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Answers to some ABAP Interview Questions

Questions which I have faced in an interview:

1) What is runtime analysis? Have you used this?
2) What is meant y !erformance analysis? Have done anythin" to im!rove the
#) How to transfer the o$ects? Have to transferred any o$ects?
%) How did you test the develo!ed o$ects?
&) What is the difference etween 'AP (emory and ABAP (emory?
)) In order to u!load Purchase order details* how you handle multi!le values for a sin"le
+": Item field may contain no, of values for a record
-) What is the !rocedure you followed to u!load the data?
.) How did you handle errors in /all 0ransaction?
1) Amon" the /all 0ransaction and 'ession (ethod* which is faster?
12) What are the difference etween Interactive and 3rill 3own 4e!orts?
11) How to !ass the variales to forms?
12) How to create a lin5 etween modified form and modified !rint !ro"ram?
1#) What is the tale* which contain the details of all the name of the !ro"rams and
1%) How did you test the form u develo!ed? How did you ta5en !rint?
1&) What are 'tandard 0e6ts?
1)) What is the difference etween /lustered 0ales and Pooled 0ales?
1-) What is !f7status?
1.) Amon" 8(ove8 and 8(ove /orres!ondin"8* which is efficient one?
11) What are the out!ut ty!e and 0codes?
22) Where we use /hain and +ndchain?
21) 3o you use select statement in loo! endloo!* how will e the !erformance? 0o
im!rove the !erformance?
22) In select7o!tions* how to "et the default values as current month first date and last
date y default?
+": 19129222% and #19129222%
:o thru these answers:
1) What is runtime analysis? Have you used this?
It;s chec5s !ro"ram e6ecution time in microseconds, When you "o to se#2,if you "ive
desired !ro"ram name in !erformance file, It will ta5e you to elow screen, <ou can "et
how much !ast is your !ro"ram,
2) What is meant y !erformance analysis? Have done
#) How to transfer the o$ects? Have you transferred any o$ects?
%) How did you test the develo!ed o$ects?
I was testin" a develo!ed o$ect, 0here are two ty!es of testin"
7 =e"ative testin"
7 Positive testin"
In ne"ative testin" we will "ive ne"ative data in in!ut and we chec5 any errors occurs,
In !ositive testin" we will "ive !ositive data in in!ut for chec5in" errors,
.) How did you handle errors in /all 0ransaction?
We can create a internal tale li5e ;s"mc"coll;, All the messa"es will "o to internal tale,
We can "et errors in this internal tale,
Below messa"es are "o to internal tale, when you run the call transaction,
7 (essa"e ty!e
7 (essa"e id
7 (essa"e =umer
7 >ariale1
7 >ariale2
7 >ariale#
1) Amon" the /all 0ransaction and 'ession (ethod* which is faster?
/all transaction is faster then session method, But usually we use session method in real
time,,,ecause we can transfer lar"e amount of data from internal tale to dataase and if
any errors in a session, Process will not com!lete until session "et correct,
12) What are the difference etween Interactive and
3rill 3own 4e!orts?
ABAP9% !rovides some interactive events on lists such as A0 ?I=+7'+?+/0I@=
Adoule clic5) or A0 B'+47/@((A=3 A!ressin" a utton), <ou can use these events to
move throu"h layers of information aout individual items in a list,
3rill down re!ort is nothin" ut interactive re!ort,,,drilldown means aove !ara"ra!h
11) How to !ass the variales to forms?
12) What is the tale* which contain the details of all the name of the !ro"rams and
0ale contains vertical and horiContal lines, We can store the data in tale as loc5s, We
can scroll de!ends u!on your wish, And these all are stored in dataase Adata dictionary),
Which contain the details of all the name of the !ro"rams and forms? AI don;t 5now),
1#) How did you test the form u develo!ed? How did you ta5en !rint?
1%) What are 'tandard 0e6ts?
1)) What is the difference etween /lustered 0ales and Pooled 0ales?
A !ooled tale is used to comine several lo"ical tales in the ABAP9% dictionary, Pooled
tales are lo"ical tales that must e assi"ned to a tale !ool when they are defined,
/luster tale are lo"ical tales that must e assi"ned to a tale cluster when they are
/luster tale can e used to store control data they can also used to store tem!orary data
or te6t such as documentation,
1-) What is !f7status?
Pf status is used in interactive re!ort for enhancin" the functionality, If we "o to se%1* we
can "et menus* items and different function 5eys* which we are usin" for secondary list in
interactive re!ort,
1.) Amon" 8(ove8 and 8(ove /orres!ondin"8* which is efficient one?
I "uess* ;move corres!ondin"; is very efficient then ;move; statement, Because usually we
use this stamtent for internal tale fields only,,,so if we "ive move corres!ondin", 0hose
fields only movin" to other !lace Awhat ever you want),
11) What are the out!ut ty!e and 0codes?
22) Where we use /hain and +nd chain?
21) 3o you use select statement in loo! end loo!* how will e the !erformance? 0o
im!rove the !erformance?
22) In select7o!tions* how to "et the default values as current month first date and last
date y default?
+": 19129222% and #19129222%
Prem Dumar
Q: How to com!are the 2 tales etween the 2 systems?
Ans: Which is usin" the transaction code is ;oy11;,
Q, What is the use of !ic5 statement do?
Ans: 0he !ic5 statement is used to it will ca!ture the user action,
e6: if sy7ucomm E ;6;,
0his statement is used to ca!ture the user action,
F77 Bandiven5atewarlu Aandiven5ateswarluGhotmail,com)
Heel free to contriute to those Iuestions without answers or add7in additional ti!s for
those answers which you
thin5 can e further im!rove y 'umittin" a ABAP 0i!s or ABAP Pro"rams,
(ore than 122 ABAP Interview faI;s
:et hel! for your ABAP !rolems
3o you have a ABAP Question?
ABAP Boo5s
ABAP /ertification* BAPI* Java* We Pro"rammin"* 'mart Horms* 'a!scri!ts 4eference
ABAP 0i!s
ABAP Horum for 3iscussion and 'am!les Pro"ram /odes for Aa!ers
Best re"ards*
'AP Basis* ABAP Pro"rammin" and @ther I(: 'tuff

(ore than 122 ABAP Interview HaI;s
/ontent Author : Prau
Author email : !rau1Gyahoo,co,in
Heel free to contriute to those Iuestions without answers or add7in additional ti!s for
those answers which you thin5 can e further im!rove y 'umittin" a ABAP 0i!s or
ABAP Pro"rams,
1, What is the ty!ical structure of an ABAP9% !ro"ram?
H+A3+4 *B@3<*H@@0+4,
2, What are field symols and field "rou!s,?
Have you used 8com!onent id6 of structure8 clause with field "rou!s?

Hield symols:7
Hield "rou!s :7
/an any ody e6!lain me what is field "rou!?
Hield "rou!s are "rou!s similar fields to"ether into one name, Hield "rou! wor5s in
con$uction with
I='+40 f1 f2 I=0@ f"
+K04A/0 f"
'@40 B< f"
?@@P ,,, +=3?@@P
I='+40 f1 f2 I=0@ f"
0he insert statement is used to create a field "rou! dynamically y insertin" the field into
it, @nly "loal data fields can e inserted and not local data fields e" : in form modules,
+K04A/0 f"
0his will comine all the fields in the field"rou! and write them to a seIuential dataset as
a sin"le record,
'@40 B< f"
'ortin" of seIuential dataset y field "rou!,
?@@P A=3 +=3?@@P
+=3?@@P, F77 /hinmaya
#, What should e the a!!roach for writin" a B3/ !ro"ram?
'0+P 1: /@=>+40I=: 0H+ ?+:A/< '<'0+( 3A0A 0@ A H?A0 HI?+ to internal
tale /A??+3 8/@=>+4'I@=8,
'0+P 2: 04A='H+4I=: 0H+ H?A0 HI?+ I=0@ 'AP '<'0+( /A??+3 8'AP 3A0A
'0+P #: 3+P+=3I=: BP@= 0H+ B3/ 0<P+ i)call transactionAWrite the !ro"ram
ii) create sessions Asessions are created and !rocessed,if success data will transfer),
%, What is a atch in!ut session?
BA0/H I=PB0 '+''I@= is an intermediate ste! etween internal tale and dataase
3ata alon" with the action is stored in session ie data for screen fields* to which screen it
is !assed*!ro"ram name ehind it* and how ne6t screen is !rocessed,
&, What is the alternative to atch in!ut session?
/all transaction,
), A situation: An ABAP !ro"ram creates a atch in!ut session,
We need to sumit the !ro"ram and the atch session in ac5 "round, How to do it?
"o to '(#) and create ac5"round $o y "ivin"
$o name*$o class and $o ste!s AJ@B '/H+3B?I=:)
., What are the !rolems in !rocessin" atch in!ut sessions?
How is atch in!ut !rocess different from !rocessin" online?
i) If the user for"ets to o!t for 5ee! session then the session will e automatically
removed from the session IueueAlo" remains), However if session is !rocessed we may
delete it manually,
ii)if session !rocessin" fails data will not e transferred to 'AP dataase tale,
12, What are the different ty!es of data dictionary o$ects?
tales* structures* views* domains* data elements* loc5 o$ects* (atchcode o$ects,
11, How many ty!es of tales e6ists and what are they in data dictionary?
ans :7
% ty!es of tales
i)0rans!arent tales 7 +6ists with the same structure oth in dictionary as well as in
dataase e6actly with the same data and fields, Both @!ensIl and =ativesIl can e used,
ii)Pool tales L iii)/luster tales 7
0hese are lo"ical tales that are arran"ed as records of trans!arent tales,one cannot use
native sIl on these tales
Aonly o!ensIl),0hey are not mana"ale directly usin" dataase system tools,
iv)Internal tales 7 ,
12, What is the ste! y ste! !rocess to create a tale in data dictionary?
ste! 1: creatin" domainsAdata ty!e*field len"th*ran"e),
ste! 2: creatin" data elementsA!ro!erties and ty!e for a tale
ste! #: creatin" talesA'+11),
1#, /an a trans!arent tale e6ist in data dictionary ut not in the data ase !hysically?
A=':7 =@,
04A='PA4+=0 0AB?+ 3@ +KI'0 WI0H 0H+ 'A(+ '04B/0B4+ B@0H I= 0H+
3I/0I@=A4< A' W+?? A' I= 0H+ 3A0ABA'+*+KA/0?< WI0H 0H+ 'A(+
3A0A A=3 HI+?3',
1%, What are the domains and data elements?
3@(AI=' : H@4(A? 3+HI=I0I@= @H 0H+ 3A0A 0<P+',0H+< '+0
A004IBB0+' 'B/H A' 3A0A 0<P+*?+=:0H*4A=:+,
3A0A +?+(+=0 : A HI+?3 I= 49# '<'0+( I' A 3A0A +?+(+=0,
1&, /an you create a tale with fields not referrin" to data elements?
<+', e":7 I0AB ?ID+ 'PH?I,here we are referenin" to a data o$ectA'PH?I) not data
1), What is the advanta"e of structures? How do you use them in the ABAP !ro"rams?
Adv:7 :?@BA? +KI'0A=/+Athese could e used y any other !ro"ram without creatin"
it a"ain),
1-, What does an e6tract statement do in the ABAP !ro"ram?
@nce you have declared the !ossile record ty!es as field "rou!s and defined their
structure* you can fill the e6tract dataset usin" the followin" statements:
+K04A/0 Mf"N,
When the first +K04A/0 statement occurs in a !ro"ram* the system creates the e6tract
dataset and adds the first e6tract record to it, In each suseIuent +K04A/0 statement* the
new e6tract record is added to the dataset
+K04A/0 H+A3+4,
When you e6tract the data* the record is filled with the current values of the corres!ondin"
As soon as the system has !rocessed the first +K04A/0 statement for a field "rou! Mf"N*
the structure of the corres!ondin" e6tract record in the e6tract dataset is fi6ed, <ou can no
lon"er insert new fields into the field "rou!s Mf"N and H+A3+4, If you try to modify one
of the field "rou!s afterwards and use it in another +K04A/0 statement* a runtime error
By !rocessin" +K04A/0 statements several times usin" different field "rou!s* you fill
the e6tract dataset with records of different len"th and structure, 'ince you can modify
field "rou!s dynamically u! to their first usa"e in an +K04A/0 statement* e6tract
datasets !rovide the advanta"e that you need not determine the structure at the e"innin"
of the !ro"ram,
1., What is a collect statement? How is it different from a!!end?
If an entry with the same 5ey already e6ists* the /@??+/0 statement does not a!!end a
new line* ut adds the contents of the numeric fields in the wor5 area to the contents of the
numeric fields in the e6istin" entry,
11, What is o!en sIl vs native sIl?
A=':7 y (adhu5ar
@!en 'Q? * native 'Q? are the interfaces to create the dataase a!!licatons,
@!en 'Q? is consistant across different ty!es of e6istin" 3ataases,
=ative 'Q? is the dataase lan"ua"e s!ecific to dataase,Its API is s!ecific to the datase,
@!en 'Q? API is consistent across all vendors
22, What does an +K+/ 'Q? stmt do in ABAP? What is the disadvanta"e of usin" it?
21, What is the meanin" of ABAP9% editor inte"rated with ABAP9% data dictionary?
22, What are the events in ABAP9% lan"ua"e?
InitialiCation* At selection7screen*'tart7of7selection*end7of7selection*to!7of7!a"e*end7of7
!a"e* At line7selection*At user7command*At PH*:et*At =ew*At ?A'0*A0 +=3* A0
2#, What is an interactive re!ort?
What is the ovious diff of such re!ort com!ared with classical ty!e re!orts?
An Interactive re!ort is a dynamic drill down re!ort that !roduces the list on users choice,
a) 0H+ ?I'0 P4@3B/+3 B< /?A''I/A? 4+P@40 3@+'=;0 allow user to interact
with the system
the list !roduced y interactive re!ort allows the user to interact with the system,
) @=/+ A /?A''I/A? 4+P@40 +K+/B0+3 B'+4 ?@@'+' /@=04@?,I4 B'+4
HA' /@=04@?,
c) I= /?A''I/A? 4+P@40 34I??I=: I' =@0 P@''IB?+,I= I=0+4A/0I>+
34I??I=: I' P@''IB?+,
2%, What is a drill down re!ort?
Its an Interactive re!ort where in the user can "et more relavent data y selectin"
2&, How do you write a function module in 'AP? descrie,
creatin" function module:7
called !ro"ram 7 se#-7creatin" func"r!*funcmodule y assi"nin"
callin" !ro"ram 7 '+#.7in !"m clic5 !attern and write function name7 !rovide
e6!ort*im!ort*tales*e6ce!tion values,
2), What are the e6ce!tions in function module?
2-, What is a function "rou!?
:4@BP @H A?? 4+?A0+3 HB=/0I@=',
2., How are the date and time field values stored in 'AP?
33,((,<<<<, HH:((:''
#2, =ame a few data dictionary o$ects? 99re!99
0AB?+'*>I+W'*'04B/0B4+'*?@/D @BJ+/0'*(A0/H/@3+ @BJ+/0',
#1, What ha!!ens when a tale is activated in 33?
It is availale for any insertion*modification and u!dation of records y any user,
#2, What is a chec5 tale and what is a value tale?
/hec5 tale will e at field level chec5in",
>alue tale will e at domain level chec5in" e6: scarr tale is chec5 tale for carrid,
##, What are match codes? descrie?
It is a similar to tale inde6 that "ives list of !ossile values for either !rimary 5eys or
non7!rimary 5eys,
#%, What transactions do you use for data analysis?
#&, What is tale maintenance "enerator?
#), What are ran"es? What are numer ran"es?
ma6*min values !rovided in selection screens,
#-, What are select o!tions and what is the diff from !arameters?
select o!tions !rovide ran"es where as !arameters do not,
'+?+/07@P0I@=' declares an internal tale which is automatically filled with values or
of values entered y the end user, Hor each '+?+/07@P0I@=' * the system creates a
selection tale,
'+?+/07@P0I@=' M'+?N H@4 MfieldN,
A selection tale is an internal tale with fields 'I:=* @P0I@=* ?@W and HI:H,
0he ty!e of ?@W and HI:H is the same as that of MfieldN,
0he 'I:= field can ta5e the followin" values: I Inclusive Ashould a!!ly) + +6clusive
Ashould not a!!ly)
0he @P0I@= field can ta5e the followin" values: +Q +Iual :0 :reater than =+ =ot
eIual B0 Between ?+ ?ess
than or eIual =B =ot etween ?0 ?ess than /P /ontains !attern :+ :reater than or eIual
=P =o !attern,
PA4A(+0+4' allow users to enter a sin"le value into an internal field within a re!ort,
'+?+/07@P0I@=' allow users to fill an internal tale with a ran"e of values,
Hor each PA4A(+0+4' or '+?+/07@P0I@=' statement you should define te6t
elements y choosin"
:oto 7 0e6t elements 7 'election te6ts 7 /han"e,
+":7 Parameters nameA#2),
when the user e6ecutes the ABAP9% !ro"ram*an in!ut field for ;name; will a!!ear on the
selection screen,<ou can chan"e the comments on the left side of the in!ut fields y usin"
te6t elements as descried in 'election 0e6ts,
#., How do you validate the selection criteria of a re!ort?
And how do you dis!lay initial values in a selection screen?
validate :7 y usin" match code o$ects,
dis!lay :7 Parameters MnameN default ;666;,
select7o!tions MnameN for s!fli7carrid,
#1, What are selection te6ts?
%2, What is /0' and what do you 5now aout it?
0he /han"e and 0rans!ort 'ystem A/0') is a tool that hel!s you to or"aniCe develo!ment
!ro$ects in the ABAP Wor5ench and in /ustomiCin"* and then trans!ort the chan"es
etween the 'AP 'ystems and clients in your system landsca!e,
0his documentation !rovides you with an overview of how to mana"e chan"es with the
/0' and essential information on settin" u! your system and client landsca!e and
decidin" on a trans!ort strate"y, 4ead and follow this documentation when !lannin" your
develo!ment !ro$ect,
Hor !ractical information on wor5in" with the /han"e and 0rans!ort 'ystem* see /han"e
and 0rans!ort @r"aniCer and 0rans!ort (ana"ement 'ystem,
%1, When a !ro"ram is created and need to e trans!orted to !rodn does selection te6ts
always "o with it? if not how do you ma5e sure? /an you chan"e the /0' entries? How
do you do it?
%2, What is the client conce!t in 'AP? What is the meanin" of client inde!endent?
%#, Are !ro"rams client de!endent?
<es,:rou! of users can access these !ro"rams with a client no,
%%, =ame a few system "loal variales you can use in ABAP !ro"rams?
'<7?I??I I' AB'@?B0+ =@ @H ?I=+' H4@( WHI/H 0H+ +>+=0 WA'
%&, What are internal tales? How do you "et the numer of lines in an internal tale?
How to use a s!ecific numer occurs statement?
i)It is a standard data ty!e o$ect which e6ists only durin" the runtime of the !ro"ram,
0hey are used to !erform tale calculations on susets of dataase tales and for re7
or"anisin" the contents of dataase tales accordin" to users need,
ii)usin" '<73B/=0,
iii)0he numer of memory allocations the system need to allocate for the ne6t record
%), How do you ta5e care of !erformance issues in your ABAP !ro"rams?
Performance of ABAPs can e im!roved y minimiCin" the amount of data to e
0he data set must e transferred throu"h the networ5 to the a!!lications* so reducin" the
amount @H time and also reduces the networ5 traffic,
'ome measures that can e ta5en are:
7 Bse views defined in the ABAP9% 33I/ Aalso has the advanta"e of etter reusaility),
7 Bse field list A'+?+/0 clause) rather than '+?+/0 F,
7 4an"e tales should e avoided AI= o!erator)
7 Avoid nested '+?+/0',
i)system tools
ii)field symols and field "rou!s,
Hield 'ymols : Hield symols are !laceholders for e6istin" fields, A Hield 'ymol does
not !hysically reserve s!ace for a field*ut !oints to a field which is not 5nown until
runtime of the !ro"ram,
e":7 HI+?37'<(B@? MH'N QM0<P+NR,
Hield "rou!s : A field "rou! comines several fields under one name,At runtime*the
I='+40 command is used to define which data fields are assi"ned to which field "rou!,
0here should always e a H+A3+4 field "rou! that defines how the e6tracted data will
e sorted*the data is sorted y the fields "rou!ed under the H+A3+4 field "rou!,
%-, What are datasets?
0he seIuential filesA@= APP?I/A0I@= '+4>+4) are called datasets, 0hey are used for
file handlin" in 'AP,
%., How to find the return code of a statement in ABAP !ro"rams?
Bsin" function modules,
%1, What are interface9conversion !ro"rams in 'AP?
A=' :
/@=>+4'I@= : ?+:A/< '<'0+( 0@ H?A0 HI?+,
I=0+4HA/+ : H?A0 HI?+ 0@ 'AP '<'0+(,
&2, Have you used 'AP su!!lied !ro"rams to load master data?
&1 to 12. Questions
0he @ther &2 ABAP Interview HaI;s
(ore ABAP Q L A
ABAP Questions
:et hel! for your ABAP !rolems
3o you have a ABAP Question?
ABAP Boo5s
ABAP /ertification* BAPI* Java* We Pro"rammin"* 'mart Horms* 'a!scri!ts 4eference
ABAP 0i!s
ABAP Horum for 3iscussion and 'am!les Pro"ram /odes for Aa!ers
Best re"ards*
'AP Basis* ABAP Pro"rammin" and @ther I(: 'tuff
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ABAP interview questions and answers
By admin | May 2, 2005
Thanks to the reader who sent in this question set:
1. What is an ABAP data ditionary!" ABAP # data ditionary desri$es the %o&ia% strutures o' the o$(ets used in
a))%iation deve%o)*ent and shows how they are *a))ed to the under%yin& re%ationa% data$ase in
2. What are do*ains and data e%e*ent!" ,o*ains:,o*ain is the entra% o$(et 'or desri$in& the tehnia%
harateristis o' an attri$ute o' an $usiness o$(ets. -t desri$es the va%ue ran&e o' the 'ie%d. ,ata .%e*ent: -t
is used to desri$e the se*anti de'inition o' the ta$%e 'ie%ds %ike desri)tion the 'ie%d. ,ata e%e*ent desri$es
how a 'ie%d an $e dis)%ayed to end"user.
/. What is 'orei&n key re%ationshi)!" A re%ationshi) whih an $e de'ined $etween ta$%es and *ust $e e0)%iit%y
de'ined at 'ie%d %eve%. 1orei&n keys are used to ensure the onsisteny o' data. ,ata entered shou%d $e heked
a&ainst e0istin& data to ensure that there are now ontradition. Whi%e de'inin& 'orei&n key re%ationshi)
ardina%ity has to $e s)ei'ied. 2ardina%ity *entions how *any de)endent reords or how re'erened reords
are )ossi$%e.
#. ,esri$e data %asses." Master data: -t is the data whih is se%do*%y han&ed. Transation data: -t is the data
whih is o'ten han&ed. 3r&ani4ation data: -t is a usto*i4in& data whih is entered in the syste* when the
syste* is on'i&ured and is then rare%y han&ed. 5yste* data:-t is the data whih 6+/ syste* needs 'or itse%'.
5. What are inde0es!" -nde0es are desri$ed as a o)y o' a data$ase ta$%e redued to s)ei'i 'ie%ds. This data e0ists
in sorted 'or*. This sortin& 'or* ease 'ast aess to the 'ie%d o' the ta$%es. -n order that other 'ie%ds are a%so
read, a )ointer to the assoiated reord o' the atua% ta$%e are in%uded in the inde0. 7he inde0es are ativated
a%on& with the ta$%e and are reated auto*atia%%y with it in the data$ase.
8. ,i''erene $etween trans)arent ta$%es and )oo%ed ta$%es." Trans)arent ta$%es: Trans)arent ta$%es in the
ditionary has a one"to"one re%ation with the ta$%e in data$ase. -ts struture orres)onds to sin&%e data$ase
'ie%d. Ta$%e in the data$ase has the sa*e na*e as in the ditionary. Trans)arent ta$%e ho%ds a))%iation data.
Poo%ed ta$%es. Poo%ed ta$%es in the ditionary has a *any"to"one re%ation with the ta$%e in data$ase. Ta$%e in
the data$ase has the di''erent na*e as in the ditionary. Poo%ed ta$%e are stored in ta$%e )oo% at the data$ase
9. What is an ABAP+# :uery!" ABAP+# :uery is a )ower'u% too% to &enerate si*)%e re)orts without any odin&.
ABAP+# :uery an &enerate the 'o%%owin& / si*)%e re)orts: Basi ;ist: -t is the si*)%e re)orts. 5tatistis:
6e)orts with statistia% 'untions %ike Avera&e, Perenta&es. 6anked ;ists: 1or ana%ytia% re)orts. " 1or
reatin& a ABAP+# :uery, )ro&ra**er has to reate user &rou) and a 'untiona% &rou). 1untiona% &rou) an
$e reated usin& with or without %o&ia% data$ase ta$%e. 1ina%%y, assi&n user &rou) to 'untiona% &rou). 1ina%%y,
reate a query on the 'untiona% &rou) &enerated.
<. What is B,2 )ro&ra**in&!" Trans'errin& o' %ar&e+e0terna%+%e&ay data into 5AP syste* usin& Bath -n)ut
)ro&ra**in&. Bath in)ut is a auto*ati )roedure re'erred to as B,2=Bath ,ata 2o**uniations>.The
entra% o*)onent o' the trans'er is a queue 'i%e whih reeives the data vie a $ath in)ut )ro&ra*s and
&rou)s assoiated data into ?sessions@.
A. What are the 'untiona% *odu%es used in sequene in B,2!" These are the / 'untiona% *odu%es whih are used
in a sequene to )er'or* a data trans'er suess'u%%y usin& B,2 )ro&ra**in&: B,2B3P.CBD63EP "
Para*eters %ike Ca*e o' the %ient, sessions and user na*e are s)ei'ied in this 'untiona% *odu%es.
B,2B-C5.6T " -t is used to insert the data 'or one transation into a session. B,2B2;35.BD63EP " This is
used to %ose the $ath in)ut session.
10. What are interna% ta$%es!" -nterna% ta$%es are a standard data ty)e o$(et whih e0ists on%y durin& the runti*e
o' the )ro&ra*. They are used to )er'or* ta$%e a%u%ations on su$sets o' data$ase ta$%es and 'or re"
or&anisin& the ontents o' data$ase ta$%es aordin& to users need.
11. What is -T5! What are the *erits o' -T5!" -T5 is a -nternet Transation 5erver. -T5 'or*s an inter'ae $etween
FTTP server and 6+/ syste*, whih onverts sreen )rovided data $y the 6+/ syste* into FTM; dou*ents
and vie"versa. Merits o' -T5: A o*)%ete we$ transation an $e deve%o)ed and tested in 6+/ syste*. A%%
transation o*)onents, in%udin& those used $y the -T5 outside the 6+/ syste* at runti*e, an $e stored in
the 6+/ syste*. The advanta&e o' auto*ati %an&ua&e )roessin& in the 6+/ syste* an $e uti%i4ed to
%an&ua&e"de)endent FTM; dou*ents at runti*e.
12. What is ,ynPro!" ,ynPro is a ,yna*i Pro&ra**in& whih is a o*$ination o' sreen and the assoiated '%ow
%o&i 5reen is a%so a%%ed as ,ynPro.
1/. What are sreen )ainter and *enu )ainter!" 5reen )ainter: 5reen )ainter is a too% to desi&n and *aintain
sreen and its e%e*ents. -t a%%ows user to reate DE- sreens 'or the transations. Attri$utes, %ayout, 'i%ed
attri$utes and '%ow %o&i are the e%e*ents o' 5reen )ainter. Menu )ainter: Menu )ainter is a too% to desi&n the
inter'ae o*)onents. 5tatus, *enu $ars, *enu %ists, 1"key settin&s, 'untions and tit%es are the o*)onents
o' Menu )ainters. 5reen )ainter and *enu )ainter $oth are the &ra)hia% inter'ae o' an ABAP+#
1#. What are the o*)onents o' 5AP sri)ts!" 5AP sri)ts is a word )roessin& too% o' 5AP whih has the 'o%%owin&
o*)onents: 5tandard te0t. -t is %ike a standard nor*a% dou*ents. ;ayout sets. " ;ayout set onsists o' the
'o%%owin& o*)onents: Windows and )a&es, Para&ra)h 'or*ats, 2harater 'or*ats. 2reatin& 'or*s in the 6+/
syste*. .very %ayout set onsists o' Feader, )ara&ra)h, and harater strin&. ABAP+# )ro&ra*.
15. What is A;G )ro&ra**in& in ABAP! When is this &rid used in ABAP!" A;G is A))%iation ;ist viewer. 5a)
)rovides a set o' A;G =ABAP ;-5T G-.W.6> 'untion *odu%es whih an $e )ut into use to e*$e%%ish the
out)ut o' a re)ort. This set o' A;G 'untions is used to enhane the reada$i%ity and 'untiona%ity o' any re)ort
out)ut. 2ases arise in sa) when the out)ut o' a re)ort ontains o%u*ns e0tendin& *ore than 255 haraters
in %en&th. -n suh ases, this set o' A;G 'untions an he%) hoose se%eted o%u*ns and arran&e the di''erent
o%u*ns 'ro* a re)ort out)ut and a%so save di''erent variants 'or re)ort dis)%ay. This is a very e''iient too% 'or
dyna*ia%%y sortin& and arran&in& the o%u*ns 'ro* a re)ort out)ut. The re)ort out)ut an ontain u) to A0
o%u*ns in the dis)%ay with the wide array o' dis)%ay o)tions.
18. What are the events in ABAP+# %an&ua&e!" -nitia%i4ation, At se%etion"sreen, 5tart"o'"se%etion, end"o'"
se%etion, to)"o'")a&e, end"o'")a&e, At %ine"se%etion, At user"o**and, At P1, Det, At Cew, At ;A5T, AT
.C,, AT 1-65T.
19. What is 2T5 and what do you know a$out it!" The 2han&e and Trans)ort 5yste* =2T5> is a too% that he%)s you
to or&ani4e deve%o)*ent )ro(ets in the ABAP Work$enh and in 2usto*i4in&, and then trans)ort the
han&es $etween the 5AP 5yste*s and %ients in your syste* %andsa)e. This dou*entation )rovides you
with an overview o' how to *ana&e han&es with the 2T5 and essentia% in'or*ation on settin& u) your syste*
and %ient %andsa)e and deidin& on a trans)ort strate&y. 6ead and 'o%%ow this dou*entation when )%annin&
your deve%o)*ent )ro(et.
1<. What are %o&ia% data$ases! What are the advanta&es+ dis"advanta&es o' %o&ia% data$ases!" To read data 'ro* a
data$ase ta$%es we use %o&ia% data$ase. A %o&ia% data$ase )rovides read"on%y aess to a &rou) o' re%ated
ta$%es to an ABAP+# )ro&ra*. Advanta&es: i>hek 'untions whih hek that user in)ut is o*)%ete,
orret,and )%ausi$%e. ii>Meanin&'u% data se%etion. iii>entra% authori4ation heks 'or data$ase aesses.
iv>&ood read aess )er'or*ane whi%e retainin& the hierarhia% data view deter*ined $y the a))%iation
%o&i. dis advanta&es: i>-' you donot s)ei'y a %o&ia% data$ase in the )ro&ra* attri$utes,the D.T events never
our. ii>There is no .C,D.T o**and,so the ode $%ok assoiated with an event ends with the ne0t event
state*ent =suh as another D.T or an .C,"31"5.;.2T-3C>.
1A. What is a $ath in)ut session!" BAT2F -CPET 5.55-3C is an inter*ediate ste) $etween interna% ta$%e and
data$ase ta$%e. ,ata a%on& with the ation is stored in session ie data 'or sreen 'ie%ds, to whih sreen it is
)assed, )ro&ra* na*e $ehind it, and how ne0t sreen is )roessed.
20. Fow to u)%oad data usin& 2ATT !" These are the ste)s to $e 'o%%owed to E)%oad data throu&h 2ATT: 2reation
o' the 2ATT test ase H reordin& the sa*)%e data in)ut. ,own%oad o' the soure 'i%e te*)%ate. Modi'iation o'
the soure 'i%e. E)%oad o' the data 'ro* the soure 'i%e.
21. What is 5*art 1or*s!" 5*art 1or*s a%%ows you to reate 'or*s usin& a &ra)hia% desi&n too% with ro$ust
'untiona%ity, o%or, and *ore. Additiona%%y, a%% new 'or*s deve%o)ed at 5AP wi%% $e reated with the new
5*art 1or* so%ution.
22.Fow an - *ake a di''erentiation $etween de)endent and inde)endent data!" 2%ient de)endent or inde)endent
trans'er require*ents in%ude %ient s)ei'i or ross %ient o$(ets in the han&e requests. Work$enh o$(ets
%ike 5APsri)ts are %ient s)ei'i, so*e entries in usto*i4in& are %ient inde)endent. -' you dis)%ay the o$(et
%ist 'or one han&e request, and then 'or eah o$(et the o$(et attri$utes, you wi%% 'ind the '%a& %ient s)ei'i.
-' one o$(et in the task %ist has this '%a& on, then that trans)ort wi%% $e %ient de)endent.
2/.What is the di''erene $etween *aro and su$routine!" Maros an on%y $e used in the )ro&ra* the are de'ined
in and on%y a'ter the de'inition are e0)anded at o*)i%ation + &eneration. 5u$routines =136M> an $e a%%ed
'ro* $oth the )ro&ra* the are de'ined in and other )ro&ra*s . A MA263 is *ore or %ess an a$$reviation 'or
so*e %ines o' ode that are used *ore than one or twie. A 136M is a %oa% su$routine =whih an $e a%%ed
e0terna%>. A 1EC2T-3C is =*ore or %ess> a su$routine that is a%%ed e0terna%. 5ine de$u&&in& a MA263 is not
rea%%y )ossi$%e, )revent the use o' the* =-Ive never used the*, $ut seen the* in ation>. -' the su$routine is
used on%y %oa% =a%%ed interna%> use a 136M. -' the su$routine is a%%ed e0terna% =used $y *ore than one
)ro&ra*> use a 1EC2T-3C.

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