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NAME :. CLASS :.................................................
Read the questions carefully. Choose and circle the best answer from the
answers mared A ! " ! C and #.
$uestion %&'
Choose the best word to fill in the (lans.
%. ) use a ___________ when ) am
A. watch ". com+ass
C. ma+ #. ruler
,. Ali lies to __________ tele-ision.
A. watch ". +lay
C. (rin* #. coo
.. A female lion is called a __________.
A. ti*ress ". woman lion
C. lioness #. mrs. lion
'. ) +aint my room _______ red.
A. oran*e ". ocean
C. swan #. rose
$uestion /&0
Choose the best hrase to com+lete the +ara*ra+h.
Ra1a is a *ood (oy. 2e lies to ___________________3/4.
2e also lies to ________________354 )n the e-enin*! he
lies to +lay ______________________304.
/. A. *o to the maret ". *o to the clinic
C. *o to school e-eryday #. run from school e-eryday
5. A. study hard ". sit down
C. watch tele-ision #. mae ori*ami
0. A. (adminton with his friends ". chess with his friends
C. a ite with his friends #. foot(all with his friends
$uestion 6&%7
Study the +ictures carefully and choose the best answer.
6. A. 8hey are cleanin* the classroom.
". 8hey are cleanin* the *arden.
C. 8hey are cleanin* the li-in* room.
#. 8hey are cleanin* the (edroom.
9. A. ) lie to +lay foot(all.
". ) lie to +lay tennis.
C. ) lie to +lay soft(all.
#. ) lie to +lay ta(le tennis.
%7. A. Rosli is hel+in* his (rother to read.
". Rosli is hel+in* his (rother cooin*.
C. Rosli is +layin* with his (rother.
#. Rosli is tain* his (rother to the mall.
$uestion %%&%/
Loo at the +ictures (elow carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the
situation shown in the +ictures.
%%. A. My house is near the (an.
". )t:s No. %0! ;alan Semara! ',777 <lan*.
C. ) li-e in the (i* house (y the lae.
#. My +arents li-e with me.
%,. A. =ou can *o to the maret now.
". ) didn:t tae your +en.
C. En. Rahman is a ind teacher.
#. =ou can (orrow my +en for awhile.

%.. A. 2is car is -ery fast.
". ):m *oin* with him to the maret.
C. 8o the air+ort! to meet his son.
#. ) lie to tra-el (y (us.
%'. A. >f course! ) lo-e Murai -ery much.
". ) call my (ird Murai.
C. Murai can sin* and tal.
#. ?here can ) (uy some +et food@
%/. A. ) hate dirty cats.
". ?hat do you call this animal@
C. 8his is not my cat! Comel.
#. Aoor thin*! this cat is hurt.
$uestion %5&,%
Choose the best answer to com+lete the sentences.
%5. Mr. RaBu is a doctor. ______ wors in a hos+ital.
A. She ". 2e
C. ?e #. 8hey
%0. Rashid and ) are friends. _______ always +lay foot(all after school.
A. 8hey ". ?e
C. =ou C. 2e
%6. Asmah lies __________ (oos and ma*a1ines.
A. readin* ". to readin*
C. cooin* C. to eat
%9. ?e are _____________ our classroom.
A. rearran*in* ". re(uildin*
". refundin* #. re+aintin*
,7. C_______________D =ou:re *reatE
A. Con*ratulation ". ):m sorry
C. 8han you #. 2ello
,%. A ti*er is a wild animal. ______ hunts for food.
A. )t ". 8hey
C. 2e #. ?e
$uestion ,,&,.
Choose the sentence with the correct "nct"ation.
,,. A. 2i@ my name is NaBi( (in Fainal.
". 2i my name is NaBi( (in Fainal@
C. 2i! My name is NaBi( (in Fainal.
#. 2i! my name is NaBi( (in Fainal.
,.. A. 8his is my friend Ah Chon*@
". 8his is my friendD Ah Chon*.
C. 8his is my friend! Ah Chon*.
#. 8his is my! friend! Ah Chon*.
$uestion ,'&,/
Choose the correct sellin#.
,'. ) ha-e a (eautiful __________ (louse.
A. wite ". white
C. wheti #. wheet
,/. Lucy *oes ___________ at the +ool.
A. swimin* ". swimmin*
C. swammin* #. swimman*
$uestion ,5&.7
Loo at the +icture and then read the +assa*e carefully. "ased on the +icture
and the +assa*e! choose the best answer to fill in the (lans.
Mr. Cheah is a teacher. 2e __________ 3,54 to school (y car.
?hen he reaches school! he ass the +u+ils to ____________ 3,04
u+ the ru((ish on the *round. 2e carries ________ 3,64 sweets in
his +ocet. 2e rewards _____ 3,94 +u+ils with the sweets. 8his is to
show his a++reciation for ee+in* the school ___________. 3.74
,5. A. cycles ". flies
C. wals #. *oes
,0. A. ic ". +ic
C. tare #. co-er
,6. A. many ". no
C. a #. two
,9. A. all ". a
C. the #. no
.7. A. dirty ". dull
C. clean #. (ra-e
$uestion .%&./
Read the +assa*e (elow and answer the questions that follow.
.%. 2ow old is Nisda@
A. Ele-en years old ". 8wel-e years old
C. Nine years old #. 8en years old
.,. 2er mother is (ain* a -ery ___________________ cae.
A. hu*e and tall ". (i* and u*ly
C. small and (eautiful #. (i* and (eautiful
... 2er father is *i-in* her a ________________.
A. doll house ". +u++et house
C. real house #. do* house
.'. 8he word G relati%es G means
A. friends ". nei*h(ours
C. families #. enemies
./. 2ow does Nisda feel a(out the +arty@
Nisda is cele(ratin* her %7
years old (irthday. 2er mother is
+lannin* to ha-e a +arty for her. She (aes a -ery (i* and (eautiful cae.
)t is coated with (lue(erry cream and filled with (lue(erries. 2er father
is (uyin* her a doll house as a +resent. Nisda in-ites many of her friends
to the +arty. 8here will (e a lot of food and *ames +re+ared (y her
+arents. She ho+es that she will *et many +resents from her relati%es
and friends. She is -ery eHcited a(out the +arty.
A. unha++y ". eHcited
C. confident #. worried
$uestion .5&'7
Read the ad-ertisement (elow and answer the questions that follow.
.5. ?hat does the ad-ertisement a(out@
A. A com+uter seminar ". Com+uter courses
C. An internet class #. An En*lish class
.0. 2ow much does a course cost@
A. RM ,77.77 ". RM ,777.77
C. RM ,7.77 #. RM ,.77
.6. All the course (elow are offered e&cet
A. )nternet course ". Com+uter ser-ice course
C. Master En*lish course #. Iamin* course
.9. ?hich of these students will *et an Gearl' bird disco"nt: @
A. Amy attends a course from the .
of >cto(er ,777.
". Jadhil attends a course from the 5
of No-em(er ,777.
C. #anny attends a course from the ,,
of >cto(er ,777.
#. Lee attends a course from the .
of No-em(er ,777.
'7. ?hich of the followin* is related to the internet@
A. 8ele*rams ". Letters
C. E&mails #. Aostcards

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