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Etnobotnica Medicinal

Tico Ethnobotanical Dictionary

List of Abbreviations
B--Bocas del Toro
C--Colombian Spanish
CA--Central American Spanish
Ch--Not defined, but in text
CR--Costa Rican Spanish
D--arien Spanish
CR/ROC--Costa Rican data from Rafael !campo
N--Nicara"uan Spanish
P--$anamanian Spanish
S--Spanish in "eneral
--%estern $anama
!--$ersonall& "athered information
Tico Ethnobotanical Dictionary
Aba' Bombacopsis ()* Pithecellobium ()
Ababol' Papaver ()
Abaca' Musa ()
Abanico' Celosia ()
Abanico chino' Amaranthus ()
Abarco' Cariniana ()
Abata+ue' Zantholoxylum ()
Abebe' Renealmia ()
Abe,on' Cassia ()* Stanhopea ()
ABELMOSCHUS ESCULE!"US Moench- !.ra ()* Al"alia ()* Candia ()* /ombo ()* /umbo ()* /uicombo ()*
0a"arto ()* Na,u ()- - 1oun" o.ra is "ood as a 2e"etable or a pic.le* roasted seeds are eaten on toast, sometimes used
as a coffee substitute- The fruits are considered antispasmodic, used to treat bites of 2enomous animals-
ABELMOSCHUS MOSCHA"US Medic- Mus. o.ra ()* %ild o.ra ()* Al"alia ()* Almi3clillo ()* 0a"arto ()- -
Culti2ated else4here for the mus.-scented seeds, used in perfumer&, and as a fiber plant- 5n $anama, the plant is
apparentl& culti2ated onl& as an ornament-
Abetoa' Coleus ()
Ab"i' 6nidentified culti2ated shrub used b& the Ba&ano Cuna to stain hammoc.s blac. ()-
Ab"i"astuet' #n$i%o&era ()
ABRAS57E' A coarse-lea2ed plant used for 4ashin" dishes, Curatella' Lu&&a' Miconia' Pavonia' Solanum'
Abra3a palo' )icus ()
Abro,ito' "ribulus ()
Abro,o' Alternanthera ()* Cenchrus ()* *allstroemia ()* Sloanea ()* "rium&etta ()
ABRUS PRECA"OR#US 0- Crab8s e&e ()* Rosar& pea ()* #e+uerite ()* !,o de can"re,o ()* $eronilla (,)- - Ra4 seeds
are 2er& poisonous, ha2e ser2ed as a contracepti2e (9 to : 4hite or blac. seeds are ta.en dail& for se2eral da&s after
each menstruation)- Seeds are used as nec.lace ornaments- $o4dered seeds are used as a snuff for headache* boiled
seeds used as an aphrodisiac- Roots used as a licorice substitute, che4ed as an aphrodisiac, diuretic, for sore throat,
and for rheu,matism- Macerated lea2es are said to be st&ptic and to remo2e frec.les- The lea2es taste s4eet, and a
decoction of the lea2es and roots is 4idel& used for cou"ht, colds, and colic-
Abu"i' #n$i%o&era ()
Acabu' Zanthoxylum ()
Acacia' Acacia ()* Leucaena ()
Acacia de a"ui,ote' Par+insonia ()
Acacia de Catharino' Prosopis ()
ACAC#A )AR!ES#A!A %illd- S4eet acacia ()* Aromo ()* $ela ()* 6na de Cabra ()- (;i"- 9)- The "um is used as a
famin food- ;lo4ers are put bet4een linens to scent them and to protect them from moths- ;lo4ers are attracti2e to
bees- Crushed fruits &ield an astrin"ent used in con,uncti2itis, diarrhea, etc-* also used to mend bro.en dishes- Bar.
is considered febrifu"al and is tied around the ,oints b& %est 5ndians to alle2iate rheumatism-
ACA!"HOCEREUS P#"A,A-A u"and Ex Croi3at- ildoe ()* ildo espinoso ()* $ita,a&a ()- ;ruits of this, as of all
cacti, are safe to sample, a2oidin" spines and minute hairs that are present on se2eral 2arieties- the plant is diuretic-
These cacti are fairl& common in thorn forests of the A3uero $eninsula ()-
ACA!"HOSPERMUM AUS"RALA <unt3e- Cancer de loma ()-
ACA!"HOSPERMUM H#SP#.UM C- $acado mortal, espuela de caballo, ericito pla&ero, cacharro, el tre,o ()-
Acapalti' #va ()
Acapro' "ecoma ()
Acedera ' Oxalis ()* "ri&olium ()
Acede,o' "hevetia ()
Aceite' Calophyllum ()* Copai&era ()* Phyllanthus ()
Aceite maria' Calophyllum ()
Aceite de palo' Po$ocarpus ()
Aceituno' /uettar$a ()* Humiriastrum ()* Simarouba (,,)* 0itex ()
Aceituno ne"rito' Simarouba ()
Acerola' Malpi%hia ()
Acesi2a' Zamia ()
Ache' Clarisia ()
Acheri' Phyllanthus ()
Achicoria' Elephantopus ()* Eryn%ium ()
Achihuite' Bixa ()
ACH#LLEA M#LLE)OL#UM 0- 1arro4 ()* Colchon de pobre ()- - 0ea2es used occasionall& as a soup 2e"etable, or
as tea or tobacco substitutes- Aerial parts are re"arded as depurati2e-
Achiote' Bixa ()
Achiote de monte' Sloanea ()
Achiotillo' Caryocar ()* )uchia ()* Lin$ac+eria ()* Mayna ()* 0ismia
Achira' Canna ()
Achira de monte' Alpinia ()
Achirilla' Curcuma ()
Achon' 1ylopia ()
Achoncha' Cyclanthera ()
Achote' Bixa ()
Achote de monte' Ampelocera ()
Achotillo' Banara ()* 0ismia ()
Achueriala' Lippia ()
ACH-RA!"HES ASPERA 0- $ric.l& chaff-flo4er ()* Rabo de "ato () - 0ea2es are eaten as a 2e"etable - The seeds,
thou"h emetic, ha2e ser2ed as famine food, also used to treat h&drophobia and sna.ebite- The branches ser2e as a
toothbrush and the ashes are used for salt- Macerated roots are used on scorpion stin"s-
ACH-ROCL#!E SA"UREO#.ES C- #uan Blanco ()
ACROCL#!#UM ROSEUM =oo.- 5nmortales dobles ()
ACROCOM#A A!"#O2UE!S#S $osada-Aran"o- Coro3o ()* Coro3o a molado ()* Coro3o caucano ()* Coro3o "rande
()- The seeds are a source of oil, and the lea2es a source of fiber- The flo4ers are said to be pectoral-
ACROCOM#A PA!AME!S#S Baile&- $ric.le& palm ()* Co&ai ()* $alma de 2ino ()* $acora ()- The seeds are a source
of oil, relished b& cattle- S4eet sap of this and related species are used to ma.e 4ine- Root of A3 mexicana is
re"arded as a cure for diabetes-
ACROS"#CHUM AUREUM 0- Man"ro2e fern ()* Esnar"an ()* =elecho de man"lar ()- 1oun" lea2es and fiddleheads
are edible ra4 or coo.ed- The lea2es are emollients, sometimes used for thatch* rhi3omes 2ulnerar&- The Cuna use
the &oun" fiddleheads to extract fish bones from the throat ()- The plant is used as a medicinal bath for infants ()-
Acuapar' Hura ()
Acuasia' 2uassia ()
Acuruco' Mutin%ia ()
A.A!SO!#A .#/#"A"A 0- Baobob (,) - The &oun" lea2es are eaten as a pot-herb and in soups- The bar. and lea2es
are eaten asa famine food* po4dered, the& ser2e as a substitute for salt and pepper- The seeds are febrifu"al and are
made into a "ruel* roasted seeds are applied to achin" teeth- Shoots of "erminatin" seeds are edible-
Adelpha' Petrea ()
A.E!A!"HERA PA0O!#!A 0- Redhead ()* Coralitos () - The lea2es are ser2ed as famine food- Macerated lea2es
are used in "out and rheumatism* hus.ed seeds are said to ha2e an a"reeable taste- $o4dered seeds hasten
suppuration of boils and cure pric.l& heat- The bar. is used for 4ashin" clothes and hair, and the 4ood 4as formall&
the source of a red d&e-
A.E!OS"EMMA LA0ER#A <unt3e- ona #uana ()- 6sed in the Choco to 4ash 4ounds, and around Sautata
re"arded as a sna.ebite cure-
A.#A!"UM sp- Maidenhair ;ern ()* Culantrillo de piedra ()- This fern is re"arded as an emmena"o"ue and
Adonis' .uranta ()
Adonis blanco' .uranta ()
Adonis morado' .uranta ()
Adorate' Pisonia ()
Ad&an&a peso' "richilia ()
AECHMEA MA/.ALE!AE Andre ex $in"4in" ()* $ita () - The acid fruits are edible ra4 or coo.ed, better
for" be2era"es- ;ibers in lea2es are used for" rope and methods for commercial production are bein"
studied in the Choco-
AE/#PH#LA MAR"#!#CE!S#S #ac+- Contra culebra ()* #uan de la 7erdad () (;i"- >?- The plant is considered
alexeritic and aphrodisiac-
Afa,a' "richilia ()
A"allo' Caesalpinia ()
A"apanto' A%apanthus ()
A/ERA"UM CO!-ZO#.ES 0- =ierba hemostatica ()* Retentina ()* Me,orana ()* Chiba ()* Manrubio, 1erba de
chino* Marrubio blanco, 1erba de chi2o, Mastranto - A 2alued hemostatic in Colombia, used else4here to treat
2enereal diseases-
A"ra' 0itia ()
A"ra3' /ouania ()* 0itis ()* Coccoloba ()
A"rece,o' /ossyopiospermum ()
A"u' Allium ()
A"ua libia' Senecio macrophyllus ()
A"uacate' Persea ()
A"uacate asca' Styrax ()
A"uacate del monte' !ectan$ra ()
A"uacatia' Panopsis ()
A"uacatilla' Hernan$ia ()* 2arious 0auraceae ()* Persea ()
A"uacatillo cordillero' Beilschmie$ia ()
A"uacaton' Ocotea (,)* Persea ()
A"uacharaco' Protium ()
A"uacolda' Sobralia ()
A"uadi,a' O$onto%lossum ()
A"uadulce' Palicourea ()
A"ua,e' Chelyocarpus ()* Mauritia ()
A"ua..alat' Eryn%ium ()
A"uama' Bromelia ()
A"uarras' Ocotea ()* "etra%astris ()
A"uatillo de tierra firma' /ramma$enia ()
A"u,ade arrea' Casearia ()* 1ylosma ()
A"u,illa' La$enber%ia ()
Ahumada' Cassia ()
Ahu&ama' Cucurbita ()
Ai.ra' /lirici$ia ()
Aili' Avicennia ()* Conocarpus ()* La%uncularia ()* Rhi4ophora ()
A#PHA!ES CAR-O"#)OL#A %endl- Chascara ()* Coro3o de chascara ()* Marara& ()* $alma de chascara ()- The
seeds are oil& and edible-
Air $lant' Bryophyllum ()
Air $otato' .ioscorea ()
A,e de monte' Stemma$enia ()* "hevetia ()
A,en,ibre' Zin%iber ()
A,en,ibrillo' Paspalum ()
A,en,illo cimarron' /naphalium ()
A,en,o' Artemisia (,)
A,i' Capparis ()* Capsicum ()* Caryocar ()* Clarisia ()* Coccoloba ()* .iplotrophis ()
A,i canella' .rimys ()
A,icillo' Heisteria ()
A,icito' "oxico$en$ron ()* Capparis ()
A,i de monte' Stemman$enia ()* "hevetia ()
A,illo' Capparis ()* Capsicum ()* Caryocar ()* !othoscor$um ()* Petiveria (,)
A,ito' Capparis ()
A,o' Allium ()* Caryocar ()* Cassipourea ()* Par+ia ()
A,on,oli' Sesamum ()' Bli%hia ()
Ala de an"el' Be%onia ()* Bi%nonia ()
Alacran' Heliotropium (,)
Alacrancillo' Heliotropium ()* Parosela ()
Ala"ua' Carlu$ovica ()
Ala de murciela"o' Passi&lora ()
Alampana' Lantana ()
Alasant' Ormosia ()
Ala3ano' Calycophyllum (,)
Albaca' Ocimum ()
Albahaca' Ocimum (,)
Albahaca cimarrona' Salvia ()
Albarco' Cariniana ()
Albarica' Aiphanes ()* Pyreno%lyphis ()* .esmoncus ()
Albarina' Centaurea cyanus ()
Albarracin' Bocconia ()
Alcabu' Zanthoxylum ()
Alcanfor' Cinnamomum ()
Alcaparra' Capparis ()* Cleome ()
Alcaparro' A$ipera ()
Alcareto' Aspi$osperma ()* Sic+in%ia ()
Alchoncha' Sechium ()
Alcorno+ue' Sechium ()
Alcorno+ue' Bo5$ichia ()* Licania ()* Mora (,)* Ormosia ()* Terminalia ()
Alcotan' Baccharis ()* Cissampelos ()* Piper ()
ALEUR#"ES MOLUCCA!A %illd- Candlenut tree ()* Nue3 de 5ndia () - The nuts, stimulant and sudorific, are edible
after roastin"* strun" as candlenuts-
A0E@ER5T5C' A substance to counteract infection or poison- Acalypha' Achyranthes' Ae%iphila' Albi4ia'
Anacar$ium' Aristolochia' Asclepias' Caesalpinia' Cassia' Chiococca' Cissampelos' Clavi6a' Cocos' Co&&es'
.racontium' Enta$a' Euphorbia' )evillea' /ustavia' Hibiscus' ,atropha' Lantana' Mi+ania' Mimosa' Musa'
!icotiana' Piper' Pluchea' 2uassia' Sapin$us' Simaba' "abebuia' "amarin$us' "hevetia' 0ernonia' 1ylopia3
Alfa,e' "richilia ()
Alfa,illo' Po$ocarpus ()* "richilia ()
Alfeni+ue' .ialium()
Alfombra' Mollu%o ()
Alfombrillo hediendo' Lantana ()
Alfor,on' )a%opyrum ()
Al"alia' Abelmoschus ()
Al"arrobo' Cassia ()* Ceratonia ()* Hymenaea ()* Pithecellobium ()* Prosopis ()
Ala"odon' Cochlospermum ()* /ossypium ()
Al"odoncillo' Baccharis ()* Hibiscus ()
Al"odon lechero' Calotropis ()
Al"odon de monte' Leuhea ()* "hespesia ()
Al"odon de seda' Calotropis ()
Al"ofar' Scleria ()
AL#BER"#A E.UL#S A-Rich- /ua&abita de monte ()* 0a"artillo ()* Madrona de comer ()* Torompito ()* Trompo ()*
%ild "ua2a ()- The fruits are eaten b& all fru"i2ores, includin" humans-The& are also used b& children to ma.e tops-
Alicito' "oxico$en$ron ()
Ali"o' Alnus ()* "essaria ()
Alisito' "oxico$en$ron ()
Aliso' Alnus ()* 0ernonia ()* "essaria inte%ri&olia ()
Alita' Albi4ia ()
Alla"ua' Phytelephas ()
Alli"ator apple' Annona ()
Alli"ator pear' Persea ()
Alli"ator 4eed' Philoxerus ()
ALL#UM spp- /arlic ()* !nion ()* A"u ()* A"ua.alat ()* A,o Cebolla ()* a4a4at ()* $alu * $ida () - $resentl&
un.no4n in the 4ild, onion has been used more than 9??? &ears- /arlic, A3 sativum 0-, is re"arded as antiseptic,
bactericidal, carminati2e, cordiment, diaphoretic, emmena"o"ic, expectorant, rubefacient, stimulant, stomachic, and
2ermifu"al* it is used in home remedies for bronchitis, colds, earaches, h&steria, ner2ous conditions and toothache-
The ,uice can be used to mend china- !il from the seeds is applied externall& to rheumatics- /arlic oil, mixed 4ith
cebo de Cuba, is used li.e a mustard plaster in $anama- !nions are eaten ra4 or coo.ed and used for seasonin"
pic.les, curries, ste4s, AsancochosA, etc-()- The& are used as a home remed& for bronchitis, catarrh, colic, drops&,
fe2er, flatulence, han"o2er, and scur2&- The& are re"arded as aphrodisiac, carminati2e, emmena"o"ic, and soporific
4hen used internall&- The& are used externall& to treat earaches and insect bites- Ma,e Choco 4omen, ha2in"
difficult& deli2erin", recei2e a stomach massa"e 4ith" oil mixed 4ith oniion, "arlic, ore"ano, and hierba
poleo (perhaps *allstroemia)- Some 5ndians belie2e the& also repel* the odor repels some humans, so it mi"ht
actuall& repel M& Cuna "uide from Nar"ana rubbed his le"s 4ith sliced onion to Apre2ent sna.ebiteA ()- 5n
%estern $anama, onions are placed in the ea2es of bohiuos as a bat repellent ()* a bat and sna.e repellent 4ould be
useful morale builders for the ne4comer in $anama-
Almaci"o' Bursera ()
Alma ne"ra' Bertholettia ()* .ussia ()* S5eetia ()* S5art4ia ()
Almendro' An$ira () Buchenavia ()* .ipteryx (,)* "erminalia ()
Almendro americano' "erminalia ()
Almendro de la 5ndia' "erminalia ()
Almendron' Attalea ()* Caryocar ()
Almira,o' Patinoa ()
Almi3cle' He$yosmum ()
Almi3clillo' Hibiscus ()
Almond' .ipteryx ()* "erminalia ()
Almoradua' Eupatorium ()
Almoradu3' Eupatorium inulae&olium ()
Almorrana' Alternanthera ()
ALOE 0ERA Burm- ;- Barbados aloe ()* Sabila ()- The &ello4 ,uice is a famous burn remed&- Crushed lea2es are
used as a cataplasm for boils and ulcers* its &ello4 resin is cathartic, emmena"o"ic, insecticidal, 2ermifu"al* used b&
mothers to ma.e their nipples distasteful to 4eanin" children- $lant used for asthma and ulcers-
A0!$EC5A' The state of bein" bald- Treated or pre2ented 4ith Achras' Calocarpum' Capraria' Cocos' Colocasia'
/irici$ia' /ua4uma' /ynerium' Persea' Stachytarpheta' Sterculia-
Alousia' Lippia ()
Alpiste' Phalaris ()
ALSOPH#LA RU)A ;ee- Tree ;ern ()* Tasi ()- The pith, li.e a slim& potato, is used as a sur2i2al food in the Choco-
Altamica' Chrysanthemum ()
Altamisa' Ambrosia cumanensis ()
Altasara' Phytolacca ()
A0TERAT57E' A substance used empiricall& to alter the course of a disease fa2ourabl&- Calotropis' Centella'
Erechtites' /uaiacum' Lepi$ium' Musa' Phytolacca' Portulaca' Rumex' Solanum' "hespesia' "ra%ia-
AL"ER!A!"HERA SESS#L#S R-Br- San"uinaria () - the lea2es ser2e as a famine food-
Alucema' Artemisia so$iroi ()
Alu.' Ce$rela ()
Alum' Alnus ()
Alumbre' "abebuia ()
Al2er,a' Pisum ()
Amamor' Zanthoxylum ()
Amancal' "hevetia ()
Amanca&' "hevetia ()
Amanca&o' Plumeria ()
Amansa mu,er' Prioria (,)
Amansapeon' Psoralea ()
Amapola' Lycoseris crocata ()* Malvaviscus ()* Papaver ()* "a%etes ()
Amapola amarilla' Hibiscus ()
Amapola mexicana' Ar%emone ()
Amapolilla' Malvaviscus ()
Amaranth, blood' Amaranthus ()
AMARA!"HUS spp- Amaranth ()* $i"4eed ()* Bledo (,)* Calalu () - the seeds ser2e as a "rain, and the lea2es as a
potherb - The plant finds its 4a& into home cures for 2enereal diseases-
Amar"o' Aspi$osperma ()* Centrolobium ()* Coussarea ()* Coutabea ()* Palicourea ()* Psychotria ()* Simaba ()*
Simarouba ()* 0atairea ()* (el&ia ()
Amar"on' "araxacum ()
Amar"oso' Eupatorium an%usti&olium ()
Amarillo' Aniba ()* Buci$a ()* Centrolobium ()* La&oensia ()* !ectan$ra ()* "erminalia ()
Amarillo carbonero' Oncoba ()
Amarillo fruto' La&oensia ()
Amarillo "ua&a+uil' Centrolobium ()
Amarillo ne"ro' La&oensia ()
Amarillo real' "erminalia ()
Amarillon' "erminalia ()
Amarrabollo' Meriania ()
Amarradiablo' Schnella ()
Amata' )icus ()
Ambuca' Pipta$enia ()* Poponax ()
Ame' #n%a ()
AMBE5C5E' A substance 4hich .ills ameba- Anacar$ium' Carica' Cephaelis' Chenopo$ium' Couma-
Amolao' Acrocomia ()
Amores casados' Asclepias ()
Amor seco' Acaena ()
AM-R#S ELEM#)ERA 0- Torch4ood ()* Tea ()- The 4ood is hi"hl& flammable* "ood for torches-
Anabaptista' 0ismia ()
A!ACAR.#UM E1CELSUM S.eels- %ild cashe4 ()* Caracoli ()* Espa2e ()* $inu4ala ()- The fruit is eaten b& most
fru"i2ores, includin" man- The bar. is used as a fish poison* a fa2orite 4ood for du"outs in arien and San Blas ()-
$atino notes that the fruits are consumed as a bread stuff, and the trees are used for cacao shade trees-
A!ACAR.#UM OCC#.E!"ALE 0- Cashe4 ()* Maranon ()* 6aipinu ()* Mere& () - The cashe4, an excellent food
source, is 4idel& culti2ated and naturali3ed in the sa2annahs of $anama- The s4ollen stal. of the cashe4 nut, termed
the AappleA, is more in demand amon" 0atins than the nut- The antiscorbutic AappleA ma& be eaten ra4, but the hull
is astrin"ent, and the nut must be a2oided until after it has been roasted ()- Cashe4s belon" to the poison oa. famil&,
and h&persensiti2e people mi"ht be 4ar& of the 4hole cashe4 plant- The 4ood 4as responsible for the As4i33le-
stic. epidemicA in /eor"ia in >BCD- %hen roastin" the nut, one should carefull& a2oid the smo.e, as it is 2er&
caustic- The nuts, once roasted, are 2er& nutritious, ha2in" hi"h fat, protein, and 2itamin A content- Roasted nuts in
Asia are mixed 4ith palm su"ar and coconut meat to form a s4eetmeat- 5n 5ndonesia, the nuts are fried in coconut
oil- 5n Africa, the& are boiled in soups- The AappleA ,uice ma& be fermented to form alcoholic be2era"es or 2ine"ars,
or made into ,ell&- The &oun" lea2es are eaten ra4 4ith rice in #a2a and Mala&a- Cuna 5ndians sha2e bar. from this
and Spon$ias to ma.e a tea, s4eetened to taste, for asthma, colds, and con"estion- This is follo4ed b&" the
,uice from banana stems to restore stren"th and contain 9-CE protein- The bar. of some species of Anacar$ium is
used as a fish poison, and the flesh of the fish is not rendered toxic b& the process- The ,uice exudin" from incisions
in the bar. is used as an indelible in.- An acrid oil in the hull of the fruit has ser2ed as an anesthetic- The seed oil is
belie2ed to be amebicidal and alexeritic, and is used to treat "in"i2itis, malaria, and s&philitic ulcers- The fruit is
reputedl& antiscorbutic- The ,uice of the fruit is used to treat haemopt&sis- The sap is said to be discutient,
fun"icidal, and repellent- A "ar"le of the leaf decoction is used for sore throat- /um from the bar. is said to be
obnoxious to insects- Similar uses are reported for cardol- the oil has been used to .ill mos+uito lar2ae in 0os
Santos- A tea is made from the pin.ish inner bar., effecti2e in diabetes ()- 5n Cuba, resin used in cold treatments-
Anaco' Erythrina ()
Ana,a' Maximiliana ()
ANA0/ES5C' A substance for .illin" pain- Bocconia' #n$i%o&era' Pisci$ia' "abebuia' "hevetia' Zanthoxylum-
Anamu ' Petiveria ()
A!A!AS BRAC"EA"US Schult- $ina de $la&on ()- The s4eet fruits are edible-
A!A!AS COMOSUS Merr- $ineapple ()* !si ()* $ina ()* Shi,u ()- $ineapple is culti2ated in 2arious parts of the
lo4lands of $anama, those from Tabo"a 5sland ha2in" been hi"hl& praised- arien ne"roes coo. the rind 4ith rice,
cream and su"ar to ma.e 8chicha de pina8- The rind is also an in"redient in 8ma3amoro de platano8- $ineapples
produced at Curiche in the humid Choco epartment are excellent(), althou"h pineapples are probabl& adapted
better to semiarid areas such as the $earl 5slands()- $ineapple fares best in acid, or"anic, and 4ell-aerated soils- the
,uice of the fruit is re"arded as antiscorbutic, Chola"o"ic, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmena"o"ic, refri"erant, and useful
in ,aundice- The ,uice of the lea2es is re"arded as anthelmintic, ecbolic, emmena"o"ic, and pur"ati2e- 1oun"
2e"etati2e buds are an in"redient in a medicine for respirator& ailments in Choco children- An excellent lon"-lastin"
fiber is obtained from the lea2es-
ANA$=R!5S5AC' A substance to reduce sexual desire- Co&&ea' .ie&&enbachia' !ymphaea' Peperomia-
Anatto' Bixa ()
Anbu+ue' Poponax ()
A!.#RA #!ERM#S 0- Cabba"ebar. ()* Almendro ()* Arenillo ()* Carne asado ()* Cocu ()* Con"o ()* i2idi2e ()*
$ilon ()* Fuira () - The poisonous seeds of this hone& tree are anthelmintic, febrifu"al, pur"ati2e, and 2ermifu"al-
The bar. is used as a barbasco, narcotic, pur"ati2e, and 2ermifu"e- Smo.e from the 4ood is said to be in,urious to
the e&es- The 4ood is best suited for hea2& construction-
ANEM5A' A deficienc& in red corpuscles- Musa-
An"arilla' Chloroleucon ()
An"ela' Morin%a ()
An"elina' An$ira ()* /enipa ()
An"elito' Caesalpinia ()* /enipa ()
An"el trumpet' .atura ()
An"ero' Enterolobium ()
An"olito' Zi4iphus ()
An"ucha' Be6aria ()
An"uito' Rauvol&ia ()
An"ustora del Brasil' Esenbec+ia ()
A!#BA PERU"#L#S Chacha,o ()* Comino ()- An esteemed fine-"rained timber species in Colombia, 2er& resistant to
Anil' #n$i%o&era ()
Anileto' Hamelia ()
Anime' Casearia ()* .acryo$es ()* Protium (,)* Polymnia ()* "etra%astris ()
Anime blanca' Protium ()
Anin"a' Montrichar$ia ()
Anis' Pimpinella ()
Anise' Pimpinella ()
Anisillo' He$yosmum ()* Pectis ()* Piper ()* "a%etes ()
An,era' Enterolobium ()
Annatto' Bixa ()
A!!O!A CHER#MOL#A Mill- Bichichine,o ()* Chirimo&a ()* 6sisuti ()- !nce classified as one of the three best
tropical fruits, the& ta.e from fi2e or more &ears to bear fruit-
A!!O!A /LABRA 0- $ond apple ()* Anon de puercu ()* Cora3on cimarron () - The fruits are edible, ra4 or
preser2ed- 0i"ht 4ood, especiall& of the roots, is used for cor. and floats-
A!!O!A MUR#CA"A 0- Soursop ()* /uanabana ()* Ne,o ()* Suiti () - The edible ripe fruits, a "ood source of
2itamins B and C and phosphorus, are made into ,ellies, preser2es, and a delicious be2era"e ()- Some people che4
them up and expectorate the plp in soups- The seeds are insecticidal and piscicidal- A leaf decoction is used to expel
head lice- The lea2es are made into a tea consumed b& the ne"roes of arien and $uerto !baldia- The flo4ers and
lea2es are used in the Truando sector to combat .idne& problems-
A!!O!A PURPUREA Moc- G Sesse- /uanabana torete ()* /uanacona ()- The fruits, 4ith the fla2our of pa4pa4,
are belie2ed b& some 5ndians to induce fe2er- arien Ne"roes insert lea2es in their beds to .eep spirits of the dead
from molestin" them-
A!!O!A RE"#CULA"A 0- Custard apple ()* Anon ()* Anon in,erto ()* Anon pelon ()* Cora3on () - The fruits are
edible* attract turtles and fish 4hen the& fall into s4amps- The roots are used a"ainst epileps&- The bar. is tonic and
A!!O!A S2UAMOSA 0- Su"ar apple ()* Anon () - The edible fruits are applied to contusions as a cataplasm- The
lea2es ser2e as a barbasco, as a poultice to heal ulcers and boils, and to .ill lice and extract "uinea 4orms- Crushed
lea2es, applied to a fainted person8s nostrils, are said to hasten re2i2al- !n the other hand, in Colombia, lea2es are
placed under children8s pillo4s so the& 4ill sleep better()- The seeds are insecticidal, and said to .ill lice-
AN!1NE' A substance for .illin" pain- Bocconia' Carica' Coleus' .atura' Eta$a' ,essenia' Myroxylon' Persea'
Pisci$ia' "amarin$us' Zanthoxylum-
Anon' Annona ()* Rollinia ()
Anona' Annona ()* Rollinia ()
Anon de a3ucar' Annona ()
Anoncito' Rhamnus ()
Anoncito de tierra firma' Psychotria ()
Anon domestico' Annona ()
Anonillo' .esmopsis ()* /uatteria ()* Rollinia ()
Anonillo de cerro' Annona ()
Anon pelon' Annona ()
Anon de puerco' Annona ()
A!RE.ERA BASELLO#.ES Baill- Maderia 2ine ()* Arro3 con coco ()- The lea2es are eaten as a potherb- The tubers
are edible-
Anta' Coro3o ()* $h&telephas ()
ANT=E0M5NT=5C' <illin" certain t&pes of 4orms- Achras' Allaman$a' Allium' Ananas' An$ira' Annona'
Asclepias' Carapa' Carica' Cassia' Chenopo$ium' Co&&ea' Cyperus' La5sonia' Mammea' Man%i&era' Melia'
Momor$ica' Musa' Passi&lora' Pentaclethra' Plumeria' Portulaca' Punica' Sechium' Simarouba' Spi%elia' 0ernonia3
A!"HEM#S !OB#L#S 0- Man3anilla de Castilla ()
A!"HUR#UM ACU"A!/ULUM En"l- A tea of the plant is used b& the Choco for 4hoopin" cou"h-
A!"HUR#UM R#/#.ULUM Schott- Maicillo ()- The purple fruits are said to be edible-
ANT5B505!6S' A substance used to treat disorders of the "all bladder- Ananas' Annona' Caesalpinia' Cecropia'
Cicer' .esmo$ium' Eclipta' Euphorbia' #mperata' Momor$ica' Musa' Polypo$ium' Solanum' "erminalia' Urera'
ANT5C1ST5T5S' Clitoria' Hymenaea3
ANT55ARR=ET5C' A substance for counteractin" diarrhea- Acacia' A$enathera' Anacar$ium' Annona' Avicennia'
Bi$ens' Bro5nea' Bursera' Byrsonima' Capraria' Carapa' Casuarina' Celosia' Chrysobalanus' Coccoloba' Cocos'
Co&&ea' Crescentia' Cupania' .repanocarpus' Elephantopus' Emilia' Erechtites' Euphorbia' )aramea'
Haematoxylum' Hernan$ia' Hymenaea' Hyptis' #pomoea' ,acobinia' La%uncularia' Man%i&era' Melia' Mucuna'
Musa' !ectan$ra' Pisci$ia' Pistia' Pitcairnea' Psi$ium' Psoralea' 2uassia' Ran$ia' Scoparia' Si$a' Simarouba'
Spatho$ea' Spon$ias' Stachytarpheta' "erminalia' "ourne&orita' "rium&etta' "rophis' (altheria' (i%an$ia' 1imenia'
ANT5!TA0' A substance used to counteract a noxious substance- Clitoria' Co&&ea' Colocasia' /ustavia' Maranta'
Musa' Saccharum3
ANT51SMEN!RR=E5C' A substance used to relie2e painful menstruation- Chrysobalanus' Cissampelos'
.ie&&enbachia' Man%i&era' Morin$a' Musa' Ocimum' Persea' "urnera3
ANT5ECB!05C' A substance to counteract an abortifacient- Cissampelos-
ANT5EMET5C' A substance to pre2ent 2omitin"- Cocos' 1imenia3
ANT5E$50E$T5C' A substance to pre2ent or alle2iate con2ulsi2e sei3ures- Achras' An$ira' Annona' Bixa'
Caesalpinia' Calocarpum' Ce$rela' Cestrum' Coleus' Cor$ia' Echino$orus' Eu%enia' #n$i%o&era' Par+insonia'
Pothomorphe' Sapin$us3
A!"#/O!O! LEP"OPUS =oo.- G Arn- Coral 2ine ()* Bellisimia ()* Cadena de Amor ()* Colacion ()* Coralillo ()*
Coralito ()* Enredadera () - The tubers are said to be edible 4hen coo.ed-
ANT5=EM!RR=A/5C' A substance used to pre2ent excessi2e bleedin"- Bro5nea' Caesalpinia' Ca6anus'
Cecropia' Chrysophyllum' Cissampelos' Citrus' Coccoloba' Cocos' Commelina' Cyathula' .en$ropo%on' Enta$a'
E7uisetum' Eryn%ium' /ossypium' /uarea' /ua4uma' Man%i&era' Melochia' Momor$ica' Mucuna' Musa'
Pithecellobium' Psi$ium' Psychotria' Punica' Rhi4ophora' Scoparia' Sechium' Solanum' S5ietenia' "amarin$us'
"erminalia' "urnera' Urera' 0ernonia' (altheria3
ANT5=E$AT5T5C' A substance for the diseases of the li2er- Achras' Ananas' Annona' Bursera' Carapa' Cassia'
Cecropia' Ceratonia' Citrus' Cochiospermum' .esmo$ium' Eleusine' E7uisetum' Escobe$ia' /ua4uma' Hymenaea'
,atropha' Lepi$ium' !asturtium' Ophio%lossum' Paullinia' Pothomorphe' Pseu$elephantopus' Psi$ium' 2uassia'
Rhee$ia' "amarin$us-
ANT5NE$=R5T5T5C' A substance used to ameliorate infection of the .idne&- Abrus' Cassia' Citrus' Cucurbita'
Cyperus' E7uisetum' /uaiacum' /ua4uma' Morin%a' Paullinia' Poeppi%ia' Renealmia' Rheum' Solanum' "abebuia3
ANT5NE6RA0/5C' A substance used to alle2iate the pain associated 4ith irritated ner2es- Allium' Morin%a-
ANT5$ER!5C' A substance used to counteract malaria or periodic fe2er - Caesalpinia' Cassia' Co&&ea' Lucuma3
ANT5R=E6MAT5C' A substance used to alle2iate rheumatism (pain, s4ellin", and deformit& of the ,oints)- Abrus'
A$enanthera' Allium' Aniba' Annona' Apeiba' Aristolochia' Bramia' Bursera' Cannabis' Carapa' Car$iospermum'
Cassia' Chiococca' Chlorophora' Cissus' Clematis' Clusia' Cocos' Coix' Croton' .en$ropo%on' .ie&&enbachia'
.ioscorea' Echites' Eupatorium' /uaiacum' Hamelia' Hura' Hymenaea' Hyptis' #pomoea' Lantana' Melia'
Mi+ania' Morin%a' Myroxylon' Ocimum' Parmentiera' Plumba%o' Porophyllum' Pothomorphe' Psychotria' Ricinus'
Salvia' Siparuna' Steculia' "amarin$us' "richilia' Urera' (i%an$ia' 1imenia3
ANT5SC!RB6T5C' A substance used to pre2ent scur2&- Allium' Anacar$ium' Ananas' Batis' Bramia' Celosia'
Citrus' Hymenaea' Lycopersicon' Man%i&era' Morin%a' Musa' !asturtium' Oxalis' Portulaca' Pothomorphe'
Psi$ium' Sesuvium' "amarin$us3
ANT5SE$T5C' A substance used to .ill "erms- Allium' Anacar$ium' Cocos' )aramea' Piper' Spon$ias' "amarin$us'
ANT5S$ASM!5C' A substance used to alle2iate sustained, often painful, contractions of the muscles-
Abelmoschus' A$ansonia' Annona' Aristolochia' Bocconia' Boerhaavia' Bursera' Calotropis' Cannabis' Capparis'
Cassia' Ceiba' Cestrum' Chenopo$ium' Clavi6a' Croton' .atura' .ipteryx' Echino$orus' Eclipta' #n$i%o&era'
,usticia' La5sonia' Melia' Morin%a' Muntin%ia' Pan$anus' Passi&lora' Peperomia' Petiveria' Spon$ias' S5ietenia'
"ourne&ortia' 0ernonia3
ANT5S$0EN5T5C' A substance used to alle2iate inflammation of the spleen- Carapa' Carica' Cissampelos' Lu&&a-
ANT5TETAN5C' A substance used to counteract or alle2iate the condition tetanus (tonic spasm of 2oluntar&
muscles)- Carapa' Enalla%ma' S5ietenia3
ANT57ENEREA0' A substance used to counteract 2enereal diseases- Amaranthus' Anacar$ium' Aristolochia'
Arrabi$aea' Bauninia' Bocconia' Bursera' Calotropis' Capparis' Capraria' Casearia' Cassia' Cecropia'
Chamissoa' Chiococca' Cissus' Clematis' Commelina' Conocarpus' Copai&era' Corchorus' Costus' Crescentia'
.repanocarpus' Eichhornia' Elaeis' Enta$a' E7uisetum' /enipa' /eonoma' /ouania' /uaiacum' Hippomane'
#pomoea' #sotoma' ,acaran$a' ,atropha' Lu&&a' Man%i&era' Mi+ania' Musa' Myroxylon' Parsonia' Petiveria' Piper'
Pisci$ia' Pistia' Plumeria' Polypo$ium' Pothomorphe' Prioria' Protium' Pseu$elephantopus' Ricinus' Sabicea'
Scoparia' Ser6ania' Smilax' Solanum' Spon$ias' "a%etes' "ephrosia' "etracera' "hespesia' "ourne&ortia' "richilia'
"urnera' (altheria' 1imenia3
Anum' Spon$ias ()
Apamate' "abebuia ()
Apa3ote' Chenopo$ium ()
APE#BA "#BOURBOU Abul- Mon.e& comb ()* Burio ()* Cadillo ()* Corte3o ()* Eri3o ()* ;ruta de pio,o ()* /uacimo
()* Ma,a"ua ()* Mal"ano ()* $einecillo ()* $eine de mico (,)- The fruits, 4ith their numerous oilHrich seeds, are a
fa2orite 4ith fru"i2ores, and mi"ht ser2e as a famine food for man- The bar. contains a rou"h fiber used for rope"- The plant is re"arded as a rheumatism cure- 5t is said to be used for" rafts in Colombia, and has been
used for tinder in primiti2e"-
A$ER5ENT' A mild laxati2e- Ar%emone' Clitoria' Hibiscus' Sesamum' Sesbania' "amarin$us-
Ap"i' Paullinia ()
A$=R!5S5AC' A substance 4hich stimulates sexual desire- Abrus' Ae%iphila' Allium' Anacar$ium' Aristolochia'
Avicennia' Bambusa' Bixa' Byrsonima' Cannabis' Capsicum' Ceiba' Celosia' Centella' Cocos' .aucus' .esmo$ium'
.ie&&enbachia' .repanocarpus' Elaeis' Eryn%ium' /ossypium' Hibiscus' Hyptis' Lepi$ium' Lippia' Momor$ica'
Morin%a' Mucuna' Musa' Myristica' Ocimum' Pan$anus' Passi&lora' Persea' Petiveria' Peperomia' Rhynchosia'
Seasmum' "urnera' "ypha-
A$=T=!S5S' =oof and mouth disease- Bi$ens' Byrsonima' Citrus' Euphorbia' La%erstroemia' Spon$ias'
Apio' Apium ()
Apior' .ie&&enbachia ()
Apompo' Pachira ()
A$!$0E@1' A loss of consciousness, sensation, and 2oluntar& motion as a result of obstruction of arterial flo4 to
the brain- Treated 4ith "amarin$us-
Aporromia' Musa ()
Apotocaum' .i&&enbachia ()
A$$EN5C5T5S' 5nflammation of the appendix- Erythrina-
A+ui' Bli%hia ()
Arabian #asmine' ,asminum ()
ARACH#S H-PO/AEA 0- $eanut ()* Cacahuate ()* Mani () - The seeds are edible, ra4 or roasted* seedlin"s are also
edible- ;e4, if an&, peanuts are culti2ated alon" Route >I- The& are culti2ated on the A3uero $eninsula and around
6n"uia for food and oil production-
Aramillo' Lysiloma ()
Arana' Hibiscus 89: .alechampia ()* Epi$en$rum ()* Maxillaria ()-
Arana-"ato' Solanum ()* Zanthoxylum ()
Arara' Capparis ()
Arbol de amor' /lirici$ia ()
Arbol de balsamo' Myroxylon ()
Arbol de la Cru3' Bro5nea ()
Arbol de la Bru,as' Parmentiera ()
Arbol de diablo' Morisonia ()
Arbol de fue"o' .elonix ()
Arbol de llu2ia' Samanea ()
Arboloco' Montanoa ()* Polymnia ()
Arboloco bo"otano' Polymnia pyrami$alis ()
Arboloco de Bo"ota' Montanoa ()
Arboloco hueco' Polymnia pyrami$alis ()
Arbol de pan' Artocarpus ()
Arbol de paraiso' Melia ()
Arbol de las perlas' Morin%a ()
Arbol de sal' Avicennia ()
Arbol Santo' ,atropha ()
Arbol de seda' Calotropis ()
Arbol de 2ia,ero' Ravenala ()
Arbolito' Phyllanthus ()
Arcabuco' Cupania ()
Archucha' Cyclanthera ()
Arco' "abebuia ()
AR.#S#A sp- ;ruta pa2a ()* 5s.armas ()* Mar"arita ()* Tucuico ()* 62ito ()- The fruits, 4ith a "rape-li.e fla2or, are
often "athered and eaten b& 4oodsmen ()- Ba&ano Cuna use the plant medicinall& and the berries to stain their
bodies ()-
Arebalo' Cupania ()
Aren"-.ra' Clusia ()
Arenillero' Hura ()
Arenillo' An$ira ()* Catostemma ()* .iptero$en$ron ()* Hura ()* Leonia ()* "ernstroemia ()* (einmannia ()
Arepito' Ampelocera ()
Arepo' Piscicia ()
Ar"elina' Solanum ()
AR/EMO!E ME1#CA!A 0- $ric.l& popp& ()* Cardosanto ()- The narcotic 4eeda are demulcent, emetic,
expectorant, laxati2e, and are used for cancer, itch, and scabies, and applied externall& for headache- The seed-oil is
used for illumination and"-
Ar"entina' Cyno$on ()
Ar"uaco' Pera ()
AR#S"OLOCH#A ARBORESCE!S 0- utchman8s pipe ()* Sna.eroot ()* ;lor de culebra ()* Mato ()- This is a fa2orite
sna.ebite medicine in arien- the lea2es andJor roots are abortifacient* emmena"o"ic, febrifu"al, sudorific, and are
used for chills, colds, d&senter&, and 2enereal disease-
AR#S"OLOCH#A MA1#MA 0- Cua,ilote ()- The fruits are edible-
Arito' Phyllanthus ()
Ari3a' Bro5nea ()* Maytenus ()
Arman"a' Baccharis $ecussata ()
Arnica' Miconia ()* Senecio formosus ()* "araxacum ()
Arnica ceni3a' Senecio niveo;aureus ()
Arnica de monte' "rixis ra$ialis ()
Aroma-ieron' Acacia ()
Aromo' Acacia ()* Callian$ra ()* Prosopis ()
Aromo real' Poponax ()
Arponcito' Bi$ens ()
ARRAB#.AEA CH#CA 7erlot- Bi,a ()- The 2ine &ields a pin. d&e popular 4ith the island Cuna-
Arracacha' Arracacia ()
Arracache' 0ochysia ()
Arracacho' Montrichar$ia ()
Arracachuelo' Rumex ()* Spananthe ()* Ranunculus ()
ARRACAC#A 1A!"HORRH#ZA Bancroft- Arracacha ()* Sacarracacha ()- The rhi3omes are eaten in ste4s and soups*
also boiled or fried, used to ma.e chichas- The petioles are boiled to ma.e a medicine for a microbe bet4een the
Arracheche' Mouriri ()
Arraclan' Rhamnus ()
Arrapau' "riplaris ()
Arra&an' Eu%enia ()* Malpi%hia ()* Myrcia ()* Myrica ()* Myrtus ()* Psi$ium ()* Satyria ()* 0accinium ()*
(einmannia ()
Arra&ancito' Malpi%hia ()* Myrcia ()
Arrecachillo' Myrrhi$en$ron ()
Arrocillo' Echinochloa ()* Ory4a ()
Arro4head' Sa%ittaria ()
ARR!% $!5S!N' A substance used to poison arro4s- Calotropsis' .ioscorea' .iospyros' .repanocarpus'
Euphorbia' Hippomane' Hura' Lonchocarpus' Mucuna' Paullinia' Pe$ilanthus' Pentaclethra' Perebea' Petiveria'
Pisci$ia' Strychnos-
Arro4root' Maranta ()
Arro3' Ory4a ()
Arro3 con coco' Anre$era ()
Artemisia' Ambrosia ()
AR"EM#S#A SO.#RO# =ieron- Alucema ()
Artera' Cassia ()
ART=R5T5S' 5nflammation of the articulatin" surfaces of the ,oints- Treated 4ith Achras' Bramia' Chiococca'
.ioscorea' #pomoea' Ory4a' Poly%onum' "richilia-
AR"OCARPUS AL"#L#S ;osber"- Breadfruit ()* Breadnut ()* Arbol de pan ()* ;ruta de pan ()* Madupura ()* $an de
$epita ()* $antriba () - Breadfruits, the main car"o of the =-M-S- Bount&, are still culti2ated in $anama- The seeded
2arieties are capable of natural re"eneration ()- Breadfruits of "ood +ualit& rarel& produce seeds and the fruits are
eaten, pic.ed before the& are ripe, 4hile the pulp is still 4hite and meal&- The& are ba.ed, boiled or sliced and
Afrench-friedA- !ccasionall& the& ma& be eaten ra4- ;or stora"e, it is best to ba.e or roast, then slice and sun-dr&- 5n
some $acific 5slands, the& are fermented to form a malodorous paste ba.ed into Seeds of the seeded 2arieties
are boiled or roasted li.e chestnuts b& the arien Ne"roes ()- A fiber can be obtained from the bar. and th"e latex is
used for" boats- The lea2es ma& be fed to li2estoc.-
AR"OCARPUS #!"E/R#)OL#A 0- #ac.fruit ()* #aca () - The ,ac.fruit or ,aca has do3ens of sectors, each 4ith one
seed, surrounded b& a &ello4, pulp& mass 4ith a stron" odor- The pulp is eaten ra4 or coo.ed* or ma& be fermented
to &ield an alcoholic be2era"e 4ith a stron" odor and peculiar fla2or- The seeds are usuall& more palatable to the than the fruits and 4hen roasted ha2e the fla2or of chestnuts- Seeds are often "round into flour, each fruit
&ieldin" more than a pound of flour- 6nripe fruits ma& be cut up and coo.ed in ste4s and soups- ;lo4erin" shoots
and 2er& &oun" fruits of the ,ac.fruit are also eaten in salads and spic& ste4s- 1oun" flo4er clusters are eaten 4ith
s&rup and a"ar-a"ar in ,a2a- A mil.& ,uice especiall& pre2alent in the fruits, ma& be used as birdlime to ensnare
birds- The ,uice also is used as a cement- 5n the $hilippines, slices of the ripe fruit are placed in beds to discoura"e
Aruna"atro' Pisonia ()
Ar2e,as' Pisum ()
Ar2ellano' /arcia ()
Asca' Styrax ()
Ascae' .esmo$ium ()
ASCLEP#AS CURASSA0#CA 0- Bencenuco ()* Malcasada ()* Mil.4eed ()* Nino muerto ()* $asorin ()* Fuiebrae,o ()*
7iborana ()* 1u+uillo () - 5n =onduras, the mil.& sap is used as a 2ermifu"e* dried latex is said to induce snee3in"- 5n
$anama, it is reported to be a lepros& cure and a 2ermifu"e- The inflorescence is used as a hemostatic and to cure
Asnaludo' "hibau$ia ()
ASP#L#A "E!ELLA Bla.e- $apun"a falsa* /uas+uilla ()
Assa' Euterpe ()
AS"ER LAE0#S 0- =ortensis ()
AS"ER MAR/#!A"US =-B-<- Cerra,ita cimarnona, Ta2era ()
AS"ER S#!E!S#S 0- Montene"ro ()
AST=MA' Condition of the respirator& s&stem associated 4ith continuous difficult& in breathin"- Treated 4ith
Ae%iphila' Allium' Aloe' Bixa' Boerhaavia' Brosimum' Calotropis' Carica' Cassia' Cecropia' Chenopo$ium'
Cissampelos' Coccoloba' Cocos' Co&&ea' Coleus' Cornutia' Curatella' .atura' .rymaria' Eclipta' Erythrina'
Euphorbia' Hymenaea' #sotoma' Lantana' Lecythis' Lippia' Lu&&a' Man%i&era' Manicaria' Morin%a' Mucuna' Musa'
Myroxylon' Petiveria' Plumba%o' Rhi4ophora' Sapin$us' Solanum' Sterculia' "amarin$us' "erminalia-
Astillo' Ce$rela ()
ASTR5N/ENT' A mildl& bindin" substance- Acacia' Anacar$ium' Annona' Bixa' Crescentia' Hesperomeles'
Man%i&era' Musa' Myrcia' Portulaca' Psi$ium' Punica' Sapin$us' "erminalia' Zea3
AS"ROCAR-UM S"A!.LE-A!UM Baile&- Blac. palm ()* Chonta ()* Chun"a ()* /uerre"ue ()* $e,iba&e () - The
fruits, cabba"es, and seedlin"s are edible ()- The spines are flammable, e2en in 4et 4eather ()- The hard 4ood is
used for" bo4s, arro4s, canes, etc- A "ood fiber is obtained from the lea2es-
Astromelia' La%erstroemia ()
AS"RO!#UM /RA0EOLE!S #ac+- Con3alo al2es ()* Ronron ()* Tibi"aro ()* 1amato ()* iomate ()* /usanera ()*
$otrico ()* Fuebracha ()* Korro () - The lumber is exported to the 6nited States for pl&4ood* it polishes and 4or.s
4ell, and is 4eather and moisture resistant-
Astrominica' La%erstroemia ()
Asue' Persea ()
As4e' Persea ()
Atadero' Carlu$ovica ()
Ata,a sanh"re' Be$sleria ()
Atana' #n%a ()
Ate' Protium ()
A""ALEA AM-/.AL#!A =-B-<- Almendron ()* Milpesos ()* Taparo ()- The oil& seeds are edible- 1oun" fruits &ield
a pipa-li.e be2era"e ()-
A""ALEA COHU!E Mart- Cohune palm ()- The cabba"e is edible* the fruits are made into s4eetmeats, also used for
li2estoc. fodder- Seed oil is used for", illumination, and"- Sap is used for"- The
lea2es are used for thatch-
Atusara' Phytolacca ()
Auoso' Capparis ()
Auree' Campnosperma ()
Auso' Capparis ()
Australian pine' Casuarina ()
Au&ama' Cucurbita ()
A2ellana' Eupatorium ()* Carica ()
A2elluelo' 0ochysia ()
A2ena' Avena ()
A0E!A SA"#0A 0- !ats ()* A2ena ()- The oats ma.e an excellent cereal, rarel&, if e2er, culti2ated in lo4land
A0ERRHOA B#L#MB# 0- Bilimbi ()* /rosella carambola () - ;ruits are edible ()- ;lo4ers are made into preser2es*
fruit ,uice remo2es stains from linens-
A0ERRHOA CARAMBOLA 0- Carambola (,)* /rosella caranbola ()* Tiri"uro () - !ccasionall& culti2ated in lo4land
$anama, the acid fruits are edible and are used for ,ellies and drin.s- The tart ,uice is used to remo2e rust and tarnish
from metals-
A0#CE!!#A /ERM#!A!S 0- Blac. man"ro2e ()* Aili ()* Calumate ()* Man"le salado or ne"ro ()* $alo de sal ()- the
seeds are toxic until "erminatin", then the& are edible coo.ed- The lea2es are coated 4ith salt- The bar. is used for
tannin"- The flo4ers are much 2isited b& bees- /um from the trun. is used for throat infections- Smo.e from the
4ood is said to be an effecti2e mos+uito smud"e- Ashes are added to 4ater for 4ashin" clothes- The tree is used for
charcoal, fuel, construction, and tannin"-
A2ichuri' Brosimum ()* Couma ()
A2icur' Couma ()
A2in"e' An$ira ()* /eo&&roya ()
A2in,e' Chlorophora ()
A2ispilla de canastilla' Hibiscus ()
A2ispo' Eurya ()
A2ispon' Hibiscus ()
A2ocado' Persea ()
A&ahuasca' Banisteriopsis ()
A&ote' Cucurbita ()
A&uelo' .o$onaea ()* Erythroxylum ()
A3abuche' Pithecellobium ()
A3afran' Bocconia ()* Crocus ()* Curcuma ()
A3aharcillo' Hillia ()
A3ari' Cornutia ()
A3ota-caballo' Luehea ()* Phytolacca ()* Pithecellobium (,)* 1ylopia ()
A3ota-cabe3a' Philo$en$ron ()* Syn%onium ()
A3ote' Hampea ()
A3ucarerito' Paullinia ()
A3ucarero' Miconia ()
A3ucena' Cattleya ()* Lilium (,)* $lumeria ()* "hevetia ()
A3uceno' Elaea%ia ()* Plumeria ()* Saurauia ()* "hevetia ()
A3ufaifa' Zi4iphus ()
A3ufre' Curatella ()* Roupala ()
A3ul' ,acobinia ()
A3ule,o' Centaurea ()
A3ulina' Petraea ()* Plumba%o ()
A3ulito' Petraea ()
A3ullillo' Hamelia ()
A3ul de mata' ,acobinia ()* ,usticia ()
Baba' /lirici$ia ()
Babaco' Carica ()
Bacaba' Oenocarpus ()
Bacao' "heobroma ()
BACCHAR#S spp- Chilca ()* Chilco ()* Ciro ()
Bachelor8s button' /omphrena ()
Baco' /ustavia ()
BACTER5C5E' A substance used to .ill bacteria- Allium' /enipa' !eurolaena-
BAC"R#S M#!OR #ac+- Blac. $alm ()* Cana bra2a ()* 0ata ()* 0ata hembra ()* 0ata de pla&on ()* 62ero de lata ()-
The pulp of the fruit is edible (fruits of Bactris species are edible)- The lea2es furnish fora"e durin" the dr& season-
BAC"R#S sp- Blac. palm ()* Mon"ololo ()- The &oun" fruit is edible, 4ith the fla2or of coconut- At maturit& it is
nearl& as hard as the i2or& palm ()-
Badea' Ma%nolia ()* Passi&lora ()
Badu' 1anthosoma ()
Ba"ala' Renealmia ()
Ba"amani' "apirira ()
Ba"ari' Pipta$enia ()
Ba"ata' .ussia ()
Ba"re' A$elia ()* "richilia ()
Ba"uar' Hamelia (,)
Baho' Platymiscium ()
Bailador' /uarea ()
Ba,a"ua' Cassia ()
Bala' /lirici$ia ()* Spon$ias ()
Bala de canon' Couroupita ()
Balata' Manil+ara (,)
Balaustre' Centrolobium ()
Bala3o' Monstera ()
Ballico' Lolium ()
Balloon 2ine' Car$iospermum ()
Ballotica' Callian$ra ()
Balsa' Bombax ()* Heliocarpus ()* Ochroma ()
Balsa blanca' Hampea ()
Balsam Capi2i' Copai&era ()* Myroxylon ()
Balsam copaiba' Copai&era ()
Balsaminito, Balsamito' Momor$ica ()* Myrospermum ()
Balsamo' Momor$ica ()* Myroxylon ()
Balsamo de Mala"alpa' Myroxylon ()
Balsamo de Maracaibo' Copai&era ()
Balsa Montanero' "rema ()
Balsam $ear' Momor$ica ()
Balsam of $eru' Myroxylon ()
Balsillo' Croton ()
Balso' Apeiba ()* Heliocarpus ()
Baltran' Phra%motheca ()
Balu' Erythrina ()
Bambali' Scabiosa ()
Bambito' !ectan$ra ()* Ocotea ()
Bambito colorado' Ocotea ()
Bamboo' Bambusa ()* /ua$ua ()
Bamboo palm' Oenocarpus ()
Bambu' Bambusa ()* /ua$ua ()
Bambudo' Pterocarpus ()* Pachira ()
BAMBUSA ARU!.#!ACEA %illd- Bamboo ()* Bambu ()* Cho"ro ()* Nala ()- 5n 0atin America, bamboos are used
mostl& for construction, not for the culinar& role that the& pla& in the !rient- 7arious bamboos are culti2ated, but
mostl& for ornamental and construction- Most bamboo species produce shoots, or AspearsA, 4hich are edible-
Bitterness is remo2ed b& chan"in" the 4ater se2eral times durin""- Tou"hness can be ameliorated b& cuttin"
the shoots into thin slices- Shoots about >C inches tall and L inches in diameter are at a "ood sta"e for", but
$anamanian Chinese prefer them before the& ha2e emer"ed from the soil ()- 0eaf sheaths should be peeled a4a&, as
should be parts of the shoot that 4ere in contact 4ith the "round, especiall& if the& ha2e turned "ra&- The thin core
should be cut into small dis.s, at least ei"ht to the inch, and boiled for at least M? minutes, chan"in" the 4ater- The&
are read& for eatin" then, but can be much impro2ed b& fr&in" in coconut oil or butter- 5n times of scarcit&, bamboo
"rain has sa2ed the li2es of thousands of Asian 5ndians, and the "rains ha2e sold at hi"her prices than rice- 4hen
other "rains are plentiful, those of bamboo are rarel& eaten- 5t is said to be a some4hat unsafe food, bein" apt to
produce diarrhea and d&senter&- Crops of "rain in some species are produced onl& at inter2als of about L? &ears-
Seeds of Bambusa arun$inaceae usuall& appear 4hen drou"ht occurs, at least in 5ndia- ;luids in bamboos are often
accumulated in the ,oints, especiall& in the hollo4 .inds- %ater in these culms is potable- 1oun", 2i"orousl&
"ro4in" stal.s ma& ha2e a considerable amount of li+uid in each hollo4 internode, 4hich can be located b&"
the stal. and listenin" for splashin"- Some of the arien species ha2e 4ater 4ith much the fla2or of a pipa ()- !ld,
dr&, and crac.ed stems also tend to accumulate potable rain4ater- 5n 5ndia, pieces of hollo4 bamboo L to : feet lon",
4ith the partition perforated so as to form lon" pails, are carried b& hill 4atermen, suspended o2er the bac. b& a
bamboo strin" that passes o2er the forehead- The 4ater sta&s cool for a number of da&s- !ne entire section about a
foot lon" is cut out, and a small hhole is bored in one of the ,oint partitions 4ith the machete point to ma.e an
effecti2e canteen- then sand and 4ater are put in the hole and sha.en around to clean out the interior- A plu" is
fashioned from some soft4ood tree- the flan"e on the bamboo stem forms a handle to 4hich a line is tied to fashion
a strap ()- Rice and 4ater are placed inside and co2ered- The primiti2e 4aterproof pot is placed on the fire until the
rice is done- A simple ladle is made b& cutrtin" one end of a ,oint do4n to a handle lea2in" a fe4 inches of the
bottom as a ladle- %ith the ladle the rice is ser2ed, and the meat course ma& be cut up 4ith bamboo .no2es- Mil.
pails and churns are also made of bamboo in 5ndia- 4ithout too much ima"ination, one can fashion an&thin" from a
barbecue "rill to a" pipe from bamboo- Bamboos are not onl& used for fishin" poles* the fishermen of
Ben"al ha2e one of t"he most curious fish-hoo.s in the 4orld- 5t consists of a short sli2er of 4ell-seasoned bamboo
cane, Lx>JD inch- the strin" is attacdhed near the middle of the sli2er, 4hich is then bent into a 6-shape- A "reen
"rasshopper8s head is pluc.ed off and the t4o ends of the 6 are insesrted in the open end of the bod&- The upper end
of the strin" is attached to a piece of bamboo about a foot lon", 4hich is left floatin" in the 4ater- %hen the fish cuts
the bait, the bamboo sli2er is extended in its mouth, the ends bein" cau"ht in its "ills- 0ar"e fish are often cau"ht this
4a&, the pain more or less inacti2atin" the fish- boats are sometimes caul.ed 4ith sha2in"s of bamboo mixed 4ith
lime and tun" oil- The common and characteristic harpoon of Ben"al consists of a piece of .en$rocalamus strictus
about : feet lon", split apicall& into ei"ht or ten lon" pieces, about as thic. as the little fin"er- These are smooth and
rounded up to 4ithin a foot of the top, 4here the bamboo is firml&bound to .eep it from further splittin" and metal
points are inserted- The fisherman rattles this a"ainst the side of the boat to alarm the fish from their hidin" places in
the 4eeds- The harpoon is then hurled, the pron"s openin" out on hittin" the 4ater and "reatl& enhancin" the
fisherman8s chance b& expandin" the area of co2era"e 4ith the metal points- $ointed bamboo ha2e been used
to spear lobsters- ;ish traps are also made of bamboo sli2ers- Split bamboo, heated in a fire to harden the 4ood, 4ill
ta.e an ed"e- Some people sha2e 4ith bamboo .ni2es- Bamboo .ni2es are superior to .ni2es for remo2in"
leeches, since the& scrape rather than cut them off- Na"as and other hill tribes in 5ndia use the hardened outer
portions of spin& bamboos as .ni2es and spears- #un"les and forests about 2illa"es are often co2ered for miles 4ith
these formidable 4eapons- Short, sharp bamboo .ni2es called pan%is are 2buried alon" the footpath so as to "o ri"ht
throu"h the foot of the un4ar& tra2eler approachin" the 2illa"e- The foot is b& accident placed bet4een these, and
bein" cut b& the one in front, is rapidl& 4ithdra4n, onl& to ha2e the other t4o 2iolentl& dri2en in from behind-
Sometimes thousands of these surround a 2illa"e- $its are also du" and lined 4ith spears so that the un4ar& animal
or tra2eler falls to a certain death- Cuna 5ndians are reported to line animal snares 4ith bamboo sli2ers ()-
Emer"enc& foot4ear has been de2ised from beaten and flattened bamboo stal.s- The AMala&an /ateA consists of a
cut saplin" about L inches in diameter sprun" hori3ontall& bet4een t4o trees 4ith one end pro,ectin" a fe4 feet- The
end is armed 4ith bamboo spears and tri""ered so that someone trippin" on a strin" 4ill release the saplin" and be
impaled 4ith bamboo- !n festi2e occasions, Mala&s put "reen bamboo in speciall& prepared fired- The air enclosed
in the ,oint "ets heated and the ,oints burst 4ith a hea2& report, li.e a small pistol- To remo2e 4orms from ulcers,
some people place a poultice, made b& poundin" the lea2es of Bambusa arun$inacea on the ulcer, after first pourin"
the ,uice on the 2ermin- 5n the interior of the hollo4 stems of some bamboos, e-"-, Bambusa arun$inacea, is found a
siliceous and cr&stalline substance .no4n in 5ndia as tabashir- "abashir is considered aphrodisiac, demulcent,
emmena"o"ic, expectorant, febrifu"al, and pectoral- 5t is used to combat flatulence and ,aundice- leafe sheaths ha2e
been used as splints, and bamboo ,oints ha2e ser2ed as pe" le"s, the stumps of the le" bein" merel& inserted at the
open end of the culm- Toothbrushes are fashioned b& che4in" at the ends of a sli2er until the& are soft and the fibers
separated- Bamboo has been fashioned into needles b& some people 4ho used threads stripped from fibrous bar. or
coconut lea2es-
Bana.' 0irola ()
Banana' Musa ()
Banco' .en$ropanax ()* /yrocarpus ()
Bandera espanola' Canna ()
Bandera de uribe' Canna ()
Banderita' Mas$avallia ()
Ban&an' )icus ()
Bao' Campomanesia ()* Platymiscium ()
Baobob' A$ansonia ()
Ba+uero' Croton 89
Bara' Spon$ias ()
Barabo,a' "ithonia ()
Bara,o, Bara,a, Bara,illo' Cassia ()
Baranca' .u%an$ia ()
Barano' Caesalpinia ()* Sene%alia ()
Barbabisco' Erythrina ()
Barba chele' 0ochysia ()
Barbadina' Passi&lora ()
Barbados aloe' Aloe ()
Barbados "ooseberr&' Peres+ia ()
Barbados pride' Caesalpinia ()
Barba "allo' (ars4e5ic4ia ()
Barba de ,olote' Pithecellobium ()
Barbancito' Phyllanthus ()
Barba de palo' /rimmia ()
Barba de re&' /ynan$ropsis ()
Barbarito' "rophis ()
Barbascillo' .aphne ()
Barbasco' Bi$ens ()* Cliba$ium sylvestre ()* #chthyothere scan$ens ()* ,ac7uinia ()* Paullinia (,)* Phyllanthus ()*
i$ol&"onum ()* Rumex ()* Ser6ania ()* Salmea ()
Barbasco de a"ua' Lonchocarpus ()
Barbasco de fruto' Muelleria ()
Barbasco montero' Croton ()
Barbasco de pua' ,ac7uinia ()* Zanthoxylum ()
Barbas de 2ie,o' "illan$sia ()
Barbas de mono' "riplaris ()
Barbas de "uasco' Acalypha ()
Barba de 2ie,o' Clematis ()* "illan$sia ()
Barbatuco' Erythrina ()
Barbon' Caesalpinia ()
Barbudo' Piptocarpha ()
Barcino' Calophyllum ()
Barenillo' Croton ()
Barillo' Symphonia ()
Baripo3o' Sesbania ()
BAR< C0!T=' $rimiti2e clothin" made from the inner bar. of plants- Brosimum' Castilla' Cecropia' )icus'
Hibiscus' Muntin%ia' Poulsenia' Pseu$olme$ia-
Barle&' Hor$eum ()
Barni3 de $asto' Elae%ia ()
Barn&ard "rass' Echinochioa ()
Barrabas' Euphorbia ()
Barredera' "essaria ()
Barri"on' Pseu$obombax ()
Barsalito' Baccharis ()
BASELLA RUBRA 0- Ce&lon spinach ()* Bretana ()- This excellent potherb is rarel& culti2ated in $anama-
Bashful plant' Mimosa ()
Basil' Ocimum ()
Bas+uin' Senecio %uicanensis ()
Bastard caci+ue' Prunus ()
Bastard cedar' /ua4uma ()
Bastard maho"an&' Carapa ()
Bataba' ,essenia ()
Batatilla' Cucurma ()* #pomoea ()* Rivea ()
Batatilla amarilla' #pomoea ()
Batatilla macho' ,ac7uemontia ()
Bateita' Pithecoctenium ()
Bateo' Carapa ()
BA"#S MAR#"#MA 0- Salt4ort ()* Barilla ()- The lea2es ser2e as a presalted salad, potherb, or pic.le-
Baura' Pisci$ia ()
Ba&eto antio+uena' Albi4ia ()
Ba&ra' #chthyothera terminales ()
Beach carpet' Philoxerus ()
Bea.-sed"e' Rhynchospora ()
Bean' Phaseolus ()
Beard"rass' An$ropo%on ()
Becerra' Antirrhinum ()
Beefstea.' Heliconia ()
Beef4ood' Casuarina ()
Beet' Beta ()
Be""arlice' .esmosium ()
Be""artic.' Bi$ens ()
Be"o' Persea ()
BE#LSCHM#E.#A A!A- <osterm- The fruit is edible and oil&-
Be,ucillo' 0anilla ()
Be,uca a"ra3' "etracera ()
Be,uco de a"ra' Cissus ()* .avilla ()* Pisonia ()* 0itis ()
Be,uco de a,a' Petraea ()
Be,uco alcalde' .esmoncus ()
Be,uco amarillo' Liabrum me%acephalum ()
Be,uco amarrar' Securi$aca ()
Be,uco a3ul' Cissampelos ()
Be,uco de bru,a' Cuscuta ()
Be,uco caballuno' Rhynchosia ()
Be,uco de cadena' Bauhinia ()
Be,uco de can,ura' "ontelea ()
Be,uco carare' Aristolochia ()
Be,uco Carleno' Bauhinia ()
Be,uco castana' Smilax ()
Be,uco castro' Cissus ()
Be,uco catebrero' Cy$ista ()
Be,uco de cerca' Cissampelos ()
Be,uco chaparro' "etracera ()
Be,uco chinche' Philo$en$ron ()
Be,uco chirrador' Cissus ()
Be,uco cla2ellino' Mutisia clematis ()
Be,uco colorado' Muehlenbec+ia ()
Be,uco comemano' Cissus ()
Be,uco de corral' Ser6ania ()
Be,uco curamuelas' Manettia ()
Be,uco de culebra' Bauhinia (,)
Be,uco deshinchador' Philo$en$ron ()
Be,uco escalera' Bauhinia ()
Be,uco de "ar3a' Enta$a ()
Be,uco espinosa' Ser6ania ()
Be,uco es+uinero' Cy$ista ()
Be,uco de estrella' Antho$on ()* Marc%ravia ()
Be,uco de "arrote' Rourea ()
Be,uco de "loria' #pomoea ()
Be,uco "uaco' Mi+ania %uaco ()
Be,uco de hierro' Enta$a ()
Be,uco iasu' Cissus ()
Be,uco ,uriso' Ser6ania ()
Be,uco de leche' )unastrum ()
Be,uco len"ua de 2aca' Philo$en$ron ()
Beu,co loco' Aristolochia ()* Cissus ()
Be,uco de mono' Bauhinia ()
Be,uco mulatto' Securi$aca ()
Be,uco de murciela"o' Monstera ()
Be,uco ne"ro' Smilax ()
Be,uco de panume' Enta$a ()
Be,uco pedorro' Chamissoa ()
Be,uco picador' /urania ()
Be,uco de pipa' Marc%ravia ()
Be,uco de puerco' Calonyction ()
Be,uco +uemador' .avilla ()
Be,uco real' Anthurium ()
Be,uco de reuma' /ouania ()
Be,uco de san"re' Machaerium ()
Be,uco de saina' .ioscorea ()
Be,uco de salud' Cissampelos ()
Be,uco de San #uan' Allaman$a ()
Be,uco de sapa' Bomarea ()* Mars$enia ()
Be,uco de sen"ra' Cnesti$ium ()
Be,uco tome' .avilla ()* .oliocarpus ()* "etracera ()
Be,uco trompeta' Calonyction ()
Be,uco de 2aca' Calonyction ()
Be,uco de 2olantin' Muehlenbec+ia ()
Be,u+uillo' 0anilla ()
Be.' Byrsonima ()
Be.ira' Manihot ()
Belacho' Helosia ()
Belladama' #nci$ium ()
Bellisima' Anti%onon ()
Bellorita' Bellis ()
BELLUC#A spp-' Coronillo ()* $apaturro a"rio () - The fruits are edible-
Bencenuco' Asclepias ()
Ben,u' Styrax ()
Beo' Persea ()
Berba' Helicostylis ()
Berbe+ui santo' Helicteres ()
Berbi+ui' Helieteres ()
Beren,ena' Croton ()* Cucurbita ()* Solanum (,)
Beren,ena cimarrona' Solanum ()
Beren,ena espinuda' Solanum ()
Beren,ena sil2estre' Solanum ()
BER5BER5' A disease due to thiamin deficienc&- Treated 4ith Hymenaea-
Bermuda"rass' Cyno$on ()
Bernabe' Cor$ia ()
Berraco' Brunellia ()* Celtis ()* Roupala ()* "rema ()
Berra+uillo' Ryania ()
Berros' !asturtium ()
BER"HOLLE"#A E1CELSA =-GB- Bra3il nut ()* Nue3 de para ()- The seeds are edible and &ield a" oil- the
bar. is used for" boats-
BE"A 0UL/AR#S 0- Beet ()* Remolacha ()- The beet is rarel& culti2ated in $anama-
Betsura' )icus ()
Bi' Helicostylis ()
Bichichine,o' Annona ()
Bicho' A$ipera ()* Cassia ()
Bicutema' Cassia ()
B#.E!S C-!AP##)OL#A =-B-<- Cadillo menudo ()
B#.E!S P#LOSA 0- Be""artic. ()* Arponcito ()* Cadillo ()* Chipaca ()* Cadillo de huerta ()* Masi+uia ()* uarte ()*
$apun"a ()* $acun,a ()* Cadillo de perro ()* Sir2ulaca ()- The &oun" shoots ser2e as a potherb not reall& re+uirin"
salt- The& are sometimes mixed 4ith half-boiled rice "rains and fermented to ma.e a .ind of sa.i- %arm ,uice of the
plant is st&ptic- 0ea2es are 2ulnerar&, and used to 4ash 4ounds in the choco- A heated infusion of the plant is used
as a bath to relie2e pains of rheumatism- ;lo4ers coo.ed 4ith su"ar are ta.en internall& for colds- The root is used
in Antio+uia for hepatic infections-
B#.E!S P#LOSA 2ar- RA.#A"A Sch--Bip- Masi+uiara ()* $apun"a ()* $apun"a de arbolito ()
Bienmesabe' Bli%hia ()
Bien-te-2eo' /urania ()
Bien 2estido' /lirici$a ()
Bi"ari' Poponax ()
Bi"ure' Campomanesia ()
Bi,a' Arrabi$aea ()* Bixa (,)* Bursera ()
Bi,a"ua' Calathea ()* Canna ()
Bi,ao' Calathea ()
Bitter 4ood' 2uassia ()
Bolador' Erechtites valeriani&olia ()
Bo"amani' 0irola ()
Bo"amani 2erde' .ialyanthera ()
Bo"um' Symphonia (,)
Bola' Chamae$orea ()* Synechanthus ()
Bolador' Erechtites valeriani&olia ()* Persea ()
Bolao' Ruprechtia ()
Boldo' Peumus ()
Bolita de perro' Bunchosia ()
Bollo blanco' Pterocarpus ()
BOMAREA sp- Be,uco sapo ()* $apa-"uasca ()- The 2ine, used in house construction, produces a tuber, edible 4hen
roasted- Some species are eaten to o2ercome sterilit&-
BOMBACOPS#S 2U#!A"A u"and- Spin& cedar ()* Cedro espinoso ()* Ceiba colorado ()* Ceiba tolua ()* Tolu () -
This lulmber tree is fa2ored for" du"outs in arien-
Bombillo' Chamae&istula ()* Passi&lora ()
Bombito' Cassia ()
Bombon' Cochlospermum ()
Bombona' #riartea ()
Bombona3a' Carlu$ovica ()
Bonche' Hibiscus ()
Bone4ood' )aramea ()
Bon"o' Cavanillesia ()* Ceiba ()
Boniato' #pomoea ()
Bo+uiabierto' Antirrhinum ()
Bora,o' Poso7ueria ()
Borboro' Scaveola ()
Bore' Colocasia ()
Borla de San #uan' Lobelila ()
Borla de San $edro' Be%onia ()
Borlas' Acalypha ()
Borlitas' Emilia ()
Boro,o' Boro6oa ()
Boro,o de monte' .uroia ()
BORO,OA PA"#!O# Cuatr- Boro,o () - This fa2orit fruit tree, one fruit" a bo4l of chicha, has follo4ed the
Choco into $anama- (5 am called ABoro,oA amon" the arien Choco, because, for a 4hile, 5 4as distributin" boro6o
seedlin"s li.e A#ohnn& AppleseedA-) Nursin" Sala+ui Choco mothers a2oid the fruit in the belief it 4ill cause colic in
the infant-
Borrachero' .atura ()
Borracho' Pisci$ia ()
Borra,a' Malachra ()
Borra,on' (i%an$ia ()
BORRER#A LA"#)OL#A Schum- =ierba dulce ()- 6sed as a diuretic in the Choco-
Botoncillo' Borreria ()* Spilanthes ()
Boton morado' Hyptis ()
Boton de oro' Helichrysum ()* Spilanthes ()
Boton de plata' Helichrysum ()
Botonsillo' Spilanthes ()
Bototo' Cochlospermum ()
Box-briar' Ran$ia ()
Bracino' Styrax ()
Brasil' Chlorophora ()* Mora ()* "ara ()
Brasilete' Sic+in%ia ()* /uilan$ina ()
Brasil nut' Bertholletia ()
BRASS#CA spp- To this "enus belon" se2eral leaf& 2e"etables, 4hich are not in demand in arien, e-"-, Brussels
sprouts, cabba"e , cauliflo4er , collards, .ohlrabi, mustard , rutaba"a, and turnips - These are rarel&, if e2er, seen on
arien tables ()- 5n Colombia, rebanca is an e+ui2alent of turnip "reens -
BRA0A#S#A sp- Naran,ilo bobo ()- This ant-infested small tree is considered to be an expectorant-
Bra3ilian rose' Cochlospermum ()
Bra3ilian tea' Stachytarpheta ()
Bra3o de ti"re' Cor$ia ()
Brea' Par+insonia ()
Bread and cheese' Paullinia ()
Breadfruit' Artocarpus ()
Breadnut' Brosimum ()* "rophis ()
Bretana' Basella ()
Bre2a' )icus ()
Bre2o de monte' )icus ()
Bribri' #n%a ()
Bribri "ua2o' #n%a ()
Brinca-brinca' Blechum ()
Brir' /enipa ()
Broad bean' 0icia ()
Broma, Broma real' Pitcairnia ()
BROMEL#A !#.US;PUELLAE Andre ex Me3- $ira,u ()* $iro ()* $inuela ()- 6sed for li2in" fences, this produces a
"ood antiscorbutic fruit-
BROMEL#A P#!/U#! 0- Chibe-chibe ()* !a ()* $inuela ()* $iro () - The acid antiscorbutic fruits are edible and "ood
for" be2era"es ()- The fried inflorescence is eaten in El Sal2ador- Shoots at the base of the plant are eaten ra4
or coo.ed- the& are supposed to curb stomach pains suffered b& 4omen in menstruation, b& causin" the blood to
flo4 more freel&-
BR!NC=5T5S' 5nflammation of the bronchial tubs- Treated 4ith Allium' Cicer' cocos' Hymenaea' Man%i&era-
Broom' Si$a ()
Broom S4eep' Scoparia ()
Broom 4eed' Cassia ()
BROS#MUM AL#CAS"RUM S4- Breadnut ()* !,oche ()- The fruits are boiled and eaten* the leaf& branches are cut
and fed to li2estoc.- Seeds are boiled and eaten as a 2e"etable or dried and "round into flour-
BROS#MUM "ERRABA!UM $ittier- Breadnut ()* !,oche ()- The latex is s4eet* the fruits are edible, made into
toritllas in Nicara"ua- The 4ood is said to burn "reen-
BROS#MUM U"#LE $ittier- Co4tree ()* Arbol de leche ()* /uaimaro ()* 0echero ()* Mastate ()* $alo de leche ()* $alo
de 2aca ()* Sande ()* 7aco ()- The copious latex is mixed 4ith balsa charcoal to ma.e embil, 4hich, 4rapped in
Manicaria lea2es, ser2es as a torch- The latex is potable, sometimes made into a cheese- The fruits are edible ra4 or
coo.ed and can be used as a breadstuff- Their resin is used for candles and for adulteratin" chicle- The latex is used
to cure asthma and inflammation- The bar. is used to ma.e cloth and the 4ood is supposed to burn "reen- The bar.
of other species is re"arded as a "alacta"o"ue- (5llustratin" the octrine of Si"natures' the bar. of the tree produces
mil.* superstitiousl& perhaps, it is used b& the people to induce lactation-) The tree is used to ma.e du"outs called
potros in Colombia-
BRO(ALL#A AMER#CA!A 0- Cha2elita de monte ()- This common 4eed is used to treat 2arious diseases-
BRO(!EA spp- Ari3a ()* $alo de cru3 ()* $alo rosa. ()* Rosa de monte ()- The trees are considered antid&senteric-
Brucha' Cassia ()
Bru,a' Rubia ()
Bru,ito' La%enaria ()* Posa$aea ()* Abrus ()
Bru.ra' Erythrina ()
Brusca' Cassia ()
Brussels sprouts' Brassica ()
BR-OPH-LLUM P#!!A"UM <ur3- Air plant ()* Colombiano ()* =o,a de aire ()* =o,a santa ()- The leaf decoction is
re"arded as emollient, hemostatic, 2ulnerar&, "ood for ulcers and boils-
Buaibinu' Anacar$ium ()
Bucare' Erythrina ()
Bucaro' Erythrina ()
Buche' Pithecellobium ()
Buchon' Eichhornia ()
Buchona' Pistia ()
Bucida' Buci$a ()
Buc.4heat' )a%opyrum ()
BU..LE#A AMER#CA!A 0-' Sal2ia santa ()* Sal2ia 2ir"en ()* %ild sa"e ()
Buena mico' Pisonia ()
Buenas tardes' Bra$burya ()* Mirabilis ()
Bufa' /uilielma ()
Buira' Petrea ()
Bu.-oro-mo' #n%a ()
Bu.-udra' #n%a ()
Bullet-tree' Buci$a ()
Bullet-4ood' Mimusops ()
Bullhorn acacia' Acacia ()
Bull& tree' Hieronyma ()
BU!CHOS#A spp- Ciruela ()- The fruits are edible -
Bu+uet de no2ia' #xora ()
Buri.ri' /lirici$ia ()
Burilico' 1ylopia ()
Burillo' Apeiba ()* /uatteria ()* Hampea ()
Burio' Apeiba ()* /uatteria ()* Hampea (,)* Heliocarpus ()
Burio extran"ero' Hibiscus ()* (erc+lea ()
Burio falso' Heliocarpus ()
Burio"re' Cor$ia ()* Hampea ()* Heliocarpus ()
Burio"re amarillo' Cor$ia ()
Burio"re de montana' Cor$ia ()
Burriada' Cecropia ()
Burri+uita' ,aca7uinia ()
BURSERA S#MARUBA Sar"- Na.ed 5ndian ()* Almaci"o ()* Carana ()* Carate ()* Caratero ()* /umbolimbo ()* 5ndio
desnudo ()* #inocua2o ()* #inote ()* Resbalamono () - Tea is made from the lea2es- This ma& be used to treat 2enereal
diseases and obesit&- The "um is used to mend dishes and to caul. du"outs, pre2entin" 4orm dama"e- The Choco
sa& that a decoction of the bar. applied to the bod& three times and not 4ashed for a 4ee. is depilator& ()-
Experiments to pro2e this failed ()- Some sa& that this onl& 4or.s 4hen applied before pubert& ()- The resin is used
to treat 4ounds, to appl& to the na2el of the ne4l& born, and to brin" boils to a head- %ater put in a piece of the
4ood is used the follo4in" da& to cure renal afflications ()- Amon" the Ma,e Choco, cuts are 4ashed 4ith an
infusion of the bar. and then ashes of the bar. are applied to the 4ound- The tree is often used as a li2in" fence post
()- %ood of this and related species is supposed to burn "reen-
Buru.ra' Erythrina ()
Busu' Manicaria ()
Buta"o' Musa ()
Buttercup' Allaman$a ()
Butterfl& orchid' Onci$ium ()
Button man"ro2e' Conocarpus ()
Button4ood' Conocarpus ()
B-RSO!#MA CRASS#)OL#A =-B-<- /oldon spoon ()* %ild cherr& ()* Manteco ()* Nance ()* Noro ()* $erale,a () -
Rich in 2itamin C, the fruits are used for a fermented drin., 4hich ismuch better cold than tepid- !ften the Chicha is
fro3en on a stic. ()- Edible butter is extracted from the fruits 4ith hot 4ater- The fruits are eaten b& domestic and
4ild animals- The bar. is used as a fish poison- The flo4ers are much 2isited b& bees- The epidermis and "reen
fru,its are used to stain cotton- The bar. is also used for tannin"* the 4ood is used for charcoal, fuel, and the
extraction of a red d&e* further it is used as a remed& for afflictions-
B-""!ER#A ACULEA"A #ac+- Espina hueca ()* Rabo de i"uana ()* Ran"a& ()* Kar3a ()- The plant is re"arded as
anti2enereal and depurati2e-
Caapi' Banisteriopsis ()
Caballera de 7enus' A$iantum ()
Caballeros' Souroubea ()
Caballito' /yrocarpus ()* ,acaran$a ()* "ecoma ()
Caballocup' Caryocarp ()
Cabalon"a' )evillea ()* "hevetia ()
Caba3uelo' Stachytarpheta ()
Cabba"e' Brassica ()
Cabba"ebar.' An$ira ()
Cabecita' Amman$ra ()
Cabellos de an"el' Clematis ()* Cuscuta ()
Cabe3a de leon' Coccoloba ()
Cabe3a de loro' Eu%enia ()
Cabe3a de ne"rito' /ua4uma ()
Cabe3a de ne"ro' Amman$ra ()* Bulbostylis ()* .ioscorea (,)* /ua4uma ()* Manicaria ()* Phytelephas ()
Cabe3a de toro' Stanhopea ()
Cabe3a de 2aca' Calytocarpus ()
Cabe3ona' Calea ()* Paspalum ()
Cabi' Co&&ea ()
Cabismo' Copai&era ()
Cablote' /ua4uma ()
Cabo de 5ndio' #ryanthera ()
Cabu&a' )urcraea ()
Caca' Bursera ()* Cario$en$ron ()
Cacahuanance' /lirici$ia ()
Cacahuate' Arachis ()
Cacalo"uiste de flor +uemada' /o$mania ()
Cacalo,iche' Plumeria ()
Cacama' Bi$ens ()
Cacao' "heobroma ()
Cacao de ardilla' Herrania ()
Cacao blanco' "heobroma ()
Cacao calabacillo' "heobroma ()
Cacao cimarron' Herrania ()* Morisonia ()* "heobroma ()
Cacao de Costa Rica' Herrania ()* "heobroma ()
Cacao criollo' "heobroma ()
Cacao mani' Herrania ()
Cacao de mico' "heobroma ()
Cacao de monte' Herrania ()* Pachira (,)
Cacao de pla&a' Pachira ()
Cacao sil2estre' Enalla%ma ()* "heobroma ()
Cacao 2olandor' 0irola ()
Cacha' .olichos ()* Phaseolus ()
Cachaco' Musa ()* Poso7ueria ()
Cachanhula' S5ietenia ()
Cachas' Phaseolua ()
Cachimbo' Erythrina ()* Platymiscium ()* Poso7ueria ()
Cachimoli2o' "hevetia ()
Cachipa&' /uilielma ()
Cachito' Acacia ()* Myrmeco$en$ron ()* "abernaemontana ()
Cachito de aromo' Acacia ()
Cachitor' "abernaemontana ()
Cacho de 2enado' .en$ropanax ()* Lycopo$ium ()* 1ylosma ()
Cachu' #riartea ()* Socratea ()
Cachuda' #riartea ()* Socratea ()
Cacin' Mimosa ()
Caci+ue' Brosimum ()* .iphysa ()* Eu%enia (,)* Pseu$olme$ia ()
Caci+ue blanco' Eu%enia ()
Caci+ue care&' Piratinera ()
Caco' ,acaran$a ()
Cadanari' Mauritiella ()
Cadena de amor' Anti%onon ()
Cadenilla' Schnella ()
Cadenillo' Banara ()
Cadeno' Albi4ia ()
Cadi' Phytelephas ()
Cadillo' Bi$ens ()* Cenchrus ()* Cyathula ()* Priva ()* "rium&etta ()
Cadillo blanco' Acaena ()
Cadmia' Canan%a ()
CAESALP#!#A CR#S"A 0- Nic.ernut ()* Seabean ()* Calentura ()* Mato () - The seeds, sometimes used in nec.laces
are considered febrifu"al, periodic, tonic, and 2esicant- the& are used to treat colic, con2ulsions, h&drocele, lepros&,
and pals&- The oil from the seeds is said to soften the and remo2e pimples- The bar. is antiperiodic and
rubefacient- the plant is used to counteract toothache- A leaf decoction is used a a coll&rium- 5n Colombia the seeds
are used to ma.e maracas ()-
CAESALP#!#A PULCHERR#MA S4- Barbados pride ()* Bird of $aradise flo4er ()* An"elite ()* ;lor de $a2o ()*
;lo4er fence ()' Cla2ellina (,)* /allito ()- %idel& culti2ated, the plant is pur"ati2e and is used for epileps&-
Cafe' Co&&ea ()
Cafecillo' Psychotria ()* Trophis ()
Cafe cimarron' Canna ()
Cafecito' #n%a ()* Zy%ia ()
Cafe del diablo' Casearia ()
Cafe de 0iberia' Co&&ea ()
Cafe de pobre' Cassia ()
Ca"a,on' Zuelania ()
Ca"alero' Celtis ()* Clethra ()* Ran$ia ()* 1imenia ()
Ca"alero comestible' Celtis ()
Ca"uaso' Paspalum ()
Ca"u' Caryocar ()* Mayna ()
Ca"uimo' Erythroxylum ()
Cai' Saccharum ()
Caiba' Cyclanthera ()
Caidata' Ocotea ()* Ouratea ()
Caifa' Cyclanthera ()* Elateriopsis ()
Caimancillo' A%onan$ra ()
Caimaron' Pourouma ()
Caimillo' Miconia ()
Caimitillo' Bumelia ()
Caimito' Crysophyllum (,,)* 0ismia ()
Caimito cimarron' Chrysophyllum ()
Caimito de monte' 1imenia ()
Caimito-pumare,o' Lacmellia ()
Caimo' Chrysophyllum ()* Lucuma ()* Pouteria ()
Caimo blanco' Lucuma ()
Cainca' Chiococca ()
Cainillo' Miconia ()
Cainillo de cerro' Miconia ()
Ca,a' Capsicum ()
CA,A!US CA,A! Millsp- $i"eonpea ()* Chicharos ()* ;ri,ol de palo ()* /uandu (,)* /un"o $eas ()* Fuimbo lillo ()*
Timbolillo () - The &oun" seeds are eaten li.e "reen peas, a $anama fa2orite called arro4 con %uan$u- Around 0a
Nue2a, Colombia, the lea2es are used as a remed& for bat bites- The lea2es and shoots contain about BE protein-
Ca,eta,o' #n%a ()
Ca,eto' "richanthera ()
Ca,on' Platypo$ium ()
Ca,ua&a' Mauritiella ()
Cala' Zante$eschia ()
Calaba' Calophyllum ()
Calabacero' Capparis ()* Crescentia ()
Calabacillo' Capparis ()* Morisonia ()* Sterculia ()
Calabacillo de la pla&a' Enalla%ma ()
Calabasa ' Crescentia ()* Cucurbita ()* La%enaria ()* Lu&&a ()
Calabash' Crescentia ()
Calabash, blac.' Enalla%ma ()
Calabash "ourd' La%enaria ()
Calabash tree' Crescentia ()
Calabash 2ine' .rymonia ()
Calabasuero' Morisonia ()* Steu$elia ()
Calaba3uelo' Pachira ()
Calabomba' #resine ()
Cala"uala' Polypo$ium ()
Calalu' Amaranthus ()* Phytolacca ()
Calambuca' Calophyllum ()
CALA"HEA ALLOU#A 0indl- S4eet cornroot ()* Bi,ao ()* ;aldita morada ()* 5r4a ()* < ()* Sal () - The tubers
and &oun" flo4er heads are eaten coo.ed- The lea2es are used for 4rappin" food b& Cuna, Choco, and Ne"ro, and
,ud"in" from the name AsalA, impart some fla2or- The& are sold in the mar.ets in Turbo ()- This 4as once described
as the most necessar& plant in $anama to co2er ne4l& born babies, to ma.e blan.ets, mattresses, and pillo4s, for
umbrellas, to co2er car"o and .eep 4ater from bouncin" out of 4ater ,u"s, to ma.e bas.ets, and to 4rap AbollosA-
!ne can rarel& pass a Choco hut 4ithout findin" a fe4 plantains, 4rapped in bi6ao, roastin" o2er the ashes in the
fireplace ()- 5n colombia, the bi6ao often en2elops a mixture of corn and rice ()- The bi6ao also pla&s a role in Choco
4itchcraft- the blood of a freshl& decapitated ne7ui is hidden in the leaf of bi6ao 4ith another AsecretA leaf- The
4itch doctor returns in I da&s and finds a special breed of 4asps 4hich he carefull& collects- =e can then command
them to stin" a 2ictim near the heart, inflictin" an incurable malecia ()-
CALA"OLA sp- The fruits are edible-
Cala2era' Acineta ()* Peristeria ()
CALEA PRU!#)OL#A =-B-<- Escobilla ()- The lea2es are used for treatin" itch, dandruff, and hi2es- !ther species
are considered sudorific-
CALEA /LOMERA"A <latt' Carrasposa, Chicharron
CALEA PE!!ELL## Bla.e' Cabe3ona, Carrosposa
CALEA "ER!#)OL#A =-B-<- Carrasposa
CALEA -URUPAR#!A Cuatr- <ubeo
CALE!.ULA O))#C#!AL#S 0- Calendula, Mara2illosa
Calentura' Asclepias ()* Caesalpinia ()* Chloroleucon ()
Cali"uate' Heliconia ()
Calin"ueiro' Mellinis ()
CALOCARPUM MAMMOSUM $ierre- Sapote ()* Mame& (,)- The fruits are edible ra4 () or made into preser2es-
/round seeds are used to fla2or chocolate- The diuretic seed oil is used in epileps&, cold remedies, and for
hairdressin", said to restore fallen hair- The lar"e seeds 4ere once used in iron linens- Empt& seed testae 4ere
formerl& used as snuff boxes-
CALO!-C"#O! ACULEA"UM =ouse- Moonflo4er ()* Be,uco de 2aca ()* /alan de noche ()- The lea2es and
cal&ces are used as a potherb, and &oun" seeds are eaten- Contact 4ith the plant ma& cause itchin"- The latex is used
for coa"ulatin" rubber-
CALOPH-LLUM BRAZ#L#E!SE Camb- Maria () - This is an important timber tree exported from arien ()- The
fruits are eaten b& ho"s and an oil is extracted from the seeds- The latex is used for" and medicine ()-
CAL-COPH-LLUM CA!.#.#SS#MUM C- 0emon4ood ()* Ala3ano ()* Cone,o ()* =arino ()* Madrono ()* Salamo
(,)* Surra () - This is a fine lumber, used for e2er&thin" from combs to charcoal- the bar. is used to treat stomach
Cal3oncillo' Passi&lora ()
Camacalarta' Passi&lora ()
Cama,on' Sterculia ()
Cama,ondura' Sterculia ()
Cama,uru' Sterculia ()
Caman"uchi' Mauritia ()
Camar"o' Chaenocephalus ()* Montanoa ()
Camar"o chico' 0erbesina crassiramea ()
Camarin' Clero$en$rum ()
Camaron' Annona ()* #resine ()* Maytenus ()
Camaroncillo' Hirtella ()
Camaroncito' Myrica ()
Camase&' Miconia ()
Camase& amarillo' Miconia ()
Camase& es+uinado' Miconia ()
Camase& morado' Miconia()
Camase& ne"ro' Henriettelia ()
Camase& peludo' Henriettelia ()
Cambulo' Erythrina ()
Camelia' Clero$en$rum ()
Camella' Clero$en$rum ()
Camfine' "richilia ()
Camiba' Copai&era ()
Camibar' Copai&era ()* Prioria (,)
Caminadera' Lycopo$ium ()
Camote' #pomoea ()
Camotillo' Curcuma ()
Campana' Laplacea ()* Loasa ()
Campanilla ' Bra$burya ()* Centrosema ()* Enterolobium ()* "hevetia ()
Campano' Enterolobium ()* /uarea ()* Pithecellobium ()* Samanea ()
Campanola' #pomoea ()
Campanula' Cobaea ()
Campeche' Haematoxylon ()
CAMPEL#A ZA!O!#A =-B-<- Co&ontura ()- This plant is used for 2enereal diseases-
CAMP!OSPERMA PA!AME!S#S Stand- Sa,o () - An economicall& important plant is said to occup& BI,???
hectares on the Choco-
CAMPOMA!ES#A L#!EA"#)OL#A Rui3 G $a2- Michinche ()- the fruit is edible ra4, but the seeds should be
a2oided- The pulp ,elliles and marmalades on par 4ith "ua2a ,ell&-
Cana de a3ucar' Saccharum ()
Cana blanca' /ynerium ()
Canaboba' /ynerium ()
Cana bra2a' Anrira ()* Arun$o ()* Bactris ()* Chus7uea ()* /ynerium (,)
Canac' Cannabis ()
Cana cai,ino' Bactris ()
Cana de castilla' /ynerium ()
Cana de danta' /eonoma ()
Cana de danto' 0ernonia ()
Canadon"a' Cassia ()* Pithecellobium ()
Cana dulce' Licania ()
Cana fistula' Brasilettia ()* Cassia ()* "achi%alia ()
Cana fistula macho' Cassia ()
Cana fistula de monte' Leucaena ()
Cana flecha' /ynerium ()
Cana"ria' Costus (,)
Cana"uate' "abebuia ()* "ecoma ()
Cana de la 5ndia' "aetsia ()* "ripsacum ()
Cana,ira' /eonoma ()
Cana,o' Spon$ias ()
Canaleao' Paullinia ()
Canalete' Cor$ia ()
Canalua' Platypo$ium ()
Cana de mico' Costus ()
Canamo' Cannabis ()
Cana de molinillo' Chamae$orea ()* /eonoma ()
Cana muda' .ie&&enbachia ()
Cana de muela' Piper ()
Canana' /eonoma ()
Canadon"a' Cassia ()
Canan"a' Canan%a ()
Canan"ucha' Mauritia ()
Canasacan,a' Pseu$elephantopus ()
Cana de San $ablo' Bactris ()* Morenia ()
Canastilla' Aristolochia ()* Hibiscus ()
CA!A0AL#A E!S#)ORM#S C- #ac. bean ()* Coca ()* Fuemasusu ()* Sia () - The pods ma& be eaten boiled- 6nripe
seeds are reputel& poisonous* ripe seeds are roasted as a coffee substitute-
Cana 2erde' Chamae$orea ()
Cana de 2ibora' Chamae$orea ()* Morenia ()
Cana3a' Bambusa ()* /ua$ua ()
CANCER' A mali"nant tumor of an& t&pe- Treated 4ith A$enanthera' Ar%emone' Carica' Haematoxylon' Hamelia'
Piper' Renealmia' "ussacia-
Cancer de loma' Acanthospermum australe ()
Cancha' Phaseolus ()
Canchala"ua' Erythrina ()* Euphorbia ()
Canchi' Bixa ()* Metteniusa ()
Canchu' Corioria ()
Candeabsur"uit' Pseu$elephantopus ()
Candela' Antirrhea ()
Candelabro' Lemaireocereus ()
Candelero' Oreopanax ()
Candelillo' Cassia ()* Cupania ()* Ma%nolia ()* "ecoma ()
Candelito' Chamaesenna ()
Candelo' Hieronyma ()* Pittoniotis ()* Ron$eletia (,)
Candia' Abelmoschus ()
Candil' Amyris ()
Candelnut' Aleurites ()
CAN0EN6TS' Seeds or fruits 4hich are strun" and burned li.e candles- Aleurites' Ceiba' Chrysobalanus' Cocos'
Coro4o' .ialyanthera' .ipteryx' ,atropha' Licania' 0irola-
Candle tree' Parmentiera ()
Candle4ood' /ynerium ()
Cane' /ynerium ()
Cane,a' Costus ()
Canela' Cinnamomum ()* Platypo$ium ()
Canelillo' Ocotea ()
Canelito' #sertia ()
Canellito' Miconia ()
Canelo' .rimys ()* !ectan$ra (,)* Ocotea ()
Canelo de $armo' .rimys ()
Canelon' Cephalocereus ()* Lemaireocereus ()* Peperomia ()
Cane&' Maytenus ()
Can"re,o' Anemopae%ma ()* Clytostoma ()
Can"uil' Zea ()
Canilla de mula' Hyptis ()* Miconia ()* "riplaris ()
Canilla de pollo' ,usticia ()
Canilla de 2enado' Hamelia ()* Miconia ()
Canillito' Conoste%ia ()* Miconia ()
Canillo' Miconia ()
Canillo de cerro' Miconia ()
Canime' Copai&era ()* Prioria ()
Canirico' 1ylosma ()
Cani2a' Copai&era ()
Cani3o' Hymenachne ()
Can,aro' Cor$ia ()
Can,ura' Strychnos ()
CA!!A spp- Canna ()* Achira ()* Achi2a ()* Bandera de uriba ()* Cafe cimarron ()* Capacho ()* Chis"ua ()*
Chumbima ()* Maraca () - The roots of some species ser2e as a source of starch allo4ed to diabetics ()- The seeds are
used in nec.laces, rattles, and pop"uns- the lea2es are used for 4rappin" food- 0ea2es and tubers ser2e as fodder- 5n
certain parts of Colombia, are made from the flour extracted from the roots- the plant is considered diuiretic
and emollient- Nec.laces of the seeds, sometimes accompanied 4ith the teeth of the fish payara, are supposed to
dri2e off the Amal de o,oA and to ma.e the teeth "ro4 stron"- The lea2es and rhi3omes are considered refri"erant and
rubefacient, and are recommended for epileps&- The lea2es are used as cataplasm fo?r hernias-
CA!!AB#S SA"#0A 0- =emp ()* Canac ()* Canamo ()* /an,a ()* Mari,uana () - The parched, oil& seeds are hi"hl&
nutritious- The oil is used for illumination and rheumatism- !nl& recentl&, the lea2es, 4hich are used as a tobacco
substitute, ha2e been lin.ed 4ith cancer, emph&sema, or heart disease-
Canoeto' Platypo$ium ()
Canotillo' Piper ()
Cansa cerro' Mar%yricarpus ()
Cansa mo3o' Borreria ()
Cansamuela' #n%a ()
Cansa $erro' Salvia ()* Mar%yricarpus ()
Canta"allo' Erythrina ()
Cantarillo' Conoste%ia ()* Cupania ()
Canteloupe' Cucumis ()
Canuela trepadora' Lasiacis ()
Canutillo' Campelia ()* E5uisetum ()* Melampo$ium ()* Pariana ()* Zebrina ()
Can&ac.' Cannabis ()
Caoba' /uarea ()* Spathodea ()* S5ietenia ()
Caoba africana' "richilia ()
Caoba americana' S5ietenia ()
Caobillo' Carapa ()* /uarea ()
Caobono' Cariniana ()
Capa' Cor$ia ()
Capacho' Canna ()
Capacun"a' Potentilla ()
Caparrapi' Aniba ()* !ectan$ra ()* Ocotea ()
Caparrosa' 0ismia ()
Cape' Clusia ()
Capecito' "ernstroemia ()
Caper' Capparis ()
Capera' Sterculia ()
Capesillo' Clusia ()
Capilote' Miconia ()
Capirote' Bellucia ()* Miconia ()
Capirote Blanco' Miconia ()
Capitana' .esmo$ium ()* !eurolaena ()
Capitana de cora3on' Aristolochia ()
Capitancillo' Pentaclethra ()
Capote' Machaerium ()
Capotillo' Anthurium ()
CAPPAR#S SP#!OSA 0- Caper ()* Alcaparras () - $ic.led flo4er buds are the capers of commerce, much used in
Colombia, but rare in $anama- 5n Colombia, buds of species of Cassia, pic.led in sour 2ine"ar 4ith clo2es, ha2e
been falsel& sold as capers- Some Capparis spp- are reported to ha2e poisonous fruits, but those of C3 pittieri taste
li.e Solanum 7uitensis ()-
CAPRAR#A B#)LORA 0- Cola de "allo ()* =ierba te () - the lea2es, used in treatin" uterine disorders and diabetes,
are said to pre2ent fallin" hair-
CAPS#CUM )RU"ESCE!S 0- Red pepper ()* A,i ()* A,i picante ()* Ca,a ()* Chile ()* <apur ()* Rocoto () - Red
pepper, commonl& culti2ated and escaped, is not so much used in $anama as it is in Mexico- 5n Africa, the fruits or
lea2es are ta.en as antidotes after eatin" poisonous fish- 5n San Bas, 5ndians strin" hot peppers behind their boats as
shar. repellents ()- $o4dered and dried, the pimento is con2erted into papri.a- The lea2es are used to fla2or ste4s or
as a potherb, 4ith 9-:E protein- Red pepper has man& medicinal attributes- Some South American 5ndians use a
pepper coll&rium to impro2e the sharpness of their 2ision- The fruit is re"arded as stimulant, stomachic, and
rubefacient- 5t is ta.en internall& in cholera, for sore throat, phthisis, "i2en 4ith cinchona for malaria, prescribed in
a"ue, cholera, drops&, d&spepsia, "out, malaria, sna.ebite, and t&phus* used externall& for "iddiness, earache, and
hemorroids- 5n $anama, a poultice of pepper lea2es is used for softenin" boils- The follo4in" stor& 4ould suffer in
translation' A;riede ha sacado a lu3 el episodio de la mu,er e un encomendero del alto Ma"dalena, +ue por celos de
una 5ndia, en un "esto lar"uiano le metio un platano untado de a,i por la natura-A 5n Aili"andi, pepper and cacao are
burned for I or B da&s to 4ard off e2il spirits ()- Else4here the fruits are burned to dri2e off rats- The Aa,illoA,
Capsicum baccatum, is also common- The "reen fruit is pic.led and the ripe fruit is used in salads and sauces- The
"reen pepper is culti2ated amon" the Cuna, 4ho call it ca6a-
Capuchino' "ropaeolum ()
Capulamate' )icus ()
Capuli' Ar$isia ()
Capulin' Mutin%ia ()* "rema ()
Capulin blanco' Mutin%ia ()* "rema ()
Capulincillo' "rema ()
Capulin macho' .icraspi$ia ()* "rema ()
Capulin sabanero' Belotia ()
Ca+ui' Caryocar ()
Caraco' Coussapoa ()
Caracol' /ynan$ropsis ()
CAracola' Achimenes ()* *ohleria ()
Caracoli' Anacar$ium ()
Caracolito' Lithospermum ()
Caracucha' Bra$burya ()* Centrosema ()* Plumeria ()
Caracuru' Arrabi$ea
Cara"o' Cassia ()
Cara"ra' Lippia ()
Cara"re' Lippia ()
Cara"uala' Epiphyllum ()
Cara"uata' "illan$sia ()
Cara,ito' Eu%enia ()
Caramano' Cassia ()
Carambano' Cassia ()
Carambola' Averrhoa ()
Carana ' Bursera ()* Carpotroche ()* Casearia ()* .acryo$es ()* Protium (,,)* "rattinnic+ia ()* Zuelania ()
Carana' Mauritia ()* Mauritiella ()
Caran"anito' Cassia ()
Caranon' Zuelania ()
Carao' Cassia (,)* Lonchocarpus ()
CARAPA /U#A!E!S#S Aubl-' Bastard Mano"an& ()* Crab4ood ()* Cedro bateo ()* =uino ()* Masabolo ()* Tan"are
()- the poisonous seeds of this timber species, are considered anthelmintic, antihepatic, antirheumatic, antisplenitic,
antitetanic, insecticidal, and pur"ati2e- !il from the seeds is used for soap, illumination, and insect repellent- Arount
0a Nue2a, the fruits are used to combat acute arthritis- the 4ood is used for du"outs in Colombia-
Caraapato' Hirtella ()
Carare' Aristolochia ()
Carasola' Boerhaavia ()
Carate' Bomarea ()* Bursera ()* .iphysa ()* 0ismia ()
Caratero' Bursera ()
Caratosa' Bursera ()
Carbasuela' "erminalia ()
Carbon' Callian$ra ()* Prosopis ()
Carboncillo' Acacia ()* Callian$ra ()* S5art4ia ()* S5eetia ()* "ecoma ()* "erminalia ()
Carboncillo blanco' Callian$ra ()
Carboncillo ro,o' Be6aria ()* Callian$ra (,)
Carbonero' Abarema ()* Acacia ()* Be&aria ()* Byrsonima ()* Callian$ra ()* /uarea ()* Licania ()* Lin$ac+eria ()*
Marila ()* Mayna ()* Mos7uitoxylum ()* Oncoba ()
Carbonero de amunicion' Colubrina ()
Carbonero de sombrio' Albi4ia ()
Carcanapire' Croton ()
Carcuera' Platypo$ium ()
Carda' .ipsacus ()
Cardenal' Euphorbia ()
Cardenillo' #lex ()
CAR5AC' A substance supposed beneficial to the heart- Achras' Citrus' Co&&es' /omphrena' Persea' Phoebe'
Polypo$ium' "amarin$us
Cardinal flo4er' Lobelia ()
CAR.#OSPERMUM HAL#CACABUM 0- Balloon2ine ()* ;arolito () - The &oun" folia"e is used as a potherb- The
seeds are tonic, febrifu"al, and diaphoretic-
Cardo' Cirsium ()
Cardo espinoso' Silybum marainum ()
Cardo Santo' Silybum marianum ()
Cardon' Cereus ()* Cirsium ()* Lemairocereus ()
Cardon morado' Silybum marianum ()
Cardosanto' Ar%emone (,)* Coccoloba ()
Care"re' Picramnia ()
Care& 2e"etal' Zanthoxylum ()
Car"adero' /uatteria ()* Rollinia ()* "rema ()* Unonopsis ()
Car"adita' Zornia ()
Car"amanta' Phytolacca ()
Car"arrocio' Alchemilla ()
Carianabo' Pilea ()
Caria+uita' Lantana ()
CAR#CA PAPA-A 0- $apa&a (,)* <4ar.4atta ()* $apana,o () - ;ood comes from the papa&a in man& forms- %hen
ripe, the fruit ma& be as lar"e as a 4atermelon, and the pulp is s4eet and oran"e- 5t consists of about B?E 4ater, but
is ri"h in 2itamin A- The fla2or is +uite peculiar, and it ma& not be acceptable to some 1an.ees, 4ho rele"ate it to
the sur2i2al rather than the luxur& cate"or& it en,o&s amon" tropical people- ;ruits are usuall& eaten 4ith salt and
pepper- The seeds, pleasantl& mustard fla2ored, ma& be eaten, althou"h the& ma& ha2e medicinal properties- Some
speculate that the& ma& be the mustard seeds referred to in the Bible- $apa&a fruits are preser2ed as a cand& or
confection, a paste, a puree or s&rup, and a canned ,uice- /reen fruits ser2e as 2e"etables- Boiled in slices, the& ma&
be mashed and mixed 4ith lime ,uice and su"ar to ma.e a substitute for applesauce- The& are also coo.ed in curries
and pic.led- The "reen fruit, peeled, boiled, cut into small pieces, and ser2ed 4ith s4eet oil, 2ine"ar, salt and
pepper, ser2es as a potable 2e"etable- Some ethnic "roups li.e a be2era"e made of coo.ed, mashed, "reen fruits-
1oun"er parts, such as lea2es and flo4er buds, are eaten ra4 in salads, or more fre+uentl&, coo.ed as a 2e"etable-
The& contain C-DE protein - The presence of di"esti2e en3&mes mi"ht render this practice dan"erous- %ater should
be chan"ed a couple of times before these 2e"etables are eaten- Ra4 latex is said to induce itchin" and blisterin"-
Nonetheless, the Aili"andi Cuna appl& the latex to infected sores, one application of 4hich clears up the infection ()-
The pith of &oun" stems has also ser2ed as a famine food in the East 5ndies- $apa&a lea2es are used to tenderi3e
meat- Nati2es fre+uentl& 4rap meat o2erni"ht in papa&a lea2es, coo. in the lea2es, or drop a little latex in the" 2essel- Meat so tenderi3ed ma& ha2e a peculiar fla2or- Some people claim that animals, fed the seeds before
slau"hter, ha2e more tender meat- 0ea2es are emplo&ted iin 4ashin" clothes- $6lp of the ripe fruit has ser2ed in
shampoos and face creams- 0ea2es ma& ser2e as a tobacco substitute- The latex is 4idel& used to remo2e 4arts,
frec.les, and other blemishes- !ther uses are as an anthelmentic, discutient, fun"icide , stomachic, suppurati2e, and
as a treatment for hemopt&sis, internal ulcers, psoriasis, and scorpian stin"s, as 4ell as diptheria- 5n Cuba, it is
prescribed for the remo2al of cancerous "ro4ths- The lea2es are considered amebicidal and antiasthmatic, and a
decoction is used as an application to elephantoid "ro4ths and ulcers, as emmena"o"ue, febrifu"al, and pectoral-
=ot lea2es are applied as an anod&ne for ner2ous headaches- The& are bound o2er ulcers - /reen fruits are
recommended for enteritis in Cuba- Ripe fruits are cholo"o"ue* eaten dail& at, the& are the tropical Aapple
a da&A to promote re"ularit&- ried fruits are said to impro2e enlar"ed spleens- The seeds are considered
anthelmintic, ecbolic, and emmena"o"ic- Amon" the Sala+ui Choco, lactatin" mothers a2oid papa&a, belie2in" it
4ill cause colic in the infant- Some belie2e it 4ill induce abortion- The 4ild papa&a is .no4n to the nati2es as
tapaculo- The& claim that the seeds "erminate in acid media, as found in the stomach- Another AsuperstitionA ma&
ha2e some factual basis- Some papa&s are strictl& male and naturall& bear no fruit- Nati2e belie2e the& can ma.e the
tree fertile b& inscribin" the cross in the trun.- Such trees, in some documentated cases, become bisexual- The tree
appears to be li.e the a2ocado, one that needs to be beaten occasionall& to continue bearin"- The scientific
explanation for this AsuperstitionA is termed Atraumatic re2ersionA- !ne 4ild papa&a, 4hose trun. had been se2ered
about M 4ee.s earlier, 4as obser2ed in full flo4er-
Caricia' Spi%elia ()
Carillo' Phyllanthus ()
CAR#!#A!A sp- Abarco ()* Chibu"a () - Choco 5ndians use the hard4ood for du"outs, and claim the seeds are edible
()- The inner bar. is used for corda"e ()- The fruits are usesd for" pipes-
CAR#O.E!.RO! OR#!OCE!SE <arst- 5nche ()* Taca&()- The seeds are edible roasted-
Caripacun"a' Alchemilla ()* Potentilla ()
Carita' Albi4ia ()
Carito' Enterolobium ()* Pithecellobium ()
Carle&a' Cattleya ()
CARLU.O0#CA OERS"E.## Rui3 G $a2- =at palm ()* Atadero ()* 5raca ()* #ipi,apa ()* < ()* Na"uala ()*
/uachi2an ()* 0ucatero ()* 0ucua ()* !ropo ()* $orto Rico ()* Sabalet ()* Soso ()* To+uillo ()* Sombona3a () - 1oun"
lea2es are eaten as a salad ()- The lea2es are used to ma.e hats (), bas.ets (), brooms, fl& s4atters, etc- the inner
portions of the lo4er leafstal.s and the berries are +uite edible ()- Rhi3omes are used as a salad and potherb in
2arious parts of 0atin America- 5n >CLD, #uan de 7adillo and his con+uistadores li2ed for da&s on nothin" but #raca
for food- To this da&, the "ro4in" points or nacumas are eaten, 4ith a fla2or su""estin" aspara"us-
Carmana' Chamae$orea ()* /eonoma ()
Carmen' "rixis ()
Carmesi' Sic+in%ia ()
Carmin' Rivina ()
CARM5NAT57E' A substance 4hich relie2es flatulence (s4ellin" of the stomach or intestines due to "ases), and
alle2iates the pain- Achras' Achyranthes' Allium' Caesalpinia' Capraria' Car$iospermum' Carica' Centella'
Centrosema' Chenopo$ium' Corchorus' Corian$rum' Croton' Cymbopo%on' .repanocarpus' Enta$a' Eryn%ium'
Hyptis' #pomoea' Mi+ania' Momor$ica' Ocimum' Pothomorphe' Psi$ium' Ricinus' Si$a' Spon$ias' "amarin$us'
"erminalia' 1ylopia' Zebrina' Zin%iber3
Carne asado ' An$ira ()* Cassia ()* Cochlospermum ()* Cupania ()
Carne de 2aca' 0ochysia ()
Carne fiambre' Curatella ()* Panopsis ()* Roupala ()
Carnestolenda' Cochlospermum ()
Carne3uelo' Acacia ()
Carnica en el $eru' Lantana ()
Caro' Enterolobium ()
Carob' Ceratonia ()
Carola' "hunber%ia ()
Carpenter bush' ,usticia ()
Carpet4eed' Mollu%o ()
Carra' Hampea ()* Hubero$en$ron ()
Carraspi+ue' #beris ()
Carrasposa' Eupatorium bullata ()* Calea sp- ()
Carrasa2illo' Callea ()
Carrecito' Aristolochia ()
Carretillo' Aspi$iosperma ()* Ran$ia ()
Carreto' Aspi$iosperma (,)* 0ismia ()
Carreton' "ri&olium ()
Carreton de a"ua' Marsilea ()
Carretoncito' Me$ica%o ()
Carricillo' Chus7uea ()* Lasiacis ()* Olvra ()
Carricillo trepador' Lasiacis ()
Carrielitos' Calceolaria ()
Carri3o' Arthrostyli$ium ()* Arun$o ()* Lasiacis ()* Merostachys ()* "abernaemontana ()
Carro caliente' Coccoloba ()* Eu%enia ()
Carrot' .aucus ()
Carrumio' "ernstroemia ()
Carta"eno' Pseu$obombax ()
Carta"ueno' Ru$%ea ()
Cartucho' Zante$eschia ()
Caruto' /enipa ()
Caru&a' Eichhornia ()
CAR-OCAR AM-/.AL#)ERUM Mutis' Achiotillo ()* A,o ()* Almendron ()* Almendron ca"ui ()* Mani () - The
edible seeds are hi"h in oil content- 5n Colombia, the oil is called aceite $e pi7uia and is used for" and
CAR-OCAR sp-' /enene- 6sed for"- Nuts said to be edible-
Car2u' Sterculia ()
Cas' Psi$ium ()
Casabana' Sicana ()
Cas acida' Psi$ium ()
Casaco' Hieronyma ()* Sloanea ()
Casa de hormi"as' Acacia ()
Casamarucha' 1anthium catharticum ()
Casasco' Sloanea ()
Cascabel' Alonsoa ()* Silene ()
Casca,ero' Miconia ()
Cascalote' Libi$ivia ()
Cascara amar"a' Picramnea ()
Cascara de &uca' Alchornea ()
Cascara sa"rada' Rhamnus ()
Cascarilla boba' La$enber%ia ()
Cascarillo ne"ra' Heisteria ()
Cascarilla ro,a' Cinchona ()* La$enber%ia ()
Cascarillo' Clematis ()* Croton ()* Cru$ia ()
Casco de marte' Aconitum ()
Casco de 2aca' Bauhinia ()
Casco de 2enado' Ampelocera ()* Bauhinia ()
Cascha' Mimosa ()
Cascua' Cupania ()
Cas dulce' Psi$ium ()
CASEAR#A sp- %ild cherr& ()* =uesito ()' Raspa-len"ua ()- The berries are edible but nearl& tasteless ()- The& are
fre+uentl& consumed b& bushmen alon" the trail ()-
CASEAR#A S-L0ES"R#S S4- Cortalen"ua ()* onde+uiera ()* Maha,o ()* $alo de la cru3 ()- The fruits are probabl&
edible, and the flo4ers are attracti2e to bees- Macerated roots are used in decoction to treat 4ounds and lepros& in
Bra3il- The seeds &ield an oil used to treat lepros&-
Cas extran"ero' Psi$ium ()
Casha4' Prosopis ()
Cashe4' Anacar$ium ()
CAS#M#ROA E.UL#S 0la2e- %hite sapote ()* Matasano (,)- The fruit is edible, and the seeds are said to possess
h&pnotic properties- /round into po4der the seeds are supposed to cure external ulcers-
Caspi' "oxico$en$ron ()* Rhus ()
Caspicaracha' Rhus ()
Cassa2a' Manihot ()
CASS#A ALA"A 0- Cure-all ()* Ba,a"ua ()* orance ()* =ierba de pla&a ()* 0aureno ()* 0en"ue2aca ()* 0ucutema ()*
0ucutena ()* Ma,a"uilla ()* Ma,a"uillo ()* Mocuteno ()* %ild Senna () - The lea2es are anthelmintic, fun"icidal,
insecticidal, possibl& piscicidal- the roots are used to treat rheumatism and stomach ache in Almirante ()- The plant is
also used to treat stomach aches, 2enereal diseases, and sna.ebite-
CASS#A B#CAPSULAR#S 0- Bicho ()* Bombito ()* Cafe de pobre ()- Toasted seeds are used as a coffee substitute-
The plant is re"arded as antiasthmatic, antihemorrhoidic, febrifu"al, laxati2e, and insecticidal- 5n Costa Rica, stems
and lea2es are used 4ith roots of ratania to treat piles-
CASS#A )#S"ULA 0- /olden-sho4er ()* Cana fistula ()* Marianunut () - The flo4ers are edible- The pulp of the pods
is used to fla2or tobacco and as a laxati2e- $arched lea2es are eaten as a mild laxati2e 4ith other foods- The bar. has
been used in tannin"-
CASS#A /RA!.#S 0-f-" toe ()* Cana fistula ()* Carao ()* Sandalo ()* Sara"undin () - The malodorous pulp
around the seed is edible but pur"ati2e- The lea2es, crushed in lard, are used to treat man"e in /uatemala-
CASS#A OCC#.E!"AL#S 0- Senna ()* Bicho ()* ;ri,olillo ()* $otra () - 1oun" lea2es and pods are edible coo.ed*
roasted seeds are substituted for coffee and the flo4ers are eaten in famines- Root bar. ser2es as a +uinine substitute
and is used to treat "onorrhea- The seeds, considered poisonous undried, are febrifu"al and pur"ati2e* the& are used
to treat rin"4orm- A decoction is used for cataracts-
CASS#A RE"#CULA"A %illd- Bicutema ()* Corance ()* 5nanabis.e ()* 0aureno ()* $iria ()* Sara"undi (,)* Sorocontil
()* %ild Senna (,)* Martin"al2is ()- Choco 5ndians sa& the& ha2e no use for this tree, but it occurs at man& of their
home sites- $erhaps the& ha2e a mustical use for the plant- The Ba&ano Cuna use the plant as a stomach ache remed&
()- Aleaf ilnfusionis used to treat rin"4orm else4here and the& use the plant for li2er afflictions in Colombia- arien
Ne"ros use se2en lea2es boiled in 4ater for a pur"ati2e- The& also used the same tea to 4ash do"s 4ith man"e- Rio
Con"o Ne"ro 4omen 4ho ha2e not borne children drin. a tea of >C lea2es of laureno 4ith a nic.el8s 4orth of anis-
5f still sterile after : months of the treatment, di2orce is in order ()-
CASS#A S#AMEA 0am- Siamese senna ()* Casia de Siam () - The lea2es ha2e ser2ed as a famine food* flo4ers
sometimes are eaten in curries- The seeds are toxic to ho"s-
CASS#A "OME!"OSA 0-f- Alcaparro ()- Buds are substituted for capers and leaf infusions are used for t&phus and
CASS#A "ORA 0- Senna ()* ormidera () - The lea2es are piscicidal, and ma& be applied to ulcers and other
ailments- Seeds, eaten durin" famines, are roasted as a coffee substitute- The& are used to treat cheloid, lepros&,
pla"ue, psoriasis, and rin"4orm- The lea2es and &oun" fruits are boiled as a potherb 4ith rice- 0ea2es and shoots
contain about :E protein-
Castana ' Compsoneura ()* Licania ()* Matisia ()* Montrichar$ia ()* Sterculia ()
Castana de maranon' Bertholletia ()
Castaneto' Hura ()* The2etia ()
CAS"#LLA ELAS"#CA Cer2- Rubber ()* Caucho ne"ro ()* 5bude ()* Mastate blanco ()* 6le () - The latex is used to
ma.e balls and bottles, for 4aterproofin" clothin", and" boats- The bar. is used to ma.e clothin" amon" the
Choco ()-
CAS"#LLA )ALLA1 !-;-Coo.- Rubber ()* Caucho ()* 6le ()- The bar. is used for" cloth and the latex is used
Castor bean' Ricinus ()
CASUAR#!A E2U#SE"#)OL#A 0- Australian pine ()* Beef4ood ()* $ino ()* $ino de Australia () - $otable 4ater ma&
be obtained from the shoots- 5ts lo"s 4ill sin., but it is 2er& "ood fire4ood 4hich burns "reen and "ood
charcoal- The fruit is mixed 4ith po4dered nutme" to treat toothaches- Ashes are used to ma.e soap- the bar. is rich
in tannin, and is said to be antid&senteric, emmena"o"ic, and ecbolic- 5t is used in "ar"les for sore throat-
Catalina' Cliba$ium ()* .ahlia ()
Catamericuch&e' Cochlospermum ()
Catapan3a' Passi&lora ()
CATA$0ASM' A poultice or soft external application- Aloe' Annona' Chenopo$ium' Cochlospermum' Commelina'
.repanocarpus' Eclipta' /lirici$ia' /ossypium' ,atropha' *allstroemia' Mirabilis' Ocimum' Paullinia'
Philo$en$ron' Pilea' Pistia' Protulaca' Pothomorphe' Scoparia' Sesamum' Solanum' (altheria-
Catarina' Bla+ea ()* .ahlia ()
CATARR=' A cold or similar malad&- Treated 4ith Achras' Achranthes' a%eratum' allium' Anacar$ium' Ananas'
Aniba' Annona' Aristolochia' Bi$ens' Bramia' Bursera' Ca6anus' Calocarpum' Car$iospermum' Carica' CAssia'
Cecropia' Ce$rela' Ceratonia' Chaetoptelea' Chiococca' Chlorophora' Coccoloba' Cocos' Coleus' Conocarpus'
Cor$ia' Crescentia' Cupania' Cynocon' .en$ropo%on' .esmo$ium' .ichromena' .olichos' Eclipta' Elep:ahntopus'
Enterolobium' Eupatorium' Euphorbia' Hymenaea' Lantana' Lippia' Man%i&era' Manicaria' Mimosa' Myroxylon'
Paspalum' Paullinia' Pe$ilanthus' Peperomia' Petiveria' Piper' Pistia' Pseu$elepyhantopus' Psi$ium' Rivina'
Salmea' Samanea' Scleria' Sesbania' Siparuna' Solanum' Spon$ias' Sterculia' Seietenia' "rium&etta' "urnera'
Catbrier' Smilax ()
CAT=ART5C' See $ur"ati2e-
Cati2o' Cynometra ()* Prioria ()
Cattail' "ypha ()
Caucano' Cycnoches ()
Cauchillo' Chlorophora ()* Sapium ()
Caucho' Castilla (,)* )icus ()* Perebea ()* "hevetia ()
Caucho de la 5ndia' )icus ()
Caucho ne"ro' Castilla (,)
Cauliflo4er' Brassica ()
CA60< ' /um of a plant used for", mendin", or pastin"- Acacia' Bursera' Calophyllum' Castilla'
Clusia'Hymenaea' Protium' Symphonia' "amarin$us-
Caulote' /ua4uma ()
Caunce' /o$oya ()
Cauti2o' Prioria ()
Ca2a,a' Mauritiella ()
CA0A!#LLES#A PLA"A!#)OL#A =-B-<- Cuipo ()- !ne of the most conspicuous elements of the seasonal forests of
the $acific slope of $anama and the Choco, the cuipo is easil& reco"ni3ed from the "round and the air ab& its rin"ed
trun. and deciduous umbrella-li.e cro4n- The li"ht 4ood is little used, but formerl& ser2ed as a balsa substitute- it is
sometimes used for" du"outs and tra&s for 4ashin" and retainin" foodstuffs- The lar"e seeds are edible ()-
The "alactose-li.e "um that exudes from the cut trun. can be eaten 4ithout bad effect ()- Ne"roes in arien use the
"um as a suppurati2e- The lar"e, porous roots of the tree, if cut into sections, &ield a copious suppl& of potable 4ater
()- $erhaps reflectin" the octrine of Si"natures, the Canasas Cuna belie2e that this pot-bellied tree is a cure for
under4ei"ht- ;or sixteen da&s, the patiend bathes in an infusion of the bar., and then is supposed to start fattenin"
up ()- Trees outplanted in $uerto Rico in >B9I 4ere >?? feet tall and C feet B= b& >BI?N
CA0E!.#SH#A COR.#)OL#A =oo.- 62a de anis ()- The fruits are s4eet but asperous-
Ca&"ua' Cyclanthera ()
Cebada' Hor$eum ()
Cebadilla' .i%itaria ()* Setaria ()* Schoenocaulon ()* 0eratrum ()
Cebo burro' Hernan$ia ()
Cebolilla' !othoscor$ium ()
Cebolleta' Catasetum ()* Eichhornia ()* Hymenocallis ()
Cebolleta de pantano' Elocharis ()
Cebollo' Allium ()
Cebollilna' Allium (,)
Cebollo de ho,a' Allium ()
Cebo macho' Hernan$ia ()
Cebolleta de palo' Eulophia ()
CECROP#A OB"US#)OL#A Bert- /uaruma ()- the lea2es, eaten b& stoc., are belie2ed to be a cure for diabetes-
%ool from the stems and lea2es is smo.ed li.e tobacco ()- The bar. is used for" rope- The trun.s are used for
4ater trou"hs-
CECROP#A PEL"A"A 0- Trumpet tree ()* Eporro ()* /uarumo ()* Nilauala ()* 1arumo () - The buds ser2e as a
potherb- 5ndians eat the pith- The caustic sap is used to remo2e 4arts- The 4ood "ood tinder and the ashes
contain lime- The trun. is used for 4ater trou"hs- The bar. is used for corda"e, mats, and the ma.e cloth- The lea2es
are used to treat hemorrha"e, li2er ailments, drops&, and d&senter&, and are smo.ed li.e tobacco in the $earl 5slands
()- Chips of the 4ood ha2e been mixed 4ith concrete in $anama to ma.e a panelin" 4hich is said to be economical,
attracti2e and useful ()- !n &oun" trees there is often a caterpillar 4hich teh Choco decapitate- This &ields a red
Ama"ic-mar.erA, the resultant stain, said to be a little caustic, lastin" lon"er than /enipa stain ()- Sap of Cecropia
vir%usa is considered a "ood lubricant for 4ooden instruments, such as cane presses, etc-
Ceda' Cyperus ()
Cedar, bastard' /ua4uma ()
Cedar, Spanish' Ce$rala ()
Cedar, sprin"' Bombacopsis ()
Cedadr, 4hite' Hura ()
CE.RELLA O.ORA"A 0- Spanish cedar ()* Cedro ()* Cobana () - The seeds of this hone& tree are 2ermifu"al- The
aromatic 4ood is used for ci"ar boxes, moth-proof chests, etc-, and is exported to the 6nited States from $anama-
The root bar. is febrifu"al- Ba&ano Cuna ma.e du"outs of cedar, and the bottoms of old pira"uas ser2e as benches
Cedrillo' Brunellia ()* Huertea ()* /uarea ()* Muntin%ia ()* "apirira ()* "urpinia ()* Phyllanthus ()
Cedrito' Phyllanthus ()
Cedro' Bombacopsis ()* Ce$rela ()* ,u%lans ()* Phyllanthus ()
Cedro amar"o' Ce$rela ()
Cedro amarillo' Pseu$osamanea ()
Cedro bateo' Carapa ()
Cedro blanco' Ce$rela ()
Cedro caoba' Ce$rela ()
Cedro cebolla' Ce$rela ()* S5ietenia ()
Cedro cobano' Ce$rela ()* "richilia ()
Cedro colorado' Ce$rela ()
Cedro dulce' Ce$rela (,)* "richilia ()
Cedro espinoso' Bombacopsis ()
Cedro "ranadino' Ce$rela ()
Cedro "rande' ,u%lans ()
Cedro "renadino' Ce$rela ()
Cedro hembra' Panopsis ()
Cedro macho' Carapa ()* /uarea ()* "richilia ()
Cedro maria' Ce$rela ()
Cedron' Ce$rela ()* Aloysia ()* /arcia ()* Simaba ()
Cedro ne"ro' ,u%lans ()* /arcia ()
Cedro no"al' ,u%lans ()
Cedro olorosa' Ce$rela ()
Cedro real' Ce$rela (,,)
Cedro 2ino' Carapa ()
Ceiba' Ceiba ()* Bombacopsis ()* Bombax ()
Ceiba de a"ua' Pachira ()* Pseu$obombax ()
Ceiba amarillo' Hura ()
Ceiba barri"ona' Pseu$obombax ()
Ceiba blanca' Hura ()
Ceiuba bru,a' Cavanillesia ()
Ceiba de lana' Ochroma ()
Ceiba de leche' Hura ()
CE#BA PE!"A!.RA /aertn- Sil.cotton tree ()* Bon"a ()* Ceiba ()p* Ceiba de lana ()* 5"ar4ala ()* <apo. ()*
Sa+uisa+ui () - Seeds of this hone& tree, edible after roastin", are "round to ma.e mush- The& &ield a culinar& oil
used for illumination and"- The &oun" fruits are a 2e"etable li.e o.ra- The &oun" lea2es ser2e as a
potherb- The floss, irritatin" to the e&es, is used to stuff life-preser2ers, etc-, and is also used as tinder- %rapped
around the trun. of a fruit tree, it is supposed to discoura"e leaf cuttin" ants- %ood ashes are used as a salt substitute
and made into soap- The trun. is sometimes used for du"outs- The flo4ers are eaten b& cattle- The Ba&ano Cuna use
the bar. in medicine for female troubles ()- A bath of a bar. infusion is supposed to impro2e the "ro4th of hair in
Colombia- The same infusion is "i2en to cattle after deli2er& to help shed the placenta-
Ceibo' Bombacopsis ()* Erythrina ()* Pseu$obombax ()
Ceibo amarillo' Hura ()
Ceibo barri"on' Pseu$obombax ()
Ceibo muno' Bombacopsis ()
Ceibo pochote' Pseu$obombax ()
Ceibo tolu' Bombacopsis ()
Celodonia' Alsine ()* Microtea ()
Celer&' Apium ()
CELOS#A AR/E!"EA 0- Coc.scomb ()* Abanico ()* edos de plata () - 1oun" shoots ser2e as a pother b- the seeds
are considered antidiarrhetic, antid&senteric, and aphrodisiac-
CEL"#S #/UA!AEUS Ser"- =ac.berr& ()* Berraco ()* Ca"alera ()* Raspador ()* Surrumbo ()- The fruits are eaten b&
children, i"uanas, and birds- The 4ood is used for fire4ood and the lea2es for sandpaper- The bar. is laxati2e-
CE!CHRUS ECH#!A"US 0- Sandbur ()* Cadillo ()* ()* $e"a-pe"a () - The seeds ser2e as a famine food-
Cenicero' Pithecellobium ()
Cenicero macho' Albi3ia ()
Ceni3aro' Pithecellobium ()
Ceni3o' Chaetoptelea ()* Chenopo$ium ()* Pollalesta colombiana ()* "essaria inte%ri&olia ()
Ceni3a' Oli%anthes $iscolor ()
CE!"AUREA C-A!US 0- Albarina ()
CE!"ELLA AS#A"#CA 6rban - $erhaps culti2ated b& the Chinese about the Canal Kone as a tonic- 5t is supposed to
be aphrodisiac and to impart lon" life- A special 2ariet& 4as the basis of a tea drun. b& $rof- 0i Chun" 1on, 4ho
reputedl& li2ed M:C &ears and married M9 times- The lea2es are eaten ra4 or steamed 4ith rice-
Centello' Plumba%o ()* Ranunculus
Centeno' Secale ()
CE!"ROSEMA PLUM#ER# Benth- Cu"u () - The lea2es are used b& the Cuna for stomach pains- The bar. is used as
a fish poison-
Centur& plant' A%ave ()
Cepa de caballo' .esmo$ium ()* "rium&etta ()* Urena ()
CEPHAEL#S #PECACUA!HA Baill- 5pecac ()* Raicilla ()* $oa,a ()- the roots are collected a2idl& in arien- As the
ipecac of commerce, it is a 2aluable emetic for children 4ho ha2e in"ested poison, and is still used 4idel&, e2en in
the 6nited States- There is a arien belief that 4here the plant occurs, there is a sna.e around ()- 5n Colombia, it is
che4ed as an ambeicide and as an insect repellent-
CEPHAEL#S "OME!"OSA 7ahl- Sombrerito del diablo ()- 6sed as an emmena"o"ue in the Choco and for the relief
in asthma-
Cera' Elae%ia ()
Cera"allo' Lobelia ()
Cera de laurel' Myrica ()
CERA"O!#A S#L#2UA 0- Carob ()* St- #ohn8s bread ()* Al"arroba ()- Althou"h the fruits are edible, rich in su"ar and
protein, and a source of alcohol, the carob is probabl& not culti2ated in $anama- the seeds are substituted for coffee-
Molasses is made from the seeds in C&prus- A fruit decoction is used for catarrh- ;or earl& s&mptoms of
mononucleosis and hepatitis, $anamanian doctors ma& prescribe AR!/!N, DCE carob flour, >CE antid&speptic
starch ()- The seeds are said to ha2e been the ori"inal ,e4eller8s carat-
CERA"OP"ER#S "HAL#C"RO#.ES Bron"n- %ater fern ()* =elecho de a"ua ()- The fruits are edible ra4 or coo.ed-
Carbatana' Canna ()* 0erbesina (,)
Cerebril' ,usticia ()
Cere3a ' Bunchosia ()* )re4iera ()* Malpi%hia ()* Prunus ()
Cere3ito' Bunchosia ()
Cere3o de castilla' Malpi%hia ()
Cere3o de monte' Bunchosia ()* Eurya ()
Cerillo' Casearia ()* Clusia ()* Lacmellea ()* Perebea ()* Rhee$ia ()* Symphonia ()
Ceriman' Monstera ()
Cerito' Casearia ()
Cero' Rhee$ia (,)* Symphonia ()
Cerote' )icus ()
Cerra,a' Sonchus ()
Cerra,a "rande' Sonchus oleraceus ()
Cerra,ita cimarrona' Aster mar%inatus ()
Cestillo' Carlu$ovica ()
Ce&lon spinach' Basella ()
Chacafruto, Chachafruto' Erythrina ()* Polymnia ()
Chacha,illo' !ectan$ra ()
Chacha,o' Aniba ()* En$licheria ()* !ectan$ra ()
Cha"ualito' Clusia ()* Rapanea ()
Cha"ualo' Calophyllum ()* Clusia ()* Rapanea ()* "ovomita ()
Cha,ada amarillo' Pterocarpus ()
Chalde' /uarea ()* Philo$en$ron ()
CHAMAE.OREA (E!.LA!.#A!A =emsl- Boda ()* Bola ()* Cana 2erde ()* Nuru ()- The spadices are dipped in
e""s and fried- 0ea2es and &oun" shoots ma& contain about 9E protein on a fresh 4ei"ht basis-
Chambimbo' Sapin$us ()
Chambiro' Astrocaryum ()
Chamburo' Carica ()
Chamano' .o$onaea ()
CHAM#SSOA AL"#SS#MA =-B-<- Be,u co pedorro ()- the 2ine is considered anti2enereal-
Chamoltaco' Aphelan$ra ()
Champomarara&' Campomanesia ()
Chan' Hyptis ()
Chanamo' .o$onaea ()
Chancan' Pithecellobium ()
Chancha"arra' Bactris ()
Chanchan' Pithecellobium ()
Chancharo' Phaseolus ()
Chanchito' Cyclanthera ()* Elaterium ()
Chancho blanco' /oethalsia ()
Chancho colorado' 0ochysia ()
Chandur' Cyperus ()* Scleria ()
Chan"ro pan"a' Banisteropsis ()
Chan"ue' Colocasia ()
Chano' Licania ()
Chantre' )re4iera ()
Chanu' Humiriastrum ()* Licania ()* Saco%lottis ()
Chaparral' A$enaria ()
Chaparrito' Petrea ()
Chaparro' Byrsonima ()* Curatella ()* Petrea ()
Chaparro bobo' Palicourea ()
Chaparro montecon' Byrsonima ()
Chaperno' Lonchocarpus (,)
Chapilte' Pithecellobium ()
CHAP"AL#A !U"A!S 0- 0echu"uilla ()
Cha+uera, Cha+uiro' Alnus ()* Po$ocaarpus ()
Chascara' Aiphanes ()
Chascaca&' Aiphanes ()
Cha2elita' Lochnera ()
Cha2elita de monte' Bro5allia ()
Cha&ato' Sechium ()
Cha&ota' Sechium ()
Cha&ote' Sechium ()
Cha&otillo' Echinocystis ()* Elateriopsis ()
CHELO!A!"HUS ACU"A!/ULUS /il"- =ierba de Adan ()- 6sed to alle2iate neural"ia in the Choco-
Chen"a' /uilielma ()
CHE!OPO.#UM AMBROS#O#.ES 0- %ormseed ()* $aico () - Else4here, lea2es are used in soups and to fla2or
,utes and blac. beans- The seeds are anthelmintic and amebicidal- 5n $anama, the plant is re"arded as antiasthmatic
and 2ermifu"al ()-
CHE!OPO.#UM 2U#!OA %illd- Fuinua ()- The seeds are used as a "rain, but ma& be 2ermifu"al- 0ea2es are used
as a potherb-
Chepo' Centropo%on ()
Che4stic.' /ouania ()
Chia' /ynerium ()
Chia"a' Cuphea ()
Chian' Hyptis ()
Chiaso' Saccharum ()
Chiba' A%eratum cony4oi$es ()
Chibato' Cassia ()
Chibi"ui' Po%onopus ()
Chibu' Bursera ()
Chibuelo' Cassia ()
Chibu"a' Cariniana (,)
Chibu"i' Po%onopus ()
Chica' Arrabi$aea ()
Chicas+uil' ,atropha ()
Chicala' "abebuia ()
Chicapa' Bi$ens ()
C=5C=A' A be2era"e 4hich ma& be fermented- Made from Aechmea' Annona' boro6oa' Bromelia' Byrsonima'
Carica' Coccoloba' Co&&ea' .illenia' .iospyros' /ouania' /ua4uma' /uilielma' /ustavia' Hibiscus' Hymenaea'
Hyptis' Manihot' Musa' Ocimum' Oenocarpus' Ory4a' Pan$anus' Parmentiera' Passi&lora' Pithecellobium'
Pourouma' Psi$ium' Punica' Saccharum' Secale' Solanum' Spon$ias' Sterculia' "amarin$us' "ecoma' "heobroma'
1imenia' Zea' Zin%iber3
Chicha' Byrsonima ()
Chicha"ui' /uilielma ()
Chicharillo' Mouriria ()
Chicharo' .olichos ()
Chicharron' Calea ()* Callian$ra ()* Hirtella ()* Lonchocarpus ()* Petrea ()
Chiche' Solanum ()
Chichica' #schnosiphon ()
Chichicaste' Loasa ()
Chichi"ua' Solanum ()
Chichimali' Baccharis ()
Chichimeca' Amaranthus ()
Chichimora' )evillea ()* Solanum (CA
Chichi+ue' Aspi$osperma
Chichire' Maximiliana ()
Chichita' Solanum ()
Chichoma' Solanum ()
Chic.en corn' Sor%hum ()
Chic.-pea' Cicer ()
C=5C0E' A base for che4in" "um- Achras' Brosimum' Couma' )icus' Manil+ara' Mimusops' Pseu$olme$ia3
Chicle' Achras ()
Chicoria' Eryn%ium ()* Pseu$elephantopus ()
Chicoria cimarrona' Hypochoeris sonchoi$es ()
Chidra' Carlu$ovica (,)
Chi"ua' Zamia ()Chi"uacan' Carica ()
Chi"ua macho' Acrostichum ()
Chi"uechi"ue' Bromelia ()
Chi,u' Ananas ()
Chila' Sicana ()
Chihuila' Puya ()
Chilaca' Myroxylon ()
Chilacaste' Urtica ()
Chilaca&ote' Cucurbita ()
Chilacuan' Carica ()
Chilamate' )icus ()
Chilca' Baccharis ()* Steiractinia ()* "ecoma ()* "hevetia ()
Chilca amarilla' Cilba$ium asperum ()
Chilca blanco-ceni3a' Eupatorium an%usti&olium ()
Chilca lunare,a' Eupatorium laevi%atum ()
Chilca de tenir' Baccharis ()
Chilco' Baccharis ()* Euterpe ()
Chilco colorado' Escallonia ()
Chile' Capsicum ()* .rimys ()* Phyllanthus ()* Scia$o$en$ron ()
Chile de perro' Poly%onum ()
Chilillo' Epiphyllum ()* Phyllanthus ()* Poly%onum ()
Chilinchil' A$ipera ()
Chilinchile' Cassia ()
Chilindron' "hevetia ()
Chilipuca' Crotalaria ()
Chillaso' Smilax ()
Chilmecate' Paullinia ()
Chilpepe, Chiltepe' Capsicum ()
Chil+uilla' Cony4a ()* Eupatorium pycnocephalum ()
Chil+uita' Eupatorium o$oratum ()
Chil+uita carrasposa' Eupatorium scabrum ()
Chimbalo' Physalis ()* Solanum ()
Chimbolillo' Car$iospermum ()
Chimbolo 2erde' .olichos ()
Chimichaca' Chus7uea ()
Chiminan"o' Pithecellobium ()
China' #mpatiens ()* Smilax ()
Chinaberr&' Melia ()
Chinarose' #mpatiens ()
Chinese root' Smilax ()
Chinchimali' "a%etes patula ()
Chinese spinach' #pomoea ()
Chin"ale' Astrocaryum ()* ,acaran$a ()* Sabal ()
Chininan"o' Pithecellobium ()
CH#OCOCCA ALBA =itchc- 0a"rimas de Maria ()- A sna.ebite remed&-
Chipaca' Bi$ens pilosa ()
Chipara' /enipa ()
Chiparo' Zy%ia ()
Chipero' Callian$ra ()
Chipilin' Crotalaria ()
Chipio' )icus ()
Chipirera' Caven$ishia ()
Chipuelo' Zanthoxylum ()
Chipuste' Saccharum ()
Chi+uechi+ue' Attalea ()* Leopol$ina ()
Chi+uira"ua' Chu7uira%a 6ussieui ()
Chi+uirin' Myroxylon ()
Chi+uisa' Calyptocarpus ()* Leonurus ()
Chi+ui3acillo' Borreria ()
Chiraco' "oxico$en$ron ()
Chiratirati' Canna ()
Chirca 2enenosa' "hevetia ()
Chirco' "hevetia ()
Chireta' Helianthus ()
Chiri"uaco' Clethra ()
Chiri"ui' "rixis
Chirimo&a' Annona ()
Chirimo&a de monte' Annona ()
Chiripi+ue' .alea ()
Chiri+ui' "rixis ()
Chiri+uirin' Myrospermum ()
Chiri2ia' Pastinaca ()
Chirlobirlos' Abatia ()* Castille6a ()* "ecoma ()
Chirra' "illan$sia ()
Chirraca' Myroxylon ()
Chirriador' Cissus ()* Muntin%ia ()
Chirrinchao' Phyllanthus ()
Chirrincharo' Phyllanthus ()
Chirriosaca' Carlu$ovica ()
Cirrite' Besleria ()* Eupatorium ()* Salvia ()
Cirrite blanco' Eupatorium ()
Cirriuaca' Monstera ()
Chisaca' Spilanthes ()
Chisaca de cafetal' Spilanthes americana ()
Chis"o' Laplacea ()
Chis"ua' Canna ()
Chisi-chisi' Cliba$ium asperum ()
Chispa' Coreopsis ()* "ritonia ()
Chispeado' Buc7uetia ()* Chaetolepis ()
Chitaca' Senecio lanatus ()
Chitato' Muntin%ia ()
Chite' Hypericum ()
Chitoto' Muntin%ia ()
Chiu-chiu' Cliba$ium asperum ()
Chi2aco' 0accinium ()
Chi2ato' Aspi$osperma ()
Chi2a3o' Aristolochia ()
Chi2e' Allium ()
Chi2erre' Cucurbita ()
Chi2errillo' Cucurbita ()* Melothria ()* Pittiera ()
Chi2erro' Cucurbita ()* "illan$sia ()
Chi2ola' Hyptis ()
CHLOROPHORA "#!C"OR#A /uad- A2in,e ()* ;ustic ()* 1ello4 4ood ()* Brasil ()* inde ()* ;usete ()* Macano ()*
Mora ()* $alo amarillo ()* $alo moro () - The fruit is edible- The 4ood is used for furniture- The latex is said to cause
teeth to fall out ()- the bar. is pur"ati2e ()-
Choapo' #riartea ()
Chochitos de indio' Abrus ()
Chocho' Abrus ()* Lupinus ()* Mauria ()* Mucuna ()* Ormosia ()* Rourea ()* Sapin$us ()* "richilia ()
Chocho colorado' Erythrina ()
Choco' Scoparia ()* (ei%eltia ()
Chocolate' "heobroma ()
Chocolatillo' Chomelia ()* Herrania ()* Pipta$enia ()* Ran$ia ()
Chocomico' 1imenia ()
Cho"ro' Bambusa ()* /ua$ua ()
Choho' Erythrina ()
Choiba' .ipteryx ()
C=!0ERA' An infectious disease characteri3ed b& 2omitin", cramps, fe2er, etc- Treated 4ith Allium' Capsicum'
Eupatorium' Man%i&era' Melia' Mi+ania' Mucuna' Musa' Physalis' Psi$ium' Rhee$ia3
C=!0!/!/6E' A substance producin" or increasin" the flo4 of bile- Ananas' Calotropis' Carica' Eleusine'
,atropha' Phyllanthus' Pothomorphe-
CHOMEL#A SP#!OSA #ac+- Tom bush () - The fruits are edible and febrifu"al-
Chompipe' Aristolochia ()
Chon+ue' Colocasia ()
Chonta' Astrocaryum ()* /uilielma ()* Pyreno%lyphis ()* Socratea ()* Sya%rus ()
Chontadura' Coleus ()* /uilielma ()
Chontadurillo' /uilielma ()
Chonta ne"ra' #riartea ()
Chontilla' Bactris ()
Chonto' Ceroxylon ()
Chonu&a' Mauritia ()
Chore+ue' Petrea ()
Chore+uillo' /o$mania ()
Chorote' Anacar$ium ()* Pernettia ()
Chorotico' Alonsoa ()
Cho&ba' .ipteryx ()* Helicostylis ()
Christmas bush' Eupatorium ()
CHR-SA!"HEMUM )RU"ESCE!S 0- Mar"arita ()
CHR-SA!"HEMUM LEUCA!"HEMUM 0- Mar"ariton ()
CHR-SA!"HEMUM PAR"HE!#UM Bernh- Man4anilla matricaria ()* Man3anilla romana
CHR-SA!"HEMUM #CACO 0- Coco plum ()* 5caco ()* 6ichup () - The fruits are eaten fresh () or preser2ed- The
seeds are edible and sometimes strun" as candlenuts-
CHR-SOPH-LLUM spp- Star apple ()* Caimito ()* Eslo ()* Nensarra,o ()* $ipa ()* Tu.o - Most of the species ha2e
fruits that are edible ra4 (), but some are unpleasantl& "umm&- The& are culti2ated b& the Cuna and Choco- S4eet
mil.& fruits li.e caimito and papa&a are a2oided b& pre"nant Choco in the belief that the fetus 4ill "ro4 too lar"e-
Chucha' "rixis ()* Porophyllum ru$erale ()
Chuchuana' Astrocaryum ()
Chuchapan"a' Siparuna ()
Chucho' Peperomia ()* Cestrum ()* Solanum ()
Chuchunchullo' Hybanthus ()* #oni$ium ()
Chuchupate' /uarea ()
Chuella' Pterocarpus ()
Chufa' Cyperus ()
Chu"ua' Ullucus ()
Chu"uaca' 0iburnum ()
Chu"uilla' Anre$era ()
Chula' Lochnera ()
Chulco' Be%onia ()* Monolena ()* Oxalis ()
Chul"uin' /ynerium ()
Chumbimbo' Sapin$us ()
Chumbino' Sapin$ua ()
Chumbipito' Aristolochia ()
Chumico' Curatella (,)* .avilla ()* Monople%ma ()* "etracera ()
Chumico de palo' Curatella (,)
Chumico peoro' .avilla ()
Chundul' Cyperus ()
Chun"a' Astrocaryum ()
Chunto' Ceroxylon ()
Chununa de caballo' Blepharo$on ()
Chupa' /ustavia ()* Licania ()* Matisia ()
Chupachupa' Combretum ()* Matisia ()* Psychotria ()
Chupadera' .racontium ()* Castille6a ()
Chupahue2o' Castille6a ()
Chupa membrillo' /ustavia ()
Chupamiel' Hamelia ()
Chupana' Hy$rocotyle ()
Chupatroncos' Phthirusa ()
Chupito' Aristolochia ()
Chupa&a' Bromeliaceae in "eneral ()* Montricar$ia ()
Chupo' /ustavia ()
CHU2U#RA/A ,USS#EU# /-;-/mel- Chi+uira"ua
Chureca' Lathyrus ()
Churristate' Ano$a ()* #pomoea ()
Churrite' Hyptis ()* Priva ()
Churruba' Sya%rus ()
Churumbelo' Poso7ueria ()
Chuscal' Paspalum ()
Chus+ue' Chus7uea ()
Chutras' Protium ()
C#CER AR#E"#!UM 0- Chic.-pea ()* /arban3o () - The seeds are used in soups and as a 2e"etable, made into flour,
roasted as a coffee substitute, and used to treat bronchial catarrh- Roasted roots are also a coffee substitute- The
seeds are antibilious- The edible lea2es and shoots contain I-DE protein-
Cidra' Citrus ()
Cidrapapa' Sechium ()
Cidra&ote' Sechium ()
Cidron' Lippia ()
Cierito' Mouriri ()
Cierra tus puertas' Mimosa ()
Cierrate, Cierrate de escobilla' Mimosa ()
Ci"arillo' Cuphea ()
Ci"ua' 7arious Lauraceae ()
Cilantrillo' A$iantum ()
Cilantro' Corian$rum ()* Eryn%ium ()
Cimarron' Coccoloba ()
Cinchadora' Philo$en$ron ()
Cinchona' Cinchona ()
Cinco coloraditos' Lantana ()
Cinco dedos' Aralia ()* Oreopanax ()* 2uararibea ()
Cinco ne"ritos' Lantana (,)
C#!!AMOMUM ZE-LA!#CUM Blume- Cinnamon ()* Alcanfor (,)* Canela () - This Asian tree is occasionall&
planted in $anama, the dried bar. abein" the cinnamon of commerce, 4hich is sold in $anama mar.ets ()-
Cinnamon' Cinnamomum ()
Cinta' Muehlenbec+ia ()
Cinta blanca' Phalaris ()
Ciprecillo' Po$ocarpus ()
Cipres' Cupressus (,)
Cipreso' Escallonia ()
Ciro' Baccharis spp-
Cirpo' Pourouma ()
Cirri' Mos7uitoxylum ()
Cirri amarillo' Mauria ()
Cirro blanco' Mos7uitoxylum ()
Ciruela ' Bunchosia ()* Phyllanthus ()* Spon$ias ()* "ernstroemia ()* 1imenia ()
Ciruela de perro' Bunchosia ()
Ciruelillo' 1imenia ()
Cisne' Cycnoches ()
C#SSAMPELOS PARE#RA 0- Be,unco de cerca ()* $atacon () - 5n Colombia, the 2ine is used for corda"e- The plant
is antiasthmatic, diuretic, expectorant, emmena"o"ic, febrifu"al, lithontriptic, sudorific, and is used as a barbasco
and a sna.ebite cure- The roots are used to pre2ent abortion and to arrest menorrha"ia-
C#SSUS RHOMB#)OL#A 7ahl- Baitilla () - The fruits are edible, 4ith the taste of "rapes ()-
C#SSUS S#C-O#.ES 0- Roc. rope ()* Be,u,co Castro ()* Be,ucocomemano ()* Be,uco loco ()* Chirriador ()* 62a
cimarrona ()- the fruits are much sou"ht b& birds and are edible ()- The stems are used as a soap substitute- The
lea2es are used for rheumatism and ulcers-
C#"HARE1-LUM sp- ;iddle4ood ()* !ld 4omen8s bitter ()* Man"lillo () - The berries are said to be edible, and the
flo4ers are attracti2e to bees- The bar. is reported to ser2e as a fish poison-
Citron' Citrus ()
Citronella' Cymbopo%on ()
C#"RULLUS LA!A"US Mansf- %atermelon ()* $aitilla ()* $atilla ()* Sandia () (;i"- DD)- %atermelon production is
almost exclusi2el& limited to the dr& season in $anama, 4here a mediocre melon brin"s C? cents to one dollar- The
rinds are sometimes preser2ed in su"ar or 2ine"ar-
C#"RUS spp- Citrus () - Se2eral species of the Asian "enus Citrus are culti2ated throu"hout the tropics for their
edible fruits, and some tend to become established- The plants are important hone& producers- Those most common
in $anama are' The lime or limon, Citrus aurantii&olia S4in"le is planted, much to the exclusion of the true lemon,
or limon real- A tonic tea is sometimes prepared from the e2er"reen lea2es and the fruits are re"arded as
antiscorbutic, antiseptic, st&ptic, and sudorific- San Blas 5ndians nearl& al4a&s ha2e a bottle of lemon ,uice on the
table as one of their t4o spices, the other bein" salt- !ften the lemon ,uice is con2erted into a hot sauce b& the
addition of Capsicum - Colombian nati2es belie2e the fruits retard deli2er&- The& use a root infusion to combat colic-
The s4eet lime or limon dulce, Citrus limetta Risso, is also 4idel& planted in Central America- The s4eet oran"e or
naran,a, Citrus sinensis !sbec. is planted in "ardens but is not produced commerciall&- $eelin"s are used to fla2or
foods and relie2e toothache- Steamed, the& are applied to sore ears- The lea2es are used to ma.e a tea consumed b&
the Ne"roes of arien and $uerto !baldia- This tea, follo4ed b& aspirin, is used b& Chiricanos to treat fe2er- The
sour oran"e or naran,a acida or naran,a a"ria, Citrus aurantium 0-, is occasionall& found 4ild- 5ts fruits are
extremel& bitter, but the ,uices are used to remo2e the 4ild taste from "ame- The lea2es and bar. are home remedies
for bad heart, and are used as antiseptic, hemostatic, and sudorific- The citron or cidra or toron,a, Citrus me$ica 0-,
is often culti2ated- The peel bein" used to ma.e confections - The "rapefruit or toron,a, Citrus para$isi Macf- , is too
sour for 0atin tastes and is little planted in $anama - The tan"erine or mandarin, Citrus reticulata Blanco, seems
most abundant amon" the lo4land Cuna, 4here it is called narachol madri+uet-
Clarol' Peres+ia ()
Cla2a' .ichronema ()
Cla2el' .ianthus ()* Hibiscus ()
Cla2el de aire' "illan$sia ()
Cla2elillo' ,ussiaea ()
Cla2elino' Couroupita ()* Caesalpinia ()
Cla2ellin' Bro5nea ()
Cla2ellin de pla&a' (e$elia ()
Cla2ellina' Bro5nea ()* Mutisia ()* Caesalpinia ()* Callian$ra ()* .elonix ()* "a%etes ()
Cla2ellina de monte' Melanthera ()
Cla2ellina de pichinde' Callian$ra ()
Cla2ellina de San #acinto' Curtia ()
Cla2ellinito' Steiractinia aspera ()
Cla2ellino' Mustisia clematis ()
Cla2elon' Zinnia ele%ans ()
CLA0#,A spp- =ochorone,o ()* <uandu ()* Membrillo ()* San Cristobal () - Choco and Cuna state that the fruits are
edible ()- Roots and 4ood are used in sna.ebite cures ()- The plant is considered alexeritic and antispasmodic in
Cla2ito' Acacia ()* ,ussiaea ()
Cla2o' .ichronema ()* Eu%enia ()* )aramea ()
Clematide' Mutisia clematis ()
CLEMA"#S .#O#CA 0- Barba de 2ie,o () - The seeds are re"arded as pur"ati2e, rubefacient, and 2esicant- The
infusion of the lfo4ers and lea2es is used as a cosmetic-
Clemon' "hespesia ()
CLEOME SP#!OSA #ac+- Spiderflo4er ()* esbaratabaile ()* esdicha ()* /arcita ()* Mismia ()* $ito-pito ()* 6na
del diablo ()- The leaf infusion is used for earache- The plant is a fish poison, and is also used to supress tic.s,
bedbu"s, and roaches-
CL#BA.#UM spp- Catalina ()* <4in.4imas ()* Mastra3o de monte ()* Kla"uena ()- This is used as a barbasco and to
treat er&sipelas-
CL#BA.#UM ASPERUM C- Chiu-chiu ()* Sicuri ()* Catalina ()* Chisi-chisi ()* Chilca amarilla ()
CL#BA.#UM SUR#!AME!SE 0- $intadilla ()
CL#BA.#UM S-L0ES"RE Baill- Barbasco ()
CL#.EM#A spp- The fruits are edible ()-
CL#"OR#A "ER!A"EA 0- Campanilla () - The roots are cathartic- The seeds are antidotic, aperient, diuretic,
pur"ati2e, and refri"erant, and are used in c&stitis-
Clo2e' Eu%enia ()
Clo2er' "ri&olium ()
CLUS#A M#!OR 0- Cope ()* Mata palo (,) - This is a source of an elastic 2ulnerar& latex, used for banda"in"
children8s hernias- The fruits of most Clusia spp- are re"arded as poisonous but the& are eaten b& bats-
CL-"OSOMA #S"HM#CUM $ittier- A"u ()- Cuna use the lea2es for upper respirator& infections-
Coa' /eo&&roea ()
Coba' Cryosophila ()* Machaerium ()
Cobano' Cariniana ()* Ce$rela ()
Cobola' Po$ocarpus ()
Cobre+ue' Sesbania ()
Coca' Erythroxylum ()
COCCOLOBA U!#)ERA 0- Seabrape ()* Micon"o ()* Nula ()* 62a de pla&a ()* 62erna () - The acid pulp is edible
fresh or in ,ams- 5t a be2era"e that ma& be fermented- The tannin in the bar. is prescribed for diarrhea-
Se2eral other species of Coccoloba ha2e edible fruits-
Coceador' Piper ()
COCHLOSPERMUM 0#"#)OL#UM Spren"- Bra3ilian rose ()* Bototo ()* Carneasado ()* Carnestolendo ()* ;lechero
()* Nunonunor bala ()* $oroporo () - The soft 4ood of other species is a famine food* this species mi"ht be
,udiciousl& sampled- The 4ood burns "reen- The cotton is used to stuff pillo4s, and is used at the base of 5ndian
darts- The bar. is used for" rope- 5t is fre+uentl& culti2ated on San Blas 5slands as decorati2e li2in" lli"ht
poles ()- Medicinall&, the plant is re"arded as a sedati2e and suppurati2e- To treat ,aundice, infusions of the lea2es
are prescribed in Colombia-
Cocla' Bauhinia ()
Coc.scomb' Celosia ()
Coc.stail palm' /eonoma ()
Coco' Cocos ()* Lecythis ()* Mucuna ()* 1anthosoma ()
Cocoa' "heobroma ()
Coco albarco' Cariniana ()
Coco blanco' Esch5eilera ()
Cocoloba ' .alber%ia ()* Lecythis ()* Pithecellobium ()* Psychortia ()
Cocobolito' Psychotria ()
Coco cabu&o' Couratari ()
Coco cristal' Lecythis ()
Coco, "round' Eulophia ()
Coco "uasco' Esch5eilera ()
Coco manteco' /ustavia ()
Coco de mono' Couroupita ()* Lecythis ()
Coco de monte' Couroupita ()
Coco muerto' /ustavia ()
Coconut' Cocos ()
Coco plum' Chrysobalanus ()
Cocora' Billia ()* /uarea ()
Cocorote' Bactris ()
COCOS !UC#)ERA 0- Coconut ()* !"op ()* $alma de coco (,)* Coco ()* Cocotero () - No palm is more useful and
better .no4n than the coconut, the mone& crop in San Blas, 4here it ser2es as 4ell as a nic.el in fiscal transactions-
An acre of coconut plantation ma& &ield C,??? to >?,??? nuts a &ear- The li+uid in the center of the coconut 4hen
immature is nearl& BCE 4ater, the rest su"ar- At this sta"e, it is called a pipa, and these are consumed 4here2er there
are coconuts- $anama anal&ses of pipas re2eals BME 4ater, CaE carboh&drates, >E protein, >E oil, and >E mineral-
The pipa ,uice is often used as a AchaserA 4ith seco in arien ()- As the nut approaches maturit&, the mil. should not
be drun. in +uantit& as it tends to be diuretic- Cuna 5ndians, 4hen piercin" the ears and noses of ne4l& born "irls,
dra4 a strin" soa.ed in coconut mild throu"h the hole to hasten healin"- Before it matures, coconut meat is li.e a
custard in fla2or and consistenc& ()- The 4hite meat underneath the ripe hus. is 2er& nutritious, containin" about
9?E oil, >?E carboh&drate, LE protein, >E inor"anic matter, the rest mostl& 4ater- $anama anal&ses of the 4hite
meat re2eal C>E 4ater and LME oil, 4hile sun-dried copra exported from Sun Blas to $anama for oil extraction has
>ME 4ater and :?E oil- A rich li+uid is s+uee3ed out of "rated coconut meat- $anamanians call this cream leche de
coco- Anal&sis re2eals D:E 4ater, 9-CE oil, L-9E protein, 9-CE caraboh&drate, and >E mineral, 2er& close to co48s
mil.- 5t is boiled 4ith rice toma.e $anama8s famouse arro3 con coco 4ith taro lea2es to ma.e a South Seas dish, and
4ith "ame to ma.e creamed meat dishes- 5t has been used as a substitute for cream in coffee- Nati2es mash up the
meat in 4ater and s+uee3e it throu"h a sie2e- The exudate is then boiled, the ooil ladled off the top- ;resh oil ma& be
used to fr& food- The oil .eeps poorl& and should be used shortl& for"- 5t ma& be used for smo.eless
illumination after it has become ransid* rancid oil is put in a seashell and a 4ic. is floated therein- Candles ma& be
made of coconut butter or oil- The flo4ers are en2eloped in a lar"e leaf& spathe, 4hich ruptures 4hen the flo4er
opens- Else4here, nati2es tie it to"ether and ma.e a small cut near the tip so that "ra2it& 4ill direct the ,uices into a tied to it- The& let it AbleedA a fe4 da&s and then ma.e a ne4 cut- The fresh ,uice or Atodd&A tastes li.e apple
cider- ;ermentin" produces 4ine or 2ine"ar, 4hich ma& be stren"thened b& distillation- Some Asian 5ndians belie2e
that if the todd& is used re"ularl& b& pre"nant 4omen, the child 4ill ha2e a li"hter complection than the parent- The
sap, boiled until it becomes bro4n and thic., is called Acoconut molasses-A the thic. residue on the bottom ma& then
be sun dried to form a bro4n lump su"ar- the molasses and "rated coconut meat are mixed and allo4ed to harden
into cand&- The terminal folia"e bud of the plant is edible coo.ed li.e cabba"e, or ra4 as a Amillionaire8s saladA, so
named because cuttin" off the terminal bud .ills a 2er& 2aluable plant- ;allen nuts ma& "erminate 4here the& lie- 5n
"erminatin" nuts, the ca2it& is filled 4ith a spon"& mass called bread, 4hich is eaten ra4 or toasted in a shell o2er
the fire- Sproutin" seeds ma& be eaten li.e celer&- There is some starch in the pith of the stems, 4hich can be
extracted b& mashin" up the pith, extractin" the fibrous parts, and lettin" the starch settle- This starch can be used to
ma.e bread- The pith from the top of the tree can be pic.led in coconut 2ine"ar- Scorched roots of the coconut tree
ha2e ser2ed as a coffee substitute- ried lea2es furnish short-li2ed torches, one bein" lit from the other- The San
Blas often use coconut to bait their fish bas.ets- =al2ed coconut shells ma.e 2er& suitable utensils- ;ood is 4rapped
in lea2es bet4een t4o hal2es of a split coconut, 4hich are placed o2er a fire- %hen the shells ha2e nearl& burned
throu"h, the food is remo2ed-" from a hal2ed coconut 2essel is supposed to impart "ood health- in Ne4
/uinea, nati2es sometimes tra2el on rafte made of coconut lo"s- Coconuts stuffed in the clothin" ser2e as bo&ant life
preser2ers- Tropical houses can be made of coconut stems and lea2es, althou"h other species often pla& the rold-
Commercial fiber , resistant to salt-4ater dama"e, is produced from the hus.- A commercial plant established in
about >BCI in $ico ;eo, San Blas, turned out about a ton a da&, 4hich commanded O>9? per ton in Europe- Soaps
made from coconut oil float and lather in salt 4ater- Else4here, nati2es ma.e soap of coconut oil and 4ood ashes-
Ash of coconut leaf stal.s ma& be used since it contains much potash- $lacin" palm fronds coated 4ith mud o2er
embers preser2es fire o2erni"ht- =us.s are used as fuel and mos+uito smud"es- Shells ma.e "ood heat reflectors-
Buttons ha2e been fashioned from strands stripped from coconut lea2es, needles bein" fashioned out of thorns of
other palms or from bamboo sli2ers- ;ish traps ha2e been made from the ribs of the lea2es, and crab traps from the
leaf stal.s- Boilin" of the todd& &eilds a su"ar 4ater .no4n as A,a""er&A, 4hich, mixed 4ith lime, an
excellent cement- A resin, extracted b& heatin" the inner hus. of the coconut, is used to treat toothache amon" the
Ma,e Choco- Coconut oil is used to treat alopecia, as an alexeritic, to treat burns, and as an insect repellent- The
Ma,e Choco ta.e the oil, mixed 4ith hone&, and mon.e& and chic.en fat, for asthma- The mil. is belie2ed
febrifu"al- Coconut 4ater is used as an antiemetic* fermented, it is used for constipation and consumption- The
do4n at the base of the lea2es is used to stop bleedin"- The bar. is re"arded as antiotitic and antiseptic- the flo4ers
are said to be astrin"ent- The roots are belie2ed to be antiblennorrha"ic, antibronchitic, antid&senteric, fe"brifu"al,
and anti"in"i2itis-
Cocorote' Pyreno%lyphis ()
Cocotero' Cocos ()
Coco, 4ild' Cala$ium ()
Coco 3apote' Couroupita ()
Cocu' An$ira (,)
Cocua' Poulsenia (,)
CO.#AEUM 0AR#E/A"UM Blume' Croton ()* Su%a7uinit ()* "irabu4on ()- 6sed b& the San Blas 5ndians as a bath
for bod& aches and e&e diseases- 0ea2es belie2ed to be refri"erant- Root and cortex are stimulatin" and sli"htl&
Codillo' Commelina ()
CO))EA ARAB#CA 0- Arabian coffee ()* Cabi ()* Cafe () - Coffee is "ro4n rarel& in lo4land $anama but inland
Cuna sometimes "ro4n their o4n, as do all ethnic "roups- Coffee is fre+uentl& raised in the shade of some other
trees- =un"r& or thirst& sur2i2alists 4ill find some satisfaction from the ripe beans- Coffee beans, after processin"
and dr&in", furnish a stimulatin" be2era"e to 4hich man& Americans are addicted- Coffee lea2es, if cured li.e tea
lea2es, afforde a be2era"e 4ith enou"h caffeine to ser2e as a coffee or tea substitute- 5n 5ndia, the lea2es are roasted
o2er a fire of bamboo or other 4ood that "i2es little smo.e- The lea2es assume a buff color 4hen done, and are then
"round to form an Ainstant coffeeA- 5n boli2ia, sultana, a coffee substitute, is made from the bar.- 5n Arabia, the pulp
of the fruit, after dr&in" is emplo&ed in" a be2era"e 4hich could be fermented- Coffee flo4ers are attracti2e
to bees and impart a characteristic fla2or to the hone&- ried beans are used medicinall& as a diuretic, ner2ine, and
stimulant, 4hich acts on the central ner2ous s&stem, .idne&s, heart, and muscles- 5t is used as an antidote in opium
poisonin", bein" re"arded as antisoporific and anaphrodisiacal- 6nroasted beans ha2e been used as a substitute for
+uinine in intemittent fe2er- Blac. coffee has been used in treatin" t&phoid fe2er and chronic diarrhea- Cold coffee is
used b& fishermen to 4ash the smell of fish off their hands-
Coffee' Co&&ea ()
C!;;EE S6BST5T6TE' A plant furnishin" a be2era"e similar to coffee- Abelmoschus' Canavalia' Cassia'
Ceratonia' Cicer' Cocos' Co&&ee' .aucus' He$yosmum' Hibiscus' Leucaena' Musa' "heobroma-
Co"ollos' "illan$sia ()
Cochataco' Raulvol&ia ()
Cohombros' Cucumis ()
Cohune' Attalea ()
Cointura' Banisteria ()
CO#1 LACHR-MA;,OB# 0- #ob8s tears ()* 0a"rimas de San $edro (,), !i ()* !2ina ()* Ruema ()* Ta () - The seeds, a
source of meal, are parched to ma.e a tea and used to ma.e mushes that can be fermented- the& are used for
nec.laces in San Blas ()- Ba&ano Cuna use the seeds medicinall& ()- 5n arien, the& are said to be diuretic ()-
Colombians use the roots to treat chronic headache ()- Chinese also use the plant medicinall&-
Co,on' Cor$ia ()
Co,on' Stemma$enia ()* "abernaemontana ()
Co,on de burro' Stemma$enia ()
Co,on de caballo' Stemman$enia ()
Co,on de cabrito' "abernaemontana ()
Co,on de fraile' Stemma$enia ()* "abernaemontana ()
Co,on de "ato' "hevetia ()
Co,on de mico' Stemman$enia ()
Co,on de puerco' Stemman$enia ()
Co,on de toro' "abernaemontana ()
Col' Brassica ()
Col de monte' Phytolacca ()
Cola de alacran' Heliotropium ()
Cola de chancho' Helicteres ()
Cola de chan"o' Helicteres ()
Colacion' Anti%onon () ()* Carlu$ovica ()* Chamae$orea ()* Chinochloa ()* /eonoma ()
Cola de marrano' Pithecellobium ()
Cola de millo' Stachytarpheta ()
Cola demorado' /eonoma ()
Cola de na2a ' Cupania ()
Cola de pescado' Caryota ()
Coladera' Lu&&a ()
Cola de 2enado' An$ropo%on ()* Arun$inella ()
Colchon de pobre' Achillea ()* He$yosmum ()* Lycopo$ium ()
Cole"ial' /esneria ()
COLEUS BLUME# Benth- #acob8s coat ()* Chontadura ()* !re"ano de Espana ()* $ompolluda ()- This or a closel&
related species is said to ma.e a pleasant addition to be2era"es- The lea2es are eaten 4ith bread and butter, and
bruised and put into countr& beer- 5n 5ndochina, it is emplo&ed in asthma, chronic cou"hs, epileps&, colic, and
d&spepsia- Expressed ,uice is used as an anod&ne and applied o2er and around the e&elids in con,uncti2itis-
Colibri' Mas$evallia ()
Coliflor' Brassica ()
Coli"allo' Bactris ()* Calyptro%yne ()* Carlu$ovica ()* .asystachys ()
Colima' Zanthoxylum ()
Colindre' Eupatorium ()
Colla' Polymnia ()
Collards' Brassica ()
C!001R56M' A local e&e medication, i-e-, e&e4ash- Abrus' Achyranthes' Albi4ia' Ar%emone' Bocoonia'
Boerhaavia' Caesalpinia' Capsicum' Co$iaeum' Coleus' Elilia' Eu%enia' /ouania' #pomoea' #sotoma' Lantana'
Lu&&a' Malachra' Manihot' Mimosa' Ocimum' Phaseolus' Ricinus' Spon$ias' "alinum' "amarin$us' (altheria'
Colmillo' .ermatocalyx ()* Psammisia ()* Satyria ()* Spi%elia ()
Colmillo de perro' Ca2endishia ()
Colmillo de puerco' Hylenaea ()* Spi%elia ()
Col de Nicara"ua' ,atropha ()
COLOCAS#A A!"#2UORUM Schott and COLOCAS#A ESCULE!"A asheen ()* Mafafa ()* Malan"a& ()* !toe ()*
Moena Mesusu ()* Tar.4a ()* 6sami () - Taros and dasheens are next to &ams in importance in oriental economies-
These 2e"etable crops loo. much li.e the oto, but are readil& identifiable b& their peltate lea2es- The taro has been
so lon" culti2ated b& 2e"etati2e propa"ation that it has not been .no4n to set seed- 5t fares best in 4et, rich soils of
the humid tropics, 4here the top of the corm is used in propa"ation- The corm is an important element of the diet-
the starch &ield is nutritious and easil& di"ested- The 4ildin"s ma& ser2e as food sources also- The 4hole plant can
be eaten- $anamanians apparentl& use onl& the corm, 4hich must be coo.ed to remo2e the cr&stals in it- the corm is
eaten fried, boiled, ba.ed, or con2erted into breadstuffs- The lea2es, after", are a satisfactor& potherb- The
dasheen has more carboh&drate and protein than the potato, and has a pleasant nutt& fla2or- The ,uice extracted from
the petioles is rubefacient, stimulant, and st&ptic, and is else4here used in treatment of earache- #uice from the
corms is used externall& for baldness and internall& as a laxati2e and an antidote to 4asp stin"s-
Colombiano' Bryophyllum ()
Colombino' A7uile%ia ()
Colombo' Panopsis ()
Color' Bixa ()
Coloradito' Bro5nea ()* Heisteria ()* "ovomitopsis ()
Colorado' Calycophyllum ()* Centrolobium ()* /eissanthus ()* !ectan$ra ()* Polylepis ()
Colorin' Capparis ()
Colpachi' Croton ()
Comalillo' Hy$rocotyle ()
COMBRE"UM )RU"#COSUM Stunt3- Chupachupa ()- A cut stem &ields a 4ater substitute- The stem is used for
Comedero' La%uncularia ()
Come,enero' Oli%anthes $iscolor ()
Comene"ro' .ialium ()* /arrya ()* Hieronyma ()* Lonchocarpus ()* S5art4ia ()
Comida de culebra' Casearia ()* .ie&&enbachia ()* Philo$en$ron ()* Rauvol&ia ()* 1anthosoma ()
Comida de 0an"osta' Si$a ()
Comida de loro' Casearia ()
Cominillo' Pectis ()
Comino' Aniba ()
Comino crespo' Aniba ()
Comino sil2estre' Pectis elon%ata ()
COMMEL#!A sp- a&flo4er ()* Codillo () - The lea2es ser2e as a potherb- the seeds of some species ser2e as a
famine food-
Compano' Samanea ()
Conchita' Chrysanthemum ()
Concha de loma' Calea %lomerata ()
Conchudo' Pithecellobium ()* 0iburnum ()
Cone,ito' .elphinium ()
Cone,o' Calycophyllum ()* Hirtella ()* Laetia ()
Cone,o colorado' "richilia ()
Cone,o huasca' Anchietea ()
Conene' Aeschynomene ()
Confederate 2ine' Anti%onon ()
Confite' Lantana ()
Confitura' Lantana ()
Con"a' He$ychium ()
Con"o' An$ira ()
Con"olo' Crescentia ()
Con"o pea' Ca6anus ()
Conidi,o' Osteophloem ()
C!N#6NCT575T5S' 5nflammation of the trans parent membrane 4hich co2ers the e&eball- Treated 4ith Acacia-
CO!OBEA SCOPAR#O#.ES Benth- =ierba de sapo ()- 6sed in the Choco to combat toothache-
CO!OCARPUS EREC"US 0- Button4ood ()* Man"le boton ()* Man"le mar+uito ()* Man"le torcido ()* Kara"osa
() - The latex is st&ptic, lea2es febrifu"al and root used to treat catarrh and "onorrhea- The 4ood is used for fuel and
CO!OS"E/#A 1ALAPE!S#S on- Canallito ()- The fruits are edible ra4-
Conser2adora' Petunia ()
Contra' Apeiba ()* Capparis ()
Contracapitano' Aristolochia ()
C!NTRACE$T57E' A substance to pre2ent conception- Abrus' Ceiba-
Contraculebra' Ae%iphila ()
Contra"allina3o' Cyphoman$ra ()
Contra"a2ilana' !eurolaena lobata (,)
Contrahierba' .orstenia ()
Contra2eneno' )evillea ()* Securi$aca ()
CO!-A BO!AR#E!S#S Cron+- 7enadillo ()* 1erba de caballo ()
CO!-A BO!AR#E!S#A 2ar- LE#O"HECA Cuatr- Chil+uilla, =o,a-sauce
Copa' Protium ()
Copachi' Aspi$osperma ()
Copaiba balsam' Copai&era ()
COPA#)ERA O))#C#!AL#S #ac+- Balsam capi2i ()* Copaiba balsam ()* Cabimo ()* Canime ()- !ne of the finest
timbers in arien, this tree is hi"hl& re"arded medicinall&- The "um accumulatin" in the heart4ood is used for
massa"es and hair oil- 5t is supposed to be "ood for the, and it is used, li.e carano, for extractin" ma""ots-
1a2i3a Ne"roes mix it 4ith hone& and put in the mouths of ne4l& born to impart .no4led"e and 4ard of hexes- The
"um is also used for treatin" 2eneral diseases-
Copa,u' Prioria ()
Copal' Protium ()
Copalchi' Croton (,)
Copal, South American' Hymenaea ()
Copa de oro' Allaman$a ()
Cope' Clusia ()* )icus ()
Copeicillo' Clusia ()
Copel' Clusia ()
Copete' "ecoma ()
Cope&' Clusia ()
Copidi,o' 0irola ()
Copo Morado' Petrea ()
Copte' Schi4olobium ()
Co+uillito de cerro' Croton ()
Co+uillo' Astrocaryum ()* ,atropha ()* Lecythis ()
Co+uito' Coro4o ()* Elaeis ()* Eu%enia ()* Hyptis ()* ,atropha ()
Coral' Banisteria ()* Eurya ()* Ra3isea ()
Coralibe' "abebuia ()
Coralillo' Eu%enia ()* Hamelia ()* #n%a ()* Picramnia ()* Pithecellobium ()* Russelia ()* Satyria ()
Coralito' Anti%onon ()* !ertera ()* Russelia ()* Sic+in%ia ()
Corallero' Coccoloba ()* Ran$ia (,)
Coral 2ine' Anti%onon ()
Coratu' Enterolobium ()
Cora3on' Annona ()* Anthurium ()
Cora3on cimarron' Annona ()
Cora3on herido' Clero$en$rum ()
Cora3on de #esus' Anthurium ()* Aristolochia ()* Cala$ium (,,)
Cora3on san"riento' Cala$ium ()
Coraon tran+uilo' Lupinus ()
Corcho' Melaleuca ()* Ochroma ()
CORCHORUS S#L#2UOSUS 0- Broom4eed ()* Escobilla ()* Te () - the lea2es ser2e as a tea substitute and
sometimes are used as a potherb- 0ea2es and shoots of C3 olitorium contain about CE protein-
C!RA/E' A substance used for rope- Aechmea' Apeiba' Cecropia' Cochlospermum' Combretum' Coroso'
Couroupita' Cy$ista' .avilla' Helicostylis' .esmoncus' /ua4uma' Helicocarpus' Hibiscus' Muntin%ia' Musa'
Paullinia' Rollinia' Rourea' Pseu$obombax' Securi$aca' Si$a' "rema' "rium&etta' Urena' 1ylopia-
COR.#A ALL#O.ORA !.en- Canalete ()* Capa ()* 0aurel ()* Solera () (;i"- >?C)- The fruits are used b& Amerinds
as food- The seeds are used to treat diseases- A leaf decoctiton is stomachic, tonic, and used for cattarh-
COR.#A HE"EROPH-LLA R-GS- Ni"uito ()* $aico ()- The &ello4ish-4hite fruit is edible- Se2eral species ha2e
flo4ers attracti2e to bees-
Cordoncillo' Piper (,)
Cordoncillo blanco' Piper ()
Cordoncillo morado' "ra$escantia ()
Coriander' Corian$rum ()
COR#A!.RUM SA"#0UM 0- Coriander () - This plant is eaten as a 2e"etable- The seeds are che4ed to impro2e the
breath, and the& are considered carminati2e, pectoral, and sedati2e-
Coriente' Citharexylum ()
Corimiente' Citharexylum ()
Coremelina' "aetsia ()
Cormi' Pourouma ()
Corn' Zea ()
Corn, chic.en' Sor%hum ()
Corneto' #riartea ()
Corne3uela' Acacia (,)
Corn, 5ndian' Sor%hum ()
Corn, #erusalem' Sor%hum ()
Corn, <afir' Sor%hum ()
Cornoco' Acacia ()
Cornudo' S5art4ia ()
COR!U"#A /RA!.#)OL#A Schauer- Cuatro caras ()* $alo Cuadrado () - The shrub finds its 4a& into cures of
asthma, er&sipelas, and is used as a depurati2e-
Coroba' ,essenia ()* 1ylopia (,)
Corocillo' Aiphanes ()* Bactris ()
Corocito' Coro4o ()* Sya%rus ()* 0ochysia ()
Corocito colorado' Coro4o ()
Corocito de titi' Clusia ()
Corombolo' Astrocaryum ()
Corona' 1ylosma ()
Corona de cristo' Euphorbia ()
Corona de espina' Euphorbia ()
Corona de la reina' #xora ()
Coronado' "hiabau$ia ()
Coronillo' Bellucia ()* Muehlenbec+ia ()* Pectis ()
Corono' Rhamnus ()
Corotu' Enterolobium ()
Coro3o' Acrocomia ()* Aiphanes ()* Coro4o ()* Scheelia ()
Coro3o amolado' Acrocomia ()
Coro3o anta' Coro4o ()
Coro3o caucana' Acrocomia ()
Coro3o de chascara' Aiphanes ()
Coro3o chi+uito' Aiphanes ()
Coro3o colorado' Aiphanes ()
Coro3o de "allina3o' Bactris ()* Pyreno%lyphis ()
Coro3o "rande' Acrocomia ()
Coro3o de lata' Bactris ()
Coro3o de manteca' Coro4o ()
Coro3o de marrano' Scheelia ()
COROZO OLE#)ERA Baile&- American oil palm ()* Corocito ()* Coro3o colorado ()* Noli ()* $alma de manteca ()*
$alma de Sebo ()* Sama+ue ()- The oil& seeds and fruits are used to fatten chic.ens- 5n arien and the $earl 5slands,
the oil is extracted for" and hair dressin" ()- Colombian curanderos use the oil as a medication for stomach
inflammation- ;ibers in the lea2es are used to ma.e a strin"- The inflorescences are used to fan a4a& Mos+uitos in
Coro3o de puerco' Attalea ()* Scheelia ()
Cor3o redondo' Acrocomia ()
Corpus' Aechmea ()
Corral' Heteropteris ()
Corraleros' Coccoloba ()* Escallonia ()
Correo' Cosmos bipinnatus ()
Corrimiento' Citharexylum ()* Salvia ()
Cortadera' Cyperus ()* /eonoma (,)* Scleria ()
Corta len"ua' Casearia ()
Cortapico' Bomarea ()
Corte,o' 0inca ()
Cortes ' Apeiba ()* "abebuia ()
Cortes amarillo' "abebuia ()
Cortes ne"ro' /uarea ()
Corte3a' "abebuia ()
Corte3a amarillo' "abebuia ()
Corte3a de an"ostura' /alipea ()
Corte3a de chi2o' /o$mania ()
Corte3a de 2enado' Lon%hocarpus ()* Ruellia ()
Corte3o' Apeiba ()
Cortillo' Aspi$osperma ()
Coruna' Scheelea ()
Corunca' Catoblastus ()
Corunta' Catoblastus ()* Oenocarpus ()
C!SMET5C' A substance used to decorate the bod&- Bixa' Calocarpum' Clematis' /enipa' Hibiscus' Persea
COSMOS B#P#!!A"US Ca2- /uatemala ()* Correo ()
COSMOS SULPHUREUS Ca2- Sunflo4er ()* Ninomuerto ()- The lea2es are edible ra4 or coo.ed-
Costillo' Machaerium ()
Costillo de caballo' Acalypha
Costillo de danto' .i$ymopanax ()
COS"US SP#CA"US S4- The acid sap is used as a diuretic-
COS"US 0#LLOS#SS#MUS #ac+- Cana"ria (,)* Cana de mico () - The plant is used in the Choco to clean china and to
4ash 4hite clothes ()- 5n arien, it is used to clean fin"ernails ()- The &ello4ish, transparant sap is used for fe2ers,
e-"-, t&phoid and 2enereal diseases- Sap from the center of &oun" stems is laxati2e and "ood for +uenchin" the
thirst()- 5t is mixed 4ith rubber to treat 4aterproff ba"s b& the arien Choco ()- $rimiti2e "oldsmiths in the Choco
use the plant for furbishin" "old ornaments in the last sta"es of the crucible-
Coto' Lonchocarpus ()
Cotopais' "alisia ()
Cotoperic' Myrtus ()* "alisia ()
Cotopris' "alisia ()
Cotorrito' Capparis ()
Cotton tree' Ceiba ()* Ochroma ()
Cotupli' "alisia ()
COUMA MACROCARPA Barb- Arbol de leche ()* Co4 tree ()* A2ichuri ()* Chicle ()* $erillo ()* $ero ()* $opa ()- The
fruits are edible- The latex is potable, and is a source of chicle often adulterated 4ith that of Brosimum ()- 5t is used
to treat diarrhea-
COUPE#A O0A"#)OL#A Benth- Fuerebere ()- The fruit is edible-
COUROUP#"A sp- Coco () - The hard 4ood is "ood for du"outs and the Choco sa& that the seeds are edible ()- Some
species are considered 2ermifu"e-
COU"AREA HE1A!.RA Schum- Media"ola ()* Nino muerto ()* Fuina ()- The bitter bar. is used in Sal2ador and
Colombia as a fe2er remed&-
Co4 itch' Myriocarpa ()
Co4pea' 0i%na ()
Co4 tree' Brosimum ()* Couma ()
Co&"ara"a' Chaptalia ()
Co&ol' Acrocomia ()
Co&lillo' Astrocaryum ()
Co&ote' Aphelan$ra ()* Platymiscium (,)
Crab"rass' .iti%aria ()
Crab4ood' Ar$isia ()* Carapa ()
Crape m&rtle' La%erstroemia ()
CRA"E0A "AP#A 0- Estrella ()* Muneco ()* Naran,illo ()* Naran,uelo ()* $alo de /uaco ()* $epa de sabalo ()*
Sorrocloco ()* Socorroclosa ()- The fruit, thoudh malodorous, is +uite edible- The sap is caustic- Cataplasms of the
lea2es are used to remo2e spines and a boiled infusion is diuretic and febrifu"al-
Crepuscularia' Oenothera ()
CRESCE!"#A CU,E"E 0- Calabash tree ()* Calaba3a (,)* Meri+ue ()* Naba ()* Totumo (,)* 1atuse+ue ()- This
species 4as noted b& Columbus in $anama- The seeds are eaten roasted, but the pulp of the mature fruit is
dan"erous, astrin"ent, emollient, expectorant, and laxati2e- Cattle that eat the fallen fruiBt ma& suffer abortion-
Nonetheless, a tea, made of the coo.ed pulp of "reen fruits, is mixed 4ith hone& to alle2iate childbirth amon"
Chiricanos in arien- After birth, ashes of chic.en feathers are placed on the umbilical scars- 1oun" fruits are
pic.led li.e 4alnuts in #amaica- 5n Africa, &oun" lea2es are coo.ed in soups 4ith those of A$ansonia- The shell of
the fruit is used for utensils b& all ethnic "roups in arien ()- 5n Colombia, hal2ed totumos are called socobe, pilche,
and suchamate- Cuna 4omen probabl& carr& more than a thousand calabashes of 4ater a da& do4n the Rio Aili"andi
to the dr& island of Aili"andi ()- Almost no arien du"out is 4ithout a hal2ed calabash for bailin" ()- Stained
totumos ha2e been exported to an appreciati2e Europe for centuries- Around the Caribbean, nati2es float half-empt&
totumos at the merc& of the 4ind- After a+uatic birds ha2e become accustomed to the totumos, a hunter comes in
4ith his head in a totumo and his bod& submer"ed, and can thus catch the birds- Columbus 4as once AbombedA 4ith
totumos full of 4ashed hot peppers and ashes, 4hich made an effecti2e tear and snee3e "as 4hen the& bro.e- !ther
5ndians used totumos 4ith roc.s attached to strin"s strun" across con+uistador trails, so that the con+uistadores
accidentall& announced their arri2al- =al2ed totumos ser2e as suin helmets - The& are also used for mas.s for
chamber pots , "lasses, ,oc. straps, brassieres, and perforated, for sie2es- Chic.ens ha2e been obser2ed eatin" the
pulp of dr& fruits- 5n San Blas, small totumos are .ept o2er the barbacoas 4ith salt-
Crespa' Catosti%ma ()
Crespillo' Clematis ()
Crespon' Urera ()
Cress' Lepi$ium ()
Cresta' Aristolochia ()* Celosia ()
Cresta de "allo' Paphinia ()* Spi%elia ()
Cricamola' Pterocarpus ()
Crillo' Min7uartia ()
Criollo' Min7uartia ()
Crisantemo' Chrysanthemum ()
Cristobal' Platymiscium ()
CRO"ALAR#A /UA"EMALE!S#S Benth- The lea2es are used as a potherb in Central America-
CRO"ALAR#A ,U!CEA 0- Sun hemp () - The lea2es and &oun" pods ha2e ser2ed as famine foods in 5ndia- Some
species are "ood cattle feed, others are poisonous* some ser2e for bird food, others do not-
CRO"ALAR#A 0#"ELL#!A <er- Kapatito del obispo ()- The &oun" shoots are coo.ed li.e spinach-
Cro4foot "rass' .actyloctenium ()
Crucete ' 2uassia ()
Cruceto' Rusanta ()
Crucilla, Crucillo, Crucito' Ran$ia ()
CR-OSOPH#LA (ARCE(#CZ## Bartl- Noli ()* Nupa ()* $alma de escoba ()- The 4ool at the leaf base is used for
stuffin" cusions- The lea2es are used for thatch and brooms- /ua&mi, Choco, Cuna 5ndians, and arien lumbermen
prefer to do their tree fellin" durin" the 4anin" moon, be it to cut lea2es for thatch or trees for timber- $erhaps the&
ha2e accidentall& found that there is less insect s4armin" durin" the 4anin" of the moon, hence on the ne4l& felled
products- Terminal buds are used as a fish poison- ;rom the fruits of the Choco8s palma noli is extracted an oil used
in" soap-
Cuachepil' .iphysa ()
Cuacho' Perebea ()
Cua,ada' 0itex ()
Cua,ada ne"ra' Min7uartia (,)
Cua,aro' Cor$ia ()
Cua,atinta' Cor$ia ()
Cua,ilote' Aristolochia ()* Parmentiera ()
Cua,ini+uil, Cua,inicuil' #n%a ()
Cuala' Si$a ()
Cualacuala' Esenbec+ia ()
Cuan"are' .ialyanthera ()* #ryanthera ()
Cuapaste' Lonchocarpus ()
Cuapinol' Hymenaea ()
Cuaresma' Echinochloa ()
Cuartillo' Peperomia ()
Cuasa' Escallonia ()
Cuasco' Barna$esia ()
Cuasia' 2uassia ()
Cuas+uito oloroso' Lantana ()
Cuatcuat' Carica ()
Cuatro casa' Cornutia ()
Cua&ote' /onolobus ()
Cuba' Phaseolus ()
Cubarro' Bactris ()
Cubio' "ropaeolum ()
Cucana' .uranta ()
Cucarachero' Capparis ()
Cucaracha' Zebrina ()
Cucatacho' Billia ()
Cucarron' Stanhopea ()
Cucas' .uranta ()
Cucharilla' Amphilophium ()* Pithecellobium ()
Cucharo' Pera ()* Rapanea ()
Cucharo colorado' S5art4ia (,)
Cuchillito' Bro5nea ()* Bro5neopsis ()* Scleria ()
Cuchillo' Canavalia ()* /ossypiospermum ()
Cuchinito' Elaterium ()
Cucua' Brosimum ()* Poulsenia ()* Pseu$olme$ia ()
Cucuaca' 0iburnum ()
Cucubaro' Rapanea ()
Cucubo' Solanum ()
Cucumber' Cucumis ()
Cucumber, 4ild' Melothria ()
CUCUM#S A!/UR#A 0- %est 5ndian " ()- The &oun" fruits are eaten boiled or pic.led-
CUCUM#S MELO 0- Canteloupe ()* Mus.melon ()* Melon (,) - The fruits are eaten ra4- The seeds are edible,
diuretic, and nutriti2e- $roduction of the fruits is mostl& in the dr& season in $anama-
CUCUM#S SA"#0US 0- Cucumber ()* Cohombros ()* $epino () - The fruits are eaten ra4 or pic.led- The seeds are
edible ra4 or roasted, and are not uncommonl& culti2ated in mixed fincas in arien ()-
CUCURB#"A MOSCHA"A uch- Ahu&ama ()* Kapallo () - The mature fruits are eaten coo.ed or dried as a flour-
The seeds are eaten ra4 or roasted- the flo4ers, lea2es, &oun" shoots, and "reen froots ser2e as a potherb- The plant
4as a staple to the /ua&mi, 4ho called it Au&amas-A
CUCURB#"A spp- S+uash ()* Calaba3a ()* Moe ()* Kapallo () - S+uashes are a common 2e"etable in the interior-
Amon" the Ma&as to the north, s+uash is eaten in man& forms, e-"- the s+uash is boiled 4ith salt and eaten as a
2e"etable, the seeds are roasted and "round to form a meal, the seeds are roasted and eaten li.e nuts, the seeds are
mixed 4ith beans and ,obo fruits and seasoned 4ith achiote and chile for a dish called .ol- /round s+uash seeds are
mixed 4ith the boiled lea2es of ,atropha aconiti&olia, chiel, salt, and rum to ma.e a Ma&a dish- The sap is
prescribed b& the Ma&a for burns- Rubbin" lea2es on cattle is said to discoura"e flies- 0ea2es are
sometimes eaten, those of C3 maxima 4ith about CE protein-
Cuerda de 2iolin' Cuscuta ()
Cuerdilla' Cuscuta ()
Cuerillo' 0alerioa ()
Cuernito' Acacia ()* Myrmeco$en$ron ()
Cuero ne"ro' Campomanesia ()
Cuero de 2aca' Cy$ista ()
Cuesco' Attalea ()* Scheelea ()
Cuetillo' Hamelia ()
Cue3o' Malpi%hia ()
Cu"ia' Parathesis ()
Cuica' Caesalpinia ()* Par+insonia ()
Cuichunchulo' #oni$ium ()
Cui,in' #n%a ()
Cuin"ara' Echites ()
Cuipo' Cavanillesia ()
Cu,ete' Crescentia ()
Cu,i' Acacia ()* !eltuma ()* Poponax ()
Cu,ia' An$ira ()* Ar$isia ()
Cu,i cimarron' Acacia ()
Cu,i hediondo' Pipta$enia ()
Culantrillo' Apium ()
Culantrillo de piedra' A$iantum ()
Culantro' Corian$rum ()* Eryn%ium ()
Culantro de castilla' Corian$rum ()
Cula de poeta' "hunber%ia ()
Culate' Arrabi$ea ()
Culen' Psoralea ()
Culo de 5ndio' Cupania ()* Matayba ()
Cultantro cimarron' Eryn%ium ()* Hypericum ()
Culantro co&ote' Eryn%ium ()
Culu,u' "heobroma ()
Culumete' Avicennia ()
Culupa' Passi&lora ()
Cuma,o' "heobroma ()
Cumare' Astrocaryum ()
Cumarica' Machaerium ()
Cumaru' Coumarouna ()
Cumbi' Catosti%ma ()
Cumula' Aspi$osperma ()
Cuna' Machaerium ()
Cuna de 7enus' An%uloa ()
Cundeamor' #pomoea ()* Momor$ica ()
Cunsa"arocri' Apeiba ()
CUPA!#A AMER#CA!A 0- /or"o,ero ()* /oro"o,o ()* /uacharaco () - 0ea2es of this hone& plant are re"arded as
Cuperi' ,essenia ()
CUPHEA sp- Na.i.4a ()* Tina.i ()- Culti2ated b& the Cuna, the plant is used both as a fish lure and a febrifu"e ()-
Cupis' .rimys ()
Cuprea' Remi6ia ()
Cura' Persea ()* 0iburnum ()
Curaarador' Bocconia ()
Curabubo' ,acaran$a ()
Curador' Bocconia ()
Curaleta' Curatella ()
Curapa' Passi&lora ()
Curare' Strychnos ()
Curari' "abebuia ()
Curaride' "abebuia ()
Curasao' Bou%anvillea ()
Curatela' Curatella ()
CURA"ELLA AMER#CA!A 0- Sandpaper tree ()* A3ufre ()* Carne de fiambre ()* Chaparro ()* Chumico ()* Curatela
()* =o,a Chi"ue ()* Raspa-huacal ()* $erale,o macho () - The seeds are used to fla2or cacao- The bar. is re"arCded as
2ulnerar&- The buds are used to ma.e a tea for treatin" asthma and smo.er8s hac. ()- The lea2es are used to polish
4ooden articles and to scrub pots and pans-
Curatero' Bursera ()
Cura2erru"as' Lantana ()
Cura3ao' Bou%ainvilla ()
CURCUMA LO!/A 0- Tumeric ()* Achirilla ()* A3afran ()* Batatilla ()* Camotillo ()* Rai3 americana ()* 1u+uilla () -
!ccasionall& planted in $anama, the rootstoc. is used as a d&e and a condiment, stainin" &ello4 alon", pin. 4ith
lemon ,uice-
Cure-all' Cassia ()
Curia' ,usticia ()
Curibano' Scleria ()
Curito' Elutheria ()
Curl& doc.' Rumex ()
Curni+ue' ,acaran$a ()
Curraca&' Protium ()
Curua' Parascheelea ()* Scheelea ()
Currare' Musa ()
Curuba' Passi&lora ()
Curu,u,ul' Bromelia ()
Curumuta' Scheelea ()
Curuntilla' Cereus
Curutu' Enterolobium ()
Cusomacho' Cupania ()
Cusparia' /alipea ()
Cuspiritu' Pourouma ()
Custard apple' Annona ()
Cusu' Cor$ia ()
Cutarro' S5art4ia ()
Cusuce' Bromelia ()
Cu&abra' La%enaria ()
Cu&an"uilla' Peperomia ()
Cu&ani"um' .ie&&enbachia
Cu&an+uillo' 0anilla ()
Cu&us' Sapin$us ()
C-A"HEA sp- Tree fern ()* Bobas ()* $alma helecho ()* Rabo de chan"o ()* Sarro ()* Karro () - The terminal cabba"es
are edible ra4 or coo.ed- The stems of certain %est 5ndian species are used to carr& and preser2e fire, 4hich can be
maintained for hours 4ithout smo.e or flames- The hairs and scales at the base of the lea2es are "ood for stoppin"
CA-"HULA ACH-RA!"HO#.ES Mo+- Cuilimale"uit ()- The lea2es are used b& the Cuna as an antihemorrha"ic-
C-CAS spp- C&cads ()- the "enus Cycas, culti2ated in $anama, especiall& about the Canal Kone, is a useful but
dan"erous "enus- The lea2es, althou"h toxic to cattle, ma& be eaten after prolon"ed", durin" 4hich the 4ater
is chan"ed- ;ruits, also poisonous, ma& be soa.ed for da&s, sun cured, and con2erted into a flour for" bread
sutffs- The pith ma& be diced, sun cured, and "round up in 4ater to &ield a dou"h used for" breadstuffs-
C-CLA!"HERA E1PLO.E!S Naud- $epino diablito ()- The fruits are eaten in salads-
C-CLA!"HERA PE.A"A Schrad- Archucha ()* Ca&"ua ()* $epino de Rellenar ()- The fruits are edible coo.ed 4ith
oil anhd 2ine"ar or in ste4s- Ra4, the& taste some4hat li.e cucumbers-
C-C!OCHES "O!.UZ## Schltr- The inflorecence is mixed 4ith /enipa and applied to a Choco fisherman8s hands
to impro2e his luc.N
C-.#S"A .#0ERS#)OL#A Miers- Be,uco catabrero ()* Be,uco es+uinero ()- This 2ine is "ood for t&in" bohios
to"ether- Also it is a "ood hone& plant-
C-MBOPO/O! C#"RA"US Stapf-' 0emon "rass ()* 1erba de limPn ()* Kacate de limPn ()-
C-MBOPO/O! !AR.US Rendle- Citronella ()* 0emon "rass ()* =ierba de limon ()* 0imoncilla () - Brushin" the
teeth 4ith the rhi3ome is supposed to 4hiten and preser2e- The lea2es, used as a condiment in soups and meats, are
also a tea substitute, and the source of an insecticide- 5n arien, the& are primaril& used in a refreshin" medicinal tea
()- Tra2elers destined to be a4a& from 4ater a4hile ta.e a fe4 rootstoc.s alon" to che4, belie2in" that this
alle2iates the thirst ()- 5n the Choco, the tea is used for treation" fe2ers and malaria, and for perfumin" the houses-
C-!O.O! .AC"-LO! $ers- Bermuda"rass ()* /rama ()* $asto ar"entina () - The lea2es and culms ha2e ser2ed as
famine foods, althou"h mildl& toxic 4hen &oun"- The rhi3omes are considered antiecbolic, aperiebnt, diuretic, and
laxati2e- The rhi3ome is sold in pac.ets in medellin as 2ende-a"u,a-
C-PERUS cf- L#/ULAR#S 0- Ceda ()* $urua ()- The aromatic roots are used b& the Cuna for debilit& and
C-PERUS ESCULE!"US 0- Chufa - Else4here, the plant is culti2ated for its edible tubers-
C-PERUS RO"U!.US 0- Nut"rass ()* $urple nutsed"e ()* #unco () - Considered one of the 4orst 4eeds on the
A3uero $eninsula, tubers are edible fresh or dried, used in perfumes ()-
C-PHOMA!.RA BE"ACEA Sendt- Tree tomato ()* Naran,ito ()* $alo de tomate ()* Tomate de arbol (,)- The fruits,
edible ra4 or preser2ed, are raised extensi2el& in Chiri+ui, but the plant does not do 4ell at lo4 ele2ations ()-
C-PHOMA!.RA COS"AR#CE!S#S onn- Smith- Conta "allina3o ()- The crushed lea2es are used b& the Choco for
C&press 2ine' #pomoea ()
C-R#LLA RACEM#)LORA 0- - The tree is a "ood hone& plant, but apparentl& rare in $anama-
.AC"-LOC"E!#UM AE/-P"#UM $-Beau2- Cro4foot "rass ()* Tres dedos ()* 1erba e"ipcia ()- The seeds ser2e as a
"rain source-
a"uilla' Philo$en$ron ()
a"uillo' -ucca ()
.AHL#A LEHMA!!## =ieron- alia de huertas ()
.AHL#A 0AR#AB#L#S 0- alia amarilla ()
alia' .ahlia ()
alia amarilla' .ahlia variabilis ()
alia de huertas' .ahlia lehmannii ()
alien3e' "erminalia ()
ama' Citharexylum ()
ama"ua' Ochroma ()* Pachira ()
ama,a"ua' Poulsenia ()
andelion' "araxacum ()
antiace' "alisia ()
antisco de montana' Mauria ()
anto' Roupala ()
asheen' Colocasia ()
.A"URA spp-' Borachero ()* ;loripondio ()* Reina de la noche ()* Ton"a () - The pith is used b& Choco 4itch
doctors to induce comas ()- The plants are used in fol. AcuresA for asthma, rheumatism, 4orms, inflammation, colds,
fe2er, er&sipelas, cramps, and infections-
.AUCUS CARO"A 0- Carrot ()* Kanahoria () - Carrots fare badl& in the lo4land tropics, but do better in the cooler
parts of Central America- $arched carrots ha2e ser2ed as a coffee substitute- The seeds ha2e considered aphrodisiac
and ner2ine-
.A0#LLA sp- Be,uco tome () - This species is a source of 4ater and corda"e used to tie bohios to"ether-
a&flo4er' Commelina ()
edos de plata' Celosia ()
EM60CENT' A soothin" substance to reduce irritation- Abrus' A$ansonia' Ar%emone' Bambusa' Car$iospermum'
Ceiba' Clitoria' Corchorus' /ossypium' Hibiscus' Musa' Ocimum' Pistia' Portulaca' Raphanus' Saccharum'
Sesamum' Si$a-
.E!.ROPA!A1 ARBOREUS ecne- G $lanch- 7a+auero ()- 0ea2es and roots of this hone& tree are used in
domestic medicine-
E!BSTR6ENT' A substance to clear stoppa"e to passa"es or pores in the bod&- Car$iospermum' Eclipta'
#n$i%o&era' Melia' Morin$a' Phyllanthus-
E$50AT!R1' A substance for the remo2al of hair, Bertholletia' Bursera' Calotropis' Couroupita' Euphorbia'
Hernan$ia' Lecythis' Leucaena-
E$RESSANT' A substance 4hich retards an& function- Phoebe-
E$6RAT57E' A substance tendin" to purif& or cleanse- Achillea' Asclepia' Bambusa' Byttneria' Cassia' Centella'
Chamissoa' Chiococca' Cissampelos' Cleome' Commelina' Cornutia' Crescentia' .avilla' .esmo$ium' .rymaria'
/ouania' /ua4uma' ,atropha' Lepi$ium' Paspalum' Paullinia' Pe$ilanthus' Penta%onia' Petiveria' Piper'
Pothomorphe' Pseu$elephantopus' Renealmia' Solanum' Stachytarpheta' "amarin$us' "richilia' Zi4yphus-
esbaratador' "ussacia ()
esbasatabaile' Cleome ()
escanse' Alternanthera ()
es,arretadera' Passi&lora ()
esdicha' Cleome ()
.ESMO.#UM A.SCE!.E!S C- Be""arlice ()* $e"a-pe"a ()- A leaf decoction is drun. for consumption-
$ounded lea2es are applied 4ith lime ,uice to 4ounds- A leaf infusion is used for con2ulsions and 2enereal sores-
.ESMO.#UM PAR0#)OL#UM C- Be""arlice ()* $e"a-pe"a ()- This plant is eaten as a "reen 2e"etable b& 5ndians-
.ESMO.#UM spp- 5lina caiba ()* $e"a-pe"a ()- The fruits are macerated in Aili"andi and "i2en to the ob,ect of one8s
affection to induce a reciprocal affection ()-
.ESMO!CHUS spp- Albarico ()* Be,uco alcalde ()* Matamba ()* 1asitara () - The stems, reputed to be a 4ater
source, are "ood for bas.etr& and corda"e, but are hard enou"h to nic. a machete if not soa.ed in 4ater for some
etsi' )icus ()
5ABETES' A disease in 4hich the bod& is unable to metaboli3e su"ar properl&- Treated 4ith Acrocomia'
Anacar$ium' Capraria' Cecropia' E7uisetum' Eu%enia' Euphorbia' Musa' Pachira' Parmentiera' Pistia' S5eetia'
"ecoma' "rophis-
.#AL#UM .#0AR#CA"UM 7ahl- Tamarindo ()- The pulp of the fruit is edible-
.#AL-A!"HERA O"OBA %arb- Bo"amani 2erde ()* <ino ()* Mano ()* <ulbur ()* !cobo ()* !toba ()* Mala"ueta de
montana ()* Roble ()* Saba ()* Sebo ()- The seed oil, considered anthelminthic and insecticidal, is used to alla&
itchin" and rheumatism- 5t is also used 4ith butter for fr&in" foods, especiall& those of tuberculosis patients- The
species is strun" b& inland Cuna as a candlenut-
ian.ra' /ua4uma ()
5A$=!RET5C' A substance that promotes perspiration- Allium' Ananas' Ar%emone' Arun$o' Asclepias'
Boerhaavia' Bora%o' Bursera' Calophyllum' Calotropis' Capraria' Car$iospermum' Cassia' Cecropia' Ce$rela'
Clitoria' Cor$ia' Crescentia' Cyperus' .alea' .en$ropanax' .ipteryx' .orstenia' Elephantopus' Eryn%ium'
Erythrina' /uaiacum' /ua4uma' Hibiscus' Hippomane' #sotoma' Lantana' Man%i&era' Mi+ania' Ocimum'
Par+insonia' Petiveria' Phyllanthus' Pisci$ia' Poly%onum' Sesamum' Solanum' "etracera' 0ernonia' (altheria'
(i%an$ia' Zanthoxylum-
ictamo' Pe$ilanthus ()
ictamo real' Ranunculus ()* Pe$ilanthus ()
.#.-MOPA!A1 MORO"O"O!# ecsne- G$l- /ar"oran ()* Man"abe ()* $a2a ()* $robado ()- The 4ood is used for
matchstic.s in Colombia and in carpentr& and interior construction-
.#E))E!BACH#A SE2U#!E Schott- umbcane ()* Apior ()* Apotocanum ()* Cucaracho ()* Cana muda ()* !to de
la"arto ()* Rabano ()* Retamo cimarron ()- The latex is caustic- !ne culti2ated species is .no4n in $anama as the
lotter& plant because lotter& addicts belie2e the& can read the upcomin" number in the unfoldin" lea2es ()- !ne
species enters Ba&ano Cuna cold remed& ()- Cer2antes 4as perhaps the first to di2ul"e its use as a stin"in" ramrod
to teach cattle to sta& a4a& from un4elcomin" pastures-
iente de leon' "araxacum (,)* "rixis ()* Sonchus oleraceus ()
5/EST57E' A substance 4hich aids di"estion- Myristica' "amarin$us-
i"ital' .i%italis ()
.#/#"AR#A SA!/U#!AL#S Scop- Crab"rass ()* Cebadilla () - The seeds are used as a rice substitute-
ildoe' Acanthocereus ()
.#LLE!#A #!.#CA 0- 5ndian dillenia ()* ilenia () - This species is culti2ated in $anama- The flesh& cal&ces are
eaten ra4, coo.ed, or ,ellied, and mixed 4ith su"ar to ma.e a fresco-
inde' Chlorophora ()* Clarisia ()* Pithecellobium ()
iomate' Astronium ()
.#OSCOREA ALA"A 0- %in"ed &am ()* Name de a"ua () - Roots of this and other species are edible, but should be
carefull& processed, as some are poisonous ra4-
.#OSCOREA BULB#)ERA 0- Air potato ()* Name ()- Culti2ated in $anama, this is one of the easier species to
reco"ni3e because of its aerial bulbs- These, and the under"round tubers, are usuall& poisonous ra4, but ma& be
peeled, sun dried, and then coo.ed ()- 6nder"round tubers are best du" 4hen the plant is d&in" bac. for the dr&
season- Some species of .ioscorea ha2e a ,uice that induces itchin" ()- -
.#OSCOREA spp- 1am ()* Name or 1ampi ()* $o"o ()- Three or more species of &ams are extensi2el& culti2ated in
$anama- .3 alata 0-, 4ith 4in"ed stems and unlobed lea2es* .3 tri&i$a 0-f-, 4ith un4in"ed stems and lobed lea2es*
and .3 cayenensis 0in., 4ith un4in"ed stems and unlobed lea2es- Their lar"e, edible roots loo. li.e elon"ated
s4eet potatoes- None of the nati2e species are supposed to ha2e edible roots, but the& mi"ht be ,udiciousl& sampled
after"- The roots are ba.ed, boiled, or "round into flour to ma.e breadstuffs- Three t&pes are mar.eted in
arien and San Blas' name (), ua"up (), uasup ()* nampi morando (), uari ()* and nampi blanco (), ()- $eeled
name is soa.ed in 4ater in arien and $anama, and the 4ater is then drun. for rheumatism and arthritis-
.#OSCOREA "R#)#.A 0-f- 1am ()* Name ()* 1ampi ()- This another of the culti2ated &ams-
iosme' Coleonema ()
.#OSP-ROS EBE!AS"ER Ret3- Blac. sapote ()* Kapote ne"ro ()- The fruits are edible- The& are also made into
preser2es and brand&-li.e ferments- The bar. is probabl& piscicidal- /reen fruits are used as a barbasco-
.#PLOS"EPH#UM BACCHAR#.EUM Bla.e- Romero de Monte ()
.#PLOS"EPH#UM C#!ERASCE!S 2ar- CENTRA0E Cuatr- /uas"uin ()
.#PLOS"EPH#UM )LOR#BU!UM ssp- PU"UMA-E!SE Cuatr- Chilca rusia ()
.#PLOS"EPH#UM RE0OL"UM Bla.e- Reomero ()
.#PLOS"EPH#UM ROSMAR#!#)OL#UM Benth- Romero ()
.#P"ER-1 PA!AME!S#S Record G Mell- Ton.a Bean ()* Almendro (,)* Choiba ()* 5"ua ()* Sarrapia ()* Ton"a ()*
1apo () - The roasted seeds are eaten- Ra4 seeds are used as candlenuts ()- Ra4, "erminated cot&ledons taste li.e
"reen strin" beans ()- The aroma of the seed is probabl& due to coumarin, 4hich is often used to fla2or tobacco- The
coumarin in the seeds is considered antispasmodic, cardiac, and diaphoretic- 6ala Cuna prohibit the felliln" of this
tree, perhaps because of m&stical properties ascribed to it ()- The& eat the nuts at 4ith chucula-
isciplina' Chamae$orea ()* Rhipsalis ()
5SC6T5ENT' A substance for remo2in" or "ro4ths on the Abrus' Allium' Anacar$ium' Bocconia'
Caesalpinia' Carica' Cecropia' ,atropha' Mirabilis' Morin%a' Pe$ilanthus' Plumba%o' "amarin$us' "hespesia'
iura' Machaerium ()
56RET5C' A substance 4hich increases the flo4 of urine- Abrus' Acalypha' Achras' Ae%iphila' Allium'
Alternanthera' Ananas' Arun$o' Axonopus' Bambusa' Bora%o' Bramia' Bu$$le6a' Bursera' Calocarpum' Canna'
Capparis' Capsicum' Car$iospermum' Casearia' Cassia' Ceiba' Cereus' Chaetolepis' Chiococca' Chrysophyllum'
Cissampelos' Clematis' Clitoria' Cocos' Co&&ea' Coix' Commelina' Costis' Crataeva' Cucumis' Cyno$on' Cyperus'
.avilla' .olichos' .oliocarpus' Eichhornia' E7uisetum' Erythrina' /uaiacum' /ynerium' Heliconia' Hibiscus'
Hippomane' #n$i%o&era' ,atropha' *allstromia' Lantana' Lepi$ium' Lycoseris' Man%i&era' Mi+ania' Morin%a'
Mucuna' nasturium' Ocimum' Panicum' Parietaria' Parmentiera' Paspalum' Passi&lora' Petiveria' Philoxerus'
Physalis' Piper' Portulaca' Pothomorphe' Raphanus' Renealmia' Ricinus' Saccharum' Sechium' Sesamum'
Sesbania' Si$a' Solanum' Spon$ias' "abebuia' "a%etes' "ecoma' "etracera' "ourne&ortia' Urera' 0itis' Zanthoxylum'
Zea' Zornia-
i2idi2i' An$ira ()* Caesalpinia ()
.O.O!AEA 0#SCOSA #ac+- Chanamo ()* =opbush ()* =a&uelo () - The plant and seeds are said to be piscicidal-
The lea2es are che4ed as a stimulant or for toothache- The 4ood is easil& i"nited- Crushed leaf& t4i"s are used for
torches- 0eaf infusions are used for fe2ers and hemostatics-
o"4ood' Lonchocarpus ()
ola-marimba' Macrolobium ()
.OL#CHOS LABLAB 0- =&acinth bean ()* Cacha ()* Chicharos ()* ;ri,ol calentano () (;i"- >L9)- The pods are eaten
li.e "reen beans-
.OL#OCARPUS spp- %ater 2ine ()* Be,uco de a"ua ()* Be,uco tome () - This is a source of 4ater-
onalonsa' /naphalium ()
ona ,uana' A$enostemma ()* A%eratum ()* "urnera ()
oncel' Zanthoxylum ()
oncella' Bumelia ()* "ara ()* Zanthoxylum ()
oncenon' Lathyrus ()
onde+uiera' Casearia ()
o+uidua' /eonoma ()
oradilla' Acrostichum ()* Pilea ()* Sela%inella ()
orance' Cassia ()
orita' /uarea ()
ormidera' Cassia ()* Mimosa ()
ormidera de escobilla' Mimosa ()
ormilon' Albi4ia ()* Cassia ()* Enterolobium ()* Par+ia ()* Pentaclethra ()* 0ochysia ()
ormilona' Cassia ()* Mimosa ()
.ORS"E!#A CO!"RA-ERBA 0- Contra&erba (,)* 6psenasapi ()* Rai3 de resfriado ()- This fa2orite 0atin medicinal
is used as a stimulant, diaphoretic, febrifu"e, and for diseases and fe2ers- The Ba&ano Cuna use it as a cold
remed& ()- The rootstoc.s are used to fla2or ci"arettes- Cataplasms are prescribed for bro.en bones-
os caras' Conoste%ia ()* Miconia ()
os de !ros' (e$elia &ruticosa ()
o2e orchid' Peristeria ()
.O1A!"HA U!/U#S;CA"# Rehder- The plent, used to treat sna.ebite and Hippomane reactions, is used also for
fe2er and intestinal inflammation-
.RACHO!"#UM sp- Chupadera ()- 6sed as a sna.ebite remed& in the Choco-
ra"o' Croton ()
ra"on' Antirrhinum ()
ra"on8s blood' Pterocarpus ()
.REPA!OCARPUS LU!A"US /-;-%- Ma&- Escambron ()- The ripe fruits are said to taste li.e cocoplum, but the&
ma& be dan"erous- The leaf& stems, poisonous to mice, are used as ana aphrodisiac, Cataplasm, pur"ati2e, and for
2enereal diseases, lepros&, and heart trouble- The root infusion is antidiarrhetic-
ropseed' Sporobolus ()
R!$S1' A "eneral accumulation of fluid in the bod&- Treated 4ith Annona' Cecropea' Cissus' Lu&&a' Morin%a'
Pistia' Solanum' Spon$ias-
.R-MAR#A COR.A"A %illd- 5nacuandromas-+uit ()* Tiuru"a.4it ()- The lea2es are used b& the Cuna to purif& the
uarte' Senecio americanus ()* Bi$ens ()
uerme-boca' Salmea (,)
6/!6TS' Boats made of hollo4 lo"s- Anacar$ium' Bombacopsis' Cariniana' Cavanillesia' Ce$rela' Ceiba'
Couroupita' Enterolobium' Helicostylis' Hura' Hymenaea' La&oensia' Spon$ias-
uio' "ephrosia
uria' Machaerium ()
ulumoco' Saurauia ()
ulunso"a' Solanum ()
umbcane' .ie&&enbachia ()
ura3nillo' Abatia ()* Calotola ()* Rhamnus ()
ura3no' Prunus ()
urra' Sor%hum ()
1E and 5N<' Substance used to stain or tint- Anacar$ium' Arrabi$aea' Bixa' Bocconia' Byrsonima' Chlorophora'
Curcuma' .iphysa' Hibiscus' #n$i%o&era' La&oensia' .ichronema' Morin$a' Persea' Ran$ia' Rhi4ophora'
Symphonia' "amarin$us' "erminalia-
1SENTER1' iarrhea produced b& irritation of the bo4els- Treated 4ith Acacia' A$enanthera' Anacar$ium'
Annona' Aristolochia' Bi$ens' Bixa' Bro5nea' Bursera' Ca6anus' Casuarina' Cecropia' Celosia' Chrysobalanus'
Chrysophyllum' Clitoria' Coccoloba' Cocos' Crateva' Crescentia' Cupania' .esmo$ium' Elephantopus' Elytraria'
E7uisetum' Erechtites' Euphorbia' Haematoxylum' /enipa' /ua4uma' ,atropha' ,ussiaea' Man%i&era' Mimosa'
Morin$a' Musa' Pachyrhi4us' Phaseolus' Piper' Pistia' Pithecellobium' Portulaca' Pseu$elephantopus' Psi$ium'
Punica' Ran$ia' Sesbania' Simarouba' Spatho$ea' Spon$ias' S5ietenia' "amarin$us' Zornia-
1S$E$S5A' 5ndi"estion- Treated 4ith Acacia' Chenopo$ium' Coleus' Hibiscus' Morin%a' !ymphoi$es' Musa'
Pothomorphe' Rumex' Simarouba-
1S6R5A' $ainful urination- Treated 4ith Hibiscus' Portulaca-
EARAC=E' A pain in the ear- Treated 4ith Allium' Citrus' Clematis' Cleome' Cocos' Colocasia' Emilia' Hibiscus'
Mirabilis' Morin%a' Murraya' Ocimum' Parmentiera' Physalis' Plumba%o-
Ear tree' Enterolobium ()
Ebano' Libi$ibia ()
Ebo' Coumarouna (,)
ECB!05C' A substance used to induce abortion- Achyranthes' Anans' Annona' Aristolochia' Asclepias' Bambusa'
Caesalpinia' Calotropis' Carica' Cassia' Casuarina' Ceiba' Crescentia' .elonix' Eclipta' E7uisetum' Eryn%ium'
/ossypium' /uarea' Hura' #n$i%o&era' #resine' ,a7uinia' ,atropha' Leucaena' Mimosa' Morin%a' Par+insonia'
Pe$ilanthus' Pentaclethra' Persea' Petiveria' Philo$en$ron' Scutellaria' Sesamum' (altheria' Zin%iber-
ECH#!OCHLOA COLO!UM 0in.- Barn&ard "rass ()* Arrocillo ()- The "rain has ser2ed as a famine food, usuall&
as a "ruel-
Echiti' Maximiliana ()
E""plant' Solanum ()
E"oro,ono' Leiphaimos ()
E#CHHOR!#A CRASS#PES Solms- %ater h&acinth ()* 0echu"a de a"ua ()* No melo2ide ()* Taru&a () - 0i+uified
lea2es ma& be ta.en as a tonic 4ith no apparent harm- the &oun"er parts ser2e as a potherb- S4ollen leaf bases ha2e
been eaten deep-fried- Also eaten b& cattle, this "ood or"anic fertili3er, tons of 4hich are scraped up annuall&
b& the $anama Canad dred"in" di2ision ()-
ELAE#S /U#!EE!S#S #ac+- !il $alm ()* $alma african ()* 6ruta ()- The hard, scarcel& edible fruits are a "ood
source of oil, 4hich is used in arien for" and hair dressin"s- Else4here, after the oil is extracted, the dried
fibers are used for tinder and the fruit stal.s are used for brooms- Tinder is also made from the fluff at the leaf base-
The cabba"es are eaten ra4 or coo.ed- %ine is made from the sap- ;elled trees are attac.ed b& edible Apalm 4ormsA
(beetle lar2ae of the "enus Rhynchophorus)- The cabba"e is used for menorrha"ia and "onorrhea- The pul2eri3ed
roots are used to treat headaches and are che4ed as an aphrodisiac-
ELA"ER#UM LO!/#)OL#UM Co"n- /allotillo ()* Norbo cimarron ()- the fruits and lea2es are edible coo.ed-
Elder' Sambucus (,)
Elemi' Protium ()
Elefante' Pennisetum ()
Elephant ear' Colocasia ()
Elephant "rass' Pennisetum ()
E0E$=ANT5AS5S' A disease in 4hich the l&mph 2essels are bloc.ed b& a parasite- Treated 4ith Carica' Eclipta'
/ua4uma' Solanum-
ELEPHA!"OPUS spp- 0en"ua de 2aca ()- The lea2es are re"arded as antid&senteric, stimulant, and tonic-
ELEPHA!"OPUS MOLL#S =-B-<- 1erba de caballo ()* Suelda-con-suelda ()
Ele+ueme' Erythrina (,)
Eleten' Libi$ibia ()
ELEUS#!E #!.#CA /aertn- /oose"rass ()* =ierba de pata ()* $ata de "allina ()* 1erba dulce () - The &oun"
seedlin"s ser2e as a potherb- the plant is a cholo"o"ue- Seeds ser2e as a famine food and for" alcoholic
be2era"es- medicinall& it is used for con2ulsions, diarrhea, and d&senter&-
El.ia' Zamia ()
Elotillo' Anthurium ()
EL-"RAR#A "R#.E!"A"A 7ahl- Co+uillo ()- 5n Sal2ador, the plant is used for d&senter& and stomach afflictions-
Emba"atao' Sloanea ()
Embiande' Pavonia ()
Embisca' Mucuna ()
Emblic' Phyllanthus ()
Embrande' Pavonia ()
EMET5C' A substance 4hich induces 2omitin"- Achyranthes' Allaman$a' Ar%emone' Boerhaavia' Cephaelis'
Enta$a' Hibiscus' ,atropha' Lu&&a' Mimosa' Momor$ica' Ormosia' Plumba%o' Psychortria' Sarcostema' Sesbania'
iEM505A S!NC=5;!05A C- ex %i"ht- Tassel flo4er () - Else4here, &oun" lea2es are eaten 4ith rice as a
2e"etable, and in soups-
Emir' Clero$en$rum ()
EMMENA/!/6E' A substance 4hich stimulates the menstrual flo4- A$iantumn' Allium' Aloe' Ananas'
Aristolochia' Ar%emone' Aretmisia' Bambusa' Bi$ens' Brysonima' Caesalpinia' Capparis' Carica' Cassia'
Casuarina' Cecropia' Chicococca' Cissampelos' Cochlospermum' Costus' Crescentia' .elonix' Eryn%ium'
/ossypium' /uarea' Hibiscus' Lantana' Leucaena' Melia' Mi+ania' Momor$ica' Passi&lora' Pe$ilanthus' Persea'
Phaseolus' Planta%o' Poly%onum' Pothomorphe' Psi$ium' Psychotria' Renealmia' Schultesia' Scoparia' Sesamum'
Sesbania' Simaba' Simarouba' Stachytarpheta' "hevetia' Urera-
EM!005ENT' A substance 4hich soothes irritated surfaces, internal or external- Acrostichum' Annona' Arun$o'
Basella' Bora%o' Bryophyllum' Bu$$le6a' Byrsonima' Canna' Ceiba' Chiococca' Cissus' Commelina' Corchorus'
Cor$ia' Crescentia' Cucumis' Cucurbita' .en$ropo%on' Eclipta' Euphorbia' Helicteres' Heliotropium' Hibiscus'
Hippocratea' ,ussiaea' Mammea' Melochia' Muntin%ia' Passi&lora' Peperomia' Philoxerus' Pistia' Planta%o'
Pothomorphe' Scoparia' Sechium' Sesamum' Si$a' Sterculia' "hespesia' "illan$sia' "rium&etta' Urena-
Emperatri3' "hunber%ia ()
Enca,e' Pilea ()
Encinillo' (einmannia ()
Encino' 2uercus ()
Endurece mais' Capparis ()
Enea' Ochroma ()* "ypha ()
Eneldillo' Apium ()
Eneldo' )oeniculum ()
Enredadera' Anti%onon ()
Enredadera de monte' Psychotria ()
Ensi2a' Ocotea ()
E!"A.A SCA!.E!S Benth- St- Thomas bean ()* Sea bean ()* #a2illa ()* $ir.o. () (;i"- >LB)- The lea2es are used as
barbasco, the bar. as a soap substitute- the seeds, edible after" and roastin", are re"arded as anod&ne,
carminati2e, emetic, febrifu"e, and stomachic- The mainland Cuna use them as a soap substitute-
ENTER5T5S' 5nflammation of the intestinal tract b& infectionor irritatin" foods- Treated 4ith Carica' Cassia'
Centrosema' Coleus' Elytraria' Lantana' Lippia' Peperomia' Pseu$elephantopus' Si$a' Spi%elia' "ecoma'
"erminalia' Zin%iber-
E!"EROLOB#UM C-CLOCARPUM /riseb- Ear tree ()* An,era ()* Carito ()* Caro ()* Corotu ()* ormilon ()* !re,a
()* !re,ero ()* !2iero ()* $inon ()* $inon de ore,a ()* Tusipono () - The &oun" pods are sometimes coo.ed as
2e"etables* the mature pods, relished b& cattle, are used as a soap substitute- The seeds are also coo.ed as food- The
trun.s are used to ma.e pira"uas () - The bar. is used in cold s&rups-
Epacina' Petiveria ()
Epa3ote' Chenopo$ium ()
EP#.E!.RUM S"E!OPE"ALUM =oo.- The inflorescence is mashed 4ith /enipa and applied to the hands to
impro2e a Choco fisherman8s luc. ()-
E$50E$S1' A con2ulsi2e disorder- Treated 4ith Calocarpum' #n$i%o&era' Morin%a-
EP#PH-LLUM PH-LLA!E"HUS =a4- Ca"a"uala ()* Rabo de i"uana ()- The fruits are edible- The flo4ers are
emplo&ed as a cardiac tonic-
Eporro' Cecropia ()
E2U#SE"UM BO/O"E!SE =-B-<- =orsetail ()* Cola de caballo ()* Canutillo ()* Cola de mula ()- The plant is used
in Chiri+ui for li2er and .idne& ailments ()- Else4here, it is used for e2er& problems, d&senter&, "onorrhea, diabetes,
hemorrha"e, and p&orrhea-
ERA/ROS"#S spp- /rains of species of Era%rostis ha2e ser2ed as famine food-
ERECH"#"ES H#ERAC#)OL#A Raf- ;ire4eed ()* Taba+uillo ()- The species ser2es as a potherb in Asia-
ERECH"#"ES 0ALER#A!#)OL#A C- Bolador ()* Tachushiash ()* 7enadillo () (;i"- >9>)-
Erefa' "heobroma ()
Erepe' Calatola ()
ER-!/#UM )OE"#.UM 0- ;alse coriander ()* ;it-4eed ()* Cilantro ()* Culantro ()* <a4a4at ()* Spirit4eed ()- This
fa2orite leaf for fla2orin" soups in 0atin America is ea"erl& collected b& arien nati2es- 5t is a hi"hl& re"arded
remed& for hi"h blood pressure and fits- Around Sautata, an infusion 4ith salt is ta.e for colic and "as-
ER1S5$E0AS' An infection of the 4ith streptococci- Treated 4ith Bixa' boerhaavia' Bro5allila' Caesalpinia'
Calophyllum' .orstenia' /lirici$ia' Hamelia' Hibiscus' Hura' #n$i%o&era' #resine' ,acaran$a' Pe$ilanthus'
Plumba%o' Porophyllum' Portulaca' Pothomorphe' Solanum' "hespesia' 0itis-
ER-"HR#!A BER"EROA!A 6rban- Machete (,)* Cresta de "allo ()* Ele+ueme ()* /allito ()* $arsu ()* $ernilla de
casa ()* $ito de peronilla () - The Colombian name pito reflects a children8s use of the plant- The corolla of this tree,
placed in a hollo4 leaf stal., ser2es as a 4histle- The li"ht 4ood of this li2in" fence post has ser2ed as a cor.
substitute- Crushed branches are said to intoxicate fish- The lea2es, flo4er buds, and &oun" pods ha2e ser2ed as a
dan"erous 2e"etable, containin" about 9-9E protein- The Ba&ano Cuna use the plant for female infirmities ()- The
Choco are said to use E3 corallo$en$ron as a remed& in appendicitis, a2oidin" man& operations-
ER-"HR#!A E.UL#S Triana ex Micheli- Balu ()* Chachafruto ()* $oroto ()- The seeds, edible after preparation, are
an excellent ho" food, renderin" the lard 2er& 4hite-
Escalera de mico' Bauhinia ()
Escalera de mono' Bauhinia ()
Escambron' .repanocarpus ()
Escancel' Alternanthera ()
Escandalosa ro,a' Hibiscus ()
Escan,ocote' Melicoccus ()
Escanser' Alternanthera ()
Escarcha' Mesembryanthemum ()
Escoba' Eu%enia (,)
Escoba de castilla' Scoparia ()
Escoba dulce' Scoparia ()
Escoba ne"ra' Cor$ia ()
ESCOBE.#A SCABR#)OL#A Rui3 G $a2- A3afran ()- The roots are used to color foods- A concoction is drun. to
combat hepatitis-
Escobila ' Acisanthera (,)* Calea ()* Conoste%ia ()* Corchorus ()* Elephanbtopus ()* Malvastrum ()*
Pseu$elephantopus ()* Si$a ()* (altheria ()* 1ylopia ()
Escobilla amar"a' Scoparia ()
Escobilla blanca' (altheria ()
Escobo' Alchornea ()* Eu%enia ()
Escolito' Cassia ()
Escor3onero de Bo"ota' Polymnia ()
Escremento' Capparia ()
Eslo' Chrysophyllum ()
Esmeraldo' Miconia ()
Esmerelda' Psychotria ()
Espada de #udas' Sansevieria ()
Espadero' Myrsine ()* Rapanea ()
Espandana' "ypha ()
Esparra"o' Aspara%us ()
Espartillo' .en$robium ()* Eleusine ()
Esparto' Spartina ()
Espa2e, Espa2el' Anacar$ium (,)
ESPELE"#A CO!/ES"#)LORA Cuatr- ;raile,on ()
ESPELE"#A /LOSSOPH-LLA Mattfeld- Tabaco de la sierra ()
ESPELE"#A /LA!.ULOSA Cuatr- ;raile,on ()
ESPELE"#A /R!A.#)LORA =-GB- ;raile,on ()
ESPELE"#A HAR"(E/#A!A Cuatr- ;raile,on, lana de o2e,a ()
ESPELE"#A HAR"(E/#A!A 2ar- BRACH-PH-LLA Cuatr- ;raile,on ()
ESPELE"#A ,#ME!EZ 2UESA.AE Cuatr- ;raile,on ne"ro ()
ESPELE"#A LOPEZ## Cuatr- ;raile,on ()
ESPELE"#A MUR#LLO# Cuatr- ;raile,on ()
ESPELE"#A PE"#OLA"A Cuatr- 2ar ESCOBE!S#S Cuatr- ;raile,on ()
ESPELE"#A PHA!ERAC"#S A-C-Smith- ;raile,on ()
ESPELE"#A PLE#OCHAS#A Cuatr- ;raile,on ()
ESPELE"#A SCHUL"ES#A!A Cuatr- ;raile,on ush ()
Espi"adilla' Panicum ()* Scleria ()
Espina corona' Smilax ()
Espina hueca' Byttneria ()
Espina de paloma' .uranta ()
Espinero' -ucca ()
Espinillo' Calyptocarpus ()
Espino' Barna$esia ()* /uettar$a ()* Machaonia ()* Pipta$enia ()* Pithecellobium ()
Espino amarillo' Chloroleucon ()
Espino blanco' Acacia ()* Bauhinia ()* Bumelia ()* /uettar$a ()* Machaonia ()* Ran$ia ()* 1ylosma ()
Espino de bru,o' Bumelia ()* 1imenia ()
Espino corona' Smilax ()
Espino ne"ro' .uranta ()* Pisonia ()* Pithecellobium ()
Espino de oro' Berberis ()
Espino de paloma' .uranta ()
Espino de pla&a' Pithecellobium ()
Espino real de Espana' Par+insonia ()
Espinoso' Bombacopsis ()
Espinudo' Lacmellea ()
Espiritu santo' Aechmea ()* Peristeria (,)
Espuela de "alan' A$onis ()
Espon,illa' Lu&&a ()
Espuelo' Berberis ()
Espuma de mar' Aspara%us ()
Es+ui,oche' Borreria ()* Plumeria ()
Es+uinero' Ser6ania ()
Es+uitillo' Allophylus ()
Estamo real' Hierachloe ()
Estancadera' *rameria ()* Melochia ()
Estopa' Lu&&a ()
Estora+ue' Styrax (,)
Estrella' Crateva ()* Eucharis ()* Myriocarpa ()* Piper ()
Estrella de Ca+ueta' Eucharis ()
Estribo' "orrubia ()
Estromelia' Cassia ()* La%erstroemia ()
Estropa,o' Lu&&a ()
Es4ar"uit' Aphelan$ra ()
Eterre2a' Pterocarpus ()
Eucalipto' Eucalyptus (,)
EUCAL-P"US S$$- Eucalipto (,)-
Eucaristo' Eucharis ()
EU/E!#A ,AMBOS Rose apple ()* Man3anito de rosa ()* $omarrosa () - ;ruits of this hone& tree are edible
ra4 or in ,ellies- The flo4ers and fruits are candied, and the boiled lea2es ser2e as medicine for sore e&es-
EU/E!#A MALACCE!S#S 0- Mala& apple ()* Man3ana de ;aiti ()* Maranon de Curasao ()* $omarrosa de Malaca ()
- Culti2ated for flo4ers and fruits, this tree pro2ides also pin. stamens said to be used in salads-
EU/E!#A U!#)LORA 0- Surinam cherr& ()* Cere3a de Ca&ena ()* Cere3a cuardrada ()* $itan"a () - The fruits are
edible ()- The lea2es repel insects-
Eupatoria' Stevia ()
EUPA"OR#UM ACUM#!A"UM =-B-<- $atine"ra, trebol aromati3ador ()
EUPA"OR#UM AM-/.AL#!UM 0am- Santuaria ()
EUPA"OR#UM A!/US"#)OL#UM Spren"- Chilca blanco-ceni3a ()* Amar"oso ()
EUPA"OR#UM BULLA"UM <latt- Carrasposo ()
EUPA"OR#UM HUM#LE =ier- Moradita ()
EUPA"OR#UM #!ULAE)OL#UM =-B-<- Sal2ia amar"a ()* Sal2ia amar"a cimarrona ()* #arilla ()* Almoradu3 ()
EUPA"OR#UM LAE0#/A"UM 0am- Chilca lunare,a ()* Chilco ()* Tabaco ()
EUPA"OR#UM O.ORA"UM 0- Christmas bush ()* =ierba de chi2a ()* $aleca ()* Sal2ia ()- #amaicans in $anama
ma.e a tea from the lea2es for a cold remed&-
EUPA"OR#UM PAEZA!SE =ieron- 1erba de chi2o ()
EUPA"OR#UM P-C!OCEPHALUM 0ess- Chi+uilla ()
EUPA"OR#UM SCABRUM 0-f- Chil+uita carrasposa ()
EUPA"OR#UM S"OECHA.#)OL#UM 0-f- 7ira-2ira ()
EUPHORB#A CO"#!#)OL#LA 0- Barrabas ()* 0orencillo ()* Man3anilla de lindero ()* Man3anilla platero ()*
Matarraton ()* Nacedero ()- The caustic latex is used as a fish poison- The flo4ers are a hone& source- The seeds are
pur"ati2e- The folia"e is eaten onl& b& "oats and is said to repel leafcutters-
EUPHORB#A H#R"A 0- =ierba de pollo ()* Saca teta ()- The latex is applied b& #amaicans and arienitas ali.e to the
nipples of &oun" "irls to induce mammification ()-
EUPHORB#A LA!C#)OL#A Schlect- =ierba lechera ()-
Excremento' Capparis ()
E@$ECT!RANT' A substance supposed to li+uif& the sputum- A$iantum' Allium' Ar%emone' Bambusa'
Boerhaavia' Bravaisia' Byrsonima' Chrysophyllum' Cissampelos' Clusia' Combretum' Cor$ia' Crescentia'
Cucurbita' /lirici$ia' /ossypium' Hippocratea' Hymenaea' Lantana' Lippia' Lucuma' Malpi%hia' Malvaviscus'
Myroxylon' Piper' Rhi4ophora' Sapin$us' Sesamum' Sesuvium' "rium&etta-
)A/OP-RUM ESCULE!"UM Moench- Buc.4heat ()* Alfor,on ()- The seed are a 2aluable "rain, the lea2es a
potherb, rarel&, if e2er, planted in $anama- Else4here the plant ser2es as a hone& and fodder plant-
;alco' Cephalotoman$ra ()
;aldo' #schnosiphon ()
;also "uaco' Mi+ania micrantha ()
;ara"ua' Hyparrhenia ()
;arol' Abutilon ()
;arolollo' Abutilon ()* Campanula ()
;arolito' Abutilon ()* Aristolochia ()* Car$iospermum ()
;EBR5;6/E' A substance for combatin" fe2er- Acacia' A$ansonia' Allaman$a' Allium' Alternanthera' Anacar$ium'
An$ira' Ar%emone' Aristolochia' Artemisia' Bambusa' Bixa' Byrsonima' Caesalpinia' Calycophyllum' Capraria'
Carapa' Car$iospermum' Carica' Cassia' Ce$rela' Chomelia' Chrysophyllum' Cinchona' Cissampelos' Citrus'
Coccoloba' Cocos' Co&&ea' Conocarpus' Corynostylis' Costus' Coutabea' Coutarea' Crateva' Crescentia' Croton'
Cuphea' Cyperus' .o$onaea' .oliocarpus' Corstenia' .oxantha' Emilia' Enta$a' Eryn%ium' Eupatorium'
/lirici$ia' /unnera' He$yosmum' Hippocratea' #n$i%o&era' ,atropha' Lantana' Mammea' Melia' Mimosa' Lantana'
Mammea' Melia' Mimosa' Momor$ica' Morin%a' !eurolaena' Par+insonia' Paspalum' Petiveria' Picramnia' Piper'
Pithecellobium' Picramnia' Piper' Pithecellobium' Pluchea' Plumeria' 2uassia' Ran$ia' Rhi4ophora' Schultesia'
Scoparia' Sesbania' Simaba' Simarouba' Siparuna' Solanum' Spon$ias' S5ietenia' "abebuia' "amarin$us'
"ephrosia' "erminalia' "etracera' "hevetia' Urera' 1imenia' 1ylopia' Zornia-
;e"uo' Brosimum ()* Helicostylis ()
;eli' Pera ()
;ENCE $!STS ' $oles that ta.e root as li2e trees 4hen placed in the "round- Acnistus' Bursera' .iphysa'
Erythrina' )icus' /lirici$ia' /ua4uma' ,atropha' Lemaireocereus' Melia' Peres+ia' Spon$ias' "abebuia-
;etis tree' *i%elia ()
)#CUS C#"R#)OL#A $-Mill- %ild fi" ()* Caucho menudito ()* =i"ueron (,)* =i"o ()* Sa"ua"ua ()* Suu ()* Tu"ua ()*
Tuu () - The ripe fruits are edible- The latex ser2es as che4in" "um, 2ermifu"e and birdlime- 5ndians use as a
protecti2e application to 4ounds ()- The lea2es of some )icus spp- ser2e as 2aluable fodder durin" the dr& season-
Some nati2es belile2e that )icus seeds turn into blac. flies ()-
;iddle4ood' Chimarrhis ()* Citharexylum ()
;i"' Clusia ()* )icus ()
;ire4eed' Erechtites ()
;5RE%!! ' %ood that burns 4hen "reen- Astrocaryum' Bactris' Brosimum' Bursera' Calycophyllum' Casuarina'
Cochlospermum' !ectan$ra' Pterocarpus' Rhi4ophora' Simarouba' Sloanea' "richilia-
;iri"uelo' Phaseolus ()
;ish-poison tree' Pisci$ia ()
;5ST60A' An abnormal passa"e bet4een t4o internal or"ans- Treated 4ith "hespesia-
;itofito' Sisyrinchium ()
)ittonia' Mala mu,er ()* Kara"o3a ()
;it4eed' Eryn%ium ()
;iu' Calocarpum ()
;lambo&an' .elonix ()
;lambo&ant' .elonix ()
;lametree' .elonix ()
;lamula' Mas$evallia ()
;lat-sed"e' Cyperus ()
;lautillo' Pennisetum ()
;lechero' Cochlospermum ()
;loral' Sapium ()
;lor de Alcatra3' Aristolochia ()
;lor de alacran' Heliotropium ()
;lor alta' Zinnia ()
;lor de amarilla' "ecoma ()* 0ochysia ()
;lor de amor' )alcaria ()
;lor de an"el' Caesalpinia ()* .elonix ()
;lor de arco' "riplaris ()
;lor de a3ahar' Cinchona ()
;lor a3ul' Plumba%o ()
;lor de baile' Epiphyllum ()
;lor blanca' Plumeria ()
;lor de burro' Capparis ()* 1ylopia ()
;lor de cera' Hoya ()
;lor de chichine' Canavalia ()
;lor de la cru3' Bro5nea ()* Petrea ()
;lor de culebra' Aristolochia ()
;lor de dia' (erc+lea ()
;lor de espina' Ran$ia ()
;lor de fue"o' .elonix ()
;lor de "arrobo' "riplaris ()
;lor de "ar3a' Hy%rophila ()* Lobelia ()
;lor de la =abana' !erium ()
;lor de indi"o' Pithecellobium ()
Q;lor de Ma&o' Meriana ()
Q;lor de muerto' ,ussiaea ()* Oenothera ()
;loripondio' Centrosema ()* .atura ()
;lorito' Caesalpinia ()
;lor de #esucristo' Bro5nea ()
;lor de luna' Calonyction ()
;lor de mariposa' .alechampia ()
Q;lor de ma&o' Meriania ()* Petrea ()* 0ochysia ()
Q;lor de muerto' Coussarea ()* ,ussiaea ()* "a%etes ()* Palicourea ()
;lor de na2idad' Steiractinia oye$aeoi$es ()
;loron' Plumeria ()
;lor de pa,arito' Arrabi$aea ()
;lor de palo' Plumeria ()
;lor de pan' Plumeria ()
;lor de paraiso' Sobralia ()
;lor de pascua' Aristolochia ()* Euphorbia ()
;lor de pa2o' Caesalpinia ()* .elonix ()
;lor de principe' Pancratium ()
;lor de reina' Cymbolanthus ()
;lor de sanca&etano' Lantana ()
;lor de San,uan' Cattleya ()
;lor de Santa Ana' Beaumontia ()
;lor de toro' Plumeria ()
;lor de 2aca' Stanhopea ()
;lor de 2erano' Bou%ainvillea ()* #pomoea ()
;lor de 2olcan' Solanum ()
;lor de 3orro' Capparis ()
;lo4er fence' Caesalpinia ()
;lotilla' "ra$escantia ()
;!ER' $lants 4hich ser2e as food for cattle- Acrocomia' Bactris' Brosimum' Calophyllum' Canna' Cecropia'
Ceiba' Crotalaria' .ioscorea' Eichhornia' Enterolobium' Erythrina' )a%opyrum' )icus' /enipa' /ua4uma'
Manihot' Marathrum' Mirabilis' Parmentiera' Prosopis' Pseu$olme$ia' Saccharum' Samanea' Spon$ias' Sterculia'
"rophis' 1ylopia- Man& "rasses and le"umes-
;orastera' Silene ()
;osforito' Protium ()* "richilia ()
;our-o8cloc.' Mirabilis ()
;oxtail "rass' Setaria ()
)RA/AR#A spp- Stra4berr& ()* ;resa ()- Apparentl& all $anama stra4berries are "ro4n in the Chiri+ui =i"hlands-
;railecillo' ,atropha (,)* "abernaemontana ()
;raile,on' Espeletia spp- ()* ,atropha ()
;raile,on blanco' Senecio ru&escens ()
;raile,on de Casilla' /omphrena ()
;rambo&an' .elonix ()
;rambuesa' Rubus ()
;ran"ipani' Plumeria ()
;resa' )ra%aria ()
;rescura' "hespesia ()
;resno' Matayba ()* Rhus ()
;resno amarillo' "ecoma ()
;resnillo' "ecoma ()
;ria' .ialium ()
;rie"a-plata ' Miconia (,)* Pavonia ()* Solanum (,)* (altheria ()
;ri,ol' Phaseolus ()
;ri,olato' S5art4ia ()
;ri,ol de monte' Cassia ()
;ri,ol ne"ro' Phaseolus ()
;ri,ol de palo' Ca6anus ()
;ri,ol terciopelo' Sti4olobium ()
;rio' Saurauia ()
;risol' Phaseolus ()
;roro' Erythrina ()
;ru' Erythrina ()
;R65T E5B0E, C!!<E' ;ruit said to be edible after" or processin"- Aechmea' Alibertia' Artocarpus'
Bli%hia' Ca6anus' Canavalia' Capsicum' Carica' Cassia' Ceiba' Chayota' Cocos' Crotalaria' Cucurbita'
Cyphoman$ra' .olichos' Elaterium' Enterolobium' /uilielma' Hibiscus' La%enaria' Lens' Lu&&a' Momor$ica'
Montrichar$ia' Mucuna' Musa' !eptunia' !ymphaea' Phaseolus' Physalis' Prosopis' Psophocarpus' Sechium'
Sesbania' Sicana' Solanum' Spathiphyllum' 0icia-
;R65T E5B0E, RA%' ;ruits, at least part of 4hich are edible ra4 4hen the& ripen on the plant- Acacia' Acantho
cereus' Achras' Acrocomia' Aechmea' Anacar$ium' Ananas' Annona' Anthurium' Ar$isia' Aristolochia'
Astrocaryum' Averrhoa' Bactris' Beilschmie$ia' Bellucia' Boro6oa' Bromelia' Brosimum' Bunchosia' Byrsonima'
Calocarpum' Campomanesia' Carica' Casearia' Casimiroa' Cassia' Caven$ishia' Celtis' Ceratonia' Cholorophora'
Chomelia' Chrysobalanus' Chrysophyllum' Cissus' Citharexylum' Citrullus' Citrus' Clavi6a' Cli$emia' Coccoloba'
Cocos' Co&&ea' Conoste%ia' Cor$ia' Couma' Coupeia' Crateva' Cucumis' Cyclanthera' Cyphoman$ra' .ialium'
.iospyros' Epiphyllum' Eu%enia' )icus' )ra%aria' )uchsia' /arcinia' /enipa' /on4ala%unia' /ua4uma' /uilielma'
/ustavia' Hamelia' He$yosmum' Henriettea' Henrietella' Hesperomeles' Hirtella' Hylocereus' Hymenaea' #n%a'
Lacmellia' Lantana' Lemaireocereus' Licania' Loreya' Lucuma' Malpi%hia' Malvaviscus' Mammea' Man%i&era'
Manil+ara' Maripa' Matisia' Melicoccus' Melothria' Miconia' Momor$ica' Monstera' Morin$a' Morisonia'
Mourira' Muntin%ia' Musa' Myrcia' Opuntia' Pan$anus' Parmentiera' Passi&lora' Patinoa' Paullinia' Penta%onia'
Peres+ia' Persea' Phyllanthus' Physalis' Phytelephas' Pithecellobium' Po$ocarpus' Poso7ueria' Poulsenia'
Pourouma' Pouteria' Prosopis' Pseu$olme$ia' Psi$ium' Puncia' Pyreno%lyphis' 2uararibea' Ran$ia' Rhee$ia'
Rollinia' Roystonea' Sabicea' Sambucus' Satyria' Saurauia' Sicana' Si$eroxylon' Simarouba' Sloanea' Solanum'
Spon$ias' Symphonia' "alisia' "amarin$us' "heobroma' "hevetia' "ourne&ortia' "rapa' "rophis' 0itex' 0itis'
1imenia' Zi4yphus-
;ruta de burro' Capparis ()* 1ylopia ()
;ruta de culebra' Melothria ()
;ruta del diablo' Rauvol&ia ()
;ruta dorado' 0irola (,)
;ruta de "on3alo' 0itex ()
;ruta de indio' Pourouma ()
;ruta de mono' #sertia ()* Pachira ()* Poso7ueria (,), Rhee$ia (), Salacia ()
;ruta de murciela"o' #sertia ()* Poso7ueria ()* Strychnos ()
;ruta de pan' Artocarpus ()
;ruta de pa2a' A$enaria ()* Ar$isia ()* Chione ()* Conoste%ia ()* Miconia ()* Ossaea ()* Psychotria ()
;ruta de pio,o' Apeiba ()
;ruta de rosa' Hemian%ium ()
;ruta de 3orro' Capparia ()
;rutilla' "ourne&ortia ()
;uschia' Clero$en$ron ()
)UCHS#A ARBORESCE!S Sims- The fruit is edible-
;umo' "oxico$en$ron ()
)U!AS"RUM CLAUSUM Schlechter- Be,uco de leche ()* Mata-torsalo ()- A poultice of the lea2es is applied to .ill
scre4-4orm lar2ae in human flesh- The latex remo2es 4arts-
;uncia' Scleria ()
;une' "richanthera ()
;uneraria' Cobaea ()
;6N/5C5E' A substance that .ills fun"i, e-"-, rin"4orm- Anacar$ium' Bixa' Carica' Cassia' Man%i&era'
"hespesia' 0ismia' 1imenia-
)URCRAEA sp- Cabu&a (,,)- A "ood source of corda"e- 5t is reported to be used as a fish poison around !cu- A
deter"ent is obtained b& poundin" the lea2es and flo4er stal.s, 4hich also has bleachin" +ualities-
;usete' Chlorophora ()
;usia' )uchsia ()
;ustic' Chlorophora ()
/abellon' Phyllanthus ()
/achipa' /uilielma ()
/A0ACTA/!/6E' A substance increasin" flo4 of mil. - Brosimum' Carica' Centropo%on' Cyperus' Euphorbia'
)aramea' /ossypium' ,atropha' Lepi$ium' Momor$ica' Phyllanthus' Portulaca' Ricinus' Sesamum' "rophis-
/alba' Calophyllum ()
/albe' Chamaesenna ()
/AL#!SO/A PAR0#)LORA Ca2- /uasca ()* Chipaca ()
/allena3a' Porophyllum ru$erale ()
/allina' Phyllanthus ()
/allina "orda' Annona ()
/allina3o' .iptero$en$ron ()* Eri%eron ()* He$yosmum ()* ,acaran$a ()* Lippia ()* Pentaclethra ()* Porophyllum ()*
Schi4olobium (,)* "a%etes ()
/allincillo' Crotalaria ()
/allinero' Pithecellobium ()
/allinilla' Canavalia ()
/allinita' Centrosema ()
/allita' Ro$ri7ue4ia ()
/allito' Aristolochia ()* Caesalpinia ()* Erythrina ()* /yrocarpus ()* Ochroma ()
/allito colorado' Pe$ilanthus ()
/allitos' "illan$sia and other Bromeliaceae' Pe$ilanthus ()
/allos' "illan$sia, etc-
/allote' Lonchocarpus ()* "rophis ()
/allotillo' Elaterium ()
/amalote' Olyra ()* Paspalum ()
/an,a' Cannabis ()
/a+ue' Clusia ()* 0allea ()
/arbancillo' .uranta ()
/arban3o' Cicer ()* Phyllanthus ()
/arcero' Licania ()
/AR.#!#A MA!/OS"A!A 0- Man"osteen () - The fruits are edible ra4 or coo.ed 4ith rice-
/arden cress' Lepi$ium ()
/arden huc.leberr&' Solanum ()
/ar"oran' .i$ymopanax ()
/aribe de pena' Be%onia ()
/arlic' Allium ()
/arlic 4ood' #lex ()
/arrapata' Alibertia ()* Eupatorium ()* Hirtella ()* Lonchocarpus ()
/arrapatilla' Peperomia ()
/arricillo' Psychotria ()
/arroche' 2uararibea ()
/arrocho' 0iburnum ()
/ar3a' "abebuia ()
/asipaes' /uilielma ()
/ateado' Astronium ()
/ateador' Coccoloba ()
/ateadera' Lycopo$ium ()
/atillo' Ochroma ()
/aulin' Al&aroa ()
/a2ilan' En%elhar$tia ()* Pentaclethra ()* Schi4olobium (,)
/a2ilana' Albi4ia ()* !eurolaena ()
/a2ilana-capitana' !eurolaena ()
/a2ilancillo' Pithecellobium ()
/a3ania remarcada' /a4ania speciosa ()
/AZA!#A SPEC#OSA 0ess- /a4ania remarca$a ()
/ea' /uilielma ()
/enecero' Enterolobium ()
/enene' Caryocar ()
/en"ibre' Zin%iber ()
/en"ibrillo' Paspalum ()
/enicero' Pithecellobium ()
/E!#PA AMER#CA!A 0- /enipap ()* Abu"ui ()* Chipara ()* /ua&til blanco ()* #u"ua ()* Fuipara ()* Saptur () - The
pulp of the fruits, edible ra4, is used to ma.e s4eet and fermented be2era"es and is sometimes pic.led 4ith 2ine"ar
and onions- The flo4ers are attracti2e to bees and the fruits to cattle- 5ndians paint their bodies blac. 4ith the pulp-
Some 5ndians paint their feet 4ith the ,uice, belie2in" that it them in2isible to ()- 5t appears to be
bactericidal, "ermicidal, and insect repellent, and ma& impro2e the complexion- 5t is said to be the onl& medicine
capable of flushin" the parasitic catfish, 4hich attac.s man south of the stud& areas-
/enipap' /enipa ()
/enisero' Enterolobium ()
/eni3aro' Pithecellobium ()* Samanea ()
/EO!OMA CO!/ES"A =-%endl- ex Sp- Cortadero ()* o+uidua ()- This is the most common thatch palm on the
R- Areti ()- =earts of Costa Rican species are eaten roasted-
/eranio' Pelar%onium ()
/' Cucumis ()
/iant cane' /ynerium ()
/i"anton' .atura ()* "rophis ()
/i"ua' Astrocaryum ()
/i"ualti' /enipa ()
/in"er' Zin%iber ()
/irasol' Helianthus ()* Zinnia ()
/irasolillo' .ysso$ia ()
/itana' Clianthus ()
/L#R#C#.#A SEP#UM Steud- Mother of cocoa ()* Baba ()* Bala ()* Madera ne"ra ()* Mataraton ()* Fuic.-stic. () -
The flo4ers of this hone& tree are coo.ed in batter- the seeds, bar., andJor lea2es are used to poison rats- The tree is
often used for li2in" fence posts ()- The lea2es are applied as poultices to bruises, er&sipelas, and other sores, and the
,uice of the lea2es is applied as a fol. treatment for baldness- 5n 1a2i3a, the lea2es are boiled 4ith lea2es of lemon
and escobado3a to form an application for headaches- Rio Sucio Ne"roes use them for fe2ers ()- Around 0a Nue2a a
leaf infusion is used as a bath for debilit&- A branch placed in the hat is supposed to relie2e the heat-
/lobe amaranth' /omphrena ()
/loria de la manana' #pomoea ()
/!APHAL#UM ELE/A!S =-B-<- 7ira-2ira ()* 1erba "allino3a ()
/!APHAL#UM SP#CA"UM 0am- Lechu%uilla ()
/!E"UM LE-BOL.## Tul- The seeds are roasted and eaten b& the Choco () -
/oa bean' Psophocarpus ()
/oa,ire' Par+insonia ()
/oat4ood' Cassipourea ()
/OE"HALS#A ME#A!"HA Burret- Chancho blanco ()* /uacimo Blanco ()- The fruits are popular 4ith maca4s-
/olden sho4er' Cassia ()
/olden-spoon' Byrsonima ()
/olondrina' Alternanthera ()* Euphorbia (,,)* Polypo$ium ()
/oma' Cor$ia ()
/oma elemi' Bursera ()
/ombo' Abelmoschus ()
/omo' Cor$ia ()
/omo blanco' Cor$ia ()
/OMPHRE!A /LOBOSA 0- Bachelor8s button ()* Siempre2i2a ()* Suspiro () - The plant is re"arded as a heart
/O!ZALA/U!#A RU.#S Standl- Mentolin ()* Ni"uita ()* 6siburnu purui4at ()- The 4hite fruits are rarel& eaten in
Colombia ()- The plant is used in medicinal baths b& the Ba&ano Cuna-
/on3alo al2es' Astronium ()
/oon"o $ea' Ca6anus ()
/ooseberr&' Phyllanthus ()
/oose"rass' Eleusine ()
/ordura' Melinus ()
/or"o,ero' Cupania ()
/or"o,illo' Cupania ()* Miconia ()
/or"o,o' Cupania ()* Miconia ()
/or"o,o blanco' Cupania ()
/or"oran' 0irola ()
/orreta' Cephaelis ()
/OSS-P#UM spp- Cotton ()* Al"odon ()* Mo,ofono ()* 6psana ()- %est 5ndian Ne"roes tie strin"s of the seeds
around the ,oints to treat rheumatism- Sap is astrin"ent and pectoral- Seeds can be eaten but should be boiled first as
the& can contain the poisonous principle "oss&pol- Ra4 seeds are considered aphrodisiac, expectorant, laxati2e, and
ner2ine, and are "i2en for headache- Ba&ano Cuna culti2ate cotton and 4ea2e their o4n hammoc.s- The roots are
considered abortifacient, antihemorrha"ic, and emmena"o"ic- The lea2es are used to treat rheumatism amon" the
Chepi"ana Ne"roes- Around 0a Nue2a the flo4ers are used to treat bat bites-
/ota de oro' /alphimia ()
/ota de san"re' Euphorbia ()* Clero$en$rum
/oterero' Psychotria ()
/OUA!#A LUPULO#.ES 6rban- Beuco de Rama ()* #aboncillo ()* Rabo de mono () (;i"- >CL)- The t4i"s are
che4ed to heal and harden the "ums and to treat sore throat- The& 4ere formerl& used in" beer- Macerated
stems produce a lather- The stems are used for corda"e-
/ourd' La%enaria ()
/racena' "aetsia ()
/rama' /ynerium ()
/rama de camino' Panicum ()
/ramalote' Hymenachne ()* Paspalum ()
/ranada' Punica ()
/ranade de monte' Rourea ()
/ranadilla' Caesalpinia ()* Couroupita ()* .ialium ()* Machaerium ()* Panicum ()* Passi&lora ()* Po$ocarpus ()
/randfather8s moss' "illan$sia ()
/rani3o' He$yosmum ()* Pilea ()
/rana de oro' Solanum ()
/rao' Pterocarpus ()
/rape' 0itis ()
/rapefruit' Citrus ()
/rau blanco' Pterocarpus ()
/ra2e&ard flo4er' Plumeria ()
/reenbrier' Smilax ()
/reenheart' !ectan$ra ()
/re2illo' /revillea ()
/rosella' Malpi%hia ()* Pe$ilanthus ()* Phyllanthus (,)* Ribes ()
/rosella a3ulada' Cli$emia ()
/rosella de Nicara"ua' Phyllanthus ()
/rosellero' Ribes ()
/round coco' Eulophia ()
/round cherr&' Physalis ()
/uaba' Phytolacca ()
/uaba&o' Eu%enia ()
/uabino' Enterolobium ()
/uabo' 2uassia ()
/uaca' Caesalpinia ()* Spilanthes ()
/uacaci' Laetia ()
/uacal' Crescentia (,)
/uacama&a ' Acacia ()* Albi4ia ()* Basiloxylon ()* Bocconia ()* Croton ()* Cupania ()* Heliconia ()* Protium ()*
"richosti%ma ()* "riplaris ()
/uacama&a pe+uena' Caesalpinia ()
/uachamaca' Malouettia ()
/uachapi' Passi&lora ()
/uachapali' .iphysa ()
/uacharaco' Cecropia ()* Cupania ()* Matayba ()* "abernaemontana ()
/uacharaco de tierra fria' /uarea ()
/uache' An$ropo%on ()
/uachipelin, /uachipilin' .iphysa ()
/uachi2an' Carlu$ovica ()
/uacimilla ' Helicteres ()* Heliocarpus ()* Pavonia ()* Proc+ia ()
/uacimo' Bursera ()* Cor$ia ()* /ua4uma ()* Laetia ()* Luehea (,)
/uacimo baba' Apeiba ()
/uacimo baboso' "rium&etta ()
/uacimo blanco' /oethalsia (,)* /ua4uma ()
/uacimo colorado' /ua4uma ()* Luehea (,)
/uacimo macho' Luehea (,)
/uacimo molenillo or molinero' Luehea (,)
/uacimo no"al' Cor$ia ()
/uacimo de ternero' /ua4uma ()
/uacimo torcido' Helicteres ()
/uaco' Aristolochia ()* Eupatorium ()* Mi+ania ()
/uacuco' Malpi%hia ()
/uadua' /ua$ua ()
/UA.UA A!/US"#)OL#A <unth- Bamboo ()* Bambu ()* /uadua ()* /uadua manso ()- The canes are used for
construction and 4ater trou"hs- 5n the Choco the& are propa"ated b& cuttin"s to be used for buildin" materials-
Clumps of bamboo alon" the ri2er indicate human disturbances in $acific Colombia-
/uadua manso' /ua$ua ()
/ua"ara' Cryosophila ()* Manicaria (,)* Sabal ()* Scheelea ()
/ua"ara de puerco' Acrostichum ()
/ua"ra' Cryosophila ()
/UA#ACUM O))#C#!ALE 0- 0i"num-2itae ()* /ua&acan ()* /ua&aco ()* - Culti2ated in $anama, this is one of the
hea2iest commercial timbers, and one of the more expensi2e- An extract and the resin from the 4ood 4as formerl&
used as anti2enereal, diuretic, stimulant, and sudorific-
/uaica' Combretum ()
/uaimarito' )icus ()
/uaimaro' Brosimum ()* Pourouma ()* Helicostylis ()
/uaimero, /ua&mero' Brosimum ()* "rophis ()
/uaina' Urera ()
/uaita' "richilia ()
/uaitil' /enipa ()* Sic+in%ia ()
/uaitil blanco' /enipa ()
/uaitil colorado' Sic+in%ia ()
/ua,ini+uil' #n%a ()
/ua,o' Maximiliana ()
/ualanda&' ,acaran$a ()
/ualchapa' Passi&lora ()
/ualola' Poly%onum ()
/ualpite' 1ylopia ()
/ualte' (ettinia ()* Aiphanes ()* Catosti%ma ()* #riartea ()
/uamacho' Peres+ia ()* 1ylosma ()
/uamachito' Bumelia ()
/uamarillo' Pseu$osamanea ()
/uambia' Spi%elia ()
/uamito macho' Brasilettia ()* Caesalpinia (C?
/uamo' Cru$ia ()* #n%a ()
/uamo blanco' /uarea ()
/uamo churimo' #n%a ()
/uamo cimarron' /uarea ()
/uamo machete' #n%a ()
/uamo cimarron' /uarea ()
/uamo machete' #n%a ()
/uamo macho' #n%a ()* Pithecellobium ()
/uamo mesti3o' Hirtella ()
/uamo mico' #n%a ()
/uamo prieto' Pithecellobium ()
/uamo rorado' Carapa ()
/uamuche, /uamuchil' Albi4ia ()* Pithecellobium ()
/uamuco' .atura ()* Spi%elia ()
/uanabana' Annona ()
/uanabana torete' Annona ()
/uanabano' Annona ()
/uanancaste' Enterolobium ()
/uanancona' Annona ()
/uanco' /uarea ()
/uandu' Ca6anus ()
/uan"are' Manicaria ()
/uan"o' Albi4ia ()* Pithecellobium ()
/uanto' .atura ()
/uapaste' Lonchocarpus ()
/uapinal' Hymenaea ()
/uapinol' Hymenaea ()
/uapinol ne"ro' Cynometra ()
/uara' Astrocaryum ()* Coccoloba ()
/uaracaro' Phaseolus ()
/uara"oa' Coccoloba ()* /uarea ()
/uarana' Paullinia ()
/uaran"o' Caesalpinia ()* Mimosopsis ()* Sene%alia ()* "ara ()
/uarda rocio' Hypericum ()
/UAREA MUL"#)LORA A-#uss- Cedro macho ()- The 4ood is fa2ored for rice mortars and pestles ()-
/uar"uerones' Antirrhinum ()
/uaria morada' Cattleya ()
/uaritoto' ,atropha ()
/uarmuche' Albi4ia ()
/uarte' (ettinia ()
/uarumo' Cecropia ()* Pourouma ()
/uarumo macho' Pourouma ()
/uarumo de montana' Pourouma ()
/uar3o' Phaseolus ()
/uasa' Euterpe ()
/uasca' /alinso%a ()
/uasco' Cor$ia ()* Esch5eilera ()
/uas"uin' .iplostephium cinerascens ()
/uasimilla' (altheria ()
/uas+uilla' Aspilia tenella ()* (ul&&ia baccata ()
/uastomate' Ar$isia ()* Stylo%yne ()
/uata' Solanum ()
/uataco' Rauvol&ia ()
/uataco colorado' Rauvol&ia ()
/uatatuco' *ohleria ()
/uate-"uate' Passi&lora ()
/uatemala' Cosmos bipinnatus ()* Solanum ()* "i%ri$ia ()
/ua2a' #n%a ()* Psi$ium ()
/ua2a de casilla' #n%a ()
/ua2a machete' #n%a ()
/ua2a de mono' #n%a ()
/ua2a real' #n%a ()
/ua2ita' .esmo$ium ()
/ua2ita cansa-boca' #n%a ()* Pachyrhi4us ()
/ua2ito, /ua2ito amar"o' 2uassia ()
/ua2o' #n%a ()* Pithecellobium ()* 2uassia ()
/ua2o amarillo' #n%a ()
/ua2o cimarron' #n%a (CR* Lin$ac+eria ()
/ua2o dormilon' Par+ia ()
/ua2o machete' #n%a ()
/ua2o de mono' #n%a ()
/ua2o montana' Pithecellobium ()
/ua2o peludo' #n%a ()
/ua2o 2aina' Par+ia ()
/ua&aba' Eu%enia ()* Psi$ium ()* 2uararibea ()
/ua&aba a"ria' Psi$ium ()
/ua&aba de a"ua' Psi$ium ()
/ua&aba arra&an' Psi$ium ()
/ua&aba de "usano' Psi$ium ()
/ua&aba de mico' Poso7ueria ()
/ua&aba de montana' "erminalia ()
/ua&aba perulera' Psi$ium ()
/ua&aba de sabana' Psi$ium ()
/ua&abillo' Calycolpus (,)* Psi$ium ()* 2uarraribea ()* "erminalia (,)
/ua&abita ' Psi$ium ()* "riplaris ()
/ua&abita del $eru' Psi$ium ()
/ua&abita rastrera' Psi$ium ()
/ua&abito' Campomanesia ()* Myrtus ()
/ua&abito de cerro' /rislea ()
/uabito arrai,an' Psi$ium ()
/ua&abito montana' Calycolpus ()
/ua&abito de monte' Alibertia ()
/ua&abito piru' Psi$ium ()
/ua&abito de sabana' Psi$ium ()
/ua&abo' Calycophyllum ()* Eu%enia ()* /uettar$a ()* Hamelia ()* Psisium ()* 2uararibea ()* Ruprechtia ()
/ua&abo ala3ano' Calycophyllum ()
/ua&abo amarillo' Lin$ac+eria ()
/ua&abo blanco' Brosimum ()
/ua&abo cascudo' Eu%enia ()
/ua&abo colorado' Calycophyllum ()* Eu%enia ()
/ua&abo hormi"uero' "riplaris ()
/ua&abo ,o2eroso' Calycophyllum ()
/ua&abo de leon' Eu%enia ()* "erminalia ()
/ua&abo de leche' Campomanesia ()
/ua&abo macho' Esch5eilera ()* Myrcia ()
/ua&abo del mico' Poso7ueria (,), Zuelania ()
/ua&abo de mono' Miconia ()
/ua&abo del monte' "erminalia ()
/ua&abo murciela"o' Eu%enia ()
/ua&abon' "erminalia (,)
/ua&abo ne"ro' Hamelia ()
/ua&abo de par2a' Bellucia ()
/ua&abo prieto' Calyptranthes ()* Eu%enia ()
/ua&abo sabanero' Psi$ium ()
/ua&abo 2olandor' Ruprechtia ()
/ua&abo 3ancon' "riplaris ()
/ua&acan' Arthrosamanea ()* Bulnesia ()* /uaiacum (,)* La&oensia ()* Min7uartia ()* Oli%anthes ()* Sporobolus ()*
S5art4ia ()* S5eetia ()* "abebuia ()* "ecoma ()* 0itex ()
/ua&acana' Smilax ()
/ua&acan blanco' Pithecellobium ()
/ua&acan de bola' Bulnesia ()
/ua&acan carrapo' Bulnesia ()
/ua&acan Chaparro' Arthrosamanea ()* Pithecellobium ()
/ua&acan ciena"a' Arthrosamanea ()* Pithecellobium ()
/ua&acan coco' Lecythis ()
/ua&acan con"o' An$ira ()
/ua&acan corriente' S5eetia ()
/ua&acan ensino' Bulnesia (,)
/ua&acan ,obo' Centrolobium ()
/ua&acan de mani3al' La&oensia ()
/ua&acan ne"ro' "abebuia ()
/ua&acan pol2illo' Bulnesia ()* Centrolobium ()* "abebuia ()* "ecoma ()
/ua&acan trapiche' Poponax ()
/ua&acillo' Rinorea ()
/ua&aco' /uaiacum ()
/ua&amero' Brosimum ()* Helicostylis ()
/ua&ani+uil' #n%a ()
/ua&ote' /onolobus ()
/ua&til' Sic+in%ia ()
/ua&til blanco' /enipa ()
/ua&til colorado' Sic+in%ia ()
/ua&u&o' "rema ()
/UAMA ULM#)OL#A 0am- %est 5ndian elm ()* Bastard cedar ()* Cabe3a de Ne"rito ()* /uacimo (,) - The "reen
fruits of this hone& tree are edible fresh or coo.ed, and are relished b& cattle- The& are crushed in 4ater to ma.e a
be2era"e, and to add fla2or to meats- The lea2es and fruits are eaten b& cattle and deer- The bar. is used for corda"e,
and is re"arded as sudorific- 5t is used to treat elephantiasis, cutaneous diseases, and chesxt afflictions- The sap is
used to clarif& s&rup in su"", and 4as used for food and sha2in" cream in Colombia- 5n arien, the
uncoo.ed bar. is soa.ed 4ith mal2a to drin. for afflictions of the .idne& and li2er ()- 5n the $earl 5slands, people
belie2e that touchin" the tree 4ill slo4 bleedin" ()-
/ua3umillo' Pavonia ()
/uerre"ue' Astrocaryum ()* /uilielma ()
/uichire' Maximiliana ()
/uicombo' Abelmoschus ()
/ui,arro' Stemma$enia ()
/uilache' Berberis ()
/U#L#ELMA /AS#PAES Baile&- $each palm ()* Chontadura ()* /ea ()* 5co ()* Mantiene-mo3a ()* Nalu ()* $e,iba,e ()*
$ichi"uao ()* $isba ()* Ten"a ()* 6rre * /ea - The fruits are popular all o2er $anama, coo.ed 4ith salt- The Choco do
not coo. it 4ith salt because the& belie2e this 4ill ma.e the fruits on the tree fall off "reen ()- 1uruman+ui 5ndians
obtain salt b&" the spadix- The fruit has about t4ice as much protein as plantains, manioc, or potatoes, and is
abundant from September throu"h ecember- The hard 4ood is used for" bo4s and arro4s- the Borucas
ma.e fire 4ith a stic. of this on a bloc. of /ua4uma- Needles are used in primiti2e tatooin" else4here- The cabba"e
is also +uite edible- /ua&mis fell the tree in the 4anin" moon, let it lie three da&s, then ta.e the heart for the
preparation of ferments- 5t is also "ood for" s4eet chichas- The flo4ers are said to be edible, ha2in" the
fla2or of cauliflo4er- The seeds are also edible- Sala+ui Choco, durin" their first menses, are not supposed to eat this
fruit, or an& toothed animal, in the belief it 4ill cause boils and pimples- 5t is a dail& entr& amon" the Choco,
especiall& from #anuar& throu"h April- The seeds are planted and trees 4ill bear fruit in I &ears- The fruits and
terminal buds are eaten, and the fruits are used to ma.e a beer- Shrimp and catfish are cau"ht in Colombian catan"as
baited 4ith peach palm fruits or corn-
/uillotilla' Pittiera ()
/uime' Anthurium ()
/uinda' Zi4yphus ()
/uinea' Panicum ()
/uinea "rass' Panicum ()
/uinea-hen 4eed' Petiveria ()
/uineo' .esmopsis ()* Musa ()* Panicum ()* Sapranthus ()
/uino' Carapa ()
/uirache' Sya%rus ()
/uisante' Pisum ()
/uisaro' Psi$ium ()
/uisero' Psi$ium ()
/uis,oche' Bourreria ()
/uitil' Stemman$enia ()
/uitite' Acnistus ()
/ui3aro' Psi$ium ()
/ull&-root' Petiveria ()
/ulupo' Passi&lora ()
/um arabic' Acacia ()
/umbo' Abelmoschus ()
/umbolimbo' Bursera ()
/una' (arsce5ic4ia ()
/un"o pea' Ca6anua ()
/ura.' 0ismia ()
/URA!#A (A/!ER#A!A Co"n- 7itoria ()- 1a-te-2i ulcers are treated 4ith pul2eri3ed lea2es of this species-
/urapo' .elostoma ()
/usanero' Astronium ()
/ur"urus' Cochlospermum ()
/usanillo' Parosela ()* Piper ()
/usano' Acalypha ()
/US"A0#A !A!A $ittier- Membrillo (,)* $aco ()- The fruits, eaten ra4 or coo.ed, are also made into chichas ()-
/US"A0#A SUPERBA Ber"- Chupo ()* Membrillo (,)* $aco ()* Tupu () - ecoctions of the lea2es are said to ha2e
sa2ed man& con+uistadors 4ounded 4ith poisoned arro4s- Eaten ra4 or coo.ed, the pulp is used li.e "rease to coo.
/u-tse' )icus ()
/utta-percha' Mimusops ()
/-!A!.ROPS#S SPEC#OSA C- Aleli calentano ()* Caracol ()- Else4here the lea2es are used as a 2e"etable-
/-!ER#UM SA/#""A"UM $-Beau2- /iant cane ()* Canabola ()* Cana blanca ()* Cana flecha ()* Carri3o ()* Chia ()*
Chul+uin ()* Chus+ue ()* 0ata ()* Masar ()* $indos ()* Ku3a ()- /ynerium is 2er& important in the construction of
nati2e huts, especiall& the 4alls in arien, Choco, and San Blas ()- 5n Colombia, it is occasionall& culti2ated as a
construction material, as a combustible, and for use in 4ea2in"- /iant cane houses are said to last for M?? &ears in
xeric en2ironments- Roots are diuretic, and are used for alopecia- The flo4er stal.s, .no4n as 2iruli, are used for
arro4s, spears, etc- ()-
/-!O1-S PAR0#)OL#A Cuatr- Rama blanca ()
=aba' Phaseolus ()* 0icia (,)
=aba de monte' .ioclea ()
=abilla' Enta$a ()* Hura ()
=ac.berr&' Celtis ()
HAEMA"O1-LO! CAMPECH#A!UM 0- 0o"4ood () - The heart4ood of this "ood hone& plant, used to treat
cancer, is antidiarrhetic and antid&senteric-
=AEM!$T1S5S' Spittin" of blood- Anacar$ium' Carica' Musa' Portulaca' "erminalia' (altheria-
=a"ue&' Calatola ()* /rias ()
=ala' Haematoxylon ()
=A006C5N!/EN' A substance producin" 2isions, illusions, etc- An$ira' Ar%emone' .atura' Myristica' Pachira'
Pipta$enia' Pisci$ia' Rivea-
=amati' Cavanillesia ()
HAMEL#A PA"E!S #ac+- Red berr& ()* Scarletbush ()* Anileto ()* A3ulillo ()* Coralillo ()* $alo camaron ()* $issi ()*
62ero ()* Korrillo () - The ripe fruits are edible ()- The plant is else4here considered as a remed& for cancer,
er&sipelas, and malaria-
=arino' Calycophyllum ()* .iptero$en$ron ()* Pithecellobium ()
=arton' Musa ()
=aru' Bixa ()
=ashish' Cannabis ()
HASSEL"#A )LOR#BU!.A =-B-<- Raspalen"ua () - ;ruits of this small tree mi"ht be tried as a sur2i2al food-
=atico' #xophorus ()
=at palm' Carlu$ovica ()
=a4.4eed' Hieracium ()
=a&o' Erythroxylum ()
=a&uelo' .o$onaea ()
=EAAC=E' A pain in the head- Abrus' Acacia' A$enanthera' Ar%emone' Capsicum' Coix' Commelina' Elaeis'
/ossypium' La%enaria' Melia' Morin$a' Ocimum' Petiveria' Pisci$ia' Pothomorphe' Protium' Ricinus' Siparuna'
Solanum' Spi%elia' "erminalia' "hespesia-
HE.EOMA A)) PULE/#O#.ES' %ild peppermint ()* Menta ()
HE.-OSMUM ME1#CA!UM Cordemo&- Almi3cle ()* Colchon de pobre ()* /allina3o (
C)* /rani3o ()* $lanta del soldado ()* Sil2asil2a ()* 7ara blanca ()- the fruit are edible- The lea2es are used to ma.e a
tea or coffee substitute, and to fla2or contraband li+uor in Colombia- An infusion of the bar. is belie2ed febrifu"al,
restorati2e, and tonic-
=elecho de a"ua' Ceratopteris ()
=elecho de auila' Pteri$ium ()
=elecho macho' .ryopteris ()
=elecho marrano' Pteri$ium ()
=elecho peine' Polypo$ium ()
=elecho 2olador' !ephrolepis ()
HEL#CHR-SUM BRAC"EA"UM Andr- Boton de oro ()* 5nmortales dobles ()* Siempre2i2a ()* 5nmortales de
bracteas ()
HEL#CO!#A spp- %ild plantain ()* #an"a ()* < ()* $lantanillo (,)* Susucan () (;i"- >:?)- The &oun" shoots of
Heliconia bihai 0- ser2e as a 2e"etable- The bracts collect potable 4ater, but ma& be a breedin" "round for
mos+uitoes ()- The& are a fa2orite feedin" place for hummin"birds ()- 0ea2es are often used to ma,e temporar&
umbrellas, shelters, and beddin" ()- Amon" the Chiman Choco, the& are 4rapped around achin" stomachs- arien
people fashion cups out of the lea2es for" 4ater in the bush ()- 1oun" spears of Heliconia spp- are used
medicinall& b& the Ba&ano Cuna ()- arien Ne"roes used boiled &oun" spears to poultice on the putrid ulcers of
ad2anced sna.ebite cases-
HEL#COS"-L#S LA"#)OL#A $ittier- 7erba ()- The 4ood is sometimes used for" du"outs-
HEL#C"ERES /UAZUMAE)OL#A =-B-<- Berber+ui santo ()* /uacimillo ()* /uacimo torcido ()* Ma,a"uilla ()*
Torcidillo () - This shrub furnishes a corda"e and the lea2es are used as an emollient-
HEL#OCARPUS POPA-A!E!S#S =-B-<- Baho blanco ()* Balso ()* Ma,a"ua ()* Ma,ao ()* $alo bobo ()* $estano de
mula ()- Mos+uito nets can be strun" 4ith arien8s fa2orite corda"e, the inner bar. of ma,a"uilla ()-
=eliotropio' Heliotropium ()
HEL#O"ROP#UM CURASSA0#CUM 0- =eliotrope ()* Cotorrera de pla&a ()- The ashes are used for salt-
=eliotropo' He$ychium ()
=EM!RR=!5S' 7aricose 2eins of the lo4er rectum and anus- Treated 4ith Acacia' Acnistus' Albi4ia' Aloe'
Avicennia' Caesalpinia' Capsicum' Carica' Cassia' Centella' Chenopo$ium' Cissus' Coccoloba' Cocos' Crescentia'
.en$ropo%on' /ua4uma' Heliotropium' Hibiscus' ,atropha' Lu&&a' Man%i&era' Mucuna' Pachyrhi4us' Piper' Pistia'
Pothomorphe' Psi$ium' Renealmia' Ricinus' Scoparia' Spon$ias' "amarin$us' "illan$sia-
=EM!STAT5C' A substance for controllin" bleedin"- A%eratum' Boerhaavia' Bro5nea' Bryophyllum' Cereus'
Clitoria' .iphysa' /ossypium' Lantana' Lecythis' Ormosia' Pterocarpus' Rhi4ophora' Solanum-
=emp' Cannabis ()
=emp, sun' Crotalaria ()
=enene' Caryocar ()
=ene+uen' A%ave ()
=enna' La5sonia ()
HE!R#E""EA SUCCOSA C- The fruit is edible-
HE!R#E""ELLA spp- The fruits of most species are probabl& edible-
HER!A!.#A SO!ORA 0- Ma"o () - The sap is reported to be depilator&-
HESPEROMELES /OU.O"#A!A <illip- Mortino ()- The fruits are edible and astrin"ent-
H#B#SCUS CA!!AB#!US 0- <enaf ()* $a2ona encendida () - The seeds, edible after roastin", are said to be
aphrodisiac- the oil expressed from the seeds is used for" and illumination- The aperient lea2es, used as a
potherb, are sold in the 6nited States as mari,uana-
H#B#SCUS ROSA;S#!E!S#S 0- Chinese hibiscus ()* $apo ()* $alo de la reina ()* $e,o ()* Tapo () - Chinese pic.le and
eat the flo4ers- The &oun" lea2es ser2e as a potherb- The petals are used to blac.en shoes and e&ebro4s-
H#B#SCUS SAB.AR#))A 0- #amaica sorrel ()* Roselle ()* #amaica ()* Cabitutu ()* Rosella ()* 7inuela () (;i"- >:C-
The s4ollen red cal&ces are used for" be2era"es, ,ellies, and ,ams- The lea2es are used for potherbs, salads,
and curries- The seeds are demulcednt, diuretic, and tonic, and are used in debilit&, d&spepsia, d&suria, and
stran"ur&- The& contain oil and are eaten iin Africa- 6ala Cuna toast the red fruits to ma.e a coffee-li.e be2era"e-
The name cabitutu translates to coffee flo4er-
H#B#SCUS SCH#ZOPE"ALUS =oo.- Arana ()* Canastilla ()* $ara"uita china ()* %aitutu ()- 0i.e the Chinese
=ibiscus, this handsome shrub is found in man& Choco and Cuna "ardens ()- Choco use the flo4ers for "arlands ()-
Cuna use the flo4ers also for e&e medicine ()- Colombians use infusions of the flo4ers for colds and cou"hs-
H#B#SCUS "#L#ACEUS 0- 0ilnden hibiscus ()* Al"ondoncillo ()* Ma,a"ua ()* Mahoe () (;i"- >::)- The flo4ers,
attracti2e to bees, and &oun" lea2es ser2e as a potherb- Boiled in mil., the flo4ers are supposed to be "ood for
earache- The bar. furnishes "ood corda"e that is unusual in bein" stron"er 4hen 4et- 5t is used for"
bar.cloth, hammoc.s, mats, and rope- The 4ood is "ood for t4irlstic. fires-
=5CC6$S' A sharp inspirator& sound caused b& contractions of the diaphram- Treated 4ith Man%i&era' Phaseolus-
=iede-hiede' Cestrum ()
=iedra' Boussin%aultia ()* He$era ()
=ierba de Adan' Chelonanthus ()
=ierba de a"ua' Arthrostemma ()* Be%onia ()
=ierba de alacran' Paullinia ()* Pectis ()
=ierba de almorrana' Salvia ()
=ierba borri"uera' ,usticia ()
=ierba buena' Mentha ()
=ierba de cancer' Hy$rolea ()
=ierba capitana' Mi+ania ()
=ierba centella' Boerhaavia ()
=ierba de chi2a' Eupatorium ()
=ierba de cone,o' Micromeris ()
=ierba de cora3on' Salvia ()
=ierba de coristo' Antiphytum ()
=ierba de cui' Ol$enlan$ia ()
=ierba de culebra' Phytolacca ()
=ierba dulce' A%eratum ()* Borreria ()* Eleusine ()
=ierba de diablo' Plumba%o ()
=ierba e"ipcia' .actyloctenium ()
=ierba elefante' Pennisetum ()
=ierba de fraile' Parsonia ()
=ierba "alle"a' Evolvulus ()
=ierba de "allina3o' Cassia ()* Solanum ()
=ierba "allota' Solanum ()
=ierba "orda' Eryn%ium ()
=ierba de "uambia' Spi%elia ()
=ierba "ua&acan' #mperata ()* Sporobolus ()
=ierba hedionda' Solanum ()
=ierba hatico' #xophorus ()
=ierba hemostatica' A%eratum ()
=ierba de hierro' Pharus
=ierba de huambim' Spi%elia ()
=ierba ,orra' "ourne&ortia ()
=ierba lechera' Euphorbia ()
=ierba de limon' Cymbopo%on ()
=ierba de limon de China' Pectis ()
=ierba de la muela' Hyptis ()
=ierba mora' Saracha ()* Solanum ()
=ierba de la mula' Lippia ()
=ierba de murciela"o' Cassia ()
=ierba de pa,acillo' /alinso%a ()
=ierba de pa,arito' Struthanthus ()* /alinso%a ()
=ierba de la paloma' Calea ()
=ierba de $ara' Panicum ()
=ierba del $ara"ua&' Scoparia ()
=ierba de pasmo' Siparuna ()
=ierba de pata' Eleusine ()
=ierba de la plata' Mesembryanthemum ()
=ierba del pio,o' .elphinium ()
=ierba de pla&a' Cassia ()
=ierba de pollo' Casearia ()* Euphorbia ()* *allstroemia ()* Lin$ernia ()
=ierba de la porta' Hy$rolea ()* Cassia ()
=ierba de puerco' Monstera ()* Si$a ()
=ierba de reuma' Hyptis ()
=ierba sa"rado' Lantana ()
=ierba de sal' Philoxerus ()
=ierba de sampedro' /eranium ()
=ierba de San Antonio' Elephantopus ()
=ierba de San Carlos' Marsypianthes ()
=ierba de San #uan' Hyptis ()* 0ernonia (,)
=ierba santa' Stemo$ia ()* Crassula ()
=ierba de Santa Maria' Cacalia ()* Cleome ()* Conobea ()
=ierba de sapo' Peperomia ()* Physalis ()* Scoparia ()
=ierba del sol' Acaena ()
=ierba del soldado' Melochia ()* (altheria ()
=ierba tie"ro' Olyrum ()* Panicum ()
=ierba te' Capraria (,)* Pectis ()
=ierba de la Trinidad' ,usticia ()
=ierba del 2enado' Cony4a ()
=ierba de la 2ir"in' Poly%ala ()
=ierba 3orra' Lantana ()
=i"o' )icus ()* Opuntia ()
=i"o tuno' Opuntia ()
=i"uanillo' Lonchocarpus ()
=i"uera' /unnera ()* Oreopanax ()
=i"uerilla' Ricinus ()
=i"uerillo' Ricinus ()
=i"uerillo blanco ' Ricinus ()
=i"uero' )icus ()* Oreopanax ()
=i"uero de lata' Bactris ()
=i"ueron' )icus ()
=i"ueron colorado' )icus ()
=i"uillo' Carica ()
=i"uito' )icus ()
=inchador' Rhus ()
=ino,illo' Piper ()
=ino,o' )oeniculum ()* Piper ()* Pothomorphe ()
H#PPOCRA"EA 0OLUB#L#S 0- The seeds are reported to be edible-
H#PPOMA!E MA!C#!ELLA 0- Manchineel ()* Mananillo () - Cataplasms of Solanum ni%rum or 7uitense are
su""ested as a treatment- The latex is 2er& dan"erous ()- The fruits," and smellin" li.e crab apples, are 2er&
poisonous- %hen crabs eat the fruits, the& too become poisonous- =one& produced from the flo4ers is reported to be
non-toxic- The latex is sometimes used in arro4 poisons and to poison 4ater holes for the fish therein ()- the 4ood is
sometimes used in furniture construction- r& fruits are said to be safe enou"h to use as a diuretic-
H#R"ELLA AMER#CA!A 0- $asito ()- The fruit and seeds are edible ()-
H#R"ELLA RACEMOSA 0am- $i"eon plum ()* 5cacillo ()- The pulp of the fruit is edible-
=i2ilan' Monnina ()
=obo' Spon$ias ()
=ochorore,o' Clavi6a ()
=odropica' Pistia ()
=o" plum' Spon$ias ()* 1imenia ()
=o,a archa' /unnera ()
=o,a blanca' Calathea ()
=o,a de buitre' Lilmnocharis ()
=o,a chi"ue' Curatella ()* Petrea ()* "etracera ()
=o,a de cora3on' Philo$en$ron ()
=o,a de duende' Bactris ()
=o,a de estrella' Piper ()
=o,a de "allo' Astero%yne ()* /eonoma ()
=o,a hedionda' Solanum ()
=o,a de lapa' Cyclanthus ()
=o,a de menudo' A%onan$ra ()
=o,a de mila"ra' Zebrina
=o,a de mila"ro' Zebrina ()
=o,a de mono' Lecythis ()
=o,a de murciela"o' Penta%onia ()
=o,a de nombre' Philo$en$ron ()
=o,a de pa,aro' Paullinia ()
=o,a de pantano' /unnera ()
=o,a de pasmo' Miconia ()
=o,a peluda' Cli$emia ()
=o,a de rai3' Canna ()
=o,a de ra&a' Limnanthemum ()
=o,a +uema' Onoseris ()
=o,a de sal' Calathea ()* Heliconia ()
=o,a de salbe' Bu$$le6a ()
=o,a santa' Bryophyllum ()
=o,a de Santa Maria' Onoseris ()
=o,a de sen' Caesalpinia ()
=o,ita de tenir' Arrabi$aea ()
=olillo' Raphia ()
=ol&-"host-flo4er' Peristeria ()
=ombre "rande' 2uassia (,)
=ombron' .racontium ()* 2uassia ()
=!NE1 $0ANT' A plant 4hose flo4ers are re"ularl& 2isited b& hone&-producin" bees- Acacia' An$ira' Avicennia'
Bourreria' Byrsonima' Casearia' Ceiba' Citharexylum' Citrus' Coccoloba' Co&&ea' Cor$ia' Cupania' Cy$ista'
Cyrilla' .en$ropanax' Eu%enia' Euphorbia' )a%opyrum' /enipa' /lirici$ia' /ua4uma' Haematoxylon' Hibiscus'
Hippomane' Hymenaea' #n%a' La%uncularia' Lathyrus' Lonchocarpus' Malvaviscus' Melicoccus' Morin%a'
!ectan$ra' Picramnia' Pithecellobium' Prosopis' Rhi4ophora' Samanea' Sapin$us' Spon$ias' Sterculia'
"amarin$us' "ecoma' 0icia' Zanthoxylu+m-
=opbush' .o$onaea ()
HOR.EUM 0UL/ARE 0- Barle& ()* Cebada ()- Thou"h rarel& if e2er "ro4n in $anama, this 2aluable food and
fora"e crop is prescribed b& $anamanian doctors as diuretic, d&sceptic, and for measles ()-
=ormi"o' "riplaris ()
=ormi"uero' "ococa ()* "riplaris ()
=or+uetilla' Ran$ia ()
=orsebrier' Smilax ()
=orseradish' Armoracia ()
=orseradish tree' Casuarina ()* Morin%a ()
=ortensis' Aster lea2es ()
=osmeca' Pseu$ocalymnia
=uachipilin' .iphysa ()
=uacinia' Apeiba ()
=uacuco' Malpi%hia ()
=uamochil' Pithecellobium ()
=uar' !icotiana ()
=uasca' Esch5eilera ()
=uele noche' Cestrum ()
=uesillo' Allophylus ()* Casearia ()* Cupania ()* )aramea ()* "alilsia ()
=uesito' Ar$isia ()* Casearia ()* Cassipourea ()* Coussarea ()* )aramea ()* /uettar$a ()* Lantana ()* Malpi%hia ()*
Memora ()* Proc+ia ()* $s&chotria ()* Rapanea ()* "richilia ()
=uesito amarillo' Psychotria ()
=uesito blanco' Casearia ()
=uesito ne"ro' /uettar$a ()* Heisteria ()
=uesito de tierra fria' Holtonia ()
=ueso' Coccoloba ()* Erythroxylum ()
=ue2o' Solanum ()
=ue2o de burro' Capparis ()
=ue2o caballo' Stemma$enia ()
=eu2o de "allo' Passi&lora ()
=ue2o de "ato' Pterocarpus ()* Sloanea ()* Solanum ()* Stemma$enia ()* "abernaemontana ()
=ue2o de "uidere' Erythroxylum ()
=ue2o de icotea' Clavi6a ()
=ue2o de mono' #sertia ()* Poso7ueria ()
=ue2o de morroco&o' Clavi6a ()
=ue2os de caballo' Stemma$enia ()
=ue2os de "ato' Pterocarpus ()
=ue2os de perro' Solanum ()
=ue2o de piche' Phaseolus ()
=ue2o de tan"a' Chr&sochlam&s ()
=ue2o de ti"re' "hevetia ()
=ue2o 2e"etal' Bli%hia ()
=u"ro' Lin$ac+eria ()
=uichira' Maximilana ()
=uino' Carapa ()
=uisco&ol' Bactris ()
=uis+uilla' Sechium ()
=uitite' 1ylosma ()
=ule' Castilla ()
=ule blanco o macho' Castilla ()
HURA CREP#"A!S 0- Sandbox tree ()* Castaneto ()* Acuapar ()* Ceiba amarilla ()* Nuno ()* Tronador () - the irritant
latex is used as a barbasco and arro4 poison, and is said to cause ailin" teeth to fallout- the latex is used to treat
diseases, rheumatism, and intestinal 4orms and 4as formerl& used in the 6nited states to prepare tear "as- The
poisonous seeds, eaten b& maca4s, are used as a pur"ati2e in Costa Rica- the& are used to poison noxious animals-
The dr& lea2es are eaten b& cattle durin" the dr& season- A bar. extract is used for lepros&- The 4ood is used locall&
in li"ht construction, and for du"outs- Burnin" 4ood repels insects-
=&acinth bean' .olichos ()
=&acinth, 4ater' Eichhornia ()
=1RA/!/6E' A stron" laxati2e, producin" a 4ater dischar"e from the bo4els- Solanum-
H-.ROLEA SP#!OSA 0- Abro,o ()* =ierba de cancer ()* =ierba de potra ()- The lea2es, 4hich ser2e as a potherb,
are used to treat "an"rene-
=1R!$=!B5A' Rabies- Treated 4ith Achyranthes'
H-LOCEREUS U!.A"US Britt- G Rose - The fruit is edible-
H-ME!AEA COURBAR#L 0- Courbaril ()*" toe ()* %est 5ndian locust ()* Al"arrobo ()* /uapinal ()*
Na3areno () - The malodorous pulp around the seeds of this hone& tree is edible- Mixed 4ith 4ater to for a be2era"e,
it ma& be fermented- Copal is recommended for poor appetite, asthma, beriberi, blennorrha"ia, bronchitis, c&stitis,
expectorant, indi"estion, lar&n"itis, and stomachic- The trun.s are sometimes used for du"outs- The bar. is used as a
tea for rheumatic pains in $anama-
H-PARRHE!#A RU)A Stapf- ;ara"ua ()- This is an important fora"e "rass, especiall& on the A3uero $eninsula ()-
H-POCHOER#S RA.#CA"A 0- Serra,a ()* Serra,a $aramo ()
H-POCHOER#S SO!CHO#.ES =-B-<- Chicoria cimarrona ()
H-P"#S SUA0ELOE!S $oir- =ierba de la muela ()* Sal2ia ()* $ur"a-pur"a ()- The aromatic folia"e repels
mos+uitoes- Refreshin" be2era"e is made b&" the mucila"inous seeds in 4ater-
H-P"#S 0ER"#C#LLA"A #ac+- #ohn Charles ()* $aleca ()- The tea is a fa2orite remed& for indi"estion, rheumatism,
itch, and insect stin"s-
%' Cenchrus ()
5ban' Achras ()
5be' ,essenia ()
5bilan' Monnina ()
5bude' Castilla ()
5caco' Chrysobalanus ()
5ca+uillo' Eu%enia ()
5ce cream bean' #n%a ()
#CH"H-O"HERE SCA!.E!S Bla.e- Barbasco ()
#CH"H-O"HERE "ERM#!ALES Bla.e- Ba&ra ()* #arilla blanca ()
5co' /uilielma ()
5ctericia' Cassia ()
5deui' Mauritia ()
5"aico' Lepi$ocaryum ()
5"ar4ala' Ceiba ()
5"name' .ioscorea ()
5"o' )icus ()
5"ua' .ipteryx ()* Pseu$osamanea ()
5"uanero' Avicennia ()* Citharexylum ()* Pelliciera ()* Pipta$enia ()
5"uanero de a"ua' .u%an$ia ()
5"uanillo' Lonchocarpus ()
5"uano' .iptero$en$ron ()* Leucaena ()
5"uara&a' Lemaireocereus ()
5.or' Zanthoxylum ()' S5ietenia ()
5la' #riartea ()* Socratea ()
5lan"-ilan"' Canan%a ()
5lla' Bactria ()
5lusion' Bri4a ()* "richolaena ()
5na,a' Maximiliana ()
5mmortal' Erythrina ()
5mperial' Axonopus ()
5naciabi' !eurolaena ()
5na.ale' #sotoma ()
5nanabis.e' Cassia ()
5nanusu' Ocimum ()* Spi%elia ()
5napisu' Pithecellobium ()
5na&a' Maximiliana ()
5ncienso' Cliba$ium ()* Clusia ()* Protium ()
5ndia' Zi4yphus ()
5ndian almond' "erminalia ()
5ndian corn' Sor%hum ()
5ndian mulberr&' Morin$a ()
5ndi"o' #n$i%o&era ()
#!.#/O)ERA SU))RU"#COSA Mill- 5ndi"o ()* Ab"i "astuet ()* Abu"i ()* Anil ()* #i+uelite () - Althou"h export has
all but ceased, the plant is still used as an anal"esic, antispasmodic, antiepileptic, and ecbolic- Aili"andi Cuna use the
lea2es as a tea to purif& the blood and as a source of a blue stain ()-
5ndio' Schi4olobium ()
5ndio en cuero' Bursera ()* "erminalia ()
5ndio desnudo' Bursera ()
5ndio 2ie,o' 0ernonia patens ()
#!/A E.UL#S Mart- 5ce cream bean ()* Ca,etaho ()* /ua2a ()* Maria () - The pulp is commonl& eaten-
#!/A )A/#)OL#A %illd- S4eat pea ()* Churimo ()* /uama ()* /ua2a ()* 5n"ua ()* Mari ()* Tueta,o () - The pulp
around the seeds is eaten* it is s4eet and +uenches the thirst- Colombians belie2e the fruits cause colic-
5n"erto' Plumeria ()
5n"ua ' #n%a ()
5n,erta' Monnina ()
5n,erto de montana' Lucuma ()
5n.berr&' Ran$ia ()
5n.4a' #n%a ()
5NSECT5C5E' A substance that .ills insects- Aloe' Anacar$ium' Annona' Carapa' Cassia' Chenopo$ium' Cleome'
Cliba$ium' Cymbopo%on' .atura' .ialyanthera' .ioclea' Hippocratea' #n$i%o&era' ,atropha' Lonchocarpus'
Mammea' Melis' Pachyrhi4us' Passi&lora' Piper' 2uassia' Ricinus' Sapin$us' Sarcostemma' Siparuna' Solanum'
Strychnos' "ephrosia' "hevetia' "richilia' 0ernonia-
5NSECT RE$E00ENT' A substance that repels insects- Anacar$ium' Bixa' Carapa' Ce$rela' Cephaelis' Citrus'
Cleome' Cocos' Cucurbita' Eu%enia' .ie&&enbachia' /enipa' Hura' Hyptis' #n$i%o&era' Lathyrus' Manihot' Melinus'
!eurolaena' Pachyrhi4us' Petiveria' Piper' Poly%onum' Pothomorphe' 2uassia' Scleria' Spi%elia' "ri$ax' Zebrina-
5nsiba' Ocotea ()
5pacina' Petiveria ()
5pecac' Cephaelis ()
5p.i' Bactris ()* Bambusa ()* /uadua ()
#POMOEA A2UA"#CA ;ors.- Chinese spinach () - This species is "ro4n around the Canal Kone as a potherb-
#POMOEA BA"A"AS 0am- S4eet potato ()* Batata ()* Boniato ()* Camote ()* <ualu () - Culti2ated b& the
Amerindians lon" before the comin" of the Europeans, s4eet potatoes are of little importance in the interior of
$anama- S4eet potatoes, at the time of con+uistadores, 4ere present both in arien and in 7era"uas, 4here the
/ua&mi 4ere said to offer them to Cerro Nubu- ;or man, the s4eet potato, ra4 or more usuall& coo.ed, furnishes
su"ar, starch, and a little fat- Ma&a 5ndians usuall& ba.e them in ashes and eat them unseasoned- ;or li2estoc.., the
tops ser2e as fodder- Some nati2es eat the lea2es-
#POMOEA PES;CAPRAE Roth- Seaside mornin" "lor& ()- The roots and stems coo.ed ha2e ser2ed as dan"erous
sur2i2al foods- The stems cause di33iness in man and cattle 4ho eat them- The leaf extract is useful in treatin"
,ell&fish stin" and as an antipruiritic- The lea2es are usuall& used, either boiled for external application as an
anod&ne in colic or rheumatism, or po4dered and incorporated in an ointment said to ha2e "ood local effects on
bedsores- The& ma& also be used as an escharotic in the treatment of ulcers-
5ra' Chaetoptelea ()* Meliosma ()* Ocotea ()
5raca' Carlu$ovica ()* Mauritiella ()
5ra Chiricana' 0antanea ()
5ra colorado' Aiouea ()* Laplacea ()
5ra copalilla' Ocotea ()
5ra man"le' Ocotea ()
5ra rosa' !ectan$ra ()* 0irola ()
5ra 3opilote' Ocotea ()
#R#AR"EA sp- Stilt palm ()* 5la ()* #ira ()* $alma barri"ona ()* Kanora ()- The outer core of the trun. is used to ma.e
the floors of most Choco houses ()- Armed prop roots are used to "rate coconut- Colombias unstilted bell& palm is
used to ma.e containers for rubber-
5ris' Brun&elsia ()
5ron4eed' 0ernonia ()
5r4a' Calathea ()
#SER"#A P#""#ER# Standl- #aboncilla ()- 5n the Choco, the lea2es are used for soap and the 4axen perfumed flo4ers
for funeral 4reaths-
5situtu' Bou%anvillea ()
5siuala' Bombacopsis ()
5s.armas' Ar$isia ()* Hamelia ()
5smo&o' Spon$ias ()
#SO"OMA LO!/#)LORA $resl- Cie"a o,o ()* 5na.ale () - Althou"h the latex of this plant is supposed to be caustic,
the plant is found in nearl& e2er& Cuna door&ard "arden ()- A Ba&ano Cuna informant states that the latex is ta.en
internall& as a medicine- Else4here it is belie2ed to cause blindness-
5sperhuala' Manil+ara ()
5statel' Avicennia ()
5tabo' -ucca ()
52or& palm' Phytelephas ()
54adurbu"it' .esmo$ium ()
5x.ade' Manihot ()
#abillo' Hura ()
#aboncillo' /ouania ()* #sertia ()* Monople%ma ()* Phytolacca ()* Sapin$ua ()
,ACARA!.A AURA!"#ACA Ait- Curobubo ()* $alo de buba ()- The bar. is sometimes used to treat diseases in
$anama- The 4ood ma& be used in li"ht construction-
#acinto' Morin%a ()
#acinto de a"ua' Eichhornia ()* Ponte$eria ()
#ac. bean' Canavalia ()
#ac.fruit' Artocarpus ()
#acob8s coat' Coleus ()
,AC2U#!#A sp- Barbasco ()* Barbasco de $ua ()* =unca-hinca () - Crushed roots or fruits are used as a fish poison,
sometimes as an abortifacient- The flo4ers are strun" on a cord to ma.e lon"-lastin" "arlands-
#a"o' /enipa ()
#a"una' /enipa ()* Scheela ()
#a"ua amarilla' Chimarrhis ()* /enipa ()
#a"ua blanca' /enipa ()
#a"ua colorado' /enipa ()
#a"ua macho' Ran$ia ()
#a"ua de montana' /enipa ()* Sic+in%ia ()
#a"ua ne"ra' /enipa ()
#a"ue&' )icus ()* /rias ()
#alacate' Calea ()* Salvia ()
#alapa' Allaman$a ()* Cy$ista ()
#altomate' Saracha ()
#amaica' Hibiscus ()* Pimenta ()
#amaica sorrel' Hibiscus ()
#aneiro' Eriochloa ()
#an"a' Heliconia ()
#aponesa' Con%ea ()
#a+ueira' Artocarpus ()
#a+uillo' ,atropha ()
#ara"ua' Melinis ()
#aral' Calea ()* Lantana ()
#arilla' Eupatorium inulae&olium ()* Lantana ()* Stevia luci$a ()
#arilla blanca' #chthyothera terminalis ()
#arina ' .iptero$en$ron ()* Enterolobium (,)* Pithecellobium ()
#arro caliente' Machaerium ()
#asmincillo' Petiveria ()
#asmin de arbol' Poso7ueria ()
#asmin de monte' "abernaemontana ()
#asmine' ,asminum ()
#asu' Cissus ()
#atamaco' Bursera ()
,A"ROPHA CURCAS 0- $h&sic nut ()* Co+uillo ()* #a+uillo (,)* <4i4ala ()* $inon (,) - The plant is used as a lil2in"
fence post- the lea2es are used as a fish poison and to fumi"ate for bedbu"s- The poisonous nuts, mixed 4ith palm
oil to .ill rats, or used to ma.e soap and candles, are sometimes eaten after roastin"- Ba&ano Cuna use the plant as a
pur"ati2e ()- St&ptic latex is used to cure piles and burns- Root ashes are used as a salt substitute- 5n arien, "entl&
boiled lea2es are appliled as poultices to external ulcers* the& are ta.en internall& for ,aundice ()- The latex ser2es as
an antiseptic ()-
,A"ROPHA /OSS-P##)OL#A 0- ;railecillo (,)-
,A"ROPHA MUL"#)#.A 0- Col de Nicara"ua ()* Tarta"o emetico () - This is one of $anama8s potherbs noted b&
Seemann in the >Bth centur&- The roasted tubers are eaten- The fruit, latex, and seeds are poisonous* the latter are
pur"ati2e, and roasted to treat fe2ers and 2enereal diseases-
,A"ROPHA URE!S 0- Stin"in" nettle ()* /uaritoto ()* !rti"a ()* $rin"amo3a ()* Ta.e ()- This is one of $anama8s
man& stin"in" nettles- <no4n as 8ta.e8 to the Cuna, this species is used to 4hip minor criminals ()- 5nfusions of the
lea2es in Colombia are used as a diuretic and to dissol2e .idne& and "all stones-
#aul' Alnus ()
#aulo' Acalypha ()
#A6N5CE' A &ello4 tin"e to the, e&es, etc-, caused b& an increase in bile pi"ment- Treated 4ith Allium'
Ananas' Bambussa' Bocconia' Boerhaavia' Eleusine' ,atropha' Solanum' "amarin$us-
#a2illa ' Enta$a (,)* Hura ()
#a&o' Platypo$ium ()
#a&o macho' Miconia ()
#a&o de monte' Erythroxylum ()
#a3min' Bouvar$ia ()* Catharanthus ()* #sotoma ()* #xora ()* ,asminum ()* Rinorea ()
#a3min de arbol' Poso7ueria ()
#a3min a3ul' Petrea ()
#a3min del Cabo' /ar$enia ()
#a3min del embarcadero' Poso7ueria ()
#a3min de estrella' #sotoma ()
#a3min de mico' Poso7ueria ()
#a3min del monte' Hillia ()* "abernaemontana ()
#a3min de oriente' Clero$en$rum ()
#a3min de la 2ir"en' Bouvar$ia ()
#a3min de 2olcan' Hillia ()
#ea' /uilielma ()
#ebe' Pisci$ia ()
#elin,oche' Pachira ()
#enene' Caryocar (,)
#en"ibre' Zin%iber ()
#in"ibre arborescente' Croton ()
#erusalem corn' Sor%hum ()
,ESSE!#A POL-CARPA <arst- 5be ()* Milpesos ()*,o ()* Trupa ()- $ericarp &ields an oil called 8manteca ne"ra8
sellin" for >? pesos a fifth ()- The oil is used medicinall& as an anod&ne ()- The mil.& residue is a nutriti2e be2era"e
called 8&ucuta8-
#icama' Pachyrhi4us ()
#icara ' Crescentia ()* Minicaria ()* Phytelephas ()
#icarillo' Poso7ueria ()
#i"ua' /enipa ()* !ictan$ra ()
#i"ua ne"ra' Licaria ()
#i"uilote' Cor$ia ()
#imson4eed' .atura ()
#inicuite' Bursera ()
#inocua2o, #inote, #iote' Bursera ()
#iote' Bursera ()
#ipi,apa' Carlu$ovica ()
#i+uelite' #n$i%o&era ()
#i+uimilla' Polymnia riparia ()
#ira' #riartea ()* Socratea ()
#oba' Zea ()
#obillo' Astronium ()* Mos7uitoxylon ()* "richilia ()
#obitillo' Phyllanthus ()
#obito' Spon$ias ()
#obito de puerco' Spon$ias ()
#obo' Licania ()* Spon$ias ()
#obo de la"arto' Scia$o$en$ron ()* 1ylosma ()
#obo macho de tierra fria' Brunellia ()
#obotillo' Phyllanthus ()
#ob8s tears' Coix ()
#oche' Plumeria ()
#ocomico' Rhee$ia ()
#ocote de ,obo' Spon$ias ()
#ocote de mico' Simarouba ()
#ocote montero' Spon$ias ()
#ocotillo' Oxalis ()
#ohn Charles' Hyptis ()
#ohn Cro4 %ood' Cespe$esia ()
#oint bush' Miconia ()
#olillo' Raphia ()
#orco' Rhee$ia ()
#oromito' Crescentia ()
#oropo' Carlu$ovica ()
#osefita' Miltonia ()
#osmeca' A$enocalymna ()
#o2eroso' Si$eroxylon ()
#ua,ua' Maranta ()
#uanbernardo' Conoste%ia ()
#uanculope' Cornutia ()
#uandecalle' "rixis ()
#uan "arrote' Coccoloba ()
#uanilama ' Lippia (,)
#uanilama de monte' Lippia ()
#uanilama mocha' Hyptis ()
#uanita' Bi%nonia ()
#uan lanas' Clematis ()
#uanramos' "ourne&ortia ()
#uansoco' Couma ()
#uan de la 2erdad' Ae%iphila ()* Cestrum ()
#uche' Plumeria ()
#uco' "rema ()
#udasbolsa' Calceolaria ()
#udias' Phaseolus ()
#udroma,o' "heobroma ()
#u" tree' Cor$ia ()
#ulio' Melanthera ()
#unco' Cyperus ()* .ichromena ()* Eleocharis ()
,U!#/A ACERO#.ES Cuatr- Manito de oso ()
,U!/#A )ERRU/#!EA 0-f- Mano de !so ()
,U!/#A MOSCHA"A Triana- Mano de 0eon ()
#upiter' La%erstroemia ()* Malpi%hia ()
#uria' Mauritia ()* Mauritiella ()
#uriso' Ser6ania ()
#urubai' Cochlospermum ()
#urube&' Capparis ()
#usta ra3os' Zanthoxylum ()
,US"#C#A CAR"A/#!E!S#S 0- =ierba borri"uera ()* Ne"ra,oro ()* =ierba de la Trinidad ()- n Sal2ador, it is used to
treat con2ulsions in children-
,US"#C#A PEC"ORAL#S #ac+-' Carpenter bush ()* Cerebril ()* Tilo ()
,US"#C#A "#!C"OR#A =emsl- A3ul de mata ()* Sacatinta ()-
#uste' Corchorus ()
<a' Capsicum ()
<aba-.ra' Helicostylis ()
<abi' Co&&ea ()
<afir corn' Sor%hum ()
<a"aseret' .i%itaria ()
<' Calathea ()
<' "alauma ()
*ALLS"ROEM#A MA1#MA Torr- G /ra&- Abro,o ()* Caltrop ()* =ierba de pollo ()- The tender &oun" plants are used
as a potherb ()- The leaf infusion is used as a diuretic and cataplasm, and is said to hasten suppuration-
<ana' Piper ()
<anabuchuru' Solanum ()
<ape.4a' Mimosa ()
<apo.' Ceiba ()
<A$!<' A soft do4n& substance used for stuffin" pillo4s, etc- Ceiba' Cochlospermum' /ossypium' Ochroma'
Pseu$obombax' "ypha-
<apur' Capsicum ()
<arbur+uia' Solanum ()
<ardu.' Polypo$ium ()
<as-.ra' Psi$ium ()
<a4a4at' Allium ()* Eryn%ium ()
<a&a' Saccharum ()
<enaf' Hibiscus ()
<enna' Mouriri ()
<' Heliconia ()
*#/EL#A P#!!A"A C- ;etish tree ()* Sausa"e tree ()- The seeds are eaten roasted durin" famines- The plant
apparentl& is not culti2ated in arien-
<i.u&o' Pennisetum ()
<ino' .ialyanthera ()
<ip.uo' Hibiscus ()
<ita' Zy%ia ()
<o"a.ia' .esmo$ium ()
<om-.ra' Calocarpum ()
<orbu"ia' Picramnia ()
<oro' Mauria ()
<orob' Achras ()
<rassa' Calophyllum ()
<' Hibiscus ()<ro.ra' Apeiba ()* Enterolobium ()
<ualu' #pomoea ()
<uandu' Clavi6a ()
<ubeo' Calea yuruparina ()
<udsir' Enterolobium ()* /ua4uma ()
<"a' Erythrina ()
<uer-.ra' Zy%ia ()
<u"u' Clitoria ()
<uibirual' .alber%ia ()
<uilup' #n%a ()
<u-.ra' Zanthoxylum ()
<unu' Castilla ()
<uppu' Sterculia ()
<u-ro.' Calocarpum ()
<uru' Enterolobium ()
<usep' Passi&lora ()
< sabalet' Carlu$ovica ()
<4a.4ar.ia' Cleome ()
<4ala' Si$a ()
<4ala tumat' Malachra ()
<4anmati' Amaranthus ()
<4ar.4at' Carica ()
<4iba' Cavanillesia ()
<4idamachi' 0itex ()
<4in.4imas' Cliba$ium ()
<4inur' .ialyanthera ()
<4i4ala' ,atropha ()
0aca&oxo' Cocos ()
0aceplant' Pilea ()
LACMELLEA E.UL#S <arst- 0echemiel ()- The latex and fruits are s4eet-
LACMELLEA )LOR#BU!.A B-G=- Tachuelo ()- The fruits are edible, and suitable for" canned ,uices,
preser2es, and ,ellies-
0acre' 0ismia ()* Elae%ia ()
0ACT!/!/6E' A substance 4hich stimulates the flo4 of mil.- Sesamum-
LAC"UCA SA"#0A 0- 0ettuce ()* 0echu"a () - 0ettuce fares poorl& in lo4land $anama, but one occsionall& sees lerf
lettuce, especiall& on the fincas of Colonistas or in a Choco a4otea (an old du"out, ele2ated, partl& filled 4ith dirt,
and used for raiein" sensiti2e 2e"etables, herbs, spices, and medicinals) ()- The inspissated ,uice of lettuce, .no4n as
lactucarmin, acts as a sedati2e and has been recommended as a substitute for opium-
0adies-tresses' Spiranthes ()
LA)OE!S#A PU!C#)OL#A C- Amarillo ()* Moreno ()* $alomo ()* $ino amarillo () (;i"- >D>)- The 4ood is
fa2ored for du"outs and cabinet 4or. ()-
0a"artillo' Alibertia ()* Heliotropium ()* Zanthoxylum ()
0a"arto' Abelmoschus ()* Zanthoxylum ()
0a"arto amarillo' Zanthoxylum ()
0a"arto ne"ro' Lacmellia ()* Zanthoxylum ()
LA/E!AR#A LEUCA!"HA Rusb&- Bru,ito ()* Calabash "ourd ()* Calaba3o ()* Cu&abra ()* $il"rim bottle ()* Tula de
mate () - The &oun" fruits are coo.ed as a 2e"etable but ripe fruits are poisonous- 1oun" shoots and lea2es are used
as potherbs- The seeds are ta.en internall& for headache- The "ourds are used for" utensils-
0a"rimas de Maria' Chiococca ()* Zephyranthes ()
0a"rimas de San $edro' Coix ()* "ourne&ortia ()
0a"una' 0ochysia ()
LA/U!CULAR#A RACEMOSA /a rt-f- Button4ood ()* %hite man"ro2e ()* Man"le blanco ()* Man"le mar+uita ()*
$alo de SAl () - %ood of this hone& plant is used for charcoal, posts, and tannin"- The tree is considered
0aidre' Stemma$enia ()
0ame' Ceroxylon ()
0ampa' Hernan$ia ()
0ampana' Lantana ()
0ana' Blan$o5ia ()* Bombacopsis ()* Ochroma (,)* Pseu$obombax ()
0ana de raton, 0anilla, 0anita de raton' Aristi$a ()
0ance' Maconia ()* 0ismia ()
0ance4ood' Calycophyllum ()
0ano' Ceiba ()
0antama' Lantana ()
0antana' Lantana ()
LA!"A!A CAMARA 0- Common lantana ()* =ierba de 3orro ()* $asarin ()* San Rafelito ()* %ild mint ()* %ild sa"e
()* 7enturosa ()- The fruits, li.e those of Solanum ni%rum, are reported both poisonous and edible- The lea2es ma.e a
stimulant, diaphoretic, emmena"o"ic, and febrifu"al tea* the& are used for colds and stomach disorders- The plant is
also used for anemia, lepros&, and rheumatism-
0an3o' Miconia ()
0ata' Arun$o ()* Bactris ()* /ynerium ()* Pyreno%lyphis ()
lA"H-RUS O.ORA"US 0- Chureca ()* oncenon ()- The flo4ers, pro2idin" 4ell forbees, e2en to the point of
intoxication, are said to repel house flies-
0ati"o' Machaerium ()* "rema ()
0ato' Citronella ()* He$yosmum ()
0aurel' Cor$ia ()* Ehretia ()* Myrica ()* Styrax ()
0aurel blanco' Cor$ia ()
0aurel de cera' Myrica ()
0aurel comino' Aniba ()
0aurel de la =abana' !erium ()
0aurel macho' Cor$ia ()
0aurel rosado' !erium ()
0aureno' Cassia ()
0a2a perro' "hevetia ()
0a2a platos' Solanum ()
0A@AT57E' A substance 4hich helpe e2acuate the bo4els- Cassia' Colocasis' Crescentia' .esmo$ium' /ossypium'
Man%i&era' Raphanus' Sesamum' Sesbania' "urnera-
0eadtree' Leucaena ()
LEA!.RA SUBSER#A"A Co"n- Mora ()- Stems are used in the Choco for home-made pipes called churembelas-
0ech ' Sepium ()
0echemiel' Lacmelliea ()
0eche perra' Helicostylia ()* Pseu$olme$ia ()
0eche de perro' Asclepias ()
0echero' Brosimum ()* Calotropis ()* Euphorbia ()* )icus ()
0echetre3na' Euphorbia ()
0eche de 2aca' Brosimum ()
0echilla' Euphorbia ()
0echo' Allaman$a ()
0echo macho' Heteropteris ()
0echosa' "rophis ()* Calotropis ()* Carica ()
0echoso' "abernaemontana ()
0echudo' Clarisia ()
0echu"a' Lactuca ()* Stemma$enia ()* "abernaemontana ()
0echu"a cimarrona' Pistia ()
0echu"a maritima' Batis ()
0echu"uilla' Chaptalia nutans ()* Cony4a ()* Elephantopus ()* Pistia ()* Sonchus ()
LEC-"H#S M#!OR #ac+- Coco mono ()* !lla de mono ()- The oil rich seeds are eaten ra4, toasted, or in confections-
Some species are used in asthma remedies-
0ee.' Allium ()
0E5S=MAN5AS5S' A tropical disease transmitted b& flies- Treated 4ith Pothomorphe-
LEMA#REOCEREUS /R#SEUS Br- Cardon Candelabro ()- Both the heart and the fruit of this li2in"-fence cactus
ma& be eaten-
0emon' Citrus ()
0emon "rass' Cymbopo%on ()*
0emon 2erbena' Lippia ()
0empa' Hernan$ia ()
0ena "ata' Conoste%ia ()
0en"ua de bue&' Capparis ()* Cor$ia ()* 0erbesina ()* 0ernonia ()
0en"ua de diablo' Anthurium ()
0en"ua de "ato' Baccharis ()* Conoste%ia ()
0en"ua de ti"re' .atura ()* "richomanes ()
0en"ua de 2aca' Conoste%ia ()* Elephantopus ()* Heliconia ()* Lean$ra ()* Miconia ()* Rumex ()* 0ernonia ()
0en"ua de 2enado' Bunchosia ()* Byrsonima ()* Capparis ()* Elapho%lossum ()* $ol&podium ()
LE!S ESCULE!"A Moench- 0entil ()* 0ente,as ()- 0entils ma& be eaten parched or coo.ed in soups- 1oun" pods
are often coo.ed li.e strin" beans- The seed paste is applied to ulcers-
0ente,a' Lens ()
0entil' Lens ()
0entisco' Litsaea ()
LEP#.#UM SA"#0UM 0- /arden cress ()* Creson ()- Rare or absent in lo4land $anama, lea2es and unripe pods are
eaten in salads or as a potherb- The& are re"arded as alterati2e, aphrodisiac, diuretic, tonic, and a li2er cure- The
seeds &ield as edible oil-
0E$R!S1' A chronic disease affectin" the and ner2es- Treated 4ith A%ave' Anacar$ium' Caesalpinia'
Calotropis' Casearia' Cassia' Ceiba' .repanocarpus' )evillea' Hura' Hy$rocotyle' Lantana' Lu&&a' Momor$ica'
Pentaclethra' Plumba%o' Rhi4ophora' Ricinus' Ser6ania' Smilax' Solanum-
0erdo' Carica ()
0ettuce' Lactuca ()
0ettuce, %ater' Pistia ()
LEUCAE!A LEUCOCEPHALA e%it- 0eadtree ()* Acacia ()* $anelo () - 1oun" fruits, lea2es and flo4er buds are
used as a potherb, but mi"ht be dan"erous- Seeds, reputedl& poisonous, are roasted and used as a coffee substitute
and are often used in nec.laces ()-
0e2anta perro' Pristimera ()
L#ABUM BO!PLA!.## Cass- 1erba de Santa Maria ()
L#ABUM CAL#E!SE =ieron- Santamaria de abe,as ()
L#ABUM #/!#AR#UM 0ess- Santa Maria ()
L#ABUM ME/ACEPHALUM Sch- Bip- Be,uco amarillo ()
L#ABUM !#/ROP#LOSUM =ieron- Santamaria ()
L#ABUM 0ULCA!#CUM <latt- $atuda ()
0iberal' Salvia ()
L#CA!#A ARBOREA Seem- Alcorno+ue ()* Raspa ()* Roble blanco ()- The fruit is probabl& edible- The oil rich seeds
are strun" on stic.s as candlenuts-
L#CA!#A PLA"-PUS ;ritsch- Mon.e& apple ()* Chupa ()* San"re ()- The fruit is edible-
0icorice, 4ild' Abrus ()
0iendre de puerco' Eriochloe ()
0ifeplant' Bryophyllum ()
0i"a' Sapium ()
0i"num2itae' /uaiacum ()
0i,o' Matayba ()
0ila' Aster ()* #xora ()* Melia ()
0il&' Lilium ()
0ima bean' Phaseolus ()
0ime' Citrus ()
0ime, Spanish' Meliococcus ()
L#M!OCHAR#S )LA0A Buch- 1ello4 2el2etleaf ()* =o,a de Buitre () - 1oun" lea2es and flo4er clusters are eaten as
a potherb- this plant is a rice field 4eed in Colombia-
0imon' Citrus ()
0imonacho' Achatocarpus ()
0imoncillo' Achatocarpus ()* Bumelia (,)* Cassipourea ()* Cymbopo%on ()* /yrocarpus ()* Molline$ia ()* Ran$ia ()*
Sapin$us ()* Schae&&eria ()* Siparuna ()* 1imenia ()* Zanthoxylum ()
0imoncillo mo,an' Achatocarpus ()
0imon real' Citrus ()
0imon cimarron' Siparuna ()
0impiadente' Capparis ()* .iospyros ()
0inden hibiscus' Hibiscus ()
L#!.ER!#A .#))USA %ettst- =ierba de pollo ()- Coo.ed lea2es are used in the choco to induce 2omitin"-
L#PP#A ALBA N-E-Bro4n- Achureiala ()* 0emon 2erbena ()* #aunilama (,)* Mastranto ()* !ro3ul ()- 5n $anama, the
lea2es ma.e a tea used for stomach disorders- 5n arien, the tea is used for cou"hs and colds- Ba&ano Cuna culti2ate
the plant as a medicinal-
L#PP#A /RA0EOLE!S =-B-<-' !re"ano cimarron ()* %ild mar,oram ()
0irio' Couma ()* Lin$enia ()* Spathiphyllum ()
0iriio amarillo' Crocoima ()
0irio de ma&o' Cattleya ()
0irio de a"ua' Eichhornia ()
0irio de monte' Sisyrinchium ()
0irio de pantano' Eichhornia ()
0isa' Bixa ()
05T=!NTR5$T5C' A substance for the remobal of stones, e-"-, "allstones- Bambusa' Cassia' Cissampelos' Cupania'
Echino$orus' Eclipta' ,atropha' Melia' Momor$ica' Morin%a' Polypo$ium' Raphanus' Solanum' Urera-
0i2e-fore2er' Bryophyllum ()
0la"as de San Sebastian' Monstera ()
0lanten' Planta%o (,)* Plumba%o ()
0lanto' /uapira ()
0lanton' Planta%o ()
0la&o' Licania ()* Reh$era ()
0loron' Laplacea ()* Solanum ()
0loron colorado' Hieronyma ()
0lu2ia de coral' Russelia ()
0lu2ia de fue"o' Russelia ()
0lu2ia de oro' Pyroste%ia ()
0lu2ia de perlas' Rhipsalis ()
0obo' "richillia ()
0oc.totl' Malpi%hia ()
0o"4ood' Haematoxylon ()
0ombricera' Spi%elia ()
0omo de caiman' Chimarrhis ()* Platypo$ium ()* Zanthoxylum ()
LO!CHOCARPUS LA"#)OL#US =-B-<- o"4ood (,)* Coto () - Roots and fruits of this ornamental hone& plant are
said to be insecticidal- The durable timber is used in construction-
0ora ' .iptero$en$ron ()* .uranta ()
0orencillo' Euphorbia ()
0orito' Pithecellobium ()* Po$ocarpus ()* "richomanes ()* (einmannia ()
0o2e"rass' Era%rostis ()
0ucaica' Carlu$ovica ()
0ucate2a' Carlu$ovica ()
0uc.&-nut' "hevetia ()
0ucua' Carlu$ovica ()
0ucuma' Pouteria ()
LUCUMA SAL#C#)OL#A =-B-<- Kapotillo ()- The fruit is edible* it is reportedl& sopo?rific- The .ernels are re"arded
as antiperiodic and soporific- 0ucutema' Cassia ()
LU))A ACU"A!/ULA Roxb- and L3 C-L#!.R#CA Roem- Spon"e "ourd ()* Calaba3o ()* $a3te ()* Coladera ()*
Estropa,ole ()* Melocoton ()* Mochilita () - the &oun" fruits are consumed as a 2e"etable- Ripe seeds are emetic and
pur"ati2e- The lea2es are used to treat lepros&, piles and splenitis- The ripe fruits ha2e a coarse spon"e inside, 4hich
is much used for cleanin" dishes in arien-
0uisa' Lippia ()
0ulo' Solanum (,)
0ulo de perro' Solanum ()
0ulumoco' Saurauia ()
0umbre' Caesalpinia ()* "abebuia ()
L-COSER#S CROCA"A Bla.e- Amapola ()* Mapola ()* Mapola de monte ()
L-COSER#S LA"#)OL#A Benth- Mapola ()
L-COPERS#CO! ESCULE!"UM Mill- Tomato '() Tomate () - Tomatoes, eaten ra4 or ste4ed, do not fare 4ell in
the Canal Kone except 4ith the Chinese "ardeners- 5n arien, the cherr& 2arieties are occasionall& "ro4n
successfull&- 0a Nue2a Ne"roes use the buds for &ello4 fe2er-
Tico Ethnobotanical ictionar&
Macana' Aiphanes ()* /uilielma ()* Pyreno%lyphis ()
Macana real' /uilielma ()
Macano' Chlorophora ()* .iphysa ()
Macano amarillo' .iphysa ()
Macarata' Lonchocarpus ()
Mace' Myristica ()
Machari ' Rhee$ia (,)* Symphonia ()
Machete' Erythrina (,)
Machete 2aina' Bauhinia ()* Erythrina ()
Macho' "etrathylacium ()
Machunat' Musa ()
Macias' Myristica ()
Macie"a' Paspalum ()
Macondo' Cavanillesia ()
Macreleaf' Conoste%ia ()
Macueli3o, Macuil, ma+uilis, macuile3, macuili"ua, maculis, maculi3, prieto' "abebuia
Macuiro' Aspi$osperma ()
Madeira 2ine' An$re$era ()
Madera de ae"a' Urera ()
Madera ne"ra ' /lirici$a (,)
Madre de cacao' /lirici$ia ()
Madreselua' Lonicera ()
Madriado, madrial' /lirici$ia ()
Madronita' .en$rostylis ()
Madrono' Alibertia (,)* Amaioua ()* Calycophyllum ()* Escallonia ()* Po%onopus ()* Rhee$ia ()
Madrono de comer' Alibertia (,)
Madupuru' Artocarpus ()
Madura platano' Phyllanthus ()* Scia$o$en$ron ()
Madura2erde' Chrysophyllum ()
Mafafa' Colocasia ()
Ma"epa' Bi%noniacea ()* Cuna d&e plant (cf- Arrabi$aea chica)
Ma"nolia' Ma%nolia ()* "aulauma ()* 0ochysia ()
Ma"o' Hernan$ia ()
Maha,o' Casearia ()
Mahoe' Hibiscus ()
Maho"an&' S5ietenia ()
Maho"an&, bastard' Carapa ()
Maicilla' Anthurium ()* Sor%hum ()* "ripsacum ()
Maidenhair fern' A$iantum ()
Mai3 de a"ua' 0ictoria ()
Mai3 ne"rito' "ourne&ortia ()
Mai3 pepo' Euterpe ()* Sya%rus ()
Mai3 de perro' Pernettia ()* Phytolacca ()
Mai3 tostado' Cochlearia ()* Ran$ia ()
Ma,a"ua' Apeiba ()* Hibiscus ()* Mutin%ia ()* Pseu$obombax ()* 1ylopia ()
Ma,a"ua colorado' "rema ()
Ma,a"ua "allina' An$ira ()* Chlorophora ()* Lonchocarpus ()
Ma,a"ua de 5ndio' Esch5eilera ()
Ma,a"ua melada' Heliocarpus ()
Ma,a"ua de pla&a' Hibiscus ()
Ma,a"uilla' Cassia ()* .aphne ()* Helicteres ()* Heliocarpus ()* Muntin%ia ()* "rema ()
Ma,a"uita' Pavonia ()* "rema ()
Ma,a"uito' Muntin%ia ()
Ma,a"uito de pla&a' Hibiscus ()
Ma,a"uo' Pachira ()
Ma,aio' Casearia ()
Ma,a,o' Casearia ()
Ma,an,o' Muntin%ia ()
Ma,ao' Heliocarpus ()
Ma,omo' Lonchocarpus ()
Ma.e.a' Bixa ()
Malabar-plum' Eu%enia ()
MALACHRA spp- Borra,a ()* <4ala tumat ()* Mal2a ()- This hi"hl& re"arded medicinal plant is made into a tea for
stomachache amon" the Ba&ano Cuna and for fe2er amon" the Tupisa Choco- !ne enterprisin" Ne"ro 4itch doctor
amon" the Ma,e Choco follo4s an in,ection of antibiotic 4ith lea2es of mal2a and epsom salts for 2enereal disease-
5f his in,ections faile to cure bronchitis, he resorts a"ain to the mal2a lea2es mixed 4ith those of cepa de caballo,
siempre2i2a, balsa, and "uarumo blanco, accompanied b& a messa"e of 2aporrub, alcohol, and children8s urine-
%estern $anamanians in arien use a Mal2a tea and aspirin to treat colds- Mal2a lea2es are often used in baths for
pre"nant 4omen- 0a Nue2a Ne"roes use the leaf infusion for bilious afflictions-
Malachuite' Chomelia ()
Mala"ano' Apeiba ()* Leuhea ()
Mala "ente' Oreopanax ()
Mala"ueta ' /uatteria ()* 1ylopia ()
Mala"ueta hembra' 1ylopia ()
Mala"ueto macho' 1ylopia ()
Mala"ueto montana' 0irola ()
Mala"ueto prieto' /uatteria ()
Malama' Leopol$ina ()
Malambito' 0ochysia ()
Malambo' Chamae$orea ()* Croton ()* /eonoma ()
Mala mu,er' )ittonia ()
Malan"a' 1anthosoma ()
Malan"a&' Colocasia ()
MA0AR5A' An acute infectious fe2er-producin" disease- Treated 4ith Acacia' Anacar$ium' Caesalpinia'
Capsicum' Co&&ea' Elephantopus' Momor$ica' Morin$a' Musa' !eurolaena' Par+insonia' Scoparia' Schultesia'
Simba' Simarouba' Smilax' Sterculia' "ithonia' "richilia' Urera-
Mala sombra' /uapira ()* (altheria ()
Mala& apple' Eu%enia ()
Malcasada' Asclepias (,)
Malibu' Astrocaryum ()* Poso7ueria ()
Malibu mu&o pa2o' Palicourea ()
Malinche' Caesalpinia ()
Mallo4, countr&' Abutilon ()
MALP#/H#A PU!#C#)OL#A 0- Cereo ()* /rosella ()- The acid fruits are used in ,ellies and ,ams-
Malva' Malchra ()* "urnera ()
Mal2a aspera' Malachra ()
Mal2a blanca' Malvastrum ()* (altheria ()
Mal2a macho' Malachra ()
Mal2a morado' Malva ()
Mal2a de olor' Pelar%onium ()
Mala2a2isco' Lavatera ()
MAL0A0#SCUS ARBOREUS Ca2- $ape ()* Fuesito () - The fruit is s4eet and edible- 5t is an important hone& plant-
MAL0A0#SCUS POPULL#)OL#US $resl- Man3anilla ()* $apito de monte ()- The insipid fruit is sometimes eaten,
and the lea2es are said to alle2iate acute stomachache-
Mal2ecino' Lonchocarpus ()
Mama' Manihot ()
Mamacillo' 2uercus ()
Mama #uanita' Muehlenbec+ia ()
Mamar' Coussapoa ()
Mamarron' Scheelia ()
Mamecillo' Lucuma ()
Mame&' Calocarpum ()* Mammea ()* Pouteria ()
Mame& de Carte"ena' Mammea ()
Mame&cillo' Calocarpum ()* Pouteria ()* 2uercus ()* Sloanea ()
Mame&cillo blanco' /uarea ()
Mame&cillo colorado' Sloanea ()
Mame&ito' Lucuma ()
Mame& de tierra' Calocarpum ()
Mame& oloroso' Prunus ()
Mamito' .ialyanthera ()
MAMMEA AMER#CA!A 0- Mame& (,)* Mame& de Carta"ena ()* Mame&o ()* Mammi () - Ripe fruits are eaten ra4
or ,ellied* "reen fruits are ,ellied- The seeds, reputedl& poisonous, are toxic to insects, fish, and chic.ens- The latex is
used to extract chi""ers, and to .ill tic.s, parasites, and insects-
Mamme& apple' Mammea ()
Mammi' Mammea ()
Mamo' .ialyanthera ()
Mamon' Lucuma ()* Melicoccus ()
Mamoncillo' Melicoccus ()
Mamon cotopris' "alisia ()
Mamon de leche' Si$eroxylon ()
Mamon de mico' "alisia ()
Mamon de monte' "alisia ()
Mamon de ti"re' Si$eroxylon ()
Manaca' Euterpe ()* Oenocarpus ()* Scheelia ()
Mana"us, Mara"ua' Poulsenia ()
Manan"olo' Ran$ia ()
Manata' Brosimum ()
Manca-caballo' Prosopis (,)
Mancha' 0irola ()
Manchador' 0ismia ()
Mancha-mancha' Miconia ()* 0ismia ()
Manchador' /uarea ()
Manchineel' Hippomane (,)
Mandarina' Citrus ()
Mandiba' .ioclea ()
Mandi&a' Siparuna ()
Mandu' La%enaria ()
Mandus' 0ismia ()
Man"abe' .i$ymopanax ()* Pourouma ()* Scia$o$en$ron ()
Man"alan"o' 1ylopia ()
Man"alito' "richilia ()
Man"ana' La&oensia ()
MAN/E' A conta"ious disease of hair& animals- Treated 4ith Cassia' Prioria-
Man"el' Escallonia ()
MA!/#)ERA #!.#CA 0- Man"o (,,) - %idel& culti2ated in $anama, the reno4ned man"o tends to seed itself easil&,
althou"h fruits from spontaneous seedlin"s ma& ha2e the fla2or of turpentine- The man"o, besides bein" eaten as a
ripe fruit, is sued as follo4s in 5ndia- %hen "reen, the stone is extracted, the fruit hal2ed or sliced, and put in curries,
made into brine pic.les, said to taste li.e oli2es, made into preser2es b& boilin" and" in su"ar, boiled and
strained 4ith mil. and su"ar made into a custard .no4n as man"o-fool, sundried and subse+uentl& used to add
acidit& to certain curries, 4hen 2er& &oun" cut into small pieces, mixed 4ith salt, sliced peppers and mil. to form a
tast& salad- %hen ripe, it is made into curries and salads li.e abo2e, the ,uice is s+uee3ed out, spread thinl& on plates
and allo4ed to dr& into a ca.e, the seeds, remo2ed from the 4ood& hus., ma& be boiled 4ith potherbs eaten roasted,
or "round to form a flour, 4hich tends to induce constipation- Cubans substitute man"oes for s+uash, eat fried
man"oes, man"o fritters, man"o omelets, and if there is rice, then rice 4ith man"oes- 1oun" flo4ers and ne4l&
unfolded lea2es are said to be edible but could be dan"erous to sensiti2e people- The sap ma& cause a rash li.e
poison oa.- Nonetheless, "um from the trun.s is eaten in 5ndia, and is used for mendin" potter&- The t4i"s and
lea2es, used to clean the teeth, are said to be beneficial to the "ums, 4hile the bar. is said to be useful for
toothaches- The astrin"ent stomachic bar. is also used for internal hemorrha"es, bronchitis , and catarrh- The resin is
used for crac.ed feet, rin"4orm, and other fun"i, s&philis, and to induce s4eatin"- Smo.e from the burnin" lea2es is
belie2ed to cure 2arious throat disorders, from asthma to hiccups- ried flo4ers are used to treat "leet- /reen fruits
are considered anticholeric (ba.ed and mixed 4ith su"ar and ta.en internall& and also rubbed o2er the bod&),
antid&smenorrheic, antiscorbutic, astrin"ent, and diaphoretic- Roasted "reen fruits are dissol2ed in su"ar 4ater and
ta.en internall& to pre2ent sunstro.e and the& ma& be ,ust rubbed on the bod&- Ripe fruits are considered diuretic,
laxati2e, and un"uent, and the "um is used to trea. scabies* the seeds are anthelmintic, antiasthmatic,
antimenorrha"ic, antid&sesnteric, and un"uent- A "ruel made of the seeds is ta.en internall& for bleedin" piles- The
4ood is fa2ored for" sho2els for" in the Salinas around A"uadulce-
Man"le' Avicenna ()* Rhi4ophora ()* Symmeria ()
Man"le de a"ua' Bravaisia (,)
Man"le amarillo' Picramnia ()
Man"le blanco' Bravaisia (,)* La%uncularia ()* "richilia ()
Man"le bobo' Lan%uncularia ()
Man"le caballero' Rhi4ophora ()
Man"le de colorado' Rhi4ophora ()* "ovomitopsis ()
Man"le de Buena2entura' Pelliceria ()
Man"le dulce' "richilia ()
Man"le "arbancillo' Conocarpus ()
Man"le "ateador' Rhi4ophora ()
Man"le humo' Muellera ()
Man"le mare+uita' Conocarpus ()* Lan%uncularia ()
Man"le de montana' Clusia ()
Man"le montanero' "ovomitopsis ()
Man"le de monte' Laplacea ()
Man"le ne"ro' Avicennia ()* Conocarpus (,)
Man"le pinuela' Conocarpus ()* Pelliceria (,)
Man"le ro,o' Rhi4ophora (,)
Man"le de sabana' Rapanea ()
Man"le salado' Avicennia (,)* Rhi4ophora ()
Man"le salsa' Avicennia ()
Man"le de la sierra' Capparis ()
Man"le sito' "richilia ()
Man"le torcido' Conocarpus ()
Man"lillo' Ar$isia ()* Chaunochiton ()* Chrysochalmys ()* Citharexylum ()* Heisteria ()* Rapanea ()* "ernstroemia ()
Man"o' Man%i&era (,)
Man"o de mono' 0itex ()
Man"osteen' /arcinia ()
Man"otin' 6nidentified Anacardiaceae ()
Man"ro2e, blac.' Avicennia ()
Man"ro2e, button' Conocarpus ()
Man"ro2e fern' Acrostichum ()
Man"ro2e, pineapple' Pelliceria ()
Man"ro2e 2ine' Rhab$a$enia ()
Man"ro2e, 4hite' La%uncularia ()
Man"ue' Attalea ()
Man"uena' Solanum ()
Man"u,ito' Muntin%ia ()
Mani' Arachis ()* Caryocar ()
MA!#CAR#A SACC#)ERA /aertn-' Mon.e&-cap palm ()* Cabe3a de Ne"ro ()* /ua"ara ()* $alma de #icara ()- The
spathes are used as hats and the lea2es are used for thatch ()- The fruits are eaten b& pi"s and other fru"i2orous
mammals- The ,uice is used for curin" colds and asthma-
Mani-cuni' Mauritia ()
MA!#HO" ESCULE!"US Crant3' Cassa2a ()* Mama ()* 1uca ()- Cassa2a, supposedl& nati2e in Bra3il, is 4idel&
culti2ated in the tropics for its edible roots- Since some 2arieties contain h&droc&anic acid, the& must be processed
before utili3ation- The& ma& be boiled and eaten li.e potatoes, or "rated to &ield the crude tapioca or cassa2a starch
4hich can be dried and pounded to ma.e cassa2a, 4hich ma& be ba.ed or fried li.e corn Such,
especiall& burned or charred ones are used as the for a beer in the %est 5ndies, the are partiall& che4ed mixed
4ith boiled dre" 4ater to ferment- Ra4 Cassa2a starch is also fermented as an intoxicant- The poisonous or bitter
cassa2a is rendered harmless after prolon"ed boilin" and forms the basis of the %est 5ndian pepper pot- Cassa2a is
mixed 4ith coconuts to form a staple in Africa, and it is fre+uentl& con2erted into cassa2a chips b& sun dr&in"- The
chips .eep 4ell but must be boiled to be safe- The lea2es, containin" IE protein ser2e as a potherb in Africa-
1uruman"u& 5ndians eat the lea2es- Cassa2a does not .eep 4ell and is best ta.en from the "arden to the pot- Bro.en
cassa2a stems or crushed lea2es are supposed to repel dri2er ants- 0atex from the stem has been used li.e e&e-drops
for con,uncti2itis- Ste4ed and pulped lea2ed are applied to tumors- A spoonful of &uca flour in half a "lass of 4ater
is Costa Rica8s prescription for the AturistasA- The poison of the bitter cassa2a is so potent that it 4as used b& the
Amerindians to .ill their Spanish presecuters* L: drops .illed one criminal in : con2ulsi2e minutes-
MA!#L*ARA B#.E!"A"A Che2-' Balata (,) - An excellent timber tree furnishin" edible fruits- The latex 4as
formerl& "athered in $anama-
MA!#L*ARA ZAPO"A - 2- Ro&en' Sapodilla () 5sperhuala ()* Nipero () - The fruits are edible- The lates is the source
of che4in" "um- the tree furnishes "ood 4ood-
Manita' Celosia ()
Manito de oso' ,un%ia aceroi$es ()
Mano' ,un%ia spp-
Manoco' Oenocarpus ()
Mano de leon' Sloanea ()
Mano de mono' Pachira ()
Mano de ti"re' Maranta ()* Melochia ()* !eurolaena ()* Oreopanax ()
Manrubia' A%eratum ()
Manteco' Brysonima ()* Croton ()* Cupania ()* /ustavia ()* Laetia ()
Mantiene-mo3a' /uilielma
Manto de cristo' .atura ()
Manto de no2ia' Solanum ()
Manto de 2iuda' .atura ()
Manu' Caryocar ()* /uarea ()* Min7uartia ()
Manubo' Lla%unoa ()
Manu ne"ro' Min7uartia ()
Man4ood' Calocarpum ()* Min7uartia ()* 0itex ()
Man3ana' Eu%enia (,)
Man3ana amarilla' Poso7ueria ()
Man3ana estrella' Phyllanthus ()
Man3ana de faiti' Eu%enia ()
Man3ana de pla&a' Crateva ()
Man3ana rosa' Eu%enia ()
Man3anilla ' Anthemis ()* Aster ()* Chrysanthemum ()* Euphorbia ()* Hippomane ()* Matricaria ()* Rhus ()* "a%etes
()* "oxico$en$ron ()
Man3anillo de pla&a' Hippomane ()
Man3anillo platero' Euphorbia ()
Man3anillo de sabana' "ernstroemia ()
Man3anita de rosa' Erythroxylum ()* Eu%enia ()
Man3anito de rosa prieta' Eu%enia ()
Man3ano morado' Lucuma ()
Man3ano ne"ro' Coussarea ()
Mapola' Lycoseris ()* Malvaviscus (,)
Mapola de monte' Hybanthus ()
Mapurito' Petiveria ()* Zanthoxylum ()
Ma+uen+ue' Coccoloba ()* Euterpe ()* Oenocarpus (,)* Socratea ()
Ma+uenco' Catoblastus ()
Ma+ueno' Musa ()
Mara' Eleocharis ()
Maraco' Couroupita ()
Mara"ua' Poulsenia ()
mara,a' Bactris ()
Maran"o' Morin%a (,)
Maranon' Anacar$ium (,)
Maranon de Curasao' Eu%enia (,)
MARA!"A ARU!.#!ACEA 0- Arro4root ()* #ua,ua ()* Sa"u (,)- The root, 4ashed, pounded, and bleached, &ields an
edible starch called arro4root, belie2ed antidotal for poisoned arro4s-
Mararale' Aiphanes ()
Marara&a' Aiphanes ()
Marare' Aiphanes ()
Mararo' Protium ()
MARA"HRUM sp- $asacarne ()- Some species ser2e as salads and potherbs, and furnish fora"e for cattle- The
7era"uas name pasacarne means that once coo.ed it is better than meat-
Mara2illa' Helianthus ()* )erraria ()* Momor$ica ()* Mirabilis ()* Ruellia ()* "i%ri$ia ()
Mara2illa de Ca+ueta' Coryanthes ()
Mara&a' /eonoma ()* Pyreno%lyphis ()
Marbela' Clero$en$rum ()
Mara2illosa' Calen$ula ()
Marcie"a' Paspalum ()
Marcua,a' Passi&lora ()
Mare' Brosimum ()
Mare+uito' Conocarpus ()
Maretiro' Capparis ()
Marfil' Amyris ()* Homalium ()* 0antanea ()
Marfil 2e"etal' Astronium ()* Phytelephas (,)
Mar"arita' Ar$isia ()* Aster ()* Chrysanthemum (,)* Zinnia ()
Mar"arita amarilla' Coreopsis ()* Hypochaeris ()
Mar"arita de los campos' "urnera ()
Mar"arita "rande' Chrysanthemum ()
Mar"ariton' Chrysanthemum ()
Maria' Calophyllum ()* Miconia ()
Marian"ola' Coutarea ()* Ran$ia ()
Maria colorado' Calophyllum ()* Miconia ()
Marialope3' "urnera ()
Marianunut' Cassia ()
Mari"old' "a%etes ()
Marihuana' Cannabis (,)
Mari,uana' Cannabis (,)
Marillo' Symphonia ()
Marimbita amarilla' Solanum ()
Marimbo' Macrolobium ()
Marion' Buci$a ()
MAR#PA PA!AME!S#S =emsl-' Miel Fuemada ()- the seeds are imbedded in an edible pulp-
Mariposa' Onici$ium ()
Mari+uita' Conoste%ia ()* Prunus ()
Mari+uito' Conocarpus ()
Mari+uito de marea' Poso7ueria ()
MAR#SCUS ,AMA#CE!S#S Britton' Sa4"rass ()* Serrucho ()- The leaf bases are edible ra4-
Mariti' Mauritia
Mar,oram' Ori%anum ()" nut' Semearpus ()
Marno"a' Coo+ina ()
Mararale' Aiphanes ()
Marrano' Pteri$ium ()
Marubio blanco' A%eratum ()
Marrucha' Baccharis ()
MA"#S#A COR.A"A =umb- G Bonpl-' Chupa-chupa ()* Kapote (,) - The pulp of the fruit is edible, but often laden
4ith insect lar2ae-
Mato' Aristolochia ()* Caesalpinia ()
MA"R#CAR#A CHAMOM#LLA 0- Man3anilla () - 6sed for a sedati2e tea-
Matrimonio' Zinnia ()
Mauro' CAsearia ()
Ma&a' Bromelia ()
Ma&adena' Mamoncillo' Petrea ()
Ma&o' Palicourea ()* 0ochysia ()
Ma&o blanco' 0ochysia ()
Ma3ababo' Carapa ()
Ma3amora' Bro5nea ()
Me' Capsicum ()* Crescentia ()
Mechoacan' #pomoea ()
Mecri' 0ochysia ()
Media"ola' Coutarea ()
Medialuna' Capparis ()
Me"ua' Connarus ()
Me,orana' Ori%anum ()
Me.uru' Crescentia ()
Melado' Melinis ()
Melao' Passi&lora ()
MEL#A AZE.ERACH 0-' Chinaberr& ()* #acinto ()* $araiso () - The poisonous fruits, used to stupef& fish, are eaten
b& birds- ;ermented fruits are poisonous to pi"s- The trees are used as li2in" fence posts in 4estern $anama- The
plant is considered pur"ati2e and 2ermifu"e-
MEL#COCCUS B#,U/A"US #ac+-' Spanish lime ()* Mamon ()* Mamoncillo ()* Fuenepa () - The pulp around the
sedds is delicious ()- The seed is edible roasted, and used as a substitute for cassa2a b& !rinoco 5ndians-
Melocoton' Lu&&a ()
Melon' Cucumis ()
Meloncillo' Passi&lora ()
Melosita' Pavonia ()* %issadula ()
MELO"HR#A /UA.ALUPE!S#S Co"n-' %ild cucumber ()* Sandillita ()- The "reen fruits are pic.led- Ripe fruits,
4ith the aroma of cucumber, are eaten, especiall& b& the #amaicans-
Membrillo' Cespe$e4ia ()* Clavi6a ()* /rias ()* /ustavia ()
Membrillo macho' /rias ()
Meme' (ettinia ()
Menta' He$eoma ()
Meo' Cucurbita ()
Meoparado' Lonchocarpus ()
Mercolina' Amaranthus ()
Merdiera' Byrsonima ()
Mere&' Anacar$ium ()
Mer"i.ualu' Solanum ()
Meri+ue' Crescentia (,)
Mescal' A%ave ()
Mesica' Brosimum ()
Mes+uite' Prosopis ()
Mesti3o' Cupania ()* /uarea ()
Mesusu' Colocasia ()
Metoco&' Colocasia ()
Mexican 4ormseed' Chenopo$ium ()
Miaparao' Lonchocarpus ()
Mica&' Axonopus ()
Michinche' Campomanesia ()
Michineumu' "abernaemontana ()
Michino' Chrysophyllum ()
Michu' Sapin$us ()
M#CO!#A spp-' #oint bush ()* os caras () - The fruits are mostl& edible ()-
Mielcilla' ,ae%eria ()
Mielilla' Holcus ()* Melampo$ium ()* Plumba%o ()* Si%esbec+ia ()* "ri&olium ()
Miel +uema' Ran$ia ()
Miel +uemada' Maripa ()
Mi"i' Musa ()
Mi"ucho' ,essenia ()
Mi"uelario' .ialyanthera ()
M#*A!#A COR.#)OL#A %illd-' /uaco
M#*A!#A /UACO =-GB-' /uaco (,)* Be,uco "uaco ()- This is reported to be an efficient sna.ebite medicine in
$anama ()-
M#*A!#A M#CRA!"HA =-B-<-' ;also "uaco ()
M#*A!#A PACH-.#C"A B-0-Robinson' /uaco ()
M#*A!#A RU#Z#A!A ' /uaco lanoso ()
Milflor' Clero$en$rum ()* Rese$a ()
M50<TREE' A tree 4ith potable latex- Brosimum' Couma' Lacmellia-
Mil.4eed' Asclepias ()
Mil.4ood' "abernaemontana ()
Millo' Lasiacis ()
Milobano' Eriopsis ()
Milpesa' ,essenia ()
Milpesillo' Oenocarpus ()
Milpesos' Attalea ()* Hura ()* ,essenia ()* Oenocarpus ()
Miltomate' Physalis ()
Mimbre' Salix ()* "essaria ()
Mimbrena' Salix ()
M#MOSAP#/RA 0-' Bashful plant ()* Cacin ()* ormilon ()* <ap.4a ()* Kar3a ()- A decoction of leaf& stems is used
as a mouth4ash for toothache- the roots are sniffed for head colds- The fruits are used in e&e medicines-
M#MUSOPS .AR#E!E!S#S $ittier' Bullet4ood ()* Nispero ()- This is a source of balata "um, extracted li.e chicle,
and formerl& exported from $anama- the 4ood is used for construction-
Min.ra' Cochlospermum ()
M#!2UAR"#A /U#A!E!S#S Aubl-' Man4ood (,)* Criollo ()* Cua,ada ne"ro (,)* Manu ()* Nispero ne"ro ()* $alo
criollo ()* $alo de piedra ()- The stron" tou"h timber lasts for &ears in contact 4ith the soil-
M#RAB#L#S ,ALAPA 0-' ;our-o8cloc. ()* Buenas tardes ()* on ie"o de noche ()* Taba+uillo () - !ften culti2ated
for decoration, the lea2es ser2e as a potherb, and are used as a catapalsm- The roots are said to be "ood pi" food, and
are used as a pur"ati2e-
Mira,o' Patinoa ()
Mirame linda' Hibiscus ()
Mirasol' "ithonia ()
Miriti' Mauritia ()
Mirto' Li%ustrum ()* Murraya ()* Myrcia ()
Mis .uebu' "abernaemontana ()
Mismia' Cleome ()
Mispinu' Acalypha ()
Mistletoe' Phora$en$ron ()
Mistletoe cactus' Rhipsalis ()
Mochi"uiste' Pithecellobium ()
Mochilita' Lu&&a ()
Moco' Saurauia ()
Mocora' Carlu$ovica ()
Mocuteno' Cassia ()
Moe' Cucurbita ()
Moenu' Colocasia ()
Mo,an' Achatocarpus ()
Mo,au' Ochroma ()
Mo,ofono' /ossypium ()
Mo.antia' Muehlenbec.ia ()
Molenillo' Bactris ()* Chamae$orea ()* /eonoma ()* #ryanthera ()* *nipho&ia ()* Luehea ()* 2uararibea ()* Rinorea
Molinillo' Luehea ()* "richilia ()
Molino.' Pothomorphe ()
Moli ua' Montrichar$ia ()
MOLLU/O 0ER"#C#LLA"A 0-' Carpet4eed ()* Alfombra ()* - This plant ser2es as a famine potherb-
Mombin' Spon$ias ()
MOMOR.#CA CHARA!"#A 0' Balsam-pear ()* Balsamino ()* Sorosi ()* Sibico"en () (;i"- M?>)- $arboiled lea2es
are used as a 2e"etable, said to contain 9-CE protein- /reen fruits are also used as a 2e"etable, but the seeds are
reputedl& poisonous- Nonetheless, the seeds are sometimes sun cured and added to meat dishes- The fruits are used
to ma.e lather- The pulp around the seeds is edible- $o4dered, the plant is used to treat lepros& and mali"nant
ulcers- Sap from the lea2es and fruits is used for colic and 4orms- #amaicans in $anama ma.e a tea from the fruit to
cure fe2ers and to induce 2omitin"- 5n 0os Santos a decoction of the lea2es mixed 4ith a &ello4 mal2a is used to
alle2iate insect bites and itch ()- The root is re"arded as aphrodisiac- Tea made from the lea2es is re"arded as
febrifu"al b& arienitas- 0as $erlas, the bitter ,uice is ta.en as a malaria pre2entati2e- Around Sautata, it is as hi"hl&
re"arded as +uinine for curin" malaria- The fruits are used as a soap substitute-
Mompala armarilla' Hibiscus ()
Monca blanca' Piper ()
Monca prieta' Cyphoman$ra ()
Mondon"o' Brosimum ()
Monenillo' Bactris ()
Monito' Abelmoschus ()
Mon,a blanca' Piper ()
Mondon"uito' Zi4yphus ()
Mon.e&-apple' .ialium ()* Licania ()* Poso7ueria ()
Mon.e& cap palm' Manicaria ()
Mon.e& comb' Apeiba ()
Mon.e& tambrin' #n%a ()
MO!OLE!A COR.#)OL#A Triana' Chuico ()- Macerations are used in the Choco for bilious disorders-
MO!S"ERA .EL#C#OSA 0iebm-' Ceriman ()* Anona pina ()* Blal3o () - The fruits are edible ra4 but ma& contain
painful cr&stals- A decoction of the plant is used in arthritis- Aerial roots are sometimes used in bas.etr&-
Montano' Coussapoa ()* Hillia ()
MO!"A!OA LEHMA!## Bla.e' Arboloco ()
MO!"A!OA O0AL#)OL#LA Sch- Bip-' 6pacon ()
MO!"A!OA 2UA!.RA!/ULAR#S Sch- Bip-' Arboloco ()
Monte ne"rito' Cassia ()
Montene"ro' Aster sinesis ()
Montes de oc' Chamaesenna ()
Monto"o&o' 1anthosoma ()
MO!"R#CHAR.#A ARBORESCE!S Schott' Anin"a ()* Arracacho ()* Castano ()* Chupa&a ()* Moli-ua ()* $uppua ()-
the toasted fruits are edible- Cuna roast the nuts in ashes, peel them and eat them- The& fed the lea2es to pi"s-
$arboiled lea2es are poulticed for er&sipelas- The acrid sap is applied to ulcers- Motorists ascendin" the ri2ers of
arien fa2or the castano side to the cati2o side because there is less current on the slip-off side, usuall& occupied b&
the castano bac.ed up b& Mora- The Montrichar$ia thic.ets are often cleared to ma.e 4a& for lo4land rice
culti2ation- 0en"ths of the poles about M feet lon" are often used to line the bottoms of du"outsN 5n the Choco it is
bein" studied for pulp fiber potential- 5n $ara"ua& the starch& root is used for food-
Moonflo4er' Calonyction ()
Mopa-mopa' Elae%ia ()
Mo+uillo' Oreopanax ()* Saurauia (,)
Mora' Bla+ea ()* Chlorophora ()* Conoste%ia ()* Lean$ra ()* Miconia ()* Ossaea ()* Rubus ()* "ococa ()
Mora de caballo' Lantana ()
Moradita' Eupatorium humile ()
Moradito' Cuphea ()
Morado' Pelto%yne ()* .iospyros ()
MORA OLE#)ERA uc.e' Alcorno+ue ()* Nato ()- This brac.ish 4ater s4amp species occupies about 9?,???
hectares in the Choco, and is used for railroad ties- Biochemical anal&sis of this seemin"l& poisonous seed, the
lar"est dicot&ledonous seed, mi"ht point to4ard a commercial potential-
Morcate' Sch5eirinia ()* "ibouchina ()
Moreno' La&oensia ()
Moriche' Mauritia ()
Moramati3adilla' Lantana ()
Morillo' Brosimum ()* Chlorophora ()* "rophia ()
MOR#!.A spp-' 5ndian mulberr& ()* Pain+iller () - /reen fruits of the Asian Morin$a citri&olia 0- are used in
curries- Ripe fruits are eaten b& people and ho"s- 1oun" lea2es are used as a potherb, containin" 9-C-:E protein- The
seeds of some 2arieties are roasted and eaten- A red d&e is obtained from the bar.- The lea2es and bar. of a species
culti2ated in Aili"andi are used to treat malaria ()- 5n the %est 5ndies, hot or 4ilted lea2es are pressed on painful
parts of the bod&* the lea2es are poulticed to headaches- Crushed lea2es in lard or camphor are placed on the head
for head colds and neural"ia-
MOR#!/A OLE#)ERA 0am-' =orseradish tree ()* An"ela ()* #acinto ()* Maran"o ()* Naran"o () - The lea2es,
flo4ers, pods, and t4i"s of this hone& tree are used as potherbs- The roots are used li.e horseradish, and are eaten as
a 2e"etable in Africa- The lea2es, I->?E protein, are coo.ed 4ith ash of plantain to ma.e soup* crushed lea2es are
applied to sna.ebites, 4ounds, and ulcers, and are used for the extraction of "uinea 4orms- ;ruits, probabl& "reen,
are made into pic.les- The &oun" seeds are substituted for "reen peas* fried seeds are said to taste li.e "round nuts-
The bar., used for toothache, is belie2ed to be abaortifacient, antineural"ic, antirheumatic, antiscorbuitc, diuretic,
rubefacient, and stimulant- 5n the $hilippines, it is belie2ed that if the che4ed root be put on a sna.ebite, the poison
4ill be spread- !il expressed from the seeds can be used for salads,", and illumination- Roots are used to
treat sathma, drops&, d&spepsia, earache, pals&, epileps&, fe2ers, "out, h&steria, rheumatism, and spasms- A root-bar.
infusion is used in certain &ello4 fe2er treatments- Macerations of the &oun"er portions are used to ma.e an
in2i"oratin" shampoo-
Moriseco' Bi$ens ()
MOR#SO!#A AMER#CA!A 0-' Naran,ito () - The scarce pulp of the fruit is s4eet and edible-
Morita' Chlorophora ()
Mornin" "lor&' #pomoea ()
Morocolo' Lonchocarpus ()
Morro' Crescentia ()
Morroco&' Banara ()* Pholo$en$ron ()
Mortino' Cli$emia ()* Hesperomeles ()* Rapanea ()* 0accinium ()
Mortino falso' Pernettia ()
Mos+uerito' Croton ()
Mos+ueta' Phila$elphus ()
Mos+ueta de montana' /uettar$a ()* Phila$elphus ()
Mos+uero' Croton ()
Mos+uiro' Croton ()
Mos+uitero' Croton ()
Mos+uito de montana' /uettar$a ()
M!SF65T! RE$E00ENT' A substance that repels mos+uitoes- Avicennia' Cocos-
Mos+uito 4ood' Mos7uitoxylum ()* Poso7ueria ()
Mosta3a' Brassica ()
Mostrenco' Ran$ia ()
Mostren+ue' ()- An unidentified armed 2ine that furnishes potable 4ater-
Motas' Pseu$obombax ()
Mote' "ourne&ortia ()
Mother-in-la4 plant' .ie&&enbachia ()
Mother-of-cocoa' /lirici$ia ()
Motilon' Eurya ()* He$yosmum ()* Hieronyma ()
Motoco&' Philo$en$ron ()
Mountain ,asmine' Stemma$enia ()
MOUR#R# sp-' Arracheche ()* Cierito ()* <enna ()* Solacra () - The fruits are edible, and the 4ood is "ood for fence
Mo3a' Solanum ()
Mo3ote' Bi$ens ()* .esmo$ium ()* Pavonia ()* "rium&etta ()
Mo3ote deradilla' Cosmos ()
Mo3otillo' Bi$ens ()* Priva ()
Muco' Couroupita ()
Mucuna' S5art4ia ()
MUCU!A PRUR#E!S C-' Co4ha"e ()* emar $ir.o. ()* !,ode Bue& ()* !,o de 7enado ()* $ica-$ica () - The
"reen pods are coo.ed li.e strin"beans- Mature seeds, considered aphrodisiac, ha2e ser2ed as a flour source in some
Mucuna species- The roots are used to treat cholera- 5f the hairs "et in e&es, 4ash 4ith oli2e oil or fat- =airs, ta.en
internall& as a 2ermifu"e, are reportedl& used externall& as an aphrodisiac- The seeds are used for nec.laces and
buttons- arienitas them as "ood-luc. charms-
Mucuteno' Chamaesenna ()
Muela' Zanthoxylum ()
Muelle' Schinus ()
MUELLERA MO!#L#)ORM#S 0-f- - The fruits are used as a fish poison in arien-
Muelo' .rimys ()
Mulasapi' Cornutia ()
Mulato' Sene%alia ()* S5art4ia ()
Mulberr&' Morus ()
Muneca ' Bunchosia ()* Cor$ia (,)* Cornutia ()* Crateva ()* Hasseltia ()
Muneca amarilla' Cor$ia ()
Mun" bean' Phaseolus ()
MU!"#/#!#A CALABURA 0-' $anama berr& ()* Acuruco ()* Capulin ()* Chirriador ()* Chitato ()* Chitoto ()*
Ma,a"uillo ()* Ma,a"uito ()* Ma,an,o ()* $asito ()* $eri+uito ()* Tapaboti,a () - The fruits, edible ra4, are 4idel& eaten
b& birds- The tou"h bar. is used as corda"e and to ma.e bar. cloth- The antispasmodic flo4ers are used to sooth
ner2es and headaches-
Murciela"o' Benthamantha ()* Passi&lora ()* Cor$ia ()* Cornutia ()* Penta%onia ()
Murara' Carlu$ovica ()
Murrapo' Carlu$ovica ()
Murrapo' Carlu$ovica ()* Heliconia ()
MURRA-A E1O"#CA 0-' Satin4ood ()* A3ahar de la 5ndia ()* A3ahar de la No2ia ()* #asmin de Arabica ()* #a3min
()* Mirto ()- The t4i"s are used to relie2e toothache, and flo4ers are used for funeral 4reaths in arien ()- Macerated
lea2es are pac.ed into sore teeth-
Murta ' Ar$isia ()* Calyptranthes ()* Coccoloba ()* Eu%enia (,)* Myrica ()
Murucutu' Couroupita ()* Lonchocarpus ()
Muruti' Mauritia ()
MUSA spp-' Banana ()* $lantain ()* /uineo ()* $latano ()- Se2eral 2arieties of banana and plantain are culti2ated in
$anama* the banana or "uineos, Musa sapientum 0-* the plantain or plantano, Musa para$isiaca 0-* and the d4arf
banana, Musa acuminata Colla- All are 4idel& planted in the tropics, and some 2arieties tend to persist after
culti2ation- The banana is .no4n to the Choco as amponimia, to the Cuna as uamadun* the plantain is .no4n to the
Choco as pata, to the Cuna as maci- Amon" the Ba&ano Cuna and the Choco, bananas and plantains are the staples-
%ith other ethnic "roups in arien, rice is the staple- Amon" the Cuna, "reen bananas and plantains are ba.ed 4ith
the s.ins in hot ashes- Also the fruit is boiled and mashed into a dou"h to 4hich "ame or fish is often added-
Bananas are eaten ra4, 4hile plantains are coo.ed, steamed, boiled, ba.ed, or fried- $lantains and bananas can be
dried for trips- Ripe fruits ma& be peeled and sliced, dried and preser2es- /reen fruits ma& be scalded, peeled, sliced
sun dried, "round, and sifted to form a flour used for" mush and breads- Such flours .eep 4ell and are said to
be "ood for diarrhea, d&senter&, and d&spepsia- ;lo4er heads of man& 2arieties are coo.ed and eaten in curries- The
inner parts of the stem are eaten, diced and boiled, or dried and made into a flour- 1oun" shoots ha2e ser2ed as
2e"etables- Terminal buds of the inflorescences and immature fruits are said to be used in curries- 1oun" unopened
buds in the center of the stem ma& be eaten ra4 or coo.ed- Rhi3omes of certain 2arieties are said to be coo.ed and
eaten- The unripe pulp of some 2arieties is parched as a coffee substitute- Antiscorbutic ashes of the plants ma& be
used as a substitute for salt- %hen there is too much salt in a ste4, arien Ne"roes add the peel of "reen plantain for
about C minutes to ta.e out the salt- 7ino de banano is fermented in the Antilles- A similar li+uid is prepared in the
Con"o, 4here it has the reputation of pre2entin" malaria- Choco ma.e a beer from plantain called masato- ;lour of
dried "reen plantain, coo.ed 4ith coconut mil. and fla2ored 4ith "in"er or pineapple rind, plus su"ar, is called
ma3amorra de platano- Chocao is made from ripe plantain, coconut mil., "in"er, and su"ar- 5n Africa, ripe fruits are
peeled and put in a pira"ua lined 4ith 5mperata- Then the& are trampled and the li+uid poured off- The residue is
4ashed and the 4ashin" mixed 4ith the ,uice in a clean canoe, co2ered 4ith banana lea2es and allo4ed to ferment
4ith flour "round from Sor%hum, formin" a sort of beer- Banana lea2es, 4aterproof after scorchin", are more pliable
and ser2e in construction of emer"enc& shelters, beds, clothin", etc- /reen, the& ma.e effecti2e temporar& umbrellas
and sunshades, and are used to 4rap food for roastin"- Choco porters effecti2el& plu" up lea.s in their pira"uas b&
poundin" the plantain fruit into the hole ()- Sap of the plantain, considered alexeritic, is sometimes used for
sna.ebite- 1oun" lea2es are applied to burns as a coolin" poultice- The roots are considered alterati2e, anthelmintic,
antibilious, antidiabetic, antidotal, antiscorbutic, and st&ptic, and are used in a po4der for anemia and 2enereal
diseases- #uice of the leaf and bar. is considered as an antidote for opium and arsenic o2erdoses- ;lo4ers are
considered antidiabetic and antid&smenorrhoeic- The ashes of the plant are used as an antacid for acidit&, colic, and
heartburn- /reen fruits, considered antiflatulent and astrin"ent, are po4dered, and used for diaabetes and d&spepsia-
A Colombian 4itch doctor, li2in" amon" the Choco on the Rio Ma,e, "rates the "reen fruits of the "uineo bicho and
applies the po4der to bleedin" 4ounds for 9 da&s- This 4itch doctor8s most 4asteful practice, as told b& ra- Arau3,
is his anemia treatment- /rated "reen plantano is mixed 4ith chic.en e""s, 4ine, nutme", and salt- 5f ta.en
internall&, this mi"ht alle2iate anemia, but instead, it is applied to the patient8s 4rists, an.les, and stomach, 4here the
AdoctorA supposes it 4ill be absorbed- A stead& diet of ripe plantain is said to aid bilious disorders, diabetes, and
d&senter&* coo.ed fruits ser2e as an un"uent, also as an ointment for haemopt&sis and s&philitic eruptions- Ashtma
sufferers mi"ht tr& an old Asian recipe* dail& express and ta.e the ,uice of a small banana seedlin", root and all, 4ith
a spoon of su"ar- 5n Cuba, the sap is applied to chronic sores- Else4here the ashes of the plant are bound o2er the
ulcer 4ith banana lea2es- $resent Sala+ui Choco belie2e the fruits can cause spots on the face- Cuna males drin.
astrin"ent ,uice from &oun" plants to "i2e them stren"th- 5nfants are bathed in it- The tahiti plantain is supposed to
be the source of a deadl& poison for darts-
Mus"o' "ra$escantia ()
Mus.melon' Cucumis ()
Mus. o.ra' Abelmoschus ()
Mustard' Brassica ()
Mutisia' Solan$ra ()
MU"#S#A CLEMA"#S 0-f-' Cla2ellino, Clematide, Cla2ellina de be,uco, Be,uco cla2elli2o ()
MU"#S#A /LABRA"A Cuatr' Cla2ellina ()
Mu&' Mauritia ()
M&"onette' La5sonia ()
M-RC#A SPLE!.E!S C-' $unch berr& ()* Mirto ()* !,o menudo ()* $imento () (;i"- M>?)- The fruits are edible but
M-R#S"#CA )RA/RA!S =outt-' Mace ()* Nutme" ()* Macias ()* Nue3 Moscada () - Nutme" and mace are spices
occasionall& used as narcotics- An edible butter is deri2ed from the fruits- ;resh hus.s of the ripe fruits are a source
of ,ell&- Nutme", considered aphrodisiac, di"esti2e, stimulant, and sometimes narcotic, is rarel& culti2ated in
$anama and Colombia-
M&robalan' Phyllanthus ()
M-RO1-LO! PERE#RAE <lot3sch' Balsam of $eru ()* Balsamo ()* $aila ()* $ido+uera ()* Tache () - The "um,
re"arded as stomachic and expectorant, is used in ointments and perfumes, and to treat ashtma, catarrh, rheumatism,
and 2enereal diseases- The tree &ields a "ood lumber, some exported to the 6nited States- Seeds are used to fla2or
a"uardiente in /uatemala- /rated bar. is used to treat the umbilical scars of the Colombian Choco, and to treat
female hemorrha"es- $anama Choco use the aromatic bar. as an underarm deodorant ()- $erhaps this is the Cuna
paila or $anama palo santo, an aromatic 4ood used to ma.e nec.laces and toilet 4ater, rubbed o2er the foreheat to
treat headache- The seed is mixed 4ith 2arious blac. d&es to stabili3e them-
Naba' Astrocaryum ()* Crescentia ()
Nabillo' Brassica ()
Nacedero' "richanthera ()* Euphorbia
Nacuma' Carlu$ovica ()
Na"e' Canna ()
Na"uapate' Cassia ()
Naibe u"i"4i' Sela%inella ()
Naidi' Euterpe ()
Na,a' Peres+ia ()
Na.i.4a' Cuphea ()
Nalu' /uilielma ()
Nama"ua' Poulsenia ()
Nambar' Amyris ()* .alber%ia ()* Platymiscium ()
Name' .ioscorea ()
Nampi' .ioscorea ()
Namu' Petiveria ()
Nanache' Byrsonima ()
Nance, Nanche, Nancito' Byrsonima ()* Clethra ()* Saurauia ()
Nance colorado' Banisteria ()
Nance hembra' Byrsonima ()
Nance macho' Clethra ()
Nancene de Barbados' Malpi%hia ()
Nance 2erde' Byrsonima ()
Nanci"uiste' Celtia ()
Nancito' Hieronyma ()
Nan,u' Abelmoschus ()
Napier' Pennisetum ()
Napsenina' Euphorbia ()
Narachole' Citrus ()
Narchol madri+uet' Citrus ()
Naran"o' Morin%a ()
Naran,a' Citrus ()
Naran,a China' Solanum ()
Naran,illo' Bravaisia ()* Casearia ()* Crateva ()* Heisteria ()* #lex ()* Solanum ()* S5art4ia ()
Naran,illo bobo' Bravaisia ()
Naran,illo colorado' Heisteria ()
Naran,ito' Amyris ()* Casearia ()* Crateva ()* Cyphoman$a ()* Morisonsia ()* S5art4ia ()
Naran,o de monte' S5art4ia ()
Naran,uelo' Amyris ()* Capparis ()* Rhee$ia ()
Naras' Citrus ()
Narastumma' Citrus ()
Narciso' !erium ()
Nardo' Hippeastruma ()* Polianthes ()
Nar"usta' "erminalia ()
Naripema' Astronium ()
Nasedera' "richanthera ()
!AS"UR"#UM O))#C#!ALE R-Br-' %atercress ()* Berro (,)* Mastuer3o () - The lea2es, eaten ra4 in salads in man&
colombian 2illa"es, are coo.ed li.e broccoli in /uatemala- The plant, considered antiscorbutic and diuretic, is used
for li2er ailments-
Nato' Copai&era ()* Mora ()
Nauapate' Cassia ()* Mimosa ()
Naumo' Pseu$osamanea ()
Na2a,uela' Scleria ()
Na3areno' Hymenaea ()* Pelto%yne (,)
Necha' )evillea ()
NEC<0ACE MATER5A0' A substance used in the" of rosaries- Abrus' A$enanthera' Caesalpinia'
Canavalia' Canna' Coix' Erythrina' ,ac7uinia' ,atropha' Leucaene' Momor$ica' Myroxylon' Mucuna' Ormasia'
Rauvol&ia' Rhynchosia' Sapin$us' Sapium' "hevetia3
!EC"A!.RA spp-' Candle4ood (,)* Si"ua ()- Se2eral species produce "ood timber, and the 4ood of some burns
"reen- !3 panamensis Me3, the si"ua canelo, is considered antid&senteric-
Needle4ood' 1ylosma ()
Ne"ra,ora' Acrostichum ()* ,usticia ()
Ne"rillo' Lonchocarpus ()* Machaerium ()* O$onta$enia ()
Ne"rito' Annona ()* .iphysa ()
Ne"rito colorado' Lelchythis ()
Ne,o' Annona ()
Nensarra,o' Chrysophyllum ()
Neptunia' !eptunia ()
!EP"U!#A PLE!A Benth-' %ater mimosa ()* Neptunia ()* Sensiti2a de A"ua ()- The plant ser2es as a potherb- the
pods also ser2e as a famine food-
Nero' Astrocaryum ()
Ner2illo' .rymaria ()
Nettle' Urera ()
!EUROLAE!A LOBA"A R-Br-' Contra"a2ilan ()* /a2ilana ()* /a2ilana-capitana ()* 5naciabi ()* Mano de ti"re () -
Around 0a Nue2a, a fa2orite malaria remed& consists of the lea2es mixed 4ith hone& and 2ende,uana- A tea of the
lea2es is used in arien as a febrifu"e and to treat malaria- 5t is also applied to itchin" areas ()- The ,uice is rubbed
on the as a reputed tic. repellent- Some people consider it "ermicidal- 5t is ta.en internall& as a bitter tea b& the
Aili"andi Cuna for stomach ache ()- Some Colombians belie2e it is "ood for "onorrhea-
Nia"ur"in' Rolan$ra ()
Ni.ernut' Caesalpinia ()
!#CO"#A!A "ABACUM 0-' Tobacco ()* 6ar () - Tobacco 4as culti2ated in the %est 5ndies before the ad2ent of the
Spaniard- Nicotine, the narcotic A"iftA of the 5ndian to the European in2ader, ma& ha2e ta.en a "reater toll on the
in2ader8s ruthless toll on the Amerindians- B& >:??, the" habit 4as 4ell fixed throu"hout Europe- Tobacco
is culti2ated for home consumption amon" the Cuna 4ho call it 6ar"uit- 5t is rarel& culti2ated b&the Choco-
Else4here "reen tobacco lea2es are thro4n into ste4s- /ua&mi 5Ndians 4ear tobacco-leaf le""ins to 4ard off
sna.ebite, and else4here the lea2es are applied to ulcers- 5n Boli2ia, decomposin" meat is stuffed 4ith tobacco to
catch condors 4hich "et drun. from eatin" the meat-
Ni"htshade' Solanum ()
Ni"ua' Mar%yricarpus ()
Ni"uita' /on4ala%unia ()
Ni"uito' Conoste%ia ()* Cor$ia ()* Miconia ()' Cecropia ()
Ninichi' Aristolochia ()
Nino en cota' Haemocharis ()
Nino muerto' Asclepias ()* Cosmos ()
Ninusapu' Cliba$ium ()
Niopo' !iopa ()
Niorno' Bauhinia ()
Nipe' Sapium ()
Nisala' Bixa ()
Nisperillo' )icus ()
Nispero' Achras ()* Lucuma ()* Manil+ara (,,)* Pouteria ()* Saco%lottis ()* 0antanea ()
Nispero amarillo' .ipholis ()
Nispero balata' Mani+ara ()
Nispero blanco' )icus ()
Nispero colorado' Lucuma ()* Pouteria ()
Nispero macho' Clethra ()
Nispero macho de tierra fria' Laplacea ()
Nispero de monte' Achras ()* Pouteria ()
Nispero ne"ro' Min7uartia ()
Nispero de saino' Morisonia ()
Nispero tierno' Achras ()
Nispero 3apote' Manil+ara ()* Pouteria ()
Niun"ue' .atura ()
No"al' Cario$en$ron ()* Cor$ia ()* ,u%lans ()
Noli' Acanthorhi4a ()* Cryosophilla ()* Coro4o ()* "essmanniophoenix ()
Nomas' Peperomia ()
No-me-ol2ides' Eichhornia ()* Myosotis ()
Nomoncri' Lecythis ()
Nopal' Opuntia ()
Nopas' Erythrina ()
Norbito' Passi&lora ()
Norbo' Passi&lora ()
Norbo cimarron' Elaterium ()
Nori' Zanthoxylum ()
Noro' Byrsonima ()* Hesperomeles ()
Norrio' Passi&lora ()
No2io' Pelar%onium ()
Nudillo' Panicum ()* "ra$escantia ()
Nudo' Capparis ()
Nue3 de a"ua' "rapa ()
Nue3 de 5ndia' Aleurites ()
Nue3 moscada' Myristica ()
Nue3 de $ara' Bertholettia ()
Nue3 de San #uan' Lecythis ()
Nu"nualla' Ceiba ()
Nula' Coccoloba ()
Nulu' .ipteryx ()* Psi$ium ()* "erminalila ()
Nume' Phytelephas ()
Nune ' Hura ()
Nunisup' "heobroma ()
Nuno' "abernaemontana ()
Nunonunar bala' Cochlospermum ()
Nunupa' 6nidentified seed or fruit (perhaps Pimenta or )icus) used b& the Ba&ano Cuna for" nec.laces-
Nunur.4a'Eryn%ium ()
Nupa' Cryosophila ()
Nupas' Erythrina ()
Nuppil' Crescentia ()
Nurrua' Calathea ()
Nuru' Chamae$orea ()
Nusasapi' Solanum ()
Nusna"4at' Carlu$ovica ()
Nut"rass' Cyperus ()
Nurusol' Phyllanthus ()
Nutme"' Myristica ()
Nutsed"e' Cyperus ()
Nutsulet' Passi&lora ()
Nux-2omica' Strychnos ()
!-MPHAEA spp-' %ater lil& ()* ;lor de a"ua () - Seeds and rhi3omes of man& species ser2e as famine foods-
!a' Bromelia ()
!abo' Calocarpum ()
!a.' 2uercus ()
!ats' Avena ()
!ba' Bromelia ()* Zea ()
!ban"o' ,essenia ()
!chi' Musa ()
OCHROMA LA/OPUS S4-' Balsa (,)* Cotton tree ()* Ceiba de lana ()* 0ana ()* $uero ()* Tucumo () - Choco 5ndians
ma.e rafts out of L short poles of balsa capable of floatin" a man- The& also car2e desi"ns in balsa to use as prints to
paint some of the more elaborate desi"ns on their bodies ()- Ashes from balsa are put in 4ith the d&e (/enipa) to
stabili3e the mixture ()- The nuchus or medicine statues of the Cuna are usuall& car2ed of balsa ()- Some 5ndians
(e-"-, in $eru) coat blo4"un darts 4ith balsa .apo. as a balancer, and to seal the tube of the blo4"un ()-
OC#MUM BAS#L#CUM 0-' S4eet basil ()* Albaca (,)* Albahaca (,)* Albahaca fina ()* $isep () - The edible
mucila"inous seeds, soa.ed in 4ater to ma.e a be2era"e, are considered aphrodisiac, demulcent, diaphoretic,
diuretic, febrifu"al, and stimulant, and are used as a cataplasm- Amon" the Aili"andi Cuna and Colombian
curanderos, the lea2es, used for seasonin", are macerated and applied externall& for headache ()- The ,uice of the
plant is used to treat earache-
OC#MUM sp-' Albaca (,)* Albahaca (,)* Toron,il ()- 6sed in arien as a spice and remed&, albaca is placed on
corpses durin" funerals- 0ea2es of 0a Nue2a8s albaca blanca are used to reduced s4ellin"s- The plant, li.e
Capsicum, is used to treat huntin" do"s that ha2e been bitten b& 4ild animals-
!cobo' "abebuia ()
!cote' Brosimum ()
!cre' Aspi$osperma ()
!dobacri' Sterculia ()
OE!OCARPUS sp-' Bamboo palm ()* Ma+uen+ue ()- The ripe blac. fruits are eaten b& man and other fru"i2ores-
The hearts are also +uite edible ()- Choco sa& that the fruits are used to ma.e be2era"es 4ith salt and su"ar-
!"o' Ce$rela ()
!"op' Cocos ()
!i' Coix ()
!il $alm' Coro4o ()* Elaeis ()
!50 $0ANTS' $lants used as a source of edible or useful oils- Acrocomia' Aiphanes' Apeiba' Attalea'
Beilschmie$ia' Bertholettia' Cannabis' Ceiba' Cocos' Coro4o' .ialyanthera' Elaeia' Hibiscus' ,essenia' Lecythis'
Lepi$ium' Licania' Morin%a' Papaver' Pentaclethra' Ricinus' Scheelia' Sesamum' Simarouba' "amarin$us'
"erminalia' 0irola' 1imenia' Zea3
!,ito de nena' Pithecellobium ()
!,oche' Brosimum ()* Pseu$olme$ia ()
!,oche macho' Batocarpus ()* Brosimum ()* "rophis ()
!,o del "ato' .ichromena ()
!,o de poeta' "hunber%ia ()
!,o de 2enado' Mucuna ()
!.ora' Cocos ()
!.ra' Abelmoschus (,)
!ld maid' 0inca ()
!ld 4oman8s bitter' Citharexylum ()
!leander' !erium ()
!leander &ello4' "hevetia ()
OL#/A!"HES .#SCOLOR Sch- Bip-' Ceni3o, Susaca, Come,enero, Sauce, /ua&acan ()
!li2o' Be&aria ()* Capparis ()* Conomorpha ()* Myrica ()* Olea ()* Sapium ()* Simarouba (,)* "hevetia ()
!li2o de cera' Myrica ()
!li2o macho' Sapium ()
!lla de mico' Bertholletia ()
!lla de mono' Apeiba ()* Esch5eilera ()* Lecythis (,)
!lla de 3orro' Chloroleucon ()
!llito' Esch5eilera ()
!llito de mono' Lecythis ()
!lloco' Ullucus ()
!lobre' "abebuia ()
!locoton' Carica ()
!loroso' Humiria ()* Ocotea ()
!losapo' Couepia ()
!lotillo' .icliptera ()
!nde+uera' Caseria ()
!nion' Allium ()
O!OSER#S O!OSERO#.ES Robinson' =o,a de Santamaria ()
O!OSER#S PURPUREA Bla.e' Santa Maria ()
!note' Bixa ()
!notillo' 0ismia ()
!noto' Bixa ()
OPU!"#A sp-' $ric.l& pear ()* Tuna ()- The fruits are edible- espined flo4er buds are roasted, dried, and coo.ed in
ste4s- $arched seeds are used for thic.enin" soups- The fruits are mixed 4ith Acacia bar. to ma.e the be2era"e
called tecuin in Mexico- 7e"etati2e buds ma& be eaten coo.ed or dried- The indi"estible seeds are "round into meal
b& northern 5ndians after the& ha2e passed throu"h their bodies- This finds its 4a& into one of the man& sna.ebite
remedies- Che4in" on cactus fruits and stal.s can sta2e off deh&dration in arid climes-
!+uito' #xora ()
!ran"e' Citrus ()
ORB#/!-A CUA"RECASA!A u"and' Taparo ()- !il from the fruit is used in"- The fruit itself is eaten after" and "rindin"- 5mprudent eatin" is supposed to intoxicate-
!rchoro' .actylis ()
!re"anito macho' Lippia ()
!re"ano' Lippia ()* Ori%anum ()
!re"ano cimarron' Lippia ()
!re,a' Enterolobium ()
!re,a de burro' Cissampelos ()* Pseu$elephantopus ()
!re,a de cone,o' Salmea ()
!re,a de co&ote' Pseu$elephantopus ()* "urnera ()
!re,a de mula' Eichhornia ()* Miconia ()
!re,a de raton' Hy$rocotyle ()* 0an$elia ()
!re,a de sapo' Pseu$elephantopus ()
!re,ero' Enterolobium ()
!re,uelo' Alchemilla ()
!re&' Campnosperma ()
!riera' Enterolobium ()
!rilla de mar' Caesalpinia ()
!rim' Campnosperma ()
!ropel' Helichrysum ()
!rsul' Lippia ()
!ro3u3' Lippia ()
!rti"a' )leurya ()* ,atropha ()* Loasa ()* Urera ()* (i%an$ia ()
!rti"a blanca' Urera ()
!rti"a de montana' (i%an$ia ()
!rti"a 2ienticuatro' Loasa ()
!rtutu' #mpatiens ()
!rumo' Cecropia ()
OR-ZA SA"#0A 0-' Rice ()* Arro3 (,)* !ro3 ()- 5n arien, as in man& torpical areas, rice replaces other cereals as the
staff of life 4ith some ethnic "roups- Amon" the inland Cuna and Choco, rice is supplanted b& Musa as the most
important staple- %ith the bran intact rice is nutritious 4ith starches and fats, but not hi"h enou"h in proteins- Rice
diets should be supplemented 4ith le"ume proteins- $erhaps for this reason arro3 & fri,oles is a popular diet in 0atin
America- Colombian Choco 5ndians ma.e bollos of rice mixed 4ith corn 4rapped in Calathea- Most arien houses
ha2e their mano de pilon for threshin" rice, the chaff "oin" to the chic.ens and pi"s- Seedlin"s of rice are also
edible- The "rain is simetimes fermented to ma.e rice beer- The "rain ma& be con2erted to starch for breadstuffs and
puddin"s- A poultice of rice ma.e a "ood application for burns-
!si' Ananas ()
!taheite "ooseberr&' Phyllanthus ()
!tera' Psi$ium ()
!to' 1anthosoma ()
!toba' .ialyanthera ()* 0irola ()
!tobo' 0irola ()
!to de la"arto' .ie&&enbachia ()
OURA"EA sp-' Caidita () - The fruits are used for fish bait ()-
!2ina' Coix ()
!2iero' Enterolobium ()
O1AL#S COR!#CULA"A 0-' Sour"rass ()* %ood sorrel ()* 7ina"rillo () - The lea2es are eaten ra4 in salads or as a
potherb- The seeds ser2e as a famine food-
O1AL#S HE.-SARO#.ES =-B-<-' San%uinaria ()- Culti2ated in raised "ardens in the Choco for hemorrha"e after
$aca&a' Chamae$orea (,)
$aca&a de caballo' /eonoma ()
$aca&a de dante' Chamae$orea ()
$aca&a de raton' Euterpe ()
$acha' An$ropo%on ()
$achaca' Capparis ()
$achar' Piper ()* Pothomorphe ()
PACH#RA A2UA"#CA Aubl-' $ro2ision tree ()* Beno ()* Cacao de monte ()* Ceiba de a"ua ()* #elin,oche ()*
Fuiri"uillo ()* Salero ()* Kapotolon"o () - Roasted seeds &ield a flour for" bread- 1oun" lea2es ser2e as a
potherb- The bar. is used as a diabetes cure- 5n Antio+uia, the fruits are used onl& for" totumos ()- Choco
4itch doctors are said to use the seeds as a narcotic-
$achiuba' #riartea ()
$achuba' #riartea ()
$achuda' #riartea ()* Socratea ()
PACH-RH#ZUS EROSUS 6rban' 1am-bean ()* /ua2ita cansa-boca ()* =abilla () (;i"- MMM)- The roots are eaten ra4
and coo.ed in soup-
$acito' Muntin%ia ()
$acito de montana' Bumelia ()
$aco' Cespe$esia ()* /ustavia ()* Mayna ()
$acon' Sapin$us ()
$acora' Acrocomia ()* Cespe$esia ()
$acun,a' Bi$ens ()
$aico' Chenopo$ium ()* Cor$ia ()* Eu%enia ()
$aila' R Myroxylon ()
$aipute' Casearia ()
$aiputo' 1ylosma ()
$aira' Melanthera ()
$aishte' Lu&&a ()
$aitilla' Citrullus ()
$a,a de babilla' Spar%anium ()
$a,a de empa,ar' Lilaea ()
$a,a macho de monte' Rhynchospora ()
$a,a de paramo' Calama%rosists ()
$a,a de 3orro' An$ropo%on ()
$a,aro amarillo' Pavonia ()
$a,arito' Epi$en$rum ()* Mas$evallia ()* Onci$ium ()* 0i%na ()
$a,aritos amarillos' "ropaeolum ()
$a,aritos a3ules' .elphinium ()
$a,ito de raton' An$ropo%on ()
$a,on' Setaria ()
$a.abur4i' Picramnia ()
$a.4a' Renealmia ()
$alabra de mu,er' Lantana ()
$alanco' Sapranthus ()
$alcha2aca' Passi&lora ()
$aleca' Eupatorium ()* Hyptis ()
$alisandro' .alber%ia ()
$alitaria' Parietaria ()
$alito de hueso' Malpi%hia ()
$allars' Phaseolus ()
$alma de almendron' Attalea ()
$alma amar"a' (el&ia ()* Sabal ()
$alma barne3' Oenocarpus ()
$alma barri"ona' #riartea ()
$alma bobo' Cyathea ()
$alma bra2a' Bactris ()
$alma de cera' Ceroxylon ()
$alma de chascara' Aiphanes ()
$alma coco' Astrocaryum ()* Cocos ()
$alma colorado' Euterpe ()* (el&ia ()
$alma con"a' (el&ia (,)
$alma crespa' Catosti%ma ()
$alma cristi' Ricinus ()
$alma de cuesco' Scheelea ()
$alma cumare' Astrocaryum ()
$alma del desierto' He$yosmum ()
$alma dulce' Scheelea ()
$alma enana de cuesco' Cryosophila ()
$alma escoba' Acanthorrhi4a ()
$alma de stera' Astrocaryum ()
$alma de "allina3o' Ceroxylon ()
$alma de "ua"ara' Sabal ()
$alma helecho' Cyathea ()
$alma de #icara' Manicaria ()* Phytelephas ()
$alma de manteca' Coro4o ()
$alma de marfil' Phytelephas (,)
$alma de marrano' Scheelea ()
$alma mono' (el&ia ()
$alma ne"ra' Astrocaryum ()
$alma del norte' 1iphi$ium ()
$alma de puerco' Scheelea ()
$alma de ramos' Ceroxylon ()
$alma real' Attalea ()* Roystonea ()* .ictyocaryum ()* Scheelea (,)* (el&ia (,)
$alma sara' Copernicia ()
$alma de sebo' Coro4o ()
$alma de tonillo' Pan$anus ()
$alma de 2ino' Acrocomia ()* Attalea ()* Scheelea ()
$alma 3ancona' Sya%rus ()
$alma 3ancudo' #riartea ()* Metasocratea ()* Scheelea ()
$alm, blac.' Astrocaryum ()* Bactris ()* Pyreno%lyphis ()
$alm, "rass' "ra$escantia ()
$alm, hat' Carlu$ovica ()
$almiche' Coro4o ()* Elaeis ()* Euterpe ()* /eonoma ()
$almiche blanco' /eonoma ()
$almiche colorado' Euterpe ()
$alm, i2or&' Phytelephas ()
$almilera' Socratea ()
$almilla' Cassia ()* Synechanthus ()
$almita' Carlu$ovica ()* 1iphi$ium ()
$almita ,aponesa' Sela%inella ()
$almito' Euterpe ()* Socratea ()* (el&ia ()* -ucca ()
$almito de 2elas' /on4ala%unia ()
$almito dulce' Chamae$orea ()
$alm, mon.e&' Manicaria ()
$almo' Euterpe ()
$alm, oil' Coro4o ()* Elaeis ()* ,essenia ()
$alm, peach' /uilielma ()
$alm, pinecone' Raphia ()
$alm, stilt' #riartea ()* Socratea ()
$alm, tra2eler8s' Ravenala ()
$alo de aceite' Pentaclethra ()
$alo de a"ua' Bravaisia (,,)* Capparis ()* )icus ()* "richanthera ()
$alo amarillo' Chlorophora ()
$alo de a,i' .rimys ()
$alo de anastasiso' "richilia ()
$alo de anis' Ocotea ()
$alo a3ul' Calatola ()
$alo ba"re' Coccoloba ()
$alo de balsamo' Myroxylon ()
$alo de barril' ,acaratia ()
$alo blanco' Casearia ()* Symplocos ()* 0ernonia ()* 1ylosma ()
$alo bobo' Erythrina ()
$alo de bo,on' Cor$ia ()
$alo brasil' Caesalpinia ()* Haematoxylum ()* Sic+in%ia ()
$alo de buba' ,acaran$a ()
$alo de calaba3a' Crescentia ()
$alo de camaron' Hamelia ()
$alo care&' Zanthoxylum ()
$alo de cera' Astronium ()
$alo de cerdo' "etra%astris ()
$alo de chancho' Hieronyma ()* 0ochysia ()
$alo de chucha' Siparuna ()
$alo colorado' Octoea ()* Sic+in%ia ()
$alo criollo' Min7uartica ()
$alo de cru3' Bro5nea (,)* Casearia ()* Plumeria ()
$alo cuadrado' Cornutia ()* Macrocnemum (,)
$alo de danta' Cornutia ()
$alo de fierro' "abebuia ()
$alo de "uaco' Crateva ()
$alo "uitarro' Citharexylum ()
$alo hueso' "ecoma ()
$alo de la"arto' Scia$o$en$ron ()* Zanthoxylum ()
$alo de leche' Brosimum ()* Sapium ()
$alo lechero' Euphorbia ()
$aloma' Citharexylum ()* .en$ropanax ()* La&oensia ()
$alo machete' Erythrina ()
$alo malin' 0ochysia ()
$alo de marfil' Amyris ()
$alo de Maria' Casearia ()* #xora ()
$alo de marrano' Bursera ()
$alo de ma&o' 0ochysia (,)
$alo de miel' Satyria ()
$alomita' Asclepias ()* /onolobus ()
$alomita morada' Securi$aca ()
$alo ne"ro' Hybanthus ()* Miconia ()
$alo orti"a' Urera ()
$alo papa' Calatola ()* Panopsis ()
$alo paraiso' Couroupita ()
$alo de piedra' Min7uartia ()
$alo prieto' "erminalia ()
$alo +uadrado' Macrocnemum ()
$alo de re+ueson' "riplaris ()
$alo de rosa' Bro5nea ()
$alo sabre' Erythrina ()
$alo de sal' Avicennia ()* )icus ()* La%uncularia ()* Pelliceria ()
$alo de san"re' Brosimum ()* Lonchocarpus ()* 0irola ()
$alo de sano' Bulnesia ()
$alo de santamaria' "rixis ()* "riplaris ()
$alo santo' Ce$rela ()* Erio$en$ron ()* Erythrina ()* "riplaris ()
$alo de seca' An$ira ()
$alo de soldado' (altheria ()
$alo de ti"re' /uarea ()
$alo de 2aca' Brosimum ()
$alo de 2elas' Parmentiera (,)
$alto' Persea ()
$alu' Allium ()
$ambil' #riartea ()
$ambotano' Callian$ra ()
$amo' Perebea ()
$amplemusa' Citrus ()
$ana' Artocarpus ()
$anal' Bu$$le6a ()
$anama' ,atropha ()* Sterculia ()* (erc+lea ()
$anama berr&' Muntin%ia ()
$anama red4ood' Platymiscium ()
$anama tree' Sterculia ()
$anamena' ,atropha ()* !ephrolepis ()* "re$escantia ()
$anchuchapa' Hamelia ()
$anchuismas' Hamelia ()
$an& cacao' "rophis ()
PA!.A!US spp-' Scre4 pine ()* $alma de Tornillo ()- Scre4 pines are rarel& culti2ated in $anama- Ripe fruits ma&
be eaten ra4, or coo.ed for stora"e and later use- 6ncoo.ed fruits are +uite tast&* to extract the ,uice and pulp from
the tou"h fibers is difficult ()- Boiled fruits are a s+uash-li.e 2e"etable often mixed 4ith "rated coconut meat-
Pan$anus flour and paste en2eloped 4ith Pan$anus leaf-rolls ma& be stored for &ears- ;ruits to be made into paste
are coo.ed for a lon" time in an earth o2en and then scraped- The pulp is collected on lea2es, dried to a stic.&
consistenc&, and then rolled into the lea2es- To ma.e flour, fruits are coo.ed for onl& one hour, pounded, sun dried,
and further dried o2er heated roc.s- The resultin" dr& are pounded to a coarse consistenc&- The flour has more
fibers and more calories than the paste- Calcium oxalate cr&stals present in some 2arieties are destro&ed b&"-
Apical meristems of tender 4hite de2elopin" lea2es are edible, li.e the stems and lea2es, 4hen 4hite and tender-
/reen lea2es are used to 4rap fish to be coo.ed- Root tips ha2e sustained fiber for temporar& corda"e, as do leafe
strips- urin" %orld %ar 55, American Armed ;orces in the /ilbert 5slands used Pan$anus trun.s, split do4n the
middle for temporar& construction- All parts of Pan$anus are combustible 4hen dr&, but the apical ends of discarded
drupes pro2ide a 2er& hot and relati2el& smo.eless fuel, li.e coconut shells- A substitute for ci"arette paper is
pro2ided b& the thin eipdermis of the lea2es- Male inflorescences are used to scent coconut oil-
$an del norte' Artocarpus ()
$anecito' Malvaviscus ()
$anel' Leucaena ()* Sene%alia ()
$an"ana' Raphia ()
$an"ola' .i%itaria ()
$anic "rass' Panicum ()
PA!#CUM spp-' $anic "rass () - Man& species of Panicum ma& ser2e as "rain sources- Their "reatest importance in
$anama is for fora"e, "uinea "rass and para "rass bein" most important- Smutt&" "rains ma& be poisonous
due to a fun"us-
$ani.a' Ceiba ()
$an+ue romero' Senecio abietinus ()
$antano' Hieronyma ()
$antriba' Artocarpus ()
$an&a' Ceiba ()
$apa' $anopsis ()* Solanum ()
$apa china' Colocasia ()
$apa del aire' .ioscorea ()
$apa dulce' #pomoea ()
$apa "uasca' Bomarea ()
$apa miel' Combretum ()* Hamelia ()* Solan$ra ()
$apamo' 0ismia ()
$apaturro' Coccoloba (,)* Solan$ra ()
$apaturro a"rio' Bellucia ()
$apaturro blanca' Coccoloba ()
$apaturro de media luna' Passi&lora ()
$apa de 2enado' Bomarea ()
$apa&a' Carica ()* ,acaratia ()
$apa&elo' 1anthosoma ()
$apa&ero' Capparis ()
$apa&illa' ,acaratia ()* ,atropha ()
$apa&illo' Solanum ()
$apa&illo de 2enado' Carica ()* ,acaratia ()
$apa&o' Scia$ophyllum ()* "erminalia ()
$apa&o calentano' Carica ()
$apa&o del monte ' ,acaratia ()
$apa&ote' Cochlospermum ()
$apa&ueldo' ,acaratia ()* ,atropha ()
$apelillo' Miconia ()* Senecio ()
$apelillo macho' Hieracium ()
$apito de monte' Malvaviscus ()
$apo' Hibiscus ()
$apo de la reina' Hibiscus ()
$apo de 3amba' Lonchocarpus ()
$apun"a' Bi$ens pilosa ()
$apun"a falsa' Aspilia tenella ()
$ap&rus' Cyperus ()
$ara' Panicum ()
$ara "rass' Panicum ()
$ara"ua&' Scoparia ()
$ara"uita china' Hibiscus ()
$ara"uita de sapo' Hy$rocotyle ()
$araiso' Melia ()
$arale,o' Curatella ()
$araman' Moronobea ()* Symphonia ()
$aran' Spon$ias ()
$arapara' Sapin$us ()
$ara palo' )rittonia ()
$ara rubber tree' Hevea ()
$arasita' O$onto%lossum ()
$arasitos' "illan$sia ()
$aratodo' Aristolochia ()
$archa' Passi&lora ()
$ardillo' Cor$ia ()
PAR#A!A LU!A"A Nees' Canutillo ()- 0ea2es are used in 4rappin" "old or platinum dust-
$arimonton' Cupania ()* Hasseltia ()
PARME!"#ERA S"E!OCARPA u"- G 0-B-Smith' Arbol de la ,u,ias ()* Candletree ()* $alo 2ela ()- The pulp of the
fruits and the seeds are eaten and used to prepare be2era"es- P3 ceri&era ser2es as a fodder-
$ar+ue' Acalypha ()
$arra' 0itis ()
$arra rosa' Enta$a ()
$arsisa"oa' #n%a ()
$arsle&' Petroselinum ()
$arsu' Erythrina ()
$artrid"e-pea' Cassia ()
$aru' .avilla ()
$asacarne' Marathrum (,)
$asarin' Lantana ()* (e$elia ()
$ascua' Euphorbia ()
$ascualito' /arcia ()
$ashcuana' Calea ()
$asionaria' Passi&lora ()
$asita' Brosimum ()* Hirtella ()* Muntin%ia ()
$asito' Muntin%ia ()
$asmo' Monstera ()* Siparuna ()
$asmo de sol' "etracera ()
$asmo tetano' Siparuna ()
$asorin' Asclepias ()
PASPALUM spp-' $aspalum ()* Cabe3ona ()- Man& species ser2e as emer"enc& food sources and as fora"e plants-
PASS#)LORA 2UA.RA!/ULAR#S 0-' /iant "ranadilla ()* Badea ()* /ranadilla (,)* Nutsulet ()* Sirsirsi,o () - Ripe
fruits of this and other species are edible* "reen fruits are coo.ed as a 2e"etable- The roots are said to be edible after" or roastin"- Most species of this "enus ha2e edible fruits, but the seeds should not be consumed- Seeds of
se2eral species are considered insecticidal-
PASS#)LORA SEEMA!!## /riseb-' /uate-/uate ()- The fruits, edible ra4, are sometimes mixed 4ith mil. to ma.e
a fresco-
PASS#)LORA 0#"#)LORA =-B-<-' <usep () - The fruits are edible-
$assionflo4er' Passi&lora ()
$aste' Lu&&a (,)
$astelillo' Coccoloba ()
$astelilla' Coccoloba ()
$astilla' Styrax ()
$asto ar"entina' Cyno$on ()
$asto a3ul' .actylis ()
$asto bahia' Paspalum
$asto elefante' Pennisetum
$asto "allina' A%rostis ()
$asto "ordora' Melinis ()
$asto mexicana' #xophorus ()
$asto mica&' Axonopus ()
$asto de olor' Anthoxanthum ()
$astora' Euphorbia ()
$ata' Musa ()
$ataba' ,essenia ()
$ataco' Phaseolus ()
$ata de chulo' Me$iola ()
$atacon' Cissampelos ()* Phyllanthus ()
$ata de cone,o' Paspalum ()
$ata de "allina' Cor$ia ()* Eleusine ()
$ata de "allo' ,acobina ()
$atahua' ,essenia ()C
$ataiste, $ataste, $atashte' "heobroma ()
$atata' Solanum ()
$ataua' ,essenia ()
$ata de 2aca' Bauhinia ()* Pithecellobium ()* "richilia ()
$ate' Chamissoa ()
$ate"allina' .i$ymopanax ()* Oreopanax ()* Sche&&lera ()
$aterno' #n%a ()* S5art4ia ()
$atilla' Citrullua ()
$atillo' Crotalaria ()
$atine"ra' Eupatorium acuminatum ()
PA"#!OA ALM#RA,O Cuatr-' Almira,o ()- the fruit is described as delicious- 5n $anama, the tree is culti2ated at
Manene, but it is commonl& culti2ated alon" the Atrato in Colombia-
$atriota' Musa ()
$atudo' Coussapoa ()* Liabum vulcanicum ()
$at3a' Piper ()* Pothomorphe ()
$auche' Polymnia ()
$au,i' Anacar$ium ()
PAULL#!#A )USCESCE!S =-B-<-' =ierba de alacran ()- Althou"h the 4hite aril is said to be edible, seeds should
be a2oided- The plant ser2es as a fish poison and alle2iates bu" bites- The stems substitute for rope- arienitas
belie2e that animals and birds 4ho eat the fruits ha2e bitter meat-
PAULL#!#A P#!!A"A 0-' Ap"i ()* Barbasco ()- The po4der& pulp of the fruits is sometimes eaten b& Africans- The
plant can be used as a fish poison* the seeds are poisonous- the stems are used as corda"e- The roots are che4ed for
cou"hs- Crushed lea2es are used as a cataplasm in 0atin America- $o4dered roots are added to lea2es and rice to
cure sterilit& in /hana 4omen-
$a2a' .i$ymopanax (,)
$a2illo' Cornutia ()* .i$ymopanax ()* Lonchocarpus ()
$a2ito' ,acaran$a ()
$a2on' ,acobinia ()
$a2on amarillo' ,aconbinia ()
$a2oncillo' Centropo%on ()* Cestrum ()* ,acobinia ()
$a2oncillo ro,o' Scutellaria ()
PA0O!#A )RU"#COSA ;a4cett G Rendle' $e"ape"a ()* Tabadillato ()- The roots are used in Choco cou"h
medicines ()-
$axte' Lu&&a ()
$a&anca' Ponte$eria ()
$a&ama' Be6aria ()
$a&ande' Pithecellobium ()
$a&2a' Hyptis
$e' Zea ()
$ea' Pisum ()
$each $alm' /uilielma ()
$ea, con"o' Ca6anus ()
$eanut' Arachis ()
$ebetera' 0ernonia ()
$ecosa' Bomarea ()
PEC"#S spp-' =ierba de limon de China ()* =ierba te ()- this aromatic plant is culti2ated b& the Choco aloon" Rio
$irre, for" teas- 5n 7ene3uela, mashed lea2es and flo4ers are used instead of the spice comino-
PEC"#S ELO!/A"A =-B-<-' Comino sil2estre ()
$ECT!RA0' $ertainin" to or alle2iatin" conditions of the chest- Acacia' Achyranthes' Allium' Annona' Ar%emone'
Bambusa' Bi$ens' Calophyllum' Calotropis' Carica' Cecropia' Ce$rela' Chiococca' Chrysophyllum' Clusia'
Cochlospermum' Cocos' Commelina' Corian$rum' Crescentia' Eclipta' Enalla%ma' Erythrina' /ossypium'
/ua4uma' Hibiscus' Hippocratea' Lantana' Lepi$ium' Linum' Man%i&era' Melochia' Morin%a' Myroxylon' Ocimum'
Pe$ilanthus' Plumeria' Psychorita' Sesamum' Sterculia' "erminalia' "urnea' Zi4yphus-
PE.#LA!"HUS "#"H-MALO.#ES $oit-' /rosella ()* $ie de nino ()- the caustic emetic mil.& sap is used for
umbilical hernias amon" the Chepi"ana Ne"roes- The plant is also re"arded as an emmena"o"ue-
$edro =ernande3' Spon$ias ()* "oxico$en$ron ()
$edronoche' .atura ()
$e"adera' .esmo$ium ()
$e"a mosco' Be&aria ()
$e"a-pe"a' Aeschynomene ()* Cenchrus ()* .esmo$ium ()* Pharus ()* "rium&etta ()* Pisonia ()* Priva ()
$e"le' 0ochysia ()
$e"o,o' "abernaemontana ()
$e"osa' Be&aria ()
$einecillo' Apeiba ()
$eine de mico' Apeiba (,)* Pithecellobium ()
$eine de mono' Apeiba ()
$eineton' Monstera ()
$eipute' Casearia ()
$e,i' Banisteriopsis ()
$e,iba&e' Astrocaryum ()* /uilielma ()
$e,iba&ito' Chimarrhis ()
$ela' Acacia ()
$elamanos' .aphne ()
$elican flo4er' Aristolochia ()
$elicano' Cycnoches ()* .elphinium ()* Stanhopea ()
$eli"alo' Aphelan$ra ()
$elo de an"el' Callian$ra ()
$elo de 5ndio' Hirtella ()
$elolica' Phyllanthus ()
$elo de paton' Bulbostylis ()
$elotillo' (einmannia ()
$eloto' An$ira ()* Casearia ()
PEL"O/-!E PURPUREA $ittier' $urple heart ()* Morado ()* Na3areno () - The 2er& attracti2e 4ood is a fa2orite
for Choco car2in"s, and for fine furniture construction-
$eluda' Cli$emia ()* Miconia ()
$eluso' Sloanea ()
$ena blanca' Coccoloba ()
$enca' /u4mania ()
$enda"a' Costus ()
$enda morada' Securi$aca ()
$endare' Mimusops ()
PE!!#SE"UM spp-' Elephant "rass ()* =ierba elefante ()- The "rains ma& ser2e as food- Around Sin"apore, this
fora"e, cut once a month, &ields an annual fora"e crop of MMC tons of fresh "rass per hectare-
$ensamiento' .uranta ()* 0iola ()
$ensamiento de pobre' Bro5allia ()
PE!"ACLE"HRA MACROPH-LLA Benth-' /allina3o ()- The seeds, used to poison fish and arro4s and eaten 4ith
red ants to induce abortion, are edible after careful processin"- Expressed oil is used for candle"," and
soap- Ashes of the pods are used as salt- The anthelmintic bar. is pounded and applied to lepros& sores-
PE!"A/O!#A BRACH-O"#S Sandl-' Biruchichiho ()* Cumtulo ()* Murciela"o () - The fruits ha2e a scant&, edible
pulp ()- Choco ta.e the lea2es and fruits in a tea as a blood purifier ()-
$eona' Castille6a ()
$eonia ne"ra' Lantana ()
$eonia' Abrus ()
$epa de cru3' "hevetia ()
$epa de culbra' Rauvol&ia ()
$epa del oro' Zi4yphus ()
$epa de sabalo' Crateva ()
$epe "uara' /rias ()
$epenance' 1imenia ()
PEPEROM#A /LA#O#.ES =-B-<-' Cu&an"uilla ()* Fuereme ()- This aromatic herb is a famous lo2e charm in
PEPEROM#A PELLUC#.A =-B-<-' =ierba de Sapo ()- The plant is reputed to be an ashtma cure-
PEPEROM#A 2UA.R#)OL#A =-B-<-' Retono ()- The plant is said to be eaten ra4 or coo.ed-
PEPEROM#A 0#R#.#SP#CA 2ar- PER,#L Trel-' Pere6il (,)- A $anama son" is based on this spice, AA la lora ha&
+uedarle pere,il-A The lea2es, eaten li.e a salad, are a constituten of recado 2erde, and ta.en as a tea for stomach
$epinillo' Cyphoman$ra ()* Momor$ica (,)
$epino' Cucumis ()* Cyclanthera ()* Solanum ()
$epino crespo' Cyclanthera ()
$epino diablito' Cyclanthera ()
$epino lloron' Solanum ()
$epino man"o' Solanum ()
$epino morado' Solanum ()
$epo' Sapin$us ()
$epo de cru3' "hevetia ()
$era' Couma ()
$erale,o' Byrsonima ()* Curatella ()
$eraman' Symphonia ()
PEREBEA sp-' $acuru ()- Most probabl& a component of an important arro4 poison for the Colombian Choco-
$erefuetano' Parnarium ()
$ere,il' Carum ()* Peperomia ()* Petroselinum ()
PERES*#A ACULEA"A Mill-' Bladeapple ()* Barbados /ooseberr& ()* Bledo ()* /uamacho ()* Naca ()* Na,u de
espinas ()- The fruit is eaten ra4 or preser2ed, or coo.ed in soil- The lea2es ser2e for potherbs and salads-
PERS*#A BLEO C-' Clarol ()* Na,u de culebra ()* Na,u de espinas ()* $ipchuelo () - The red flo4ers of this armed
leaf& cactus are follo4ed b& &ello4 edible fruit ()- The lea2es ma& be eaten ra4 4ith no bad effects ()- 5n Colombia,
the cactus is used for li2in" fences-
$ER;6ME' An aromatic substance, pleasin" or attracti2e to ones associates- Abelmoschus' Acacia' Cyperus'
Myroxylon' Petiveria' P<rotium' Renealmia' Sicana' "etra%astris' (ars4e5ic4ia-
$er"amela' Clero$en$rum ()
$erico' Amphilophium ()
$erile,o' Myrcia ()
$erillo' Brosimum ()* Couma ()
$erillo blanco' Himatanthus ()
$eri+uito' Muntin%ia ()* "rema ()
$erita' Alibertia ()* Eu%enia ()
$ernilla de casa' Erythrina ()
$ernilla de monte' Ormosia ()
$ero' Couma ()
$eron' Passi&lora ()
$eronil' Clitoria ()
$eronilla' Erythrina ()* Ormosia ()* Pithecellobium ()* Rhynchosia ()* 0itex ()
$er+uetano' Mo7uilea ()
$errero' Aiphanes ()
$errito' "ribulus ()
PERSEA AMER#CA!A Mill-' A2ocado ()* A"uacate ()* Ashue ()* Be"o () - A2ocados are eaten 4ith rice, in salads,
and in soups- The a2ocado has 2itamin and oil-rich fruits relished b& man, all domestic, and most 4ild animals,
includin" carni2ores- 5t ma& be eaten ri"ht off the tree and contains more protein than an& other fruit- Some 0atins
re"ard the fruit as aphrodisiac- 0actatin" Sali+ui Choco are supposed to abstain from a2ocado- The seed has a sap
used for" clothin" indelibl&- Man& medicinal 2irtues are attributed to the seeds- $o4dered, the& ma& be used
4ith cheese or tallo4 to poison mice and other noxious animals- The oil is sometimes used for "roomin" the hair- 5n
0os Santos, the roots and lea2es, made into a decoction, are drun. as te de a"uacate, to lo4er the blood pressure ()-
Te de a"uacate is drun. instead of 4ater b& Chepi"ana Ne"roes 4ith li2er ailments- in $uerto !baldia
fre+uentl& consists of a tea of a2ocado lea2es s4eetened 4ith cane ,uice-
$ersian lilac' Melia ()
$esacarne' Marathrum ()
$estano de mula' Heliocarpus (,)
$EST5C5E' A substance used for .illin" pests, e-"-, mice- Combretum' Coriaria' .ie&&enbachia' .repanocarpus'
/lirici$ia' Hura' ,atropha' Persea' Rourea-
$etipoa' Ca6anus ()
PE"#0ER#A ALL#ACEA 0-' A,illo ()* Anamo ()* Anamu (,)* #asmincillo ()* Mapurito ()* Rai3 de con"o ()* Rai3 de
pipi ()* 6r"at ()* Korrillo () - The roots are che4ed to alle2iat"e toothache, and sniffed to relie2e headache- 5n the
Choco a leaf infusion is used for parturition in 4omen and in cattle- 5t is used also as a febrifu"e, and aerial parts are
used to cure pulmonar& ailments- 5t is else4here placed amon" 4oolens to protect them from insects- 5t is
administered to induce menstruation and b& some is considered aphrodisiac and ecbolic- Sabana Choco and 0a
Nue2a Ne"roes use it as a 2ampire repellant ()- Sala+ui Choco, ho4e2er, 4ear it as a perfume ()- Mixed 4ith lemon,
anamu is used b& 0a Nue2a Ne"ro4s as a sna.ebite remed&-
PHASEOLUS' Beans ()- Se2eral t&pes of beans are culti2ated for food and fodder in $anama- Beans are .no4n to
the Cuna as inua, but Choco call them fri,ol- The most important for food are the lima bean or haba , Phaseolus
lunatus, the mun" bean, Phaseolus aureus, the blac. bean or fri,ol, Phaseolus vul%aris , and the h&acinth bean or
chicharro (.olichos lablab)- Amon" the Ma&as, three .inds of beans are eaten, nati2e blac. beans bein" most
commonl& boiled in salt 4ater and eaten 4ith tortillas- 0ima beans are eaten similarl& but less fre+uentl&- A smaller
4hite bean is coo.ed 4ith s+uash seeds 4hich ha2e been toasted and mixed 4ith chopped oniion lea2es- 5ndians
rarel& use the unripe fruits of beans or corn for 2e"etables, as does 4hite man- Blac. beans, Phaseolus vul%aris, are
second onl& to corn in Central American diet, but about the Canal Kone, the& are little used- Medicinall&, beans are
re"arded as emmena"o"ue, used for d&senter&, tenesmus, sore e&es, hiccups, and as a poultice on burns-
PHASEOLUS A.E!A!"HUS /-Me&er' =abichuela cimarrona ()- The tuberous roots ha2e ser2ed as food-
PHASEOLUS LU!A"US 0-' 0ima bean ()* Cachas ()* =abas ()* =ue2o de piche ()* $allars ()* Kara"osa () - 0ima
beans are 4ell-.no4n 2e"etables, but the purple seeds should be a2oided- The lea2es and &oun" shoots contain
about I-CE protein-
PHASEOLUS 0UL/AR#S 0-' Common bean ()* =abichuela ()* 5nua () - The seeds are edible coo.ed-
PH#LO1ERUS 0ERM#CULAR#S Nutt-' Beach carpet ()* =ierba de sal ()- Tender parts ser2e as a presalted potherb-
PHOEBE ME1#CA!A Meissn-' The depressant lea2es are used for heart ailments-
PHRA/M#"ES COMMU!#S Trin-' Common reed ()* Cana de 5ndio ()- The &oun" shoots sser2e as a potherb- The
seeds are edible coo.ed- Rhi3omes ma& be eaten ra4 or "round into flour- =eatin" this flour oftne &ields a taff&-li.e
food-stuff- A s4eet edible "um oo3es from punctures caused b& insects- The stems are used for thatchin"-
PH-LLA!"HUS AC#.US S.eels' Star "ooseberr& ()* /rosella ()* Murusol () - The fruits are used for preser2es, and
are also eaten ra4 or pic.led-
PH-LLA!"HUS ACUM#!A"US 7ahl' Chirrinchao ()- 6sed b& the Choco as a fish poison-
PH-SAL#S spp-' /round cherr& ()* Topeton ()* 6chu2a ()* 62illa () - The fruits are eaten ra4 or coo.ed, especiall&
as an additi2e to ste4s- The& are sometimes made into preser2es b&" in palm s&rup- the lea2es are coo.ed as
a potherb in parts of Africa-
$h&sic nut' ,atropha ()
PH-"ELEPHAS SEEMA!!## Coo.' 52or& palm ()* Alla"ua ()* Anta ()* Cabe3a de Ne"ra (,)* $alma de marfil (,)*
Sa"u ()* Ta"ua (,)- The &oun" nuts ha2e a potable ,ell&-li.e li+uid ()- This "raduall& hardens into 2e"etable i2or&
used for" buttons and other ornaments- A thin crust around the i2or& is occasionall& brou"ht into the
in San Blas as a food ()- The lea2es are occasionall& used for thatch in Colombia ()-
PH-"OLACCA R#0#!O#.ES <unth G Bouche' $o.eberr& ()* Atusara ()* * #aboncillo ()- 0ea2es and ne4 shoots
ser2e as a potherb- The inedible root is used as a soap substitute-
$iasaba' Leopol$inia ()
$icamano' Cissampelos ()
$icante' Poly%onum ()
$icantillo' Poly%onum ()
$icapica' Mucuna ()
$icep' Ocimum ()
$ichana' Scoparia ()
$ichican"o' Scleria ()
$ichichinchi2o' Solanum ()
$ichichio' Solanum (,)
$ichi"uao' /uilielma ()
$ichinche' Machaerium ()
$ichinde' Pithecellobium (,)* Pseu$oraupea ()
$ichipan"' Colubrina ()
$ic.erel 4eed' Ponte$eria ()
$5C<0ES' $lant parts used as food after preser2in" in 2ine"ar or brine- Abelmoschus' Capparis' Capsicum'
Crescentia' Cucumis' /enipa' Hibiscus' Morin%a' Phyllanthus' Solanum' Spon$ias-
$ico de caspe' Anibe ()
$ico de flamenco' Sesbania ()
$ico de loro' Machaerium ()
$ico de pa,aro' Cassia ()
$ico de pato' Amphilophium ()* 1anthosoma ()
P#CRAM!#A LA"#)OL#A Tul-' Cora,illo ()- 0ea2es and bar. of the hone& tree are febrifu"al-
$ida' Allium ()
$idua' Pithecellobium ()
$ie de nino' Pe$ilanthus ()
$ie de paloma' Axonopus ()
$ie de 2enado' Rinorea ()
$i"eon pea' Ca6anus ()
$i"eon plum' Hirtella ()
$i"inio' Byrsonima ()* Sic+in%ia ()
$i"inio amarillo' /enipa ()
$i"4eed' Amaranthus ()
$i,iba&' /uilielma ()
$ilapisep' Salvia ()
$ilde' Banisteriopsis ()
P#LEA #!0OLUCRA"A 6rban' Carianabo ()- Amon" the Sibundo&, 4ounds are healed 4ith the mashed and salted
lea2es- Mixed 4ith Bro5nea, it is used to cure flo,a, a menstrual ailment- 5t also finds a 4a& into inflammation and
tuberculosis treatments-
$ilon' An$ira ()* Hieronyma (,)
$imientilla' Cyperus ()
$imiento' Capsicum ()* Myrcia ()* Schinus (,)
$imiento oloroso' Pimenta ()
$ilota' Paphliope$ilum ()
$ilpe' An%elonia ()
$impa' #riartella ()
$impi' #riartella ()
$impin' Rivina ()
$ina' Cyperus ()
$ina' Ananas ()
$ina anona' Monstera (,)
$ina blanca' Po$ocarpus ()
$inanona' Monstera ()
$inapina' Astrocaryum ()
$ina de pla&on' Ananas ()
$indoba' Orbi%nya ()
$ineapple' Ananas ()
$ine, Australian' Casuarina ()
$inecone palm' Raphia ()
$in"4in"' Ananas ()
$inico' Sapium ()
$innu4ala' Anacar$ium ()
$ino' Laetia ()* Po$ocarpus ()
$ino' Pinus (,)
$ino amarillo' La&oensia ()
$ino blanco' Po$ocarpus ()
$ino bobo' Pithecellobium ()
$ino cha+uiro' Po$ocarpus ()
$ino ha&uelo' Po$ocarpus ()
$inon' Albi4ia ()* Enterolobium ()* /yrocarpus ()* ,atropha ()* Sterculia ()
$inon amoroso' /lirici$ia ()
$inon de ore,a' Enterolobium ()
$ino de pacho' Po$ocarpus ()
$ino romeron' Po$ocarpus ()
$inpure.4at' Costus ()
$intadilla' Cliba$ium surinamense ()
$intamora' Solanum ()
$intamora de monte' Capsicum ()* Cestrum ()
$inta mo3o' 0ismia ()
$inta pa2a' Ran$ia ()
$intapinta' Rivina ()
$inturero' Phyllanthus ()
$inu' Anacar$ium ()
$inuelo' Pelliceria ()
$inupurui4at' Costus ()
$inuela' Ananas ()
$io,o' Acaena ()
$ipa' Cocos ()
$iper' Piper ()
P#PER A.U!CUM 0-' %ild pepper ()* /usanillo () - The pepper& fruits are used to season food* it is sometimes
eaten as a potherb-
P#PER AUR#"UM =-B-<-' Co4foot ()* Cordoncillo ()* Anisillo ()* =o,a de a,an ()* =o,a de Santamaria ()* =o,a de
anis ()* =o,a de la estrella ()* =ierba santa ()* Santamaria ()* Santilla de comer ()- The lea2es, 4ith the aroma of
sarsaparilla, are used to fla2or tamales-
P#PER .AR#E!E!SE C-C-' uermeboca ()* <ana ()- The fruits are 2er& effecti2e toothache cures ()- Choco use
the plant as a fish poison ()- Cuna use it as a bath, for sna.ebites and colds ()-
P#PER sp-' $achar ()* $at3a ()- the roots are used to facilitate bleedin" from contusion, perhaps anticoa"ulant-
Coo.ed roots are used as an expectorant in Aili"andi-
$ipe4ort' Aristolochia ()
$ipi' Petiveria ()
$ipian' Maranta ()
$ipichuelo' Peres+ia ()
$ipilacha' Ruprectia ()
$ipilon"o' Piper ()
$ipire' /uilielma ()
P#P"A.E!#A PERE/R#!A Benth-' Niopo ()* 1oco () - Toasted seeds are used as a narcotic snuff b& Colombian
5ndians* Choco 4itch doctors use them to induce comas- The snuff is ta.en nasall& and anall&-
$ira,u' Bromelia ()
$iria' Cassia ()
$iri,ao' /uilielma ()
$iripucho' Phaseolus ()
$iri+uitera' .oliocarpos ()
$iri+uito&a' Canna ()
$iro' Bromelia (,)
$isabed' Cassia ()
$isamo' Erythrina ()
$isano' Erythrina ()
$isba' /uilielma ()
$5SC5C5E' A substance to .ill or stupef& fish- Anacar$ium' An$ira' Annona' Aspi$osperma' Byrsonima' Cassia'
Centrosema' Cissampelos' Citharexylum' Cleome' Cliba$ium' Crysophila' .ioscorea' .iospyros' .o$onaea'
.nta$a' Erythrina' Euphorbia' )urcraea' Hippomane' Hura' ,ac7uinia' ,atropha' Lonchocarpus' Mammea' Melia'
Muellera' Pachyrhi4us' Paullinia' Pentaclethra' Phyllanthus' Piper' Pisci$ia' Ran$ia' Saccharum' Salmea'
Sapin$us' Selenipe$ium' Ser6ania' Smilax' "ephrosia' "ephrosia' "hevetia' 0ismia3
P#SC#.#A P#SC#PULA Sar"-' ;ish poison tree ()* Matape3 () - the branches are used to poison fish- the al.aloid
pisciden is poisonous or narcotic to man, but in small doses is sedati2e and suporific-
$isep' Ocimum ()
$is+uin' Albi4ia ()
$istachero' Pistacia ()
P#S"#A S"RA"#O"ES 0- %ater lettuce ()* Buchona ()* =odropica ()* 0echu"a de a"ua ()* Sirena () - The lea2es are
mixed 4ith soups but the& should be parboiled to remo2e oxalate cr&stals- The& are used to combat colds, d&senter&-
The ashes ma& be used as salt- Crushed lea2es ser2e to dress abscesses, hemorrhoids, and ulcers- The roots are
laxati2e and emollient, and used in cures for asthma, diabetes, d&sneter&, and tuberculosis-
$issi' Hamelia ()
P#SUM SA"#0A 0-' $ea ()* Al2er,a ()* Ar2e,a ()* /uisante () - $eas, edible coo.ed, are rarel&, if e2er "ro4n, "ro4n in
lo4land $anama-
$it' Enterolobium
$ita, $ita flo,a' Aechmea ()* Ananas ()* Carlu$ovica ()* 0iburnum ()
$itaha&a' Acanthocereus ()* Cereus ()
$itan"a' Eu%enia ()
P#"HECELLOB#UM .ULCE Benth-' Chininan"o ()* inde ()* /allinero ()* Mochi"uiste ()* Tiraco () - The pulp
around the seeds is edible and also made into a be2era"e ()-
P#"HECELLOB#UM RU)ESCE!S $itt-' Coralillo ()* ;lor de 5ndio ()* =arino ()* 5napisu ()* #arino ()- Ba&ano Cuna
5ndians use the bar. in medicine baths for female troubles-
P#"HECELLOB#UM U!/U#S;CA"# Benth-' Blac. bean ()* $idua ()* 6na de "ato () (;i"- M9>)- The fruits are
sometimes consumed as food-
$itilla' Sporobolus ()
$ito' Erythrina ()
$ito "i"ante' Erythrina ()
$ito de peronilla' Erythrina ()
$i2i,a&' )icus ()
$i33ara' Persea (,)
PLA!"A/O MA,OR 0-' $lantain ()* 0lanten ()
$lantain' Musa ()* Planta%o ()
$lantain, 4ild' Heliconia ()
planta del soldado' He$yosmum ()
$latanaria' Spar%anium ()
$lantanillo' Calathea ()* Canna ()* Helilconia ()* !asturtium ()* Renealmia ()* Scutellaria ()
$lantanillo de monte' Epiphyllum ()
$lantanito' A$ipera ()* Cassia ()* Chamae&istula ()* Oxalis ()* "abernaemontana ()
$lantano' Chimarrhia ()* Hieronyma ()* Min7uartia ()* Musa ()
$lateado' Croton ()
PLA"-M#SC#UM P#!!A"UM u"and' Cachimbo ()* Cristobal ()* Fuira ()* San"rillo ()* Trebol () - Roastin" corn
meal in the lea2es is supposed to impart a "ood fla2or- The timber is durable and hi"hl& suitable for cabinet 4or.-
$le"adera' Alchemilla ()
$lomillo' Caryocar ()
$lomo' Belotia ()* Molline$ia ()* "achi%alia ()
PLUCHEA PURPURASCE!S C-' Tabaco cimarron-
$lum' Spon$ias ()
$luma de 5ndio' Co$iaeum ()
$luma de la reina' Bu$$le6a ()* Petrea ()
$lumaria' #resine ()
$luma 2enus' Rhoeo ()
PLUMBA/O SCA!.E!S 0-' =ierba del pa,aro ()* 6mbela ()- 0ea2es are applied externall& for AitchA and lepros&,
internall& as an emetic or pur"ati2e-
PLUMBA/O ACU"#)OL#A $oir-' ;ran"ipani ()* Amanca&o ()* Canchu ()* Caracucha () (;i"- M9L)- The sap &ields
rubber, or is used to coa"ulate rubber, and is used to treat 2enereal diseases- the flo4ers are considered pectoral-
#amaicans belile2e that ,ust appl&in" the latex to the ne2el ser2es as a pur"ati2e- $rinciples thou"ht useful in the
control of patho"enic fun"i and tuberculosis has been extracted from species of Plumeria-
$lumilla' #resine ()
$lumito' Petrea ()
$oa,a' Cephaelis ()
$ochote' Bombacopsis ()* Ceiba ()* Pseu$obombax ()
$ococa' Passi&lora ()* Ocotea ()
PO.OCARUPS MACROS"ACH-A $arl-' $ino blanco ()* Romeron ()- $ericarps of the fruits are edible-
$o"o' .ioscorea ()
$oinciana' .elonix ()
$oinsettia' Euphorbia ()
$oison' Hyptis ()
$oison do"4ood' Clusia ()
$o.eberr&' Phytolacca ()
$o.e4eed' Phytolacca ()
$ola.' Ochroma ()
$oleo' Peperomia ()* Satureia ()
POLLALES"A COLOMB#A!A Ariste"uieta' Ceni3o ()
$ol2illo' "abebuia ()
$ol2o de monte' Malvaviscus ()
$ol2otutu' Cestrum ()
POL-/ALA sp-' Sarpoleta ()- Aromatic roots are used as a febrifu"e-
POL-M!#A P-RAM#.AL#S Tr-' Arboloco bo"otano ()* Arboloco hueco ()
POL-M!#A R#PAR#A =-B-<-' $auche cumana ()* #i+uimilla ()
POL-PO.#UM AUREUM 0- The rhi3omes are edible-
$omarrosa' Eu%enia ()
$amarossa de Malaca' Eu%enia ()
$ome"ranate' Punics ()
$ome' Eu%enia ()
$ompolluda' Coleus ()
$onatotu' Bro5nea ()
$ond apple' Annona ()
PO!"E.ER#A COR.A"A 0-' $ic.erel 4eed ()- The seeds are edible ra4, dried, or boiled, and can be made into
$opa' Couma ()* Lacmellia ()
$opo' Bambusa ()
$opon,oche' Hubero$en$ron ()
$oro' Erythrina ()
$oro colorado' Erythrina ()
$oro espinas' Erythrina ()
POROPH-LLUM MACROCEPHALUM C-' 1erba de chulo, $6rran"a, Chipaca ()
POROPH-LLUM RU.ERALE Cass-' 7enadillo ()* Ruda de "allina ()* Chucha ()* /allena3a ()
$oroporo' Cochlospermum (,,)* Passi&lora ()* /allena4a ()
$oroto' Erythrina ()* Phaseolus ()
$oro trinidad' Erythrina ()
$orter4eed' Stachytarpheta ()
$ortia tree' "hespesia ()
$orto Bello' An%elonia ()
$orotorico' Carlu$ovica ()* Cyclanthus ()
$ortulaca' Portulaca ()
POR"ULACA OLERACEA 0-' $urslane ()* 7erdola"a ()- The lea2es are edible ra4 or coo.ed- The seeds ser2e as a
"rain- The plant is re"arded as diuretic, cataplasmic, "alacto"o"ic, and 2ermifu"e- The seeds, said to be
anthelmintic, antid&senteric, astrin"ent, demulcent, diuretic, and 2ermifu"al, are used in d&suria, harmaturia,
haemopt&sis, and stran"ur&- The& are also applied to burns-
$ortulaca de pla&a' "alinum ()
POSO2UER#A LA"#)OL#A Roem- G Schult-' Mon.e& apple (,)* %ild coffee (,)* Boca 2ie,a ()* Boro,o ()*
Churumbelo ()* ;ruta de mono ()* ;ruta de murciela"o ()* /ua2ito de mico ()* =ue2o de mono ()- The fruits are
edible ()-
$osui' Oenocarpus ()
$!T=ERB' A plant part edible after"- Achyranthes' Acrostichum' A$ansonia' Amaranthus' Anre$era'
Bambusa' Basella' Batis' Bi$ens' Boerhaavia' Bromelia' Calathea' Calonyction' Car$iospermum' Carlu$ovica'
Cassia' Cecropia' Ceiba' Celosia' Centella' Ceratopteris' Chamae$orea' Chenopo$ium' Cocos' Colocasia'
Commelina' Corchorus' Cosmos' Crescentia' Crotalaria' Cucurbita' Cyathea' .esmo$ium' Eichhornia' Elaeis'
Elaterium' Eleusine' Emilia' Erechtites' Eryn%ium'
Erythrina' )a%opyrum' /lirici$ia' /ua$ua' Hibiscus' Hy$rocotyle' Hy$rolea' #pomoea' ,atropha' *allstroemia'
La%enaria' Lepi$ium' Leucaena' Limnocharis' Manihot' Marathrum' Marsilea' Mirabilis' Mollu%o' Momor$ica'
Morin$a' Morin%a' Musa' !asturtium' !eptunia' Oxalis' Pachira' Peperomia' Peres+ia' Philoxerus' Phra%mites'
Physalis' Phytolacca' Piper' Pistia' Portulaca' Psophocarpus' Pteri$ium' 2uis7ualis' Raphanus' Rumex' Sechium'
Sesbania' Sesuvium' Solanum' Sonchus' Spathiphyllum' Spilanthes' Spon$ias' Struchium' "alinum' "amarin$us'
"hespesia' "rium&etta' "ypha' Ullucus' 0ernonia' 0itis' 1anthosoma' 1imenia' -ucca-
PO"HOMORPHE PEL"A"A Mi+-' 5no,o ()* $at3a ()* Santa Maria () - The lea2es are rubbed on the bod& as a tic.
repellent or, amon" the Ba&ano Cuna, to .ill lice ()- Those of P3 umbellata are eaten and used for toothache- The
Ba&ano Cuna use Pothomorphe stems as a cold cure- The lea2es of P3 peltata are coo.ed 4ith 3apallo lea2es in salt
4ater and poulticed o2erni"ht on er&sipelas and leishmanniasis sores ()- The follo4in" da& the 4ound is dried 4ith
heat, 4ashed 4ith the decoction, and then a Pothomorphe leaf, dried o2er a flame, is pasted on 4ith cacao butter ()-
;or pain, a tea of the lea2es is drun. or mixed 4ith alcohol for a massa"e- 0os Tablas 4itch doctors claim the lea2es
are an effecti2e external sudorific ()- Species of Pothomorphe are also used to treat 2enereal disease, and in arien
as an aromatic toilet paper substitute () and to facilitate parturition-
$otra' Cassia ()
$otrico' Astronium ()
POULSE!#A ARMA"A Standl-' Cocua ()* ama,a"ua ()* Mata"ua ()* Mastate ()* Nama"ua () - This 4as a primar&
source of bar. cloth amon" the Choco- The fruits and buds are edible-
POUROUMA ASPERA Trecul-' Man"abe ()* 62a ()* 7iran,o ()- The fruits are eaten b& 5ndians, those of other
species are used to ma.e 4ine- =ollo4 petioles are used to ma.e pop"uns-
POU"ER#A MAMMOSA Cron-' Mame& sapote ()- The fruits are edible-
POU"ER#A MUL"#)L ORA E&ma' #acana () - Thr fruits taste li.e dr& persimmons ()-
$o4der puff' Pseu$obombax ()
$oxot' Ceiba ()
$o3olillo' Cupania ()
$ric.l& ash' Zanthoxylum ()
$ric.l& chaff flo4er' Achranthes ()
$ric.l& holl&' Zanthoxylum ()
$ric.l& palm' Acrocomia ()
$ric.l& pear' Opuntia ()
$ric.l& popp&' Ar%emone ()
$ride of Barbados' Caesalpinia ()
$rieto' Lonchocarpus ()
$rima2era' Acalypha ()
$rimrose malan"a' 1anthosoma ()
$rincesa' 0inca ()
$rin"amosca' Loasa ()
$rin"amoa' ,atropha ()* Loassa ()* Urera ()* (i%an$ia ()
PR#OR#A COPA#)ERA /riseb-' Spanish 4alnut ()* Amansa mu,er (,)* Camibar ()* Canime ()* Cati2o (,)* Copachu ()*
Trementina () - Some $anamanians appl& the "um to ma""ots- /um from the trun. is used b& Choco to caul.
pira"uas- This is a fa2orite 2eneer lumber, the Atrato Ri2er belchin" forth about >,???,??? bd ft per month-
PR#0A LAPPULACEA $ers- Cadillo ()* $e"a pe"a () - The plant is used in Choco cou"h medicine ()-
$robado' .i$ymopanax ()
$ronto ali2io' Lantana ()
$rontoli2in' /uarea ()
PROSOP#S ,UL#)LORA C-' Mes+uite ()* Aroma ()* Manca-caballo (,)* Trupilla () - Else4here, 5ndians "rind the
pods into a flour used for" and "ruels- The fruits are eaten b& cattle, and the flo4ers are attracti2e to bees- The
bar. is used for roofin" in /ua,ira-
PRO"#UM sp-' Carana hediondo ()* Carano ()* Chutra ()* Ruda ()- The aril of the seeds is eaten b& most fru"i2ores,
includin" man ()- !ne of $anama8s most 2alued suppurati2es, the "um from the tree is used in t4o 4a&s- %hen &ou
4ill not be "ettin" 4et for a 4hile, &ou heat and appl& to scre4 4orms- 5t apparentl& suffocates them and 4hen the
carano "um is pulled off, out come the dead 4orms- Cool, it is applied to torsalo, and to spine-induced 4ounds to
pre2ent infections ()- Also it is applied externall& for headaches- The plant is also used to cure asthma- The
heart4ood .indles easil&-
$ro2ision tree' Pachira ()
PSEU.ELEPHA!"OPUS SP#CA"US Rohr-' Canasacan"a ()* Candeabsur"uit ()* Chicoria ()* Escobillo blanco ()*
Suelda con suelda ()- 5n $anama, it is used to ma.e a febrifu"al cou"h s&rup* in San Blas, it is used for stomach
aches- Else4here, the plant ser2es for 2enereal diseases- Aili"randi Cuna ta.e it belie2in" it is 2itamin-rich ()-
PSEU.OBOMBA1 SEP"E!A"UM u"and' Bottle tree ()* S+uare tree ()* Barri"on ()* Carta"eno ()* Ceiba de
ma,a"ua ()* Ceibo barri"on ()* Ma,a"ua ()* 6rtu4ala () - The cotton around the seeds is used to stuff pillo4s and
mattresses- ;ormerl& the bar. furnished corda"e-
PSEU.O/-!O1-S BO/O"E!S#S Cuatr-' Amapola del camino ()
PSEU.OLME.#A SPUR#A /riseb-' Blood4ood ()* Caci+ue ()* Cucua ()* !,oche () - The bar. is used toma.e cloth-
The fruits are edible- the branches are sometimes cut for oxen fora"e in Costa Rica- The latex is occasionall& used to
adulterate chicle- 5n %estern $anama, the blood4ood is esteemed b& the 5ndians, 4ith both medicinal and
supernatural properties- A small chip placed o2er a 4ound is said to relie2e the pain and stop the bleedin"- 5f placed
behind the ears and secured b& a cord, it is said to stop headaches- Chips or sha2in"s are placed in rum for a malaria
PS#.#UM /U,A0A 0-' /ua2a ()* /ua&aba (,)* Nulu ()* $uri,o () - The edible fruit, often laden 4ith ma""ots, is said
to ma.e the eater smell li.e a bedbu"- 5t is used to ma.e 4ines and ,ellies- The roots are eaten in soup- The lea2es
are che4ed to relie2e toothache and are used as a cataplasm, astrin"ent, anticholeric, antidiarrhetic, and
anticatarrhic- %ild fruits are supposed to expel phle"m, cut cholera, and impro2e ,aundice- 5t is one in"redient for
respirator& ailments amon" Choco children ()- 5t is also used to fatten pi"s-
PSOPHOCARPUS "E"RA/O!OLOBUS C-' /oa bean () - /reen pods are eaten li.e strin" beans* roasted ripe
seeds are also eaten 4ith rice- the lea2es and &oun" sprouts, containin" about CE protein, are used in soups* A
fun"us in certain parts of the 4orld causes s4ellin" or "alls 4hich are eaten after steamin"-
$S!R5AS5S' A chronic disease in 4hich red scal& patches de2elop- Treated 4ith Anacar$ium' Carica' Cassia'
PS-CHO"R#A COOPER# Standl-' Amar"a ()- 6sed as a decoction in the Choco for rheumatism-
PS-CHO"R#A EME"#CA 0-f-' ;alse ipecac ()* Raicilla ()- The roots, "athered as an emetic and pur"ati2e (), are
probabl& used as an adulterant of ipecac-
P"ER#.#UM A2U#L#!UM <uhn' Brac.en fern ()* =elecho ()* =elecho de a"uilo () (;i"- MC9)- Rootstoc.s and 2er&
&oun" plants are edible after" to remo2e a toxic principle abundant in older plants- the& are used to destro&
tape4orm- 6nder"round stems contain mucila"e and starch, 4hich b& 4ashin" and poundin", &ields a dou"h for" breadstuffs- The fern ma& cause stomach cancer of or"anisms, includin" #apanese, 4ho in"est it- Co4s 4ho
in"est it ma& pass on the carcino"en in their mil.-
P"EROCARPUS O))#C#!AL#S #ac+-' Blood4ood ()* ra"on blood tree ()* Eterre2a ()* =ue2o de "ato ()* <anirabe
()* Sabroso ()* San"re dra"o () - Seeds and flo4ers of some Asian species are eaten- The 4ood has ser2ed as floats
for fishnets- The resin is considered astrin"ent and hemostatic-
P"EROCAULO! ALOPECURO#.ES C-' 7enadillo "rande ()
$u' Conost%e%ia ()
$udreore,a' #pomoea ()
$udreore,a de pla&a' #pomoea ()
$uero' Ochroma ()
$uesilde' 2uassia ()
$uipute' Casearia ()* )orestiera ()* 1ylosma ()
$u,a"uito' Cornutia ()
$u,amo' Aiphanes ()
$ulatar' Peres+ia ()
$ul"uera' .alea ()
$ulisa' Eupatorium ()
$ul+ue' A%ave ()
$umbo' Sature6a ()
$' Cucurbita ()
$umpum ,uche' Pachira ()
$unch berr&' Myrcia ()
PU!#CA /RA!A"UM 0-' $ome"ranmate ()* /ranada () - The fruit, edible and easil& fermented, is "ood for
stoppin" bleedin"- The seeds are astrin"ent, refri"erant, and stomachic- The bar., esepciall& of the root, is "ood for
expellin" tape4orm-
$unta de lan3a' 0ismia ()
$unta de sar2ia' Miconia ()
$unte candado' Pouteria ()
$unte cascarillo' Min7uartia ()
$untero' An$ropo%on ()* Haparrhenia ()
$unua' .ioscorea ()
$unula' 2uararibea ()
$unur' Stromanthe ()
$uppur' Montrichar$ia ()
$upuchiru' 0itex ()
$upuna' /uilielma ()
$upuna bra2a' Bactris ()
$upuna sil2estre' Sya%rus ()
$urca' Polymnia ()
$ur"a' An$ira ()
$ur"acion' Lonchocarpus ()
$ur"a de huane' ,atropha ()
$ur"a $erro' Hyptis ()
$uri,o' Psi$ium ()
$6R/AT57E' A substance to relie2e constipation- Aleurites' Allaman$a' Aloe' Ananas' An$ira' Annona' Ar%emone'
Artemisia' Asclepias' Bocconia' Caesalpinia' Carapa' Cassia' Chlorophora' Clematis' Clitoria' Clusia' Costus'
Crescentia' .avilla' .repanocarpus' Eclipta' Eu%enia' Euphorbia' )evillea' /enipa' Hernan$ia' Hippomane'
#pomoea' #sotoma' ,atropha' Lu&&a' Melia' Mimosa' Mirabilis' Morin%a' Ophio%lossum' Pe$ilanthus' Phyllanthus'
Plumba%o' Psychotria' Ricinus' Rumex' Solanum' Spi%elia' "amarin$us' "hevetia' "richilia' Zamia-
$urple heart' Pelto%yne ()
$urple mombin' Spon$ias ()
$urple nutsed"e' Cyperus ()
$urple 4reath' Petrea ()
$urra' Cli$emia ()
$urre' Conoste%ia ()
$urslane' Portulaca ()
$urua' Cyperus ()
$usle&' Portulaca ()
$usui' Oenocarpus ()
$utalar' Peres+ia ()
$utarra' Smilax ()
$uta 2ie,a' Mimosa ()
$u&on' 1ylosma ()
P-RE!O/L-PH#S MA,OR <arst-' Blac. palm ()* Chonta (,)* 0ata ()* $alma Bra2a ()- the acidulous fruits are
occasionall& eaten- The leaflets are used for" hats on the A3uero $eninsula-
Fuano' )icus ()
2UARAR#BEA sp-' /ua&abillo ()* $unula () - The flo4ers are used to fla2or cacao- ;ruits of some species are eaten
b& most fru"i2ores, includin" man-
Fuaruba' 0ochysia
2UASS#A AMARA 0-' Fuassia ()* Bitter 4ood ()* Crucete ()* /ua2ito Amar"o ()* /ua2o ()* =ombre /rande (,)*
=ombron ()* $uesilde ()- An infusion of the 4ood in alcohol is used in $anama as a febrifu"e and in li2er and
sna.ebite remedies ()- Some Ne"roes belie2e that" the bitter tea 4ill pre2ent sna.ebite-
Fuebracho' Astronium ()
Fuebracho blanco' Hasseltia ()
Fuebro ollo' Buc7uetia ()
Fuelites' Cassia ()* ,atropha ()
Fuemacho' 1ylosma ()
Fuemadera' Spilanthes ()
Fuemasusu' Canavalia ()
Fuende' .iospyros ()
Fuera' Schra$era ()
Fuerabare' Arrabi$ea ()
Fuera2an"ue' Conoste%ia ()
2UERCUS spp-' !a. ()* Roble (,)- !a.s are hi"h altitude species in 0atin America- Acorns are a fa2orite 4ith most
fru"i2ores, but the& can be harmful to sheep- Else4here the &ield of acorn from a "ood oa. tree is said to produce
>?? lbs- por. in pi"s "ra3in" the acorns-
Fuerebere' Coupeia ()
Fuereme' Peperomia ()* Caven$ishia ()* Ro$ri%ue4ia ()* "hibau$ia ()
Fuereme de monte' Poly%ala ()
Fuerendo' Helicostylis ()
Fuesito' Malvaviscus (,)
Fuesillo' Malvaviscus ()
Fuica' Cerci$ium ()
Fuiche' /u4mania ()
Fuic.-stic.' /lirici$ia ()
Fuidi2e' Morin$a ()* Schra$era ()
Fuiebrabarri"a' "richanthera ()
Fuiebrahacha' Astronium ()* /o$oya ()* Lysiloma ()* Senecio ()* "abebuia ()
Fuiebra muelas' .rimys ()
Fuiebrao,o' Asclepias ()
Fuiebraolla' Meriana ()
Fuiebra piedras' Cuphea ()
Fuiebra plato' Crotalaria ()
Fuiera2an"ue' Conoste%ia ()
Fuimbolillo' Ca6anus ()
Fuimbolites' Phaseolus ()
Fuina' Anacar$ium ()* Cinchona ()* La$enber%ia ()* Macrocnemum ()* !ectan$ra ()* Remi6ia ()* Ron$eletia ()
Fuina amar"a' Croton ()
Fuina de Brasiol' Esenbec+ia ()
Fuinbolillo' Ca6anus ()
Fuino' Cinchona ()* Caccoloba ()
Fuinon' .rimys ()
Fuinua' Chenopo$ium ()
Fuipara' /enipa ()* Phytelephas ()
Fuipo' Cavanillesia ()
Fui+uicirri' Styrax ()
Fuira' An$ira ()* Platymiscium (,)
Fuiri"uillo' Pachira ()
Fuisi" uillo' Pachira ()
Fuis,oche' Beureria ()
Fuis+ual' 2uis7ualis ()
2U#S2UAL#S #!.#CA 0-' Ran"oon creeper () - Rarel& culti2ated in $aname, the &oun" shoots are coo.ed as a
potherb- The coconut-fla2ored ripe seeds are eaten in limited +uantities- 1oun" seeds and roots are 2ermifu"al-
Fuita manteca' Conoste%ia ()
Fuitameriendas' Colchicum ()
Fuitasol' Mauritiella ()* /unnera ()
Fuitirri' 0ernonia ()* Zexmenia ()
Fute"ato' Cassia ()
Fuiteria' Spi%elia ()
Fuitirri chico' Eupatorium ()
Fuitosol' Licania ()
Fuiura' "erminalia ()
Fui3arra' Aiouea ()* Bellotia ()* Hu&elan$ia ()* Misanteca ()* Molline$ia ()* !ectan$ra ()* Ocotea ()
Fui3arra copalchi' Croton ()
Fui3arra +uina' !ectan$ra ()
Fui3arra 3opilote' !ectan$ra ()
Rabano' Raphanus ()
Rabano de canarios' Brassica ()
Rabiatadera' Cyclanthus ()
Rabo ahorcado' Astero%yne ()* /eonoma ()
Rabo de caiman' Epiphyllum ()
Rabo de chancho' Achyranthes ()* Solanum ()
Rabo de chucha' "richomanes ()
Rabo de "allo' Carpotroche ()* /eonoma ()* Heliconia ()
Rabo de "ato' Acalypha ()* Ach&ranthes ()
Rabo de i"uana' Byttneria ()* Epiphyllum ()* Pipta$enia ()
Rabo de mico' Cyathea ()* Morisonia ()
Rabo de mono' /ouania ()* Hippocratea ()* Setaria ()
Rabo de puerco' Helicteres ()
Rabo raton' Casearia ()* Parosela ()
Rabo de 2enado' An$ropo%on ()
Rabo de 3orro' An$ropo%on ()* 0alerianoi$es ()
Radish' Raphanus ()
Rafia' Raphia ()
RA;T5N/' 0i"ht4ei"ht lo"s used in" rafts- Cavanillesia' Cocos' Ochroma-
Ra"4eed' Ambrosia ()
Raicilla' Cephaelis ()* Psychotria ()
Raichilla macho' Psychotria ()
Rai"ra' Lolium ()
Rai,on' Eu%enia ()
Rain tree' Pithecellobium ()* Samanea ()
Rai3' Chayota ()
Rai3a' #riartea ()* Socratea ()
Rai3 de chino' Smilax ()
Rai3 de color' Escobe$ia ()
Rai3 de con"o' Petiveria ()
Rai3 de pipi' Petiveria ()
Rai3 de resfrio' Scleria ()
Rai3 de resfriado' .orstenia ()
Rai3 de toro' Melochia ()
Ra,ate bien' 0itex
Rala de "allina' Capparis ()
Rama blanca' /ynoxys parvi&olia ()
Ramio' Boehmeria ()
Ramon' "rophis (,)
Ramoncillo' Myrospermum ()
Ramoon' "rophis ()
Rampacho' Clusia ()
Rampira' Carlu$ovica ()
RA!.#A ACULEA"A 0-' Box-briar ()* Corallero ()* Cruceto ()* 5n.berr& ()* Mai3 tostado ()* Maria an"ola ()* $alo de
Cru3 ()* Tintero () - The fruits, thou"h medicinal, are edible and are used to ma.e a crude in.- !ne of man&
sna.ebite remedies in Colombia-
RA!.#A ARMA"A C-' Crucillo ()* 0imoncillo ()* Mostrenco ()* Rosetillo ()- The fruits are edible, also used as a
Ran"a&' Byttneria ()
Ran"a&o' Uncaria ()
Ran"oon creeper' 2uis7ualis ()
Rapabalo' Clusia ()
Rapabarbo' Crysochalamys ()* "ovomita ()
Rapadura' Chrysochlamys ()* "ovomitopsis ()
Rapebaibo' "ovomito ()
Ra+ue' 0allea ()
RAPHA!US SA"#0US 0-' Radish ()* Rabano () - The roots, edible ra4, are ta.en 4ith 4ater and su"ar for boils ()-
1oun" seed pods are added to soups- The lea2es are used as a potherb ()- The seeds are considered diuretic,
demulcent, emmena"o"ic, laxati2e, and lilthontriptic- Around Medellin, s&rups made from radishes are used for
respirator& ailments- The lea2es are used as cataplasms for bruises, and in infusions for li2er ailments-
RAPH#A "AE.#/ERA Mart-' $inecone palm ()* $alma real ()* $an"ana ()* Rafia ()* 1olillo ()- This plant often forms
pure palm s4amps near the coast 4hich could be, but are not, tapped for palm 4ine and su"ar- 5n Antio+uia, the
fruits are said to be used for" pipes and the leaf rachises for" bo4s ()- The fronds are used as sails in
the Atrato Ri2er ()- Around 0a Nue2a, the rachises are used for fish spears-
Ra+ue' 0allea ()
Rasca' Licania ()* Manil+ara ()
Rascadera' 1anthosoma ()
Ras"a' Sene%alia ()
Ras"arras"a' Acacia ()
Raspa' Licania ()* "etracera ()
Raspador' "rema ()
Raspa "uacal' Curatella ()* Petrea ()* "etracera ()
Raspa len"ua' Casearia ()* Conoste%ia ()* Hasseltia ()
Raspberr&' Rubus ()
Raton' Rapanea ()* Roupala ()
Ratoncillo blanco' Rapanea ()
Raton ro,o' (immeria ()
Rat poison' /lirici$ia ()
Rattlebox' Crotalaria ()
RA0E!ALA MA.A/ASCAR#E!S#S Sonn-' Tra2eler8s palm ()* Arbol de 2ia,ero ()- %ater in the stems ser2e as
emer"enc&" 4ater-
Ra&a' Ser6ania ()
Ra&ado' Callian$ra ()* #n%a ()* 1ylopia ()
Ra&o' Par+ia ()
Realidad' Bri4a ()
Rebanca' Brassica ()
Recadito' Hamelia ()
Red berr&' Hamelia ()
Red head' A$enanthera ()
Red man"ro2e' Rhi4ophora ()
Red man4ood' Calocarpum ()
Redondita de a"ua' Hy$rocotyle ()
Red pepper' Capsicum ()
Red taro' Colocasia ()
Red 4ood' Platymiscium ()
Reed' Phra%mites ()
RE;R5/ERANT' A substance 4hich relie2es thirst and reduces fe2er- Ananas' Basella' Clitoria' Cocos'
Commelina' Corian$rum' Cymbopo%on' Cyno$on' Paspalum' Portulaca' Punica' Scoparia' Spon$ias' "amarin$us-
Reina del baile' Epiphyllum ()
Reina de ca"ueta' Coryanthes ()
Reina del a"ua' Miltonia ()
Reina de la noche' .atura ()
Re,al' Solanum ()
Re,al"ar' Solanum ()
Re,illo' Cuscuta ()
Re,o' S5eetia ()
Re,oncito' Ranunculus ()
Remo' 2uararibea ()
Remolacha' Beta ()
RE!EALM#A AROMA"#CA /riseb- The fruit pulp is used for fla2orin" ste4s- 5nland Cuna use it re"ularl& as a
foodstuff- The lea2es are applied to reduce inflammation- The seeds are emmena"o"ic- the ,uice is used to treat
hemorrhoids- The aromatic lea2es are used b& Choco 5ndians as an underarm deodorant ()-
RE$E00ENT ' A substance supposed to .eep bats a4a&- Allium' Petiveria-
RE$E00ENT ' A substance supposed to .eep a4a&- Allium' /enipa' !icotiana' 2uassia' Simaba-
RE$E00ENT ' A substance supposed to .eep tic.s a4a&- !eurolaena' Pothomorphe-
Repollas' Brassica ()
Repollo' Brassica ()
Repollo de a"ua' Pistia ()
Re+ueson' Alchornea ()* Cupania ()* La$enber%ia ()
Resbala mono' Bursera ()
Reseco' "Achi%alia ()
Reseda' Rese$a ()* Alyssum ()* La5sonia ()
Resina' Oenocarpus ()* Styrax ()
Resino' Miconia ()
Resuscitado' Hibiscus ()
Retama' Par+insonia ()* Spartina ()* "richilia ()
Retamo cimarron' .ie&&enbachia ()
Retamo calentano' Par+insonia ()
Retentina' A%eratum ()
Re2entadera' Bromus ()* Coriaria ()* "anaecium ()
RHAB.A.E!#A B#)LORA Muell--Ar"-' Man"ro2e 2ine ()* Cla2elito () - The lates is reputedl& 2esicant-
RHEE.#A E.UL#S Triana G $lanch-' Cero ()* Chaparron ()* #orco ()* Sastra () - The fruit is edible-
RHEE.#A MA.RU!O $lanch- G Triana' Cero ()* ;ruta mono ()* #orco ()* Machari ()* Madrona ()- The fruits are
edible, and are supposed to be "ood for cholera and ictericia- The &ello4 sap is used for treatin" ulcers and sores-
RHEUM O))#C#!ALE Baill-' Rhubarb ()* Ruibarbo ()- Not culti2ated in lo4land $anama, it is sold in $anama to
ma.e a tea for the li2er-
RH#ZOPHORA MA!/LE 0-' Red man"ro2e ()* Aili.innut ()* Man"le colorado () - the roots ha2e ser2ed as famine
food- The lea2es ma.e a tea- ried fruits can be smo.ed li.e cit"ars- ried lea2es are also smo.ed in pipes- The
4ood is reported to burn "reen- Boiled bar. &ields furniture stain- This species is a hone& plant- The bar. is
febrifu"al, expectorant, and antihemorrha"ic and enters a fol. cure for lepros&- Bro4n branches are used b&
Mulatupu Cuna to ma.e fish lines- 5n the Choco, the man"ro2e is bein" exploited for the pulp industr&- Else4here, it
is an important tannin and charcoal source- 5n $anama, it is bein" considered for telephone poles-
Rhubarb' Rheum ()
Rice' Ory4a ()
R#C#!US COMMU!#S 0-' Castor bean ()* =i"uerillo ()* $almachristi ()* Rela,ar ()* Ricino () - The oil expressed
from the seed is a dan"erous pur"ati2e, used occasionall& as a lubricant- Colombian curanderos ma& poultice the
lea2es o2er oil of coro3o to treat stomach inflammation and lepros&-
Ridiculo' Calceolaria ()
Rin"4orm' Cassia ()
Rinon' Brunellila ()
Rinon de ore,a' ,acaran$a ()
R#0EA COR-MBOSA =all-' Batatilla ()- The seeds are used else4here as a narcotic- The sap is used to coa"ulate
Ri2er4ood' Pithecellobium ()
Robanchab' 0ochysia
Roble' Cybistax ()* .ialyanthera ()* 2uercus ()* "abebuia ()* "erminalia ()
Roble amarillo' Citharexylum ()* "ecoma ()
Roble blanco' Licania ()
Roblecito' Panopus ()
Roble de monte' 2uercus ()
Roble rosada' Cinchona ()
Roble de sabana' "abebuia (,)
Rocio' Mesembryanthemum ()
Roc.rope' Cissus ()
Roc. s4eet4ood' !ectan$ra ()
Rocoto' Capsicum ()
Rodamonte' Escallonia ()
Rodilla de pollo' Boerhaavia ()
Ro,o' Hibiscus ()
Rodantes' Helipterum man%lesii ()
ROLA!.RA )RU"#COSA <unt3e' Nia"ur"in ()- The Cuna ta.e this to impro2e their" abilit& ()-
ROLL#!#A ,#ME!EZ## Safford' Anona ()* Anonilla ()* Torete ()* Tusip ()- The fruits ha2e a scant& edible pulp- The
bar. is used for corda"e ()-
Romadi3o' Siparuna ()
Romerillo' He$yotis ()* Hypericum ()
Roma3a' Rumex ()
Romero' Rosmarinus ()* .iplostephium ()* Senecio ()
Romeron' Astronium ()
Romperropa' Cor$ia ()
Ronron' Astronium ()
R!!T E5B0E-C!!<E' $lants 4hose roots or under"round parts are edible after" or processin"- Allium'
Anre$era' Arracacia' Beta' Calathea' Canna' Chayota' Colocasia' .ioscorea' #pomoea' ,atropha' Manihot'
Moranta' Morin%a' Musa' !ymphaea' Pacchyrhi4us' Phaseolus' Psi$ium' Pteri$ium' Sa%ittaria' Sechium' Sonchus'
"halia' "ypha' Ullucus' 1anthosoma' Zamia-
R!!T E5B0E-RA%' $lants 4hose under"round parts are edible unprocessed- Allium' Anti%onon' Beta' Cyperus'
Phra%mites' Raphanus-
Rosa de a"ua' !ymphaea ()
Roaslilna' Amaraboya ()* Meriania ()
Rosa laurel' !erium ()
Rosa monte' Bro5nea ()
Rosar& pea' Abrus ()
Rosa 2ie,a' Lippia ()
Rose' Rosa ()
Roselle' Hibiscus ()
Rose apple' Eu%enia ()
Rosetillo' Ran$ia ()
Roseto' 1ylosma ()
Rose4ood' .ahlber%ia ()
Roso' Bro5nea ()* 0allea ()
ROUREA /LABRA =-B-<-' Mata Ne"ro ()- The seeds are used to poison rats and humans- Sal2adoran birds called
chachas, after eatin" the seeds are said to be poisonous to man- The stems are used for corda"e-
Ro4er palm' Astrocaryum ()
Ro&al palm' Roystonea ()
Ro&al poinciana' .elonix ()
RO-S"O!EA spp-' Ro&al palm ()* $alma real ()* %aa ()- Cabba"es and fruits are consumed b& abori"ines-
Ruba' Ullucus ()
R6BBER S!6RCES' $lants 4hose latices ser2e to ma.e crude rubber- Castilla' Clusia' Hevea' Plumeria-
Rubber tree' Castilla ()
R6BE;AC5ENT' A substance producin" redness of the Abrus' Allium' Anacar$ium' Caesalpinia' Capsicum'
Car$iospermum' Clematis' Cocos' Colocasia' Cymbopo%on' .rymaria' Echino$orus' ,atropha' Lepi$ium' Morin%a'
Plumba%o' Ploy%onum-
Ruchica' Psoralea ()
Ruda' Ruta (,)* Zanthoxylum ()
Ruda macho' Protium ()
Rudillo' "a%etes ()
Rubibarbillo' Rumex ()
Ruibarbo' ,atropha ()* Rheum ()
Rue' Ruta ()
RUME1 ACE"OSELLA 0-' San"re de toro ()* 7ina"rillo () - The lea2es are eaten as a potherb-
RUME1 CR#SPUS 0-' Curl& doc ()* 7ina"rillo () - The lea2es ser2e as a potherb- The seeds ma& be tried sparin"l&
as a "rain-
Ruira' Petrea ()
Run.ra' Ce$rela ()
Ruri' Mammea ()
Rustica' Mammea ()
Rutaba"a' Brassica ()
RU"A CHALAPE!S#S 0-' Rue ()* Ruda ()
R&e' Secale ()
Saba' Sarapa ()* .ialyanthera ()* #n%a ()* Pachira ()
SABAL ALLE!## Baile&' /ua"ara ()* Soso () - The Ba&ano Cuna use &oun" leaf stal.s as a medicine for female
troubles ()- 5nland Cuna brid"es usuall& consist of three poles of "ua"ara, arien8s most 2alued thatch palm ()-
SAB#CEA H#RSU"A =-B-<-' 62a ()- The fruits afe eaten and the lea2es are used in a tea to treat 2enereal diseases in
the Choco ()-
Sabila' Aloe ()
Saborero' Phyllostylon ()
Sabroso' Pterocarpus ()
Sabto' Cor$ia ()
Sabu"a' Chrysophyllum ()
Saca manteca' Solanum ()
Saca o,o' Palicourea ()
Sacatinta' ,acobina ()* ,usticia ()
SACHARUM O))#C#!ALE 0-' Su"arcane ()* Cai ()* Cana de A3ucar ()* Cha ()* <a&a () - Su"arcane ma& be eaten
out of hand or con2erted into molasses, s&rup, soft drin.s, rum, or distilled alcohol- Those 4ho tire of these ma& find
the seeds a source of food, althou"h under plantation circumstances, the cane rarel& sets seeds- Molasses and rum
are often used to fla2or tobacco- To ma.e su"ar in the bush, crush the canes, neutrali3e 4ith crushed sea shells,
strain, and boil do4n, s.immin" off the scum on top occasionall&- Amon" the Ba&ano Cuna, cane is s+uee3ed in a
press and the ,uice consumed dail&- These and the lo4land Cuna probabl& ha2e a hi"her cacne consumption than
other ethnic "roups- Alon" the Rio Sabana, abo2e Sante ;e, it is ille"al to ma.e "uarapo fuerte 4ithout permission
from 0a $alma, but man& Choco and Cuna houses ha2e their o4n cane mills - ;rom the expressed ,uices the& ma.e
a host of be2era"es- Choco sometimes feed the "rist to the ho"s- Around !cu, it is used as a fish poison- Cune
sometimes use it for fuel- The root is considered demulcent and diuretic- Su"ar has been successfull& used as an
antidote in case of poisonin" b& arsenic, copper, or corrosi2e sublimate- ;ibers obtained from the plant ha2e been
used to lash lo"s to"ether and the "rass itself is used as a thatchin" material-
Sacuan,oche' Plumeria (,)
Saffron' Crocus ()
Sa"e' Salvia ()
Sa"e, 4hite' Lantana ()
SA/#""AR#A sp-' Arro4leaf ()* Saetea de a"ua () - The tubers can be coo.ed, dried, and "round to form a starch-
1oun" lea2es and flo4er stal.s ma& be tried as an emer"enc& ration- Bruised lea2es are applied as a poultice to
infected sores, chronic itch, and sna.e and insect bites-
Sa"u' Maranta (,)* Phytelephas ()
Sahinillo' .ie&&enbachia ()* )re4iera ()
Sahumerio' Styrax ()
Saint #ohn8s bread' Enta$a ()
Sai2o' Erythrina ()
Sa,alda"ua' Carlu$ovica ()
Sa,anillito' Eurya ()
Sa,anillo' Cleyera ()
Sa,ino blanco' /oupia ()
Ca,o' Campnosperma ()
Saladero' Pachira ()
Salado' Cliba$ium ()* 0ochysia ()
Salamo' Calycophyllum (,,)
Salero' Pachira ()
SALMEA SCA!.E!S C-' Barbasco ()* uerme boca (,)* Salta-afuera ()* 7erbesina ()- this plant is che4ed to
alle2iate toothache* it is also used as a fish poison-
Salta-afuera' Salmea ()
SA0T S!6RCE' A plant that ma& be con2erted into a salt substitute- Achyranthes' A$ansonia' Avicennia' Ceiba'
Heliconia' Heliotropium' ,atropha' Musa' Pentaclethra' Pistia-
Salton' Marina ()
Salt4ort' Batis ()
Sal2adero' Hura ()
Sal2ia' Bu$$le6a ()* Eupatorium ()* Hyptis ()* Lippia ()* 0ernonia ()
Sal2ia amar"a' Eupatorium ()
Sal2ia blanca' Bu$$le6a ()
Sal2ia "a2ilana' !eurolaena lobata ()
Sal2ia de monte' Acalypha ()
Sal2ia de la pla&a' Croton ()
SAL0#A OCC#.E!"AL#S S4-' Cansa perro ()* Corrimiento ()* 5naosi () - the lea2es are used b& the Cuna to treat
bac. pains* other nati2es used the plants to cure toothache-
Sal2ia santa' Bu$$leia ()
Sal2ia 2ir"en' Bu$$leia ()
Sal2illa cimarrona' Cor$ia ()
Sal2io' Cor$ia ()
Sama"uare' Pithecellobium (,)* Samanea ()
Saman' Enterolobium ()* Pithecellobium (,)* Samanea ()
SAMA!EA SAMA! Merrill' Rain tree ()* Campano ()* /eni3aro ()* Saman ()* Sama"uare () - The pods of this hone&
tree ser2e as cattle fodder- There is a s4eetish pulp () about the poisonous seeds- A decoction of the bar. is reputed
to be "ood for intestinal colds-
Sama+ue' Coro4o ()
Sambo"um' Clusia ()* Symphonia (,,)
SAMBUCUS ME1#CA!A $resl-' Elder (,)* Sauco (,)- The flo4ers ma& be tried coo.ed in batter- The fruits are
Sanale"o' 0ernonia ()
Sanalotodo' Arcytophyllum ()* Baccharis ()
Sanatonia' Calycophyllum ()
Sancho-arana' Bravaisia ()
Sanci' Coriaria ()
Sandal' Cassia ()R
Sandalo' Cassia ()* Myroxylon ()
Sandal4ood' Santalum ()
Sandbox tree' Hura ()
Sandbur' Cenchrus ()
Sande' Brosimum ()
Sandia' Citrullus ()* Elaterium ()
Sandia cimarron' Passi&lora ()
Sandillita' Melothria ()* Pittiera ()
Sandolo' Cassia ()
Sandpaper tree' Curatella ()
San"re' Croton ()* Licania ()* Pterocarpus ()* 0irolia ()
San"re blanco' !ectan$ra (,,)
San"re de dra"o' /lirici$ia (,)* Pterocarpus ()
San"re"ao' Pterocarpus ()
San"re de "allina' 0ismia ()
San"re"allo' Croton ()* Pterocarpus ()
San"re de perro' 0ismia ()
San"re de toro' Chrysochalmys ()* .ialyanthera ()* Rumex ()* 0irola ()
San"re"ado' Pterocarpus (,,)
San"re"ado falso' Pentaclethra ()
San"rillo' Croton ()* Platymiscium ()* Pterocarpus ()* 0ismia ()
San"rillo ne"ro' .ialium ()* Paramachaerium ()
San"rito' 0ismia ()
San"ro' 0ismia ()
San"uinaria' Alternanthera ()* Oxalis ()* Lantana ()
Sandi"ual' Achimenes ()
San #oa+uim' Hibiscus ()
San #ose' Celosia ()
San #uan' "urnea ()
San #uanillo' Heliconia ()* Hyptis ()
San #uanito' Renealmia ()* 0allea ()
San Matias' Protium ()
San Mi"uel' Bla+ea ()
San Mi"uel blanco' Bla+ea ()
San $edro' Allophylus ()
San Rafael' Senecio ()* Zinnia ()
San Rafaelito' Lantana ()
Sansapote' Licania ()
SA!SE0#ER#A /U#!EE!S#S %illd-' Sna.e plant ()* Mapana ()* Sanseviera () (;i"- MIM)- The sna.e plant is
culti2ated, as in 0as $erlas, 4here it is re"arded as a sna.ebite cure ()-
Santa Clara' Solanum ()
Santa 0ucia' A%eratum ()* Alomia ()* Eupatorium ()* Petrea ()* "urnera ()
Santa Maria' Baccharis ()* Calophyllum ()* Liabum ()* Miconia ()* Piper ()* Pothomorphe ()
Santa ne"rito' Lantana ()
Santa Rosa' "riplaris ()
Santo omin"o' Baccharis ()
Santuria' Eupatorium amy%$alinum ()
Sapa' Metasocratea ()
Sapan' Bo5$ichia ()* .iplotropis ()
Saparon' "heobroma ()
Sapa&o' Cucurbita ()
Sape' Catosti%ma ()
SAP#!.US SAPO!AR#A 0-' Soapberr& ()* Chocho ()* Chumbimbo ()* #aboncillo ()* 0imoncillo ()* Michu ()* ()* $epo () - This hone& tree is a fish poison- The seeds are used for buttons and nec.laces- The& are
po4dered and used as an insecticide- The fruits are used as a soap substitute ()- ecoctions of the roots are
astrin"ent and tonic- A leaf infusion is used to treat sna.e bites and stin" ra& 4ounds-
Sapino' /oupia ()
Sapo' Clavi6a ()* Euphorbia ()* /rias ()* "orrubia ()
Sapodilla' Achras ()* Manil+ara ()
Sapote' Calocarpum (,)* Pouteria ()* "etrathylacium ()
Sapote macho' Lucuma ()
Sapote de monte' Matisia ()
Sapotillo' Leonia ()* Licania ()* 2uararibea ()
Sapotolon"o' Pachira ()
Saptur' /enipa ()
Saptutu' Borreria ()
Sapucaia nut' Lecythis ()
Sapu&o' Cucurbita ()
Sa+uisa+ui' Ceiba ()
Sara' Copernicia ()
Saracacha' Arracacia ()
Saracontil' Chaemasenna ()
Sara"undi' Cassia (,)
Sarsparilla' Smilax ()
Sara&' Sya%rus ()
Sarcille,o' Bocconia ()
Sardinillo' "ecoma ()
Sardino' 1ylopia ()
Saril' Hibiscus ()
Sarniselo' ,ac7uinia ()
Sarno' Bocconia ()* Mauria ()
Sarpoleta' Poly%ala ()
Sarrapia' Coumarouna ()
Sarro' Cyathea ()
Sarsaparilla' Smilax ()
Sartalillo' Picramnia ()
Sasafras' Bursera ()
Sastra' Rhee$ia (,)
Satteula' "riplaris ()
SA"-R#A (ARSZE(#CZ## <lo3sch' Muela ()- The ,uic& fruits are edible-
Sauce' Casuarina ()*Oli%anthes $iscolor ()* Par+insonia ()* Salix ()* "essaria ()
Sauce blanco' "essaria ()
Sauce colorado' Salix ()
Sauce de pla&a' "essaria inte%ri&olia ()
Sauce pla&ero' "essaria ()
Sauco' Cestrum ()* Sambucus (,)* Solanum ()* 0iburnum ()
Sauco blanco' Cestrum ()
Sauco macho' Protium ()* Solanum ()
Sauco de monte' Ae%iphila ()* 0iburnum ()
Sauco ne"ro' Cestrum ()
Sau"a' Carlu$ovica ()
SAURAU#A SCABRA =-B-<-' ulumoco ()* 0ulumoco ()* Mo+uillo ()- The fruits are edible-
Sausa"etree' *i%elia ()
Sau3a' Salix ()
Sa2i' #n%a ()
Sa2ila' Aloe ()
Sa4"rass' Mariscus ()
SCAB5ES' An itchin" disease of the caused b&a burro4in" mite- Treated 4ith Man%i&era' "erminalia'
Scarlet bush' Hamelia ()
Scar2o' "heobroma ()
SCHEEL#A BU"-RACEA <arst-' Coro3o ()* Coro3o de puerco ()* Cuesco ()* Curumuta ()* $alma real ()* $alma de
2ino ()- The cabba"e is eaten coo.ed- this "ood 4ine palm has a "ood oil seed- The seed is eaten in the Cauca 7alle&
but usuall& mashed and mixed 4ith roast "reen plantain, formin" a dish called san"o-
SCHEEL#A ZO!E!S#S Baile&' Coro3o ()* Manaca ()* $alma real ()* $alma de 2ino ()- The seeds are rich in oil- A
palm 4ine is made from the sap- The lea2es are used for thatch-
SCHUL"ES#A L#S#A!"HO#.ES Benth- G =oo.-' Sulfatillo ()- 5n Sal2ador this species is used as a remed& for
SC#A.O.E!.RO! E1CELSUM /riseb-' #obo de 0ar"arto ()- 5n $anama, the petioles are used for" bird
SCOPAR#A .ULC#S 0-' Escoba dulce ()* Escobilla amara"a ()* S4eet broom () - This is a common 4eed- #amaicans
claim that puttin" branches in" 4ater .eeps it cool- Cataplasms 4ith salt are used to treat the s4ellin" of
sna.ebite in Colombia ()- The plant is also used for 2enereal disease-
Scotch ebo' Hieronyma
Scre4pine' Pan$anus ()
SCRE%%!RMS' 0ar2ae or ma""ots of certain flies that burro4 in the li2in" bod&- Treated 4ith Annona'
Asclepias' Chenopo$ium' .racontium' )unastrum' Morin%a' !icotiana' Oxalis' Prioria' Protium' "heobroma-
Sea almond' "erminalia ()
Sea bean' Caesalpinia ()* Canavalia ()* Enta$a ()
Sea "rape' Coccoloba ()
Sea oats' Uniola ()
Sea purslane' Sesuvium ()
Search-m&-heart' Miconia ()
Sebillo' .ialyanthera ()* Osteophloem ()* 0irola ()
Sebo' Compsoneura ()* .ialyanthera ()
Sebo-capsi' Osteophloem ()
SECALE CEREALE 0-' R&e ()* Centeno ()- R&e is an important "rain source for food, beer, and alcohol, especiall&
in the temperate 3ones- 5t is not e2ident alon" the routes-
SECH#UM E.ULE S4-' Cha&ote (,)* Alchoncha ()* Cidrapapa ()* Cidra&ote ()* =uis+uila () - 0ea2es and &oun"
shoots contain about 9E protein- The seeds are also eaten-
Secua' )evillea ()
Secuadro' Protium ()
SECUR#.ACA .#0ERS#)OL#A Bla.e' Be,uco amarrar ()* Be,uco mulato ()- The 2ine is used for corda"e to treat
2enereal diseases-
Seda' Asclepias ()* Calotropis ()
SEAT57E' A substance used to +uiet a person or put him to sleep- Achyranthes' Bocconia' Cannabis' Cissampelos'
Citrus' Cochlospermum' Corian$rum' .atura' Erythrina' /ossypium' Hy$rocotyle' Lactuca' Mimosa' Papaver'
Passi&lora' Pisci$ia' Sica' Solanum-
Sedati2o' Ar%emone ()
Seduatenet' Mirabilis ()
SEES E5B0E-C!!<E' $lants 4hose seeds are edible after" or processin"- Aleurites' Amaranthus'
Anacar$ium' Arachis' Avena' Chenopo$ium' Cicer' Coix' Crescentia' Cucurbita' .i%itaria' .ipteryx' Enta$a'
Enterolobium' Eu%enia' )a%opyrum' /ossypium' Hibiscus' Hor$eum' *i%elia' Lecythis' man%i&era' Meliococcus'
Morin%a' !ymphaea' Ory4a' Oxalis' Pachira' Parmentiera' Phaseolus' Pisum' Poly%onum' Ponte$eria' Portulaca'
Psophocarpus' Rumex' Scheelia' Secale' Sechium' Sesamum' Setaria' Sor%hum' Spon$ias' Sporobolus' Sterculia'
"amarin$us' "erminalia' "riticum' "ypha' Uniola' Urena' 0icia' 0ictoria' 1imenia' Zea' Zi4yphus-
SEES E5B0E-RA%' $lants 4hose seeds are edible 4ithout processin"- A$ansonia' Aiphanes' Arachis' Attaea'
Avena' Bambusa' Bertholletia' Bixa' Ca6anus' Calonyction' Carica' Caryo$en$ron' Canvanillesia' Ceiba' Cenchrus'
Chrysobalanus' Commelina' Couroupita' Cucumis' .actyloctenium' .ipterys' Eleusine' /uilielma' Hippocratea'
Hirtella' Lecythis' Panicum' Paspalum' Pennisetum' 2Auis7ualis' Sterculia' "erminalia' Zea-
SEES $!5S!N!6S' $lant 4hose seeds are toxic- Abrus=' A$enanthera=' An$ira' Avicennia' Canavalia=' Carapa'
Cassia' Cleome' .atura' Erythrina=' Clirici$ia' /ossypium' Hura=' ,atropha' Leucaena=' Mammea' Melia'
Melothria' M#rabilis' Momor$ica=' Ormosia' Pachyrhi4us' Paullinia' Plumeria' Rhynchosia=' Ricinus' Rourea'
Spi%elia' Strychnos' "hevetia- Q6sed in nec.laces-
Se"un' Allaman$a ()
Se,e' ,essenia ()
Seibo' Erythrina ()
SELA/#!ELLA sp-' =elecho * Naibe 6"i"4i ()- the plant is used b& the Cuna for female sic.ness and b& the Choco
for sna.ebite-
SELE!#PE.#UM CH#CA Reichenb- f-' 7anilla ()* Chica ()- The 2anilla-scented capsules are used li.e 2anilla-
Seler4ala' Oenocarpus ()
Semba' 1ylopia ()
SE!EC#O AB#E"#!US %edd-' $an+ue romero ()* Romero chi+uito ()
SE!EC#O )ORMOSUS =-B-<-' Arnica, Arnica de Bo"ota ()* Arnica de paramo ()
SE!EC#O /U#CA!E!S#S Cuatr-' Bas+uin ()
SE!EC#O LA!A"US C-' Chitaca ()
SE!EC#O LEHMA!!## =ieron-' Remero de monte ()
SE!EC#O MACROPH-LLUS =-B-<-' A"ua 0ibia ()
SE!EC#O M#CROCHAE"E %edd-' Romero de monte ()
SE!EC#O !#0EO;AUREUS Cuatr-' Arnica Ceni3a ()
SE!EC#O PULCHELLUS C-' Romero ()* Chi+uilla nudosa ()
SE!EC#O RU)ESCE!S C-' ;raile,on blanco ()
SE!EC#O 0ACC#!#O#.ES Sch- Bip-' /uas"uin ()
Sen de palillo' Chamae&istula ()
Senna' Cassia ()
Sensiti2a' Mimosa ()
Sensiti2e plant' Mimosa ()
Se+uarra' Eu%enia ()
Sensiti2a a"ua' !eptunia ()
Sere' Clusia ()
Seren-"ro' Hirtella ()
SER,A!#A ME1#CA!A %illd-' Barbasco ()- the plant, che4ed as a toothache remed&, is used as a fish poison-
Serpe' Coussapoa ()* Pourouma ()
Serra,a, Serra,illa' Sonchus ()
Serren Serren' Alchornea ()
Seruru' /ua4uma ()
Sesame' Sesamum ()
SESAMUM #!.#CUM 0-' Sesame ()* A,on,oli () - The seeds, made into s4eetmeats , are toasted and "round into
meal- Expressed oil is used for salads, liniments,", and illumination- The seeds are considered aperient,
aphrodisiac, cataplasmic, demulcent, diuretic, emmena"o"ic, lacto"o"ic, laxati2e, tonic, and un"uent- Sesame is
bein" in2esti"ated as a potential oil source on the A3uero $eninsula ()-
SESBA!#A /RA!.#)LORA $ers-' A"ati sesbania ()* /allito () - The flo4ers, "reen pods, and &oun" lea2es ma& be
eaten fried or in soups- The bar. is aperient, antid&senteric, emetic, and febrifu"al- The lea2es are diuretic and
laxati2e, and said to contain about D-CE protein-
Ses.alo' Solanum ()
Seso 2e"etal' Bli%hia ()
SESU0#UM POR"ULACAS"RUM 0-' Sea purslane ()* 7erdola"o rosado ()- The seeds ha2e ser2ed as a famine food-
The lea2es are eaten ra4 or pic.led or as a presalted potherb-
SE"AR#A spp-' ;oxtail "rass ()- The seeds ma.e "ood "rain substitutes-
Se2i' #n%a ()
Shame face' Mimosa ()
Shame 4eed' Mimosa ()
Shellflo4er' Alpinia ()
Shru' Mammea ()
Shum"in' /ua4uma ()
Sia' Canavalia ()
Sia.4a' "heobroma ()
Sibato' He$yosmum ()
Sibico"en' Momor$ica ()
Sibrico,en' Momor$ica ()
S#CA!A O.OR#)ERA Naud-' Casabanana ()* Chila () - The fruits, edible ra4, coo.ed, or preser2ed, are used to
scent clothin" and are hun" in bohios as a perfume-
Sicche' Zanthoxylum ()
S#C*#!/#A MA1O!## Standl-' /ua&til ()* /ua&til colorado ()* #a"ua de montana ()* %&til ()- The bar. is a febrifu"e
and pur"ati2e-
S#.A ACU"A Burm-' Escobilla ()* <4ala ()- This plant, eaten to some extent b& stoc., &ields corda"e-
S#.A RHOMB#)OL#A 0-' Escobilla ()* =ierba de puerco ()- The lea2es, used to treat stomach disorders, are
re"arded as diuretic and sedati2e- 5n Mexico, the lea2es are used as a substitute for Chinese tea- As a 2e"etable the&
contain about I-9E protein- The seeds are demulcent and emollient-
S#.ERO1-LO! sp-' Mastic ()* Tortu"o amarillo ()- The fruits are edible-
Sidseed' Paspalum ()
Siempre2i2a' Echeveria ()* /omphrena ()* Helichrysum bracteaum ()* Helipterum man%lesii ()* ,ac7uinia ()*
Peperomia ()-
S#E/ESBEC*#A COR.#)OL#A =-B-<-' Trompetilla ()
Sierra' Rapanea ()
Sietecamisas' #pomoea
Siete cascas' Machaerium ()
Siete colores' Lantana ()
Siete cueros' Lonchocarpus (,)* Machaerium ()* Meriana ()* "ibouchina ()
Si"in' )icus ()
Si"ua' Citharexylum ()* !ectan$ra ()* Phoebe ()
Si"ua amarillo' !ectan$ra ()* Ocotea ()
Si"ua blanca' !ectan$ra (,) Phoebe ()
Si"ua canela' !ectan$ra ()* Ocotea (,)
Si"ua ne"ro' !ectan$ra ()
Si"uaton' Licaria ()
Si.ra' Byrsonima ()' .iphysa ()
Silbadero' /eo&&roea ()
Silbo-silbo' He$yosmum ()
Silencio' Bu$$le6a ()
Silion' Lucuma ()
Sil. cotton tree' Ceiba ()
Sil. oa.' /revillea ()
Sillo' "orrubia ()
Sil2a-sil2a' He$yosmum ()
S#L-BUM MAR#A!UM /aertner' Cardo espinoso ()* Cardo santo ()* Cardodn morado ()
S#MABA CE.RO! $lanch-' Cedron ()- The seeds are re"arded as a fe2er and sna.ebite cure ()- The& 4ere formerl&
exported from Costa Rica- 5n colombia, the fruits are used in colic and malaria cures ()- Althou"h bitter, the fruit is
eaten b& some fru"i2ores ()- Cuna po4der the fruits or mai.e a tea of the lea2es roots to protect a"ainst or
other enemies-
S#MAROUBA /LAUCA C-' Aceituno (,,,)* !li2o ()* Simaruba ()- The 4ood burns "reen, and the bar. is
antimalarial- The oil-rich fruits are edible and attract man& birds, e-"-, chachalachas, fl&catchers, motmots, and
thrushes- The oil is used for" and soap-
Simaruba' Simarouba ()
Sindarure' Euphorbia ()
Sin"ra' .iphysa ()
Sin.ra' Platymiscium ()
Sinomas' Musa ()
Sinta' Calyptro%yne ()
S#PARU!A /U#A!E!S#S Aubl-' =ierba de pasmo ()* 6rcu"alabili ()- This species, a remed& for colic, .ills 2ermin
on fo4l- The San Blas use it for sna.ebite and colds ()- Colombian curanderos use it for headache, often mashed in
alcohol and placed o2er the forehead ()- 0a Nue2a Ne"roes drin. a leaf infusion for rheumatic pains-
S#PARU!A !#CARA/UE!S#S =eml-' %ild coffee ()* 0imoncillo () - Crushed lea2es ma.e an aromatic tea used to
treat colds and rheumatism- The lea2es are placed o2er headaches-
S#PARU!A PAUC#)LORA A-C-' $asmo ()* $asmo tetano ()- This is used b& the Choco to cure chills in 4omen and
b& the Cuna for fe2er- %estern $anamanians in arien use the lea2es in a tea or bath to treat intermittent fe2er, "rip
and probabl& malarial chills-
Sipia' Cassia ()
Sirena' Pistia ()
Sirin' Miconia ()
Sirin"a' Hevea ()
Sirpe' Pourouma ()
Sirsisi,o' Passi&lora ()
Sir2ulaca' Bi$ens ()* Melampo$ium ()* Melanthera ()* Simsia ()* Spilanthes ()
Sisin' Ceiba ()
Siuta' Calyptro%yne ()' Byrsonima ()
S.uarbon' Bellucia ()
S.ullcap' Scutellaria ()
Slipper plant' Pe$ilanthus ()
SLOA!EA spp-' Casaco ()* Terciopelo ()* Kopilote () - Nuts of certain species are edible thou"h sometimes
surrounded b& stin"in" hairs- The 4ood of some species burns 4hen "reen-
Smart4ood' Poly%onum ()
SM#LA1 MOLL#S =-GB-' /reenbrier ()* $ate ()- The &am-li.e roots are used as a fish poison- !ther species find
their 4a& into home remedies for s&philis, lepros&, etc-
SM#LA1 sp-' China ()* Chinese root ()* Rai3 de Chino () - Said to be a remed& for sterilit& in barren 4omen-
SNA<EB5TE C6RES' $lants used in treatment of sna.ebite- Achyranthes' Aristolochia' Cassia' Chiococca'
Cissampelos' Clavi6a' .oxantha' Mi+ania' Morin%a' Musa' Opuntia' Petiveria' Philo$en$ron' 2uassia' Sa%ittaria'
Sansevieria' Sapin$us' Scoparia' Simaba' Siparuna' "ussacia-
Sna.e root' Aristolochia ()
Sno4bush' Phyllanthus ()
So' Bixa ()
Soapberr&' Sapin$us ()
S!A$ $0ANTS' Cleansin" plants used to produce a lather of saponin- A$enanthera' Ar%emone' Aristolochia'
Avicennia' Batis' Calopo%onium' Carapa' Costus' .ipterys' Enta$a' Enterolobium' /ouania' Hampea' ,atropha'
Momor$ica' Pentaclethra' Phytolacca' Sapin$us' Simarouba' Spon$ias' Urena' 0irola' Zea-
Socorrocloso' Crataeva ()
SOCRA"EA .UR#SS#MA %endl-' Stilt palm ()* #ira ()* Ma+uen+ue ()- The cabba"e is edible- The spin& stilt roots
are used to "rate coconut- the outer 4ood is used to ma.e the resilient floors of Choco houses* these floors are more
li.e a combination mattress-floor and are softer than man& arien beds ()-
Soila' Prioria (),o' ,essenia ()
Solacra' Mouriri ()
SOLA!UM ALLOPH-LLUM Standl-' Bleo de "alero ()* =ierba de "allina3o ()* =ierba "allota ()- The lea2es are
used in salads and meat dishes in Colombia-
SOLA!UM .#0ERS#)OL#UM Schlecht-' ;rie"a plato ()* =ue2o de "ato ()* Sunsumba ()- The &oun" "reen fruits are
eaten 4ith salt- The lea2es are used to 4ash dishes and as a lepros& cure-
SOLA!UM ,AMA#CE!SE Mill-' ;rie"a plato ()* =ue2o de "ato ()- The plant is used as a lepros& cure-
SOLA!UM MAMMOSUM 0-' ;rie"a plato ()* $ichichio (,)* Re,al"ar ()* Tapaculo ()* Tetilla ()- The fruits of this
diuretic plant are used b& the Choco to poison coc.roaches- Else4here, the seeds are emplo&ed in cold treatments
and leaf decoctions in .idne& and bladder diseases-
SOLA!UM MELO!/E!A 0-' E""plant ()* Beren,ena () - Sold in $anama mar.ets, the ripe fruits are coo.ed* &oun"
ones are pic.led-
SOLA!UM !#/RUM 0-' Blac. ni"htshade ()* =ierba mora ()* <abur"ia ()* $intamora () (;i"- MDM)- The berries are
reputed to be both poisonous and edible ()- The lea2es and tender shoots, boiled li.e spinach, contain about CE
protein- The ,uice is re"arded as alterati2e, cathartic, diuretic, and h&dra"o"ic, and is used for bladder and .idne&
pains and in 2iruloent "onorrhea and lepros&- The leaf is che4ed to cure ulcers of the mouth and ton"ue- The plant is
also used for baths for pre"nant 4omen- 5n the Choco, it is used for diseases of the spleen and li2er, also to 4ash
SOLA!UM PARCEBARBA"UM Bitter' =o,a hedionda ()* Sauco ()- This species is used as a remed& for fe2er and
colds- Amon" the Tupisa Choco, the lea2es are used for li2er ailments-
SOLA!UM 2U#"OE!SE 0am-' 0ulo (,) - Culti2ated b& Choco, the fruit is eaten ra4, but ma& also be mixed 4ith
cane ,uice to ma.e an unfermented chicha-
SOLA!UM "UBEROSUM 0-' $otato ()* /uata ()* Mer"i.ulalu ()* $apa ()* $atata ()* Turma ()- The tubers are edible
coo.ed, but the plant does not "ro4 in the lo4lands-
Solera' Cor$ia ()* /uatteria ()
Solitario' Muehlenbec+ia ()
Sombrerillo' Hy$rocotyle ()
Sombrerito' Aristolochia ()* Hy$rocotyle ()
Sombrerito del diablo' Cephaelis ()
Sombrero chino' Holms+iol$ia ()
Somnas' Solanum ()
SO!CHUM OLERACEUS 0-' So4 thistle ()* Cerra,a ()* Serra,a ()* Serra,a lechosa ()* Cerra,a "rande ()* iente de
leon lechoso ()- The &oun" shoots ser2e as a potherb- The roots of some species are eaten after"-
Sonco&a' Annona ()
Son"uo' Bixa ()
Sonora' Lantana ()
Sonora ro,a' Lantana ()
Sontol' Cymbopo%on ()
Son3apote' Licania ()
S!$!R5;5C' A substance producin" sleep- Achras' Allium' Capparis' Erythrina' /lirici$ia' Lucuma' Passi&lora'
Phytolacca' Pisci$ia' "urnera-
So+uete' #ryanthera ()
Sorbetano' Monnina ()
S!RE T=R!AT' A pain or itch in the throat- Abrus' A$enanthera' Anacar$ium' Bric+ellia' Caesalpinia' Cocos'
Pe$ilanthus' Petiveria' Punica' Rhi4ophora' Sechium' Spon$ias' "amarin$us-
SOR/HUM B#COLOR Moench-' <afir corn ()* Mai3 millo ()- The seeds are a "ood "rain, sometimes culti2ated in
$anama, 4here the stems are used in" brooms-
Sornia' Biechum ()* .icliptera ()
Soro' Castilla ()* Enterolobium ()* "heobroma ()
Sorocontil' Cassia ()
Soro"a' 0ochysia ()
Soroncontil' Cassia ()
Sorosi' Momor$ica (,,)
Sorrocloco' Crateva ()
Sorti,a' Eu%enia ()
Sosita' Carlu$ovica ()
Sos.ia' 1iphi$ium ()
Soso' Carlu$ovica ()* Sabal ()
Sotacaballo' Ar$isia ()* /uarea ()* #n%a ()* Pithecellobium ()
Soterre' Lantana ()
Soto' 0irola ()
Sotobos+ue' Calathea ()
Souca' "richilia ()
Sour "rass' Oxalis ()
Sour oran"e' Citrus ()
Soursop' Annona ()
So4 thistle' Sonchus ()
So&' /lycine ()
So&a' /lycine ()
Spanish ba&onet' -ucca ()
Spanish cedar' Ce$rela ()
Spanish da""er' -ucca ()
Spanish elm' Colubrina ()
Spanish lime' Melicoccus ()
Spanish moss' "illan$sia ()
Spanish needles' Bi$ens ()
SPA"H#PH-LLUM PHR-!##)OL#UM Schott' =uisna& ()* 0irio ()- the tender &oun" are coo.ed 4ith e""s as
a 2e"etable, and ha2e been eaten ra4 4ith no bad effects ()- 0ea2es and &oun" shoots contain :-CE protein-
SPA"HO.EA CAMPA!ULA"A $-Beau2-' Tulip tree ()* Tulipan () - The 4in"ed seeds are said to be more or less
edible, &et animals are said to die from a decoction of the core of the fruit- The flo4er buds contain a s4eet, 4ater&
li+uid that is considered tonic- The bar. is used for d&senter& and ulcers, and as a stomachic- An infusion is used as
an enema for bac.ache- A leaf infusion is used for urethal inflammation-
S$5CE' A substance used to add fla2or to food, be2era"e, or tobacco- Allium' Bixa' Calocarpum' Capparis'
Capsicum' Cinnamomum' Citrus' Corian$rum' Curatella' Curcuma' Cymbopo%on' Momor$ica' Myristica'
Myroxylon' Ocimum' Peperomia' Piper' 2uararibea' Renealmia' Selenipe$ium' Sesamum' "heobroma' 0irola'
Spiderlil&' Hymenocallis ()
Spider4ort' "ra$escantia ()
SP#/EL#A A!"HELM#A 0-' %orm"rass ()* Caricia ()* /uambia ()* 5nanusu ()* 0ombricera ()* Fuiteria () - The
lea2es repel coc.roaches and flies- The seeds are poisonous to cattle and man- The roots are poisonous, but are used
in small doses as a 2ermifu"e- Cuna claim to use the root for executin" criminals ()- 5n li"ht doses, the& use them for
stomach aches- Choco use the plant as a pur"ati2e (), and Ne"roes from the Choco us it as a cure for 4orms in
Spi.erush' Eleocharis ()
SP#LA!"HES AMER#CA!A =ieron-' Botoncillo ()* Chisaca ()* Chisaca de cafetal ()* 1u&o +uemado ()* Ri3aca ()*
Boton de oro ()* Chisaca calentano ()* Botonsillo ()* Santa Maria ()- The lea2es, edible ra4 or coo.ed, are used b&
Tupisa Choco for li2er ailments-
SP#LA!"HES OC-M#)OL#A A-=-Moore' Sir2ulaca () - The roots are che4ed as a toothache remed&-
Spinach, Ce&lon' Basella ()
Spinach, Chinese' #pomoea ()
Spin& cedar' Bombacopsis ()
Spirit4eed' Eryn%ium ()
SPO!.#AS PURPUREA 0- and SPO!.#AS MOMB#! 0-' $urple mombin ()* Ciruelo ()* 1ello4 mombin ()* Cana,o
()* #obo ()* #ocote ()* Sua ()- S3 mombin, .no4n in En"lish as the &ello4 mombin or ho"plum, and in $anamanian as
,obo, is 2er& common in culti2ation and in second "ro4th in arien and Choco- 5t is often planted as a shade tree or
li2in" fence post- The purple mombin, .no4n also as Spanish plum in En"lish, and as ciurela and ,ocote in
$anamanian, is also common in second "ro4th forests- ;ruits of both are relilshed b& cattle and man ali.e, but the
&ello4 mombin is smaller and inferior in taste- The fla2or is impro2ed b&" or fermentin"- Man&
con+uistadores sur2i2ed on ,obos alone for da&s at a time- The purple mombin is eaten "reen or ripe, ra4 or coo.ed-
A be2era"e prepared from the fruit lasts a &ear or more- /reen fruits are pic.led in Colombia 4ith 2ine"ar- The acid
lea2es are edible, and the sour shoots ma& be eaten ra4 or coo.ed- The& contain about C-CE protein- Some sa& the
seeds are also edible- ;lo4er clusters of other species ha2e ser2ed as a 2e"etable or salad- Buds are eaten as a
2e"etable in Trinidad- %hen fresh 4ater 4as una2ailable, con+uistadores dran. 4ater from the roots of S3 mombin-
5ts ashes ha2e been used in" soap- The trun.s are occasionall& used for du"outs- The roots are re"arded as
febrifu"al, and leaf decoctions are used for colds, fe2ers, and "onorrhea, and to clean 4ounds- A decoction of the
bar. is considered antiseptic-
Spon"e"ourd' Lu&&a ()
SPOROBOLUS spp-' ropseed ()- The seeds ser2e as a famine food-
Spur"e' Euphorbia ()
S+uare tree' Pseu$obombax ()
S+uash' Cucurbita ()
S"ACH-"ARPHE"A ,AMA#CE!S#S /ardn-' Bra3ilian tea ()* $orter4eed (,)* Cola de millo ()* Simbunu"it ()*
7erbena () - The plant is used to ma.e a tea and as an adulterant- 5n $uerto Rico, it is used to pre2ent baldness- 5n
arien, mixed 4ith lea2es of Pothomorphe and Hyptis, it is boiled in 4ater, mixed 4ith alcohol, brou"ht to room
temperature, and used as a bath for children8s fe2er- The plant is belie2ed to be an emmena"o"ue-
Stacuo"ro' A$ipera ()
Star apple' Chrysophyllum ()
Star "ooseberr&' Phyllanthus ()
Star plum' Chrysophyllum ()
S"E#RAC"#!#A ASPERA Cuatr-' Chilca ()* Cla2ellinito ()
S"E#RAC"#!#A O0E.AEO#.ES Bla.e' ;lor de Na2idad ()
S"EMO.#A PAR0#)LORA Ait-' =ierba santa ()- The plant is emplo&ed as a toothache remed& in Costa Rica-
S"ERCUL#A APE"ALA <arst-' $anama tree ()* Cama,onduro ()* <upu ()* $anama ()* $inon () - The seeds of this
hone& plant are edible roasted ()- These 4ere a standb& 4ith the con+uistadores durin" hard times in the earl& da&s
of $anama- The& are a fa2ored pi" food- /round seeds are mixed 4ith 4ater to form a be2era"e- The hairs inside the
fruit are 2er& irritatin"- The bar. is used in a home remed& for malaria, and the lea2es are said to pre2ent fallin" hair-
A be2era"e prepared from the bar. is said to be similar to the morure used b& the nati2es around 5+uitos-
ST5M60ANT' A substance that increases the function of an or"an- Aleurites' Alternanthera' Allilum' Ananas'
Annona' Artemisia' Bursera' Caesalpinia' Car$iospermum' Chrysophyllum' Co&&ea' Colocasia' Cor$ia' .o$onaea'
.orstenia' .rimys' .rymaria' Eichhornia' Elephantopus' Epiphyllum' Eryn%ium' Hibiscus' Hyptis' #n$i%o&era'
Lantana' Lippia' Lepi$ium' Mammea' Morin%a' Ocimum' Paullinia' Pectis' Pluchea' Punica' 2uassia' Sapin$us'
Sesamum' Simaba' "amarin$us' "ecoma' "heobroma' "urnera' 1ylopia' Zanthoxylum' Zin%iber-"-toe' Cassia ()
ST!MAC=5C' A "astric stimulant- Allium' Carica' Cassia' Cor$ia' Enta$a' Hymenaea' #n$i%o&era' Man%i&era'
Myroxylon' Punica' Spatho$ea' Symphonia-
Stran"ler fi"' )icus ()
Stra4berr&' )ra%aria ()
Stron"bac.' .esmo$ium ()
Stron"bar.' .esmo$ium ()
S"RUCH#UM SPAR/A!OPHORUM <unt3e' =ierba de fa,a ()- This species is used in soups in Africa-
S"R-CH!OS "O1#)ERA Benth-' 6rari ()- This species pro2ides an important arro4poison in"redient, rarel& if e2er
used in $anama-
ST1$T5C' A substance that curbs bleedin" ' Abrus' Bi$ens' Colocasia' Conocarpus' Cyathea' Cyathula' ,atropha'
Musa' "ypha' 0ernonia-
Su' )icus ()
Suane' Spon$ias ()
Subico,e' Momor$ica ()
Sucuan,oche' Plumeria ()
Sudan"rass' Sor%hum ()
S6!R5;5C' A substance that induces s4eatin"- Aleurites' Aristolochia' Cissampelos' /ua4uma' Man%i&era'
Suela' Pterocarpus ()
Suelda con suelda' Pseu$elephantopus ()* "ra$escanhtia ()* Elephantopus mollis ()
Su"an+uinit' Co$iaeum ()
Sueldo' )icus ()
Su"ar apple' Annona ()
Su"arberr&' Celtis ()
Su"arcane' Saccharum ()
Su"4inet' Co$iaeum ()
Suita' Calyptro%yne ()
Suiti' Annona ()* Psi$ium ()
Sunflo4er' Helianthus ()
Sun"ro' Phoebe ()
S6NSTR!<E' A stro.e due to excessi2e exposure to the sun- Treated 4ith Man%i&era' "amarin$us-
Sunsumba' Solanum ()
Sun3a' Licania ()
Supa' /uilielma ()
S6$$!S5T!R1' A solid medication to insert in an& ca2it& other than the mouth- "heobroma-
S6$$6RAT57E' A substance supposed to brin" infections to a head - Abrus' A$enanthera' Annona' Ar%emone'
Artocarpus' Bursera' Carica' Cassia' Cochlospermum' /ossypium' *allstroemia' Mirabilis' Morin%a' Protium'
Ricinus' Solanum' "amarin$us-
Sura' "erminalia ()* 0iburnum ()
Surc&' Momor$ica ()
Sure' Psi$i$um ()
Sur espino' Ormosia ()
Suribio' Pithecellobium ()
Surinam cherr&' Eu%enia ()
Surinam purslane' "alinum ()
Surix .ra' Hymenaea ()
Surra' Calycophyllum ()* "erminaliaa ()
Surrumbo' "rema ()
Surtuba' /eonoma ()
Surubre' Astrocaryum ()
Suspiro de monte' Hyptis ()
Susucan' Heliconia ()
Susumba' Solanum ()
Suu' )icus ()
Su3a' /ynerium ()
S4amp lil&' "halia ()
S(A"Z#A PA!AME!S#S Benth-' Carboncillo ()* Comene"ro ()* Cutamo ()* /ua&acan ()* Mal2ecino ()- The durable
heart4ood is used for the upri"ht beams in Choco houses-
S4eet acacia' Acacia ()
S4eet basil' Ocimum ()
S4eet broom' Scoparia ()
S4eet calabash' Passi&lora ()
S(EE"#A PA!AME!S#S Benth-' Carboncillo ()* Cua&acan ()* Mal2ecino ()- The stron" durable 4ood is used locall&
in construction- The bar. is used to treat diabetes and fe2ers-
S4eet lime' Citrus ()
S4eet oran"e' Citrus ()
S4eet potato' #pomoea ()
S4eet 4ood' #n%a ()* !ectan$ra ()* Ocotea ()* Pithecellobium ()
S(#E"E!#A MACROPH-LLA <in"' Maho"an& ()* Caoba ()* Saoba de #urado ()* Cedro carmesi ()* Cedro cebollo
()* Cedro espinoso ()* /ranadillo () - The Choco, at its borders 4ith arien, is a potential maho"an& reser2e-
S-MPHO!#A /LOBUL#)ERA 0-f-' Barillo ()* Bo"um ()* Botoncillo ()* Cerillo ()* Cero ()* $araman ()* $eraman ()*
Sambo"um ()- the fruit is edible- The latex is used for candles, torches, and", and in treatin" ulcers- The bar.
is stomachic- The lumber is not hi"h +ualit&- !rinoco 5ndians use the plant to cure headache-
Tabaca' Pithecellobium ()* Pseu$osamanea ()
Tabachin' Caesalpinia ()
Tabaco' /rias ()* !icotiana ()* "riplaris ()
Tabaco burro' Capparis ()* Morisonia ()
Tabaco cimarron' Pluchea purpurascens ()
Tabaco de monte' Bu$$le6a ()* "riplaris ()
Tabaco de la sierra' Espeletia %lossophylla ()
Tabacon' Anthurium ()* /rias ()* "riplaris ()
Tabadillato' Pavonia ()
Taba+uillo' Ae%iphila ()* Bocconia ()* Bu$$le6a ()* Miconia ()* Poly%onum ()* Urera ()* 0ernonia ()
Tabardillo' .orstenia ()
Tabari' Couratari ()
"ABEBU#A PE!"APH-LLA =emsl-' !cobo ()* Roble ()* Roble de la sabana (,)- This species, re"arded as anal"esic,
antis&philitic, and antip&retic, is a "ood timber tree, and the bar. is said to be rich in tannins-
Tabe"ua' 0irola ()
Tabena' .ioscorea ()
Tablero' Aster ()
Tablis' Chomelia ()
Tablon' Banara ()* Luehea ()
Tabonuco' Sene%alia ()
Tacaco' Pola+o5s+ia ()
Taca' Caryo$en$ron ()
Tacalon' Ar$isia ()* Coccoloba ()
Tacama,ace' Protium ()
Tacamocha' Protium ()
Taca+uillo' Echinocystis ()
Tacasco' Siparuna ()
Taca&' Caryo$en$ron ()
Tache' Myroxylon ()
Tachuelo' Berberis ()* )a%ara ()* Lacmellea ()* Machaerium ()* Solanum ()
Tachushiash' Erechtites valeriani&olia ()
Tacote' Calea ()
Tafura, tafurita' Euphorbia ()
"A/E"ES APE"ALA $osada' Ruda "allino3a ()* Ruda sil2estre de cla2ito ()
"A/E"ES EREC"A 0-' Terciopelo amarillo ()* ;lor de mu,erto ()
"A/E"ES PA"ULA 0-' Chinchimali ()* Terciopelo ()* ;lor de muerto ()* Amapola ()
"A/E"ES PUS#LLA =-B-<-' Anisillo ()
"A/E"ES "ER!#)LORA =-B-<-' Ruda dulce ()
"A/E"ES Z#PA2U#RE!S#S =-GB-' Ruda de prados ()
Ta"ua' Phytelephas (,)* Psittacanthus ()
Ta,ala"ua' Carlu$ovica ()
Ta.e' ,atropha ()
Talalate' /yrocarpus ()
Talcacao' *allstroemia ()
Tali' Ce$rela ()
"AL#!UM "R#A!/ULARE %illd-' Surinam purslane ()* 7erdola"a chi2atera ()* 7erdola"uilla () - The tender shoots
are used as a potherb ()- The plant is used as a coll&rium-
"AL#S#A !ER0OSA Radl.-' Cotupli ()* Mamon de monte () - The fruit is edible-
Tallo44ood' 1imenia ()
Tamaca' Acrocomia ()
Tamarind' Pentaclethra ()* "amarin$us ()
Tamarindillo' Oxalis ()
Tamarindo' .ialium (,)* Pithecellobium ()* "amarin$us ()
Tamarindo de monte' Callian$ra ()
Tamarindo montero o prieto' .ialium ()
"AMAR#!.US #!.#CA 0-' Tamarind ()* Tamarindo () - The tamarind, 4idespread in the tropics, tends to become
naturali3ed in xeric habitats, such as $anamanian thorn forests- Acid "umm& pulp around the seed is eaten, and
re"arded as a "ood "lood purifier and han"o2er cure in arien ()- 5t is used to ma.e curries, or, 4ith 4ater, to ma.e
be2era"e4s- The dried pulp .eeps 4ell as a "umm& cand&- 5n 4estern $anama it is mixed 4ith hone& to ma.e a
s4eetmeat ()- The seeds ma& be eaten boiled or fried, after the& ha2e been roasted, soa.ed, and carefull& peeled- The
cot&ledons ha2e a bland, mucila"inous taste- The& are made into flour b& dr&in" and "rindin"- A stron" 4ood
cement is made b& boilin" this flour in 4ater- An amber-colored oil, odorless and s4eet to the taste, ma& be
expressed from the seeds- 5t is used for illulmination and probabl& for"- /reen pods are coo.ed 4ith meat as
a seasonin" or as a 2e"etable- The seedlin", 4hen about a foot hi"h, is eaten as a 2e"etable- urin" times of scarcit&,
the lea2es are used to ma.e curries- The flo4ers, attracti2e to bees, ma& be eaten, coo.ed- The &ello4 d&e 4as
formerl& extracted from the tree- The bar. is used as a tonic and for asthma- The lea2es are used as a coll&rium,
suppurati2e, and 2ermifu"e, and in some ,aundice treatments- The antihemorrha"ic roots are used for li2er ailments
in Cuba- The flo4ers are used as a poultice in con,uncti2itis- Expressed ,uice of the flo4ers is "i2en internall& for
bleedin" piles- The fruit pulp is considered alexeritic, antirheumatic, antiscorbutic, antiseptic, aperient, cardiac,
carminati2e, di"esti2e, febrifu"al, and refri"erant- 5t is used for apoplex& and sunstro.e and is "ar"led 4ith 4ater for
sore throat- The seeds are considered antid&senteric, depurati2e, and suppurati2e-
Tambor' Cor$ia ()* Schi4olobium ()
Tame+uia' /eonoma ()
Tampacho' Clusia ()
Tanane' .iospyros ()
Tananeo' Pelto%yne ()
Tanbar.' Rhiophora ()
TANBAR<' A plant 4hose bar. produces much tannin or is used in tannin"- Albi4ia' Aspi$osperma' Avicennia'
Buci$a' Byrsonima' Cassia' Conocarpus' La%uncularia' Prosopis' Psi$ium' Rhi4ophora' "erminalia-
Tan"are' Carapa ()
Tan"erine' Citrus ()
Tan"o' Pyroste%ia ()
Tao' Crescentia ()
Taonabo' "ernstroemia ()
Tapachicha' Muntin%ia ()
Tapacula de monte' Penta%onia ()
Tapacu' Carica ()
Tapaculo' Carica ()* /enipa ()* Solanum ()
Tapaliso' Alsesi ()
Taparera' Capparis ()
Taparin' Attalea ()
Taparo' Attalea ()* Orbi%nya ()
Taparo calimeno' Attalea ()
Taparo "rande' Orbi%nya ()
Tapate' .atura ()* ,atropha ()
Tapioca' Manihot (,)
Tapo' Hibiscus ()
Ta+ue' Caryo$en$ron ()
"ARA1ACUM O))#C#!ALE %eber' iente de leon ()* Serra,a ()* andelion () (;i"- MBC)-
Tara&' Astronium ()
Tar"ua' Croton ()
Tar"uacillo' Croton ()
Tar "um' Clusia ()
Tar.4a' Colocasia ()* 1anthosoma ()
Taro' Colocasia (,)
Tarrali' Posa$aea ()
Tarria"o' Ravenala ()
Tarta&o emetico' ,atropha ()
Taru&a' Eichhornia ()
Tasi' Alsophila ()
Tasselflo4er' Emilia ()
Tatamaco' Bursera ()
Tauso' Passi&lora ()
Tauta' 6nidentified Choco medicine for e&e irritation- The plant is "rated and s+uee3ed and the exudate used as a
Te' Corchorus ()* Symplocos ()
Te de Mutis' Symplocos ()
Te de Fuindio' Alonsoa ()
TEA $0ANT' A plant that is boiled to ma.e a be2era"e- Achillea' Annona' Bursera' Citrus' Co&&ea' Coix' Coleus'
Corchorus' Cymbopo%on' He$yosmum' Lantana' Lippia' Pectis' Persea' Rhi4ophora' Si$a' Siparuna' "urnera-
Tea.' "ectona ()
Teatino' Hybanthus ()
Terberinto' Morin%a ()
Teca' "econa ()
"ECOMA S"A!S =-B-<-' 1ello4 elder ()* Copete ()* ;resnillo () - The roots, used to ma.e a beer, are a tonic and
diuretic, and used for stomach pain- This is a hone& plant-
Teel oil' Sesamum ()
Telecate blanco' Montanoa ()
Tele"rafo' Mauran$ya ()
Tema' Hymenaea ()
Tempate' ,atropha ()
Tempis+ue' .ipholis ()* Si$eroxylon ()
Templeflo4er' Plumeria ()
Ten"a' /uilielma ()
Tenidor' Miconia ()
Teocinte' Euchlaena ()
Teolo"ia' Euphorbia ()
Tepalon' Leersia ()* Panicum ()
Tepea"uacate' !ectan$ra ()
"EPHROS#A spp-' Barbasco ()* uio ()* Naa ()* Tefrosia () - These are often culti2ated as fish-poison plants-
Terciopelo' Celosia (,)* Centrosema ()* Sloanea (,)
Terciopelo amarillo' "a%etes erecta ()
Terciopelo de Santa Maria' Miconia ()
Teresa' Ron$eletia ()
Teresita' Bro5allia ()
"ERM#!AL#A CA"APPA 0-' 5ndian almond ()* Almendro () - The nut of the tropical almond here discussed is +uite
edible ra4, 4hile that of the temperate almond, Amy%$alus communis 0-, ma& be poisonous ra4- The .ernel,
difficult to remo2e from the 4ood& hus., resembles an almond in fla2or and ma& be eaten ra4 or roasted ()-
Statements that the hus. is edible seem doubtful on account of the 4ood& nature of the mature hus.- =o4e2er, it is
eaten amon" some !rinoco tribes- The seedlin"s should be a source of food- An edible oil has been expressed from
the nut and is not so li.el& to become rancid as true almond oil- 5t is used in"- After a sufficient +uantit& of
nuts ha2e been "athered, dr& in the sun for a fe4 da&s to facilitate openin"- !nce enou"h nuts ha2e been extracted,
the oil ma& be expressed b& maceration and subse+uent flotation in boilin" 4ater- Tannin and a blac. d&e can be
obtained from the bar., folia"e and fruits- 1oun" lea2es are ta.en internall& for colic- The astrin"ent bar., lea2es
and fruits are used to treat diarrhea and as a febrifu"e- A decoction of the lea2es or fruits is used for haemopt&sis-
The ,uice of &oun" lea2es is ta.en internall& for headache and externall& for scabies- Bathin" in 4ater 4ith
macerated lea2es is supposed to be "ood for the itch and external ulcers- !ne 0a $alma anti2e claimed that her
almond tree 4as .illed b& an enem& 4ho had placed a sna.e8s fan" in the tree- The timber is little used-
"ERM#!AL#A LUC#.A =offm-' /ua&abillo ()- This fa2orite fire4ood of the Choco .eeps the spar. o2erni"ht- The
4ood is used in local construction-
Terneritos' Bryophyllum ()
Terre' Croton ()
Terria"o' Phena+ospermum ()
"ESSAR#A #!"E/R#)OL#A R-G$-' Aliso ()* Ceni3o ()* Sauce de pla&a ()* Sauce pla&ero ()* !li2o ()
Teta ne"ra' "heobroma ()
Tetera' #schnosiphon ()* Stromanthe ()
Tetona' Bomarea ()
"E"RACERA spp-' Be,uco de a"ua ()* Be,uco a"ra3 ()* Be,uco "uara ()* Be,uco tome ()* Chumico ()* $asmo del sol
() - $otable 4ater ma& be obtained from most illeniaceae 2ines- The 4ater is diuretic and the bar. is considered
astrin"ent and febrifu"al- Man& fruits in the famil& are feared as poisonous-
Teu-.ra' 1imenia ()
Teuro' Citharexylum ()
"HAL#A /E!#CULA"A 0-' S4amp lil& ()* $latanillo ()- The inner part of the boiled root is edible-
T=ATC= $0ANT' A plant used for" shelter- Acrocomia' Acrostichum' Astero%yne' Attalea' Cryosophila'
/eonoma' /ynerium' Heliconia' Manicaria' Musa' Pan$anus' Phra%mites' Phytelephas' Pyren%lyphis' Sabal'
SAccharum' Scheelia-
"HEOBROMA B#COLOR =-B-<-' Bacao (,)* Culuhu ()* $ataste ()- The pulp is eaten, and the seeds are used li.e
cacao &ieldiln" an inferior chocolate, but "ood cocoa butter- The hard shells are used for crude utensils-
"HEOBROMA CACAO 0-' Cacao (,)* Cacau ()* Chocolate (,)* Sia ()* Ku.urate () - Cacao ori"inated in Central and
South American rain forests, but is no4 "ro4n throu"hout the humid tropics- The seeds ha2e ser2ed to ma.e
be2era"es for a"es amon" the 5ndians of $anama and else4here- The pulp around the seeds is edible li.e that of
most of the 4ild species found in $anama- Also, the pulp is used for alcoholic be2era"es and 2ine"ar- Se2eral other
plants are often used to fla2or the be2era"e, e-"-, the flo4ers of 2uararibea- The seeds 4ere first brou"ht to the
attention of Europeans shortl& before >CMC, 4hen the Spanish in2aders of America reported that the& 4ere used as
mone& in the Ne4 %orld, althou"h the& 4ere not used b& the nati2es for" chocolate- The dried seeds are
roasted and "round to form cocoa- chocolate is prepared b& "rindin" e2en finer, fla2orin" 4ith somethin" li.e
2anilla, and mouldin" into shape 4hile hot- The Cuna ha2e a "reat 2ariet& of be2era"es based on chocolate, and
probabl& consume more cacao than other ethnic "roups- Amon" these are chucula, 4hich is made of corn meal, ripe
plantain, and "round cacao , and cuatirre, 4hich is made of rice flour and cocoa- !chi, a chocolate and cornmeal
be2era"e, is a fre+uent be2era"e- CAcao butter, extracted b& compressin" the heated seeds, is used for
pessaries and suppositories, and for treatin" burns- Mournin" San Blas 4ido4s often burn cacao beans o2er the
"ra2e of the deceased ()- 5n female pubert& rites, burnin" beans are placed on the floor for the participant to inhale
the smo.e- $re"nant San Blas 5ndians ta.e decoctions of treen cacao pulp in the belief that it facilitates parturition-
1oun" lea2es are applied to 4ounds as an antiseptic and the flo4ers are used b& the Aili"andi Cuna to treat
scre44orm of the e&e-
"HEOBROMA PURPUREUM $itt-' %ild cocoa ()* CAcao cimarron ()* Chocolatillo () (;i"- L?>)- The pod, co2ered
4ith stin"in" hairs, has an edible pulp-
"HESPES#A POPUL!EA Soland-' $ortia tree ()* Tulip tree ()* Al"ondon de monte ()* Clemon ()* Ema,a"uilla () -
The leaf and flo4er buds are said to be edible ra4 or coo.ed- The seeds are applied to scabies and other
diseases, and are rubbed on s4ollen ,oints- The &ello4ish ,uice extracted from &oun" fruits is used to treat insect
bites, "onorrhea, rin"4orm, and mi"raine headache , and is also used for fistula, psoriasis, scabies, sprains, and 4art
"HE0E"#A PERU0#A!A Merr-' Trumpet flo4er ()* Amanca& ()* Cabalon"a ()* Campanilla ()* Castaneto () - The
blac. pulp of the fruit is said to be eaten in /hana- The poisonous seeds are used in nec.laces- 5f che4ed the& tend
to act as an anesthetic- The 4ood is used as a fish poison- Cotton soa.ed in the latex is used to aid toothache- The
bar. is emetic, febrifu"al, and pur"ati2e- "hevetia niti$a, Colombia8s tomate del diablo, is also said to ha2e an edible
fruit- This ma& be the campanillo used as a narcotic b& the Choco-
Thsep' Mammea ()
Th&me' "hymus ()
"H-MUS 0UL/AR#S 0-' Tomillo ()* Th&me ()
Tibar' Escallonia ()
Tibet tree' Albi4ia ()
Tibi"aro' Astronium ()
Tic. clo2er' .esmo$ium ()
Tidep' 0i$ex ()
Tieri3o' Ser6ania ()
Ti"er flo4er' "i%ri$ia ()
Ti"re' /uarea ()* Platypo$ium ()
Ti"rillo' Astronium ()
Ti"uilote' Cor$ia ()
Ti.a"an' Panicum ()
Tilo' ,usticia ()
Timber s4eet4ood' !ectan$ra ()
Timbolillo' Ca6anus ()
Timolillo' Ca6anus ()
Tina.i' Cuphea ()* Phyllanthus ()
Tina,ita' Penta%onia ()
T5NER' A plant 4ith parts that are incendiar&- Bixa' Cecropia' Ceiba' Coro4o' Elaeis' Hibiscus' Protium-
Tinta' Phytolacca (,)
Tinte' Croton ()
Tintillo' Miconia ()* Monnina ()
Tinto' Capparis ()* Cestrum ()* /enipa ()* Hamelia ()* Monnina ()
Tinto macho' Monnina ()
Ti+uis+ue' 1anthosoma ()
Ti+uissaro' Ocotea ()
Tira a"ua' Bla+ea ()
Tira bu3on' Co$iaeum ()
Tiraco' Pithecellobium ()
Tiricia' "ourne&ortia ()
Tiri"uro' Averrhoa ()
Tiri <ru' Ce$rela ()
Tirra' Chaetoptelea ()* Platymiscium ()* 0iburnum ()
Tis' "rema ()
Tispa' Clusia ()
Tito' Cleyera ()
Tiuru"a.4it' .rymaria ()
Ti2oli 2ine' Operculina ()
Tlacaco' Pola+o5s+ia ()
Tobacco' !icotiana ()* Penta%onia ()
T!BACC! S6BST5T6TES' $lants 4hich are smo.ed li.e tobacco- Achillea' Cannabis' Cecropia' !icotiana'
Rhi4ophora' Zea-
Tobusi' 0ernonia ()
Tocoon' Cliba$ium ()
Tocoro' /rias ()
Toldillo' Sene%alia ()
Toltol+uelite' Lantana ()
Tolu' Bombacopsis ()* Myroxylon ()
Tomama' Mammea ()
Tomate' Lycopersicon ()
Tomate de arbol' Cyphoman$ra ()
Tomate cimarron' Cyphoman$ra ()* "hevetia ()
Tomatillo' Lycianthes ()* Lycopersicon ()* "hevetia ()
Tomato' Lycopersicon ()
Tomato+uina' Acnistus ()
Tom Bro4n' "amarin$us ()
Tome de orilla' Schle%elia ()
Tometo' Copai&era (C?
Tomillo' "hymus (,)
Tomine,o' Mas$evalia ()
Ton"a' .atura ()* .ipteryx ()
Ton.a bean' .ipteryx ()
Toona+uirita' Montanoa ()
T!!T=AC=E $0ANTS' $lants used to cure achin" teeth- Acacia' A$ansonia' Allium' Anacar$ium' Asclepias'
Bocconia' Caesalpinia' Calotropis' Casuarina' Cecropia' Ce$rela' Chlorophora' Citrus' Cocos' Cucurbita'
.o$onaea' .rimys' Euphorbia' /uaiacum' #sotoma' ,atropha' Mna%i&era' Mimosa' Morin%a' Murraya'
Pe$ilanthus' Petiveria' Philo$en$ron' Piper' Pisci$ia' Plumba%o' Plumeria' Pothomorphe' Psi$ium' Ricinus'
Salmea' Salvia' Ser6ania' Spilanthes' Stemo$ia' "hevetia' 1imenia' 1ylopia' Zanthoxylum-
T!!T= E@TRACT5!N $0ANTS' $lants used to facilitate the remo2al of teeth- Asclepias' Anacar$ium'
Chlorophora' Hura-
Topare,o' #n%a ()
Topeton' #pomoea ()* Physalis ()
Topetope' Solanum ()
Topetorope' Physalis ()
Topochero' Heliconia ()
Topocho' Heliconia ()
To+uilla' Carlu$ovica ()
Tora' Montanoa ()* Morisonia ()* Po$achaenium ()* Polymnia ()* 0erbesina ()
Tora blanca' Po$achaenium ()
Torch4ood' Amyris ()
T!RC=%!!' $lants 4hose 4ood catches and retains fire easil&- Amyris' .o$onaea' Symphonia-
Torcidillo' Helicteres ()
Torete' Annona: Rollinia ()
Torilla' 0erbesina ()
Torito' Plumeria ()* Stanhopea ()
Torito +uetua' Calathea ()
Tornasol' /ynura ()* "abernaemontana ()
Tornillo' Cyclanthus ()
Toro' Morisonia ()
Toron,a' Citrus ()* Solanum ()
Toron,il' Ocimum ()
Tortolillo' Aralia ()
Tostao' Cupania ()
Toston' Cissampelos ()
Totes' .ichronema ()
Totuma, Totumbo' Crescentia ()* Esch5eilera ()
Totumito' Capparis ()* Esch5eilera ()
Totumo de monte' Solan$ra ()
"OUR!E)OR"#A H#RSU"#SS#MA 0- - The fruits are edible, but one must be a4are of the stin"in" hairs on the
To2ar' Ae%iphila ()
"RAPA !A"A!S 0-' %ater chestnut ()* Nue3 de a"ua () - The fruit is edible-
Trapichero' Manil+ara ()
Tra2eler8s palm' Ravenala ()
Trebo' Homalium ()* Platymiscium ()
Trebol' Enalla%ma ()* Oxalis ()* Platymiscium ()* "ri&olium ()
Trebol blanco' "ri&olium ()
Tree fern' Cyathea ()
Tree tomato' Cyphoman$ra ()
Trementino' Cynometra ()* Prioria ()
Trementino a3ucarero' "etra%astris ()
Trescolores' Lantana ()
Tres dedos' .actyloctenium ()* Philo$en$ron ()
Tres de la tarde' Hibiscus ()
"R#CHA!"HERA sp-' Ca,eto ()* Nacedero (,)- Said to be used for li2in" fence posts in Colombia- 5n arien, it is
used medicinall& for smallpox-
"R#CH#LL#A ACU"A!"HERA C-C-' Cedrillo ()* Cone,o colorado ()* =uesito ()* Souca ()- The seeds are reportedl&
used to .ill head lice in Nicara"ua and =onduaras-
"R#CH#L#A "UBERCULA"A C-C-' Alfa,e ()* Alfa,illo ()* Camin (,)* ;osforito ()- The 4ood is supposed to burn
4hen "reen- The name alfa,illo is said to be used for plants used to tie bundles of rice to"ether ()-
"R#CHOMA!ES ELE/A!S Rich-' 0orito ()- 6sed as a sna.ebite remed& in the Choco-
"R#CHOMA!ES P#!!A"UM =ed4-' 0en"ua de ti"re ()* Rabo de chucha ()- 6sed to treat bushmaster bites-
"R#.A1 PROCUMBE!S 0-' Botoncillo ()
"R#.A1 RA.#AL#S <unt3e' Arnica de monte ()
Tri"o' "riticum (,)
Tri"uillo' Bromus (,)
Trinitaria' Bou%anvillea ()
Tripa de "allo' Cissus ()
Tripa de pato' Myriocarpa ()
Tripa de perro' Philo$en$ron ()
"R#PLAR#S spp-' 0on" #ohn ()* Arrapau ()* Satteuala ()* 7ara santa () - This is the 4orst ant tree in $anama ()-
Tri+uetra+ue' Pyroste%ia ()
"R#"#CUM spp-' %heat ()* Tri"o () - This common "rain is not so important in $anama as rice and corn-
"R#UM)E""A LAPPULA 0-' Abro,o ()* Cadillo ()* Cepa de caballo () - Related species ha2e ser2ed as an
emer"enc& potherb- The stems contain a tou"h fiber and an astrin"ent mucila"e that is used to clarif& s&rup and as a
cold remed&- 5n %estern $anama, crushed lea2es and t4i"s are mixed 4ith cinnamon 4ater and hone& as a diarrhea
"R#1#S RA.#AL#S 6rban' Chiri+ui ()* Chucha ()- The plant is reportedl& used as a 2ulnerar&-' Hibiscus ()
Trompa de chancho' Hypoxis ()
Trompete' Bocconia ()* /uarea ()* Monnina ()
Trompetilla' Sie%esbec+ia cor$i&olia ()
Trompeto' Catoblastus ()* #riartea ()
Trompito' Alibertia ()
"ROPH#S RACEMOSA 6rban' Breadnut ()* /allote ()* 0echosa ()* Morillo ()* !,oche macho ()* Ramon () - The
fruits are edible- The lea2es ma.e "ood fodder-
Trompillo' Alibertia ()* /uarea ()
Trompo' Alibertia ()
Tronador' Hura ()
Trumpet flo4er' "hevetia ()
Trumpet tree' Cecropia ()
Trunta"o' 0itex ()
Trupa' Coro4o (,)* Elaeis (,)* ,essenia (,)
Trupi' Acacia ()
Trupillo' Prosopis ()
Tsu.arate' "heobroma ()
Tsu.ra' Chlorophora ()
Tua-Tua' ,atropha ()
Tua2e' Esch5eilera ()
Tuba' 6nidentified plant used b& the Ba&ano Cuna to ma.e rope-
T6BERC60!S5S' An infectious disease of the lun"s- Treated 4ith Acacia' Allium' .ialyanthera' ,essenia' Pistia'
Rhi4ophora' Solanum-
Tuberose' Polianthes ()
Tuburus' Enterolobium ()
Tubus' Styrax ()
Tucuico' Ar$isia ()
Tucui+uillo' Parathesis ()
Tucuma' Astrocaryum ()
Tucumo' Ochroma ()
Tucuno' Ochroma ()
Tucuso' Carlu$ovica ()
Tueta,o' #n%a ()
Tuete' 0ernonia ()
Tuete blanco' 0ernonia ()
Tu"ua' )icus ()
Tula de mate' La%enaria ()
Tule balsa' "ypha ()
Tulipan' .atura ()* Lilium ()* Meria a ()* Spatho$ea ()* "i%ri$ia ()
Tulip tree' Spatho$ea ()* "hespesia ()
Tul-tule' Eleocharis ()
Tumbo' Passi&lora ()
Tumu' Poulsenia ()
Tuna' Carlu$ovica ()* Castilla ()* Epiphyllum ()* !opalea ()* Opuntia ()
Tunica del Na3areno' /ynura ()
Tunilla' Cereus ()
Tunito' Capparis ()
Tuno' Miconia ()
Tunoso' Zanthoxylum ()
Tuonculape' Cornutia ()
Tupu' /ustavia ()
Tu+ueso' Licania ()
Tubara' Paspalum ()
Turi3o' Ser,ania ()
Turma' Solanum ()
Turma de perro' "abernaemontana ()
Turmeric' Curcuma ()
Turmero' Colocasia ()
"UR!ERA .#))USA %illd-' Escobilla ()- ried lea2es, substituted for Chinese tea, are re"arded as anticatarrhic,
anti2enereal, aphrodisiac, laxati2e, and stimulant-
Turnip' Brassica ()
Turro' Myrcia ()
Turru, Turrui' Eu%enia ()* Myrcia ()
Turu' Eu%enia ()
Turuara' Paspalum ()
Turubu.' /uarea ()
Turul' Manicaria ()
Turumato' Morenia ()
Tusip' Rollinia ()
"USSAC#A )RE.R#CHS"HAL#A!A =anst-' esbaratador ()* %il.4a ()- This plant is hi"hl& re"arded b& both
Choco and Cuna 5ndians as a sna.ebite remed&- Amon" the /ua&mi 5ndians, the tuber of a related species is
re"arded as a cure for throat cancer ()- Choco use it also for diarrhea ()- This could be the herb so effecti2el& used in
sna.ebite on do"s-
Tusipone' Enterolobium ()
Tus.ra' Coro4o ()
Tutmillo-mito' Enalla%ma ()
Tuu' )icus ()
"-PHA LA"#)OL#A 0-' Cattail ()* Anea ()* Enea ()* Espadaxa ()* #unco ()* #unco de estera ()* #unco de $asion () -
1oun" roots ser2e as a 2e"etable* older roots ma& be "round to a flour- Stem bases are edible boiled or roasted- The
cores of &oun" shoots are edible ra4- The pollen is used as flour- The pollen, mixed 4ith 4ater and salt, or ashes, is
ba.ed- The cores of flo4er are edible ra4 or coo.ed- The seeds are edible roasted- The rhi3omes are a
fa2orite food of rodents- The interior pith& part ma& be eaten ra4 or boiled and ma& be "round up to form a flour-
The lea2es are used for floor mats, bas.etr&, and"- The do4n from the female is used for stuffin"
pillo4s, and the hairs on the seeds are an effecti2e st&ptic-
T1$=!5' An infectious fe2er- Treated 4ith Co&&ea' Costus-
T1$=6S' An infectious disease spread b& lice- Treated 4ith Capsicum' .ortenia-
6achi' Manicaria ()
6a"up' .ioscorea ()
6aibinu' Anacar$ium ()
6aipinnu' Anacar$ium ()
6ala' !icotiana ()
6ari' .ioscorea ()
6asup' .ioscorea ()
6bi' Manicaria ()
6bim' Bactis ()* /eonoma ()
6bimuasu' Manicaria ()
6bre de 2aca' Cor$ia ()
6chuba' Physalis ()
6du' Pithecellobium ()
6dutpulu' 2uassia ()
6"ro' Lin$ac+eria ()
6ichira' Maximiliana ()
6ichup' Chrysobalanus ()
6.uruala' Ochroma ()
6landa' Amyris ()
6le' Castilla (,)* Perebea ()
6lluco' Ullucus ()
ULLUCUS "UBEROSUS 0o3ano' Olloco ()* Ruba ()* Ulluco ()- The tubers are edible- The lea2es are eaten as a
potherb in parts of Ecuador-
6lu.' Ce$rela ()
6mbela' Plumba%o ()
6mbrella tree' Melia ()
6namo' ,essenia ()
6na de a"uila' Zanthoxylum ()
6na de caballo' Piper ()
6na de cabra' Acacia ()
6na de "ato' Acacia ()* Byttneria ()* Lantana ()* Pisonia ()* Pithecellobium ()* Smilax ()* Solanum ()* Zanthoxylum ()
6na de lobo' Machaerium ()
6nama' ,essenia ()
6na de perro' Zanthoxylum ()
6na de ti"re' Mucuna ()* Pisonia ()* Pithecellobium ()
6N/6ENT' An ointment for burns- Abrus' Acalypha' Bixa' Cocos' Cucurbita' /ouania' /ua4uma' ,atropha'
Man%i&era' Musa' Ophio%lossum' Ory4a' Phaseolus' Portulaca' Pothomorphe' Sesamum' Solanum' "heobroma'
"ypha' Urera-
U!#OLA 0#R/A"A /riseb-' Sea oats ()- The seeds are a "rain source-
6pacon' Montanoa ()
6psana' /ossypium ()
6psensapi' .orstenia ()
6r' Min7uartia ()
6rapan' )raxinus ()
6rari' Min7uartia ()* Strychnos ()
6rcu"alabili' Siparuna ()
URE!A LOBA"A 0-' Aramina fibre ()* Con"o ,ute ()* Cadillo () - The mucila"inous seeds are said to be used to
ma.e cereals and soaps- The stems are a fibre source in Bra3il-
URERA sp-' Nettle ()* $rin"amo3a ()* Ta.e () - 0a Nue2a nati2es use the flo4ers in a colic remed&- Cuna 5ndians use
this and other nettles as urticatin" s4itches to punish pett& criminals and as a treatment for rheumatism ()- ;or a
stomachache, the& beat the bac. 4ith the nettle, for a headache, the& beat the feet-
6r"at' Petiveria ()
6rodibe' Min7uartia (,)
6rrapia' Bauhinia ()
6rruca' "richilia ()
6rruca&' Protium ()
6rtu4ala' Pseu$obombax ()
6ruala' Ce$rela ()
6ruca' Ar$isia ()* "richilia (,)
6rucuri' Scheelea ()
6ru.' Ce$rela ()
6ruta' Coro4o ()* Elaeis ()
6sami' Colocasia ()
6si suiti' Annona ()
6san' /ossypium ()
6shup' Luehea ()
6siburnu purui4at' /on4ala%unia ()
62a' Ar$isia ()* )icus ()* Pourouma ()* Sabicea ()* 0itis ()
62a de anis' Caven$ishia ()
62a camarona' /aultheria ()
62a cimarrona' Cissus ()* /aultheria ()* "hibau$ia ()
62a de castilla' Physalis ()* 0itis ()
62a de la pla&a' Coccoloba ()
62a de perro' Physalis ()
62ero' Coccoloba ()* Cor$ia ()* Hamelia ()* "riplaris ()
62ero de lata' Bactris ()
62illa' Cestrum ()* Cor$ia ()* Physalis ()
62ita de lata' Bactris ()
62ito' Ar$isia (,)* Bactris ()* Cor$ia ()
62ito macho' Bourreria ()
62ito mocoso' Cor$ia ()
62ito de monte' Caven$ishia ()
62ito moscoso' Cor$ia ()
62o' Pourouma ()
62re' Lin$ac+eria ()
7aco' Brosimum ()* Ma%nolia ()
7a"amani' "apriria ()
7aina' Phra%motheca ()
7ainica' #n%a ()
7ainilla' Cassia ()* "ecoma ()* 0anil ()
7ainilla enarbol' Selenipe$ium ()
7ainilla chica' Selenipe$ium ()
7ainillo' Cassia (,)
7ainillon' 0anilla ()
7anamani' "apriria ()
7aldi2ia' Picramnia ()
7anilla' 0anilla ()
0A!#LLA )RA/RA!S 0-' 7anilla ()* Be,ucillo ()* 7ainilla ()- Culti2ated as a perfume b& the Choco -
7a+uero' .en$ropanax ()
7ara de alcalde' Elleanthus ()
7ara blanca' Casearia ()* He$yosmum ()* Protium ()* Senecio ()* Sorocea ()* "rema (,)
7ara la3o' Lippia ()
7ara de leon' Laplacea ()
7ara de piedra' Casearia ()* Pseu$olme$ia ()
7ara real' Eu%enia ()
7ara de san,ose' A%ave ()
7ara santa' "riplaris ()
7are,on de caballo' Eupatorium ()* 0ernonia ()
7arela' 0ernonia ()
7arila3o' Cupania ()
7arilla ne"ra' Cor$ia ()
7arita de San #ose' .uranta ()* "abernaemontana ()
7arso2ia' (atsonia ()
7e"i"on' Calotropis ()
7ela' Parmentiera ()
7elero' Cassia ()
7elillo' Cassia ()
7elita' Lippia ()
7elo de no2ia' Aspara%us ()* Solanum ()
7el2et bean' Mucuna ()
7el2etleaf' Limnocharis ()
7enaco' "rema ()
7enadero' Cissampelos ()
7enadillo' Cony4a bonariensis ()* Erechtites valeriani&olia ()* Porophyllum ru$erale ()
7enadillo "rande' Pt%erocaulon alopecuroi$es ()
7eneillo' Rau5ol&ia ()* Stemma$enia ()* "abernaemontana ()
7eneito' Calatola ()
7eneno' Rau5ol&ia ()
7enicula' Platymiscium ()
7entanilla' Monstera ()
7enturosa' Lantana ()* Melanthera ()
7eraco' "rema ()
7eranero' Bou%anvillea ()* Leucaena ()
7erbena' Bu$$le6a ()* Clero$en$ron ()* Stachytarpheta ()* 0erbena ()
0ERBE!A L#""ORAL#S =-B-<-' 7erbena ()* 7er2ain ()
7erbena rosada' 0alerianoi$es ()
7erbesina' Salmea ()
0ERBES#!A CRASS#RAMA Bla.e' Camar"o chico ()* Camar"o ()* Taba+uillo ()
0ERBES#!A P"EROPHORA Bla.e' Cerbatana ()
0ERBES#!A "URBACE!S#S =-B-<-' Cerbatana ()* Manito de ios ()
7erdola"a' Commelina ()* Portulaca () 7erdu"uillo' /eonoma ()
7er"o3osa' Mimosa ()
7ERM5;6/E' A substance for expellin" 4orms- Allium' Aloe' An$ira' Annona' Artemisia' Asclepias' Bocconia'
Calotropis' Carapa' Carica' Cassia' Ce$rela' Chenopo$ium' Cocos' Couma' Cucurbita' .ialyanthera' )icus'
Hippomane' Hura' La%enaria' Lantana' Lippia' Lu&&a' Mammea' Man%i&era' Melia' Mirabilis' Momor$ica' Mucuna'
Panicum' Persea' Petiveria' Philo$en$ron' Philoxerus' Phytolacca' Pteri$ium' Punica' 2uis7ualis' Spi%elia'
"amarin$us' "erminalia' Urena' 0ernonia-
0ER!O!#A BRAC"EA"A Benth-' Taba+uillo ()
0ER!O!#A BRAS#L#LA!A ruce' 7ara de caballo ()
0ER!O!#A CA!ESCE!S =-B-<-' Maruchon"a ()
0ER!O!#A C#!EREA 0ess-' The lea2es ser2e as an emer"enc& potherb- The seeds are alexipharmic and
0ER!O!#A PA"E!S =-B-<-' Boton de pe"a-pe"a ()* 5ndio 2ie,o ()* 0en"ua de bue& ()* $alo blanco ()* Sal2ia ()*
Sanale"o ()* Tuete ()* 7are,on blanco ()- 5n Costa Rica the lea2es are thrust up the nostril to stop nosebleed-
0ER!O!#A SCABRA $ers-' $ebetera ()* Bare,on ()* Bare,on de caballo ()
7erraco' Roupala ()
7er2ain' 0erbena ()
7ES5CANT' A plant 4hich produces blisterin"- Allium' Anacar$ium' Apeiba' Caesalpinia' Carica' Cercropia'
Cissus' Clematis' Crateva' Croton' .alechampia' .i$ymopanax' .ioscorea' Euphorbia' )leurya' /urania'
Hippomane' Hura' ,atropha' Loasa' Malachara' Man%i&era' Morin%a' Mucuna' Pe$ilanthus' Rhab$abenia' Sapium'
Sloanea' Sterculia' "heobroma' "ra%ia' Urera-
7e3a' 0icia ()
7ibora' "ra$escantia ()
7iboran' Asclepias ()
7iborilla' Rau5ol&ia ()
7iborrana' Asclepias ()* Clavi6a ()
0#C#A )ABA 0-' Broad bead ()* =aba ()* 7e3a () - /reen pods of this hone& plant are coo.ed li.e strin"beans- The
seeds, edible roasted, are made into flour-
0#C"OR#A RE/#A 0indl-' Mai3 de a"ua ()- #uice from the flo4ers is re"arded as refri"erant and aphrodisiac- The
seeds are edible-
7idira mia' .alechampia ()
7iernesanto' Phyllanthus ()
0#/!A U!/U#CULA"A 0-' Cherr& bean ()* Co4-pea ()* =orse "ram ()* Blac.e&ed pea () (;i"- L>C)- The pods are
eaten li.e strin"beans- 0ea2es and &oun" shoots, said to be eidble, contain 9-CE protein-
7i"uare' Campomanesia ()
7i"uaro' Mouriri ()
7i,a"uilla' Muntin%ia ()
7ina"rillo' Oxalis ()* Rumex ()
7inuela' Hibiscus ()
7iolet' 0iola ()
7ioleta' 0iola ()
7ioleta blanca' !ierember%ia ()
7ioleta de los Alpes' Cyclamen ()
7iran,o' Pourouma ()
7ira2ira' Eupatorium stoecha$i&olium ()* /naphalium ele%ans ()* Stevia luci$a ()
7ir"usa' Cecropia ()
0#ROLA /UA"EMALE!S#S %arb-' ;ruta dorado ()* Sebo ()- r& seeds are used for fla2orin" chocolate- The seed
oil is used for" soap and candles- %horled t4i"s are used li.e e""beaters-
0#ROLA SEB#)ERA Aubl-' Bo"amani ()* ;ruta dorado () - The seeds, some 4ith :?E oil, are used as candlenuts and
soap b& Choco and Cuna 5ndians ()-
0#SM#A )ERRU/#!EA =-B-<-' Achiotillo ()* Blood4ood ()* Carate ()* $unta de lan3a ()* San"re de perro ()*
San"rillo, San"rito (,)- The oran"e latex is used b& San Blas 5ndians to treat blanched spots on the ()- !ther
species are used as fish-poisons and fun"icides-
0#"E1 C-MOSA Bert-' Aceituno ()- Thr fruits are s4eet but lea2e a bitter taste in the mouth ()-
0#"#S "#L#AE)OL#A Roem- G Schult-' /rape ()* Be,uco de a"ua ()* 62a ()- The sap is potable- The fruits, edible
fresh or dried, ma.e a "ood 2ine"ar- 1oun" shoots are used as a potherb- Medicinall&, the plant ser2es as an
7itoria' /urania ()
7iuda' Petrea ()
7iudita' 0inca ()
7i2aseca' .iphysa ()
7olador' /yrocarpus ()* Ruprechtia ()* Spiraea ()
7olcan' Solanum ()
760NERAR1' A substance for healiln" 4ounds and sores- Acacia' Acrostichum' Alternanthera' Ar%emone'
Artocarpus' Baccharis' Basella' Bi$ens' Bocconia' Bryophyllum' Bursera' Caesalpinia' Ca6anus' Calophyllum'
Calotropis' Carica' Casearia' Cassia' Chaptalia' Chrysobalanus' Cissampelos' Cissus' Clitoria' Clusia' Cocos'
Copai&era' Crescentia' Curatella' .atura' .esmo$ium' .olichos' Eclipta' Euphorbia' )icus' /ua4uma' Hymenaea'
,atropha' *allstroemia' Lens' Licania' Lippia' Mammea' Momor$ica' Morin%a' Mucuna' Musa' !erium'
Ophio%lossum' Piper' Polymnia' Pothomorphe' Prioria' Protium' Psi$ium' Pterocarpus' Punica' Rhee$ia'
Rhi4ophora' Rivina' Sa%ittaria' Sapin$us' Solanum' Spatho$ea' Spon$ias' Symphonia' "erminalila' "hespesia'
Urera' "rixis' Zanthoxylum-

%aa' Roystonea ()
%aipinnu' Anacar$ium ()
%aitutu' Hibiscus ()
(AL"HER#A #!.#CA 0-' ;rie"a plato ()* =ierba de soldado ()* Mala sombra ()* $alo de soldado ()- The roots are
used as a che4stic. and the lea2es for 4ashin" dishes- A root decoction, used for e&e baths and for children8s
diarrhea, is said to cause abortion in /hana- Re"ularl&" a decoction is supposed to impart immunit& to
s&philis- The pul2eri3ed plant 4ith hot 4ater is ta.en mornin" and ni"ht for cou"hs- The lea2es are used a"ainst
"iddiness- 5t is a fa2orite remed& for haemopt&sis in $anama-
%anderin" ,e4' Commelina ()
(ARSZE(#CZ#A COCC#!EA <lot3sch' Ebecara ()* /una ()* $astora de montana () - The anise-odored roots, said to
be aphrodisiac, are often 4orn b& the Choco as lo2e charms- The& are also used as a "eneral house perfume ()- 5n
Colombia, the bar. is said to be hemostatic-
%ar4a4a' Ricinus ()
%asi.a' Cephaelis ()
%as.a"at' Alternanthera ()
%ater chestnut' "rapa ()
%atercress' !asturtium ()
%ater fern' Ceratopteris ()
%ater h&acinth' Eichhornia ()
%ater lettuce' Pistia ()
%ater lil&' !ymphaea ()
%atermelon' Citrullus ()
%ater mimosa' !eptunia ()
%ATER S!6RCES' $lants used to +uench the thirst- Bambusa' Casuarina' Cavanillesia' Ceiba' Cocos' Co&&ea'
Combretum' Costus' Cymbopo%on' .avilla' .esmoncus' .oliocarpus' Heliconia' Raphanus' Ravenala' Spon$ias'
"etracera' "heobroma' 0itis-
%ater 2ine' Combretum ()* Curatella ()* .oliocarpus ()* 0itis ()
(E.EL#A )RU"#COSA #ac+-' os de !ros ()
%est 5ndian elm' /ua4uma ()
%est 5ndian "ooseberr&' Phyllanthus ()
%est 5ndian satin4ood' Zanthoxylum ()
%heat' "riticum ()
%hite broom' Cassia ()
%hite button4ood' La%uncularia ()
%hite caci+ue' Eu%enia ()
%hite cedar' .ialyanthera ()* Hura ()
%hite sa"e' Lantana ()
%hite sapote' Casimiroa ()
(#/A!.#A CARACASA!A =-B-<-' Borra,on ()- This stin"in" plant is re"arded as a diaphoretic and antid&senteric-
%ild balsam apple' Momor$ica ()
%ild banana' Heliconia ()
%ild ba& cedar' "rema ()
%ild calabash' Enalla%ma ()* Parmentiera ()
%ild cashe4' Anacar$ium ()
%ild cherr&' Byrsonima ()* Casearia ()* Citharexylum ()
%ild cocoa' Herrania ()* "heobroma ()
%ild coffee' Colubrina ()* Posos7ueria ()* Siparuna ()
%ild cucumber' Carica ()* Melothria ()
%ild fi"' Clusia ()* )icus ()* Sapium ()
%ild "rape' Penta%onia ()
%ild "ua2a' Alibertia ()
%ild ,asmine' Ae%iphila ()
%ild licorice' Abrus ()
%ild lime' Citharexylum ()
%ild mar,oram' Lippia ()
%ild mint' Lantana ()
%ild nutme"' Ocotea ()* 0irola ()
%ild o.ra' Abelmoschus ()* Hibiscus ()
%ild oli2e' Pera ()
%ild oran"e' "abernaemontana ()
%ild palm' 2uararibea ()
%ild pear' Licania ()
%ild peppermint' He$eoma ()
%ild pi"eon plum' Ouratea ()* .uranta ()
%ild plum' Spon$ias ()
%ild sa"e' Bu$$leia () Lantana ()
%ild sapote' Lucuma ()
%ild senna' Cassia (,)
%ild sorrel' Oxalis ()
%ild tamarind' Pithecellobium ()
%il.4a' "ussacia ()
%illo4' Salix ()
%inepalm' Acrocomia ()* Scheelila ()
%5NE S!6RCES' $lants used in 4ine production- Acrocomia' Attalea' Cocos' Elaeis' Raphia' Scheelia' 0itis-
%ispi' Heisteria ()
%oman8s ton"ue' Albi4ia ()
%onderberr&' Solanum ()
%orm"rass' Spi%elia ()
%ormseed' Chenopo$ium ()
(UL))#A BACCA"A <unt3e' /uas+uilla ()
%&til' Sic+in%ia ()
@acot' Malpi%hia
1A!"H#UM CA"HAR"#CUM =-B-<-' Casamarucha ()
1A!"HOSOMA CARACU <och G Bouche' 1autia ()* 1autia hor+ueta ()- 1oun" lea2es of this and other species are
used as a potherb- Tubers of se2eral other species are edible after processin"-
1A!"HOSOMA 0#OLACEUM Schott' $rimrose malan"a ()* Badu ()* Coco ()* !to ()* Tar.4a ()* Monto"o&o ()*
Rascadera ()- The oto, a fa2orite $anama 2e"etable tends to become naturali3ed- The tuberous roots are edible
coo.ed 4ith the taro and name constitutin" the bul. of man& of the sancochos of $anama "entl& seasoned 4ith a,i
and hea2il& seasoned 4ith culantro- The &oun" lea2es, 4hen boiled and chopped, constitute a satisfactor& potherb-
Cuna 5ndians are said to reproduce the faces of criminals on the lea2es-
1#ME!#A AMER#CA!A 0-' Tallo44ood ()* Caimito de monte ()* Ciruelo ()* Espino bru,o* 0imoncillo () Man3anilla
()* $epenance () - The fruits are edible ra4 or coo.ed- The& are made into a beer in South America- The seeds are
edible roasted but are rather dan"erous- The& are someticme pul2eri3ed and mixed 4ith sa"o starch to ma.e bread-
The& are used b& some Europeans to ma.e a Asloe "inA- 1oun" lea2es ser2e as a potherb- The seed oil is placed on
hollo4 teeth before extraction in Africa- The roots are che4ed for toothache and are also used for sleepin" sic.ness,
fe2ers, rin"4orm, and 2enereal diseases, and to stop 2omitin" and diarrhea- 5n the Antilles, a s&rup prepared from
the fruits is used for rheumatism and drops&-
1#PH#.#UM CAERULEUM Aubl-' $almita ()* Sos.ia () - Ba&ano Cuna use the plant as a cure for female problems
1-LOP#A )RU"ESCE!S Aubl-' Mala"ueto chico ()* Mala"ueto hembra ()- $anama Ne"roes are said to use the
"rains in place of pepper- This 4as formerl& used as a corda"e source-
1-LOP#A MACRA!"HA Triana G $lanch-' A3otacaballo ()* Coroba ()* Mala"ueto ()* Ra&ado ()- The fruits are
"reedil& eaten b& pi"s, and ha2e been mixed 4ith chocolate as a be2era"e- Medicinall& the plant is used for
toothaches and stomachaches and as a stimulant- /round fruits are drun. in 4ine as a counterpoison-
1abal' Pourouma ()
1abo' An$ira ()* Cerci$ium ()* Par+insonia ()
1aca' Artocarpus ()* Byrsonima ()
1aco borrachero' Banisteriopsis ()* Byrsonima ()
1a"e' Banisteriopsis ()
1a"rume' .i$ymopanax ()
1a"ua' Scheelia ()
1a"ue' Banisteriopsis ()
1ahal' Curatella ()
1ahuar' Astrocaryum ()
1a,e' Banisteriopsis ()
1alam' Ce$rela ()
1am' .ioscorea ()* #pomoea ()
1amata' Bi$ens ()
1am bean' Pachyrhi4us ()
1amer&' 0ochysia ()
1ampi' .ioscorea ()
1ana muco' !eea ()
1ao' Licaria ()* Phyllanthus ()* "richilia ()
1ape' .ipteryx ()
1apo' Parascheelia ()
1ara' Leopol$inia ()
1ara"ua "ordura' Melinis ()
1ara"ua uribe' Hyparrhenia ()* Melinis ()
1ara"uasu' Leopol$inia ()
1are' Heteropsis ()
1arina' -arina ()
1arina' -arina ()
1arro4' Achillea ()
1arumba' Cecropia ()
1arumo' Cecropia ()* .i$ymopanax ()* Pourouma ()
1as' Persea ()
1asitara' .esmoncus ()
1asu' Cissus ()
1a-te-2i' /urania ()
1ato' Crescentia ()
1atuse+ue' Crescentia ()
1autia' 1anthosoma ()
1a&a' .u%uetia ()* Ocotea ()* !ectan$ra ()* "richilia ()
1a&a blanca' "richilia ()* Unonopsis ()
1a&a cedro' "richilia ()
1a&a pino' .u%uetia ()
1a&a san"re' Pterocarpus ()
1edi' Cestrum ()
1edra de san,uan' Cattleya
1ello4 elder' "ecoma ()
1E00!% ;E7ER' An infectious tropical disease- Treated 4ith Bursera' .en$ropanax' )evillea' Lycopersicon'
1ello4 man4ood' 0itex ()
1ello4 oleander' !erium ()
1ello4 4ood' Chlorophora ()
1ema de hue2o' Cassia ()* Chamae&istula ()* Chimarrhis ()* Leonia ()* Morin$a ()
1emeri' 0ochysia (,)
1emeri macho' 0ochysia ()
1erba' See hierba
1erba de caballo' Cony4a bonariensis ()* Elephantopus mollis ()* Pseu$elephantopus spicatus ()
1erba de chulo' Porophyllum macrocephalum ()
1erba "allino3a' /naphalium ele%ans ()
1erba de limPn' Cymbopo%on ()
1erba de Santa Maria' Liabum bonplan$ii ()
1erbo de chi2o' Eupatorium pae4ense ()
1esca' Miconia ()
1esca de $anama' Miconia ()
1i"ualti' /enipa ()
1isara' Euterpe ()
1lan"-&lan"' Canan%a ()
1oco' Pipta$enia ()
1ol' Coro4o ()
1olillo' Manicaria ()* Raphia ()
1olombo' Euplassa ()* Panopsis ()
1omate' Astronium ()
1amato' Astronium ()
1opa' .atura ()
1opo' Piptan$enia ()
1oro' Laplacea ()
1os' Sapium ()
1outh-and-old-a"e' Zinnia ()
1uca* Bernoullia ()* Manihot ()
1ucatan' A%ave ()
-UCCA ELEPHA!"#PES Re"el' Spanish bayonet ()* Espinero ()* Palmito () - The tender flo4ers are coo.ed in
soups or fried 4ith e""s-
1uco' Brunellia ()* Byrsonima ()* Cleome ()* Hura ()*Phyllanthus ()
1uco rinon' Brunellia ()
1upat' #riartella ()
1u+ue' Ceiba ()
1u+uillo' Asclepias ()* Lobelia ()- An unidentified plant, 4idel& used medicinall& in $anama and also used as a
&ello4 stain amon" the /ua&mi 5ndians, probabl& Curcuma -
1u+uilla' Curcuma
1uro' "rema ()
1ute' Corchorus ()
1u&o +uemado' Spilanthes ()
1u&uba' Zi4iphus ()
Kabila' Aloe ()
Kacate amar"o' Axonopus ()
Kacate de caballo' Paspalum ()
Kacate estrella' Cyperus ()
Kacate de "orduta' Melinis ()
Kacate de "uinea' Panicum ()
Kacate de =onduras' #xophorus ()
Kacate ,acintillo' Cyperus ()
Kacate de limon' Cymbopo%on (,)
Kacate de mula' Setaria ()
Kacate de para' Panicum ()
Kacate de raton' Oplismenus ()* Poa ()
Kacate de seda' Muhlenber%ia ()* "richolaena ()
Kacatipe' Bouteloua ()
Kacaton' .iplasis ()* .ulichium ()
Kahino' Caesalpinia ()* /oupia ()
Kala"uena' Cliba$ium ()
Kambo' Panopsis ()
ZAM#A S*#!!ER# %arsc3- in !tto G ietr-' C&cad ()* Chi"ua ()* El.ia () - Some species are responsible for cattle
poisonin", but the& are used b& both Choco and Cuna 5ndians as a pur"ati2e- Coo.ed seeds are made into a meal for
"ruels or breadstuffs, li.e the roots after careful processin"-
Kampo cedro' /uarea ()
Kanahoria' .aucus ()
Kancarana' Chrysochalmys ()
Kanco de arana' Chrysochlamys ()
Kancona' Catosti%ma ()* Socratea ()* Sya%rus ()
Kanora' #riartea ()
Kancuda' Catosti%ma
ZA!"HO1-LUM M#CROCARPUM /riseb-' Arcabu ()* 5.or ()- The bar. of this hone& tree is re"arded as anal"esic
and stimulant- Cuna use the dried up spines to treat sores ()-
Kapaliso' Antirrhoea ()
Kapallo' Cucurbita ()
Kapan ne"ro' .iplotrophis ()
Kapata' Pe$ilanthus ()
Kapatero' Hieronyma (,)
Kapatilla' Pe$ilantus ()
Kapatilla del obispo' Crotalaria ()
Kapatito' Solanum ()
Kapote' Calocarpum (,)* Licania ()* Matisia ()* Pouteria ()
Kapote blanco' Calocarpum ()
Kapote borracho' Licania ()
Kapote cabello' Licania ()
Kapote de mono' Couroupita ()
Kapote del monte' Pouteria ()
Kapotillo' Calocarpum ()* Couepia ()* Lantana ()* Lucuma ()* Plumeria ()* Pouteria ()
Kapotillo calenturiente' Calocarpum ()
Kapoto lon"o' Pachira ()
Kapoto de obispo' Cobaea ()
Kapoto de 2enus' Cypripe$ium ()
Kapoto de la 2ir"in' Clitoria ()
Kara"o3a' Aristolochia ()* Conocarpus ()* )ittonia* Phaseolus ()
Karcille,o' Bocconia ()* Mutisia ()* "ibouchina ()
Karro' Cyathea ()
Kar3a' Byttneria ()* Lonchocarpus ()* Mimosa ()* Smilax (,)
Kar3a colorado' Pipta$enia ()
Kar3a dormilona' Mimosa ()
Kar3a hueca' Byttneria ()
Kar3amora' Rubus ()* 0antana ()
Kar3aparilla' Smilax ()
Kar3a redonda' Sene%alia ()
Kar3on' Smilax ()
ZEA MA-S 0-' Corn ()* Cha ()* #oba ()* Mai3 ()* !b ()* !ba ()* $e () - 5n arien lo4lands, corn is less common than
rice, but it is fre+uentl& found in the milpas- /reen corn, cob and all, ma& be eaten after roastin" or boilin"- The
hus.s ha2e been used in preparin" a paper, 4hich, if "round fine enou"h, is so transparent, as to ma.e a "ood
substitute for "lass- Corn oil is bland, pleasant tastin", ans slo4 to turn rancis- 5t can be turned into a "ood-+ualit&
soap- $ipes can be fashioned from the cobs, and the sil.s are cool"- Corn furnishes a nurishin" astrin"ent,
resol2ent food, and ma& be con2erted into starch for" bread, or fermented to ma.e beer and alcohol- An
American, fresh out of a hi"h &ieldin" American corn field, mi"ht be a"hast to see the hu"e forest trees that are
felled and partiall& burned to clear off an area for a lean crop of tou"h corn in $anama, hardl& seemin" 4orth the
tremendous effort- 5n northern Central America, nearl& all the corn "ro4n is consumed as tortillas, made b& treatin"
the mai3 4ith l&e, "rindin", mixin" 4ith 4ater, and" briefl&- Ma&a 5ndians let the corn dr& on the stal. and
then store it- Se2eral dishes are prepared from it- masa' mixed 4ith lime and 4aater, boiled a fe4 hours, cooled and
4ashed- This is "round to form a dou"h, the masa* tortilla' the masa is patted into a ca.e and ba.ed in ashes* atole'
the masa is thinned 4ith boilin" 4ater, and salt or su"ar or hone& is added to ma.e a be2era"e* po4ole' boil the mai3
in clear 4ater after boilin" in lime 4ater* pour off the 4ater and "rind, mix 4ith su"ar, hone&, or salt, then ball it up
and ta.e it to the field- Add 4ater 4hene2er hun"r&* pinole' toast mai3 on a "riddle, add cinnamon, anise seed, and
pepper, "rind and boil in 4ater-
Amon" the Ba&ano Cuna, corn is stored on a special shelf located directl& abo2e the fire site- The .ernels are
"round, the meal added to 4ater and boiled- After coolin", the "ruel (inani7uet) is drun.- 5t is sometimes mixed 4ith
su"arcane ,uice and "round cocoa (siva) to form a be2era"e .no4n as cainisolicua%ua- Corn and meat are boiled
to"ether &ieldin" obsa- E2en at the time of the con+uest, the arien Cue2as and the ri2erine 5ndians of the /ulf of
6raba called corn hobba- Still amon" the Cuna, oba is /od of Creation and /od of Corn- 5ndians often thro4 &oun"
corn on the cob in the pot- Aili"andi Cuna ma.e a cornstic., lon" strin"s of nati2e cornmeal dou"h, ba.ed in ashes
The cob, or op+ala, is often used to plu" up 4ater ,u"s made of totumo- There are at least MM 4a&s of usin" corn in
Colombia- $anamanian bushmen preparin" for lon" ,ourne&s often ta.e bollos of corn alon" 4ith them- Catios of the
/ulf of 6ruba ha2e +uite a corn terminolo"& based on pe, the Choco 4ord for corn, peburua-ear of corn* pe6ansoa-
corn cob* pe6onumua-corn stora"e bin- Amon" the Chame Choco, pechare-dr& corn* pesintu-cornplant-
Kebra' "ra$escantia ()
ZEBR#!A PE!.ULA Schnit3' =o,a de mila"ro ()* Cucaracha ()
Kembe' 1ylopia ()
Kic' Capparis ()
Z#!/#BER O))#C#!ALE Rosco' /in"er ()* A,en,ibre ()* /ene"ibre ()* - Culti2ated and naturali3ed in $anama, the
rootstoc.s are edible candied and are used in be2era"e and li+uors- 5n arien and the Choco, the tea of the roots id
used for pains, and for colic in children ()- The dish Chocao is 2er& dependent on "in"er- El Real $eople usuall&
ha2e the Chocao after 5t is also used as an in"redient in an abortifacient-
Z#!!EA ELE/A!S #ac+-' Cla2elon ()
Z#Z#PHUS MAUR#"#A!A 0am-' 5ndia ()* An"olit ()* Aprines ()* Man3anita ()* - The fruits are edible ra4, dried or
boiled 4ith rice- The& ma& be po4dered and made into a meal or dried li.e a raisin- The seeds are also edible- The
dried fruit is mixed 4ith salt and tamarind pulp to ma.e a condiment-
Konco&a' Annona ()
Kontol' Cymbopo%on ()
Kon3apota' Cyphoman$ra ()* .en$ropanax ()* Sloanea ()
Korillo' Ae%iphila ()* Astronium ()* Cestrum ()* Hamelia ()* Lippia ()* Petiveria ()* Roupala ()* Solanum ()*
Zanthoxylum ()
Korillo amarillo' Palicourea ()
Korillo blanco' Cestrum ()
Korillo colorado' Hamelia ()
Korillo real' Hamelia ()' Miconia ()
Korra' Astronium ()
Korrito' Lantana ()
Korrocloco' Crateva ()
Ku.arate' "heobroma ()
Kuin' #n%a ()
Kulia' Bro5allia ()
Kuma"ueso' Calea ()
Kuma"ue' Coriaria ()
Kuribio' Pithecellobium ()
Kurumbo' "rema ()
Ku3a' /ynerium ()

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