally legally resi!ent in >nglan!,
an! also any other part o" the Unite! King!om (shoul! a person
"rom another UK area be travelling in >nglan!, "or example), with
almost all services "ree at the point o" use "or all such people.
"ore &rincipals
The principal N3S website states the "ollowing as core principles#
The N3S was born out o" a long*hel! i!eal that goo! healthcare
shoul! be available to all, regar!less o" wealth. 0t its launch by the
then minister o" health, 0neurin ?evan, on @ =uly '1,&, it ha! at its
heart three core principles#
That it meet the nee!s o" everyone
That it be "ree at the point o" !elivery
That it be base! on clinical nee!, not ability to pay
These three principles have gui!e! the !evelopment o" the N3S
over more than hal" a century an! remain. 3owever, in =uly +(((, a
"ull*scale mo!ernisation programme was launche! an! new
principles a!!e!.
The main aims o" the a!!itional principles are that the N3S will#
$rovi!e a comprehensive range o" services
Shape its services aroun! the nee!s an! pre"erences o"
in!ivi!ual patients, their "amilies an! their carers
5espon! to the !iAerent nee!s o" !iAerent populations
Bor continuously to improve the 7uality o" services an! to
minimiCe errors
Support an! value its staA
Use public "un!s "or healthcare !evote! solely to N3S patients
Bor with others to ensure a seamless service "or patients
3elp to eep people healthy an! wor to re!uce health
5espect the con)!entiality o" in!ivi!ual patients an! provi!e
open access to in"ormation about services, treatment an!
'ree services an( contri#utor) services
%ervices *ree at the point o* use+
The vast maDority o" N3S services are *ree at the point o* use.
This term, which is commonly use!, means that people generally !o
not pay anything "or their !octor visits, nursing services, surgical
proce!ures or appliances, consumables such as me!ications an!
ban!ages, plasters, me!ical tests, an! investigations, x*rays, 9T or
;5I scans etc. 3ospital inpatient an! outpatient services are "ree,
both me!ical an! mental health services. This is because these
services are all pre*pai! "rom taxation.
?ecause the N3S is not "un!e! by contributory insurance scheme in
the or!inary sense an! most patients pay nothing "or their
treatment there is thus no billing to the treate! person nor to any
insurer or sicness "un! as is common in many other countries. This
saves hugely on a!ministration costs which might otherwise involve
complex consumable tracing an! usage proce!ures at the patient
level an! concomitant invoicing, reconciliation an! ba! !ebt
>ligibility "or "ree N3S services is base! on having Epermanent
resi!ence statusE (a birthright "or some or grante! by the 3ome
F:ce "or those who have immigrate!). The person must be
registere! with a general practitioner an! have an N3S car! an!
number. This will inclu!e overseas stu!ents with a visa to stu!y at a
recogniCe! institution "or 2 months or more, but not visitors on a
tourist visa "or example.
9itiCens o" the >U hol!ing a vali! >uropean 3ealth Insurance 9ar!
an! persons "rom certain other countries with which the UK has
reciprocal arrangements concerning health care can liewise get
emergency treatment without charge.
In >nglan!, "rom '@ =anuary +((/, anyone who is woring outsi!e
the UK as a missionary "or an organisation with its principal place o"
business in the UK is "ully exempt "rom N3S charges "or services
that woul! normally be provi!e! "ree o" charge to those resi!ent in
the UK. This is regar!less o" whether they !erive a salary or wage
"rom the organisation, or receive any type o" "un!ing or assistance
"rom the organisation "or the purposes o" woring overseas. This is
in recognition o" the "act that most missionaries woul! be unable to
aAor! private health care an! those woring in !eveloping countries
shoul! not eAectively be penalise! "or their contribution to
!evelopment an! other wor.
5egar!ing renting accommo!ation, these websites are great "or checing
buying an! renting prices.
This site may also be use"ul "or looing "or Gats6house share#
This website is a goo! one "or a general overview o" living costs in the UK,
buying, letting as well as school search#
In"ormation on mortgages
Use*ul !e#sites
In"ormation on National Insurance an! Tax gui!elines can be "oun! on the
Inlan! 5evenue Bebsite
-eneral area in*ormation
http://www.upm) local area in"ormation
http://www.) <ellow $ages online
local area in"ormation local
area in"ormation local newspaper
3ristol local area in"ormation

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