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Christs School PTA

Minutes of the rst AGM for academic year 2014/15

Monday 15 September 2014

Present: Jane Fitch, Vicky McGrail, Tina Jameson, Alka Singh, Ajay Singh, Rowan Woodward,
Marinela Cob, Marjory Murray, Ben Moc, Richard Geary, Janet Addison, Tracey Kidd, Vicky Lack,
Jenni Barker

Introductions followed by a run down of agenda items by the Chair.

301 Anniversary Party
Friday 26 September.
This is the rst PTA event of the year and was a great success last year.
Some prizes already sourced for the rafe - we may need to make decisions on whether to auction
or rafe some gifts.
The PTA needs volunteers to:

bar staff

help decorate the hall on Friday, from 4pm

serve food

Academic Review Day
Also on Friday 26 Sep.
PTA needs volunteers to serve tea and coffee from about 12:00 onwards, and talk to parents about
the PTA, in shifts throughout the day.

Open Evening
Tuesday 07 October.
PTA needs volunteers to serve tea and coffee again.

Fireworks Night
Friday 07 November
It was noted that Iain West is stepping back from organising this event, so this year Jane has taken
on hiring the reworks company.

Vicky M: will get artwork submitted within 2 weeks for production of tickets
Rowan: is contacting primary schools to sell tickets
Tina: will order and take delivery of the alcohol on the night
Jane/Rowan: will try to nd out who the Mulled Wine lady was last year and contact her
Jane/Tracey: to order and take delivery of barbecue food
Jane: to send out request for cakes to parents
Rowan/Jane: to get soft drinks etc from Moscow
Jane/Rowan/Vicky M: to sort out hot water urns
Rich: will produce the signs with the help of his wife
Jenni: to obtain the school letter head template, copy the new letters to the neighbours, police, re
brigade on to this template, then send the neighbours letter back to Jane and post the other two.
Jenni: to purchase another temporary event license
Vicky Lack/Jane: to distribute notices

Also to note:
Need to protect the cricket strip - there is a fence. The reworks company need to know this.
Last year we ran stores by year - we will try to do this again.
Need volunteers to set up during the day, clean up at the end of the night, and on Sat morning.

Social Evenings
Need class reps for each class, to organise one or two of these a year. This is not an onerous job.
Idea is to build the school community.
Rich Geary volunteered to be class rep for Year 7.

Charitable Status
The PTA needs to apply for charitable status, because once an organisation has raised over 5000
pa, it must apply to become a charitable institution.
Rowan explained the process and that we will need to put the following in place:

Constitution - Rowan circulated a template for the constitution recommended by PTA-UK, which
is pre-approved by the Charitable Institute.

Publish our accounts - Rowan has a template.

Short description of activities for the year - ditto.

Audit our accounts - anyone outside of the committee can do that.

Three positions were proposed:
1. Chair
2. Treasurer
3. Secretary
A quorum needs to be double this number (although it was noted that a Chair is not essential).
Without a quorum the PTA meeting becomes an ordinary meeting.

The Head will be brought up to speed with this change.
The PTA decided to go ahead with the application - signatories are as follows:
Chair and Trustee - Jane Fitch
Treasurer and Trustee - Rowan Woodward
Secretary and Trustee - Jenni Barker
Witness from the school - Vicky McGrail

Hence this meeting will be published as the rst AGM of the year.
Treasurer announced that we raised 6900 last year and we have 7978 remaining on account.
PTA is looking into a donation page, for parents that would like to donate to specic projects.

School Picnic
Proceeds from the school picnic on Tuesday 15 July were 130, as given to the treasurer along
with all receipts and refund notices.

AGM closed at 8pm.

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