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Good Things Grow Here

Sharing Learning
Thank you to all our families who are writing comments on their childs learning blogs. The blogs are very
informative about your childs learning each week. To view the blogs click onto the school website and then go to your childs community. Below are some photographs of our childrens
learning so far this term.

Reception Year 1 Year 2

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

School Buddy System
Our Year 6 children have been very excited to meet their Reception buddies this week. This is a very important role
and one which many of them have been waiting for! This week the Year 6 children will be helping their buddies
during lunchtime. It was so lovely to hear one Reception child say I really wanted you to be my buddy as a Year 6
child was paired up with them.

Newsletter 2
Autumn Term 2014
Celebrating Achievements
We have introduced new achievement cards this
academic year to present to the children in our
whole school achievement assembly on a Friday.

School Building
CWaC contractors have completed one external wall and are currently removing the external wall at the front of the
school. Thank you for your patience whilst this work is being completed.

Key Stage 2 Packed Lunches
Please can we remind you that children are not allowed to bring bars of chocolates and sweets to school for their
lunch? Thank you.

PTA Diary Dates
We are extremely grateful to the parents who support our school through fundraising activities and there are three
events planned which we would welcome your support
1. Wednesday 24 September 6pm PTA meeting at school to discuss future events
2. Thursday 25 September PTA Debenhams Beauty Event see school website for further details
3. Friday 26 September PTA Macmillan Coffee Morning at school 9.30am
Thank you.

Dates have been arranged for prospective parents to visit our school if their child is due to start school in September
Tuesday 14 October 9.30am and 1.30pm
Wednesday 15 October 9.30am and 1.30pm
Tuesday 11 November 1.30pm and 4pm
Wednesday 12 November 5pm
Please pass on this information if you know anybody whose child is due to start school. Thank you.

Communication with Families
Our newsletter is uploaded every fortnight to our school website and a text is sent to our families with a link to the
newsletter. We are hoping to introduce a system in which the newsletters will be emailed out to families as well as
uploading it onto the website by October half term. Please can you ensure you have sent your pupil data forms back
to the school office to enable us to collate email addresses. Thank you.

Congratulations to Mr Wilson who has been successful in his application to undertake a Postgraduate
Certificate in Special Educational Needs and awarded part funding from the National Scholarship Fund. He will
complete his training on a Friday evening and attend weekend residentials at Chester University.
Meet the Windmill Caf, Miller Club, Office Staff and Site Maintenance Staff

Office Staff
Mrs Wilson Mrs Valleley Ms Lloyd Watts
Office Admin Office Admin Office Admin
(Monday Friday) (Tuesday Thursday) (Monday & Friday)

Site Maintenance

Mr Jones Mr Rushan Mrs Hall
Site Maintenance Caretaker Cleaner

Windmill Caf Staff

Mrs Gray Mrs Hall Mrs Borman
Catering Manager Kitchen Assistant Kitchen Assistant

Miss Carter Miss Buxton Mrs Douglass Mrs Dunn Mrs Jones
Midday Assistants

Miller Club Staff

Mrs Dunn Miss Carter Mr Parker Mr Mercer Miss Hand
Club Manager Club Supervisor Play Worker Play Worker Play Worker
Reading Roundabout
Developing our Reading provision at Mill View remains a high priority this year. On Monday we
had an assembly about Reading. It is great to see all the classes so enthusiastic to talk about
changes staff are making. Our daily Reading Roundabout is now up and running across Key
Stage 1 and 2. The children are taking part in activities that will help them to develop a breadth
of reading skills phonics, word recognition, spelling, grammar, punctuation, comprehension.
Our main aim is to help the children at Mill View enjoy their reading.
Every class is gathering a wish list of books and other written material they would like to have in their class reading
areas. Year 3 and 4 were really pleased to receive some great new books to enjoy, donated by the Sutcliffe family.
If you are having a sort out of books at home please consider sending books you have finished with into school if
they are in very good condition and up to date. We would also like to provide other reading materials such as
annuals and comics. Again, if you have ones that are finished with at home in good unmarked condition please send
them in.
Diary Dates
Wednesday 17 September Year 2 walk around Upton
Monday 22 September Year 5 Brazilian Cooking Day
Wednesday 24 September Installation of Sports Area
Thursday 25 September Year 6 visit to the Jorvik Centre, York and PTA Debenhams Beauty Event
Friday 26 September Macmillan Coffee Morning (PTA) 9.30am
Monday 01 October Year 3 visit to Manchester Airport
Friday 10 October Action Transport Theatre King & King
Tuesday 14 & Wednesday 15 October Parents Evenings
Tuesday 21 October Tempest Individual Photographs
Friday 24 October School closes for half term (Miller Club open)
Monday 03 November School opens
Tuesday 16 December Christmas Lunch in the Windmill Caf
Wednesday 17 December Alice Musical Production at St Marys Centre, Chester for Years 1 to 3
Thursday 18 December Alice Musical Production at St Marys Centre, Chester for Years 4 to 6
Friday 19 December School closes for the Christmas holiday

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