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Question Bank -- Wireless Technology

Explain the evolution of the wireless and cellular revolution.
2. Distinguish between analog and digital signal.
3. Explain periodic signal and aperiodic signal
4. Explain the general sine wave.
5. Explain the relationship between data rate and bandwidth
6. Explain analog and digital signaling.
7. Explain the factors effecting the channel capacit in a nois and noise free channel
!. Explain unguided trans"ission "edia
#. Explain the different techni$ues of "ultiplexing.
1%. Discuss the different tpes of networ&s.
11. 'hat is switching( 'h is it re$uired( 'hat are the different tpes of switching(
12. 'hat is a protocol( 'h is a protocol re$uired(
13. Explain the )*+,-+ protocol suite
14. Explain the ./- 0odel and architecture.
15. Explain the 1ob of the routers.
16. 'hat is an antenna( Explain the different tpes of antennas
17. 'rite a note on fading.
1!. 'hat are the factors that affect the infor"ation carring capacit of the
co""unication lin&(
1#. 'hat is fading( 'hat are the factors causing the fading
2%. 'hat are the different tpes of fading
21. Explain the encoding of
Digital Data to 2nalog /ignaling
2nalog data to 2nalog /ignals
22. Explain +ulse *ode 0odulation
23. Define /pectru". 2lso discuss /pread /pectru" and its different for"s.
24. Explain the concept of *D02. 3ow is it done with D///
25. Discuss the various Error detection codes used in wireless trans"ission
26. 4ist the three different was in which the *5* algorith" can be described.
27. Explain how 6o7bac&78 259 wor&s.
2! 'h is onl error detection not feasible in the wireless applications( 3ow are errors
dealt with in the sa"e(
2#. Explain the various bloc& error correction codes used in the wireless applications
3%. Explain *onvolution codes.
31. Distinguish between
a. :3// and D/// b. Diffraction and /cattering
c. fast and slow fading d. flat and selective fading
32. 'hat is the relationship between the bandwidth of a signal before and after it has
been encoded using the spread spectru"(
33. 4ist the advantages of /pread /pectru".
34. -ndicate the advantages of digital trans"ission over analog trans"ission
35 'hat is the infor"ation available fro" the radiation pattern of the antenna.
36. 'hat an isotropic antenna(
37. 'hat are the functions perfor"ed b the antenna(
3!. 'hat is the pri"ar cause of signal loss in satellite co""unications(
'ireless )echnolog
3# 'hat are satellite orbits(
4% Explain geostationar satellites(
41 Differentiate between 4E.s and 0E.s
42 Explain /atellite :ootprint
43 Discuss :D02
44 Differentiate between :D02 and )D02
45 'hat is fre$uenc reuse( 3ow can the capacit of the cellular networ&s be
46 Discuss in brief the operation of cellular networ&s
47 Explain the concept of handoff.
4! 4ist and explain the perfor"ance "etrics used to "a&e the handoff decision
4# Explain traffic intensit
5% Discuss the operation of 20+/
51 Differentiate b,w 1
and 2
generation cellular sste"s
52 'rite a note on
6/0 architecture
/econd 6eneration *D02
53 'hat are the advantages and disadvantages of using *D02 for using a cellular
54 'hat are the characteristics that distinguish third7generation cellular for" second
generation cellular
55 Differentiate b,w )DD and )D0
56 Discuss the design considerations for cordless sste"s
57 'rite a note on DE*)
6% /tud 0obile -+; '44; '2+ ;*hapter 14 < *hapter 15 entirel
'ireless )echnolog

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