Eli Whitney Students Program 2012-2013

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Yales professors are some of the most distinguished in the world. Yet what
makes Yale truly unique is the receptiveness of these professors to their students.
Yales professors are devoted to undergraduate teaching in a way that few other
colleges can claim. It is this devotion to teaching that makes a Yale education so
incredible. Professor Michael Della Rocca explains, When Im teaching, Im not
just teaching philosophy. Im doing philosophy with the students. I really
advance my own research and we come to philosophical insights and conclusions
together in the course. In the classroom, you will also have a chance to study and
debate with some of this countrys and the worlds brightest and most talented
students. Add to this the maturity and experience brought by Whitney students,
and you have a combination that makes for truly life-changing learning.
StudentsProgram Its where the presidents past and future mingle
with the inventor of the submarine, film stars, Nobel
Prize winners, and great thinkers. Nathan Hale, our
nations first spy, studied here. Several other firsts
include: Yung Wing, class of 1854, the first Chinese
student to earn a bachelors degree anywhere in the
Western world; Edward Bouchet, the first African
American to earn a Ph.D. in America in 1876. Youll
never walk alone on Yales campus, because 300 years
of alumni are right there with you. The Eli Whitney
Students Program has become a part of that
tradition. You, too, could stand in the middle of Old
Campus, think of all those past students brushing by
on their way to changing the world, and ponder what
intriguing mark youll leave behind.
Eli Whitney, a distinguished inventor and the
son of a New England farmer, came to Yale College in
1789 at the age of 23. He had to overcome significant
challenges to attend Yale, and he personifies the kind
of student who, through entrepreneurship, courage,
and inventiveness, goes out into the world as a leader
to make a real difference. Through the Eli Whitney
Students Program, Yale College admits a small
number of individuals with high academic potential
and offers them the opportunity of flexible study for
the completion of the B.A. or B.S. degree. It
promotes Yale Colleges mission to educate for
citizenship and service by enrolling students who
have demonstrated leadership and maturity. Yale
College, in turn, expects Whitney students to
contribute their unique form of diversity and enrich
Yale College through their life experience, sense of
purpose, and character.
Maybe you work fulltime. Maybe you have a family.
The Eli Whitney program understands. Whether you
take a full course load or just a single class, Yale has
tailored the program to fit your needs, in recognition
of your high academic potential, maturity, and clear
motivation. So as you are thrown upon the resources
or your own mind and challenged to greater heights
by the worlds most distinguished professors, the Eli
Whitney program allows you to do so with flexibility,
and all that Yale has to offer.
s Yale enters its fourth century, it has become
a university of global consequence. It holds
to an ideal of undergraduate education that is deeply
dedicated to educating leaders who will make a
difference around the world. Yale College seeks
exceptionally promising students of all backgrounds
from across the nation and around the world, to
educate them, through mental discipline and social
experience, to develop their intellectual, moral, civic,
and creative capacities to the fullest. The aim of this
education is the cultivation of citizens with a rich
awareness of our human heritage to lead and serve in
every sphere of human activity. Yales liberal
education is an education meant to increase a sense
of the joy that learning for the sake of learning brings,
learning whose goal is not professional mastery or
technical capacity or commercial advantage, but the
commencement of a lifelong pleasure in the human
exercise of our minds, our most human part (Bartlett
Giamatti, President of Yale, 1978-1986).

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