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Temporal Conundrum
Daniel O'Connor | Integral Ventures, LLC

A growing distortion in the temporal dimension of our

market economy, driven by the monetary policies of our
central banks, has implications for our economic future.
Temporal Conundrum

Daniel O'Connor | Integral Ventures, LLC

We finally did it. This past year, for the first time function and the greater the interest rate must be
since the pit of the Great Depression, we in the to induce us to defer enjoyment of this good
United States managed to drive our annual personal through saving.3
saving rate below zero. What this basically means,
Time preference may also have a neurological
on the surface, is that all of us together, as a
connection, as I proposed in The Neuroeconomics of
group, spent every dollar of household income we
Time.4 According to recent research into the idea of
had leftover after taxes, plus another half a cent
time inconsistency, people use completely different
that we must have borrowed. Of course, some of us
parts of their brains to process decisions in the
did manage to save something last year. But all of
present versus the distant future.5 When it comes
this saving was more than offset by all the
to making decisions about the distant future, people
dissaving the rest of us did. Of course, this wasn't a
do so in a relatively rational way using the
great surprise. The trend has been clear for a good
prefrontal cortex. But when making decisions about
many years and I've even discussed it in some
the present that entail a choice of whether to
previous essays, like Saving Ourselves1 and Saving
consume something now or later, the emotional
limbic system takes over and prefers immediate
gratification. Whether this neurological time incon-
sistency causes psychological time preference or
the other way around is uncertain, so perhaps we
can just think of them as mutual causal.

On one hand, the trend in personal

saving suggests that we place so
little value on our economic future
that we'd rather just consume
everything we possibly can
in the present, without regard
for future consequences.

So how can these ideas help us interpret the

negative personal saving rate?
When we see householders as a group choosing to
What does it mean on a deeper level? save none of their current income, preferring
instead to use it all for current consumption, we can
To answer this question, let's review some just-in- infer that they do not value the future enough to
time theory. The personal saving rate is a derivative save for it. Perhaps they imagine that they do not
of the fundamental trade-off for every household— need to save for the future because they already
consumption versus saving—and it reflects house- have enough savings in the form of assets (like
holders' preferences for allocating their scarce home equity) or because someone else is doing it
resources over time. Given a flow of after-tax for them (like a government or corporate pension).
income, householders can either use the money for Perhaps they have carefully planned to save for the
current consumption or save it for future future using their prefrontal cortexes, but then
consumption. when they must make their monthly decisions to
consume now or save for later, their limbic systems
This temporal trade-off is known as time preference
undermine their long-term plans. Either way, it's
because it expresses a preferential relationship
pretty much the same implication: no saving
between a particular good in the present versus
implies no future.
that same good in the future. It is considered
by economists of the Austrian School to be the When people lower their valuation of the future or
subjective origin of the interest rate, because the the goods they might buy in the future, they are
greater our valuation of a good in the present expressing what is known as higher time
relative to our valuation of the same good in the preference, which is consistent with the higher
future—i.e., the higher our time preference—the interest rate that is required to induce them to save
greater the implied interest rate in our value

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enough to satisfy investors' demand for funds. To saving enough for the future we value—consuming
see what I mean, just think of how we compute the our cake and saving it too.
present value of a future cash flow by applying a
In recent years, the Federal Reserve's inflationary
discount rate. The higher the discount rate we
monetary policy of lower short-term interest rates
apply, the lower the present value of the future
has been met by similarly inflationary policies of
cash flow. Thus, the lower our present valuation of
some other central banks (e.g., China) who, in
our collective economic future, the higher is the
order to support their respective export sectors,
implied interest rate that should prevail in the
have attempted to stem the dollar's natural
markets for money, credit, savings, and
depreciation in relation to their own currencies by
investment. This is how markets work, like a
aggressively purchasing US dollar-denominated
dynamic system seeking a reasonable balance. In
Treasury securities. By increasing the demand for
this case, the balance being sought is that between
US Treasury bonds, notes, and bills, these foreign
the supply of funds and the demand for funds being
central banks have bid US interest rates down to
saved by households.
levels that would not have existed in the absence of
But if there is one thing to which we've all grown the policy interventions.
accustomed in the past several years, it is lower
interest rates. According to the theory of time
preference, lower interest rates imply lower time This multi-lateral strategy of
preference and therefore a relatively higher competitive currency devaluation
valuation of the future in relation to the present. A has produced lower-than-market
lower discount rate applied to the future cash flow interest rates, which, in turn, have
in our example will generate a higher present value created valuable incentives for
of that future cash flow. So the relatively low
interest rates in recent years would seem to be an
households to save less, borrow
indication that we householders value our collective more, and consume more.
economic future rather highly—as if we are saving a
great deal more than we really are.
This multi-lateral strategy of competitive currency
devaluation has produced lower-than-market
On the other hand, the trend in interest rates all along the yield curve, from short-
interest rates suggests that we term rates to long-term rates, which, in turn, have
created valuable incentives for households to save
value the future rather highly and
less, borrow more, and consume more. These
therefore save a significant portion lower-than-market interest rates have resulted
of our income so that businesses in higher-than-market rates of borrowing through-
can invest in the creation of the out the economy and higher-than-market rates of
economic product that we appreciation in the prices of many assets—stocks,
expect to enjoy in the future. bonds, houses—which are often touted by govern-
ment-paid economists as the increasing savings
balances that more than offset any downside
Thus, we have a sort of temporal conundrum. associated with the decreasing saving rates. To the
extent that the value functions among householders
On one hand, the trend in personal saving suggests have remained relatively stable, we can be sure
that we place so little value on our economic future that we have all saved less, borrowed more, and
that we'd rather just consume everything we consumed more than we would have if the central
possibly can in the present, without regard for banks had maintained policy neutrality.
future consequences. On the other hand, the trend
in interest rates suggests that we value the future Therefore, the inflationary monetary policies of the
rather highly and therefore save a significant Fed and other central banks have induced
portion of our income so that businesses can invest progressively higher time preferences among US
in the creation of the economic product that we householders, who have responded with a predict-
expect to enjoy in the future. ably emotional rationalization that appreciating
stocks, bonds, and houses, even in the absence of
How can we resolve this temporal conundrum? any saving from year to year, can somehow
By recognizing that the monetary policies of our compensate for excessive borrowing and spending
own central bank and the central banks of our in the present.
trading partners have been distorting market
interest rates to such an extent that we
householders are literally behaving as if we can
consume all our income today, while simultaneously

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• the depletion of natural capital, which is
exacerbated because excessive consumption
in the present over-uses today's relatively
inefficient, resource-intensive technological
capital base.

It is as if we are all contributing

to a self-fulfilling prophesy that is,
ironically, contrary to the conscious
visions of a better future that
most of us are actually trying
to create in our own ways.

The deeper implications of this temporal conundrum

are more difficult to articulate. It is as if we are all
But why hasn't this increasing time preference contributing to a self-fulfilling prophesy that is,
triggered the balancing mechanism of increasing ironically, contrary to the conscious visions of a
interest rates in order to induce the higher saving better future that most of us are actually trying to
needed to balance the market? create in our own ways. It is difficult for me to see
a way out of these self-fulfilling, self-justifying, self-
Because the demand for funds is still being met, not contradicting, and self-destructive dynamics without
through the traditional source of household saving a significant transformation in the way we choose to
but through the extension of additional credit via participate in our market economy.
the fractional reserve banking system. In other
words, the banking system, as an extension of the
Federal Reserve, fulfills the inflationary monetary
policy by systematically increasing the supply of This February 2006 work is licensed under a Creative
credit to compensate for the decreasing supply of Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
household saving. This allows the Fed to effect its License.
policy objectives, which include households saving
less, borrowing more, and consuming more, all the
while rationalizing that their appreciating stocks, Daniel O'Connor. (2005). “Saving Ourselves.” Catallaxis.
bonds, and houses will secure for them a
Retrieved February 11, 2006.
comfortable future. 2
Daniel O'Connor. (2005). “Saving Themselves?” Catallaxis.
So what? Retrieved February 11, 2006.
Ludwig von Mises. (1949, 1998). Human Action: A Treatise
The wider consequences of these policy-driven
on Economics. Auburn: Mises Institute, 480-534.
distortions in the temporal dimension of our market 4
Daniel O'Connor. (2005). “The Neuroeconomics of Time”
economy extend well beyond the seemingly Catallaxis.
mundane world of household finances, contributing the_neuroeconom_1.html. Retrieved February 11, 2006.
to such challenges as: Peter Coy. 2005. “Why Logic Often Takes a Backseat.”
BusinessWeek. March 28, 2005. http://www.businessweek.
• the ominous debt trap, which is rooted in the com/print/magazine/content/05_13/b3926099_mz057.htm?ch
an=mz&. Retrieved February 11, 2006.
design of our monetary system;6 6
Daniel O'Connor. (2006). “Debt Trap.” Catallaxis.
• the recurring business cycle, which is rooted Retrieved
in the debt-filled gap between decreasing February 11, 2006.
saving and increasing investment; and

Daniel O'Connor is the managing director of Integral Catallaxis explores the potential for a more integral
Ventures, a strategy consultancy committed to foster- approach to the business and economic challenges of
ing more innovative and sustainable ways of doing our time. It features original articles and essays,
business. He has been a pioneer in the development of thoughtful reviews and commentary, and referrals to
integral praxis in business and economics, having other work in the field.
authored numerous articles and essays in this
emerging field. To search the archives and subscribe to future
issues, visit

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