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The Stewart Chronicles:


The New School Year!
Our plane touched down in the Netherlands just a few days before the Fall
semester began at Tyndale!

This Fall we have 73 students from 24 Countries: Netherlands (25), Ghana (9),
USA (5), Cameroon (4), Germany (4), Myanmar (3), Belgium (2), Suriname (2),
England (2), Serbia (2), Greece (2), Romania (2), Congo (1), Ethiopia (1), Nigeria
(1), Ukraine (1), Rwanda (1), Burundi (1), Malaysia (1), Iran (1), Kazakhstan (1),
China (1), Japan (1).

It is amazing to serve God with the knowledge that our service will impact each of
these countries when the students graduate and return to their homes. Thank you
for sharing with us in this work through friendship, prayer, and finances. We could
not do it alone!

Our Thursday
morning students
right after chapel on
Sept. 11.

Please pray . . .
I (Alex) am leaving tomorrow morning, Sept. 19th, to
teach for a week at Zaporozhye Bible College and
Seminary (ZBCS) in Zaporozhye, Ukraine. ZBCS
was founded in 1991 and is located in the capital city
of Zaporozhye province. I will return to the
Netherlands on Sept. 26.

Our vision is to advance
Gods global mission by
training Christian leaders
who will train others in
fulfillment of 2 Timothy

"And the things you have
heard me say in the
presence of many
witnesses entrust to

The leadership of ZBCS have assured us that
although there are many refugees from the fighting
in the East of Ukraine there has been no fighting in
Zaporozhye and missionaries are continuing to teach
there this Fall. If you have been following the news
you will know that this is a crucial and strategic time
in the history of Ukraine. Please pray that God would
work in and through me as I encourage the churches
and train pastors in a province that may eventually
border Russia. Please also pray for God to
strengthen Jenny and the children while I am gone.

Thanking God for . . .
1. The new students that have joined us this year.
2. Our safe return to the Netherlands and transition
back into the ministry here.

Blessings in Christ,
Alex, Jenny, Elijah, Benjamin, Paul, Micah, and

reliable people who will
also be qualified to teach
others" (2 Timothy 2:2).

If you are interested in partnering with us financially please send us an email at or check out the instructions on our blog.

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