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Good morning teacher and classmates, now with my classmate Javiera Martnez them

talk about our interviews with Isabel Alvarez and Rayen Villanueva to ten students of

We will show a corresponding graph for each question, which we will explain and
finally give you our conclusion regarding the interviews.
1. What snacks are popular in your country?
A seventy percent of respondents answered that the most popular are the French
A thirty percent answered that are hot dogs.
And a ten percent said that are the candys.
2. Do most people in your country it regular meals?
A ninety percent of respondents answered that most people in our country dont eat
regular meals.
And ten percent replied that they do.
3. How often do you eat snacks?
Seventy percent of respondents said they eat snacks once a week.
Ten percent said they eat snacks only two days a week
Ten percent said eating snacks three days a week
Ten percent said eating snacks every day
And zero percent answered never eat snacks.
4. Where do you buy snacks?
A sixty percent of respondents said they usually buy snacks at a food store
A fourty percent replied that usually buy snacks at a supermarket
And a zero percent said that they dont buy snacks.
5. Can you buy snacks at school? Which snacks?
A seventy percent of respondents said that they often buy chocolates in school
A twenty percent replied that usually buy cookies at school
And a ten percent said that they dont usually buy anything
6. Why do you like eat snacks?
A ninety percent of the surveys said they like because its delicious.
And a ten percent said they didnt like the snacks.

7. Do you know any disease thats caused by eating snacks?
A ninety percent of the respondents answered that they knew some diseases caused
by overeating snacks and one was obesity.
And a ten percent said they didnt know any disease caused by overeating snacks
8. Which is your favorite snack?
A fifty percent of respondents said their favorites snacks are French chips
A thirty percent answered it is chocolate
A ten percent answered that are hot dogs.
And ten percent said are cakes
9. Do you think eating snack is good or bad? Why?
A ninety percent of respondents think that is bad, because overeating these foods can
damage our bodies
And ten percent think it is good because we should enjoy eating too much, when we
1. Do you eating snacks cause the obesity?
A ninety percent of respondents replied that they are aware that overeating these
foods can cause obesity.
And a ten percent said they had no idea.
We can conclude that people eat more junk food than healthy food, most of them
aware of the consequences it brings for our body, overeating these foods being.
Because, simply find it delicious and can easily get at any grocery store.

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