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... through Bertha Dudde

Passing through each form is necessary ....

#our friends from the other side $o%ing$y turn to&ards you to fu$fi$
your desire' and thus recei%e(
)he &or$d as such has on$y one *ur*ose' name$y' to $ead the
many $i%ing +eings' &ho are carriers of s*iritua$ su+stances'
to&ards higher de%e$o*ment' &hich can on$y ta,e *$ace in an
en%ironment &here a$$ manner of conf$icts occur' of &hich the
&or$d offers an ade-uate amount. Be it on earth or on the many
other ce$estia$ +odies' $i%ing +eings e%ery&here ha%e to face
unforeseea+$e difficu$ties and need a$$ their strength to o%ercome
.o&e%er' such strength is *resent in e%ery $i%ing +eing' since
e%ery $i%ing +eing recei%es strength to e/ist in the first *$ace.
Further de%e$o*ment therefore a$&ays de*ends on ho& this
strength &ithin the $i%ing +eing is uti$ised. )hat means' the
sooner any acti%ity incum+ent u*on the $i%ing +eing is carried
out' the faster the s*iritua$ inte$$igence is re$eased from its
surrounding form and the ne/t stage of de%e$o*ment can +egin.
0o& it is *ossi+$e to as,' &hich form guarantees the fastest
de%e$o*ment for $i%ing +eings .... 1nd the ans&er to this -uestion
can on$y +e that it is %ita$ to *ass through e%ery form .... and
that a $imit can on$y +e set &here the unification of innumera+$e
sma$$ *artic$es of sou$ resu$t in one &ho$e' &hen a$$ su+stances of
sou$ are *resent to gi%e $ife to the fina$ em+odiment .... the form
of the human +eing.
)he most su+t$e mo%ement in the human +eing' the gent$est
emotion is on$y due to the fine$y tuned sou$' &hich in turn is
com*osed of e%en more su+t$e *artic$es of sou$. )hese are a
most im*ortant re-uirement in the construction of the &ho$e as
they' in turn' guarantee the com*$eted sou$ the most de$icate
emotions and *erce*tions for the sma$$est mirac$es of creation +y
di%ine $o%e.
2f these tiniest of com*onents did not e/ist the human +eing
&ou$d not understand current and future mirac$es of creation ....
he sim*$y &ou$d not +e a+$e to see something that is not a$ready
a$i%e &ithin himse$f .... he must ha%e e%erything that e/ists in
creation as the sma$$est com*onents &ithin himse$f .... that is'
e%ery su+stance must +e a *art of his sou$' on$y then can he a$so
o+ser%e &hat is outside of himse$f.
)his instruction in turn raises the -uestion as to &hat ,ind of
com*onents the sma$$ $i%ing +eings consist of' and this is easy to
e/*$ain( they a$$ carry su+stances of yet sma$$er $i%ing +eings
&ithin themse$%es +ut according$y can on$y instincti%e$y fee$ &hat
has a$ready *rogressed further in e%o$ution' yet at the same time
they contro$ &hat a$ready e/ists in these $i%ing +eings as
3no&$edge of this im*ortant information in the doctrine of
creation is of greatest ad%antage for the human +eing +ecause
from this he &i$$ $earn to understand the com*$e/ com*osition of
human nature .... On the +asis of this fact he can 4udge that the
human +eing is indeed the crest of di%ine creation' so to
s*ea, .... that he' i.e. his sou$' is so de$icate$y constructed &ithin
himse$f' that it is im*ossi+$e for such a &or, of art to ha%e +een
*roduced +y a &ise 5reator mere$y for the duration of earth$y
+ecause e%erything he sees in nature' +e it in the region of
minera$' *$ant or anima$ $ife' e/ists in atoms &ithin himse$f. )he
human +eing incor*orates the &ho$e &or, of creation in
miniature &ithin himse$f.
)herefore' he a$so has to o%ercome &ithin himse$f the o**osition
that a**roaches him from outside .... from the &or$d .... &hich
means that count$ess e/terna$ dangers moti%ate the human
+eing into strongest resistance .... &hi$e $i,e&ise the s*iritua$
atmos*here is stimu$ated +y the continuous resistance and
*ermanent strugg$e of the different su+stances of sou$ and on$y
can +ecome stronger and the sou$ o*en to higher truths of $ight
in this &ay.
6ust as e%ery $i%ing +eing' e%en the sma$$est' has to *erform a
s*ecific tas, so has the human +eing' as the carrier of a$$ these
su+stances. 1nd this tas, consists first and foremost of
s*iritua$ising a$$ su+stances of sou$ that are sti$$ in harmfu$
o**osition to their rea$ tas,' &ho &ou$d sti$$ *refer to *erform the
earth$y tas, &hich is their nature due to their *ast earth$y duty in
an ear$ier form.
For this reason the human +eing has to fight against many fau$ts'
mista,es and +ad ha+its since the character of the su+stances
+ound in the sou$ re*eated$y comes through and &ou$d $i,e to
seduce the f$esh' the earth$y co%er' into com*$iance' &hich shou$d
+e strong$y resisted during earth$y $ife.
1nd on$y in this &ay can it +e understood that the human +eing
has an e/traordinary res*onsi+i$ity during earth$y $ife7 that there
must +e a continuous strugg$e to trium*h at the end of the day
tru$y s*iritua$ised as %ictor against a$$ dangers and to ha%e
resisted a$$ tem*tation. 1fter a$$' ho& often indeed is the s*irit
&i$$ing +ut the f$esh &ea, ....
Pu+$ished +y friends of ne& re%e$ations of God 8 2nformation'
do&n$oad of a$$ trans$ated re%e$ations' theme9+oo,$ets at(

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