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Natura natura Programme of Events

To accompany Natura natura, an exhibition by Saidhbhn Gibson at The LAB Gallery , Foley
Street Dublin 1 and The Natural History Museum, Merrion Street, Dublin 2 there will be a
free programme of events. Places are limited and booking is required. For bookings see:

Lunchtime Conversations at The Natural History Museum
Irelands Changing Bird Population
Thursday 16th October 1pm 1.30pm
Irelands bird populations are always changing, and over the past 100 years the changes
have become more pronounced and rapid than ever before. As some formerly abundant
bird species have disappeared, others have colonised and become common. Climate
change, agricultural intensification and increased urbanisation have all played a role, but we
still have much to learn about the drivers behind these population shifts. Join Niall Hatch of
BirdWatch Ireland for an informal discussion about the changing face of Irelands bird life.

Victorian Lighthouse Keepers and Barringtons Bird Collection
Thursday 23rd October 1pm 1.30pm
The Museums Dr Leona McArdle will talk about Bray scientist RM Barringtons work that led
to the lighthouse keepers of Ireland collecting bird specimens from around the Irish coast.
This special event will explore and look at some of the rare not normally displayed samples
from this unique collection and discuss how they informed scientists about the migratory
patterns of birds to Ireland.

Meet 23rd October 2pm Natural History Museum. Arrive 3.30pm at The LAB Gallery

CROW (City Right of Way) will be tracing a path between The Natural History Museum and
the LAB on the hunt for Flora or Fauna en route between the venues. Flora and Fauna can
be of the live or the architectural variety. Look up, how many buildings have animal or plant
motifs? Where do starlings roost in the city? What buildings are pigeon proofed? What
traces are there of urban wildlife? Suggestions en route are welcome.

CROW is a collaborative project by Belfast based artists Mike Hogg and Aisling O'Beirn
exploring the city through walking. The project takes the form of regular walks taking in
often ignored or unconventional sites in Belfast and beyond. The walks are suggested by
participants and are often designed in collaboration with other organisations, and facilitated
by Hogg & O'Beirn. CROW started walking in 2010. It is a project initially suggested by the
Rome based urban research group Stalker on their 2010 visit to Belfast where they
highlighted the difficulty in accessing parts of the city. For further information on CROW:

Exhibition Reception
23rd October, The LAB, 3.30pm
Following the walk there will be an exhibition reception on arrival at The LAB, and an
opportunity to see Natura natura in the Cube and Aisling O'Beirn's exhibition, Quaternion
Quest, also showing at The LAB Gallery.

Spooky Shadows and Silhouettes Family Workshop
Saturday 25th October, 2 - 3.30pm The LAB. 6 yrs+
Join artist Saidhbhn Gibson at The LAB for a free family workshop and create your own night-time
scene with nocturnal animals. Children will explore the unique silhouettes of animals, birds trees and
buildings found in the City. All materials will be provided.

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