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SCB CH232 Fall 2014

TIME/PLACE MWF 10:00-10:50 AM (SHLB 1093), Tu 5:00-6:20 (SHLB 1093)

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. S. C. Blackstock, Office SHLB 2050, Ph 348-0748, E-mail:
OFFICE HOURS: M,Tu,F 11:00-11:40 or by appointment
course materials
Text (required): Organic Chemistry by W. H. Brown, C. S. Foote, B. L. Iverson, E. Anslyn (6
edition, 2011)
Online Homework (required): OWL (online tutorials and homework), purchase with new text or online from publisher
Response Pad (required): Turning Technologies Clicker (bring to all class meetings)
model kit (required): Basic Organic Chemistry Molecular Student Set (68845N) - may be used on exams
Study Guide (optional): Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual by Brent and Shelia Iverson (6
edition, 2011) -
(several copies available in Shelby Hall and on reserve in Rodgers Library) (e-version available online at OWL site)
course webpage:
BBL site:

COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: This course covers the NMR structure analysis of organic molecules and the
structure and reactivity of organometallic cmpds, carbonyl functionalities, 1,3-dienes, benzene and aromatic structures,
and amines. Reaction mechanisms and multi-step synthesis are included in the coverage.
Course Schedule:
Topic Date(s)
ch 13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Aug 20, 22, 25, 27, 29
ch 15 Organometallic Compounds Sept 3, 5, 8
ch 16 Aldehydes and Ketones Sept 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 22
Exam #1 (5-6:20 PM) ch 13, 15, 16 (part) Sept 16 (Tues)
ch 17 Carboxylic acids Sept 24, 26, 29
ch 18 Carboxylic Acid Derivatives Oct 1, 3, 6, 8
Exam #2 (5-6:20 PM) ch 16 , 17, 18, 19 (part) Oct 14 (Tues)
ch 19 Enolate Anions and Enamines Oct 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22
ch 20 Dienes, Conjugated Systems, and Diels-Alder Reactions Oct 24, 27, 29, Nov 3
Exam #3 (5-6:20 PM) ch 19, 20 Nov 4 (Tues)
ch 21 Benzene and Aromaticity Nov 5, 7, 10
ch 22 Reactions of Benzene Nov 12, 14, 17, 19
ch 23 Amines Nov 21, 24, Dec 1, 3, 5
Exam #4 (5-6:20 PM) ch 21, 22, 23 (part) Nov 25 (Tues)
Final Exam (comprehensive, ch 13, 15-23) Dec 10, (Wed) 11:30 - 2:00 PM

The last day to drop this course (W designation) is October 29, 2014. For disability accommodations, contact
Disability Services (248-4285) to make initial arrangements and then contact the instructor.
SYLLABUS, Fall 2014

SCB CH232 Fall 2014
Working homework problems is essential to learning the material and preparing for exams. Students are asked to work
all problems within each chapter, assigned end-of-chapter problems (given on chapter lecture outlines) and assigned
OWL problems. Some text and OWL problems will appear on exams.

There will be 4 major exams (100 points each), OWL assignments (50 pts), clicker quizzes (50 pts) and a
comprehensive final exam (200 points). Final grades will be based on a total course maximum of 700 points. Some
unannounced questions will be offered during the semester worth up to 10 bonus points, which can be added to the
final course sum. The percentage score on the final exam will replace the lowest major exam score if it improves the
overall course total.

The following percentile ranges will be awarded the indicated letter grades.

range letter grade range letter grade range letter grade
88 - 100% A-, A, A+ 64 - 75% C-, C, C+ < 52% F
76 - 87% B-, B, B+ 52 - 65% D-, D, D+

Note the required weekly (Tu 5:00-6:30 PM) recitation periods - please plan ahead for these meetings. Quizzes or
exams may be given during the recitation meetings. Attendance at all lectures and recitations is required. No make-
up exams or quizzes will be given. If an exam or quiz is missed, the grade will be 0 unless the absence is determined
by the instructor to be excused due to a medical emergency. If an exam must be missed, please contact the instructor
as much in advance as possible to discuss the situation. The course cannot be passed with more than one missed exam.

Engage the subject on a regular basis (daily). Seek help early if needed; falling behind in organic chemistry impedes
future progress because the material builds on itself. Special review sessions may be scheduled prior to exams, and old
exams will be made available for study purposes. Some tips - 1) read the text prior to lecture, 2) work assigned
homework problems every day - keep a notebook of your work, 3) write down questions as they arise. Note: CH232 is
significantly more challenging than CH231 because of the larger volume of information and its rate of coverage.

Students are encouraged to create their own study aids such as review lists/outlines, practice questions/answers,
homework notebooks, recopied notes, and/or flash cards. Writing out (and speaking) the names of organic molecules
will help learn them and writing out all molecular structures from notes and homework will reinforce knowledge of
these structures and transformations. Use the terminology to learn it. Working problems in groups and
quizzing/teaching each other can be educational and entertaining. Correct all exam and quiz mistakes - be sure to
identify the concepts at play in all cases. Some exam and quiz questions may be repeated.

CAS - Gorgas Library rm310 offers free tutoring for CH232,
personal tutors - a list of tutors for hire is available in the chemistry department office, SHLB 2004.

Lecture attendance is critical to success in organic chemistry. Do not miss any lectures or recitations and arrive
to/leave class on time. Bring clickers to all class meetings - there will be clicker questions at most lectures. Other
electronic devices not used as part of the lecture should be powered off during lecture (e.g. cell phones).

Students may work together on homework problems and in study groups, but exams are to be taken on a strictly
individual basis with no external aids other than those specified in advance by the instructor. The UA honor code and
capstone creed applies to this course and will be strictly enforced.

honor code:

capstone creed: "As a member of The University of Alabama community, I will: pursue knowledge; act with fairness,
honesty, and respect; foster civic responsibility; and strive for excellence."

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