Sap Technical

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Thanks to all contributors for these questions.

1. If a table does not have MANDT as part of the primary key, it is .

A! A structure "! Invalid #! #lient$independent D! Not mandatory
%. In re&ard to #A'', (hich of the follo(in& is N)T a valid statement*
A! #A'' +,N#TI)N "! #A'' -#.//N #! #A'' T.AN-A#TI)N D! #A''
2. Name the type of A"A0 Dictionary table that has these characteristics!
-ame number of fields as the database table
-ame name as database table
Maps 1!1 to database table
A! 0ooled "! #luster #! Transparent D! 3ie(
4. An event starts (ith an event key(ord and ends (ith!
A! 0ro&ram e5ecution. "! /ND$)+$/3/NT. #! Another event key(ord.
D! /ND$/3/NT.
6. 7hat is the system field for the current date*
A! -8$DAT,M "! -8$DAT/ #! -8$DATID D! -8$-DAT/
9. The follo(in& code indicates!
-/'/#T fld1 fld% +.)M tab1 A00/NDIN1 TA"'/ itab
7:/./ fld1 IN sfld1.
A! Add ro(s to the e5istin& ro(s of itab.
"! Add ro(s to itab after first deletin& any e5istin& ro(s of itab.
#! -elect ro(s from tab1 for matchin& itab entries.
D! Nothin&, this is a synta5 error.
;. 8ou may chan&e the follo(in& data ob<ect as sho(n belo( so that it
equals 2.14.
#)N-TANT-! 0I type 0 decimals % value =2.1=.
0I > =2.14=.
A! True "! +alse
?. The -A0 service that ensures data inte&rity by handlin& lockin& is
A! ,pdate "! Dialo& #! /nqueue@Dequeue D! -pool
A. 7hich of these sentences most accurately describes the 1/T 3"AB
'AT/. event*
A! This event is processed before the second time the 1/T 3"AB event is
"! This event is processed after all occurrences of the 1/T 3"AB event are
#! This event (ill only be processed after the user has selected a basic list
D! This event is only processed if no records are selected from table
1C. 7hich of the follo(in& is not a true statement in re&ard to a hashed
internal table type*
A! Its key must al(ays be ,NID,/.
"! May only be accessed by its key.
#! .esponse time for accessin& a ro( depends on the number of entries in
the table.
D! Declared usin& internal table type :A-:/D TA"'/.
11. T) include database$specific -D' statements (ithin an A"A0 pro&ram,
code them bet(een!
A! NATI3/ -D'/NDNATI3/. "! D" -D'/NDD".
#! -/'/#T/ND-/'/#T. D! /E/# -D'/ND/E/#.
1%. To measure ho( lon& a block of code runs, use the A"A0 statement!
A! 1/T TIM/. "! -/T TIM/ +I/'D. #! 1/T .,N TIM/ +I/'D.
D! -/T #,.-). +I/'D.
12. 7hen a secondary list is bein& processed, the data of the basic list is
available by default.
A! True "! +alse
14. 1iven!
DATA! "/1IN )+ itab )##,.- 1C,
qty type I,
/ND )+ itab.
D) %6 TIM/-. itab$qty > sy$inde5. A00/ND itab. /NDD).
'))0 AT itab 7:/./ qty F 1C.
7.IT/! @1 itab$qty.
This (ill result in!
A! )utput of only those itab ro(s (ith a qty field less than 1C
"! )utput of the first 1C itab ro(s (ith a qty field &reater than 1C
#! A synta5 error
D! None of the above
16. After a D/-#.I"/ TA"'/ statement -8$T+I'' (ill contain
A! The number of ro(s in the internal table.
"! The current )##,.- value.
#! Gero, if the table contains one or more ro(s.
D! The len&th of the internal table ro( structure.
19. 8ou may declare your o(n internal table type usin& the T80/-
A! True "! +alse
1;. After addin& ro(s to an internal table (ith #)''/#T, you should avoid
addin& more ro(s (ith A00/ND.
A! True "! +alse
1?. 7hich of the follo(in& is not a component of control break processin&
(hen loopin& at an internal table*
A! AT -TA.T )+ "! AT +I.-T #! AT 'A-T D! AT N/7
1A. A dictionary table is made available for use (ithin an A"A0 pro&ram
via the TA"'/- statement.
A! True "! +alse
%C. 7hich of the follo(in& (ould be best for hidin& further selection
criteria until a function is chosen*
A! AT N/7 -/'/#TI)N$-#.//N
"! -/'/#TI)N$-#.//N AT 'IN/$-/'/#TI)N
#! -,"MIT -/'/#TI)N$-#.//N
D! #A'' -/'/#TI)N$-#.//N
%1. 7hat must you code in the flo( lo&ic to prevent a module from bein&
called unless a field contains a non$initial value Has determined by its data
A! )N IN0,T "! #:AIN #! +I/'D D! )N ./D,/-T
%%. The AT ,-/.$#)MMAND event is tri&&ered by functions defined in the
A! screen painter "! A"A0 report #! menu painter status
D! A"A0 Dictionary
%2. In re&ard to a function &roup, (hich of the follo(in& is N)T a true
A! #ombines similar function modules.
"! -hares &lobal data (ith all its function modules.
#! /5ists (ithin the A"A0 (orkbench as an include pro&ram.
D! -hares subroutines (ith all its function modules.
%4. In re&ard to -/T 0+$-TAT,-, you can deactivate un(anted function
codes by usin& .
A! /E#',DIN1 "! IMM/DIAT/'8 #! 7IT:),T D! :ID/
%6. In re&ard to data transported in 0AI (hen the +I/'D statement is used,
(hich of the follo(in& is N)T a true statement*
A! +ields in 0") are transported directly from 0AI.
"! +ields (ith identical names are transported to the A"A0 side.
#! +ields not defined in +I/'D statements are transported first.
D! +ields that are defined in +I/'D statements are transported (hen their
correspondin& module is called.
26. The order in which an event appears in the ABAP code determines
when the event is processed.
A: True B: False
27. A feld declared as type T has the followin internal representation:
A: !!""## B: ##""!! $: ""##!! %: ##!!""
2&. 'hich of the followin is ()T a component of the default standard
ABAP report header*
A: %ate and Time B: +ist title $: Pae num,er %: -nderline
2.. Assumin a push,utton with function code /F-($/ is availa,le in the
tool,ar of a list report0 what event is processed when the ,utton is
A: AT -!234$)""A(%. B: AT PFn. $: AT !2+2$T5)(4!$322(.
%: 2(%4)F4!2+2$T5)(.
67. 5n reard to feld selection0 what option of the !2+2$T statement is
A: F)3 A++ 2(T352! B: '#232 $: 5(T) %: ")924$)332!P)(%5(:
6;. The followin proram outputs what*
report <=test;
write: >; /3eady?/.
PA3A"2T23: test.
write: >; /!et?/.
write: >; /:)AA/.
A: !et? :)AA Beach on its own lineC
B: !et? 3eady? :)AA Ball on their own linesC
$: 3eady? :)AA Beach on its own lineC
%: 3eady? !et? :)AA Ball on their own linesC
62. To declare a selection criterion that does not appear on the selection
screen0 use:
A: ()4%5!P+AD B: 5(95!5B+2 $: ")%5F 5% %: )B+5:AT)3D
66. An internal ta,le that is nested within another internal ta,le should
not contain a header line.
A: True B: False
6E. 'hat is output ,y the followin code*
%ATA: B2:5( )F ita, )$$-3! 70 letter type c0 2(% )F ita,.
ita,4letter F /A/. APP2(% ita,. ita,4letter F /B/. APP2(% ita,.
ita,4letter F /$/. APP2(% ita,. ita,4letter F /%/. APP2(% ita,.
+))P AT ita,.
!D4TAB5G F 2.
'35T2 ita,4letter.
A: A
B: A B $ %
$: B
%: B $ %
6H. To select all data,ase entries for a certain '#232 clause into an internal
ta,le in one step0 use
A: !2+2$T?5(T) TAB+2 ita,?
B: !2+2$T?5(T) ita,?
$: !2+2$T?APP2(%5(: ita,
%: !2+2$T?ita,?
66. After a successful !2+2$T statement0 what does !D4!-B3$ e8ual*
A: 7 B: E $: & %: (ull
67. This selection screen syntaI forces the user to input a value:
A: 32J-532%42(T3D
B: )B+5:AT)3D
$: %2FA-+T
%: !2+2$T5)(4!$322( 2G$+-%2
6&. 5f the followin code results in a syntaI error0 the remedy is:
%ATA: ita, TDP2 !)3T2% TAB+2 )F rec?type '5T# -(5J-2 K2D feld;
'5T# #2A%23 +5(2.
ita,4feld; F /$ompany/. ita,4feld2 F /;26E/. 5(!23T TAB+2 ita,.
ita,4feld; F /Ban1/. ita,4feld2 F /AB$/. 5(!23T TAB+2 ita,.
!)3T ita,.
+))P AT ita,.
write: >; ita,4feld;0 ita,4feld2.
A: There is no syntaI error here
B: 3emove the !)3T statement
$: $hane 5(!23T to APP2(%
%: Add a '#232 clause to the loop
6.. 5f this code results in an error0 the remedy is:
!2+2$T Ld; Ld2 F3)" ta,; '#232 Ld6 F pLd6.
'35T2: >; ta,;4Ld;0 ta,;4Ld2.
A: Add a !D4!-B3$ chec1.
B: $hane the '#232 clause to use Ld; or Ld2.
$: 3emove the >; from the '35T2 statement.
%: Add 5(T) Bta,;4Ld;0 ta,;4Ld2C.
E7. 'hen modifyin an internal ta,le within +))P AT ita,. ? 2(%+))P. you must
include an indeI num,er.
A: True B: False
E;. To allow the user to enter values on the screen for a list feld0 use:
A: )P2( +5(2.
B: !2T $-3!)3 F52+%.
$: '35T2 Ld A! 5(P-T F52+%.
%: F)3"AT 5(P-T )(.
E2. Before a function module may ,e tested0 it must frst ,e:
A: +in1ed B: Authori<ed $: 3eleased %: Active
E6. To include a feld on your screen that is not in the ABAP %ictionary0 which
include proram should contain the data declaration for the feld*
A: PB) module include proram
B: T)P include proram
$: PA5 module include proram
%: !u,routine include proram
EE. 5f a ta,le contains many duplicate values for a feld0 minimi<e the num,er of
records returned ,y usin this !2+2$T statement addition.
A: "5( B: )3%23 BD $: %5!T5($T %: %2+2T2
EH. The system internal ta,le used for dynamic screen modifcation is named:
A: 5TAB B: !$322( $: ")%TAB %: !")%
E6. 'ithin the source code of a function module0 errors are handled via the
A: 2G$2PT5)( B: 3A5!2 $: !T)P %: AB2(%
E7. 'hich system feld contains the contents of a selected line*
A: !D4$-$)+ B: !D4+5++5 $: !D4$-3)' %: !D4+5!2+
E&. The followin statement writes what type of data o,=ect*
'35T2: >; /Total Amount:/.
A: TeIt literal B: TeIt varia,le $: 5n4code comment %: TeIt inteer
E.. For the code ,elow0 second?feld is of what data type*
%ATA: frst?feld type P0 second?feld li1e frst?feld.
A: P
B: $
$: (
%: %
H7. 'hich of the followin descri,es the internal representation of a type % data
A: %%""DDDD
B: DDDD%%""
$: ""%%DDDD
%: DDDD""%%
H;. A B%$ proram is used for all of the followin eIcept:
A: %ownloadin data to a local fle
B: %ata interfaces ,etween !AP and eIternal systems
$: 5nitial data transfer
%: 2nterin a lare amount of data
H2. 5n reard to P23F)3"0 which of the followin is ()T a true statement*
A: "ay ,e used within a su,routine.
B: 3e8uires actual parameters.
$: 3ecursive calls are allowed in ABAP.
%: $an call a su,routine in another proram.
H6. 'hat is the transaction code for the ABAP 2ditor*
A: !2;;
B: !26&
$: !266
%: !2;6
HE. 5n reard to #5%20 which of the followin is ()T a true statement*
A: !aves the contents of varia,les in relation to a list line/s row num,er.
B: The hidden varia,les must ,e output on a list line.
$: The #5%2 area is retrieved when usin the 32A% +5(2 statement.
%: The #5%2 area is retrieved when an interactive event is triered.
HH. %ata,ase loc1s are suMcient in a multi4user environment.
A: True
B: False
H6. The complete technical defnition of a ta,le feld is determined ,y the feld/s:
A: %omain
B: Field name
$: %ata type
%: %ata element
H7. 5n reard to +2A920 which of the followin is ()T a true statement*
A: "ay ,e used to return immediately to a callin proram.
B: "ay ,e used to stop the current loop pass and et the neIt.
$: "ay ,e used to start a new transaction.
%: "ay ,e used to o to the neIt screen.
H&. The followin code indicates:
!2+2$T Ld6 Ld6 Ld2 Ld; F3)" ta,; 5(T) $)332!P)(%5(: F52+%! )F TAB+2
'#232 Ld6 F pLd6.
A: The order of the felds in ita, does not matter.
B: Fill the header line of ita,0 ,ut not the ,ody.
$: Ta,le ita, can only contain felds also in ta,le ta,;.
%: (one of the a,ove.
H.. The ABAP statement ,elow indicates that the proram should continue with
the neIt line of code if the internal ta,le ita,:
$#2$K ()T ita,NO 5! 5(5T5A+.
A: $ontains no rows
B: $ontains at least one row
$: #as a header line
%: #as an empty header line
67. 'hat will ,e output ,y the followin code*
%ATA: B2:5( )F ita, )$$-3! 70 fval type i0 2(% )F ita,.
ita,4fval F ;. APP2(% ita,.
ita,4fval F 2. APP2(% ita,.
F322 ita,.
'35T2: >; ita,4fval.
A: 2
B: 7
$: ,lan1
%: ;
6;. To allow the user to enter a rane of values on a selection screen0 use the
ABAP 1eyword:
A: %ATA.
B: 3A(:2!.
$: PA3A"2T23!.
%: !2+2$T4)PT5)(!.
62. 5f an internal ta,le is declared without a header line0 what else must you
declare to wor1 with the ta,le/s rows*
A: Another internal ta,le with a header line.
B: A wor1 area with the same structure as the internal ta,le.
$: An internal ta,le type usin the TDP2! statement.
%: A PA3A"2T23.
66. Assumin an internal ta,le contains 2777 entries0 how many entries will it
have after the followin line of code is eIecuted*
%2+2T2 ita, F3)" ;H77 T) ;777.
A: This is a syntaI error.
B: ;&7;
$: ;&77
%: ;7..
6E. To remove lines from a data,ase ta,le0 use ????.
A: -P%AT2
B: ")%5FD
$: 23A!2
%: %2+2T2
6H. All of the followin may ,e performed usin !2T $-3!)3 eIcept:
A: "ove the cursor to a specifc feld on a list.
B: "ove the cursor to a specifc list line.
$: "ove the cursor to a specifc push,utton0 activatin that function.
%: "ove the cursor to a specifc row and column on a list.
66. 'hen is it optional to pass an actual parameter to a re8uired formal
parameter of a function module*
A: The actual parameter is type $.
B: The formal parameter contains a default value.
$: The formal parameter/s PQ3eferencePQ attri,ute is turned on.
%: 5t is never optional.
67. $odin two 5(5T5A+5@AT5)( events will cause a syntaI error.
A: True
B: False
6&. Addin a $)""5T ')3K statement ,etween !2+2$T?2(%!2+2$T is a ood
method for improvin performance.
A: True
B: False
6.. To save information on a list line for use after the line is selected0 use this
A: APP2(%
B: 2GP)3T
$: '35T2
%: #5%2
77. To ,ypass automatic feld input chec1s0 include this in PA5.
A: AT 2G5T4$)""A(%
B: )( 5(P-T
$: )( 32J-2!T
%: +2A92 T) !$322( 7.
7;. 'ithin a function module/s source code0 if the "2!!A:2?3A5!5(: statement
is eIecuted0 all of the followin system felds are flled automatically eIcept:
A: !D4"!:TD
B: !D4"!:()
$: !D4"!:9;
%: !D4"!:'A
72. The followin code indicates:
32P)3T @+5!TT!T.
'35T2: teIt477;.
F)3"AT #)T!P)T )(.
'35T2: teIt4772.
F)3"AT #)T!P)T )FF.
AT +5(24!2+2$T5)(.
'35T2 > teIt4776.
A: TeIt4772 may not ,e selected.
B: The value of teIt4772 is stored in a special memory area.
$: TeIt4772 may ,e clic1ed once to trier the output of teIt4776.
%: (one of the a,ove.
76. The ???? type of ABAP %ictionary view consists of one or more transparent
ta,les and may ,e accessed ,y an ABAP proram usin )pen !J+.
A: %ata,ase view
B: Pro=ection view
$: #elp view
%: 2ntity view
7E. A concrete feld is associated with a feld4sym,ol via ABAP 1eyword
A: ")92
B: '35T2
$: A!!5:(
%: 9A+-2
7H. The output for the followin code will ,e:
report <a,apr.
%ATA: char?feld type $.
char?feld F /ABAP data/.
'35T2 char?feld.
A: ABAP data
B: A
$: (othin0 there is a syntaI error
%: (one of the a,ove
76. Pae footers are coded in the event:
A: T)P4)F4PA:2.
B: 2(%4)F4!2+2$T5)(.
$: (2'4PA:2.
%: 2(%4)F4PA:2.
77. The event AT !2+2$T5)(4!$322( )-TP-T. occurs ,efore the selection
screen is displayed and is the ,est event for assinin default values to
selection criteria.
A: True
B: False
7&. The TAB+2! statement declares a data o,=ect.
A: True
B: False
7.. Assumin ta,;4Ld7 is not a 1ey feld0 how can you prevent readin all the
ta,le rows*
!2+2$T Ld; Ld2 Ld6 F3)" ta,; 5(T) BLdE0 LdH0 Ld6C
'#232 Ld7 F pLd7.
'35T2: >; LdE0 LdH0 Ld6.
A: Ta1e Ld7 out of the '#232 clause.
B: $reate an indeI in the ABAP %ictionary for ta,;4Ld7.
$: -se 5(T) TAB+2 instead of =ust 5(T).
%: Ta1e the '35T2 statement out of the !2+2$T?2(%!2+2$T.
&7. 'hich of the followin is ()T a re8uired attri,ute when creatin an ABAP
A: Application
B: Title
$: !tatus
%: Type
&;. 'hen creatin a transparent ta,le in the ABAP %ictionary0 which step
automatically creates the ta,le in the underlyin data,ase*
A: Addin technical settins to the ta,le
B: $hec1in the ta,le syntaI
$: !avin the ta,le
%: Activatin the ta,le
&2. 'ithin the ABAP proram attri,utes0 Type F ; represents:
A: 5($+-%2 proram
B: )nline proram
$: "odule pool
%: Function roup
2: !u,routine pool
&6. 5f this code results in an error0 the remedy is:
!2+2$T Ld; !-"B Ld; C F3)" ta,; 5(T)?
A: 3emove the spaces from !-"B Ld; C.
B: "ove !-"B Ld; C ,efore Ld;.
$: Add :3)-P BD f;.
%: $hane to !-"B %5!T5($T f; C.
&E. 'hich 1eyword adds rows to an internal ta,le while accumulatin numeric
A: 5(!23T
B: APP2(%
$: $)++2$T
%: :3)-P
&H. Assumin ita, has a header line0 what will ,e output ,y the followin code*
32A% TAB+2 ita, 5(%2G 6 T3A(!P)3T5(: feld;.
'35T2: >; ita,4feld;0 ita,4feld2.
A: The contents of the third row/s ita,4feld;.
B: The contents of the third row/s ita,4feld; and ita,4feld2.
$: The contents of the third row/s ita,4feld2.
%: (othin.
&6. The followin code indicates:
!2+2$T5)(4!$322( B2:5( )F B+)$K B;.
PA3A"2T23!: myparamB;7C type $0
"yparam2B;7C type (0
!2+2$T5)(4!$322( 2(% )F B+)$K.
A: %raw a ,oI around myparam and myparam2 on the selection screen.
B: Allow myparam and myparam2 to ,e ready for input durin an error dialo.
$: %o not display myparam and myparam2 on the selection screen.
%: %isplay myparam and myparam2 only if ,oth felds have default values.
&7. 'hich statement will sort the data of an internal ta,le with felds F3-5T0
JTD0 and P35$2 so that it appears as follows*
F3-5T JTD P35$2
Apples ;2 22.H7
Apples . ;&.2H
)ranes ;H ;7.6H
Bananas 27 ;7.27
Bananas ;H 6.&.
Bananas H 2.7H
A: !)3T ita, %2!$2(%5(: BD JTD P35$2.
B: !)3T ita, BD P35$2 F3-5T.
$: !)3T ita,.
%: !)3T ita, BD P35$2 %2!$2(%5(:.
&&. 'hich 1eyword adds a line anywhere within an internal ta,le*
A: APP2(%
B: ")%5FD
$: A%%
%: 5(!23T
&.. To read a sinle line of an internal ta,le0 use the followin:
A: +))P AT ita,. ? 2(%+))P.
B: 32A% ita,.
$: !2+2$T !5(:+2 R F3)" ita,.
%: 32A% TAB+2 ita,.
.7. 'hich )pen !J+ statement should not ,e used with cluster data,ases*
A: -P%AT2
B: ")%5FD
$: %2+2T2
%: 5(!23T
.;. To include a feld on your screen that is not in the ABAP %ictionary0 which
include proram should contain the data declaration for the feld*
A: PB) module include proram
B: T)P include proram
$: PA5 module include proram
%: !u,routine include proram
.2. This Low loic statement is used to ma1e multiple felds open for input after
an error or warnin messae.
A: :3)-P
B: F52+%4:3)-P
$: $#A5(
%: +))P AT !$322(
.6. :iven:
P23F)3" su,routine -!5(: var.
The var feld is 1nown as what type of parameter*
A: Formal
B: Actual
$: !tatic
%: 9alue

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