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Blood Donation Society

Recruitment Test (Manager)
Time Allowed: 1 Hour Max Marks: 50 Date: 09-04-2014
Name: Roll No. Signature:
Encircle the correct option.
Cutting/Over writing is not allowed.
Each question carries equal marks.
There is no negative marking.


1. What is the loss in percent, if a book costing Rs.110 is sold for Rs.100?
a) 10% b) 9% c) 9.8% d) 11%
2. The mean of 4, 5 and x is 6. The value of x is?
a) 9 b) 8 c) 7 d) 11
3. Ali is both the 15th best and the 15th worst student at his school. How many students attend
her school?
a) 29 b) 30 c) 32 d) 31
4. 46 + 41 = 44 +?
a) 43 b) 42 c) 44 d) 41
5. It takes 6 minutes to boil an egg. How much time will it take to boil 3 eggs together?
a) 2 minutes b) 18 minutes c) 3 minutes d) 6 minutes
6. Which number will come next? Series: 1, 3, 7,15, 31, 63,______
a) 123 b) 125 c) 127 d) 129
7. Which of the following would be an appropriate unit to measure sugar for a cookie recipe?
a) Liters b) Cups c) quarts d) kilograms
8. Bob's father has 4 children. Momo, Meme, and Mumu are three of them. Who's the fourth?
a) Mama b) Mymy c) Mimi d) Bob
9. I am very -------------- to meet you.
a) delight b) to delight c) delighting d) delighted
10. ----------- men like to watch cricket.
a) The most b) a most c) most d) many
11. Dont let the teacher catch you---------------.
a) Cheat b) cheating c) to cheat d) cheats
12. We had our house ----------- white.
a) painted b) painting c) to paint d) paints
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13. O -ve blood can be given to:
a) O- b) O+ c) AB- d) All are correct
14. O +ve can receive blood from:
a) O +ve b) O ve c) AB d) Both a & b
15. O ve can receive blood from:
a) O ve b) AB ve c) O +ve d) Anyone
16. Which electrolyte will be raised in old blood stored?
a) Na
b) K
c) Mg
d) Lactic Acid
17. If 21 days old blood is transfused in a person of hepatitis. What you will expect?
a) Blood Vomiting b) Normal c) Brain Confusion state d) Allergic reaction
18. To raise Hb by 1g in 70Kg person we transfuse ---------- pint of blood?
a) 1 pint b) 2 pint c) half pint d) 1.5 pint
19. We say an adult female anemic when her Hb is below:
a) 9 g/dl b) 10 g/dl c) 12 g/dl d) 11.5 g/dl
20. The anemia which is due to folic acid deficiency is called:
a) Sideroblastic b) Megaloblastic c) Chronic d) Pernicious
21. All are inherited blood disorders except:
a) Sickle cell disease b) Thalassemia c) Heredity Spherocytosis d) Pernicious anemia
22. In surgery blood transfusion is required when blood loss is:
a) > 1 pint b) > 2 pint c) > 3 pint d) > 4 pint
23. Plasma is component of blood. We can fractioned plasma in all these Except:
a) PPF b) FFP c) Cryoprecipitate d) Platelets
24. Which one is most serious type blood transfusion reaction:
a) Allergic reaction b) Acute Immune hemolytic reaction c) Potassium toxicity d) None
25. Which one is most common reaction after blood transfusion:
a) Allergic reaction b) Hemolytic reaction c) Graft vs Host Disease d) All
26. In blood infection chance of which coagulation disorder is there:
a) DIC b) TTP c) ITP d) None
27. Antimalarial drugs will not be given in:
a) Iron Deficiency Anemia b) G6PD Deficiency c) Vit B12 Deficiency Anemia d) All
28. The replacement of a patients total blood volume in less than 24 hours is called transfusion:
a) Normal b) Subnormal c) Massive d) None
29. When a blood bag is required from a blood bank what will you say to the attendant of
a) Bring it to normal temp b) Keep it warm c) Keep it in Refrigerator d) All
30. All hepatitis virus can be transmitted by blood transfusion:
a) Only B b) HBV, HCV c) HCV only d) HAV, HBV, HCV, HEV
31. Malaria is transmitted by blood transfusion:
a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes d) Not at all
32. When blood from blood bank is transfused to an unknown recipient is called:
a) Non Homologous Transfusion b) Altered donation c) Allogenic Transfusion d) All
33. -------- should be checked along with screening for diseases before transfusion:
a) Hb b) CBC c) Differential count d) All of these

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34. Blood is usually drawn from vein during donation is:
a) Radial Artery c) Median Cubital Vein c) Ulnar Vein d) Both a & b
35. The donor may be prompted to hold an object and squeeze it repeatedly to:
a) Decrease the blood flow b) Increase the blood flow c) both a & b d) None
36. After donation what you will say to donor:
a) Stand up and leave b) dont eat anything c) Stay there for 15 mints d) a & b
37. After blood donation there is a chance of:
a) Fainting b) dehydration c) Hypoglycemia d) Nothing
38. Blood has ---------- components:
a) 3 b) 2 c) 4 d) No Component
39. Blood should be stored at ------- temp:
a) 4-7C
b) 4-6C
c) 4-8C
d) 4-5C

40. For collection of 500ml of blood ----------- ml of anticoagulant is required:
a) 70ml b) 50ml c) 40ml d) 60ml
41. Al-Tehrir Square is in __________.
a) Damascus b) Cairo c) Tripoli d) Istanbul
42. MI-5 is the secret agency of __________.
a) USA b) France c) Israel d) United Kingdom
43. The Book "Higher than Hopes" is a biography of __________.
a) Nelson Mandela b) Obama c) Bill Clinton d) Mother Terasa
44. The International Court of Justice is located in _________.
a) The Hague b) New York c) Washington d) Geneva
45. The currency of Indonesia is _________.
a) Dinar b) Rupiah c) Rangit d) Dollar
46. Deficiency of Vitamin-A results in __________.
a) Night Blindness b) Rickets c) Scurvy d) hair fall
47. The lifespan of Red Blood Cells is __________ days.
a) 60 b) 120 c) 180 d) 240
48. Biosensor is used to measure?
a) Blood Glucose level b) The Body pH value c) Amount of Hemoglobin
d) Salinity in Urine
49. The good sources of Vitamin-A are:
a) Green Leafy vegetables b) Seeds c) Fresh fruits d) Sea foods
50. The energy value of food is measured in:
a) Joule b) Calories c) Tesla d) Proteins


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